class label
6 classes
i feel like i cant be respected if i have self respect because it is so regular to now hate your self
[ -1.4931640625, 3.859375, 0.99267578125, -1.1240234375, -1.7548828125, -1.5908203125 ]
i need to feel creative and productive
[ -1.3134765625, 4.375, -0.65966796875, -0.9326171875, -1.091796875, -0.84912109375 ]
i feel like we may be coming to the point in the tv series where the show is incredibly popular but sadly the writers are coming to the end of their story lines and soon there will be nothing left to keep the plot a float
[ -1.513671875, 4.359375, 0.27734375, -1.396484375, -1.6337890625, -1.00390625 ]
i wish i had the right language to convey the simultaneous feelings of excitement peaceful enjoyment of country cycling but also being out of my element
[ -1.275390625, 4.48828125, -0.380126953125, -1.2734375, -1.001953125, -1.1083984375 ]
i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated
[ -0.259521484375, -0.5693359375, -1.064453125, 4.4140625, 0.09381103515625, -1.3173828125 ]
i feel rotten remind me that your fruit won t spoil
[ 4.83984375, -0.828125, -1.1318359375, -0.2010498046875, -0.92919921875, -1.4296875 ]
i like to add things that i already completed in my day to a new list just to feel more productive when i cross them off
[ -1.1650390625, 4.33984375, -0.65478515625, -0.986328125, -1.125, -0.94287109375 ]
i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid
[ -0.50634765625, -1.046875, -1.4326171875, 1.8623046875, 3.244140625, -0.98974609375 ]
i feel uncomfortable telling others what is on the girls wish lists
[ -0.379638671875, -1.271484375, -1.1455078125, -0.0097808837890625, 3.82421875, -0.366943359375 ]
i hurt your feelings and for that i am sorry
[ 4.51171875, -0.94677734375, -0.93212890625, 0.2366943359375, -0.96923828125, -1.5146484375 ]
i also feel i have accepted my dark side and am finally realizing what of my dark side is healthy
[ -1.2919921875, 2.736328125, 2.28125, -1.5244140625, -1.8212890625, -1.3466796875 ]
i feel dirty watching this series and you can tell how the series is trying to induce false emotions in the viewer
[ 4.2890625, -1.208984375, -1.416015625, 1.048828125, -0.19384765625, -1.791015625 ]
i was struck by the masculine feel of the strong graphics and deep colors in this months painting nighthawks by edward hopper
[ -1.8837890625, 2.33984375, 2.08984375, -1.1767578125, -1.296875, -0.91796875 ]
i feel like i am the world for this boy and im glad that for a time i can be that for him
[ -1.447265625, 4.1484375, 0.8876953125, -1.693359375, -1.8310546875, -1.0732421875 ]
i spent wandering around still kinda dazed and not feeling particularly sociable but because id been in hiding for a couple for days and it was getting to be a little unhealthy i made myself go down to the cross and hang out with folks
[ -0.84423828125, 4.12109375, -0.87353515625, -1.4228515625, -0.8310546875, -0.420654296875 ]
i feel slightly disgusted as well
[ -0.30859375, -0.9638671875, -0.86865234375, 4.375, -0.22119140625, -0.89892578125 ]
i would do almost anything to have that feeling back and those days back they were carefree and wonderful and now everything in my life is just so complicated
[ -1.40625, 4.46875, 0.1600341796875, -1.3564453125, -1.5380859375, -1.046875 ]
i feel truly heartbroken that hyun joongs fans can be so hateful
[ 4.0078125, -1.025390625, -0.427001953125, 1.0224609375, -1.3916015625, -1.529296875 ]
i highly recommend visiting on a wednesday if youre able because its less crowded so you get to ask the farmers more questions without feeling rude for holding up a line
[ 0.12213134765625, -0.9765625, -1.048828125, 4.40234375, -0.260498046875, -1.224609375 ]
i cant feel dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored time wont heal dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored
[ 4.7265625, -0.8046875, -1.16796875, 0.55810546875, -1.0390625, -1.568359375 ]
i felt a stronger wish to be free from self cherishing through my refuge practice and a return to the feeling of freedom and protection from suffering which i stayed with for the rest of the meditation
[ -0.95751953125, 4.3671875, -0.1483154296875, -1.19140625, -1.162109375, -1.42578125 ]
i think i started to feel a little homesick
[ 4.90625, -1.048828125, -1.0693359375, -0.50634765625, -0.55322265625, -1.4482421875 ]
i feel ashamed and so i tried my very best to help them
[ 4.8046875, -0.9462890625, -1.123046875, -0.59814453125, -0.578125, -1.2607421875 ]
i feel like the writer wants me to think so and proclaiming he no longer liked pulsars is a petty and hilarious bit of character
[ -0.80517578125, -0.1231689453125, 0.8779296875, 2.943359375, -1.22265625, -1.3134765625 ]
i feel so frustrated because i had a long weekday and i dont really have plenty of rest and right now he keeps on coming in the room
[ -0.01410675048828125, -0.8486328125, -1.0712890625, 4.53125, -0.0875244140625, -1.287109375 ]
i feel like the place is even more messy
[ 4.65625, -1.0791015625, -1.5029296875, 0.57275390625, -0.426513671875, -1.6298828125 ]
i feel like rich purple and gold are a match made in heaven and this reinforces that belief
[ -1.48046875, 4.4921875, 0.0972900390625, -1.357421875, -1.5927734375, -1.056640625 ]
i could feel my mother s sympathetic dread as i was diagnosed
[ -0.8427734375, 0.431640625, 3.251953125, -1.1025390625, -1.486328125, -1.31640625 ]
i really like the color scheme since it makes me feel peaceful clean and simple
[ -1.26953125, 4.46484375, -0.2177734375, -1.318359375, -1.10546875, -1.2431640625 ]
i feel so blessed to have friends i can come to
[ -1.11328125, 1.9248046875, 2.53125, -1.390625, -1.8466796875, -1.2412109375 ]
i do feel discouraged by what my supervisor said
[ 4.73046875, -0.8251953125, -1.2578125, -0.360107421875, -0.2237548828125, -1.6630859375 ]
i feel so weird and scattered with all wonders about a million different things
[ -0.86572265625, -0.86572265625, -0.94873046875, -1.056640625, 2.236328125, 2.306640625 ]
im even feeling liked by the girls who hate pretty much everyone
[ -1.6494140625, 0.9189453125, 3.287109375, -1.2158203125, -1.626953125, -0.7431640625 ]
i see him i feel friendly
[ -1.619140625, 4.25, 0.496337890625, -1.3701171875, -1.53125, -1.28515625 ]
i guess it doesn t help that i got sick on black friday and was forced against my will to maintain my promise to stay in but being back in the city feels amazing
[ -1.3740234375, 2.95703125, -0.9873046875, -1.29296875, -0.87890625, 1.6435546875 ]
im thinking well i could be a bit smaller but for health reasons and i should see a doctor more regularly because im feeling crappy
[ 4.890625, -0.830078125, -1.3046875, -0.43896484375, -0.71923828125, -1.236328125 ]
i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative
[ -0.966796875, 3.96484375, 0.29541015625, -0.904296875, -1.23046875, -1.484375 ]
i feel more virtuous than when i eat veggies dipped in hummus
[ -1.607421875, 4.58984375, -0.0017337799072265625, -1.359375, -1.375, -1.0908203125 ]
i realized that i would be sad to leave this plane so soon and that just because i am feeling unloved and rejected there is no need to transfer those feelings of sadness on to those of my children left behind who i know do love and appreciate me and their father
[ 4.9140625, -1.2451171875, -1.1845703125, -0.396240234375, -0.1939697265625, -1.4619140625 ]
i would feel awful if she was here this whole time
[ 4.65625, -0.90234375, -1.0537109375, -0.7666015625, -0.61328125, -1.1533203125 ]
i feel these days living in fears just another way of dying before your time so today i am declaring myself fearless
[ -1.5888671875, 3.6328125, -0.94677734375, -0.76953125, -0.0572509765625, -0.308349609375 ]
i feel so damn agitated
[ -0.986328125, -1.0126953125, -1.318359375, 3.232421875, 2.26171875, -0.8583984375 ]
i sit here writing this i feel unhappy inside
[ 4.765625, -0.892578125, -1.166015625, 0.4580078125, -0.92822265625, -1.5244140625 ]
i really feel for the women who have to work with these obnoxious cretins
[ -0.210205078125, -0.8134765625, -0.86376953125, 4.4375, -0.337890625, -1.0419921875 ]
i feel like ive gotten to know many of you through comments and emails and for that im appreciative and glad you are a part of this little space
[ -1.73828125, 4.265625, 0.68701171875, -1.765625, -1.759765625, -0.62353515625 ]
i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie
[ -1.2529296875, 2.833984375, -0.75927734375, -1.7138671875, 0.455322265625, 0.3310546875 ]
i started thinking about which spaces made me feel most creative and what characteristics they had
[ -1.453125, 4.375, -0.7275390625, -0.97705078125, -1.095703125, -0.5478515625 ]
i got up saturday morning feeling like crud but determined not to let it get the best of me
[ -1.51171875, 4.25, 0.152099609375, -0.8642578125, -1.23046875, -1.4501953125 ]
i feel like an indecisive idiot
[ -0.2322998046875, -1.1533203125, -1.4814453125, 0.11248779296875, 3.86328125, 0.07952880859375 ]
i feel calm silent and protected by the definiteness of this existence
[ -1.26171875, 4.19140625, -0.476806640625, -1.0458984375, -0.658203125, -1.3271484375 ]
i feel depressed again
[ 4.83203125, -0.80615234375, -1.169921875, 0.0226287841796875, -0.880859375, -1.529296875 ]
i was younger i used to feel homesick
[ 4.875, -1.0791015625, -0.99951171875, -0.36865234375, -0.671875, -1.48828125 ]
i breathe into the feelings in my body resisting my mind s clever attempts to analyse what i m feeling
[ -1.716796875, 4.265625, -0.52783203125, -1.095703125, -1.0185546875, -0.27294921875 ]
i am waking up in the middle of the night again with aches and pains and generally feeling grumpy
[ -0.25927734375, -0.87109375, -0.99365234375, 4.46484375, -0.0791015625, -1.09375 ]
i had a good day but right now im feeling pretty irritable for no real reason meaning nothing significant happened to make me feel annoyed
[ -0.7197265625, -0.7421875, -0.90234375, 4.45703125, -0.047393798828125, -0.953125 ]
i feel like a loser everyone says they lost but i dont i know exactly where i am i just hate being here oh
[ 4.75390625, -0.59423828125, -0.935546875, -0.4775390625, -1.0498046875, -1.5302734375 ]
told by some people the class leader only choose his friends not true
[ -0.70947265625, 3.12890625, -0.44091796875, -0.220947265625, -0.3818359375, -1.294921875 ]
i feel the hearts decision to stop caring can it be reversed
[ -0.8876953125, 0.54443359375, 3.408203125, -1.08984375, -1.6328125, -1.3310546875 ]
i feel like im better amp able to do things it comes back
[ -0.94775390625, 4.4296875, -0.70263671875, -1.0986328125, -1.14453125, -0.9853515625 ]
i feel much lighter clearer and more energetic
[ -0.99169921875, 4.296875, -0.45263671875, -0.94970703125, -1.1298828125, -1.181640625 ]
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend
[ -1.30859375, 4.4296875, 0.1846923828125, -1.537109375, -1.740234375, -0.9052734375 ]
i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away
[ 4.80859375, -0.8486328125, -0.98876953125, -0.6572265625, -0.65673828125, -1.4169921875 ]
i feel gloomy and tired
[ 4.8671875, -0.92138671875, -1.1044921875, -0.419677734375, -0.60693359375, -1.4990234375 ]
i was trying to demonstrate that i understood what she was feeling but she was very alarmed and worried for my safety
[ -1.171875, -0.8759765625, -1.21875, -0.12335205078125, 3.556640625, 0.8369140625 ]
i feel like i should have some sort of rockstar razzle dazzle lifestyle but i would at least like to spend a third of my life doing something i feel is worthwhile
[ -1.373046875, 4.54296875, 0.06585693359375, -1.4462890625, -1.640625, -1.091796875 ]
i read about him and learn about him in his interviews the more i feel like i could never deserve someone so kind and compassionate
[ -1.11328125, 1.04296875, 3.30078125, -1.10546875, -1.7333984375, -1.4267578125 ]
i feel like resolutions are boring and cliche
[ 4.62109375, -0.5771484375, -1.0205078125, 0.319580078125, -1.369140625, -1.4736328125 ]
i feel agitated a lot im straddling articulacy and incoherence
[ -1.0107421875, -1.0458984375, -1.20703125, 3.296875, 2.177734375, -0.8798828125 ]
i feel like i am joining the masses which goes against my rebellion of the popular mentality ha i m so goth but i take peace in knowing that i am not making the same resolutions as everyone else
[ -1.283203125, 3.048828125, 0.54541015625, -0.409423828125, -0.93896484375, -1.333984375 ]
i went outside to shut in the hens then was tempted by the brilliance of the stars to walk across the frozen fields feeling very cold looking up into the sky
[ -0.09375, -1.0908203125, -0.68603515625, 3.859375, 0.319091796875, -1.26953125 ]
i hate feeling like this this is bullshit ok i m so done bye
[ 2.267578125, 0.61376953125, -0.89306640625, 1.8994140625, -1.2900390625, -1.9443359375 ]
i met my present boyfriend on a boat trip to england we had said that we would call each other when we got back to sweden we were not going to the same town in england as soon as i walked in he called from england as he could not wait till he came home
[ 0.00170135498046875, 0.9326171875, -0.30810546875, 1.1162109375, 0.1866455078125, -1.2744140625 ]
i just feel greedy and lame making one
[ -0.0343017578125, -0.6337890625, -0.734375, 4.20703125, -0.26904296875, -1.416015625 ]
i would always have this song stuck in my head after a bombing or incident and then i would feel a bit weird about it because if you dont really pay attention to the lyrics it sounds like such a happy song not the type youre supposed to hum on difficult days
[ -0.9697265625, -0.9140625, -0.953125, -0.962890625, 2.38671875, 2.2421875 ]
i personally feel that it is a very creative present and everything packed inside a brown paper bag
[ -1.5146484375, 4.421875, -0.53759765625, -1.09375, -1.2001953125, -0.59814453125 ]
im feeling kind of melancholy and really want to go home and cuddle up with my boys
[ 4.6484375, -0.8095703125, -0.7919921875, -0.79345703125, -0.6474609375, -1.4052734375 ]
i feel it is really valuable to contemplate on that phrase thy will be done in all of our lives
[ -1.4560546875, 4.546875, -0.11456298828125, -1.390625, -1.4326171875, -0.9677734375 ]
i always buy a couple of pork loins when they go on sale and when i m feeling clever i cut them in half and tuck them into gallon size ziplocks with a marinade and stuff them in the freezer
[ -1.55859375, 4.39453125, -0.73974609375, -1.1845703125, -1.1943359375, -0.250732421875 ]
i was feeling very unsure of myself and at near breaking point
[ -0.425537109375, -0.9599609375, -1.1416015625, -0.76318359375, 3.9921875, -0.046051025390625 ]
i feel more gentle that way wth
[ -1.3046875, 0.256103515625, 3.36328125, -0.7392578125, -1.056640625, -1.41015625 ]
i felt abandoned for what seemed like the millionth time in my life and i spent the last several days feeling sorry for myself when i should have been picking myself up in order to help my friends
[ 4.7265625, -0.73046875, -0.861328125, -0.49072265625, -1.0498046875, -1.3349609375 ]
i feel unfathomably rich in having had a healthy pregnancy so far
[ -1.26953125, 4.234375, 0.363037109375, -1.3505859375, -1.6376953125, -1.0927734375 ]
i have tested positive but i have never taken drugs and i feel innocent says martina
[ -1.5830078125, 4.45703125, 0.470703125, -1.4814453125, -1.5234375, -1.25 ]
ill likely post more on those later but feel free to ask if you have questions
[ -1.23046875, 4.36328125, -0.62939453125, -1.0322265625, -1.013671875, -1.10546875 ]
im feeling absolutely amazing
[ -1.4658203125, 2.904296875, -0.98974609375, -1.1357421875, -0.828125, 1.7236328125 ]
im not sure the feeling of loss will ever go away but it may dull to a sweet feeling of nostalgia at what i shared in this life with my dad and the luck i had to have a dad for years
[ 2.439453125, 0.99658203125, 0.58447265625, -0.9970703125, -1.8525390625, -1.701171875 ]
i normally find intimidating but shes crazy about tiny little foreign food places and people like her so i feel less socially intimidated when im with her
[ -0.94677734375, -0.87451171875, -1.4345703125, 0.41259765625, 3.9296875, 0.03424072265625 ]
i have been feeling really stressed out due to homework and my studies that have increased rapidly over the last week
[ 3.232421875, -1.212890625, -1.5478515625, 2.5859375, -0.1417236328125, -1.7841796875 ]
i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b
[ 1.9951171875, -0.89892578125, -0.822265625, 3.56640625, -1.0703125, -1.501953125 ]
i feel like it might just be ok
[ -1.2109375, 4.4609375, -0.496337890625, -1.26171875, -1.1171875, -1.029296875 ]
i feel disgusted in any man in power who talks about electricity being a problem in his area and says even my own house has similar problems
[ -0.408447265625, -0.98095703125, -0.77392578125, 4.421875, -0.310546875, -0.873046875 ]
i know that i have it nowhere near as worse as my brethren overseas but right now i feel like im being physically emotionally and spiritually assaulted
[ 1.9013671875, -1.6005859375, -1.5185546875, 1.119140625, 2.3359375, -1.0361328125 ]
i know what you mean about feeling agitated
[ -0.77978515625, -1.1611328125, -1.3642578125, 2.72265625, 2.8046875, -0.9150390625 ]
i always feel that love is something much vaster and if we could explore it together perhaps i should then make my life into something worthwhile before it is too late
[ -1.408203125, 4.390625, 0.329345703125, -1.447265625, -1.619140625, -0.9970703125 ]
i feel our world then was a much more innocent place
[ -1.6103515625, 4.36328125, 0.70849609375, -1.4951171875, -1.6220703125, -1.2412109375 ]
i love a hearty chat where i mean everything that i say and laugh from the heart gut w e not because i wanna let the person feel im entertained
[ -1.630859375, 4.55859375, -0.1614990234375, -1.3876953125, -1.4365234375, -0.75341796875 ]
i always feel a little jealous of my son because when i joined the church i went almost directly into young women so i didnt learn the primary songs
[ -0.64697265625, -1.0927734375, -0.05010986328125, 4.03125, -0.22314453125, -1.134765625 ]
i feel foolish when i look at your facebook page and see how many friends you have they all love you so much why would someone like you want me
[ 4.78125, -0.9580078125, -1.40625, 0.0282440185546875, -0.2227783203125, -1.54296875 ]
i hope you feel incredibly cool now
[ -1.451171875, 4.53515625, -0.49609375, -1.2421875, -1.158203125, -0.8251953125 ]
i didnt feel at all deprived having it in my chai this morning
[ 4.86328125, -0.7392578125, -1.224609375, -0.33935546875, -0.64404296875, -1.5556640625 ]

Dataset Card for AutoTrain Evaluator

This repository contains model predictions generated by AutoTrain for the following task and dataset:

  • Task: Multi-class Text Classification
  • Model: uygarkurt/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-emotion
  • Dataset: emotion

To run new evaluation jobs, visit Hugging Face's automatic model evaluator.


Thanks to @lewtun for evaluating this model.

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