stringlengths 23
| answer
stringlengths 1
⌀ | type
stringclasses 5
values | columns_used
stringlengths 2
⌀ | column_types
stringclasses 132
values | sample_answer
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values |
What is the wave of the participant with the youngest age? | 5 | category | ['age', 'wave'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'number[uint8]'] | 13 | 040_Speed |
What are the top 3 waves among people who got a match? | [21, 4, 11] | list[category] | ['match', 'wave'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | [21, 7, 7] | 040_Speed |
What are the 5 most common races among people who expected more than 5 matches? | ['european/caucasian-american', 'asian/pacific islander/asian-american', 'black/african american', 'latino/hispanic american', 'other'] | list[category] | ['expected_num_matches', 'race'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category'] | ['european/caucasian-american', 'asian/pacific islander/asian-american'] | 040_Speed |
What are the top 4 waves of people who have the same race as their partner? | [15, 9, 21, 11] | list[category] | ['samerace', 'wave'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | [7, 4, 15, 11] | 040_Speed |
What are the top 2 genders among people who expected no match? | ['female', 'male'] | list[category] | ['expected_num_matches', 'gender'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category'] | ['female'] | 040_Speed |
What are the top 5 ages of participants who got a match? | [42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 39.0] | list[number] | ['match', 'age'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[UInt8]'] | [31.0, 28.0, 27.0, 23.0] | 040_Speed |
What are the 3 lowest numbers of matches expected by people who got a match? | [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] | list[number] | ['match', 'expected_num_matches'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[UInt8]'] | [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] | 040_Speed |
What are the top 4 ages of people who have the same race as their partner? | [55.0, 55.0, 55.0, 42.0] | list[number] | ['samerace', 'age'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[UInt8]'] | [34.0, 31.0, 28.0, 24.0] | 040_Speed |
What are the 6 youngest ages of participants who expected no match? | [18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0] | list[number] | ['expected_num_matches', 'age'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'number[UInt8]'] | [23.0] | 040_Speed |
Are there any tweets with more than 10 retweets? | True | boolean | ['retweet_count'] | ['number[uint8]'] | False | 041_Airline |
Is there a negative sentiment tweet from 'United' airline? | True | boolean | ['airline', 'airline_sentiment'] | ['category', 'category'] | True | 041_Airline |
Are there any tweets categorized with 'Late Flight' as the negative reason? | True | boolean | ['negativereason'] | ['category'] | True | 041_Airline |
Are there any tweets from 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' timezone with positive sentiment? | True | boolean | ['user_timezone', 'airline_sentiment'] | ['category', 'category'] | True | 041_Airline |
How many unique user timezones are there in the dataset? | 85 | number | ['user_timezone'] | ['category'] | 6 | 041_Airline |
On average, what is the sentiment confidence of the tweets? | 0.9001688524590163 | number | ['airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['number[double]'] | 0.887105 | 041_Airline |
What's the maximum number of retweets a tweet has received? | 44 | number | ['retweet_count'] | ['number[uint8]'] | 1 | 041_Airline |
How many tweets are from 'Virgin America' airline? | 504 | number | ['airline'] | ['category'] | 0 | 041_Airline |
Which airline has the highest average sentiment confidence? | US Airways | category | ['airline', 'airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['category', 'number[double]'] | American | 041_Airline |
Which negative reason is most commonly associated with 'American' airline? | Customer Service Issue | category | ['airline', 'negativereason'] | ['category', 'category'] | Lost Luggage | 041_Airline |
From which timezone is the tweet with the highest sentiment confidence? | Eastern Time (US & Canada) | category | ['user_timezone', 'airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['category', 'number[double]'] | Eastern Time (US & Canada) | 041_Airline |
Which airline has the most tweets with negative sentiment? | United | category | ['airline', 'airline_sentiment'] | ['category', 'category'] | Delta | 041_Airline |
Which are the top 3 airlines with the highest average sentiment confidence? | ['US Airways', 'American', 'United'] | list[category] | ['airline', 'airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['category', 'number[double]'] | ['American', 'Delta', 'United'] | 041_Airline |
List the 3 most common negative reasons in the dataset. | ['Customer Service Issue', 'Late Flight', 'Can't Tell'] | list[category] | 'negativereason' | ['category'] | ["Can't Tell", 'Cancelled Flight', 'Customer Service Issue'] | 041_Airline |
Which 3 user timezones have the most number of tweets? | ['Eastern Time (US & Canada)', 'Central Time (US & Canada)', 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)'] | list[category] | ['user_timezone'] | ['category'] | ['Eastern Time (US & Canada)', 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)', 'Alaska'] | 041_Airline |
List the 2 airlines with the least number of tweets in the dataset. | ['Virgin America', 'Delta'] | list[category] | ['airline'] | ['category'] | ['American', 'United'] | 041_Airline |
What are the top 4 tweet IDs with the lowest sentiment confidence? | [570306133677760513, 570301031407624196, 570300817074462722, 570300767074181121] | list[number] | ['tweet_id', 'airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['number[int64]', 'number[double]'] | [569731104070115329, 569263373092823040, 568818669024907264, 567775864679456768] | 041_Airline |
List the 3 highest retweet counts in the dataset. | [44, 32, 31] | list[number] | ['retweet_count'] | ['number[uint8]'] | [1, 0, 0] | 041_Airline |
What are the 2 lowest values for sentiment confidence? | [0.335, 0.335] | list[number] | ['airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['number[double]'] | [0.3502, 0.6535] | 041_Airline |
List the 6 highest sentiment confidence values. | [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] | list[number] | ['airline_sentiment_confidence'] | ['number[double]'] | [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] | 041_Airline |
Is it true that the student with the highest number of absences is from a rural area? | True | boolean | ['absences', 'address'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | False | 042_Predict |
Are all students who are in a romantic relationship older than 17? | False | boolean | ['romantic', 'age'] | ['category', 'number[uint8]'] | False | 042_Predict |
Is the average final grade (G3) of students who consume a lot of alcohol (Dalc > 2) lower than those who don't? | True | boolean | ['Dalc', 'G3'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | False | 042_Predict |
Do all students who have both parents at home (Pstatus = 'T') have more than 3 free time after school (freetime > 3)? | False | boolean | ['Pstatus', 'freetime'] | ['category', 'number[uint8]'] | False | 042_Predict |
How many students have their mother's education (Medu) level above 3? | 131 | number | ['Medu'] | ['number[uint8]'] | 3 | 042_Predict |
What is the average age of students who want to take higher education (higher = 'yes')? | 16.634666666666668 | number | ['higher', 'age'] | ['category', 'number[uint8]'] | 16.944444444444443 | 042_Predict |
What is the highest number of absences among students? | 75 | number | ['absences'] | ['number[uint8]'] | 18 | 042_Predict |
How many unique schools are there in the dataset? | 2 | number | ['school'] | ['category'] | 2 | 042_Predict |
What is the most common mother's job among students who want to take higher education? | other | category | ['higher', 'Mjob'] | ['category', 'category'] | other | 042_Predict |
What is the gender of the student with the highest final grade (G3)? | M | category | ['G3', 'sex'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | M | 042_Predict |
What is the school of the student with the highest number of absences? | GP | category | ['absences', 'school'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | GP | 042_Predict |
What is the family size of the student with the highest final grade (G3)? | GT3 | category | ['G3', 'famsize'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | GT3 | 042_Predict |
What are the top 3 reasons for choosing a school among students who want to take higher education? | ['course', 'home', 'reputation'] | list[category] | ['higher', 'reason'] | ['category', 'category'] | ['course', 'home', 'reputation'] | 042_Predict |
What are the 5 most common mother's jobs among students with a final grade above 10? | ['other', 'services', 'teacher', 'health', 'at_home'] | list[category] | ['G3', 'Mjob'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | ['other', 'at_home', 'services'] | 042_Predict |
What are the top 4 schools among students with absences above 10? | ['GP', 'MS'] | list[category] | ['absences', 'school'] | ['number[uint8]', 'category'] | ['MS', 'GP'] | 042_Predict |
What are the top 2 family relations among students with a final grade below 10? | [4, 5] | list[category] | ['G3', 'famrel'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | [4, 5] | 042_Predict |
What are the top 5 ages of students who want to take higher education? | [16, 17, 15, 18, 19] | list[number] | ['higher', 'age'] | ['category', 'number[uint8]'] | [18, 15, 16, 17, 20] | 042_Predict |
What are the 3 lowest final grades of students who have more than 10 absences? | [4, 14, 17] | list[number] | ['absences', 'G3'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | [6, 9] | 042_Predict |
What are the top 4 ages of students whose mother's education level is above 3? | [15, 16, 18, 17] | list[number] | ['Medu', 'age'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint8]'] | [15, 17] | 042_Predict |
What are the 6 lowest final grades of students who don't want to take higher education? | [8, 10, 12, 9, 7, 13] | list[number] | ['higher', 'G3'] | ['category', 'number[uint8]'] | [10, 12] | 042_Predict |
Is it true that the oldest company (based on approval year) is from an urban (UrbanRural=1) area? | False | boolean | ['ApprovalFY', 'UrbanRural'] | ['number[uint16]', 'number[uint8]'] | False | 043_Predict |
Are all companies with more than 10 employees located in an urban (UrbanRural=1) area? | False | boolean | ['NoEmp', 'UrbanRural'] | ['number[uint16]', 'number[uint8]'] | True | 043_Predict |
Are all companies with a default amount greater than $250,000 in the food sector? | False | boolean | ['default_amount', 'Sector'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | False | 043_Predict |
Is the average number of retained jobs higher for companies located in urban (UrbanRural=1) areas than those in rural (UrbanRural=0) areas? | True | boolean | ['UrbanRural', 'RetainedJob'] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[uint16]'] | True | 043_Predict |
How many companies have a franchise code of 1? | 57340 | number | ['FranchiseCode'] | ['number[uint32]'] | 14 | 043_Predict |
What is the average disbursement gross for companies in the retail sector? | 164636.4123068934 | number | ['Sector', 'DisbursementGross'] | ['category', 'number[uint32]'] | null | 043_Predict |
What is the highest approval year in the dataset? | 2010 | number | ['ApprovalFY'] | ['number[uint16]'] | 2008 | 043_Predict |
How many unique sectors are there in the dataset? | 20 | number | ['Sector'] | ['category'] | 8 | 043_Predict |
What is the most common sector among companies with a franchise code of 1? | Retail trade | category | ['FranchiseCode', 'Sector'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | Other services (except public administration) | 043_Predict |
What is the state of the company with the highest disbursement gross? | ME | category | ['DisbursementGross', 'State'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | FL | 043_Predict |
What is the bank for the company with the highest default amount? | COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST | category | ['default_amount', 'Bank'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | READYCAP LENDING, LLC | 043_Predict |
What is the sector of the company with the most number of employees? | Health care and social assistance | category | ['NoEmp', 'Sector'] | ['number[uint16]', 'category'] | Construction | 043_Predict |
What are the top 3 sectors among companies with a franchise code of 1? | ['Retail trade', 'Other services (except public administration)', 'Manufacturing'] | list[category] | ['FranchiseCode', 'Sector'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | ['Other services (except public administration)', 'Construction', 'Manufacturing'] | 043_Predict |
What are the 5 most common banks among companies with an approval year earlier than 2000? | ['WELLS FARGO BANK NATL ASSOC', 'BANK OF AMERICA NATL ASSOC', 'U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION', 'JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NATL ASSOC', 'PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION'] | list[category] | ['ApprovalFY', 'Bank'] | ['number[uint16]', 'category'] | ['TRUSTMARK NATIONAL BANK', 'KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION'] | 043_Predict |
What are the top 4 states among companies with a disbursement gross greater than $1,000,000? | ['CA', 'TX', 'FL', 'AZ'] | list[category] | ['DisbursementGross', 'State'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | [] | 043_Predict |
What are the top 2 sectors among companies with a default amount greater than $500,000? | ['Retail trade', 'Accommodation and food services'] | list[category] | ['default_amount', 'Sector'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category'] | [] | 043_Predict |
What are the top 5 approval years for companies in the retail sector? | [2005, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2003] | list[number] | ['Sector', 'ApprovalFY'] | ['category', 'number[uint16]'] | [] | 043_Predict |
What are the 3 highest disbursement gross for companies with a franchise code of 1? | [50000.0, 100000.0, 10000.0] | list[number] | ['FranchiseCode', 'DisbursementGross'] | ['number[uint32]', 'number[uint32]'] | [249719.0, 136000.0, 125000.0] | 043_Predict |
What are the top 4 approval years for companies in the state of CA? | [2007, 2004, 2006, 2003] | list[number] | ['State', 'ApprovalFY'] | ['category', 'number[uint16]'] | [2006, 2004, 2003] | 043_Predict |
What are the 6 highest default amounts among companies in the state of NY? | [0.0, 50000.0, 25000.0, 100000.0, 35000.0, 10000.0] | list[number] | ['State', 'default_amount'] | ['category', 'number[uint32]'] | [49996.0, 12942.0] | 043_Predict |
Is it true that the oldest movie (based on year) in the drama genre is from the USA? | False | boolean | ['year', 'genre', 'country'] | ['number[UInt16]', 'category', 'category'] | False | 044_IMDb |
Are all movies from the USA, with more than 80 minutes duration in the drama genre, in English? | False | boolean | ['duration', 'genre', 'country', 'language'] | ['number[uint16]', 'category', 'category', 'category'] | False | 044_IMDb |
Are all movies with votes greater than 90 from the USA in English? | True | boolean | ['votes', 'country', 'language'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category'] | False | 044_IMDb |
Is the average duration of English language movies from the USA longer than those from non-USA countries? | False | boolean | ['country', 'language', 'duration'] | ['category', 'category', 'number[uint16]'] | False | 044_IMDb |
How many movies from the USA, in the drama genre, have a metascore of 100? | 6 | number | ['metascore', 'genre', 'country'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category'] | 0 | 044_IMDb |
What is the average duration for movies in the drama genre, from the USA, in English? | 96.07926963408374 | number | ['genre', 'country', 'language', 'duration'] | ['category', 'category', 'category', 'number[uint16]'] | 100.0 | 044_IMDb |
What is the latest year for English language movies from the USA in the dataset? | 2020.0 | number | ['country', 'language', 'year'] | ['category', 'category', 'number[UInt16]'] | 1994 | 044_IMDb |
How many unique languages are there in the dataset for movies from the USA? | 650 | number | ['country', 'language'] | ['category', 'category'] | 3 | 044_IMDb |
What is the most common genre among English language movies from the USA with a metascore of 100? | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | category | ['metascore', 'country', 'language', 'genre'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category', 'category'] | 0 | 044_IMDb |
What is the country of the English language movie with the longest duration? | Argentina | category | ['duration', 'language', 'country'] | ['number[uint16]', 'category', 'category'] | USA | 044_IMDb |
What is the language of the movie from the USA with the highest metascore? | English | category | ['metascore', 'country', 'language'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category'] | 0 | 044_IMDb |
What is the genre of the English language movie from the USA with the most votes? | Drama | category | ['votes', 'country', 'language', 'genre'] | ['number[uint32]', 'category', 'category', 'category'] | Romance, Western | 044_IMDb |
What are the top 3 genres among English language movies from the USA with a metascore of 100? | ['Adventure, Family, Fantasy', 'Drama, Mystery', 'Drama, Romance, War'] | list[category] | ['metascore', 'country', 'language', 'genre'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category', 'category'] | [] | 044_IMDb |
What are the 5 most common countries among English language movies with a year earlier than 2000? | ['USA', 'UK', 'Canada', 'UK, USA', 'Australia'] | list[category] | ['year', 'language', 'country'] | ['number[UInt16]', 'category', 'category'] | ['USA'] | 044_IMDb |
What are the top 4 languages among movies from the USA with a duration greater than 180 minutes? | ['English', 'English, Spanish', 'English, Russian', 'English, Hungarian'] | list[category] | ['duration', 'country', 'language'] | ['number[uint16]', 'category', 'category'] | [] | 044_IMDb |
What are the top 2 genres among English language movies from the USA with a metascore greater than 90? | ['Drama', 'Crime, Drama'] | list[category] | ['metascore', 'country', 'language', 'genre'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category', 'category'] | [] | 044_IMDb |
What are the top 5 years for English language movies from the USA in the drama genre? | [2017.0, 2016.0, 2015.0, 2013.0, 2018.0] | list[number] | ['genre', 'country', 'language', 'year'] | ['category', 'category', 'category', 'number[UInt16]'] | [1994] | 044_IMDb |
What are the 3 longest durations for English language movies from the USA with a metascore of 100? | [102, 119, 112] | list[number] | ['metascore', 'country', 'language', 'duration'] | ['number[UInt8]', 'category', 'category', 'number[uint16]'] | [] | 044_IMDb |
What are the four years with more English language movies from the USA? | [2017.0, 2016.0, 2018.0, 2013.0] | list[number] | ['country', 'language', 'year'] | ['category', 'category', 'number[UInt16]'] | [1994, 1942, 1951, 1964] | 044_IMDb |
Can you show the 6 highest metascores among English language movies from the USA? | [49.0, 55.0, 57.0, 48.0, 54.0, 52.0] | list[number] | ['country', 'language', 'metascore'] | ['category', 'category', 'number[UInt8]'] | [] | 044_IMDb |
Is it true that the song with the lowest popularity in the dataset is longer than 300000 ms? | True | boolean | [popularity, duration_ms] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[UInt32]'] | False | 045_Predict |
Did any song released in the year 2020 in the dataset achieve the maximum popularity? | False | boolean | [release_year, popularity] | ['number[uint16]', 'number[uint8]'] | False | 045_Predict |
Does the song with the longest duration also have the highest energy? | False | boolean | [duration_ms, energy] | ['number[UInt32]', 'number[double]'] | False | 045_Predict |
Does the song with the highest energy also have the highest popularity? | False | boolean | [energy, popularity] | ['number[double]', 'number[uint8]'] | True | 045_Predict |
How many unique artists are there in the dataset? | 13056 | number | [artists] | ['list[category]'] | 20 | 045_Predict |
What's the average song duration in the dataset? | 228998.0798095238 | number | [duration_ms] | ['number[UInt32]'] | 256381.1 | 045_Predict |
What's the maximum popularity score in the dataset? | 94 | number | [popularity] | ['number[uint8]'] | 59 | 045_Predict |
How many songs were released in the year with the most releases? | 489 | number | [release_year] | ['number[uint16]'] | 2 | 045_Predict |
Who is the artist with the highest popularity score? | ['Giveon'] | category | [popularity, artists] | ['number[uint8]', 'list[category]'] | ['Victorious Cast', 'Elizabeth Gillies', 'Ariana Grande'] | 045_Predict |
In which month was the most popular song released? | 3.0 | category | [popularity, release_month] | ['number[uint8]', 'number[UInt8]'] | 8.0 | 045_Predict |
What's the name of the longest song? | Monster Tunes Yearmix 2011 - Mixed by Mark Eteson | category | [duration_ms, name] | ['number[UInt32]', 'category'] | Ölmez Bu Hareket / Çileli Müjde | 045_Predict |
Subsets and Splits