1 value
[ 0, 0, 0.574 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 574 mm
[ 0, 230, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 230 m
[ 0, 0, 59.09 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 91 cm, up 60 m
[ 0.32, 9.25, -4.2 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 742 mm, right 422 mm, down 420 cm, forward 925 cm
[ 0, -0.43, 0.891 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 43 cm, up 891 mm
[ 42.079, 0, -0.532 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 955 cm, left 418 m, right 371 mm, right 366 m, down 532 mm
[ -1.471, 379, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 721 mm, forward 379 m, right 750 mm
[ -544.29, 0, 0.578 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 129 cm, down 177 mm, right 543 m, up 755 mm
[ 0, 0, -2.39 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 239 cm
[ 0, -248.64, -78 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 245 m, backward 364 cm, down 78 m
[ 0, -742, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 742 m
[ -549, -463.785, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 549 m, backward 463 m, backward 785 mm
[ -0.961, 954.478, 767 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 32 m, forward 923 m, backward 522 mm, up 767 m, right 961 mm
[ -930.18, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 782 cm, right 938 m
[ 0, 0, -0.943 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 943 mm
[ 6.26, 0.31, -6.96 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 696 cm, left 626 cm, forward 310 mm
[ -850.46, -3.18, -0.359 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 318 cm, left 576 cm, down 359 mm, right 22 cm, right 856 m
[ -1.309, -459.544, -9.62 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 973 mm, forward 456 mm, down 962 cm, right 336 mm, backward 460 m
[ 0.025, -9.31, 618.327 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 931 cm, up 547 mm, up 625 m, down 722 cm, left 25 mm
[ 0, 0, -5.53 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 553 cm
[ -0.339, 0, -0.109 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 339 mm, down 109 mm
[ -183, -4.88, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 488 cm, right 183 m
[ 372.98, -529, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 370 m, backward 529 m, left 298 cm
[ 132, -0.519, -0.468 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 519 mm, left 132 m, down 468 mm
[ -617.409, 0, -2.111 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 148 cm, right 618 m, left 324 mm, left 267 mm, down 631 mm
[ 270.368, 0.46, 0.333 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 333 mm, left 270 m, forward 460 mm, right 575 mm, left 943 mm
[ 0, -867, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 867 m
[ 200.056, 0, 2.08 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 56 mm, left 200 m, up 208 cm
[ 0, 0, -82 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 82 m
[ 450.058, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 58 mm, left 450 m
[ 729, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 729 m
[ -8, -7.684, -179 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 174 mm, down 179 m, right 8 m, backward 751 cm
[ -971.04, 8.185, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 715 mm, forward 747 cm, right 604 cm, right 965 m
[ -377, 0, -9.536 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 931 cm, right 377 m, down 226 mm
[ 0, 447, -437 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 447 m, down 437 m
[ 0, 0.436, 0.179 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 436 mm, up 179 mm
[ -5.26, 1.78, -174.74 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 526 cm, down 175 m, up 26 cm, forward 178 cm
[ 0, 6.13, -7.042 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 613 cm, down 209 mm, down 752 cm, up 687 mm
[ 4.63, 2.33, 895.73 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 78 mm, up 896 m, left 463 cm, forward 233 cm, down 192 mm
[ 637.92, -7.21, -5.346 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 633 cm, up 984 mm, backward 721 cm, left 692 cm, left 631 m
[ -0.678, 1.95, -8.084 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 678 mm, down 434 mm, down 765 cm, forward 195 cm
[ 0, 0, 0.745 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 745 mm
[ 11.37, 0, -94.89 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 111 cm, down 96 m, left 914 cm, left 223 cm
[ 922, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 922 m
[ -54.01, -9.813, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 337 mm, backward 736 mm, left 299 cm, backward 874 cm, right 57 m
[ 0, 0, 110.6 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 40 cm, up 111 m
[ 0.4, 1.343, 107 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 854 cm, left 40 cm, backward 809 cm, up 107 m, forward 893 mm
[ 1.6, 7.981, -566 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 276 m, forward 820 cm, down 290 m, backward 219 mm, left 160 cm
[ 780.397, -0.99, -7.93 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 723 mm, backward 990 mm, left 772 m, left 912 cm, down 793 cm
[ 0, 0.48, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 48 cm
[ 0.74, -0.287, 4.352 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 287 mm, down 418 mm, left 740 mm, up 477 cm
[ 0.495, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 495 mm
[ -0.781, -851, -976.661 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 977 m, right 781 mm, up 339 mm, backward 851 m
[ 0.142, -776.798, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 777 m, left 142 mm, forward 202 mm
[ 0, 878, 778 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 878 m, up 778 m
[ -263, 838, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 263 m, forward 838 m
[ 763.93, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 764 m, right 70 mm
[ 703.4, -213, -182.987 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 13 mm, down 183 m, left 712 m, backward 213 m, right 860 cm
[ 0, -0.027, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 27 mm
[ 0, -8.93, -3.812 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 238 mm, backward 893 cm, down 405 cm
[ 0, 661.783, 874 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 783 mm, up 874 m, forward 661 m
[ -1.508, 0, -608 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 608 m, right 111 cm, right 398 mm
[ 0, 4.95, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 495 cm
[ 0, -5.67, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 518 cm, backward 49 cm
[ 346.261, -4.99, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 739 mm, backward 499 cm, left 886 m, right 539 m
[ 0, 0, -0.198 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 198 mm
[ -0.186, -9.22, -626 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 909 cm, backward 922 cm, left 514 mm, right 979 cm, down 626 m
[ -8.55, 2.15, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 855 cm, forward 215 cm
[ 0.704, 0, 9.882 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 893 cm, up 952 mm, left 704 mm
[ -6.04, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 960 cm, left 356 cm
[ 279.888, 416, 0.592 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 12 mm, right 810 cm, forward 416 m, up 592 mm, left 288 m
[ 303, -7.83, -187 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 239 m, backward 783 cm, left 303 m, up 52 m
[ -832, 0, 0.236 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 58 m, up 236 mm, right 774 m
[ 3.115, -0.853, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 471 mm, left 212 cm, left 995 mm, backward 382 mm
[ 5.1, 6.01, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 601 cm, right 400 cm, left 910 cm
[ 0.444, 884, 4.56 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 444 mm, up 456 cm, forward 440 m, forward 444 m
[ 0, -930.99, -0.758 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 208 mm, backward 935 m, down 966 mm, forward 311 cm, forward 900 mm
[ 209, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 209 m
[ -2.884, 0, -680.96 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 810 m, left 416 mm, right 330 cm, up 130 m, down 96 cm
[ 16.44, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 756 cm, left 888 cm
[ 0, -0.905, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 905 mm
[ 849, -0.968, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 968 mm, left 849 m
[ -8.68, -578, -645 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 578 m, right 868 cm, down 645 m
[ 0, -0.182, 6.78 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 678 cm, backward 182 mm
[ 4.5, 0.503, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 503 mm, left 450 cm
[ 0.526, 0.296, 616.95 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 613 m, left 526 mm, up 395 cm, forward 646 mm, backward 350 mm
[ 2.04, 0, 911 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 204 cm, up 911 m
[ -92, 0, 706 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 706 m, right 92 m
[ -0.445, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 445 mm
[ -5.091, 7.98, 9.96 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 880 mm, up 996 cm, forward 886 cm, right 601 cm, left 919 mm
[ -412, -0.46, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 412 m, backward 46 cm
[ 8.11, 0, -0.145 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 721 cm, left 90 cm, down 145 mm
[ -648.832, 840, 1.82 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 649 m, left 168 mm, up 182 cm, forward 840 m
[ -18.51, 0, -952 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 952 m, right 903 cm, right 948 cm
[ 659, -712, -466 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 712 m, left 659 m, down 466 m
[ 0.908, 0.265, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 908 mm, forward 265 mm
[ -316, 0, 0.044 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 44 mm, right 316 m
[ 869, 0.967, 0.72 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 915 mm, up 720 mm, left 869 m, forward 52 mm
[ 0, 6.279, 0.93 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 930 mm, backward 431 mm, forward 671 cm
[ -0.824, -48.622, 8.01 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 622 mm, backward 48 m, up 801 cm, right 824 mm