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http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/member.php?s=811a843a99609ba8648fd9607effa591&u=23177 | User Control Panel Private Messages Subscriptions Who's Online Search Forums Forums Home InsideHoops Main Basketball Forums NBA Forum College and High School Basketball Forum Off the Court Lounge Fantasy Basketball Forum Fantasy Premier League Football Forum Sneaker Forum Video Games Forum Streetball Forum G League Forum, Minor League and International Basketball Forum NBA Draft Forum WNBA Forum NBA Team Forums Atlanta Hawks Forum Boston Celtics Forum Brooklyn Nets Forum Charlotte Hornets Forum Chicago Bulls Forum Cleveland Cavaliers Forum Dallas Mavericks Forum Denver Nuggets Forum Detroit Pistons Forum Golden State Warriors Forum Houston Rockets Forum Indiana Pacers Forum Los Angeles Clippers Forum Los Angeles Lakers Forum Memphis Grizzlies Forum Miami Heat Forum Milwaukee Bucks Forum Minnesota Timberwolves Forum New Orleans Pelicans Forum New York Knicks Forum Oklahoma City Thunder Forum Orlando Magic Forum Philadelphia 76ers Forum Phoenix Suns Forum Portland Trail Blazers Forum Sacramento Kings Forum San Antonio Spurs Forum Seattle SuperSonics Forum Toronto Raptors Forum Utah Jazz Forum Washington Wizards Forum | 2019-05-22T15:35:54 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190522143218-20190522165218-00486.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140326/08003126688/youtube-finally-admits-it-totally-screwed-up-rolling-out-contentid-to-multi-channel-networks-trying-to-improve-tools.shtml | Re: Re:Software cannot make a subjective decision, only a person can do that, and we are back to a gatekeeper model for public speech via publishing something. AFAIK, the only ways to exempt content from contentid is by excluding an account/channel from its reach, or excluding a URI from its reach.Control over publication was justified when it was managing access to limited production and distribution capacity. This however limits free speech by putting a gatekeeper between a speaker and their audience. It however becomes somewhat more problematic when it is used to totally control how and when speech is made available, I.e. TV channels preventing non commercial re-distribution , and when it is is used to limit speech on the Internet because of a small piece of someones content is incidental to the speech, like accidentally captured music.Controlling what when and how something was published, is a necessary evil when physical copies are being produced. It is pure evil when it is is used to control what, when and how on an effectively unlimited Internet. Almost ever piece of speech borrows from copyrighted works, and an automatic identify the bits so that it can be blocked is effectively a means of enabling gatekeepers to control public speech.Improvements to contentid will only increase the works that it tags, as software cannot deal with value judgments required for fair use. Also the people demanding its use do not want fair use to exist, but control over all publishing so that they can make a profit. [ reply to this | link to this | view in thread ] | 2015-03-27T02:35:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.parkwhiz.com/p/san-diego-parking/207-5th-ave/ | ParkWhiz is the leading transactional platform that enables drivers, fleets and connected vehicles to find and book parking. The company offers the largest inventory of parking spaces for drivers to reserve before reaching their destinations, saving both time and money. Working with all major parking operators, it delivers transactional parking as a value-added service to major brands in sports and entertainment, travel, automotive and navigation. ParkWhiz has built partnerships with brands including Ford, Ticketmaster, Groupon, Madison Square Garden and others. The company operates two consumer-facing brands of its own—ParkWhiz and BestParking—available for Apple, Android and Amazon Alexa. ParkWhiz has parked over seven million vehicles and is operational in over 190 cities in North America and expanding rapidly. | 2019-05-26T02:20:15 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526004917-20190526030917-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.vlaamsbelang.org/vlaams-belang-stelt-drietrapsraket-tegen-islamterreur-voor-na-aanslag-nice/ | "Er is geen twijfel over: dit is een strijd op leven en dood", reageert Kamerlid Ortwin Depoortere (Vlaams Belang). "En deze jihadisten willen niet enkel onze burgers doden, maar onze gehele beschaving. De keuze van de christelijke basiliek in Nice als scène van de aanslag kan dan ook geen toeval geweest zijn. We moeten deze golf van terreur vastberaden beantwoorden en bekampen, want ook bij ons zijn er velen die een gevolg willen geven aan jihadisten zoals deze in Nice of de moordenaar van Paty." | 2021-02-28T04:29:03 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210228024418-20210228054418-00314.warc.wet.gz | nl |
https://goodenglishessaywriting.com/good-essay-writing-service.html | Today, saws who buy good Essay Writing Service essays from us can relax, knowing that the interests are safe. Follow actions to get a paper: regardless of whether you possess a ready essay but want it to constitute high quality, there usually be proofreaders and editors for you to fix all of the mistakes. All of one's requirements tend to be carefully followed, and the essay possibly be resold strictly before the deadline. Good Essay Writing ServiceIwas worried when ordering with them first though they always deliver on the promises. Words per page, At our website, you can set a deadline from 10 days to only 3 several. Give us the concerning your future essay by filling the shape. Good Essay Writing Service. | 2021-03-01T06:08:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.ladylib.net/fb/php/dyevis_myeggi_bezumnaya_polnoch/dyevis_myeggi_bezumnaya_polnoch_GG_23.php | Гости, жившие не в Чарлстоне, покинули изысканный свадебный прием в доме Батлеров довольно рано, стремясь благополучно добраться до дома в такую непогоду. Немногие успели вовремя вылететь в Сан-Франциско, Атланту и Новый Орлеан. А те, кто остался – друзья и родственники, жившие на Айл-оф-Палмс, Хантинг-Айленд, Фрипп-Айленд и даже в Хилтон-Хид, – собрались у телевизора в кабинете и библиотеке, слушая прогноз погоды и рекомендации воздержаться от посещения низинных прибрежных районов. Ближе к вечеру были перекрыты мосты на прибрежные острова. | 2017-06-24T10:43:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624101204-20170624121204-00635.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://basketball.epicsports.com/cat/216/p1/f-m439-hp1-zc8/soffe-black-small-coaches-shorts-coaching-equipment.html | Soffe Basketball Coach ShortsThe well-dressed basketball coach is sure to love our shorts. Save 20 to 40 percent on coaching shorts for men and women. Classic-fitting Teflon treated twill, breathable lightweight moisture-controlling mesh, and heavy-weight cotton coaches shorts that last all season and beyond. At these prices you can stock a few, or buy a bunch for less laundering. Give your fans and friends something to remember you by in comfortable, great-looking shorts from Epic - besides your love for coaching. THANK YOU! | 2017-06-27T02:42:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.shamordino-m.ru/about/istorija-obiteli/chast-5-pred-prechistym-tvoim-obrazom.html | И не может быть иначе, ведь этот храм был возведен на месте, указанном и размеченном преподобным Амвросием – основателем и устроителем этой обители, будущее которой ему было открыто Господом. И, как в те дни, вновь вспоминаются слова приснопамятного Филарета, митрополита Московского: "...все это было здесь, только сокрыто временем, все это было здесь, и теперь лишь, как драгоценное сокровище, сокрыто в драгоценном ковчеге...". По молитвам батюшки Амвросия, как и прежде, Господь посылает людей, оказывающих помощь обители. | 2020-04-04T22:06:29 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://repairpal.com/lincoln-repair-in-crescent-iowa | Chumbley's Auto Care has been serving the Indianola area since 1957 and have been operating under the current ownership since 1999. A real fixture in the community, they focus on Domestic and Asian vehicles and are equipped with many of the same "factory" diagnostic tools the dealerships use. Their experienced, well trained, and certified (two ASE Master Technicians on staff) have the knowledge to use these specialized tools to quickly get to the root of just about any problem. Combine this with their great customer service and you can see they certainly have what it takes to be a RepairPal Certified shop. | 2015-03-27T05:34:11 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172135-00131-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.uofmhealth.org/conditions-treatments/adult-bone-muscles-joints/hand-elbow-wrist/dupuytrens-contracture | Recovery time and need for physical therapy are dramatically reduced with injections compared to traditional surgical treatment. The early results of this treatment indicate that it is nearly as effective as surgery, but long-term recurrence rates have not yet been determined. Possible side effects include several days of soreness or bruising in the arm and hand, blisters or minor skin tears, and very rarely injury to other structures such as tendons. Patients can expect an bruising, blisters or minor skin tears to heal in a short period of time. | 2020-04-04T13:08:45 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404103932-20200404133932-00129.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.monfortanci.com/zivot-sv-ljudevita-m-g-montfortskoga-2-nadopunjeno-izdanje | "Kćeri moja, pa zar si izgubila razum, ili želiš obeščastiti obitelj tako smiješnim odijelom koje ne odgovara tvome staležu i rangu. Što znači to odijelo? Poslušaj svoju majku! Odmah ga ostavi! " Kada nije uspijela s uvjeravanjima promijeniti Luizinu odluku, gospođa Trichet pokuša uvjeriti muža da vrši pritisak na kćer, ali on s dostojanstvom, kršćanskim razumijevanjem te osjećajem za pravičnost i slobodu prihvati izbor svoje kćeri. Majka se u suzama obrati biskupu Poypeu tražeći od njega da bude sudac između nje i kćeri. Biskup pun razumijevanja blago odgovori majci: "Gospođo, pa vi biste htjeli odvratiti vašu kćer od njenoga poziva". A Luizu ohrabri riječima: "Kćeri moja, draga moja kćeri, ne ostavljaj taj habit". Kao zadnje gospođa Trichet pokuša pridobiti kapelana ubožnice. Ljudevit joj svetački kratko odgovori: "Vaša kći? Griješite gospođo nije ona vaša, ona je Božja". | 2020-04-07T13:46:36 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | hr |
http://icmusic.eu/yksityinen-saattaja-pieni-rinta-sis%C3%A4%C3%A4n-saarij%C3%A4rvi-escort-praha-eroottiset-tarina-thaihieronta-varkaus-seksiseuraa-lappi/ | Free latex seksikauppa netissä hieronta pirkkala finnkino jyväskylä elokuvat henkilöhaku ilmainen porno sels Pillu kiinnostaa suomi sex videot prostituutio suomessa laki venäläinen pillu takaapäin seksi ilmaisia seksivideo helsinki erotic massage sampopankki mobiili inka tuominen alastonkuvat kyrpää äidille escort mies ilmaisia seksileffoja sabina suomi porno nussinta videot vierailevat strippareita suihin 1 thai hierontaa tampere ilmainen seksi video gay asian massage sex www iskuri net välimatkat suomessa eniro sexwork jyväskylä yksityinen aviorikos rinta lähellä uusikaupunki. | 2021-03-01T07:14:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | fi |
https://stevenglassman.com/2013/03/11/grokking-expatriates-in-sci-fi/?like_comment=1511&_wpnonce=1cc826e568 | A few paragraphs back, I mentioned that Worf isn't an expatriate, and that he falls into a different category than the rest of this list. That category is Third-Culture Kids. A third-culture kid, or trans-culture kid, in the real world is usually the child of an expatriate. For example, an American couple has a child while living in Germany. The child is American-born, but German by culture. When the family relocates back to the country of their passports, the child has to deal with this cultural divide. Third-Culture Kids are often multilingual, and are very often accomplished. However, adjusting to their passport country after years of living in other cultures can be incredibly difficult and can take a great deal of time. This is Worf in a nutshell, although he didn't reintegrate with Klingon culture until very late in his life. | 2020-04-01T14:29:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401130837-20200401160837-00221.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.biomanantial.com/shop/azukis-de-cultivo-biologico.html | Descripción del producto Etiquetas (4) Comentarios (4) Descripción del producto Los azukis o adukis son un tipo de legumbres de color rojizo típicas de Japón muy utilizados por lamacrobiótica para fortalecer el riñón y todas sus problemáticas. Azuki es la legumbre más yang. Es recomendableconsumirlo cuando uno esta sufriendo de falta de vitalidad. Junto a las lentejas y garbanzos , están entre las legumbres que deberíamos consumir con más frecuencia. Pueden prepararsede diversas formas: saladas o dulces, solas o con arroz, en sopas, cremas o postres. | 2017-06-29T05:25:33 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170629051817-20170629071817-00000.warc.wet.gz | es |
http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231623 | For instance, an aspiring supervisor found herself blocked from supervisory roles, because she didn't have the experience of giving performance feedback. She was about to give up hope, when she shifted her focus from what she could do about it to what she could create concretely with her talent and benefit the company. The result was a document of guidelines for first-time supervisors on how to give performance feedback. She showed concretely what she had learned from the best practices of others as well as her own experience in both mock situations and project settings. As a result, she landed a supervisory job and provided a valuable, tangible asset to the organization for other first-time supervisors to use. | 2015-11-26T23:15:06 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205407-00168-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.bazonline.ch/die-foo-fighters-liefern-die-medizin-gegen-die-pandemie-623794322649 | Eine ganze Neuveröffentlichungswelle der britischen Electro-Legende KLF steht in diesem Jahr an. Das ist nicht ganz neu, denn schon Anfang Januar erschien eine erste Compilation mit altem Material. Es ist deshalb bemerkenswert, weil das Duo Bill Drummond und Jimmy Cauty mit ihrem Rückzug aus dem Musikbusiness 1992 angeblich ihren gesamten Back-Katalog zerstört hatten. Nun folgt mit "Come Down Dawn" eine überarbeitete Version ihres 1990er-Ambient-Meisterwerks "Chill Out". Wohl um weitere Unbill mit Rechtsanwälten zu vermeiden, wurden die nicht lizenzierten Samples entfernt. Das tut dem Hörgenuss kaum Abbruch. "Come Down Dawn" ist die zweite von sechs Veröffentlichungen, die in diesem Jahr erfolgen sollen. | 2021-03-01T08:07:32 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://12apr.su/books/item/f00/s00/z0000070/st004.shtml | Первыми данной проблемой стали заниматься ученые в Чехословакии. В 1959 году они вычисляли протяженность полета метеорита Пшибрам. И тут исследователи натолкнулись на странное препятствие. Определив, что скорость полета метеорита Пшибрам превышает 20 километров в секунду, а протяженность его полета составляет 4 астрономические единицы (астрономической единицей принято считать расстояние от Земли до Солнца), ученые вычислили его массу. Она оказалась значительно выше фактической. В чем здесь секрет? | 2021-03-07T09:51:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210307074942-20210307104942-00239.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://www.haartrocknertests.com/trockenhaube-test/ | Eine Friseurhaube zählt zur Gruppe der Haartrockner und dient dem Trocknen der Haare nach dem Baden, Duschen oder Schwimmen. Im Gegensatz zum Föhn wird die Haube direkt auf den Kopf gelegt. Warme Luft gelangt so direkt an die Haare und die Kopfhaut. Auf diese Art und Weise wird das Haar langsam und schonend getrocknet. Die bekanntesten Trockenhauben sind die sogenannten Schwebehauben. Standtrockenhauben oder Trockenhauben mit Stativ finden sich vor allem in Haarsalons. Sie liegen nicht direkt auf Kopf und Haaren auf. Trockenhauben kommen auch oftmals bei Personen mit Dreadlocks zum Einsatz. Die Haare lassen sich schnell, effektiv und vor allem einfach trocknen. | 2020-04-06T12:17:14 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406102322-20200406132822-00379.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.thomasbrewton.com/index.php/weblog/weblog_printerFriendly/63/ | Non-interventionism was the overriding principle in the West just then, and both communist and fascist meddlers exploited the Big Powers' unwillingness to defend Spain. It was dogma that world wars could only recur as a result of obligatory alliances and/or outsider interventions because those had played a critical role in igniting and spreading the First World War. Spain without intervention would have been just one more European conflict, or so went the theory. To the big powers, intervention by any of the pact's signatories represented a breach of trust and principle of greater importance than 'which meddler was the bigger aggressor' or 'how Spain and peace were best preserved'. I doubt any of the big powers (Britain, France or America) realized how strong the fascists would soon become, or how strong the communists would become with us supplying them with war material and cash (all that would come later). If they had, they probably would have dropped their lofty insistence on non-intervention, and kicked both fascist and communist out of Spain. But, of course, that is hindsight and unrealistic to expect they were any more prescient than we are. | 2015-08-04T03:22:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00318-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://huseyincelik.net/arsivler/1411 | Güvenlik güçlerinin bugüne kadar onlarca bomba yüklü araba veya intihar eylemcisini etkisiz hale getirildiğine işaret eden Çelik, bunun tedhiş (yıldırı) duygusu uyandırmamak için kamuoyuna yansıtılmadığını söyledi. CIA'in ve FBI'ın Boston'daki bombalı saldırıyı tespit edemediklerini anımsatan Çelik, "Yeryüzündeki terör eylemlerini gerçekleşmeden önce yüzde yüz tespit eden ve etkisiz hale getiren bir mekanizma henüz icat edilmemiştir. Bunu ne kadar asgariye indirirseniz o kadar başarılısınız demektir. Ama bir tane bile sızma varsa 'ne yapalım bu da oldu' diyemezsiniz" ifadelerini kullandı. | 2019-05-22T15:12:23 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190522143218-20190522165218-00486.warc.wet.gz | tr |
http://musmed.eu/city/1281 | - Any -AldhelmusAntonius GhijselersAurelianus ReomensisBaudoin de condéBedaBoethiusEugenii tolelaniFulgentiusGautier de ChâtillonGautier de CoinciGregorius MagnusGuillaume de ConchesGuillaume de MachautHildegard Von BingenHoratiusHrabanus MaurusIsidori HispalensisJacopo da BolognaJuvencusLandiniLucanusMartianus CapellaMönch von SalzburgNotkerOckeghemOrosiusOswald von WolkensteinPaulinus AquileiensisPhilippe de VitryPriscianusProsperiPrudentiusSeduliusStatiusTerentiusTheodofridusVenantius FortunatusVergiliusWilliram von Ebersberg | 2021-03-01T07:29:42 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | la |
http://jpornsex.com/annunci-adulti-potenza-sesso-erotico-lesbico-caldo-marciano-culo-grande-adolescente-cornea-incontri-donne-padova | Accompagnatrici Lecce Moglie Spruzzando Porno Tumblr Video Porno Gay Olivola Annunci Porno Messina Escort A Milazzo Www Hot Girl Image Orzès Annunci Gratuiti Di Incontri Toro Nel Sesso Signore Troie Balsorano Vecchio Scene Di Sesso Gay Hollywood Tettona Porno Servizi Di Courteney Annunci Trans Nocera Inferiore Video Di Gangbang Trans Escorts Villa Di Chiavenna Giocattoli Del Sesso Porno Anale Sono Foto Trans Dotate Padova Puttane Film Di Sesso Più Vecchio Moio Valutare Un Bbw Figa Nera Essere Foto Fottute Masterizzazione Anale Ragazza Cerca Gratis Annunci Coppia Cerca Coppia Saragano Italiani Porno La Ragazza Fa Sesso Con Un Piccolo Cane Prive Chiasso Nicotera Marina Solo Porno Coreano Annunci Ragazze Escort Tubo Sissy Fatto In Casa Lemmi Hot Uomini Del Sud Asiatico Fighe Bagnate Single Vicenza Ragazze Con Grandi Foto Di Mozziconi Nastro Di Sesso Lesbico Delle Celebrità Cerca Uomo Milano Molinaro Impressione Che Le Date: Non Che Vedi Se Coppia Cerca Singoli Napoli Www Xlxx Vedio Roulette Sporca Cazzi Grossi Gay Cazzi Enormi Di Trans Idice Girl Legnago Fetish Brescia Salemi Video Porno Brevi Gratis Sesso Livorno Cazzo Di Tubo Rara. Successo è Il Nero Culo Pesante Annunci Sesso A Siracusa Adorazione Piedi Milano Piedi Calza Porno Villa Faraldi Film Porno Gratuiti Per Adolescenti Sesso Annunci Palermo Sexy Com Xnxx Marano Principato Cazzi Eretti Foto Video Amatoriale Coppia Leproso Mistress A Domicilio Grandi Xvideos Di Ebano Google Black Porn Catturato Nellavere Sesso Incontri Di Donne A Siracusa Faedis Incontri Lesbo Tette Fottute Puro Porno Anale Maturo Moruri Foto Culo Aperto Bbw Cazzo Di Foto Piedi Da Leccare Ollastra Simaxis Pornhub Latina Cazzo Amori E Incontri Voglio La Moglie Troia Gay Frat Anale Tettona Adolescente Tettona Incontri Siti Gratis Alpe Casarolo Ragazze X Incontri Sesso Hard Core In Hd Cerco Incontri Bologna Madonna Della Provvidenza Sesso Con Storie Di Moglie Porno Fetish Adulto Uomo Cerca Uomo Ragusa Pene Della Masturbazione Storie Di Sesso Dominanti Foto Sesso Ragazze Cotignola Racconti Erotici Nipote Orge Milano Grande Culo Racconti Erotici Di Zia Signorelli Porno Milf Gratis Shemale Asia Pic La Giustiniana Lettura Porno Sito Gratis Per Incontri Video Porno Gratuiti Del Sud Indiano Niente è Che Si Milf A Benevento Tette Hot Perfette Troie Feléttis Freegroupsex Downblouse Sulla Strada E Chat Di Sesso Più Hot Ragazze Cattive Nudi Rocca Del Colle Chat X Incontri Culi Erotici Incontri Ragazze Catania Auronzo Papà Gay Hd Sito Donne Mature Figa Bruna Universitaria Insinuazione Associata Allo Di Vogliose Grivo Cinese Sexy Canal Zoccole Nero Cazzo Cerco Xnnx Torino Con Qualcuno Che Piano Dellospedale Incontri Di Sesso Siracusa Video Di Cougar Cornea Donne Sesso Modena Vestiti Stretti Troie Greche Trans Torino Isolato Annunci Scambisti Video Di Giovani Ragazze Smetterà Di Essere Di Così Il Concetto Di Persone. Contatto Incontri Napoli Varcaturo Racconti Porno Transex Mostro Gangbang Porno Dalegna Del Collio Ragazze Scopate In Video Accompagnatrici Trapani Tubo Lesbico Tette Piccole Calangianus Annunci Coppie Cuckold Studente Con Insegnante Video Di Sesso Tapis Roulant Degli Offro Sesso A Pagamento Annunci Sesso Online Piccola Giovane Anale Adolescente Umiliato Com Com Mozzagrogna Sesso Donne Firenze Può Assumere Una Pornostar Alpe Agrosa Incontri Foligno Milf Notte Fuori Mamme Calde Scopano Adolescenti Rampazzo Schiavitù Appesa Annunci Personali Trento Incontri Per Adulti Riccione Ragazze Orientali Con Grandi Tette Casa Caminino Come Può Un Grosso Cazzo Registrazione Gratuita Incontri Trans Cosenza Nudi Donna Matura Culo Porno Amatoriale Configni Incontri Castiglione Delle Stiviere Amatoriale Italiano Video Porno | 2019-07-22T12:16:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | it |
http://www.grazitumano.lt/wiki/index.php/Kai%C5%A1iadorys:_Su_Saj%C5%ABd%C5%BEiu_%E2%80%93_%C4%AF_nepriklausomyb%C4%99%21 | 1988-ųjų metų birželis visam laikui įėjo į Lietuvos istoriją. Pradedant Sąjūdžio iniciatyvinės grupės įkūrimu vėlų birželio 3-osios vakarą Mokslų Akademijoje Vilniuje, birželio 10-ąją Kaune, Sąjūdžio grupių steigimas nuvilnijo per visą Lietuvą. Kaišiadorių rajone pirmoji LPS grupė įsikūrė Rumšiškių liaudies buities muziejuje birželio 24d. 1988m. rugpjūčio 30 d. ir Kaišiadorių mieste įsikūrė Sąjūdžio iniciatyvinė grupė: Stanislovas Abromavičius, Stasys Petrauskas, Rimantas Kapčius, Asta Petrauskaitė, Vidmantas Malinauskas. Grupės įgaliotiniu išrinktas Stasys Petrauskas. | 2021-03-07T08:34:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210307074942-20210307104942-00239.warc.wet.gz | lt |
http://forum.blackhairmedia.com/the-max-hydration-methodfrom-my-other-post_topic368937_page8.html | Great job on the blog kwicherbichen looks great! I just posted pictures of my baking soda experience on my instagram @msdeekay2012 *LINK* will be documenting there for now till I get all my ingredients and start the full regimen. I used the tags #maximumhydrationmethod and #journeytomaximumhydration if any ladies are on instagram and want to share, you can use those tags and we can find each other that way.I'll start documenting on the blog and youtube, once I start the full regimen. I'll PM you the links soon kwicherbichen.@exceeding grace your hair looks wonderful, thanks so much for sharing your progress, it really encourages the rest of us. Sponsored Links | 2015-11-29T20:56:43 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205419-00223-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Vivaldi-Concerti-due-violini-archi/dp/B00ED5N9WO | This well recorded disc from 2013 continues the excellent Naive series of discs aimed at recording the complete works of Vivaldi held in the Turin library. That amounts to over 450 manuscripts and covers the complete range of secular, non-secular, stage and concert works written by Vivaldi and is therefore the largest single such collection in the world. This is volume 56 of the series so far.Vivaldi, a virtuoso violinist of international repute, wrote considerable numbers of violin concertos, notable for their remarkable variety. Among these are about twenty concertos for two violins, of which six are presented here. This is volume 1 of such works so presumably there will be more to follow. Many of the works exist in other forms and written for different pairs of instruments. The most well-known double concertos, not included here, are to be found in the Opus 3 set of concerti grossi, L'Estro Armonico.The six concertos on this disc are expertly played by Riccaro Minasi and Dmitry Sinkovsky who are also features as soloist in the single violin concertos volumes 4 and 5 respectively. Each of the two soloists takes the lead violin part in three of the current concertos. The double concertos were written between about 1711 at the time of the Opus 3 set to the 1730's, with most being written from the 1720's onwards. They are thus works of maturity and reflect Vivaldi's continuing interest in stretching the bounds of technical and creative possibilities.All the six concertos presented here demonstrate both that technical and creative imagination with dramatic contrasts, demanding high-lying passage work and rapid figuration of a scale and arpeggio nature in the outer fast movements. There is also much use made of imitation and mirror imaging.Read more ' | 2015-04-18T12:05:45 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045714-00048-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.slideshare.net/errino/project-server-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry-enabling-technologies-best-practices | support management labor costs in the energy of project portfolios, such systems were often difficult to use andlacked critical business (up- and downstream) functionality. A significant disconnect remains in the availability andexchange of management information between the portfolio and project management functions.The effect of this disconnect is an inability of the portfolio managers to track the actual status of the portfolio andto support investment decision making. It also leads to a gap in the availability of aggregated managementinformation at the central "projects office" level, making the review of projects underway a more time-consumingfunction and preventing management from intervening quickly when projects require additional support or start tofail.A company that does not successfully link project management with program and ultimately portfoliomanagement may notice that it is unable to: Identify and prioritize successful and profitable project opportunities at regional, business unit, and corporate level; Monitor financial thresholds of portfolio as well as earned value; Maintain a balanced portfolio as circumstances and realities change; Develop appropriate contracting strategies to reflect the technical, geographical, and commercial profile of the project pipeline; Monitor and report the delivery performance of the existing portfolio; Identify limited or critical project-delivery resources at the portfolio level and optimize these across a number of projects.A common result of organizations that fail to link project and portfolio data is the regular emergence of "surprises"on project overruns at the portfolio level – often too late for any meaningful management intervention and aftersuccessful time-scope-quality project delivery has been communicated to executive management.However, software is already available that provides visibility of all critical project and portfolio data and keyperformance indicators (KPIs) while enabling organization to make best practices accessible to all business units inthe Oil & Gas sector. By supporting full collaboration between all contributors to a venture, these systems fromestablished vendors allow companies to integrate information from project to portfolio level, and replicateprocesses that have been proven to work within different lines of business. Moreover, the data standardizationthat is the natural result of implementing integrated systems means that PPM decision makers can make "apples-to-apples" comparisons that facilitate prioritization of projects in a way that maximizes profitability and minimizesrisk.Here is a sampling of how Microsoft Project Server 2010 can address some of the more common PPM challengeswithin the context of a best-practices framework. Balance resource demands with availability. Resource availability – or having the right number of people with the right skills in the right place at the right time – is a major issue in the Oil & Gas sector. The stiff competition for resources -- which happens even within the same company -- inevitably drives prices up. Companies implementing systems that give them the ability to forecast resource demands are able to estimate any shortfalls and develop strategies for bringing in additional resources in the most cost- effective manner. 5 | 2015-11-29T07:23:52 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205416-00228-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.52reviews.com/ | For circumstances, Cassandra Stone has been prominent for her classic and sophisticated looking moonlight sweetheart dress for loose and flabby ladies. Her plus portion collection varies from 14W-30W and generally includes a headscarf and also shoulder bands to highlight. On the other hand, Xcite Plus Size Prom is one of the leading developers of today for gorgeous looking items. Designs range from a straightforward sophisticated moonlight sweetheart dress to an extraneously beaded senior prom pieces. Most kinds of textiles are used in the collection like satin, silk, organza and tulle. Portions are additionally offered in 14W-30W. If searching for a sophisticated and innovative appearance, you can inspect Faviana Plus. Faviana is knowned for its cutting-edge design, extraordinary fit as well as careful focus on every information like beadworks, needleworks and also jewelry details. | 2015-04-25T15:57:08 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045730-00154-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.kipa.co.il/%D7%9E%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%95%D7%90%D7%95%D7%AA/%D7%90%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%90%D7%9C/ | עיר אביביםאביטלאביעזראבן יהודהאבן מנחםאבן שמואלאבני איתןאבני חפץאדיריםאדםאדרתאופקיםאור יהודהאור עקיבאאורניתאזוראחיעזראילתאיתמראיתןאלוןאלון מורהאלון שבותאלוני הבשןאליכיןאלישמעאלעדאלעזראלפי מנשהאלקושאלקנהאמיריםאספראפרתאריאלאשדודאשחראשקלוןאשתאולבאר יעקבבאר שבעבארות יצחקבטחהביריהבית אלבית אל ביתבית גמליאלבית דגןבית הגדיבית חורוןבית מאירבית שאןבית שמשביתר עליתבני ברקבני דרוםבני עישבני ראםבנימינהבר יוחאיברקתבת חפרבת יםבת עיןגאולי תימןגאוליםגבעת אבניגבעת זאבגבעת יעריםגבעת עדהגבעת שמואלגבעתיםגדרהגיתיתגמזוגן יבנהגני תקוהדולבדימונהדישוןדלתוןהוד השרוןהזורעיםהר אדרהר ברכההרצליהזכרון יעקבחדרהחולוןחזוןחיפהחמדחמדתחספיןחצור הגליליתחרישחרמשטבריהטירת הכרמלטירת יהודהטלמוןטפחותיבנהיבניאליד בנימיןיהודינוןיצהריציץיקיריקנעםיקנעם עיליתירוחםירושליםכוכב השחרכוכב יאירכוכב יעקבכפר אדומיםכפר הראהכפר חב"דכפר חסידיםכפר יונהכפר מימוןכפר סבאכפר פינסכפר תבורכפר תפוחכרמיאלכרמיםלביאלהביםלודמבוא חורוןמבשרת ציוןמגדלמגדל העמקמגדל עוזמודיעיןמודיעין עיליתמורשתמזכרת בתיהמחולהמטולהמיתרמנותמעוןמעלה אדומיםמעלה אפריםמעלה לבונהמעלה מכמשמעלה שומרוןמעלות תרשיחאמצפה אילןמצפה הושעיהמצפה יריחומצפה נטופהמצפה רמוןמרכז שפיראנאות הככרנהריהנוה דניאלנופיםנוקדיםנחושהניצןניר עציוןניר עקיבאנס הריםנס ציונהנצרת עיליתנריהנשרנתיבותנתניהסביוןסעדעומרעזרעטרתעכועליעלי זהבעמנואלעפולהעפרהעץ אפריםערדעתליתעתניאלפדואלפסגותפרדס חנה כרכורפרדסיהפתח תקוהצור יגאלצפריהצפתקדומיםקדימהקצריןקרית אונוקרית ארבעקרית אתאקרית ביאליקקרית גתקרית טבעוןקרית יםקרית מוצקיןקרית מלאכיקרית נטפיםקרית ספרקרית עקרוןקרית שמואלקרית שמונהקרני שומרוןקשתראש העיןראש פינהראש צוריםראשון לציוןרבבה ישוברחובותרחליםרכסיםרמלהרמת אפעלרמת גןרמת השרוןרמת ישירמת פנקסרעותרעננהשבות רחלשדה אליהושדמות מחולהשדרותשוהםשלומישעלביםשער אפריםשקףתל אביבתל מונדתקוע | 2020-03-30T08:03:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200330054217-20200330084217-00506.warc.wet.gz | iw |
http://elmilicianocnt-aitchiclana.blogspot.com/2013/01/ | Mientras no superemos esa mentalidad medieval que identifica la virtud, la valentía, el honor y el servicio a los demás como valores casi exclusivos del guerrero, no avanzaremos en una sociedad más justa, libre, igualitaria y en paz. Y no me sirve eso de que nuestros guerreros nos defienden de posibles agresores extranjeros porque, lo que hoy me ataca y me agrede son las leyes de mi propio país que suprimen derechos sociales; leyes que permiten y facilitan quitar el trabajo y la casa a las personas, y leyes que saquean impunemente el patrimonio sanitario y educativo de toda la sociedad en beneficio privado de unos pocos. Pero claro, nuestros guerreros no están para defender "tonterías", no es su guerra. ¿O sí? | 2020-04-06T08:30:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | es |
http://health.usf.edu/medicine/pediatrics/im_peds/our_resident_physicians.htm | Melania Poonacha, MD, MPHResident PhysicianDr. Poonacha is a native of Lexington, Kentucky. She obtained her bachelor of science in biology from the University of Kentucky. She completed a master's in public health at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Her work in the field of sexual violence prevention led to a position at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. After working there for a year, she decided to return to the US for medical school and completed her MD degree at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. She is a 2009-2010 recipient of the CDC OC Hubert Global Health Fellowship. Her medical interests include adolescent medicine, family planning, infectious diseases and global health. In her free time, Dr. Poonacha enjoys surfing, Egyptian bellydancing, and soccer. | 2015-04-01T09:22:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172144-00258-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.dctp.de/magazin-news--stories/archives/10-2014 | Thomas Südhof ist ein Grenzgänger zwischen Europa und den USA. Er gehört zu den weltweit bedeutendsten Hirnforschern. Am milliardenschweren Human Brain Project ist er beteiligt. Vor etwa 800 Millionen Jahren, sagt er, entwickelten sich aus urzeitlichen Lebensformen die Tiere. Was sie von Anfang an auszeichnet, sind chemische und später elektrische Botenstoffe und Signale, die die lebendigen Reaktionen ausmachen. Aus dieser internen Kommunikation („empfindender Zellen") entwickeln sich Nerven und Hirn. | 2019-05-19T07:29:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190519061520-20190519083520-00143.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://gelijkekansenvooreendiversejeugd.nl/nieuws/nieuwe-boegbeelden-voor-route-jeugd-van-de-nationale-wetenschapsagenda/ | Sander: 'Precies. Er is al heel veel kennis, maar die moet wel op de juiste plek terechtkomen en op een goede manier gebruikt worden. Verder gaan we natuurlijk te rade bij professionals in jeugdzorg en onderwijs. Zij gaan een duidelijke stem krijgen in het onderzoek dat wij gaan organiseren namens de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.' 'En we hebben al een taskforce,' vult Sabine aan, 'Met hen zitten we binnenkort om de tafel. Dat zijn 20 onderzoekers, praktijkprofessionals en beleidsmakers die ook de kennisagenda van onze route al hebben samengesteld. Het komende half jaar werken Sabine en Sander aan een plan voor de route Jeugd: 'Een plan vol ambitie voor onderzoek waar zoveel mogelijk Nederlandse jongeren baat bij hebben.' | 2020-04-06T09:22:21 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | nl |
http://www.w3.org/News/2009 | The Web Applications Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of File API. This specification provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. This API is designed to be used in conjunction with other APIs and elements on the web platform, notably: XMLHttpRequest (e.g. with an overloaded send() method for File objects), postMessage, DataTransfer (part of the drag and drop API defined in [HTML5,]) and Web Workers. Additionally, it should be possible to programmatically obtain a list of files from the input element [HTML5] when it is in the File Upload state. These kinds of behaviors are defined in the appropriate affiliated specifications. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity. | 2015-04-01T10:09:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172144-00258-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://grist.org/climate-energy/page/1638/ | Here's a clear demonstration of why, in a cap-and-trade system, grandfathering emissions rights to historic polluters is a terrible idea: The UK's biggest polluters will reap a windfall of at least £6bn from rising power prices and the soaring value of carbon under the new European carbon trading scheme ... Critics argue ... that the scheme, under which nearly all allowances are granted free of charge rather than having to be bought by big polluters, has created a distorted market in which the worst offenders will enjoy bumper profits while incurring no extra underlying cost for producing greenhouse gases. That's just about right: handing out pollution rights for free, as the European emissions trading system did, creates the potential for massive, unearned windfall profits. Permits will have a market value -- someone will want to buy them. So when we hand out emissions permits at no cost, we're essentially handing out free money. There may be a few exceptions to this rule: a few economic sectors where free allocation won't lead to windfall profits. But they're the exceptions. The rule (as demonstrated in Europe) is that grandfathering is great for polluters, and bad for consumers. So maybe that's why lots of big oil and coal companies are so supportive of grandfathering ... The Ecologist dishes it up | 2015-03-27T01:59:32 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://bestplacestomeet.space/binary-options-singapura-gratis/best-binary-options-broker-olymp-trade-bonus.html | Tentu para profesional mungkin memperbesar akun mereka dalam jumlah berapa pun. Aturan investasi klasik berlaku di sini: risiko yang lebih rendah memberi keuntungan lebih rendah. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir sejumlah besar pedagang telah memilih perusahaan untuk kerja sama. Penyebut umum dari semua metode yang berhasil adalah analisis yang akurat dan perkiraan yang cermat. Pilihan Biner di Metatrader. Metatrader4 untuk perdagangan opsi biner. Cara ini sangat sederhana! Hal ini juga best binary options broker Olymp Trade bonus ditawarkan oleh beberapa broker dan memiliki pilihan untuk dibeli kembali Ini adalah berbagai strategi perdagangan pasar terikat opsi yang disebut masuk atau keluar cara deposit dan withdraw di binomo uang tetapi keduanya mewakili variabel utama di antara broker. | 2021-02-28T00:29:57 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210227234501-20210228024501-00313.warc.wet.gz | id |
http://godsbay.ru/civilizations/tehnika_vizantyskoi_epohi.html | Техника византийской эпохи продолжила все основные достижения античности. Вместе с тем, Византии принадлежит значительный вклад в ее дальнейшем развитии. Стоит только обратиться, например, к архитектуре. Именно в Византии был создан новый тип храма – крестовокупольного, который стал образцом для подражания как на Западе, так и на Востоке. Его создание связано с именем крупнейшего архитектора, инженера и ученого Исидора Милетского (VI век). Он прекрасно знал физику Архимеда, математику, механику Герона Александрийского. Именно им был возведен собор святой Софии в Константинополе. Это была первая купольная конструкция, вытеснившая базилику с двускатной крышей, преодолевшая античную ордерную систему. Огромный купол имел в диаметре 32 метра и был поднят на высоту более сорока метров. Византийские мастера возводили многоэтажные дворцы, мощные крепостные сооружения. Чудом византийской архитектуры был зал Мистерион, обладавший феноменальной акустикой: слово, сказанное шепотом в самом углу зала, было отчетливо слышно на противоположной его стороне. | 2019-07-22T12:35:57 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://lubitur.ru/kruiz-4-baltiyskiye-stolitsy-iz-sankt-peterburga-5-dney | Корабль был построен в 1626 году как флагман шведского флота, призванный продемонстрировать военную мощь и богатство страны, был заказом самого короля Швеции Густава II Адольфа. Корабль был обнаружен в середине прошлого века, полностью восстановлен и является гордостью страны и истинным свидетелем истории Швеции начала XVII века. В программу экскурсии входит знакомство с центральной частью Стокгольма и его историческим центром. Окончание экскурсии в музее, на острове Юргорден, где имеется возможность дальнейшего самостоятельного отдыха. | 2019-05-24T07:14:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://lordvampyr.net/diagram/2008-ram-2500-diesel-lighting-wire-schematic | Family tree Feynman diagram Flow chart Flow process chart Flow diagram Fusion diagram Free body diagram G Gantt chart shows the timing of tasks or activities used in project management Grotrian diagram Goodman diagram shows the fatigue data example: for a wind turbine blades H Hasse diagram HIPO diagram I Internal Block Diagram IBD used in SysML IDEF0 IDEF1 entity relations Interaction overview diagram from UML Ishikawa diagram J Jackson diagram K Karnaugh map Kinematic diagram L Ladder diagram Line of balance Link grammar diagram M Martin ERD Message Sequence Chart Mind map used for learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking and problem solving Minkowski spacetime diagram Molecular orbital diagram N N2 Nassi Shneiderman diagram or structogram a representation for structured programming Nomogram Network diagram O Object diagram from UML 2/9 Organigram Onion diagram also known as "stacked Venn diagram" P Package diagram from UML 4/9 and SysML Parametric diagram from SysML PERT Petri net shows the structure of a distributed system as a directed bipartite graph with annotations Phylogenetic tree - represents a phylogeny evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms Piping and instrumentation diagram P&ID Phase diagram used to present solid/liquid/gas information Plant Diagram Pressure volume diagram used to analyse engines Pourbaix diagram Process flow diagram or PFD used in chemical engineering Program structure diagram R Radar chart Radial Diagram Requirement Diagram Used in SysML Rich Picture R-diagram Routing diagram S Sankey diagram represents material, energy or cost flows with quantity proportional arrows in a process network. Sentence diagram represents the grammatical structure of a natural language sentence. Sequence diagram from UML 8/9 and SysML SDL/GR diagram Specification and Description Language. SDL is a formal language used in computer science. Smith chart Spider chart Spray diagram SSADM Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology used in software engineering Star chart/Celestial sphere State diagram are used for state machines in software engineering from UML 7/9 Swim lane Syntax diagram used in software engineering to represent a context-free grammar Systems Biology Graphical Notation a graphical notation used in diagrams of biochemical and cellular processes studied in Systems biology System context diagram System structure Systematic layout planning T Timing Diagram: Digital Timing Diagram Timing Diagram: UML 2.0 TQM Diagram Treemap U UML diagram Unified Modeling Language used in software engineering Use case diagram from UML 5/9 and SysML V Value Stream Mapping Venn diagram Voronoi diagram W Warnier-Orr Williot diagram Y Yourdon-Coad see Edward Yourdon, used in software engineering 2005 ford f150 fuse diagram pdf 2005 ford f150 fuse panel diagram 2005 ford f150 fx4 fuse box diagram 2005 ford f150 headlight switch wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 ignition wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 lariat fuse box diagram 2005 ford f150 pcm wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 radio wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 starter wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram free picture 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram picture 2005 ford f150 stx fuse box diagram | 2020-04-04T21:29:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.osti.gov/nle/topicpages/m/management+energy+sources.html | Energy is a luxury that no one can afford to waste, and many Federal Government agencies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of using energy wisely. Thoughtful use of energy resources is important, not only to meet agency goals, but because energy efficiency helps improve air quality. Sound facility management offers huge savings that affect the agency`s bottom line, the environment, and workplace quality. In these fiscally-modest times, pursuing sound energy management programs can present additional challenges for energy and facility managers. The correct path to take is not always the easiest. Hard work, innovation, and vision are characteristic of those who pursue energy efficiency. That is why the Department of energy, Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is proud to salute the winners of the 1998 Federal Energy and Water Management Award. The 1998 winners represent the kind of 21st century thinking that will help achieve widespread Federal energy efficiency. In one year, the winners, through a combination of public and private partnerships, saved more than $222 million and 10.5 trillion Btu by actively identifying and implementing energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy projects. Through their dedication, hard work, ingenuity, and success, the award winners have also inspired others to increase their own efforts to save energy and water and to more aggressively pursue the use of renewable energy sources. The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize the winners` contributions and ability to inspire others to take action. | 2016-10-23T00:29:19 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00439-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://anulib.anu.edu.au/about/steele/brought_book.html | One answer is to move to the "Electronic University Press" with the same processes of refereeing and editing but making the text available on line and on demand. Price analyses at ANU and University of Southern Cross show an average price of $20 for monograph on demand publishing. Other publishers worldwide like M.I.T. and Columbia University Press have mounted some of their books free of charge on the Net which has resulted in increased sales up for hardback copies! Other publishers sell chapter or individual contributors to symposia. | 2015-08-02T08:15:40 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.sab08.org/ | It should be no surprise that this company regularly gets ranked ahead of cable competitors, as they simply blow them out of the water. Whether you are looking for sports and action movies or dramas and television series, this company offers it all. Now your whole family can enjoy the media they love and you can still avoid paying the heavy bills that much of the competition brings to the table. The time is now to upgrade and start enjoying your television to the maximum potential it should have always delivered. | 2015-03-27T01:55:36 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.gredi.net/queso-hm-comparacion/ | Cuando compras en Internet, los métodos de pago ofrecidos son siempre muy importantes. Muchos consumidores encuentran la compra en muchas tiendas online insegura. Ciertamente, los sellos de confianza contribuirán a disipar un poco esta incertidumbre. Pero Amazon es sinónimo de compras seguras con una amplia variedad de opciones de pago. Esto significa que existe una opción de pago adecuada y, sobre todo, segura para cada necesidad. Puede cargar queso hm con una tarjeta de crédito o, por ejemplo, desde su cuenta bancaria, dependiendo del procedimiento que le resulte más ventajoso. | 2021-02-28T00:59:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210227234501-20210228024501-00313.warc.wet.gz | es |
https://www.homeaway.it/affitto-vacanze/p462471 | This comfortable apartment is tucked into a corner of the hill of Palaia, access up a steep stone stairway with a tiny patio by he front door for sunny private breakfasts. This is a cosy hideaway, we were made welcome by the owner and left a basket of fresh fruit and a tot of vinsanto for our first night. There was a kitchen diner with everything needed for cooking at home as well as the new digital tv with dvd player and internet computer. Combined heat and air conditioning units are in each room, and bathroom has a jacuzzi. The house was wonderfully quiet, the panoramic views were stunning from the belvedere behind us and the local restaurants superb. Down the hill the Bar Ritrovo now boasts a Whitstable football shirt in the collection. This small town does have parking issues sometimes but has a second car park at the end of the centre near the Petirosso restaurant. The walk home is worth it! | 2016-10-25T17:30:25 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/about/1587-community-boards | The community boards system has a long history, having evolved from an experiment of former Manhattan Borough President Robert F. Wagner. In 1951 Wagner established twelve "Community Planning Councils" consisting of 15 to 20 members each. The councils were charged with advising the Borough President on planning and budgetary matters. In a very real sense, Wagner's experiment was a prescient response to a well-articulated postwar fear that, to an ever increasing extent, people's lives were controlled by large, faceless bureaucracies. The fight against dictatorship abroad, the dominance of mass culture, and the growth of domestic government at all levels fueled much of this fear. Books with titles like The Lonely Crowd, Growing Up Absurd, The Organization Man, White Collar, and Escape From Freedom made the bestseller lists of the 1950s. All of these books lamented the fate of the individual in a world dominated by large organizations and looked toward a future in which individuals would regain control over their lives. | 2015-08-02T08:22:52 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.chicagoillinoisweddingphotography.com/category/destinations/ | The majestic red rocks, grand cliffside mountain views, meandering creeks, canyons and desert plants, paired with a venue that offered an authentic outdoor terrace for seating, dancing, and outside courtyard spaces to enjoy the clean mountain air and celebrate, all those elements together created the best wedding ambiance ever. Helping to put Steve and Veronica's vision together was the hired expertise of a Laura Marolakos of Heart of Sedona Weddings. Laura helped the couple narrow down their search for a Sedona reception venue to one of the town's famous and a authentically-styled Mexican village called Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village. We loved Tlaquepaque – what an amazing venue. Surrounded by huge sycamore trees, vine-covered stucco walls, and cobblestone pathways and courtyards, the village is located near the center of Sedona and has the authentic Spanish style decor and historic, architectural details which makes it feels like it has been around for centuries. A few years ago Steve + Veronica first visited Sedona during a vacation to Phoenix, they came back for second visit, fell in love with the area, and ultimately decided a getaway destination in the mountains would be perfect for them. Veronica said "we wanted to have a small and intimate wedding with only our close family and friends and that is why we decided to go the destination route. We didn't want to deal with all the stress of a large wedding and we wanted to plans an event different from all others. With the smaller group coming along, we were also able to make the day about us. A favorite moment of the day for Steve was when he first saw my dad and I at the doorway to the chapel. My favorite memory was seeing Steve standing at the alter waiting for me." | 2015-03-27T05:11:42 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172135-00131-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://kremmania.hu/kremek/no7-stay-perfect | Imádom ezt a kis csodaszert!! Időszakosan szokott hullani a hajam, sok mindent kipróbáltam már, de ez tényleg használt. Én minden nap jól befújkálom vele a fejbőröm és alaposan belemasszírozom, ilyen használat mellett a 2. hét végére jelentősen csökkent a hajhullásom, és azóta rengeteg babahajam is nőtt az egész fejemen. Nagy meglepetéssel tapasztaltam, hogy nem csak új hajszálaim nőttek, hanem a meglévő hosszú szálak is mintha megvastagodtak volna, erősebbek lennének. Már a 2. flakonnál járok, de biztos, hogy mindig lesz belőle itthon. Persze nem fogom mindig minden nap használni, csak kúraszerűen. | 2020-03-28T21:28:53 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328194743-20200328224743-00291.warc.wet.gz | hu |
https://www.kunauimplement.com/new-equipment/case-ih/loaders-and-attachments/loader-attachments/General-Purpose-Buckets/Light-Duty-High-Capacity | All Types Aerator Applicator Attachments Baler-Round Baler-Square Blade Rear-3 Point Hitch Combine Cutter Feeder Wagon-Portable Field Cultivator Forage Boxes and Blowers Forage Box-Wagon Mounted Forage Harvester-Self Propelled Forage Head-Row Crop Forage Head-Windrow Pickup Grain Cart Grain Vac Gravity Box Hay Merger Hay Rake-Rotary Header/Platform Header-Corn Header-Draper/Flex Header-Reel Only Header-Row Crop Manure Spreader-Dry Manure Spreader-Dry/Pull Type Misc. Ag Mower Conditioner Planter Post Hole Digger Riding Mower Rippers Rotary Cutter Rotary Tiller Running Gear Silage Bagger Skid Steer Skid Steer-Track Snow Blower Sprayer-Pull Type Sprayer-Self Propelled Tillage Tractor Utility Vehicle Vertical Tillage Zero Turn Mower | 2020-04-01T01:22:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401003422-20200401033422-00171.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.chemie-schule.de/KnowHow/Latein | Während Spätantike und Völkerwanderung verfiel schrittweise der lateinische Grammatikunterricht und damit der Gebrauch der lateinischen Sprache. Ein Großteil der lateinischen Literatur der Antike ging zwischen 550 und 750 verloren, neue literarische Texte in dieser Sprache entstanden seit dem späten 6. Jahrhundert kaum mehr. Der letzte römische Kaiser, dessen Muttersprache Latein war, war Justinian, und als letzter bedeutender lateinischer Poet des Altertums gilt sein Zeitgenosse Corippus (um 550). Auch Gregor der Große predigte um 600 noch in klassischem Latein. In der Folgezeit aber vergrößerte sich im Bereich des einstigen weströmischen Reiches die Kluft zwischen der Umgangssprache und Hochlatein so erheblich, dass sich schließlich aus den lokalen Dialekten eigene Volkssprachen entwickelten. Als „Geburtsurkunde" dieser romanischen Sprachen gilt dabei das Konzil von Tours im Jahr 813, auf dem beschlossen wurde, fortan Predigten in volkstümlicher Sprache zuzulassen, da die Gläubigen kein Latein mehr verstünden. In Ostrom, wo man in Verwaltung und Armee noch im 6. Jahrhundert Latein gesprochen hatte, war Latein im frühen 7. Jahrhundert gänzlich außer Gebrauch geraten und durch das Griechische ersetzt worden. | 2019-05-24T07:49:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://yandex.ua/pogoda/rezekne-rezekne-municipality/month/february?lang=ru | Погода в Резекне в феврале — Яндекс.ПогодаГород Найтина 10 днейпо месяцампогода на картеВойтиПрогноз погоды в Резекне на месяцДругой город30 днейПогода по месяцам:ЯнварьФевральМартАпрельМайИюньИюльАвгустСентябрьОктябрьНоябрьДекабрьПогода в Резекне в февралеВ феврале в Резекне бывает в среднем 1 ясный день и 2 дня с осадками. Выпадает 51 миллиметр осадков — 5% годовой нормы. Относительная влажность воздуха составляет 91%.Температура днём и ночьюЧисло солнечных и ненастных днейСамые солнечные месяцы в Резекне — май, июнь, июль, август. Больше всего дней с продолжительными осадками бывает в мае, июне и июле.Количество осадков, ммМинимальное количество осадков в Резекне выпадает в феврале, марте и апреле, максимальное — в июне, июле и октябре.Влажность воздуха, %Самые влажные месяцы в Резекне — февраль, ноябрь, декабрь. Самые сухие — май, июль и август.РусскийРусскийУкраїнськаПользовательское соглашениеПомощьОбратная связьРекламаИсходные данные: ООО "Яндекс.Пробки", Foreca, NOAA© 2000–2017 ООО "Яндекс" | 2017-06-29T06:10:57 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170629051817-20170629071817-00000.warc.wet.gz | ru |
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http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2011/10/26/west-wing-bullies/ | The old established media outlets – newspapers, news mags, broadcast TV are much easier to control because the editors and owners are at the mercy of federal regulation and the pressure that can be exerted by the left and the administration on advertisers. Glenn Beck's show on Fox was a good example of how the left and this administration will put pressure on advertisers to pull their dollars from a media outlet that reports on things the administration does not want reported on. To Beck's credit, he told the money people to take a hike and started his own show on the Internet. It is the blogosphere that really makes this administration's skin crawl. People such as yourself that go out and find the stories and report on them in an open and minimalist environment are not going to be able to be controlled through advertising dollars. Granted there will be people like Moulitsas and Huffington that will use the new media to shill for the Progressives, but many conservatives and libertarians are getting into the new media mainstream, and reporting on what is happening in an honest and open forum. | 2017-06-24T10:33:58 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624101204-20170624121204-00635.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://digest.bps.org.uk/2017/07/11/sexual-offending-by-women-is-surprisingly-common-claims-us-study/?like_comment=17487&_wpnonce=3682c456ab | Taken together, the researchers say that the data challenge the one-dimensional stereotype of women as only passive and harmless. Facing up to the reality of the prevalence of female sex offences actually serves feminist goals, they argue, citing another scholar who wrote that to be fully recognised, women must be "heard in all possible forms, whether in compassion, in protest or in violence". The results also challenge stereotypes about men, they added, such as that they have "an insatiable desire for sex", and they challenge rape myths such as that it is impossible for "a big strong man to be raped by a woman" (which the majority of students endorsed as true in a recent survey). | 2020-04-06T10:08:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://gatheringground.com/store/search.asp?client=F099D6E1EF904D41B1A75EE90FAC9E86&sesid=87629052&cat=2 | SEARCH CATEGORIES: Search All .hack Cards Authentic Cardinals Jersey Axis & Allies Minis Babylon 5 Cards Bakugan Action Figurs Battlestar Galactica Cards Battletech Cards Beyblades Bleach Trading Card Games Board Games Buffy Cards Crimson Skies D & D D & D Miniatures Dice / Glass Stones Doom Trooper Doomtown Dragon Shield Supplies Dragonball Z & GT Dreamblade DuelMasters Dune Fullmetal Alchemist Gaming Play Mats Glass Stones Harry Potter Hecatomb Hercules Heroclix Figures High Stakes Drifter HumAliens Illuminati InuYasha Jim Lee's C 23 L5R Looney Tunes LOTR Miniatures LOTR RPG LOTR TCG Mage Knight Mage Knight 2.0 Magi-Nation Magic the Gathering Trading Cards Max Protection Supplies MechWarrior Medabots CCG Megaman TCG Middle Earth MLB Showdown MLB Sportsclix Mythos Naruto Nascar Race Day NeoPets Net Runner NFL Showdown Not So Scary Monsters On The Edge Ophidian 2350 Overpower Pirates of the Spanish Main Pokemon Figures Pokemon Trading Cards Poker Chips Popular Movies Collectibles Rage Rocketmen Scryes Shadowrun Duels Shaman King Sponge Bob Star Trek Star Wars Minis Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Star Wars TCG Storage Boxes The Eye of Judgment The Simpsons Ty Beanie's Ultra Pro Supplies Universal Fighting System Virtual Littlest Pet Shop Vs. System Trading Card Games Warlord WARS WebKinz World of Warcraft Cards WWF/WWE X-Files X-Men Xena Xiaolin Showdown TCG Yu Yu Hakusho YuGiOh Trading Cards Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters | 2020-03-28T18:01:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://healthywithjodi.com/tag/apple/ | Posted byadmin January 3, 2016 Posted inHealth Blog, Tips and TricksTags: absorbance capacity, acid reflux, aid, aids, and, anti-aging properties, antidote, antioxidant rich foods, antioxidants, Apple, article, awesome foods, bad breath, Benefits, best book, blood, blood glucose, blood glucose levels, blood sugar, body, body detoxification Ginger, boost energy, cancer, cancer cell growth, cells, cholesterol, chronic inflammation, Cider, circulation inhibits, cold fights salmonella, cold symptoms, commercials, complexion great source, components, controls blood sugar, defenses, depression Habanero Peppers, Description, detoxification, diabetes, diet, difference, Echinacea, email Jodi, energy, Enzymes, fights cancer, fights inflammation promotes, fitness, food, foods, function, function/fights infection aids, gas, genital herpes outbreaks, glucose, great source, great way, green drink, headaches, heals, health, health benefits, healthy hair, healthywithjodi.com, heart disease, heart disease promotes, heart health, heart health whitens, herb, Horseradish, infections cures yeast, intestinal cancers, Jodi, lactic acid, levels, lipids, liver, lowers blood glucose, lowers inflammation Oregano, migrane symptoms aid, minimizes sinus infection, mood, Muscle, muscle soreness, nail fungus, natural cough suppressant, nausea, number, nutrition, nuts, obesity great cancer, Oil treats foot, Oregano Oil, outbreaks, overall health, oxidative stress, oxygen radical absorbance, parasites, people, powerful antioxidants, prevention, Promotes, properties aids, questions, radical damage, raw honey, Raw Honey cancer, reduces urinary tract, regulator, Rheumatoid arthritis, risk, Root fights cancer, sickness, sinus pressure treats, Source, stomach, strep, sugar, Super, super foods, symptoms, talk shows, teeth Garlic boost, time, ulcers good cholesterol, urinary tract infections, vegetable oils, vegetables, Vinegar lowers cholesterol, vinegar Tumeric, Vitamin, vitamins, way, whys, wonders, work, yeastLeave a comment on The Most Powerful Natural Antioxidants | 2020-03-30T06:06:14 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200330054217-20200330084217-00506.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://tuoitudongmee.com/realistic-bulgarian-girls-systems-the-inside-track/ | Notice that you just carry worth to different peoples lives out of your experiences and persona. Earlier than loving anybody else or discovering love, I feel it is advisable learn to like yourself... No innuendo meant. Even if you're not on the lookout for love and just wish to meet some new companions to spend time with and get to know, folks bulgaria women worth honesty. Talk about what you enjoying doing, what you may wish to do whilst on a date with them and go away them breadcrumbs within the literary sense. Strive not to give the game away suddenly so it leads the reader into eager to ask you questions and develop a way of curiosity in your life. Work out what it is you wish to get out of a dating web site after which your probabilities of assembly someone with the identical desires will increase. | 2020-04-06T07:48:34 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.pm.gov.au/media/transcript-press-conference | We have a first class health system here in Australia, but no hospital system on its own can deal with this at its most extreme position, whether that's in the United Kingdom or anywhere else. And last night, I had the opportunity to talk to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and we were talking through these very types of scenarios and and it was important for us to be swapping notes on those issues as I was with Prime inister Arden yesterday, as we discussed the arrangements that she put in place yesterday in New Zealand. And indeed, we've been considering ourselves. | 2020-04-04T12:18:48 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404103932-20200404133932-00129.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.arcteryx.com/Materials.aspx?FR | Des fibres effilochées ou cassées peuvent accélérer le processus et rendre un vêtement "trempé" plus rapidement. Ces fibres cassées cassent la tension à la surface des goutelettes d'eau - elles sont ainsi absorbées par le tissu. La neige et la glace peuvent aussi s'accrocher à ces fibres. L'humidité accumulée sur la surface de la veste réduit la respirabilité et augmente les effets de la perte de chaleur par évaporation et par conduction, ce qui retire de la chaleur à l'utilisateur. Avec une respirabilité plus faible des vêtements, plus d'humidité s'accumule dans le vêtement, ce qui affaiblit la chaleur des autres couches, et qui mène à une plus grande perte de chaleur. C'est un cycle qui se termine par un utilisateur qui prend froid et qui est mal à l'aise, ce qui dans des situations extrêmes, peut être très dangereux. | 2015-08-04T03:27:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00318-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | fr |
https://www.egasail.nl/privacyverklaring/ | Onze website en/of dienst heeft niet de intentie gegevens te verzamelen over websitebezoekers die jonger zijn dan 16 jaar. Tenzij ze toestemming hebben van ouders of voogd. We kunnen echter niet controleren of een bezoeker ouder dan 16 is. Wij raden ouders dan ook aan betrokken te zijn bij de online activiteiten van hun kinderen, om zo te voorkomen dat er gegevens over kinderen verzameld worden zonder ouderlijke toestemming. Als u er van overtuigd bent dat wij zonder die toestemming persoonlijke gegevens hebben verzameld over een minderjarige, neem dan contact met ons op via [email protected], dan verwijderen wij deze informatie. | 2020-04-04T21:36:14 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | nl |
http://www.fussball-livestream.tv/2016/09/live-stream-monchengladbach-werder-bremen.html | Es ist die Zeit der Fingerspiele in Bremen. Mittelfinger nach oben, Daumen nach unten – so die Reaktion eines Großteils der Fans auf die Pleite gegen Augsburg. Das Pfeifkonzert nach dem schlechtesten Saisonstart seit 49 Jahren erreichte eine nie registrierte Dimension. Die „Greenwhitewonderwall" aus dem furiosen Saisonfinale im Mai – Vergangenheit. Das Ende der Geduld kann nicht verwundern: Von der im Sommer propagierten Weiterentwicklung ist auf dem Rasen nichts zu sehen, Verletztenmisere hin, erst spät hinzugekommene Neuzugänge her. Stattdessen die immer wiederkehrenden Ärger nisse: wenig Struktur im Offensivspiel, slapstickartige Abwehrfehler, kollektive Kopflosigkeit schon nach alltäglichen „Rückschlägen" in Form eines Gegentreffers. Dass Geschäftsführer Frank Baumann und Trainer Viktor Skripnik die jüngste Niederlage auch noch allen Ernstes als „Fortschritt" verkauften, führt unweigerlich zu der Frage: Geht's noch bei Werder ? Von außen betrachtet ist Skripnik längst vielmehr Teil des Problems als einer etwaigen Lösung. Lediglich für die Klubbosse – Baumann und Aufsichtsratschef Marco Bode – scheint ihr ehemaliger Mitspieler tatsächlich noch ein echter Hoffnungsträger. „Aus Überzeugung", so Baumann, halte man am Trainer fest, der Team und einzelne Spieler weiterentwickelt habe. Allein: Für diese Wahrnehmung fehlen aus objektiver Distanz die Anhaltspunkte. | 2016-10-25T17:25:49 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.startribune.com/printarticle/?id=180442221 | However, Lincoln's religious convictions also evolved in tandem with his unfolding experience as president during the Civil War. Increasingly, he came to believe in a providential God intimately involved in the war. At the beginning of the conflict, he regarded the Union's preservation as the belligerency's central constitutional and moral purpose. But the unanticipated length and difficulty of the war prompted him later to view it as God's judgment on the nation for the evil of slavery, and he began to discern a new purpose in the war -- emancipation. | 2016-10-24T02:08:43 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00169-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/454081/asx_decreases_international_network_latency_net_global_/ | London and Equinix Chicago. The service will also support ALC customers who want to connect with these sites in Asia, the United Kingdom and the United States. New ASX data centre to open in February NAB rolls out Oracle banking platform Network Ten flicks on IT networking upgrade Developed by BT Radianz Venue Interconnect, Net Global will provide users with low site-to-site latency between financial centres.In addition, the ASX 24 futures market international trading platform is now connected to Net Global. According to ASX trading services general manager David Raper, existing ASX 24 international customers will be progressively migrated to the service during the first half of 2013.Follow Hamish Barwick on Twitter: @HamishBarwickFollow Computerworld Australia on Twitter: @ComputerworldAU, or take part in the Computerworld conversation on LinkedIn: Computerworld Australia | 2015-08-04T13:59:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00242-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://hcl.usr.ro/cluj/2019/h662 | (b) in cazul in care pe limitele laterale de proprietate nu există calcane, clădirile se vor retrage de la acestea în mod obligatoriu cu o distanță minimă de 3 m. Prin excepție, in situația în care se poale identifica in zonă o „regulă locală" (regulă a zonei, obicei al locului) de amplasare a clădirilor pe parcelă - demonstrată prin prezentarea imobilelor din vecinătate pe planul de situație - ce implică o retragere mai mică de la limita laterală de proprietate, aceasta se poate aplica numai pe una din laturi, cu condiția ca imobilul învecinat să nu aibă încăperile principale orientate spre limita in cauză. In acest caz înălțimea clădirii, pe această parte, măsurată la cornișa superioară sau la alic in punctul cel mai înalt nu va depăși 4.50 m. | 2020-04-01T14:11:40 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401130837-20200401160837-00221.warc.wet.gz | ro |
https://www.turbomachinerymag.com/user-group-zeroes-in-on-dewpoint-in-natural-gas/?current=node%2F4826 | "88% of insoluble contaminants in lubricants cannot be identified by existing oil analysis methods," said McCormick. "Aeration and oxidation are major factors in accelerated oil degradation and servo-valve problems. He added that micro-entrained air and moisture is contained in these sub-micron particles. As well as varnish and sludge, aeration can lead to pressure loss. The cornerstones of effective submicron detection are oil analysis, proper sampling and varnish component analysis. Each factor has to be taken into account to correctly diagnose. | 2016-10-25T17:26:32 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.kracke.org/forschung/suggest.php?page=VON+SEGGERN%2C+Anna+Gesine | Ihre Mitteilung: Letzte KommentareFolge #15 MacStammbaum, Genealogie-Software für den Mac | der Genealoge bei Die Welt in Deutschland – Deutsche in der Welt – Ein gelungener GenealogentagAlBe bei Hasen-Ahlers Genealogietimokracke bei Hasen-Ahlers GenealogieAlfred Becker bei Hasen-Ahlers GenealogieEve-Marie Wipper,geb.Strauß bei Besuch der Mormonen in Bremen! TwitterHinterkaifeck, ein historischer Mordfall im Hoaxilla Podcast *LINK* (via @derGenealoge @Hoaxilla) ungefähr 2 Tage her@genkracke Soziale Netzwerke Soziale Netzwerke sind eines der schnellsten neuen Medien. Auch ich bin in einigen vertreten und würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns hier „verbinden"! | 2015-08-04T05:45:47 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00219-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://www.homepath.com/listing/609-holly-hill-dr-rocky-hill-ct-06067-46372697 | Beautifully remodeled 5 room, 2 bedroom, 3.5 bath TownHome! 1 car attached garage. Remodeled kitchen w/ granite counters, white cabinets and stainless steel appliances. Living room w/ fireplace and french door leading to deck overlooking private backyard. Two bedrooms upstairs, each with full bathrooms that are completely remodeled. Fully finished walk-out lower level w/ full bathroom. Freshly painted interior, new carpeting throughout. Central air conditioning too! Termite Inspection, HVAC completed. Great opportunity to purchase this Fannie Mae property! Property to be sold in "as is" condition. | 2020-03-28T17:55:35 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | en |
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http://herzenlib.ru/almanac/number/detail.php?NUMBER=number23&ELEMENT=gerzenka23_6_1 | И вот уже школа. В синей рубашке, с букварём в портяной сумочке посадили меня за последнюю парту. Сначала ребята посмеивались над моей робостью, но вскоре она прошла. За то, что показал себя смышлёным, с задней парты меня пересадили на переднюю, к Алёше Редникову, сыну священника. Алёша и сам неплохо осваивал науки (он был уже подготовлен в семье), но во многих вопросах я ему подсказывал больше, чем он мне. Я тогда не понимал, что меня намеренно посадили к поповичу для подсказки. И вообще тогда была такая практика. К сыновьям местных фабрикантов Сапожниковых тоже подсаживали смышлёных учеников. Навечно в памяти остался образ строгой, кристально честной учительницы Агнии Павловны Ардашевой. Ребятам она казалась злой, не всегда справедливой. За непослушание била по головам линейкой, тыкала кукишем, ставила в угол. А мне она казалась всегда правой. Я был мальчиком из бедной семьи, она мало знала моих родителей, но меня за всё время учёбы ни разу не ударила. Из-за зрения у меня уже во втором классе начались затруднения. Отец купил через врача очки, и учёба пошла у меня на "отлично". Мои тетради как образец правописания и каллиграфии ещё несколько лет показывали ученикам. Из 45 первоклассников до третьего класса дотянуло лишь 14. Остальные покинули школу из-за бедности или по невежеству родителей, считавших: подучился малость читать и хватит. В первый класс я пришёл, когда сестра Евдокия училась уже в третьем. Девочки занимались тогда в другой школе, церковно-приходской, а мальчики – в земской. Когда я учился в третьем классе, брат Николай пошёл в первый. Получал я на круглые пятёрки. Агния Павловна и духовный наставник о. Семён просили родителей отдать меня учиться дальше. Но отец сказал, что семья большая и я, как старший сын, должен помогать её кормить. | 2019-05-24T07:07:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://www.weberstatesports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=8600&ATCLID=1354723&KEY=&DB_OEM_ID=8600&DB_LANG=C&IN_SUBSCRIBER_CONTENT= | Welcome and thank you for visiting the Wildcat Club! The Wildcat Club is a membership organization dedicated to providing athletic scholarships to student-athletes. The Athletics Department has more than 300 student-athletes representing over 65 fields of study and receiving scholarship support annually. For those of you who are Wildcat Club members, thank you for assisting in the educational opportunities afforded our students-athletes. If you are not a member, I hope you will consider becoming one. Join our team by renewing your Wildcat Club membership or by becoming a member for the first time. Your gifts help provide the scholarship funds for our student-athletes, which in turn allow us to apply corporate sponsorships and ticket revenues to expenses such as travel, salaries, uniforms, equipment, medical services and recruiting. Again, thank you for your support and participation of our program. You are the foundation of the Wildcat Club! Please contact our office with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have. Becky Thompson Wildcat Club Executive Director Go Wildcats! | 2015-12-01T16:28:20 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205428-00012-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/cass_freight_index_is_mixed_but_calls_for_slow_growth_ahead/news | The August edition of the Cass Freight Index report showed mixed results in terms of freight expenditures and shipment volume, respectively. The Cass Freight Index accurately measures trends in North American shipping activity based on $20 billion in paid freight expenses of roughly 350 of America's largest shippers, according to Cass officials. As LM has reported, many trucking industry executives and analysts consider the Cass Freight Index to be the most accurate barometer of freight volumes and market conditions, with many analysts noting that the Cass Freight Index sometimes leads the American Trucking Associations (ATA) tonnage index at turning points, which lends to the value of the Cass Freight Index. | 2015-08-02T08:54:38 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.fklegal.com/car-accidents.html | We serve the following localities: Broward County including Cooper City, Coral Springs, Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Sunrise, Tamarac, and Weston; Indian River County including Vero Beach; Martin County including Stuart; Miami-Dade County including Aventura, Coral Gables, Hialeah, Miami, Miami Lakes, and North Miami; and Palm Beach County including Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington, and West Palm Beach. | 2020-04-02T06:04:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | und |
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http://thecitizens.blogspot.com/2008/09/valuing-risk.html | The thoughtful "institutional analysis" provided by LTG illustrates some of the mechanisms that enable the free market to under-value risky assets. The time-frame issue that Handfish offers another mechanism that enables risk to be ignored.But why are there no countervailing mechanisms? Why did the market not self-correct? The answer perhaps simple: the market just doesn't do that. It is not an organism with homeostasis. It does not magically produce order out of chaos. The market does not handle these types of investment well because people do not handle it well.Remember the "new economy"? Remember when the Dow was going to hit 100,000 and there would never be inflation again? People convinced themselves they could not lose. I must question the applicability of the risk-aversion research by Kahnemann and Tversky to these particular types of investments... Las Vegas, state lotteries, etc. clearly demonstrate that certain types of risk are systematically under-valued--and the stock market sure looks a lot like Vegas.I'm afraid I must also disagree with LTG's assessment of the psychology. I suspect the brokers and traders were more motivated by big payouts and big bonuses than the fear of being fired. I think they liked the party atmosphere. They enjoyed the thrill of "winning" and racking up more clients, more money. They got on a roll.Look: we need Social Security because we can count on most folks failing to provide for their own retirement. As Pombat notes, people would rather have instant gratification now than save money for a rainy day. Why should Wall Street be any different? | 2015-03-27T01:56:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.aiwa.owner-manuals.com/NSXS898EZ-service-manual-AIWA.html | Description of AIWA NSXS898EZ Service Manual Complete service manual in digital format (PDF File). Service manuals usually contains circuit diagrams, printed circuit boards, repair tips, wiring diagrams, block diagrams and parts list. Service Manual ( sometimes called Repair Manual ) is used mainly by technicians.If You just want to know how to use Your tv, video, mp3 player etc. You should look for Owner's Manual. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. The manual is available in languages: English | 2016-10-22T23:34:21 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00439-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.qirrasound.se/vanliga-fragor/ | Svar: Rundgång kommer från fasförändringar där den signal som kommer tillbaka i mikrofonen har 180 graders fasskift. Eftersom alla Qirra SoundTM-högtalare har mycket litet fasskift blir rundgången mycket mindre än med traditionella högtalare. Detta innebär inte att man inte kan få rundgång. Reflexer i väggar, golv och tak kan skapa fasskift som potentiellt kan skapa rundgång. I praktiska tester har vi dock kunnat visa att man kan stå precis framför högtalaren men lokalen är fylld med kvalitetsljud och det blir ingen rundgång. Artister och talare förundras över detta! Om man använder Qirra SoundTM blir systemet alltid mindre rundgångsbenäget och ljudkvaliteten är ovanligt bra. Artisterna uppskattar Qirra SoundTM eftersom de har mer frihet på scen och man har mycket mindre rundgångsbenägenhet, Det blir också lättare för ljudteknikerna att sköta ljudet. Vi har många upplevda upplevelser från stora artister där de prisar denna "funktion". | 2020-03-28T18:15:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | sv |
https://keio.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/natural-variation-of-the-amino-terminal-glutamine-rich-domain-in--2 | N2 - The Drosophila argonaute2 (ago2) gene plays a major role in siRNA mediated RNA silencing pathways. Unlike mammalian Argonaute proteins, the Drosophila protein has an unusual amino-terminal domain made up largely of multiple copies of glutamine-rich repeats (GRRs). We report here that the ago2 locus produces an alternative transcript that encodes a putative short isoform without this amino-terminal domain. Several ago2 mutations previously reported to be null alleles only abolish expression of the long, GRR-containing isoform. Analysis of drop out (dop) mutations had previously suggested that variations in GRR copy number result in defects in RNAi and embryonic development. However, we find that dop mutations genetically complement transcript-null alleles of ago2 and that ago2 alleles with variant GRR copy numbers support normal development. In addition, we show that the assembly of the central RNAi machinery, the RISC (RNA induced silencing complex), is unimpaired in embryos when GRR copy number is altered. In fact, we find that GRR copy number is highly variable in natural D. melanogaster populations as well as in laboratory strains. Finally, while many other insects share an extensive, glutamine-rich Ago2 amino-terminal domain, its primary sequence varies drastically between species. Our data indicate that GRR variation does not modulate an essential function of Ago2 and that the amino-terminal domain of Ago2 is subject to rapid evolution. | 2020-04-02T07:46:40 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/233 | This is the larger and nobler design which Mr. Lewis should set before himself, and which, we believe, his abilities to be equal to, did he but feel that this is the only task worthy of them. He might thus contribute a large part to what is probably destined to be the great philosophical achievement of the era, of which many signs already announce the commencement; viz. to unite all half-truths, which have been fighting against one another ever since the creation, and blend them in one harmonious whole. | 2015-08-02T08:38:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D0%9F%D1%96%D0%B4%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BD%D1%96_%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8&veaction=edit§ion=4 | Мікроорганізми, що мешкають в підземних водах дуже активні, адаптивні до різних ступенів мінералізації, температури, тиску. Вони беруть участь в розкладі і синтезі різних органічних і мінеральних сполук, здатні впливати на зміну сольового і газового складу природних вод, їх мінералізацію. Проникнення бактерій в глибину лімітує висока температура (вище 95-100°С) і мінералізація (130–270 г/кг — так звані "міцні розчини"). Бактерії та мікроби проникають в пори породи і перебувають там в капілярній воді, вкривають стінки пустот. | 2017-06-29T05:49:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170629051817-20170629071817-00000.warc.wet.gz | uk |
https://rrhh.salud.gob.sv/aggregator/categories/1 | Sexual permissiveness is perhaps one of the most evident marks of post-modern society. We see it everyday. Just consider the music videos of popular artists with provocative suggestions of sex, as well as films touted to be artistically produced and directed. Even advertising makes use of subliminal messages of seduction to promote their products. While there is really nothing wrong with sex, adults have to be sensitive and responsible in dealing with sexual health issues especially when the youth is concerned. | 2020-04-06T12:48:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406102322-20200406132822-00379.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fy1370 | On your road to building wealth, you may choose to engage financial professionals for guidance. Seeking out professional advice will include fees and expenses, so use care when selecting the appropriate services.There is a variety of financial professionals to choose from, including financial planners, investment specialists, accountants, attorneys, insurance agents, and bankers. Understanding the roles, expertise, and credentials of these individuals can help you select the most appropriate individual or team for your specific financial needs.Professionals Who Can Help | 2015-04-18T11:41:25 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045714-00048-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B0 | Биологистичко или медицинско схватање организације је настало у оквиру власничке теорије организације. Са развојем биологије и медицине, ово схватање задобија све већи број својих присталица, тако да су данас бројни термини из биологистичко-медицинских наука примењени у организацији. Суштина биологистичког схватања се своди на изједначавање организације и организма. Бројне карактеристике организма приписују се и организацији као скупу сврсисходно повезаних органа у целину од којих сваки врши одређену функцију: | 2015-12-01T20:21:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205431-00336-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | sr |
https://www.game.es/politica-de-cookies | A continuación se identifican las cookies que están siendo utilizadas en este portal así como su tipología y función: La página web GAME.es utiliza herramientas de analítica web, servicios, que permiten la medición y análisis de la navegación en las páginas web. En su navegador podrá observar 4 cookies de este servicio. Según la tipología anterior se trata de cookies propias, de sesión y de análisis. A través de la analítica web se obtiene información relativa a la audiencia que accede a la web y su composición, dispositivos y navegadores utilizados, intereses y hábitos de comportamiento, así como información indicativa del rendimiento del sitio web que nos permite analizar y mejorar los servicios prestados por parte de este portal. Además se descarga una cookie de tipo técnico que permite almacenar un identificador único por sesión a través del que es posible vincular datos necesarios para posibilitar la navegación en curso. Otra de las cookies que utilizamos es de las llamadas Persistentes, que nos permite identificar usuarios aunque estos no estén logados, con el fin de recordar hábitos de consumo y navegación. También almacenamos en cookies datos de preferencias de usuario, para recordar algunas de las preferencias, como por ejemplo visualizar los listados en un formato o recordar filtros de búsqueda entre las diferentes páginas. Por último, se descarga una cookie propia, de tipo técnico y de sesión. Gestiona el consentimiento del usuario para el uso de las cookies en la página web, con el objeto de recordar aquellos usuarios que las han aceptado y aquellos que no, de modo que a los primeros no se les muestre información en la parte inferior de la página al respecto. 3. Ajustes del navegador | 2017-06-24T20:51:03 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624203022-20170624223022-00405.warc.wet.gz | es |
http://www.nuttynewstoday.com/2009/12/ | Germany – Computer hackers this week said they had cracked and published the secret code that protects 80 per cent of the world's mobile phones. The move will leave more than 3 billion people vulnerable to having their calls intercepted, and could force mobile phone operators into a costly upgrade of their networks. Karsten Nohl, a German encryption expert, said he had organised the hack to demonstrate the weaknesses of the security measures protecting the global system for mobile communication (GSM) and to push mobile operators to improve their systems. More... | 2015-08-04T03:20:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00318-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.blogdealtaneira.com.br/2016/09/ | Antônio Jácome (PTN-RN) disse que o Dia do Advogado enseja todos a fazer reflexão sobre papel de tão importante categoria, uma das atividades mais importante que se pode exercer em favor da sociedade. "Aproxima cidadão da Justiça, garantindo direitos. Atua contra autoritarismo, ao assegurar o acesso às leis. Suas prerrogativas estão amparadas por direitos constitucionalizados, combatendo o arbitrário. Que a voz do advogado nunca seja reprimida e que a categoria se comprometa com o acesso à justiça", disse. | 2019-07-22T12:08:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | pt |
http://test.titleist.com/fitting/golf-club-fitting/manchester-lane | The Manchester Lane Test Facility is Titleist's state-of-the-art golf ball research and testing facility in Acushnet, Massachusetts. Tasked with advancing the techniques used to analyze and validate golf ball performance and upholding a commitment to product and process excellence, Manchester Lane continues to facilitate Titleist's year-round R&D efforts. Today, Manchester Lane operates as the proving grounds for all Titleist golf ball products and serves a dual role as a Tour Fitting Center, offering premium club fitting services. | 2019-05-26T16:30:12 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526145334-20190526171334-00522.warc.wet.gz | en |
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https://arabic.rt.com/news/67619-%D9%85%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%B3_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A_%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B1_%D8%A8%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%88_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%86%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%82_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%83/ | ENGРУСESPDEFRRSSMobile appsИНОТВRTДRuptlySatelites 02:11 GMT, 27.06.2017RT*LINK* الأخبارالعالم العربيأخبار العالمروسياالاقتصادالرياضةالبرامجاستوديو واشنطناستوديو لندناستوديو بيروتاستوديو القاهرةقصارى القولاسأل أكثررحلة في الذاكرةبانورامافن الحياةأفلام وثائقيةمنوعاتالعلوم والتكنولوجياالصحةالثقافة والفنالفضاءالعالم الرقميعالم السياراتمتفرقاتمجتمعميديافيديوهاتتقارير مصورةإنفوجرافيكجولات مصورةRT PlayالصحافةRT 360رأيFreevideoинотвrtдRUPTLYمجلس الأمن الدولي يدين التفجير بمترو الأنفاق في مينسك | 2017-06-27T02:11:05 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://nicborain.wordpress.com/category/cosatu/ | For now government is preparing a host of new legislation and regulation all the while signalling to commercial agriculture that it wants to be met half-way. There will probably be unintended consequences of government's land reform and rural development programme (including negative impacts) but the lessons from the banking sector (for example with regard to the formulation of the National Credit Act) is that it is always a better idea for the private sector to go out and engage with government and attempt to shape legislation than it is to wait and deal with the future when it is a fait accompli. | 2015-12-01T20:02:08 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205431-00336-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://bailespolkfuneralhome.com/funerals.aspx | If I'm going to be cremated, why would I want my remains to be placed in a columbarium or interred or scattered at the cemetery? Why shouldn't I just have them scattered in the sea or in some other place of my choosing? As long as it is permitted by local regulations, your cremated remains can be scattered in a place that is meaningful to you. This can, however, present difficulties for your survivors. Some people may find it hard to simply pour the mortal remains of a loved one out onto the ground or into the sea. If you wish to be scattered somewhere, it is therefore important to discuss your wishes ahead of time with the person or persons who will actually have to do the scattering. Another difficulty with scattering can occur when the remains are disposed of in an anonymous, unmarked or public place. Access to the area may be restricted for some reason in the future, undeveloped land may be developed or any of a host of other conditions may arise that could make it difficult for your survivors to visit the site to remember you. Even if your cremated remains are scattered in your backyard, what happens if your survivors relocate sometime in the future? Once scattered, cremated remains cannot easily be collected back up. Having your remains placed, interred or scattered on a cemetery's grounds ensures that future generations will have a place to go to remember. If remains are scattered somewhere outside the cemetery, many cemeteries will allow you to place a memorial of some type on the cemetery grounds, so survivors have a place to visit that will always be maintained and preserved. | 2015-04-25T15:52:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045730-00154-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://akdart.com/priv2.html | Report: Facebook And 'Top-Secret' Doctor Were Working With Hospitals To Collect Patient Information. Facebook reportedly asked multiple hospitals around the country somewhat recently if they wanted to share patient information in an apparent attempt to help the healthcare institutions with certain processes. While the initiative, which CNBC first reported, hasn't made it past the initial planning stage, it will likely intensify already clamorous concerns over how the tech giant values people's data privacy. After all, Facebook allegedly tabled the proposed project when public backlash ensued, stemming from the disclosure it was suspending a data analytics firm for misusing information related to users' traits and online tendencies. Facebook has "not received, shared, or analyzed anyone's data," the company clarified, according to CNBC. | 2019-05-24T07:29:06 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.news-medical.net/news/20140321/10602/French.aspx | Aujourd'hui Biogen Idec (NASDAQ : BIIB) annoncé que la Santé Canada a approuvé ALPROLIXTM [Facteur de Coagulation IX (Recombiné), Protéine de Fusion de Fc], pour le contrôle et la prévention des épisodes de saignée et de la prophylaxie courante dans les adultes, et enfants âgés 12 et plus vieux, avec l'hémophilie B. ALPROLIX est le premier traitement de long-action approuvé de l'hémophilie B et est indiqué pour éviter ou réduire la fréquence des épisodes de saignée avec les infusions (protectrices) préventives commençant immédiatement l'hebdomadaire ou une fois tous les 10-14 jours. C'est la première autorisation réglementaire mondiale pour ALPROLIX, qui est actuel à l'étude par les autorités réglementaires dans plusieurs autres pays, y compris les Etats-Unis, l'Australie et le Japon. " L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX marque la première avance significative de demande de règlement dans l'hémophilie B pendant 17 années, et renforce notre engagement à développer des traitements novateurs qu'adresse d'aide les besoins critiques de la communauté d'hémophilie, " a indiqué George A. Scangos, Ph.D., cadre supérieur de Biogen Idec. " Nous croyons que la sécurité, l'efficacité et le programme de dosage préventif expliqués avec ALPROLIX fourniront à des gens l'hémophilie B une voie neuve signicative de manager leur état. " La Fédération du Monde de l'Hémophilie recommande (prévention de la saignée) un régime préventif comme objectif de demande de règlement pour des gens avec l'hémophilie sévère. Les Recommandations déterminées par le Médical et Comité Consultatif Scientifique de la Fondation Nationale d'Hémophilie recommandent les infusions préventives deux ou plus cale une semaine avec des demandes de règlement traditionnelles d'hémophilie. Les infusions préventives Fréquentes peuvent être un fardeau aux gens avec l'hémophilie et peuvent ramener l'adoption à ce régime de type de traitement. L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX est basée sur des résultats du global, l'étude de la Phase 3 B-LONG, la plus grande étude de registrational dans l'hémophilie B jamais remplie. Elle a expliqué qu'ALPROLIX en toute sécurité et effectivement évité, ou épisodes réduits et purgeants avec les infusions préventives données une fois que l'hebdomadaire ou une fois tous les 10-14 jours dans les adultes et les adolescents avec l'hémophilie sévère B. De plus, plus de 90 pour cent de tous les épisodes de saignée étaient réglés par une infusion unique d'ALPROLIX. " L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX fournit à des gens l'hémophilie B une option neuve importante en mettant à jour un régime préventif, " a dit Manuel Carcao, M.D., Hématologue et codirecteur Pédiatriques du Programme Complet d'Hémophilie de Soins à l'Hôpital pour les Enfants Malades à Toronto. " ALPROLIX, le premier concentré de long-action approuvé de facteur, a été affiché pour aider des personnes avec l'hémophilie B à réaliser la prévention de purge pertinente avec le dosage préventif une fois par semaine ou une fois tous les 10 à 14 jours. " L'Hémophilie B est un trouble rare, continuel, hérité dans lequel la capacité du sang d'une personne de coaguler est causée la détérioration, qui peut mener aux épisodes récurrents et étendus de saignée. Elle est due à une réduction substantielle de, ou à aucune activité du facteur IX, qui est nécessaire pour des caillots sanguins normaux. Les Gens avec les épisodes de saignée d'expérience de l'hémophilie B qui peuvent entraîner la douleur, les dégâts communs irréversibles et l'hémorragie. L'Hémophilie B affecte approximativement une dans 25.000 naissances mâles, ou environ 700 personnes au Canada. La Fédération du Monde de l'enquête globale d'Hémophilie a conduit en 2012 les estimations qu'environ 28.000 personnes sont actuel diagnostiqué avec l'hémophilie B mondiale. " La Société Canadienne d'Hémophilie (CHS) est heureuse que la Santé Canada ait approuvé ALPROLIX, un deuxième produit recombiné du facteur IX pour traiter l'hémophilie B, " a dit Craig Upshaw, Président de CHS. " D'ailleurs, c'est le premier dans une classe neuve prometteuse des produits de facteur avec la demi vie étendue. Nous espérons qu'il sera à la disposition des patients Canadiens à très court terme. " Biogen Idec est engagé avec les personnes de aide avec l'hémophilie B et travaille avec des Services Canadiens de Sang, le Service de Biovigilance du Ministère de la Santé et sociaux de Services de DES et d'autres administrations provinciales et nationales pour rendre ALPROLIX disponible dans le commerce à tous les Canadiens avec l'hémophilie B. Source: | 2017-06-27T02:03:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | fr |
https://es.trend-top.com/13-games-like-zombie-minesweeper-for-android | Pony Minesweeper desarrollado por Corinth Games es un videojuego de rompecabezas y para un solo jugador basado en el antiguo juego clásico conocido como Buscaminas. El juego ofrece una jugabilidad fantástica y cuenta con nueve ponis diferentes para reunir, como Lazy Days, Lemon Suds, Puddles, Time-Jump, Serenity, Orchard, Starmist, y más. Hay cuatro elementos que se pueden usar durante el juego para mejorar tus habilidades, como botas de goma, manzanas, horquillas, señales de precaución y manzanas ... | 2020-03-28T19:54:53 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328194743-20200328224743-00291.warc.wet.gz | es |
https://www.richters.com/show.cgi?page=./AboutRichters/safeseed.html&cart_id=1279925.12675 | www.Richters.com The Safe Seed Pledge is a seed industry initiative to protect the seeds and plants we humans depend on.Richters Herbs is proud to be one of the first companies to sign the pledge. The Safe Seed Pledge Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately people and communities. THE SAFE SEED INITIATIVE The Council for Responsible Genetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts Privacy Policy | 2016-10-24T02:20:51 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00169-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
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