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6371881 | Collien Fernandes | [DE] Collien Fernandes | |
3192740 | Umayyad Great Mosque | [EN] Umayyad Great Mosque | |
11084531 | Armando González (Fußballspieler, 1968) | [DE] Armando González (Fußballspieler, 1968)
Luis Armando González Bejarano (* 16. November 1968 in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes) ist ein ehemaliger mexikanischer Fußballspieler auf der Position eines Stürmers.
Armando González begann seine Laufbahn als Fußballprofi beim Club Deportivo Guadalajara, für den er von 1988 bis mindestens 1993 unter Vertrag stand.
Zwischen 1995 und 1998 spielte González jeweils eine Saison bei den UAG Tecos, Deportivo Toluca und den Tiburones Rojos Veracruz, bevor er bei Atlético Celaya wieder eine langjährige Station fand. | |
2624756 | 鳩村周五郎 | [JA] 鳩村周五郎 | |
4357317 | Minkowski geometry | [EN] Minkowski geometry
Minkowski geometry may refer to: | |
70891616 | ICSYV (Estonia, season 1) | [EN] ICSYV (Estonia, season 1) | |
2982360 | ألان يوهانسن | [AR] ألان يوهانسن
ألان يوهانسن مواليد 14 يوليو 1971 في سيلكيبورج، هو دراج دانمركي سابق في صنف سباق الدراجات على الطريق. سبق أن شارك في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية. | |
28809706 | Cecil Knight | [EN] Cecil Knight | |
15656066 | Air New Zealand flight 2278 | [EN] Air New Zealand flight 2278 | |
1224493 | 森川俊一 | [JA] 森川俊一
森川 俊一(もりかわ としかず、享和2年5月29日(1802年6月28日) - 文政10年7月3日(1827年8月24日))は、下総生実藩の嫡子。信濃国諏訪藩主・諏訪忠粛の次男。幼名は為三郎。
法名は天亮院眞元道如居士。 | |
4133141 | Erbgraf | [DE] Erbgraf | |
25628797 | 2009 PTT Thailand Open - Singles | [EN] 2009 PTT Thailand Open - Singles | |
67427926 | Louise, Grand Duchess of Baden | [EN] Louise, Grand Duchess of Baden | |
40935597 | Gowhar Kola | [EN] Gowhar Kola
Gowhar Kola (, also Romanized as Gowhar Kolā; also known as Gar Kolā) is a village in Birun Bashm Rural District, Kelardasht District, Chalus County, Mazandaran Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 138, in 42 families. | |
60049488 | Cormorant Village, Minn. | [EN] Cormorant Village, Minn. | |
247588 | Provinsi Kermanshah | [ID] Provinsi Kermanshah
Provinsi Kermanshah (Persia: استان کرمانشاه) merupakan satu dari 30 provinsi di Iran. Provinsi ini terletak di bagian barat di negara itu. Ibu kotanya ialah Kermanshah. Provinsi ini memiliki luas wilayah 24.998 km² dengan memiliki jumlah penduduk 1.938.060 jiwa (2005).
Kermanshah terbagi menjadi 14 kabupaten:
Kermanshah County; Islamabad-e-gharb County; Paveh County; Harsin County; Kangavar County; Sonqor County; Javanrud County; Salas-e-babajani County; Ravansar County; Dalahu County; Gilan-e-gharb County; Sahneh County; Qasr-e-Shirin County; Sarpol-e-Zahab County,
Kota utama di Provinsi Kermanshah:
Kermanshah; Islamabad-e-gharb; Paveh; Harsin; Kangavar; Sonqor; Javanrood; Salas-e-babajani; Ravansar; Dalahoo; Gilan-Gharb; Sahneh; Qasr-e-Shirin; Sarpol-e-Zahab | |
6087590 | العلاقات السلوفاكية الساموية | [AR] العلاقات السلوفاكية الساموية | |
33062611 | History of Psychiatry (journal) | [EN] History of Psychiatry (journal)
History of Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering psychiatry. It is published quarterly by SAGE Publications. The journal's Editor-in-chief is Professor G. E. Berrios (University of Cambridge).
The aim of "History of Psychiatry" is to publish articles and analysis across the history of the field of mental illness and the various forms of medicine and psychiatry, as well as aspects of the cultural response and social policy, which have evolved to understand and treat it.
Abstracting and indexing.
The journal is abstracted and indexed in both SCOPUS and the Social Sciences Citation Index. According to the "Journal Citation Reports", its 2010 impact factor is 0.205, ranking it 23rd out of 26 journals in the category "History of Social Sciences" and 102nd out of 107 journals in the category 'Psychiatry'. | |
5096399 | Ruppersdorf (Remptendorf) | [DE] Ruppersdorf (Remptendorf)
Ruppersdorf ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Remptendorf im Saale-Orla-Kreis in Thüringen.
Das Straßenangerdorf liegt an einem Hang an der Landstraße L1099 zwischen Bad Lobenstein und Leutenberg im Thüringer Schiefergebirge. Am Ort entlang fließt der Reifbach, welcher in die Sormitz mündet.
Das Territorium des Ortes ist mit 882 ha eingetragen.
Erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde der Ort erst 1413 als "Ruprechtstorff". Gegründet wurde es aber wohl bereits wesentlich früher.
Eine weitere urkundliche Erwähnung 1543 nennt den Namen mit "Rupersdorf". Die Namensherkunft von "Ruprecht" oder "Rupert" erscheint logisch, ist aber nicht genau belegt. Die frühere Kapelle war dem heiligen Rupertus gewidmet, die jetzige Kirche wurde von 1850 bis 1853 gebaut. Eine der Glocken, die Laurentiusglocke, wurde bereits 1514 in Schleiz gegossen und hat alle Kriege überstanden. Durch den Ort führte im 16./17. Jahrhundert ein viel befahrener Fuhrmannsweg, welcher dem Gastgewerbe des Ortes sehr zuträglich war.
Der Ort gehörte zur reußischen „Herrschaft Lobenstein“, die zur Linie Reuß-Lobenstein gehörte. 1848 kam der Ort zum Fürstentum Reuß jüngerer Linie (ab 1852 zum Landratsamt Schleiz) und 1919 zum Volksstaat Reuß. Seit 1920 gehört der Ort zu Thüringen.
Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahl "(Stand jeweils 31. Dezember)":
Das Ortswappen zeigt im oberen Drittel die aufgehende Sonne auf blauem Grund, im linken Drittel 3 braune Berge, auf deren Gipfel je eine Fichte steht (blauer Grund), im rechten Drittel 3 goldene Ähren, ebenfalls auf blauem Grund.
Im Ort ist die Grundschule und der Kindergarten sowie die ärztliche Grundversorgung der umliegenden Dörfer angesiedelt.
Das Gastgewerbe des Ortes ist gut ausgebaut. | |
2038015 | 溝口真希子 | [JA] 溝口真希子
溝口 真希子(みぞぐち まきこ、1976年 - )は、日本の劇作家、脚本家、演出家、映画監督、演劇ユニット「ブス会*」主宰者。
2006年にポツドール初の番外公演「女のみち」上演。脚本・演出を手掛ける。2007年“女”シリーズとして第2弾「女の果て」を上演<ref name="theaterguide/2010/03/18">シアターガイド2010/3/18</ref>。
2022年4月10日、任期満了に伴う杉並区長選挙に向けて結成された市民グループ「住民思いの杉並区長をつくる会」は、ベルギー在住のNGO職員の岸本聡子を擁立した。東京都が主体の道路拡張計画による住居立ち退きに危機を感じていた溝口は、4月26日から岸本の街頭演説のそばでビラ配りを始めた。5月2日には人からカメラを借り、岸本と岸本を支援する住民らを動画で撮影し続けた。区長選挙でYouTube配信していたシリーズ動画「○月○日、区長になる女」を元にして映画をペヤンヌマキ名義で監督。2024年1月、『映画 ○月○日、区長になる女。』を発表した。 | |
12875536 | Cheorin | [DE] Cheorin
Königin Cheorin (; * 27. April 1837; † 12. Juni 1878) war als Gemahlin von König Cheoljong von 1851 bis 1864 Königin von Joseon.
Königin Cheorin war die Tochter von Kim Mun-geun und seiner zweiten Frau der Dame Min aus der Yeoheung-Min Familie. Sie entstammte der Andong-Kim Familie. Cheorin war nie besonders mit ihren Eltern verbunden, sie galt außerdem als sehr wortkarg.
Am 17. November 1851 heiratete sie auf Betreiben der Königin Sunwon, König Cheoljong. Politisch hielt sie sich zurück und stellte sich auch nicht auf die Seite ihrer Familie. Am 22. November 1858 gebar sie den Prinzen Yi Yung-jun, der aber nach 6 Monaten und 3 Tagen starb.
Als König Cheoljong mit 33 Jahren am 16. Januar 1864 starb, erhielt sie den Titel Königinwitwe Myeongsun. Sie beteiligte sie sich kaum an der Frage der Nachfolge. Als die Macht ihrer Familie mit der Adoption von Yi Myeong-bok des Sohnes des Prinzen Heungseon durch Königin Sinjeong erlosch, unternahm sie keine Schritte diese Macht zu erhalten. Yi Myeong-bok wurde als Gojong König von Joseon und später Kaiser von Korea. Sie starb 1878 in der Yanghwa Halle des Changgyeong-Palastes. Sie wurde in Yereung bei ihrem Ehemann beigesetzt. | |
2450304 | Panagiotis Pipinelis | [DE] Panagiotis Pipinelis
Panagiotis Pipinelis (, * 21. März 1899 in Piräus; † 19. Juli 1970) war ein griechischer Diplomat, Politiker und Ministerpräsident.
Pipinelis absolvierte in der Schweiz ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Politikwissenschaften an der Universität Zürich sowie an der Universität Freiburg. 1922 trat er in das Diplomatische Korps ein. In den folgenden Jahren war er an mehreren Botschaften tätig. 1936 war er Mitarbeiter der Botschaft in Budapest sowie anschließend 1940 an der Botschaft in Sofia.
Zwischen 1947 und 1950 diente Pipinelis als Staatssekretär im Außenministerium und war vom Januar bis März 1950 erstmals für kurze Zeit Außenminister im Kabinett der Übergangsregierung von Ioannis Theotokis. 1952 wurde er zum ersten Ständigen Vertreter Griechenlands bei der NATO berufen. Im folgenden Jahr verließ er den diplomatischen Dienst, wechselte in die Politik und schloss sich der konservativen Partei ERE von Konstantinos Karamanlis an. Von 1961 bis 1963 war er im dritten Kabinett Karamanlis Handelsminister.
Nach Differenzen zwischen König Paul und Premierminister Karamanlis erklärte Karamanlis seinen Rücktritt. Der überzeugte Monarchist Pipinelis wurde als Nachfolger mit der Regierungsbildung beauftragt. Zwischen dem 19. Juni und 28. September 1963 war er Premierminister und Außenminister. Während seiner Amtszeit versuchte er vergeblich eine Änderung des Wahlsystems zu Gunsten der ERE durchzusetzen. Bei der Parlamentswahl vom 3. November errang die oppositionelle EK von Georgios Papandreou einen Stimmenanteil von 42 Prozent. Nach einer Übergangsregierung von Stylianos Mavromichalis wurde Papandreou schließlich am 8. November 1963 Premierminister.
Nach dem Obristenputsch durch Oberst Georgios Papadopoulos vom 21. April 1967 wurde er schließlich erneut Außenminister. In diesem Amt diente er der Militärdiktatur bis zu seinem Tod.
Die von ihm während seiner Zeit als Diplomat und Politiker verfassten Schriften und Notizen sind Bestandteil der "Gennadius-Bücherei" der American School of Classical Studies at Athens. | |
11278892 | Lorenz Welker | [DE] Lorenz Welker
Lorenz Welker (* 1953 in München) ist ein deutscher Musikwissenschaftler.
Er studierte von 1972 bis 1979 an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Medizin. Nach der Approbation war er in der Abteilung für Experimentelle Neuropathologie am Theoretischen Institut sowie an der Klinik des Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie in München tätig. Von 1982 bis 1989 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der "Schola Cantorum Basiliensis" der Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel. Nach der Promotion 1988 an der Universität Zürich zum Dr. med. mit einer Arbeit aus dem Gebiet der Medizingeschichte schloss er ein Zweitstudium in den Fächern Musikwissenschaft und Psychologie (an den Universitäten Basel und Zürich) 1988 mit dem Lizentiat ab. Von 1988 bis 1990 leitete er das Mikrofilmarchiv am Musikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Basel.
Danach war er bis 1994 wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminar der Universität Heidelberg. Nach der Promotion zum Dr. phil. 1992 an der Universität Basel mit Studien zur musikalischen Aufführungspraxis in der Zeit der Renaissance und der Habilitation 1993 ebenda mit einer Untersuchung über die Musik am Oberrhein im späten Mittelalter vertrat er im Sommersemester 1993 und im Wintersemester 1993/1994 den Lehrstuhl an der Universität Bern. Im Sommersemester 1994 wurde er zum Professor für Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Erlangen berufen. Seit 1996 lehrte er an der Universität München.
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Musik des Spätmittelalters und des Barock und Fragen der musikalischen Aufführungspraxis. | |
25064113 | Chevalier Garden | [EN] Chevalier Garden
Chevalier Garden () is a Home Ownership Scheme and Private Sector Participation Scheme court in Tai Shui Hang, Ma On Shan, New Territories, Hong Kong near MTR Tai Shui Hang station. It was jointly developed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Chevalier Group, and it was the first HOS court developed by Chevalier Group. It has a total of seventeen blocks built between 1987 and 1988.
Chevalier Garden is the first public housing estate in Hong Kong to be built by the Chevalier Group. Later, Chevalier Group had built several public housing estates in Hong Kong, such as Beverly Garden in Tseung Kwan O, Charming Garden in Mong Kok, Cheerful Garden, Fullview Garden and Harmony Garden in Siu Sai Wan, Elegance Garden in Tai Po, Glorious Garden in Tuen Mun, Grandway Garden in Tai Wai and Saddle Ridge Garden in Ma On Shan.
According to the 2016 by-census, Chevalier Garden had a population of 11,064. The median age was 50.1 and the majority of residents (95.7 per cent) were of Chinese ethnicity. The average household size was 3 people. The median monthly household income of all households (i.e. including both economically active and inactive households) was HK$36,670.
Chevalier Garden is located in Tai Shui Hang constituency of the Sha Tin District Council. It was formerly represented by Michael Yung Ming-chau, who was elected in the 2019 elections until July 2021. | |
9347490 | V-watch | [EN] V-watch | |
63806672 | Federation of Building and Wood | [EN] Federation of Building and Wood | |
33311390 | Mitrović (surname) | [EN] Mitrović (surname) | |
12509419 | Grabstein für Heinrich Sandersdorfer | [DE] Grabstein für Heinrich Sandersdorfer
Der Grabstein für Heinrich Sandersdorfer in der katholischen Pfarrkirche in St. Johann Baptist in Riedenburg, einer Stadt im niederbayerischen Landkreis Kelheim, wurde um 1481 geschaffen. Der Grabstein aus Rotmarmor ist als Teil der Kirchenausstattung ein geschütztes Baudenkmal.
Der 1,70 Meter hohe und 82 cm breite Grabstein unter der Empore für den Dekan Heinrich Sandersdorfer († 1481) zeigt in einem Umrissbild den Verstorbenen als Priester, der den Kelch segnet.
Die Umschrift in gotischer Minuskel lautet: | |
73580473 | Ernest Lester Smith | [EN] Ernest Lester Smith
Ernest Lester Smith (7 August 1904, Teddington – 6 November 1992, Bradfield St George) was an English biochemist, Theosophist and vegetarian. He is known for his role in the UK's production of penicillin during World War II and for the postwar isolation of vitamin B12 from liver.
E. Lester Smith was the only child of Lester Davis Smith (1877–1962) and Rose Annie Smith née Nettleton (1877–1940). Smith's father was a Theosophist and vegetarian who was widely read in ethics and religion. His mother was also a Theosophist, but was not enthusiastic about following a vegetarian diet. Smith became a vegetarian at an early age.
During World War I, Smith's father was a politically active pacifist and conscientious objector and in 1917 he became unemployed because of his anti-war activities. After secondary education from 1916 to 1920 at Wood Green County School, Smith wanted to study chemistry at a university. However, his family's poverty caused him to delay his formal education. He worked for a year in a pharmacy near the British Museum. From 1921 to 1925 he studied the B.Sc. course in physics, chemistry, and mathematics at Chelsea Polytechnic (which went through several transitions and eventually became the Chelsea Campus of King's College London).
In 1925, at the age of 21, he passed the examination for the Associateship (a qualification equivalent to a bachelor's degree) of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (which became in 1980 the Royal Society of Chemistry) and the London External B.Sc. (granted by the University of London) with 1st class honours in chemistry. He spent an additional year at Chelsea Polytechnic to work for an M.Sc., which he completed by 1926. In 1927 the "Journal of the Chemical Society" published three of his papers.
Smith became an employee of the Glaxo Department of Joseph Nathan & Company in January 1926 and continued working for Glaxo until his retirement in 1964. On behalf of Glaxo, he was the author or co-author of twelve patents related to his collaborative research on penicillin, long-chain aliphatic amines, vitamin B12, and other topics. In 1931 in Holloway, London, he married Winifred Rose Fitch (1907–1989). During his career, Glaxo underwent several reorganizations. In 1935 the Glaxo Department became a separate subsidiary, Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., and moved to a new facility in Greenford — for many years, Smith and his wife lived in a house in Pinner. In 1947 Joseph Nathan & Company ceased to exist, and Glaxo Laboratories became a separate company, but the Smiths continued to live in Pinner until 1964.
At the beginning of his career at Glaxo, E. Lester Smith continued the work, started by Harry Jephcott and Alfred L. Bacharach, on efficient extraction of vitamin A, as well as vitamin D, from fish-liver oils. Whilst pursuing his research on such vitamin extraction, Smith realized that his work, on the cold saponification of these fish-liver oils together with solvent extraction of unsaponifiable matter containing the vitamins, provided promising material for writing a doctoral thesis. With a leave of absence from Glaxo, he registered for a Ph.D. with the London University and returned to Chelsea Polytechnic for 6 months before returning to Glaxo in 1931. After three years of working full time at Glaxo and part time at Chelsea Polytechnic, his research was published and presented, not for the Ph.D. but, on his tutor's recommendation, upgraded for a D.Sc., which was awarded in 1933 by the University of London.
Following George R. Minot and William P. Murphy’s 1926 paper "Treatment of pernicious anemia by a special diet", researchers made intensive efforts to extract from liver the factor for treatments of pernicious anaemia. In 1935 the pharmacists Per Laland and Aage Klem of the Norwegian pharmaceutical company Nyegaard & Co. devised a method for making a purified liver extract, for which injection successfully treated cases of pernicious anaemia. Glaxo obtained a licence to manufacture the extract and sent Smith, in September 1936, to Oslo to master the process. Glaxo manufactured the extract at Greenford and in 1937 started marketing the extract under the name ‘Examen’. Smith's work to improve the Laland-Klem process and to isolate the active principle, was halted when WW II started in September 1939.
At the beginning of WW II, Glaxo diverted Smith to development work on wartime production of medical products. Following the 1940 publication of the paper "Penicillin as a chemotherapeutic agent" by Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, and five other co-authors, Glaxo began working on possible production methods for penicillin. Glaxo's factories, despite wartime shortages, provided more than 80% of the British penicillin available for the June 1944 D-day invasion. Smith played a wide-ranging and important role in Glaxo's production of penicillin. in
In 1946 Smith resumed his research on liver extracts and pernicious anaemia. He made great progress by using partition chromatography. In 1948, almost simultaneously with an American team led by Merck's Karl Folkers, Smith's team isolated vitamin B12 in crystalline form. Using samples supplied by Smith, Charles Cady Ungley demonstrated that the newly isolated factor was highly effective as a treatment for pernicious anaemia. Smith's team made the first physical measurements on vitamin B12 and thoroughly researched the vitamin's physical and chemical properties. His team collaborated extensively with Alexander Todd's group in Cambridge and with Dorothy Hodgkin's laboratory in Oxford. The story of the research on pernicious anaemia, liver extracts, and vitamin B12, up to 1964, is told by E. Lester Smith in his monograph "Vitamin B12" (3rd edition, 1965).
In 1957 Smith was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He was awarded in 1954 the gold medal in Therapeutics of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries, in 1955 the Lister Memorial Lectureship of the Society of Chemical Industry, and in 1967 the Hanbury Gold Medal of the Pharmaceutical Society.
In 1964, upon his retirement, Smith and his wife Winifred moved to Three Oaks, East Sussex, where he worked on horticulture with a focus on primulas and plant breeding. He won many prizes at flower shows. In 1962 the Royal Horticultural Society awarded him the Lindley Medal for a display of double auriculas. In 1973 he became affected by congestive heart failure and, consequently, gave up gardening. He and his wife moved to a home for elderly vegetarians in Hastings, where they lived until 1989 when she died from a heart attack. He then moved to a house at Bradfield St George, where he did some gardening. He shared the house with Mrs Sylvine Lloyd, an old family friend, who helped him as secretary, housekeeper, and chauffeuse. He died suddenly in 1992.
As a student and young man, Smith attended Theosophical gatherings. Throughout his life he pursued his interest in Theosophy with vegetarianism and met many persons who shared his views on Theosophy and left-wing politics. In 1928, he joined Theosophical Society. In 1963, he delivered a Theosophy lecture titled "Science and the Real". In 1977 the Theosophical Society awarded him the Subba Row Medal.
For Theosophical Publishing House, Smith was the editor of "The Dynamic Universe" (1963) with Corona Trew and "Intelligence Came First" (1975). The latter book argued that evolution is directed by intelligent design. He also authored "Occult Chemistry Re-Evaluated" (1982), "Our Last Adventure" (1985) a book on life after death and "Inner Adventures: Thought, Intuition, and Beyond" (1988). | |
77372199 | Hirakubo dialect | [EN] Hirakubo dialect | |
534340 | اسم المكان | [AR] اسم المكان | |
7647969 | Chatham and Aylesford | [EN] Chatham and Aylesford | |
1043962 | Hyles gallii | [DE] Hyles gallii | |
6140128 | Yamagata Station | [EN] Yamagata Station
is a railway station in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, operated by East Japan Railway Company (JR East).
Yamagata Station is served by the following lines.
Station layout.
The station has a "Midori no Madoguchi" staffed ticket office and a View Plaza travel agency.
Yamagata Station opened on 11 April 1901. With the privatization of JNR on 1 April 1987, the station came under the control of JR East.
Yamagata Shinkansen services started on 1 July 1992. From 4 December 1999, Yamagata Shinkansen services were extended to Shinjō Station.
Passenger statistics.
In fiscal 2012, the station was used by an average of 10,860 passengers daily (boarding passengers only). The passenger figures for previous years are as shown below. | |
45395658 | Grit (album) | [EN] Grit (album) | |
250550 | ケイ酸 | [JA] ケイ酸
ケイ酸(ケイさん、珪酸、silicic acid)とは、化学式 [SiOx(OH)4−2x]n (例:ケイ酸ナトリウムはNa2SiO3)で表されるケイ素、酸素、水素の化合物の総称である。確認されているものとしては、オルトケイ酸 (H4SiO4)、メタケイ酸 ()、メタ二ケイ酸 などがある。単にケイ酸と呼ぶ場合、メタケイ酸のことを示すことが多い。
このケイ酸が凝固したものを乾燥空気中で放置し、さらに加熱乾燥させると順次水を失い、500 ℃ で二酸化ケイ素のキセロゲルとなる(シリカゲル)。この間、二酸化ケイ素 1モルに対して一定量の水が化合したと思われるものは存在しないから、このゲル状のケイ酸を一定の化学式で表すことは困難であるが、これらの塩から考えて、オルトケイ酸・メタケイ酸が存在すると考えられている。
<chem>H3SiO4^-(aq) \ <=> \ {H^+(aq)} + H2SiO4^{2-}(aq)</chem>, formula_2
<chem>{HSiO4^{3-}(aq)} \ <=> \ {H^+(aq)} + SiO4^{4-}(aq)</chem>
最も簡単な構造のものはオルトケイ酸イオン(—さん—、orthosilicate, )であり、形式的にはオルトケイ酸の四段目解離により生成するが、水溶液中ではたとえ強塩基性であってもこのようなイオンは確認されず、マグネシウム塩すなわち橄欖石のような天然鉱物中に存在し、ネソケイ酸塩と呼ばれる。正四面体型構造で、鉄橄欖石結晶中においてSi−O結合距離は164pmである。
さらに四面体が鎖状に結合したイノケイ酸塩(, )、環状構造のサイクロケイ酸塩、層状構造のフィロケイ酸塩()および三次元構造のテクトケイ酸塩()が存在する。
北極・南極での沈み込みによって深海へ輸送される。人間活動による擾乱を受けることもあるが、表層のケイ酸濃度の上昇は、ケイ酸が自発的に二酸化ケイ素と水に分解することで抑制されている。ケイ酸は主にオルトケイ酸 (H4SiO4) の形で存在し、その生物地球化学的循環は珪藻によって制御されている。珪藻はケイ酸を重合させてとし、その細胞壁()の素材とする。
また、in vitroでのヒト骨芽細胞様細胞を用いた研究で、オルトケイ酸の細胞内への蓄積は、I型コラーゲンの合成と骨芽細胞への分化を促進することが示された。
栄養補助食品として、コリン安定化オルトケイ酸が利用できる。この物質には、皮膚・爪・毛髪の脆化を防ぎ、機械的強度を維持する作用がある。また、高齢の卵巣摘出ラットを用いた実験では、大腿骨の骨減少を一部抑制することが示され、仔牛に対して用いた場合でもコラーゲン量の上昇が観察された。骨減少症のヒト女性においても、骨のコラーゲン形成によい影響を与える可能性がある。 | |
18089774 | Jose Bispo Clementino dos Santos | [EN] Jose Bispo Clementino dos Santos | |
24277175 | Laar, Weert | [EN] Laar, Weert
Laar (Limburgish: "Laor") is a village in the Dutch province of Limburg. It is located in the municipality of Weert, just 2 km north of the town of Weert itself.
The village was first mentioned in 1790 as Laer, and means "forest meadow".
The grist mill Sint Antonius was built in 1903. It was restored after a storm in 1954. In 1970, it went out of service. It was restored between 1985 and 1987, but abandoned the next year. Between 2013 and 2014, it was restored again. | |
3576552 | دفع شبه التشبيه | [AR] دفع شبه التشبيه | |
9861246 | Pete Astor | [EN] Pete Astor
Peter Astor (born 13 August 1960) is an English songwriter and solo artist, known for his work with The Loft, The Weather Prophets, The Wisdom of Harry and Ellis Island Sound.
Pete Astor was born in England, in 1960. The Loft formed in 1983, and signed to Creation Records to release two acclaimed singles, "Why Does the Rain" and "Up the Hill and Down the Slope". They split at the Hammersmith Palais in 1985. Astor then formed The Weather Prophets, continuing to be managed by Creation founder, Alan McGee, and signing to his short-lived Elevation label under the auspice of WEA4 releasing the album "Mayflower" in 1987. Returning to Creation for "Judges, Juries and Horsemen", the band split in 1989.
Astor then undertook a solo career with the albums "Submarine" (1990) and "Zoo" (1991) on Creation. Finding success in France, Astor moved to the Danceteria label to release "Paradise" (1992, as Peter Astor and the Holy Road), and "God and Other Stories" in 1992.
After becoming disillusioned with the music business, he disappeared from view for a number of years, returning in the late 1990s with his Ellis Island Sound and The Wisdom of Harry projects, both releasing music on 7", 12" and 10" for a variety of emerging independent labels such as Static Caravan Recordings, Wurlitzer Jukebox and Astor's own label, Faux Lux. The Wisdom of Harry eventually signed to Matador Records, while Ellis Island Sound, Astor's collaboration with David Sheppard, signed with Heavenly Recordings.
In 2005, Astor released "Hal's Eggs", a solo album including radical reworkings of folk standards on Static Caravan Recordings. At around the same time, Cherry Red released compilation albums featuring his work: The Loft's retrospective "Magpie Eyes", The Weather Prophets' "Blues Skies and Freerides (The Best Of, 1986–1989)", and "Injury Time (Solo 89–93)". Astor continued to write and release with on the Peace Frog label. His solo album, "Songbox" followed in 2011, featuring an extra disc of cover versions of the albums' songs by Let's Wrestle, The Raincoats, Darren Hayman, Comet Gain, The Proper Ornaments, Mathew Sawyer, Dollboy and Piano Magic.
He works as senior lecturer at the University of Westminster, where he teaches, researches and writes about music; in 2014, he published his study of Richard Hell and the Voidoids' "Blank Generation", as part of Bloomsbury's 33⅓ series. At the beginning of 2015, Astor signed to Fortuna Pop, and released the single "Mr Music", followed by an album, "Spilt Milk", recorded with James Hoare of Veronica Falls. In 2020 he released "Attendant1: Music On/Opening Lines" under the name The Attendant, with "Music On" being a indie track which was recorded in a talk-sung style to evoke the work of Mark E. Smith. | |
13357604 | World Weary | [EN] World Weary
"World Weary" is a popular song written by Noël Coward, for his 1928 musical, "This Year of Grace", where it was introduced by Beatrice Lillie. | |
11190185 | LEDA 2501974 | [DE] LEDA 2501974 | |
47886362 | The Fallen Angels (band) | [EN] The Fallen Angels (band)
The Fallen Angels were an American psychedelic rock band formed in Washington D.C., in 1966. Spearheaded by the group's lead vocalist and bassist, Jack Bryant, the band originally released two albums and several singles, which were marked by lyrical and instrumental experimentation. Despite never breaking through on a national scale, the Fallen Angels were popular in the American music underground, and their music has been revived over the years.
The band originated from a folk rock group known as the Disciples, which formed in 1965 when Wally Cook (rhythm guitar, harmonica), who previously worked in local band the Young Rabbits, came together with Jack Bryant (bass guitar, vocals) and Charlie Jones (lead guitar, vocals). Within a few months, the band became known as the Uncalled, followed by a name change to the Fallen Angels, and multiple personnel shifts that concluded with a solidified lineup consisting of Bryant, Cook, Howard Danchik (keyboards), Richard Kumer (drums) and Jack Lauritsen (rhythm guitar). The band quickly established themselves on the American music underground with their stage theatrics enriched by the group's political satire, and their ability to incorporate folk music, jazz, and psychedelia into their own cohesive sound. Much of the Fallen Angels' material was penned by Bryant with a close similarity to the Mothers of Invention.
In 1966, the band was signed to Laurie Records, releasing one single, "Everytime I Fall in Love", in the same year, and the follow-up, "Have You Ever Lost a Love?" in early 1967. After achieving a top ten radio hit with their debut single, the Fallen Angels signed a recording contract with Roulette Records to produce two albums. In late 1967, the band's first album "The Fallen Angels" was released, but failed to gain a nationwide response as a consequence of Roulette promoting the group as a mainstream pop act in an attempt to repeat the success of Tommy James and the Shondells, who were also signed to the record label at the time. Despite the commercial failure of the album, over time it has become recognized as a classic psychedelic piece. Conflicts with Roulette came to head when the Fallen Angels were scheduled to appear on "Upbeat", a Cleveland-based adaptation of "American Bandstand", to promote their next single "Hello Girl". The record label rearranged the song to be more commercially appealing without the band's consent, consequently leading the group to retaliate by ripping a doll's head off during filming. As a result, the performance was heavily edited for the broadcasting.
In 1968, Roulette Records all but abandoned their attempts to make the Fallen Angels a mainstream musical act, and allowed the group much more artistic freedom for their second album "It's A Long Way Down". Although promotion by the record label was nearly non-existent, the album fulfilled the group's desire to exemplify their eclectic approach, and, like its predecessor, is considered a psychedelic masterpiece. However, it was a commercial failure and the band was soon dropped from the label, but continued to tour with new drummer John "Thumper" Molloy until disbanding in 1969. In 1974, former manager, Tom Traynor, released a single featuring material recorded by the Fallen Angels in 1969 on his independent record label Sun Dream. In 1994, Collectables Records released much of the group's material on the two compilation albums "The Roulette Masters, Part 1" and "The Roulette Masters, Part 2". The band's two albums were also remastered by the label in the following years.
In 1997, Bryant reformed the Fallen Angels and they recorded a third album "Rain of Fire", which contained new material together with new recordings of previously released compositions. The refashioned lineup continued to perform on the east coast until 2009. | |
72991559 | Sinopterus atavismus | [EN] Sinopterus atavismus | |
770105 | FULRO | [JA] FULRO | |
68039717 | Daisenryaku Daitōa Kōbōshi 3 Dai Niji Sekai Taisen Boppatsu! Sūjiku-gun Tai Rengō-gun Zen Sekai-sen | [EN] Daisenryaku Daitōa Kōbōshi 3 Dai Niji Sekai Taisen Boppatsu! Sūjiku-gun Tai Rengō-gun Zen Sekai-sen | |
24575968 | Labette Health | [EN] Labette Health
Labette Health is a 99 bed Level III Trauma Center located in Parsons, Kansas and was founded in 1961. Labette Health is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association's Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program. | |
1431031 | A.23 | [EN] A.23 | |
25211496 | Moore League | [EN] Moore League
The Moore League is a high school sports league in Southern California. It comprises seven schools: public traditional high schools of the Long Beach Unified School District plus Compton High School. The league is administered by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Southern Section.
The Moore League was founded in 1957. As of 1963, Downey High School was a member, and Compton High was not yet a member. Cabrillo High was established in 1995, and became the Moore League's seventh member. El Rancho High School was a member of the Moore League from 1969 to 1971
Harry J. Moore.
The Moore League is named for Harry J. Moore, who was an educator in Long Beach, California. He held the following positions, titles and honors: | |
8951157 | It Came from Canada, Vol. 2 | [EN] It Came from Canada, Vol. 2 | |
12759621 | Mesdag-van Calcar | [DE] Mesdag-van Calcar | |
9917351 | 5. Payback (2017) | [DE] 5. Payback (2017) | |
66106834 | Weapon II | [EN] Weapon II | |
5798268 | Gold Cup (Segeln) | [DE] Gold Cup (Segeln)
Der Dragon Gold Cup oder kurz "Gold Cup" wurde 1937 von der "Clyde Yacht Clubs' Conference" (seit 1968 "Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association", CYCA) für die Drachenklasse (Kielbootklasse für Segelboote) ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute ausgetragen wird. Die Mitglieder der Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association entwarfen die Regattaregeln für den jährlich Wettbewerb und stifteten den Pokal aus purem Gold.
Der internationale Drachenverband sorgt mit eindeutigen Regeln für vergleichbare Bedingungen zwischen den traditionellen Holzbooten und den modernen GFK-Konstruktionen. In Deutschland sind die größten Drachengeschwader in Berlin, Hamburg, am Starnberger See und am Bodensee zu finden.
Bis 1965, dem ersten Jahr der offiziellen Weltmeisterschaft der Drachenklasse wurde der "Gold Cup" zur inoffiziellen Weltmeisterschaft herabgestuft. Die Austragungsregeln bestimmten einen jährlichen Austragungsmodus. Der Sieger durfte den Cup als Wanderpokal nur ein Jahr behalten. Die Regeln bestimmten auch eine Rotation der Austragungsorte in den Ländern: Schottland, Frankreich, Schweden, Deutschland, Niederlande und Dänemark.
Mit der Überarbeitung der Regeln im Jahr 1997 stieg die Anzahl der gastgebenden Länder auf elf: Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich, Deutschland, Irland, Niederlande, Norwegen, Portugal, Spanien, Schweden und Großbritannien. Das gastgebende Land und der ausrichtende Segelclub werden weiterhin von Clyde Yacht Clubs' Association in Verbindung mit der Internationalen Drachenklassen Vereinigung (International Dragon Association) bestimmt. Die Anzahl der teilnehmenden Yachten ist auf 120 limitiert.
Der erfolgreichste Segler im "Dragon Gold Cup" ist der Däne Aage Birch (1926–2017) mit sieben Titeln, gefolgt von seinen beiden dänischen Kameraden Ole Berntsen und Poul Høj Jensen mit jeweils fünf Titeln. Dänische Mannschaften haben insgesamt 32 Titel gewonnen. | |
66270929 | Valeria grotei | [EN] Valeria grotei | |
10678120 | Dianenspiegel | [DE] Dianenspiegel | |
40802468 | Trend (magazine) | [EN] Trend (magazine)
Trend, (stylized in all lowercase) is an Austrian weekly business magazine headquartered in Vienna. Founded in 1969 the magazine is one of the oldest publications in its category in the country.
History and profile.
"Trend", based in Vienna, was established in 1969 by Oscar Bronner, being the first independent business magazine in Austria.
In 1974 "Trend" was sold to the Verlagsgruppe NEWS. The magazine was published monthly with a size of 210 x 280 mm. It targets senior executives, entrepreneurs and decision-makers as well as Austria's intelligentsia. It is among the pioneers of investigative journalism in the country and publishes a list of Best Workplaces in Austria.
"Trend" merged with its sister magazine "Format", another business magazine, in December 2015. At the same time its frequency was switched to weekly from 22 January 2016.
In the mid-1980s "Trend" had a circulation of 72,000 copies. The monthly sold 68,000 copies in 2003. Its circulation was 50,000 copies in 2007. The circulation of the magazine was 60,067 copies in 2010. It decreased to 47,248 copies during the first half of 2013. | |
44502237 | Cynaeda seriziati | [EN] Cynaeda seriziati
Cynaeda seriziati is a moth in the family Crambidae. It was described by Staudinger in 1892. It is found in Algeria. | |
734766 | Sri Maharaja Sangrama-Vijayottungga Warmadewa | [ID] Sri Maharaja Sangrama-Vijayottungga Warmadewa | |
69871049 | 1984-85 Calgary Flames | [EN] 1984-85 Calgary Flames | |
10348143 | Manuela Mucke | [EN] Manuela Mucke
Manuela Mucke (born 30 January 1975 in Wittenberg, Sachsen-Anhalt) is a German canoe sprinter who competed from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s (decade). Competing in two Summer Olympics, she won two gold medals in the K-4 500 m event, earning them in 1996 and 2000. For winning a golden medal during the Olympic Games 2000 she was decorated by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany Johannes Rau on Febr. 2. 2001 with the Silver Laurel Leaf.
Mucke also won thirteen medals at the ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships with four golds (K-2 1000 m: 2001, K-4 200 m: 1997; K-4 500 m: 1995, 1998), eight silvers (K-2 500 m: 2002, K-2 1000 m: 1999, 2002, 2003; K-4 200 m: 1995, K-4 500 m: 1999, 2001, 2002), and a bronze (K-4 200 m: 2002). | |
1766136 | Papirus 74 | [ID] Papirus 74
Papirus 74 (; dalam penomoran Gregory-Aland diberi kode formula_174, atau P. Bodmer XVII) adalah sebuah naskah papirus kuno berisi bagian Perjanjian Baru dari Alkitab Kristen dalam bahasa Yunani. Memuat Kisah Para Rasul dan Surat-surat Am dengan sejumlah bagian rusak/hilang ("lacunae"). Berdasarkan paleografi diperkirakan naskah ini dibuat pada abad ke-7.
Teks yang terlestarikan memuat:
Meskipun bertarikh tidak terlalu tua, merupakan naskah penting dan bermutu bagus yang memuat Kisah Para Rasul.
Naskah Yunani ini tergolong jenis Teks Alexandria. Aland memberi catatan sebagai “strict text”, dan menempatkannya dalam Kategori I.
Manuskrip ini sekarang disimpan pada Bibliotheca Bodmeriana (P. Bodmer XVII) di Cologny. | |
27778 | Apis | [DE] Apis
Apis, altgriechisch Ἄπις, bezeichnet in der Mythologie mehrere Figuren:
Apis steht außerdem für:
APIS ist die Abkürzung für: | |
23919723 | Tristan Marof | [EN] Tristan Marof | |
2487825 | MI Islamiyah Pelumutan | [ID] MI Islamiyah Pelumutan
MI Islamiyah Pelumutan, merupakan salah satu Sekolah Dasar negeri yang ada di Desa Pelumutan, Kecamatan Kemangkon, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Sama dengan MI pada umumnya di Indonesia masa pendidikan sekolah di MI Islamiyah Pelumutan ditempuh dalam waktu enam tahun pelajaran, mulai dari Kelas I sampai Kelas VI. | |
2712494 | 2013年リヨン杯 | [JA] 2013年リヨン杯
2013年リヨン杯(2013ねんりよんはい、( または, ))は、2013年にフランスで開催されたアイスダンスの国際競技会。
選手は所属国(地域)のフィギュアスケート競技統括団体を通して応募するとされ、応募人数の制限は設けられなかった。ノービス以下のクラスはクラブ対抗競技会として開催するため所属クラブからの応募もできるとされた。 | |
29530604 | List of Pakistani television and theatre directors | [EN] List of Pakistani television and theatre directors
This is a list of Pakistani television and theatre directors. | |
1356519 | Turkish Lira | [EN] Turkish Lira | |
12208102 | Obsidius (kaiju) | [EN] Obsidius (kaiju) | |
41884089 | Arthur Henry Kenney | [EN] Arthur Henry Kenney | |
1039695 | 小荷駄奉行 | [JA] 小荷駄奉行 | |
68608166 | Hole in the Wall (Justified) | [EN] Hole in the Wall (Justified)
"Hole in the Wall" is the first episode of the fourth season of the American Neo-Western television series "Justified". It is the 40th overall episode of the series and was written by series developer Graham Yost and directed by executive producer Michael Dinner. It originally aired on FX on January 8, 2013.
The series is based on Elmore Leonard's stories about the character Raylan Givens, particularly "Fire in the Hole", which serves as the basis for the episode. The series follows Raylan Givens, a tough deputy U.S. Marshal enforcing his own brand of justice. The series revolves around the inhabitants and culture in the Appalachian Mountains area of eastern Kentucky, specifically Harlan County where many of the main characters grew up. In the episode, Raylan begins unconvering a 30-year-old mysterious case that may trace back to his jailed father. Meanwhile, Boyd's business is threatened by the arrival of a new church and he also reconnects with an old friend.
According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by an estimated 3.59 million household viewers and gained a 1.3 ratings share among adults aged 18–49. These numbers were higher than any episode of the second and third season and is the second most watched episode in the series. The episode received positive reviews from critics, who praised the lighter tone, new characters and new direction for the series.
January 21, 1983.
A man picks up his newspaper in front of his house in the suburbs. As he is about to enter, he heads back outside when he hears a noise. He finds a dead parachutist in the street, with packages of cocaine surrounding him. The man tells his wife to call the police.
Present day.
In the present day, Raylan (Timothy Olyphant) receives a phone call from a former acquaintance/romantic partner, Sharon Edmonds (Aja Evans), who is now a bail bondswoman in Knoxville, Tennessee. She enlists Raylan's help in finding a fugitive named Jody Adair (Chris Chalk), who is hiding out in Lexington and wanted by the Knoxville police. Raylan finds Jody at his wife's house after she refuses to let him and he prepares to take a gun from his car. He takes him into custody after a standoff in which Raylan subdues Jody by shooting the airbag in his Jeep, making it blow up in Jody's face.
Boyd (Walton Goggins) confronts Oxy dealer Hiram (David Ury) as he owes him money. Hiram claims that a newly-arrived preacher motivated him to turn religious and abandon his criminal life. Boyd causes an explosion outside and threatens Hiram to get the money or he will kill him. In Harlan, two teenage burglars, Benny (Casey Brown) and Roz (Alexandra Kyle), invade Arlo Givens' old house and start breaking into a wall. They see the bag with an ID for a "Waldo Truth" in the wall, and are about to take it when they see a car with police lights approaching. They run out of the house without the bag. Constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt) sees them but fails to catch them.
Bob alerts Raylan, who shows up at the house with Jody in the trunk of his car. He and Bob find the bag, which contains an ID for someone named "Waldo Truth", and Raylan stashes it in his trunk along with Jody. They leave the house, unaware that Benny and Roz are watching them. Raylan goes to a hardware store to inquire about Arlo's work on the house. He runs into Roz, who flashes him to distract him. She escapes and Raylan discovers that this was a distraction so they could steal his car. Meanwhile, Ellen May (Abby Miller) is visited by a constant client, Arnold (Brian Howe), who gives him an undisclosed drug. Arnold dresses in a bear costume, but Ellen May, under the influence of drugs, shoots him when she mistakes him for a real bear. Ava (Joelle Carter) reprimands Ellen May for her actions, although Arnold won't press charges.
Ava shares this information with Boyd and Johnny (David Meunier), whose condition has improved although he still needs to use a cane. At the bar, a client named Colton "Colt" Rhodes (Ron Eldard) arrives asking for Boyd. Ava and Johnny feign ignorance but Colt sees through their lies. He attacks Johnny and heads for Boyd's office, prompting Ava to take a shotgun. But when they enter the office, they find Colt and Boyd happily reunited as friends, as Colt worked on the military police and even arrested Boyd a couple of times before they turned friends.
Raylan, with Bob's help, tracks his car to a scrapyard, where Benny and Roz were headed to dispose of the car. They find the car but Jody is not in the trunk. Bob provokes a scrapyard worker who gets the upper hand on him while Raylan is gone to check on the whereabouts of Jody and the teens, who are hiding in a nearby shed. They release Jody from his handcuffs just as Raylan enters and Roz targets a gun at him while Jody tells her to kill Raylan. The situation escalates when Jody puts a gun to Roz' head. Bob stabs Roz in the foot and Raylan is able to get his gun and the bag back and arrests Jody once again.
Raylan visits Arlo (Raymond J. Barry) in prison to ask Arlo about the bag in the wall, as the teens were hired to retrieve it for him. Arlo claims not to know anything about the bag and leaves. Meanwhile, Boyd and Colt decide to visit Hiram once again for the money. They tie him at a chair with dynamite just as a fuse is about to kill him unless he gives them the money. Hiram finally gives the location of the money, which he intended to donate to the Last Chance Holiness Church. Boyd then tells Colt to "take care of him" and Colt kills Hiram. Boyd is surprised, as he meant that he would just untie him.
Boyd hides the money in the bar's ceiling. At the Last Chance Holiness Church, preacher Billy St. Cyr (Joe Mazzello) dances in front of the crowd with a snake in hand. One of the attendees is revealed to be Ellen May. In prison, Arlo is visited by an inmate, who is curious about the bag after overhearing Raylan. This prompts Arlo to kill the inmate for his knowledge of the bag.
In March 2012, FX renewed "Justified" for a fourth season. Nick Grad, FX Executive Vice President of Original Programming, said ""Justified" is one of television's best series and this season has reinforced that excellence. Graham Yost and his writing team continue to deliver compelling material and richly drawn characters brought to life by the brilliance of Timothy Olyphant and our terrific ensemble cast. Their work is validated by universal acclaim, awards, and ratings that have grown every year. We look forward to many more seasons to come."
In December 2012, it was reported that the first episode of the fourth season would be titled "Hole in the Wall", and was to be directed by executive producer Michael Dinner and written by series developer Graham Yost.
The opening scene and mystery of the episode was inspired by the true story of Andrew C. Thornton II, a former narcotics officer and lawyer who became the head member of "The Company", a drug smuggling ring in Kentucky. While jumping out of a plane, he was caught in his parachute and ended up in a free fall to the ground. His body was found in the driveway of a Knoxville, Tennessee resident. The idea of a mystery was brought by the writers, instead of focusing on another "Big Bad" season. Waldo Truth's name was conceived by Yost "from a bad pitch" on 2012. The writers laughed at the name but eventually decided to use it.
Series developer Graham Yost previewed that Arlo would do something "shocking, and that it would set the mystery in motion." Yost said, "So if Arlo does something like that, it's probably not to save Raylan. I had originally pitched that Arlo would grab the guy and slashed his femoral artery, and Michael Dinner said, 'Yeah, that's pretty hard to read, I need him to go for the neck', and I said, 'Okay' and it became very bloody." Yost also teased the involvement of snakes in the episode, "Maybe this year, it would be fun to do something with a real backwoods snake-handling church. So the writers went to a church. The minister didn't feel a call that night to pull out the snakes, but there they were in the boxes on the side of the church."
Despite being credited, Nick Searcy and Jacob Pitts do not appear in the episode as their respective characters.
Starting with this episode, Natalie Zea is no longer credited as part of the main cast for the season, now deemed "recurring guest star". This was due to Zea's commitment to new series "The Following". Recurring cast actor David Meunier, who plays Johnny Crowder was announced to return to the series in September 2012 despite his commitment to the new series "Revolution".
In October 2012, it was announced that Patton Oswalt was cast in the recurring role of Bob Sweeney, "a local constable who went to high school with Raylan and has been hired by the lawman to watch Arlo's house." Oswalt viewed the character as "a guy that basically sorta wants to be Raylan Givens, but is not, which I think most men can relate to" On the same month, it was announced that Ron Eldard was cast in the recurring role of Colton "Colt" Rhodes, "a violent, dark-humored and rule-bending sergeant with the military police." Joseph Mazzello was also announced to join the series in the recurring role of Billy St. Cyr, "a preacher who has saved the lives of drug addicts."
Due to director Michael Dinner's unavailability but wanting to direct the first episode, this episode was the second episode filmed for the season.
In its original American broadcast, "Hole in the Wall" was seen by an estimated 3.59 million household viewers and gained a 1.3 ratings share among adults aged 18–49, according to Nielsen Media Research. This means that 1.3 percent of all households with televisions watched the episode. This was a 34% increase in viewership from the previous episode, which was watched by 2.66 million viewers with a 1.1 in the 18-49 demographics. This was also a 16% increase in viewership from the previous season premiere, which was watched by 3.07 million viewers with a 1.0 in the 18-49 demographics.
Critical reviews.
"Hole in the Wall" received positive reviews from critics. Seth Amitin of "IGN" gave the episode a "great" 8 out of 10 and wrote, "So 'Hole in the Wall' was our little preview into Season 4. It was cool, calm, collective, well-written and showed we're in for some bigger things. This is gonna be a great season."
Scott Tobias of "The A.V. Club" gave the episode an "A−" grade and wrote, ""Justified" is coming off of a very good third season that suffered mainly in comparison to the show's even better second season, and it's continuing what I found to be one of the strongest elements of last season: the willingness to show Raylan as an entitled, exploitative son of a bitch." Kevin Fitzpatrick of "Screen Crush" wrote, "It's a relatively simple outing for Raylan Givens in "Justified"s season 4 premiere 'Hole in the Wall', but one we have every confidence in the series to expand and deliver upon."
Alan Sepinwall of "HitFix" wrote, "This is mainly a set-up for the many stories Yost will be telling this season, with the story of Raylan's bounty gone wrong to provide us some standalone satisfaction. That's the way "Justified" seasons tend to begin, and this was a very entertaining start." Chuck Bowen of "Slant Magazine" wrote, ""Justified" is the strongest, liveliest, and most tonally accurate adaptation of the writer's work to date, and the latest season bracingly suggests that isn't likely to change anytime soon."
Ken Tucker of "Entertainment Weekly" wrote, "The last-minute shanking Arlo performed in the closing seconds — this is one old coot who gives better than he gets — and I'd say "Justified" is off to a very good start." Joe Reid of "Vulture" gave the episode a 4 star rating out of 5 and wrote, "So Boyd's set up against the drug-dealing preacher boy. Raylan's got Arlo Givens Mystery Adventure to solve. And Ava's going to have to keep Ellen May from fucking it all up for everybody. Welcome to season four!"
Dan Forcella of "TV Fanatic" gave the episode a 4.5 star rating out of 5 and wrote, "Over the past couple years "Justified" has been my favorite drama on television. With its riveting performances, exciting story lines and endless charm, the series has received equally high praise from critics across the country. But if the "Justified" Season 4 premiere is any indication, this intense drama is likely to have a bit of a lighter feeling to it. There have always been comedic moments spread sporadically through "Justified" but with Patton Oswalt joining the fold, loads of comedy is likely to ensue." Jack McKinney of "Paste" gave the episode a 9 out of 10 rating and wrote, "In the end, the fourth season of "Justified" managed to start off with an effective blend of instant familiarity and an appealing freshness. That's a tough tightrope to walk. But, when you're talking about one of the best shows on television, more of the same is exactly what you want." | |
3858784 | Bendera Frisia | [ID] Bendera Frisia | |
39263187 | Settimo-Pont Canavese railway | [EN] Settimo-Pont Canavese railway | |
71825074 | Thomas Berger (born 1924) | [EN] Thomas Berger (born 1924) | |
55294783 | A Cup of Salt | [EN] A Cup of Salt | |
56931125 | Andrea Bolley | [EN] Andrea Bolley
Andrea Bolley (born 1949) is a Canadian abstract painter based in Toronto.
Bolley's paintings are abstract canvases which take their inspiration from Colour Field painters such as Helen Frankenthaler, Clyfford Still and Jules Olitski. Her work has been praised for the complex treatment of surface and depth. Bolley has made distinctive use of paper, both as a tool for the application of paint and in her "paper paintings", which incorporate a paper collage element. Bolley participated in the Art Gallery of Ontario's Artists with their Work program in the 1970s, for which she presented art workshops throughout the province of Ontario. In the 1970s and 1980s, Bolley worked closely with the painter Tony Calzetta and the two artists' work was paired in a number of exhibitions.
Bolley's first major exhibition was held at the Pollock Gallery in 1977, and received critical attention for the artist's seriousness and ability to establish her own expressive voice within the tradition of colour field painting. A retrospective exhibition of Bolley's work was held at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in 1981. Solo exhibitions of her work have also been held at the Thames Art Gallery (2004), Gallery 132, Toronto (1994-2003), Gallery One (1984-1986), and the Pollock Gallery (1977-1980).
Bolley's work is in major public and private collections including the Art Gallery of Windsor, Canada Council Art Bank, Imperial Oil, Labatt's of Canada, and Toronto Dominion Bank. | |
278188 | SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya | [ID] SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya
Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 5 Surabaya, yang juga dikenal dengan akronim Smalabaya, merupakan sebuah Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri di Kota Surabaya, provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya menjadi salah satu eks SMA kawasan di Surabaya, serta merupakan salah satu sekolah rujukan dan bekas Rintisan Sekolah Berbasis Internasional (RSBI). Pada Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022, jumlah pelajar di sekolah ini sebanyak 965 pelajar, dimana siswa sebanyak 426 orang dan siswi sebanyak 539 orang.
Sekolah ini berlokasi di pusat kota Surabaya, tepatnya Jalan Kusumabangsa no. 21. SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya terletak di dalam satu kompleks bersama-sama dengan SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya, SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya, dan SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya yang biasanya sering disebut SMA Kompleks Surabaya.
SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya dibuka pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1957 sebagai pecahan dari SMA II/B berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri PP. & K tanggal 18 Desember 1956 no. 6738/B III yang pada waktu itu masih bernama SMA V/B (Jurusan Pasti/Alam) dan ditempatkan pada gedung yang sama dengan SMA I/A dan SMA II/B. Kemudian pada tanggal 18 Oktober 1957 terbentuklah persatuan pelajar yang sekarang disebut Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah (OSIS) yang sekaligus menjadi hari kelahiran SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya.
Sejak dibukanya SMA V/B pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1957 dimulai 10 kelas yang terbagi atas 4 kelas I, 3 kelas II dan 3 kelas III dengan 25 orang guru dan karyawan. Tahun 1963 adalah awal dibukanya penjurusan Pasti/Alam dan Sosial Budaya sekaligus perubahan nama SMA V/B menjadi SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya sampai sekarang. Pada tahun 1974 SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya mendapat bantuan tambahan kelas sebanyak 4 lokal dari pemerintah. Dalam rentang waktu tahun 1978 hingga tahun 1983, dibuka kelas pagi dan siang karena jumlah siswa semakin bertambah.
Pada masa kepemimpinan Soehartojo, kepala SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya periode 1983 - 1989, bentuk fisik SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya diubah, sehingga sekolah yang semula beralamat di Jalan Wijaya Kusuma no. 48 berubah menjadi Jalan Kusumabangsa no. 21.
Pada tahun 1994, SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya berhasil membangun 8 lokal baru, sehingga mulai saat itu kelas siang dihapuskan. Selain itu perpustakaan dan masjid didirikan dengan bantuan dana dari pemerintah serta kerja sama dengan BP3, juga aula atas dengan bantuan Gubernur Jawa Timur.
Smalane suci dalam pikiran
Smalane benar jika berkata
Smalane tepat dalam tindakan
Smalane dapat dipercaya</poem>
Dalam rangka membangun hubungan secara kolegial dan kekeluargaan di antara para alumni SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya, maka diwadahi dalam Perkumpulan Keluarga Alumni Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Lima Surabaya yang dikenal dengan sebutan IKASMANCA. Perkumpulan ini, sebelumnya merupakan paguyuban dengan nama lengkap Ikatan Keluarga Alumni SMA Negeri Panca. Kata "panca" sengaja dipilih sebagai keunikan dan pembeda dari SMAN 5 lainnya di Indonesia, yang merupakan saran dari cak Gombloh.
Semakin banyaknya angkatan alumni, luasnya aktivitas dan jejaring perkumpulan, serta sebagai upaya menjaga keberlanjutan tumbuh-kembang perkumpulan, untuk itu IKASMANCA telah menjadi perkumpulan berbadan hukum berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia Nomor: AHU-0009937.AH.01.07.Tahun 2020 tanggal 10 November 2020, tentang Pengesahan Pendirian Badan Hukum Perkumpulan Keluarga Alumni Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Lima Surabaya. Berbagai kegiatan alumni telah diwadahi, di antaranya dalam klub olahraga seperti IKASMANCA Bersepeda (IB) yang hadir di beberapa kota di Indonesia, serta terdapat juga IKASMANCA Runner. | |
62211441 | Yeo Kian-chye | [EN] Yeo Kian-chye | |
49161060 | Brian Daniels (musician) | [EN] Brian Daniels (musician)
Brian "Mitts" Daniels (born 1971) is an American musician, songwriter, and producer. He was the guitarist of Madball from 2001–2017.
Born in 1971, Daniels first discovered hardcore music during the mid to late '80s in New York. In addition to playing in bands, Daniels served as general assistant/assistant engineer at Skyline Studios in New York City from 1991-1994, before playing guitar in such hardcore-metal bands as Crown of Thornz and Skarhead.
Daniels was the guitarist for Madball from 2001 to 2017, playing on such releases as "NYHC EP" (2003), "Legacy" (2005), "Infiltrate The System" (2007), "Empire" (2010), "Rebellion EP" (2012), and "Hardcore Lives" (2014).
Additionally, Daniels has either recorded or performed with other bands, including Hazen Street and Rag Men, and is also a producer, having produced bands such as Sub Zero, Strength Approach, All For Nothing, Skull Pit, Eternal Struggle.
Since 2014, Daniels has been endorsed by BC Rich guitars.
In October 2017, it was announced that Daniels had exited Madball. The split was amicable, as Madball singer Freddy Cricien explained in an interview with Germany's site, "Mitts is an old friend and I love him dearly and he's still my friend. We're still very dear friends."
In 2018, Daniels produced the Israeli hardcore band Eternal Struggle on their debut, "Year of the Gun", to be released winter 2021 on Demons Run Amok Entertainment.
In an interview with the No Echo website, Daniels discussed what he seeks to accomplish as a producer: "My goal is to bring out the best qualities of a band. I want every project I work on to be the best recording that band has released, to date."
In November of 2020, Daniels announced he was participating in a project called Dark Time Collaboration, with members of Entombed AD, Unearth, Turbid North, Eternal Struggle. | |
249149 | 天使が降りた日 | [JA] 天使が降りた日
『天使が降りた日』(てんしがおりたひ)は、2005年に公開されたオムニバス映画。気鋭の監督5人が“天使”をモチーフにしてつくったファンタジー映画である。 | |
359921 | Bieringen | [DE] Bieringen
Bieringen ist der Name folgender Orte in Baden-Württemberg:
Siehe auch: | |
1201442 | La canne | [EN] La canne | |
4835700 | Pontryagin maximum principle | [EN] Pontryagin maximum principle | |
1296917 | Head of SIS | [EN] Head of SIS | |
42639953 | The Rosso Sisters | [EN] The Rosso Sisters
The Rosso Sisters was an American musical group, made up of four expatriate siblings originally from the United Kingdom: Georgina, Milly, Becky, and Lola.
The group was signed to Virgin Records's Capitol Records label in the beginning of 2014. Later that year, they opened for Demi Lovato on the South American leg of her Neon Lights Tour.
The group announced their disbandment in February 2015, due to their mother's death.
2013–15: The Rosso Sisters.
Group was formed in 2013 by sisters Georgina (b. 1991), twins Milly and Becky (b. 1994) and Lola Rosso (b. 1996). Their oldest sister Bianca wasn't a part of the band. Milly and Becky already had an acting career between 2006 and 2010 and recorded song "Lucky Girl" for their film "Legally Blondes" (2009).
They were signed by Virgin Records in 2014 by Steve Barnett and were managed by Paul Kevin Jonas, Sr., the father of the Jonas Brothers. They were chosen to be an opening act for Demi Lovato's Neon Lights Tour in South America. Their debut extended play "Hola Hola" was released on April 22, 2014. It was promoted on Neon Lights Tour and produced single "Hola Hola". Another single "I Like Boys" was released same year. After the tour ended, no new music was released, except for song "Waterloo" released on the ABBA tribute album "Dancing Queens", released on 9 September 2014.
In November 2014, the sisters stated that their mother Anthea had cancer. After their mother died, the group announced their disbanded on February 12, 2015. | |
993724 | 福祉党 | [JA] 福祉党
天坂辰雄(弁護士)が代表となり党は存続したが、第14回参議院議員選挙、第15回参議院議員選挙のいずれも、1議席も獲得できなかった。 | |
24779948 | Aechmea brevicollis | [EN] Aechmea brevicollis
Aechmea brevicollis is a plant species in the genus "Aechmea". It is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil. | |
58993027 | List of entertainment events at AsiaWorld–Expo | [EN] List of entertainment events at AsiaWorld–Expo
AsiaWorld–Expo, a major convention and exhibition facility in Hong Kong, has been one of the busiest venues in the city. The halls in the venue have been used for various entertainment events after its grand opening on 25 December 2005. It houses the AsiaWorld–Arena, the biggest purpose-built indoor seated entertainment arena in Hong Kong with a maximum capacity of 14,000. Viva (stylised in all uppercase), a combination of hall 8 and 10 of the AsiaWorld–Expo which is commonly and simply referred to as AsiaWorld–Expo Hall 10, is a smaller venue that has also been frequently used for concert events.
All events are categorised according to years and venues; in a chronological order. | |
69290815 | Chuck Merzbacher | [EN] Chuck Merzbacher
Charles Merzbacher (born January 31, 1965) is an American tennis coach and former professional player.
Tennis career.
Merzbacher is a native of Findlay, Ohio and played collegiate tennis for the University of Minnesota between 1983 and 1987, earning three All-Big Ten selections. He won the USTA National Claycourt Championships in 1984.
In the late 1980s he featured on the professional tour and reached a best singles world ranking of 351. He qualified for the main draw of the 1989 Australian Open, losing in the first round to Magnus Gustafsson.
Currently coaching the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga men's team, Merzbacher has been a head coach in collegiate tennis since 1990. He started out as the men's head coach at Northern Illinois, then was the women's head coach at both Kansas and Ohio State, before returning to his alma mater in 2013.
Personal life.
Merzbacher's daughter Caitlyn was also a tennis player for the University of Minnesota and his son Chad is a professional golfer. | |
2631790 | Nightly snapshot | [DE] Nightly snapshot | |
2976287 | StEG II 619–620 | [DE] StEG II 619–620
Die StEG II 619–620 bildeten eine Schlepptenderlokomotivreihe der Staats-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (StEG), einer privaten Eisenbahngesellschaft Österreich-Ungarns.
Die Maschinen wurden von der Lokomotivfabrik der StEG 1871 und 1872 geliefert.
Sie erhielten die Betriebsnummern 619–620 und die Kategorie IVb.
Später (zwischen 1876 und 1881) bekamen sie die Nummern 606–607 und die ursprünglichen Nummern wurden in Zweitbesetzung wieder vergeben (vgl. StEG II 619"–620").
Die Tenderlokomotiven hatten einen Satteltank, da auf den Maschinen wenig Platz für die Vorräte vorhanden war.
Die kleinen Fahrzeuge kamen 1891 zur MÁV, die sie als XIIf 5611–5612 bezeichnete und schon vor 1911 ausmusterte. | |
1937103 | Junior Siavii | [EN] Junior Siavii
Saousoalii Poe Siavii Jr. ( ; November 14, 1978 – January 13, 2022) was a Samoan-born professional football defensive tackle in the National Football League (NFL) for the Kansas City Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, and Seattle Seahawks. He played college football at the University of Oregon.
Early life.
Siavii attended Tafuna High School. He played for one year at Dixie State Junior College, before leaving for Butte Community College. He played 2 seasons, receiving All-NorCal Conference honors in 2000. In 2001, he was declared ineligible and was forced to spend the year earning his degree, before transferring to the University of Oregon.
As a junior, he was mainly a reserve defensive tackle with only 2 starts, posting 15 tackles (2.5 for loss) and a half sack. As a senior, he was named a starter in a defensive line that included Igor Olshansky, registering 43 tackles and 2 sacks.
He finished his 2-year career with 58 tackles (8.5 for loss), 2.5 sacks, 3 pass deflections, and one fumble recovery.
Professional career.
Kansas City Chiefs.
Siavii was selected by the Kansas City Chiefs in the second round (36th overall) of the 2004 NFL draft. He was expected to be a run stopper on the defensive line but struggled as a rookie. He collected 12 tackles (4 for loss), one sack and 3 quarterback pressures.
In 2005, his playing time was limited by a knee injury he suffered in training camp. He played in 14 games, recording 15 tackles and 3 quarterback pressures.
In 2006, repeated knee injuries kept Siavii on the physically unable to perform list before he was waived on September 2, 2006. He eventually needed microfracture surgery on his right knee.
Dallas Cowboys.
After being out of football for 2 years, he was signed as a free agent by the Dallas Cowboys on January 23, 2008. He was released on August 31.
On January 12, 2009, he was re-signed. He played in 16 games registering 11 tackles.
On April 8, 2010, he was re-signed by the team. He was cut on September 4, 2010.
Seattle Seahawks.
On September 5, 2010, he was claimed off waivers by the Seattle Seahawks. He played in 14 games (6 starts), while setting a career-high in tackles (30), before being placed on the injured reserve list with a bruised spinal cord injury on December 23. He was released on September 4, 2011.
Legal trouble and death.
On August 19, 2005, he was arrested for misdemeanor assault for his role in a bar fight in Minnesota.
He was arrested On August 26, 2019, for charges related to illegal firearms in Kansas City, Missouri. He was indicted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri on additional conspiracy and drug-trafficking charges; this supersedes his original indictment on November 15, 2019. On July 31, 2020, he was arrested on charges of 2nd degree burglary and a misdemeanor stealing charge.
While awaiting trial at United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, on January 13, 2022, Siavii was found unresponsive in his cell. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead at the age of 43. | |
3089696 | Saṃvega | [ID] Saṃvega
Saṃvega adalah sebuah istilah Buddhis yang menunjukkan perasaan kaget, cemas dan urgensi spiritual untuk mencapai pembebasan dan menghindari penderitaan samsara. Menurut Thanissaro Bhikku, "saṃvega" adalah "emosi pertama yang harus [di]bawa ke praktek". | |
2957449 | リディア・サルモノワ | [JA] リディア・サルモノワ
リディア・サルモノワ(Lyda Salmonova、1889年7月14日 - 1968年11月7日)はチェコスロバキアの女優。の作品に多数出演し、後にヴェゲナーと結婚した。
1913年から1923年にかけて、パウル・ヴェゲナーのほぼすべての映画に出演。ヴェゲナーとは結婚。息子のペーター・ヴェゲナー(1917年 - 2008年)は物理学者になり、第二次世界大戦中はV2ロケットの開発に関わった。
第二次世界大戦後は生まれ故郷のプラハに戻った。 | |
54133829 | Sinites (biblical tribe) | [EN] Sinites (biblical tribe) | |
78231617 | 2024-25 Morehead State Eagles men's basketball team | [EN] 2024-25 Morehead State Eagles men's basketball team | |
27017007 | Ischiadic nerve | [EN] Ischiadic nerve | |
2364894 | Siskyou | [EN] Siskyou | |
73453355 | Eco warriors movement | [EN] Eco warriors movement | |
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