She pressed me to take some cream crackers also but I declined because I thought I would make too much noise eating them.
[('We', 'PRP'), ('blessed', 'VBD'), ('ourselves', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('came', 'VBD'), ('away', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('We', 'PRON'), ('blessed', 'VERB'), ('ourselves', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('came', 'VERB'), ('away', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('We', 'nsubj', 'blessed'), ('blessed', 'ROOT', 'blessed'), ('ourselves', 'dobj', 'blessed'), ('and', 'cc', 'blessed'), ('came', 'conj', 'blessed'), ('away', 'advmod', 'came'), ('.', 'punct', 'blessed')]
She seemed to be somewhat disappointed at my refusal and went over quietly to the sofa where she sat down behind her sister.
[('In', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('room', 'NN'), ('downstairs', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('found', 'VBD'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('seated', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('arm-chair', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('state', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('In', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('room', 'NOUN'), ('downstairs', 'ADV'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('found', 'VERB'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('seated', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('arm', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('chair', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('state', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('In', 'prep', 'found'), ('the', 'det', 'room'), ('little', 'amod', 'room'), ('room', 'pobj', 'In'), ('downstairs', 'pobj', 'In'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'found'), ('found', 'ROOT', 'found'), ('Eliza', 'dobj', 'found'), ('seated', 'acl', 'Eliza'), ('in', 'prep', 'seated'), ('his', 'poss', 'chair'), ('arm', 'compound', 'chair'), ('-', 'punct', 'chair'), ('chair', 'pobj', 'in'), ('in', 'prep', 'chair'), ('state', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'found')]
No one spoke: we all gazed at the empty fireplace.
[('I', 'PRP'), ('groped', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('way', 'NN'), ('towards', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('usual', 'JJ'), ('chair', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('corner', 'NN'), ('while', 'IN'), ('Nannie', 'NNP'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sideboard', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('brought', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('a', 'DT'), ('decanter', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('sherry', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('some', 'DT'), ('wine-glasses', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('I', 'PRON'), ('groped', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('way', 'NOUN'), ('towards', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('usual', 'ADJ'), ('chair', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('corner', 'NOUN'), ('while', 'SCONJ'), ('Nannie', 'PROPN'), ('went', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('sideboard', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('brought', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('decanter', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('sherry', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('some', 'DET'), ('wine', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('glasses', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Nannie', 'ORG')]
[('I', 'nsubj', 'groped'), ('groped', 'ROOT', 'groped'), ('my', 'poss', 'way'), ('way', 'dobj', 'groped'), ('towards', 'prep', 'way'), ('my', 'poss', 'chair'), ('usual', 'amod', 'chair'), ('chair', 'pobj', 'towards'), ('in', 'prep', 'chair'), ('the', 'det', 'corner'), ('corner', 'pobj', 'in'), ('while', 'mark', 'went'), ('Nannie', 'nsubj', 'went'), ('went', 'advcl', 'groped'), ('to', 'prep', 'went'), ('the', 'det', 'sideboard'), ('sideboard', 'pobj', 'to'), ('and', 'cc', 'went'), ('brought', 'conj', 'went'), ('out', 'prt', 'brought'), ('a', 'det', 'decanter'), ('decanter', 'dobj', 'brought'), ('of', 'prep', 'decanter'), ('sherry', 'pobj', 'of'), ('and', 'cc', 'decanter'), ('some', 'det', 'glasses'), ('wine', 'compound', 'glasses'), ('-', 'punct', 'glasses'), ('glasses', 'conj', 'decanter'), ('.', 'punct', 'groped')]
My aunt waited until Eliza sighed and then said: “Ah, well, he’s gone to a better world.” Eliza sighed again and bowed her head in assent.
[('She', 'PRP'), ('set', 'VBD'), ('these', 'DT'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('table', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('invited', 'VBD'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('take', 'VB'), ('a', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('glass', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('wine', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('She', 'PRON'), ('set', 'VERB'), ('these', 'PRON'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('table', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('invited', 'VERB'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('to', 'PART'), ('take', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('glass', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('wine', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('She', 'nsubj', 'set'), ('set', 'ROOT', 'set'), ('these', 'dobj', 'set'), ('on', 'prep', 'set'), ('the', 'det', 'table'), ('table', 'pobj', 'on'), ('and', 'cc', 'set'), ('invited', 'conj', 'set'), ('us', 'dobj', 'invited'), ('to', 'aux', 'take'), ('take', 'xcomp', 'invited'), ('a', 'det', 'glass'), ('little', 'amod', 'glass'), ('glass', 'dobj', 'take'), ('of', 'prep', 'glass'), ('wine', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'set')]
My aunt fingered the stem of her wine-glass before sipping a little.
[('Then', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('at', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('sister', 'NN'), ('’', 'NN'), ('s', 'NN'), ('bidding', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('she', 'PRP'), ('filled', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sherry', 'NN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('glasses', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('passed', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('Then', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('sister', 'NOUN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('bidding', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('filled', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('sherry', 'NOUN'), ('into', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('glasses', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('passed', 'VERB'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Then', 'advmod', 'filled'), (',', 'punct', 'filled'), ('at', 'prep', 'filled'), ('her', 'poss', 'sister'), ('sister', 'poss', 'bidding'), ('’s', 'case', 'sister'), ('bidding', 'pobj', 'at'), (',', 'punct', 'filled'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'filled'), ('filled', 'ROOT', 'filled'), ('out', 'prt', 'filled'), ('the', 'det', 'sherry'), ('sherry', 'dobj', 'filled'), ('into', 'prep', 'filled'), ('the', 'det', 'glasses'), ('glasses', 'pobj', 'into'), ('and', 'cc', 'filled'), ('passed', 'conj', 'filled'), ('them', 'dobj', 'passed'), ('to', 'prep', 'passed'), ('us', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', 'filled')]
“Did he ... peacefully?” she asked.
[('She', 'PRP'), ('pressed', 'VBD'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('take', 'VB'), ('some', 'DT'), ('cream', 'NN'), ('crackers', 'NNS'), ('also', 'RB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('declined', 'VBD'), ('because', 'IN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('thought', 'VBD'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('would', 'MD'), ('make', 'VB'), ('too', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('eating', 'VBG'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('She', 'PRON'), ('pressed', 'VERB'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('to', 'PART'), ('take', 'VERB'), ('some', 'DET'), ('cream', 'NOUN'), ('crackers', 'NOUN'), ('also', 'ADV'), ('but', 'CCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('declined', 'VERB'), ('because', 'SCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('thought', 'VERB'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('would', 'AUX'), ('make', 'VERB'), ('too', 'ADV'), ('much', 'ADJ'), ('noise', 'NOUN'), ('eating', 'VERB'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('She', 'nsubj', 'pressed'), ('pressed', 'ROOT', 'pressed'), ('me', 'dobj', 'pressed'), ('to', 'aux', 'take'), ('take', 'xcomp', 'pressed'), ('some', 'det', 'crackers'), ('cream', 'compound', 'crackers'), ('crackers', 'dobj', 'take'), ('also', 'advmod', 'take'), ('but', 'cc', 'pressed'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'declined'), ('declined', 'conj', 'pressed'), ('because', 'mark', 'thought'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'thought'), ('thought', 'advcl', 'declined'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'make'), ('would', 'aux', 'make'), ('make', 'ccomp', 'thought'), ('too', 'advmod', 'much'), ('much', 'amod', 'noise'), ('noise', 'dobj', 'make'), ('eating', 'acl', 'noise'), ('them', 'dobj', 'eating'), ('.', 'punct', 'declined')]
“Oh, quite peacefully, ma’am,” said Eliza.
[('She', 'PRP'), ('seemed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('be', 'VB'), ('somewhat', 'RB'), ('disappointed', 'JJ'), ('at', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('refusal', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('over', 'RB'), ('quietly', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sofa', 'NN'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('sat', 'VBD'), ('down', 'RB'), ('behind', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('sister', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('She', 'PRON'), ('seemed', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('be', 'AUX'), ('somewhat', 'ADV'), ('disappointed', 'ADJ'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('refusal', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('went', 'VERB'), ('over', 'ADV'), ('quietly', 'ADV'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('sofa', 'NOUN'), ('where', 'SCONJ'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('sat', 'VERB'), ('down', 'ADP'), ('behind', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('sister', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('She', 'nsubj', 'seemed'), ('seemed', 'ROOT', 'seemed'), ('to', 'aux', 'be'), ('be', 'xcomp', 'seemed'), ('somewhat', 'advmod', 'disappointed'), ('disappointed', 'acomp', 'be'), ('at', 'prep', 'disappointed'), ('my', 'poss', 'refusal'), ('refusal', 'pobj', 'at'), ('and', 'cc', 'seemed'), ('went', 'conj', 'seemed'), ('over', 'advmod', 'went'), ('quietly', 'advmod', 'went'), ('to', 'prep', 'went'), ('the', 'det', 'sofa'), ('sofa', 'pobj', 'to'), ('where', 'advmod', 'sat'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'sat'), ('sat', 'relcl', 'sofa'), ('down', 'prt', 'sat'), ('behind', 'prep', 'sat'), ('her', 'poss', 'sister'), ('sister', 'pobj', 'behind'), ('.', 'punct', 'seemed')]
“You couldn’t tell when the breath went out of him.
[('No', 'DT'), ('one', 'PRP'), ('spoke', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('gazed', 'VBN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('empty', 'JJ'), ('fireplace', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('No', 'DET'), ('one', 'NOUN'), ('spoke', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('gazed', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('empty', 'ADJ'), ('fireplace', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('No', 'det', 'one'), ('one', 'nsubj', 'spoke'), ('spoke', 'ROOT', 'spoke'), (':', 'punct', 'spoke'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'gazed'), ('all', 'appos', 'we'), ('gazed', 'ccomp', 'spoke'), ('at', 'prep', 'gazed'), ('the', 'det', 'fireplace'), ('empty', 'amod', 'fireplace'), ('fireplace', 'pobj', 'at'), ('.', 'punct', 'spoke')]
He had a beautiful death, God be praised.” “And everything...?” “Father O’Rourke was in with him a Tuesday and anointed him and prepared him and all.” “He knew then?” “He was quite resigned.” “He looks quite resigned,” said my aunt.
[('My', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('waited', 'VBD'), ('until', 'IN'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('sighed', 'VBD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('said', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'NN'), ('Ah', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('well', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('he', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('s', 'JJ'), ('gone', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('a', 'DT'), ('better', 'JJR'), ('world.', 'NN'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('sighed', 'VBD'), ('again', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('bowed', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('head', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('assent', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('My', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('waited', 'VERB'), ('until', 'SCONJ'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('sighed', 'VERB'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('said', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Ah', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('well', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'AUX'), ('gone', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('better', 'ADJ'), ('world', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('sighed', 'VERB'), ('again', 'ADV'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('bowed', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('head', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('assent', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'ORG')]
[('My', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'waited'), ('waited', 'ROOT', 'waited'), ('until', 'mark', 'sighed'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'sighed'), ('sighed', 'advcl', 'waited'), ('and', 'cc', 'sighed'), ('then', 'advmod', 'said'), ('said', 'conj', 'waited'), (':', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Ah', 'intj', 'gone'), (',', 'punct', 'gone'), ('well', 'intj', 'gone'), (',', 'punct', 'gone'), ('he', 'nsubjpass', 'gone'), ('’s', 'auxpass', 'gone'), ('gone', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('to', 'prep', 'gone'), ('a', 'det', 'world'), ('better', 'amod', 'world'), ('world', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', 'waited'), ('”', 'punct', 'waited'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'sighed'), ('sighed', 'ROOT', 'sighed'), ('again', 'advmod', 'sighed'), ('and', 'cc', 'sighed'), ('bowed', 'conj', 'sighed'), ('her', 'poss', 'head'), ('head', 'dobj', 'bowed'), ('in', 'prep', 'bowed'), ('assent', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'sighed')]
“That’s what the woman we had in to wash him said.
[('My', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('fingered', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('stem', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('wine-glass', 'NN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('sipping', 'VBG'), ('a', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('.', '.')]
[('My', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('fingered', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('stem', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('wine', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('glass', 'NOUN'), ('before', 'ADP'), ('sipping', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('My', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'fingered'), ('fingered', 'ROOT', 'fingered'), ('the', 'det', 'stem'), ('stem', 'dobj', 'fingered'), ('of', 'prep', 'stem'), ('her', 'poss', 'glass'), ('wine', 'compound', 'glass'), ('-', 'punct', 'glass'), ('glass', 'pobj', 'of'), ('before', 'prep', 'fingered'), ('sipping', 'pcomp', 'before'), ('a', 'det', 'little'), ('little', 'dobj', 'sipping'), ('.', 'punct', 'fingered')]
She said he just looked as if he was asleep, he looked that peaceful and resigned.
[('“', 'NN'), ('Did', 'NNP'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('...', ':'), ('peacefully', 'RB'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'VB'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('asked', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Did', 'VERB'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('...', 'PUNCT'), ('peacefully', 'ADV'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('asked', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'Did'), ('Did', 'ROOT', 'Did'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'Did'), ('...', 'punct', 'Did'), ('peacefully', 'advmod', 'Did'), ('?', 'punct', 'Did'), ('”', 'punct', 'Did'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'asked'), ('asked', 'ROOT', 'asked'), ('.', 'punct', 'asked')]
No one would think he’d make such a beautiful corpse.” “Yes, indeed,” said my aunt.
[('“', 'NN'), ('Oh', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('quite', 'RB'), ('peacefully', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('ma', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('am', 'VBP'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Oh', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('quite', 'ADV'), ('peacefully', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('ma’am', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'ORG')]
[('“', 'punct', 'ma’am'), ('Oh', 'intj', 'ma’am'), (',', 'punct', 'ma’am'), ('quite', 'advmod', 'peacefully'), ('peacefully', 'advmod', 'ma’am'), (',', 'punct', 'ma’am'), ('ma’am', 'ccomp', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
She sipped a little more from her glass and said: “Well, Miss Flynn, at any rate it must be a great comfort for you to know that you did all you could for him.
[('“', 'NN'), ('You', 'PRP'), ('couldn', 'VBP'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('t', 'NN'), ('tell', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('breath', 'NN'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('You', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('tell', 'VERB'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('breath', 'NOUN'), ('went', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'tell'), ('You', 'nsubj', 'tell'), ('could', 'aux', 'tell'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'tell'), ('tell', 'ROOT', 'tell'), ('when', 'advmod', 'went'), ('the', 'det', 'breath'), ('breath', 'nsubj', 'went'), ('went', 'advcl', 'tell'), ('out', 'prep', 'went'), ('of', 'prep', 'out'), ('him', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'tell')]
You were both very kind to him, I must say.” Eliza smoothed her dress over her knees.
[('He', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('beautiful', 'JJ'), ('death', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('God', 'NNP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('praised.', 'JJ'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('And', 'CC'), ('everything', 'NN'), ('...', ':'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'JJ'), ('“', 'NN'), ('Father', 'NNP'), ('O', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('Rourke', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('a', 'DT'), ('Tuesday', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('anointed', 'VBD'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('prepared', 'VBD'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all.', 'VB'), ('”', 'JJ'), ('“', 'NN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('knew', 'VBD'), ('then', 'RB'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'UH'), ('“', 'IN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('resigned.', 'JJ'), ('”', 'NN'), ('“', 'NN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('looks', 'VBZ'), ('quite', 'RB'), ('resigned', 'VBN'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('He', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('beautiful', 'ADJ'), ('death', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('God', 'PROPN'), ('be', 'AUX'), ('praised', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('And', 'CCONJ'), ('everything', 'PRON'), ('...', 'PUNCT'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Father', 'PROPN'), ('O’Rourke', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('a', 'DET'), ('Tuesday', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('anointed', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('prepared', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('knew', 'VERB'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('quite', 'ADV'), ('resigned', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('looks', 'VERB'), ('quite', 'ADV'), ('resigned', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Tuesday', 'DATE')]
[('He', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'ccomp', 'praised'), ('a', 'det', 'death'), ('beautiful', 'amod', 'death'), ('death', 'dobj', 'had'), (',', 'punct', 'praised'), ('God', 'nsubjpass', 'praised'), ('be', 'auxpass', 'praised'), ('praised', 'ROOT', 'praised'), ('.', 'punct', 'praised'), ('”', 'punct', 'praised'), ('“', 'punct', 'everything'), ('And', 'cc', 'everything'), ('everything', 'ROOT', 'everything'), ('...', 'punct', 'everything'), ('?', 'punct', 'everything'), ('”', 'punct', 'everything'), ('“', 'punct', 'was'), ('Father', 'compound', 'O’Rourke'), ('O’Rourke', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('in', 'prep', 'was'), ('with', 'prep', 'in'), ('him', 'pobj', 'with'), ('a', 'det', 'Tuesday'), ('Tuesday', 'npadvmod', 'was'), ('and', 'cc', 'was'), ('anointed', 'conj', 'was'), ('him', 'dobj', 'anointed'), ('and', 'cc', 'anointed'), ('prepared', 'conj', 'anointed'), ('him', 'dobj', 'prepared'), ('and', 'cc', 'him'), ('all', 'conj', 'him'), ('.', 'punct', 'was'), ('”', 'punct', 'was'), ('“', 'punct', 'knew'), ('He', 'nsubj', 'knew'), ('knew', 'ROOT', 'knew'), ('then', 'advmod', 'knew'), ('?', 'punct', 'knew'), ('”', 'punct', 'knew'), ('“', 'punct', 'resigned'), ('He', 'nsubjpass', 'resigned'), ('was', 'auxpass', 'resigned'), ('quite', 'advmod', 'resigned'), ('resigned', 'ROOT', 'resigned'), ('.', 'punct', 'resigned'), ('”', 'punct', 'resigned'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('He', 'nsubj', 'looks'), ('looks', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('quite', 'advmod', 'resigned'), ('resigned', 'acomp', 'looks'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“Ah, poor James!” she said.
[('“', 'NN'), ('That', 'DT'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('s', 'VBZ'), ('what', 'WP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('woman', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('wash', 'VB'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('That', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('what', 'PRON'), ('the', 'DET'), ('woman', 'NOUN'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADV'), ('to', 'PART'), ('wash', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('That', 'nsubj', '’s'), ('’s', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('what', 'dobj', 'in'), ('the', 'det', 'woman'), ('woman', 'nsubj', 'in'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'relcl', 'woman'), ('in', 'ccomp', '’s'), ('to', 'aux', 'wash'), ('wash', 'xcomp', '’s'), ('him', 'dobj', 'wash'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“God knows we done all we could, as poor as we are—we wouldn’t see him want anything while he was in it.” Nannie had leaned her head against the sofa-pillow and seemed about to fall asleep.
[('She', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('just', 'RB'), ('looked', 'VBD'), ('as', 'IN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('asleep', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('he', 'PRP'), ('looked', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('peaceful', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('resigned', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('She', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('just', 'ADV'), ('looked', 'VERB'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('if', 'SCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('asleep', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('looked', 'VERB'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('peaceful', 'ADJ'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('resigned', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('She', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'looked'), ('just', 'advmod', 'looked'), ('looked', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('as', 'mark', 'was'), ('if', 'mark', 'was'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'advcl', 'looked'), ('asleep', 'acomp', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'looked'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'looked'), ('looked', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('that', 'advmod', 'peaceful'), ('peaceful', 'acomp', 'looked'), ('and', 'cc', 'looked'), ('resigned', 'conj', 'looked'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“There’s poor Nannie,” said Eliza, looking at her, “she’s wore out.
[('No', 'DT'), ('one', 'NN'), ('would', 'MD'), ('think', 'VB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('d', 'JJ'), ('make', 'VB'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('a', 'DT'), ('beautiful', 'JJ'), ('corpse.', 'NN'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('Yes', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('indeed', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('No', 'DET'), ('one', 'NOUN'), ('would', 'AUX'), ('think', 'VERB'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('’d', 'AUX'), ('make', 'VERB'), ('such', 'DET'), ('a', 'DET'), ('beautiful', 'ADJ'), ('corpse', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Yes', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('indeed', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('No', 'det', 'one'), ('one', 'nsubj', 'think'), ('would', 'aux', 'think'), ('think', 'ROOT', 'think'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'make'), ('’d', 'aux', 'make'), ('make', 'ccomp', 'think'), ('such', 'predet', 'corpse'), ('a', 'det', 'corpse'), ('beautiful', 'amod', 'corpse'), ('corpse', 'dobj', 'make'), ('.', 'punct', 'think'), ('”', 'punct', 'think'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Yes', 'intj', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('indeed', 'advmod', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
All the work we had, she and me, getting in the woman to wash him and then laying him out and then the coffin and then arranging about the Mass in the chapel.
[('She', 'PRP'), ('sipped', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('from', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('glass', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('said', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'NN'), ('Well', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('Miss', 'NNP'), ('Flynn', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('at', 'IN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('rate', 'NN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('a', 'DT'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('comfort', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('know', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('did', 'VBD'), ('all', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('for', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('She', 'PRON'), ('sipped', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('more', 'ADJ'), ('from', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('glass', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('said', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Well', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('Miss', 'PROPN'), ('Flynn', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('any', 'DET'), ('rate', 'NOUN'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('must', 'AUX'), ('be', 'AUX'), ('a', 'DET'), ('great', 'ADJ'), ('comfort', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'SCONJ'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('to', 'PART'), ('know', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('did', 'VERB'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Flynn', 'PERSON')]
[('She', 'nsubj', 'sipped'), ('sipped', 'ROOT', 'sipped'), ('a', 'det', 'little'), ('little', 'npadvmod', 'more'), ('more', 'dobj', 'sipped'), ('from', 'prep', 'sipped'), ('her', 'poss', 'glass'), ('glass', 'pobj', 'from'), ('and', 'cc', 'sipped'), ('said', 'conj', 'sipped'), (':', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Well', 'intj', 'be'), (',', 'punct', 'be'), ('Miss', 'compound', 'Flynn'), ('Flynn', 'nsubj', 'be'), (',', 'punct', 'be'), ('at', 'prep', 'be'), ('any', 'det', 'rate'), ('rate', 'pobj', 'at'), ('it', 'nsubj', 'be'), ('must', 'aux', 'be'), ('be', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('a', 'det', 'comfort'), ('great', 'amod', 'comfort'), ('comfort', 'attr', 'be'), ('for', 'mark', 'know'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'know'), ('to', 'aux', 'know'), ('know', 'advcl', 'be'), ('that', 'mark', 'did'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'did'), ('did', 'ccomp', 'know'), ('all', 'dobj', 'did'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'could'), ('could', 'relcl', 'all'), ('for', 'dative', 'did'), ('him', 'pobj', 'for'), ('.', 'punct', 'sipped')]
Only for Father O’Rourke I don’t know what we’d have done at all.
[('You', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('both', 'DT'), ('very', 'RB'), ('kind', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('him', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('say.', 'VB'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('smoothed', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('dress', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('knees', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('You', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('both', 'PRON'), ('very', 'ADV'), ('kind', 'ADJ'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('must', 'AUX'), ('say', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('smoothed', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('dress', 'NOUN'), ('over', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('knees', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('You', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'ccomp', 'say'), ('both', 'dep', 'were'), ('very', 'advmod', 'kind'), ('kind', 'acomp', 'were'), ('to', 'prep', 'kind'), ('him', 'pobj', 'to'), (',', 'punct', 'say'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'say'), ('must', 'aux', 'say'), ('say', 'ROOT', 'say'), ('.', 'punct', 'say'), ('”', 'punct', 'say'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'smoothed'), ('smoothed', 'ROOT', 'smoothed'), ('her', 'poss', 'dress'), ('dress', 'dobj', 'smoothed'), ('over', 'prep', 'smoothed'), ('her', 'poss', 'knees'), ('knees', 'pobj', 'over'), ('.', 'punct', 'smoothed')]
It was him brought us all them flowers and them two candlesticks out of the chapel and wrote out the notice for the Freeman’s General and took charge of all the papers for the cemetery and poor James’s insurance.” “Wasn’t that good of him?” said my aunt.
[('“', 'NN'), ('Ah', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Ah', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('James', 'PERSON')]
[('“', 'punct', 'James'), ('Ah', 'intj', 'James'), (',', 'punct', 'James'), ('poor', 'amod', 'James'), ('James', 'ROOT', 'James'), ('!', 'punct', 'James'), ('”', 'punct', 'James'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
Eliza closed her eyes and shook her head slowly.
[('“', 'JJ'), ('God', 'NNP'), ('knows', 'VBZ'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), (',', ','), ('as', 'RB'), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('as', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('are—we', 'VBP'), ('wouldn', 'JJ'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('t', 'NN'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('want', 'VB'), ('anything', 'NN'), ('while', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('it.', 'JJ'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('Nannie', 'NNP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('leaned', 'VBN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('head', 'NN'), ('against', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sofa-pillow', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('seemed', 'VBD'), ('about', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('fall', 'VB'), ('asleep', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('God', 'PROPN'), ('knows', 'VERB'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('done', 'VERB'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('as', 'ADV'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('are', 'AUX'), ('—', 'PUNCT'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('would', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('see', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('want', 'VERB'), ('anything', 'PRON'), ('while', 'SCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Nannie', 'PROPN'), ('had', 'AUX'), ('leaned', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('head', 'NOUN'), ('against', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('sofa', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('pillow', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('seemed', 'VERB'), ('about', 'ADP'), ('to', 'PART'), ('fall', 'VERB'), ('asleep', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Nannie', 'ORG')]
[('“', 'punct', 'see'), ('God', 'nsubj', 'knows'), ('knows', 'ccomp', 'see'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'done'), ('done', 'ccomp', 'knows'), ('all', 'dobj', 'done'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'could'), ('could', 'relcl', 'all'), (',', 'punct', 'all'), ('as', 'advmod', 'poor'), ('poor', 'amod', 'all'), ('as', 'mark', 'are'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'are'), ('are', 'advcl', 'poor'), ('—', 'punct', 'see'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'see'), ('would', 'aux', 'see'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'see'), ('see', 'ROOT', 'see'), ('him', 'nsubj', 'want'), ('want', 'ccomp', 'see'), ('anything', 'dobj', 'want'), ('while', 'mark', 'was'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'advcl', 'want'), ('in', 'prep', 'was'), ('it', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'see'), ('”', 'punct', 'see'), ('Nannie', 'nsubj', 'leaned'), ('had', 'aux', 'leaned'), ('leaned', 'ROOT', 'leaned'), ('her', 'poss', 'head'), ('head', 'dobj', 'leaned'), ('against', 'prep', 'leaned'), ('the', 'det', 'pillow'), ('sofa', 'compound', 'pillow'), ('-', 'punct', 'pillow'), ('pillow', 'pobj', 'against'), ('and', 'cc', 'leaned'), ('seemed', 'conj', 'leaned'), ('about', 'oprd', 'seemed'), ('to', 'aux', 'fall'), ('fall', 'xcomp', 'about'), ('asleep', 'oprd', 'fall'), ('.', 'punct', 'leaned')]
“Ah, there’s no friends like the old friends,” she said, “when all is said and done, no friends that a body can trust.” “Indeed, that’s true,” said my aunt.
[('“', 'NN'), ('There', 'EX'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'NN'), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('Nannie', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('looking', 'VBG'), ('at', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('“', 'VBZ'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBD'), ('s', 'PRP'), ('wore', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('There', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('Nannie', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('looking', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'AUX'), ('wore', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Nannie', 'ORG'), ('Eliza', 'ORG')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('There', 'expl', '’s'), ('’s', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('poor', 'amod', 'Nannie'), ('Nannie', 'attr', '’s'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('looking', 'advcl', 'wore'), ('at', 'prep', 'looking'), ('her', 'pobj', 'at'), (',', 'punct', 'wore'), ('“', 'punct', 'wore'), ('she', 'nsubjpass', 'wore'), ('’s', 'aux', 'wore'), ('wore', 'advcl', 'said'), ('out', 'prt', 'wore'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“And I’m sure now that he’s gone to his eternal reward he won’t forget you and all your kindness to him.” “Ah, poor James!” said Eliza.
[('All', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('work', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('she', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('me', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('getting', 'VBG'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('woman', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('wash', 'VB'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('laying', 'VBG'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('out', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('coffin', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('arranging', 'VBG'), ('about', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Mass', 'NNP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chapel', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('All', 'DET'), ('the', 'DET'), ('work', 'NOUN'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('me', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('getting', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('woman', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'PART'), ('wash', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('laying', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('the', 'DET'), ('coffin', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('arranging', 'VERB'), ('about', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Mass', 'PROPN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('chapel', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('All', 'predet', 'work'), ('the', 'det', 'work'), ('work', 'npadvmod', 'getting'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'relcl', 'work'), (',', 'punct', 'getting'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'getting'), ('and', 'cc', 'she'), ('me', 'conj', 'she'), (',', 'punct', 'she'), ('getting', 'ROOT', 'getting'), ('in', 'prep', 'getting'), ('the', 'det', 'woman'), ('woman', 'pobj', 'in'), ('to', 'aux', 'wash'), ('wash', 'advcl', 'getting'), ('him', 'dobj', 'wash'), ('and', 'cc', 'wash'), ('then', 'advmod', 'laying'), ('laying', 'conj', 'wash'), ('him', 'dobj', 'laying'), ('out', 'prt', 'laying'), ('and', 'cc', 'coffin'), ('then', 'advmod', 'coffin'), ('the', 'det', 'coffin'), ('coffin', 'conj', 'getting'), ('and', 'cc', 'getting'), ('then', 'advmod', 'arranging'), ('arranging', 'conj', 'getting'), ('about', 'prep', 'arranging'), ('the', 'det', 'Mass'), ('Mass', 'pobj', 'about'), ('in', 'prep', 'Mass'), ('the', 'det', 'chapel'), ('chapel', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'getting')]
“He was no great trouble to us.
[('Only', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('Father', 'NNP'), ('O', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('Rourke', 'NNP'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('don', 'VBP'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('t', 'NN'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('what', 'WP'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('d', 'RB'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('done', 'VBN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('all', 'DT'), ('.', '.')]
[('Only', 'ADV'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('Father', 'PROPN'), ('O’Rourke', 'NOUN'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('do', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('know', 'VERB'), ('what', 'PRON'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('’d', 'AUX'), ('have', 'AUX'), ('done', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADV'), ('all', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Only', 'advmod', 'for'), ('for', 'prep', 'know'), ('Father', 'compound', 'O’Rourke'), ('O’Rourke', 'pobj', 'for'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'know'), ('do', 'aux', 'know'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'know'), ('know', 'ROOT', 'know'), ('what', 'dobj', 'done'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'done'), ('’d', 'aux', 'done'), ('have', 'aux', 'done'), ('done', 'ccomp', 'know'), ('at', 'advmod', 'all'), ('all', 'advmod', 'done'), ('.', 'punct', 'know')]
You wouldn’t hear him in the house any more than now.
[('It', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('brought', 'VBD'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('all', 'DT'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('flowers', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('two', 'CD'), ('candlesticks', 'NNS'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chapel', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wrote', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('notice', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Freeman', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBZ'), ('General', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('charge', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('the', 'DT'), ('papers', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cemetery', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBD'), ('insurance.', 'JJ'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('Wasn', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('t', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('good', 'JJ'), ('of', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('It', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('brought', 'VERB'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('flowers', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('two', 'NUM'), ('candlesticks', 'NOUN'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('chapel', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('wrote', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('notice', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Freeman', 'PROPN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('General', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('took', 'VERB'), ('charge', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('all', 'DET'), ('the', 'DET'), ('papers', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('cemetery', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('insurance', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Was', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('that', 'ADV'), ('good', 'ADJ'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('two', 'CARDINAL'), ('Freeman', 'PERSON'), ('James', 'PERSON')]
[('It', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('him', 'nsubj', 'brought'), ('brought', 'ccomp', 'was'), ('us', 'dative', 'brought'), ('all', 'predet', 'them'), ('them', 'nmod', 'flowers'), ('flowers', 'dobj', 'brought'), ('and', 'cc', 'flowers'), ('them', 'conj', 'flowers'), ('two', 'nummod', 'candlesticks'), ('candlesticks', 'appos', 'them'), ('out', 'prep', 'brought'), ('of', 'prep', 'out'), ('the', 'det', 'chapel'), ('chapel', 'pobj', 'of'), ('and', 'cc', 'brought'), ('wrote', 'conj', 'brought'), ('out', 'prt', 'wrote'), ('the', 'det', 'notice'), ('notice', 'dobj', 'wrote'), ('for', 'prep', 'notice'), ('the', 'det', 'Freeman'), ('Freeman', 'poss', 'General'), ('’s', 'case', 'Freeman'), ('General', 'pobj', 'for'), ('and', 'cc', 'wrote'), ('took', 'conj', 'wrote'), ('charge', 'dobj', 'took'), ('of', 'prep', 'charge'), ('all', 'predet', 'papers'), ('the', 'det', 'papers'), ('papers', 'pobj', 'of'), ('for', 'prep', 'papers'), ('the', 'det', 'cemetery'), ('cemetery', 'pobj', 'for'), ('and', 'cc', 'cemetery'), ('poor', 'amod', 'James'), ('James', 'poss', 'insurance'), ('’s', 'case', 'James'), ('insurance', 'conj', 'cemetery'), ('.', 'punct', 'was'), ('”', 'punct', 'was'), ('“', 'punct', 'Was'), ('Was', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'Was'), ('that', 'advmod', 'good'), ('good', 'acomp', 'Was'), ('of', 'prep', 'good'), ('him', 'pobj', 'of'), ('?', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
Still, I know he’s gone and all to that....” “It’s when it’s all over that you’ll miss him,” said my aunt.
[('Eliza', 'NN'), ('closed', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('eyes', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('shook', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('head', 'NN'), ('slowly', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('Eliza', 'NOUN'), ('closed', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('eyes', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('shook', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('head', 'NOUN'), ('slowly', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'closed'), ('closed', 'ROOT', 'closed'), ('her', 'poss', 'eyes'), ('eyes', 'dobj', 'closed'), ('and', 'cc', 'closed'), ('shook', 'conj', 'closed'), ('her', 'poss', 'head'), ('head', 'dobj', 'shook'), ('slowly', 'advmod', 'shook'), ('.', 'punct', 'closed')]
“I know that,” said Eliza.
[('“', 'NN'), ('Ah', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('there', 'EX'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBD'), ('no', 'DT'), ('friends', 'NNS'), ('like', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('friends', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('“', 'VBD'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('and', 'CC'), ('done', 'VBN'), (',', ','), ('no', 'DT'), ('friends', 'NNS'), ('that', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('body', 'NN'), ('can', 'MD'), ('trust.', 'VB'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('Indeed', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('that', 'IN'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('s', 'NN'), ('true', 'JJ'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Ah', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('there', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('no', 'DET'), ('friends', 'NOUN'), ('like', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('old', 'ADJ'), ('friends', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('is', 'AUX'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('done', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('no', 'DET'), ('friends', 'NOUN'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('a', 'DET'), ('body', 'NOUN'), ('can', 'AUX'), ('trust', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Indeed', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('true', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Ah', 'intj', '’s'), (',', 'punct', '’s'), ('there', 'expl', '’s'), ('’s', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('no', 'det', 'friends'), ('friends', 'attr', '’s'), ('like', 'prep', 'friends'), ('the', 'det', 'friends'), ('old', 'amod', 'friends'), ('friends', 'pobj', 'like'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('when', 'advmod', 'done'), ('all', 'nsubjpass', 'said'), ('is', 'auxpass', 'said'), ('said', 'advcl', 'friends'), ('and', 'cc', 'said'), ('done', 'conj', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('no', 'det', 'friends'), ('friends', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('that', 'dobj', 'trust'), ('a', 'det', 'body'), ('body', 'nsubj', 'trust'), ('can', 'aux', 'trust'), ('trust', 'relcl', 'friends'), ('.', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Indeed', 'advmod', '’s'), (',', 'punct', '’s'), ('that', 'nsubj', '’s'), ('’s', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('true', 'acomp', '’s'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“I won’t be bringing him in his cup of beef-tea any more, nor you, ma’am, sending him his snuff.
[('“', 'NN'), ('And', 'CC'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('m', 'JJ'), ('sure', 'RB'), ('now', 'RB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('s', 'JJ'), ('gone', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('eternal', 'JJ'), ('reward', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('won', 'VBD'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('t', 'NN'), ('forget', 'NN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('kindness', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('him.', 'VB'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('Ah', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('And', 'CCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('’m', 'VERB'), ('sure', 'ADJ'), ('now', 'ADV'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'AUX'), ('gone', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('eternal', 'ADJ'), ('reward', 'NOUN'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('wo', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('forget', 'VERB'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('all', 'DET'), ('your', 'PRON'), ('kindness', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Ah', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('James', 'PERSON'), ('Eliza', 'ORG')]
[('“', 'punct', '’m'), ('And', 'cc', '’m'), ('I', 'nsubj', '’m'), ('’m', 'ROOT', '’m'), ('sure', 'acomp', '’m'), ('now', 'advmod', 'forget'), ('that', 'mark', 'gone'), ('he', 'nsubjpass', 'gone'), ('’s', 'auxpass', 'gone'), ('gone', 'ccomp', 'now'), ('to', 'prep', 'gone'), ('his', 'poss', 'reward'), ('eternal', 'amod', 'reward'), ('reward', 'pobj', 'to'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'forget'), ('wo', 'aux', 'forget'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'forget'), ('forget', 'advcl', '’m'), ('you', 'dobj', 'forget'), ('and', 'cc', 'you'), ('all', 'det', 'kindness'), ('your', 'poss', 'kindness'), ('kindness', 'conj', 'you'), ('to', 'prep', 'forget'), ('him', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', '’m'), ('”', 'punct', '’m'), ('“', 'punct', 'James'), ('Ah', 'intj', 'James'), (',', 'punct', 'James'), ('poor', 'amod', 'James'), ('James', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('!', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('Eliza', 'dobj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
Ah, poor James!” She stopped, as if she were communing with the past and then said shrewdly: “Mind you, I noticed there was something queer coming over him latterly.
[('“', 'NN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('no', 'DT'), ('great', 'JJ'), ('trouble', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('no', 'DET'), ('great', 'ADJ'), ('trouble', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'was'), ('He', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('no', 'det', 'trouble'), ('great', 'amod', 'trouble'), ('trouble', 'attr', 'was'), ('to', 'prep', 'was'), ('us', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
Whenever I’d bring in his soup to him there I’d find him with his breviary fallen to the floor, lying back in the chair and his mouth open.” She laid a finger against her nose and frowned: then she continued: “But still and all he kept on saying that before the summer was over he’d go out for a drive one fine day just to see the old house again where we were all born down in Irishtown and take me and Nannie with him.
[('You', 'PRP'), ('wouldn', 'VBP'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('t', 'NN'), ('hear', 'VBP'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('house', 'NN'), ('any', 'DT'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('than', 'IN'), ('now', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('You', 'PRON'), ('would', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('hear', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('house', 'NOUN'), ('any', 'PRON'), ('more', 'ADV'), ('than', 'ADP'), ('now', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('You', 'nsubj', 'hear'), ('would', 'aux', 'hear'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'hear'), ('hear', 'ROOT', 'hear'), ('him', 'dobj', 'hear'), ('in', 'prep', 'hear'), ('the', 'det', 'house'), ('house', 'pobj', 'in'), ('any', 'advmod', 'more'), ('more', 'advmod', 'hear'), ('than', 'prep', 'more'), ('now', 'pcomp', 'than'), ('.', 'punct', 'hear')]
If we could only get one of them new-fangled carriages that makes no noise that Father O’Rourke told him about, them with the rheumatic wheels, for the day cheap—he said, at Johnny Rush’s over the way there and drive out the three of us together of a Sunday evening.
[('Still', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('s', 'CC'), ('gone', 'VBN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('to', 'TO'), ('that', 'DT'), ('....', 'NNP'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'VBD'), ('It', 'PRP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBD'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('s', 'RB'), ('all', 'DT'), ('over', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('ll', 'JJ'), ('miss', 'NN'), ('him', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Still', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('know', 'VERB'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'AUX'), ('gone', 'VERB'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('all', 'ADV'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('It', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'VERB'), ('all', 'ADV'), ('over', 'ADV'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('’ll', 'AUX'), ('miss', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Still', 'advmod', 'know'), (',', 'punct', 'know'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'know'), ('know', 'ROOT', 'know'), ('he', 'nsubjpass', 'gone'), ('’s', 'auxpass', 'gone'), ('gone', 'ccomp', 'know'), ('and', 'cc', 'gone'), ('all', 'advmod', 'to'), ('to', 'prep', 'gone'), ('that', 'pobj', 'to'), ('....', 'punct', 'know'), ('”', 'punct', 'know'), ('“', 'punct', '’s'), ('It', 'nsubj', '’s'), ('’s', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('when', 'advmod', '’s'), ('it', 'nsubj', '’s'), ('’s', 'advcl', '’s'), ('all', 'advmod', 'over'), ('over', 'advmod', '’s'), ('that', 'mark', 'miss'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'miss'), ('’ll', 'aux', 'miss'), ('miss', 'ccomp', '’s'), ('him', 'dobj', 'miss'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
He had his mind set on that.... Poor James!” “The Lord have mercy on his soul!” said my aunt.
[('“', 'NN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('know', 'VBP'), ('that', 'IN'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('know', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'ORG')]
[('“', 'punct', 'know'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'know'), ('know', 'ROOT', 'know'), ('that', 'mark', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ccomp', 'know'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'know')]
Eliza took out her handkerchief and wiped her eyes with it.
[('“', 'NN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('won', 'VBD'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('t', 'NN'), ('be', 'VB'), ('bringing', 'VBG'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('cup', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('beef-tea', 'JJ'), ('any', 'DT'), ('more', 'JJR'), (',', ','), ('nor', 'CC'), ('you', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('ma', 'VB'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('am', 'VBP'), (',', ','), ('sending', 'VBG'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('snuff', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('wo', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('be', 'AUX'), ('bringing', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('cup', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('beef', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('tea', 'NOUN'), ('any', 'ADV'), ('more', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('nor', 'CCONJ'), ('you', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('ma’am', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('sending', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('snuff', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'bringing'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'bringing'), ('wo', 'aux', 'bringing'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'bringing'), ('be', 'aux', 'bringing'), ('bringing', 'ROOT', 'bringing'), ('him', 'dobj', 'bringing'), ('in', 'prep', 'bringing'), ('his', 'poss', 'cup'), ('cup', 'pobj', 'in'), ('of', 'prep', 'cup'), ('beef', 'compound', 'tea'), ('-', 'punct', 'tea'), ('tea', 'pobj', 'of'), ('any', 'advmod', 'more'), ('more', 'advmod', 'bringing'), (',', 'punct', 'bringing'), ('nor', 'cc', 'bringing'), ('you', 'conj', 'bringing'), (',', 'punct', 'you'), ('ma’am', 'appos', 'you'), (',', 'punct', 'ma’am'), ('sending', 'advcl', 'bringing'), ('him', 'dative', 'sending'), ('his', 'poss', 'snuff'), ('snuff', 'dobj', 'sending'), ('.', 'punct', 'bringing')]
Then she put it back again in her pocket and gazed into the empty grate for some time without speaking.
[('Ah', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('She', 'PRP'), ('stopped', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('as', 'IN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('communing', 'VBG'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('past', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('shrewdly', 'RB'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'NN'), ('Mind', 'NNP'), ('you', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('noticed', 'VBD'), ('there', 'EX'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('something', 'NN'), ('queer', 'NN'), ('coming', 'VBG'), ('over', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('latterly', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('Ah', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('She', 'PRON'), ('stopped', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('if', 'SCONJ'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('communing', 'VERB'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('past', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('shrewdly', 'ADV'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Mind', 'VERB'), ('you', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('noticed', 'VERB'), ('there', 'PRON'), ('was', 'VERB'), ('something', 'PRON'), ('queer', 'ADJ'), ('coming', 'VERB'), ('over', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('latterly', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('James', 'PERSON')]
[('Ah', 'intj', 'James'), (',', 'punct', 'James'), ('poor', 'amod', 'James'), ('James', 'ROOT', 'James'), ('!', 'punct', 'James'), ('”', 'punct', 'James'), ('She', 'nsubj', 'stopped'), ('stopped', 'ROOT', 'stopped'), (',', 'punct', 'stopped'), ('as', 'mark', 'communing'), ('if', 'mark', 'communing'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'communing'), ('were', 'aux', 'communing'), ('communing', 'advcl', 'stopped'), ('with', 'prep', 'communing'), ('the', 'det', 'past'), ('past', 'pobj', 'with'), ('and', 'cc', 'communing'), ('then', 'advmod', 'said'), ('said', 'conj', 'stopped'), ('shrewdly', 'advmod', 'said'), (':', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Mind', 'advcl', 'noticed'), ('you', 'dobj', 'Mind'), (',', 'punct', 'noticed'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'noticed'), ('noticed', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('there', 'expl', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'noticed'), ('something', 'attr', 'was'), ('queer', 'amod', 'something'), ('coming', 'acl', 'something'), ('over', 'prep', 'coming'), ('him', 'pobj', 'over'), ('latterly', 'advmod', 'coming'), ('.', 'punct', 'stopped')]
“He was too scrupulous always,” she said.
[('Whenever', 'WRB'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('d', 'JJ'), ('bring', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('soup', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('there', 'EX'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('d', 'JJ'), ('find', 'VBP'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('breviary', 'JJ'), ('fallen', 'VBN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('floor', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('lying', 'VBG'), ('back', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chair', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('mouth', 'NN'), ('open.', 'NN'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('She', 'PRP'), ('laid', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('finger', 'NN'), ('against', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('nose', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('frowned', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('then', 'RB'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('continued', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'NN'), ('But', 'CC'), ('still', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('kept', 'VBD'), ('on', 'IN'), ('saying', 'VBG'), ('that', 'IN'), ('before', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('summer', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('over', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBZ'), ('d', 'RB'), ('go', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('drive', 'NN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('fine', 'JJ'), ('day', 'NN'), ('just', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('house', 'NN'), ('again', 'RB'), ('where', 'WRB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('all', 'DT'), ('born', 'VBN'), ('down', 'RP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('Irishtown', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('take', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('Nannie', 'NNP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('Whenever', 'SCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('’d', 'AUX'), ('bring', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('soup', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('there', 'ADV'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('’d', 'AUX'), ('find', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('breviary', 'NOUN'), ('fallen', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('floor', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('lying', 'VERB'), ('back', 'ADV'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('chair', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('mouth', 'NOUN'), ('open', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('She', 'PRON'), ('laid', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('finger', 'NOUN'), ('against', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('nose', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('frowned', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('continued', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('But', 'CCONJ'), ('still', 'ADV'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('kept', 'VERB'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('saying', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('before', 'SCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('summer', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('over', 'ADP'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('’d', 'AUX'), ('go', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('drive', 'NOUN'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('fine', 'ADJ'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('just', 'ADV'), ('to', 'PART'), ('see', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('old', 'ADJ'), ('house', 'NOUN'), ('again', 'ADV'), ('where', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('all', 'PRON'), ('born', 'VERB'), ('down', 'ADP'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('Irishtown', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('take', 'VERB'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('Nannie', 'PROPN'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('the summer', 'DATE'), ('one fine day', 'DATE'), ('Irishtown', 'PERSON'), ('Nannie', 'ORG')]
[('Whenever', 'advmod', 'bring'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'bring'), ('’d', 'aux', 'bring'), ('bring', 'advcl', 'find'), ('in', 'prt', 'bring'), ('his', 'poss', 'soup'), ('soup', 'dobj', 'bring'), ('to', 'dative', 'bring'), ('him', 'pobj', 'to'), ('there', 'advmod', 'bring'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'find'), ('’d', 'aux', 'find'), ('find', 'ROOT', 'find'), ('him', 'dobj', 'find'), ('with', 'prep', 'find'), ('his', 'poss', 'breviary'), ('breviary', 'nsubj', 'fallen'), ('fallen', 'pcomp', 'with'), ('to', 'prep', 'fallen'), ('the', 'det', 'floor'), ('floor', 'pobj', 'to'), (',', 'punct', 'fallen'), ('lying', 'advcl', 'fallen'), ('back', 'advmod', 'lying'), ('in', 'prep', 'back'), ('the', 'det', 'chair'), ('chair', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'chair'), ('his', 'poss', 'mouth'), ('mouth', 'conj', 'chair'), ('open', 'oprd', 'lying'), ('.', 'punct', 'find'), ('”', 'punct', 'find'), ('She', 'nsubj', 'laid'), ('laid', 'ccomp', 'continued'), ('a', 'det', 'finger'), ('finger', 'dobj', 'laid'), ('against', 'prep', 'laid'), ('her', 'poss', 'nose'), ('nose', 'pobj', 'against'), ('and', 'cc', 'laid'), ('frowned', 'conj', 'laid'), (':', 'punct', 'continued'), ('then', 'advmod', 'continued'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'continued'), ('continued', 'ROOT', 'continued'), (':', 'punct', 'continued'), ('“', 'punct', 'continued'), ('But', 'cc', 'all'), ('still', 'advmod', 'all'), ('and', 'cc', 'all'), ('all', 'dep', 'continued'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'kept'), ('kept', 'relcl', 'all'), ('on', 'prt', 'kept'), ('saying', 'xcomp', 'kept'), ('that', 'mark', 'go'), ('before', 'mark', 'was'), ('the', 'det', 'summer'), ('summer', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'advcl', 'go'), ('over', 'prep', 'was'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'go'), ('’d', 'aux', 'go'), ('go', 'ccomp', 'saying'), ('out', 'prt', 'go'), ('for', 'prep', 'go'), ('a', 'det', 'day'), ('drive', 'amod', 'day'), ('one', 'nummod', 'day'), ('fine', 'amod', 'day'), ('day', 'pobj', 'for'), ('just', 'advmod', 'see'), ('to', 'aux', 'see'), ('see', 'advcl', 'go'), ('the', 'det', 'house'), ('old', 'amod', 'house'), ('house', 'dobj', 'see'), ('again', 'advmod', 'see'), ('where', 'advmod', 'born'), ('we', 'nsubjpass', 'born'), ('were', 'auxpass', 'born'), ('all', 'dep', 'born'), ('born', 'ccomp', 'see'), ('down', 'prt', 'born'), ('in', 'prep', 'born'), ('Irishtown', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'born'), ('take', 'conj', 'born'), ('me', 'dobj', 'take'), ('and', 'cc', 'me'), ('Nannie', 'conj', 'me'), ('with', 'prep', 'take'), ('him', 'pobj', 'with'), ('.', 'punct', 'kept')]
“The duties of the priesthood was too much for him.
[('If', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('only', 'RB'), ('get', 'VB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('new-fangled', 'JJ'), ('carriages', 'NNS'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('makes', 'VBZ'), ('no', 'DT'), ('noise', 'NN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('Father', 'NNP'), ('O', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('Rourke', 'NNP'), ('told', 'VBD'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('about', 'IN'), (',', ','), ('them', 'PRP'), ('with', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('rheumatic', 'JJ'), ('wheels', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('day', 'NN'), ('cheap—he', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('at', 'IN'), ('Johnny', 'NNP'), ('Rush', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'NN'), ('over', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('way', 'NN'), ('there', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('drive', 'VB'), ('out', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('three', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('together', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('Sunday', 'NNP'), ('evening', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('If', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('only', 'ADV'), ('get', 'VERB'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('new', 'ADV'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('fangled', 'VERB'), ('carriages', 'NOUN'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('makes', 'VERB'), ('no', 'DET'), ('noise', 'NOUN'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('Father', 'PROPN'), ('O’Rourke', 'NOUN'), ('told', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('about', 'ADP'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('rheumatic', 'ADJ'), ('wheels', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('cheap', 'ADJ'), ('—', 'PUNCT'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('Johnny', 'PROPN'), ('Rush', 'PROPN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('over', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('way', 'NOUN'), ('there', 'ADV'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('drive', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('three', 'NUM'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('together', 'ADV'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('Sunday', 'PROPN'), ('evening', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('one', 'CARDINAL'), ('the day', 'DATE'), ('Johnny Rush’s', 'ORG'), ('three', 'CARDINAL'), ('Sunday', 'DATE'), ('evening', 'TIME')]
[('If', 'mark', 'get'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'get'), ('could', 'aux', 'get'), ('only', 'advmod', 'get'), ('get', 'ROOT', 'get'), ('one', 'dobj', 'get'), ('of', 'prep', 'one'), ('them', 'pobj', 'of'), ('new', 'advmod', 'fangled'), ('-', 'punct', 'fangled'), ('fangled', 'amod', 'carriages'), ('carriages', 'appos', 'one'), ('that', 'nsubj', 'makes'), ('makes', 'relcl', 'carriages'), ('no', 'det', 'noise'), ('noise', 'dobj', 'makes'), ('that', 'mark', 'told'), ('Father', 'compound', 'O’Rourke'), ('O’Rourke', 'nsubj', 'told'), ('told', 'relcl', 'noise'), ('him', 'dobj', 'told'), ('about', 'prep', 'told'), (',', 'punct', 'get'), ('them', 'npadvmod', 'get'), ('with', 'prep', 'get'), ('the', 'det', 'wheels'), ('rheumatic', 'amod', 'wheels'), ('wheels', 'pobj', 'with'), (',', 'punct', 'get'), ('for', 'prep', 'get'), ('the', 'det', 'day'), ('day', 'pobj', 'for'), ('cheap', 'amod', 'day'), ('—', 'punct', 'said'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'parataxis', 'get'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('at', 'prep', 'said'), ('Johnny', 'compound', 'Rush'), ('Rush', 'pobj', 'at'), ('’s', 'punct', 'said'), ('over', 'prep', 'said'), ('the', 'det', 'way'), ('way', 'pobj', 'over'), ('there', 'advmod', 'way'), ('and', 'cc', 'said'), ('drive', 'conj', 'said'), ('out', 'prt', 'drive'), ('the', 'det', 'three'), ('three', 'dobj', 'drive'), ('of', 'prep', 'three'), ('us', 'pobj', 'of'), ('together', 'advmod', 'drive'), ('of', 'prep', 'together'), ('a', 'det', 'evening'), ('Sunday', 'compound', 'evening'), ('evening', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'get')]
And then his life was, you might say, crossed.” “Yes,” said my aunt.
[('He', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('set', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('that', 'DT'), ('....', 'NNP'), ('Poor', 'NNP'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('“', 'VBD'), ('The', 'DT'), ('Lord', 'NNP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('mercy', 'VBN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('soul', 'NN'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('He', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('mind', 'NOUN'), ('set', 'VERB'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('Poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('The', 'DET'), ('Lord', 'PROPN'), ('have', 'VERB'), ('mercy', 'NOUN'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('soul', 'NOUN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('He', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'ROOT', 'had'), ('his', 'poss', 'mind'), ('mind', 'nsubj', 'set'), ('set', 'ccomp', 'had'), ('on', 'prep', 'set'), ('that', 'pobj', 'on'), ('....', 'punct', 'had'), ('Poor', 'compound', 'James'), ('James', 'ROOT', 'James'), ('!', 'punct', 'James'), ('”', 'punct', 'James'), ('“', 'punct', 'have'), ('The', 'det', 'Lord'), ('Lord', 'nsubj', 'have'), ('have', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('mercy', 'dobj', 'have'), ('on', 'prep', 'have'), ('his', 'poss', 'soul'), ('soul', 'pobj', 'on'), ('!', 'punct', 'have'), ('”', 'punct', 'have'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
“He was a disappointed man.
[('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('out', 'RP'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('handkerchief', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wiped', 'VBD'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('eyes', 'NNS'), ('with', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('took', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('handkerchief', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('wiped', 'VERB'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('eyes', 'NOUN'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'took'), ('took', 'ROOT', 'took'), ('out', 'prt', 'took'), ('her', 'poss', 'handkerchief'), ('handkerchief', 'dobj', 'took'), ('and', 'cc', 'took'), ('wiped', 'conj', 'took'), ('her', 'poss', 'eyes'), ('eyes', 'dobj', 'wiped'), ('with', 'prep', 'wiped'), ('it', 'pobj', 'with'), ('.', 'punct', 'took')]
You could see that.” A silence took possession of the little room and, under cover of it, I approached the table and tasted my sherry and then returned quietly to my chair in the corner.
[('Then', 'RB'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('put', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('back', 'RP'), ('again', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('pocket', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('gazed', 'VBN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('empty', 'JJ'), ('grate', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('time', 'NN'), ('without', 'IN'), ('speaking', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Then', 'ADV'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('put', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('back', 'ADV'), ('again', 'ADV'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('pocket', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('gazed', 'VERB'), ('into', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('empty', 'ADJ'), ('grate', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('some', 'DET'), ('time', 'NOUN'), ('without', 'ADP'), ('speaking', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Then', 'advmod', 'put'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'put'), ('put', 'ROOT', 'put'), ('it', 'dobj', 'put'), ('back', 'prt', 'put'), ('again', 'advmod', 'put'), ('in', 'prep', 'put'), ('her', 'poss', 'pocket'), ('pocket', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'put'), ('gazed', 'conj', 'put'), ('into', 'prep', 'gazed'), ('the', 'det', 'grate'), ('empty', 'amod', 'grate'), ('grate', 'pobj', 'into'), ('for', 'prep', 'gazed'), ('some', 'det', 'time'), ('time', 'pobj', 'for'), ('without', 'prep', 'gazed'), ('speaking', 'pcomp', 'without'), ('.', 'punct', 'put')]
Eliza seemed to have fallen into a deep revery.
[('“', 'NN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('too', 'RB'), ('scrupulous', 'JJ'), ('always', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('too', 'ADV'), ('scrupulous', 'ADJ'), ('always', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('He', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('too', 'advmod', 'scrupulous'), ('scrupulous', 'acomp', 'was'), ('always', 'advmod', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
We waited respectfully for her to break the silence: and after a long pause she said slowly: “It was that chalice he broke.... That was the beginning of it.
[('“', 'VB'), ('The', 'DT'), ('duties', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('priesthood', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('too', 'RB'), ('much', 'JJ'), ('for', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('The', 'DET'), ('duties', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('priesthood', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('too', 'ADV'), ('much', 'ADJ'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'was'), ('The', 'det', 'duties'), ('duties', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('of', 'prep', 'duties'), ('the', 'det', 'priesthood'), ('priesthood', 'pobj', 'of'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('too', 'advmod', 'much'), ('much', 'acomp', 'was'), ('for', 'prep', 'was'), ('him', 'pobj', 'for'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
Of course, they say it was all right, that it contained nothing, I mean.
[('And', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('life', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('you', 'PRP'), ('might', 'MD'), ('say', 'VB'), (',', ','), ('crossed.', 'VB'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('“', 'NNP'), ('Yes', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('And', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('life', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('might', 'AUX'), ('say', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('crossed', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Yes', 'INTJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('And', 'cc', 'was'), ('then', 'advmod', 'was'), ('his', 'poss', 'life'), ('life', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'say'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'say'), ('might', 'aux', 'say'), ('say', 'parataxis', 'crossed'), (',', 'punct', 'say'), ('crossed', 'acomp', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'was'), ('”', 'punct', 'was'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('Yes', 'intj', 'said'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
But still....
[('“', 'NN'), ('He', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('disappointed', 'JJ'), ('man', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('He', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('a', 'DET'), ('disappointed', 'ADJ'), ('man', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'was'), ('He', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('a', 'det', 'man'), ('disappointed', 'amod', 'man'), ('man', 'attr', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
They say it was the boy’s fault.
[('You', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('see', 'VB'), ('that.', 'JJ'), ('”', 'VB'), ('A', 'DT'), ('silence', 'NN'), ('took', 'VBD'), ('possession', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('room', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), (',', ','), ('under', 'IN'), ('cover', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('approached', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('table', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('tasted', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('sherry', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('then', 'RB'), ('returned', 'VBD'), ('quietly', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('chair', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('corner', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('You', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('see', 'VERB'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('A', 'DET'), ('silence', 'NOUN'), ('took', 'VERB'), ('possession', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('room', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('under', 'ADP'), ('cover', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('it', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('approached', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('table', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('tasted', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('sherry', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('returned', 'VERB'), ('quietly', 'ADV'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('chair', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('corner', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('You', 'nsubj', 'see'), ('could', 'aux', 'see'), ('see', 'ROOT', 'see'), ('that', 'dobj', 'see'), ('.', 'punct', 'see'), ('”', 'punct', 'see'), ('A', 'det', 'silence'), ('silence', 'nsubj', 'took'), ('took', 'ROOT', 'took'), ('possession', 'dobj', 'took'), ('of', 'prep', 'possession'), ('the', 'det', 'room'), ('little', 'amod', 'room'), ('room', 'pobj', 'of'), ('and', 'cc', 'took'), (',', 'punct', 'took'), ('under', 'prep', 'approached'), ('cover', 'pobj', 'under'), ('of', 'prep', 'cover'), ('it', 'pobj', 'of'), (',', 'punct', 'approached'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'approached'), ('approached', 'conj', 'took'), ('the', 'det', 'table'), ('table', 'dobj', 'approached'), ('and', 'cc', 'approached'), ('tasted', 'conj', 'approached'), ('my', 'poss', 'sherry'), ('sherry', 'dobj', 'tasted'), ('and', 'cc', 'tasted'), ('then', 'advmod', 'returned'), ('returned', 'conj', 'tasted'), ('quietly', 'advmod', 'returned'), ('to', 'prep', 'returned'), ('my', 'poss', 'chair'), ('chair', 'pobj', 'to'), ('in', 'prep', 'chair'), ('the', 'det', 'corner'), ('corner', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'approached')]
But poor James was so nervous, God be merciful to him!” “And was that it?” said my aunt.
[('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('seemed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('have', 'VB'), ('fallen', 'VBN'), ('into', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('deep', 'JJ'), ('revery', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('seemed', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('have', 'AUX'), ('fallen', 'VERB'), ('into', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('deep', 'ADJ'), ('revery', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'seemed'), ('seemed', 'ROOT', 'seemed'), ('to', 'aux', 'fallen'), ('have', 'aux', 'fallen'), ('fallen', 'xcomp', 'seemed'), ('into', 'prep', 'fallen'), ('a', 'det', 'revery'), ('deep', 'amod', 'revery'), ('revery', 'pobj', 'into'), ('.', 'punct', 'seemed')]
“I heard something....” Eliza nodded.
[('We', 'PRP'), ('waited', 'VBD'), ('respectfully', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('her', 'PRP$'), ('to', 'TO'), ('break', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('silence', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('and', 'CC'), ('after', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('long', 'JJ'), ('pause', 'NN'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('slowly', 'RB'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'VB'), ('It', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('chalice', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('broke', 'VBD'), ('....', 'RP'), ('That', 'DT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('beginning', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('We', 'PRON'), ('waited', 'VERB'), ('respectfully', 'ADV'), ('for', 'SCONJ'), ('her', 'PRON'), ('to', 'PART'), ('break', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('silence', 'NOUN'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('after', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('long', 'ADJ'), ('pause', 'NOUN'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('slowly', 'ADV'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('It', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('that', 'DET'), ('chalice', 'NOUN'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('broke', 'VERB'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('That', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('the', 'DET'), ('beginning', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('We', 'nsubj', 'waited'), ('waited', 'ROOT', 'waited'), ('respectfully', 'advmod', 'waited'), ('for', 'mark', 'break'), ('her', 'nsubj', 'break'), ('to', 'aux', 'break'), ('break', 'advcl', 'waited'), ('the', 'det', 'silence'), ('silence', 'dobj', 'break'), (':', 'punct', 'waited'), ('and', 'cc', 'waited'), ('after', 'prep', 'said'), ('a', 'det', 'pause'), ('long', 'amod', 'pause'), ('pause', 'pobj', 'after'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'conj', 'waited'), ('slowly', 'advmod', 'said'), (':', 'punct', 'said'), ('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('It', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('that', 'det', 'chalice'), ('chalice', 'attr', 'was'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'broke'), ('broke', 'relcl', 'chalice'), ('....', 'punct', 'waited'), ('That', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('the', 'det', 'beginning'), ('beginning', 'attr', 'was'), ('of', 'prep', 'beginning'), ('it', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
“That affected his mind,” she said.
[('Of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('they', 'PRP'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('all', 'DT'), ('right', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('contained', 'VBD'), ('nothing', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('mean', 'VBP'), ('.', '.')]
[('Of', 'ADV'), ('course', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('say', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('all', 'ADV'), ('right', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('contained', 'VERB'), ('nothing', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('mean', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Of', 'advmod', 'course'), ('course', 'advmod', 'say'), (',', 'punct', 'say'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'say'), ('say', 'ccomp', 'mean'), ('it', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'say'), ('all', 'advmod', 'right'), ('right', 'acomp', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'say'), ('that', 'mark', 'contained'), ('it', 'nsubj', 'contained'), ('contained', 'ccomp', 'say'), ('nothing', 'dobj', 'contained'), (',', 'punct', 'mean'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'mean'), ('mean', 'ROOT', 'mean'), ('.', 'punct', 'mean')]
“After that he began to mope by himself, talking to no one and wandering about by himself.
[('But', 'CC'), ('still', 'RB'), ('....', 'VB')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), ('still', 'ADV'), ('....', 'PUNCT')]
[('But', 'ROOT', 'But'), ('still', 'advmod', 'But'), ('....', 'punct', 'But')]
So one night he was wanted for to go on a call and they couldn’t find him anywhere.
[('They', 'PRP'), ('say', 'VBP'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('boy', 'NN'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'NN'), ('fault', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('They', 'PRON'), ('say', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('the', 'DET'), ('boy', 'NOUN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('fault', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('They', 'nsubj', 'say'), ('say', 'ROOT', 'say'), ('it', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'say'), ('the', 'det', 'boy'), ('boy', 'poss', 'fault'), ('’s', 'case', 'boy'), ('fault', 'attr', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'say')]
They looked high up and low down; and still they couldn’t see a sight of him anywhere.
[('But', 'CC'), ('poor', 'JJ'), ('James', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('so', 'RB'), ('nervous', 'JJ'), (',', ','), ('God', 'NNP'), ('be', 'VB'), ('merciful', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('“', 'NN'), ('And', 'CC'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('aunt', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), ('poor', 'ADJ'), ('James', 'PROPN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('so', 'ADV'), ('nervous', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('God', 'PROPN'), ('be', 'VERB'), ('merciful', 'ADJ'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('And', 'CCONJ'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('aunt', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('James', 'PERSON')]
[('But', 'cc', 'was'), ('poor', 'amod', 'James'), ('James', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'be'), ('so', 'advmod', 'nervous'), ('nervous', 'acomp', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'be'), ('God', 'nsubj', 'be'), ('be', 'ROOT', 'be'), ('merciful', 'acomp', 'be'), ('to', 'prep', 'merciful'), ('him', 'pobj', 'to'), ('!', 'punct', 'be'), ('”', 'punct', 'be'), ('“', 'punct', 'was'), ('And', 'cc', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('that', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('it', 'attr', 'was'), ('?', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('my', 'poss', 'aunt'), ('aunt', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
So then the clerk suggested to try the chapel.
[('“', 'NN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('heard', 'VBD'), ('something', 'NN'), ('....', 'JJ'), ('”', 'NNP'), ('Eliza', 'NNP'), ('nodded', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('heard', 'VERB'), ('something', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('nodded', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'heard'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'heard'), ('heard', 'ROOT', 'heard'), ('something', 'dobj', 'heard'), ('....', 'punct', 'heard'), ('”', 'punct', 'heard'), ('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'nodded'), ('nodded', 'ROOT', 'nodded'), ('.', 'punct', 'nodded')]
So then they got the keys and opened the chapel and the clerk and Father O’Rourke and another priest that was there brought in a light for to look for him.... And what do you think but there he was, sitting up by himself in the dark in his confession-box, wide-awake and laughing-like softly to himself?” She stopped suddenly as if to listen.
[('“', 'NN'), ('That', 'WDT'), ('affected', 'VBD'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('mind', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('”', 'NNP'), ('she', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('That', 'PRON'), ('affected', 'VERB'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('mind', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('she', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('That', 'nsubj', 'affected'), ('affected', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('his', 'poss', 'mind'), ('mind', 'dobj', 'affected'), (',', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('she', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
I too listened; but there was no sound in the house: and I knew that the old priest was lying still in his coffin as we had seen him, solemn and truculent in death, an idle chalice on his breast.
[('“', 'NN'), ('After', 'IN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('began', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('mope', 'VB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('himself', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('talking', 'VBG'), ('to', 'TO'), ('no', 'DT'), ('one', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('wandering', 'VBG'), ('about', 'RB'), ('by', 'IN'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('After', 'ADP'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('began', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('mope', 'VERB'), ('by', 'ADP'), ('himself', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('talking', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('no', 'DET'), ('one', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('wandering', 'VERB'), ('about', 'ADP'), ('by', 'ADP'), ('himself', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'began'), ('After', 'prep', 'began'), ('that', 'pobj', 'After'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'began'), ('began', 'ROOT', 'began'), ('to', 'aux', 'mope'), ('mope', 'xcomp', 'began'), ('by', 'prep', 'mope'), ('himself', 'pobj', 'by'), (',', 'punct', 'began'), ('talking', 'advcl', 'began'), ('to', 'prep', 'talking'), ('no', 'det', 'one'), ('one', 'pobj', 'to'), ('and', 'cc', 'talking'), ('wandering', 'conj', 'talking'), ('about', 'prep', 'wandering'), ('by', 'prep', 'wandering'), ('himself', 'pobj', 'by'), ('.', 'punct', 'began')]
Eliza resumed: “Wide-awake and laughing-like to himself....
[('So', 'RB'), ('one', 'CD'), ('night', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('wanted', 'VBN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('go', 'VB'), ('on', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('call', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('couldn', 'VBP'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('t', 'NN'), ('find', 'VBP'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('anywhere', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('So', 'ADV'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('night', 'NOUN'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('wanted', 'VERB'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('to', 'PART'), ('go', 'VERB'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('call', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('find', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('anywhere', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('one night', 'TIME')]
[('So', 'advmod', 'wanted'), ('one', 'nummod', 'night'), ('night', 'npadvmod', 'wanted'), ('he', 'nsubjpass', 'wanted'), ('was', 'auxpass', 'wanted'), ('wanted', 'ROOT', 'wanted'), ('for', 'prep', 'wanted'), ('to', 'aux', 'go'), ('go', 'xcomp', 'wanted'), ('on', 'prep', 'go'), ('a', 'det', 'call'), ('call', 'pobj', 'on'), ('and', 'cc', 'wanted'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'find'), ('could', 'aux', 'find'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'find'), ('find', 'conj', 'wanted'), ('him', 'dobj', 'find'), ('anywhere', 'advmod', 'find'), ('.', 'punct', 'find')]
So then, of course, when they saw that, that made them think that there was something gone wrong with him....” AN ENCOUNTER It was Joe Dillon who introduced the Wild West to us.
[('They', 'PRP'), ('looked', 'VBD'), ('high', 'JJ'), ('up', 'RB'), ('and', 'CC'), ('low', 'JJ'), ('down', 'RB'), (';', ':'), ('and', 'CC'), ('still', 'RB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('couldn', 'VBP'), ('’', 'JJ'), ('t', 'NN'), ('see', 'VBP'), ('a', 'DT'), ('sight', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('anywhere', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('They', 'PRON'), ('looked', 'VERB'), ('high', 'ADJ'), ('up', 'ADV'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('low', 'ADJ'), ('down', 'ADV'), (';', 'PUNCT'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('still', 'ADV'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('n’t', 'PART'), ('see', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('sight', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('anywhere', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('They', 'nsubj', 'looked'), ('looked', 'ROOT', 'looked'), ('high', 'advmod', 'up'), ('up', 'advmod', 'looked'), ('and', 'cc', 'looked'), ('low', 'conj', 'looked'), ('down', 'advmod', 'low'), (';', 'punct', 'looked'), ('and', 'cc', 'looked'), ('still', 'advmod', 'see'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'see'), ('could', 'aux', 'see'), ('n’t', 'neg', 'see'), ('see', 'conj', 'looked'), ('a', 'det', 'sight'), ('sight', 'dobj', 'see'), ('of', 'prep', 'sight'), ('him', 'pobj', 'of'), ('anywhere', 'advmod', 'see'), ('.', 'punct', 'see')]
He had a little library made up of old numbers of The Union Jack, Pluck and The Halfpenny Marvel.
[('So', 'RB'), ('then', 'RB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('clerk', 'NN'), ('suggested', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('try', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chapel', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('So', 'ADV'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('the', 'DET'), ('clerk', 'NOUN'), ('suggested', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('try', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('chapel', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('So', 'advmod', 'suggested'), ('then', 'advmod', 'suggested'), ('the', 'det', 'clerk'), ('clerk', 'nsubj', 'suggested'), ('suggested', 'ROOT', 'suggested'), ('to', 'aux', 'try'), ('try', 'xcomp', 'suggested'), ('the', 'det', 'chapel'), ('chapel', 'dobj', 'try'), ('.', 'punct', 'suggested')]
Every evening after school we met in his back garden and arranged Indian battles.
[('So', 'RB'), ('then', 'RB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('got', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('keys', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('opened', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('chapel', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('clerk', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('Father', 'NNP'), ('O', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('Rourke', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('another', 'DT'), ('priest', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('there', 'EX'), ('brought', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('light', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('look', 'VB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('....', 'NNP'), ('And', 'CC'), ('what', 'WP'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('think', 'VB'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('sitting', 'VBG'), ('up', 'RP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('dark', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('confession-box', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('wide-awake', 'JJ'), ('and', 'CC'), ('laughing-like', 'JJ'), ('softly', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('?', '.'), ('”', "''"), ('She', 'PRP'), ('stopped', 'VBD'), ('suddenly', 'RB'), ('as', 'IN'), ('if', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('listen', 'VB'), ('.', '.')]
[('So', 'ADV'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('got', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('keys', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('opened', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('chapel', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('clerk', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('Father', 'PROPN'), ('O’Rourke', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('another', 'DET'), ('priest', 'NOUN'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('there', 'ADV'), ('brought', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('light', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('to', 'PART'), ('look', 'VERB'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('And', 'CCONJ'), ('what', 'PRON'), ('do', 'AUX'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('think', 'VERB'), ('but', 'CCONJ'), ('there', 'ADV'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('sitting', 'VERB'), ('up', 'ADP'), ('by', 'ADP'), ('himself', 'PRON'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('dark', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('confession', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('box', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('wide', 'ADJ'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('awake', 'ADJ'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('laughing', 'VERB'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('like', 'INTJ'), ('softly', 'ADV'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('himself', 'PRON'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('She', 'PRON'), ('stopped', 'VERB'), ('suddenly', 'ADV'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('if', 'SCONJ'), ('to', 'PART'), ('listen', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('O’Rourke', 'ORG')]
[('So', 'advmod', 'got'), ('then', 'advmod', 'got'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'got'), ('got', 'ROOT', 'got'), ('the', 'det', 'keys'), ('keys', 'dobj', 'got'), ('and', 'cc', 'got'), ('opened', 'conj', 'got'), ('the', 'det', 'chapel'), ('chapel', 'dobj', 'opened'), ('and', 'cc', 'chapel'), ('the', 'det', 'clerk'), ('clerk', 'conj', 'chapel'), ('and', 'cc', 'clerk'), ('Father', 'conj', 'clerk'), ('O’Rourke', 'conj', 'clerk'), ('and', 'cc', 'O’Rourke'), ('another', 'det', 'priest'), ('priest', 'conj', 'O’Rourke'), ('that', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'auxpass', 'brought'), ('there', 'advmod', 'was'), ('brought', 'conj', 'got'), ('in', 'prt', 'brought'), ('a', 'det', 'light'), ('light', 'dobj', 'brought'), ('for', 'prep', 'light'), ('to', 'aux', 'look'), ('look', 'pcomp', 'for'), ('for', 'prep', 'look'), ('him', 'pobj', 'for'), ('....', 'punct', 'brought'), ('And', 'cc', 'think'), ('what', 'dobj', 'think'), ('do', 'aux', 'think'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'think'), ('think', 'ROOT', 'think'), ('but', 'cc', 'think'), ('there', 'advmod', 'was'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'aux', 'sitting'), (',', 'punct', 'was'), ('sitting', 'conj', 'think'), ('up', 'prt', 'sitting'), ('by', 'prep', 'sitting'), ('himself', 'pobj', 'by'), ('in', 'prep', 'sitting'), ('the', 'det', 'dark'), ('dark', 'pobj', 'in'), ('in', 'prep', 'sitting'), ('his', 'poss', 'box'), ('confession', 'compound', 'box'), ('-', 'punct', 'box'), ('box', 'pobj', 'in'), (',', 'punct', 'box'), ('wide', 'amod', 'awake'), ('-', 'punct', 'awake'), ('awake', 'amod', 'box'), ('and', 'cc', 'awake'), ('laughing', 'conj', 'awake'), ('-', 'punct', 'like'), ('like', 'dep', 'sitting'), ('softly', 'advmod', 'sitting'), ('to', 'prep', 'sitting'), ('himself', 'pobj', 'to'), ('?', 'punct', 'think'), ('”', 'punct', 'think'), ('She', 'nsubj', 'stopped'), ('stopped', 'ROOT', 'stopped'), ('suddenly', 'advmod', 'stopped'), ('as', 'mark', 'listen'), ('if', 'mark', 'listen'), ('to', 'aux', 'listen'), ('listen', 'advcl', 'stopped'), ('.', 'punct', 'stopped')]
He and his fat young brother Leo, the idler, held the loft of the stable while we tried to carry it by storm; or we fought a pitched battle on the grass.
[('I', 'PRP'), ('too', 'RB'), ('listened', 'VBD'), (';', ':'), ('but', 'CC'), ('there', 'EX'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('no', 'DT'), ('sound', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('house', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('and', 'CC'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('knew', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('priest', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('lying', 'VBG'), ('still', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('coffin', 'NN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('seen', 'VBN'), ('him', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('solemn', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('truculent', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('death', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('an', 'DT'), ('idle', 'JJ'), ('chalice', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('breast', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('I', 'PRON'), ('too', 'ADV'), ('listened', 'VERB'), (';', 'PUNCT'), ('but', 'CCONJ'), ('there', 'PRON'), ('was', 'VERB'), ('no', 'DET'), ('sound', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('house', 'NOUN'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('knew', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('old', 'ADJ'), ('priest', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('lying', 'VERB'), ('still', 'ADV'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('coffin', 'NOUN'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('had', 'AUX'), ('seen', 'VERB'), ('him', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('solemn', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('truculent', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('death', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('an', 'DET'), ('idle', 'ADJ'), ('chalice', 'NOUN'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('breast', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('I', 'nsubj', 'listened'), ('too', 'advmod', 'listened'), ('listened', 'ROOT', 'listened'), (';', 'punct', 'listened'), ('but', 'cc', 'listened'), ('there', 'expl', 'was'), ('was', 'conj', 'listened'), ('no', 'det', 'sound'), ('sound', 'attr', 'was'), ('in', 'prep', 'sound'), ('the', 'det', 'house'), ('house', 'pobj', 'in'), (':', 'punct', 'was'), ('and', 'cc', 'was'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'knew'), ('knew', 'conj', 'was'), ('that', 'mark', 'lying'), ('the', 'det', 'priest'), ('old', 'amod', 'priest'), ('priest', 'nsubj', 'lying'), ('was', 'aux', 'lying'), ('lying', 'ccomp', 'knew'), ('still', 'advmod', 'lying'), ('in', 'prep', 'lying'), ('his', 'poss', 'coffin'), ('coffin', 'pobj', 'in'), ('as', 'mark', 'seen'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'seen'), ('had', 'aux', 'seen'), ('seen', 'advcl', 'lying'), ('him', 'dobj', 'seen'), (',', 'punct', 'him'), ('solemn', 'conj', 'lying'), ('and', 'cc', 'solemn'), ('truculent', 'conj', 'solemn'), ('in', 'prep', 'solemn'), ('death', 'pobj', 'in'), (',', 'punct', 'lying'), ('an', 'det', 'chalice'), ('idle', 'amod', 'chalice'), ('chalice', 'conj', 'lying'), ('on', 'prep', 'chalice'), ('his', 'poss', 'breast'), ('breast', 'pobj', 'on'), ('.', 'punct', 'knew')]
But, however well we fought, we never won siege or battle and all our bouts ended with Joe Dillon’s war dance of victory.
[('Eliza', 'NN'), ('resumed', 'VBD'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'VB'), ('Wide-awake', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('laughing-like', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('himself', 'PRP'), ('....', 'VB')]
[('Eliza', 'PROPN'), ('resumed', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Wide', 'ADJ'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('awake', 'ADJ'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('laughing', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('like', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('himself', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT')]
[('Eliza', 'nsubj', 'resumed'), ('resumed', 'ROOT', 'resumed'), (':', 'punct', 'resumed'), ('“', 'punct', 'resumed'), ('Wide', 'amod', 'awake'), ('-', 'punct', 'awake'), ('awake', 'amod', 'like'), ('and', 'cc', 'awake'), ('laughing', 'conj', 'awake'), ('-', 'punct', 'like'), ('like', 'intj', 'resumed'), ('to', 'prep', 'resumed'), ('himself', 'pobj', 'to'), ('....', 'punct', 'resumed')]
His parents went to eight-o’clock mass every morning in Gardiner Street and the peaceful odour of Mrs Dillon was prevalent in the hall of the house.
[('So', 'RB'), ('then', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('of', 'IN'), ('course', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('when', 'WRB'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('saw', 'VBD'), ('that', 'IN'), (',', ','), ('that', 'IN'), ('made', 'VBD'), ('them', 'PRP'), ('think', 'VB'), ('that', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('something', 'NN'), ('gone', 'VBN'), ('wrong', 'JJ'), ('with', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('....', 'VBP'), ('”', 'PDT'), ('AN', 'NNP'), ('ENCOUNTER', 'NNP'), ('It', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('Joe', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('who', 'WP'), ('introduced', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Wild', 'NNP'), ('West', 'NNP'), ('to', 'TO'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('So', 'ADV'), ('then', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('course', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('saw', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('that', 'PRON'), ('made', 'VERB'), ('them', 'PRON'), ('think', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('there', 'PRON'), ('was', 'VERB'), ('something', 'PRON'), ('gone', 'VERB'), ('wrong', 'ADJ'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('AN', 'DET'), ('ENCOUNTER', 'PROPN'), ('It', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('Joe', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('introduced', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Wild', 'PROPN'), ('West', 'PROPN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Joe Dillon', 'PERSON'), ('the Wild West', 'LOC')]
[('So', 'advmod', 'made'), ('then', 'advmod', 'made'), (',', 'punct', 'made'), ('of', 'prep', 'made'), ('course', 'pobj', 'of'), (',', 'punct', 'made'), ('when', 'advmod', 'saw'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'saw'), ('saw', 'advcl', 'made'), ('that', 'dobj', 'saw'), (',', 'punct', 'made'), ('that', 'nsubj', 'made'), ('made', 'ROOT', 'made'), ('them', 'nsubj', 'think'), ('think', 'ccomp', 'made'), ('that', 'mark', 'was'), ('there', 'expl', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'think'), ('something', 'attr', 'was'), ('gone', 'acl', 'something'), ('wrong', 'acomp', 'gone'), ('with', 'prep', 'gone'), ('him', 'pobj', 'with'), ('....', 'punct', 'made'), ('”', 'punct', 'made'), ('AN', 'det', 'ENCOUNTER'), ('ENCOUNTER', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('It', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('Joe', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'attr', 'was'), ('who', 'nsubj', 'introduced'), ('introduced', 'relcl', 'Dillon'), ('the', 'det', 'West'), ('Wild', 'compound', 'West'), ('West', 'dobj', 'introduced'), ('to', 'prep', 'introduced'), ('us', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
But he played too fiercely for us who were younger and more timid.
[('He', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('little', 'JJ'), ('library', 'NN'), ('made', 'VBD'), ('up', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('numbers', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('The', 'DT'), ('Union', 'NNP'), ('Jack', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('Pluck', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('The', 'DT'), ('Halfpenny', 'NNP'), ('Marvel', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('He', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('little', 'ADJ'), ('library', 'NOUN'), ('made', 'VERB'), ('up', 'ADP'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('old', 'ADJ'), ('numbers', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('The', 'DET'), ('Union', 'PROPN'), ('Jack', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('Pluck', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('The', 'DET'), ('Halfpenny', 'PROPN'), ('Marvel', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('The Union Jack', 'ORG'), ('Pluck', 'PERSON'), ('The Halfpenny Marvel', 'ORG')]
[('He', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'ROOT', 'had'), ('a', 'det', 'library'), ('little', 'amod', 'library'), ('library', 'dobj', 'had'), ('made', 'acl', 'library'), ('up', 'prt', 'made'), ('of', 'prep', 'made'), ('old', 'amod', 'numbers'), ('numbers', 'pobj', 'of'), ('of', 'prep', 'numbers'), ('The', 'det', 'Jack'), ('Union', 'compound', 'Jack'), ('Jack', 'pobj', 'of'), (',', 'punct', 'Jack'), ('Pluck', 'conj', 'Jack'), ('and', 'cc', 'Pluck'), ('The', 'det', 'Marvel'), ('Halfpenny', 'compound', 'Marvel'), ('Marvel', 'conj', 'Pluck'), ('.', 'punct', 'had')]
He looked like some kind of an Indian when he capered round the garden, an old tea-cosy on his head, beating a tin with his fist and yelling: “Ya!
[('Every', 'DT'), ('evening', 'NN'), ('after', 'IN'), ('school', 'NN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('met', 'VBD'), ('in', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('back', 'JJ'), ('garden', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('arranged', 'VBD'), ('Indian', 'JJ'), ('battles', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('Every', 'DET'), ('evening', 'NOUN'), ('after', 'ADP'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('met', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('back', 'ADJ'), ('garden', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('arranged', 'VERB'), ('Indian', 'ADJ'), ('battles', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Indian', 'NORP')]
[('Every', 'det', 'evening'), ('evening', 'npadvmod', 'met'), ('after', 'prep', 'met'), ('school', 'pobj', 'after'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'met'), ('met', 'ROOT', 'met'), ('in', 'prep', 'met'), ('his', 'poss', 'garden'), ('back', 'amod', 'garden'), ('garden', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'met'), ('arranged', 'conj', 'met'), ('Indian', 'amod', 'battles'), ('battles', 'dobj', 'arranged'), ('.', 'punct', 'met')]
yaka, yaka, yaka!” Everyone was incredulous when it was reported that he had a vocation for the priesthood.
[('He', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('fat', 'JJ'), ('young', 'JJ'), ('brother', 'NN'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('the', 'DT'), ('idler', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('held', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('loft', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('stable', 'JJ'), ('while', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('tried', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('carry', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('by', 'IN'), ('storm', 'NN'), (';', ':'), ('or', 'CC'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('fought', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('pitched', 'JJ'), ('battle', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('grass', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('He', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('fat', 'ADJ'), ('young', 'ADJ'), ('brother', 'NOUN'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('the', 'DET'), ('idler', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('held', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('loft', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('stable', 'ADJ'), ('while', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('tried', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('carry', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('by', 'ADP'), ('storm', 'NOUN'), (';', 'PUNCT'), ('or', 'CCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('fought', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('pitched', 'VERB'), ('battle', 'NOUN'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('grass', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Leo', 'PERSON')]
[('He', 'nsubj', 'held'), ('and', 'cc', 'He'), ('his', 'poss', 'brother'), ('fat', 'amod', 'brother'), ('young', 'amod', 'brother'), ('brother', 'conj', 'He'), ('Leo', 'appos', 'brother'), (',', 'punct', 'Leo'), ('the', 'det', 'idler'), ('idler', 'appos', 'Leo'), (',', 'punct', 'held'), ('held', 'ROOT', 'held'), ('the', 'det', 'loft'), ('loft', 'dobj', 'held'), ('of', 'prep', 'loft'), ('the', 'det', 'stable'), ('stable', 'pobj', 'of'), ('while', 'mark', 'tried'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'tried'), ('tried', 'advcl', 'held'), ('to', 'aux', 'carry'), ('carry', 'xcomp', 'tried'), ('it', 'dobj', 'carry'), ('by', 'prep', 'carry'), ('storm', 'pobj', 'by'), (';', 'punct', 'held'), ('or', 'cc', 'held'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'fought'), ('fought', 'conj', 'held'), ('a', 'det', 'battle'), ('pitched', 'amod', 'battle'), ('battle', 'dobj', 'fought'), ('on', 'prep', 'battle'), ('the', 'det', 'grass'), ('grass', 'pobj', 'on'), ('.', 'punct', 'fought')]
Nevertheless it was true.
[('But', 'CC'), (',', ','), ('however', 'RB'), ('well', 'RB'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('fought', 'VBP'), (',', ','), ('we', 'PRP'), ('never', 'RB'), ('won', 'VBD'), ('siege', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('battle', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('all', 'DT'), ('our', 'PRP$'), ('bouts', 'NNS'), ('ended', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('Joe', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'NNP'), ('war', 'NN'), ('dance', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('victory', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('however', 'ADV'), ('well', 'INTJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('fought', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('never', 'ADV'), ('won', 'VERB'), ('siege', 'NOUN'), ('or', 'CCONJ'), ('battle', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('all', 'DET'), ('our', 'PRON'), ('bouts', 'NOUN'), ('ended', 'VERB'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('Joe', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('war', 'NOUN'), ('dance', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('victory', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Joe Dillon', 'PERSON')]
[('But', 'cc', 'won'), (',', 'punct', 'fought'), ('however', 'advmod', 'fought'), ('well', 'intj', 'fought'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'fought'), ('fought', 'advcl', 'won'), (',', 'punct', 'won'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'won'), ('never', 'neg', 'won'), ('won', 'ROOT', 'won'), ('siege', 'dobj', 'won'), ('or', 'cc', 'siege'), ('battle', 'conj', 'siege'), ('and', 'cc', 'won'), ('all', 'predet', 'bouts'), ('our', 'poss', 'bouts'), ('bouts', 'nsubj', 'ended'), ('ended', 'conj', 'won'), ('with', 'prep', 'ended'), ('Joe', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'poss', 'dance'), ('’s', 'case', 'Dillon'), ('war', 'compound', 'dance'), ('dance', 'pobj', 'with'), ('of', 'prep', 'dance'), ('victory', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'ended')]
A spirit of unruliness diffused itself among us and, under its influence, differences of culture and constitution were waived.
[('His', 'PRP$'), ('parents', 'NNS'), ('went', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('eight-o', 'JJ'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('clock', 'NN'), ('mass', 'NN'), ('every', 'DT'), ('morning', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('Gardiner', 'NNP'), ('Street', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('peaceful', 'JJ'), ('odour', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('Mrs', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('prevalent', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('hall', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('house', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('His', 'PRON'), ('parents', 'NOUN'), ('went', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('eight', 'NUM'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('o’clock', 'NOUN'), ('mass', 'NOUN'), ('every', 'DET'), ('morning', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('Gardiner', 'PROPN'), ('Street', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('peaceful', 'ADJ'), ('odour', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('Mrs', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('prevalent', 'ADJ'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('hall', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('house', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('eight', 'CARDINAL'), ('every morning', 'TIME'), ('Gardiner Street', 'FAC'), ('Mrs Dillon', 'PERSON')]
[('His', 'poss', 'parents'), ('parents', 'nsubj', 'went'), ('went', 'ROOT', 'went'), ('to', 'prep', 'went'), ('eight', 'nummod', 'o’clock'), ('-', 'punct', 'o’clock'), ('o’clock', 'compound', 'mass'), ('mass', 'pobj', 'to'), ('every', 'det', 'morning'), ('morning', 'npadvmod', 'went'), ('in', 'prep', 'went'), ('Gardiner', 'compound', 'Street'), ('Street', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'Street'), ('the', 'det', 'odour'), ('peaceful', 'amod', 'odour'), ('odour', 'conj', 'Street'), ('of', 'prep', 'odour'), ('Mrs', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'pobj', 'of'), ('was', 'conj', 'went'), ('prevalent', 'acomp', 'was'), ('in', 'prep', 'prevalent'), ('the', 'det', 'hall'), ('hall', 'pobj', 'in'), ('of', 'prep', 'hall'), ('the', 'det', 'house'), ('house', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'went')]
We banded ourselves together, some boldly, some in jest and some almost in fear: and of the number of these latter, the reluctant Indians who were afraid to seem studious or lacking in robustness, I was one.
[('But', 'CC'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('played', 'VBD'), ('too', 'RB'), ('fiercely', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('who', 'WP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('younger', 'JJR'), ('and', 'CC'), ('more', 'RBR'), ('timid', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('played', 'VERB'), ('too', 'ADV'), ('fiercely', 'ADV'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('younger', 'ADJ'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('more', 'ADV'), ('timid', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('But', 'cc', 'played'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'played'), ('played', 'ROOT', 'played'), ('too', 'advmod', 'fiercely'), ('fiercely', 'advmod', 'played'), ('for', 'dative', 'played'), ('us', 'pobj', 'for'), ('who', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'relcl', 'us'), ('younger', 'acomp', 'were'), ('and', 'cc', 'younger'), ('more', 'advmod', 'timid'), ('timid', 'conj', 'younger'), ('.', 'punct', 'played')]
The adventures related in the literature of the Wild West were remote from my nature but, at least, they opened doors of escape.
[('He', 'PRP'), ('looked', 'VBD'), ('like', 'IN'), ('some', 'DT'), ('kind', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('an', 'DT'), ('Indian', 'JJ'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('capered', 'VBD'), ('round', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('garden', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('an', 'DT'), ('old', 'JJ'), ('tea-cosy', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('head', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('beating', 'VBG'), ('a', 'DT'), ('tin', 'NN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('fist', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('yelling', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('“', 'JJ'), ('Ya', 'NN'), ('!', '.')]
[('He', 'PRON'), ('looked', 'VERB'), ('like', 'ADP'), ('some', 'DET'), ('kind', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('an', 'DET'), ('Indian', 'PROPN'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('capered', 'VERB'), ('round', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('garden', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('an', 'DET'), ('old', 'ADJ'), ('tea', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('cosy', 'NOUN'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('head', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('beating', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('tin', 'NOUN'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('fist', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('yelling', 'VERB'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('“', 'PUNCT'), ('Ya', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT')]
[('Indian', 'NORP')]
[('He', 'nsubj', 'looked'), ('looked', 'ROOT', 'looked'), ('like', 'prep', 'looked'), ('some', 'det', 'kind'), ('kind', 'pobj', 'like'), ('of', 'prep', 'kind'), ('an', 'det', 'Indian'), ('Indian', 'pobj', 'of'), ('when', 'advmod', 'capered'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'capered'), ('capered', 'advcl', 'looked'), ('round', 'xcomp', 'capered'), ('the', 'det', 'garden'), ('garden', 'dobj', 'round'), (',', 'punct', 'looked'), ('an', 'det', 'cosy'), ('old', 'amod', 'cosy'), ('tea', 'compound', 'cosy'), ('-', 'punct', 'cosy'), ('cosy', 'npadvmod', 'looked'), ('on', 'prep', 'cosy'), ('his', 'poss', 'head'), ('head', 'pobj', 'on'), (',', 'punct', 'looked'), ('beating', 'advcl', 'looked'), ('a', 'det', 'tin'), ('tin', 'dobj', 'beating'), ('with', 'prep', 'tin'), ('his', 'poss', 'fist'), ('fist', 'pobj', 'with'), ('and', 'cc', 'beating'), ('yelling', 'conj', 'beating'), (':', 'punct', 'yelling'), ('“', 'punct', 'yelling'), ('Ya', 'npadvmod', 'yelling'), ('!', 'punct', 'looked')]
I liked better some American detective stories which were traversed from time to time by unkempt fierce and beautiful girls.
[('yaka', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('yaka', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('yaka', 'NN'), ('!', '.'), ('”', 'IN'), ('Everyone', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('incredulous', 'JJ'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('reported', 'VBN'), ('that', 'IN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('vocation', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('priesthood', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('yaka', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('yaka', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('yaka', 'NOUN'), ('!', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Everyone', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('incredulous', 'ADJ'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('reported', 'VERB'), ('that', 'SCONJ'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('vocation', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('priesthood', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('yaka', 'ROOT', 'yaka'), (',', 'punct', 'yaka'), ('yaka', 'appos', 'yaka'), (',', 'punct', 'yaka'), ('yaka', 'appos', 'yaka'), ('!', 'punct', 'yaka'), ('”', 'punct', 'yaka'), ('Everyone', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('incredulous', 'acomp', 'was'), ('when', 'advmod', 'reported'), ('it', 'nsubjpass', 'reported'), ('was', 'auxpass', 'reported'), ('reported', 'advcl', 'was'), ('that', 'mark', 'had'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'had'), ('had', 'ccomp', 'reported'), ('a', 'det', 'vocation'), ('vocation', 'dobj', 'had'), ('for', 'prep', 'vocation'), ('the', 'det', 'priesthood'), ('priesthood', 'pobj', 'for'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
Though there was nothing wrong in these stories and though their intention was sometimes literary they were circulated secretly at school.
[('Nevertheless', 'RB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('true', 'JJ'), ('.', '.')]
[('Nevertheless', 'ADV'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('true', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Nevertheless', 'advmod', 'was'), ('it', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('true', 'acomp', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
One day when Father Butler was hearing the four pages of Roman History clumsy Leo Dillon was discovered with a copy of The Halfpenny Marvel.
[('A', 'DT'), ('spirit', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('unruliness', 'NN'), ('diffused', 'VBN'), ('itself', 'PRP'), ('among', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), (',', ','), ('under', 'IN'), ('its', 'PRP$'), ('influence', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('differences', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('culture', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('constitution', 'NN'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('waived', 'VBN'), ('.', '.')]
[('A', 'DET'), ('spirit', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('unruliness', 'NOUN'), ('diffused', 'VERB'), ('itself', 'PRON'), ('among', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('under', 'ADP'), ('its', 'PRON'), ('influence', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('differences', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('culture', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('constitution', 'NOUN'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('waived', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('A', 'det', 'spirit'), ('spirit', 'nsubj', 'diffused'), ('of', 'prep', 'spirit'), ('unruliness', 'pobj', 'of'), ('diffused', 'ROOT', 'diffused'), ('itself', 'dobj', 'diffused'), ('among', 'prep', 'diffused'), ('us', 'pobj', 'among'), ('and', 'cc', 'diffused'), (',', 'punct', 'diffused'), ('under', 'prep', 'waived'), ('its', 'poss', 'influence'), ('influence', 'pobj', 'under'), (',', 'punct', 'waived'), ('differences', 'nsubjpass', 'waived'), ('of', 'prep', 'differences'), ('culture', 'pobj', 'of'), ('and', 'cc', 'culture'), ('constitution', 'conj', 'culture'), ('were', 'auxpass', 'waived'), ('waived', 'conj', 'diffused'), ('.', 'punct', 'waived')]
“This page or this page?
[('We', 'PRP'), ('banded', 'VBD'), ('ourselves', 'PRP'), ('together', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('some', 'DT'), ('boldly', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('some', 'DT'), ('in', 'IN'), ('jest', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('some', 'DT'), ('almost', 'RB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('fear', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('and', 'CC'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('number', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('latter', 'JJ'), (',', ','), ('the', 'DT'), ('reluctant', 'JJ'), ('Indians', 'NNPS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('afraid', 'JJ'), ('to', 'TO'), ('seem', 'VB'), ('studious', 'JJ'), ('or', 'CC'), ('lacking', 'VBG'), ('in', 'IN'), ('robustness', 'NN'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('one', 'CD'), ('.', '.')]
[('We', 'PRON'), ('banded', 'VERB'), ('ourselves', 'PRON'), ('together', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('some', 'PRON'), ('boldly', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('some', 'PRON'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('jest', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('some', 'PRON'), ('almost', 'ADV'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('fear', 'NOUN'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('number', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('these', 'DET'), ('latter', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('the', 'DET'), ('reluctant', 'ADJ'), ('Indians', 'PROPN'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('afraid', 'ADJ'), ('to', 'PART'), ('seem', 'VERB'), ('studious', 'ADJ'), ('or', 'CCONJ'), ('lacking', 'ADJ'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('robustness', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Indians', 'NORP')]
[('We', 'nsubj', 'banded'), ('banded', 'ccomp', 'was'), ('ourselves', 'dobj', 'banded'), ('together', 'advmod', 'banded'), (',', 'punct', 'banded'), ('some', 'dep', 'was'), ('boldly', 'advmod', 'some'), (',', 'punct', 'some'), ('some', 'conj', 'some'), ('in', 'prep', 'some'), ('jest', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'some'), ('some', 'conj', 'some'), ('almost', 'advmod', 'in'), ('in', 'prep', 'some'), ('fear', 'pobj', 'in'), (':', 'punct', 'some'), ('and', 'cc', 'some'), ('of', 'prep', 'was'), ('the', 'det', 'number'), ('number', 'pobj', 'of'), ('of', 'prep', 'number'), ('these', 'det', 'latter'), ('latter', 'pobj', 'of'), (',', 'punct', 'was'), ('the', 'det', 'Indians'), ('reluctant', 'amod', 'Indians'), ('Indians', 'meta', ','), ('who', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'relcl', 'Indians'), ('afraid', 'acomp', 'were'), ('to', 'aux', 'seem'), ('seem', 'xcomp', 'afraid'), ('studious', 'oprd', 'seem'), ('or', 'cc', 'studious'), ('lacking', 'conj', 'studious'), ('in', 'prep', 'lacking'), ('robustness', 'pobj', 'in'), (',', 'punct', 'was'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('one', 'attr', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
This page?
[('The', 'DT'), ('adventures', 'NNS'), ('related', 'VBN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('literature', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Wild', 'NNP'), ('West', 'NNP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('remote', 'JJ'), ('from', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('nature', 'NN'), ('but', 'CC'), (',', ','), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), (',', ','), ('they', 'PRP'), ('opened', 'VBD'), ('doors', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('escape', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('The', 'DET'), ('adventures', 'NOUN'), ('related', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('literature', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Wild', 'PROPN'), ('West', 'PROPN'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('remote', 'ADJ'), ('from', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('nature', 'NOUN'), ('but', 'CCONJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('least', 'ADJ'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('opened', 'VERB'), ('doors', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('escape', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('the Wild West', 'LOC')]
[('The', 'det', 'adventures'), ('adventures', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('related', 'acl', 'adventures'), ('in', 'prep', 'related'), ('the', 'det', 'literature'), ('literature', 'pobj', 'in'), ('of', 'prep', 'literature'), ('the', 'det', 'West'), ('Wild', 'compound', 'West'), ('West', 'pobj', 'of'), ('were', 'ROOT', 'were'), ('remote', 'acomp', 'were'), ('from', 'prep', 'remote'), ('my', 'poss', 'nature'), ('nature', 'pobj', 'from'), ('but', 'cc', 'were'), (',', 'punct', 'opened'), ('at', 'advmod', 'least'), ('least', 'advmod', 'opened'), (',', 'punct', 'opened'), ('they', 'nsubj', 'opened'), ('opened', 'conj', 'were'), ('doors', 'dobj', 'opened'), ('of', 'prep', 'doors'), ('escape', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'opened')]
Now, Dillon, up!
[('I', 'PRP'), ('liked', 'VBD'), ('better', 'RBR'), ('some', 'DT'), ('American', 'JJ'), ('detective', 'NN'), ('stories', 'NNS'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('traversed', 'VBN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('time', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('time', 'NN'), ('by', 'IN'), ('unkempt', 'JJ'), ('fierce', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('beautiful', 'JJ'), ('girls', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('I', 'PRON'), ('liked', 'VERB'), ('better', 'ADV'), ('some', 'DET'), ('American', 'ADJ'), ('detective', 'NOUN'), ('stories', 'NOUN'), ('which', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('traversed', 'VERB'), ('from', 'ADP'), ('time', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('time', 'NOUN'), ('by', 'ADP'), ('unkempt', 'ADJ'), ('fierce', 'ADJ'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('beautiful', 'ADJ'), ('girls', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('American', 'NORP')]
[('I', 'nsubj', 'liked'), ('liked', 'ROOT', 'liked'), ('better', 'advmod', 'liked'), ('some', 'det', 'stories'), ('American', 'amod', 'stories'), ('detective', 'compound', 'stories'), ('stories', 'dobj', 'liked'), ('which', 'nsubjpass', 'traversed'), ('were', 'auxpass', 'traversed'), ('traversed', 'relcl', 'stories'), ('from', 'prep', 'traversed'), ('time', 'pobj', 'from'), ('to', 'prep', 'from'), ('time', 'pobj', 'to'), ('by', 'agent', 'traversed'), ('unkempt', 'amod', 'girls'), ('fierce', 'amod', 'girls'), ('and', 'cc', 'fierce'), ('beautiful', 'conj', 'fierce'), ('girls', 'pobj', 'by'), ('.', 'punct', 'liked')]
‘Hardly had the day’.... Go on!
[('Though', 'IN'), ('there', 'EX'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('nothing', 'NN'), ('wrong', 'JJ'), ('in', 'IN'), ('these', 'DT'), ('stories', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('though', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('intention', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('sometimes', 'RB'), ('literary', 'JJ'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('circulated', 'VBN'), ('secretly', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('school', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Though', 'SCONJ'), ('there', 'PRON'), ('was', 'VERB'), ('nothing', 'PRON'), ('wrong', 'ADJ'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('these', 'DET'), ('stories', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('though', 'SCONJ'), ('their', 'PRON'), ('intention', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('sometimes', 'ADV'), ('literary', 'ADJ'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('circulated', 'VERB'), ('secretly', 'ADV'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Though', 'mark', 'was'), ('there', 'expl', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('nothing', 'attr', 'was'), ('wrong', 'amod', 'nothing'), ('in', 'prep', 'was'), ('these', 'det', 'stories'), ('stories', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'was'), ('though', 'mark', 'was'), ('their', 'poss', 'intention'), ('intention', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'conj', 'was'), ('sometimes', 'advmod', 'was'), ('literary', 'acomp', 'was'), ('they', 'nsubjpass', 'circulated'), ('were', 'auxpass', 'circulated'), ('circulated', 'ccomp', 'literary'), ('secretly', 'advmod', 'circulated'), ('at', 'prep', 'circulated'), ('school', 'pobj', 'at'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
What day?
[('One', 'CD'), ('day', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('Father', 'NNP'), ('Butler', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('hearing', 'VBG'), ('the', 'DT'), ('four', 'CD'), ('pages', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('Roman', 'NNP'), ('History', 'NNP'), ('clumsy', 'JJ'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('discovered', 'VBN'), ('with', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('copy', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('The', 'DT'), ('Halfpenny', 'NNP'), ('Marvel', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('One', 'NUM'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('Father', 'PROPN'), ('Butler', 'PROPN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('hearing', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('four', 'NUM'), ('pages', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('Roman', 'ADJ'), ('History', 'NOUN'), ('clumsy', 'ADJ'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('discovered', 'VERB'), ('with', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('copy', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('The', 'DET'), ('Halfpenny', 'PROPN'), ('Marvel', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('One day', 'DATE'), ('Butler', 'PERSON'), ('four', 'CARDINAL'), ('Roman History', 'NORP'), ('Leo Dillon', 'PERSON'), ('The Halfpenny Marvel', 'ORG')]
[('One', 'nummod', 'day'), ('day', 'nsubjpass', 'discovered'), ('when', 'advmod', 'hearing'), ('Father', 'compound', 'Butler'), ('Butler', 'nsubj', 'hearing'), ('was', 'aux', 'hearing'), ('hearing', 'relcl', 'day'), ('the', 'det', 'pages'), ('four', 'nummod', 'pages'), ('pages', 'dobj', 'hearing'), ('of', 'prep', 'pages'), ('Roman', 'amod', 'History'), ('History', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('clumsy', 'amod', 'Dillon'), ('Leo', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'pobj', 'of'), ('was', 'auxpass', 'discovered'), ('discovered', 'ROOT', 'discovered'), ('with', 'prep', 'discovered'), ('a', 'det', 'copy'), ('copy', 'pobj', 'with'), ('of', 'prep', 'copy'), ('The', 'det', 'Marvel'), ('Halfpenny', 'compound', 'Marvel'), ('Marvel', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'discovered')]
‘Hardly had the day dawned’.... Have you studied it?
[('“', 'NN'), ('This', 'DT'), ('page', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('this', 'DT'), ('page', 'NN'), ('?', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('This', 'DET'), ('page', 'NOUN'), ('or', 'CCONJ'), ('this', 'DET'), ('page', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'page'), ('This', 'det', 'page'), ('page', 'ROOT', 'page'), ('or', 'cc', 'page'), ('this', 'det', 'page'), ('page', 'conj', 'page'), ('?', 'punct', 'page')]
What have you there in your pocket?” Everyone’s heart palpitated as Leo Dillon handed up the paper and everyone assumed an innocent face.
[('This', 'DT'), ('page', 'NN'), ('?', '.')]
[('This', 'DET'), ('page', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT')]
[('This', 'det', 'page'), ('page', 'ROOT', 'page'), ('?', 'punct', 'page')]
Father Butler turned over the pages, frowning.
[('Now', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('up', 'RB'), ('!', '.')]
[('Now', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('up', 'ADV'), ('!', 'PUNCT')]
[('Dillon', 'PRODUCT')]
[('Now', 'advmod', 'Dillon'), (',', 'punct', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'ROOT', 'Dillon'), (',', 'punct', 'Dillon'), ('up', 'advmod', 'Dillon'), ('!', 'punct', 'Dillon')]
“What is this rubbish?” he said.
[('‘', 'NN'), ('Hardly', 'RB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('day', 'NN'), ('’', 'VB'), ('....', 'NNP'), ('Go', 'NNP'), ('on', 'IN'), ('!', '.')]
[('‘', 'PUNCT'), ('Hardly', 'ADV'), ('had', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('’', 'PUNCT'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('Go', 'VERB'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('!', 'PUNCT')]
[('the day', 'DATE')]
[('‘', 'punct', 'had'), ('Hardly', 'advmod', 'had'), ('had', 'ROOT', 'had'), ('the', 'det', 'day'), ('day', 'dobj', 'had'), ('’', 'punct', 'had'), ('....', 'punct', 'had'), ('Go', 'ROOT', 'Go'), ('on', 'prt', 'Go'), ('!', 'punct', 'Go')]
“The Apache Chief!
[('What', 'WP'), ('day', 'NN'), ('?', '.')]
[('What', 'DET'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT')]
[('What', 'det', 'day'), ('day', 'ROOT', 'day'), ('?', 'punct', 'day')]
Is this what you read instead of studying your Roman History?
[('‘', 'NN'), ('Hardly', 'RB'), ('had', 'VBD'), ('the', 'DT'), ('day', 'NN'), ('dawned', 'VBD'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('....', 'NNP'), ('Have', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('studied', 'VBN'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('?', '.')]
[('‘', 'PUNCT'), ('Hardly', 'ADV'), ('had', 'AUX'), ('the', 'DET'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('dawned', 'VERB'), ('’', 'PUNCT'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('Have', 'AUX'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('studied', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('?', 'PUNCT')]
[('‘', 'punct', 'dawned'), ('Hardly', 'advmod', 'dawned'), ('had', 'aux', 'dawned'), ('the', 'det', 'day'), ('day', 'nsubj', 'dawned'), ('dawned', 'ROOT', 'dawned'), ('’', 'punct', 'dawned'), ('....', 'punct', 'dawned'), ('Have', 'aux', 'studied'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'studied'), ('studied', 'ROOT', 'studied'), ('it', 'dobj', 'studied'), ('?', 'punct', 'studied')]
Let me not find any more of this wretched stuff in this college.
[('What', 'WP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('there', 'EX'), ('in', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('pocket', 'NN'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'CC'), ('Everyone', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBD'), ('heart', 'NN'), ('palpitated', 'VBN'), ('as', 'IN'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('handed', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('paper', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('everyone', 'NN'), ('assumed', 'VBD'), ('an', 'DT'), ('innocent', 'JJ'), ('face', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('What', 'PRON'), ('have', 'VERB'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('there', 'ADV'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('your', 'PRON'), ('pocket', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('Everyone', 'PRON'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('heart', 'NOUN'), ('palpitated', 'VERB'), ('as', 'SCONJ'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('handed', 'VERB'), ('up', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('paper', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('everyone', 'PRON'), ('assumed', 'VERB'), ('an', 'DET'), ('innocent', 'ADJ'), ('face', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Leo Dillon', 'PERSON')]
[('What', 'attr', 'have'), ('have', 'ROOT', 'have'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'have'), ('there', 'advmod', 'have'), ('in', 'prep', 'have'), ('your', 'poss', 'pocket'), ('pocket', 'pobj', 'in'), ('?', 'punct', 'have'), ('”', 'punct', 'have'), ('Everyone', 'poss', 'heart'), ('’s', 'case', 'Everyone'), ('heart', 'nsubj', 'palpitated'), ('palpitated', 'ROOT', 'palpitated'), ('as', 'mark', 'handed'), ('Leo', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'nsubj', 'handed'), ('handed', 'advcl', 'palpitated'), ('up', 'prt', 'handed'), ('the', 'det', 'paper'), ('paper', 'dobj', 'handed'), ('and', 'cc', 'handed'), ('everyone', 'nsubj', 'assumed'), ('assumed', 'conj', 'handed'), ('an', 'det', 'face'), ('innocent', 'amod', 'face'), ('face', 'dobj', 'assumed'), ('.', 'punct', 'palpitated')]
The man who wrote it, I suppose, was some wretched fellow who writes these things for a drink.
[('Father', 'NNP'), ('Butler', 'NNP'), ('turned', 'VBD'), ('over', 'RP'), ('the', 'DT'), ('pages', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('frowning', 'VBG'), ('.', '.')]
[('Father', 'PROPN'), ('Butler', 'PROPN'), ('turned', 'VERB'), ('over', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('pages', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('frowning', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Butler', 'ORG')]
[('Father', 'compound', 'Butler'), ('Butler', 'nsubj', 'turned'), ('turned', 'ROOT', 'turned'), ('over', 'prt', 'turned'), ('the', 'det', 'pages'), ('pages', 'dobj', 'turned'), (',', 'punct', 'turned'), ('frowning', 'advcl', 'turned'), ('.', 'punct', 'turned')]
I’m surprised at boys like you, educated, reading such stuff.
[('“', 'VB'), ('What', 'WP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('rubbish', 'JJ'), ('?', '.'), ('”', 'NN'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('.', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('What', 'PRON'), ('is', 'AUX'), ('this', 'DET'), ('rubbish', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('said', 'VERB'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'said'), ('What', 'attr', 'is'), ('is', 'ccomp', 'said'), ('this', 'det', 'rubbish'), ('rubbish', 'nsubj', 'is'), ('?', 'punct', 'said'), ('”', 'punct', 'said'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'said'), ('said', 'ROOT', 'said'), ('.', 'punct', 'said')]
I could understand it if you were ... National School boys.
[('“', 'IN'), ('The', 'DT'), ('Apache', 'NNP'), ('Chief', 'NNP'), ('!', '.')]
[('“', 'PUNCT'), ('The', 'DET'), ('Apache', 'PROPN'), ('Chief', 'PROPN'), ('!', 'PUNCT')]
[('Apache', 'PRODUCT')]
[('“', 'punct', 'Chief'), ('The', 'det', 'Chief'), ('Apache', 'compound', 'Chief'), ('Chief', 'ROOT', 'Chief'), ('!', 'punct', 'Chief')]
Now, Dillon, I advise you strongly, get at your work or....” This rebuke during the sober hours of school paled much of the glory of the Wild West for me and the confused puffy face of Leo Dillon awakened one of my consciences.
[('Is', 'VBZ'), ('this', 'DT'), ('what', 'WP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('read', 'VBP'), ('instead', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('studying', 'VBG'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('Roman', 'NNP'), ('History', 'NNP'), ('?', '.')]
[('Is', 'AUX'), ('this', 'PRON'), ('what', 'PRON'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('read', 'VERB'), ('instead', 'ADV'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('studying', 'VERB'), ('your', 'PRON'), ('Roman', 'ADJ'), ('History', 'NOUN'), ('?', 'PUNCT')]
[('Roman History', 'PERSON')]
[('Is', 'ROOT', 'Is'), ('this', 'nsubj', 'Is'), ('what', 'dobj', 'read'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'read'), ('read', 'ccomp', 'Is'), ('instead', 'advmod', 'of'), ('of', 'prep', 'read'), ('studying', 'pcomp', 'of'), ('your', 'poss', 'History'), ('Roman', 'amod', 'History'), ('History', 'dobj', 'studying'), ('?', 'punct', 'Is')]
But when the restraining influence of the school was at a distance I began to hunger again for wild sensations, for the escape which those chronicles of disorder alone seemed to offer me.
[('Let', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('find', 'VB'), ('any', 'DT'), ('more', 'JJR'), ('of', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('wretched', 'JJ'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('this', 'DT'), ('college', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Let', 'VERB'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('not', 'PART'), ('find', 'VERB'), ('any', 'DET'), ('more', 'ADJ'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('this', 'DET'), ('wretched', 'ADJ'), ('stuff', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('this', 'DET'), ('college', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Let', 'ROOT', 'Let'), ('me', 'nsubj', 'find'), ('not', 'neg', 'find'), ('find', 'ccomp', 'Let'), ('any', 'det', 'more'), ('more', 'dobj', 'find'), ('of', 'prep', 'more'), ('this', 'det', 'stuff'), ('wretched', 'amod', 'stuff'), ('stuff', 'pobj', 'of'), ('in', 'prep', 'find'), ('this', 'det', 'college'), ('college', 'pobj', 'in'), ('.', 'punct', 'Let')]
The mimic warfare of the evening became at last as wearisome to me as the routine of school in the morning because I wanted real adventures to happen to myself.
[('The', 'DT'), ('man', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('wrote', 'VBD'), ('it', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('suppose', 'VBP'), (',', ','), ('was', 'VBD'), ('some', 'DT'), ('wretched', 'JJ'), ('fellow', 'NN'), ('who', 'WP'), ('writes', 'VBZ'), ('these', 'DT'), ('things', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('drink', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('The', 'DET'), ('man', 'NOUN'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('wrote', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('suppose', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('some', 'DET'), ('wretched', 'ADJ'), ('fellow', 'NOUN'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('writes', 'VERB'), ('these', 'DET'), ('things', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('drink', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('The', 'det', 'man'), ('man', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('who', 'nsubj', 'wrote'), ('wrote', 'relcl', 'man'), ('it', 'dobj', 'wrote'), (',', 'punct', 'suppose'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'suppose'), ('suppose', 'parataxis', 'was'), (',', 'punct', 'suppose'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('some', 'det', 'fellow'), ('wretched', 'amod', 'fellow'), ('fellow', 'attr', 'was'), ('who', 'nsubj', 'writes'), ('writes', 'relcl', 'fellow'), ('these', 'det', 'things'), ('things', 'dobj', 'writes'), ('for', 'prep', 'writes'), ('a', 'det', 'drink'), ('drink', 'pobj', 'for'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad.
[('I', 'PRP'), ('’', 'VBP'), ('m', 'NNS'), ('surprised', 'VBD'), ('at', 'IN'), ('boys', 'NNS'), ('like', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), (',', ','), ('educated', 'VBN'), (',', ','), ('reading', 'VBG'), ('such', 'JJ'), ('stuff', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('I', 'PRON'), ('’m', 'VERB'), ('surprised', 'ADJ'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('boys', 'NOUN'), ('like', 'ADP'), ('you', 'PRON'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('educated', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('reading', 'VERB'), ('such', 'ADJ'), ('stuff', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('I', 'nsubj', '’m'), ('’m', 'ROOT', '’m'), ('surprised', 'acomp', '’m'), ('at', 'prep', 'surprised'), ('boys', 'pobj', 'at'), ('like', 'prep', 'boys'), ('you', 'pobj', 'like'), (',', 'punct', 'surprised'), ('educated', 'conj', 'surprised'), (',', 'punct', 'educated'), ('reading', 'advcl', '’m'), ('such', 'amod', 'stuff'), ('stuff', 'dobj', 'reading'), ('.', 'punct', '’m')]
The summer holidays were near at hand when I made up my mind to break out of the weariness of school-life for one day at least.
[('I', 'PRP'), ('could', 'MD'), ('understand', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ('if', 'IN'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('...', ':'), ('National', 'NNP'), ('School', 'NNP'), ('boys', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('I', 'PRON'), ('could', 'AUX'), ('understand', 'VERB'), ('it', 'PRON'), ('if', 'SCONJ'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('...', 'PUNCT'), ('National', 'PROPN'), ('School', 'PROPN'), ('boys', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('National School', 'ORG')]
[('I', 'nsubj', 'understand'), ('could', 'aux', 'understand'), ('understand', 'ROOT', 'understand'), ('it', 'dobj', 'understand'), ('if', 'mark', 'were'), ('you', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'advcl', 'understand'), ('...', 'punct', 'understand'), ('National', 'compound', 'School'), ('School', 'compound', 'boys'), ('boys', 'dobj', 'understand'), ('.', 'punct', 'understand')]
With Leo Dillon and a boy named Mahony I planned a day’s miching.
[('Now', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('advise', 'VBP'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('strongly', 'RB'), (',', ','), ('get', 'VB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('your', 'PRP$'), ('work', 'NN'), ('or', 'CC'), ('....', 'VB'), ('”', 'CD'), ('This', 'DT'), ('rebuke', 'NN'), ('during', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('sober', 'JJ'), ('hours', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('school', 'NN'), ('paled', 'VBD'), ('much', 'RB'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('glory', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Wild', 'NNP'), ('West', 'NNP'), ('for', 'IN'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('the', 'DT'), ('confused', 'JJ'), ('puffy', 'JJ'), ('face', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('awakened', 'VBD'), ('one', 'CD'), ('of', 'IN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('consciences', 'NNS'), ('.', '.')]
[('Now', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('advise', 'VERB'), ('you', 'PRON'), ('strongly', 'ADV'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('get', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('your', 'PRON'), ('work', 'NOUN'), ('or', 'CCONJ'), ('....', 'PUNCT'), ('”', 'PUNCT'), ('This', 'DET'), ('rebuke', 'NOUN'), ('during', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('sober', 'ADJ'), ('hours', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('paled', 'VERB'), ('much', 'ADJ'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('glory', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Wild', 'PROPN'), ('West', 'PROPN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('confused', 'ADJ'), ('puffy', 'ADJ'), ('face', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('awakened', 'VERB'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('consciences', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Dillon', 'PRODUCT'), ('the sober hours', 'TIME'), ('the Wild West', 'LOC'), ('Leo Dillon', 'ORG'), ('one', 'CARDINAL')]
[('Now', 'advmod', 'advise'), (',', 'punct', 'advise'), ('Dillon', 'npadvmod', 'advise'), (',', 'punct', 'advise'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'advise'), ('advise', 'ROOT', 'advise'), ('you', 'dobj', 'advise'), ('strongly', 'advmod', 'advise'), (',', 'punct', 'advise'), ('get', 'conj', 'advise'), ('at', 'prep', 'get'), ('your', 'poss', 'work'), ('work', 'pobj', 'at'), ('or', 'cc', 'get'), ('....', 'punct', 'advise'), ('”', 'punct', 'advise'), ('This', 'det', 'rebuke'), ('rebuke', 'nsubj', 'paled'), ('during', 'prep', 'rebuke'), ('the', 'det', 'hours'), ('sober', 'amod', 'hours'), ('hours', 'pobj', 'during'), ('of', 'prep', 'hours'), ('school', 'pobj', 'of'), ('paled', 'ROOT', 'paled'), ('much', 'dobj', 'paled'), ('of', 'prep', 'much'), ('the', 'det', 'glory'), ('glory', 'pobj', 'of'), ('of', 'prep', 'glory'), ('the', 'det', 'West'), ('Wild', 'compound', 'West'), ('West', 'pobj', 'of'), ('for', 'dative', 'paled'), ('me', 'pobj', 'for'), ('and', 'cc', 'me'), ('the', 'det', 'face'), ('confused', 'amod', 'face'), ('puffy', 'amod', 'face'), ('face', 'conj', 'me'), ('of', 'prep', 'face'), ('Leo', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'pobj', 'of'), ('awakened', 'conj', 'paled'), ('one', 'dobj', 'awakened'), ('of', 'prep', 'one'), ('my', 'poss', 'consciences'), ('consciences', 'pobj', 'of'), ('.', 'punct', 'paled')]
Each of us saved up sixpence.
[('But', 'CC'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('restraining', 'VBG'), ('influence', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('school', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('at', 'IN'), ('a', 'DT'), ('distance', 'NN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('began', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('hunger', 'VB'), ('again', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('wild', 'JJ'), ('sensations', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('for', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('escape', 'NN'), ('which', 'WDT'), ('those', 'DT'), ('chronicles', 'NNS'), ('of', 'IN'), ('disorder', 'NN'), ('alone', 'RB'), ('seemed', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('offer', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('the', 'DET'), ('restraining', 'NOUN'), ('influence', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('a', 'DET'), ('distance', 'NOUN'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('began', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('hunger', 'NOUN'), ('again', 'ADV'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('wild', 'ADJ'), ('sensations', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('escape', 'NOUN'), ('which', 'PRON'), ('those', 'DET'), ('chronicles', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('disorder', 'NOUN'), ('alone', 'ADV'), ('seemed', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('offer', 'VERB'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('But', 'cc', 'was'), ('when', 'advmod', 'was'), ('the', 'det', 'influence'), ('restraining', 'compound', 'influence'), ('influence', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('of', 'prep', 'influence'), ('the', 'det', 'school'), ('school', 'pobj', 'of'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('at', 'prep', 'was'), ('a', 'det', 'distance'), ('distance', 'pobj', 'at'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'began'), ('began', 'relcl', 'distance'), ('to', 'aux', 'hunger'), ('hunger', 'xcomp', 'began'), ('again', 'advmod', 'hunger'), ('for', 'prep', 'hunger'), ('wild', 'amod', 'sensations'), ('sensations', 'pobj', 'for'), (',', 'punct', 'began'), ('for', 'prep', 'began'), ('the', 'det', 'escape'), ('escape', 'pobj', 'for'), ('which', 'dobj', 'offer'), ('those', 'det', 'chronicles'), ('chronicles', 'nsubj', 'seemed'), ('of', 'prep', 'chronicles'), ('disorder', 'pobj', 'of'), ('alone', 'advmod', 'chronicles'), ('seemed', 'relcl', 'escape'), ('to', 'aux', 'offer'), ('offer', 'xcomp', 'seemed'), ('me', 'dobj', 'offer'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
We were to meet at ten in the morning on the Canal Bridge.
[('The', 'DT'), ('mimic', 'JJ'), ('warfare', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('evening', 'NN'), ('became', 'VBD'), ('at', 'IN'), ('last', 'JJ'), ('as', 'IN'), ('wearisome', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('as', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('routine', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('school', 'NN'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('morning', 'NN'), ('because', 'IN'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('wanted', 'VBD'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('adventures', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('happen', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('myself', 'PRP'), ('.', '.')]
[('The', 'DET'), ('mimic', 'ADJ'), ('warfare', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('evening', 'NOUN'), ('became', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADV'), ('last', 'ADJ'), ('as', 'ADV'), ('wearisome', 'ADJ'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('me', 'PRON'), ('as', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('routine', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('morning', 'NOUN'), ('because', 'SCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('wanted', 'VERB'), ('real', 'ADJ'), ('adventures', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'PART'), ('happen', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('myself', 'PRON'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('evening', 'TIME')]
[('The', 'det', 'warfare'), ('mimic', 'amod', 'warfare'), ('warfare', 'nsubj', 'became'), ('of', 'prep', 'warfare'), ('the', 'det', 'evening'), ('evening', 'pobj', 'of'), ('became', 'ROOT', 'became'), ('at', 'advmod', 'last'), ('last', 'acomp', 'became'), ('as', 'advmod', 'wearisome'), ('wearisome', 'advcl', 'became'), ('to', 'prep', 'wearisome'), ('me', 'pobj', 'to'), ('as', 'prep', 'wearisome'), ('the', 'det', 'routine'), ('routine', 'pobj', 'as'), ('of', 'prep', 'routine'), ('school', 'pobj', 'of'), ('in', 'prep', 'routine'), ('the', 'det', 'morning'), ('morning', 'pobj', 'in'), ('because', 'mark', 'wanted'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'wanted'), ('wanted', 'advcl', 'became'), ('real', 'amod', 'adventures'), ('adventures', 'nsubj', 'happen'), ('to', 'aux', 'happen'), ('happen', 'ccomp', 'wanted'), ('to', 'prep', 'happen'), ('myself', 'pobj', 'to'), ('.', 'punct', 'became')]
Mahony’s big sister was to write an excuse for him and Leo Dillon was to tell his brother to say he was sick.
[('But', 'CC'), ('real', 'JJ'), ('adventures', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('I', 'PRP'), ('reflected', 'VBD'), (',', ','), ('do', 'VBP'), ('not', 'RB'), ('happen', 'VB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('people', 'NNS'), ('who', 'WP'), ('remain', 'VBP'), ('at', 'IN'), ('home', 'NN'), (':', ':'), ('they', 'PRP'), ('must', 'MD'), ('be', 'VB'), ('sought', 'VBN'), ('abroad', 'RB'), ('.', '.')]
[('But', 'CCONJ'), ('real', 'ADJ'), ('adventures', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('reflected', 'VERB'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('do', 'AUX'), ('not', 'PART'), ('happen', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('people', 'NOUN'), ('who', 'PRON'), ('remain', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('home', 'NOUN'), (':', 'PUNCT'), ('they', 'PRON'), ('must', 'AUX'), ('be', 'AUX'), ('sought', 'VERB'), ('abroad', 'ADV'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('But', 'cc', 'happen'), ('real', 'amod', 'adventures'), ('adventures', 'nsubj', 'happen'), (',', 'punct', 'reflected'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'reflected'), ('reflected', 'parataxis', 'happen'), (',', 'punct', 'reflected'), ('do', 'aux', 'happen'), ('not', 'neg', 'happen'), ('happen', 'ccomp', 'sought'), ('to', 'prep', 'happen'), ('people', 'pobj', 'to'), ('who', 'nsubj', 'remain'), ('remain', 'relcl', 'people'), ('at', 'prep', 'remain'), ('home', 'pobj', 'at'), (':', 'punct', 'sought'), ('they', 'nsubjpass', 'sought'), ('must', 'aux', 'sought'), ('be', 'auxpass', 'sought'), ('sought', 'ROOT', 'sought'), ('abroad', 'advmod', 'sought'), ('.', 'punct', 'sought')]
We arranged to go along the Wharf Road until we came to the ships, then to cross in the ferryboat and walk out to see the Pigeon House.
[('The', 'DT'), ('summer', 'NN'), ('holidays', 'NNS'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('near', 'RB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('hand', 'NN'), ('when', 'WRB'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('made', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RP'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('mind', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('break', 'VB'), ('out', 'IN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('weariness', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), ('school-life', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('one', 'CD'), ('day', 'NN'), ('at', 'IN'), ('least', 'JJS'), ('.', '.')]
[('The', 'DET'), ('summer', 'NOUN'), ('holidays', 'NOUN'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('near', 'ADJ'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('hand', 'NOUN'), ('when', 'SCONJ'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('made', 'VERB'), ('up', 'ADP'), ('my', 'PRON'), ('mind', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'PART'), ('break', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('weariness', 'NOUN'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('school', 'NOUN'), ('-', 'PUNCT'), ('life', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('one', 'NUM'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('at', 'ADV'), ('least', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('The summer holidays', 'DATE'), ('one day', 'DATE')]
[('The', 'det', 'holidays'), ('summer', 'compound', 'holidays'), ('holidays', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'ROOT', 'were'), ('near', 'acomp', 'were'), ('at', 'prep', 'were'), ('hand', 'pobj', 'at'), ('when', 'advmod', 'made'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'made'), ('made', 'advcl', 'were'), ('up', 'prt', 'made'), ('my', 'poss', 'mind'), ('mind', 'dobj', 'made'), ('to', 'aux', 'break'), ('break', 'xcomp', 'made'), ('out', 'prep', 'break'), ('of', 'prep', 'out'), ('the', 'det', 'weariness'), ('weariness', 'pobj', 'of'), ('of', 'prep', 'weariness'), ('school', 'compound', 'life'), ('-', 'punct', 'life'), ('life', 'pobj', 'of'), ('for', 'prep', 'break'), ('one', 'nummod', 'day'), ('day', 'pobj', 'for'), ('at', 'advmod', 'least'), ('least', 'advmod', 'day'), ('.', 'punct', 'were')]
Leo Dillon was afraid we might meet Father Butler or someone out of the college; but Mahony asked, very sensibly, what would Father Butler be doing out at the Pigeon House.
[('With', 'IN'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('a', 'DT'), ('boy', 'NN'), ('named', 'VBN'), ('Mahony', 'NNP'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('planned', 'VBD'), ('a', 'DT'), ('day', 'NN'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'NN'), ('miching', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('With', 'ADP'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('a', 'DET'), ('boy', 'NOUN'), ('named', 'VERB'), ('Mahony', 'PROPN'), ('I', 'PRON'), ('planned', 'VERB'), ('a', 'DET'), ('day', 'NOUN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('miching', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Leo Dillon', 'ORG'), ('day', 'DATE')]
[('With', 'prep', 'planned'), ('Leo', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'pobj', 'With'), ('and', 'cc', 'Dillon'), ('a', 'det', 'boy'), ('boy', 'conj', 'Dillon'), ('named', 'acl', 'boy'), ('Mahony', 'oprd', 'named'), ('I', 'nsubj', 'planned'), ('planned', 'ROOT', 'planned'), ('a', 'det', 'day'), ('day', 'poss', 'miching'), ('’s', 'case', 'day'), ('miching', 'dobj', 'planned'), ('.', 'punct', 'planned')]
We were reassured: and I brought the first stage of the plot to an end by collecting sixpence from the other two, at the same time showing them my own sixpence.
[('Each', 'DT'), ('of', 'IN'), ('us', 'PRP'), ('saved', 'VBD'), ('up', 'RP'), ('sixpence', 'NN'), ('.', '.')]
[('Each', 'PRON'), ('of', 'ADP'), ('us', 'PRON'), ('saved', 'VERB'), ('up', 'ADP'), ('sixpence', 'NOUN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Each', 'nsubj', 'saved'), ('of', 'prep', 'Each'), ('us', 'pobj', 'of'), ('saved', 'ROOT', 'saved'), ('up', 'prt', 'saved'), ('sixpence', 'dobj', 'saved'), ('.', 'punct', 'saved')]
When we were making the last arrangements on the eve we were all vaguely excited.
[('We', 'PRP'), ('were', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('meet', 'VB'), ('at', 'IN'), ('ten', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('morning', 'NN'), ('on', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Canal', 'NNP'), ('Bridge', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('We', 'PRON'), ('were', 'AUX'), ('to', 'PART'), ('meet', 'VERB'), ('at', 'ADP'), ('ten', 'NUM'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('morning', 'NOUN'), ('on', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Canal', 'PROPN'), ('Bridge', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('ten in the morning', 'TIME'), ('the Canal Bridge', 'FAC')]
[('We', 'nsubj', 'were'), ('were', 'ROOT', 'were'), ('to', 'aux', 'meet'), ('meet', 'xcomp', 'were'), ('at', 'prep', 'meet'), ('ten', 'pobj', 'at'), ('in', 'prep', 'meet'), ('the', 'det', 'morning'), ('morning', 'pobj', 'in'), ('on', 'prep', 'meet'), ('the', 'det', 'Bridge'), ('Canal', 'compound', 'Bridge'), ('Bridge', 'pobj', 'on'), ('.', 'punct', 'were')]
We shook hands, laughing, and Mahony said: “Till tomorrow, mates!” That night I slept badly.
[('Mahony', 'NNP'), ('’', 'NNP'), ('s', 'VBD'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('sister', 'NN'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('write', 'VB'), ('an', 'DT'), ('excuse', 'NN'), ('for', 'IN'), ('him', 'PRP'), ('and', 'CC'), ('Leo', 'NNP'), ('Dillon', 'NNP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('tell', 'VB'), ('his', 'PRP$'), ('brother', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('say', 'VB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('was', 'VBD'), ('sick', 'JJ'), ('.', '.')]
[('Mahony', 'PROPN'), ('’s', 'PART'), ('big', 'ADJ'), ('sister', 'NOUN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('to', 'PART'), ('write', 'VERB'), ('an', 'DET'), ('excuse', 'NOUN'), ('for', 'ADP'), ('him', 'PRON'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('Leo', 'PROPN'), ('Dillon', 'PROPN'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('to', 'PART'), ('tell', 'VERB'), ('his', 'PRON'), ('brother', 'NOUN'), ('to', 'PART'), ('say', 'VERB'), ('he', 'PRON'), ('was', 'AUX'), ('sick', 'ADJ'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('Leo Dillon', 'PERSON')]
[('Mahony', 'poss', 'sister'), ('’s', 'case', 'Mahony'), ('big', 'amod', 'sister'), ('sister', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ROOT', 'was'), ('to', 'aux', 'write'), ('write', 'xcomp', 'was'), ('an', 'det', 'excuse'), ('excuse', 'dobj', 'write'), ('for', 'prep', 'excuse'), ('him', 'pobj', 'for'), ('and', 'cc', 'him'), ('Leo', 'compound', 'Dillon'), ('Dillon', 'conj', 'him'), ('was', 'conj', 'was'), ('to', 'aux', 'tell'), ('tell', 'xcomp', 'was'), ('his', 'poss', 'brother'), ('brother', 'dobj', 'tell'), ('to', 'aux', 'say'), ('say', 'xcomp', 'tell'), ('he', 'nsubj', 'was'), ('was', 'ccomp', 'say'), ('sick', 'acomp', 'was'), ('.', 'punct', 'was')]
In the morning I was first-comer to the bridge as I lived nearest.
[('We', 'PRP'), ('arranged', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('go', 'VB'), ('along', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Wharf', 'NNP'), ('Road', 'NNP'), ('until', 'IN'), ('we', 'PRP'), ('came', 'VBD'), ('to', 'TO'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ships', 'NNS'), (',', ','), ('then', 'RB'), ('to', 'TO'), ('cross', 'VB'), ('in', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('ferryboat', 'NN'), ('and', 'CC'), ('walk', 'VB'), ('out', 'IN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('see', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('Pigeon', 'NNP'), ('House', 'NNP'), ('.', '.')]
[('We', 'PRON'), ('arranged', 'VERB'), ('to', 'PART'), ('go', 'VERB'), ('along', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Wharf', 'PROPN'), ('Road', 'PROPN'), ('until', 'SCONJ'), ('we', 'PRON'), ('came', 'VERB'), ('to', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('ships', 'NOUN'), (',', 'PUNCT'), ('then', 'ADV'), ('to', 'PART'), ('cross', 'VERB'), ('in', 'ADP'), ('the', 'DET'), ('ferryboat', 'NOUN'), ('and', 'CCONJ'), ('walk', 'VERB'), ('out', 'ADP'), ('to', 'PART'), ('see', 'VERB'), ('the', 'DET'), ('Pigeon', 'PROPN'), ('House', 'PROPN'), ('.', 'PUNCT')]
[('the Wharf Road', 'FAC'), ('the Pigeon House', 'ORG')]
[('We', 'nsubj', 'arranged'), ('arranged', 'ROOT', 'arranged'), ('to', 'aux', 'go'), ('go', 'xcomp', 'arranged'), ('along', 'prep', 'go'), ('the', 'det', 'Road'), ('Wharf', 'compound', 'Road'), ('Road', 'pobj', 'along'), ('until', 'mark', 'came'), ('we', 'nsubj', 'came'), ('came', 'advcl', 'arranged'), ('to', 'prep', 'came'), ('the', 'det', 'ships'), ('ships', 'pobj', 'to'), (',', 'punct', 'came'), ('then', 'advmod', 'cross'), ('to', 'aux', 'cross'), ('cross', 'advcl', 'came'), ('in', 'prep', 'cross'), ('the', 'det', 'ferryboat'), ('ferryboat', 'pobj', 'in'), ('and', 'cc', 'cross'), ('walk', 'conj', 'cross'), ('out', 'prt', 'walk'), ('to', 'aux', 'see'), ('see', 'advcl', 'walk'), ('the', 'det', 'House'), ('Pigeon', 'compound', 'House'), ('House', 'dobj', 'see'), ('.', 'punct', 'arranged')]