stringlengths 25
| Addr
stringlengths 8
| Name
stringlengths 5
| Type
class label 2
classes | Disassembly
stringlengths 16
| Dirname
stringlengths 16
| Exename
stringclasses 17
values |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4080ae | ___CxxQueryExceptionSize | 0func
L1: 6a 10 ?? push 0x10<16>
58 ?? pop eax
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4080b2 | ___CxxCallUnwindDtor | 0func
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8
68 40 2f 43 00 ?? push 0x00432f40
e8 8e 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 55 08 ?? call dword ss:[ebp + 8]
L3: eb 0d ?? jmp basic block L7
L4: ff 75 ec ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 94 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c66
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
c3 ?? ret
L6: 8b 65 e8 ?? mov esp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
L7: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 ae 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L8: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4080e4 | ___CxxCallUnwindDelDtor | 0func
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8
68 60 2f 43 00 ?? push 0x00432f60
e8 5c 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 55 08 ?? call dword ss:[ebp + 8]
L3: 59 ?? pop ecx
eb 0d ?? jmp basic block L7
L4: ff 75 ec ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 61 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c66
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
c3 ?? ret
L6: 8b 65 e8 ?? mov esp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
L7: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 7b 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L8: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408117 | ___CxxCallUnwindStdDelDtor | 0func
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8
68 80 2f 43 00 ?? push 0x00432f80
e8 29 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 55 08 ?? call dword ss:[ebp + 8]
L3: eb 0d ?? jmp basic block L7
L4: ff 75 ec ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 2f fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c66
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
c3 ?? ret
L6: 8b 65 e8 ?? mov esp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
L7: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 49 58 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L8: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408184 | IsInExceptionSpec | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 0c ?? sub esp, 12
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
75 0a ?? jne basic block L4
L2: e8 51 3d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L3: e8 00 3d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040be9a
L4: 83 65 f8 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], 0
83 3f 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi], 0
c6 45 ff 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>], 0
7e 53 ?? jle basic block L15
L5: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
L6: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 40 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x1c<28>]
8b 40 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 12]
8b 18 ?? mov ebx, dword ds:[eax]
8d 70 04 ?? lea esi, ds:[eax + 4]
85 db ?? test ebx, ebx
7e 33 ?? jle basic block L13
L7: 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
L8: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 71 1c ?? push dword ds:[ecx + 0x1c<28>]
8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
50 ?? push eax
8b 47 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
03 45 f4 ?? add eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 2e fa ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c07
L9: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 0a ?? jne basic block L12
L10: 4b ?? dec ebx
83 c6 04 ?? add esi, 4
85 db ?? test ebx, ebx
7f dc ?? jg basic block L8
L11: eb 04 ?? jmp basic block L13
L12: c6 45 ff 01 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>], 1
L13: ff 45 f8 ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
3b 07 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[edi]
7c b1 ?? jl basic block L6
L14: 5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
L15: 8a 45 ff ?? mov al, byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>]
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4081ff | CallUnexpected | 0func
L1: 6a 04 ?? push 4
b8 b0 9c 42 00 ?? mov eax, 0x00429cb0
e8 c2 e8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406acd
L2: e8 3a 39 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L3: 83 b8 94 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>], 0
74 05 ?? je basic block L5
L4: e8 c8 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L5: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
e8 ac 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bed3
L6: 83 4d fc ff ?? or dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xff<255,-1>
e8 6a 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040be9a
L7: e8 15 39 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L8: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
6a 00 ?? push 0
6a 00 ?? push 0
89 88 94 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>], ecx
e8 32 df ff ff ?? call function 0x00406179
L9: cc ?? int3
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408248 | Is_bad_exception_allowed | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
33 ff ?? xor edi, edi
39 1e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], ebx
7e 1d ?? jle basic block L5
L2: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
8b 4c 03 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[ebx + eax + 4]
68 f4 46 43 00 ?? push 0x004346f4
e8 9b de ff ff ?? call function 0x00406100
L3: 84 c0 ?? test al, al
75 0d ?? jne basic block L7
L4: 47 ?? inc edi
83 c3 10 ?? add ebx, 0x10<16>
3b 3e ?? cmp edi, dword ds:[esi]
7c e3 ?? jl basic block L2
L5: 32 c0 ?? xor al, al
L6: 5f ?? pop edi
5b ?? pop ebx
c3 ?? ret
L7: b0 01 ?? mov al, 1
eb f9 ?? jmp basic block L6
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40827a | ?_is_exception_typeof@@YAHABVtype_info@@PAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@Z | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
57 ?? push edi
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 05 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: e8 59 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L3: 8b 36 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[esi]
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 05 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: e8 4e 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L5: 81 3e 63 73 6d e0 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0xe06d7363
75 1e ?? jne basic block L10
L6: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
75 18 ?? jne basic block L10
L7: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3d 20 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930520
74 13 ?? je basic block L11
L8: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 0c ?? je basic block L11
L9: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
74 05 ?? je basic block L11
L10: e8 23 3c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L11: 8b 46 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
8b 40 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 12]
8b 38 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[eax]
8d 70 04 ?? lea esi, ds:[eax + 4]
eb 21 ?? jmp basic block L16
L12: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
50 ?? push eax
e8 84 de ff ff ?? call function 0x00406165
L13: 50 ?? push eax
e8 09 41 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L14: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0e ?? je basic block L19
L15: 4f ?? dec edi
83 c6 04 ?? add esi, 4
L16: 85 ff ?? test edi, edi
7f db ?? jg basic block L12
L17: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L18: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L19: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
eb f7 ?? jmp basic block L18
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408300 | CallCatchBlock | 0func
L1: 6a 2c ?? push 0x2c<44>
68 18 30 43 00 ?? push 0x00433018
e8 40 56 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 8b d9 ?? mov ebx, ecx
8b 7d 0c ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
89 5d e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], ebx
83 65 cc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>], 0
8b 47 fc ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0xfc<252,-4>]
89 45 dc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>], eax
ff 76 18 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x18<24>]
8d 45 c4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 5c dc ff ff ?? call function 0x00405f89
L3: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
89 45 d8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>], eax
e8 13 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L4: 8b 80 88 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>]
89 45 d4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>], eax
e8 05 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L5: 8b 80 8c 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x0000008c<140>]
89 45 d0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>], eax
e8 f7 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L6: 89 b0 88 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>], esi
e8 ec 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L7: 8b 4d 10 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
89 88 8c 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x0000008c<140>], ecx
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
89 45 10 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], eax
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
53 ?? push ebx
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
57 ?? push edi
e8 aa dc ff ff ?? call function 0x0040602e
L8: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
89 45 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
eb 6f ?? jmp basic block L22
L9: 8b 45 ec ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 f8 f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407d90
L10: c3 ?? ret
L11: 8b 65 e8 ?? mov esp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
e8 a9 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L12: 83 a0 0c 02 00 00 00 ?? and dword ds:[eax + 0x0000020c<524>], 0
8b 75 14 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
8b 7d 0c ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
81 7e 04 80 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 4], 0x00000080<128>
7f 06 ?? jg basic block L14
L13: 0f be 4f 08 ?? movsx ecx, byte ds:[edi + 8]
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L15
L14: 8b 4f 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[edi + 8]
L15: 8b 5e 10 ?? mov ebx, dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>]
83 65 e0 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], 0
L16: 8b 45 e0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
3b 46 0c ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[esi + 12]
73 18 ?? jae basic block L20
L17: 6b c0 14 ?? imul eax, eax, 0x14<20>
03 c3 ?? add eax, ebx
8b 50 04 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax + 4]
3b ca ?? cmp ecx, edx
7e 40 ?? jle basic block L25
L18: 3b 48 08 ?? cmp ecx, dword ds:[eax + 8]
7f 3b ?? jg basic block L25
L19: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8]
8b 4c d0 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + edx * 8 + 8]
L20: 51 ?? push ecx
56 ?? push esi
6a 00 ?? push 0
57 ?? push edi
e8 be f8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407caf
L21: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
83 65 e4 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], 0
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
L22: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
c7 45 10 00 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], 0
e8 14 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x00408426
L23: 8b 45 e4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
e8 77 55 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L24: c3 ?? ret
L25: ff 45 e0 ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
eb a7 ?? jmp basic block L16
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40849c | ___BuildCatchObjectHelper | 0func
L1: 6a 0c ?? push 12
68 40 30 43 00 ?? push 0x00433040
e8 a4 54 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 33 d2 ?? xor edx, edx
89 55 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], edx
8b 45 10 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
8b 48 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 4]
3b ca ?? cmp ecx, edx
0f 84 58 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L44
L3: 38 51 08 ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 8], dl
0f 84 4f 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L44
L4: 8b 48 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 8]
3b ca ?? cmp ecx, edx
75 0c ?? jne basic block L6
L5: f7 00 00 00 00 80 ?? test dword ds:[eax], 0x80000000
0f 84 3c 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L44
L6: 8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax]
8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
78 04 ?? js basic block L8
L7: 8d 74 31 0c ?? lea esi, ds:[ecx + esi + 12]
L8: 89 55 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], edx
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
43 ?? inc ebx
53 ?? push ebx
a8 08 ?? test al, 8
74 41 ?? je basic block L16
L9: 8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 77 18 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>]
e8 4e 81 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410648
L10: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 f2 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L40
L11: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
e8 4f 81 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041065a
L12: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 e1 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L40
L13: 8b 47 18 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>]
89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax
8b 4d 14 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
83 c1 08 ?? add ecx, 8
51 ?? push ecx
L14: 50 ?? push eax
e8 03 f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407e2a
L15: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax
e9 cb 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L41
L16: 8b 7d 14 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 70 18 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>]
84 1f ?? test byte ds:[edi], bl
74 48 ?? je basic block L25
L17: e8 06 81 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410648
L18: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 aa 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L40
L19: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
e8 07 81 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041065a
L20: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 99 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L40
L21: ff 77 14 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x14<20>]
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 70 18 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>]
56 ?? push esi
e8 a4 40 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c610
L22: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
83 7f 14 04 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 0x14<20>], 4
0f 85 82 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L41
L23: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 7c ?? je basic block L41
L24: 83 c7 08 ?? add edi, 8
57 ?? push edi
eb 9c ?? jmp basic block L14
L25: 39 57 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>], edx
75 38 ?? jne basic block L33
L26: e8 b9 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410648
L27: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 61 ?? je basic block L40
L28: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
e8 be 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041065a
L29: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 54 ?? je basic block L40
L30: ff 77 14 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x14<20>]
83 c7 08 ?? add edi, 8
57 ?? push edi
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 70 18 ?? push dword ds:[eax + 0x18<24>]
e8 76 f8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407e2a
L31: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
50 ?? push eax
56 ?? push esi
e8 53 40 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c610
L32: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 39 ?? jmp basic block L41
L33: e8 81 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410648
L34: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 29 ?? je basic block L40
L35: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
e8 86 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041065a
L36: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 1c ?? je basic block L40
L37: ff 77 18 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>]
e8 8a 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041066c
L38: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L40
L39: f6 07 04 ?? test byte ds:[edi], 4
6a 00 ?? push 0
58 ?? pop eax
0f 95 c0 ?? setne al
40 ?? inc eax
89 45 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
eb 05 ?? jmp basic block L41
L40: e8 eb 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L41: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
8b 45 e4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
eb 0e ?? jmp basic block L45
L42: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
c3 ?? ret
L43: 8b 65 e8 ?? mov esp, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
e8 87 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040be9a
L44: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L45: e8 77 53 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L46: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40861b | ___BuildCatchObject | 0func
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8
68 60 30 43 00 ?? push 0x00433060
e8 25 53 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 8b 45 10 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
f7 00 00 00 00 80 ?? test dword ds:[eax], 0x80000000
74 05 ?? je basic block L4
L3: 8b 5d 0c ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
eb 0a ?? jmp basic block L5
L4: 8b 48 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 8]
8b 55 0c ?? mov edx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 5c 11 0c ?? lea ebx, ds:[ecx + edx + 12]
L5: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
8b 75 14 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
56 ?? push esi
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
57 ?? push edi
e8 46 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040849c
L6: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
48 ?? dec eax
74 1f ?? je basic block L11
L7: 48 ?? dec eax
75 34 ?? jne basic block L13
L8: 6a 01 ?? push 1
8d 46 08 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 8]
50 ?? push eax
ff 77 18 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>]
e8 bd f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407e2a
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
50 ?? push eax
ff 76 18 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x18<24>]
53 ?? push ebx
e8 d6 d5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c4f
L10: eb 18 ?? jmp basic block L13
L11: 8d 46 08 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 8]
50 ?? push eax
ff 77 18 ?? push dword ds:[edi + 0x18<24>]
e8 a3 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407e2a
L12: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
50 ?? push eax
ff 76 18 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x18<24>]
53 ?? push ebx
e8 b5 d5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c48
L13: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 f2 52 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L14: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4086ad | ___CxxExceptionFilter | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 02 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L3: 53 ?? push ebx
8b 5d 10 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
56 ?? push esi
8b 30 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax]
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 0c ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
74 06 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 80 7f 08 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[edi + 8], 0
75 16 ?? jne basic block L7
L5: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
3d 4d 4f 43 e0 ?? cmp eax, 0xe0434f4d
0f 84 c1 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L27
L6: f6 c3 40 ?? test bl, 0x40<64>
0f 84 b8 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L27
L7: 81 3e 63 73 6d e0 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0xe06d7363
0f 85 e5 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L35
L8: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
0f 85 db 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L35
L9: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3d 20 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930520
74 12 ?? je basic block L12
L10: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 0b ?? je basic block L12
L11: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
0f 85 bf 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L35
L12: 83 7e 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>], 0
75 1d ?? jne basic block L17
L13: e8 24 34 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L14: 83 b8 88 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>], 0
0f 84 a7 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L35
L15: e8 12 34 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L16: 8b b0 88 00 00 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>]
L17: 8b 46 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
8b 40 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 12]
81 cb 00 00 00 80 ?? or ebx, 0x80000000
89 7d f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], edi
8b 38 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[eax]
89 5d f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], ebx
8d 58 04 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + 4]
eb 1d ?? jmp basic block L21
L18: 8b 03 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx]
ff 76 1c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
89 45 08 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], eax
50 ?? push eax
8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 9e f4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c07
L19: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 0a ?? jne basic block L23
L20: 4f ?? dec edi
83 c3 04 ?? add ebx, 4
L21: 85 ff ?? test edi, edi
7f df ?? jg basic block L18
L22: eb 60 ?? jmp basic block L35
L23: e8 cb 33 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L24: 05 90 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x00000090<144>
ff 00 ?? inc dword ds:[eax]
83 7d 14 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>], 0
74 5e ?? je basic block L38
L25: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
56 ?? push esi
e8 7f fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040861b
L26: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
eb 49 ?? jmp basic block L38
L27: 3d 63 73 6d e0 ?? cmp eax, 0xe06d7363
75 36 ?? jne basic block L36
L28: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
75 30 ?? jne basic block L36
L29: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3d 20 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930520
74 0e ?? je basic block L32
L30: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 07 ?? je basic block L32
L31: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
75 18 ?? jne basic block L36
L32: 83 7e 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L36
L33: e8 79 33 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L34: 83 b8 88 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>], 0
75 04 ?? jne basic block L36
L35: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
eb 0f ?? jmp basic block L39
L36: e8 67 33 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L37: 05 90 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x00000090<144>
ff 00 ?? inc dword ds:[eax]
L38: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
L39: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4087f2 | CatchIt | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 7d 18 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>], 0
74 10 ?? je basic block L4
L2: ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 11 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040861b
L3: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
L4: 83 7d 20 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>], 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
75 03 ?? jne basic block L6
L5: 56 ?? push esi
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L7
L6: ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
L7: e8 35 d4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c56
L8: ff 37 ?? push dword ds:[edi]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
56 ?? push esi
e8 80 f4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407caf
L9: 8b 47 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
68 00 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000100<256>
ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
40 ?? inc eax
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8b 4b 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[ebx + 12]
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 b0 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x00408300
L10: 83 c4 28 ?? add esp, 0x28<40>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 07 ?? je basic block L12
L11: 56 ?? push esi
50 ?? push eax
e8 b1 d3 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c0f
L12: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408860 | FindHandlerForForeignException | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
51 ?? push ecx
51 ?? push ecx
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
81 3e 03 00 00 80 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0x80000003
0f 84 da 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L25
L2: 57 ?? push edi
e8 cd 32 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L3: 83 b8 80 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000080<128>], 0
74 3f ?? je basic block L10
L4: e8 bf 32 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L5: 8d b8 80 00 00 00 ?? lea edi, ds:[eax + 0x00000080<128>]
e8 22 30 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b8b8
L6: 39 07 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi], eax
74 2b ?? je basic block L10
L7: 81 3e 4d 4f 43 e0 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0xe0434f4d
74 23 ?? je basic block L10
L8: ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
56 ?? push esi
e8 e4 d4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405d9e
L9: 83 c4 1c ?? add esp, 0x1c<28>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 85 8b 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L24
L10: 8b 7d 18 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
83 7f 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 12], 0
75 05 ?? jne basic block L12
L11: e8 13 36 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L12: 8b 75 1c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
8d 45 f8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
50 ?? push eax
8d 45 fc ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
50 ?? push eax
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
57 ?? push edi
e8 2c d6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405f14
L13: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
8b 45 fc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
3b 45 f8 ?? cmp eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
73 5b ?? jae basic block L24
L14: 53 ?? push ebx
L15: 3b 37 ?? cmp esi, dword ds:[edi]
7c 47 ?? jl basic block L22
L16: 3b 77 04 ?? cmp esi, dword ds:[edi + 4]
7f 42 ?? jg basic block L22
L17: 8b 47 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 12]
8b 4f 10 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[edi + 0x10<16>]
c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
03 c1 ?? add eax, ecx
8b 48 f4 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0xf4<244,-12>]
85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx
74 06 ?? je basic block L19
L18: 80 79 08 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 8], 0
75 2a ?? jne basic block L22
L19: 8d 58 f0 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + 0xf0<240,-16>]
f6 03 40 ?? test byte ds:[ebx], 0x40<64>
75 22 ?? jne basic block L22
L20: ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 b7 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x004087f2
L21: 8b 75 1c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
83 c4 1c ?? add esp, 0x1c<28>
L22: ff 45 fc ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
8b 45 fc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
83 c7 14 ?? add edi, 0x14<20>
3b 45 f8 ?? cmp eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
72 a7 ?? jb basic block L15
L23: 5b ?? pop ebx
L24: 5f ?? pop edi
L25: 5e ?? pop esi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408954 | FindHandler | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 2c ?? sub esp, 0x2c<44>
8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
53 ?? push ebx
8b 5d 18 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
8b 43 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx + 4]
3d 80 00 00 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00000080<128>
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
c6 45 ff 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>], 0
7f 06 ?? jg basic block L3
L2: 0f be 49 08 ?? movsx ecx, byte ds:[ecx + 8]
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L4
L3: 8b 49 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[ecx + 8]
L4: 83 f9 ff ?? cmp ecx, 0xff<255,-1>
89 4d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ecx
7c 04 ?? jl basic block L6
L5: 3b c8 ?? cmp ecx, eax
7c 05 ?? jl basic block L7
L6: e8 59 35 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L7: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
bf 63 73 6d e0 ?? mov edi, 0xe06d7363
39 3e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], edi
0f 85 ba 02 00 00 ?? jne basic block L83
L8: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
bb 20 05 93 19 ?? mov ebx, 0x19930520
0f 85 18 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L42
L9: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 12 ?? je basic block L12
L10: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 0b ?? je basic block L12
L11: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
0f 85 ff 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L42
L12: 83 7e 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>], 0
0f 85 f5 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L42
L13: e8 76 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L14: 83 b8 88 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>], 0
0f 84 b5 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L90
L15: e8 64 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L16: 8b b0 88 00 00 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>]
89 75 08 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], esi
e8 56 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L17: 8b 80 8c 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x0000008c<140>]
6a 01 ?? push 1
56 ?? push esi
89 45 10 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], eax
e8 43 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410648
L18: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 05 ?? jne basic block L20
L19: e8 d6 34 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L20: 39 3e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], edi
75 26 ?? jne basic block L27
L21: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
75 20 ?? jne basic block L27
L22: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 0e ?? je basic block L25
L23: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 07 ?? je basic block L25
L24: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
75 0b ?? jne basic block L27
L25: 83 7e 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>], 0
75 05 ?? jne basic block L27
L26: e8 ac 34 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L27: e8 0b 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L28: 83 b8 94 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>], 0
74 7c ?? je basic block L42
L29: e8 fd 30 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L30: 8b b8 94 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>]
e8 f2 30 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L31: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
89 b0 94 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>], esi
e8 1c f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408184
L32: 59 ?? pop ecx
84 c0 ?? test al, al
75 4f ?? jne basic block L41
L33: 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
39 1f ?? cmp dword ds:[edi], ebx
7e 1d ?? jle basic block L37
L34: 8b 47 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
8b 4c 03 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[ebx + eax + 4]
68 f4 46 43 00 ?? push 0x004346f4
e8 7c d6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406100
L35: 84 c0 ?? test al, al
75 0d ?? jne basic block L38
L36: 46 ?? inc esi
83 c3 10 ?? add ebx, 0x10<16>
3b 37 ?? cmp esi, dword ds:[edi]
7c e3 ?? jl basic block L34
L37: e8 05 34 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040be9a
L38: 6a 01 ?? push 1
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 36 f3 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407dd5
L39: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
68 b4 e2 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e2b4<"bad exception">
8d 4d d4 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>]
e8 09 f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407bb7
L40: 68 7c 30 43 00 ?? push 0x0043307c
8d 45 d4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 bd d6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406179
L41: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
bf 63 73 6d e0 ?? mov edi, 0xe06d7363
L42: 39 3e ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], edi
0f 85 88 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L82
L43: 83 7e 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x10<16>], 3
0f 85 7e 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L82
L44: 8b 46 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 12 ?? je basic block L47
L45: 3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
74 0b ?? je basic block L47
L46: 3d 22 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930522
0f 85 65 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L82
L47: 8b 7d 18 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
83 7f 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 12], 0
0f 86 bf 00 00 00 ?? jbe basic block L64
L48: 8d 45 e4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
50 ?? push eax
8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
57 ?? push edi
e8 04 d4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405f14
L49: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
L50: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
3b 45 e4 ?? cmp eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
0f 83 97 00 00 00 ?? jae basic block L63
L51: 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
39 07 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi], eax
0f 8f 81 00 00 00 ?? jg basic block L62
L52: 3b 47 04 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
7f 7c ?? jg basic block L62
L53: 8b 47 10 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x10<16>]
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
8b 47 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 12]
89 45 e8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>], eax
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
7e 6c ?? jle basic block L62
L54: 8b 46 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
8b 40 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 12]
8d 58 04 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + 4]
8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax]
89 45 ec ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>], eax
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
7e 23 ?? jle basic block L58
L55: ff 76 1c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
8b 03 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
89 45 e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], eax
e8 a3 f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407c07
L56: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 1a ?? jne basic block L60
L57: ff 4d ec ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
83 c3 04 ?? add ebx, 4
39 45 ec ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>], eax
7f dd ?? jg basic block L55
L58: ff 4d e8 ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
83 45 f4 10 ?? add dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], 0x10<16>
83 7d e8 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>], 0
7f be ?? jg basic block L54
L59: eb 28 ?? jmp basic block L62
L60: ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
8b 5d f4 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
c6 45 ff 01 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>], 1
ff 75 e0 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 4b fc ff ff ?? call function 0x004087f2
L61: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 c4 1c ?? add esp, 0x1c<28>
L62: ff 45 f0 ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 c7 14 ?? add edi, 0x14<20>
e9 5d ff ff ff ?? jmp basic block L50
L63: 8b 7d 18 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
L64: 80 7d 1c 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>], 0
74 0a ?? je basic block L67
L65: 6a 01 ?? push 1
56 ?? push esi
e8 0c f2 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407dd5
L66: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L67: 80 7d ff 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xff<255,-1>], 0
0f 85 ae 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L87
L68: 8b 07 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi]
25 ff ff ff 1f ?? and eax, 0x1fffffff
3d 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp eax, 0x19930521
0f 82 9c 00 00 00 ?? jb basic block L87
L69: 8b 7f 1c ?? mov edi, dword ds:[edi + 0x1c<28>]
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
0f 84 91 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L87
L70: 56 ?? push esi
e8 8c f5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408184
L71: 59 ?? pop ecx
84 c0 ?? test al, al
0f 85 82 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L87
L72: e8 44 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L73: e8 3f 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L74: e8 3a 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L75: 89 b0 88 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x00000088<136>], esi
e8 2f 2f 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L76: 83 7d 24 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>], 0
8b 4d 10 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
89 88 8c 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x0000008c<140>], ecx
56 ?? push esi
75 05 ?? jne basic block L78
L77: ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L79
L78: ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
L79: e8 1e d0 ff ff ?? call function 0x00405c56
L80: 8b 75 18 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
6a ff ?? push 0xff<255,-1>
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 66 f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x00407caf
L81: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
ff 76 1c ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x1c<28>]
e8 ab f5 ff ff ?? call function 0x004081ff
L82: 8b 5d 18 ?? mov ebx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
L83: 83 7b 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[ebx + 12], 0
76 26 ?? jbe basic block L87
L84: 80 7d 1c 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>], 0
0f 85 29 fe ff ff ?? jne basic block L37
L85: ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
53 ?? push ebx
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
56 ?? push esi
e8 e0 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00408860
L86: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
L87: e8 c2 2e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L88: 83 b8 94 00 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x00000094<148>], 0
74 05 ?? je basic block L90
L89: e8 50 32 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bee6
L90: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408c9b | ??0bad_exception@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | 1method
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx
e8 9b d5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406246
L2: c7 06 ac e2 42 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0042e2ac
8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408cb8 | ___InternalCxxFrameHandler | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
e8 85 2e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 83 b8 0c 02 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x0000020c<524>], 0
8b 45 18 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
bf 63 73 6d e0 ?? mov edi, 0xe06d7363
be ff ff ff 1f ?? mov esi, 0x1fffffff
bb 22 05 93 19 ?? mov ebx, 0x19930522
75 20 ?? jne basic block L7
L3: 8b 11 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[ecx]
3b d7 ?? cmp edx, edi
74 1a ?? je basic block L7
L4: 81 fa 26 00 00 80 ?? cmp edx, 0x80000026
74 12 ?? je basic block L7
L5: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax]
23 d6 ?? and edx, esi
3b d3 ?? cmp edx, ebx
72 0a ?? jb basic block L7
L6: f6 40 20 01 ?? test byte ds:[eax + 0x20<32>], 1
0f 85 93 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L23
L7: f6 41 04 66 ?? test byte ds:[ecx + 4], 0x66<102>
74 23 ?? je basic block L12
L8: 83 78 04 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 4], 0
0f 84 83 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L23
L9: 83 7d 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>], 0
75 7d ?? jne basic block L23
L10: 6a ff ?? push 0xff<255,-1>
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 88 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x00407caf
L11: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
eb 6a ?? jmp basic block L23
L12: 83 78 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 12], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L15
L13: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax]
23 d6 ?? and edx, esi
81 fa 21 05 93 19 ?? cmp edx, 0x19930521
72 58 ?? jb basic block L23
L14: 83 78 1c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x1c<28>], 0
74 52 ?? je basic block L23
L15: 39 39 ?? cmp dword ds:[ecx], edi
75 32 ?? jne basic block L21
L16: 83 79 10 03 ?? cmp dword ds:[ecx + 0x10<16>], 3
72 2c ?? jb basic block L21
L17: 39 59 14 ?? cmp dword ds:[ecx + 0x14<20>], ebx
76 27 ?? jbe basic block L21
L18: 8b 51 1c ?? mov edx, dword ds:[ecx + 0x1c<28>]
8b 52 08 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[edx + 8]
85 d2 ?? test edx, edx
74 1d ?? je basic block L21
L19: 0f b6 75 24 ?? movzx esi, byte ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
51 ?? push ecx
ff d2 ?? call edx
L20: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
eb 1f ?? jmp basic block L24
L21: ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
51 ?? push ecx
e8 c1 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00408954
L22: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
L23: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
L24: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408d9e | __MarkAllocaS | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L3
L2: 8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx
83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
L3: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408db4 | __freea | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 12 ?? je basic block L5
L2: 83 e8 08 ?? sub eax, 8
81 38 dd dd 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], 0x0000dddd<56797>
75 07 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 50 ?? push eax
e8 3b dc ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
L5: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408dd4 | ??0_LocaleUpdate@@QAE@PAUlocaleinfo_struct@@@Z | 1method
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
56 ?? push esi
8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx
c6 46 0c 00 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 12], 0
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 63 ?? jne basic block L13
L2: e8 5e 2d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L3: 89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax
8b 48 6c ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x6c<108>]
89 0e ?? mov dword ds:[esi], ecx
8b 48 68 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x68<104>]
89 4e 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], ecx
8b 0e ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi]
3b 0d f0 50 43 00 ?? cmp ecx, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
74 12 ?? je basic block L7
L4: 8b 0d 08 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 48 70 ?? test dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], ecx
75 07 ?? jne basic block L7
L5: e8 3a 18 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L6: 89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax
L7: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
3b 05 10 4f 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x00434f10]
74 16 ?? je basic block L11
L8: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8]
8b 0d 08 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 48 70 ?? test dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], ecx
75 08 ?? jne basic block L11
L9: e8 70 7a 00 00 ?? call function 0x004108a4
L10: 89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
L11: 8b 46 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 8]
f6 40 70 02 ?? test byte ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], 2
75 14 ?? jne basic block L14
L12: 83 48 70 02 ?? or dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], 2
c6 46 0c 01 ?? mov byte ds:[esi + 12], 1
eb 0a ?? jmp basic block L14
L13: 8b 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax]
89 0e ?? mov dword ds:[esi], ecx
8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
L14: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c2 04 00 ?? ret 4
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408e5b | ??1_LocaleUpdate@@QAE@XZ | 1method
L1: 80 79 0c 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 12], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L3
L2: 8b 41 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 8]
83 60 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L3: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408e6c | strncnt | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
eb 07 ?? jmp basic block L4
L2: 49 ?? dec ecx
80 38 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax], 0
74 06 ?? je basic block L6
L3: 40 ?? inc eax
L4: 85 c9 ?? test ecx, ecx
75 f5 ?? jne basic block L2
L5: 49 ?? dec ecx
L6: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
2b c1 ?? sub eax, ecx
48 ?? dec eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x408e8a | __crtLCMapStringA_stat | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 14 ?? sub esp, 0x14<20>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
57 ?? push edi
8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx
39 1d 48 5b 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b48], ebx
75 38 ?? jne basic block L8
L2: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
33 ff ?? xor edi, edi
47 ?? inc edi
57 ?? push edi
68 c4 e2 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e2c4
68 00 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000100<256>
53 ?? push ebx
ff 15 44 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438244]
L3: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 89 3d 48 5b 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b48], edi
eb 15 ?? jmp basic block L8
L5: ff 15 30 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438230]
L6: 83 f8 78 ?? cmp eax, 0x78<120>
75 0a ?? jne basic block L8
L7: c7 05 48 5b 43 00 02 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b48], 2
00 00
L8: 39 5d 14 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>], ebx
7e 22 ?? jle basic block L16
L9: 8b 4d 14 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
8b 45 10 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
L10: 49 ?? dec ecx
38 18 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax], bl
74 08 ?? je basic block L13
L11: 40 ?? inc eax
3b cb ?? cmp ecx, ebx
75 f6 ?? jne basic block L10
L12: 83 c9 ff ?? or ecx, 0xff<255,-1>
L13: 8b 45 14 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
2b c1 ?? sub eax, ecx
48 ?? dec eax
3b 45 14 ?? cmp eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
7d 01 ?? jge basic block L15
L14: 40 ?? inc eax
L15: 89 45 14 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>], eax
L16: a1 48 5b 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00435b48]
83 f8 02 ?? cmp eax, 2
0f 84 ac 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L68
L17: 3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
0f 84 a4 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L68
L18: 83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1
0f 85 cc 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L74
L19: 89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx
39 5d 20 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>], ebx
75 08 ?? jne basic block L21
L20: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 45 20 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>], eax
L21: 8b 35 40 82 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00438240]
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
39 5d 24 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>], ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
0f 95 c0 ?? setne al
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
8d 04 c5 01 00 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[1 + eax * 8]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L22: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx
0f 84 8f 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L74
L23: 7e 43 ?? jle basic block L34
L24: 6a e0 ?? push 0xe0<224,-32>
33 d2 ?? xor edx, edx
58 ?? pop eax
f7 f7 ?? div edi
83 f8 02 ?? cmp eax, 2
72 37 ?? jb basic block L34
L25: 8d 44 3f 08 ?? lea eax, ds:[edi + edi + 8]
3d 00 04 00 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00000400<1024>
77 13 ?? ja basic block L29
L26: e8 1c 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fa0
L27: 8b c4 ?? mov eax, esp
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 1c ?? je basic block L33
L28: c7 00 cc cc 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x0000cccc<52428>
eb 11 ?? jmp basic block L32
L29: 50 ?? push eax
e8 47 27 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b6df
L30: 59 ?? pop ecx
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 09 ?? je basic block L33
L31: c7 00 dd dd 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x0000dddd<56797>
L32: 83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
L33: 89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L35
L34: 89 5d f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], ebx
L35: 39 5d f4 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], ebx
0f 84 3e 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L74
L36: 57 ?? push edi
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
6a 01 ?? push 1
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L37: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 e3 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L66
L38: 8b 35 44 82 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00438244]
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L39: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax
89 4d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ecx
3b cb ?? cmp ecx, ebx
0f 84 c2 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L66
L40: f7 45 0c 00 04 00 00 ?? test dword ss:[ebp + 12], 0x00000400<1024>
74 29 ?? je basic block L45
L41: 39 5d 1c ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>], ebx
0f 84 b0 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L66
L42: 3b 4d 1c ?? cmp ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
0f 8f a7 00 00 00 ?? jg basic block L66
L43: ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
57 ?? push edi
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L44: e9 90 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L66
L45: 3b cb ?? cmp ecx, ebx
7e 45 ?? jle basic block L55
L46: 6a e0 ?? push 0xe0<224,-32>
33 d2 ?? xor edx, edx
58 ?? pop eax
f7 f1 ?? div ecx
83 f8 02 ?? cmp eax, 2
72 39 ?? jb basic block L55
L47: 8d 44 09 08 ?? lea eax, ds:[ecx + ecx + 8]
3d 00 04 00 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00000400<1024>
77 16 ?? ja basic block L51
L48: e8 5d 7f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fa0
L49: 8b f4 ?? mov esi, esp
3b f3 ?? cmp esi, ebx
74 6a ?? je basic block L66
L50: c7 06 cc cc 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], 0x0000cccc<52428>
83 c6 08 ?? add esi, 8
eb 1a ?? jmp basic block L56
L51: 50 ?? push eax
e8 85 26 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b6df
L52: 59 ?? pop ecx
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 09 ?? je basic block L54
L53: c7 00 dd dd 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x0000dddd<56797>
83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
L54: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
eb 02 ?? jmp basic block L56
L55: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
L56: 3b f3 ?? cmp esi, ebx
74 41 ?? je basic block L66
L57: ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 15 44 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438244]
L58: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 22 ?? je basic block L64
L59: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
39 5d 1c ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>], ebx
75 04 ?? jne basic block L61
L60: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
eb 06 ?? jmp basic block L62
L61: ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
L62: ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
56 ?? push esi
53 ?? push ebx
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 15 3c 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x0043823c]
L63: 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax
L64: 56 ?? push esi
e8 02 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00408db4
L65: 59 ?? pop ecx
L66: ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
e8 f9 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x00408db4
L67: 8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
59 ?? pop ecx
e9 59 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L111
L68: 89 5d f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], ebx
89 5d f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], ebx
39 5d 08 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], ebx
75 08 ?? jne basic block L70
L69: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
8b 40 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x14<20>]
89 45 08 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], eax
L70: 39 5d 20 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>], ebx
75 08 ?? jne basic block L72
L71: 8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
8b 40 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 45 20 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>], eax
L72: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 b3 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410d9f
L73: 59 ?? pop ecx
89 45 ec ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>], eax
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
75 07 ?? jne basic block L75
L74: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
e9 21 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L111
L75: 3b 45 20 ?? cmp eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
0f 84 db 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L101
L76: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
8d 4d 14 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
51 ?? push ecx
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
e8 d1 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410de8
L77: 83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 d4 ?? je basic block L74
L78: 8b 35 38 82 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00438238]
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L79: 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
75 07 ?? jne basic block L81
L80: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
e9 b7 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L103
L81: 7e 3d ?? jle basic block L91
L82: 83 f8 e0 ?? cmp eax, 0xe0<224,-32>
77 38 ?? ja basic block L91
L83: 83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
3d 00 04 00 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00000400<1024>
77 16 ?? ja basic block L87
L84: e8 47 7e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fa0
L85: 8b fc ?? mov edi, esp
3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx
74 dd ?? je basic block L80
L86: c7 07 cc cc 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[edi], 0x0000cccc<52428>
83 c7 08 ?? add edi, 8
eb 1a ?? jmp basic block L92
L87: 50 ?? push eax
e8 6f 25 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b6df
L88: 59 ?? pop ecx
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 09 ?? je basic block L90
L89: c7 00 dd dd 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x0000dddd<56797>
83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
L90: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
eb 02 ?? jmp basic block L92
L91: 33 ff ?? xor edi, edi
L92: 3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx
74 b4 ?? je basic block L80
L93: ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
e8 3e d6 ff ff ?? call function 0x004067d0
L94: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
ff 75 f8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
57 ?? push edi
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L95: 89 45 f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
75 04 ?? jne basic block L97
L96: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
eb 25 ?? jmp basic block L99
L97: ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
8d 45 f8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
50 ?? push eax
57 ?? push edi
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 ec ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 20 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410de8
L98: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
89 75 f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], esi
83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
f7 de ?? neg esi
1b f6 ?? sbb esi, esi
23 75 f8 ?? and esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
L99: 57 ?? push edi
e8 d7 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00408db4
L100: 59 ?? pop ecx
eb 1a ?? jmp basic block L103
L101: ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 15 38 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438238]
L102: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
L103: 39 5d f4 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], ebx
74 09 ?? je basic block L106
L104: ff 75 f4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
e8 05 d8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L105: 59 ?? pop ecx
L106: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 0c ?? je basic block L110
L107: 39 45 18 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>], eax
74 07 ?? je basic block L110
L108: 50 ?? push eax
e8 f2 d7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L109: 59 ?? pop ecx
L110: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
L111: 8d 65 e0 ?? lea esp, ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
33 cd ?? xor ecx, ebp
e8 61 ce ff ff ?? call function 0x0040608e
L112: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40922f | ___crtLCMapStringA | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 92 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: ff 75 28 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x28<40>]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
ff 75 24 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x24<36>]
ff 75 20 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x20<32>]
ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 28 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x00408e8a
L3: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L5: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40927a | ___pctype_func | 0func
L1: e8 cb 28 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax
8b 41 6c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 0x6c<108>]
3b 05 f0 50 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
74 10 ?? je basic block L5
L3: 8b 15 08 50 43 00 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 51 70 ?? test dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], edx
75 05 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: e8 b2 13 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4092a3 | __isalpha_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 1e fb ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 16 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
68 03 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000103<259>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 f9 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
25 03 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000103<259>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4092f9 | _isalpha | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 14 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
25 03 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000103<259>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004092a3
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409329 | __isupper_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 98 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 01 ?? push 1
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 76 7c 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 01 ?? and eax, 1
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40937a | _isupper | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
83 e0 01 ?? and eax, 1
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00409329
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4093a8 | __islower_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 19 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 02 ?? push 2
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 f7 7b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 02 ?? and eax, 2
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4093f9 | _islower | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
83 e0 02 ?? and eax, 2
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004093a8
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409427 | __isdigit_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 9a f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 04 ?? push 4
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 78 7b 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 04 ?? and eax, 4
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409478 | _isdigit | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
83 e0 04 ?? and eax, 4
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00409427
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4094a6 | __isxdigit_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 1b f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 16 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
68 80 00 00 00 ?? push 0x00000080<128>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 f6 7a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
25 80 00 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000080<128>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4094fc | _isxdigit | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 14 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
25 80 00 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000080<128>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004094a6
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40952c | __isspace_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 95 f8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 08 ?? push 8
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 73 7a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 08 ?? and eax, 8
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4095ab | __ispunct_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 16 f8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 10 ?? push 0x10<16>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 f4 79 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 10 ?? and eax, 0x10<16>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4095fc | _ispunct | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
83 e0 10 ?? and eax, 0x10<16>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004095ab
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40962a | __isalnum_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 97 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 16 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
68 07 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000107<263>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 72 79 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
25 07 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000107<263>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409680 | _isalnum | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 14 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
25 07 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000107<263>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x0040962a
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4096b0 | __isprint_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 11 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 16 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
68 57 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000157<343>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 ec 78 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
25 57 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000157<343>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409706 | _isprint | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 14 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
25 57 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000157<343>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004096b0
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409736 | __isgraph_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 8b f6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 16 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
68 17 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000117<279>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 66 78 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 12 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
25 17 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000117<279>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40978c | _isgraph | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 14 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
25 17 01 00 00 ?? and eax, 0x00000117<279>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e ff ff ff ?? call function 0x00409736
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4097bc | __iscntrl_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 10 ?? sub esp, 0x10<16>
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 4d f0 ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
e8 05 f6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00408dd4
L2: 8b 45 f0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
83 b8 ac 00 00 00 01 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
7e 13 ?? jle basic block L5
L3: 8d 45 f0 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>]
50 ?? push eax
6a 20 ?? push 0x20<32>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 e3 77 00 00 ?? call function 0x00410fcc
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
eb 10 ?? jmp basic block L6
L5: 8b 80 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
0f b7 04 48 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[eax + ecx * 2]
83 e0 20 ?? and eax, 0x20<32>
L6: 80 7d fc 00 ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 07 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 4d f8 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 61 70 fd ?? and dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], 0xfd<253,-3>
L8: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40980d | _iscntrl | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d 50 5b 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b50], 0
75 12 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 0d e0 50 43 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[0x004350e0]
0f b7 04 41 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ecx + eax * 2]
83 e0 20 ?? and eax, 0x20<32>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L3: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 85 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x004097bc
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40983b | ___isascii | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
81 7d 08 80 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 0x00000080<128>
1b c0 ?? sbb eax, eax
f7 d8 ?? neg eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40984d | ___toascii | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 e0 7f ?? and eax, 0x7f<127>
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40985a | __iscsymf_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 39 fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004092a3
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 83 7d 08 5f ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 0x5f<95>
74 02 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L5: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40987d | ___iscsymf | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 6f fa ff ff ?? call function 0x004092f9
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 83 7d 08 5f ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 0x5f<95>
74 02 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L5: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40989c | __iscsym_l | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 7e fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040962a
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 83 7d 08 5f ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 0x5f<95>
74 02 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L5: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4098bf | ___iscsym | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
0f b6 45 08 ?? movzx eax, byte ss:[ebp + 8]
50 ?? push eax
e8 b2 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x00409680
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 80 7d 08 5f ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 8], 0x5f<95>
74 02 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L5: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x4098e0 | ___init_ctype | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 4c ?? sub esp, 0x4c<76>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
53 ?? push ebx
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
57 ?? push edi
89 5d d4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>], ebx
89 5d e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], ebx
89 5d e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], ebx
89 5d d8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>], ebx
89 5d dc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>], ebx
89 75 b4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xb4<180,-76>], esi
89 5d b8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xb8<184,-72>], ebx
39 5e 14 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>], ebx
0f 84 16 03 00 00 ?? je basic block L63
L2: 8d 46 04 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 4]
39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 20 ?? jne basic block L5
L3: 50 ?? push eax
0f b7 46 30 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[esi + 0x30<48>]
68 04 10 00 00 ?? push 0x00001004<4100>
50 ?? push eax
8d 45 b4 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xb4<180,-76>]
53 ?? push ebx
50 ?? push eax
e8 7e 79 00 00 ?? call function 0x004112b2
L4: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 85 c7 02 00 00 ?? jne basic block L58
L5: 6a 04 ?? push 4
e8 9a 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a0e0
L6: 6a 02 ?? push 2
bf 80 01 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x00000180<384>
57 ?? push edi
89 45 d4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>], eax
e8 cf 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a125
L7: 6a 01 ?? push 1
57 ?? push edi
89 45 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
e8 c4 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a125
L8: 6a 01 ?? push 1
57 ?? push edi
89 45 e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], eax
e8 b9 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a125
L9: 6a 01 ?? push 1
68 01 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000101<257>
89 45 d8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>], eax
e8 aa 07 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a125
L10: 83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36>
89 45 dc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>], eax
39 5d d4 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>], ebx
0f 84 7c 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L11: 39 5d e4 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], ebx
0f 84 73 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L12: 3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
0f 84 6b 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L13: 39 5d e0 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], ebx
0f 84 62 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L14: 39 5d d8 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>], ebx
0f 84 59 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L15: 8b 45 d4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>]
89 18 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ebx
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L16: 8b 4d dc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
88 04 08 ?? mov byte ds:[eax + ecx], al
40 ?? inc eax
3d 00 01 00 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00000100<256>
L17: 7c f2 ?? jl basic block L16
L18: 8d 45 e8 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
ff 15 48 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438248]
L19: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 2f 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L20: 83 7d e8 05 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>], 5
0f 87 25 02 00 00 ?? ja basic block L58
L21: 0f b7 45 e8 ?? movzx eax, word ss:[ebp + 0xe8<232,-24>]
83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1
89 45 d0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>], eax
7e 2d ?? jle basic block L29
L22: 38 5d ee ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xee<238,-18>], bl
74 28 ?? je basic block L29
L23: 8d 45 ef ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xef<239,-17>]
L24: 8a 08 ?? mov cl, byte ds:[eax]
3a cb ?? cmp cl, bl
74 1f ?? je basic block L29
L25: 0f b6 78 ff ?? movzx edi, byte ds:[eax + 0xff<255,-1>]
0f b6 c9 ?? movzx ecx, cl
eb 0b ?? jmp basic block L27
L26: 8b 4d dc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
c6 04 0f 20 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + ecx], 0x20<32>
0f b6 08 ?? movzx ecx, byte ds:[eax]
47 ?? inc edi
L27: 3b f9 ?? cmp edi, ecx
7e f1 ?? jle basic block L26
L28: 40 ?? inc eax
40 ?? inc eax
38 58 ff ?? cmp byte ds:[eax + 0xff<255,-1>], bl
75 db ?? jne basic block L24
L29: 8b 45 e4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
05 00 01 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x00000100<256>
50 ?? push eax
68 00 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000100<256>
ff 75 dc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
89 45 c0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xc0<192,-64>], eax
6a 01 ?? push 1
53 ?? push ebx
e8 35 78 00 00 ?? call function 0x00411270
L30: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 c0 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L31: 8b 4d e0 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
8b 45 dc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
53 ?? push ebx
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
bf ff 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x000000ff<255>
57 ?? push edi
81 c1 81 00 00 00 ?? add ecx, 0x00000081<129>
51 ?? push ecx
57 ?? push edi
40 ?? inc eax
50 ?? push eax
68 00 01 00 00 ?? push 0x00000100<256>
ff 76 14 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
53 ?? push ebx
e8 c1 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040922f
L32: 83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 8d 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L33: 8b 45 d8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>]
53 ?? push ebx
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
05 81 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x00000081<129>
57 ?? push edi
50 ?? push eax
8b 45 dc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
57 ?? push edi
40 ?? inc eax
50 ?? push eax
68 00 02 00 00 ?? push 0x00000200<512>
ff 76 14 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
53 ?? push ebx
e8 94 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040922f
L34: 83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 60 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L58
L35: 8b 45 e4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
8b 7d e0 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
8d 88 fe 00 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x000000fe<254>]
33 d2 ?? xor edx, edx
83 7d d0 01 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>], 1
66 89 11 ?? mov word ds:[ecx], dx
8b 55 d8 ?? mov edx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>]
89 4d c4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>], ecx
8d 8f 80 00 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[edi + 0x00000080<128>]
88 5f 7f ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 0x7f<127>], bl
88 5a 7f ?? mov byte ds:[edx + 0x7f<127>], bl
88 19 ?? mov byte ds:[ecx], bl
89 4d bc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xbc<188,-68>], ecx
8d 8a 80 00 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[edx + 0x00000080<128>]
89 4d c8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xc8<200,-56>], ecx
88 19 ?? mov byte ds:[ecx], bl
7e 53 ?? jle basic block L44
L36: 38 5d ee ?? cmp byte ss:[ebp + 0xee<238,-18>], bl
74 4e ?? je basic block L44
L37: 8d 4d ef ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xef<239,-17>]
89 4d e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], ecx
L38: 8a 11 ?? mov dl, byte ds:[ecx]
3a d3 ?? cmp dl, bl
74 42 ?? je basic block L44
L39: 0f b6 49 ff ?? movzx ecx, byte ds:[ecx + 0xff<255,-1>]
0f b6 d2 ?? movzx edx, dl
3b ca ?? cmp ecx, edx
89 4d e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], ecx
7f 27 ?? jg basic block L43
L40: 8d 8c 48 00 01 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + ecx * 2 + 0x00000100<256>]
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L42
L41: 8b 4d cc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>]
L42: ff 45 e0 ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
ba 00 80 00 00 ?? mov edx, 0x00008000<32768>
66 89 11 ?? mov word ds:[ecx], dx
41 ?? inc ecx
41 ?? inc ecx
89 4d cc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xcc<204,-52>], ecx
8b 4d e4 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
0f b6 09 ?? movzx ecx, byte ds:[ecx]
39 4d e0 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], ecx
7e e2 ?? jle basic block L41
L43: 8b 4d e4 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
41 ?? inc ecx
41 ?? inc ecx
89 4d e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], ecx
38 59 ff ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 0xff<255,-1>], bl
75 b8 ?? jne basic block L38
L44: 68 fe 00 00 00 ?? push 0x000000fe<254>
8d 88 00 02 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x00000200<512>]
51 ?? push ecx
50 ?? push eax
e8 fc 01 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d40
L45: 6a 7f ?? push 0x7f<127>
8d 87 00 01 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[edi + 0x00000100<256>]
50 ?? push eax
57 ?? push edi
e8 ed 01 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d40
L46: 8b 45 d8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>]
6a 7f ?? push 0x7f<127>
8d 88 00 01 00 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x00000100<256>]
51 ?? push ecx
50 ?? push eax
e8 db 01 00 00 ?? call function 0x00409d40
L47: 8b 86 c0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>]
83 c4 24 ?? add esp, 0x24<36>
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 4b ?? je basic block L55
L48: 50 ?? push eax
ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4]
L49: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 40 ?? jne basic block L55
L50: 8b 86 c4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c4<196>]
2d fe 00 00 00 ?? sub eax, 0x000000fe<254>
50 ?? push eax
e8 7e ce ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L51: 8b 86 cc 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000cc<204>]
bf 80 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x00000080<128>
2b c7 ?? sub eax, edi
50 ?? push eax
e8 6b ce ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L52: 8b 86 d0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000d0<208>]
2b c7 ?? sub eax, edi
50 ?? push eax
e8 5d ce ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L53: ff b6 c0 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>]
e8 52 ce ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L54: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
L55: 8b 45 d4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>]
c7 00 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 1
89 86 c0 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>], eax
8b 45 c0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xc0<192,-64>]
89 86 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c8<200>], eax
8b 45 c4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xc4<196,-60>]
89 86 c4 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c4<196>], eax
8b 45 bc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xbc<188,-68>]
89 86 cc 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000cc<204>], eax
8b 45 c8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xc8<200,-56>]
89 86 d0 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000d0<208>], eax
8b 45 d0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xd0<208,-48>]
89 86 ac 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000ac<172>], eax
L56: ff 75 dc ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>]
e8 0b ce ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L57: 59 ?? pop ecx
8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx
eb 6d ?? jmp basic block L66
L58: ff 75 d4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xd4<212,-44>]
e8 fe cd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L59: ff 75 e4 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
e8 f6 cd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L60: ff 75 e0 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
e8 ee cd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L61: ff 75 d8 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xd8<216,-40>]
e8 e6 cd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L62: 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
43 ?? inc ebx
eb cb ?? jmp basic block L56
L63: 8d be c0 00 00 00 ?? lea edi, ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>]
8b 07 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 07 ?? je basic block L65
L64: 50 ?? push eax
ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4]
L65: 89 1f ?? mov dword ds:[edi], ebx
89 9e c4 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c4<196>], ebx
c7 86 c8 00 00 00 c8 e3 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c8<200>], 0x0042e3c8<" ((((( H">
42 00
c7 86 cc 00 00 00 50 e8 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000cc<204>], 0x0042e850
42 00
c7 86 d0 00 00 00 d0 e9 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000d0<208>], 0x0042e9d0
42 00
c7 86 ac 00 00 00 01 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000ac<172>], 1
00 00
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L66: 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
33 cd ?? xor ecx, ebp
5b ?? pop ebx
e8 0e c4 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040608e
L67: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409c82 | ____mb_cur_max_func | 0func
L1: e8 c3 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax
8b 41 6c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 0x6c<108>]
3b 05 f0 50 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
74 10 ?? je basic block L5
L3: 8b 15 08 50 43 00 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 51 70 ?? test dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], edx
75 05 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: e8 aa 09 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L5: 8b 80 ac 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>]
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409cab | ____mb_cur_max_l_func | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 06 ?? jne basic block L3
L2: 5d ?? pop ebp
e9 c5 ff ff ff ?? jmp function 0x00409c82
L3: 8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax]
8b 80 ac 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>]
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409ced | ____lc_collate_cp_func | 0func
L1: e8 58 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax
8b 41 6c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 0x6c<108>]
3b 05 f0 50 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
74 10 ?? je basic block L5
L3: 8b 15 08 50 43 00 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 51 70 ?? test dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], edx
75 05 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: e8 3f 09 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L5: 8b 40 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 8]
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409d13 | ____lc_handle_func | 0func
L1: e8 32 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 8b c8 ?? mov ecx, eax
8b 41 6c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ecx + 0x6c<108>]
3b 05 f0 50 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
74 10 ?? je basic block L5
L3: 8b 15 08 50 43 00 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 51 70 ?? test dword ds:[ecx + 0x70<112>], edx
75 05 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: e8 19 09 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L5: 83 c0 0c ?? add eax, 12
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x409d40 | _memcpy | 0func
L1: 55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
57 ?? push edi
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8b 4d 10 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b c1 ?? mov eax, ecx
8b d1 ?? mov edx, ecx
03 c6 ?? add eax, esi
3b fe ?? cmp edi, esi
76 08 ?? jbe basic block L3
L2: 3b f8 ?? cmp edi, eax
0f 82 a4 01 00 00 ?? jb basic block L40
L3: 81 f9 00 01 00 00 ?? cmp ecx, 0x00000100<256>
72 1f ?? jb basic block L7
L4: 83 3d 3c 66 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x0043663c], 0
74 16 ?? je basic block L7
L5: 57 ?? push edi
56 ?? push esi
83 e7 0f ?? and edi, 15
83 e6 0f ?? and esi, 15
3b fe ?? cmp edi, esi
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
75 08 ?? jne basic block L7
L6: 5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
5d ?? pop ebp
e9 40 77 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x004114c7
L7: f7 c7 03 00 00 00 ?? test edi, 3
75 15 ?? jne basic block L11
L8: c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
83 e2 03 ?? and edx, 3
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 2a ?? jb basic block L15
L9: f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
ff 24 95 b4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409eb4 + edx * 4]
L10: 90 ?? nop
L11: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
ba 03 00 00 00 ?? mov edx, 3
83 e9 04 ?? sub ecx, 4
72 0c ?? jb basic block L13
L12: 83 e0 03 ?? and eax, 3
03 c8 ?? add ecx, eax
ff 24 85 c8 9d 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409dc8 + eax * 4]
L13: ff 24 8d c4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[basic block L32 + ecx * 4]
L14: 90 ?? nop
L15: ff 24 8d 48 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409e48 + ecx * 4]
0x00409dcc: d8 9d 40 00 04 9e 40 00 28 9e 40 00 |..@...@.(.@.|
L16: 23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
83 c6 03 ?? add esi, 3
83 c7 03 ?? add edi, 3
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 cc ?? jb basic block L15
L17: f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
ff 24 95 b4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409eb4 + edx * 4]
L18: 8d 49 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[ecx + 0]
L19: 23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
83 c6 02 ?? add esi, 2
83 c7 02 ?? add edi, 2
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 a6 ?? jb basic block L15
L20: f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
ff 24 95 b4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409eb4 + edx * 4]
L21: 90 ?? nop
L22: 23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
83 c6 01 ?? add esi, 1
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
83 c7 01 ?? add edi, 1
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 88 ?? jb basic block L15
L23: f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
ff 24 95 b4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409eb4 + edx * 4]
0x00409e48: ab 9e 40 00 98 9e 40 00 90 9e 40 00 88 9e 40 00 |..@...@...@...@.|
0x00409e58: 80 9e 40 00 78 9e 40 00 70 9e 40 00 68 9e 40 00 |[email protected][email protected][email protected].@.|
L24: 8b 44 8e e4 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xe4<228,-28>]
89 44 8f e4 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
L25: 8b 44 8e e8 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xe8<232,-24>]
89 44 8f e8 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xe8<232,-24>], eax
L26: 8b 44 8e ec ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xec<236,-20>]
89 44 8f ec ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xec<236,-20>], eax
L27: 8b 44 8e f0 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xf0<240,-16>]
89 44 8f f0 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xf0<240,-16>], eax
L28: 8b 44 8e f4 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xf4<244,-12>]
89 44 8f f4 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
L29: 8b 44 8e f8 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xf8<248,-8>]
89 44 8f f8 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xf8<248,-8>], eax
L30: 8b 44 8e fc ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0xfc<252,-4>]
89 44 8f fc ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
8d 04 8d 00 00 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[0 + ecx * 4]
03 f0 ?? add esi, eax
03 f8 ?? add edi, eax
L31: ff 24 95 b4 9e 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409eb4 + edx * 4]
0x00409eb4: c4 9e 40 00 cc 9e 40 00 d8 9e 40 00 ec 9e 40 00 |..@...@...@...@.|
L32: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L33: 90 ?? nop
L34: 8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L35: 90 ?? nop
L36: 8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L37: 8d 49 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[ecx + 0]
L38: 8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
88 07 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L39: 90 ?? nop
L40: 8d 74 31 fc ?? lea esi, ds:[ecx + esi + 0xfc<252,-4>]
8d 7c 39 fc ?? lea edi, ds:[ecx + edi + 0xfc<252,-4>]
f7 c7 03 00 00 00 ?? test edi, 3
75 24 ?? jne basic block L46
L41: c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
83 e2 03 ?? and edx, 3
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 0d ?? jb basic block L44
L42: fd ?? std
f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
fc ?? cld
ff 24 95 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + edx * 4]
L43: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
L44: f7 d9 ?? neg ecx
ff 24 8d 00 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a000 + ecx * 4]
L45: 8d 49 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[ecx + 0]
L46: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
ba 03 00 00 00 ?? mov edx, 3
83 f9 04 ?? cmp ecx, 4
72 0c ?? jb basic block L48
L47: 83 e0 03 ?? and eax, 3
2b c8 ?? sub ecx, eax
ff 24 85 54 9f 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x00409f54 + eax * 4]
L48: ff 24 8d 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + ecx * 4]
0x00409f58: 64 9f 40 00 88 9f 40 00 b0 9f 40 00 |d.@...@...@.|
L49: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
83 ee 01 ?? sub esi, 1
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
83 ef 01 ?? sub edi, 1
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 b2 ?? jb basic block L44
L50: fd ?? std
f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
fc ?? cld
ff 24 95 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + edx * 4]
L51: 8d 49 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[ecx + 0]
L52: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
83 ee 02 ?? sub esi, 2
83 ef 02 ?? sub edi, 2
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
72 88 ?? jb basic block L44
L53: fd ?? std
f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
fc ?? cld
ff 24 95 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + edx * 4]
L54: 90 ?? nop
L55: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
23 d1 ?? and edx, ecx
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
c1 e9 02 ?? shr ecx, 2
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
83 ee 03 ?? sub esi, 3
83 ef 03 ?? sub edi, 3
83 f9 08 ?? cmp ecx, 8
0f 82 56 ff ff ff ?? jb basic block L44
L56: fd ?? std
f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
fc ?? cld
ff 24 95 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + edx * 4]
0x00409fe4: 04 a0 40 00 0c a0 40 00 14 a0 40 00 1c a0 40 00 |..@...@...@...@.|
0x00409ff4: 24 a0 40 00 2c a0 40 00 34 a0 40 00 47 a0 40 00 |$.@.,[email protected][email protected].@.|
L57: 8b 44 8e 1c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0x1c<28>]
89 44 8f 1c ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0x1c<28>], eax
L58: 8b 44 8e 18 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0x18<24>]
89 44 8f 18 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0x18<24>], eax
L59: 8b 44 8e 14 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0x14<20>]
89 44 8f 14 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0x14<20>], eax
L60: 8b 44 8e 10 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 0x10<16>]
89 44 8f 10 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 0x10<16>], eax
L61: 8b 44 8e 0c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 12]
89 44 8f 0c ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 12], eax
L62: 8b 44 8e 08 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 8]
89 44 8f 08 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 8], eax
L63: 8b 44 8e 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 4]
89 44 8f 04 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + ecx * 4 + 4], eax
8d 04 8d 00 00 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[0 + ecx * 4]
03 f0 ?? add esi, eax
03 f8 ?? add edi, eax
L64: ff 24 95 50 a0 40 00 ?? jmp dword ds:[0x0040a050 + edx * 4]
0x0040a050: 60 a0 40 00 68 a0 40 00 78 a0 40 00 8c a0 40 00 |`[email protected][email protected].@...@.|
L65: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L66: 90 ?? nop
L67: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L68: 8d 49 00 ?? lea ecx, ds:[ecx + 0]
L69: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
L70: 90 ?? nop
L71: 8a 46 03 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 3]
88 47 03 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 3], al
8a 46 02 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 2]
88 47 02 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 2], al
8a 46 01 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi + 1]
88 47 01 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 1], al
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5f ?? pop edi
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a0a5 | _wait_a_bit | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
56 ?? push esi
ff 15 f8 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f8]
L2: 81 c6 e8 03 00 00 ?? add esi, 0x000003e8<1000>
3b 35 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp esi, dword ds:[0x00435b4c]
76 03 ?? jbe basic block L4
L3: 83 ce ff ?? or esi, 0xff<255,-1>
L4: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a0cb | __set_malloc_crt_max_wait | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
a1 4c 5b 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00435b4c]
89 0d 4c 5b 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b4c], ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a0e0 | __malloc_crt | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
L2: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 ee 15 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b6df
L3: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
59 ?? pop ecx
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
75 27 ?? jne basic block L9
L4: 39 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b4c], eax
76 1f ?? jbe basic block L9
L5: 56 ?? push esi
ff 15 f8 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f8]
L6: 8d 86 e8 03 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x000003e8<1000>]
3b 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x00435b4c]
76 03 ?? jbe basic block L8
L7: 83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1>
L8: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
75 ca ?? jne basic block L2
L9: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a125 | __calloc_crt | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
L2: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 6f 74 00 00 ?? call function 0x004115aa
L3: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
75 27 ?? jne basic block L9
L4: 39 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b4c], eax
76 1f ?? jbe basic block L9
L5: 56 ?? push esi
ff 15 f8 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f8]
L6: 8d 86 e8 03 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x000003e8<1000>]
3b 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x00435b4c]
76 03 ?? jbe basic block L8
L7: 83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1>
L8: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
75 c3 ?? jne basic block L2
L9: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a171 | __realloc_crt | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
L2: ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 43 75 00 00 ?? call function 0x004116c8
L3: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
75 2c ?? jne basic block L10
L4: 39 45 0c ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], eax
74 27 ?? je basic block L10
L5: 39 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x00435b4c], eax
76 1f ?? jbe basic block L10
L6: 56 ?? push esi
ff 15 f8 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f8]
L7: 8d 86 e8 03 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x000003e8<1000>]
3b 05 4c 5b 43 00 ?? cmp eax, dword ds:[0x00435b4c]
76 03 ?? jbe basic block L9
L8: 83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1>
L9: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
75 c1 ?? jne basic block L2
L10: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a211 | _abort | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
81 ec 28 03 00 00 ?? sub esp, 0x00000328<808>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
f6 05 20 47 43 00 01 ?? test byte ds:[0x00434720], 1
56 ?? push esi
74 08 ?? je basic block L4
L2: 6a 0a ?? push 10
e8 3e 2b 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040cd75
L3: 59 ?? pop ecx
L4: e8 11 78 00 00 ?? call function 0x00411a4e
L5: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L8
L6: 6a 16 ?? push 0x16<22>
e8 62 7a 00 00 ?? call function 0x00411caa
L7: 59 ?? pop ecx
L8: f6 05 20 47 43 00 02 ?? test byte ds:[0x00434720], 2
0f 84 ca 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L12
L9: 89 85 e0 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffde0<4294966752,-544>], eax
89 8d dc fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffddc<4294966748,-548>], ecx
89 95 d8 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdd8<4294966744,-552>], edx
89 9d d4 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdd4<4294966740,-556>], ebx
89 b5 d0 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdd0<4294966736,-560>], esi
89 bd cc fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdcc<4294966732,-564>], edi
66 8c 95 f8 fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdf8<4294966776,-520>], ss
66 8c 8d ec fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdec<4294966764,-532>], cs
66 8c 9d c8 fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdc8<4294966728,-568>], ds
66 8c 85 c4 fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdc4<4294966724,-572>], es
66 8c a5 c0 fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdc0<4294966720,-576>], fs
66 8c ad bc fd ff ff ?? mov word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdbc<4294966716,-580>], gs
9c ?? pushfd
8f 85 f0 fd ff ff ?? pop dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdf0<4294966768,-528>]
8b 75 04 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 4]
8d 45 04 ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 4]
89 85 f4 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffdf4<4294966772,-524>], eax
c7 85 30 fd ff ff 01 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffd30<4294966576,-720>], 0x00010001
01 00
89 b5 e8 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffde8<4294966760,-536>], esi
8b 40 fc ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0xfc<252,-4>]
6a 50 ?? push 0x50<80>
89 85 e4 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffde4<4294966756,-540>], eax
8d 85 d8 fc ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffcd8<4294966488,-808>]
6a 00 ?? push 0
50 ?? push eax
e8 f0 c4 ff ff ?? call function 0x004067d0
L10: 8d 85 d8 fc ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffcd8<4294966488,-808>]
83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
89 85 28 fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffd28<4294966568,-728>], eax
8d 85 30 fd ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffd30<4294966576,-720>]
6a 00 ?? push 0
c7 85 d8 fc ff ff 15 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffcd8<4294966488,-808>], 0x40000015
00 40
89 b5 e4 fc ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffce4<4294966500,-796>], esi
89 85 2c fd ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffd2c<4294966572,-724>], eax
ff 15 28 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438228]
L11: 8d 85 28 fd ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffd28<4294966568,-728>]
50 ?? push eax
ff 15 24 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438224]
L12: 6a 03 ?? push 3
e8 cc 29 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040ccf3
L13: cc ?? int3
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a328 | __set_abort_behavior | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
a1 20 47 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00434720]
8b 55 08 ?? mov edx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
23 55 0c ?? and edx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
f7 d1 ?? not ecx
23 c8 ?? and ecx, eax
0b ca ?? or ecx, edx
89 0d 20 47 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00434720], ecx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a349 | __invoke_watson_if_error | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 7d 08 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 0
74 17 ?? je basic block L4
L2: ff 75 1c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x1c<28>]
ff 75 18 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
ff 75 14 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 f1 c4 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L3: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a36d | ____setlc_active_func | 0func
L1: a1 c4 67 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004367c4]
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a373 | ____unguarded_readlc_active_add_func | 0func
L1: b8 d4 67 43 00 ?? mov eax, 0x004367d4
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a379 | ___freetlocinfo | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 86 bc 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000bc<188>]
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
57 ?? push edi
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 6f ?? je basic block L18
L2: 3d c0 51 43 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x004351c0
74 68 ?? je basic block L18
L3: 8b 86 b0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000b0<176>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 5e ?? je basic block L18
L4: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 5a ?? jne basic block L18
L5: 8b 86 b8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000b8<184>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 17 ?? je basic block L10
L6: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 13 ?? jne basic block L10
L7: 50 ?? push eax
e8 53 c6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L8: ff b6 bc 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000bc<188>]
e8 34 83 00 00 ?? call function 0x004126f8
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L10: 8b 86 b4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000b4<180>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 17 ?? je basic block L15
L11: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 13 ?? jne basic block L15
L12: 50 ?? push eax
e8 32 c6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L13: ff b6 bc 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000bc<188>]
e8 d1 80 00 00 ?? call function 0x004124b6
L14: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L15: ff b6 b0 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000b0<176>]
e8 1a c6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L16: ff b6 bc 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000bc<188>]
e8 0f c6 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L17: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L18: 8b 86 c0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 44 ?? je basic block L25
L19: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 40 ?? jne basic block L25
L20: 8b 86 c4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c4<196>]
2d fe 00 00 00 ?? sub eax, 0x000000fe<254>
50 ?? push eax
e8 ee c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L21: 8b 86 cc 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000cc<204>]
bf 80 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x00000080<128>
2b c7 ?? sub eax, edi
50 ?? push eax
e8 db c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L22: 8b 86 d0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x000000d0<208>]
2b c7 ?? sub eax, edi
50 ?? push eax
e8 cd c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L23: ff b6 c0 00 00 00 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x000000c0<192>]
e8 c2 c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L24: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
L25: 8d be d4 00 00 00 ?? lea edi, ds:[esi + 0x000000d4<212>]
8b 07 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi]
3d 00 51 43 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00435100
74 17 ?? je basic block L30
L26: 39 98 b4 00 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax + 0x000000b4<180>], ebx
75 0f ?? jne basic block L30
L27: 50 ?? push eax
e8 0b 7e 00 00 ?? call function 0x00412275
L28: ff 37 ?? push dword ds:[edi]
e8 9b c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L29: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L30: 8d 7e 50 ?? lea edi, ds:[esi + 0x50<80>]
c7 45 08 06 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], 6
L31: 81 7f f8 10 50 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 0xf8<248,-8>], 0x00435010<"C">
74 11 ?? je basic block L36
L32: 8b 07 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 0b ?? je basic block L36
L33: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 07 ?? jne basic block L36
L34: 50 ?? push eax
e8 76 c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L35: 59 ?? pop ecx
L36: 39 5f fc ?? cmp dword ds:[edi + 0xfc<252,-4>], ebx
74 12 ?? je basic block L41
L37: 8b 47 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 0b ?? je basic block L41
L38: 39 18 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], ebx
75 07 ?? jne basic block L41
L39: 50 ?? push eax
e8 5f c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L40: 59 ?? pop ecx
L41: 83 c7 10 ?? add edi, 0x10<16>
ff 4d 08 ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 8]
75 c7 ?? jne basic block L31
L42: 56 ?? push esi
e8 50 c5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L43: 59 ?? pop ecx
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a4c2 | ___addlocaleref | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 35 f0 81 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x004381f0]
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
57 ?? push edi
ff d6 ?? call esi
L2: 8b 87 b0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b0<176>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L4
L3: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L4: 8b 87 b8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b8<184>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L6
L5: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L6: 8b 87 b4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b4<180>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L8: 8b 87 c0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000c0<192>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L10
L9: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L10: 8d 5f 50 ?? lea ebx, ds:[edi + 0x50<80>]
c7 45 08 06 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], 6
L11: 81 7b f8 10 50 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[ebx + 0xf8<248,-8>], 0x00435010<"C">
74 09 ?? je basic block L14
L12: 8b 03 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L14
L13: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L14: 83 7b fc 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[ebx + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 0a ?? je basic block L17
L15: 8b 43 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx + 4]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L17
L16: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L17: 83 c3 10 ?? add ebx, 0x10<16>
ff 4d 08 ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 8]
75 d6 ?? jne basic block L11
L18: 8b 87 d4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000d4<212>]
05 b4 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x000000b4<180>
50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L19: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a551 | ___removelocaleref | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 ff ?? test edi, edi
0f 84 83 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L21
L2: 53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 35 f4 81 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x004381f4]
57 ?? push edi
ff d6 ?? call esi
L3: 8b 87 b0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b0<176>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L5
L4: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L5: 8b 87 b8 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b8<184>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L7
L6: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L7: 8b 87 b4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000b4<180>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L9
L8: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L9: 8b 87 c0 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000c0<192>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L11
L10: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L11: 8d 5f 50 ?? lea ebx, ds:[edi + 0x50<80>]
c7 45 08 06 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], 6
L12: 81 7b f8 10 50 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[ebx + 0xf8<248,-8>], 0x00435010<"C">
74 09 ?? je basic block L15
L13: 8b 03 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L15
L14: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L15: 83 7b fc 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[ebx + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
74 0a ?? je basic block L18
L16: 8b 43 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx + 4]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 03 ?? je basic block L18
L17: 50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L18: 83 c3 10 ?? add ebx, 0x10<16>
ff 4d 08 ?? dec dword ss:[ebp + 8]
75 d6 ?? jne basic block L12
L19: 8b 87 d4 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x000000d4<212>]
05 b4 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x000000b4<180>
50 ?? push eax
ff d6 ?? call esi
L20: 5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
L21: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
5f ?? pop edi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a5ea | _copytlocinfo_nolock | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
56 ?? push esi
8b f1 ?? mov esi, ecx
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
74 1b ?? je basic block L6
L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 17 ?? je basic block L6
L3: 3b c6 ?? cmp eax, esi
74 13 ?? je basic block L6
L4: 57 ?? push edi
6a 36 ?? push 0x36<54>
59 ?? pop ecx
8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
f3 a5 ?? rep_movsd
83 20 00 ?? and dword ds:[eax], 0
50 ?? push eax
e8 b6 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a4c2
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
5f ?? pop edi
L6: 5e ?? pop esi
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a610 | _updatetlocinfoEx_nolock | 0func
L1: 85 ff ?? test edi, edi
74 37 ?? je basic block L12
L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 33 ?? je basic block L12
L3: 56 ?? push esi
8b 30 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax]
3b f7 ?? cmp esi, edi
74 28 ?? je basic block L11
L4: 57 ?? push edi
89 38 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], edi
e8 9b fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a4c2
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
74 1b ?? je basic block L11
L6: 56 ?? push esi
e8 1f ff ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a551
L7: 83 3e 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0
59 ?? pop ecx
75 0f ?? jne basic block L11
L8: 81 fe 18 50 43 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x00435018
74 07 ?? je basic block L11
L9: 56 ?? push esi
e8 33 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a379
L10: 59 ?? pop ecx
L11: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
5e ?? pop esi
c3 ?? ret
L12: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a64e | ___updatetlocinfo | 0func
L1: 6a 0c ?? push 12
68 b8 30 43 00 ?? push 0x004330b8
e8 f2 32 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: e8 eb 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L3: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
a1 08 50 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00435008]
85 46 70 ?? test dword ds:[esi + 0x70<112>], eax
74 22 ?? je basic block L12
L4: 83 7e 6c 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi + 0x6c<108>], 0
74 1c ?? je basic block L12
L5: e8 d4 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L6: 8b 70 6c ?? mov esi, dword ds:[eax + 0x6c<108>]
L7: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 08 ?? jne basic block L10
L8: 6a 20 ?? push 0x20<32>
e8 71 23 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c9f5
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
L10: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
e8 05 33 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L11: c3 ?? ret
L12: 6a 0c ?? push 12
e8 af 38 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L13: 59 ?? pop ecx
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
8d 46 6c ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x6c<108>]
8b 3d f0 50 43 00 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
e8 69 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a610
L14: 89 45 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 02 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a6b8
L15: eb c1 ?? jmp basic block L7
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a6c4 | __configthreadlocale | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
e8 7a 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 8b 48 70 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>]
f6 c1 02 ?? test cl, 2
6a 00 ?? push 0
5a ?? pop edx
0f 94 c2 ?? sete dl
42 ?? inc edx
8b fa ?? mov edi, edx
8b 55 08 ?? mov edx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 fa ff ?? cmp edx, 0xff<255,-1>
74 3a ?? je basic block L12
L3: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
3b d6 ?? cmp edx, esi
74 3b ?? je basic block L13
L4: 83 fa 01 ?? cmp edx, 1
74 27 ?? je basic block L10
L5: 83 fa 02 ?? cmp edx, 2
74 1d ?? je basic block L9
L6: e8 26 1e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L7: 56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
c7 00 16 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x00000016<22>
e8 b4 c2 ff ff ?? call function 0x004069c0
L8: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1>
eb 16 ?? jmp basic block L14
L9: 83 e1 fd ?? and ecx, 0xfd<253,-3>
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L11
L10: 83 c9 02 ?? or ecx, 2
L11: 89 48 70 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 0x70<112>], ecx
eb 07 ?? jmp basic block L13
L12: 83 0d 08 50 43 00 ff ?? or dword ds:[0x00435008], 0xff<255,-1>
L13: 8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
L14: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a72e | sync_legacy_variables_lk | 0func
L1: a1 f0 50 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
8b 48 04 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 0d 80 64 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00436480], ecx
8b 48 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 8]
89 0d 84 64 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00436484], ecx
8b 88 a8 00 00 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000a8<168>]
89 0d f4 50 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x004350f4], ecx
8b 88 d4 00 00 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000d4<212>]
89 0d b8 51 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x004351b8], ecx
8b 88 bc 00 00 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000bc<188>]
89 0d f0 51 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x004351f0], ecx
8b 88 c8 00 00 00 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000c8<200>]
89 0d 14 47 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00434714], ecx
8b 80 ac 00 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000000ac<172>]
a3 f4 51 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x004351f4<".">], eax
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a781 | __free_locale | 0func
L1: 6a 08 ?? push 8
68 d8 30 43 00 ?? push 0x004330d8
e8 bf 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
0f 84 8d 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L22
L3: 6a 0d ?? push 13
e8 a4 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 1c ?? je basic block L10
L5: 50 ?? push eax
ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4]
L6: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 11 ?? jne basic block L10
L7: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
3d e8 4a 43 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00434ae8
74 07 ?? je basic block L10
L8: 50 ?? push eax
e8 46 c2 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
L10: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 5b 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a82e
L11: 83 3e 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[esi], 0
74 3c ?? je basic block L20
L12: 6a 0c ?? push 12
e8 64 37 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L13: 59 ?? pop ecx
c7 45 fc 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 1
ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi]
e8 63 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a551
L14: 59 ?? pop ecx
8b 06 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 13 ?? je basic block L19
L15: 83 38 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[eax], 0
75 0e ?? jne basic block L19
L16: 3d 18 50 43 00 ?? cmp eax, 0x00435018
74 07 ?? je basic block L19
L17: 50 ?? push eax
e8 72 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a379
L18: 59 ?? pop ecx
L19: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 26 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a83a
L20: b8 0d f0 ad ba ?? mov eax, 0xbaadf00d
89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax
89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
56 ?? push esi
e8 e8 c1 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L21: 59 ?? pop ecx
L22: e8 67 31 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L23: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a843 | ___free_locale | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
5d ?? pop ebp
e9 33 ff ff ff ?? jmp function 0x0040a781
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a84e | __get_current_locale | 0func
L1: 6a 0c ?? push 12
68 00 31 43 00 ?? push 0x00433100
e8 f2 30 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: e8 eb 12 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L3: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
6a 01 ?? push 1
6a 08 ?? push 8
e8 bb f8 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a125
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
89 75 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], esi
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 0f ?? jne basic block L7
L5: e8 a8 1c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L6: c7 00 0c 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 12
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
eb 5b ?? jmp basic block L16
L7: e8 c5 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L8: e8 16 60 00 00 ?? call function 0x004108a4
L9: 8b 47 6c ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x6c<108>]
89 06 ?? mov dword ds:[esi], eax
8b 47 68 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x68<104>]
89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
6a 0c ?? push 12
e8 a3 36 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L10: 59 ?? pop ecx
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi]
e8 16 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a4c2
L11: 59 ?? pop ecx
c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 2f 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a8e8
L12: 6a 0d ?? push 13
e8 83 36 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L13: 59 ?? pop ecx
c7 45 fc 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 1
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
ff 15 f0 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f0]
L14: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 17 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040a8f4
L15: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
L16: e8 ad 30 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L17: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a8fd | ___get_current_locale | 0func
L1: e9 4c ff ff ff ?? jmp function 0x0040a84e
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a902 | ___init_dummy | 0func
L1: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a905 | __strcats | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 10 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx
7e 2c ?? jle basic block L9
L2: 56 ?? push esi
8d 75 10 ?? lea esi, ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
L3: 83 c6 04 ?? add esi, 4
ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi]
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 db 91 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413b04
L4: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L7
L5: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
e8 1f bf ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L6: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L7: 4f ?? dec edi
75 d9 ?? jne basic block L3
L8: 5e ?? pop esi
L9: 5f ?? pop edi
5b ?? pop ebx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40a945 | ___lc_strtolc | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 08 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
68 90 00 00 00 ?? push 0x00000090<144>
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
e8 72 be ff ff ?? call function 0x004067d0
L2: 8b 75 0c ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8a 06 ?? mov al, byte ds:[esi]
83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
84 c0 ?? test al, al
75 07 ?? jne basic block L4
L3: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
e9 f8 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L37
L4: 3c 2e ?? cmp al, 0x2e<46>
75 34 ?? jne basic block L11
L5: 8d 46 01 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 1]
38 18 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax], bl
74 2d ?? je basic block L11
L6: 6a 0f ?? push 15
50 ?? push eax
8d 87 80 00 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[edi + 0x00000080<128>]
6a 10 ?? push 0x10<16>
50 ?? push eax
e8 39 92 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413bc6
L7: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L10
L8: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
e8 bb be ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L9: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L10: 88 9f 8f 00 00 00 ?? mov byte ds:[edi + 0x0000008f<143>], bl
eb c1 ?? jmp basic block L3
L11: 68 d8 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebd8<"_.,">
56 ?? push esi
89 5d 0c ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 12], ebx
e8 c9 91 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413b80
L12: 3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
e9 a0 00 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L35
L13: 83 7d 0c 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], 0
8d 3c 30 ?? lea edi, ds:[eax + esi]
8a 1f ?? mov bl, byte ds:[edi]
75 1b ?? jne basic block L17
L14: 83 f8 40 ?? cmp eax, 0x40<64>
0f 83 94 00 00 00 ?? jae basic block L36
L15: 80 fb 2e ?? cmp bl, 0x2e<46>
0f 84 8b 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L36
L16: 50 ?? push eax
56 ?? push esi
6a 40 ?? push 0x40<64>
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
eb 3b ?? jmp basic block L27
L17: 83 7d 0c 01 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], 1
75 16 ?? jne basic block L21
L18: 83 f8 40 ?? cmp eax, 0x40<64>
73 77 ?? jae basic block L36
L19: 80 fb 5f ?? cmp bl, 0x5f<95>
74 72 ?? je basic block L36
L20: 50 ?? push eax
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
56 ?? push esi
6a 40 ?? push 0x40<64>
83 c0 40 ?? add eax, 0x40<64>
eb 1e ?? jmp basic block L26
L21: 83 7d 0c 02 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], 2
75 60 ?? jne basic block L36
L22: 83 f8 10 ?? cmp eax, 0x10<16>
73 5b ?? jae basic block L36
L23: 84 db ?? test bl, bl
74 05 ?? je basic block L25
L24: 80 fb 2c ?? cmp bl, 0x2c<44>
75 52 ?? jne basic block L36
L25: 50 ?? push eax
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
56 ?? push esi
6a 10 ?? push 0x10<16>
83 e8 80 ?? sub eax, 0x80<128,-128>
L26: 50 ?? push eax
L27: e8 a2 91 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413bc6
L28: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L31
L29: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
e8 22 be ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L30: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L31: 80 fb 2c ?? cmp bl, 0x2c<44>
0f 84 27 ff ff ff ?? je basic block L3
L32: 84 db ?? test bl, bl
0f 84 1f ff ff ff ?? je basic block L3
L33: ff 45 0c ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8d 77 01 ?? lea esi, ds:[edi + 1]
68 d8 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebd8<"_.,">
56 ?? push esi
e8 24 91 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413b80
L34: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
L35: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
0f 85 58 ff ff ff ?? jne basic block L13
L36: 83 c8 ff ?? or eax, 0xff<255,-1>
L37: 5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40aa6e | ___lc_lctostr | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 10 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
56 ?? push esi
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 f4 19 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c478
L2: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L5
L3: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
e8 c2 bd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L4: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L5: 8d 46 40 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x40<64>]
38 18 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax], bl
74 16 ?? je basic block L8
L6: 50 ?? push eax
68 e0 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebe0<"_">
6a 02 ?? push 2
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 51 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a905
L7: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L8: 8d 86 80 00 00 00 ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + 0x00000080<128>]
38 18 ?? cmp byte ds:[eax], bl
5e ?? pop esi
5b ?? pop ebx
74 16 ?? je basic block L11
L9: 50 ?? push eax
68 dc eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebdc<".">
6a 02 ?? push 2
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 2f fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a905
L10: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L11: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40aadb | _setlocale_get_all | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 ec 14 ?? sub esp, 0x14<20>
53 ?? push ebx
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
43 ?? inc ebx
68 55 03 00 00 ?? push 0x00000355<853>
89 5d f0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], ebx
e8 ec f5 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a0e0
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
89 45 ec ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>], eax
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 55 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L39
L3: 57 ?? push edi
8d 78 04 ?? lea edi, ds:[eax + 4]
c6 07 00 ?? mov byte ds:[edi], 0
89 18 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ebx
89 5d f8 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>], ebx
8d 5e 10 ?? lea ebx, ds:[esi + 0x10<16>]
8d 43 48 ?? lea eax, ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>]
ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax]
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
68 e8 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebe8<"=">
ff 35 1c eb 42 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x0042eb1c]
6a 03 ?? push 3
68 51 03 00 00 ?? push 0x00000351<849>
57 ?? push edi
e8 d6 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a905
L4: 8b 45 f4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
c7 45 fc 1c eb 42 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0x0042eb1c
L5: 68 e4 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebe4<";">
68 51 03 00 00 ?? push 0x00000351<849>
57 ?? push edi
e8 b5 8f 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413b04
L6: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L9
L7: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
e8 f7 bc ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L8: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L9: ff 73 58 ?? push dword ds:[ebx + 0x58<88>]
8b 45 f4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>]
ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax]
e8 7e 18 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L10: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 04 ?? je basic block L12
L11: 83 65 f0 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], 0
L12: ff 45 f8 ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
8b 45 f8 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xf8<248,-8>]
83 45 fc 0c ?? add dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 12
c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
8d 1c 30 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + esi]
8d 43 48 ?? lea eax, ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>]
ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax]
89 45 f4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xf4<244,-12>], eax
8b 45 fc ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
68 e8 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebe8<"=">
ff 30 ?? push dword ds:[eax]
6a 03 ?? push 3
68 51 03 00 00 ?? push 0x00000351<849>
57 ?? push edi
e8 5a fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a905
L13: 83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
81 7d fc 4c eb 42 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0x0042eb4c
7c 88 ?? jl basic block L5
L14: 83 7d f0 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xf0<240,-16>], 0
75 49 ?? jne basic block L26
L15: 8b 46 50 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>]
8b 1d f4 81 43 00 ?? mov ebx, dword ds:[0x004381f4]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 10 ?? je basic block L20
L16: 50 ?? push eax
ff d3 ?? call ebx
L17: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 09 ?? jne basic block L20
L18: ff 76 50 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>]
e8 33 be ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L19: 59 ?? pop ecx
L20: 8b 46 54 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 10 ?? je basic block L25
L21: 50 ?? push eax
ff d3 ?? call ebx
L22: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 09 ?? jne basic block L25
L23: ff 76 54 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>]
e8 1c be ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L24: 59 ?? pop ecx
L25: 8b 45 ec ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
83 66 54 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>], 0
83 66 4c 00 ?? and dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], 0
89 46 50 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>], eax
89 7e 48 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x48<72>], edi
8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
eb 4e ?? jmp basic block L38
L26: ff 75 ec ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xec<236,-20>]
e8 fe bd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L27: 8b 46 50 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>]
8b 3d f4 81 43 00 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[0x004381f4]
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
59 ?? pop ecx
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 10 ?? je basic block L32
L28: 50 ?? push eax
ff d7 ?? call edi
L29: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 09 ?? jne basic block L32
L30: ff 76 50 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>]
e8 df bd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L31: 59 ?? pop ecx
L32: 8b 46 54 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>]
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 10 ?? je basic block L37
L33: 50 ?? push eax
ff d7 ?? call edi
L34: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 09 ?? jne basic block L37
L35: ff 76 54 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>]
e8 c8 bd ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L36: 59 ?? pop ecx
L37: 8b 46 68 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 0x68<104>]
89 5e 54 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x54<84>], ebx
89 5e 4c ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x4c<76>], ebx
89 5e 50 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x50<80>], ebx
89 5e 48 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x48<72>], ebx
L38: 5f ?? pop edi
L39: 5b ?? pop ebx
c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40ac58 | __expandlocale | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
81 ec b4 00 00 00 ?? sub esp, 0x000000b4<180>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
8b 45 0c ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
57 ?? push edi
8b 7d 14 ?? mov edi, dword ss:[ebp + 0x14<20>]
89 85 64 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff64<4294967140,-156>], eax
8b 45 18 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0x18<24>]
89 bd 5c ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff5c<4294967132,-164>], edi
89 85 60 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff60<4294967136,-160>], eax
e8 b7 0e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: 05 9c 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x0000009c<156>
8d 48 28 ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x28<40>]
89 8d 54 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff54<4294967124,-172>], ecx
8d 48 2c ?? lea ecx, ds:[eax + 0x2c<44>]
8d 58 20 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + 0x20<32>]
05 af 00 00 00 ?? add eax, 0x000000af<175>
89 8d 58 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff58<4294967128,-168>], ecx
89 85 68 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>], eax
85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
0f 84 b8 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L46
L3: 83 bd 64 ff ff ff 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff64<4294967140,-156>], 0
0f 84 ab 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L46
L4: 83 7d 10 00 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>], 0
0f 84 a1 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L46
L5: 80 3e 43 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi], 0x43<67>
75 57 ?? jne basic block L16
L6: 80 7e 01 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi + 1], 0
75 51 ?? jne basic block L16
L7: 68 1c e2 42 00 ?? push 0x0042e21c<"C">
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff b5 64 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff64<4294967140,-156>]
e8 83 17 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c478
L8: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L11
L9: 56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
e8 51 bb ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L10: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L11: 3b fe ?? cmp edi, esi
74 0d ?? je basic block L13
L12: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
66 89 07 ?? mov word ds:[edi], ax
66 89 47 02 ?? mov word ds:[edi + 2], ax
66 89 47 04 ?? mov word ds:[edi + 4], ax
L13: 8b 85 60 ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff60<4294967136,-160>]
3b c6 ?? cmp eax, esi
74 02 ?? je basic block L15
L14: 89 30 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], esi
L15: 8b 85 64 ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff64<4294967140,-156>]
e9 47 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L47
L16: 56 ?? push esi
e8 57 b7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406490
L17: bf 83 00 00 00 ?? mov edi, 0x00000083<131>
59 ?? pop ecx
89 85 50 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff50<4294967120,-176>], eax
3b c7 ?? cmp eax, edi
73 2c ?? jae basic block L22
L18: 56 ?? push esi
ff b5 68 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
e8 9b 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L19: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 b0 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L34
L20: 56 ?? push esi
ff b5 58 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff58<4294967128,-168>]
e8 85 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L21: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 9a 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L34
L22: 83 a5 4c ff ff ff 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff4c<4294967116,-180>], 0
8d 85 6c ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>]
56 ?? push esi
50 ?? push eax
e8 bc fb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a945
L23: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 85 e5 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L46
L24: 8d 85 6c ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>]
50 ?? push eax
53 ?? push ebx
50 ?? push eax
e8 d5 94 00 00 ?? call function 0x00414276
L25: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 cc 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L46
L26: 0f b7 43 04 ?? movzx eax, word ds:[ebx + 4]
8b 8d 54 ff ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff54<4294967124,-172>]
89 01 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], eax
8d 85 6c ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>]
50 ?? push eax
57 ?? push edi
ff b5 68 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
e8 a3 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x0040aa6e
L27: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
80 3e 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[esi], 0
74 0a ?? je basic block L29
L28: 8b 85 50 ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff50<4294967120,-176>]
3b c7 ?? cmp eax, edi
72 0b ?? jb basic block L30
L29: 8b 85 4c ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff4c<4294967116,-180>]
be 1e e2 42 00 ?? mov esi, 0x0042e21e
L30: 40 ?? inc eax
50 ?? push eax
56 ?? push esi
57 ?? push edi
ff b5 58 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff58<4294967128,-168>]
e8 cf 8d 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413bc6
L31: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 11 ?? je basic block L34
L32: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
e8 4f ba ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L33: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
eb 02 ?? jmp basic block L35
L34: 33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
L35: 39 b5 5c ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff5c<4294967132,-164>], esi
74 11 ?? je basic block L38
L36: 6a 06 ?? push 6
53 ?? push ebx
ff b5 5c ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff5c<4294967132,-164>]
e8 19 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x00409d40
L37: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
L38: 39 b5 60 ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff60<4294967136,-160>], esi
74 16 ?? je basic block L41
L39: 6a 04 ?? push 4
ff b5 54 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff54<4294967124,-172>]
ff b5 60 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff60<4294967136,-160>]
e8 fb ee ff ff ?? call function 0x00409d40
L40: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
L41: ff b5 68 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
ff 75 10 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0x10<16>]
ff b5 64 ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff64<4294967140,-156>]
e8 1c 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c478
L42: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L45
L43: 56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
e8 ec b9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L44: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L45: 8b 85 68 ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
eb 02 ?? jmp basic block L47
L46: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L47: 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
33 cd ?? xor ecx, ebp
5b ?? pop ebx
e8 07 b2 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040608e
L48: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40ae89 | _setlocale_set_cat | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
81 ec c4 01 00 00 ?? sub esp, 0x000001c4<452>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
8b d9 ?? mov ebx, ecx
e8 a3 0c 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L2: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
8d 85 68 fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe68<4294966888,-408>]
50 ?? push eax
8d 85 50 fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe50<4294966864,-432>]
50 ?? push eax
68 83 00 00 00 ?? push 0x00000083<131>
8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
50 ?? push eax
53 ?? push ebx
81 c7 d0 01 00 00 ?? add edi, 0x000001d0<464>
e8 86 fd ff ff ?? call function 0x0040ac58
L3: 83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 07 ?? jne basic block L5
L4: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
e9 9d 02 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L48
L5: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
8d 1c 30 ?? lea ebx, ds:[eax + esi]
ff 73 48 ?? push dword ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>]
8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 f8 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L6: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
0f 84 78 02 00 00 ?? je basic block L47
L7: 8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 82 b5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406490
L8: 83 c0 05 ?? add eax, 5
50 ?? push eax
89 85 74 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>], eax
e8 c3 f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a0e0
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
89 85 70 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe70<4294966896,-400>], eax
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 b0 ?? je basic block L4
L10: 8b 43 48 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>]
8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
89 85 5c fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe5c<4294966876,-420>], eax
8d 44 8e 0c ?? lea eax, ds:[esi + ecx * 4 + 12]
83 c1 06 ?? add ecx, 6
6b c9 06 ?? imul ecx, ecx, 6
89 85 6c fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe6c<4294966892,-404>], eax
8b 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax]
89 85 58 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe58<4294966872,-424>], eax
8d 04 31 ?? lea eax, ds:[ecx + esi]
6a 06 ?? push 6
50 ?? push eax
89 85 64 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>], eax
8d 85 3c fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe3c<4294966844,-452>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 db ed ff ff ?? call function 0x00409d40
L11: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
8d 8d 78 ff ff ff ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
51 ?? push ecx
8b 8d 74 fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>]
89 85 4c fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe4c<4294966860,-436>], eax
8b 85 70 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe70<4294966896,-400>]
83 c1 fc ?? add ecx, 0xfc<252,-4>
83 c0 04 ?? add eax, 4
51 ?? push ecx
50 ?? push eax
e8 ea 14 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c478
L12: 83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L15
L13: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
50 ?? push eax
e8 b8 b8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L14: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L15: 8b 85 70 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe70<4294966896,-400>]
8b 8d 6c fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe6c<4294966892,-404>]
83 c0 04 ?? add eax, 4
89 43 48 ?? mov dword ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>], eax
0f b7 85 50 fe ff ff ?? movzx eax, word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe50<4294966864,-432>]
89 01 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], eax
6a 06 ?? push 6
8d 85 50 fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe50<4294966864,-432>]
50 ?? push eax
ff b5 64 fe ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>]
e8 6d ed ff ff ?? call function 0x00409d40
L16: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
83 7d 08 02 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 2
0f 85 f7 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L34
L17: 8b 85 68 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe68<4294966888,-408>]
83 a5 74 fe ff ff 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>], 0
89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
8b 47 24 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 0x24<36>]
8b 4f 20 ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[edi + 0x20<32>]
89 85 64 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>], eax
8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
L18: 8b 56 04 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[esi + 4]
3b 10 ?? cmp edx, dword ds:[eax]
74 36 ?? je basic block L21
L19: 8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax]
ff 85 74 fe ff ff ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>]
89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx
8b 8d 64 fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>]
89 95 44 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe44<4294966852,-444>], edx
8b 50 04 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 48 04 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 4], ecx
8b 8d 44 fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe44<4294966852,-444>]
83 c0 08 ?? add eax, 8
83 bd 74 fe ff ff 05 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>], 5
89 95 64 fe ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>], edx
7c c5 ?? jl basic block L18
L20: eb 22 ?? jmp basic block L23
L21: 8b 85 74 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 18 ?? je basic block L23
L22: 8d 04 c7 ?? lea eax, ds:[edi + eax * 8]
8b 10 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax]
89 17 ?? mov dword ds:[edi], edx
8b 50 04 ?? mov edx, dword ds:[eax + 4]
89 57 04 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + 4], edx
89 08 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], ecx
8b 8d 64 fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe64<4294966884,-412>]
89 48 04 ?? mov dword ds:[eax + 4], ecx
L23: 83 bd 74 fe ff ff 05 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe74<4294966900,-396>], 5
75 68 ?? jne basic block L33
L24: 6a 01 ?? push 1
ff 76 14 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 0x14<20>]
8d 85 78 fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe78<4294966904,-392>]
ff 76 04 ?? push dword ds:[esi + 4]
50 ?? push eax
6a 7f ?? push 0x7f<127>
68 58 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042eb58
6a 01 ?? push 1
6a 00 ?? push 0
e8 eb 61 00 00 ?? call function 0x00411270
L25: 83 c4 20 ?? add esp, 0x20<32>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 39 ?? je basic block L31
L26: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L27: b9 ff 01 00 00 ?? mov ecx, 0x000001ff<511>
66 21 8c 45 78 fe ff ff ?? and word ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe78<4294966904,-392> + eax * 2], cx
40 ?? inc eax
83 f8 7f ?? cmp eax, 0x7f<127>
L28: 72 ed ?? jb basic block L27
L29: 68 fe 00 00 00 ?? push 0x000000fe<254>
ff 35 24 47 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x00434724]
8d 85 78 fe ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe78<4294966904,-392>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 25 a9 00 00 ?? call function 0x004159dd
L30: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
f7 d8 ?? neg eax
1b c0 ?? sbb eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
89 47 04 ?? mov dword ds:[edi + 4], eax
eb 04 ?? jmp basic block L32
L31: 83 67 04 00 ?? and dword ds:[edi + 4], 0
L32: 8b 46 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[esi + 4]
89 07 ?? mov dword ds:[edi], eax
L33: 8b 47 04 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[edi + 4]
89 86 a8 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 0x000000a8<168>], eax
L34: 83 7d 08 01 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 1
75 09 ?? jne basic block L36
L35: 8b 85 68 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe68<4294966888,-408>]
89 46 08 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 8], eax
L36: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
6b c0 0c ?? imul eax, eax, 12
56 ?? push esi
ff 90 18 eb 42 00 ?? call dword ds:[eax + 0x0042eb18]
L37: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 31 ?? je basic block L40
L38: 8b 85 5c fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe5c<4294966876,-420>]
ff b5 70 fe ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe70<4294966896,-400>]
89 43 48 ?? mov dword ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>], eax
e8 00 b9 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L39: 8b 85 58 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe58<4294966872,-424>]
59 ?? pop ecx
8b 8d 6c fe ff ff ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe6c<4294966892,-404>]
89 01 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx], eax
8b 85 4c fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe4c<4294966860,-436>]
89 46 04 ?? mov dword ds:[esi + 4], eax
e9 b0 fd ff ff ?? jmp basic block L4
L40: 81 bd 5c fe ff ff 10 50 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe5c<4294966876,-420>], 0x00435010<"C">
43 00
74 2d ?? je basic block L46
L41: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 c0 05 ?? add eax, 5
c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
8d 3c 30 ?? lea edi, ds:[eax + esi]
ff 37 ?? push dword ds:[edi]
ff 15 f4 81 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x004381f4]
L42: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 15 ?? jne basic block L46
L43: ff 37 ?? push dword ds:[edi]
e8 b8 b8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L44: ff 73 54 ?? push dword ds:[ebx + 0x54<84>]
e8 b0 b8 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406a0c
L45: 83 63 4c 00 ?? and dword ds:[ebx + 0x4c<76>], 0
59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L46: 8b 4d 08 ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 85 70 fe ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfffffe70<4294966896,-400>]
83 c1 05 ?? add ecx, 5
c1 e1 04 ?? shl ecx, 4
c7 00 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 1
89 04 31 ?? mov dword ds:[ecx + esi], eax
L47: 8b 43 48 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[ebx + 0x48<72>]
L48: 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
5f ?? pop edi
33 cd ?? xor ecx, ebp
5b ?? pop ebx
e8 05 af ff ff ?? call function 0x0040608e
L49: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b18b | _setlocale_nolock | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
81 ec 98 00 00 00 ?? sub esp, 0x00000098<152>
a1 f0 43 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004343f0]
33 c5 ?? xor eax, ebp
89 45 fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], eax
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
53 ?? push ebx
56 ?? push esi
33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
8b f2 ?? mov esi, edx
57 ?? push edi
89 b5 68 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>], esi
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 1c ?? je basic block L6
L2: 3b cb ?? cmp ecx, ebx
74 0c ?? je basic block L5
L3: 50 ?? push eax
e8 cb fc ff ff ?? call function 0x0040ae89
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
e9 d3 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L52
L5: c1 e0 04 ?? shl eax, 4
8b 44 30 48 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + esi + 0x48<72>]
e9 c7 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L52
L6: c7 85 70 ff ff ff 01 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>], 1
00 00
89 9d 74 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff74<4294967156,-140>], ebx
3b cb ?? cmp ecx, ebx
0f 84 aa 01 00 00 ?? je basic block L51
L7: 80 39 4c ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx], 0x4c<76>
0f 85 30 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L38
L8: 80 79 01 43 ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 1], 0x43<67>
0f 85 26 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L38
L9: 80 79 02 5f ?? cmp byte ds:[ecx + 2], 0x5f<95>
0f 85 1c 01 00 00 ?? jne basic block L38
L10: 8b f9 ?? mov edi, ecx
L11: 68 ec eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebec<"=;">
57 ?? push edi
e8 0e bf 00 00 ?? call function 0x00417120
L12: 8b d8 ?? mov ebx, eax
59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 db ?? test ebx, ebx
0f 84 ff 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L37
L13: 2b c7 ?? sub eax, edi
89 85 70 ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>], eax
0f 84 f1 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L37
L14: 80 3b 3b ?? cmp byte ds:[ebx], 0x3b<59>
0f 84 e8 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L37
L15: c7 85 6c ff ff ff 01 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>], 1
00 00
be 1c eb 42 00 ?? mov esi, 0x0042eb1c
eb 06 ?? jmp basic block L17
L16: 8b 85 70 ff ff ff ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>]
L17: 50 ?? push eax
57 ?? push edi
ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi]
e8 08 be 00 00 ?? call function 0x0041705d
L18: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 10 ?? jne basic block L21
L19: ff 36 ?? push dword ds:[esi]
e8 2d b2 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406490
L20: 59 ?? pop ecx
39 85 70 ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>], eax
74 11 ?? je basic block L22
L21: ff 85 6c ff ff ff ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>]
83 c6 0c ?? add esi, 12
81 fe 4c eb 42 00 ?? cmp esi, 0x0042eb4c
7e c9 ?? jle basic block L16
L22: 43 ?? inc ebx
68 e4 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebe4<";">
53 ?? push ebx
e8 f7 88 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413b80
L23: 8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
33 f6 ?? xor esi, esi
59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
3b fe ?? cmp edi, esi
75 09 ?? jne basic block L25
L24: 80 3b 3b ?? cmp byte ds:[ebx], 0x3b<59>
0f 85 81 00 00 00 ?? jne basic block L37
L25: 83 bd 6c ff ff ff 05 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>], 5
7f 51 ?? jg basic block L33
L26: 57 ?? push edi
53 ?? push ebx
8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
68 83 00 00 00 ?? push 0x00000083<131>
50 ?? push eax
e8 0e 89 00 00 ?? call function 0x00413bc6
L27: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0d ?? je basic block L30
L28: 56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
56 ?? push esi
e8 90 b5 ff ff ?? call function 0x00406859
L29: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
L30: ff b5 6c ff ff ff ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff6c<4294967148,-148>]
8b b5 68 ff ff ff ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
8d 8d 78 ff ff ff ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
c6 84 3d 78 ff ff ff 00 ?? mov byte ss:[ebp + edi + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>], 0
e8 9e fb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040ae89
L31: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 06 ?? je basic block L33
L32: ff 85 74 ff ff ff ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff74<4294967156,-140>]
L33: 03 fb ?? add edi, ebx
80 3f 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[edi], 0
74 0a ?? je basic block L35
L34: 47 ?? inc edi
80 3f 00 ?? cmp byte ds:[edi], 0
0f 85 00 ff ff ff ?? jne basic block L11
L35: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
39 85 74 ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff74<4294967156,-140>], eax
0f 84 82 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L52
L36: 8b b5 68 ff ff ff ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff68<4294967144,-152>]
eb 75 ?? jmp basic block L51
L37: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
eb 76 ?? jmp basic block L52
L38: 53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
68 83 00 00 00 ?? push 0x00000083<131>
8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
50 ?? push eax
51 ?? push ecx
e8 22 f9 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040ac58
L39: 83 c4 18 ?? add esp, 0x18<24>
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
74 5a ?? je basic block L52
L40: 8d 7e 48 ?? lea edi, ds:[esi + 0x48<72>]
L41: 85 db ?? test ebx, ebx
74 33 ?? je basic block L48
L42: ff 37 ?? push dword ds:[edi]
8d 85 78 ff ff ff ?? lea eax, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
50 ?? push eax
e8 9e 10 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L43: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 19 ?? je basic block L47
L44: 53 ?? push ebx
8d 8d 78 ff ff ff ?? lea ecx, ss:[ebp + 0xffffff78<4294967160,-136>]
e8 25 fb ff ff ?? call function 0x0040ae89
L45: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L47
L46: 21 85 70 ff ff ff ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>], eax
eb 06 ?? jmp basic block L48
L47: ff 85 74 ff ff ff ?? inc dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff74<4294967156,-140>]
L48: 43 ?? inc ebx
83 c7 10 ?? add edi, 0x10<16>
83 fb 05 ?? cmp ebx, 5
7e c0 ?? jle basic block L41
L49: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
39 85 70 ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff70<4294967152,-144>], eax
75 08 ?? jne basic block L51
L50: 39 85 74 ff ff ff ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 0xffffff74<4294967156,-140>], eax
74 05 ?? je basic block L52
L51: e8 44 f7 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040aadb
L52: 8b 4d fc ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>]
5f ?? pop edi
5e ?? pop esi
33 cd ?? xor ecx, ebp
5b ?? pop ebx
e8 ea ac ff ff ?? call function 0x0040608e
L53: c9 ?? leave
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b49b | ___create_locale | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
5d ?? pop ebp
e9 00 ff ff ff ?? jmp function 0x0040b3a6
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b4a6 | _setlocale | 0func
L1: 6a 14 ?? push 0x14<20>
68 28 31 43 00 ?? push 0x00433128
e8 9a 24 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 33 db ?? xor ebx, ebx
89 5d e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], ebx
83 7d 08 05 ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 8], 5
76 1f ?? jbe basic block L6
L3: e8 60 10 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L4: c7 00 16 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 0x00000016<22>
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
53 ?? push ebx
e8 ee b4 ff ff ?? call function 0x004069c0
L5: 83 c4 14 ?? add esp, 0x14<20>
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
e9 2c 01 00 00 ?? jmp basic block L34
L6: e8 69 06 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040bb4a
L7: 8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
89 75 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], esi
e8 63 f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a64e
L8: 83 4e 70 10 ?? or dword ds:[esi + 0x70<112>], 0x10<16>
89 5d fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], ebx
6a 01 ?? push 1
68 d8 00 00 00 ?? push 0x000000d8<216>
e8 27 ec ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a125
L9: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
8b f8 ?? mov edi, eax
89 7d dc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xdc<220,-36>], edi
3b fb ?? cmp edi, ebx
0f 84 ec 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L32
L10: 6a 0c ?? push 12
e8 2f 2a 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L11: 59 ?? pop ecx
c7 45 fc 01 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 1
8b 4e 6c ?? mov ecx, dword ds:[esi + 0x6c<108>]
8b c7 ?? mov eax, edi
e8 c4 f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a5ea
L12: 89 5d fc ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], ebx
e8 a6 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b5d4
L13: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b 4d 0c ?? mov ecx, dword ss:[ebp + 12]
8b d7 ?? mov edx, edi
e8 50 fc ff ff ?? call function 0x0040b18b
L14: 59 ?? pop ecx
89 45 e0 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>], eax
3b c3 ?? cmp eax, ebx
0f 84 a4 00 00 00 ?? je basic block L29
L15: 39 5d 0c ?? cmp dword ss:[ebp + 12], ebx
74 1d ?? je basic block L19
L16: 68 10 50 43 00 ?? push 0x00435010<"C">
ff 75 0c ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 12]
e8 97 0e 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c3f0
L17: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0a ?? je basic block L19
L18: c7 05 50 5b 43 00 01 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b50], 1
00 00
L19: 6a 0c ?? push 12
e8 d3 29 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L20: 59 ?? pop ecx
c7 45 fc 02 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 2
8d 5e 6c ?? lea ebx, ds:[esi + 0x6c<108>]
8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx
e8 8e f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a610
L21: 57 ?? push edi
e8 c9 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a551
L22: 59 ?? pop ecx
f6 46 70 02 ?? test byte ds:[esi + 0x70<112>], 2
75 32 ?? jne basic block L27
L23: f6 05 08 50 43 00 01 ?? test byte ds:[0x00435008], 1
75 29 ?? jne basic block L27
L24: 8b 3b ?? mov edi, dword ds:[ebx]
b8 f0 50 43 00 ?? mov eax, 0x004350f0
e8 6c f0 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a610
L25: 6a 18 ?? push 0x18<24>
a1 f0 50 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x004350f0]
83 c0 0c ?? add eax, 12
50 ?? push eax
68 68 64 43 00 ?? push 0x00436468
e8 87 e7 ff ff ?? call function 0x00409d40
L26: 83 c4 0c ?? add esp, 12
e8 6d f1 ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a72e
L27: 83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
e8 16 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b5e0
L28: eb 2d ?? jmp basic block L32
L29: 57 ?? push edi
e8 60 ef ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a551
L30: 57 ?? push edi
e8 82 ed ff ff ?? call function 0x0040a379
L31: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L32: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 0c 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b611
L33: 8b 45 e0 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe0<224,-32>]
L34: e8 84 23 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L35: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b616 | _V6_HeapAlloc | 0func
L1: 6a 0c ?? push 12
68 60 31 43 00 ?? push 0x00433160
e8 2a 23 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d94c
L2: 83 65 e4 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], 0
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
3b 35 20 66 43 00 ?? cmp esi, dword ds:[0x00436620]
77 22 ?? ja basic block L6
L3: 6a 04 ?? push 4
e8 0b 29 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
83 65 fc 00 ?? and dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0
56 ?? push esi
e8 6d 36 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040ecb0
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
89 45 e4 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>], eax
c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 0xfc<252,-4>], 0xfffffffe<4294967294,-2>
e8 09 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b65c
L6: 8b 45 e4 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 0xe4<228,-28>]
e8 36 23 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040d991
L7: c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b665 | __heap_alloc | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
83 3d f4 62 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x004362f4], 0
75 18 ?? jne basic block L6
L2: e8 ce 18 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040cf46
L3: 6a 1e ?? push 0x1e<30>
e8 f6 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040cd75
L4: 68 ff 00 00 00 ?? push 0x000000ff<255>
e8 c0 13 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040ca49
L5: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L6: a1 48 66 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00436648]
83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1
75 19 ?? jne basic block L11
L7: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 01 ?? jne basic block L9
L8: 40 ?? inc eax
L9: 50 ?? push eax
6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 35 f4 62 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x004362f4]
ff 15 4c 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x0043824c]
L10: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L11: 56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 f8 03 ?? cmp eax, 3
75 0b ?? jne basic block L14
L12: 56 ?? push esi
e8 59 ff ff ff ?? call function 0x0040b616
L13: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 1a ?? jne basic block L17
L14: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 01 ?? jne basic block L16
L15: 46 ?? inc esi
L16: 83 c6 0f ?? add esi, 15
83 e6 f0 ?? and esi, 0xf0<240,-16>
56 ?? push esi
6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 35 f4 62 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x004362f4]
ff 15 4c 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x0043824c]
L17: 5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b6df | _malloc | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
83 fe e0 ?? cmp esi, 0xe0<224,-32>
0f 87 a1 00 00 00 ?? ja basic block L30
L2: 53 ?? push ebx
57 ?? push edi
8b 3d 4c 82 43 00 ?? mov edi, dword ds:[0x0043824c]
L3: 83 3d f4 62 43 00 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x004362f4], 0
75 18 ?? jne basic block L8
L4: e8 3f 18 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040cf46
L5: 6a 1e ?? push 0x1e<30>
e8 67 16 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040cd75
L6: 68 ff 00 00 00 ?? push 0x000000ff<255>
e8 31 13 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040ca49
L7: 59 ?? pop ecx
59 ?? pop ecx
L8: a1 48 66 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00436648]
83 f8 01 ?? cmp eax, 1
75 0e ?? jne basic block L13
L9: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
74 04 ?? je basic block L11
L10: 8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
eb 03 ?? jmp basic block L12
L11: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
L12: 50 ?? push eax
eb 1c ?? jmp basic block L19
L13: 83 f8 03 ?? cmp eax, 3
75 0b ?? jne basic block L16
L14: 56 ?? push esi
e8 d9 fe ff ff ?? call function 0x0040b616
L15: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 16 ?? jne basic block L20
L16: 85 f6 ?? test esi, esi
75 01 ?? jne basic block L18
L17: 46 ?? inc esi
L18: 83 c6 0f ?? add esi, 15
83 e6 f0 ?? and esi, 0xf0<240,-16>
56 ?? push esi
L19: 6a 00 ?? push 0
ff 35 f4 62 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x004362f4]
ff d7 ?? call edi
L20: 8b d8 ?? mov ebx, eax
85 db ?? test ebx, ebx
75 2e ?? jne basic block L29
L21: 6a 0c ?? push 12
5e ?? pop esi
39 05 b0 64 43 00 ?? cmp dword ds:[0x004364b0], eax
74 15 ?? je basic block L25
L22: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e8 93 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b804
L23: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L27
L24: 8b 75 08 ?? mov esi, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
e9 7b ff ff ff ?? jmp basic block L3
L25: e8 9f 0d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L26: 89 30 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], esi
L27: e8 98 0d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L28: 89 30 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], esi
L29: 5f ?? pop edi
8b c3 ?? mov eax, ebx
5b ?? pop ebx
eb 14 ?? jmp basic block L33
L30: 56 ?? push esi
e8 6c 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b804
L31: 59 ?? pop ecx
e8 84 0d 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c522
L32: c7 00 0c 00 00 00 ?? mov dword ds:[eax], 12
33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
L33: 5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b7a9 | __initp_heap_handler | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
a3 54 5b 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b54], eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b7b8 | ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
6a 04 ?? push 4
e8 7e 27 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040df43
L2: ff 35 54 5b 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x00435b54]
e8 f1 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b8c1
L3: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
8b f0 ?? mov esi, eax
e8 6c 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b846
L4: 6a 04 ?? push 4
a3 54 5b 43 00 ?? mov dword ds:[0x00435b54], eax
e8 6b 26 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040de51
L5: 83 c4 10 ?? add esp, 0x10<16>
8b c6 ?? mov eax, esi
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b7f7 | ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ | 0func
L1: ff 35 54 5b 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x00435b54]
e8 bf 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b8c1
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b804 | __callnewh | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
ff 35 54 5b 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x00435b54]
e8 ad 00 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040b8c1
L2: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 0f ?? je basic block L6
L3: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d0 ?? call eax
L4: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 05 ?? je basic block L6
L5: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
40 ?? inc eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
L6: 33 c0 ?? xor eax, eax
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b82c | __crt_wait_module_handle | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff 15 50 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438250]
L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 06 ?? jne basic block L4
L3: 5d ?? pop ebp
e9 81 11 00 00 ?? jmp function 0x0040c9c5
L4: 5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b846 | __encode_pointer | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
ff 35 2c 47 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x0043472c]
8b 35 58 82 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00438258]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 21 ?? je basic block L8
L3: a1 28 47 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00434728]
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
74 17 ?? je basic block L8
L4: 50 ?? push eax
ff 35 2c 47 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x0043472c]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L5: ff d0 ?? call eax
L6: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 80 f8 01 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000001f8<504>]
eb 27 ?? jmp basic block L13
L8: be 00 ec 42 00 ?? mov esi, 0x0042ec00<"KERNEL32.DLL">
56 ?? push esi
ff 15 50 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438250]
L9: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 0b ?? jne basic block L12
L10: 56 ?? push esi
e8 30 11 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c9c5
L11: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 18 ?? je basic block L16
L12: 68 f0 eb 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ebf0<"EncodePointer">
50 ?? push eax
ff 15 54 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438254]
L13: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L16
L14: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d0 ?? call eax
L15: 89 45 08 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], eax
L16: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
./vs2008/normal/Debug/oo.exe | 0x40b8c1 | __decode_pointer | 0func
L1: 8b ff ?? mov edi, edi
55 ?? push ebp
8b ec ?? mov ebp, esp
56 ?? push esi
ff 35 2c 47 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x0043472c]
8b 35 58 82 43 00 ?? mov esi, dword ds:[0x00438258]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L2: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 21 ?? je basic block L8
L3: a1 28 47 43 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[0x00434728]
83 f8 ff ?? cmp eax, 0xff<255,-1>
74 17 ?? je basic block L8
L4: 50 ?? push eax
ff 35 2c 47 43 00 ?? push dword ds:[0x0043472c]
ff d6 ?? call esi
L5: ff d0 ?? call eax
L6: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L8
L7: 8b 80 fc 01 00 00 ?? mov eax, dword ds:[eax + 0x000001fc<508>]
eb 27 ?? jmp basic block L13
L8: be 00 ec 42 00 ?? mov esi, 0x0042ec00<"KERNEL32.DLL">
56 ?? push esi
ff 15 50 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438250]
L9: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
75 0b ?? jne basic block L12
L10: 56 ?? push esi
e8 b5 10 00 00 ?? call function 0x0040c9c5
L11: 59 ?? pop ecx
85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 18 ?? je basic block L16
L12: 68 1c ec 42 00 ?? push 0x0042ec1c<"DecodePointer">
50 ?? push eax
ff 15 54 82 43 00 ?? call dword ds:[0x00438254]
L13: 85 c0 ?? test eax, eax
74 08 ?? je basic block L16
L14: ff 75 08 ?? push dword ss:[ebp + 8]
ff d0 ?? call eax
L15: 89 45 08 ?? mov dword ss:[ebp + 8], eax
L16: 8b 45 08 ?? mov eax, dword ss:[ebp + 8]
5e ?? pop esi
5d ?? pop ebp
c3 ?? ret
| vs2008/normal/Debug | oo.exe |
Subsets and Splits