DIAGNOSIS: ,Shortness of breath. Fatigue and weakness. Hypertension. Hyperlipidemia.,INDICATION: , To evaluate for coronary artery disease.,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Recurrent abscesses in the thigh, as well as the pubic area for at least about 2 years.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, A 23-year-old female who is approximately 5 months' pregnant, who has had recurrent abscesses in the above-mentioned areas. She would usually have pustular type of lesion that would eventually break and would be quite painful. The drainage would be malodorous. It would initially not be infected as far as she knows, but then could eventually become infected. She stated that this first started after she had her first born about 2 years ago. She had recurrences of these abscesses and had pain, actually hospitalized at Hospital approximately a year and a half ago for about 1-1/2 months. She was treated with multiple courses of antibiotics. She had biopsies done. She was seen by Dr. X. Reportedly, she had a HIV test done that was negative. She had been seen by a dermatologist who said that she had a problem with her sweat glands. She has been on multiple courses of antibiotics. She never had any fevers. She has pain, drainage, and reportedly there was some bleeding in the area of the perineum/vaginal area.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. History of recurrent abscesses in the perineum, upper medial thigh, and the vulva area for about 2 years. Per her report, a dermatologist had told her that she had an overactive sweat gland, and I believe she probably has hidradenitis suppurativa. Probably, she has had Staphylococcus infection associated with it as well.,2. Reported history of asthma.,GYNECOLOGIC HISTORY: , G3, P1. She is currently 5 months' pregnant.,ALLERGIES: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Her medication had been Augmentin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is followed by a gynecologist in Bartow. She is not an alcohol or tobacco user. She is not married. She has a 2-year-old child.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient has been complaining of diarrhea about 5 or 6 times a day for several weeks now.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL:
Consult - History and Phy.
Thereafter, he was evaluated and it was felt that further reconstruction as related to the anterior cruciate ligament was definitely not indicated. On December 5, 2008, Mr. XXXX did undergo a total knee replacement arthroplasty performed by Dr. X.,Thereafter, he did an extensive course of physical therapy, work hardening, and a work conditioning type program.,At the present time, he does complain of significant pain and swelling as related to the right knee. He is unable to crawl and/or kneel. He does state he is able to walk a city block and in fact, he is able to do 20 minutes of a treadmill. Stairs are a significant problem. His pain is a 5 to 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.,He is better when he is resting, sitting, propped up, and utilizing his ice. He is much worse when he is doing any type of physical activity.,He has denied having any previous history of similar problems.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Over-the-counter pain medication.,ALLERGIES: , NKA.,SURGERIES: , Numerous surgeries as related to the right lower extremity.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He does admit to one half pack of cigarette consumption per day. He denies any alcohol consumption.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,On examination today, he is 28-year-old male who is 6 feet 1, weighs 250 pounds. He does not appear to be in distress at this time. One could appreciate 1-2/4 intraarticular effusion. The range of motion is 0 to a 110 degrees of flexion. I could not appreciate any evidence of instability medial, lateral, anterior or posterior. Crepitus is noted with regards to range of motion testing. His strength is 4 to 5 as related to the quadriceps and hamstring.,There is atrophy as related to the right thigh. The patient is able to stand from a seated position and sit from a standing position without difficulty.,RECORDS REVIEW:,1. First report of injury.,2. July 17, 2002, x-rays of the right knee were negative.,3. Notes of the Medina General Hospital Occupational Health, Steven Rodgers, M.D.,4. August 5, 2002, an MRI scan of the right knee which demonstrated peripheral tear of the posterior horn of the medial
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is brought in by an assistant with some of his food diary sheets. They wonder if the patient needs to lose anymore weight.,OBJECTIVE:, The patient's weight today is 186-1/2 pounds, which is down 1-1/2 pounds in the past month. He has lost a total of 34-1/2 pounds. I praised this. I went over his food diary and praised all of his positive food choices reported, especially his use of sugar-free Kool-Aid, sugar-free pudding, and diet pop. I encouraged him to continue all of that, as well as his regular physical activity.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient is losing weight at an acceptable rate. He needs to continue keeping a food diary and his regular physical activity.,PLAN:, The patient plans to see Dr. XYZ at the end of May 2005. I recommended that they ask Dr. XYZ what weight he would like for the patient to be at. Follow up will be with me June 13, 2005.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and chronic otitis media.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and chronic otitis media.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tympanostomy and tube placement.,2. Adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, prepped and draped in the usual fashion. After induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity and a tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll placed on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction.,Attention was directed to the nasopharynx. With the Bovie set at 50 coag and the suction Bovie tip on the suction hose, the adenoid bed was fulgurated by beginning at the posterosuperior aspect of the nasopharynx at the apex of the choana placing the tip of the suction cautery deep at the root of the adenoids next to the roof of the nasopharynx and then in a linear fashion making serial passages through the base of the adenoid fossa in parallel lines until the entire nasopharynx and adenoid bed had been fulgurated moving from posterior to anterior. The McIvor was relaxed and attention was then directed to the ears.,The left external auditory canal was examined under the operating microscope and cleaned of ceruminous debris.,An anteroinferior quadrant tympanostomy incision was made. Fluid was suctioned from the middle ear space, and a tympanostomy tube was placed at the level of the incision and pushed into position with the Rosen needle. Cortisporin ear drops were instilled into the canal, and a cotton ball was placed in the external meatus.,By a similar procedure, the opposite tympanostomy and tube placement were accomplished.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Kawasaki disease.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Kawasaki disease, resolving.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, This is a 14-month-old baby boy Caucasian who came in with presumptive diagnosis of Kawasaki with fever for more than 5 days and conjunctivitis, mild arthritis with edema, rash, resolving and with elevated neutrophils and thrombocytosis, elevated CRP and ESR. When he was sent to the hospital, he had a fever of 102. Subsequently, the patient was evaluated and based on the criteria, he was started on high dose of aspirin and IVIG. Echocardiogram was also done, which was negative. IVIG was done x1, and between 12 hours of IVIG, he spiked fever again; it was repeated twice, and then after second IVIG, he did not spike any more fever. Today, his fever and his rash have completely resolved. He does not have any conjunctivitis and no redness of mucous membranes. He is more calm and quite and taking good p.o.; so with a very close followup and a cardiac followup, he will be sent home.,DISCHARGE ACTIVITIES:, Ad-lib.,DISCHARGE DIET: , PO ad-lib.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin high dose 340 mg q.6h. for 1 day and then aspirin low dose 40 mg q.d. for 14 days and then Prevacid also to prevent his GI from aspirin 15 mg p.o. once a day. He will be followed by his primary doctor in 2 to 3 days. Cardiology for echo followup in 4 to 6 weeks and instructed not to give any vaccine in less than 11 months because of IVIG, all the live virus vaccine, and if he gets any rashes, any fevers, should go to primary care doctor as soon as possible.
Discharge Summary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Nasal deformity, status post rhinoplasty.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Same.,PROCEDURE:, Revision rhinoplasty (CPT 30450). Left conchal cartilage harvest (CPT 21235).,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: , This patient is an otherwise healthy male who had a previous nasal fracture. During his healing, perioperatively he did sustain a hockey puck to the nose resulting in a saddle-nose deformity with septal hematoma. The patient healed status post rhinoplasty as a result but was left with a persistent saddle-nose dorsal defect. The patient was consented for the above-stated procedure. The risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient did have approximately 12 mL of Lidocaine with epinephrine 1% with 1:100,000 infiltrated into the nasal soft tissues. In addition to this, cocaine pledgets were placed to assist with hemostasis.,At this point, attention was turned to the left ear. Approximately 3 mL of 1% Lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine was infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissues of the conchal bulb. Betadine was utilized for preparation. A 15 blade was used to incise along the posterior conchal area and a Freer elevator was utilized to lift the soft tissues off the conchal cartilage in a submucoperichondrial plane. I then completed this along the posterior aspect of the conchal cartilage, was transected in the concha cavum and concha cymba, both were harvested. These were placed aside in saline. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar electrocauterization. Bovie electrocauterization was also employed as needed. The entire length of the wound was then closed with 5-0 plain running locking suture. The patient then had a Telfa placed both anterior and posterior to the conchal defect and placed in a sandwich dressing utilizing a 2-0 Prolene suture. Antibiotic ointment was applied generously.,Next, attention was turned to opening and lifting the soft tissues of the nose. A typical external columella inverted V gull-wing incision was placed on the columella and trailed into a marginal incision. The soft tissues of the nose were then elevated using curved sharp scissors and Metzenbaums. Soft tissues were elevated over the lower lateral cartilages, upper lateral cartilages onto the nasal dorsum. At this point, attention was turned to osteotomies and examination of the external cartilages.,The patient did have very broad lower lateral cartilages leading to a bulbous tip. The lower lateral cartilages were trimmed in a symmetrical fashion leaving at least 8 mm of lower lateral cartilage bilaterally along the lateral aspect. Having completed this, the patient had medial and lateral osteotomies performed with a 2-mm osteotome. These were done transmucosally after elevating the tract using a Cottle elevator. Direct hemostasis pressure was applied to assist with bruising.,Next, attention was turned to tip mechanisms. The patient had a series of double-dome sutures placed into the nasal tip. Then, 5-0 Dexon was employed for intradomal suturing, 5-0 clear Prolene was used for interdomal suturing. Having completed this, a 5-0 clear Prolene alar spanning suture was employed to narrow the superior tip area.,Next, attention was turned to dorsal augmentation. A Gore-Tex small implant had been selected, previously incised. This was taken to the back table and carved under sterile conditions. The patient then had the implant placed into the super-tip area to assist with support of the nasal dorsum. It was placed into a precise pocket and remained in the midline.,Next, attention was turned to performing a columella strut. The cartilage from the concha was shaped into a strut and placed into a precision pocket between the medial footplate of the lower lateral cartilage. This was fixed into position utilizing a 5-0 Dexon suture.,Having completed placement of all augmentation grafts, the patient was examined for hemostasis. The external columella inverted gull-wing incision along the nasal tip was closed with a series of interrupted everting 6-0 black nylon sutures. The entire marginal incisions for cosmetic rhinoplasty were closed utilizing a series of 5-0 plain interrupted sutures.,At the termination of the case, the ear was inspected and the position of the conchal cartilage harvest was hemostatic. There was no evidence of hematoma, and the patient had a series of brown Steri-Strips and Aquaplast cast placed over the nasal dorsum. The inner nasal area was then examined at the termination of the case and it seemed to be hemostatic as well.,The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition. He was charged to home on antibiotics to prevent infection both from the left ear conchal cartilage harvest and also the Gore-Tex implant area. He was asked to follow up in 4 days for removal of the bolster overlying the conchal cartilage harvest.
ENT - Otolaryngology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right inguinal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Direct right inguinal hernia.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: , Marlex repair of right inguinal hernia.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was taken to the operative suite, placed on the table in the supine position, and given a spinal anesthetic. The right inguinal region was shaved and prepped and draped in a routine sterile fashion. The patient received 1 gm of Ancef IV push.,Transverse incision was made in the intraabdominal crease and carried through skin and subcutaneous tissue. The external oblique fascia was exposed and incised down to and through the external inguinal ring. The spermatic cord and hernia sac were dissected bluntly off the undersurface of the external oblique fascia exposing the attenuated floor of the inguinal canal. The cord was surrounded with a Penrose drain. The hernia sac was separated from the cord structures. The floor of the inguinal canal, which consisted of attenuated transversalis fascia, was imbricated upon itself with a running locked suture of 2-0 Prolene. Marlex patch 1 x 4 in dimension was trimmed to an appropriate shape with a defect to accommodate the cord. It was placed around the cord and sutured to itself with 2-0 Prolene. The patch was then sutured medially to the pubic tubercle, inferiorly to Cooper's ligament and inguinal ligaments, and superiorly to conjoined tendon using 2-0 Prolene. The area was irrigated with saline solution, and 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine was injected to provide prolonged postoperative pain relief. The cord was returned to its position. External oblique fascia was closed with a running 2-0 PDS, subcu with 2-0 Vicryl, and skin with running subdermal 4-0 Vicryl and Steri-Strips. Sponge and needle counts were correct. Sterile dressing was applied.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 12-year-old male, who was admitted to the Emergency Department, who fell off his bicycle, not wearing a helmet, a few hours ago. There was loss of consciousness. The patient complains of neck pain.,CHRONIC/INACTIVE CONDITIONS:, None.,PERSONAL/FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY/ILLNESSES:, None.,PREVIOUS INJURIES: , Minor.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,PREVIOUS OPERATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: ,NONE KNOWN.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative for heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer or stroke.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is single. He is a student. He does not smoke, drink alcohol or consume drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient denies weight loss/gain, fever, chills.,ENMT: The patient denies headaches, nosebleeds, voice changes, blurry vision, changes in/loss of vision.,CV: The patient denies chest pain, SOB supine, palpitations, edema, varicose veins, leg pains.,RESPIRATORY: The patient denies SOB, wheezing, sputum production, bloody sputum, cough.,GI: The patient denies heartburn, blood in stools, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation.,GU: The patient denies painful/burning urination, cloudy/dark urine, flank pain, groin pain.,MS: The patient denies joint pain/stiffness, backaches, tendon/ligaments/muscle pains/strains, bone aches/pains, muscle weakness.,NEURO: The patient had a loss of consciousness during the accident. He does not recall the details of the accident. Otherwise, negative for blackouts, seizures, loss of memory, hallucinations, weakness, numbness, tremors, paralysis.,PSYCH: Negative for anxiety, irritability, apathy, depression, sleep disturbances, appetite disturbances, suicidal thoughts.,INTEGUMENTARY: Negative for unusual hair loss/breakage, skin lesions/discoloration, unusual nail breakage/discoloration.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,CONSTITUTIONAL: Blood pressure 150/75, pulse rate 80, respirations 18, temperature 37.4, saturation 97% on room air. The patient shows moderate obesity.,NECK: The neck is symmetric, the trachea is in the midline, and there are no masses. No crepitus is palpated. The thyroid is palpable, not enlarged, smooth, moves with swallowing, and has no palpable masses.,RESPIRATIONS: Normal respiratory effort. There is no intercostal retraction or action by the accessory muscles. Normal breath sounds bilaterally with no rhonchi, wheezing or rubs.,CARDIOVASCULAR: The PMI is palpable at the 5ICS in the MCL. No thrills on palpation. S1 and S2 are easily audible. No audible S3, S4, murmur, click or rub. Abdominal aorta is not palpable. No audible abdominal bruits. Femoral pulses are 3+ bilaterally, without audible bruits. Extremities show no edema or varicosities.,GASTROINTESTINAL: No palpable tenderness or masses. Liver and spleen are percussed but not palpable under the costal margins. No evidence for umbilical or groin herniae.,LYMPHATIC: No nodes over 3 mm in the neck, axillae or groins.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Normal gait and station. The patient is on a stretcher. Symmetric muscle strength and normal tone, without signs of atrophy or abnormal movements.,SKIN: There is a hematoma in the forehead and one in the occipital scalp, and there are abrasions in the upper extremities and abrasions on the knees. No induration or subcutaneous nodules to palpation.,NEUROLOGIC: Normal sensation by touch. The patient moves all four extremities.,PSYCHIATRIC: Oriented to time, place, and person. Appropriate mood and affect.,LABORATORY DATA: Reviewed chest x-ray, which is normal, right hand x-ray, which is normal, and an MRI of the head, which is normal.,DIAGNOSES,1. Concussion.,2. Facial abrasion.,3. Scalp laceration.,4. Knee abrasions.,PLANS/RECOMMENDATIONS:, Admitted for observation.
Emergency Room Reports
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Toothache.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 29-year-old male who has had multiple problems with his teeth due to extensive dental disease and has had many of his teeth pulled. Complains of new tooth pain. The patient states his current toothache is to both upper and lower teeth on the left side for approximately three days. The patient states that he would have gone to see his regular dentist but he has missed so many appointments that they now do not allow him to schedule regular appointments, he has to be on standby appointments only. The patient denies any other problems or complaints. The patient denies any recent illness or injuries. The patient does have OxyContin and Vicodin at home which he uses for his knee pain but he wants more pain medicines because he does not want to use up that medicine for his toothache when he wants to say this with me.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. No fatigue or weakness. No recent weight change. HEENT: No headache, no neck pain, the toothache pain for the past three days as previously mentioned. There is no throat swelling, no sore throat, no difficulty swallowing solids or liquids. The patient denies any rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion, pressure or pain, no ear pain, no hearing change, no eye pain or vision change. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath or cough. GASTROINTESTINAL: No abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. GENITOURINARY: No dysuria. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. No muscle or joint aches. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: No vision or hearing change. No focal weakness or numbness. Normal speech. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymph node swelling has been noted.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Chronic knee pain.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , OxyContin and Vicodin.,ALLERGIES:, PENICILLIN AND CODEINE.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is still a smoker.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 97.9 oral, blood pressure is 146/83, pulse is 74, respirations 16, oxygen saturation 98% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished and well developed. The patient is a little overweight but otherwise appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable, in no acute distress, and looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Eyes are normal with clear conjunctiva and cornea bilaterally. There is no icterus, injection, or discharge. Pupils are 3 mm and equally round and reactive to light bilaterally. There is no absence of light sensitivity or photophobia. Extraocular motions are intact bilaterally. Ears are normal bilaterally without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, swelling of canals. Tympanic membranes are intact without any erythema, bulging or fluid levels or bubbles behind it. Nose is normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. There is no tenderness over the sinuses. NECK: Supple, nontender, and full range of motion. There is no meningismus. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No JVD. Mouth and oropharynx shows multiple denture and multiple dental caries. The patient has tenderness to tooth #12 as well as tooth #21. The patient has normal gums. There is no erythema or swelling. There is no purulent or other discharge noted. There is no fluctuance or suggestion of abscess. There are no new dental fractures. The oropharynx is normal without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, exudate, lesion or swelling. The buccal membranes are normal. Mucous membranes are moist. The floor of the mouth is normal without any abscess, suggestion of Ludwig's syndrome. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally without shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is normal and nontender. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities are noted to back, arms and legs. The patient has normal use of his extremities. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. Motor and sensory are intact to the extremities. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No cervical lymphadenopathy is palpated.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: , The patient did request a pain shot and the patient was given Dilaudid of 4 mg IM without any adverse reaction.,DIAGNOSES:,1. ODONTALGIA.,2. MULTIPLE DENTAL CARIES.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: ,Stable.,DISPOSITION: , To home.,PLAN: , The patient was given a list of local dental clinics that he can follow up with or he can choose to stay with his own dentist that he wishes. The patient was requested to have reevaluation within two days. The patient was given a prescription for Percocet and clindamycin. The patient was given drug precautions for the use of these medicines. The patient was offered discharge instructions on toothache but states that he already has it. He declined the instructions. The patient was asked to return to the emergency room, should he have any worsening of his condition or develop any other problems or symptoms of concern.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent re-infected sebaceous cyst of abdomen.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Abscess secondary to retained foreign body.,2. Incisional hernia.,PROCEDURES,1. Excision of abscess, removal of foreign body.,2. Repair of incisional hernia.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,INDICATIONS: , Patient is a pleasant 37-year-old gentleman who has had multiple procedures including a laparotomy related to trauma. The patient has had a recurrently infected cyst of his mass at the superior aspect of his incision, which he says gets larger and then it drains internally, causing him to be quite ill. He presented to my office and I recommended that he undergo exploration of this area and removal. The procedure, purpose, risks, expected benefits, potential complications, and alternative forms of therapy were discussed with him and he was agreeable to surgery.,FINDINGS:, The patient was found upon excision of the cyst that it contained a large Prolene suture, which is multiply knotted as it always is; beneath this was a very small incisional hernia, the hernia cavity, which contained omentum; the hernia was easily repaired.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was identified, then taken into the operating room, where after induction of an LMA anesthetic, his abdomen was prepped with Betadine solution and draped in sterile fashion. The puncta of the wound lesion was infiltrated with methylene blue and peroxide. The lesion was excised and the existing scar was excised using an ellipse and using a tenotomy scissors, the cyst was excised down to its base. In doing so, we identified a large Prolene suture within the wound and followed this cyst down to its base at which time we found that it contained omentum and was in fact overlying a small incisional hernia. The cyst was removed in its entirety, divided from the omentum using a Metzenbaum and tying with 2-0 silk ties. The hernia repair was undertaken with interrupted 0 Vicryl suture with simple sutures. The wound was then irrigated and closed with 3-0 Vicryl subcutaneous and 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular and Steri-Strips. Patient tolerated the procedure well. Dressings were applied and he was taken to recovery room in stable condition.
PROCEDURE:, Left Cardiac Catheterization, Left Ventriculography, Coronary Angiography and Stent Placement.,INDICATIONS: , Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.,PATIENT HISTORY: , This is a 55-year-old male. He presented with 3 hours of unstable angina.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , History of previous arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Previous ST elevation MI.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS., The creatinine value is 1.3 mg/dL mg/dL.,PROCEDURE MEDICATIONS:,1. Visipaque 361 mL total dose.,2. Clopidogrel bisulphate (Plavix) 225 mg PO,3. Promethazine (Phenergan) 12.5 mg total dose.,4. Abciximab (Reopro) 10 mg IV bolus,5. Abciximab (Reopro) 0.125 mcg/kg/minute, 4.5 mL/250 mL D5W x 17 mL,6. Nitroglycerin 300 mcg IC total dose.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:,APPROACH: , Left heart catheterization via right femoral artery approach.,ACCESS METHOD: , Percutaneous needle puncture.,DEVICES USED:,1. Balloon catheter utilized: Manufacturer: Boston Sci Quantum Maverick RX 2.75mm x 20mm.,2. Cordis Vista Brite Tip 6Fr JR 4.0,3. ACS/Guidant Sport .014" (190cm) Wire,4. Stent utilized: Boston Sci Taxus RX Stent 3.0mm x 32mm.,FINDINGS/INTERVENTIONS:,LEFT VENTRICULOGRAPHY:, The overall left ventricular systolic function is mildly reduced. Left ventricular ejection fraction is 40% by left ventriculogram. Mild hypokinesis of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. There was no transaortic gradient. Mitral valve regurgitation is not seen.,LEFT MAIN CORONARY ARTERY: , There were no obstructing lesions in the left main coronary artery. Blood flow appeared normal.,LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING ARTERY: , There was a 95%, discrete stenosis in the mid left anterior descending artery. A drug eluting, Boston Sci Taxus RX Stent 3.0mm x 32mm stent was placed in the mid left anterior descending artery and post-dilated to 3.5 mm. Post-procedure stenosis was 0%. There was no dissection and no perforation.,LEFT CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY: , There was a 50%, diffuse stenosis in the left circumflex artery.,RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY:, The right coronary artery is dominant to the posterior circulation. There were no obstructing lesions in the right coronary artery. Blood flow appeared normal.,COMPLICATIONS:,There were no complications during the procedure., ,IMPRESSION:,1. Severe two-vessel coronary artery disease.,2. Severe left anterior descending coronary artery disease. There was a 95% mid left anterior descending artery stenosis. The lesion was successfully stented.,3. Moderate left circumflex artery disease. There was a 50% left circumflex artery stenosis. Intervention not warranted.,4. The overall left ventricular systolic function is mildly reduced with ejection fraction of 40%. Mild hypokinesis of the anterior wall of the left ventricle.,RECOMMENDATION:,1. Clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg PO daily for 1 year.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cleft soft palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cleft soft palate.,PROCEDURES:,1. Repair of cleft soft palate, CPT 42200.,2. Excise accessory ear tag, right ear.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed supine on the operating room table. After anesthesia was administered, time out was taken to ensure correct patient, procedure, and site. The face was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The right ear tag was examined first. This was a small piece of skin and cartilaginous material protruding just from the tragus. The lesion was excised and injected with 0.25% bupivacaine with epinephrine and then excised using an elliptical-style incision. Dissection was carried down the subcutaneous tissue to remove any cartilaginous attachment to the tragus. After this was done, the wound was cauterized and then closed using interrupted 5-0 Monocryl. Attention was then turned towards the palate. The Dingman mouthgag was inserted and the palate was injected with 0.25% bupivacaine with epinephrine. After giving this 5 minutes to take effect, the palate was incised along its margins. The anterior oral mucosa was lifted off and held demonstrating the underlying levator muscle. Muscle was freed up from its attachments at the junction of the hard palate and swept down so that it will be approximated across the midline. The Z-plasties were then designed, so there would be opposing Z-plasties from the nasal mucosa compared to the oral mucosa. The nasal mucosa was sutured first using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl. Next, the muscle was reapproximated using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl with an attempt to overlap the muscle in the midline. In addition, the remnant of the uvula tissue was found and was sutured in such a place that it would add some extra bulk to the nasal surface of the palate. Following this, the oral layer of mucosa was repaired using an opposing Z-plasty compared to the nasal layer. This was also sutured in place using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl. The anterior and posterior open edges of the palatal were sewn together. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Suction of blood and mucus performed at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,IMMEDIATE COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION:, In satisfactory condition to recovery.
ENT - Otolaryngology
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 12-year-old male who comes in for healthy checkups and sports physical. No major concerns today. He is little bit congested at times. He has been told he is allergic to grasses. They have done over-the-counter Claritin and that seems to help but he is always sniffling mother reports. He has also got some dryness on his face as far as the skin and was wondering what cream he could put on.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Otherwise, reviewed. Very healthy.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Claritin p.r.n.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICINES:, None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY:, Everyone else is healthy at home currently.,DIETARY:, He is on whole milk and does a variety of foods. Growth chart is reviewed with mother. Voids and stools well.,DEVELOPMENTAL:, He is in seventh grade and going out for cross-country and track. He is supposed to be wearing glasses, is not today. We did not test his vision because he recently saw the eye doctor though we did discuss the need for him to wear glasses with mother. His hearing was normal today and no concerns with speech.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: A well-developed, well-nourished male in no acute distress.,Dermatologic: Without rash or lesion.,HEENT: Head normocephalic and atraumatic. Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular movements intact. Red reflexes are present bilaterally. Optic discs are sharp with normal vasculature. Ears: Tympanic membranes are gray, translucent with normal light reflex. Nares are very congested. Turbinates swollen and boggy.,Neck: Supple without masses.,Chest: Clear to auscultation and percussion, easy respirations. No accessory muscle use.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs, heaves or gallops.,Back: Symmetric with no scoliosis or kyphosis noted. Normal flexibility. Femoral pulses 2+ and symmetric.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended without hepatosplenomegaly.,GU Exam: Normal Tanner III male. Testes descended bilaterally. No abnormal rash, discharge, or scars.,Extremities: Pink and warm. Moves all extremities well with normal function and strength in the arms and legs. Normal balance, station, and gait. Normal speech.,Neurologic: Nonfocal with normal speech, station, gait, and balance.,ASSESSMENT:, Healthy Tanner III male, developing normally.,PLAN:,1. Diet, growth, safety, drugs, violence, and social competence all discussed.,2. Immunizations reviewed.,3. We will place him on Clarinex 5 mg once daily, some Rhinocort-AQ nasal spray one spray each nostril once daily and otherwise discussed the importance of him wearing glasses.,4. Return to clinic p.r.n. and at two to three years for a physical, otherwise return p.r.n.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
SUBJECTIVE: , I am following the patient today for immune thrombocytopenia. Her platelets fell to 10 on 01/09/07 and shortly after learning of that result, I increased her prednisone to 60 mg a day. Repeat on 01/16/07 revealed platelets up at 43. No bleeding problems have been noted. I have spoken with her hematologist who recommends at this point we decrease her prednisone to 40 mg for 3 days and then go down to 20 mg a day. The patient had been on 20 mg every other day at least for a while, and her platelets hovered at least above 20 or so.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is alert, pleasant, and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress. The petechial areas on her legs have resolved.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Patient with improvement of her platelet count on burst of prednisone. We will decrease her prednisone to 40 mg for 3 days, then go down to 20 mg a day. Basically thereafter, over time, I may try to sneak it back a little bit further. She is on medicines for osteoporosis including bisphosphonate and calcium with vitamin D. We will arrange to have a CBC drawn weekly.,
Hematology - Oncology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent dysplasia of vulva.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Carbon dioxide laser photo-ablation.,ANESTHESIA: , General, laryngeal mask.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient has a past history of recurrent vulvar dysplasia. She has had multiple prior procedures for treatment. She was counseled to undergo laser photo-ablation.,FINDINGS:, Examination under anesthesia revealed several slightly raised and pigmented lesions, predominantly on the left labia and perianal regions. After staining with acetic acid, several additional areas of acetowhite epithelium were seen on both sides and in the perianal region.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room with an IV in place. Anesthetic was administered, after which she was placed in the lithotomy position. Examination under anesthesia was performed, after which she was prepped and draped. Acetic acid was applied and marking pen was utilized to outline the extent of the dysplastic lesion. The carbon dioxide laser was then used to ablate the lesion to the third surgical plane as defined Reid. Setting was 25 watts using a 6 mm pattern size with the silk-touch hand piece in the paint mode. Excellent hemostasis was noted and Bacitracin was applied prophylactically. The patient was awakened from her anesthetic and taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit in stable condition.
PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Basal Cell CA.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:, Basal Cell CA.,LOCATION: ,Medial right inferior helix.,PREOP SIZE:, 1.4 x 1 cm,POSTOP SIZE: , 2.7 x 2 cm,INDICATION: , Poorly defined borders.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HEMOSTASIS: , Electrodessication.,PLANNED RECONSTRUCTION: , Wedge resection advancement flap.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Prior to each surgical stage, the surgical site was tested for anesthesia and reanesthetized as needed, after which it was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,The clinically-apparent tumor was carefully defined and debulked prior to the first stage, determining the extent of the surgical excision. With each stage, a thin layer of tumor-laden tissue was excised with a narrow margin of normal appearing skin, using the Mohs fresh tissue technique. A map was prepared to correspond to the area of skin from which it was excised. The tissue was prepared for the cryostat and sectioned. Each section was coded, cut and stained for microscopic examination. The entire base and margins of the excised piece of tissue were examined by the surgeon. Areas noted to be positive on the previous stage (if applicable) were removed with the Mohs technique and processed for analysis.,No tumor was identified after the final stage of microscopically controlled surgery. The patient tolerated the procedure well without any complication. After discussion with the patient regarding the various options, the best closure option for each defect was selected for optimal functional and cosmetic results.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral progressive conductive hearing losses with probable otosclerosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral conductive hearing losses with right stapedial fixation secondary to otosclerosis.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Right argon laser assisted stapedectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was brought to the operating room. Endotracheal intubation carried out by Dr. X. The patient's right ear was carefully prepped and then draped in the usual sterile fashion. Slow infiltration of the external canal accomplished with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine. The earlobe was also infiltrated with the same solution. A limited incision was made in the earlobe harvesting a small bit of fat from the earlobe that was diced and the donor site closed with interrupted sutures of 5-0 nylon. This could later be removed in bishop. A reinspection of the ear canal was accomplished. A 65 Beaver blade was used to make incision both at 12 o'clock and at 6 o'clock. Jordan round knife was used to incise the tympanomeatal flap with an adequate cuff for later reapproximation. Elevation was carried down to the fibrous annulus. An annulus elevator was used to complete the elevation beneath the annular ligament. The tympanic membrane and the associated flap rotated anteriorly exposing the ossicular chain. Palpation of the malleus revealed good mobility of both it and incus, but no movement of the stapes was identified. Palpation with a fine curved needle on the stapes itself revealed no movement. A house curette was used to takedown portions of the scutum with extreme care to avoid any inadvertent trauma to the chorda tympani. The nerve was later hydrated with a small curved needle and an additional fluid to try to avoid inadvertent desiccation of it as well. The self-retaining speculum holder was used to get secure visibility and argon laser then used to create rosette on the posterior cruse. The stapes superstructure anteriorly was mobilized with a right angle hook at the incostapedial joint and the superstructure could then be downfractured. The fenestration created in the footplate was nearly perfect for placement of the piston and therefore additional laser vaporization was not required in this particular situation. A small bit of additional footplate was removed with a right angle hook to accommodate the 0.6 mm piston. The measuring device was used and a 4.25 mm slim shaft wire Teflon piston chosen. It was placed in the middle ear atraumatically with a small alligator forceps and was directed towards the fenestration in the footplate. The hook was placed over the incus and measurement appeared to be appropriate. A downbiting crimper was then used to complete the attachment of the prosthesis to the incus. Prosthesis is once again checked for location and centering and appeared to be in ideal position. Small pledgets of fat were placed around the perimeter of the piston in an attempt to avoid any postoperative drainage of perilymph. A small pledget of fat was also placed on the top of the incudo-prosthesis junction. The mobility appeared excellent. The flap was placed back in its normal anatomic position. The external canal packed with small pledgets of Gelfoam and antibiotic ointment. She was then awakened and taken to the recovery room in a stable condition with discharge anticipated later this day to Bishop. Sutures will be out in a week and a recheck in Reno in four to five weeks from now.
ENT - Otolaryngology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Extruded herniated disc, left L5-S1.,2. Left S1 radiculopathy (acute).,3. Morbid obesity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Extruded herniated disc, left L5-S1.,2. Left S1 radiculopathy (acute).,3. Morbid obesity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Microscopic lumbar discectomy, left L5-S1.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,50 cc.,HISTORY: , This is a 40-year-old female with severe intractable left leg pain from a large extruded herniated disc at L5-S1. She has been dealing with these symptoms for greater than three months. She comes to my office with severe pain, left my office and reported to the Emergency Room where she was admitted for pain control one day before surgery. I have discussed the MRI findings with the patient and the potential risks and complications. She was scheduled to go to surgery through my office, but because of her severe symptoms, she was unable to keep that appointment and reported right to the Emergency Room. We discussed the diagnosis and the operative procedure in detail. I have reviewed the potential risks and complications and she had agreed to proceed with the surgery. Due to the patient's weight which exceeds 340 lb, there was some concern about her operative table being able to support her weight and also my standard microlumbar discectomy incision is not ________ in this situation just because of the enormous size of the patient's back and abdomen and I have discussed this with her. She is aware that she will have a much larger incision than what is standard and has agreed to accept this.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to OR #5 at ABCD General Hospital. While in the hospital gurney, Department of Anesthesia administered general anesthetic, endotracheal intubation was followed. A Jackson table was prepared for the patient and was reinforced replacing struts under table to prevent the table from collapsing. The table reportedly does have a limit of 500 lb, but the table has never been stressed above 275 lb. Once the table was reinforced, the patient was carefully rolled in a prone position on the Jackson table with the bony prominences being well padded. A marker was placed in from the back at this time and an x-ray was obtained for incision localization. The back is now prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline incision was made over the L5-S1 disc space taking through subcutaneous tissue sharply with a #10 Bard-Parker scalpel. The lumbar dorsal fascia was then encountered and incised to the left of midline. In the subperiosteal fashion, the musculature was elevated off the lamina at L5 and S1 after facet joint, but not disturbing the capsule. A second marker was now placed and an intraoperative x-ray confirms our location at the L5-S1 disc space. The microscope was brought into the field at this point and the remainder of the procedure done with microscopic visualization and illumination. A high speed drill was used to perform a laminotomy by removing small portion of the superior edge of the S1 lamina and the inferior edge of the L5 lamina. Ligaments and fragments were encountered and removed at this time. The epidural space was now encountered. The S1 nerve root was now visualized and found to be displaced dorsally as a result of a large disc herniation while the nerve was carefully protected with a Penfield. A small stab incision was made into the disc fragment and probably a large portion of disc extrudes from the opening. This disc fragment was removed and the nerve root was much more supple, it was carefully retracted. The nerve root was now retracted and using a series of downgoing curettes, additional disc material was removed from around the disc space and from behind the body of S1 and L5. At this point, all disc fragments were removed from the epidural space. Murphy ball was passed anterior to the thecal sac in the epidural space and there was no additional compression that I can identify. The disc space was now encountered and loose disc fragments were removed from within the disc space. The disc space was then irrigated. The nerve root was then reassessed and found to be quite supple. At this point, the Murphy ball was passed into the foramen of L5 and this was patent and also into the foramen of S1 by passing ventral and dorsal to the nerve root and there were no obstructions in the passage of the device. At this point, the wound was irrigated copiously and suctioned dry. Gelfoam was used to cover the epidural space. The retractors were removed at this point. The fascia was reapproximated with #1 Vicryl suture, subcutaneous tissue with #2-0 Vicryl suture and Steri-Strips for curved incision. The patient was transferred to the hospital gurney in supine position and extubated by Anesthesia, subsequently transferred to Postanesthesia Care Unit in stable condition.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL APPEARANCE: , Well developed, well nourished, in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS:, ***,SKIN: ,Inspection of the skin reveals no rashes, ulcerations or petechiae.,HEENT:, The sclerae were anicteric and conjunctivae were pink and moist. Extraocular movements were intact and pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light with normal accommodation. External inspection of the ears and nose showed no scars, lesions, or masses. Lips, teeth, and gums showed normal mucosa. The oral mucosa, hard and soft palate, tongue and posterior pharynx were normal.,NECK: ,Supple and symmetric. There was no thyroid enlargement, and no tenderness, or masses were felt.,CHEST: , Normal AP diameter and normal contour without any kyphoscoliosis.,LUNGS: , Auscultation of the lungs revealed normal breath sounds without any other adventitious sounds or rubs.,CARDIOVASCULAR: ,There was a regular rate and rhythm without any murmurs, gallops, rubs. The carotid pulses were normal and 2+ bilaterally without bruits. Peripheral pulses were 2+ and symmetric.,ABDOMEN: ,Soft and nontender with normal bowel sounds. The liver span was approximately 5-6 cm in the right midclavicular line by percussion. The liver edge was nontender. The spleen was not palpable. There were no inguinal or umbilical hernias noted. No ascites was noted.,RECTAL: ,Normal perineal exam. Sphincter tone was normal. There was no external hemorrhoids or rectal masses. Stool Hemoccult was negative. The prostate was normal size without any nodules appreciated (men only).,LYMPH NODES: , No lymphadenopathy was appreciated in the neck, axillae or groin.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: , Gait was normal. There was no tenderness or effusions noted. Muscle strength and tone were normal.,EXTREMITIES: , No cyanosis, clubbing or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: ,Alert and oriented x 3. Normal affect. Gait was normal. Normal deep tendon reflexes with no pathological reflexes. Sensation to touch was normal.
Consult - History and Phy.
HISTORY:, The patient is a 51-year-old female that was seen in consultation at the request of Dr. X on 06/04/2008 regarding chronic nasal congestion, difficulty with swallowing, and hearing loss. The patient reports that she has been having history of recurrent sinus infection, averages about three times per year. During the time that she gets the sinus infections, she has nasal congestion, nasal drainage, and also generally develops an ear infection as well. The patient does note that she has been having hearing loss. This is particular prominent in the right ear now for the past three to four years. She does note popping after blowing the nose. Occasionally, the hearing will improve and then it plugs back up again. She seems to be plugged within the nasal passage, more on the right side than the left and this seems to be year round issue with her. She tried Flonase nasal spray to see if this help with this and has been taking it, but has not seen a dramatic improvement. She has had a history of swallowing issues and that again secondary to the persistent postnasal drainage. She feels that she is having a hard time swallowing at times as well. She has complained of a lump sensation in the throat that tends to come and go. She denies any cough, no hemoptysis, no weight change. No night sweats, fever or chills has been noted. She is having at this time no complaints of tinnitus or vertigo. The patient presents today for further workup, evaluation, and treatment of the above-listed symptoms.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,ALLERGY/IMMUNOLOGIC: History of seasonal allergies. She also has severe allergy to penicillin and bee stings.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Pertinent for hypercholesterolemia.,PULMONARY: She has a history of cough, wheezing.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Negative.,GENITOURINARY: Negative.,NEUROLOGIC: She has had a history of TIAs in the past.,VISUAL: She does have history of vision change, wears glasses.,DERMATOLOGIC: Negative.,ENDOCRINE: Negative.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: History of joint pain and bursitis.,CONSTITUTIONAL: She has a history of chronic fatigue.,ENT: She has had a history of cholesteatoma removal from the right middle ear and previous tympanoplasty with a progressive hearing loss in the right ear over the past few years according to the patient.,PSYCHOLOGIC: History of anxiety, depression.,HEMATOLOGIC: Easy bruising.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has had right tympanoplasty in 1984. She has had a left carotid endarterectomy, cholecystectomy, two C sections, hysterectomy, and appendectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Mother, history of vaginal cancer and hypertension. Brother, colon CA. Father, hypertension.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg daily. She takes vitamins one a day. She is on Zocor, Desyrel, Flonase, and Xanax. She also has been taking Chantix for smoking cessation.,ALLERGIES: , Penicillin causes throat swelling. She also notes the bee sting allergy causes throat and tongue swelling.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is single. She is unemployed at this time. She is a smoker about a pack and a half for 38 years and notes rare alcohol use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Her blood pressure 128/78, temperature is 98.6, pulse 80 and regular.,GENERAL: The patient is an alert, cooperative, well-developed 51-year-old female. She has a normal-sounding voice and good memory.,HEAD & FACE: Inspected with no scars, lesions or masses noted. Sinuses palpated and are normal. Salivary glands also palpated and are normal with no masses noted. The patient also has full facial function.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,RESPIRATORY: Lungs auscultated and noted to be clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezing or rubs and normal respiratory effort.,EYES: Extraocular muscles were tested and within normal limits.,EARS: Right ear, the external ear is normal. The ear canal is clean and dry. The drum is intact. She has got severe tympanosclerosis of the right tympanic membrane and Weber exam does lateralize to the right ear indicative of a conductive loss. Left ear, the external ear is normal. The ear canal is clean and dry. The drum is intact and mobile with grossly normal hearing. The audiogram does reveal normal hearing in the left ear. She has got a mild conductive loss throughout all frequency ranges in the right ear with excellent discrimination scores noted bilaterally. Tympanograms, there was no adequate seal obtained on the right side. She has a normal type A tympanogram, left side.,NASAL: Reveals a deviated nasal septum to the left, clear drainage, large inferior turbinates, no erythema.,ORAL: Oral cavity is normal with good moisture. Lips, teeth and gums are normal. Evaluation of the oropharynx reveals normal mucosa, normal palates, and posterior oropharynx. Examination of the larynx with a mirror reveals normal epiglottis, false and true vocal cords with good mobility of the cords. The nasopharynx was briefly examined by mirror with normal appearing mucosa, posterior choanae and eustachian tubes.,NECK: The neck was examined with normal appearance. Trachea in the midline. The thyroid was normal, nontender, with no palpable masses or adenopathy noted.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII evaluated and noted to be normal. Patient oriented times 3.,DERMATOLOGIC: Evaluation reveals no masses or lesions. Skin turgor is normal.,PROCEDURE: , Please note a fiberoptic laryngoscopy was also done at today's visit for further evaluation because of the patient's dysphagia and throat symptoms. Findings do reveal moderately deviated nasal septum to the left, large inferior turbinates noted. The nasopharynx does reveal moderate adenoid pad within this midline. It is nonulcerated. The larynx revealed both cords to be normal. She does have mild lingual tonsillar hypertrophy as well.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Persistent dysphagia. I think secondary most likely to the persistent postnasal drainage.,2. Deviated nasal septum.,3. Inferior turbinate hypertrophy.,4. Chronic rhinitis.,5. Conductive hearing loss, right ear with a history of cholesteatoma of the right ear.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Bilateral carotid cerebral angiogram.,2. Right femoral-popliteal angiogram.,FINDINGS: , The right carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The right internal carotid artery was found to be very tortuous with kinking in its cervical portions, but no focal stenosis was noted. Likewise, the intracranial portion of the right internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the right middle cerebral artery.,The left carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The cervical portion of the left internal carotid artery showed a 30 to 40% stenosis with small ulcer crater present. The intracranial portion of the left internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the left middle cerebral artery.,Visualization of the right lower extremity showed no significant disease.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in supine position under local anesthesia plus intravenous sedation, the groin areas were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,The common femoral artery was punctured in a routine retrograde fashion and a 5-French introducer sheath was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance. A catheter was then placed in the aortic arch and the right and left common carotid arteries were then selectively catheterized and visualized as described above.,Following completion of the above, the catheter and introducer sheath were removed. Heparin had been initially given, which was reversed with protamine. Firm pressure was held over the puncture site for 20 minutes, followed by application of a sterile Coverlet dressing and sandbag compression.,The patient tolerated the procedure well throughout.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:, Excision dorsal ganglion, right wrist.,ANESTHESIA:, Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia applied by surgeon.,TOURNIQUET TIME:, minutes.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated and the tourniquet was elevated to 290 mm/Hg. A transverse incision was made over the dorsal ganglion. Using blunt dissection the dorsal ulnar sensory nerve branches and radial sensory nerve branches were dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The extensor retinaculum was then incised and the extensor tendon was dissected and retracted out of the operative field. The ganglion was then further dissected to its origin from the dorsal distal scapholunate interosseus ligament and excised in toto. Care was taken to protect ligament integrity. Reactive synovium was then removed using soft tissue rongeur technique. The wound was then infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine. The tendons were allowed to resume their normal anatomical position. The skin was closed with 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Sterile dressings were applied. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Need for intravenous access.,2. Status post fall.,3. Status post incision and drainage of left lower extremity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Need for intravenous access.,2. Status post fall.,3. Status post incision and drainage of left lower extremity.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Insertion of right subclavian central venous catheter.,SECOND ANESTHESIA: , Approximately 10 cc of 1% lidocaine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 74-year-old white female who presents to ABCD General Hospital after falling down flight of eleven stairs and sustained numerous injuries. The patient went to OR today for an I&D of left lower extremity degloving injury. Orthopedics was planning on taking the patient back for serial debridements and need for reliable IV access is requested.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained by the patient and her daughter. All risks and benefits of the procedure were explained and all questions were answered. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. After landmarks were identified, approximately 5 cc of 1% lidocaine were injected into the skin and subcuticular tissues and the right neck posterior head of the sternocleidomastoid. Locator needle was used to correctly cannulate the right internal jugular vein. Multiple attempts were made and the right internal jugular vein was unable to be cannulized.,Therefore, we prepared for a right subclavian approach. The angle of the clavicle was found and a #22 gauge needle was used to anesthetize approximately 5 cc of 1% lidocaine in skin and subcuticular tissues along with the periosteum of the clavicle. A Cook catheter needle was then placed and ________ the clavicle in the orientation aimed toward the sternal notch. The right subclavian vein was then accessed. A guidewire was placed with a Cook needle and then the needle was subsequently removed and a #11 blade scalpel was used to nick the skin. A dilator sheath was placed over the guidewire and subsequently removed. The triple lumen catheter was then placed over the guidewire and advanced to 14 cm. All ports aspirated and flushed. Good blood return was noted and all ports were flushed well. The triple lumen catheter was then secured at 14 cm using #0 silk suture. A sterile dressing was then applied. A stat portable chest x-ray was ordered to check line placement. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Massive rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,2. Near complete biceps tendon tear, right shoulder.,3. Chondromalacia of glenohumeral joint, right shoulder.,4. Glenoid labrum tear, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,1. Arthroscopy of the arthroscopic glenoid labrum.,2. Rotator cuff debridement shaving glenoid and humeral head.,3. Biceps tenotomy, right shoulder.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under interscalene block anesthetic in the modified beachchair position.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 61-year-old white male who is dominantly right-handed. He had increasing right shoulder pain and dysfunction for a number of years prior to surgical intervention. This was gradually done over a period of time. No specific accident or injury could be seen or pointed. He was refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. After discussing alternatives of the care as well as the advantages, disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations, he elected to undergo the above-stated procedure on this date.,Preoperatively, the patient did not have limitation of motion. He had gross weakness to his supraspinatus, mildly to the infraspinatus and subscapularis upon strength testing prior to his anesthetic.,Intraarticularly, the patient had an 80% biceps tendon tear that was dislocated. His rotator interval was resolved as well as his subscapularis with tearing. The supraspinatus was completely torn, retracted back beyond the level of the labrum and approximately one-third or so of the infraspinatus was involved with the remaining portion being greatly thinned as far as we could observe. Glenoid labrum had degenerative tear in the inferior surface. Gross chondromalacia was present to approximately 50% of the humeral head and approximately the upper 40% of the glenoid surface.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was laid supine upon the operative table. After receiving interscalene block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department, he was safely placed in a modified beachchair position. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The portals were created outside the end posteriorly and then anteriorly. A full and complete diagnostic arthroscopy was carried out with the above-noted findings. The shaver was placed anteriorly. Debridement was carried out to the glenoid labrum tear and the last 20% of the biceps tendon tear was completed. Debridement was carried out to the end or attachment of the bicep itself.,Debridement was carried out to what could be seen of the remaining rotator cuff there, but then the scope was redirected in a subacromial direction and gross bursectomy carried out. Debridement was then carried out to the rotator cuff remaining tendon near the tuberosity. No osteophytes were present. Because of the massive nature of the tear, the CA ligament was maintained and there were no substantial changes to the subacromial region to necessitate burring. There was concern because of instability that could be present at the end of this.,Another portal was created laterally to do all of this. We did what we could to mobilize all sections of the rotator cuff, superiorly, posteriorly, and anteriorly. We took this back to the level of coracoid base. We released the coracohumeral ligament basically all but there was no excursion basically all to the portion of the rotator cuff torn. Because of this, further debridement was carried out. Debridement had been previously carried out to the humeral head as well as glenoid surface to debride the chondromalacia and take this down to the smooth edge. Care was taken to not to debride deeper than that. This was done prior to the above.,All instrumentation was removed. A Pain-Buster catheter was placed into a separate anterolateral portal cut to length. Interrupted #4-0 nylon was utilized for portal closures. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, Elastoplast tape were placed for a compression dressing.,The patient's arm was placed in an arm sling. He was transferred to his cart and to the PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is quite guarded because of the above-noted pathology.
EXAM: ,Bilateral diagnostic mammogram, left breast ultrasound and biopsy.,HISTORY: , 30-year-old female presents for digital bilateral mammography secondary to a soft tissue lump palpated by the patient in the upper right shoulder. The patient has a family history of breast cancer within her mother at age 58. Patient denies personal history of breast cancer.,TECHNIQUE AND FINDINGS: ,Craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique projections of bilateral breasts were obtained on mm/dd/yy. An additional lateromedial projection of the right breast was obtained. The breasts demonstrate heterogeneously-dense fibroglandular tissue. Within the upper outer aspect of the left breast, there is evidence of a circumscribed density measuring approximately 1 cm x 0.7 cm in diameter. No additional dominant mass, areas of architectural distortion, or malignant-type calcifications are seen. Multiple additional benign-appearing calcifications are visualized bilaterally. Skin overlying both breasts is unremarkable.,Bilateral breast ultrasound was subsequently performed, which demonstrated an ovoid mass measuring approximately 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm in diameter located within the anteromedial aspect of the left shoulder. This mass demonstrates isoechoic echotexture to the adjacent muscle, with no evidence of internal color flow. This may represent benign fibrous tissue or a lipoma.,Additional ultrasonographic imaging of the left breast demonstrates a complex circumscribed solid and cystic lesion with hypervascular properties at the 2 o'clock position, measuring 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.8 cm in diameter. At this time, the lesion was determined to be amenable by ultrasound-guided core biopsy.,The risks and complications of the procedure were discussed with the patient for biopsy of the solid and cystic lesion of the 2 o'clock position of the left breast. Informed consent was obtained. The lesion was re-localized under ultrasound guidance. The left breast was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 2% lidocaine was administered locally for anesthesia. Additional lidocaine with epinephrine was administered around the distal aspect of the lesion. A small skin nick was made. Color Doppler surrounding the lesion demonstrates multiple vessels surrounding the lesion at all sides. The lateral to medial approach was performed with an 11-gauge Mammotome device. The device was advanced under ultrasound guidance, with the superior aspect of the lesion placed within the aperture. Two core biopsies were obtained. The third core biopsy demonstrated evidence of an expanding hypoechoic area surrounding the lesion, consistent with a rapidly-expanding hematoma. Arterial blood was visualized exiting the access site. A biopsy clip was attempted to be placed, however could not be performed secondary to the active hemorrhage. Therefore, the Mammotome was removed, and direct pressure over the access site and biopsy location was applied for approximately 20 minutes until hemostasis was achieved. Postprocedural imaging of the 2 o'clock position of the left breast demonstrates evidence of a hematoma measuring approximately 1.9 x 4.4 x 1.3 cm in diameter. The left breast was re-cleansed with a ChloraPrep, and a pressure bandage and ice packing were applied to the left breast. The patient was observed in the ultrasound department for the following 30 minutes without complaints. The patient was subsequently discharged with information and instructions on utilizing the ice bandage. The obtained specimens were sent to pathology for further analysis.,IMPRESSION:,1. A mixed solid and cystic lesion at the 2 o'clock position of the left breast was accessed under ultrasound guidance utilizing a Mammotome core biopsy instrument, and multiple core biopsies were obtained. Transient arterial hemorrhage was noted at the biopsy site, resulting in a localized 4 cm hematoma. Pressure was applied until hemostasis was achieved. The patient was monitored for approximately 30 minutes after the procedure, and was ultimately discharged in good condition. The core biopsies were submitted to pathology for further analysis.,2. Small isoechoic ovoid mass within the anteromedial aspect of the left shoulder does not demonstrate color flow, and likely represents fibrotic changes or a lipoma.,3. Suspicious mammographic findings. The circumscribed density measuring approximately 8 mm at the 2 o'clock position of the left breast was subsequently biopsied. Further pathologic analysis is pending.,BIRADS Classification 4 - Suspicious findings.,MAMMOGRAPHY INFORMATION:,1. A certain percentage of cancers, probably 10% to 15%, will not be identified by mammography.,2. Lack of radiographic evidence of malignancy should not delay a biopsy if a clinically suspicious mass is present.,3. These images were obtained with FDA-approved digital mammography equipment, and iCAD SecondLook Software Version 7.2 was utilized.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarging skin neoplasm, actinic neoplasm, left upper cheek, measures 1 cm x 1.5 cm.,2. Enlarging 0.5 cm x 1 cm nevus of the left lower cheek neck region.,3. A 1 cm x 1 cm seborrheic keratosis of the mid neck.,4. A 1 cm x 1.5 cm verrucous seborrheic keratosis of the right auricular rim.,5. A 1 cm x 1 cm actinic keratosis of the right mid cheek.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarging skin neoplasm, actinic neoplasm, left upper cheek, measures 1 cm x 1.5 cm.,2. Enlarging 0.5 cm x 1 cm nevus of the left lower cheek neck region.,3. A 1 cm x 1 cm seborrheic keratosis of the mid neck.,4. A 1 cm x 1.5 cm verrucous seborrheic keratosis of the right auricular rim.,5. A 1 cm x 1 cm actinic keratosis of the right mid cheek.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES:,1. Excision of the left upper cheek actinic neoplasm defect measuring 1.5 cm x 1.8 cm with two-layer plastic closure.,2. Excision of the left lower cheek upper neck, 1 cm x 1.5 cm skin neoplasm with two-layer plastic closure.,3. Shave excision of the mid neck seborrheic keratosis that measured 1 cm x 1.5 cm.,4. Shave excision of the right superior pinna auricular rim, 1 cm x 1.5 cm verrucous keratotic neoplasm.,5. A 50% trichloroacetic acid treatment of the right mid cheek, 1 cm x 1 cm actinic neoplasm.,ANESTHESIA: , Local. I used a total of 6 mL of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 30 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,COUNTS: ,Sponge and needle counts were all correct.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was evaluated preop and noted to be in stable condition. Chart and informed consent were all reviewed preop. All risks, benefits, and alternatives regarding the procedure have been reviewed in detail with the patient. She is aware of risks include but not limited to bleeding, infection, scarring, recurrence of the lesion, need for further procedures, etc. The areas of concern were marked with the marking pen. Local anesthetic was infiltrated. Sterile prep and drape were then performed.,I began excising the left upper cheek and left lower cheek neck lesions as listed above. These were excised with the #15 blade. The left upper cheek lesion measures 1 cm x 1.5 cm, defect after excision is 1.5 cm x 1.8 cm. A suture was placed at the 12 o'clock superior margin. Clinically, this appears to be either actinic keratosis or possible basal cell carcinoma. The healthy margin of healthy tissue around this lesion was removed. Wide underminings were performed and the lesion was closed in a two-layered fashion using 5-0 myochromic for the deep subcutaneous and 5-0 nylon for the skin.,The left upper neck lesion was also removed in the similar manner. This is dark and black, appears to be either an intradermal nevus or pigmented seborrheic keratosis. It was excised using a #15 blade down the subcutaneous tissue with the defect 1 cm x 1.5 cm. After wide underminings were performed, a two-layer plastic closure was performed with 5-0 myochromic for the deep subcutaneous and 5-0 nylon for the skin.,The lesion of the mid neck and the auricular rim were then shave excised for the upper dermal layer with the Ellman radiofrequency wave unit. These appeared to be clinically seborrheic keratotic neoplasms.,Finally proceeded with the right cheek lesion, which was treated with the 50% TCA. This was also an actinic keratosis. It is new in onset, just within the last week. Once a light frosting was obtained from the treatment site, bacitracin ointment was applied. Postop care instructions have been reviewed in detail. The patient is scheduled a recheck in one week for suture removal. We will make further recommendations at that time.
CONSULT REQUEST FOR:, Medical management.,The patient has been in special procedures now for over 2 hours and I am unable to examine.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Obtained from Dr. A on an 81-year-old white female, who is right handed, who by history, had a large stroke to the right brain, causing left body findings, last night. She was unfortunately outside of the window for emergent treatment and had a negative CT scan of the head. Was started on protocol medication and that is similar to TPA, which is an investigational study.,During the evaluation she was found to be in atrial fibrillation on admission with hypertension that was treated with labetalol en route. Her heart rate was 130. She was brought down with Cardizem. She received the study drug in the night and about an hour later thought to have another large stroke effecting the opposite side of the brain, that the doctors and company think is probably cardioembolic and not related to the study drug, as TPA has no obvious known association with this.,At that time the patient became comatose and required emergent intubation and paralyzation. Her diastolic at that time rose up to 190, likely the result of the acute second stroke. She is currently in arteriogram and a clot has been extracted from the proximal left carotid, but there is still distal clot that they are working on. Dr. A has updated the family to her extremely guarded and critical prognosis.,At present, it is not known yet, we do not have the STAT echocardiogram, if she has a large clot in the heart or if she could have a patent foramen ovale clot in the legs that has been passed to the heart. Echo that is pending, and cannot be done till the patient is out of arteriogram, which is her lifesaving procedure right now.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Complete review of systems is unobtainable at present. From what I can tell, is that she is scheduled for an upcoming bladder distension surgery and I do not know if this is why she is off Coumadin for chronic AFib or what, at this point. Tremor for 3-4 years, diagnosed as early Parkinson's.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, GERD, hypertension times 20 years, arthritis, Parkinson's, TIA, chronic atrial fibrillation, on Coumadin three years.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Cholecystectomy, TAH 33, gallstones, back surgery 1998, thoracotomy for unknown reason at present.,ALLERGIES:, MORPHINE, SULFAS (RASH), PROZAC.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME: Lanoxin 0.25 daily; Inderal LA 80 daily; MOBIC 7.5 daily; Robaxin 750 q.8; aspirin 80 one daily; acyclovir dose unknown daily; potassium, dose unknown; oxazepam 15 mg daily; aspirin 80 one daily; ibuprofen PRN; Darvocet-N 100 PRN.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She does not drink or smoke. Lives in Fayetteville, Tennessee.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother died of cancer, unknown type. Dad died of an MI.,VACCINATION STATUS: Unknown.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: On arrival were temperature 97.1, blood pressure 174/100, heart rate 100, 97%, respirations 15.,GENERAL: She was apparently alert and able to give history on arrival. Currently do not have any available vital signs or physical exam, as I cannot get to the patient.,LABORATORY: ,Reviewed and are remarkable for white count of 13 with 76 neutrophils. BMP is normal, except for a blood sugar of 157, hemoglobin A1c is pending. TSH 2.1, cholesterol 165, Digoxin 1.24, CPK 57. ABG 7.47/32/459 on 100%. Magnesium 1.5. ESR 9, coags normal.,EKG is pending my review.,Chest x-ray is read as mild cardiomegaly and atherosclerotic aorta.,Chest x-ray, shoulder films and CT scan of the head: I have reviewed. Chest x-ray has good ET tube placement. She has mild cardiomegaly. Some mild interstitial opacities consistent with OGD and minimal amount of atherosclerosis of the aorta.,CT scan of the head: I do not see any active bleeding.,X-rays of the shoulders appear intact to me and we are awaiting radiologies final approval on those.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN/PROBLEMS:,1. Large cardioembolic stroke initially to the right brain, with devastating effects, and now stroke into the left brain as well, with fluctuating mental status. Obviously she is in critical condition and stable with multiple strokes. One must also wonder if she could have a large clot burden below the heart and patent foramen ovale, etc. We need STAT records from her prior cardiologist and prior echocardiogram report to see exactly what are the details. I have ordered a STAT echo and to have the group that sees her read it, that if he has a large clot burdened in the heart or has distal clot with a PFO we may be able to better prognosticate at this point. Obviously, she cannot have any anticoagulants, except for the study drug, at present, which is her only chance and hopefully they will be able to retrieve most of the clot with emergency retrieval device as activated heroically, by Dr. A and interventional radiology.,2. Hypertension/atrial fibrillation: This will be a difficult management and the fact that she has been on a beta-blocker for Parkinson's, she may have withdrawal to the beta-blockers as we remove this. Given her atrial fibrillation, I do agree the safest agent right now is to use a Cardizem drip as needed and would use it for systolic greater than 160 to 180, or diastolics greater than 90 to 100. Also, would use it to control the atrial fibrillation. We would, however, be very cautious not to put her in heart block with the Digoxin and the beta-blocker on board. Weighing all risks and benefits, I think that given the fact that she has a beta-blocker on board and Digoxin, we would like to avoid the beta-blocker for vasospasm protection and will favor using calcium channel blocker for now. If, however, we run into trouble with this, I would prefer to switch her to Brevibloc or an Esmolol drip and see how she does, as she may withdraw from the beta-blocker. I will be watching this closely and managing the hypertension as I see fit at the moment, based on all factors. Will also ask cardiology if she has one that sees her here, to help guide this. Her Digoxin level is appropriate, as well as a TSH. I do not feel that we need to work this up further, other than the STAT echo and ultrasound of the leg.,3. Respiratory failure requiring ventilator: I have discussed this with Dr. Devlin, we do not feel the need to hyperventilate her at present. We will keep her comfortable on the breathing machine and try to keep her pH in a normal range, around 7.4, and her CO2 in the 30 to 40 range. If she has brain swelling, we will need to hyperventilate her to a pCO2 of 30 and a pH of 7.5, to optimize the cardiac arrhythmia potential of alkalosis weighed with the control of brain swelling.,4. Optimize electrolytes as you can.,5. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for now, with thigh-high TED hose, possibly SCDs, although I do not have experience with the vampire/venom to know if we need to worry about DIC which the SCDs may worsen. Will follow daily CBCs for that.,6. Nutrition: Will go ahead and start a low dose of tube feeds and hope that she does survive.,I will defer all updates to the family for the next 24 to 48 hours to Dr. Devlin's expertise, given her unknown and fluctuating neurologic prognosis.,Thank you so much for allowing us to participate in her care. We will be happy to do all medication treatment until the point that I feel that I would need any help from critical care. I believe that we will be able to manage her fully at this point, for simplicity sake.
General Medicine
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: ,Followup of seizures.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 47-year-old African-American female, well known to the neurology service, who has been referred to me for the first time evaluation of her left temporal lobe epilepsy that was diagnosed in August of 2002. At that time, she had one generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Apparently she had been having several events characterized by confusion and feeling unsteady lasting for approximately 60 seconds. She said these events were very paroxysmal in the sense they suddenly came on and would abruptly stop. She had two EEGs at that time, one on August 04, 2002 and second on November 01, 2002, both of which showed rare left anterior temporal sharp waves during drowsiness and sleep. She also had an MRI done on September 05, 2002, with and without contrast that was negative. Her diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. X at Johns Hopkins Hospital who reviewed her studies as well as examined the patient and felt that actually her history and findings were consistent with diagnosis of left temporal lobe epilepsy. She was initially started on Trileptal, but had some problems with the medication subsequently Keppra, which she said made her feel bad and subsequently changed in 2003 to lamotrigine, which she has been taking since then. She reports no seizures in the past several years. She currently is without complaint.,In terms of seizure risk factors she denies head trauma, history of CNS infection, history of CVA, childhood seizures, febrile seizures. There is no family history of seizures.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant only for hypertension and left temporal lobe epilepsy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Remarkable only for hypertension in her father. Her mother died in a motor vehicle accident.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She works running a day care at home. She has three children. She is married. She does not smoke, use alcohol or illicit drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Please see note in chart. Only endorses weight gain and the history of seizures, as well as some minor headaches treated with over-the-counter medications.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Lamotrigine 150 mg p.o. b.i.d., verapamil, and hydrochlorothiazide.,ALLERGIES: , Flagyl and aspirin.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure is 138/88, heart rate is 76, respiratory rate is 18, and weight is 224 pounds, pain scale is none.,General Examination: Please see note in chart, which is essentially unremarkable except mild obesity.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: , Again, please see note in chart. Mental status is normal, cranial nerves are intact, motor is normal bulk and tone throughout with no weakness appreciated in upper and lower extremities bilaterally. There is no drift and there are no abnormalities to orbit. Sensory examination, light touch, and temperature intact at all distal extremities. Cerebellar examination, she has normal finger-to-nose, rapid alternating movements, heel-to-shin, and foot tap.,She rises easily from the chair. She has normal step, stride, arm swing, toe, heel, and tandem. Deep tendon reflexes are 2 and equal at biceps, brachioradialis, patella, and 1 at the ankles.,She was seen in the emergency room for chest pain one month ago. CT of the head was performed, which I reviewed, dated September 07, 2006. The findings were within the range of normal variation. There is no evidence of bleeding, mass, lesions, or any evidence of atrophy.,IMPRESSION: , This is a pleasant 47-year-old African-American female with what appears to be cryptogenic left temporal lobe epilepsy that is very well controlled on her current dose of lamotrigine.,PLAN:,1. Continue lamotrigine 150 mg p.o. b.i.d.,2. I discussed with the patient the option of a trial of medications. We need to repeat her EEG as well as her MRI prior to weaning her medications. The patient wants to continue her lamotrigine at this time. I concur.,3. The patient will be following up with me in six months.,
Consult - History and Phy.
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy with removal of food impaction.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , A 92-year-old lady with history of dysphagia on and off for two years. She comes in this morning with complaints of inability to swallow anything including her saliva. This started almost a day earlier. She was eating lunch and had beef stew and suddenly noticed inability to finish her meal and since then has not been able to eat anything. She is on Coumadin and her INR is 2.5.,OPERATIVE NOTE: , Informed consent was obtained from patient. The risks of aspiration, bleeding, perforation, infection, and serious risk including need for surgery and ICU stay particularly in view of food impaction for almost a day was discussed. Daughter was also informed about the procedure and risks. Conscious sedation initially was administered with Versed 2 mg and fentanyl 50 mcg. The scope was advanced into the esophagus and showed liquid and solid particles from mid esophagus all the way to the distal esophagus. There was a meat bolus in the distal esophagus. This was visualized after clearing the liquid material and small particles of what appeared to be carrots. The patient, however, was not tolerating the conscious sedation. Hence, Dr. X was consulted and we continued the procedure with propofol sedation.,The scope was reintroduced into the esophagus after propofol sedation. Initially a Roth net was used and some small amounts of soft food in the distal esophagus was removed with the Roth net. Then, a snare was used to cut the meat bolus into pieces, as it was very soft. Small pieces were grabbed with the snare and pulled out. Thereafter, the residual soft meat bolus was passed into the stomach along with the scope, which was passed between the bolus and the esophageal wall carefully. The patient had severe bruising and submucosal hemorrhage in the esophagus possibly due to longstanding bolus impaction and Coumadin therapy. No active bleeding was seen. There was a distal esophageal stricture, which caused slight resistance to the passage of the scope into the stomach. As this area was extremely inflamed, a dilatation was not attempted.,IMPRESSION: , Distal esophageal stricture with food impaction. Treated as described above.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, IV Protonix 40 mg q.12h. Clear liquid diet for 24 hours. If the patient is stable, thereafter she may take soft pureed diet only until next endoscopy, which will be scheduled in three to four weeks. She should take Prevacid SoluTab 30 mg b.i.d. on discharge.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right buccal space infection and abscess tooth #T.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right buccal space infection and abscess tooth #T.,PROCEDURE:, Extraction of tooth #T and incision and drainage (I&D) of right buccal space infection.,ANESTHESIA:, General, oral endotracheal tube.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,SPECIMENS:, Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were sent.,IV FLUID: , 150 mL.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 10 mL.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in a supine position, and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia via the oral endotracheal route, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. Gauze throat pack was placed and the right buccal vestibule was palpated and area of the abscess was located. The abscess cavity was aspirated using a 5 mL syringe with an 18-gauge needle. Approximately 1 mL of purulent material was aspirated that was placed on aerobic and anaerobic cultures. Culture swabs and the tooth sent to the laboratory for culture and sensitivity testing.,The area in the buccal vestibule was then opened with approximately 1-cm incision. Blunt dissection was then used to open up the abscess cavity and explore the abscess cavity. A small amount of additional purulence was drained from it, approximately 1 mL and at this point, tooth #T was extracted by forceps extraction. Periosteal elevator was used to explore the area near the extraction site. This was continuous with abscess cavity, so the abscess cavity was allowed to drain into the extraction site. No drain was placed. Upon completion of the procedure, the throat pack was removed. The pharynx was suctioned. The stomach was also suctioned and the patient was then awakened, extubated, and taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion left foot.,2. Hammertoe, left second toe.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bunion left foot.,2. Hammertoe, left second toe.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy, SCARF type, with metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, left.,2. Arthroplasty left second toe.,HISTORY: ,This 39-year-old female presents to ABCD General Hospital with the above chief complaint. The patient states that she has had bunion for many months. It has been progressively getting more painful at this time. The patient attempted conservative treatment including wider shoe gear without long-term relief of symptoms and desires surgical treatment.,PROCEDURE: , An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preop holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position with a safety belt across her lap. Copious amount of Webril were placed around the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation was achieved by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a Mayo and digital block to the left foot. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was inflated to 250 mmHg and the foot was lowered to the operating table. The stockinette was reflected. The foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge. Attention was then directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot. An incision was created over this area approximately 6 cm in length. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade. All vessels encountered were ligated for hemostasis. The skin and subcutaneous tissue was then dissected from the capsule. Care was taken to preserve the neurovascular bundle. Dorsal linear capsular incision was then created. The capsule was then reflected from the head of the first metatarsal. Attention was then directed to the first interspace where a lateral release was performed. A combination of sharp and blunt dissection was performed until the abductor tendons were identified and transected. A lateral capsulotomy was performed. Attention was then directed back to the medial eminence where sagittal saw was used to resect the prominent medial eminence. The incision was then extended proximally with further dissection down to the level of the bone. Two 0.45 K-wires were then inserted as access guides for the SCARF osteotomy. A standard SCARF osteotomy was then performed. The head of the first metatarsal was then translocated laterally in order to reduce the first interspace in the metatarsal angle. After adequate reduction of the bunion deformity was noted, the bone was temporarily fixated with a 0.45 K-wire. A 3.0 x 12 mm screw was then inserted in the standard AO fashion with compression noted. A second 3.0 x 14 mm screw was also inserted with tight compression noted. The remaining prominent medial eminence medially was then resected with a sagittal saw. Reciprocating rasps were then used to smooth any sharp bony edges. The temporary fixation wires were then removed. The screws were again checked for tightness, which was noted. Attention was directed to the medial capsule where a medial capsulorrhaphy was performed. A straight stat was used to assist in removing a portion of the capsule. The capsule was then reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl medially. Dorsal capsule was then reapproximated with #3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. The subcutaneous closure was performed with #4-0 Vicryl followed by running subcuticular stitch with #5-0 Vicryl. The skin was then closed with #4-0 nylon in a horizontal mattress type fashion.,Attention was then directed to the left second toe. A dorsal linear incision was then created over the proximal phalangeal joint of the left second toe. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade and the skin and subcutaneous tissue was dissected off the capsule to be aligned laterally. An incision was made on either side of the extensor digitorum longus tendon. A curved mosquito stat was then used to reflex the tendon laterally. The joint was identified and the medial collateral ligamentous attachments were resected off the head of the proximal phalanx. A sagittal saw was then used to resect the head of the proximal head. The bone was then rolled and the lateral collateral attachments were transected and the bone was removed in toto. The extensor digitorum longus tendon was inspected and noted to be intact. Any sharp edges were then smoothed with reciprocating rasp. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin was then reapproximated with #4-0 nylon. Dressings consisted of Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. Pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and an immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the left foot. The patient is to follow up with Dr. X in his clinic as directed.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Decreased ability to perform daily living activity secondary to recent right hip surgery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 51-year-old white female who is status post right total hip replacement performed on 08/27/2007 at ABCD Hospital by Dr. A. The patient had an unremarkable postoperative course, except low-grade fever of 99 to 100 postoperatively. She was admitted to the Transitional Care Unit on 08/30/2007 at XYZ Services. Prior to her discharge from ABCD Hospital, she had received DVT prophylaxis utilizing Coumadin and Lovenox and the INR goal is 2.0 to 3.0. She presents reporting that her last bowel movement was on 08/26/2007 prior to surgery. Otherwise, she reports some intermittent right calf discomfort and some postoperative right hip pain.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Anxiety, depression, osteoarthritis, migraine headaches associated with menstrual cycle, history of sciatic pain in the distant past, history of herniated disc, and status post appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: ,Medications taken at home are Paxil, MOBIC, and Klonopin.,MEDICATIONS ON TRANSFER: , Celebrex, Coumadin, Colace, Fiorinal, oxycodone, Klonopin, and Paxil.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married. She lives with her husband and is employed as a school nurse for the School Department. She had quit smoking cigarettes some 25 years ago and is a nondrinker.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, As mentioned above. She has a history of migraine headaches associated with her menstrual cycle. She wears glasses and has a history of floaters. She reports a low-grade temperature of 99 to 100 postoperatively, mild intermittent cough, scratchy throat, (the symptoms may be secondary to intubation during surgery), intermittent right calf pain, which was described as sharp, but momentary with a negative Homans sign. The patient denies any cardiopulmonary symptoms such as chest pain, palpitation, pain in the upper neck and down to her arm, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or hemoptysis. She denies any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, but reports as being constipated with the last bowel movement being on 08/26/2007 prior to surgery. She denies urinary symptoms such as dysuria, urinary frequency, incomplete bladder emptying or voiding difficulties. First day of her last menstrual cycle was 08/23/207 and she reports that she is most likely not pregnant since her husband had a vasectomy years ago.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: At the time of admission, temperature 97.7, blood pressure 108/52, heart rate 94, respirations 18, and 95% O2 saturation on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress at the time of exam.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae are nonicteric. EOMI. Dentition is in good repair.,NECK: Trachea is at the midline.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are heard throughout. Soft and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: Right hip incision is clean, intact, and no drainage is noted. There is diffuse edema, which extends distally. There is no calf tenderness per se bilaterally and Homans sign is negative. There is no pedal edema.,MENTAL STATUS: Alert and oriented x3, pleasant and cooperative during the exam.,LABORATORY DATA: , Initial workup included chemistry panel, which was unremarkable with the exception of a fasting glucose of 122 and an anion gap that was slightly decreased at 6. The BUN was normal at 8, creatinine was 0.9, INR was 1.49. CBC, had a white count of 5.7, hemoglobin was 9.2, hematocrit was 26.6, and platelets were 318,000.,IMPRESSION:,1. Status post right total hip replacement. The patient is admitted to the TCU at XYZ's Health Services and will be seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.,2. Postoperative anemia, Feosol 325 mg one q.d.,3. Pain management. Oxycodone SR 20 mg b.i.d., and oxycodone IR 5 mg one to two tablets q.4h., p.r.n. pain. Additionally, she will utilize ice to help decrease edema.,4. Depression and anxiety, Paxil 40 mg daily, Klonopin 1 mg q.h.s.,5. Osteoarthritis, Celebrex 200 mg b.i.d.,6. GI prophylaxis, Protonix 40 mg b.i.d. Dulcolax suppository and lactulose will be used as a p.r.n. basis and Colace 100 mg b.i.d.,7. DVT prophylaxis will be maintained with Arixtra 2.5 mg subcutaneously daily until the INR is greater than 1.7 and Coumadin will be adjusted according to the INR. She will continue on 5 mg every day.,8. Right leg muscle spasm/calf pain is stable at this time and we will reevaluate on a regular basis. Monitor for any possibility of DVT.
Pap smear in November 2006 showed atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. She has a history of an abnormal Pap smear. At that time, she was diagnosed with CIN 3 as well as vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia. She underwent a cone biopsy that per her report was negative for any pathology. She had no vulvar treatment at that time. Since that time, she has had normal Pap smears. She denies abnormal vaginal bleeding, discharge, or pain. She uses Yaz for birth control. She reports one sexual partner since 1994 and she is a nonsmoker.,She states that she has a tendency to have yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. She is also being evaluated for a possible interstitial cystitis because she gets frequent urinary tract infections. She had a normal mammogram done in August 2006 and a history of perirectal condyloma that have been treated by Dr. B. She also has a history of chlamydia when she was in college.,PAST MEDICAL HX: , Depression.,PAST SURGICAL HX: , None.,MEDICATIONS: , Lexapro 10 mg a day and Yaz.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,OB HX: , Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at term in 2001 and 2004, Abc weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and Xyz weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces.,FAMILY HX: ,Maternal grandfather who had a MI which she reports is secondary to tobacco and alcohol use. He currently has metastatic melanoma, mother with hypertension and depression, father with alcoholism.,SOCIAL HX:, She is a public relations consultant. She is a nonsmoker, drinks infrequent alcohol and does not use drugs. She enjoys horseback riding and teaches jumping.,PE: , VITALS: Height: 5 feet 6 inches. Weight: 139 lb. BMI: 22.4. Blood Pressure: 102/58. GENERAL: She is well-developed and well-nourished with normal habitus and no deformities. She is alert and oriented to time, place, and person and her mood and affect is normal. NECK: Without thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. BREASTS: Deferred. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. There is no organomegaly or lymphadenopathy. PELVIC: Normal external female genitalia. Vulva, vagina, and urethra, within normal limits. Cervix is status post cone biopsy; however, the transformation zone grossly appears normal and cervical discharge is clear and normal in appearance. GC and chlamydia cultures as well as a repeat Pap smear were done.,Colposcopy is then performed without and with acetic acid. This shows an entirely normal transformation zone, so no biopsies are taken. An endocervical curettage is then performed with Cytobrush and curette and sent to pathology. Colposcopy of the vulva is then performed again with acetic acid. There is a thin strip of acetowhite epithelium located transversely on the clitoral hood that is less than a centimeter in diameter. There are absolutely no abnormal vessels within this area. The vulvar colposcopy is completely within normal limits.,A/P: , ASCUS Pap smear with history of a cone biopsy in 1993 and normal followup.,We will check the results of the Pap smear, in addition we have ordered DNA testing for high-risk HPV. We will check the results of the ECC. She will return in two weeks for test results. If these are normal, she will need two normal Pap smears six months apart, and I think followup colposcopy for the vulvar changes.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenoid hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenoid hypertrophy.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and prepped and draped in the usual fashion after induction of general endotracheal anesthesia. The McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity and the tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll placed on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction. The nasopharynx was inspected with the laryngeal mirror. Serial passages of the curettes were utilized to remove the nasopharyngeal tissue, following which the nasopharynx was packed with 2 cherry gauze sponges coated in a solution of 0.25% Neo-Synephrine and tannic acid powder.,Attention was then redirected to the oropharynx. The McIvor was reopened, packs removed, and the bleeding was controlled with the suction Bovie unit. The catheters were removed, and the nasal passages and oropharynx were suctioned free of debris. The McIvor was then removed, and the procedure was terminated.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hematochezia.,2. Refractory dyspepsia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Colonic polyps at 35 cm and 15 cm.,2. Diverticulosis coli.,2. Acute and chronic gastritis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Colonoscopy to cecum with snare polypectomy.,2. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsies.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURES: ,This is a 43-year-old white male who presents as an outpatient to the General Surgery Service with hematochezia with no explainable source at the anal verge. He also had refractory dyspepsia despite b.i.d., Nexium therapy. The patient does use alcohol and tobacco. The patient gave informed consent for the procedure.,GROSS FINDINGS: , At the time of colonoscopy, the entire length of colon was visualized. The patient was found to have a sigmoid diverticulosis. He also was found to have some colonic polyps at 35 cm and 15 cm. The polyps were large enough to be treated with snare cautery technique. The polyps were achieved and submitted to pathology. EGD did confirm acute and chronic gastritis. The biopsies were performed for H&E and CLO testing. The patient had no evidence of distal esophagitis or ulcers. No mass lesions were seen.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the Endoscopy Suite with the heart and lungs examination unremarkable. The vital signs were monitored and found to be stable throughout the procedure. The patient was placed in the left lateral position where intravenous Demerol and Versed were given in a titrated fashion.,The video Olympus colonoscope was advanced per anus and without difficulty to the level of cecum. Photographic documentation of the diverticulosis and polyps were obtained. The patient's polyps were removed in a similar fashion, each removed with snare cautery. The polyps were encircled at their stalk. Increasing the tension and cautery was applied as coagulation and cutting blunt mode, 15/15 was utilized. Good blanching was seen. The polyp was retrieved with the suction port of the scope. The patient was re-scoped to the polyp levels to confirm that there was no evidence of perforation or bleeding at the polypectomy site. Diverticulosis coli was also noted. With colonoscopy completed, the patient was then turned for EGD. The oropharynx was previously anesthetized with Cetacaine spray and a biteblock was placed. Video Olympus GIF gastroscope model was inserted per os and advanced without difficulty through the hypopharynx. The esophagus revealed a GE junction at 39 cm. The GE junction was grossly within normal limits. The stomach was entered and distended with air. Acute and chronic gastritis features as stated were appreciated. The pylorus was traversed with normal duodenum. The stomach was again reentered. Retroflex maneuver of the scope confirmed that there was no evidence of hiatal hernia. There were no ulcers or mass lesions seen. The patient had biopsy performed of the antrum for H&E and CLO testing. There was no evidence of untoward bleeding at biopsy sites. Insufflated air was removed with withdrawal of the scope. The patient will be placed on a reflux diet, given instruction and information on Nexium usage. Additional recommendations will follow pending biopsy results. He is to also abstain from alcohol and tobacco. He will require follow-up colonoscopy again in three years for polyp disease.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Chronic low back, left buttock and leg pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a pleasant 49-year-old gentleman post lumbar disc replacement from January 2005. Unfortunately, the surgery and interventional procedures have not been helpful in alleviating his pain. He has also tried acupuncture, TENS unit, physical therapy, chiropractic treatment and multiple neuropathic medications including Elavil, Topamax, Cymbalta, Neurontin, and Lexapro, which he discontinued either due to side effects or lack of effectiveness in decreasing his pain. Most recently, he has had piriformis injections, which did give him a brief period of relief; however, he reports that the Botox procedure that was done on March 8, 2006 has not given him any relief from his buttock pain. He states that approximately 75% of his pain is in his buttock and leg and 25% in his back. He has tried to increase in his activity with walking and does note increased spasm with greater activity in the low back. He rated his pain today as 6/10, describing it is shooting, sharp and aching. It is increased with lifting, prolonged standing or walking and squatting, decreased with ice, reclining and pain medication. It is constant but variable in degree. It continues to affect activities and sleep at night as well as mood at times. He is currently not satisfied completely with his level of pain relief.,MEDICATIONS: , Kadian 30 mg b.i.d., Zanaflex one-half to one tablet p.r.n. spasm, and Advil p.r.n.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Complete multisystem review was noted and signed in the chart.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Unchanged from prior visit.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure 123/87, pulse 89, respirations 18, and weight 220 lbs. He is a well-developed obese male in no acute distress. He is alert and oriented x3, and displays normal mood and affect with no evidence of acute anxiety or depression. He ambulates with normal gait and has normal station. He is able to heel and toe walk. He denies any sensory changes.,ASSESSMENT & PLAN: , This is a pleasant 49-year-old with chronic pain plus lumbar disk replacement with radiculitis and myofascial complaints. We discussed treatment options at length and he is willing to undergo a trial of Lyrica.,He is sensitive to medications based on his past efforts and is given a prescription for 150 mg that he will start at bedtime. We discussed the up taper schedule and he understands that he will have to be on this for some time before we can decide whether or not it is helpful to him. We also briefly touched on the possibility of a spinal cord stimulator trial if this medication is not helpful to him. He will call me if there are any issues with the new prescription and follow in four weeks for reevaluation.
Consult - History and Phy.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Mesothelioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 73-year-old pleasant Caucasian male who is known to me from his previous hospitalization. He has also been seen by me in the clinic in the last few weeks. He was admitted on January 18, 2008, with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. On the same day, he underwent VATS and thoracoscopic drainage of the pleural effusion with right pleural nodule biopsy, lysis of adhesions, and directed talc insufflation by Dr. X. He was found to have 2.5L of bloody pleural effusions, some loculated pleural effusion, adhesions, and carcinomatosis in the parenchyma. His hospital course here has been significant for dyspnea, requiring ICU stay. He also had a chest tube, which was taken out few days ago. He has also had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, for which he has been on amiodarone by cardiologist. The biopsy from the pleural nodule done on the right on January 18, 2008, shows malignant epithelioid neoplasm consistent with mesothelioma. Immunohistochemical staining showed tumor cells positive for calretinin and focally positive for D2-40, MOC-31. Tumor cells are negative for CDX-2, and monoclonal CEA.,The patient at this time reports that overall he has been feeling better with decrease in shortness of breath and cough over the last few days. He does have edema in his lower extremities. He is currently on 4L of oxygen. He denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, recent change in bowel habit, melena, or hematochezia. No neurological or musculoskeletal signs or symptoms. He reports that he is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but gets short of breath on exertion. He denies any other complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction as per the previous echocardiogram done in December 2007, history of pneumonia in December 2007, admitted to XYZ Hospital. History of recurrent pleural effusions, status post pleurodesis and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer as per the biopsy that was done in XYZ Hospital.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,In the hospital are amiodarone, diltiazem, enoxaparin, furosemide, methylprednisolone, pantoprazole, Zosyn, p.r.n. acetaminophen, and hydrocodone.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married and lives with his spouse. He has history of tobacco smoking and also reports history of alcohol abuse. No history of illicit drug abuse.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for history of ?cancer? in the mother and history of coronary artery disease in the father.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As stated above. He denies any obvious asbestos exposure, as far as he can remember.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: He is awake, alert, in no acute distress. He is currently on 4L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/65 mmHg, respiration is 20 per minute, pulse is 72 per minute, and temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit.,HEENT: No icterus or sinus tenderness. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation except few diffuse wheezing present bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral pedal edema is present in both the extremities. No signs of DVT.,NEUROLOGICAL: Grossly nonfocal.,INVESTIGATION:, Labs done on January 28, 2008, showed BUN of 23 and creatinine of 0.9. Liver enzymes checked on January 17, 2008, were unremarkable. CBC done on January 26, 2008, showed WBC of 19.8, hemoglobin of 10.7, hematocrit of 30.8, and platelet count of 515,000. Chest x-ray from yesterday shows right-sided Port-A-Cath, diffuse right lung parenchymal and pleural infiltration without change, mild pulmonary vascular congestion.,ASSESSMENT,1. Mesothelioma versus primary lung carcinoma, two separate reports as for the two separate biopsies done several weeks apart.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,4. Malignant pleural effusion, status post surgery as stated above.,5. Anemia of chronic disease.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. Compare the slides from the previous biopsy done in December at XYZ Hospital with recurrent pleural nodule biopsy slides. I have discussed regarding this with Dr. Y in Pathology here at Methodist XYZ Hospital. I will try to obtain the slides for comparison from XYZ Hospital for comparison and immunohistochemical staining.,2. I will also discuss with Dr. X and also with intervention radiologist at XYZ Hospital regarding the exact sites of the two biopsies.,3. Once the results of the above are available, I will make further recommendations regarding treatment. The patient has significantly decreased performance status with dyspnea on exertion and is being planned for transfer to Triumph Hospital for rehab, which I agree with.,4. Continue present care.,Discussed regarding the above in great details with the patient and his wife and daughter and answered the questions to their satisfaction. They clearly understand the above. They also understand his very poor performance status at this time, and the risks and benefits of delaying chemotherapy due to this.
Consult - History and Phy.
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After appropriate operative consent was obtained, the patient was brought supine to the operating room and placed on the operating room table. After intravenous sedation was administered a retrobulbar block consisting of 2% Xylocaine with 0.75% Marcaine and Wydase was administered to the right eye without difficulty. The patient's right eye was prepped and draped in a sterile ophthalmic fashion and the procedure begun. A wire lid speculum was inserted into the right eye and a 360-degree conjunctival peritomy was performed at the limbus. The 4 rectus muscles were looped and isolated using 2-0 silk suture. The retinal periphery was then inspected via indirect ophthalmoscopy.,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Arm and leg jerking.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 10-day-old Caucasian female here for approximately 1 minute bilateral arm and leg jerks, which started at day of life 1 and have occurred 6 total times since then. Mom denies any apnea, perioral cyanosis, or color changes. These movements are without any back arching. They mainly occur during sleep, so mom is unaware of any eye rolling. Mom is able to wake the patient up during this periods and stop the patient's extremity movements.,Otherwise, this patient has been active, breast-feeding well, although she falls asleep at the breast. She is currently taking in 15 to 20 minutes of breast milk every 2 to 3 hours. She is having increased diapers up to 8 wet and 6 to 7 dirty-yellow stools per day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative fever, negative fussiness, tracks with her eyes, some sneezing and hiccups. This patient has developed some upper airway congestion in the past day. She has not had any vomiting or diarrhea. Per mom, she does not spit up, and mom is also unable to notice any relationship between these movements and feeds. This patient has not had any rashes. Mom was notified by the nurses at birth that her temperature may be low of approximately 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, the above history of present illness and other review of systems negative.,BIRTH/PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , The patient was an 8 pound 11 ounce baby, ex-41-weeker born via vaginal delivery without vacuum assist or forceps. There were no complications during pregnancy such as diabetes or hypertension. Prenatal care started at approximately 3 weeks, and mom maintained all visits. She also denies any smoking, alcohol, or drug use during the pregnancy. Mom was GBS status positive, but denies any other infections such as urinary tract infections. She did not have any fever during labor and received inadequate intrapartum antibiotics prophylaxis. After delivery, this patient did not receive antibiotics secondary to "borderline labs." She was jaundiced after birth and received photo treatments. Her discharge bilirubin level was approximately 11. Mom and child stayed in the hospital for approximately 3-1/2 days.,Mom denies any history of sexually transmitted disease in her or dad. She specifically denies any blistering, herpetic genital lesions. She does have a history though of human papillomavirus warts (vaginal), removed 20 years ago.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Negative.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , At home live mom, dad, and 18-, 16-, 14-, 12-year-old brothers, and a 3-year-old sister. All the residents at home are sick currently with cold, cough, runny nose, except for mom. At home also live 2 dogs and 2 outside cats. Mom denies any recent travel history, especially during the recent holidays and no smoke exposures.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Dad is with a stepdaughter with seizures starting at 14 years old, on medications currently. The patient's 16-year-old brother has incessant nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. The maternal grandmother is notable for hypertension and diabetes. There are no other children in the family who see a specialist or no child death less than 1 year of age.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:
Pediatrics - Neonatal
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carotid stenosis.,2. Prior cerebrovascular accident.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carotid stenosis.,2. Prior cerebrovascular accident.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right carotid endarterectomy with patch angioplasty.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,250 cc.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The common and internal carotid arteries were opened. A high-grade narrowing was present at the proximal internal carotid and this tapered well to a slightly small diameter internal carotid. This was repaired with a Dacron patch and the patient tolerated this well under regional anesthetic without need for shunting.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in supine position, prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner with Betadine solution. Longitudinal incisions were made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, carried down through subcutaneous fat and fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. The platysmal muscle was divided. The carotid sheath was identified and opened. The vagus nerve, ansa cervicalis, and hypoglossal nerves were identified and avoided. The common internal and external carotids were then freed from the surrounding tissue. At this point, 10,000 units of aqueous heparin were administered and allowed to take effect. The external and common carotids were then clamped. The patient's neurological status was evaluated and found to be unchanged from preoperative levels.,Once sufficient time had lapsed, we proceeded with the procedure. The carotid bulb was opened with a #11 blade and extended with Potts scissors through the very tight lesion into normal internal carotid. The plaque was then sharply excised proximally and an eversion endarterectomy was performed successfully at the external. The plaque tapered nicely on the internal and no tacking sutures were necessary. Heparinized saline was injected and no evidence of flapping or other debris was noted. The remaining carotid was examined under magnification, which showed no debris of flaps present. At this point, a Dacron patch was brought on to the field, cut to appropriate length and size, and anastomosed to the artery using #6-0 Prolene in a running fashion. Prior to the time of last stitch, the internal carotid was back-bled through this. The last stitch was tied. Hemostasis was excellent. The internal was again gently occluded while flow was restored to the common and external carotids for several moments and then flow was restored to the entire system. At this point, a total of 50 mg of Protamine was administered and allowed to take effect. Hemostasis was excellent. The wound was irrigated with antibiotic solution and closed in layers using #3-0 Vicryl and #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The patient was then taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition after tolerating the procedure well. Sponge, needles, and instrument count were correct. Estimated blood loss was 250 cc.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
EXAM: , CT abdomen without contrast and pelvis without contrast, reconstruction.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Right lower quadrant pain, rule out appendicitis.,TECHNIQUE: ,Noncontrast CT abdomen and pelvis. An intravenous line could not be obtained for the use of intravenous contrast material.,FINDINGS: , The appendix is normal. There is a moderate amount of stool throughout the colon. There is no evidence of a small bowel obstruction or evidence of pericolonic inflammatory process. Examination of the extreme lung bases appear clear, no pleural effusions. The visualized portions of the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas appear normal given the lack of contrast. There is a small hiatal hernia. There is no intrarenal stone or evidence of obstruction bilaterally. There is a questionable vague region of low density in the left anterior mid pole region, this may indicate a tiny cyst, but it is not well seen given the lack of contrast. This can be correlated with a followup ultrasound if necessary. The gallbladder has been resected. There is no abdominal free fluid or pathologic adenopathy. There is abdominal atherosclerosis without evidence of an aneurysm.,Dedicated scans of the pelvis disclosed phleboliths, but no free fluid or adenopathy. There are surgical clips present. There is a tiny airdrop within the bladder. If this patient has not had a recent catheterization, correlate for signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection.,IMPRESSION:,1.Normal appendix.,2.Moderate stool throughout the colon.,3.No intrarenal stones.,4.Tiny airdrop within the bladder. If this patient has not had a recent catheterization, correlate for signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection. The report was faxed upon dictation.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history who has now been diagnosed with a new non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. We are consulted at this time to discuss further treatment options.,ABCD and his wife state that his history goes back to approximately 2-2-1/2 weeks ago when he developed some left-sided flank pain. Initially, he did not think much of this and tried to go about doing work and everything else but the pain gradually worsened. Eventually this prompted him to present to the emergency room. A CT scan was done there, and he was found to have a large left adrenal mass worrisome for metastatic disease. At that point, he was transferred to XYZ Hospital for further evaluation. On admission on 12/19/08, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was done for full staging purposes. The CT scan of the chest showed an abnormal soft tissue mass in the right paratracheal region, extending into the precarinal region, the subcarinal region, and the right hilum. This was causing some compression on the inferior aspect of the SVC and also some narrowing of the right upper lobe pulmonary artery. There was an abnormal lymph node noted in the AP window and left hilar region. There was another spiculated mass within the right upper lobe measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm. There was also an 8 mm non-calcified nodule noted in the posterior-inferior aspect of the left upper lobe suspicious for metastatic disease. There were areas of atelectasis particularly in the right base. There was also some mild ground glass opacity within the right upper lobe adjacent to the right hilum potentially representing focal area of pulmonary edema versus small infarction related to the right upper lobe pulmonary artery narrowing. There was a small lucency adjacent to the medial aspect of the left upper lobe compatible with a small pneumothorax. In the abdomen, there was a mass involved in the left adrenal gland as well as a nodule involving the right adrenal gland both of which appeared necrotic compatible with metastatic tumor. All other structures appeared normal. On 12/22/08, a CT-guided biopsy of the left adrenal mass was performed. Pathology from this returned showing metastatic poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma. At this point, we have been consulted to discuss further treatment options.,On further review, ABCD states that he has may be had a 20 pound weight loss over the last couple of months which he relates to anorexia or decreased appetite. He has not ever had a chronic smoker's cough and still does not have a cough. He has no sputum production or hemoptysis. He and his wife are very anxious about this diagnosis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He denies any history of heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, hepatitis major infection, seizure disorders or other problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , He denies having any surgeries.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, At home he takes no medication except occasional aspirin or ibuprofen, recently for his flank pain. He does take a multivitamin on occasion.,SOCIAL HISTORY: He has about a 30-pack-a-year history of smoking. He used to drink alcohol heavily and has a history of getting a DUI about a year-and-half ago resulting in him having his truck-driving license revoked. Since that time he has worked with printing press. He is married and has two children, both of whom are grown in their 20s, but are now living at home.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother died for alcohol-related complications. He otherwise denies any history of cancers, bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, or other problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL: He has lost about 20 pounds of weight as described above. He also has a trouble with fatigue. No lightheadedness or dizziness. HEENT: He denies any new or changing headache, change in vision, double vision, or loss of vision, ringing in his ears, loss of hearing in one year. He does not take care of his teeth very well but currently he has no mouth, jaw, or teeth pain. RESPIRATORY: He has had some little bit of dyspnea on exertion but otherwise denies shortness of breath at rest. No cough, congestion, wheezing, hemoptysis, and sputum production. CVS: He denies any chest pains, palpitations, PND, orthopnea, or swelling of his lower extremities. GI: He denies any odynophagia, dysphagia, heartburn on a regular basis, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, diarrhea, blood in his stool, or black tarry stools. He has been somewhat constipated recently. GU: He denies any burning with urination, kidney stones, blood in his urine, dysuria, difficulty getting his urine out or other problems. MUSCULOSKELETAL: He denies any new bony aches or pains including back pain, hip pain, and rib pain. No muscle aches, no joint swelling, and no history of gout. SKIN: No rashes, no bruising, petechia, non-healing wounds, or ulcerations. He has had no nail or hair changes. HEM: He denies any bloody nose, bleeding gums, easy bruising, easy bleeding, swollen lymphs or bumps. ENDOCRINE: He denies any tremor, shakiness, history of diabetes, thyroid problems, new or enlarging stretch marks, exophthalmos, insomnia, or tremors. NEURO: He denies any mental status changes, anxiety, confusion, depression, hallucinations, loss of feeling in her arm or leg, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, loss of balance, syncope, seizures, or loss of coordination.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: His T-max is 98.8. His pulse is 85, respirations 18, and blood pressure 126/80 saturating over 90% on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress, pleasant gentleman who appears stated age.,HEENT: NC/AT. Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctiva clear. Oropharynx is clear without erythema, exudate, or discharge.,NECK: Supple. Nontender. No elevated JVP. No carotid bruits. No thyromegaly. No thyroid nodules. Carotids are 2+ and symmetric.,BACK: Spine is straight. No spinal tenderness. No CVA tenderness. No presacral edema.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. Normal symmetric chest wall expansion with inspiration.,CVS: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. No hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound. No masses. Normoactive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. No joint swelling. Full range of motion.,SKIN: No rashes, wounds, ulcerations, bruises, or petechia.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. He has intact sensation to light touch throughout. He has 2+ deep tendon reflexes bilaterally in the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar and ankle reflexes. He is alert and oriented x3.,LABORATORY DATA: , His white blood cell count is 9.4, hemoglobin 13.0, hematocrit 38%, and platelets 365,000. The differential shows 73% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 7.6% monocytes, 1.9% eosinophils, and 0.7% basophils. Chemistry shows sodium 138, potassium 3.8, chloride 104, CO2 of 31, BUN 9, creatinine 1.0, glucose 104, calcium 12.3, alkaline phosphatase 104, AST 16, ALT 12, total protein 7.6, albumin 3.5, total bilirubin 0.5, ionized calcium 1.7. His INR is 1.0 with the PT of 11.4 and a PTT of 31.3.,IMAGINING DATA:, MRI of the brain on 12/23/08 - this shows some mild white matter disease, question of minimal pontine ischemic gliosis as well as a small incidental venous angioma in the left posterior frontal deep white matter. There is no evidence of cerebral metastasis, hemorrhage, or acute infarction.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history, who now presents with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable. His wife particularly had a very hard time with this prognosis. They preferred not to know the exact average as to how long someone lives with this disease. I did offer chemotherapy as a way to treat this disease. Chemotherapy has been associated both with palliation of symptoms as well as prolong survival. At this point, he has an excellent functional status and I think he would tolerate chemotherapy quite well.,In terms of chemotherapy, I talked briefly about the side affects including but not limited to GI upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mucositis, fatigue, loss of appetite, low blood counts including the possible need for transfusion as well as the risk of infections, which in some rare cases can be fatal. I would likely use carboplatin and gemcitabine. This would be both medications given on day 1 with a dose of gemcitabine on day 8. This cycle will be repeated after 1-week break so that the cycle lasts 21 days. The goal will be to complete 6 cycles of this as long as he is responding and tolerating the medication.,In terms of staging Mr. ABCD'S had all the appropriate staging. A PET-CT scan could be done, but at this point would not provide much mean full information beyond the CT scans that we have.,At this point, his biggest issue is pain and he is getting a pain consult to help control his pain. He will be ready to be discharged from the hospital once his pain is under better control. As this is the holiday weekend, I do not have a way of scheduling a followup appointment with them, but I did give he and his wife my card and instructed them to call on Monday. At that point, we will get him in and I will also begin working on making arrangements for his chemotherapy.,Thank you very much for this interesting consult.
Consult - History and Phy.
EXAM: , CT Abdomen and Pelvis with contrast ,REASON FOR EXAM:, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea for one day. Fever. Right upper quadrant pain for one day. ,COMPARISON: , None. ,TECHNIQUE:, CT of the abdomen and pelvis performed without and with approximately 54 ml Isovue 300 contrast enhancement. ,CT ABDOMEN: , Lung bases are clear. The liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and bilateral adrenal/kidneys are unremarkable. The aorta is normal in caliber. There is no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. ,CT PELVIS: , The appendix is visualized along its length and is diffusely unremarkable with no surrounding inflammatory change. Per CT, the colon and small bowel are unremarkable. The bladder is distended. No free fluid/air. Visualized osseous structures demonstrate no definite evidence for acute fracture, malalignment, or dislocation.,IMPRESSION:,1. Unremarkable exam; specifically no evidence for acute appendicitis. ,2. No acute nephro-/ureterolithiasis. ,3. No secondary evidence for acute cholecystitis.,Results were communicated to the ER at the time of dictation.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Rotated cuff tear, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Rotated cuff tear, right shoulder.,2. Glenoid labrum tear.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroscopy with arthroscopic glenoid labrum debridement.,2. Subacromial decompression.,3. Rotator cuff repair, right shoulder.,SPECIFICATIONS:, Intraoperative procedure was done at Inpatient Operative Suite, room #1 at ABCD Hospital. This was done under interscalene and subsequent general anesthetic in the modified beach chair position.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , The patient is a 48-year-old with male who has been suffering increasing right shoulder pain for a number of months prior to surgical intervention. He was completely refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. After discussing the alternative care as well as the advantages, disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations, he elected to undergo the above stated procedure on this date.,Intraarticularly, the joint was observed. There was noted to be a degenerative glenoid labrum tear. The biceps complex was otherwise intact. There were minimal degenerative changes at the glenohumeral joint. Rotator cuff tear was appreciated on the inner surface. Subacromially, the same was true. This was an elliptical to V-type tear. The patient has a grossly positive type III acromion.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was laid supine on the operating table after receiving interscalene and then general anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department. He was safely placed in modified beach chair position. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Portals were created outside to end, posterior to anterior, and ultimately laterally in the typical fashion. Upon complete diagnostic arthroscopy was carried out in the intraarticular aspect of the joint, a 4.2 meniscus shaver was placed anteriorly with the scope posteriorly. Debridement was carried out to the glenoid labrum. The biceps was probed and noted to be intact. Undersurface of the rotator cuff was debrided with the shaver along with debridement of the subchondral region of the greater tuberosity attachment.,After this, instrumentation was removed. The scope was placed subacromially and a lateral portal created. Gross bursectomy was carried out in a stepwise fashion to the top part of the cuff as well as in the gutters. An anterolateral portal was created. Sutures were placed via express silk as well as other sutures with a #2 fiber wire. With passing of the suture, they were tied with a slip-tight knot and then two half stitches. There was excellent reduction of the tear. Superolateral portal was then created. A #1 Mitek suture anchor was then placed in the posterior cuff to bring this over to bleeding bone. _______ suture was placed. The implant was put into place. The loop was grabbed and it was impacted in the previously drilled holes. There was excellent reduction of the tear.,Trial range of motion was carried out and seemed to be satisfactory.,Prior to this, a subacromial decompression was accomplished after release of CA ligament with the vapor Bovie. A 4.8 motorized barrel burr was utilized to sequentially take this down from the type III acromion to a flat type I acromion.,After all was done, copious irrigation was carried out throughout the joint. Gross bursectomy lightly was carried out to remove all bony elements. A pain buster catheter was placed through a separate portal and cut to length. 0.5% Marcaine was instilled after portals were closed with #4-0 nylon. Adaptic, 4 x 4s, ABDs, and Elastoplast tape placed for dressing. The patient was ultimately transferred to his cart and PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis of this patient is fair.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right hip osteoarthritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right hip osteoarthritis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Total hip replacement on the right side using the following components:,1. Zimmer trilogy acetabular system 10-degree elevated rim located at the 12 o'clock position.,2. Trabecular metal modular acetabular system 48 mm in diameter.,3. Femoral head 32 mm diameter +0 mm neck length.,4. Alloclassic SL offset stem uncemented for taper.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was brought into the operating room and was placed on the operative table in a lateral decubitus position with the right side up. After review of allergies, antibiotics were administered and time out was performed. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 15 cm to 25 cm in length, an incision was made over the greater trochanter. This was angled posteriorly. Access to the tensor fascia lata was performed. This was incised with the use of scissors. Gluteus maximus was separated. The bursa around the hip was identified, and the bleeders were coagulated with the use of Bovie. Hemostasis was achieved. The piriformis fossa was identified, and the piriformis fossa tendon was elevated with the use of a Cobb. It was detached from the piriformis fossa and tagged with 2-0 Vicryl. Access to the capsule was performed. The capsule was excised from the posterior and superior aspects. It was released also in the front with the use of a Mayo scissors. The hip was then dislocated. With the use of an oscillating saw, the femoral neck cut was performed. The acetabulum was then visualized and debrided from soft tissues and osteophytes. Reaming was initiated and completed for a 48 mm diameter cap without complications. The trial component was put in place and was found to be stable in an anatomic position. The actual component was then impacted in the acetabulum. A 10-degree lip polyethylene was also placed in the acetabular cap. Our attention was then focused to the femur. With the use of a cookie cutter, the femoral canal was accessed. The broaching process was initiated for No.4 trial component. Trialing of the hip with the hip flexed at 90 degrees and internally rotated to 30 degrees did not demonstrate any obvious instability or dislocation. In addition, in full extension and external rotation, there was no dislocation. The actual component was inserted in place and hemostasis was achieved again. The wound was irrigated with normal saline. The wound was then closed in layers. Before performing that the medium-sized Hemovac drain was placed in the wound. The tensor fascia lata was closed with 0 PDS and the wound was closed with 2-0 Monocryl. Staples were used for the skin. The patient recovered from anesthesia without complications.,EBL: , 50 mL.,IV FLUIDS: , 2 liters.,DRAINS: , One medium-sized Hemovac.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition. She will be weightbearing as tolerated to the right lower extremity with posterior hip precautions. We will start the DVT prophylaxis after the removal of the epidural catheter.
PROCEDURES:,1. Right and left heart catheterization.,2. Coronary angiography.,3. Left ventriculography.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Patient was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. Via modified Seldinger technique, the right femoral vein was punctured and a 6-French sheath was placed over a guide wire. Via modified Seldinger technique, right femoral artery was punctured and a 6-French sheath was placed over a guide wire. The diagnostic procedure was performed using the JL-4, JR-4, and a 6-French pigtail catheter along with a Swan-Ganz catheter. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were immediate complications were noted. Angio-Seal was used at the end of the procedure to obtain hemostasis.,CORONARY ARTERIES:,LEFT MAIN CORONARY ARTERY: The left main coronary artery is of moderate size vessel with bifurcation into the left descending coronary artery and circumflex coronary artery. No significant stenotic lesions were identified in the left main coronary artery.,LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING CORONARY ARTERY: The left descending artery is a moderate sized vessel, which gives rise to multiple diagonals and perforating branches. No significant stenotic lesions were identified in the left anterior descending coronary artery system.,CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY: The circumflex artery is a moderate sized vessel. The vessel is a stenotic lesion. After the right coronary artery, the RCA is a moderate size vessel with no focal stenotic lesions.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA: , Capital wedge pressure was 22. The aortic pressure was 52/24. Right ventricular pressure was 58/14. RA pressure was 14. The aortic pressure was 127/73. Left ventricular pressure was 127/15. Cardiac output of 9.2.,LEFT VENTRICULOGRAM: , The left ventriculogram was performed in the RAO projection only. In the RAO projection, the left ventriculogram revealed dilated left ventricle with mild global hypokinesis and estimated ejection fraction of 45 to 50%. Severe mitral regurgitation was also noted.,IMPRESSION:,1. Left ventricular dilatation with global hypokinesis and estimated ejection fraction of 45 to 50%.,2. Severe mitral regurgitation.,3. No significant coronary artery disease identified in the left main coronary artery, left anterior descending coronary artery, circumflex coronary artery or the right coronary artery.,
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is known to me secondary to atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response, partially due to medications, at least when I first saw him in the office on 01/11/06. He is now 77 years old. He is being seen on the Seventh Floor. The patient is in Room 7607. The patient has a history of recent adenocarcinoma of the duodenum that was found to be inoperable, since it engulfed the porta hepatis. The workup began with GI bleeding. He was seen in my office on 01/11/06 for preop evaluation due to leg edema. A nonocclusive DVT was diagnosed in the proximal left superficial femoral vein. Both legs were edematous, and bilateral venous insufficiency was also present. An echocardiogram demonstrated an ejection fraction of 50%. The patient was admitted to the hospital and treated with a Greenfield filter since anticoagulant was contraindicated. Additional information on the echocardiogram, where a grossly dilated left atrium, moderately severely dilated right atrium. The rhythm was, as stated before, atrial fibrillation with slow atrioventricular conduction and an intraventricular conduction delay on the monitor strip. There was mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, mild pulmonic insufficiency. The ejection fraction was considered low normal, since it was estimated 50 to 54%. The patient received blood while in the hospital due to anemia. The leg edema improved while lying down, suggesting that the significant element of venous insufficiency was indeed present. The patient, who was diabetic, received consultation by Dr. R. He was also a chronic hypertensive and was treated for that with ACE inhibitors. The atrial fibrillation was slow, and no digitalis or beta blockers were recommended at the same time. As a matter of fact, they were discontinued. Now, the patient denied any shortness of breath or chest pain throughout this hospitalization, and cardiac nuclear studies performed earlier demonstrated no reversible ischemia.,ALLERGIES:, THE PATIENT HAS NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,His diabetes was suspected to be complicated with neuropathy due to tingling in both feet. He received his immunizations with flu in 2005 but did not receive Pneumovax.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is married. He had 1 child who died at the age of 26 months of unknown etiology. He quit smoking 6 years ago but dips (smokeless) tobacco.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother had cancer, died at 70. Father died of unknown cause, and brother died of unknown cause.,FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY:, The patient is wheelchair bound at the time of his initial hospitalization. He is currently walking in the corridor with assistance. Nocturia twice to 3 times per night.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,OPHTHALMOLOGIC: Uses glasses.,ENT: Complains of occasional sinusitis.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Hypertension and atrial fibrillation.,RESPIRATORY: Normal.,GI: Colon bleeding. The patient believes he had ulcers.,GENITOURINARY: Normal.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Complains of arthritis and gout.,INTEGUMENTARY: Edema of ankles and joints.,NEUROLOGICAL: Tingling as per above. Denies any psychiatric problems.,ENDOCRINE: Diabetes, NIDDM.,HEMATOLOGIC AND LYMPHATIC: The patient does not use any aspirin or anticoagulants and is not of anemia.,LABORATORY:, Current EKG demonstrates atrial fibrillation with incomplete left bundle branch block pattern. Q waves are noticed in the inferior leads. Nonprogression of the R-wave from V1 to V4 with small R-waves in V5 and V6 are suggestive of an old anterior and inferior infarcts. Left ventilator hypertrophy and strain is suspected.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: On exam, the patient is alert, oriented and cooperative. He is mildly pale. He is an elderly gentleman who is currently without diaphoresis, pallor, jaundice, plethora, or icterus.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 159/69 with a respiratory rate of 20, pulse is 67 and irregularly irregular. Pulse oximetry is 100.,NECK: Without JVD, bruit, or thyromegaly. The neck is supple.,CHEST: Symmetric. There is no heave or retraction.,HEART: The heart sounds are irregular and no significant murmurs could be auscultated.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,ABDOMEN: Exam was deferred.,LEGS: Without edema. Pulses: Dorsalis pedis pulse was palpated bilaterally.,MEDICATIONS:, Current medications include enalapril, low dose enoxaparin, Fentanyl patches. He is no longer on fluconazole. He is on a sliding scale as per Dr. Holden. He is on lansoprazole (Prevacid), Toradol, piperacillin/tazobactam, hydralazine p.r.n., Zofran, Dilaudid, Benadryl, and Lopressor p.r.n.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, The patient is a very pleasant elderly gentleman with intractable/inoperable malignancy. His cardiac issues are chronic and most likely secondary to long term hypertension and diabetes. He has chronic atrial fibrillation. I do not envision a scenario whereby he will become a candidate for management of this arrhythmia beyond weight control. He is also not a candidate for anticoagulation, which is, in essence, a part and parcel of the weight control. Reason being is high likelihood for GI bleeding, especially given the diagnosis of invasive malignancy with involvement of multiple organs and lymph nodes. At this point, I agree with the notion of hospice care. If his atrioventricular conduction becomes excessive, occasional nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker such as diltiazem or beta blockers would be appropriate; otherwise, I would keep him off those medications due to evidence of slow conduction in the presence of digitalis and beta blockers.
Consult - History and Phy.
PROCEDURE DONE: ,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT.,INDICATIONS:, Chest pain.,PROCEDURE:, 13.3 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected and resting Myoview SPECT was obtained. Pharmacologic stress testing was done using adenosine infusion. Patient received 38 mg of adenosine infused at 140 mcg/kg/minute over a period of four minutes. Two minutes during adenosine infusion, 31.6 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected. Resting heart rate was 90 beats per minute. Resting blood pressure was 130/70. Peak heart rate obtained during adenosine infusion was 102 beats per minute. Blood pressure obtained during adenosine infusion was 112/70. During adenosine infusion, patient experienced dizziness and shortness of breath. No significant ST segment, T wave changes, or arrhythmias were seen.,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT showed uniform uptake of isotope throughout myocardium without any perfusion defect. Gated dynamic imaging showed normal wall motion and normal systolic thickening throughout left ventricular myocardium. Left ventricular ejection fraction obtained during adenosine Myoview SPECT was 77%. Lung heart ratio was 0.40. TID ratio was 0.88.,IMPRESSION:, Normal adenosine Myoview myocardial perfusion SPECT. Normal left ventricular regional and global function with left ventricular ejection fraction of 77%.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 41-year-old registered nurse (R.N.). She was admitted following an overdose of citalopram and warfarin. The patient has had increasing depression and has been under stress as a result of dissolution of her second marriage. She notes starting in January, her husband of five years seemed to be quite withdrawn. It turned out, he was having an affair with one of her best friends and he subsequently moved in with this woman. The patient is distressed, as over the five years of their marriage, she has gotten herself into considerable debt supporting him and trying to find a career that would work for him. They had moved to ABCD where he had recently been employed as a restaurant manager. She also moved her mother and son out there and is feeling understandably upset that he was being dishonest and deceitful with her. She has history of seasonal affective disorder, winter depressions, characterized by increased sleep, increased irritability, impatience, and fatigue. Some suggestion on her part that her father may have had some mild bipolar disorder and including the patient has a cyclical and recurrent mood disorder. In January, she went on citalopram. She reports since that time, she has lost 40 pounds of weight, has trouble sleeping at night, thinks perhaps her mood got worse on the citalopram, which is possible, though it is also possible that the progressive nature of getting divorce than financial problems has contributed to her worsening mood.,PAST AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: , She was born in XYZ. She describes the family as being somewhat dysfunctional. Father was a truckdriver. She is an only child. She reports that she had a history of anorexia and bulimia as a teenager. In her 20s, she served six years in Naval Reserve. She was previously married for four years. She described that as an abusive relationship. She had a history of being in counseling with ABC, but does not think this therapist, who is now by her estimate 80 years old, is still in practice.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: This is an alert and cooperative woman.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.1, pulse 60, respirations 18, blood pressure 95/54, oxygen saturation 95%, and weight is 132.,PSYCHIATRIC: She makes good eye contact. Speech is normal in rate, volume, grammar, and vocabulary. There is no thought disorder. She denies being suicidal. Her affect is appropriate for material being discussed. She has a sense of future, wants to get back to work, has plans to return to counseling. She appeared to have normal orientation, concentration, memory, and judgment.,Medical history is notable for factor V Leiden deficiency, history of pulmonary embolus, restless legs syndrome. She has been off her Mirapex. I did encourage her to go back on the Mirapex, which would likely lead to some improvement in mood by facilitating better sleep.,The patient at this time can contract for safety. She has made plans for outpatient counseling this Saturday and we will get a referral to a psychiatrist for which she is agreeable to following up with.,LABORATORY DATA: , INR, which is still 8.8. In 1998, she had a normal MRI. Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and CBC were all normal.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Seasonal depressive disorder.,2. Restless legs syndrome.,3. Overdose of citalopram and warfarin.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , The patient reports she has been feeling better since discontinuing antidepressants. I, therefore, recommend she stay off antidepressants at present. If needed, she can take Prozac, which has been effective for her in the past and she plans to see a psychiatrist for consultation. She does give a fairly good history of seasonal depression and given that her mood has improved in the past with Prozac, this will be an appropriate agent to try as needed in the future, but given the situational nature of the depression, she primarily appears to need counseling.,Please feel free to contact me at digital pager if there is additional information I can provide.
Psychiatry / Psychology
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Posttraumatic AV in right femoral head.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Posttraumatic AV in right femoral head.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSES PRIOR TO HOSPITALIZATION:,1. Opioid use.,2. Right hip surgery.,3. Appendectomy.,4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,5. Hepatitis diagnosed by liver biopsy.,6. Blood transfusion.,6. Smoker.,7. Trauma with multiple orthopedic procedures.,8. Hip arthroscopy.,POSTOP COMORBIDITIES: , Postop acute blood loss anemia requiring transfusion and postop pain.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:, Right total hip arthroplasty and removal of hardware.,CONSULTS:, Acute pain team consult.,DISPOSITION: , Home.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS AND HOSPITAL COURSE:, For details, please refer to clinic notes and OP notes. In brief, the patient is a 47-year-old female with a posttraumatic AV in the right femoral head. She came in consult with Dr. X who after reviewing the clinical and radiological findings recommended she undergo a right total hip arthroplasty and removal of old hardware. After being explained the risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible outcomes of surgery, she was agreeable and consented to proceed and therefore on the day of her admission, she was sent to the operating room where she underwent a right total hip arthroplasty and removal of hardware without any complications. She was then transferred to PACU for recovery and postop orthopedic floor for convalescence, physical therapy, and discharge planning. DVT prophylaxis was initiated with Lovenox. Postop pain was adequately managed with the aid of Acute Pain team. Postop acute blood loss anemia was treated with blood transfusions to an adequate level of hemoglobin. Physical therapy and occupational therapy were initiated and continued to work with her towards discharge clearance on the day of her discharge.,DISPOSITION:, Home. On the day of her discharge, she was afebrile, vital signs were stable. She was in no acute distress. Her right hip incision was clean, dry, and intact. Extremity was warm and well perfused. Compartments were soft. Capillary refill less than two seconds. Distal pulses were present.,PREDISCHARGE LABORATORY FINDINGS: , White count of 10.9, hemoglobin of 9.5, and BMP is pending.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Continue diet as before.,ACTIVITY: , Weightbearing as tolerated in the right lower extremity as instructed. Do not lift, drive, move furniture, do strenuous activity for six weeks. Call Dr. X if there is increased temperature greater than 101.5, increased redness, swelling, drainage, increased pain that is not relieved by current pain regimen as per postop orthopedic discharge instruction sheet.,FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENT: Follow up with Dr. X in two weeks.
Discharge Summary
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 65-year-old man with chronic prostatitis who returns for recheck. He follow with Dr. XYZ about every three to four months. His last appointment was in May 2004. Has had decreased libido since he has been on Proscar. He had tried Viagra with some improvement. He has not had any urinary tract infection since he has been on Proscar. Has nocturia x 3 to 4.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SURGERIES/HOSPITALIZATIONS: ,Soon after birth for treatment of an inperforated anus and curvature of the penis. At the age of 70 had another penile operation. At the age of 27 and 28 he had repeat operations to correct this. He did have complications of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism with one of those operations. He has had procedures in the past for hypospadias, underwent an operation in 1988 to remove some tissue block in the anus. In January of 1991 underwent cystoscopy. He was hospitalized in 1970 for treatment of urinary tract infection. In 2001, left rotator cuff repair with acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection. In 2001, colonoscopy that was normal. In 2001, prostate biopsy that showed chronic prostatitis. In 2003, left inguinal hernia repair with MESH.,MEDICATIONS:, Bactrim DS one pill a day, Proscar 5 mg a day, Flomax 0.4 mg daily. He also uses Metamucil four times daily and stool softeners for bedtime.,ALLERGIES:, Cipro.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Father died from CA at the age of 79. Mother died from postoperative infection at the age of 81. Brother died from pancreatitis at the age of 40 and had a prior history of mental illness. Father also had a prior history of lung cancer. Mother had a history of breast cancer. Father also had glaucoma. He does not have any living siblings. Friend died a year and half ago.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Negative for use of alcohol or tobacco. He is a professor at College and teaches history and bible.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Eyes, nose and throat: Wears eye glasses. Has had some gradual decreased hearing ability.,Pulmonary: Denies difficulty with cough or sputum production or hemoptysis.,Cardiac: Denies palpitations, chest pain, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, or edema.,Gastrointestinal: Has had difficulty with constipation. He denies any positive stools. Denies peptic ulcer disease. Denies reflux or melena.,Genitourinary: As mentioned previously.,Neurologic: Without symptoms.,Bones and Joints: He has had occasional back pain.,Hematologic: Occasionally has had some soreness in the right axillary region, but has not had known lymphadenopathy.,Endocrine: He has not had a history of hypercholesterolemia or diabetes.,Dermatologic: Without symptoms.,Immunization: He had pneumococcal vaccination about three years ago. Had an adult DT immunization five years ago.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight: 202.8 pounds. Blood pressure: 126/72. Pulse: 60. Temperature: 96.8 degrees.,General Appearance: He is a middle-aged man who is not in any acute distress.,HEENT: Eyes: Pupils are equally regular, round and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact without nystagmus. Visual fields were full to direct confrontation. Funduscopic exam reveals middle size disc with sharp margins. Ears: Tympanic membranes are clear. Mouth: No oral mucosal lesions are seen.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Lungs are resonant to percussion. Auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.,Heart: Normal S1 and S2 without gallops or rubs.,Abdomen: Without tenderness or masses to palpation.,Genitorectal exam: Not repeated since these have been performed recently by Dr. Tandoc.,Extremities: Without edema.,Neurologic: Reflexes are +2 and symmetric throughout. Babinski is negative and sensation is intact. Cranial nerves are intact without localizing signs. Cerebellar tension is normal.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Chronic prostatitis. He has been stable in this regard.,2. Constipation. He is encouraged to continue with his present measures. Additionally, a TSH level will be obtained.,3. Erectile dysfunction. Testosterone level and comprehensive metabolic profile will be obtained.,4. Anemia. CBC will be rechecked. Additional stools for occult blood will be rechecked.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:,1. Infection.,2. Pelvic pain.,3. Mood swings.,4. Painful sex.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 29-year-old female who is here today with the above-noted complaints. She states that she has been having a lot of swelling and infection in her inner thigh area with the folliculitis she has had in the past. She is requesting antibiotics. She has been squeezing them and some of them are very bruised and irritated. She also states that she is having significant pelvic pain and would like to go back and see Dr. XYZ again. She also states that she took herself off of lithium, but she has been having significant mood swings, anger outbursts and not dealing with the situation well at all. She also has had some psychiatric evaluation, but she states that she did not feel like herself on the medication, so she took herself off. She states she does not wish to be on any medication at the current time. She otherwise states that sex is so painful that she is unable to have sex with her husband, even though she "wants to.",PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for cleft palate.,ALLERGIES:, She is allergic to Lortab.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, None.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Please see history of present illness.,Psychiatric: She has had some suicidal thoughts, but no plans. She denies being suicidal at the current time.,Cardiopulmonary: She has not had any chest pain or shortness of breath.,GI: Denies any nausea or vomiting.,Neurological: No numbness, weakness or tingling.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished, 29-year-old female who is in no acute distress.,Vital signs: Weight: 160 pounds. Blood pressure: 100/60. Pulse: 62.,Psychiatric: I did spend over 25 minutes face-to-face with the patient talking about the situation she was in and the medication and her discontinuing use of that.,Extremities: Her inner thighs are covered with multiple areas of folliculitis and mild abscesses. They are bruised from her squeezing them. We talked about that in detail.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Folliculitis.,2. Pelvic pain.,3. Mood swings.,4. Dyspareunia.,PLAN:,1. I would like her to go to the lab and get a CBC, chem-12, TSH and UA.,2. We will put her on cephalexin 500 mg three times a day.,3. We will send her back to see Dr. XYZ regarding the pelvic pain per her request.,4. We will get her an appointment with a psychiatrist for evaluation and treatment.,5. She is to call if she has any further problems or concerns. Otherwise I will see her back for her routine care or sooner if there are any further issues.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Carpal tunnel syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Carpal tunnel syndrome.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: , Endoscopic carpal tunnel release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,PROCEDURE: , After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion, the arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch, and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,I made a transverse incision one fingerbreadth proximal to the distal volar wrist crease. Dissection was carried down to the antebrachial fascia, which was cut in a distally based fashion. Bipolar electrocautery was used to maintain meticulous hemostasis. I then performed an antebrachial fasciotomy proximally. I entered the extra bursal space deep into the transverse carpal ligament and used the spatula probe and then the dilators and then the square probe to enlarge the area. Great care was taken to feel the washboard undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament and the hamate on the ulnar side. Great care was taken with placement. A good plane was positively identified. I then placed the endoscope in and definitely saw the transverse striations of the deep surface of the transverse carpal ligament.,Again, I felt the hook of the hamate ulnar to me. I had my thumb on the distal aspect of the transverse carpal ligament. I then partially deployed the blade, and starting 1 mm from the distal edge, the transverse carpal ligament was positively identified. I pulled back and cut and partially tightened the transverse carpal ligament. I then feathered through the distal ligament and performed a full-thickness incision through the distal half of the ligament. I then checked to make sure this was properly performed and then cut the proximal aspect. I then entered the carpal tunnel again and saw that the release was complete, meaning that the cut surfaces of the transverse carpal ligament were separated; and with the scope rotated, I could see only one in the field at a time. Great care was taken and at no point was there any longitudinal structure cut. Under direct vision through the incision, I made sure that the distal antebrachial fascia was cut. Following this, I irrigated and closed the skin. The patient was dressed and sent to the recovery room in good condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Epidural hematoma, cervical spine.,2. Status post cervical laminectomy, C3 through C7 postop day #10.,3. Central cord syndrome.,4. Acute quadriplegia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Epidural hematoma, cervical spine.,2. Status post cervical laminectomy, C3 through C7 postop day #10.,3. Central cord syndrome.,4. Acute quadriplegia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Evacuation of epidural hematoma.,2. Insertion of epidural drain.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,200 cc.,HISTORY: ,This is a 64-year-old female who has had an extensive medical history beginning with coronary artery bypass done on emergent basis while she was in Maryland in April of 2003 after having myocardial infarction. She was then transferred to Beaumont Hospital, at which point, she developed a sternal abscess. The patient was treated for the abscess in Beaumont and then subsequently transferred to some other type of facility near her home in Warren, Michigan at which point, she developed a second what was termed minor myocardial infarction.,The patient subsequently recovered in a Cardiac Rehab Facility and approximately two weeks later, brings us to the month of August, at which time she was at home ambulating with a walker or a cane, and then sustained a fall and at that point she was unable to walk and had acute progressive weakness and was identified as having a central cord syndrome based on an MRI, which showed record signal change. The patient underwent cervical laminectomy and seemed to be improving subjectively in terms of neurologic recovery, but objectively there was not much improvement. Approximately 10 days after the surgery, brings us to today's date, the health officer was notified of the patient's labored breathing. When she examined the patient, she also noted that the patient was unable to move her extremities. She was concerned and called the Orthopedic resident who identified the patient to be truly quadriplegic. I was notified and ordered the operative crew to report immediately and recommended emergent decompression for the possibility of an epidural hematoma. On clinical examination, there was swelling in the posterior aspect of the neck. The patient has no active movement in the upper and lower extremity muscle groups. Reflexes are absent in the upper and lower extremities. Long track signs are absent. Sensory level is at the C4 dermatome. Rectal tone is absent. I discussed the findings with the patient and also the daughter. We discussed the possibility of this is permanent quadriplegia, but at this time, the compression of the epidural space was warranted and certainly for exploration reasons be sure that there is a hematoma there and they have agreed to proceed with surgery. They are aware that it is possible she had known permanent neurologic status regardless of my intervention and they have agreed to accept this and has signed the consent form for surgery.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to OR #1 at ABCD General Hospital on a gurney. Department of Anesthesia administered fiberoptic intubation and general anesthetic. A Foley catheter was placed in the bladder. The patient was log rolled in a prone position on the Jackson table. Bony prominences were well padded. The patient's head was placed in the prone view anesthesia head holder. At this point, the wound was examined closely and there was hematoma at the caudal pole of the wound. Next, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The previous skin incision was reopened. At this point, hematoma properly exits from the wound. All sutures were removed and the epidural spaces were encountered at this time. The self-retaining retractors were placed in the depth of the wound. Consolidated hematoma was now removed from the wound. Next, the epidural space was encountered. There was no additional hematoma in the epidural space or on the thecal sac. A curette was carefully used to scrape along the thecal sac and there was no film or lining covering the sac. The inferior edge of the C2 lamina was explored and there was no compression at this level and the superior lamina of T1 was explored and again no compression was identified at this area as well. Next, the wound was irrigated copiously with one liter of saline using a syringe. The walls of the wound were explored. There was no active bleeding. Retractors were removed at this time and even without pressure on the musculature, there was no active bleeding. A #19 French Hemovac drain was passed percutaneously at this point and placed into the epidural space. Fascia was reapproximated with #1 Vicryl sutures, subcutaneous tissue with #3-0 Vicryl sutures. Steri-Strips covered the incision and dressing was then applied over the incision. The patient was then log rolled in the supine position on the hospital gurney. She remained intubated for airway precautions and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. Once in the recovery room, she was alert. She was following simple commands and using her head to nod, but she did not have any active movement of her upper or lower extremities. Prognosis for this patient is guarded.
DIAGNOSIS:, Nuclear sclerotic and cortical cataract, right eye.,OPERATION:, Phacoemulsification and extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation, right eye.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the table in the supine position. Cardiac monitor and oxygen at 5 liters per minute were connected by the nursing staff. Local anesthesia was obtained using 2% lidocaine, 0/75% Marcaine, 0.5 cc Wydase with 6 cc of this solution used in a paribulbar injection, followed by ten minutes of digital massage. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for eye surgery. With the Zeiss operating microscopy in position, a lid speculum was inserted and a 4-0 black silk bridal suture placed in the superior rectus muscle. With Westcott scissors, a fornix-based conjunctival flap was made. The surgical limbus was identified and hemostasis obtained with wet-field cautery. With a 57-Beaver blade, a corneoscleral groove was made and shelved into clear cornea. A stab incision was made at 2 o'clock with a 15-degree blade. With a 3.0 mm keratome, the shelved groove was attended into the anterior chamber. Viscoelastic was inserted into the anterior chamber and anterior capsulotomy was performed in a continuous-tear technique. Hydrodissection was performed with Balanced Salt Solution. Phacoemulsification was performed in a two-headed nuclear fracture technique. The remaining cortical material was removed with irrigation and aspiration handpiece. The posterior capsule remained intact and vacuumed with minimal suction. The posterior chamber intraocular lens was obtained. It was inspected, irrigated, inserted into the posterior chamber without difficulty. Inspection revealed the intraocular lens to be in good position with intact capsule and well-approximated wound. There was no aqueous leak even with digital pressure. The conjunctiva was pulled back into position with wet-field cautery. A subconjunctival injection with 20 mg Gatamycine and 0.5 cc Celestone was given. Tobradex ointment was instilled into the eye, which was patched and shielded appropriately, after removing the lid speculum and bridle suture. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in good condition, to be followed in attending physician office the next day.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Chronic otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 2-1/2-year-old, with a history of persistent bouts of otitis media, superimposed upon persistent middle ear effusions. He also has a history of chronic mouth breathing and heroic snoring with examination revealing adenoid hypertrophy. He is being admitted to the operating room at this time for adenoidectomy and bilateral myringotomy and insertion of PE tubes.,ALLERGIES: ,None.,MEDICATIONS:, Antibiotics p.r.n.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Diabetes, heart disease, hearing loss, allergy and cancer.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Some minor second-hand tobacco exposure. There are no pets in the home.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Ears are well retracted, immobile. Tympanic membranes with effusions present bilaterally. No severe congestions, thick mucoid secretions, no airflow. Oral cavity: Oropharynx 2 to 3+ tonsils. No exudates. Floor of mouth and tongue are normal. Larynx and pharynx not examined. Neck: No nodes, masses or thyromegaly. Lungs: Reveal rare rhonchi, otherwise, clear. Cardiac exam: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. Abdomen: Soft, nontender. Positive bowel sounds. Neurologic exam: Nonfocal.,IMPRESSION: ,Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion, recurrent acute otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy.,PLAN: , The patient will be admitted to the operating room for adenoidectomy and bilateral myringotomy and insertion of PE tubes.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Mass, left second toe.,2. Tumor.,3. Left hallux bone invasion of the distal phalanx.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Mass, left second toe.,2. Tumor.,3. Left hallux with bone invasion of the distal phalanx.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Excision of mass, left second toe.,2. Distal Syme's amputation, left hallux with excisional biopsy.,HISTORY: , This 47-year-old Caucasian male presents to ABCD General Hospital with a history of tissue mass on his left foot. The patient states that the mass has been present for approximately two weeks and has been rapidly growing in size. The patient also has history of shave biopsy in the past. The patient does state that he desires surgical excision at this time.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported from the operating room and placed on the operating room table in the supine position with the safety belt across his lap. Copious amount of Webril was placed around the left ankle followed by a blood pressure cuff. After adequate sedation by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 6 cc mixed with 1% lidocaine plain with 0.5% Marcaine plain was injected in a digital block fashion at the base of the left hallux as well as the left second toe.,The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The foot was elevated from the operating table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage. Care was taken with the exsanguination to perform exsanguination below the level of the digits so as not to rupture the masses. The foot was lowered to the operating table. The stockinet was reflected and the foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge. A distal Syme's incision was planned over the distal aspect of the left hallux. The incision was performed with a #10 blade and deepened with #15 down to the level of bone. The dorsal skin flap was removed and dissected in toto off of the distal phalanx. There was noted to be in growth of the soft tissue mass into the dorsal cortex with erosion in the dorsal cortex and exposure of cortical bone at the distal phalanx. The tissue was sent to Pathology where Dr. Green stated that a frozen sample would be of less use for examining for cancer. Dr. Green did state that he felt that there was an adequate incomplete excision of the soft tissue for specimen. At this time, a sagittal saw was then used to resect all ends of bone of the distal phalanx. The area was inspected for any remaining suspicious tissues. Any suspicious tissue was removed. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The skin was then reapproximated with #4-0 nylon with a combination of simple and vertical mattress sutures.,Attention was then directed to the left second toe. There was noted to be a dorsolateral mass over the dorsal distal aspect of the left second toe. A linear incision was made just medial to the tissue mass. The mass was then dissected from the overlying skin and off of the underlying capsule. This tissue mass was hard, round, and pearly-gray in appearance. It does not invade into any other surrounding tissues. The area was then flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline and the skin was closed with #4-0 nylon. Dressings consisted of Owen silk soaked in Betadine, 4x4s, Kling, Kerlix, and an Ace wrap. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to all five digits of the left foot. The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient was given postoperative pain prescription for Vicodin and instructed to follow up with Dr. Bonnani in his office as directed. The patient will be contacted immediately pending the results of pathology. Cultures obtained in the case were aerobic and anaerobic gram stain, Silver stain, and a CBC.
Hematology - Oncology
CIRCUMCISION,After informed consent was obtained the baby was placed on the circumcision tray. He was prepped in a sterile fashion times 3 with Betadine and then draped in a sterile fashion. Then 0.2 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected at 10 and 2 o'clock. A ring block was also done using another 0.3 mL of lidocaine. Glucose water is also used for anesthesia. After several minutes the curved clamp was attached at 9 o'clock with care being taken to avoid the meatus. The blunt probe was then introduced again with care taken to avoid the meatus. After initial adhesions were taken down the straight clamp was introduced to break down further adhesions. Care was taken to avoid the frenulum. The clamps where then repositioned at 12 and 6 o'clock. The Mogen clamp was then applied with a dorsal tilt. After the clamp was applied for 1 minute the foreskin was trimmed. After an additional minute the clamp was removed and the final adhesions were taken down. Patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal bleeding noted. Patient to remain for 20 minutes after procedure to insure no further bleeding is noted.,Routine care discussed with the family. Need to clean the area with just water initially and later with soap and water or diaper wipes once healed.
PRECATHETERIZATION DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Hypoplastic left heart, status post Norwood procedure and Glenn shunt.,POSTCATHETERIZATION DIAGNOSIS (ES):,1. Hypoplastic left heart.,A. Status post Norwood.,B. Status post Glenn.,2. Left pulmonary artery hypoplasia.,3. Diminished right ventricular systolic function.,4. Trivial neo-aortic stenosis.,5. Trivial coarctation.,6. Flow to right upper lobe more than left upper lobe from collaterals arising from branches of the aortic arch.,PROCEDURE (S):, Right heart and left heart catheterization by way of right femoral artery, right femoral vein, and right internal jugular vein.,I. PROCEDURES:, XXXXXX was brought to the catheterization lab and was anesthetized by anesthesia. He was intubated. His supplemental oxygen was weaned to 24%, on which all of his hemodynamics were obtained. The patient was prepped and draped in the routine sterile fashion, including both groins and the right neck. Xylocaine was administered in the right femoral area. A 6-French sheath was introduced into the right femoral vein percutaneously without complication. A 4-French sheath was introduced into the right femoral artery percutaneously without complication. A 4-French pigtail catheter was introduced and passed to the abdominal aorta.,Dr. Hayes, using the SiteRite device, introduced a 5-French sheath into the right internal jugular vein without complication.,A 5-French wedge catheter was introduced through the sheath in the right internal jugular vein and was passed to the left pulmonary artery and further to the left pulmonary capillary wedge position. This catheter would not pass to the right pulmonary artery. The wedge catheter was removed. A 5-French IMA catheter was then introduced and passed to the right pulmonary artery. After right pulmonary artery pressure was measured, this catheter was removed.,The 5 wedge catheter was advanced through the right femoral sheath and was passed to the following chambers or vessels: Inferior vena cava, right atrium, left atrium, and right ventricle.,The previously introduced 4 pigtail catheter was advanced to the ascending aorta. Simultaneous right ventricular and ascending aortic pressures were measured. A pullback from ascending aorta to descending aorta was then performed. Simultaneous measurements of right ventricular and descending aortic pressures were measured.,The wedge catheter was removed. A 5-French Berman catheter was advanced down the Glenn shunt to the right pulmonary artery, where a pullback from right pulmonary artery to Glenn shunt was performed. An injection was then performed using Omnipaque 16 mL at 8 mL per second with the Berman catheter positioned in the Glenn shunt. The 5-French Berman was removed.,A 6-French Berman was introduced through the right femoral vein sheath and was advanced to the right ventricle. A right ventriculogram was performed using Omnipaque 18 mL at 12 mL per second. The Berman catheter was pulled back to the inferior vena cava, where an inferior vena cavagram was performed using Omnipaque 10 mL at 8 mL per second.,The 4-French pigtail catheter was advanced to the ascending aorta and an ascending aortogram was performed using Omnipaque 16 mL at 12 mL per second.,Following the ascending angiograms, two kidneys and a bladder were noted. The catheters and sheaths were removed, and hemostasis was obtained by direct pressure. The estimated blood loss was less than 30 mL, and none was replaced. Heparin was administered following placement of all of the sheaths. Pulse oximetry saturation, pulse in the right foot, and EKG were monitored continuously.,II. PRESSURES:,A. Left pulmonary artery, mean of 11; left capillary wedge, mean of 9; main pulmonary artery, mean of 12; right pulmonary artery, mean of 10; descending aorta, 75/45, mean of 57; right atrium, A6 to 9, V6 to 8, mean 7; left atrium, mean 8; inferior vena cava, mean 7.,B. Ascending aorta, 65/35, with a simultaneous right ventricular pressure of 70/10; descending aorta, 60/35, with a right ventricular pressure of 72/10.,C. Pullbacks, left pulmonary artery to main pulmonary artery, mean of 11 to mean of 12; main pulmonary artery to Glenn, mean of 12 to mean of 13; right pulmonary artery to Glenn, mean of 12 to mean of 13; ascending aorta 68/35 to descending aorta 62/35.,INTERPRETATION:, Right and left pulmonary artery pressures are appropriate for this situation. There is a gradient of, at most, 2 mmHg on pullback from both the right and left pulmonary arteries to the Glenn shunt. The left atrial mean pressure is normal. Right ventricular end-diastolic pressure is, at most, slightly elevated. There is a trivial gradient between the right ventricle and ascending aorta consistent with trivial neo-aortic valve stenosis. There is a roughly 10-mm gradient between the right ventricle and descending aorta, consistent with additional coarctation of the aorta. On pullback from ascending to descending aorta, there is a 6-mmHg gradient between the two. Systemic blood pressure is normal.,III. OXIMETRY:, Superior vena cava 65, right pulmonary artery 67, left pulmonary artery 65, left atrium 96, right atrium 87, inferior vena cava 69, aorta 86, right ventricle 83.,INTERPRETATION:, Systemic arteriovenous oxygenation difference is normal, consistent with a normal cardiac output. Left atrial saturation is fairly normal, consistent with normal oxygenation in the lungs. The saturation falls passing from the left atrium to the right atrium and further to the right ventricle, consistent with mixing of pulmonary venous return and inferior vena cava return, as would be expected in this patient.,IV. SPECIAL PROCEDURE (S):, None done.,V. CALCULATIONS:,Please see the calculation sheet. Calculations were based upon an assumed oxygen consumption. The _____ saturation used was 67%, with a pulmonary artery saturation of 65%, a left atrial saturation of 96%, and an aortic saturation of 86%. Using the above information, the pulmonary to systemic flow ratio was 0.6. Systemic blood flow was 5.1 liters per minute per meter squared. Pulmonary blood flow was 3.2 liters per minute per meter squared. Systemic resistance was 9.8 Wood's units times meter squared, which is mildly diminished. Pulmonary resistance was 2.5 Wood's units times meter squared, which is in the normal range.,VI. ANGIOGRAPHY:, The injection to the Glenn shunt demonstrates a wide-open Glenn connection. The right pulmonary artery is widely patent, without stenosis. The proximal portion of the left pulmonary artery is significantly narrowed, but does open up near its branch point. The right pulmonary artery measures 6.5, the left pulmonary artery measures 3.0 mm. The aorta at the diaphragm on a later injection was 5.5 mm. There is a small collateral off the innominate vein passing to the left upper lobe. Flow to both upper lobes is diminished versus lower lung fields. There is normal return of the pulmonary veins from the right, with simultaneous filling of the left atrium and right atrium. There is normal return of the left lower pulmonary vein and left upper pulmonary vein. There is some reflux of dye into the inferior vena cava from the right atrium.,The right ventriculogram demonstrates a heavily pedunculated right ventricle with somewhat depressed right ventricular systolic function. The calculated ejection fraction from the LAO projection is only mildly diminished at 59%. There is no significant tricuspid regurgitation. The neo-aortic valve appears to open well with no stenosis. The ascending aorta is dilated. There is mild narrowing of the aorta at the isthmal area. On some projections, there appears to be a partial duplication of the aortic arch, probably secondary to this patient's style of Norwood reconstruction. There is some filling of the right upper and left upper lobes from collateral blood flow, with the left being more opacified than the right.,The inferior vena cavagram demonstrates normal return of the inferior vena cava to the right atrium.,The ascending aortogram demonstrates trivial aortic insufficiency, which is probably catheter-induced. The coronary arteries are poorly seen. Again, a portion of the aorta appears to be partially duplicated. There is faint opacification of the left upper lung from collateral blood flow. The above-mentioned narrowing of the aortic arch is again noted.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Adenocarcinoma of the prostate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Adenocarcinoma of the prostate.,TITLE OF OPERATION:, Mini-laparotomy radical retropubic prostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection with Cavermap.,ANESTHESIA: , General by intubation.,Informed consent was obtained for the procedure. The patient understands the treatment options and wishes to proceed. He accepts the risks to include bleeding requiring transfusion, infection, sepsis, incontinence, impotence, bladder neck constricture, heart attack, stroke, pulmonary emboli, phlebitis, injury to the bladder, rectum, or ureter, etcetera.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the Operating Room and placed in the supine position, prepped with Betadine solution and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A 20- French Foley catheter was inserted into the penis and into the bladder and placed to dependent drainage. The table was then placed in minimal flexed position. A midline skin incision was then made from the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis. It was carried down to the anterior rectus fascia into the pelvis proper. Both obturator fossae were exposed. Standard bilateral pelvic lymph node dissections were carried out. The left side was approached first by myself. The limits of my dissection were from the external iliac vein laterally to the obturator nerve medially, and from the bifurcation of the common iliac vein proximally to Cooper's ligament distally. Meticulous lymphostasis and hemostasis was obtained using hemoclips and 2-0 silk ligatures. The obturator nerve was visualized throughout and was not injured. The right side was carried out by my assistant under my direct and constant supervision. Again, the obturator nerve was visualized throughout and it was not injured. Both packets were sent to Pathology where no evidence of carcinoma was found.,My attention was then directed to the prostate itself. The endopelvic fascia was opened bilaterally. Using gentle dissection with a Kitner, I swept the levator muscles off the prostate and exposed the apical portion of the prostate. A back bleeding control suture of 0 Vicryl was placed at the mid-prostate level. A sternal wire was then placed behind the dorsal vein complex which was sharply transected. The proximal and distal portions of this complex were then oversewn with 2-0 Vicryl in a running fashion. When I was satisfied that hemostasis was complete, my attention was then turned to the neurovascular bundles.,The urethra was then sharply transected and six sutures of 2-0 Monocryl placed at the 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 o'clock positions. The prostate was then lifted retrograde in the field and was swept from the anterior surface of the rectum and the posterior layer of Denonvilliers' fascia was incised distally, swept off the rectum and incorporated with the prostate specimen. The lateral pedicles over the seminal vesicles were then mobilized, hemoclipped and transected. The seminal vesicles themselves were then mobilized and hemostasis obtained using hemoclips. Ampullae of the vas were mobilized, hemoclipped and transected. The bladder neck was then developed using careful blunt and sharp dissection. The prostate was then transected at the level of the bladder neck and sent for permanent specimen. The bladder neck was reevaluated and the ureteral orifices were found to be placed well back from the edge. The bladder neck was reconstructed in standard fashion. It was closed using a running 2-0 Vicryl. The mucosa was everted over the edge of the bladder neck using interrupted 3-0 Vicryl suture. At the end of this portion of the case, the new bladder neck had a stoma-like appearance and would accommodate easily my small finger. The field was then re-evaluated for hemostasis which was further obtained using hemoclips, Bovie apparatus and 3-0 chromic ligatures. When I was satisfied that hemostasis was complete, the aforementioned Monocryl sutures were then placed at the corresponding positions in the bladder neck. A new 20-French Foley catheter was brought in through the urethra into the bladder. A safety suture of 0 Prolene was brought through the end of this and out through a separate stab wound in the bladder and through the left lateral quadrant. The table was taken out of flexion and the bladder was then brought into approximation to the urethra and the Monocryl sutures were ligated. The bladder was then copiously irrigated with sterile water and the anastomosis was found to be watertight. The pelvis was also copiously irrigated with 2 liters of sterile water. A 10-French Jackson-Pratt drain was placed in the pelvis and brought out through the right lower quadrant and sutured in place with a 2-0 silk ligature.,The wound was then closed in layers. The muscle was closed with a running 0 chromic, the fascia with a running 1-0 Vicryl, the subcutaneous tissue with 3-0 plain, and the skin with a running 4-0 Vicryl subcuticular. Steri-Strips were applied and a sterile dressing.,The patient was taken to the Recovery Room in good condition. There were no complications. Sponge and instrument counts were reported correct at the end of the case.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Cholelithiasis.,2. Acute cholecystitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Acute on chronic cholecystitis.,2. Cholelithiasis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This is a 38-year-old diabetic Hispanic female patient, with ongoing recurrent episodes of right upper quadrant pain, associated with nausea. Ultrasound revealed cholelithiasis. The patient also had somewhat thickened gallbladder wall. The patient was admitted through emergency room last night with acute onset right upper quadrant pain. Clinically, it was felt the patient had acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram was advised. Procedure, indication, risk, and alternative were discussed with the patient in detail preoperatively and informed consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was put in supine position on the operating table under satisfactory general anesthesia, and abdomen was prepped and draped. A small transverse incision was made just above the umbilicus under local anesthesia. Fascia was opened vertically. Stay sutures were placed in the fascia. Peritoneal cavity was carefully entered. Hasson cannula was inserted and peritoneal cavity was insufflated with CO2.,Laparoscopic camera was inserted, and the patient was placed in reverse Trendelenburg, rotated to the left. A 11-mm trocar was placed in the subxiphoid space and two 5-mm in the right subcostal region. Examination at this time showed no free fluid, no acute inflammatory changes. Liver was grossly normal. Gallbladder was noted to be thickened. Gallbladder wall with a stone stuck in the neck of the gallbladder and pericholecystic edema, consistent with acute cholecystitis.,The fundus of the gallbladder was retracted superiorly, and dissection was carried at the neck of the gallbladder where a cystic duct was identified and isolated. It was clipped distally and using C-arm fluoroscopy, intraoperative cystic duct cholangiogram was done, which was interpreted as normal. There was slight dilatation noted at the junction of the right and left hepatic duct, but no filling defects or any other pathology was noted. It was presumed that this was probably a congenital anomaly. The cystic duct was clipped twice proximally and divided beyond the clips. Cystic artery was identified, isolated, clipped twice proximally, once distally, and divided.,The gallbladder was then removed from its bed using cautery dissection and subsequently delivered through the umbilical port. Specimen was sent for histopathology. Subhepatic and subdiaphragmatic spaces were irrigated with sterile saline solution. Hemostasis was good. Trocars were removed under direct vision and peritoneal cavity was evacuated with CO2. Umbilical area fascia was closed with 0-Vicryl figure-of-eight sutures, required extra sutures to close the fascial defect. Some difficulty was encountered closing the fascia initially because of the patient's significant amount of subcutaneous fat. In the end, the repair appears to be quite satisfactory. Rest of the incisions closed with 3-0 Vicryl for the subcutaneous tissues and staples for the skin. Sterile dressing was applied.,The patient transferred to recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Acute pain.,2. Fever postoperatively.,3. Hemostatic uterine perforation.,4. No bowel or vascular trauma.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic laparoscopy.,2. Rigid sigmoidoscopy by Dr. X.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Scant.,SPECIMEN:, None.,INDICATIONS: ,This is a 17-year-old African-American female, gravida-1, para-1, and had a hysteroscopy and dilation curettage on 09/05/03. The patient presented later that evening after having increasing abdominal pain, fever and chills at home with a temperature up to 101.2. The patient denied any nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. She does complain of some frequent urination. Her vaginal bleeding is minimal.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the uterus is approximately 6-week size, anteverted, and freely mobile with no adnexal masses appreciated. On laparoscopic exam, there is a small hemostatic perforation noted on the left posterior aspect of the uterus. There is approximately 40 cc of serosanguineous fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac. The bilateral tubes and ovaries appeared normal. There is no evidence of endometriosis in the posterior cul-de-sac or along the bladder flap. There is no evidence of injury to the bowel or pelvic sidewall. The liver margin, gallbladder and remainder of the bowel including the appendix appeared normal.,PROCEDURE: , After consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the Operating Room where general anesthetic was administered. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A sterile speculum was placed in the patient's vagina and the anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a vulsellum tenaculum. The uterine manipulator was then placed into the patient's cervix and the vulsellum tenaculum and sterile speculum were removed. Gloves were changed and attention was then turned to the abdomen where approximately 10 mm transverse infraumbilical incision was made. Veress needle was placed through this incision and the gas turned on. When good flow and low abdominal pressures were noted, the gas was turned up and the abdomen was allowed to insufflate. A 11 mm trocar was then placed through this incision. The camera was placed with the above findings noted. A 5 mm step trocar was placed 2 cm superior to the pubic bone and along the midline. A blunt probe was placed through this trocar to help for visualization of the pelvic and abdominal organs. The serosanguineous fluid of the cul-de-sac was aspirated and the pelvis was copiously irrigated with sterile saline. At this point, Dr. X was consulted. He performed a rigid sigmoidoscopy, please see his dictation for further details. There does not appear to be any evidence of colonic injury. The saline in the pelvis was then suctioned out using Nezhat-Dorsey. All instruments were removed. The 5 mm trocar was removed under direct visualization with excellent hemostasis noted. The camera was removed and the abdomen was allowed to desufflate. The 11 mm trocar introducer was replaced and the trocar removed. The skin was then closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Approximately 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine was injected into the incision sites for postoperative pain relief. Steri-Strips were then placed across the incision. The uterine manipulator was then removed from the patient's cervix with excellent hemostasis noted. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure. The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,She will be followed immediately postoperatively within the hospital and started on IV antibiotics.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 91-year-old female who was brought in by family. Apparently, she was complaining that she felt she might have been poisoned at her care facility. The daughter who accompanied the patient states that she does not think anything is actually wrong, but she became extremely agitated and she thinks that is the biggest problem with the patient right now. The patient apparently had a little bit of dry heaves, but no actual vomiting. She had just finished eating dinner. No one else in the facility has been ill.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Remarkable for previous abdominal surgeries. She has a pacemaker. She has a history of recent collarbone fracture.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Very difficult to get from the patient herself. She seems to deny any significant pain or discomfort, but really seems not particularly intent on letting me know what is bothering her. She initially stated that everything was wrong, but could not specify any specific complaints. Denies chest pain, back pain, or abdominal pain. Denies any extremity symptoms or complaints.,SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient is a nonsmoker. She is accompanied here with daughter who brought her over here. They were visiting the patient when this episode occurred.,MEDICATIONS: Please see list.,ALLERGIES: NONE.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile, actually has a very normal vital signs including normal pulse oximetry at 99% on room air. GENERAL: The patient is an elderly frail looking little lady lying on the gurney. She is awake, alert, and not really wanted to answer most of the questions I asked her. She does have a tremor with her mouth, which the daughter states has been there for "many years". HEENT: Eye exam is unremarkable. Oral mucosa is still moist and well hydrated. Posterior pharynx is clear. NECK: Supple. LUNGS: Actually clear with good breath sounds. There are no wheezes, no rales, or rhonchi. Good air movement. CARDIAC: Without murmur. ABDOMEN: Soft. I do not elicit any tenderness. There is no abdominal distention. Bowel sounds are present in all quadrants. SKIN: Skin is without rash or petechiae. There is no cyanosis. EXTREMITIES: No evidence of any trauma to the extremities.,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: I had a long discussion with the family and they would like the patient receive something for agitation, so she was given 0.5 mg of Ativan intramuscularly. After about half an hour, I came back to talk to the patient and the family, the patient states that she feels better. Family states she seems more calm. They do not want to pursue any further workup at this time.,IMPRESSION: ACUTE EPISODE OF AGITATION.,PLAN: At this time, I had reviewed the patient's records and it is not particularly enlightening as to what could have triggered off this episode. The patient herself has good vital signs. She does not seem to have any specific acute process going on and seemed to feel comfortable after the Ativan was given, a small quantity was given to the patient. Family and daughter specifically did not want to pursue any workup at this point, which at this point I think is reasonable and we will have her follow up with ABC. She is discharged in stable condition.
Consult - History and Phy.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient presents today for followup. No dysuria, gross hematuria, fever, chills. She continues to have urinary incontinence, especially while changing from sitting to standing position, as well as urge incontinence. She is voiding daytime every 1 hour in the morning especially after taking Lasix, which tapers off in the afternoon, nocturia time 0. No incontinence. No straining to urinate. Good stream, emptying well. No bowel issues, however, she also indicates that while using her vaginal cream, she has difficulty doing this as she feels protrusion in the vagina, and very concerned if she has a prolapse.,IMPRESSION: ,1. The patient noted for improving retention of urine, postop vaginal reconstruction, very concerned of possible vaginal prolapse, especially while using the cream.,2. Rule out ascites, with no GI issues other than lower extremity edema.,PLAN: , Following a detailed discussion with the patient, she elected to proceed with continued Flomax and will wean off the Urecholine to two times daily. She will follow up next week, request Dr. X to do a pelvic exam, and in the meantime, she will obtain a CT of the abdomen and pelvis to further evaluate the cause of the abdominal distention. All questions answered.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Coronal hypospadias with chordee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Coronal hypospadias with chordee.,PROCEDURE: , Hypospadias repair (urethroplasty plate incision with tissue flap relocation and chordee release).,ANESTHESIA: , General inhalation anesthetic with a 0.25% Marcaine dorsal block and ring block per surgeon, 7 mL given.,TUBES AND DRAINS: , An 8-French Zaontz catheter.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,10 mL.,FLUIDS RECEIVED:, 300 mL.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , The patient is a 6-month-old boy with the history of coronal hypospadias with chordee. Plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , The patient was taken to the operating room with surgical consent, operative site, and the patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, IV antibiotics were given. The dorsal hood was retracted and cleansed. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Stay suture of #4-0 Prolene was then placed in the glans. His urethra was calibrated to 10-French bougie-a-boule. We then marked the coronal cuff and the penile shaft skin, as well as the periurethral meatal area on the ventrum. Byers flaps were also marked. Once this was done, the skin was then incised around the coronal cuff with 15-blade knife and further extended with the curved tenotomy scissors to deglove the penis. On the ventrum, the chordee tissue was removed and dissected up towards the urethral plate to use as secondary tissue flap coverage. Once this was done, an electrocautery was used for hemostasis were then used. A vessel loop tourniquet and IV grade saline was used for achieve artificial erection and chordee. We then incised Buck fascia at the area of chordee in the ventrum and then used the #5-0 Prolene as a Heinecke-Mikulicz advancement suture. Sutures were placed burying the knot and then artificial erection was again performed showing the penis was straight. We then left the tourniquet in place, although loosened it slightly and then marked out the transurethral incision plate with demarcation for the glans and the ventral midline of the plate. We then incised it with the ophthalmic micro lancet blade in the midline and along the __________ to elevate the glanular wings. Using the curved iris scissors, we then elevated the wings even further. Again, electrocautery was used for hemostasis. An 8-French Zaontz catheter was then placed into the urethral plate and then interrupted suture of #7-0 Vicryl was used to mark the distal most extent of the urethral meatus and then the urethral plate was rolled using a subcutaneous closure using the #7-0 Vicryl suture. There were two areas of coverage with the tissue flap relocation from the glanular wings. The tissue flap that was rolled with the Byers flap was used to cover this, as well as the chordee tissue with interrupted sutures of #7-0 Vicryl. Once this was completed, the glans itself had been rolled using two deep sutures of #5-0 Vicryl. Interrupted sutures of #7-0 Vicryl were used to create the neomeatus and then horizontal mattress sutures of #7-0 Vicryl used to roll the glans in the midline. The extra dorsal hood tissue of preputial skin was then excised. An interrupted sutures of #6-0 chromic were then used to approximate penile shaft skin to the coronal cuff and on the ventrum around the midline. The patient's scrotum was slightly asymmetric; however, this was due to the tissue configuration of the scrotum itself. At the end of the procedure, stay suture of #4-0 Prolene was used to tack the drain into place and a Dermabond and Surgicel were used for dressing. Telfa and the surgical eye tape was then used for the final dressing. IV Toradol was given. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gross hematuria.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Gross hematuria.,OPERATIONS: ,Cystopyelogram, clot evacuation, transurethral resection of the bladder tumor x2 on the dome and on the left wall of the bladder.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,FINDINGS: ,Significant amount of bladder clots measuring about 150 to 200 mL, two cupful of clots were removed. There was papillary tumor on the left wall right at the bladder neck and one on the right dome near the bladder neck on the right side. The right ureteral opening was difficult to visualize, the left one was normal.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 78-year-old male with history of gross hematuria and recurrent UTIs. The patient had hematuria. Cystoscopy revealed atypical biopsy. The patient came in again with gross hematuria. The first biopsy was done about a month ago. The patient was to come back and have repeat biopsies done, but before that came into the hospital with gross hematuria. The options of watchful waiting, removal of the clots and biopsies were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT and PE were discussed. Morbidity and mortality of the procedure were discussed. Consent was obtained from the daughter-in-law who has the power of attorney in Florida.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The patient had been off of the Coumadin for about 4 days and INR had been reversed. The patient has significant amount of clot upon entering the bladder. There was a tight bladder neck contracture. The prostate was not enlarged. Using ACMI 24-French sheath, using Ellick irrigation about 2 cupful of clots were removed. It took about half an hour to just remove the clots. After removing the clots, using 24-French cutting loop resectoscope, tumor on the left upper wall near the dome or near the 2 o'clock position was resected. This was lateral to the left ureteral opening. The base was coagulated for hemostasis. Same thing was done at 10 o'clock on the right side where there was some tumor that was visualized. The back wall and the rest of the bladder appeared normal. Using 8-French cone-tip catheter, left-sided pyelogram was normal. The right-sided pyelogram was very difficult to obtain and there was some mucosal irritation from the clots. The contrast did go up to what appeared to be the right ureteral opening, but the mucosa seemed to be very much irritated and it was very difficult to actually visualize the opening. A little bit of contrast went out, but the force was not made just to avoid any secondary stricture formation. The patient did have CT with contrast, which showed that the kidneys were normal. At this time, a #24 three-way irrigation was started. The patient was brought to Recovery room in stable condition.
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient comes back to see me today. She is a pleasant 73-year-old Caucasian female who had seen Dr. XYZ with low back pain, lumbar degenerative disc disease, lumbar spondylosis, facet and sacroiliac joint syndrome, lumbar spinal stenosis primarily bilateral recess, intermittent lower extremity radiculopathy, DJD of both knees, bilateral pes anserinus bursitis, and chronic pain syndrome. Dr. XYZ had performed right and left facet and sacroiliac joint injections, subsequent right L3 to S1 medial branch blocks and radiofrequency ablation on the right from L3 to S1. She was subsequently seen with some mid back pain and she had right T8-T9 and T9-T10 facet injections on 10/28/2004. She was last seen on 04/08/2005 with recurrent pain in her low back on the right. Dr. XYZ repeated her radiofrequency ablation on the right side from L3-S1 on 05/04/2005.,The patient comes back to see me today. She states that the radiofrequency ablation has helped her significantly there, but she still has one spot in her low back that seems to be hurting her on the right, and seems to be pointing to her right sacroiliac joint. She is also complaining of pain in both knees. She says that 20 years ago she had a cortisone shot in her knees, which helped her significantly. She has not had any x-rays for quite some time. She is taking some Lortab 7.5 mg tablets, up to four daily, which help her with her pain symptoms. She is also taking Celebrex through Dr. S’ office.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially unchanged from my visit of 04/08/2005.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Reveals a pleasant Caucasian female.,Vital Signs: Height is 5 feet 5 inches. Weight is 183 pounds. She is afebrile.,HEENT: Benign.,Neck: Shows functional range of movements with a negative Spurling's.,Musculoskeletal: Examination shows degenerative joint disease of both knees, with medial and lateral joint line tenderness, with tenderness at both pes anserine bursa. Straight leg raises are negative bilaterally. Posterior tibials are palpable bilaterally.,Skin and Lymphatics: Examination of the skin does not reveal any additional scars, rashes, cafe au lait spots or ulcers. No significant lymphadenopathy noted.,Spine: Examination shows decreased lumbar lordosis with tenderness that seems to be in her right sacroiliac joint. She has no other major tenderness. Spinal movements are limited but functional.,Neurological: She is alert and oriented with appropriate mood and affect. She has normal tone and coordination. Reflexes are 2+ and symmetrical. Sensation is intact to pinprick.,FUNCTIONAL EXAMINATION:, Gait has a normal stance and swing phase with no antalgic component to it.,IMPRESSION:,1. Low back syndrome with lumbar degenerative disc disease, lumbar spinal stenosis, and facet joint syndrome on the right L4-5 and L5-S1.,2. Improved, spinal right L3-S1 radiofrequency ablation.,3. Right sacroiliac joint sprain/strain, symptomatic.,4. Left lumbar facet joint syndrome, stable.,6. Right thoracic facet joint syndrome, stable.,7. Lumbar spinal stenosis, primarily lateral recess with intermittent lower extremity radiculopathy, stable.,8. Degenerative disc disease of both knees, symptomatic.,9. Pes anserinus bursitis, bilaterally symptomatic.,10. Chronic pain syndrome.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Dr. XYZ and I discussed with the patient her pathology. She has some symptoms in her low back on the right side at the sacroiliac joint. Dr. XYZ will plan having her come in and injecting her right sacroiliac joint under fluoroscopy. She is also having pain in both knees. We will plan on x-rays of both knees, AP and lateral, and plan on seeing her back on Monday or Friday for possible intraarticular and/or pes anserine bursa injections bilaterally. I explained the rationale for each of these injections, possible complications and she wishes to proceed. In the interim, she can continue on Lortab and Celebrex. We will plan for the follow up following these interventions, sooner if needed. She voiced understanding and agreement. Physical exam findings, history of present illness, and recommendations were performed with and in agreement with Dr. Goel's findings.
ADMISSION DIAGNOSES:,1. Pneumonia, failed outpatient treatment.,2. Hypoxia.,3. Rheumatoid arthritis.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Atypical pneumonia, suspected viral.,2. Hypoxia.,3. Rheumatoid arthritis.,4. Suspected mild stress-induced adrenal insufficiency.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , This very independent 79-year old had struggled with cough, fevers, weakness, and chills for the week prior to admission. She was seen on multiple occasions at Urgent Care and in her physician's office. Initial x-ray showed some mild diffuse patchy infiltrates. She was first started on Avelox, but had a reaction, switched to Augmentin, which caused loose stools, and then three days prior to admission was given daily 1 g Rocephin and started on azithromycin. Her O2 saturations drifted downward. They were less than 88% when active; at rest, varied between 88% and 92%. Decision was made because of failed outpatient treatment of pneumonia. Her medical history is significant for rheumatoid arthritis. She is on 20 mg of methotrexate every week as well as Remicade every eight weeks. Her last dose of Remicade was in the month of June. Hospital course was relatively unremarkable. CT scan was performed and no specific focal pathology was seen. Dr. X, pulmonologist was consulted. He also was uncertain as to the exact etiology, but viral etiology was most highly suspected. Because of her loose stools, C. difficile toxin was ordered, although that is pending at the time of discharge. She was continued on Rocephin IV and azithromycin. Her fever broke 18 hours prior to discharge, and O2 saturations improved, as did her overall strength and clinical status. She was instructed to finish azithromycin. She has two pills left at home. She is to follow up with Dr. X in two to three days. Because she is on chronic prednisone therapy, it was suspected that she was mildly adrenal insufficient from the stress of her pneumonia. She is to continue the increased dose of prednisone at 20 mg (up from 5 mg per day). We will consult her rheumatologist as to whether to continue her methotrexate, which we held this past Friday. Methotrexate is known on some occasions to cause pneumonitis.
Discharge Summary
SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient seen and examined feels better today. Still having diarrhea, decreased appetite. Good urine output 600 mL since 7 o'clock in the morning. Afebrile.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Nonacute distress, awake, alert, and oriented x3.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 102/64, heart rate of 89, respiratory rate of 12, temperature 96.8, and O2 saturation 94% on room air.,HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI.,NECK: Supple.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Bowel sounds are positive, soft, and nontender. EXTREMITIES: No edema. Pulses present bilaterally.,LABORATORY DATA: ,CBC, WBC count today down 10.9 from 17.3 yesterday 26.9 on admission, hemoglobin 10.2, hematocrit 31.3, and platelet count 370,000. BMP, BUN of 28.3 from 32.2, creatinine 1.8 from 1.89 from 2.7. Calcium of 8.2. Sodium 139, potassium 3.9, chloride 108, and CO2 of 22. Liver function test is unremarkable.,Stool positive for Clostridium difficile. Blood culture was 131. O2 saturation result is pending.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Most likely secondary to Clostridium difficile colitis and urinary tract infection improving. The patient hemodynamically stable, leukocytosis improved and today he is afebrile.,2. Acute renal failure secondary to dehydration, BUN and creatinine improving.,3. Clostridium difficile colitis, Continue Flagyl, evaluation Dr. X in a.m.,4. Urinary tract infection, continue Levaquin for last during culture.,5. Leucocytosis, improving.,6. Minimal elevated cardiac enzyme on admission. Followup with Cardiology recommendations.,7. Possible pneumonia, continue vancomycin and Levaquin.,8. The patient may be transferred to telemetry.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
TIME SEEN: , 0734 hours and 1034 hours.,TOTAL RECORDING TIME: , 27 hours 4 minutes.,PATIENT HISTORY: , This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.,VIDEO EEG DIAGNOSES,1. AWAKE: Normal.,2. SLEEP: No activation.,3. CLINICAL EVENTS: None.,DESCRIPTION: , Approximately 27 hours of continuous 21-channel digital video EEG monitoring was performed. The waking background is unchanged from that previously reported. Hyperventilation produced no changes in the resting record. Photic stimulation failed to elicit a well-developed photic driving response.,Approximately five-and-half hours of spontaneous intermittent sleep was obtained. Sleep spindles were present and symmetric.,The patient had no clinical events during the recording.,CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: ,This is normal video EEG monitoring for a patient of this age. No interictal epileptiform activity was identified. The patient had no clinical events during the recording. Clinical correlation is required.
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implant in the right eye.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is a 27-year-old male who sustained an open globe injury as a child. He subsequently developed a retinal detachment in 2005 and now has silicone oil in the anterior chamber of the right eye as well as a dense cataract. He is undergoing silicone oil removal as well as concurrent cataract extraction with lens implant in the right eye.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. History of open globe to the right eye.,2. History of retinal detachment status post repair in the right eye.,3. Silicone oil in anterior chamber.,4. Dense silicone oil cataract in the right eye obscuring the view of the posterior pole.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:,1. History of open globe to the right eye.,2. History of retinal detachment status post repair in the right eye.,3. Silicone oil in anterior chamber.,4. Dense silicone oil cataract in the right eye obscuring the view of the posterior pole.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,PROS DEV IMPLANT: , ABC Laboratories posterior chamber intraocular lens, 21.0 diopters, serial number 123456.,NARRATIVE: , Informed consent was obtained. All questions were answered. The patient was brought to preoperative holding area where the operative right eye was marked. He was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. EKG leads were placed. General anesthesia was induced by the anesthesia service. A time-out was called to confirm the procedure and operative eye. The right operative eye was disinfected and draped in a standard fashion for eye surgery. A lid speculum was placed. The vitreoretinal team placed the infusion cannula after performing a peritomy. At this point in the case, the patient was turned over to the cornea service with Mrs. Jun. A paracentesis was made at the approximately 3 o'clock position. Healon was placed into the anterior chamber. The diamond keratome was used to make a vertical groove incision just inside the limbus at the 108-degree axis. This incision was then shelved anteriorly and used to enter the anterior chamber. The Utrata forceps were used to complete a continuous circular capsulorrhexis after incision of the capsule with the cystotome. Hydrodissection was performed. The lens nucleus was removed using phacoemulsification and irrigation and aspiration. Lens cortex also was removed using irrigation and aspiration. Viscoelastic was placed to inflate the capsular remnant. The diamond knife was used to enlarge the phaco incision. Intraocular lens was selected from preoperative calculations, placed in the injector system, and inserted into the capsule without difficulty. The trailing haptic was placed using the Sheets forceps and the Barraquer sweep to push the IOL optic posteriorly as the trailing haptic was placed. The anterior cornea wound was sutured along with the paracentesis after irrigation and aspiration was performed to remove remaining viscoelastic from the anterior chamber. This was done without difficulty. The anterior chamber was secured and watertight at the end of the procedure. Intraocular pressure was satisfactory. The patient tolerated the procedure well and then was turned over to the retina service in good condition. They will dictate a separate note.
EXAM: , AP abdomen and ultrasound of kidney.,HISTORY:, Ureteral stricture.,AP ABDOMEN ,FINDINGS:, Comparison is made to study from Month DD, YYYY. There is a left lower quadrant ostomy. There are no dilated bowel loops suggesting obstruction. There is a double-J right ureteral stent, which appears in place. There are several pelvic calcifications, which are likely vascular. No definite pathologic calcifications are seen overlying the regions of the kidneys or obstructing course of the ureters. Overall findings are stable versus most recent exam.,IMPRESSION: , Properly positioned double-J right ureteral stent. No evidence for calcified renal or ureteral stones.,ULTRASOUND KIDNEYS,FINDINGS:, The right kidney is normal in cortical echogenicity of solid mass, stone, hydronephrosis measuring 9.0 x 2.9 x 4.3 cm. There is a right renal/ureteral stent identified. There is no perinephric fluid collection.,The left kidney demonstrates moderate-to-severe hydronephrosis. No stone or solid masses seen. The cortex is normal.,The bladder is decompressed.,IMPRESSION:,1. Left-sided hydronephrosis.,2. No visible renal or ureteral calculi.,3. Right ureteral stent.
DELIVERY NOTE: ,This is a 30-year-old G6, P5-0-0-5 with unknown LMP and no prenatal care, who came in complaining of contractions and active labor. The patient had ultrasound done on admission that showed gestational age of 38-2/7 weeks. The patient progressed to a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery over an intact perineum. Rupture of membranes occurred on 12/25/08 at 2008 hours via artificial rupture of membranes. No meconium was noted. Infant was delivered on 12/25/08 at 2154 hours. Two doses of ampicillin was given prior to rupture of membranes. GBS status unknown. Intrapartum events, no prenatal care. The patient had epidural for anesthesia. No observed abnormalities were noted on initial newborn exam. Apgar scores were 9 and 9 at one and five minutes respectively. There was a nuchal cord x1, nonreducible, which was cut with two clamps and scissors prior to delivery of body of child. Placenta was delivered spontaneously and was normal and intact. There was a three-vessel cord. Baby was bulb suctioned and then sent to newborn nursery. Mother and baby were in stable condition. EBL was approximately 500 mL, NSVD with postpartum hemorrhage. No active bleeding was noted upon deliverance of the placenta. Dr. X attended the delivery with second year resident, Dr. X. Upon deliverance of the placenta, the uterus was massaged and there was good tone. Pitocin was started following deliverance of the placenta. Baby delivered vertex from OA position. Mother following delivery had a temperature of 100.7, denied any specific complaints and was stable following delivery.
EYES: , The conjunctivae are clear. The lids are normal appearing without evidence of chalazion or hordeolum. The pupils are round and reactive. The irides are without any obvious lesions noted. Funduscopic examination shows sharp disk margins. There are no exudates or hemorrhages noted. The vessels are normal appearing.,EARS, NOSE, MOUTH AND THROAT:, The nose is without any evidence of any deformity. The ears are with normal-appearing pinna. Examination of the canals is normal appearing bilaterally. There is no drainage or erythema noted. The tympanic membranes are normal appearing with pearly color, normal-appearing landmarks and normal light reflex. Hearing is grossly intact to finger rubbing and whisper. The nasal mucosa is moist. The septum is midline. There is no evidence of septal hematoma. The turbinates are without abnormality. No obvious abnormalities to the lips. The teeth are unremarkable. The gingivae are without any obvious evidence of infection. The oral mucosa is moist and pink. There are no obvious masses to the hard or soft palate. The uvula is midline. The salivary glands appear unremarkable. The tongue is midline. The posterior pharynx is without erythema or exudate. The tonsils are normal appearing.,NECK:, The neck is nontender and supple. The trachea is midline. The thyroid is without any evidence of thyromegaly. No obvious adenopathy is noted to the neck.,RESPIRATORY: , The patient has normal respiratory effort. There is normal lung excursion. Percussion of the chest is without any obvious dullness. There is no tactile fremitus or egophony noted. There is no tenderness to the chest wall or ribs. There are no obvious abnormalities. The lungs are clear to auscultation. There are no wheezes, rales or rhonchi heard. There are no obvious rubs noted.,CARDIOVASCULAR: , There is a normal PMI on palpation. I do not hear any obvious abnormal sounds. There are no obvious murmurs. There are no rubs or gallops noted. The carotid arteries are without bruit. No obvious thrill is palpated. There is no evidence of enlarged abdominal aorta to palpation. There is no abdominal mass to suggest enlargement of the aorta. Good strong femoral pulses are palpated. The pedal pulses are intact. There is no obvious edema noted to the extremities. There is no evidence of any varicosities or phlebitis noted.,GASTROINTESTINAL: , The abdomen is soft. Bowel sounds are present in all quadrants. There are no obvious masses. There is no organomegaly, and no liver or spleen is palpable. No obvious hernia is noted. The perineum and anus are normal in appearance. There is good sphincter tone and no obvious hemorrhoids are noted. There are no masses. On digital examination, there is no evidence of any tenderness to the rectal vault; no lesions are noted. Stool is brown and guaiac negative.,GENITOURINARY (FEMALE): , The external genitalia is normal appearing with no obvious lesions, no evidence of any unusual rash. The vagina is normal in appearance with normal-appearing mucosa. The urethra is without any obvious lesions or discharge. The cervix is normal in color with no obvious cervical discharge. There are no obvious cervical lesions noted. The uterus is nontender and small, and there is no evidence of any adnexal masses or tenderness. The bladder is nontender to palpation. It is not enlarged.,GENITOURINARY (MALE): , Normal scrotal contents are noted. The testes are descended and nontender. There are no masses and no swelling to the epididymis noted. The penis is without any lesions. There is no urethral discharge. Digital examination of the prostate reveals a nontender, non-nodular prostate.,BREASTS:, The breasts are normal in appearance. There is no puckering noted. There is no evidence of any nipple discharge. There are no obvious masses palpable. There is no axillary adenopathy. The skin is normal appearing over the breasts.,LYMPHATICS: , There is no evidence of any adenopathy to the anterior cervical chain. There is no evidence of submandibular nodes noted. There are no supraclavicular nodes palpable. The axillae are without any abnormal nodes. No inguinal adenopathy is palpable. No obvious epitrochlear nodes are noted.,MUSCULOSKELETAL/EXTREMITIES: , The patient has normal gait and station. The patient has normal muscle strength and tone to all extremities. There is no obvious evidence of any muscle atrophy. The joints are all stable. There is no evidence of any subluxation or laxity to any of the joints. There is no evidence of any dislocation. There is good range of motion of all extremities without any pain or tenderness to the joints or extremities. There is no evidence of any contractures or crepitus. There is no evidence of any joint effusions. No obvious evidence of erythema overlying any of the joints is noted. There is good range of motion at all joints. There are normal-appearing digits. There are no obvious lesions to any of the nails or nail beds.,SKIN:, There is no obvious evidence of any rash. There are no petechiae, pallor or cyanosis noted. There are no unusual nodules or masses palpable.,NEUROLOGIC: , The cranial nerves II XII are tested and are intact. Deep tendon reflexes are symmetrical bilaterally. The toes are downgoing with normal Babinskis. Sensation to light touch is intact and symmetrical. Cerebellar testing reveals normal finger nose, heel shin. Normal gait. No ataxia.,PSYCHIATRIC: ,The patient is oriented to person, place and time. The patient is also oriented to situation. Mood and affect are appropriate for the present situation. The patient can remember 3 objects after 3 minutes without any difficulties. Remote memory appears to be intact. The patient seems to have normal judgment and insight into the situation.
Consult - History and Phy.
IDENTIFYING DATA: , This is a 26-year-old Caucasian male of unknown employment, who has been living with his father.,CHIEF COMPLAINT AND/OR REACTION TO HOSPITALIZATION: , The patient is unresponsive.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient was found by outpatient case manager to be unresponsive and incontinent of urine and feces at his father's home. It is unknown how long the patient has been decompensated after a stay at Hospital.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , Inpatient ITA stay at Hospital one year ago, outpatient at Valley Cities, but currently not engaged in treatment.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Due to the patient being unresponsive and very little information available in the chart, the only medical history that we can identify is to observe that the patient is quite thin for height. He is likely dehydrated, as it appears that he has not had food or fluids for quite some time.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Prior to admission, we do not have that information. He has been started on Ativan 2 mg p.o. or IM if he refuses the p.o. and this would be t.i.d. to treat the catatonia.,SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: ,The patient has been living in his father's home and this is all the information that we have available from the chart.,SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL HISTORY: ,It is unknown with the exception of nicotine use.,LEGAL HISTORY: , Unknown.,GENETIC PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , Unknown.,MENTAL STATUS EXAM:,Attitude: The patient is unresponsive.,Appearance: He is lying in bed in the fetal position with a blanket over his head.,Psychomotor: Catatonic.,EPS/TD: Unable to assess though his limbs are quite contracted.,Affect: Unresponsive.,Mood: Unresponsive.,Speech: Unresponsive.,Thought Process And Thought Content: Unresponsive.,Psychosis: Unable to elicit information to make this assessment.,Suicidal/Homicidal: Also unable to elicit this information.,Cognitive Assessment: Unable to elicit.,Judgment And Insight: Unable to elicit.,Assets: The patient is young.,Limitations: Severe decompensation.,FORMULATION: ,This is a 26-year-old Caucasian male with a diagnosis of psychosis, NOS, admitted with catatonia.,DIAGNOSES:,AXIS I: Psychosis, NOS.,AXIS II: Deferred.,AXIS III: Dehydration.,AXIS IV: Severe.,AXIS V: 10.,ESTIMATED LENGTH OF STAY: , 10 to 14 days.,RECOMMENDATIONS AND PLAN:,1. Stabilize medically from the dehydration per internal medicine.,2. Medications, milieu therapy to assist with re-compensation.
Consult - History and Phy.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Atrial fibrillation and shortness of breath.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: , The patient is an 81-year-old gentleman. The patient had shortness of breath over the last few days, progressively worse. Yesterday he had one episode and got concerned and came to the Emergency Room, also orthopnea and paroxysmal dyspnea. Coronary artery disease workup many years ago. He also has shortness of breath, weakness, and tiredness.,CORONARY RISK FACTORS: , History of hypertension, no history of diabetes mellitus, ex-smoker, cholesterol status elevated, no history of established coronary artery disease, and family history positive.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for coronary artery disease.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Knee surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, cholecystectomy, and appendectomy.,MEDICATIONS: , Thyroid supplementation, atenolol 25 mg daily, Lasix, potassium supplementation, lovastatin 40 mg daily, and Coumadin adjusted dose.,ALLERGIES: , ASPIRIN.,PERSONAL HISTORY:, Married, ex-smoker, and does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation chronic, on anticoagulation.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , As above.,PRESENTATION HISTORY: , Shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and tiredness. The patient also relates history of questionable TIA in 1994.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL: Weakness, fatigue, tiredness.,HEENT: No history of cataracts, blurry vision or glaucoma.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, no coronary artery disease.,RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea, no vomiting, hematemesis, or melena.,UROLOGICAL: Some frequency, urgency, no hematuria.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis, muscle weakness.,SKIN: Chronic skin changes.,CNS: History of TIA. No CVA, no seizure disorder.,ENDOCRINE: Nonsignificant.,HEMATOLOGICAL: Nonsignificant.,PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse of 67, blood pressure 159/49, afebrile, and respiratory rate 18 per minute.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: Neck veins flat. No significant carotid bruits.,LUNGS: Air entry bilaterally fair, decreased in basal areas. No rales or wheezes.,HEART: PMI displaced. S1 and S2 regular.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: Chronic skin changes. Pulses are palpable. No clubbing or cyanosis.,CNS: Grossly intact.,LABORATORY DATA: , H&H stable 30 and 39, INR of 1.86, BUN and creatinine within normal limits, potassium normal limits. First set of cardiac enzymes profile negative. BNP 4810.,Chest x-ray confirms unremarkable findings. EKG reveals atrial fibrillation, nonspecific ST-T changes.,IMPRESSION:
Consult - History and Phy.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Goes back to yesterday, the patient went out for dinner with her boyfriend. The patient after coming home all the family members had some episodes of diarrhea; it is unclear how many times the patient had diarrhea last night. She was found down on the floor this morning, soiled her bowel movements. Paramedics were called and the patient was brought to the emergency room. The patient was in the emergency room noted to be in respiratory failure, was intubated. The patient was in septic shock with metabolic acidosis and no blood pressure and very rapid heart rate with acute renal failure. The patient was started on vasopressors. The patient was started on IV fluids as well as IV antibiotic. The CT of the abdomen showed ileus versus bowel distention without any actual bowel obstruction or perforation. A General Surgery consultation was called who did not think the patient was a surgical candidate and needed an acute surgical procedure. The patient underwent an ultrasound of the abdomen, which did not show any evidence of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The patient was also noted to have acute rhabdomyolysis on the workup in the emergency room.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for history of osteoporosis, hypertension, tobacco dependency, anxiety, neurosis, depression, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy, and history of uterine cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for hysterectomy, bilateral femoropopliteal bypass surgeries as well as left eye cataract surgery and appendicectomy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with her boyfriend. The patient has a history of heavy tobacco and alcohol abuse for many years.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available at this current time.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is intubated, obtunded, gangrenous ears with gangrenous fingertips.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is absent, heart rate of 138 per minute, and the patient is on the ventilator.,HEENT: Examination shows head is atraumatic, pupils are dilated and very, very sluggishly reacting to light. No oropharyngeal lesions noted.,NECK: Supple. No JVD, distention or carotid bruit. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Bilateral crackles and bruits.,ABDOMEN: Distended, unable to evaluate if this is tender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are very hyperactive.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: Show no edema. Distal pulses are decreased.,OVERALL NEUROLOGICAL: Examination cannot be assessed.,LABORATORY DATA: , The database was available at this point of time. WBC count is elevated at 19,000 with the left shift, hemoglobin of 17.7, and hematocrit of 55.8 consistent with severe dehydration. PT INR is prolonged at 1.7 and aPTT is prolonged at 60. Sodium was 143, BUN of 36, and creatinine of 2.5. The patient's blood gas shows pH of 7.05, pO2 of 99.6, and pCO2 of 99.6. Bicarb is 16.5.,ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION:,1. Septicemia with septic shock.,2. Metabolic acidosis.,3. Respiratory failure.,4. Anuria.,5. Acute renal failure.,The patient has no blood pressure at this point in time. The patient is on IV fluids. The patient is on vasopressors due to ventilator support, bronchodilators as well as IV antibiotics. Her overall prognosis is extremely poor. This was discussed with the patient's niece who is at bedside and will become indicated with her daughter when she arrives who is on the plane right now from Iowa. The patient will be maintained on these supports at this point in time, but prognosis is poor.
General Medicine
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Right index finger and middle fingers tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. Right index finger and middle fingers tenosynovitis.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Right carpal tunnel release.,2. Right index and middle fingers release A1 pulley.,TOURNIQUET TIME: ,70 minutes.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,GROSS INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS:,1. A compressed median nerve at the carpal tunnel, which was flattened.,2. A stenosing tenosynovitis of the A1 pulley of the right index as well as middle fingers. After the A1 pulley was released, there was evidence of some synovitis as well as some fraying of the flexor digitorum profundus as well as flexor digitorum superficialis tendons.,HISTORY: ,This is a 78-year-old male who is complaining of right hand pain and numbness with decreased range of the middle index finger and right middle finger complaining of catching and locking. The patient was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome on bilateral hands the right being worse than the left. He had positive EMG findings as well as clinical findings. The patient did undergo an injection, which only provided him with temporary relief and is for this reason, he has consented to undergo the above-named procedure.,All risks as well as complications were discussed with the patient and consent was obtained.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was wheeled back to the operating room #1 at ABCD General Hospital on 08/29/03. He was placed supine on the operating room table. Next, a non-sterile tourniquet was placed on the right forearm, but not inflated. At this time, 8 cc of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine was instilled into the carpal tunnel region of the volar aspect of the wrist for anesthesia. In addition, an additional 2 cc were used on the superficial skin of the volar palm over the A1 pulley of the right index and right middle fingers. At this time, the extremity was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion for this procedure. First, we went for release of the carpal tunnel. Approximately 2.5 cm incision was made over the volar aspect of the wrist over the carpal tunnel region. First, dissection through the skin in the superficial fascia was performed with a self-retractor placed in addition to Ragnells retracting proximally and distally. The palmaris brevis muscle was then identified and sharply transected. At this time, we identified the transverse carpal tunnel ligament and a #15 blade was used to sharply and carefully release that fascia. Once the fascia of the transverse carpal ligament was transected, the identification of the median nerve was visualized. The resection of the ligament was taken both proximally and distally to assure complete release and it was checked thoroughly. At this time, a neurolysis was performed and no evidence of space-occupying lesions were identified within the carpal tunnel. At this time, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound. The wound was suctioned dry. At this time, we proceeded to the release of the A1 pulleys. Approximately, a 1.5 cm incision was made over the A1 pulley in the volar aspect of the palm of the right index and right middle fingers. First, we went for the index finger. Once the skin incision was made, Metzenbaum scissor was used to longitudinally dissect the subcutaneous tissue and with Ragnell retractors we identified the A1 pulley. A #15 blade was used to make a longitudinal slit along with A1 pulley and the Littler scissors were used to release the A1 pulley proximally as well as distally. Once this was performed, a tendon hook was then used to wrap the tendon and release the tendons both proximally and distally and they were removed from the wound in order to check their integrity. There was some evidence of synovitis in addition to some fraying of the both the profundus as well as superficialis tendons. Once a thorough release was performed, copious irrigation was used to irrigate that wound. In the similar fashion, a 1.5 cm incision was made over the volar aspect of the A1 pulley of the right middle finger. A Littler scissor was used to bluntly dissect in the longitudinal fashion. With the Ragnell retractors, we identified the A1 pulley of the right middle finger.,Using a #15 blade, the A1 pulley was scored with the #15 blade and the Litter scissor was used to complete the release of the A1 pulley distally and proximally. We again placed the tendon hook around both the superficialis and the profundus tendons and they were extruded from the wound to check their integrity. Again, there was evidence of some synovitis as well as fraying of both tendons. The girth of both tendons and both wounds were within normal limits. At this time, copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound. The patient was then asked to intraoperatively flex and extend his fingers and he was able to fully flex his fingers to make a close fit which he was not able to do preoperatively. In addition, he was able to abduct his thumb indicating that the recurrent branch of the median nerve was intact. At this time, #5-0 nylon was used to approximate in a vertical mattress type fashion both the carpal tunnel incision as well as the both A1 pulley incisions of the right middle finger and right index finger. The wound closure took place after the tourniquet was released and hemostasis was obtained with Bovie cautery. At this time, a short-arm splint was placed on the volar aspect of the wrist after it was wrapped in a sterile dressing consisting of Adaptic and Kerlix roll. The patient was then carefully taken off of the operating room table to Recovery in stable condition.
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 1-month-old who comes in for a healthy checkup. Mom says things are gone very well. He is kind of acting like he has got a little bit of sore throat but no fevers. He is still eating well. He is up to 4 ounces every feeding. He has not been spitting up. Voiding and stooling well.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reviewed, very healthy.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, None.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICINES:, None.,DIETARY: , His formula fed on Enfamil Lipil. Voiding and stooling well. Growth chart reviewed with Mom.,DEVELOPMENTAL:, He is starting to track with his eyes. He is smiling a little bit, moving hands and feet symmetrically.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, In general well-developed, well-nourished male in no acute distress.,DERMATOLOGIC: Without rash or lesion.,HEENT: Head normocephalic and atraumatic. Anterior fontanel soft and flat. Eyes: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular movements intact. Red reflexes present bilaterally. Does appear to have conjugate gaze. Ears: Tympanic membranes are pink to gray, translucent, neutral position, normal light reflex and mobility. Nares are patent, pink mucosa, moist. Oropharynx clear with pink mucosa, normal moisture.,NECK: Supple without masses.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion with easy respirations and no accessory muscle use.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs, heaves or gallops.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended without hepatosplenomegaly.,GU EXAM: Normal Tanner I male. Testes descended bilaterally. No hernias noted.,EXTREMITIES: Pink and warm. Moving all extremities well. No subluxation of the hips and leg creases appear symmetric.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, otherwise nonfocal. 2+ deep tendon reflexes at the knees. Fixes and follows appropriately to both voice and face.,ASSESSMENT:, Well child check.,PLAN:,1. Diet, growth and safety discussed.,2. Immunizations discussed and updated with hepatitis B.,3. Return to clinic at two months of age. Call if problems.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , C5-C6 anterior cervical discectomy, allograft fusion, and anterior plating.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,CLINICAL NOTE: , This is a 57-year-old gentleman with refractory neck pain with single-level degeneration of the cervical spine and there was also some arm pain. We decided go ahead with anterior cervical discectomy at C5-C6 and fusion. The risks of lack of pain relief, paralysis, hoarse voice, nerve injuries, and infection were explained and the patient agreed to proceed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room where a general endotracheal anesthesia was induced without complication. The patient was placed in the slightly extended position with the neck and the head was restrained in a doughnut and the occiput was restrained by the doughnut. He had tape placed over the shoulders during intraoperative x-rays and his elbows were well padded. The tape was placed and his arms were well padded. He was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A linear incision was fashioned at the cricothyroid level from near the midline to over the sternocleidomastoid muscle. We separated the platysma from the subcutaneous tissue and then opened the platysma along the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. We then dissected sharply medial to carotid artery, which we palpated to the prevertebral region. We placed Caspar retractors for medial and lateral exposure over the C5-C6 disc space, which we confirmed with the lateral cervical spine x-ray including 18-gauge needle in the disc space. We then marked the disc space. We then drilled off ventral osteophyte as well as osteophyte creating concavity within the disc space. We then under magnification removed all the disc material, we could possibly see down to bleeding bone and both the endplates. We took down posterior longitudinal ligament as well. We incised the 6-mm cornerstone bone. We placed a 6-mm parallel medium bone nicely into the disc space. We then sized a 23-mm plate. We inserted the screws nicely above and below. We tightened down the lock-nuts. We irrigated the wound. We assured hemostasis using bone wax prior to placing the plate. We then assured hemostasis once again. We reapproximated the platysma using 3-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted fashion. The subcutaneous level was closed using 3-0 Vicryl in a simple buried fashion. The skin was closed with 3-0 Monocryl in a running subcuticular stitch. Steri-Strips were applied. Dry sterile dressing with Telfa was applied over this. We obtained an intraoperative x-ray to confirm the proper level and good position of both plates and screw construct on the lateral x-ray and the patient was transferred to the recovery room, moving all four extremities with stable vital signs. I was present as a primary surgeon throughout the entire case.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute abdominal pain, rule out appendicitis versus other.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Acute pelvic inflammatory disease and periappendicitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Diagnostic laparoscopy.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,CULTURES:, Intra-abdominally are done.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 31-year-old African-American female patient who complains of sudden onset of pain and has seen in the Emergency Room. The pain has started in the umbilical area and radiated to McBurney's point. The patient appears to have a significant pain requiring surgical evaluation. It did not appear that the pain was pelvic in nature, but more higher up in the abdomen, more towards the appendix. The patient was seen by Dr. Y at my request in the ER with me in attendance. We went over the case. He decided that she should go to the operating room for evaluation and to have appendix evaluated and probably removed. The patient on ultrasound had a 0.9 cm ovarian cyst on the right side. The patient's cyst was not completely simple and they are concerns over the possibility of an abnormality. The patient states that she has had chlamydia in the past, but it was not a pelvic infection more vaginal infection. The patient has had hospitalization for this. The patient therefore signed informed in layman's terms with her understanding that perceivable risks and complications, the alternative treatment, the procedure itself and recovery. All questions were answered. ,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was seen in the Emergency Room. In the Emergency Room, there is really no apparent vaginal discharge. No odor or cervical motion tenderness. Negative bladder sweep. Adnexa were without abnormalities. In the OR, we were able to perform pelvic examination showing a slightly enlarged fibroid uterus about 9 to 10-week size. The patient had no adnexal fullness. The patient then underwent an insertion of a uterine manipulator and Dr. X was in the case at that time and he started the laparoscopic process i.e., inserting the laparoscope. We then observed under direct laparoscopic visualization with the aid of a camera that there was pus in and around the uterus. The both fallopian tubes were seen. There did not appear to be hydrosalpinx. The ovaries were seen. The left showed some adhesions into the ovarian fossa. The cul-de-sac had a banded adhesions. The patient on the right adnexa had a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst, where the cyst was only about a centimeter enlarged. The ovary did not appear to have pus in it, but there was pus over the area of the bladder flap. The patient's bowel was otherwise unremarkable. The liver contained evidence of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome and prior PID. The appendix was somewhat adherent into the retrocecal area and to the mid-quadrant abdominal sidewall on the right. The case was then turned over to Dr. Y who was in the room at that time and Dr. X had left. The patient's case was turned over to him. Dr. Y was performed an appendectomy following which cultures and copious irrigation. Dr. Y was then closed the case. The patient was placed on antibiotics. We await the results of the cultures and as well further ______ therapy.,PRIMARY DIAGNOSES:,1. Periappendicitis.,2. Pelvic inflammatory disease.,3. Chronic adhesive disease.
IDENTIFYING DATA:, The patient is a 36-year-old Caucasian male.,CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient relates that he originally came to this facility because of failure to accomplish task, difficulty saying what he wanted to say, and being easily distracted.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient has been receiving services at this facility previously, under the care of ABC, M.D., and later XYZ, M.D. Historically, he has found it very easy to be distracted in the "cubicle" office setting where he sometimes works. He first remembers having difficulty with concentration in college, but his mother has pointed out to him that at some point in his early education, one teacher commented that he may have problems with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Symptoms have included difficulty sustaining attention (especially in reading), not seeming to listen one spoke into directly, failure to finish task, difficulty with organization, avoiding task requiring sustained mental effort, losing things, being distracted by extraneous stimuli, being forgetful. In the past, probably in high school, the patient recalled being more figidity than now. He tensed to feel anxious. Sleep has been highly variable. He will go for perhaps months at a time with middle insomnia and early morning awakening (3:00 a.m.), and then may sleep well for a month. Appetite has been good. He has recently gained about 15 pounds, but notes that he lost about 30 pounds during the time he was taking Adderall. He tends to feel depressed. His energy level is "better now," but this was very problematic in the past. He has problems with motivation. In the past, he had passing thoughts of suicide, but this is no longer a problem.,PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:, The patient has never been hospitalized for psychiatric purposes. His only treatment has been at this facility. He tried Adderall for a time, and it helped, but he became hypertensive. Lunesta is effective for his insomnia issues. Effexor has helped to some degree. He has been prescribed Provigil, as much as 200 mg q.a.m., but has been cutting it down to 100 mg q.a.m. with some success. He sometimes takes the other half of the tablet in the afternoon.
Psychiatry / Psychology
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Chronic otitis media.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 14-month-old with history of chronic recurrent episodes of otitis media, totalling 6 bouts, requiring antibiotics since birth. There is also associated chronic nasal congestion. There had been no bouts of spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation, but there had been elevations of temperature up to 102 during the acute infection. He is being admitted at this time for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Mild reflux.,PREVIOUS SURGERIES:, None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is not in daycare. There are no pets in the home. There is no secondhand tobacco exposure.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Examination of ears reveals retracted poorly mobile tympanic membranes on the right side with a middle ear effusion present. Left ear is still little bit black. Nose, moderate inferior turbinate hypertrophy. No polyps or purulence. Oral cavity, oropharynx 2+ tonsils. No exudates. Neck, no nodes, masses or thyromegaly. Lungs are clear to A&P. Cardiac exam, regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. Abdomen is soft and nontender. Positive bowel sounds.,IMPRESSION: , Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion, recurrent acute otitis media, and wax accumulation.,PLAN:, The patient will be admitted to the operating room for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Status post multiple trauma/motor vehicle accident.,2. Acute respiratory failure.,3. Acute respiratory distress/ventilator asynchrony.,4. Hypoxemia.,5. Complete atelectasis of left lung.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Status post multiple trauma/motor vehicle accident.,2. Acute respiratory failure.,3. Acute respiratory distress/ventilator asynchrony.,4. Hypoxemia.,5. Complete atelectasis of left lung.,6. Clots partially obstructing the endotracheal tube and completely obstructing the entire left main stem and entire left bronchial system.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Emergent fiberoptic plus bronchoscopy with lavage.,LOCATION OF PROCEDURE: ,ICU. Room #164.,ANESTHESIA/SEDATION:, Propofol drip, Brevital 75 mg, morphine 5 mg, and Versed 8 mg.,HISTORY,: The patient is a 44-year-old male who was admitted to ABCD Hospital on 09/04/03 status post MVA with multiple trauma and subsequently diagnosed with multiple spine fractures as well as bilateral pulmonary contusions, requiring ventilatory assistance. The patient was noted with acute respiratory distress on ventilator support with both ventilator asynchrony and progressive desaturation. Chest x-ray as noted above revealed complete atelectasis of the left lung. The patient was subsequently sedated and received one dose of paralytic as noted above followed by emergent fiberoptic flexible bronchoscopy.,PROCEDURE DETAIL,: A bronchoscope was inserted through the oroendotracheal tube, which was partially obstructed with blood clots. These were lavaged with several aliquots of normal saline until cleared. The bronchoscope required removal because the tissue/clots were obstructing the bronchoscope. The bronchoscope was reinserted on several occasions until cleared and advanced to the main carina. The endotracheal tube was noted to be in good position. The bronchoscope was advanced through the distal trachea. There was a white tissue completely obstructing the left main stem at the carina. The bronchoscope was advanced to this region and several aliquots of normal saline lavage were instilled and suctioned. Again this partially obstructed the bronchoscope requiring several times removing the bronchoscope to clear the lumen. The bronchoscope subsequently was advanced into the left mainstem and subsequently left upper and lower lobes. There was diffuse mucus impactions/tissue as well as intermittent clots. There was no evidence of any active bleeding noted. Bronchoscope was adjusted and the left lung lavaged until no evidence of any endobronchial obstruction is noted. Bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the main carina and advanced into the right bronchial system. There is no plugging or obstruction of the right bronchial system. The bronchoscope was then withdrawn to the main carina and slowly withdrawn as the position of endotracheal tube was verified, approximately 4 cm above the main carina. The bronchoscope was then completely withdrawn as the patient was maintained on ventilator support during and postprocedure. Throughout the procedure, pulse oximetry was greater than 95% throughout. There is no hemodynamic instability or variability noted during the procedure. Postprocedure chest x-ray is pending at this time.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute infected olecranon bursitis, left elbow.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Infection, left olecranon bursitis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Incision and drainage, left elbow.,2. Excision of the olecranon bursa, left elbow.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,NEEDLE AND SPONGE COUNT: , Correct.,SPECIMENS: , Excised bursa and culture specimens sent to the microbiology.,INDICATION: ,The patient is a 77-year-old male who presented with 10-day history of pain on the left elbow with an open wound and drainage purulent pus followed by serous drainage. He was then scheduled for I&D and excision of the bursa. Risks and benefits were discussed. No guarantees were made or implied.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and once an adequate sedation was achieved, the left elbow was injected with 0.25% plain Marcaine. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped in standard sterile fashion. On examination of the left elbow, there was presence of thickening of the bursal sac. There was a couple of millimeter opening of skin breakdown from where the serous drainage was noted. An incision was made midline of the olecranon bursa with an elliptical incision around the open wound, which was excised with skin. The incision was carried proximally and distally. The olecranon bursa was significantly thickened and scarred. Excision of the olecranon bursa was performed. There was significant evidence of thickening of the bursa with some evidence of adhesions. Satisfactory olecranon bursectomy was performed. The wound margins were debrided. The wound was thoroughly irrigated with Pulsavac irrigation lavage system mixed with antibiotic solution. There was no evidence of a loose body. There was no bleeding or drainage. After completion of the bursectomy and I&D, the skin margins, which were excised were approximated with 2-0 nylon in horizontal mattress fashion. The open area of the skin, which was excised was left _________ and was dressed with 0.25-inch iodoform packing. Sterile dressings were placed including Xeroform, 4x4, ABD, and Bias. The patient tolerated the procedure very well. He was then extubated and transferred to the recovery room in a stable condition. There were no intraoperative complications noticed.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Cerebrovascular accident (CVA).,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 56-year-old gentleman with a significant past medical history for nasopharyngeal cancer status post radiation therapy to his pharynx and neck in 1991 who presents to the emergency room after awakening at 2:30 a.m. this morning with trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, and left-sided numbness and weakness. This occurred at 2:30 a.m. His wife said that he had trouble speaking as well, but gradually the symptoms resolved but he was still complaining of a headache and at that point, he was brought to the emergency room. He arrived at the emergency room here via private ambulance at 6:30 a.m. in the morning. Upon initial evaluation, he did have some left-sided weakness and was complaining of a headache. He underwent workup including a CT, which was negative and his symptoms slowly began to resolve. He was initially admitted, placed on Plavix and aspirin. However a few hours later, his symptoms returned and he had increasing weakness of his left arm and left leg as well as slurred speech. Repeat CT scan again done reportedly was negative and he was subsequently heparinized and admitted. He also underwent an echo, carotid ultrasound, and lab work in the emergency room. Wife is at the bedside and denies he had any other symptoms previous to this. He denied any chest pain or palpitations. She does report that he is on a Z-Pak, got a cortisone shot, and some decongestant from Dr. ABC on Saturday because of congestion and that had gotten better.,ALLERGIES: ,He has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Multivitamin.,2. Ibuprofen p.r.n.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Nasopharyngeal cancer. Occurred in 1991. Status post XRT of the nasopharyngeal area and his neck because of spread to the lymph nodes.,2. Lumbar disk disease.,3. Status post diskectomy.,4. Chronic neck pain secondary to XRT.,5. History of thalassemia.,6. Chronic dizziness since his XRT in 1991.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Lumbar diskectomy, which is approximately 7 to 8 years ago, otherwise negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is a nonsmoker. He occasionally has a beer. He is married. He works as a flooring installer.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Pertinent for father who died of an inoperable brain tumour. Mother is obese, but otherwise negative history.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,He reports he was in his usual state of health up until he awoke this morning. He does states that yesterday his son cleaned the walk area with some ether and since then he has not quite been feeling right. He is a right-handed male and normally wears glasses.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Stable. His blood pressure was 156/97 in the emergency room, pulse is 73, respiratory rate 20, and saturation is 99%.,GENERAL: He is alert, pleasant, and in no acute distress at this time. He answers questions appropriately.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact. Sclerae are clear. TMs clear. Oropharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple with full range of motion. He does have some increased density to neck, I assume, secondary to XRT.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,EXTREMITIES: Show no clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: He does have a minimally slurred speech at present. He does have a slight facial droop. He has significant left upper extremity weakness approximately 3-4/5, left lower extremity weakness is approximately a 2-3/5 on the left. Handgrip is about 4/5 on the left, right side is 5/5.,LABORATORY DATA: ,His initial blood work, PT was 11 and PTT 27. CBC is within normal limits except for hemoglobin of 12.9 and hematocrit of 39.1. Chem panel is all normal.,EKG showed normal sinus rhythm, normal EKG. CT of his brain, initially his first CT, which was done this morning at approximately 7 a.m. showed a normal CT. Repeat CT done at approximately 3:30 p.m. this evening was reportedly also normal. He underwent an echocardiogram in the emergency room, which was essentially normal. He had a carotid ultrasound, which revealed total occlusion of the right internal carotid artery, 60% to 80% stenosis of the left internal carotid artery, and 60% stenosis of the left external carotid artery.,MPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Cerebrovascular accident, in progress.
Emergency Room Reports
TITLE OF OPERATION:, A complex closure and debridement of wound.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY:, The patient is a 26-year-old female with a long history of shunt and hydrocephalus presenting with a draining wound in the right upper quadrant, just below the costal margin that was lanced by General Surgery and resolved; however, it continued to drain. There is no evidence of fevers. CRP was normal. Shunt CT were all normal. The thought was he has insidious fistula versus tract where recommendation was for excision of this tract.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and willing to be inducted with a laryngeal mask airway, positioned supine and the right side was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Next, working on the fistula, this was elliptically excised. Once this was excised, this was followed down to the fistulous tract, which was completely removed. There was no CSF drainage. The catheter was visualized, although not adequately properly. Once this was excised, it was irrigated and then closed in multiple layers using 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layers and 4-0 Caprosyn and Indermil with a dry sterile dressing applied. The patient was reversed, extubated and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. Multiple cultures were sent as well as the tracts sent to Pathology. All sponge and needle counts were correct.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Term pregnancy at 40 and 3/7th weeks.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Spontaneous vaginal delivery.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 36-year-old African-American female who is a G-2, P-2-0-0-2 with an EDC of 08/30/2003. She is blood type AB -ve with antibody screen negative and is also rubella immune, VDRL nonreactive, hepatitis B surface antigen negative, and HIV nonreactive. She does have a history of sickle cell trait. She presented to Labor and Delivery Triage at 40 and 3/7th weeks gestation with complaint of contractions every ten minutes. She also stated that she has lost her mucous plug. She did have fetal movement, noted no leak of fluid, did have some spotting. On evaluation of triage, she was noted to be contracting approximately every five minutes and did have discomfort with her contractions. She was evaluated by sterile vaginal exam and was noted to be 4 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and -3 station. This was a change from her last office exam, at which she was 1 cm to 2 cm dilated.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, The patient was admitted to Labor and Delivery for expected management of labor and AROM was performed and the amniotic fluid was noted to be meconium stained. After her membranes were ruptured, contractions did increase to every two to three minutes as well as the intensity increased. She was given Nubain for discomfort with good result.,She had a spontaneous vaginal delivery of a live born female at 11:37 with meconium stained fluid as noted from ROA position. After controlled delivery of the head, tight nuchal cord was noted, which was quickly double clamped and cut and the shoulders and body were delivered without difficulty. The infant was taken to the awaiting pediatrician. Weight was 2870 gm, length was 51 cm. The Apgars were 6 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. There was initial neonatal depression, which was treated by positive pressure ventilation and the administration of Narcan.,Spontaneous delivery of an intact placenta with a three-vessel cord was noted at 11:45. On examination, there were no noted perineal abrasions or lacerations. On vaginal exam, there were no noted cervical or vaginal sidewall lacerations. Estimated blood loss was less than 250 cc. Mother and infant are in recovery doing well at this time.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
EXAM: , MRI of lumbar spine without contrast.,HISTORY:, A 24-year-old female with chronic back pain.,TECHNIQUE: , Noncontrast axial and sagittal images were acquired through the lumbar spine in varying degrees of fat and water weighting.,FINDINGS: , The visualized cord is normal in signal intensity and morphology with conus terminating in proper position. Visualized osseous structures are normal in marrow signal intensity and morphology without evidence for fracture/contusion, compression deformity, or marrow replacement process. There are no paraspinal masses.,Disc heights, signal, and vertebral body heights are maintained throughout the lumbar spine.,L5-S1: Central canal, neural foramina are patent.,L4-L5: Central canal, neural foramina are patent.,L3-L4: Central canal, neural foramen is patent.,L2-L3: Central canal, neural foramina are patent.,L1-L2: Central canal, neural foramina are patent.,The visualized abdominal aorta is normal in caliber. Incidental note has been made of multiple left-sided ovarian, probable physiologic follicular cysts.,IMPRESSION: , No acute disease in the lumbar spine.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right distal femoral, subperiosteal abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right distal femoral, subperiosteal abscess.,OPERATION:, Repeat irrigation and debridement of above.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,FLUID: , Per anesthesia.,DRAINS: , Hemovac times two.,COMPLICATIONS: , None apparent.,SPECIMENS:, To microbiology.,INDICATIONS: , She is a 10-year-old girl who has history of burns and has developed a subperiosteal abscess at her right distal femur. I am bringing her back to the operating room for another exploration of this area and washout. This will be the third procedure for this. At the last time, there was gross purulence that was encountered. Since that time, the patient has defervesced. Her white count is slowly coming down. Her C-reactive protein is slowly coming down.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After informed consent was obtained, operative site marked, and after preoperative antibiotics were given, the patient was brought back to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table, where Anesthesia induced general anesthesia. The patient's right lower extremity was prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. Surgical timeout occurred verifying the patient's identification, surgical site, surgical procedure, and administration of antibiotics. The patient's previous incision sites had the sutures removed. We bluntly dissected down through to the IT band. These deep stitches were then removed. We exposed the area of the subperiosteal abscess. The tissue looked much better than at the last surgery. We irrigated this area with three liters of saline containing bacitracin. Next, we made our small medial window to assist with washout of the joint itself. We put another three liters of saline containing bacitracin through the knee joint. Lastly, we did another three liters into the area of the distal femur with three liters of plain saline. We then placed two Hemovac drains, one in the metaphysis and one superficially. We closed the deep fascia with #1 PDS. Subcutaneous layers with 2-0 Monocryl and closed the skin with 2-0 nylon. We placed a sterile dressing. We then turned the case over to Dr. Petty for dressing change and skin graft.,PLAN: ,Our plan will be to pull the drains in 48 hours. We will then continue to watch the patient's fever curve and follow her white count to see how she is responding to the operative and medical therapies.,
PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Colonoscopy.,INDICATIONS:, Renewed symptoms likely consistent with active flare of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, not responsive to conventional therapy including sulfasalazine, cortisone, local therapy.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained prior to the procedure with special attention to benefits, risks, alternatives. Risks explained as bleeding, infection, bowel perforation, aspiration pneumonia, or reaction to the medications. Vital signs were monitored by blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Supplemental O2 given. Specifics discussed. Preprocedure physical exam performed. Stable vital signs. Lungs clear. Cardiac exam showed regular rhythm. Abdomen soft. Her past history, her past workup, her past visitation with me for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, well responsive to sulfasalazine reviewed. She currently has a flare and is not responding, therefore, likely may require steroid taper. At the same token, her symptoms are mild. She has rectal bleeding, essentially only some rusty stools. There is not significant diarrhea, just some lower stools. No significant pain. Therefore, it is possible that we are just dealing with a hemorrhoidal bleed, therefore, colonoscopy now needed. Past history reviewed. Specifics of workup, need for followup, and similar discussed. All questions answered.,A normal digital rectal examination was performed. The PCF-160 AL was inserted into the anus and advanced to the cecum without difficulty, as identified by the ileocecal valve, cecal stump, and appendical orifice. All mucosal aspects thoroughly inspected, including a retroflexed examination. Withdrawal time was greater than six minutes. Unfortunately, the terminal ileum could not be intubated despite multiple attempts.,Findings were those of a normal cecum, right colon, transverse colon, descending colon. A small cecal polyp was noted, this was biopsy-removed, placed in bottle #1. Random biopsies from the cecum obtained, bottle #2; random biopsies from the transverse colon obtained, as well as descending colon obtained, bottle #3. There was an area of inflammation in the proximal sigmoid colon, which was biopsied, placed in bottle #4. There was an area of relative sparing, with normal sigmoid lining, placed in bottle #5, randomly biopsied, and then inflammation again in the distal sigmoid colon and rectum biopsied, bottle #6, suggesting that we may be dealing with Crohn disease, given the relative sparing of the sigmoid colon and junk lesion. Retroflexed showed hemorrhoidal disease. Scope was then withdrawn, patient left in good condition. ,IMPRESSION:, Active flare of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, question of Crohn disease.,PLAN: , I will have the patient follow up with me, will follow up on histology, follow up on the polyps. She will be put on a steroid taper and make an appointment and hopefully steroids alone will do the job. If not, she may be started on immune suppressive medication, such as azathioprine, or similar. All of this has been reviewed with the patient. All questions answered.
EXAM: , Ultrasound Abdomen., ,REASON FOR EXAM: , Elevated liver function tests., ,INTERPRETATION: , The liver demonstrates heterogeneously increased echotexture with significant fatty infiltration. The gallbladder is surgically absent. There is no fluid collection in the cholecystectomy bed. There is dilatation of the common bile duct up to 1 cm. There is also dilatation of the pancreatic duct that measures up to 3 mm. There is caliectasis in the right kidney. The bladder is significantly distended measuring 937 cc in volume. The caliectasis in the right kidney may be secondary to back pressure from the distended bladder. The aorta is normal in caliber., ,IMPRESSION:,1. Dilated common duct as well as pancreatic duct as described. Given the dilatation of these two ducts, ERCP versus MRCP is recommended to exclude obstructing mass. The findings could reflect changes of cholecystectomy. ,2. Significantly distended bladder with probably resultant caliectasis in the right kidney. Clinical correlation recommended.
2-D ECHOCARDIOGRAM,Multiple views of the heart and great vessels reveal normal intracardiac and great vessel relationships. Cardiac function is normal. There is no significant chamber enlargement or hypertrophy. There is no pericardial effusion or vegetations seen. Doppler interrogation, including color flow imaging, reveals systemic venous return to the right atrium with normal tricuspid inflow. Pulmonary outflow is normal at the valve. Pulmonary venous return is to the left atrium. The interatrial septum is intact. Mitral inflow and ascending aorta flow are normal. The aortic valve is trileaflet. The coronary arteries appear to be normal in their origins. The aortic arch is left-sided and patent with normal descending aorta pulsatility.
FINDINGS:,By dates the patient is 8 weeks, 2 days.,There is a gestational sac within the endometrial cavity measuring 2.1cm consistent with 6 weeks 4 days. There is a fetal pole measuring 7mm consistent with 6 weeks 4 days. There was no fetal heart motion on Doppler or on color Doppler.,There is no fluid within the endometrial cavity.,There is a 2.8 x 1.2cm right adnexal cyst.,IMPRESSION:,Gestational sac with a fetal pole but no fetal heart motion consistent with fetal demise at 6 weeks 4 days. By dates the patient is 8 weeks, 2 days.,A preliminary report was called by the ultrasound technologist to the referring physician.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy, left more than the right.,2. Cervical spondylosis with herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Neck pain with bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy, left more than the right.,2. Cervical spondylosis with herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES,1. Anterior cervical discectomy with decompression, C5-C6.,2. Arthrodesis with anterior interbody fusion, C5-C6.,3. Spinal instrumentation, C5-C6 using Pioneer 18-mm plate and four 14 x 4.0 mm screws (all titanium).,4. Implant using PEEK 7 mm.,5. Allograft using Vitoss.,DRAINS: , Round French 10 JP drain.,FLUIDS: ,1200 cc of crystalloids.,URINE OUTPUT: , No Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 cc.,INDICATIONS FOR THE OPERATION:, This is a case of a very pleasant 38-year-old Caucasian female who has been complaining over the last eight years of neck pain and shoulder pain radiating down across the top of her left shoulder and also across her shoulder blades to the right side, but predominantly down the left upper extremity into the wrist. The patient has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and subsequently, has been treated with pain medications, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants. The patient's symptoms continued to persist and subsequently, an MRI of the C-spine was done, which showed disc desiccation, spondylosis and herniated disk at C5-C6, an EMG and CV revealed a presence of mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient is now being recommended to undergo decompression and spinal instrumentation and fusion at C5-C6. The patient understood the risks and benefits of the surgery. Risks include but not exclusive of bleeding and infection. Bleeding can be in the form of soft tissue bleeding, which may compromise airway for which she can be brought emergently back to the operating room for emergent evacuation of the hematoma as this may cause weakness of all four extremities, numbness of all four extremities, as well as impairment of bowel and bladder function. This could also result in dural tear with its attendant symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and posterior neck pain as well as the development of pseudomeningocele. Should the symptoms be severe or the pseudomeningocele be large, she can be brought back to the operating room for repair of the CSF leak and evacuation of the pseudomeningocele. There is also the risk of pseudoarthrosis and nonfusion, for which she may require redo surgery at this level. There is also the possibility of nonimprovement of her symptoms in about 10% of cases. The patient understands this risk on top of the potential injury to the esophagus and trachea as well as the carotid artery. There is also the risk of stroke, should an undiagnosed plaque be propelled into the right cerebral circulation. The patient also understands that there could be hoarseness of the voice secondary to injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. She understood these risks on top of the risks of anesthesia and gave her consent for the procedure.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, awake, alert and not in any form of distress. After smooth induction and intubation, the patient was positioned supine on the operating table with the neck placed on hyperextension and the head supported on a foam doughnut. A marker was placed. This verified the level to be at the C5-C6 level and incision was then marked in a transverse fashion starting from the midline extending about 5 mm beyond the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The area was then prepped with DuraPrep after the head was turned 45 degrees to the left.,After sterile drapes were laid out, an incision was made using a scalpel blade #10. Wound edge bleeders were carefully controlled with bipolar coagulation and the platysma was cut using a hot knife in a transverse fashion. Dissection was then carried underneath the platysma superiorly inferiorly. The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid was identified and dissection was carried out lateral to the esophagus to trachea as well as medial to the carotid sheath in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The prevertebral fascia was noted to be taken her case with a lot of fat deposition. Bipolar coagulation of bleeders was done; however, branch of the superior thyroid artery was ligated with Hemoclips x4. After this was completed, a localizing x-ray verified the marker to be at the C6-C7 level. We proceeded to strip the longus colli muscles off the vertebral body of the C5 and C6. Self-retaining retractor was then laid down. An anterior osteophyte was carefully drilled using a Midas 5-mm bur and the disk together with the inferior endplate of C5 and the superior endplate of C6 was also drilled down with the Midas 5-mm bur. This was later followed with a 3-mm bur and the disk together with posterior longitudinal ligament was removed using Kerrison's ranging from 1 to 4 mm. The herniation was noted on the right. However, there was significant neuroforaminal stenosis on the left. Decompression on both sides was done and after this was completed, a Valsalva maneuver showed no evidence of any CSF leakage. The area was then irrigated with saline with bacitracin solution. A 7 mm implant with its inferior packed with Vitoss was then laid down and secured in place with four 14 x 4.0 mm screws and plate 18 mm, all of which were titanium. X-ray after this placement showed excellent position of all these implants and screws and _____ and the patient's area was also irrigated with saline with bacitracin solution. A round French 10 JP drain was then laid down and exteriorized through a separate stab incision on the patient's right inferiorly. The catheter was then anchored to the skin with a nylon 3-0 stitch and connected to a sterile draining system. The wound was then closed in layers with Vicryl 3-0 inverted interrupted sutures for the platysma, Vicryl subcuticular 4-0 Stitch for the dermis, and the wound was reinforced with Dermabond. Dressing was placed only at the exit site of the catheter. C-collar was placed. The patient was extubated and transferred to recovery.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right hallux abductovalgus deformity.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Right McBride bunionectomy.,2. Right basilar wedge osteotomy with OrthoPro screw fixation.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with IV sedation.,HEMOSTASIS: , With pneumatic ankle cuff.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a supine position. The right foot was prepared and draped in usual sterile manner. Anesthesia was achieved utilizing a 50:50 mixture of 2% lidocaine plain with 0.5 Marcaine plain infiltrated just proximal to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. Hemostasis was achieved utilizing a pneumatic ankle Tourniquet placed above the right ankle and inflated to a pressure of 225 mmHg. At this time, attention was directed to the dorsal aspect of the right first metatarsophalangeal joint where dorsal linear incision approximately 3 cm in length was made. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the underlying capsular structure once again taking care of the Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The capsular incision following the same outline as the skin incision was made and carried down to the underlying bony structure. The capsule was then freed from the underling bony structure utilizing sharp and blunt dissection. Using a microsagittal saw, the medial and dorsal very prominent bony eminence were removed and the area was inspected for any remaining bony prominences following resection of bone and those noted were removed using a hand rasp. At this time, attention was directed to the first inner space using sharp and blunt dissection. Dissection was carried down to the underling level of the adductor hallucis tendon, which was isolated and freed from its phalangeal, sesamoidal, and metatarsal attachments. The tendon was noted to lap the length and integrity for transfer and at this time was tenotomized taking out resection of approximately 0.5 cm to help prevent any re-fibrous attachment. At this time, the lateral release was stressed and was found to be complete. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon was then isolated using blunt dissection and was tenotomized as well taking out approximately 0.5-cm resection. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected for any bony prominences remaining and it was noted that the base of the proximal phalanx on the medial side due to the removal of the extensive buildup of the metatarsal head was going to be very prominent in nature and at this time was removed using a microsagittal saw. The area was again copiously flushed and inspected for any abnormalities and/or prominences and none were noted. At this time, attention was directed to the base of the first metatarsal where a second incision was made approximately 4 cm in length. The incision was deepened within the same plain taking care of Bovie and retracted all superficial nerves and vessels as necessary. The incision was then carried down to the level of the metatarsal and using sharp and blunt dissection periosteal capsule structures were freed from the base of the metatarsal and taking care to retract the long extensive tendon and any neurovascular structures to avoid any disruption. At this time, there was a measurement made of 1 cm just distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint on the medial side and 2 cm distal to the metatarsocuneiform joint from the lateral aspect of the joint. At this time, 0.5 cm was measured distal to that lateral measurement and using microsagittal saw, a wedge osteotomy was taken from the base with the apex of the osteotomy being medial, taking care to keep the medial cortex intact as a hinge. The osteotomy site was feathered down until the osteotomy site could be closed with little tension on it and at this time using an OrthoPro screw 3.0 x 22 mm. The screw was placed following proper technique. The osteotomy site was found to be fixated with absolutely no movement and good stability upon manual testing. A very tiny gap on the lateral aspect of the osteotomy site was found and this was filled in packing it with the cancellous bone that was left over from the wedge osteotomy. The packing of the cancellous bone was held in place with bone wax. The entire area was copiously flushed 3 times using a sterile saline solution and was inspected and tested again for any movement of the osteotomy site or any gapping and then removed. At this time, a deep closure was achieved utilizing #2-0 Vicryl suture, subcuticular closure was achieved using #4-0 Vicryl suture, and skin repair was achieved at both surgical sites with #5-0 nylon suture in a running interlocking fashion. The hallux was found to have excellent movement upon completion of the osteotomy and the second procedure of the McBride bunionectomy and the metatarsal was found to stay in excellent alignment with good stability at the proximal osteotomy site. At this time, the surgical site was postoperatively injected with 0.5 Marcaine plain as well as dexamethasone 4 mg primarily. The surgical sites were then dressed with sterile Xeroform, sterile 4x4s, cascading, and Kling with a final protective layer of fiberglass in a nonweightbearing cast fashion. The tourniquet was dropped and color and temperature of all digits returned to normal. The patient tolerated the anesthesia and the procedure well and left the operating room in stable condition.,The patient has been given written and verbal postoperative instructions and has been instructed to call if she has any questions, problems, or concerns at any time with the numbers provided. The patient has also been warned a number of times the importance of elevation and no weightbearing on the surgical foot.,
SUBJECTIVE:, This patient was seen in clinic for a school physical.,NUTRITIONAL HISTORY:, She eats well, takes meats, vegetables, and fruits, but her calcium intake is limited. She does not drink a whole lot of pop. Her stools are normal. Brushes her teeth, sees a dentist.,Developmental History: Hearing and vision is okay. She did well in school last year. She will be going to move to Texas, will be going to Bowie High School. She will be involved in cheerleading, track, volleyball, and basketball. She will be also playing the clarinet and will be a freshman in that school. Her menarche was 06/30/2004.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She is still on medications for asthma. She has a problem with her eye lately, this has been bothering her, and she also has had a rash in the left leg. She had been pulling weeds on 06/25/2004 and then developed a rash on 06/27/2004.,Review of her immunizations, her last tetanus shot was 06/17/2003.,MEDICATIONS: ,Advair 100/50 b.i.d., Allegra 60 mg b.i.d., Flonase q.d., Xopenex, Intal, and albuterol p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight: 112 pounds about 40th percentile. Height: 63-1/4 inches, also the 40th percentile. Her body mass index was 19.7, 40th percentile. Temperature: 97.7 tympanic. Pulse: 80. Blood pressure: 96/64.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Fundi benign. Pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation. No strabismus. Her vision was 20/20 in both eyes and each with contacts. Hearing: She passed that test. Her TMs are bilaterally clear and nonerythematous. Throat was clear. Good mucous membrane moisture and good dentition.,Neck: Supple. Thyroid normal sized. No increased lymphadenopathy in the submandibular nodes and no axillary nodes.,Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly.,Respiratory: Clear. No wheezes. No crackles. No tachypnea. No retractions.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal. No murmur.,Abdomen: Soft. No organomegaly and no masses.,GU: Normal female genitalia. Tanner stage 3, breast development and pubic hair development. Examination of the breasts was negative for any masses or abnormalities or discharge from her areola.,Extremities: She has good range of motion of upper and lower extremities. Deep tendon reflexes were 2+/4+ bilaterally and equal. Romberg negative.,Back: No scoliosis. She had good circumduction at shoulder joint and her duck walk was normal.,SKIN: She did have some rash on the anterior left thigh region and also some on the right lower leg that had Kebner phenomenon and maculopapular vesicular eruption. No honey crusting was noted on the skin. She also had some mild rash on the anterior abdominal area near the panty line similar to that rash. It was raised and blanch with pressure, it was slightly erythematous.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Sports physical.,2. The patient received her first hepatitis A vaccine. She will get a booster in 6 to 12 months. Prescription for Atarax 10 mg tablets one to two tablets p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. and a prescription for Elocon ointment to be applied topically, except for the face, once a day with a refill. She will be following up with an allergist as soon as she gets to Texas and needs to find a primary care physician. We talked about anticipatory guidance including breast exam, which we have reviewed with her today, seatbelt use, and sunscreen. We talked about avoidance of drugs and alcohol and sexual activity. Continue on her present medications and if her rash is not improved and goes to the neck or the face, she will need to be on PO steroid medication, but presently that was held and moved to treatment with Atarax and Elocon. Also talked about cleaning her clothes and bedding in case she has any poison ivy oil that is harboring on any clothing.
Consult - History and Phy.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Encephalopathy related to normal-pressure hydrocephalus.,CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Diminished function secondary to above.,HISTORY: ,This pleasant gentleman was recently admitted to ABCD Medical Center and followed by the neurosurgical staff, including Dr. X, where normal-pressure hydrocephalus was diagnosed. He had a shunt placed and was stabilized medically. He has gotten a return of function to the legs and was started on some early therapy. Significant functional limitations have been identified and ongoing by the rehab admission team. Significant functional limitations have been ongoing. He will need to be near-independent at home for periods of time, and he is brought in now for rehabilitation to further address functional issues, maximize skills and safety and allow a safe disposition home.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Positive for prostate cancer, intermittent urinary incontinence and left hip replacement.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS,1. Tylenol as needed. ,2. Peri-Colace b.i.d.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a nonsmoker and nondrinker. Prior boxer. He lives in a home where he would need to be independent during the day. Family relatives intermittently available. Goal is to return home to an independent fashion to that home setting.,FUNCTIONAL HISTORY: , Prior to admission was independent with activities of daily living and ambulatory skills. Presently, he has resumed therapies and noted to have supervision levels for most activities of daily living. Memory at minimal assist. Walking at supervision., REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Negative for headaches, nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, shortness of breath or chest pain currently. He has had some dyscoordination recently and headaches on a daily basis, most days, although the Tylenol does seem to control that pain.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile with vital signs stable.,HEENT: Oropharynx clear, extraocular muscles are intact.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm, without murmurs, rubs or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Nontender, nondistended, positive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. The calves are soft and nontender bilaterally.,NEUROLOGIC: No focal, motor or sensory losses through the lower extremities. He moves upper and lower extremities well. Bulk and tone normal in the upper and lower extremities. Cognitively showing intact with appropriate receptive and expressive skills.,IMPRESSION ,
Consult - History and Phy.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left breast mass.,2. Hypertrophic scar of the left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left breast mass.,2. Hypertrophic scar of the left breast.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Excision of left breast mass and revision of scar.,ANESTHESIA: ,Local with sedation.,SPECIMEN: , Scar with left breast mass.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient tolerated the procedure well and transferred to the recover room in stable condition.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,The patient is an 18-year-old female who presented to Dr. X's office. The patient is status post left breast biopsy, which showed a fibrocystic disease with now a palpable mass just superior to the previous biopsy site. The patient also has a hypertrophic scar. Thus, the patient elected to undergo revision of the scar at the same time as an excision of the palpable mass.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , A hypertrophic scar was found and removed. The cicatrix was removed in its entirety and once opening the wound, the area of tissue where the palpable mass was, was excised as well and sent to the lab.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent, risks, and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family, the patient was brought to the operating suite, prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. Elliptical incision was made over the previous cicatrix. The total length of the incision was 5.5 cm. Removing the cicatrix in its entirety with a #15 blade Bard-Parker scalpel after anesthetizing with local solution with 0.25% Marcaine. Next, the area of tissue just inferior to the palpable mass, where the palpable was removed with electro Bovie cautery. Hemostasis was maintained. Attention was next made to approximating the deep dermal layers. An interrupted #4-0 Vicryl suture was used and then a running subcuticular Monocryl suture was used to approximate the skin edges. Steri-Strips as well as bacitracin and sterile dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery in stable condition.