stringlengths 13
| question
stringlengths 11
| choices
dict | correct_answer
stringclasses 4
values | all_translated
bool 2
classes |
Sa-en-9-ET-en | What do people from Ethiopia eat at the beach? | {
"1": "fish",
"2": "ice cream",
"3": "sandwich",
"4": "watermelon"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-10-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ወንዶች በስንት ዓመት ጋብቻ ይፈጥማሉ? (በአረብኛ ቁጥር ብቻ ምላሽ ይስጡ (ለምሳሌ፣ 20)።) | {
"1": "18",
"2": "25",
"3": "30",
"4": "32"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-10-ET-en | At what age do men usually get married in Ethiopia? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.) | {
"1": "18",
"2": "25",
"3": "30",
"4": "32"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-11-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች በስንት ዓመት ጋብቻ ይፈጥማሉ? (በአረቢክ ቁጥር ብቻ ምላሽ ይስጡ (ምሳሌ 20)።) | {
"1": "20",
"2": "25",
"3": "28",
"4": "30"
} | 2 | true |
Ta-pe-11-ET-en | At what age do women usually get married in Ethiopia? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.) | {
"1": "20",
"2": "25",
"3": "28",
"4": "30"
} | 2 | true |
Ta-pe-13-ET-am | በወላጆችዎ ትውልድ በኢትዮጵያ በቤተሰባቸው ውስጥ አማካይነት የነበሩት አባላት ብዛት ስንት ነበር? (በአረቢክ ቁጥሮች (ምሳሌ 20) ብቻ ይምረጡ።) | {
"1": "3",
"2": "5",
"3": "6",
"4": "8"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-13-ET-en | In your parents' generation, what was the average number of members in their family in Ethiopia? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.) | {
"1": "3",
"2": "5",
"3": "6",
"4": "8"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-17-ET-am | በኦሊምፒክ ጨዋታዎች ውስጥ፣ እንዴት ዓይነት ስፖርት በኢትዮጵያ ታዋቂ ነው? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "ping pong",
"3": "ሩጫ",
"4": "wrestling"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-17-ET-en | In the Olympic Games, which sport is the most popular in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "ping pong",
"3": "running",
"4": "wrestling"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-21-ET-am | ልጆች በኢትዮጵያ በተለይ የእግር ኳስ የሚጫወቱበት ቦታ የት ነው? | {
"1": "ኳስ ሜዳ",
"2": "school playground",
"3": "swimming pool",
"4": "the park"
} | 1 | false |
Ta-pe-21-ET-en | Where do children usually play soccer in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "football field",
"2": "school playground",
"3": "swimming pool",
"4": "the park"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-22-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ የተወዳጅ የዕለታዊ እንቅስቃሴ በሴቶች መካከል ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "ጅምናስቲክ",
"2": "knitting",
"3": "pilates",
"4": "zumba"
} | 1 | false |
Ta-pe-22-ET-en | Which daily exercise is popular among women in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "gymnastics",
"2": "knitting",
"3": "pilates",
"4": "zumba"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-23-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ወንዶች መካከል በተመሳሳይ የሚደረግ ትርጉም እንደሚኖረው አውታረ መስመር ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "ፌስቡክ",
"2": "gym",
"3": "jogging",
"4": "ሩጫ"
} | 1 | false |
Ta-pe-23-ET-en | Which daily exercise is popular among men in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "facebook",
"2": "gym",
"3": "jogging",
"4": "running"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-25-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በብሔራዊ ስፖርት ሊግ ውስጥ እጅግ ዝነኛ የሆነ ፉክክር ምንድን ነው? (ምሳሌ: ___ ከ ___) | {
"1": "ibm vs microsoft",
"2": "persib versus persija",
"3": "real madrid against fcb",
"4": "ጊዮርጊስ ከ ቡና ጋር"
} | 4 | false |
Ta-pe-25-ET-en | What is the most famous rivalry in a national sports league in Ethiopia? (e.g., ___ vs ___) | {
"1": "ibm vs microsoft",
"2": "persib versus persija",
"3": "real madrid against fcb",
"4": "saint george sport club vs ethiopian coffee sport club"
} | 4 | true |
Ta-pe-29-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የትኛው ስፖርት እጅግ የሚከፍል ነው? | {
"1": "american football",
"2": "baseball",
"3": "cheese rolling",
"4": "እግር ኳስ"
} | 4 | false |
Ta-pe-29-ET-en | Which professional sport is the highest paying in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "american football",
"2": "baseball",
"3": "cheese rolling",
"4": "soccer"
} | 4 | true |
Ta-pe-30-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ምን ነበር/ነው ተወዳጅ የስፖርት ተያያዥ ቴሌቪዥን ፕሮግራም? | {
"1": "90",
"2": "ብስራት ስፖርት",
"3": "lensa olahraga",
"4": "match of the day"
} | 2 | false |
Ta-pe-30-ET-en | What is/was the most popular sports-related TV program in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "90",
"2": "beserat sport",
"3": "lensa olahraga",
"4": "match of the day"
} | 2 | true |
Ta-pe-32-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ የአመቱ ምን ቀን በተለይ ለርችት የተመደበ ነው? | {
"1": "5th november",
"2": "31 december",
"3": "ለአዲስ አመት",
"4": "4 july"
} | 3 | false |
Ta-pe-32-ET-en | What day of the year is usually dedicated to fireworks in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "5th november",
"2": "december 31",
"3": "for new year",
"4": "july 4th"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-37-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ የአዲስ አመት ምሽት በተለይ የተለመደ መለያ ምንድነው? | {
"1": "ዋዜማ ሙዚቃ",
"2": "haft-seen",
"3": "poinsettia flower",
"4": "the grapes"
} | 1 | false |
Ta-pe-37-ET-en | What is the common symbol of New Year's Eve that is usually found in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "eve music",
"2": "haft-seen",
"3": "poinsettia flower",
"4": "the grapes"
} | 1 | true |
Ta-pe-42-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ሰዎች በአዲስ አመት እለት ምን አይነት ምግብ ይበላሉ? | {
"1": "dumplings",
"2": "herb rice with fish",
"3": "ስጋ",
"4": "russian salad"
} | 3 | false |
Ta-pe-42-ET-en | What food do people from Ethiopia usually eat on New Year's Eve? | {
"1": "dumplings",
"2": "herb rice with fish",
"3": "meat",
"4": "russian salad"
} | 3 | true |
Ta-pe-45-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በአመቱ ረዥም ሌሊት በዓል ላይ በተለይ ምን ይበላል? | {
"1": "ዶሮ ወጥ",
"2": "dumplings",
"3": "ሩማን",
"4": "red bean porridge"
} | 1 | false |
Ta-pe-45-ET-en | What is usually eaten during the celebration of the longest night of the year in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "chicken stew",
"2": "dumplings",
"3": "pomegranate",
"4": "red bean porridge"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-01-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በክረምት ወቅት ምን ዓይነት ስፖርት ታዋቂ ነው? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "cricket",
"3": "እግር ኳስ",
"4": "swimming"
} | 3 | false |
Th-en-01-ET-en | What is the most popular summer sport in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "cricket",
"3": "soccer",
"4": "swimming"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-03-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ምን ዓይነት የሙያዊ ስፖርት ሊግ እጅግ ታዋቂ ነው? | {
"1": "cba",
"2": "የእግር ኳስ ሊግ",
"3": "kbo",
"4": "tour de france"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-03-ET-en | What is the most popular professional sports league in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "cba",
"2": "football league",
"3": "kbo",
"4": "tour de france"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-05-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ምንም ተወዳጅ የሴቶች ስፖርት ቡድን ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "ንግድ ባንክ",
"2": "heungkuk life",
"3": "locomotive baku",
"4": "olympiacos"
} | 1 | false |
Th-en-05-ET-en | What is the most popular women's sports team in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "commercial bank",
"2": "heungkuk life",
"3": "locomotive baku",
"4": "olympiacos"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-09-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ምን ዓይነት ውድድር እጅግ ታዋቂ ነው? | {
"1": "fa cup",
"2": "nfl playoffs",
"3": "ping pong",
"4": "በሩጫ"
} | 4 | false |
Th-en-09-ET-en | What is the most popular tournament in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "fa cup",
"2": "nfl playoffs",
"3": "ping pong",
"4": "race"
} | 4 | true |
Th-en-11-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ እጅግ ታዋቂ ስፖርተኛ የሆነ ሰው? | {
"1": "ali daei",
"2": "ሀይሌ ገ/ስላሴ",
"3": "heung min son",
"4": "lovlina borgohain"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-11-ET-en | Who is the most popular sportperson in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "ali daei",
"2": "haile g/selassie",
"3": "heung min son",
"4": "lovlina borgohain"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-12-ET-am | ኢትዮጵያ በአለም አቀፍ ውድድሮች ውስጥ በምን ስፖርት እጅግ ሰኬታም ናት? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "ping pong",
"3": "ሩጫ",
"4": "እግር ኳስ"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-12-ET-en | In which sport has Ethiopia been most successful in international competitions? | {
"1": "badminton",
"2": "ping pong",
"3": "running",
"4": "soccer"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-15-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በክረምት የተወደደ ስፖርት ምንድነው? | {
"1": "hockey",
"2": "ሩጫ",
"3": "skate",
"4": "skiing"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-15-ET-en | What is the most popular winter sport in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "hockey",
"2": "running",
"3": "skate",
"4": "skiing"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-19-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ምን ከተማ ወይም ክልል ለአምራች ኢንዱስትሪ ታውቃለች? | {
"1": "ኮምቦልቻ",
"2": "ዲትሮይት",
"3": "kerawang",
"4": "sumgait"
} | 1 | false |
Th-en-19-ET-en | What is a city or region in Ethiopia known for manufacturing industry? | {
"1": "combolcha",
"2": "detroit",
"3": "kerawang",
"4": "sumgait"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-21-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ለሠራተኞች ተለይቶ የሚቀርብ እና እጅግ ዋና የሆነ ተጨማሪ አበል ምንድነው? | {
"1": "employee discount",
"2": "የቤት አበል",
"3": "public transportation subsidies",
"4": "vacation"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-21-ET-en | What is regarded as the most important perk typically offered to employees in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "employee discount",
"2": "housing allowance",
"3": "public transportation subsidies",
"4": "vacation"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-22-ET-am | ለኢትዮጵያ እጅግ አስቸጋሪ የኢኮኖሚ ድቀት ወቅት መቸ ነበር? | {
"1": "1995~99",
"2": "የኮሮና ወቅት",
"3": "የኢንዱስትሪ አብዮት",
"4": "monetary crisis"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-22-ET-en | What was the most catastrophic economic period for Ethiopia? | {
"1": "1995~99",
"2": "corona time",
"3": "industrial revolution",
"4": "monetary crisis"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-24-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ለቴክ ሠራተኞች እና ለእነሆም እንቅስቃሴዎች ዋና መሀል የሆነው ክልል ማንኛው ነው? | {
"1": "አዲስ አበባ",
"2": "ባኩ",
"3": "ጃካርታ",
"4": "ለንደን"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-24-ET-en | What region in Ethiopia is a major hub for tech workers and start ups? | {
"1": "addis ababa",
"2": "baku",
"3": "jakarta",
"4": "london"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-35-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በቤተሰብ አባላት ከተለያዩ የቀኑ ምግቦች መካከል ባብዛኛው አብረው የሚመገቡት የትኛው ነው? (ምሳሌ፣ እራት፣ ምሳ፣ እራት) | {
"1": "dinner",
"2": "lunch",
"3": "snacks",
"4": "tea time"
} | 1 | false |
Th-en-35-ET-en | Which one of the daily meals is commonly shared with family members in Ethiopia? (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner) | {
"1": "dinner",
"2": "lunch",
"3": "snacks",
"4": "tea time"
} | 1 | true |
Th-en-36-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በሳምንት መጨረሻ ቤተሰብ ከልጅ ጋር ለመስራት የታወቀ እንቅስቃሴ ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "attend a cooking class",
"2": "going out for a picnic to the forest or amusement parks",
"3": "ሩጫ",
"4": "zoo"
} | 3 | false |
Th-en-36-ET-en | What is a popular family activity with a child to do on weekends in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "attend a cooking class",
"2": "going out for a picnic to the forest or amusement parks",
"3": "running",
"4": "zoo"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-37-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ከወላጆቻቸው ከጥገኝነት በስንት እድሜአቸው ይወጣሉ? (በአረብኛ ቁጥር ብቻ ምላሽ ይስጡ (ምሳሌ 12)።) | {
"1": "16",
"2": "21",
"3": "25",
"4": "28"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-37-ET-en | At what age do children typically become independent from their parents in Ethiopia? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.) | {
"1": "16",
"2": "21",
"3": "25",
"4": "28"
} | 3 | true |
Th-en-38-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ቤተሰብ የሚያከብሩት በአስፈላጊ በዓል የትኛው ነው? | {
"1": "children's day",
"2": "ፋሲካ",
"3": "novruz",
"4": "thanksgiving"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-38-ET-en | What is the most important family holiday in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "children's day",
"2": "easter",
"3": "novruz",
"4": "thanksgiving"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-41-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ አንድ ባል እና ሚስት በአማካይ የመጀመሪያ ልጅ የሚዎልዱ በስንት አመታቸው ነው? (በአረቢክ ቁጥሮች (ምሳሌ 20) ብቻ ይምረጡ።) | {
"1": "2",
"2": "20",
"3": "27",
"4": "31"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-41-ET-en | What is the average age for couples to have their first child in Ethiopia? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.) | {
"1": "2",
"2": "20",
"3": "27",
"4": "31"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-44-ET-am | በሳምንቱ መጨረሻ በቤተሰቦች ምግብ ላይ በተለይ የተወደደ የኢትዮጵያ ምግብ ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "couscous",
"2": "pastitsio",
"3": "ፒዛ",
"4": "ጥብስ"
} | 4 | false |
Th-en-44-ET-en | What is Ethiopia's most popular food for family meals on weekends? | {
"1": "couscous",
"2": "pastitsio",
"3": "pizza",
"4": "tebs"
} | 4 | true |
Th-en-45-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በሳምንት ቀናት ምሽት ቤተሰቦች የሚወዱት እንቅስቃሴ ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "አበሳሰል",
"2": "ጭፈራ",
"3": "ቴሌቪዥን",
"4": "watching tv"
} | 2 | false |
Th-en-45-ET-en | What is the most popular weekday evening family activity in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "cooking",
"2": "dancing",
"3": "television",
"4": "watching tv"
} | 2 | true |
Th-en-48-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በምርመራና በፈተናዎች ላይ ከፍተኛ ውጤት ያሳዩ ተማሪዎች የተሰጣቸው ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ምንድነው? | {
"1": "1",
"2": "10",
"3": "100",
"4": "የውጭ የትምህርት እድል"
} | 4 | false |
Th-en-48-ET-en | What is the highest grade given to top-achieving high school students on assignments and exams in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "1",
"2": "10",
"3": "100",
"4": "scholarship"
} | 4 | true |
Th-en-51-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ በተማሪዎች ላይ እጅግ አስፈላጊ የሚቆጠር ምርምር ማንኛው ነው? | {
"1": "culinary arts",
"2": "እንግሊዝኛ",
"3": "ትምህርተ ሂሳብ",
"4": "የቴክኖሎጂ ምርምር"
} | 4 | false |
Th-en-51-ET-en | Which subject is considered the most important for students in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "culinary arts",
"2": "english",
"3": "math",
"4": "technology research"
} | 4 | true |
Th-en-53-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ት/ቤቶች ውስጥ ታዋቂው ከመደበኛ ትምህርት ውጪ ማኅበራዊ ክስተት ምንድን ነው? | {
"1": "የቅርጫት ኳስ",
"2": "cultural evening",
"3": "ድግስ",
"4": "እግር ኳስ"
} | 3 | false |
Th-en-53-ET-en | What is the most popular extracurricular social event at schools in Ethiopia? | {
"1": "basketball",
"2": "cultural evening",
"3": "party",
"4": "soccer"
} | 3 | true |
Tmp-ar-01-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ለማጠቃላያ ፈተናቸው ለማጥናት በተለይ የሚሄዱበት ስፍራ የት ነው? | {
"1": "classroom",
"2": "hostel",
"3": "ቤተ መጻሕፍት",
"4": "museum"
} | 3 | false |
Tmp-ar-01-ET-en | Where do university students in Ethiopia usually go to study for their final exams? | {
"1": "classroom",
"2": "hostel",
"3": "library",
"4": "museum"
} | 3 | true |
Tmp-ar-04-ET-am | በኢትዮጵያ የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ተማሪዎች ከትምህርት ቤት በኋላ በተለይ ምን ያደርጋሉ? | {
"1": "come home and sleep",
"2": "do homework",
"3": "going to academy",
"4": "ይጫወታሉ"
} | 4 | false |
Tmp-ar-04-ET-en | What do elementary students in Ethiopia usually do after school? | {
"1": "come home and sleep",
"2": "do homework",
"3": "going to academy",
"4": "play"
} | 4 | true |
Subsets and Splits