\nDetermine all positive integers $n$ satisfying the following condition: for every monic polynomial $P$ of degree at most $n$ with integer coefficients, there exists a positive integer $k \leq n$, and $k+1$ distinct integers $x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{k+1}$ such that\n\n$$\nP\left(x_{1}\right)+P\left(x_{2}\right)+\cdots+P\left(x_{k}\right)=P\left(x_{k+1}\right) .\n$$\n
\nThere is only one such integer, namely, $n=2$. In this case, if $P$ is a constant polynomial, the required condition is clearly satisfied; if $P=X+c$, then $P(c-1)+P(c+1)=$ $P(3 c)$; and if $P=X^{2}+q X+r$, then $P(X)=P(-X-q)$.\n\nTo rule out all other values of $n$, it is sufficient to exhibit a monic polynomial $P$ of degree at most $n$ with integer coefficients, whose restriction to the integers is injective, and $P(x) \equiv 1$ $(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$. This is easily seen by reading the relation in the statement modulo $n$, to deduce that $k \equiv 1(\bmod n)$, so $k=1$, since $1 \leq k \leq n$; hence $P\left(x_{1}\right)=P\left(x_{2}\right)$ for some distinct integers $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$, which contradicts injectivity.\n\nIf $n=1$, let $P=X$, and if $n=4$, let $P=X^{4}+7 X^{2}+4 X+1$. In the latter case, clearly, $P(x) \equiv 1(\bmod 4)$ for all integers $x$; and $P$ is injective on the integers, since $P(x)-P(y)=$ $(x-y)\left((x+y)\left(x^{2}+y^{2}+7\right)+4\right)$, and the absolute value of $(x+y)\left(x^{2}+y^{2}+7\right)$ is either 0 or at least 7 for integral $x$ and $y$.\n\nAssume henceforth $n \geq 3, n \neq 4$, and let $f_{n}=(X-1)(X-2) \cdots(X-n)$. Clearly, $f_{n}(x) \equiv$ $0(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$. If $n$ is odd, then $f_{n}$ is non-decreasing on the integers; and if, in addition, $n>3$, then $f_{n}(x) \equiv 0(\bmod n+1)$ for all integers $x$, since $f_{n}(0)=-n !=-1 \cdot 2 \cdot \cdots$. $\frac{n+1}{2} \cdot \cdots \cdot n \equiv 0(\bmod n+1)$.\n\nFinally, let $P=f_{n}+n X+1$ if $n$ is odd, and let $P=f_{n-1}+n X+1$ if $n$ is even. In either case, $P$ is strictly increasing, hence injective, on the integers, and $P(x) \equiv 1(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$.\n
\nProve that every positive integer $n$ can be written uniquely in the form\n\n$$\nn=\sum_{j=1}^{2 k+1}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}\n$$\n\nwhere $k \geq 0$ and $0 \leq m_{1}<m_{2}<\cdots<m_{2 k+1}$ are integers.\n\nThis number $k$ is called the weight of $n$.\n\n(b) Find (in closed form) the difference between the number of positive integers at most $2^{2017}$ with even weight and the number of positive integers at most $2^{2017}$ with odd weight.\n
\nSolution. (a) We show by induction on the integer $M \geq 0$ that every integer $n$ in the range $-2^{M}+1$ through $2^{M}$ can uniquely be written in the form $n=\sum_{j=1}^{\ell}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}$ for some integers $\ell \geq 0$ and $0 \leq m_{1}<m_{2}<\cdots<m_{\ell} \leq M$ (empty sums are 0 ); moreover, in this unique representation $\ell$ is odd if $n>0$, and even if $n \leq 0$. The integer $w(n)=\lfloor\ell / 2\rfloor$ is called the weight of $n$.\n\nExistence once proved, uniqueness follows from the fact that there are as many such representations as integers in the range $-2^{M}+1$ through $2^{M}$, namely, $2^{M+1}$.\n\nTo prove existence, notice that the base case $M=0$ is clear, so let $M \geq 1$ and let $n$ be an integer in the range $-2^{M}+1$ through $2^{M}$.\n\nIf $-2^{M}+1 \leq n \leq-2^{M-1}$, then $1 \leq n+2^{M} \leq 2^{M-1}$, so $n+2^{M}=\sum_{j=1}^{2 k+1}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}$ for some integers $k \geq 0$ and $0 \leq m_{1}<\cdots<m_{2 k+1} \leq M-1$ by the induction hypothesis, and $n=\sum_{j=1}^{2 k+2}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}$, where $m_{2 k+2}=M$.\n\nThe case $-2^{M-1}+1 \leq n \leq 2^{M-1}$ is covered by the induction hypothesis.\n\nFinally, if $2^{M-1}+1 \leq n \leq 2^{M}$, then $-2^{M-1}+1 \leq n-2^{M} \leq 0$, so $n-2^{M}=\sum_{j=1}^{2 k}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}$ for some integers $k \geq 0$ and $0 \leq m_{1}<\cdots<m_{2 k} \leq M-1$ by the induction hypothesis, and $n=\sum_{j=1}^{2 k+1}(-1)^{j-1} 2^{m_{j}}$, where $m_{2 k+1}=M$.\n\n(b) First Approach. Let $M \geq 0$ be an integer. The solution for part (a) shows that the number of even (respectively, odd) weight integers in the range 1 through $2^{M}$ coincides with the number of subsets in $\{0,1,2, \ldots, M\}$ whose cardinality has remainder 1 (respectively, 3 ) modulo 4. Therefore, the difference of these numbers is\n\n$$\n\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor M / 2\rfloor}(-1)^{k}\left(\begin{array}{l}\nM+1 \\n2 k+1\n\end{array}\right)=\frac{(1+\mathrm{i})^{M+1}-(1-\mathrm{i})^{M+1}}{2 \mathrm{i}}=2^{(M+1) / 2} \sin \frac{(M+1) \pi}{4}\n$$\n\nwhere $\mathrm{i}=\sqrt{-1}$ is the imaginary unit. Thus, the required difference is $2^{1009}$.\n\nSecond Approach. For every integer $M \geq 0$, let $A_{M}=\sum_{n=-2^{M}+1}^{0}(-1)^{w(n)}$ and let $B_{M}=$ $\sum_{n=1}^{2^{M}}(-1)^{w(n)}$; thus, $B_{M}$ evaluates the difference of the number of even weight integers in the range 1 through $2^{M}$ and the number of odd weight integers in that range.\n\nNotice that\n\n$$\nw(n)= \begin{cases}w\left(n+2^{M}\right)+1 & \text { if }-2^{M}+1 \leq n \leq-2^{M-1} \ w\left(n-2^{M}\right) & \text { if } 2^{M-1}+1 \leq n \leq 2^{M}\end{cases}\n$$\n\n\nto get\n\n$$\n\begin{aligned}\n& A_{M}=-\sum_{n=-2^{M}+1}^{-2^{M-1}}(-1)^{w\left(n+2^{M}\right)}+\sum_{n=-2^{M-1}+1}^{0}(-1)^{w(n)}=-B_{M-1}+A_{M-1} \\n& B_{M}=\sum_{n=1}^{2^{M-1}}(-1)^{w(n)}+\sum_{n=2^{M-1}+1}^{2^{M}}(-1)^{w\left(n-2^{M}\right)}=B_{M-1}+A_{M-1} .\n\end{aligned}\n$$\n\nIteration yields\n\n$$\n\begin{aligned}\nB_{M} & =A_{M-1}+B_{M-1}=\left(A_{M-2}-B_{M-2}\right)+\left(A_{M-2}+B_{M-2}\right)=2 A_{M-2} \\n& =2 A_{M-3}-2 B_{M-3}=2\left(A_{M-4}-B_{M-4}\right)-2\left(A_{M-4}+B_{M-4}\right)=-4 B_{M-4}\n\end{aligned}\n$$\n\nThus, $B_{2017}=(-4)^{504} B_{1}=2^{1008} B_{1}$; since $B_{1}=(-1)^{w(1)}+(-1)^{w(2)}=2$, it follows that $B_{2017}=$ $2^{1009}$.\n
\nDetermine all positive integers $n$ satisfying the following condition: for every monic polynomial $P$ of degree at most $n$ with integer coefficients, there exists a positive integer $k \leq n$, and $k+1$ distinct integers $x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{k+1}$ such that\n\n$$\nP\left(x_{1}\right)+P\left(x_{2}\right)+\cdots+P\left(x_{k}\right)=P\left(x_{k+1}\right) .\n$$\n
\nThere is only one such integer, namely, $n=2$. In this case, if $P$ is a constant polynomial, the required condition is clearly satisfied; if $P=X+c$, then $P(c-1)+P(c+1)=$ $P(3 c)$; and if $P=X^{2}+q X+r$, then $P(X)=P(-X-q)$.\n\nTo rule out all other values of $n$, it is sufficient to exhibit a monic polynomial $P$ of degree at most $n$ with integer coefficients, whose restriction to the integers is injective, and $P(x) \equiv 1$ $(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$. This is easily seen by reading the relation in the statement modulo $n$, to deduce that $k \equiv 1(\bmod n)$, so $k=1$, since $1 \leq k \leq n$; hence $P\left(x_{1}\right)=P\left(x_{2}\right)$ for some distinct integers $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$, which contradicts injectivity.\n\nIf $n=1$, let $P=X$, and if $n=4$, let $P=X^{4}+7 X^{2}+4 X+1$. In the latter case, clearly, $P(x) \equiv 1(\bmod 4)$ for all integers $x$; and $P$ is injective on the integers, since $P(x)-P(y)=$ $(x-y)\left((x+y)\left(x^{2}+y^{2}+7\right)+4\right)$, and the absolute value of $(x+y)\left(x^{2}+y^{2}+7\right)$ is either 0 or at least 7 for integral $x$ and $y$.\n\nAssume henceforth $n \geq 3, n \neq 4$, and let $f_{n}=(X-1)(X-2) \cdots(X-n)$. Clearly, $f_{n}(x) \equiv$ $0(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$. If $n$ is odd, then $f_{n}$ is non-decreasing on the integers; and if, in addition, $n>3$, then $f_{n}(x) \equiv 0(\bmod n+1)$ for all integers $x$, since $f_{n}(0)=-n !=-1 \cdot 2 \cdot \cdots$. $\frac{n+1}{2} \cdot \cdots \cdot n \equiv 0(\bmod n+1)$.\n\nFinally, let $P=f_{n}+n X+1$ if $n$ is odd, and let $P=f_{n-1}+n X+1$ if $n$ is even. In either case, $P$ is strictly increasing, hence injective, on the integers, and $P(x) \equiv 1(\bmod n)$ for all integers $x$.\n
\nLet $n$ be an integer greater than 1 and let $X$ be an $n$-element set. A non-empty collection of subsets $A_{1}, \ldots, A_{k}$ of $X$ is tight if the union $A_{1} \cup \cdots \cup A_{k}$ is a proper subset of $X$ and no element of $X$ lies in exactly one of the $A_{i}$ s. Find the largest cardinality of a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X$, no non-empty subcollection of which is tight.\n\nNote. A subset $A$ of $X$ is proper if $A \neq X$. The sets in a collection are assumed to be distinct. The whole collection is assumed to be a subcollection.\n
\nThe required maximum is $2 n-2$. To describe a $(2 n-2)$-element collection satisfying the required conditions, write $X=\{1,2, \ldots, n\}$ and set $B_{k}=\{1,2, \ldots, k\}$, $k=1,2, \ldots, n-1$, and $B_{k}=\{k-n+2, k-n+3, \ldots, n\}, k=n, n+1, \ldots, 2 n-2$. To show that no subcollection of the $B_{k}$ is tight, consider a subcollection $\mathcal{C}$ whose union $U$ is a proper subset of $X$, let $m$ be an element in $X \backslash U$, and notice that $\mathcal{C}$ is a subcollection of $\left\{B_{1}, \ldots, B_{m-1}, B_{m+n-1}, \ldots, B_{2 n-2}\right\}$, since the other $B$ 's are precisely those containing $m$. If $U$ contains elements less than $m$, let $k$ be the greatest such and notice that $B_{k}$ is the only member of $\mathcal{C}$ containing $k$; and if $U$ contains elements greater than $m$, let $k$ be the least such and notice that $B_{k+n-2}$ is the only member of $\mathcal{C}$ containing $k$. Consequently, $\mathcal{C}$ is not tight.\n\nWe now proceed to show by induction on $n \geq 2$ that the cardinality of a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X$, no subcollection of which is tight, does not exceed $2 n-2$. The base case $n=2$ is clear, so let $n>2$ and suppose, if possible, that $\mathcal{B}$ is a collection of $2 n-1$ proper non-empty subsets of $X$ containing no tight subcollection.\n\nTo begin, notice that $\mathcal{B}$ has an empty intersection: if the members of $\mathcal{B}$ shared an element $x$, then $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}=\{B \backslash\{x\}: B \in \mathcal{B}, B \neq\{x\}\}$ would be a collection of at least $2 n-2$ proper non-empty subsets of $X \backslash\{x\}$ containing no tight subcollection, and the induction hypothesis would be contradicted.\n\nNow, for every $x$ in $X$, let $\mathcal{B}_{x}$ be the (non-empty) collection of all members of $\mathcal{B}$ not containing $x$. Since no subcollection of $\mathcal{B}$ is tight, $\mathcal{B}_{x}$ is not tight, and since the union of $\mathcal{B}_{x}$ does not contain $x$, some $x^{\prime}$ in $X$ is covered by a single member of $\mathcal{B}_{x}$. In other words, there is a single set in $\mathcal{B}$ covering $x^{\prime}$ but not $x$. In this case, draw an arrow from $x$ to $x^{\prime}$. Since there is at least one arrow from each $x$ in $X$, some of these arrows form a (minimal) cycle $x_{1} \rightarrow x_{2} \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow x_{k} \rightarrow x_{k+1}=x_{1}$ for some suitable integer $k \geq 2$. Let $A_{i}$ be the unique member of $\mathcal{B}$ containing $x_{i+1}$ but not $x_{i}$, and let $X^{\prime}=\left\{x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{k}\right\}$.\n\nRemove $A_{1}, A_{2}, \ldots, A_{k}$ from $\mathcal{B}$ to obtain a collection $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ each member of which either contains or is disjoint from $X^{\prime}$ : for if a member $B$ of $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ contained some but not all elements of $X^{\prime}$, then $B$ should contain $x_{i+1}$ but not $x_{i}$ for some $i$, and $B=A_{i}$, a contradiction. This rules out the case $k=n$, for otherwise $\mathcal{B}=\left\{A_{1}, A_{2}, \ldots, A_{n}\right\}$, so $|\mathcal{B}|<2 n-1$.\n\nTo rule out the case $k<n$, consider an extra element $x^{*}$ outside $X$ and let\n\n$$\n\mathcal{B}^{*}=\left\{B: B \in \mathcal{B}^{\prime}, B \cap X^{\prime}=\varnothing\right\} \cup\left\{\left(B \backslash X^{\prime}\right) \cup\left\{x^{*}\right\}: B \in \mathcal{B}^{\prime}, X^{\prime} \subseteq B\right\}\n$$\n\nthus, in each member of $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ containing $X^{\prime}$, the latter is collapsed to singleton $x^{*}$. Notice that $\mathcal{B}^{*}$ is a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X^{*}=\left(X \backslash X^{\prime}\right) \cup\left\{x^{*}\right\}$, no subcollection of which is tight. By the induction hypothesis, $\left|\mathcal{B}^{\prime}\right|=\left|\mathcal{B}^{*}\right| \leq 2\left|X^{*}\right|-2=2(n-k)$, so $|\mathcal{B}| \leq 2(n-k)+k=$ $2 n-k<2 n-1$, a final contradiction.\n
\nLet $n$ be an integer greater than 1 and let $X$ be an $n$-element set. A non-empty collection of subsets $A_{1}, \ldots, A_{k}$ of $X$ is tight if the union $A_{1} \cup \cdots \cup A_{k}$ is a proper subset of $X$ and no element of $X$ lies in exactly one of the $A_{i}$ s. Find the largest cardinality of a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X$, no non-empty subcollection of which is tight.\n\nNote. A subset $A$ of $X$ is proper if $A \neq X$. The sets in a collection are assumed to be distinct. The whole collection is assumed to be a subcollection.\n
\nProceed again by induction on $n$ to show that the cardinality of a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X$, no subcollection of which is tight, does not exceed $2 n-2$.\n\nConsider any collection $\mathcal{B}$ of proper non-empty subsets of $X$ with no tight subcollection (we call such collection good). Assume that there exist $M, N \in \mathcal{B}$ such that $M \cup N$ is distinct from $M, N$, and $X$. In this case, we will show how to modify $\mathcal{B}$ so that it remains good, contains the same number of sets, but the total number of elements in the sets of $\mathcal{B}$ increases.\n\nConsider a maximal (relative to set-theoretic inclusion) subcollection $\mathcal{C} \subseteq \mathcal{B}$ such that the set $C=\bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{C}} A$ is distinct from $X$ and from all members of $\mathcal{C}$. Notice here that the union of any subcollection $\mathcal{D} \subset \mathcal{B}$ cannot coincide with any $K \in \mathcal{B} \backslash \mathcal{D}$, otherwise $\{K\} \cup \mathcal{D}$ would be tight. Surely, $\mathcal{C}$ exists (since $\{M, N\}$ is an example of a collection satisfying the requirements on $\mathcal{C}$, except for maximality); moreover, $C \notin \mathcal{B}$ by the above remark.\n\nSince $C \neq X$, there exists an $L \in \mathcal{C}$ and $x \in L$ such that $L$ is the unique set in $\mathcal{C}$ containing $x$. Now replace in $\mathcal{B}$ the set $L$ by $C$ in order to obtain a new collection $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ (then $\left|\mathcal{B}^{\prime}\right|=|\mathcal{B}|$ ). We claim that $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ is good.\n\nAssume, to the contrary, that $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ contained a tight subcollection $\mathcal{T}$; clearly, $C \in \mathcal{T}$, otherwise $\mathcal{B}$ is not good. If $\mathcal{T} \subseteq \mathcal{C} \cup\{C\}$, then $C$ is the unique set in $\mathcal{T}$ containing $x$ which is impossible. Therefore, there exists $P \in \mathcal{T} \backslash(\mathcal{C} \cup\{C\})$. By maximality of $\mathcal{C}$, the collection $\mathcal{C} \cup\{P\}$ does not satisfy the requirements imposed on $\mathcal{C}$; since $P \cup C \neq X$, this may happen only if $C \cup P=P$, i.e., if $C \subset P$. But then $\mathcal{G}=(\mathcal{T} \backslash\{C\}) \cup \mathcal{C}$ is a tight subcollection in $\mathcal{B}$ : all elements of $C$ are covered by $\mathcal{G}$ at least twice (by $P$ and an element of $\mathcal{C}$ ), and all the rest elements are covered by $\mathcal{G}$ the same number of times as by $\mathcal{T}$. A contradiction. Thus $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ is good.\n\nSuch modifications may be performed finitely many times, since the total number of elements of sets in $\mathcal{B}$ increases. Thus, at some moment we arrive at a good collection $\mathcal{B}$ for which the procedure no longer applies. This means that for every $M, N \in \mathcal{B}$, either $M \cup N=X$ or one of them is contained in the other.\n\nNow let $M$ be a minimal (with respect to inclusion) set in $\mathcal{B}$. Then each set in $\mathcal{B}$ either contains $M$ or forms $X$ in union with $M$ (i.e., contains $X \backslash M$ ). Now one may easily see that the two collections\n\n$$\n\mathcal{B}_{+}=\{A \backslash M: A \in \mathcal{B}, M \subset A, A \neq M\}, \quad \mathcal{B}_{-}=\{A \cap M: A \in \mathcal{B}, X \backslash M \subset A, A \neq X \backslash M\}\n$$\n\nare good as collections of subsets of $X \backslash M$ and $M$, respectively; thus, by the induction hypothesis, we have $\left|\mathcal{B}_{+}\right|+\left|\mathcal{B}_{-}\right| \leq 2 n-4$.\n\nFinally, each set $A \in \mathcal{B}$ either produces a set in one of the two new collections, or coincides with $M$ or $X \backslash M$. Thus $|\mathcal{B}| \leq\left|\mathcal{B}_{+}\right|+\left|\mathcal{B}_{-}\right|+2 \leq 2 n-2$, as required.\n
\nLet $n$ be an integer greater than 1 and let $X$ be an $n$-element set. A non-empty collection of subsets $A_{1}, \ldots, A_{k}$ of $X$ is tight if the union $A_{1} \cup \cdots \cup A_{k}$ is a proper subset of $X$ and no element of $X$ lies in exactly one of the $A_{i}$ s. Find the largest cardinality of a collection of proper non-empty subsets of $X$, no non-empty subcollection of which is tight.\n\nNote. A subset $A$ of $X$ is proper if $A \neq X$. The sets in a collection are assumed to be distinct. The whole collection is assumed to be a subcollection.\n
\nSolution 3. We provide yet another proof of the estimate $|\mathcal{B}| \leq 2 n-2$, using the notion of a good collection from Solution 2. Arguing indirectly, we assume that there exists a good collection $\mathcal{B}$ with $|\mathcal{B}| \geq 2 n-1$, and choose one such for the minimal possible value of $n$. Clearly, $n>2$.\n\nFirstly, we perform a different modification of $\mathcal{B}$. Choose any $x \in X$, and consider the subcollection $\mathcal{B}_{x}=\{B: B \in \mathcal{B}, x \notin B\}$. By our assumption, $\mathcal{B}_{x}$ is not tight. As the union of sets in $\mathcal{B}_{x}$ is distinct from $X$, either this collection is empty, or there exists an element $y \in X$ contained in a unique member $A_{x}$ of $\mathcal{B}_{x}$. In the former case, we add the set $B_{x}=X \backslash\{x\}$ to $\mathcal{B}$, and in the latter we replace $A_{x}$ by $B_{x}$, to form a new collection $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$. (Notice that if $B_{x} \in \mathcal{B}$, then $B_{x} \in \mathcal{B}_{x}$ and $y \in B_{x}$, so $B_{x}=A_{x}$.)\n\nWe claim that the collection $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ is also good. Indeed, if $\mathcal{B}^{\prime}$ has a tight subcollection $\mathcal{T}$, then $B_{x}$ should lie in $\mathcal{T}$. Then, as the union of the sets in $\mathcal{T}$ is distinct from $X$, we should have $\mathcal{T} \subseteq \mathcal{B}_{x} \cup\left\{B_{x}\right\}$. But in this case an element $y$ is contained in a unique member of $\mathcal{T}$, namely $B_{x}$, so $\mathcal{T}$ is not tight - a contradiction.\n\nPerform this procedure for every $x \in X$, to get a good collection $\mathcal{B}$ containing the sets $B_{x}=X \backslash\{x\}$ for all $x \in X$. Consider now an element $x \in X$ such that $\left|\mathcal{B}_{x}\right|$ is maximal. As we have mentioned before, there exists an element $y \in X$ belonging to a unique member (namely, $\left.B_{x}\right)$ of $\mathcal{B}_{x}$. Thus, $\mathcal{B}_{x} \backslash\left\{B_{x}\right\} \subset \mathcal{B}_{y}$; also, $B_{y} \in \mathcal{B}_{y} \backslash \mathcal{B}_{x}$. Thus we get $\left|\mathcal{B}_{y}\right| \geq\left|\mathcal{B}_{x}\right|$, which by the maximality assumption yields the equality, which in turn means that $\mathcal{B}_{y}=\left(\mathcal{B}_{x} \backslash\left\{B_{x}\right\}\right) \cup\left\{B_{y}\right\}$.\n\nTherefore, each set in $\mathcal{B} \backslash\left\{B_{x}, B_{y}\right\}$ contains either both $x$ and $y$, or none of them. Collapsing $\{x, y\}$ to singleton $x^{*}$, we get a new collection of $|\mathcal{B}|-2$ subsets of $(X \backslash\{x, y\}) \cup\left\{x^{*}\right\}$ containing no tight subcollection. This contradicts minimality of $n$.\n
\nA set of $n$ points in Euclidean 3-dimensional space, no four of which are coplanar, is partitioned into two subsets $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$. An $\mathcal{A B}$-tree is a configuration of $n-1$ segments, each of which has an endpoint in $\mathcal{A}$ and the other in $\mathcal{B}$, and such that no segments form a closed polyline. An $\mathcal{A B}$-tree is transformed into another as follows: choose three distinct segments $A_{1} B_{1}, B_{1} A_{2}$ and $A_{2} B_{2}$ in the $\mathcal{A B}$-tree such that $A_{1}$ is in $\mathcal{A}$ and $A_{1} B_{1}+A_{2} B_{2}>A_{1} B_{2}+A_{2} B_{1}$, and remove the segment $A_{1} B_{1}$ to replace it by the segment $A_{1} B_{2}$. Given any $\mathcal{A B}$-tree, prove that every sequence of successive transformations comes to an end (no further transformation is possible) after finitely many steps.\n
\nThe configurations of segments under consideration are all bipartite geometric trees on the points $n$ whose vertex-parts are $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, and transforming one into another preserves the degree of any vertex in $\mathcal{A}$, but not necessarily that of a vertex in $\mathcal{B}$.\n\nThe idea is to devise a strict semi-invariant of the process, i.e., assign each $\mathcal{A B}$-tree a real number strictly decreasing under a transformation. Since the number of trees on the $n$ points is finite, the conclusion follows.\n\nTo describe the assignment, consider an $\mathcal{A B}$-tree $\mathcal{T}=(\mathcal{A} \sqcup \mathcal{B}, \mathcal{E})$. Removal of an edge $e$ of $\mathcal{T}$ splits the graph into exactly two components. Let $p_{\mathcal{T}}(e)$ be the number of vertices in $\mathcal{A}$ lying in the component of $\mathcal{T}-e$ containing the $\mathcal{A}$-endpoint of $e$; since $\mathcal{T}$ is a tree, $p_{\mathcal{T}}(e)$ counts the number of paths in $\mathcal{T}-e$ from the $\mathcal{A}$-endpoint of $e$ to vertices in $\mathcal{A}$ (including the one-vertex path). Define $f(\mathcal{T})=\sum_{e \in \mathcal{E}} p_{\mathcal{T}}(e)|e|$, where $|e|$ is the Euclidean length of $e$.\n\nWe claim that $f$ strictly decreases under a transformation. To prove this, let $\mathcal{T}^{\prime}$ be obtained from $\mathcal{T}$ by a transformation involving the polyline $A_{1} B_{1} A_{2} B_{2}$; that is, $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ are in $\mathcal{A}, B_{1}$\n\n\nand $B_{2}$ are in $\mathcal{B}, A_{1} B_{1}+A_{2} B_{2}>A_{1} B_{2}+A_{2} B_{1}$, and $\mathcal{T}^{\prime}=\mathcal{T}-A_{1} B_{1}+A_{1} B_{2}$. It is readily checked that $p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}(e)=p_{\mathcal{T}}(e)$ for every edge $e$ of $\mathcal{T}$ different from $A_{1} B_{1}, A_{2} B_{1}$ and $A_{2} B_{2}, p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{1} B_{2}\right)=$ $p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{1} B_{1}\right), p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{2} B_{1}\right)=p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{2} B_{1}\right)+p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{1} B_{1}\right)$, and $p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{2} B b_{2}\right)=p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{2} B_{2}\right)-p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{1} B_{1}\right)$. Consequently,\n\n$$\n\begin{aligned}\nf\left(\mathcal{T}^{\prime}\right)-f(\mathcal{T})= & p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{1} B_{2}\right) \cdot A_{1} B_{2}+\left(p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{2} B_{1}\right)-p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{2} B_{1}\right)\right) \cdot A_{2} B_{1}+ \\n& \left(p_{\mathcal{T}^{\prime}}\left(A_{2} B_{2}\right)-p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{2} B_{2}\right)\right) \cdot A_{2} B_{2}-p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{1} B_{1}\right) \cdot A_{1} B_{1} \\n= & p_{\mathcal{T}}\left(A_{1} B_{1}\right)\left(A_{1} B_{2}+A_{2} B_{1}-A_{2} B_{2}-A_{1} B_{1}\right)<0\n\end{aligned}\n$$\n
\nIn the Cartesian plane, let $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ be the graphs of the quadratic functions $f_{1}(x)=p_{1} x^{2}+q_{1} x+r_{1}$ and $f_{2}(x)=p_{2} x^{2}+q_{2} x+r_{2}$, where $p_{1}>0>p_{2}$. The graphs $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ cross at distinct points $A$ and $B$. The four tangents to $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ at $A$ and $B$ form a convex quadrilateral which has an inscribed circle. Prove that the graphs $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ have the same axis of symmetry.\n
\nLet $\mathcal{A}_{i}$ and $\mathcal{B}_{i}$ be the tangents to $\mathcal{G}_{i}$ at $A$ and $B$, respectively, and let $C_{i}=\mathcal{A}_{i} \cap \mathcal{B}_{i}$. Since $f_{1}(x)$ is convex and $f_{2}(x)$ is concave, the convex quadrangle formed by the four tangents is exactly $A C_{1} B C_{2}$.\n\nLemma. If $C A$ and $C B$ are the tangents drawn from a point $C$ to the graph $\mathcal{G}$ of a quadratic trinomial $f(x)=p x^{2}+q x+r, A, B \in \mathcal{G}, A \neq B$, then the abscissa of $C$ is the arithmetic mean of the abscissae of $A$ and $B$.\n\nProof. Assume, without loss of generality, that $C$ is at the origin, so the equations of the two tangents have the form $y=k_{a} x$ and $y=k_{b} x$. Next, the abscissae $x_{A}$ and $x_{B}$ of the tangency points $A$ and $B$, respectively, are multiple roots of the polynomials $f(x)-k_{a} x$ and $f(x)-k_{b} x$, respectively. By the Vieta theorem, $x_{A}^{2}=r / p=x_{B}^{2}$, so $x_{A}=-x_{B}$, since the case $x_{A}=x_{B}$ is ruled out by $A \neq B$.\n\nThe Lemma shows that the line $C_{1} C_{2}$ is parallel to the $y$-axis and the points $A$ and $B$ are equidistant from this line.\n\nSuppose, if possible, that the incentre $O$ of the quadrangle $A C_{1} B C_{2}$ does not lie on the line $C_{1} C_{2}$. Assume, without loss of generality, that $O$ lies inside the triangle $A C_{1} C_{2}$ and let $A^{\prime}$ be the reflection of $A$ in the line $C_{1} C_{2}$. Then the ray $C_{i} B$ emanating from $C_{i}$ lies inside the angle $A C_{i} A^{\prime}$, so $B$ lies inside the quadrangle $A C_{1} A^{\prime} C_{2}$, whence $A$ and $B$ are not equidistant from $C_{1} C_{2}$ - a contradiction.\n\nThus $O$ lies on $C_{1} C_{2}$, so the lines $A C_{i}$ and $B C_{i}$ are reflections of one another in the line $C_{1} C_{2}$, and $B=A^{\prime}$. Hence $y_{A}=y_{B}$, and since $f_{i}(x)=y_{A}+p_{i}\left(x-x_{A}\right)\left(x-x_{B}\right)$, the line $C_{1} C_{2}$ is the axis of symmetry of both parabolas, as required.\n
\nIn the Cartesian plane, let $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ be the graphs of the quadratic functions $f_{1}(x)=p_{1} x^{2}+q_{1} x+r_{1}$ and $f_{2}(x)=p_{2} x^{2}+q_{2} x+r_{2}$, where $p_{1}>0>p_{2}$. The graphs $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ cross at distinct points $A$ and $B$. The four tangents to $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ at $A$ and $B$ form a convex quadrilateral which has an inscribed circle. Prove that the graphs $\mathcal{G}_{1}$ and $\mathcal{G}_{2}$ have the same axis of symmetry.\n
\nUse the standard equation of a tangent to a smooth curve in the plane, to deduce that the tangents at two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on the parabola of equation $y=p x^{2}+q x+r$,\n\n\n$p \neq 0$, meet at some point $C$ whose coordinates are\n\n$$\nx_{C}=\frac{1}{2}\left(x_{A}+x_{B}\right) \quad \text { and } \quad y_{C}=p x_{A} x_{B}+q \cdot \frac{1}{2}\left(x_{A}+x_{B}\right)+r .\n$$\n\nUsage of the standard formula for Euclidean distance yields\n\n$$\nC A=\frac{1}{2}\left|x_{B}-x_{A}\right| \sqrt{1+\left(2 p x_{A}+q\right)^{2}} \quad \text { and } \quad C B=\frac{1}{2}\left|x_{B}-x_{A}\right| \sqrt{1+\left(2 p x_{B}+q\right)^{2}} \text {, }\n$$\n\nso, after obvious manipulations,\n\n$$\nC B-C A=\frac{2 p\left(x_{B}-x_{A}\right)\left|x_{B}-x_{A}\right|\left(p\left(x_{A}+x_{B}\right)+q\right)}{\sqrt{1+\left(2 p x_{A}+q\right)^{2}}+\sqrt{1+\left(2 p x_{B}+q\right)^{2}}} .\n$$\n\nNow, write the condition in the statement in the form $C_{1} B-C_{1} A=C_{2} B-C_{2} A$, apply the above formula and clear common factors to get\n\n$$\n\frac{p_{1}\left(p_{1}\left(x_{A}+x_{B}\right)+q_{1}\right)}{\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{1} x_{A}+q_{1}\right)^{2}}+\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{1} x_{B}+q_{1}\right)^{2}}}=\frac{p_{2}\left(p_{2}\left(x_{A}+x_{B}\right)+q_{2}\right)}{\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{2} x_{A}+q_{2}\right)^{2}}+\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{2} x_{B}+q_{2}\right)^{2}}} .\n$$\n\nNext, use the fact that $x_{A}$ and $x_{B}$ are the solutions of the quadratic equation $\left(p_{1}-p_{2}\right) x^{2}+$ $\left(q_{1}-q_{2}\right) x+r_{1}-r_{2}=0$, so $x_{A}+x_{B}=-\left(q_{1}-q_{2}\right) /\left(p_{1}-p_{2}\right)$, to obtain\n\n$$\n\frac{p_{1}\left(p_{1} q_{2}-p_{2} q_{1}\right)}{\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{1} x_{A}+q_{1}\right)^{2}}+\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{1} x_{B}+q_{1}\right)^{2}}}=\frac{p_{2}\left(p_{1} q_{2}-p_{2} q_{1}\right)}{\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{2} x_{A}+q_{2}\right)^{2}}+\sqrt{1+\left(2 p_{2} x_{B}+q_{2}\right)^{2}}}\n$$\n\nFinally, since $p_{1} p_{2}<0$ and the denominators above are both positive, the last equality forces $p_{1} q_{2}-p_{2} q_{1}=0$; that is, $q_{1} / p_{1}=q_{2} / p_{2}$, so the two parabolas have the same axis.\n