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0.812 | When you know you are at fault for a problem, the mature and responsible thing to do is stand up and own up to the mistake, accept the consequences, and be part of the solution. Recognize where you went wrong and be prepared to fully own what you did. Talk to the person and tell them what went wrong and apologize. Then, move on from the situation, knowing you will do better next time. | 发现自己犯了错,什么样的做法才是成熟和负责任的呢?勇敢地站出来承认错误,承担相应的后果,并主动寻找解决方法。当然,彻底承认错误之前, 你先得知道自己错在哪里。接着,你应该向对方解释清楚,并致以诚挚的歉意。最后,从中汲取经验教训,继续前进,争取下次做得更好。 |
0.874 | - If you are too shy to apologize in person, send them a text or a letter. If you are sending a letter, putting in a small gift, even a sticker, may help them accept your apology. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
- Don't assume that your boss, parent, spouse, or teacher will think the worst of you if you make a mistake. Owning up to mistakes early will earn you respect from them. It won't make them think less of you. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
- You don't have to make a big deal out of some things. Small mistakes are easily handled by saying, "Oh. That was my bad. I'm sorry." Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1 | - 承认错误不等于小题大做。对于那些小错,简单地说一句“噢,是我的错。对不起”就足够了。
- 不要以为你犯了错,老板、父母、伴侣或者老师就会把你想得很不堪。及时承认错误不会让他们小瞧你,反而会为自己赢得尊敬。
- 如果你不好意思当面道歉,那就给对方发个短信或者写封信。要是你打算寄出一份道歉信,建议附上一份小礼物,甚至一张贴纸都可以。这些小小的举动也许能帮你赢得对方的原谅。 |
0.884 | How to Accept Mistakes and Learn from Them (with Pictures) | 如何接受错误并从中学习(包含图片) |
0.898 | Do you have trouble accepting yourself when you make mistakes? Do you find it hard to learn from your mistakes, so that you keep falling into the same old habits? It can be challenging to accept that we've made mistakes, especially if we're coming from a perfectionistic background where "excellence" is confused with "never making a mistake." Making a mistake is also sometimes different from failure; failure is a result of not succeeding at a conscious effort, but mistakes can be unconscious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to be more accepting of your mistakes, and there are also techniques you can use to make the most of your mistakes. | 你是否难以接受自己犯错?你是否觉得很难从错误中吸取教训,以致一再地重蹈覆辙?我们可能无法容忍自己犯错,如果我们在奉行完美主义的环境中长大,也就是那种把“优秀”和“永远不犯错”混淆的成长环境,那么我们就会特别难以接受自己犯错。有时候,犯错也有别于失败;失败指的是经过一番有意识的努力后仍没有成功,而犯错却可能是无意识的。所幸你可以通过几个步骤来让自己对错误变得更包容,也可以采取一些方法从错误中充分吸取经验。 |
0.886 | It can be hard to accept yourself, your life, and the reality that you live. Maybe you don't like your future prospects or dislike an aspect of your personality, or some days you don't like something about how you look. It is common for people to be critical of themselves, but there are a number of ways to learn to accept yourself and your life. | 接受自我、生活和现实的本来面目从来都不是一件容易的事。也许你对未来很失望,也许你不喜欢自己某一方面的性格,也许在一段时期你会讨厌自己某些部位的长相……人们总是会批判自我,但有几种方式可以让你学着接受自己、接受生活。 |
0.846 | How to Achieve Short Term Goals: 10 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何达成短期目标: 10 步骤 |
0.828 | - Having a third party assess your progress can be useful. Be open to criticism. Often times, third parties are more aware of the flaws that are keeping you from getting your goals accomplished than you are. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- It's important to develop your ability to keep your own promises. If you're going to set goals for yourself, don't talk yourself out of them no matter how insignificant it may seem. This sets you up to back out again in the future. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 请第三方来帮你评估目标的完成情况,这有助于你更好完成目标。勇于接纳批评,因为局外人往往看得更清,能帮你排除完成目标路上的绊脚石。
- 有能力实践诺言,这点至关重要。如果你为自己定好目标,那无论目标大小都不要轻言放弃,不然未来也有可能会再次食言。 |
0.805 | How to Achieve Your Full Potential: 11 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何发挥全部潜能: 11 步骤 |
0.804 | Once you've developed your full potential, it is time to work toward achieving it. It will take planning, time, and effort, but you can do it! Achieving your full potential is about committing yourself to the process of self-improvement, not a single task. Sail your own ocean, and you never know what you might find. | 我们在另一篇文章中谈到《如何挖掘潜能》,本文来说说如何发挥潜能。发挥全部潜能需要计划、时间、努力,但你可以!这是一个长期投入、不断自我完善的过程,而不是一项单一的任务。你得去勇敢探索,才知道会找到什么宝藏。 |
0.857 | The binary number system works similarly to the base 10 decimal system we are used to using, except that it is a base 2 system consisting of only two digits, 1 and 0.
The binary numbers system is the basis of computer functionality. | 二进制数制与我们惯用的以10为基数的十进制数制相似,不过它的基数为2,只包含1和0两个数位。 |
0.868 | 3 Ways to Add a Website to a Bibliography | 3种方法来在个参考书目列表中加入网站信息 |
0.833 | APA | APA风格 |
0.801 | 5 Ways to Add and Subtract Integers | 5种方法来加减整数 |
0.87 | - Sometimes it is best not to argue about politics or religion unless you are very close to the other person, and you know that they will respect your opinion. Most people cannot agree on these topics.
- If you are arguing with a reasonable person, politics can be successfully and reasonably debated. However, it is more difficult to reach agreement on topics of religion because the perceived stakes of "winning" or "losing" the argument are much higher. | - 除非你和对方关系密切,你知道他会尊重你的看法,否则最好不要讨论政治和宗教问题。在这些问题上,大多数人的意见并不一致。 如果你是在和一个通情达理的人讨论政治,那么你们可能会讨论得很愉快。讨论宗教问题则不同——在宗教问题上达成共识可比在政治问题上取得一致要困难得多,因为在这一问题上“分出胜负”可能要付出更大的代价。 |
0.806 | When straight lines intersect on a two-dimensional graph, they meet at only one point,- and -coordinates. Because both lines pass through that point, you know that the - and - coordinates must satisfy both equations. With a couple extra techniques, you can find the intersections of parabolas and other quadratic curves using similar logic. | 当直线在二维图形上相交时,它们只相交于一点,
{\displaystyle x}
{\displaystyle y}
{\displaystyle x}
{\displaystyle y}
- 坐标必须同时满足两个方程。通过一些其他技巧,你就能以此类推,求出抛物线和其他二次曲线的交点。 |
0.929 | - Equations for a circle or ellipse have an x 2 {\displaystyle x^{2}} term and a y 2 {\displaystyle y^{2}} term. To find the intersection of a circle and a straight line, solve for x in the linear equation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- A circle and a parabola (or other quadratic) can have 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 solutions. Find the variable that is squared in both equations — let's say it's x
and substitute the answer for the
in the other equation. Solve for y to get 0, 1, or 2 solutions. Plug each solution back into the original quadratic equation and solve for x. Each of these can have 0, 1, or 2 solutions. | - 圆或椭圆的方程有一个 x 2 {\displaystyle x^{2}} 项和一个 y 2 {\displaystyle y^{2}} 项。要想求圆与直线的交点,需要解线性方程中的x。
- 一个圆和一个抛物线(或其他二次型)可能有0、1、2、3或4个解。在两个方程中找出平方的变量——假设它是x x 2 {\displaystyle x^{2}} ,并带入另一个方程中的 x 2 {\displaystyle x^{2}} 。求解y,得到0、1、或2个解。把每个解代入原来的二次方程,解出x,每个方程都可能有0、1或2个解。 |
0.856 | 4 Ways to Answer a Phone Interview Call | 4种方法来接受电话面试 |
0.899 | If you live far away from a company where you've applied to work, or if the company is swamped with applications, you may be asked to do a phone interview. Your goal with a phone interview is to get to the next stage of the process, where you can have an in-person interview. To make a good impression, treat your phone interview exactly as you would an in-person interview. Answer the phone interview call professionally, and maintain a courteous and professional tone throughout the conversation. | 如果你住的地方离自己应聘的公司很远,或者公司收到大量应聘简历,那么他们可能会要求你接受电话面试。此时,你的目标是进入下一个应聘环节,让自己能够有一次现场面试的机会。为了留下好印象,你应该像对待现场面试那样对待电话面试。专业地接受电话面试,并在整个谈话过程中保持礼貌和职业的口吻。 |
0.839 | 3 Ways to Answer the Question “Who Are You” | 4种方法来回答“你是谁”这个问题 |
0.832 | Defining yourself is a difficult process, whether you are writing a journal entry, answering an interview question, or trying to be happier and more fulfilled in your life. However, you must define who you are for yourself first before you can do it for another person. What exactly makes up a person differs according to what philosophy you follow, but you can look at some basic parts of yourself to define who you are. For instance, you can define your skill set, your passions, your personality, and your values as a way of determining who you are. | 不管你是写日记,回答面试问题,还是想试着过一种更开心更满足的生活,定义自己都是一个困难的过程。要回答“你是谁”这个问题,第一步就是思考你自身的价值和你在这个世界里起的作用。这个问题没有所谓的正确答案,所以试着用几种方法去发现自我,选择你认为最好的那个答案吧。 |
0.802 | - Don't get caught in a cycle of apologizing for everything just to make all calm again. Your issues as a couple will eventually build up and you will probably end up resenting each other. Thanks Helpful 130 Not Helpful 29
- There are never any guarantees! But remember that at the end of the day, you just want to make sure she understands how you feel. Thanks Helpful 110 Not Helpful 28
- Ask yourself why you want to apologize and whether you actually mean it, as this will determine your method. Thanks Helpful 113 Not Helpful 31
- Put no pressure on your girlfriend to make a decision and no communication for a few days, give her space! Thanks Helpful 97 Not Helpful 46
- Not everything requires an apology just because your girlfriend got upset. Think long and hard about your conduct - and hers. Thanks Helpful 99 Not Helpful 48 | - 问问自己,你为什么要道歉,你是否真正想表达这个意思,因为这将决定你所用的方法。
- 不要陷入在这样的怪圈:道歉只是为了让一切恢复平静。那样的话你们的情侣关系可能还会维持着,但彼此都有怨恨的情绪存在。
- 不能保证这样道歉一定有效!但请记住,在一天结束的时候,你要确认她是否明白了你的感觉。
- 让你的女朋友在没有压力的情况下做出决定,这几天不要联系她,给她空间!
- 如果只是因为你的女朋友生气了,并非一切都需要你来道歉。好好想想你和她都做了什么。 |
0.837 | Apologizing to your friend can be even harder than realizing you've acted poorly. To truly apologize to a friend, you have to be sincere, admit your mistakes, and let your friend know how much he or she means to you. | 向朋友道歉可能比你想得更困难。想要真正地向朋友道歉,你必须真诚地承认自己的错误,并让你的朋友知道他/她对你有多重要。当然这事儿说起来容易做起来难,但如果你放下面子,并遵循以下步骤,你很快会与你的朋友重归于好。 |
0.833 | - Asking for forgiveness can sometimes be substituted in place of reparations. However, asking someone to move on before they are ready indicates that you are not apologizing for their benefit. Try a statement like “I hope you will be able to forgive me in time” if you are unsure how to ask. | - 有时关系复合的请求可以取代请求原谅的问句。不过,在没有获得对方原谅之前,就请求复合关系,可能还不能让对方完全消气。在你还不知该如何开口的时候,可以说“我希望你能尽快原谅我”。 |
0.844 | Asking questions is a basic way to gather information. Like everything else, there is a skill to it. Asking open-ended questions is a friendly way to engage people in a conversation. Knowing the difference between open-ended and close-ended questions will help you tremendously in your career and social life. | 问问题是获取信息最基本的方式。但就像任何事,这都是有技巧的。聊天时你问别人一个开放性的问题不仅显得很有礼貌,而且也很容易吸引到他。知道开放性问题和封闭式问题的区别无论对于职场还是社交生活都会很有帮助。 |
0.838 | - A person who is uncomfortable answering open-ended questions either does not understand where you are going with it or does not really want to answer. You can try giving a short explanation. If they still resist, it may be that the answer is personal or about a topic your subject does not want to explore.
- Open-ended questions may result in long, tedious answers. If you would like to keep them brief or relevant, be specific when asking the question. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0 | - 如果对方对这个问题不是很有好感同时也不是很明白进一步要讨论的内容或不是很想回答,那么你可以说明一下。如果他们还是抵触这个问题,说明这个问题太私人化或相反他们对这个话题不是很感兴趣。
- 开放性的问题可能也会导致长时间沉闷的对话。如果你希望有一个简短的谈话,那么要注意问题的类型。 |
0.849 | How to Ask Your Professor for a Recommendation Letter Via Email | 如何通过电子邮件向你的导师要推荐信 |
0.819 | When you really like a guy, texting is a great way to ask him out, and it is low-pressure for both of you. If you decide to ask a guy out over text, there are good and bad ways to do it. It's good to text with him for a while before you ask him out. The content you write in the message is important, too, so take some time to write a good text. | 真心喜欢一位男性时,发信息是约他出来的好办法,而且这样不会给你们俩带来很大压力。发信息时,使用不同的方法会带来截然不同的结果。在发出邀请之前,你最好先发短信和对方聊一会儿。信息的内容也很重要,所以一定要花点功夫,写出一条合适的短信。 |
0.818 | Do you have questions but you're afraid of what someone will think if you ask or worried about getting the most from the answer? You can find some tips (below the jump) for asking more open-minded and informed questions that will help not only you but others to comprehend information placed before you, as well as extracting more information useful to you. However, if you need more specific help, feel free to also check out the sections listed above! | 你会不会害怕你问的问题让别人误解,或者担心自己不能很好地理解对方给出的答案?这里有一些建议,教你怎么问出更开放性的问题,怎么让别人更好地理解你的问题,以及怎么从对方的答案中最有效地提取对你有用的信息。如果你在具体某方面需要帮助,就点击本文标题下列出的五种方法吧! |
0.833 | - Do not use huge words. They will make you sound pretentious. Just tap into your thoughtful but friendly side and don't worry too much about coming off as brilliant. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Incorporate the audience into the question. Invite them in with phrases such as- "did you think about.." or "Have you considered this question..." Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Overdoing yourself is not very educated. Don't try to sound educated by using words that you do not understand or making it under-/over-done, for example:
- "Did you go to the 'pharmacy' yesterday to get a physical?" (wrong word).
- "Did you go to the doctor to get that thing where they observe and poke at you, do a lot of testing and stuff to get your doctor to tell you if you're the ship-sharpest person?" (which sounds too casual).
- "Did you proceed to the physician to obtain a physical for your extracurricular activity to verify that the practitioner finds you to be in the most perfect exemplary condition in contrast to all his other patients?" (which sounds over-done). | - 不要过分夸大自己。不不要用一些你根本不懂的话来表现出你受过很多教育,例如:
- “你昨天去药房做体检了吗?”(错误的词汇)。
- “你去看医生的时候他们有没有检查和随便摸你,并且做好多检测?”(这听起来太随便)。
- “你的医生有没有让你做检查并且发现你是他所有患者当中最典型的病例?”(这个太过了)。
- 不要用一些夸大的话。这会让你显得自负。只要表现出你思考和友好的一面就可以了,不需要过分担心自己是不是看起来很厉害。
- 对于某些问题争取提前做一些研究。尝试在互联网上寻找答案。谷歌是发现资源的惊人工具。
- 让观众和你一起思考问题。你可以用一下的短语来邀请观众,如“你想想……”或“你有没有考虑过这个问题……”
- 例如:“直到现在,我一直认为是古典音乐是不值得听的。也许是因为我所有的朋友都讨厌它。但如果音乐家和受过教育的男性和女性很喜欢它,是生活中不可缺少的部分。我知道你喜欢它,那么你能告诉它什么地方值得欣赏吗?”
- 尝试阅读更多来获得更多的你需要的知识。 |
0.884 | - Never ask a question just for the sake of it, whether it be to bring attention to yourself or for appearing smart. That is the worst possible motivation for asking a question. Thanks Helpful 44 Not Helpful 0
- Watch out for getting aggressive at the response you get if you don't like the answers you get. If you're not willing to receive any and all answers, don't ask the question. Sometimes a person can answer aggressively to your innocent query. Don't fret. | - 注意如果你不喜欢你得到的答案,说话也不要有攻击性。如果你不愿意接受任何答案,那就不要问这个问题。有时候,一个人可以对你单纯的质疑做出很有攻击性的回答。这时候不要焦虑。
- 不要为了问问题而去问问题,无论是想让别人关注自己还是炫耀自己的智慧。这是发问的最差动机。 |
0.862 | Getting the Most From the Answer | 从回答中获得绝大部分信息 |
0.832 | How to Ask for a Favor: 12 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何求助: 12 步骤(包含图片) |
0.88 | One of the reasons we make friends and acquaintances is so that we'll have a network of people who can help us when we run into difficulty. Unfortunately, even if you've got plenty of potential helpers at your disposal, asking for a favor can be a difficult thing to do. For many of us, it's hard to admit that we need help with something, even if the consequences for proceeding without that help are major. Don't sweat it - this short guide will teach you how to ask for favors with tact and grace. | 我们交朋友和结识熟人的原因之一就是希望当我们陷入困境的时候有人能伸出援助之手。只可惜,即使有这么多潜在的帮手可以听你差遣,向他们求助还是一件有点难为情的事情。对大多数人来说,即使孤立无援的结果会很严重,承认自己陷入困境还是很难。别再懊恼了,这篇小指南会教你怎样得体又优雅地请求帮助。 |
0.901 | - Swallow your pride! Don't feel embarrassed to ask for a favor. Asking for a favor isn't a sign of weakness. Admitting that you need help is often much more difficult than denying it, so you should be proud of your willingness to seek help. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Remember that every single person in human history has, at some point, had to take someone's help. Alexander the Great wasn't too proud to take Aristotle's help when he was a boy - you shouldn't balk at asking for help on your homework! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 放下你那骄傲的自尊!不要觉得请别人帮忙是一件很尴尬的事情。寻求帮助并代表你软弱无能。通常接受你需要帮助这个事实比否认它难,所以你要为自己敢于寻求帮助而感到自豪。
- 请记住,人类历史上的每一个人在某种程度上都不得不接受别人的帮助。亚历山大大帝年轻时很骄傲,但他也没有拒绝亚里士多德的帮助——所以你向别人请教作业什么的太正常了! |
0.803 | Whether you are applying to an academic program, you are a recent graduate seeking a job in your chosen field, or you are an experienced professional with a robust resume seeking a position in academia or business, knowing who and how to ask for a recommendation letter can help you reach your goals. | 无论你想在学术方面深造,还是刚毕业准备找工作,或者是已经是资深人士寻求学界或业界的进一步发展。知道向谁要推荐信,以及如何要推荐信都是十分有用的。 |
0.833 | How to Assess Statistical Significance: 15 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何评估统计显著性: 15 步骤 |
0.865 | Hypothesis testing is guided by statistical analysis. Statistical significance is calculated using a p-value, which tells you the probability of your result being observed, given that a certain statement (the null hypothesis) is true. | 检验假设需要以统计分析为依据。统计显著性是用p值来计算的,这个值告诉我们在特定命题,或者说零假设为真的情况下,得到预计结果的概率。 |
0.818 | - Statistics is a large and complicated field. Take a high school or college level (or beyond) course on statistical inference to help understand statistical significance. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 统计学是一个庞大而复杂的学科。你可以学习高中、大学或更高级别的统计推断课程,帮助自己理解统计显著性。 |
0.847 | - This analysis is specific to a t-test to test the differences between 2 normally distributed populations. You made need to use a different statistical test depending on the complexity of your dataset. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 这种分析针对的是t检验,后者检验的是两个正态分布人群之间的差异。根据数据集复杂程度的不同,你可能得使用不同的统计学检验方法。 |
0.947 | Calculate the variance between your 2 sample groups.
Up to this point, the example has only dealt with 1 of the sample groups. If you are trying to compare 2 groups, you will obviously have data from both. Calculate the standard deviation of the second group of samples and use that to calculate the variance between the 2 experimental groups. The formula for variance is s d = √((s 1/N 1) + (s 2/N 2)).
- s
d is the variance between your groups.
- s
1 is the standard deviation of group 1 and N 1 is the sample size of group 1.
- s
2 is the standard deviation of group 2 and N 2 is the sample size of group 2.
- For our example, let’s say the data from group 2 (students who didn’t read before class) had a sample size of 5 and a standard deviation of 5.81. The variance is:
- s
d = √((s 1) 1) + ((s 2) 2))
- s
d = √(((4.51) | 计算2个样本组之间的差额。
至此为止,例题只处理了一个样本组。如果想比较两个样本组,你显然需要两组的数据。计算第二组样本的标准方差,并使用该数值来计算2个实验组之间的差额。差额公式为s d = √((s 1/N 1) + (s 2/N 2))。
- s
- s
1是第1组的标准方差,而N 1是第1组的样本量。
- s
2是第2组的标准方差,而N 2是第2组的样本量。
- 例如,假设第2组数据,即课前没有预习的学生的数据样本量是5,而标准方差是5.81。差额为:
- s
d = √((s 1) 1) + ((s 2) 2))
- s
d = √(((4.51) |
0.92 | Calculate the t-score of your data.
A t-score allows you to convert your data into a form that allows you to compare it to other data. T-scores allow you to perform a t-test that lets you calculate the probability of two groups being significantly different from each other. The formula for a t-score is: t = (µ 1 – µ 2)/s d.
- µ
1 is the average of the first group.
- µ
2 is the average of the second group.
- s
d is the variance between your samples.
- Use the larger average as µ
1 so you will not have a negative t-value.
- For our example, let’s say the sample average for group 2 (those who didn’t read) was 80. The t-score is: t = (µ
1 – µ 2)/s d = (88.6 – 80)/3.29 = 2.61. | 计算数据的t分数。t分数可以将数据转化为能够与其他数据进行比较的形式。你可以使用t分数来做t检验,计算两组之间存在显著差异的可能性。t分数的公式是t = (µ1 – µ2)/sd。 µ1是第一组的平均值。 µ2是第二组的平均值。 sd是样本之间的差额。 你应该使用较大的平均值作为µ1,以免t值变成负数。 例如,假设第2组没有预习的学生的样本平均值是80。则t分数为:t = (µ1 – µ2)/sd = (88.
6 – 80)/3.29 = 2.61。 |
0.919 | Determine the degrees of freedom of your sample.
When using the t-score, the number of degrees of freedom is determined using the sample size. Add up the number of samples from each group and then subtract two. For our example, the degrees of freedom (d.f.) are 8 because there are five samples in the first group and five samples in the second group ((5 + 5) – 2 = 8). | 确定样本的自由度。使用t分数时,自由度的数值是用样本量确定的。将两组的样本数相加,然后减2。在我们的例子中,自由度(d.
f.)是8,因为第1组有5个样本,而第2组也有5个样本,(5 + 5) – 2 = 8。 |
0.885 | You know you really want to get good grades. Your parents have put the pressure on, or you promised yourself you would do better. But you keep getting distracted! If you work to find a focused mindset, establish a study schedule, and choose the right place to study, you can cut out the distractions you have control over and minimize the ones you can't stop completely. | 你知道自己真的很想取得好成绩。可能是父母给了你压力,也可能是你自己发誓一定要提高学习成绩,但是一学习你总是走神!如果你能够培养聚精会神的习惯,制定好学习计划,再找个适合学习的地方,就可以排除所有可控干扰因素,并把不可控干扰因素降到最低。 |
0.827 | How to Be Accepted Into the National Honor Society: 12 Steps | 如何进入国家荣誉协会: 11 步骤 |
0.886 | - If you don't make it in, hold your head high. You will get another chance next year. Just continue to expand your application and be an active leader. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
- Maintain your GPA even if you're accepted into NHS. If your grades slip, you will be removed from the organization. Below a 3.6 weighted on the 4.0 scale is risky. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
- Keep up your community service. You will still need to perform a certain number of community service hours per year in order to stay in NHS. Remember, there is always someone who could take your place. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 保持你的社区服务。你将仍然每年需要提供一定数量的社区服务小时数,才能继续留在NHS里。记住,永远有人能取代你的位置。
- 加入了NHS以后也要保持你的GPA。如果你的成绩下滑,你将被组织移除。
- 如果你没能加入,也别泄气!下一年你还有机会。只要继续展开申请,并成为积极的领导者就好啦。 |
0.905 | Embodying NHS Values | 将NHS的价值观具体化 |
0.812 | Maintain your GPA.
Your cumulative GPA is one of the criteria used to see if you make National Honor Society standards. If you want to be in NHS, work on maintaining a high GPA.
- Members of National Honor Society must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher on the 4.0 scale. On a 5.0 scale, this would be at least a 4.375 and 5.25 on a 6.0 scale. On a letter grade scale, this would be at least a B+ and 90% or higher grade average on a 100 point scale.
- Start working on your grades early in high school. If you start off with a low GPA you'll have to work extra hard to pull it up in the following semesters. Take your studies and homework seriously.
- If you're struggling with a particular subject, consider hiring a tutor or asking a friend in class to help you out. Most people do not excel equally well in all subjects. You might be an excellent chemistry student but struggle remembering dates for history class, for example. | 保证你的学习成绩良好。
- 新生不会被招进NHS组织,但是第一年得到的成绩也会算进之后几年累积的GPA里。因此,你要尽量在成为NHS一员前就取得较高的成绩。
- 成为领导者。高中生活中,经常有很多领导其他同学的机会。领导你的团队并努力成为团队的队长。如果你想要帮助更小的孩子,领导一个年轻的小组或者男生/女生童子军。为自己在领导的角色上积累经验,用尽得到的各种机会接触你团队里的其他人。
- 志愿者。服务是NHS的核心价值之一,因此如果你能够表现出为别人服务的奉献精神,你被NHS接受的机会就提高了。找一个你很想参加的志愿者组织,并在整个高中都坚持下去。每周一次为做汤的厨房志愿服务,为救世军敲钟,还有为远洋舰队保管包裹,都是有关志愿服务的好主意。无论你选择为什么服务,都要确保它是你真正关心的事情。
- 为你的志愿服务活动记日志。能够计算出你进行志愿服务的准确小时数是可以为你加分的,尤其是在工作时间很多的时候。 |
0.839 | How to Be Ambitious: 13 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何成为有雄心的人: 13 步骤 |
0.811 | - Keep organized. It's easiest to keep goals in mind when you're not prevented from getting things done by the mess in your room or the boxes of books you haven't sorted through yet. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- Make lists. Tape them to bed frame or on the bathroom wall--wherever you're guaranteed to see them! Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 保持条理。整理杂乱的房间或者将你箱子里的书分类是最容易记住的目标。
- 列清单。用胶带将它们贴在床架上或浴室的墙上——只要能保证你能看到它们的地方! |
0.82 | - Some people may call you a workaholic. Don't believe them. Keep up with your social life, but keep chasing your dreams, and brush off those mean comments. Thanks Helpful 155 Not Helpful 14 | - 有些人可能会叫你工作狂。不要相信他们的话。保持你的社交生活,但仍追逐你的梦想,别在乎那些卑劣的评论。 |
0.91 | Setting Goals | 设定目标 |
0.886 | Set specific goals in terms that can be measured.
Similar to "If-then" planning, setting physically measurable goals gives your brain a concrete place to begin striving toward.
- It is always important to try your best, but "trying your best" isn't the best method of measuring your success. Instead of saying, "I'll try my best to run a mile today," say, "I will try to run this mile in under ten minutes today."
- Since "your best" is a subjective term, you might be more likely to say that you've "done your best" when you find it hard to continue on with a task. For example, when you find yourself getting slightly winded while running, you might say, "Okay, I'm done. That was my best." Having a specific goal will help push you toward something that you can actually picture in your head. | 明确设立目标。
- 尽你最大的努力总是很重要的,但是“尽你所能”不是成功最好的方法。与其说“我今天会尽力跑完1600米”倒不如说“我今天试着在十分钟内跑完1600米”。
- 因为“你能做的最大的程度”是一个主观的词语,当你发现继续完成这个任务是很困难的时候,你很有可能会说你“已经尽力了”。例如,你发现自己跑步时越来越喘,你可能会说:“好吧,我做完了。我尽力了。”实际上你可以在大脑里设立具体的目标,这样能帮助你完成某件事。
为具体的目标设立策略。现在你有一个具体的目标,为实现这个目标制定详细的指令。 例如“为了能在10分钟内跑完1600米,我会每天在我家附近的网球场慢跑10圈,坚持两个礼拜。之后,我会在一个更大的地方跑步,围着当地的水库慢跑20圈。” 即使是那些设立了具体的目标的人最后也不能很容易实现它们,因为他们没有为这个目标做出一个具体的计划。如果你没有做出一个严格的计划,你就不会知道为达到这个目标你是否尽力了。 |
0.883 | Being articulate gives people the impression of a solid, full education and cultured mind; it will make people more likely to listen to you and to respect your intelligence. Whether you're giving a presentation or trying to tell your best friends a funny story, if you make an effort to think before you speak and to be clearer and more concise on a regular basis, then you will be the most articulate person in the room in no time. | 表达明确会让人觉得你有非常好的教育背景和清晰的思维,也会让人更愿意听你述说,并尊重你的才智。不管是在做汇报,还是尝试给你的好朋友说有趣的故事,如果你能在说话前仔细思考,让你的描述更清楚、简洁,那么你将会立即成为这个屋子中表达能力最强的人。 |
0.858 | - Avoid rambling. If you do not have anything to say, sit down! No one has ever complained about a meeting that ended early. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- Avoid profanity. Crude language never heightens anyone's opinion of you, unless they're preteen boys. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0 | - 避免闲聊。如果你没有话可说了,请坐下!没有人会抱怨会议提早结束。
- 避免语言不敬。粗鲁的语言可不会让别人提高对你的评价,只有十来岁的小男孩会觉得说脏话很酷。 |
0.821 | Being caring allows you to have empathy for others and to live a life based on affection, love, and compassion for the people around you. It can be tempting to fall into a life of selfishness and to focus only on your own goals and desires, but your days will be far more rewarding if you think about what the people in your life are thinking and feeling. Being caring means providing a listening ear, noticing when someone needs help, and helping your community without asking for a reward. If you want to know how to be more caring today, see Step 1 to get started. | 一个有爱心的人会对周遭人的境遇感同身受,并对他们充满感情,爱意和怜悯。只顾一己之私的生活固然轻松,但如果你能体谅周围人的所感所想,生活则会更有意义。有爱心意味着学会倾听,及时察觉他人之需,并无私的伸出援手。如果想变得更有爱心,请随我们从步骤一做起吧。 |
0.873 | - Consideration's good, just don't be blind either and be lured into traps! If you feel like someone is taking advantage of your consideration or telling you to do something that seems dangerous, embarrassing or illegal, stop immediately and tell some one you trust! | - 体贴是一种好的品质,但千万不要盲从,千万不要被设计利用!如果你觉得有人在利用你,或者让你去做一些危险、尴尬以及非法的事情,那么请立即停止,并将这些事情告诉那些你信任的人! |
0.906 | Choose your timing carefully.
Part of being considerate is knowing the best time that you should say something. The most innocuous comment can come off as offensive if you say it at the wrong time. Make sure that the person or people you are talking to are in the right frame of mind to be receptive to your comment, and that you're not interrupting anything or causing complications with what you're saying.
- For example, maybe you have some great news to share, like you recently got engaged. This news can be perfect for brunch with your friends, but if your coworker is talking about his mother's funeral, then you should absolutely hold off on your big news.
- On the other hand, if you have some bad news to deliver, make sure the person is in the right frame of mind as well. If your friend is gushing about her pregnancy, it's not the time to talk about how you just got dumped.
- If you have to give negative feedback to a coworker, make sure you to it when the person isn't caught off guard. Set up a time to talk to the person instead of casually giving negative feedback when the person least expects it. | 谨慎地选择时机。
- 例如,你有一些好消息想跟别人分享,比如近期你要订婚。当你跟朋友们吃饭的时候,这是也许宣布消息的最佳时间,但是如果你的同事正在谈论他母亲葬礼的事情,那么你绝对要暂时保守这个消息。
- 另一方面,如果你有一些坏消息要宣布,那么你得确保对方也有这个心情。如果你的朋友正在滔滔不绝地说着她怀孕的事情,那么你最好不要跟她谈论你刚刚被甩的问题。
- 如果你不得不向同事反馈负面消息的时候,确保他有心理防备。选择一个合适的时间跟他讨论这些事情,而不是其他时间(特别是当对方最不想听到这个消息的时候)。 |
0.903 | Choose your words carefully.
If you want to be considerate, then you have to know that the words you use are just as important as the message you're trying to send. If you want people to be receptive and to not feel bad, then you have to carefully think of the words you'll use when you're speaking. Whether you're finding a delicate way to give negative feedback or even finding the right way to praise somebody, it's important to remember that words do matter. Here are some things to consider as you choose your words:
- Even if you're giving negative feedback, you can find a delicate way to phrase it. You can tell a coworker he "could be more efficient" instead of saying he's "slow" or you can tell a needy best friend that you feel overwhelmed by her instead of saying she is "clingy" or "needy."
- You can also make your message sound less offensive if you don't directly use the word "you" all the time. For example, instead of telling your boyfriend, "You are so paranoid," you can say, "I worry about the trust issues in our relationship." This still gets the message across without making your boyfriend feel like you're pointing a finger at him. | 谨慎地斟酌用语。
- 即使你想作负面反馈,你也可以找个微妙的方式去表达。例如,如果你的同事工作效率低下,那么你可以这样跟他说:“你的工作效率其实可以更高些”,而不是直接跟他说:“你的效率太低了”。或者,如果你的朋友比较贫困,那么你可以告诉他说:“我真是服了你”,而不是直接说:“你太寒酸了”或者说“你太贫穷了”。
- 如果你不直接使用“你”这个词,那么你的话听起来可能就不会那么富有攻击性(冒犯性)。例如,你可以跟你的男朋友说:“我担心我们之间的信任问题”而不是说:“你实在是天偏执了”。这样子的表达不会让你的男朋友觉得你是在指责他。 |
0.899 | Don't monopolize conversations.
Another thing inconsiderate people tend to do is to talk on and on without realizing that other people couldn't care less. It's one thing if you have a great story to tell, but if you're always the person who is talking and talking and don't let other people have their say, then it's definitely not considerate. The next time you talk in a group or individual setting, be aware of how much you're talking as opposed to everyone else. Make sure you give other people a chance to talk, ask how they are doing, and how they're feeling.
- If you have a quick chat with a friend in the halls or at lunch, make sure you both have time to say what's up. If you just tell your friend all about your day and what you're doing next weekend and then say goodbye, that's not very considerate.
- You should also be considerate when you think about the subject you're discussing. Would your co-workers really want to hear about your drama with your best friend they've never met? Or would your best friend really want to hear a long discussion about the meeting you had at work? | 交谈的时候,不要自己说个不停。
- 如果你想在大厅或者想在吃午饭的时候跟朋友短暂聊天,那么确保每个人都有说话的机会(让大家都说说发生了什么事情)。跟朋友聊天的时候,如果你一只在说你自己的事情或者说周末的安排,并且说完之后就说再见,那么这是非常不体贴的表现。
- 你还应该考虑谈话的主题。你觉得,你的同事会对你和你的朋友之间的戏剧感兴趣吗(这个朋友他没见过)?或者,你觉得,你的朋友会对你的工作会议感兴趣吗? |
0.873 | Thank people.
It's also considerate to be able to thank people truly and honestly for something they have done for you. This could be something big, like letting you crash with them for three weeks while you looked for an apartment, or something smaller, like picking up coffee for you. No matter how small the deed, it's important to thank people so that they know that you appreciate them, and understand that you don't just expect people to do nice things for you. Make eye contact and give the person 100% of your attention when you say thank you so that you show that you truly mean it.
- If you were an extended house guest at a friend's house or a friend or person did something really nice for you, send or give him or her a bottle of wine or a gift basket to show that you really care. Sometimes, just saying "Thanks!" isn't enough.
- Get in the habit of writing thank-you cards to show your appreciation. This is a thoughtful and oft-forgotten gesture.
- You can also go beyond just saying "thank you" and explain how much the person's action meant to you. For example, you can say something like, "Jackie, thank you so much for cooking dinner for me the other night. I was so stressed out with work that day, and you really helped calm me down." | 感谢他人。
- 如果你在朋友家里留宿,或者你的朋友(或者其他任何人)帮你做了一些对你有利的事情,那么你可以送他/她一瓶葡萄酒(或者其他东西)作为礼物,以表示你真的很在乎他们帮助。有时候,仅仅说声“谢谢”是不够的。
- 养成写道谢卡的习惯,并以此来表达你的谢意。这是个很体贴但却容易被遗忘的事情。
- 除了说“谢谢”之外,你还可以通过其他言语来解释的他人对你的帮助(他人行为的意义)。例如,你可以这样说“阿杰,非常感谢你前天晚上为我做饭。那天我工作实在太累了,你确实帮了我一个大忙,使我能够冷静下来”。 |
0.918 | Apologize when you've made a mistake.
Even considerate people can have flaws. If you've made a mistake, whether you've truly hurt someone or accidentally run into someone, you should make sure to apologize for your actions. Don't just say "Sorry" and look away like you couldn't care less; make a point of making eye contact, telling the person how sorry you really are, and mentioning that it won't happen again. Taking accountability for something is much more considerate than brushing it under the rug because you hope it'll just go away on its own. Though apologizing can be unpleasant, the other person will appreciate it.
- People who are considerate known when to apologize because they're aware when they've hurt someone's feelings, even if they didn't mean to do it. If you've hurt someone, don't say something like, "I'm sorry you felt bad when I..." This kind of language actually blames the other person and avoids responsibility. | 当你犯错的时候,你要道歉。
- 体贴的人知道什么时候该去道歉,因为他们知道自己伤害了别人的感情(即使他们并不想这么做)。当你真的伤害到别人的时候,不要这样说:“我为使你难过而感到抱歉,当我……”,这样的语言实际上是在指责对方,逃避责任。 |
0.884 | Be tactful.
Having tact is an important part of being considerate. Being tactful means knowing how to make a point without offending the people around you; it doesn't mean that you have to lie to get your point across. To have tact, you have to know how to give feedback or criticism in a kind, thoughtful way that gets the message across without causing any hurt feelings. You also have to be an active listener and be aware of the people around you so you can make sure they respond in a favorable way.
- If you end up offending people, then they'll be much less receptive to your criticism. Giving information in a kinder way will make people feel better
*and* will make them more likely to change; it's a win-win situation.
- For example, if you want to tell your co-worker that he has been working slowly, you can say something like, "I think your projects are always so detail-oriented and thorough. However, I'm wondering if there's a way that you can maintain the quality of your work while boosting your efficiency a bit." | 学会委婉。
- 如果你最终得罪了对方,那么他们就更不会接受你的批评。通过友善的方式表达你的看法,这样会让对方更舒服,并且更容易使对方做出改变,达到“双赢”的局面。
- 举例来说,如果你想告诉你的同事,说他工作效率低下,那么你可以这样说:“我认为你的工作总是很细心和周密。然而,我一直在想,有没有什么方法可以在保证工作质量的同时稍稍提高你的工作效率?” |
0.915 | Do nice things for people when you see they need help.
Being considerate means recognizing when someone would need your help before they even ask for it. This can be anything from opening a door for a person on crutches to picking up lunch for your best friend when she's having a stressful day cramming for an exam. As long as you don't give help to people who really don't want it, you will be acting considerate. Keep an eye out for situations, big or small, when you could really help a person out. Always be observant to see if someone needs something, even if he or she is afraid to ask for it. Here are some examples of ways to be considerate:
- Hold doors open for people
- Pull out chairs for people
- Make room for people who sit next to you
- Let older people take your seat if you're on a bus or a train
- Pick up coffee for a fellow coworker if you're going on a coffee run
- Help your parents out by doing extra chores when they are clearly overwhelmed
- Run an errand for a significant other or roommate | 当发现别人需要帮助的时候,请为他们做好事。
- 帮助别人开门
- 帮别人将椅子拉出来
- 为坐在身旁的人腾出空间
- 如果你搭乘公共汽车或者火车,那么请为老人让座
- 如果你要去咖啡店,那么你可以帮同事打包咖啡
- 当父母忙不过来的时候,帮助他们做些家务
- 帮舍友或者其他重要的人跑腿 |
0.891 | Share.
Another way to be considerate is to share with others. Maybe you brought a delicious box of your mother's cookies to lunch and can't wait to devour them all, but you should ask your coworkers if they want any. Maybe you brought some awesome stickers to school that you can't wait to use to decorate your notebook. Well, ask your friends if they want in on the fun! You can also share your clothes, your space, or something else that means something to you with the people around you. Remember that, if you're sharing something you don't really care about, then it's not really sharing.
- Sharing isn't just for little kids and siblings. It's an important quality of a considerate person at any age. | 分享。
- 分享并不是针对小朋友(和他们的兄弟姐妹)而言。在人生的任何一个阶段,分享都是很重要的品质。 |
0.882 | We've all had the feeling before. You know that you have everything to be thankful for: a great significant other, a loving family, a pretty good job, and a healthy working body. Still, you keep having this nagging feeling that what you have just isn't enough. Sure, you can be happier by making some life changes, but the easiest way to be content with your life is to adjust your perspective and daily actions, which will make you more likely to appreciate what you have. So how do you start enjoying that sunshine instead of complaining about sunburn? Follow these steps. | 我们可能都有过这样的感觉,你知道你需要感谢生活给予你的,包括另一半,美满的家庭,满意的工作,还有健康的身体。但是,也有一些人就是觉得还想得到更多。尽管你可以通过其他方式提高你对生活的满意度,但是最简单易做的方法就是修正你的观念,并落实到日常的行动当中。通过这两步,你会对当前的生活更怀有感恩之心。那么,面对同一个太阳,你该如何做到享受阳光浴,而不是抱怨太阳这么大会晒伤你的皮肤呢?看看下面的步骤吧。 |
0.811 | Changing Your Perspective | 改变你的观念 |
0.864 | Live in the present.
The people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and embrace the present moment instead of being stuck on the past or obsessing over the future will look like. Though thinking of the past can help us learn from our mistakes and thinking of the future can help you set goals and be a good long-term planner, if you want to be happy with what you do have, then take some time to enjoy *exactly what you're doing right now.* Focus on what the day will bring you instead of what happened yesterday or what you'll be able to change about tomorrow.
- Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Focus on being in the moment and you'll feel all of your worries melt away. Be patient: this takes practice.
- You can also meditate or do yoga to help yourself focus on the present moment instead of worrying about what the future may bring. | 活在当下。
幸福的人往往是懂得活在当下,不去纠结过去已经发生的或将来尚未发生的事。诚然,不断反思过去,会让我们从过去的经验当中吸取教训,而规划未来,则有利于我们设定切实可行的目标,作出长远打算。不过,如果你想做一个真正快乐的人,你需要学会享受你 *当前正在做的事情*。把注意力集中在当下,而不是过去或未来。
- 闭上眼睛深呼吸。将注意力集中在你正在做的事情上,你就可以消除焦虑。不过,这一练习你要多做几遍才会有效,所以要有耐心。
- 你还可以通过冥想或做瑜伽让自己将身心集中在当前的事物上,而不用担心将来要发生的事情。 |
0.924 | 3 Ways to Be Creative | 3种方法来获得创造力 |
0.819 | Being emotionally independent and resilient is an integral part of being happy. When we depend on others for our sense of self, we never truly know who we are. Fortunately, by accepting ourselves, modifying our thinking, and taking active strides to be true to who we are and how we feel, we can find that inner sense of peace and independence we've been looking for. And it all starts with Step 1 below. | 情感独立和具备很强的适应力是快乐的重要组成因素。假如我们总是依赖他人,那就永远都不能真正了解自己。通过学着接受自我,转换思维,忠于自我,我们将会找到内心的平静和独立。来看看具体怎么做。 |
0.83 | 3 Ways to Be Environmentally Friendly | 3种方法来保护环境 |
0.89 | By now it’s clear that if we want to live on a planet with clean water, fresh air, and a diversity of plants and animals, we have to do everything we can to protect the Earth’s health. Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that helps the Earth more than you hurt it, and speaking up when you see the world around you being harmed. Conserving water, driving less often, gardening, and sticking up for animals are all good ways to start helping. See Step 1 to learn more ways to make caring for the environment part of your daily life. | 众所周知,如果我们想生活在一个有着洁净水源、清新空气和多样动植物的星球上,我们就需要不遗余力地保护环境。环保,意味着保护地球,而不是伤害它,并且要在看到周围的环境遭到破坏时勇敢地站出来。保护水源、少开车、做好绿化、保护动物都是环保的好方法。查看步骤1,来学习可以在日常生活中保护周边环境的更多方法。 |
0.892 | Protecting Water Sources | 保护水源 |
0.899 | Protecting Land and Wildlife | 保护土地和野生动物 |
0.91 | 3 Ways to Be Fair | 3种方法来做一个公正的人 |
0.874 | Fairness is a subjective concept meaning a just or appropriate action. Being fair is seen as a difficult and exceptional quality in leaders and in relationships as well. Although the world may not be seen in black and white, or right and wrong, in all situations, you can increase your chances of being fair by giving other people the time and consideration they deserve. | 公平是一个主观概念,意为公正或恰当的行为。人们认为公平是领导力以及人际关系中难得的卓越品质。虽然我们眼中的世界不能只用黑白、对错来衡量,但是在所有情况下,我们都可以通过给予他人应得的时间和关注,来成为一个更公正的人。 |
0.857 | - If you are trying to be fair in the workplace, read up on labor laws. Most states have labor laws to try to improve fairness and remove discrimination based on race, sex or other factors. Following these laws will make your decision more straightforward, and refusal to follow them is usually illegal.
- Always remember that fair doesn't always mean equal. Sometimes you have to give certain people the benefit of the doubt. They may not be as privileged as others. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 如果你努力想要在工作场合做到更公正,就多阅读些劳动法规。多数地方都有劳动法,旨在提高公正,并消除种族,性别和其他歧视。遵守这些法律会能让你更直接地做出决策,而拒绝遵守劳动法通常是不合法的。 |
0.922 | Hold all of your employees to the same standards.
Of course, it can be challenging to not play favorites in the workplace. There may be one employee who always listens to you, gives you compliments, and even brings you baked goods, while another employee may be a bit more cold and distant. However, this doesn’t mean it’s fair for you to let the nicer employee leave work an hour early while making the less friendly employee stay late. If you want to be fair, you have to check your biases against different employees and make sure that they all get the same treatment.
- Ask yourself why you really favor one employee over another. If it’s because you feel that some of your less-favored employees aren’t putting in the effort you expect, then it’s better to have an open conversation with them about it instead of giving them harsher treatment.
- If you play favorites, then the employees who you don’t favor will think you’re unfair and will feel more bitter about working for you. Fairness fosters a positive, supportive environment; playing favorites is discouraging. | 以统一标准要求所有员工。
- 问问自己为何会偏爱某个员工。如果原因是你觉得不受青睐的员工付出的努力没有达到你的期望值的话,那么与其更严厉地对待他们,不如与他们进行一次开诚布公的谈话。
- 如果你偏心,那么不受偏爱的员工就会认为你不公平,也会对为你工作感到痛苦。公平公正会营造出一个充满正能量,互帮互助的环境,而厚此薄彼则会让人灰心丧气。 |
0.91 | Lead by example.
If you want to be a fair boss, then you have to be a role model for your employees. You’ll have to serve as a model of what you want to see from them, in terms of your hard work, your enthusiasm, and your ability to work with others. If you tell them one thing and act in a completely different way, then they won’t respect you and won’t think that you’re treating them fairly. If you want to be fair, then you can’t be strict with your employees while going easy on yourself.
- If you tell them it’s important for them to come to work at 9 o’clock sharp but are always at least half an hour late, then they won’t think you’re being fair if you reprimand them for being late.
- If you call out an employee for slacking off though you’ve been making personal phone calls or chatting it up in the kitchen all afternoon, then you won’t be demonstrating fairness.
- If your employees think you’re not being fair, they’ll be more likely to resent you. | 以身作则。
- 如果你告诉员工每天9点准时上班很重要,但自己却总是迟到半个小时的话,他们会认为你为此责罚他们很不公平。
- 如果你批评某个员工偷懒,但自己却一直在打私人电话,或整个下午都在厨房聊天,那么你这样的行为就不是公平的。
- 如果你的员工认为你不公正,他们就更容易怨恨你。 |
0.937 | Establish the rules.
Another way to be a fair boss is to make the rules crystal clear. A lot of the time, when employees think their boss is being unfair, it’s because they don’t understand his or her expectations. If you have certain quotas for what you want your employees to produce, let them know what you expect instead of getting angry or disappointed when they aren’t meeting your expectations. If you have specific objectives for a new project, write them down so your employees know what you’re looking for instead of guessing in the dark.
- The more you can write down your expectations, the more clear your rules will be. If you have a document, an email, a report, or any piece of paper you can point to when your employees have questions about what you expect, then your rules will feel less arbitrary and more just.
- If you’ve changed your rules and expectations, it’s only fair that you let your employees know about it up front instead of surprising them with the change later. They’ll appreciate your honesty and will feel that you’re more fair. | 制定规则。
- 你能写下越多期望目标,你的规则就会越清晰。当员工对你的期待存有疑惑时,如果你能有一份文件,一封电子邮件,一份报告,哪怕一张纸作为参考,你的标准就会让人觉得更公平,而不那么主观。
- 如果你改变了规则或期望,只有提前通知员工才算公平。过后才通知员工,给他们个意外“惊喜”可不算。员工们会欣赏你的诚实,觉得这样做更公平。 |
0.912 | Don’t let personal bias affect your decisions.
If you want to be fair, then you have to remain as objective as possible when you hire new employees, fire current employees, delegate responsibilities, assign employees to projects, or just go about your work day. You can’t just pick people who seem the most like you when hiring candidates, but need to pick the most qualified people; you can’t fire a person just because he rubs you the wrong way, but because he acted poorly. It’s important to check yourself and to make sure you’re conducting your business fairly.
- Of course, it’s impossible to be completely unbiased. Still, it can help you be more fair to get in the habit of checking yourself throughout your decision making processes. If you’re leaning towards one new job candidate over another, ask yourself if it’s because you think the person is the most qualified, not because he complimented you the most. If you’re unhappy with a report one of your employees turned in, ask yourself if it’s really because you have tension with the employee instead. | 不要让个人偏见影响你的决定。
- 当然,做到毫无偏见是不可能的。话虽如此,在做决定时养成审视自己的习惯能帮你成为更公正的人。在你倾向于选择某一个求职者时,问问自己,是不是因为你认为他条件最好,而不是他称赞你最多才这样选择。如果你对某个员工上交的报告不满意,问问自己,这是不是因为你们之间的关系紧张。 |
0.815 | Being Fair as a Teacher | 做一名公平的老师 |
0.801 | Find something to praise in everyone.
If you really want to be fair, then you have to learn to see the good in each and every student. You may have a student who does so poorly in the classroom that you may feel like all you can do is offer criticism, but you should work extra hard to find something to praise about that student, whether it’s their attention to detail or their ability to work well with others. If you want to be fair, then you have to show every student that they deserve nothing but the best.
- Take the time to meet individually with students, and to let students who are struggling know that they have strengths, too.
- Praising students during class can make them feel better about themselves as long as you make a point of praising everyone at some point. However, putting down students in front of everyone can be harmful to a student’s self-esteem and is not fair behavior. | 确保在评分时做到公平。
- 试着花同样的时间阅读每份试卷。不要花更多的时间阅读优秀论文,而忽视那些真正需要反馈的论文。
- 试着不要将学生归类。一个通常论文得B的学生大有冲击A的能力。你应该鼓励他更加努力,让他看到自己有升空间。 |
0.826 | In a world full of knock-offs, spin-offs, and cheap imitations, being "genuine" seems a little off the beaten track. Should you decide to see what the world thinks of the real you (and kudos, by the way!), here's how to start finding you. | 在这样一个充满抄袭、派生品和廉价模仿品的世界,做“真实的自己”似乎有些偏离轨道。你想知道世界是如何看待真实的你(包括荣誉!)吗?下面就是找到真实的“他”或“她”的方法。 |
0.833 | - Be aware that not every one appreciates genuineness, and some may interpret it as naivete or simpleness. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Politely decline offers to go too far outside your comfort zone, especially in areas which compromise your integrity or have foolish risks involved. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 小心,不是所有人都喜欢真实,有些人会将其解释为天真或头脑简单。
- 有人邀请你走出“舒适区”时,礼貌地拒绝,特别是去那些可能会影响你完整的真实性或是出现愚蠢风险的地方。 |
0.833 | How to Be Good at Mathematics (with Pictures) | 如何学好数学(包含图片) |
0.872 | Intimidation is making others feel fear, nervousness, or inadequacy in order to gain social standing or produce a desired outcome. Although it is seen as a negative quality in many interpersonal interactions, it can be helpful in sports, business, and other competitive environments. Learning to be intimidating can also help you avoid being intimidated by others. | 震慑他人是指为了取得某种理想的效果,而让他人感到害怕或紧张。尽管震慑在人际交往中并不是好的品质,但在体育竞技、做生意和其它竞争环境中,却有一定的作用。学会震慑他人还可以让你克服对他人的恐惧。 |
0.861 | How to Be Lazy (with Pictures) | 如何如何变“懒”(包含图片) |
0.872 | Being lazy has a negative connotation, but have you ever stopped to consider why? Is it because all those over-stressed workaholics think the world will fall apart if they take a one-minute breather to do—gasp!—nothing? Or is it because your faith tells you that laziness is a sin? Or is it because it's just a much repeated "sin" from the seven deadly sins ("sloth") that has been drummed into you from birth as a "no-can-do"? It’s time to take a step back and see that laziness isn’t all it’s made out to be. In fact, being lazy now and then is a pathway to happiness, relaxation, and even success. Remember, being lazy isn’t wrong if done occasionally! | 变懒有消极含义,但你有没有停下来去思考过原因?其实,这是那些压力过大的工作狂觉得有一分钟放松喘息,世界就会因此崩塌。亦或你觉得懒惰有罪?还是从你出生就被灌输懒惰是七宗罪。有时候倒退一步看看,懒并不能说明一切。实际上,稍微懒一点可以让你变得更幸福,休闲和成功。 |
0.837 | - Consider setting aside one time a week to be lazy. Perhaps your Sunday, perhaps one afternoon or evening. Just make it a time for you, for chilling, and for not responding to
, no matter how much guilt it produces initially. You'll grow into this space with time and come to guard it fiercely for the sense of balance it restores in your life.
- Being lazy all the time comes with a cost if you're not being smart about doing less. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Many hunter and gatherer tribes had patterns involving doing the least possible other than that requires to sustain their basic needs. Reducing things to basic needs can go a long way to freeing up your time for activities and thinking you'd rather be doing. | - 每隔一个礼拜偷个懒。或礼拜天,或一个下午晚上。就这一次,不回应任何信息,也不必感到愧疚。在这个时间里,你会慢慢形成生活的平衡感。
- 可以偷懒的基础是聪明懂得怎么做更快。
- 许多狩猎和采集部落有一种模式,做最坏的打算而不是至少维持基础需求。减少基础需求可以节省大量的时间去做自己想做的事。
- 如果你在网聊或者享受起哄,制作船模型,那么这不是工作狂。跳舞可以和坐着一样放松,你应该学会享受这个过程而不是担心结果。 |
0.886 | - Don't equate laziness with permanent slovenliness or the cockroaches will become your new residents. Occasional unwashed dishes and smelly towels are fine; it's when you're tying open the kitchen door to let the stench of unwashed dishes waft out that you've got a major hygiene and self-care problem instead of a quest for doing less with your time...
- Some people are born "stress-bunnies" who need to keep busy and to comment on other people's lack of busyness. For such people, being busy is a habit and a moral judgment. You might want to give them a wide berth most days. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 2
- Don't beat yourself up for chilling; it's permitted! Rename it "soul restoration" if you must, but don't feel you have to apologize for doing less and getting more out of life. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1
- Avoid manipulating or blackmailing others to do things for you. That's not laziness, that is manipulation and blackmailing, which is about trying to control people. And as with all things that are about control, it's an action that takes a lot of energy to plan and sustain. So it's not the lazy person's way and it's also rotten karma.
- If you goof off with a hobby like drawing for years, you may reach a point of skill where people expect you to become professional. Seriously ask yourself if you want to turn it into a job and change its place in your life. If you do change careers to follow a hobby that turned into a dream, it's vital to take up a new hobby that you can keep in its place for goofing off without worrying about whether it's any good! However, marketing enough of your crafts and hobbies to pay for their materials is just elegant when it comes to budgeting, part of keeping your life simple. | - 一些人就是天生很勤快,还对别人的不够勤劳凭足论道。对于这种人,保持忙碌就是个习惯和道德准则。
- 偷懒和一直以来的懒散是不同的,也应该跟这样的人保持些距离,不然你就会和蟑螂为伍。偶尔不洗碗不洗毛巾没关系。只是当你打开厨房门时迎面而来的一股恶臭会让你觉得这是个大工程,而不是你期许的少花点时间。
- 不要责怪自己冷漠,这是允许的!这也可以称作是“灵魂的回归”,但是不要对自己没有做更多而抱歉。
- 如果你喜欢画画很多年,你也许能够到人们对专业期许的那个点。认真问问自己,你是否想以此为工作,从此改变她在你生活中的位置。如果你跟随了梦想的脚步把它变成了自己的职业,那么养成一个不用去在乎它好不好的习惯很重要。而且市场上足够多的工艺品和爱好只够支付成本费,只够维持你简单的生活。
- 避免操纵或敲诈别人为你做事。那不是偷懒,那是你在试图控制别人。而如果很多事需要被控制,那这种情况会花费许多的精力和计划。所以这根本不是偷懒的方式。 |
0.853 | - When in a new environment or meeting with a new acquaintance, always make someone aware of where you are by giving them an address or a way to reach you in case of emergency. Always meet new people in public places. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 2
- The downsides of oversharing go beyond in-person conversations. Be mindful of not sharing personal details on social media, as well. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 3 | - 接触一个新环境或者去见一个新认识的人时,切记将自己的地址和联系方式告诉其他人,以备不时之需。和不认识的人见面,地点要选在公共场所。
- 交浅言深的害处不只体现在日常交往当中,也不要在社交媒体上泄露自己的个人隐私。 |
0.832 | Opening Your Eyes to the World | 擦亮眼睛看世界 |
0.896 | 4 Ways to Be Mature | 4种方法来成熟一点 |
0.814 | - When faced with a conflict with others, avoid arguing and instead, try to resolve it in a calm rational manner. If it does escalate to arguing, end it as quickly as possible. Thanks Helpful 17 Not Helpful 0
- Maturity is difficult to acquire. However, don't change who you are to become more mature. Instead, endeavor to be who you are and be that well. It is no longer a question of who is older and who is younger. If you want to be taken seriously by people around you, think and act on how you want to be heard just make sure that once you take the step; be firm about it, and make a stand on your choice. If something went wrong - do your best to keep your calm and think of the next step, don't put the blame on others, you took the action and you're responsible for it. Be matured, and be responsible.
- Be kind, understanding and a friend to everyone! Don't be kind just for one day, but all the time. Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 3 | - 友善地对待每个人,学会善解人意。要始终如此。
- 成熟不简单。当然,你不应该为了变成熟而违背自己的内心。年龄上的长幼不是判断成熟与否的标准。如果你想得到别人的尊重,就要用成熟的言行去赢得这份尊重。遇到问题时,用于承担责任,控制情绪,不要责怪他人。成熟的人懂得负责。
- 和他人有分歧时,不要争论,应当以更沉稳理性的方式去解决。如果避免不了争论,尽快结束争论。
- 待人如待己。这就是成熟的基础。
- 设立目标并制定计划。比如,你决定学会变沉稳,不以自己为中心。用一个星期时间去实践,然后评估成效。即使第一个周期没有做到最好,可以继续努力。
- 展现风度。宽容别人。成熟的人心胸宽广。
- 注意不同场合的形象和着装。橙色头发是可以彰显个性,但不适合正式的工作场合,那会显得幼稚。
- 学会关心别人的事。这也是成熟的表现。
- 守时是一种美德。 |
0.824 | Developing Mature Behaviors | 培养成熟的处事方式 |
0.867 | Develop your interests.
- Try to keep your hobbies active and productive. It’s a lot of fun to watch a TV show marathon, but it isn’t necessarily the best use of your time. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy movies, TV, and video games, but they shouldn’t be the only things you spend your time on.
- Hobbies can increase your self-esteem and boost your creativity. They can also stimulate parts of your brain that make you feel positive and happy.
- There’s basically no limit to the types of things you can do! Get a camera and learn photography. Pick up a musical instrument. Practice a new language. Learn to beatbox. Start a live-action roleplaying group. Just make sure that whatever you choose is something you enjoy doing, or it’ll become a chore rather than a hobby. | 培养兴趣。
- 尝试培养积极的、有建设性的爱好。虽然看电视很有趣,但看电视并没有最佳地利用时间。你喜欢电影、电视、游戏没有问题,但除此之外应当花时间做其他更有意义的事。
- 兴趣爱好可以提高自尊心和创新能力。同时,兴趣爱好对大脑有良性刺激作用,能让你感觉积极、开心。
- 你可以培养各种各样的爱好,基本没有限制。学摄影、乐器、电子鼓、表演。只要确保你所选择的是你真正喜欢做的事,否则就是工作负担而不是爱好。 |
0.888 | Don’t be a bully.
Bullying behavior often emerges from a sense of insecurity or poor self-esteem. It can be a way for people to try and assert their power over others. Bullying is bad for people who are bullied and for those who do the bullying.
- Bullying falls into three basic types: verbal, social, and physical.
- Verbal bullying involves things like name-calling, threatening others, or making inappropriate comments. While words don’t cause physical harm, they can cause deep emotional wounds. Watch what you say, and don’t say something to someone that you wouldn’t want them to say to you.
- Social bullying involves doing damage to someone’s social reputation or relationships. Shunning others, spreading rumors, humiliating others, or gossiping are all types of social bullying.
- Physical bullying involves hurting someone (or someone’s things). Any physical violence, as well as taking or destroying someone’s stuff or making rude gestures, are forms of physical bullying.
- Don’t allow bullying to happen when you’re around, either. While you don’t have to get physically involved with a bully -- in fact, that can be really unsafe -- there are plenty of ways for you to help create a bully-free environment. Try:
- Setting a good example by not bullying others.
- Telling bullies that their behavior isn’t funny or cool.
- Being nice to victims of bullying.
- Telling responsible adults about bullying.
- If you feel like you have a bullying problem, consider talking with a counselor or therapist. Maybe you have some deeper issues that are making you feel like you need to belittle or pick on others. A counselor can give you approaches to develop more positive relationships. | 不要欺压别人。
- 欺压行为分为三类:言语类、社交类、实体类。
- 言语欺压包括辱骂、威胁、指责别人。虽然言语不会造成身体损伤,但会造成严重的心理创伤。注意自己的言辞,不要对别人说连自己都不想听到的话。
- 社交欺压包括损害他人的社交关系和声名。排挤、造谣、羞辱、八卦都属于社交欺压。
- 实体欺压包括伤害某人的身体或其所有物。抢夺、损毁某人的物品或做出粗鲁的行为都属于实体欺压。
- 在你所在之处,不让欺压行为发生。也许你不是被欺压者,你也应该维护周边环境的友好和谐。尝试:
- 从自身做起,不欺压他人。
- 告诉欺压者,他们的行为不正确。
- 友善对待被欺压者。
- 告知相关的监护人。
- 如果你发现自己有欺压别人的倾向,请咨询心理医生。也许是一些深层原因导致了你的心理问题。心理专家能帮助你更为积极友善地与人相处。 |
0.883 | Avoid gossip, rumors, and talking about others behind their backs.
Gossip, rumor-mongering, and backstabbing can hurt other people just as much as if you’d punched them in the face -- maybe even more.
- Gossip won’t necessarily make you cool or popular, either. Studies have shown that gossip may make you seem cool when you’re in fifth grade, but by ninth grade (when you’re hopefully more mature) gossipers are generally seen as less likeable and less popular.
- Don’t encourage gossip either. If someone tries to initiate gossip when you’re around, speak up: research shows that when even one person says “Hey, I’m not cool with gossiping about other people” it can really make a difference.
- Sometimes, you may say something nice about someone and it can end up translated by other people as gossip. For example, maybe you told a friend “I really like hanging out with Ziyi. She’s so funny!” and someone else told someone else that you said something mean. You can’t control how other people interpret or respond to what you say. The only thing you can control is what you say and do. Make sure that
*your* words are kind.
- A good test to determine whether something is gossip or rumor is to ask yourself: Would I want other people to hear or know this about me? If the answer is no, don’t share it with others. | 不要在别人背后八卦、造谣、说坏话。
- 八卦别人并不会让你显得很酷或者更受欢迎。研究表明,在五年级的时候,可能有人觉得八卦很酷,但到九年级(成熟一些时),大家都会觉得八卦的人不受欢迎。
- 也不要助长八卦。当身边的人想说八卦时,你可以提醒一下。你只要说“我不是很喜欢在背后八卦别人”,这就能起到作用。
- 有时候,你明明是赞赏某人,结果被传成了八卦。比如,可能你说“我很喜欢和A玩。她很有趣!”,但却被别人扭曲了意思。你控制不了别人的理解和反应。你唯一可以控制的是自己的言语和行为。确保自己不说伤人的话。
- 判断八卦的标准:你是否愿意听到别人如此评价你?如果答案是否定的,就不要传播这种八卦。
宽容那些对你不友善的人。如果你可以释怀,则不用回应。你的沉默可以传达你的不悦。如果你不能释怀,就告诉对方他说的话很没礼貌。若对方道歉,你接受道歉。如果对方不道歉,你就走开。 |
0.814 | Be genuine.
A mark of true maturity is being true to who you are. You can have self-confidence without acting arrogant or pompous. A mature person doesn’t have to tear others down or pretend to be something s/he’s not to feel good about him or herself.
- Talk about things that truly interest you. When you care about something, it shows.
- When you have negative thoughts about yourself, it can be tempting to go overboard denying them. For example, if the thought “I really am worried about this test next week” shows up, your first reaction might be to pretend “Nothing scares me!” This isn’t true to yourself. It’s more mature to admit when you’re feeling insecure or vulnerable. Everyone has moments when they don’t feel confident. That’s totally normal.
- Express your feelings clearly. Beating around the bush or being passive aggressive aren’t mature or genuine ways to deal with your feelings. Be polite and respectful, but don’t be afraid to say how you really feel.
- Do what you think is right. Sometimes, other people may mock or criticise you for it. However, if you stick to your principles, you’ll know you’ve been true to yourself. If people don’t respect that, you don’t want their good opinion anyway. | 承担责任。
- 发生问题时,承担责任。比如,你的文章写得不好,不要怪老师指导无方。想一想是什么原因导致了问题。想一想以后应当如何改进。
- 别多想公不公平。不是所有事都公平。有时你会受到不公正的待遇。成熟的人不会让不公正阻碍他们前进的道路。
- 掌控你所能够掌控的事。有时候你觉得无法掌控人生。部分正确。老板是否给你工作机会、你暗恋的人是否愿意和你约会,你无法控制这些。但有些事情你可以控制。比如:
- 工作:改进、润色简历。为面试做足准备。面试时着装正式,体现专业性。准时出席。也许最后你还是没得到工作,但只要你尽力做好你能够掌控的事,就没有遗憾。
- 情感:成为一个有趣的善良的受人尊重的人。做真实的自己。真诚地向对方表达你的好感。尽力做好这些能掌控的事情。就算最后没成功,至少你已经尽力尝试过。
- 别放弃。放弃比坚持容易得多,所以人们往往会放弃。大多数人都会说“我失败了”而不是说“虽然这种尝试失败了,我可以换一种策略试试看。”承认失败,并继续尝试,别放弃。 |
0.896 | 3 Ways to Be Nice | 3种方法来做个好人 |
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