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badeer-r/all_documents/2. | CAISO Notice - Comprehensive Market Redesign - Template for Comme ,
Market Participants:
The ISO has posted on its web site a template for your use
in submitting your final comments on the ISO's Congestion Management Reform
Recommendation that is part of its Comprehensive Market Redesign. The
template is posted at
<> . Final comments
are due to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> by 5:00 p.m. PDT on
Thursday, August 31. We will include a summary of all comments received to
the ISO Governing Board as part of the CMR Recommendation for their
Please note that the template asks you to identify the name
of the person submitting comments, the name of your organization (please
limit comments to one set per organization) and whether you would like to
have your comments posted on the ISO web site.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Byron Woertz
Director, Client Relations
(916) 608-7066 | 8,749 |
farmer-d/pipelines/1. | Intrastate and 311 contracts for Guadalupe pipeline. ,
Per the request of our marketer Brian Kerns, attached is the contract
forms for both Intrastate and 311 on our Guadalupe pipeline.
(See attached file: Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc)
(See attached file: Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file:
Exhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc)
(See attached file: Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc)(See
attached file: Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc)(See attached file: Exhibit
B-311 New 8-31-01.doc)
Please call me if you have any questions.
Chris Syzdek
Senior Contract Analyst
- Form Guadalupe Insrastate Transportation Contract.doc
- Exhibit A-Intra New 8-31-01.doc
- Exhibit B-Intra New 8-31-01.doc
- Form Guadalupe 311 Transportation Agreement.doc
- Exhibit A-311 New 8-31-01.doc
- Exhibit B-311 New 8-31-01.doc | 110,405 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/8294. | Extraordinary Session - Update ,
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 01/11/2001 07:56 PM -----
=09Scott Govenar <[email protected]>
=0901/11/2001 05:19 PM
=09=09 To: Hedy Govenar <[email protected]>, Mike Day <[email protected]>, B=
Hansen <[email protected]>, Jeff Dasovich <[email protected]>, Susan J Mara=
<[email protected]>, Joseph Alamo <[email protected]>, Paul Kaufman=20
<[email protected]>, David Parquet <[email protected]>, Marcie=
Milner <[email protected]>, Tim Belden <[email protected]>, Rick Shapiro=
<[email protected]>, Jim Steffes <[email protected]>, Alan Comnes=
<[email protected]>, Chris Calger <[email protected]>, Mary Hain=20
<[email protected]>
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: Extraordinary Session - Update
From: Sandi McCubbin
Mike Day
January 11, 2001
Note: This memo will supplement the committee analysis which you will
receive by separate fax.
ABX1-5 Keeley re the governance of the ISO and PX was discussed first.
A number of possible amendments were discussed by members. Suggested
amendments included extending the term of members beyond one year,
increasing the number of members beyond 3, whether there should be
senate confirmation of ISO and PX board members, or at least voting
representation for the legislature on the Energy Oversight Board which
will approve the ISO/PX members. There was also discussion of whether
FERC would approve of this new governance structure. Another
discussion centered on whether the positions should be full time, as
opposed to part time, and how to define =01&affiliated=018 in conjunction w=
the bill=01,s ban on members of the ISO and PX being affiliated with a
market participant.
Support for the bill: Consumers Union, EOB on behalf of the
administration, CalPIRG, PX, TURN, UCAN, ORA, Coalition of Utility
Opposition: ISO, which raised issues regarding incompatibility with
FERC orders and concern that the bill would lead to lengthy litigation.
They suggested that if the ISO and PX boards were appointed solely by
the California governor that FERC would not find that legally sufficient
to be =01&independent=018.
ABX1-6 Dutra/Pescetti addressed retained utility generation assets and
commission regulation of same. The bill as written is merely a clean up
to clarify that the CPUC would retain jurisdiction over utility
generation after it is valued for purposes of calculating CTC=01*until and
unless the CPUC gives permission for the plant to be sold under Section
851. The discussion evolved into a lengthy inquiry over the different
regulatory schemes for utility and non-utility generation. Assemblyman
Leonard questioned whether it was efficient to have a market where a
portion of the generation was regulated and another portion
unregulated. More and more members skirted the subject of attempting to
regulate the non-utility generators within the state. In supporting
testimony, CPUC President Lynch essentially asked for jurisdiction over
such generators, stating that CPUC inspectors were denied access to an
AES plant at Redondo Beach for 9 hours during an ISO alert yesterday.
Chmn. Wright asked Lynch to assemble a list of the regulatory powers she
would seek.
In support: CPUC, TURN, UCAN, CUE, PG&E, SCE
PG&E agreed with Lynch and also argued that the Legislature should
revisit the exemption regulation for marketers and non-utility
generators contained in Code section 216(I). PG& also had suggested
technical amendments, which were not released, which dealt with
confirming that Section 367 still requires market valuation and that the
CPUC can set the ratemaking for such retained assets.
We have talked with the author about meeting with him after the
amendments are available. No amendments were voted on for any of these
bills until they are brought up in the Senate. Thus there was only
limited discussion of amendments. | 65,438 |
derrick-j/sent_items/392. | Re: support for Xcelerator ,
Heath, I'm on the road and communicating via Blackberry. I will be the office tomorrow. Give me a call. All the best. Jim
Jim Derrick
-----Original Message-----
From: Schiesser, Heath <[email protected]>
To: Derrick Jr., James <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon Oct 01 09:20:09 2001
Subject: support for Xcelerator
Given Whalley's promotion, it looks like the Xcelerator will remain under Corporate, rather than moving to EWS as expected when we last spoke. Given that change, would you like for me to continue to request support from Mark Haedicke's group or is there someone in the corporate area you'd rather I approach. Whatever route you suggest is fine with me.
Most pressingly, I'd like to discuss our ability to compete with a company with which we've been in discussions -- if possible by the latter part of the week.
Thank you.
Heath Schiesser
[email protected] | 93,294 |
shapiro-r/deleted_items/648. | FYI-Tracking Account for some non-controllable components ,
Finally... After years of effort the policy is established.. Next the mechanics how it is to work.
Governo cria conta para cobrir os riscos do setor
F?bia Prates, De Bras?lia
O governo anunciou ontem a cria??o de uma conta de compensa??o para remunerar, pela taxa Selic, parte
dos itens n?o gerenci?veis das tarifas de energia el?trica, agrupados na chamada Parcela A e que t?m
varia??o no intervalo dos reajustes tarif?rios anuais. A altera??o, que atende a um antigo pleito das
empresas do setor e regulamenta a MP 2.227, ? a primeira medida ap?s o racionamento que reduz o risco
regulat?rio das concess?es e que implica aumento nas tarifas, j? que antes esses componentes eram
repassados sem corre??o.
Al?m desses custos, as tarifas ser?o impactadas ainda por reajuste a ser concedido ?s distribuidoras de
energia - os percentuais est?o sendo definidos - e muito provavelmente em aumento tamb?m para a
gera??o, que ? aplicado sobre a distribui??o e, mais uma vez, chega ao consumidor final. As geradoras
pleiteiam reajuste como um caminho para compensar os custos da energia livre.
A Conta de "Compensa??o de Varia??o de Valores de Itens da Parcela A" abrigar? as varia??es do custo e
o transporte da tarifa de Itaipu, cotada em d?lar, a cota da Conta de Consumo de Combust?veis (CCC) -
subsidia as t?rmicas a diesel do sistema isolado -, as tarifas de uso das instala??es da rede b?sica e a
compensa??o financeira pela utiliza??o dos recursos h?dricos.
Os outros custos n?o gerenci?veis - energia dos contratos iniciais, Reserva Global de Revers?o (RGR), taxa
de fiscaliza??o de Servi?o de Energia El?trica e encargos de conex?o - n?o entram na conta, mas ter?o sua
corre??o concatenadas ? data de anivers?rio dos contratos das empresas.
As pr?prias distribuidoras administrar?o a conta e a Ag?ncia Nacional de Energia El?trica (Aneel), que
concede o reajuste tarif?rio, far? a fiscaliza??o. A conta de compensa??o passa a valer a partir de segunda-feira,
quando a portaria interministerial dos minist?rios da Fazenda e de Minas e Energia ser? publicada no
"Di?rio Oficial" da Uni?o.
A concession?ria Light, pr?xima a ter reajuste, em 7 de novembro, n?o ser? beneficiada pela conta de
compensa??o, mas provavelmente ter? reajuste superior aos 21,78% solicitados, por causa da
concatena??o de parte dos custos com a data dos contratos. Outras 11 concession?rias ter?o as tarifas
reajustadas neste ano.
Jos? Guilherme Reis, secret?rio de Pol?tica Econ?mica, afirmou que a portaria se insere no aperfei?oamento
do marco regulat?rio do setor el?trico, cuja inten??o ? estimular investimentos no setor. A escolha da taxa
Selic, hoje em 19%, bem acima do IGP-M que corrige os demais custos, segundo ele ? "uma contrapartida
pelo custo do dinheiro das empresas".
Reis, o ministro Jos? Jorge e o superintendente da Aneel, C?sar Ant?nio Gon?alves, disseram n?o ter
estimativas de quanto essa remunera??o ir? impactar nas tarifas, pelo fato de os itens serem vari?veis. Os
custos da tarifa que ser?o contabilizados na conta de compensa??o representam em m?dia 27,2% das
tarifas das regi?es Sudeste e Centro-oeste, 22,7% da regi?o Sul, 10,2% da regi?o Nordeste e 8,2% da
regi?o Norte.
Gon?alves afirmou que a conta gr?fica e a concatena??o de custos esvaziar?o os pedidos de revis?es
extraordin?rias pelas empresas. As concession?rias tentavam recuperar a volatilidade dos custos n?o
gerenci?veis pedindo revis?o extraordin?ria ? Aneel, que negava na maioria das vezes. Muitas empresas
movem a??es na Justi?a tentando assegurar as corre??es.
Valor Econ?mico - Brasil - 26/10/2001 - P?g. A-4 | 437,156 |
watson-k/pemex_trans_pecos/13. | REvised TransPecos Model ,
I trimmed down the model per your request. Let me know if this is OK.
James | 495,783 |
mann-k/all_documents/2742. | Certain revisions to LLC Agreement ,
Attached is a copy of the last draft of the LLC Agreement prepared by
ENA which I have revised to incorporate the changes discussed in your
recent telephone conversation with Doug Pedigo. In the interest of
time, I have not revised the attached LLC Agreement to reflect the
substitution of Sweetgum for Tejas.
Section 6.1(c)(iii) was revised to reflect Sweetgum's right to freely
assign its LLC interest. Section 6.2(a) was revised to reflect
Sweetgum's right to exercise the call at any time if it either obtains
or waives the GE consent. Section 6.2(c) was revised to allow ENA to
exercise its put at any time (i) if it obtains GE's consent in form and
substance satisfactory to Sweetgum in its sole discretion or (ii) after
all GE warranties have expired.
To expedite matters, I am forwarding these changes to you at the same
time I am forwarding them to Doug.
- 5wv0y02_.DOC | 305,535 |
dean-c/inbox/335. | Schedule Crawler: HourAhead Failure <CODESITE> ,
Start Date: 10/20/01; HourAhead hour: 22; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001102022.txt
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ward-k/sent_items/368. | info ,
here are our curves for san juan for the last couple of months. You make the chart - I was not successful. Also, I have attached a storage chart. let me know what else you need.
K. | houston <[email protected]> | 493,455 |
hendrickson-s/deleted_items/163. | DVDPlanet New Releases for 6/12/01 ,
DVDPlanet - Mailer: New ReleaseThis Week's New Releases
2001: A Space Odyssey (Collector's Box Set)
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $59.98
Planet Price: $44.99
Savings: $14.99
Cast Away (Special Edition)
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $29.98
Planet Price: $22.49
Savings: $7.49
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Special Edition)
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $29.99
Planet Price: $22.49
Savings: $7.50
Stanley Kubrick Collection (Remasters)
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $199.92
Planet Price: $149.94
Savings: $49.98
Turandot: Puccini: San Francisco Opera
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $29.99
Planet Price: $22.49
Savings: $7.50
Farscape #4: PK Tech Girl / That Old Black Magic
Release Date: 6/12/2001
Retail Price: $24.98
Planet Price: $18.74
Savings: $6.24
Also Available This Week **
** These titles are scheduled for release this week. Some items may not
yet be in stock, please check the website for current stock status.
Stock Title [Our Price]
In 2001: A Space Odyssey [$18.74]
In 2001: A Space Odyssey (Collector's Box Set) [$44.99]
In All Revved Up [$18.74]
In Attraction [$18.74]
In Barry Lyndon [$18.74]
Out Black Cat (1980) [$22.49]
In Blue Planet: Imax [$14.99]
In Cast Away (Special Edition) [$22.49]
In Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams [$14.96]
In Clockwork Orange [$18.74]
In Dream Is Alive: Imax [$14.99]
In Eyes Wide Shut [$18.74]
In Fantasies #1 [$14.99]
In Farscape #4: PK Tech Girl / That Old Black Magic [$18.74]
In Full Metal Jacket [$18.74]
Low Iron Soldier 3 (Nuon DVD) [$22.46]
In Lolita [$18.74]
Out Mail Order Maiden 28 [$18.74]
Out Manhattan Baby [$22.49]
In O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Special Edition) [$22.49]
In Phenomenon: The Lost Archives: American Midnight [$9.74]
In Phenomenon: The Lost Archives: Monopoly Men [$9.74]
In Project A-KO: Uncivil Wars [$22.49]
In Pure Love [$22.49]
In Stanley Kubrick Collection (Remasters) [$149.94]
In The Shining (1980/ Dolby Digital) [$18.74]
In Three By Duato: Nacho Duato [$22.49]
In Turandot: Puccini: San Francisco Opera [$22.49]
Out Wonderful World Of Louis Armstrong [$18.74]
In Young Americans [$22.49]
KenCranes Customers:
If you would like to unsubscribe from this mailing, please send an email
to [email protected].
DVDPlanet Customers:
If you would like to unsubscribe from this mailing, please send an email
to [email protected]. | 165,663 |
jones-t/all_documents/5886. | Brent Hendry ,
I apologize for not getting this out sooner. Brent and his wife are running
behind and are currently at a second doctor's appointment. Brent will be out
this afternoon and back in the office tomorrow morning. If you need him
urgently, try his cell phone (832-368-3286).
Thanks! | 186,677 |
jones-t/inbox/1068. | RE: EOL and Clickpaper Approvals for 11-16-01 ,
Sorry forgot the attachment
Albert Escamilla (Global Counterparty)
-----Original Message-----
From: Lebrocq, Wendi
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:34 AM
To: Lambert, Karen; Jones, Tana; Schott, Samuel; Brackett, Debbie R.; Clark, Cynthia; Enron Europe Global CounterParty,; Sever, Stephanie; Moran, Tom; Clark, Claudia; Bradford, William S.; Lees, Lisa; Fayett, Juana; Le, Trang; Maley, Paul; O'day, Karen; Rohauer, Tanya; Lombardi, Kelly; Lindsay, Brian; EOL Call Center; Hare, Bill D.; Lafuze, Molly; Clark, Danny; Panus, Stephanie; Mandola, Teresa; Ebow, Amber; Coleman, Tandra; Campbell, Lesli; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Lauer, Kara; Banner, Kimberly; Mcquade, Jennifer; George, Fraisy; Guillory, Michael; Rajaram, Aparna; Monterrey, Maribel; Lebeau, Maria; Escamilla, Albert; Lebrocq, Wendi; Global Emerging Businesses; Curry, Ken
Subject: EOL and Clickpaper Approvals for 11-16-01
Please see attached.
<< File: EOL 11-16-01.xls >>
Wendi LeBrocq
3-3835 | 188,389 |
kitchen-l/sent_items/166. | GW ,
What's his problem?
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld | 261,113 |
sturm-f/inbox/broker_sheets/2. | price run ,
- dec 11.xls | 460,870 |
gay-r/all_documents/216. | FW: Tourinho & Sampaio sacked ,
---------------------- Forwarded by Rob G Gay/NA/Enron on 02/28/2001 02:08 AM
"Rivera, Nancy A." <[email protected]> on 02/27/2001 12:21:00 PM
To: "'Gay, Rob (Enron)'" <[email protected]>, "'Anderson, Peter'"
<[email protected]>, "'Dutt, Ranabir'" <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Tourinho & Sampaio sacked
> ** Tourinho Exit Could Affect Power Privatizations - Brazil **
> ( - The dismissal of Brazil's mines and energy minister
> Rodolpho Tourinho could affect the planned privatization of electricity
> companies in a negative or a positive way, either accelerating or
> stagnating the process depending on his replacement.
> The market reacted negatively to Brazilian President Fernando Henrique
> Cardoso's sacking on Friday (Feb.23) of Tourinho and social security
> minister Waldeck Ornelas, and the subsequent resignation of Firmino
> Sampaio from the presidency of state power holding company Eletrobras
> president.
> Directors and presidents of all federally owned power companies, such as
> Eletrosul, Eletronorte, Furnas and Chesf, could also be replaced as a
> consequence of infighting within the ruling coalition government.
> Electricity company shares fell by up to 4.4% on the Sao Paulo stock
> market, as was the case with Parana state integrated power company Copel,
> as well as Cemig and Celesc, which later recovered. Eletrobras shares fell
> 1%-plus on Friday but closed the day stable.
> The repercussions of Tourinha's departure - which is a response to raising
> tensions within the fractious four-party ruling coalition ahead of 2002
> presidential elections - will be felt Thursday and Friday when trading
> resumes in Brazil after the Carnival holiday.
> The two ministers were allied to senator and ex-governor of Bahia state
> Antonio Carlos Magalhaes of the conservative Liberal Front Party (PFL),
> with which the directors and presidents of companies controlled by
> Eletrobras are also connected.
> If Cardoso decides to break with Magalhaes there could be a virtual
> restructuring of the state electricity sector, controlled for more than 20
> years by the Bahian politician. However, some sources say that another PFL
> faction, led by Jorge Bornhausen, is negotiating with Cardoso to ensure
> the continuity of the alliance with Cadoso's social democratic party PSDB.
> Other sources, cited in local press, sustain that while Magalhaes
> maintains his network of collaborators in Eletrobras, Cardoso will not be
> able to break with him.
> Magalhaes' influence in the country's electricity system dates back to
> 1976, when the military government of general Ernesto Geisel occupied the
> Eletrobras presidency. Since then Magalhaes has maintained his influence
> and collaborators in the state electricity company.
> Eletrobras controls 14 companies in all, among them generators Furnas,
> Chesf and Eletronorte, as well as Eletronuclear, which owns the nuclear
> centers Angra 1 and 2 and transmission company Eletrosul.
> By staff reporter Alejandro Tumayan
> Business News Americas (
> | 120,372 |
shackleton-s/all_documents/3062. | Wiser Oil Confidentiality Agreement ,
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 08/17/2000 04:40 PM -----
Mark Smith@ENRON
08/17/2000 03:04 PM
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Wiser Oil Confidentiality Agreement
I received a confidentiality agreement from Wiser Oil that we need to sign
in order to get a copy of their reserve report to use to establish a credit
line for some financial hedges. I have the fax from Wiser and Fred Lagrasta
told me to get you to look at it and sign it, so we can get this process
going. Let me know what you think and I will send it up to you. Thanks
Mark Smith
3-6601 | 415,559 |
taylor-m/all_documents/3434. | EnronOnline ,
Further to our brief telephone call of last week, attached please find a
draft memo discussing certain CFTC and FERC regulatory issues relating to the
three proposals being considered by EnronOnline.? Please feel free to call me
at 212-530-5414 with any questions you may have about the attached memo.
Eric Sanford
<<#7253482 v3 - EnronOnline - CFTC exemption memo.doc>>
This e-mail message may contain legally privileged and/or confidential
information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), or the employee
or agent responsible for delivery of this message to the intended
recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify
the sender and delete this e-mail message from your computer.
- #7253482 v3 - EnronOnline - CFTC exemption memo.doc | 475,099 |
maggi-m/deleted_items/1518. | RE: ,
Why? It better not be about me!
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ( | 298,019 |
haedicke-m/inbox/536. | Energy Law and Transactions: Next Update Due December 31, 2001 ,
Authors - Thanks for your continued support in making Energy Law and
Transactions the most comprehensive energy treatise available!
1. Please send your updates to us by December 31, 2001. Send chapters
1-72 to Dave and 73 and higher to Bill. If your chapter has not been
updated in the past year, it needs a review and update. Other details are
in the attached in the Update Memo.
2. Please print, sign and mail to Dave Muchow, Attorney at Law, 4449 N.
38th. Street, Arlington, VA 22207, the following Contributor copyright
agreement. Matthew Bender needs this.
3. If you need any help, just give us, or Robin Newman at Matthew Bender a
call (973) 820-2168.
Many thanks, Dave Muchow (703) 536-7125 and Bill Mogel (202) 626-6678
David J. Muchow, Attorney at Law
4449 N. 38th. St., Arlington, VA 22207
(703) 536-7125; FAX: (703) 536-7125
[email protected]
This message presumptively contains confidential and privileged
information. If you are not the addressee do not make use of the
information and immediately notify the sender by phone or e-mail. | [email protected], schlesinger'.'[email protected], | 154,485 |
dean-c/all_documents/48. | bruise? ,
Are you sure that the bruise is from me? I don't understand how there
can be a bruise. And why is showing up today? If it's really my fault,
I'm sorry. My point wasn't to hurt you. I'm going to study now....
Love you,
Jenn | 86,125 |
sanders-r/sent_items/262. | FW: Letter to Keith Wier ,
I can't open this.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Deborah Prettyman" <[email protected]>@ENRON []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 4:50 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Letter to Keith Wier
- 1299113.01 | 397,839 |
nemec-g/all_documents/4629. | HPL Report Week Ending January 12, 2001 ,
Disregard prior email, the wrong file was attached. | 346,002 |
sager-e/all_documents/1933. | Re: Seams - Western Connection Interface (WIO) ,
I do not know who has agreed tothe governance. At meetings I have gone to
and in inhouse e mails I have opposed the make up of the proposed Board It
lacks independence and has two transmission segments.
Mary Hain
12/04/2000 02:33 PM
To: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan
Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, [email protected],
Marcie Milner, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT,
[email protected], Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard
Subject: Seams - Western Connection Interface (WIO)
Because WIO will be deciding issues involving the primary congested paths in
the West, I believe the issues to be resolved by WIO may be very important.
Accordingly, I have argued in-house (to anyone who will listen) that we
should be arguing that WIO should be independent. I don't believe that it is
independent, it's a stakeholder board, like California and the WSCC, both of
which we have had problems with.
Historically, a number of people have worked on WIO. Tom worked on it for a
while. Recently, I think Marcie Milner has been monitoring the meetings. I
think Steve Walton and DIck Ingersoll may also be following WIO to some
degree. Also Jim has suggested to Alan that he might want to be following
"seams" issues. A while ago Marcie asked me to review the governance
structure. I told her that I didn't like the lack of independence and
suggested that we oppose it. Nonetheless, I believe I was told that we had
already agreed to it.
From: Joe Hartsoe@ENRON on 12/04/2000 12:55 PM CST
To: Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Western Connection Interface (WIO)
Mary -- Your thoughts? Who has historically been in charge of the WIO
effort? Thanks Joe
----- Forwarded by Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron on 12/04/2000 12:53 PM -----
Christian Yoder@ECT
12/04/2000 12:42 PM
To: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Western Connection Interface (WIO)
Elizabeth has not read this yet.----cgy
---------------------- Forwarded by Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT on 12/04/2000
10:27 AM ---------------------------
Steve C Hall
12/04/2000 10:39 AM
To: Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Western Connection Interface (WIO)
---------------------- Forwarded by Steve C Hall/PDX/ECT on 12/04/2000 10:44
AM ---------------------------
Steve C Hall
11/30/2000 05:17 PM
To: Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Western Connection Interface (WIO)
Earlier this week you asked me to review a stack of documents (proposals and
draft bylaws) relating to the proposed Western Interconnection Organization.
Conclusion: Based upon a quick review of the draft proposal, bylaws, and
other materials, I see no major objections to Enron voting for the formation
of the WIO. The reason to vote for this organization would be to facilitate
the development of uniform reliability standards and efficient electric
markets in the Western Interconnection. However, you should carefully
consider the fact that the board of directors will be weighted towards
transmission owners (who will have 8 of the 27 votes). Power marketers,
generators, and load-serving entities will only have 4 votes. 14 directors
establish a quorum and the board only requires a majority vote of directors
present, so it is conceivable that, for example, 15 directors show up, 8 of
which are transmission owners, and the transmission owners are able to pass
any resoultion they wish. Related to this issue is the inability of one
membership group, such as the power marketer's group, to be able to veto a
proposal. It will take three membership classes acting in unison, plus two
other votes, to defeat a proposed action by the board. Unfortunately,
because I am not personally familiar with the internal dynamics of the WSCC
membership, I am unable to offer any indication of the how much of a risk
this presents.
Background and Overview
In General: The Western Interconnection Organization ("WIO") will be formed
by consolidating the Western Regional Transmission Association, the
Southwestern Regional Transmission Association, the Northwestern Regional
Transmission Association, and the Western States Coordinating Council (WRTA,
SWRTA, NRTA, and WSCC, respectively) into one organization. The WIO, a
non-profit corporation, will assume and perform the functions of these
organizations, and, eventually, those organizations will be disbanded.
The principal responsibilities of the WIO will be as follows:
*The WIO will be the primary authority for promulgating regional
reliability, operating, and procedural standards.
*The WIO will work to resolve conflicting regional reliability standards,
and work to develop compatible and efficient practices throughout the Western
*The WIO will have no authority over commercial practices (but may work to
promote compatible, efficient markets).
*Provide a process for resolving disputes arising out of WIO functions and
between WIO members.
Any entity meeting the criteria for membership in one of the following
membership classes may be Member of the WIO. There are five classes of
membership: (1) Business entities owning more than 1000 miles of
transmission lines, (2) Business entities owning less than 1000 miles of
transmission lines; (3) Business entities that do not own, control, or
operate transmission or distribution lines, e.g., power marketers,
load-serving entities, independent power producers; (4) End users of
electricity; and (5) Representatives of States and Provinces in the Western
*Each class elects four (4) directors.
*All of the classes select seven (7) non-affiliated directors, for a total
of twenty-seven (27) directors.
Quorum: A majority of all members, including a majority in at least three
classes. In the case of directors, there must be 14 directors.
Board Decisions: A board decision requires a majority of the directors
Standing Committees: There are three standing committees: the Planning
Coordination Committee, the Operating Committee, and the Market Interface
Committee Voting: For purposes of voting on recommendations to the board,
committees are divided into three classes: (1) transmission providers, (2)
transmission customers, and (3) States and Provincial Members (which is Class
5). In order to make a recommendation to the board, there must be a simple
majority of votes from the transmission provider and transmission customer
Termination: The WIO can be terminated upon a vote of the majority of the
members. | 384,971 |
guzman-m/_sent_mail/198. | Re: beaver game ,
My reccomendations would be either Silver Dollar or Sports Page. | 145,627 |
griffith-j/all_documents/348. | Fraud ,
Dear John
We Really need those Affidavits to be filled and turned in to fraud dept as
soon as possible in ofder to bring your account up to zero balance.
We would really appreciate it.
Yours, ameer. | 140,587 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/8534. | UPDATED Dow Jones Index information ,
let's talk about these notes prior to your drafting. please give me a call.
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 01/24/2001 11:26 AM -----
Tamara Johnson@EES
01/24/2001 11:11 AM
To: Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, JMB
<[email protected]> @ ENRON
cc: Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Marc
Subject: UPDATED Dow Jones Index information
---------------------- Forwarded by Tamara Johnson/HOU/EES on 01/24/2001
11:02 AM ---------------------------
Tamara Johnson
01/24/2001 11:10 AM
To: Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, JMB
<[email protected]> @ ENRON
cc: Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Marc
Subject: Dow Jones Index information
Additions from Jubran...
Proposed pricing mechanism:
Dow Jones Electricity Indexes, specifically their NP15/SP15 indexes.
- the indexes are based on weighted average prices and total volumes
- they measure "bilateral one-day prescheduled, financially firm transactions"
=> therefore the Dow Jones Index more accurately reflects market pricing
- Dow Jones has the right to randomly audit the data providers
why not the ex-post ISO?
- generators are not selling to California's ISO because of the $150/MWh
price cap,
=> therefore prices coming out of the ISO do not reflect real market prices
- there are purchases above the $150 soft cap, but the pricing of the out of
market transactions is explained to FERC only, this information is not in the
public domain
- if generators are not selling into the market, there is no liquidity,
therefore prices are not reflective of the prices that buyers must pay
- and generators may not be selling into the market due to the credit exposure
why not use the ex-post ISO price on an interim basis?
- because putting a false cap on the market price will result in price
increases to DA customers, contrary to AB1890, without due process
- Decision 99-06-058 set the foundation for the PX credit to reflect real
market prices, PG&E's proposal does not adhere to this. | 65,705 |
scholtes-d/sent_items/68. | RE: Power Trading Needs ,
Michael and Garrett,
I appreciate your patience in advance. Things here at Enron have been quite hectic. I have attached my resume and look forward to speaking with you both.
Diana Scholtes
-----Original Message-----
From: Garrett Stephenson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 11:36 AM
To: Scholtes, Diana
Subject: Power Trading Needs
Seems there might be a problem with Michael's email. We look forward to
receiving your resume.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kane [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 1:13 PM
To: Garrett Stephenson
Subject: Fw: Power Trading Needs
Michael P. Kane
Kane & Associates
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Kane <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: Fw: Power Trading Needs
> > Diana,
> > Thanks for your time - Per our conversation we are working on a couple
> > positions below is a note from our client in Pennsylvania on our urgency
> to
> > find the right candidate. The brief note is not complete detail I will
> > forward job description after we speak this afternoon. Currently our
> > spots are 1 potential in Houston and 2 very real positions in Kansas
> > and 2 in Pennsylvania . Please forward your resume and comp parameters
> > well as an indication of your interest in these areas - we will circle
> back
> > and move forward.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Michael Kane
> > [email protected]
> > 713-977-3600
> >
> >
> >
> > We need to speed up an effort to find an experienced power trader with
> > > regional experience in SERC, ERCOT or WSPP. The person must have at
> least
> > > 2 years trading experience in these regions and 5 years overall energy
> > > commodity trading experience. They must also have a working knowledge
> > > options evaluation, and direct risk book portfolio management
> experience.
> > >
> > > Any extra effort you can put into this would be appreciated. Thanks.
> > >
> >
> | 400,180 |
salisbury-h/read/161. | Welcome - John Van Gelder ,
John Van Gelder has recently transferred from EBS-Portland to work in the West Origination group.
John began working with Enron Energy Services as a summer intern in 1998. In January 2000, he started working with Enron Broadband Services, and was promoted from Associate to Manager while working with their Wholesale Origination group.
John received his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kansas and completed the Master's program at the University of Michigan's School of Business Administration.
Please welcome John to our Portland office!
Chris | 391,767 |
perlingiere-d/all_documents/2480. | RE: DUKE ,
Debra Perlingiere
Enron North America Corp.
Legal Department
1400 Smith Street, EB 3885
Houston, Texas 77002
[email protected]
Phone 713-853-7658
Fax 713-646-3490 | 358,927 |
harris-s/deleted_items/285. | Judgement Collection Expert ,
Thank you for your interest!!!
Judgment Courses offers an extensive training
course in "How to Collect Money Judgments" . ' s6
If you are like many people, you are not even sure what a
Money Judgment is and why processing Money Judgments
can earn you very substantial income .
If you ever sue a company or a person and you win then you
will have a Money Judgment against them.
You are happy you won but you will soon find out the
shocking fact: "Its now up to you to collect on the
Judgment". The court does not require the loser to pay you.
The court will not even help you. You must trace the loser
down, find their assets, their employment, bank accounts,
real estate, stocks and bonds, etc.
Very few people know how to find these assets or what to do
when they are found. The result is that millions of
Judgments are just sitting in files and being forgotten.
"In 79% of the cases the winner of a Judgment never sees a
The non-payment of judicial debt has grown to epidemic
proportions. Right now in the United States there is
between 200 and 300 billion dollars of uncollected Money
Judgment debt . For every Judgment that is paid, 5 more
Judgments take its place.
We identified this massive market 8 years ago and have
actively pursued Judicial Judgments since. We invented this
business. We have perfected it into a well proven and solid
profession in which only a select few will be trained in the
techniques necessary to succeed.
With our first hand experience we have built a course which
teaches you how to start your business in this new unknown
and exciting field of processing Money Judgments.
By following the steps laid out in our course and with
reasonable effort you can become very successful in the
processing of Money Judgments.
The income potential is substantial in this profession. We
have associates who have taken our course and are now
working full time making $96,000.00 to over $200,000.00 per
year. Part time associates are earning between $24,000.00
and $100,000.00 per year . Some choose to operate out of
their home and work by themselves. Others build a sizable
organization of 15 to 25 people in attractive business
Today our company and our associates have over 126
million dollars in Money Judgments that we are currently
processing. Of this 126 million, 25 million is in the form
of joint ventures between our firm and our associates.
Joint ventures are where we make our money. We only break
even when our course is purchased. We make a 12% margin on
the reports we supply to our associates. Our reporting
capability is so extensive that government agencies, police
officers, attorneys, credit agencies etc., all come to us
for reports.
Many of our associates already have real estate liens in
force of between 5 million to over 15 million dollars.
Legally this means that when the properties are sold or
refinanced our associate must be paid off. The norm is 10%
interest compounded annually on unpaid Money Judgments.
Annual interest on 5 million at 10% translates to
$500,000.00 annually in interest income, not counting the
payment of the principal.
Our associates earn half of this amount or $250,000.00 per
year. This is just for interest, not counting principle
and not counting the compounding of the interest which can
add substantial additional income. Typically companies are
sold for 10 times earnings. Just based on simple interest
an associate with 5 million in real estate liens could sell
their business for approximately 2.5 million dollars.
92% of all of our associates work out of their home; 43%
are women and 36% are part time .
One of the benefits of working in this field is that you are
not under any kind of time frame. If you decide to take off
for a month on vacation then go. The Judgments you are
working on will be there when you return. The Judgments
are still in force, they do not disappear.
The way we train you is non-confrontational. You use your
computer and telephone to do most of the processing. You
never confront the debtor. The debtor doesn't know who you
are. You are not a collection agency.
Simply stated the steps to successful Money Processing
are as follows:
Mail our recommended letter to companies and individuals
with Money Judgments. (We train you how to find out who
to write to)
8% to 11% of the firms and people you write will call you
and ask for your help. They call you, you don't call them
unless you want to.
You send them an agreement (supplied in the course) to
sign which splits every dollar you collect 50% to you and
50% to them. This applies no matter if the judgment is for
$2,000.00 or $2,000,000.00.
You then go on-line to our computers to find the debtor
and their assets. We offer over 120 powerful reports to
assist you. They range from credit reports from all three
credit bureaus, to bank account locates, employment
locates, skip traces and locating stocks and bonds, etc.
The prices of our reports are very low. Typically 1/2 to
1/3 of what other firms charge. For example we charge
$6.00 for an individuals credit report when some other
companies charge $25.00.
Once you find the debtor and their assets you file
garnishments and liens on the assets you have located.
(Standard fill in the blanks forms are included in the
When you receive the assets you keep 50% and send 50% to
the original Judgment holder.
Once the Judgment is fully paid you mail a Satisfaction of
Judgment to the court. (Included in the course)
Quote's from several of our students:
Thomas in area code 516 writes us: "I just wanted to drop
you a short note thanking you for your excellent course. My
first week, part time, will net me 3,700.00 dollars . Your
professionalism in both the manual and the video opened
doors for me in the future. There's no stopping me now.
Recently Thomas states he has over $8,500,000 worth of
judgments he is working on.
After only having this course for four months, Larry S. in
area code 314 stated to us: " I am now making $2,000.00 per
week and expect this to grow to twice this amount within the
next year. I am having a ball. I have over $250,000 in
judgments I am collecting on now."
After having our course for 7 months Larry S. in 314 stated
" I am now making $12,000.00 per month and have approximately
$500,000.00 in judgments I am collecting on. Looks like I
will have to hire someone to help out"
Marshal in area code 407 states to us "I feel bad, you only
charged me $259.00 for this course and it is a goldmine. I
have added 3 full time people to help me after only having
your course for 5 months"
From the above information and actual results you can see
why we can state the following:
With our course you can own your own successful business.
A business which earns you substantial income now and one
which could be sold in 3-5 years, paying you enough to
retire on and travel the world. A business which is
extremely interesting to be in. A Business in which every
day is new and exciting.
None of your days will be hum-drum. Your brain is
Challenged. A business, which protects you from Corporate
Downsizing. A business which you can start part time from
your home and later, if you so desire, you can work in full
time. A business, which is your ticket to freedom from
others telling you what to do. A business, which lets you
control your own destiny. Our training has made this happen
for many others already. Make it happen for you!
If the above sounds interesting to you then its time for you
to talk to a real live human being, no cost or obligation
on your part.
Please call us at 1--4 0 6 --6 5 2 --0 1 9 4 ..
We have Service Support staff available to you from 8:00am to
9:00pm (Mountain Time) 7 days a week . If you call this number
you can talk to one of our experienced Customer Support personnel.
They can answer any questions you may have - with no obligation.
Sometimes we run special pricing on our courses and combinations
of courses. When you call our Customer Support line they can let
you know of any specials we may be running. If you like what you
read and hear about our courses, then the Customer Support person
can work with you to place your order. We are very low key. We
merely give you the facts and you can then decide if you want to
work with us or not.
Thank you for your time and interest.
This ad is produced and sent out by:
Universal Advertising Systems
To be deleted from our mailing list please email us at
[email protected] with not interested in the sub-line or
call us toll free at 1--8.8.8--605--2485 and give us your email address
or write us at:AdminScript-Update, POB 1200, O.ranges,tad, Aruba
..................................................................................................................................... | 160,835 |
benson-r/inbox/219. | Enter to Win Two Free Airline Tickets! ,
Today is the last day of Enron's 2001 United Way Campaign. As of Thursday, August 16, we are at 82% of our financial goal of $2.9M and 56% employee participation. See how your business unit is faring against the other units:
Business Unit Goal Dollars Raised to Date % of Goal Met % Employee Participation
Corp $785,000 $657,980 84% 54%
EES $493,000 $361,208 73% 53%
ETS $346,000 $269,755 78% 84%
EWS $1,276,000 $1,065,792 84% 53%
Everyone who logs on to the United Way web site and completes the process will be entered in a drawing for two free round-trip airline tickets, courtesy of Travel Agency in the Park. If you completed the pledge process prior to today, you are already entered in the drawing. The winner of the tickets will be notified by Friday, August 24.
For those of you who have not yet participated in the campaign, please take a moment to do so today. Log on to and click on the United Way logo. You'll need your GIS number to make your contribution. Your GIS number is an eight-digit number that starts with a 9.
If you don't have your GIS number and password, or need assistance with keying in your contribution, please call the GIS Help Desk at ext. 3-5666.
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the campaign - you are the key to Building Houston's Future! | All Enron Downtown@ENRON <??SAll Enron Downtown@ENRON> | 32,859 |
scott-s/deleted_items/378. | DEADLINE RACE REGISTRATION - Bayou City Classic 10K ,
If you would like to participate in the Bayou City Classic 10K on Saturday, March 9th benefiting Houston Parks and HARRA Youth Programs:
1. Complete and sign the attached entry form.
2. Non-ERC members or members not in good standing should attach a check made payable to "Enron Running Club" for $18.00 and I will gladly register you and pick up your packet.
3. Hand deliver your entry to me at EB4845 by close of business, TODAY.
4. Pick up your race packet available to you after Noon, Friday, March 8th at EB4845. | 406,238 |
germany-c/sent_items/488. | , | 132,585 |
kitchen-l/_americas/esvl/421. | FW: payment request ,
As discussed with Jeff, this is a payment that we would like to make today (the $1.5) so that we may receive the $2.3 in next week.
Please advise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Harrison, John H.
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:02 AM
To: Nowlan Jr., John L.
Cc: Bruce, Michelle; Walker, Lisa
Subject: payment request
we have 71,754.05 bbls of mtbe due us from arco products on exchange(we have already paid Dugas for these bbls) on the uswc for delivery TODAY to exxonmoblle at usgc +7.0 cpg(estimated value of ($2,320,525.90). arco products will not deliver to us until we pay them for 47,500 bbls at .79 cents($1,576,050) on a book transfer on 23 nov. we have received their invoice and it has been processed. WE NEED TO WIRE TRANSFER TODAY TO PROTECT THIS POSITIVE SALE.
please advise.
thanks, | 257,524 |
presto-k/deleted_items/503. | RE: Outage Request ,
ok by me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wester, John
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 1:24 PM
> To: Ramirez, Andy-AustinEnergy; Kirksey, Chris; 'Presto, Kevin'; 'Duran,
> David'
> Cc: 'Keenan, Jeffrey'
> Subject: Outage Request
> Importance: High
> Repairs to the internal coating of the demineralized water storage tank
> have been completed. Therefore, I would like to request an outage for the
> Sand Hill Energy Center on Friday, October 26 from 7 AM to 4 PM. The
> purpose is to remove temporary piping and restore normal connections to
> the Demineralized Water Storage Tank. This will restore the Demin. water
> system to its normal configuration. We will not be able to operate the
> units while this work is in progress. Your immediate approval of this
> outage is requested.
> Thanks,
> John Wester
> Plant Manager
> Sand Hill Energy Center | 364,988 |
cuilla-m/deleted_items/420. | ImageStation Insider, volume 01, issue 05 ,
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<span class="line">Greetings fellow Insiders,<br>
Y' know, sometimes the most challenging thing about putting together the Insider is figuring out how to stuff all the groovy new ImageStation features into a single newsletter. This issue is no exception, as we've added a plethora of goodies, and mouth-watering deals to the site. <br>
Most notably, you'll want to check out the premiere of the ImageStation Magazine our new Photo Greeting Cards by Hallmark Stories, and free shipping on select cameras purchased by November 30th. You'll find details on all this and more tips, tricks and offers than you can shake a turkey drumstick at below.<br>
All the best,<br>The ImageStation Team<br><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br><br></span>
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<!-- ##****TIPS AND TRICKS****##-->
<td valign="top">
<img src="" width="163" height="25" border="0" alt=""><br><br>
<span class="line"> <b>Proper Props</b><br></span><img src="" width="163" height="126" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">Terrific props are usually available and can greatly add to the overall atmosphere and theme of your picture. This is an especially nice touch for holiday photography - for example, the inclusion of the pumpkin pie in the image above strengthens the concept of a festive family feast, and enhances the photo's sense of fun and whimsy.</span>
<span class="line"><b>Time to Reflect?</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="126" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">Always be aware of your reflection or shadow in the picture. Sometimes it's a distraction, and sometimes it adds greatly to the image. You may recall the famous shot of astronaut Buzz Aldrin in full space walking garb complete with reflection of fellow astronaut and photographer Neil Armstrong. (Photo Credit: NASA)</span>
<span class="line"><b>Let There Be Light</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="126" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">If you're shooting on an overcast day, wait for the sun to dart through the clouds. According to meteorologists, this happens, on average, in spurts every two to three minutes. You typically get a thirty-second opportunity for a more interesting and illuminated image.<br></span>
<span class="line"><b>Member Suggestion (NEW!)</b><br>
If you don't want to invest in, or carry a large flash diffuser for steady shots, try using a 'space blanket' instead (available at most camping stores). They're lightweight and very inexpensive, and the reflective Mylar surface is perfect for bouncing a light source on to your subject. - Jim Best<br>
Have you got a tip or trick? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=I have a tip/trick!">Tell our editor.</a> If we use your tip you'll get credit by name.<br></span>
<hr align="center" width="150" size="1" color="#000066"><br>
<span class="line"><b>Monthly 'Photo of the Day' Winner</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="126" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">Congratulations to member <b>pbasu</b> for winning October's 'Photo of the Day'
contest with, 'Enjoying Fall'. We'll be sending your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld
out right away!<br>
Don't forget, you can win too - just submit your best photo to the 'Photo of
the Day', and you could win your own Sony CLIÉ handheld entertainment
organizer. <a href="">Click for details.</a></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="8" border="0" alt="">
<!-- ##****TIPS AND TRICKS****##-->
<td><img src="" width="5" height="3" border="0" alt=""></td>
<!-- ##**** SPECIAL OFFERS ****##-->
<td valign="top">
<img src="" width="242" height="25" border="0" alt=""><br><br>
<span class="line"><b>NEW! Hallmark Stories Photo Greeting Cards</b></span>
<img src="" width="200" height="2" border="0" alt=""><br><a href="">
<img src="" width="242" height="62" border="0" alt=""></a>
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<td><a href=""><img src="" width="99" height="114" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
<img src="" width="242" height="5" border="0" alt=""><br>
<span class="line"><i>Introductory Special: Save 20% when you order by December 3rd.</i><br>
Just in time for the Holidays - Now you can create great cards featuring your favorite digital photo with ImageStation's new Hallmark Stories Photo Greeting Cards. Hallmark's top-quality cards feature heavy card stock with a light gloss finish, photo-safe papers (acid & lignin free) and are available in a variety of greetings and designs that show off your photo. Order now and avoid the holiday rush, and as a further incentive and introductory special, you'll save 20% if you order by December 3rd.<br></span>
<span class="line"><a href="">Learn more about ImageStation Hallmark Stories Photo Greeting Cards now.</a><br></span>
<span class="line"><b>Free Shipping!</b><br></span>
<a href=""><img src="" width="242" height="130" vspace="5" border="0" alt=""></a>
<span class="line"><i>Free shipping on select Sony Digital Cameras & Camcorders</i><br><br></span>
<span class="line">You know that 'special someone' would just love new Sony gear for the holidays. So here's what Santa's Elves recommend: Buy from ImageStation before November 30th, 2001. Not only will you beat the holiday rush, but you'll get free shipping on select models to boot!<br></span>
<span class="line"><a href="">Check out our complete selection now.</a><br></span>
<span class="line"><b>Free Gift Wrapping on Framed Prints</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="242" height="5" border="0" alt=""><br>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><a href=""><img src="" width="242" height="53" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
<td><a href=""><img src="" width="242" height="108" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
<img src="" width="242" height="5" border="0" alt=""><br>
<span class="line">This holiday season, give a personal gift that they'll remember for years to come -your digital photo printed on professional quality Kodak photographic paper mounted in a beautiful high-quality frame. It's easy! Just upload your digital photo to ImageStation, we'll print your photo, frame it and ship it -anywhere.<br></span>
<span class="line">Best of all, when you order your framed photo print before December 31st, 2001 we'll gift wrap it in your choice of five holiday wrapping paper designs for free!<br></span>
<span class="line"><a href="">Frame your print now.</a><br></span>
<img src="" width="242" height="136" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">In the last Insider we debuted our first Smart Start™ digital camera package featuring everything needed to get started in digital photography, the smart way - and you're positive response overwhelmed us!<br>
It's clear that the Smart Start concept is a winner, so we're working diligently to put together even more camera, accessory and how-to guides in all areas. Look for exciting new Smart Start value packages soon.</span>
<img src="" width="242" height="8" border="0" alt="">
<!-- ##**** SPECIAL OFFERS ****##-->
<td><img src="" width="5" height="3" border="0" alt=""></td>
<!-- ##**** NEW AT IMAGESTATION ****##-->
<td valign="top"><img src="" width="163" height="25" border="0" alt=""><br><br>
<span class="line"><b>Don't Call it a Comeback</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="37" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">The ImageStation online Magazine is back, and is better than ever. We've redesigned the interface, and focused the content based on your member feedback. The result is something we hope you'll enjoy and use to enhance your digital imaging experience. Wondering just what you'll find? The best way is to discover for yourself by clicking on the "Magazine" tab at the top of each page, however, as a teaser here's the low-down on the sections and examples of the types of stories we'll be bringing you:<br></span>
<span class="line"><b>Feature</b><br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="126" vspace="5" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">With millions of pictures in the ImageStation Community, how do you find the truly inspiring photos and compelling member stories? Just look in the new "Feature" section, where we bring you the moving, gripping, funny and sometimes just plain bizarre imagery as captured by fellow ImageStation members.<br>
<b>This month:</b> Join 22 year-old traveler Ilya Letov as he shares images from his 108-day round-the-world trek.<br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="29" vspace="10" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">Ever wonder what wildly inventive things others are doing with their digital images and related gear? Sightings answers this question with wide-eyed vivacity by highlighting interesting online and offline digital imaging destinations.<br>
<b>This month:</b> Learn how a CLIÉ handheld and a penchant for doodling turned an otherwise mild-mannered girl into a pocketpig.<br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="28" vspace="10" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">The funny thing about digital imaging enthusiasts is they tend to be passionate about other things too. In Gear, we'll bring you the scoop on a variety of travel, sports, fashion, media and other gear to compliment your digital imaging lifestyle. In the near future, we'll also bring you independent 3rd party reviews of Sony digital cameras and camcorders.<br>
<b>This month:</b> Samsonite's sleek new line of luggage as imagined by renowned designer Philippe Starck.<br></span>
<img src="" width="163" height="29" vspace="10" border="0" alt="">
<span class="line">When you want to roll up your sleeves and learn the secrets of the pros, then you're ready for the Tech section, where we bring you the best tips and tricks to get the most from your Sony gear.<br>
<b>This month:</b> Ten must-know Cyber-shot® digital camera secrets.<br></span>
<span class="line"><a href="">Check out the ImageStation magazine now.</a><br>
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lokay-m/enron_travel_club/11. | ETC - August Meeting Notice & Agenda ,
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 8/14/01
EB 5C2 @ Noon
Lunch is provided so please RSVP to Margaret Doucette no later than
Monday at noon on August 13, 2001. | 288,210 |
white-s/meetings/676. | Out of Office ,
Out of Office
Date: 8/18/2000
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Central Standard Time)
Chairperson: Outlook Migration Team
Detailed Description: | 506,314 |
lay-k/inbox/706. | Thank You ,
Hi Ken,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for everything you're trying to do for us during this horrible situation. It would have been easy to stay at home (many people would have) and watch events unfold but you had the guts and the heart to come back and take this thing head on. Being a 21+ year Enron/NNG employee, this situation has been heartbreaking... I know you're there too. Many employees are sitting around in a daze over everything we've lost; I've lost everything too, BUT there are SO many things I have in my life that I would never have achieved had it not been for you and your leadership. I am eternally grateful for everything you've done for Enron and for me personally. Hang in there, we still believe in you and this company.
God Bless You,
Craig Buehler | 272,352 |
kean-s/deleted_items/399. | FW: Daily Numbers for 11-19-01 ,
Yesterday's EnronOnline numbers....
Trans = 5601
Users = 960
Counterparty = 256 | 244,300 |
farmer-d/all_documents/174. | Tenaska IV Receivables ,
Can you shed a little light on this Tenaska IV deal? James Armstrong is
telling me that we should have a purchase deal in the system to pay Tenaska
IV for the 9/00 and 10/00 gas that we are marketing for them. I do not see a
deal in Path Manager for either month. I also need some detail on who we are
buying and selling this gas from and to. There are a number of
counterparties at Lonestar for ENA and I'm not sure which ones go with this
deal. Is there a schedule you can email to me? James is looking for an
answer today on the Tenaska IV payment, so whatever you can tell me will be
---------------------- Forwarded by Megan Parker/Corp/Enron on 11/21/2000
09:15 AM ---------------------------
James Armstrong@ECT
11/20/2000 06:00 PM
To: Megan Parker/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Tenaska IV Receivables
Megan below is a list of the outstanding receivables for Tenaska IV Texas
Partners, Ltd. (1089):
September - Sales:
MMbtu Price Amount
26,275 5.20 136,630
18,538 5.06 93,802.28
20,000 5.045 100,900
25,000 5.09 127,250
Totals 89,813 $458,582.28 (This total is per phone conversation with
Darren Farmer)
October - Sales summary per Detail Economics Report - 1,124,275 MMbtu for
$5,148,787.47 (these amounts were adjusted for the Gas sent to the plant for
their direct use - 427,851 MMbtu for $1,245,046.41).
The total of these two amounts is $5,607,369.75. Please let me know what the
payment schedule is for these amounts.
Additionally, I need to ask about the payment schedule for Tenaska IV this
month. I need to find out if I am paying the following bills or if it is
something your department is going to pay. Please advise:
Williams Energy 1,722,293.49
Apache Corp 1,348,500.00
TXU/Lone Star 111,980.31
I need to submit my funding request tomorrow, so please let me know where we
stand on these items as soon as possible. Thanks.
James | 100,920 |
dean-c/info/86. | True Orange, June 18, 2001, Part 2 ,
Part 2 of 3
UT Has 7 Commitments, Including At Least 3 Super Blues
The Longhorns are leading the Big 12 in recruiting for the fourth straight
year after racking up seven commitments in May and June.
Headlining the commitments are two players who are on one or more national
top 100s this year and a junior college star who was on virtually all of the
national top 100s last year.
The current top national 100 guys are DTs Earl Anderson, 6-3, 265, 4.8, of
San Marcos, and Lyle Sendlein, 6-4, 260, 4.8, of Scottsdale, Ariz., Chaparral.
Anderson, who is as explosive at the line of scrimmage of any tackle I have
seen this year, committed on May 28, and Sendlein, who is so quick he plays
middle linebacker on a team that is 28-0 the last two seasons, committed on
June 2.
The junior college star is DT Sonny Davis, 6-1, 325, 5.0, formerly of Austin
Lanier and currently of Gulf Coast JC in Mississippi. He signed with Texas
last year, but failed to qualify academically and enrolled in a JC. He says
he is ahead of schedule academically and hopes to be able to graduate in
December and enroll at Texas in January so he can go through spring training
Coach Mack Brown said signing defensive linemen was his No. 1 priority in
this year's recruiting class, and this trio gives him a great start toward
accomplishing that goal.
The Longhorns' first commitment was from outstanding run blocker Brett
Valdez, 6-4, 310, 5.2, of Brownwood on April 7.
The commitments since my last newsletter are athlete Clint Haney, 5-11, 185,
4.27 (Nike camp time at A&M), of Smithson Valley, and QB Billy Don Malone,
6-2 1/2, 185, 4.7,of Paris North Lamar, both on June 11, and WR Dustin
Miksch, 6-0, 167, 4.35 (Nike camp time at A&M), of Round Rock Westwood on
June 14.
While the more recent commitments are not as heralded as the earlier ones,
they obviously were impressive at UT's summer camps. Donald Burgs, the
outstanding cornerback from Houston Madison, told me last Wednesday night
that Miksch was the best wide receiver at the camp that ended earlier that day
The following day, Miksch committed to the Longhorns.
It also didn't hurt that Miksch ran a 4.35 40 at the A&M Nike camp and a 4.4
at the UT camp and Haney ran a 4.27 40 at the same Nike camp and a 4.4 at the
Texas camp.
Malone is not as much of a sleeper as the other two. He's a two-time Class 4A
All-District quarterback and safety, and he was the sophomore of the year in
the district both offensively and defensively.
He has receivers who can catch the ball, but they don't dazzle anyone with
their speed. When defensive backs aren't worried about receivers' speed, they
cover them as tightly as they can, knowing that if they lose a step, it will
be easy to get it back.
That makes the quarterback's job a lot harder and can lead to more
interceptions. But Malone completed 106 of 202 passes (52.4%) for 1,649 yards
and 15 touchdowns for a 6-4 team. He had seven interceptions. He also ran for
405 yards and four touchdowns.
Malone said he chose Texas over Tennessee, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa State,
TCU and SMU. He said ISU, TCU and SMU had offered, and North Lamar head coach
Tom Felty said Tennessee, Arkansas and Colorado coaches had told him they
were preparing to offer.
"He has a great arm," Felty said, "but what really makes him special is the
way he sees the entire field. He can find his second and third receivers and
he never just locks onto one guy."
"He's also a very physical player," Felty said. "That's what makes him such
a fine free safety, and it also helps him at quarterback because he will hang
in there until the last split second to get a completion even when he knows
he's going to get decked."
Haney said he picked the Longhorns over Texas Tech and Colorado (offers) and
several other schools who were recruiting him.
He rushed 266 times for 1,665 yards (6.25 yards per carry) and 19 touchdowns,
and also was a big threat as a receiver, catching 9 passes for 205 yards and
four touchdowns for the 11-2 Rangers.
He said when he committed, "Coach Brown said they were recruiting me as a
football player. He told me they want fast, athletic kids and they would find
a spot for me after I get there."
That spot probably will be wide receiver or defensive back.
Smithson Valley defeated San Marcos in the Class 4A playoffs last year, and
Haney said San Marcos' defensive tackle Earl Anderson, another UT pledge, "is
really fast to be so big. I broke about a 40-yard touchdown run in that game
and he was right behind me most of the way. I'm glad we're going to be on the
same side at Texas."
In addition to those fast 40 times Miksch ran at the summer camps, he also
blazed to a 10.53 100 meters last track season.
Miksch, the son of former Longhorn WR Ronnie Miksch, a 1977-78 letterman from
Needville, said Purdue, Nebraska, A&M, Notre Dame and Oklahoma were all
recruiting him.
He said Purdue and Nebraska coaches had invited him to their summer camps.
"I'll have to call both of them and tell them I won't be coming to their
camps," he said.
He caught 46 passes for 676 yards and five touchdowns for the 4-6 Warriors
last season.
When Anderson and Sendlein committed earlier, along with Davis' recommitment,
it gave the Longhorns a fine start toward a great defensive line class.
All three are physical players who have great quickness to go with their size
and athleticism. They also all play very hard all the time.
Anderson is the highest ranked Texas blue-chipper to pick a college. He is
No. 3 on my 25-man "difference-maker" list. Sendlein is the top recruit in
Arizona and, if he lived in Texas, he would be high in my top 25. Davis was
No. 5 on my "difference maker" list last year.
Anderson, who says he has grown an inch to 6-4 and now weighs 275, told me
can still break 4.8 in the 40 on most days.
"I ran a 4.78 the last time I was clocked," he said. "I want to stay below
4.8, so I'm watching my weight now." I was the first guy to give him a high
ranking after seeing his incredible quickness last season.
He said he picked Texas over Texas A&M, Florida State and others because UT
"has the great combination of athletics and academics that I want and it's so
close that my parents won't have to spend a lot of money traveling around to
see me play."
Besides that, he said, "I've always been a Longhorn fan."
Sendlein comes from such a Longhorn family that his UT linebacker brother is
named Austin. Their father, Robin, was a great linebacker at Texas and also
played in the NFL for many years.
Sendlein said he is 6-5, 275, and can run the 40 in 4.8. His Scottsdale team
has gone 14-0 two straight years and his prowess as a defender is one of the
main reasons for the team's success.
Sendlein was being recruited by all the top schools in the Pac 10, plus Notre
Dame, Nebraska, Michigan and Penn State.
* * * *
Another great defensive line prospect, Chase Pittman of Shreveport Evangel,
came in at 6-4 1/2 and 261 and ran a 4.8 40 at a Nike camp at LSU recently,
and he also bench pressed 185 pounds 36 times. No one else at the camp was
able to bench press 185 pounds more than 22 times. Pittman bench pressed 440
pounds, a tremendous achievement for a high school junior, at a recent
charity fund raising event at Evangel.
He is the younger brother of Cole Pittman, the former UT defensive linemen
who was killed in a tragic auto accident earlier this year while returning to
Texas for spring training. He is considering Texas and LSU.
Chase and his father, Marc Pittman, came to one of the Longhorn camp sessions
on June 6, and several other Evangel stars accompanied them, including John
David Booty, a 6-2, 195-pound quarterback who might be the nation's top
sophomore prospect, and another outstanding sophomore, DE Chris Bowers, 6-3,
232, 4.6. He also brought two top Evangel defensive backs who are being
highly recruited from Evangel. They are Jonathan Wade, 5-10, 175, 4.3 (he ran
a 10.25 100 meters in April), and Chad Johnson, 5-11, 185, 4.4.
* * * *
RECRUITING NOTES: Trivia Question - The speed-rushing DE Longhorn coaches and
their cohors everywhere want to sign lives 550 miles or so northeast of
Austin, but his grandmother and two uncles live in Austin and he took an u
nofficial visit to Austin recently. Who is he? If you guessed Bryan Pickryl,
6-5, 230, 4.5, of Jenks (suburban Tulsa), Oklahoma, you are a certified
recruiting junkie. Pickryl has lived in Oklahoma all his life, but his father
is a UCLA grad and he says his top two schools right now are Texas and UCLA.
Look for the Sooners to be a big player here, but they will have to hurry
because he is planning to graduate in December and enroll in the college of
his choice in January. He's the top player in Oklahoma and one of the truly
great outside pass rushers in the country. . . My list on page 4 has quite a
few new names because the May evaluations by college coaches produced some
new top prospects. . . The Longhorns might sign as many as six or seven
defensive linemen and as many as four offensive linemen in this recruiting
class because the talent base is so strong in both areas. The top offensive
line prospects the Horns are hustling are Justin Blaylock of Plano East, Tony
Ugoh of Spring Westfield and Neale Tweedie of Allen. The top defensive line
hopes include tackles Rodrique Wright of Alief Hastings, Kasey Studdard of
Highlands Ranch, Colo., Marco Martin of Mesquite and Joseph Edwards of Dayton
and the top ends, in addition to Pittman and Pickryl, are Travis Leitko of
The Woodlands, Larry Dibbles of Lancaster and Dontriel Coates of Anahuac.
Coates has only played football the last two seasons, but he has great
quickness and intensity.
Baseball Roundup
Shorstop Omar Quintanilla and pitcher Justin Simmons have been named to
Collegiate Baseball's Louisville Slugger Freshmen All-American Team.
This marks the first time Texas has had two freshman All-Amercians in the
same year.
The Longhorns were seeded third in the NCAA sub regional at Stanford in late
May. They upset No. 2 seed Long Beach State, 11-2, then stunned top-seeded
Stanford, 4-3, in the winner's bracket finale, but Stanford came back out of
the loser's bracket to beat Texas twice on May 27.
The Cardinal won the first game, 10-9, in 10 innings, then took the nightcap,
4-3. Sophomore Longhorn pitcher Ray Clark took a 3-1 lead into the eighth
inning in the second game, but sloppy fielding and mental miscues gave
Stanford three extra outs and the Cardinal scored three times.
Stanford went on to win a regional and made the finals of the College World
Series last week before losing to Miami.
The Longhorns will lose Gerrit Simpson and Albert Montes, their top two
pitchers. Both were drafted and plan to sign. They also lost one of their top
recruits, Houston Bellaire catcher James Sweeney, to the pros.
Vincent Sinisi, the slugger from The Woodlands who was the Horns' top signee
last year, has transferred to Rice. He has had persistent problems with a rib
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thomas-p/deleted_items/118. | Price Reservations 22 January 2002 Real-Time and Hour-Ahead ,
The NYISO is reserving hours beginning 07:00 and 16:00 in the January 22,
2002 Real-Time Market.
In addition, the NYISO is reserving hours beginning 0:00 through 6:00
in the Hour-Ahead locational reserve market.
Prices in the January 23, 2002 Day-Ahead Market are correct.
Please note that Market Monitoring will no longer be reserving prices due
to ECA-B. Code modifications were made on December 20th to incorporate
into the Real-Time price, the BME price in the presence of congestion. The
incorporation is now an automatic process that is prescribed by the NYISO
tariffs. This message will appear in price reservation announcements
through January 31, 2002.
This e-mail information is a copy of the official posting which can be
found at the following address of our website:
You are currently subscribed to nyiso_tie as: [email protected]
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [email protected] | 488,221 |
buy-r/inbox/131. | Memorandum ,
<<memo to Buy.doc>>
Please see the attached Memorandum. | 38,477 |
sager-e/all_documents/476. | Re: thanks and more ,
I haven't stopped crying since I got your email .. Of course I've been crying
everyday, several hours a day for months now, so it is hard to tell whose to
blame .... You are welcome as always to come by anytime to watch the tears
(maybe you will happen upon another fine hour like when I accidentally killed
our goldfish on Sunday) or to pick up the ladder. | 385,550 |
semperger-c/deleted_items/366. | RE: Testing Preschedule Workspace ,
Special Terminal Server or outside of terminal server.
I have a meeting to go to. I will try to help you more when I get back.
-----Original Message-----
From: Semperger, Cara
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:09 PM
To: Smith, Will
Cc: Atta, Asem
Subject: RE: Testing Preschedule Workspace
Do I use the special Terminal Server or any regular Term Server Or local Enpower??
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Will
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:07 AM
To: Semperger, Cara
Cc: Bentley, Corry; Atta, Asem
Subject: RE: Testing Preschedule Workspace
Cara / Corry,
Asem Atta will be helping out with this project, please include him on any further correspondence.
Also, I am releasing a new version that should have the Saving/Opening of files fixed. There is still a problem with saving taking too long (about 1.5 minutes). Asem will be looking into this. Please keep the feedback coming.
Cara, let me know if you have continued problems with the new version.
-----Original Message-----
From: Semperger, Cara
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 5:19 PM
To: Smith, Will; Luu, Duong
Subject: Testing Preschedule Workspace
Good Afternoon,
I have been unable to sucessfully test the Preschedule workspace, here are the problems I have run up against:
In the special Terminal server that Will sent me, I was unable to copy from Excel and paste into the app
In the local system, I was able to copy from Excel and Paste into the app, but it would not allow me to save any data. The app saved itself as a file, but none of my data were preserved in it. Here is the saved app file that was created.
<< File: MAY_O2_PV.psc >>
Both locally and in Terminal server, I was unable to close the app. I had to use the task manager and end task to get me out of the Preschedule workspace viewer. I did get numerous dialog boxes with various errors, but did not log them all. I can do that if you wish.
I have a set of data re-designed to match the columns of the app, here is the data for May 2. This will be the approximate size of the sheet if monthly deals are required to be included.
<< File: may2pvhlhdata.xls >>
Please let me know what I can do to begin testing again, I am very anxious to get started.
Cara | 411,297 |
nemec-g/all_documents/5977. | Re: FW: Professional Services Agreement ,
I do have comments to the proposed revisions. I will compile them and return
to you shortly.
"KELLY FLEURIOT" <[email protected]>
04/26/2001 04:35 PM
To: <[email protected]>
cc: "eric p. romero" <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Professional Services Agreement
Dear Mr. Nemec
Do you have any comments to the proposed revisions to the Professional
Services Agreement between Enron and PCS?
Thank you.
Kelly Fleuriot
Project Consulting Services, Inc.
[email protected]
Phone: 713-952-7380
Fax: 713-952-7082
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 3:07 PM
> To: '[email protected]'
> Subject: Professional Services Agreement
> Importance: High
> Dear Mr. Nemec:
> Eric Romero faxed you comments and proposed revisions to the Professional
> Services Agreement between Enron and Project Consulting on 3/28/01 and
> wanted to know if you have any comments on the revisions.
> Mr. Romero will be out of the office Wednesday and Thursday, so please feel
> free to contact me with your comments and I will give the information to
> him upon his return.
> Thank you.
> Kelly Fleuriot
> Project Consulting Services, Inc.
> [email protected]
> Phone: 713-952-7380
> Fax: 713-952-7082
> | 347,458 |
lokay-m/all_documents/1930. | TW Bullets 12/22 ,
Cal Border backhaul - Operational linepack, slightly reduced demand at the
Cal border, and California LDC's returning imbalance gas, all combined to
create an excess gas inventory position at the border for TW. We then
received a shipper request to backhaul some volume to SouthWest Gas at Las
Vegas. The inventory position necessitated that TW sell some of the gas for
the backhaul and we negotiated a PG&E based index price. Economics were as
12/18/00 11,500 MMBtu @ $13.18 = $151,570
12/19/00 6,855 MMBtu @ $14.595 = $100,049
Transport 23,000 @ .15 = $ 3,450
Park N Ride 4,645 x $.20 x 2 = $ 1,858
Total $256,927
PNM Park n Ride - Burlington Resources has had difficulty delivering all
their gas into San Juan that they nominated this week. When they could not
make the delivery rate, we began allocating their volume; this resulted in
delivery cuts to PNM who then canvassed the market to look for alternate
supply. Late Tuesday morning PNM called asking about Park N Ride capability
on TW. We negotiated a $.45 rate for 20,000 MMBtu for one day ($9,000).
Because the rate was above max, we had to file the deal with FERC. This was
exacerbated by the fact that because of the customer's request for service,
we had to ask FERC for a waiver on the "one day prior notice" requirement.
FERC California Pricing - FERC staff members continue to call for help in
understanding transport and commodity prices for gas at the Cal border. News
to us was the fact that FERC has access to EnronOnline but did not understand
how to use it. They are also getting a subscription to Gas Daily.
Capacity West - On Thursday 12/21 we did a one day posting for an additional
10,000 MMBtu/d of LFT capacity for January from San Juan to Cal Border. The
current January spread to Needles is $5.40 net of fuel.
SouthWest Gas - We met with SWG management last week to discuss the service
being provided by TW at their new interconnect. So far everything is working
well, however, SWG is attempting to maximize their flexibility under the OBA
agreement and their ability to take swing gas from TW. Our response has been
we will continue to help them when we can within operational limits but we
cannot jeopardize the rest of the TW west system. SWG indicated they would
like more information regarding our mainline expansion project; they recently
purchased 85,000 MMBtu/d of capacity on the Kern River system.
Pogo Producing - Pogo would like to flow gas to TW's West Texas lateral by
February 1. They estimate volume of 20,000 MMBtu/d and have no qualm on the
approximately $400,000 interconnect cost. This is a new well near the
recently connected EOG well. | 284,862 |
corman-s/deleted_items/391. | Fwd: Better Registration Form ,
--------- Inline attachment follows ---------
From: <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 9:11:54 GMT
Dear Families,
Rod Archer gave me a better place for you to download the Registration form
for the Embassy. When you get to the page go to #4 and you can download the
Form so that it is easy to read and print.Thanks again.
Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: | 52,234 |
taylor-m/sent_items/410. | RE: How are you ? ,
Just to let you guys know... I'm working like an animal here but at least I'm still employed. Every now and then I kinda wish I'd been one of those laid off last week instead of the one who had to tell people they were no longer employed but I don't have enough to retire on any more so I guess I still need the job! Hope you guys are doing well. Any plans for New Years? | legal <[email protected]> | 483,912 |
hodge-j/deleted_items/122. | Bethlehem Steel ,
We have received executed confirmations for all outstanding transactions.
Jeff - Can you send me a copy of the termination letter.
Jane Wilhite
ext. 35063 | 169,618 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/126. | PG&E filed testimony and PEA on auction ,
I received this a.m. a copy of PG&E's testimony and their proponent's
environmental assessment (PEA) on the auction. It is a foot of paper. Let
me know if you would like a copy. I will be reading and summarizing it.
Tomorrow protests are due on the auction proposal. I will forward our
protest and IEP's protest as well. | Bill Williams@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT | 58,232 |
kitchen-l/_americas/sec/8. | FW: Press Release - Enron Announces Progress ,
-----Original Message-----
From: Radford, Pat
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: Press Release - Enron Announces Progress | 260,289 |
arnold-j/sent_items/15. | Re: am i right??? ,
"Eva Pao" <[email protected]> on 05/13/2001 03:02:45 PM
Please respond to <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: am i right???
wait, of course i am. i always am.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 4:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Extra credit
me thinks you missed a 9
"Eva Pao" <[email protected]> on 05/13/2001 02:58:28 PM
Please respond to <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Extra credit
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 4:37 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Extra credit
rules to a game:
You flip a coin. If you get tails you win 0. if you get heads, i give you
$1. Keep flipping until you get a tails, at which point you walk away with
the money. however, each heads you get after the first you double your
money. So if you flip heads 3 times and then tails, you get $4. What's
you bid/offer on playing this game? (would you pay $.5 to play? $1? $2?
what you charge me play against you?) | 6,415 |
campbell-l/_sent_mail/45. | Annual Certifications Reports Required by Title V ,
Be advised that there will be a meeting on Thursday 11:00 am August 23 at the
NNG Turbine station, south of Kermit Tx. to complete and submit annual
certification reports which are required by the following Title V permitted
Irion Co. No. 1
Reagan Co. 2
Kermit Turbine
Should a team decide not to attend this meeting, be advised that the required
submittal date for the annual certifications for the state of Texas is
September 8, 2001. It will be your teams responsibility to ensure that the
certifications are submitted prior to the 9/8/01 deadline should you decide
not to attend the August 23 meeting. | 40,132 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/7860. | December e.Bulletin ,
Schwab e.Bulletin -- December 2000
In this issue:
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2. November Market Summary
3. How to Withdraw Retirement Funds
4. Making Sense of Analyst Recommendations
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Member SIPC/NYSE (1200-10702). | 64,966 |
arnold-j/sent_items/796. | ,
Is it okay to leave around 3:00? | [email protected], houston <[email protected]> | 7,058 |
kaminski-v/ei/1. | Moddeling support for DPC related issues ,
A quick update on the status of Sandeep Kohli.
He is working currently in my group. He is available on a very short notice to help you with
any quantitative modeling that can be required in making decisions regarding
our DPC strategy. In case you need his help, he can also rely on the support
of other members of my group with skills in different areas.
Vince Kaminski | 219,213 |
lokay-m/all_documents/1984. | Re: POGO I/C - Lea Co. ,
Thanks for the update.
I agree we should go ahead and prepare for the inevitable "I want to flow
tomorrow" scenario. Let's use the $35,000 to proceed with our internal
administrative needs, including "land owner notification" and then we will be
ready for them when they begin construction.
Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Bob | 284,920 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/12984. | FW: SCE Advice 1545-E -- Implementing Decision 01-05-064 ,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 8:43 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
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[email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: SCE Advice 1545-E
On May 22, 2001, SCE filed Advice 1545-E with the Commission.
Tariffs Implementing Decision No. 01-05-064
This advice filing is made in compliance with D.01-05-064 in SCE's Rate
Stabilization proceeding. As discussed in more detail in the "Information"
section below, this advice filing: (1) modifies tariff language where
necessary to implement new rate structures; and (2) revise rate components
in all tariff schedules and other impacted sections of the Preliminary
Statement in compliance with Ordering Paragraphs 1 and 2 of D.01-05-064.
Form No. 14-574, Formats A.1 through L.1 are being modified to display the
new tiered baseline rates and the new California Department of Water
Resources (DWR) Charges line item.
To view this advice filing and other SCE advice letters, please click on
the URL address below and select the Regulatory Info Center, Advice
This notice is being sent to all interested parties of R.00-11-038 and
SCE's GO 96-A Service List. | 58,646 |
shackleton-s/inbox/319. | FW: Bear Stearns International Ltd. ,
Are you working on Bruin? Davis Thames told me Kristina Mordaunt is leading, but if involves ENA ISDA makes sense for you to be working with them on that portion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Boyd, Samantha
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:36 PM
To: Dawson, Matthew; Cooper, Edmund
Cc: Jones, Tanya; Rohauer, Tanya
Subject: Bear Stearns International Ltd.
I received a phone call from Nancy Bauer with Bear Stearns International Ltd. ("Bear Stearns"). Nancy has informed me that Bear Stearns will be doing a large trade with Enron North America Corp. ("ENA") very soon. Their goal is to get an ISDA Master Agreement in place quickly. Bear Stearns would like for the ISDA Master Agreement with ENA to mirror the ISDA Master Agreement dated July 3, 2000 between Enron Credit Limited and Bear Stearns.
My review of our Lotus Notes database did not reveal that Enron Credit Limited has a Master Agreement with Bear Stearns. If this Master Agreement has been executed, please make an entry for it in Lotus Notes. Also, please e-mail me a copy of the execution version of the Enron Credit Limited and Bear Stearns Master Agreement for legal and credit in Houston to review. Since time is of the essence, your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Samantha M. Boyd
Senior Legal Specialist
Enron Wholesale Services
1400 Smith Street, EB3803
Houston, Texas 77002
Ph: (713) 853-9188
Fax: (713) 646-3490 | 421,522 |
hain-m/all_documents/899. | Re: Fwd: California - March 9 Order Addressing Refunds for Jan. ,
Hi Mary,
Can you get someone to print this? the acrobat reader does not respond right.
C | 158,413 |
meyers-a/deleted_items/436. | Schedule Crawler: HourAhead Failure ,
Start Date: 1/21/02; HourAhead hour: 12; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required. | 337,869 |
lokey-t/inbox/593. | Re: *EMCA* An arrest ,
You know, this neighborhood bulletin board is really a good thing!
And last night while I was at the Christmas party at the HPD Neartown
storefront, someone told me of having just seen four or five cop cars down at
the Blockbuster at Montrose surrounding a white car with several black men.
I wondered if it could be the folks who've been running our little crime
wave. Incidently, while at the party, I heard of two stories where folks
with automatic garage doors here in Montrose but outside of EM had gone into
their garages and wound locked up with a pair of gun-toting robbers who took
their wallets and purses. Sadly, in one, the guy was killed (this one was in
the past 2 or so months). So there is bad stuff going around.
Gayle R.
Bob Novotny wrote:
> Another person to keep a eye on.
> White male 6 ft 165 lbs. light brown hair, not a bad looking person.
> He came into my building while i was inside working and gave me the story
> that he was looking for work. He had to walk through a closed gated to
> get inside.
> i raised a shovel and informed him that he was trespassing.
> this was Sunday. i just saw him again at 1pm walking north on Taft.
> In my opinion this guy is up to no good. Keep your eyes open.
> Bob
> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 07:31:34 -0500 Carla Webbles <[email protected]>
> writes:
> >
> >Howdy -
> >
> >The early morning news on Channel 11 reported the arrest of someone
> >the
> >cops called "The Montrose Burglar". They said he may be responsible
> >for as
> >many as ten armed robberies and is being charged with three, and that
> >armed
> >with a pistol, he would hold up people leaving bars and clubs late at
> >night. The mug shot showed a middle aged black guy, balding. He
> >doesn't
> >sound like either the Fargo Carjacker or the Fairview Minivan Mugger
> >but
> >maybe, knock on wood, this arrest will put a liitle dent in the crime
> >stats.
> >
> >Carla
> >
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campbell-l/all_documents/1117. | Why women don't make good mechanics ,
- 112700mech.jpg | 40,324 |
lucci-p/deleted_items/138. | Re: Hi! ,
Friday won't work for me. Thursday would be better. Let me know more towards Thurs. if your dinner cancels or not. If it doesn't, how does Tues. of next week sound???? the 30th?
----- Original Message -----
From: Lucci, Paul T.
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 4:11 PM
To: Deborah Herbertson
Subject: RE: Hi!
Saturday doesn't work for me. Email Tim at [email protected] <http://[email protected]/>. I think I'm free Thursday night but I may be taking a customer to dinner. What does Friday night look like?
-----Original Message-----
From: Deborah Herbertson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:42 PM
To: Lucci, Paul T.
Subject: Re: Hi!
I have been in a new position (orientation) for the past 4 weeks, and been VERY busy myself. How about Thursday or Saturday. The only days Carolyn can't would be Wed.'s
I think we should all meet somewhere for drinks and go from there. Please e-mail Tim, and also give me his address for Carolyn.
Let me know what you think so I can at least alert Carolyn as well.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lucci, Paul T.
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 8:21 AM
To: Deborah Herbertson
Subject: RE: Hi!
Hey what are you guys doing partying without me. Yes I have been traveling, in fact I have been gone almost all October, up through the 15th. But I'm finished. When are you thinking of getting together?
-----Original Message-----
From: Deborah Herbertson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 5:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hi!
Hi Paul,
Ran into "Tim" at Sambuca's Friday night, and he was wondering what happened to our "get together" we were supposed to have several weeks ago????
I told him I hadn't heard back from you, therefore assumed you were not interested. He said he thought you were out of town a great deal, but was going to e-mail you because he wants possibly to set something up with us four. (Myself, Carolyn and you two)
No problem if you are too busy, believe me I understand.........or whatever the reason might be.
Take care,
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forney-j/sent_items/283. | Kevin Libbey ,
I spoke with Steve directly about Kevin's e-mail and concerns. Steve said that Dan of C.O.B contacted him, inquiring about job opportunities here. Steve did mention to Dan that "someone" from their shop had already inquired. He was not specific. Dan, evidently, figured who this was (not very hard) and spread the word at the COB office. Subsequently, Dan and Brandon sent their resumes.
I have spoken directly with Steve about this issue. I also have put out a note to the group which I copied you on. Clearly, this is unacceptable and Steve has apologized.
How do you feel about this:
if we hire Kevin, then this problem somewhat goes away. I need someone immediately and Kevin could be plugged right in, similar to Alex. I know that Kevin may not be a solid fit for the trader track program, but I am needing some help pretty quick.
Let me know - sorry for the very awkward situation.
JMF | 114,450 |
bass-e/deleted_items/286. | Commissioner.COM E-Reports for Big E '01 12/28/01 ,
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<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=4>Latest NFL Player News</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>James Thrash</B></A>, WR PHI - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Thrash is listed as questionable with an ankle injury, but he is expected to play against the Giants. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Patrick Jeffers</B></A>, WR CAR - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Jeffers may see some increased playing time this week because of Muhsin Muhammad's persistent toe problems. Isaac Byrd, however, still should start in Muhammad's place. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Sebastian Janikowski</B></A>, K OAK - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Janikowski (groin) has been kicking in practice. He is expected to play this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Terrence Wilkins</B></A>, WR IND - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Wilkins (hamstring) has returned to practice. He may be able to play this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Stephen Alexander</B></A>, TE WAS - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
<FONT SIZE=2>Alexander (leg) was placed on injured reserve, officially ending his season. Walter Rasby will continue to start in his place, but Zeron Flemister has emerged as the team's best receiving tight end with Alexander out. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Matt Hasselbeck</B></A>, QB SEA - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The <i>Seattle Times</i> says Hasselbeck's season might be over. Mike Holmgren said he would only use him in an emergency this week, and the Seahawks coach may elect to have Hasselbeck use the season's final two games to rest his injured shoulder. Trent Dilfer will start at San Diego this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Amos Zereoue</B></A>
, RB PIT - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Zereoue missed practice on Wednesday with a shoulder injury. He is listed as probable for this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Todd Bouman</B></A>, QB MIN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Bouman practiced without pads on Wednesday. If he cannot practice fully on Thursday, Spergon Wynn will get the start this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Keenan McCardell</B></A>, WR JAC - Neal/McKay <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
McCardell is listed as probable with a thigh injury. He should be able to start this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Chris Chambers</B></A>, WR MIA - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Chambers is listed as questionable with an ankle injury. He practiced on Wednesday and should be able to play this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>James McKnight</B></A>, WR MIA - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>McKnight is listed as questionable with an ankle injury. He practiced and is hopeful of playing this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Travis Minor</B></A>, RB MIA - Giggles <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The <i>Miami Herald</i> reports Minor will get more work on offense this week. Lamar Smith will remain the starter, but the Dolphins are hoping Minor can inject some life into the offense. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>James Stewart</B></A>, RB DET - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The <i>Detroit Free Press</i> says Stewart is not expected to play this week because of a sprained ankle. Lamont Warren and Cory Schlesinger will assume most of the workload in his place. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Mike McMahon</B></A>, QB DET - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The <i>Detroit Free Press</i> says McMahon is not expected to practice or play this week. Ty Detmer will start in his place. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Brian Griese</B></A>, QB DEN - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Griese told the <i>Denver Post</i> he is ready to take on the Broncos, although Mike Shanahan questioned how effective he would be in his return. "How do you know with a concussion?" Shanahan said. "There should be no side effects. Hopefully there's not. But we have learned a lot through the years about concussions and how serious the!
y !
can be, and hopefully that's something in the past and they won't reoccur." </FONT>
</FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Aaron Shea</B></A>, TE CLE - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Shea is expected to miss the season's final two games with a shoulder injury. O.J. Santiago should remain in the starting lineup in Shea's place. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Akili Smith</B></A>, QB CIN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Smith underwent surgery on his left hamstring. He is expected to be ready for training camp next season and will compete for the starting job. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Wesley Walls</B></A>, TE CAR - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Walls is listed as questionable with a knee injury. He was expected to be evaluated again on Thursday. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Muhsin Muhammad</B></A>, WR CAR - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Muhammad (turf toe) is not expected to play this week, and may miss the rest of the season. Isaac Byrd will likely start in his place again. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Travis Henry</B></A>, RB BUF - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>
Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Henry will sit out again this week with a sprained knee. Shawn Bryson will start for the second consecutive week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Steve McNair</B></A>, QB TEN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>McNair missed practice Wednesday because of back pain. "I'm going to try to do some things tomorrow and hope it loosens up and not have as much pain as I had today," McNair said. "I'm not going to go out and try to force the issue. If it's still sore and still tight where I can't have all my mechanics right, I'm not going to force the issue." The Titans listed him as questionable yet again Wednesday, but McNair likely will play </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Jerome Bettis</B></A>, RB PIT - Giggles <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Bettis sat out Wednesday's practice, and indicated he might not play in the regular season's final two games. "You want to take care of the injury first and if that means not playing, that means not playing," Bettis told the <i>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette</i>. "But you want to make sure you're healed up. The team playing as well as it has played allows me the opportunity to get healthy. I'm using it very, very wisely." </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Martin Gramatica</B></A>, K TB - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/27/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Gramatica sat out practice Wednesday, but is expected to test his injured leg on Thursday. Doug Brien and Brad Daluiso worked out Wednesday for the Buccaneers, who might sign one if Martin Gramatica can't kick against the Baltimore Ravens this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Matt Hasselbeck</B></A>, QB SEA - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Trent Dilfer will start this week in place of Hasselbeck, whose separated left shoulder is too sore for him to play. Coach Mike Holmgren said Wednesday that Hasselbeck aggravated the injury, which he's had since the third week of the season, against the New York Giants last Sunday. "There's a chance I might have him and he could play in an emergency-type situation, but he's pretty sore," Holmgren said. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>James Stewart</B></A>, RB DET - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Stewart is day to day with a sprained ankle. His status for this week's game is unclear. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Jeff Graham</B></A>, WR SD - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Graham may miss his second consecutive game this week because of the death of his father. With Tim Dwight (lung) still ailing, Trevor Gaylor may have to start again. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Skip Hicks</B></A>
, RB TEN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Hicks is expected to miss this week's game with a hamstring injury, and may miss the rest of the season. Eddie George should assume a regular workload once again. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Emmitt Smith</B></A>, RB DAL - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Smith is day to day with a hip injury. He is expected to play this week. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Peter Warrick</B></A>, WR CIN - Giggles <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Warrick, who was benched late in last week's game, is expected to start. He has been a disappointment this year and Fantasy players should not use him at this point of the postseason. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Todd Bouman</B></A>, QB MIN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/26/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Bouman (thumb) may attempt to practice late in the week. His status remains unclear for this week's game, and Spergon Wynn is available to start if needed. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="">More Updates</A><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>NFL Reports, Transactions </B></FONT></TD></TR>
</TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
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<TABLE BGCOLOR=#e0e6df WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>12/26</B></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><A HREF=""><B>Arizona Cardinals</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Placed guard Pete Kendall on injured reserve; signed tight end-long snapper Nathaqn Hodel from the practice squad. </FONT><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Detroit Lions</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Signed linebacker Eugene McCaslin to the practice squad. </FONT><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Kansas City Chiefs</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Agreed to terms on a three-year contract with wide receiver <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=1517>Reggie Jones</A>; signed cornerback Ahmad Hawkins to the practice squad. </FONT><BR>
<A HREF=""><B>Miami Dolphins</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Signed linebacker <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=135446>Corey Moore</A> to a two-year contract; placed linebacker Derrick Rodgers on injured reserve. </FONT><BR>
<TABLE BGCOLOR=#e0e6df WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>12/24</B></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><A HREF=""><B>Denver Broncos</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Waived wide receiver <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=1779>Keith Poole</A>; signed cornerback Delvin Hughley and guard Michael Moore.</FONT><BR>
<TABLE BGCOLOR=#e0e6df WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>12/23</B></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><A HREF=""><B>Kansas City Chiefs</B></A><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Signed safety Shaunard Harris from the practice squad. </FONT><BR>
<TABLE BGCOLOR=#e0e6df WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>12/21</B></TD></TR></TABLE><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>NFL</B><BR>
<FONT SIZE=2>Fined Minnesota <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=16>Vikings</A> receiver <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=12576>Randy Moss</A> $10,000 for a repeated taunting offense in a December 16 game against Detroit; fined Kansas City <A HREF=players?league=bige01&owner=67142.8&key=14>Chiefs</A> linebacker Donnie Edwards $12,500 for an unnecessary roughness penalty in a December 16 game against Denver. </FONT><BR>
<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Transactions, View </B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
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<TR><TD VALIGN=middle ALIGN=left><IMG HSPACE=2 VSPACE=2 WIDTH=14 HEIGHT=14 SRC=""> <FONT SIZE=2><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>Make Selection</B></FONT></FONT></FONT>
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<TD WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=200><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE=2><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD WIDTH=10></TD><TD WIDTH=60><IMG ALIGN=middle SRC=""></TD><TD><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>There are no League Transactions which meet the selected criteria.<BR><BR>To see all league transactions select "All", "All", "All Teams" from
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</CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Schedule, Breakdown </B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
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dasovich-j/all_documents/10347. | journalists in California sent by Ruhrgas ,
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 03/23/2001 08:46 AM -----
Eva Hoeffelman@ECT
03/23/2001 06:43 AM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Meredith
cc: Jackie Gentle/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter
Styles/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul Hennemeyer/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: journalists in California sent by Ruhrgas
Steve, Mark and Meredith,
Please find below some emails between EFET (European Federation of Energy
Traders) and myself. We have helped them to find out which German
journalists the German gas incumbent, Ruhrgas, has sent to California this
week. We found out about that yesterday. I have now passed on that list +
some general PR recommendations and EFET will now take the lead on this (they
will send out an EFET position paper on California and have a spokesperson
available especially for California - he's not Enron!).
Just wanted to make sure you are aware because it could be possible that
people will come to us for further comment. The general consensus now is
that we then refer them to EFET.
---------------------- Forwarded by Eva Hoeffelman/LON/ECT on 03/23/2001
12:37 PM ---------------------------
Eva Hoeffelman
03/23/2001 12:35 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], Jackie Gentle/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter
Styles/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul Hennemeyer/LON/ECT@ECT,
David Gallagher/LON/ECT@ECT, Andreas Radmacher/FRA/ECT@ECT, Eric
cc: Helge-J_rgen Beil/FRA/ECT@ECT, Carsten Haack/FRA/ECT@ECT
Subject: journalists in California sent by Ruhrgas
Please see below a summary of the journalists who will be returning this
weekend from their trip to California courtesy of Ruhrgas.
Up to you now to send them the EFET position paper on California. Would
suggest you try to get it on their desk by Monday morning latest, if
possible. Would also send it to those who have refused to go and other key
contacts we have given to you. Media seems to be keen to know EFET's
position on this. Let me know if you need translation of the personalised
note that will accompany the position paper. Obviously, we will divert any
requests we get to you. Will get their email addresses to you later so you
can email it to them rather than fax it with the possibility they will get it
too late.
Good luck.
---------------------- Forwarded by Eva Hoeffelman/LON/ECT on 03/23/2001
12:15 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 03/23/2001 12:09:08 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: journalists in California
I've finished my guerilla-PR-job, here are the results:
Ruhrgas has invited the Nordrhein-Westfalen (region where Essen is located)
-based correspondents of the national dailies and also the energy
journalists of the most important business magazines.
Journalists in Califonia:
-Werner Sturbeck (FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
-Werner Jaspert (S_ddeutsche Zeitung)
-Dr. J_rgen Frech (WAZ - Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
-Jochen Schuster (Focus)
Journalists that had been invited but refused:
-Dr. Andreas Wildhagen (Wirtschaftswoche)
-Hans-Willy Bein (Financial Times Deutschland)
-Die Welt
I also got the information that Ruhrgas held a press conference yesterday
in California. So we can expect the first articles on California tomorrow
or latest on Monday. I also will do an additional internet monitoring (for
example WAZ, which we don't read daily) this afternoon to see if there are
already some articles.
We should recommend EFET to send their statement not only to those
journalists who have been on the press trip but to all key contacts. Most of
the journalists I spoke to or colleagues from the newsdesk seem to be keen to
know what EFET has to say about the California issue!!!!!
Please let me know if you need further information!
Best regards,
Christina M_ller
Cohn & Wolfe Public Relations GmbH & Co. KG
Kleyerstrasse 25, D-60326 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon (069) 7506 1503, Telefax (069) 7506 1528
[email protected] | 55,779 |
farmer-d/_sent_mail/784. | Howdy ,
Hey Ken.
How are things going for you? Is the market loving you?
We have been really busy. We sold our house after 2 weeks on the market. I
don't think I had it underpriced. I looked at the average $/sq ft for sales
in our neighborhood for the last 6 months and I was pretty high above the
average. Anyway, we got what we wanted and made a little money, so we were
happy. Two days after we sold our house, Tonya found the one she wanted in
Oaks of Devonshire. It's over at Louetta and I-45, just before The Thicket.
It's a little bigger than we were looking for (3100 sq ft), but it's got a
great game room/sunroom for the kids. It was built in 86, so it needs a
little work. But that's ok with me. Anyway, we are closing on both houses
on Monday and moving Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have you and Linda over
for lunch or dinner one of these days. We also had tubes put into Jake's
ears this month. We hated having to do that, but it has really made a
difference. He had a constant ear infection since October. Now you can tell
that he feels so much better. He's learning more and more each day. We have
nothing that is "Jake proof". Even those plastic locks you put on cabinets
don't hold him. He knows that if you keep yanking on the door over and over
that it will eventually slip or break and then your in. I'm going to install
pad locks on the cabinets at the new house. We'll see if that stops him.
Anyway, everybody's doing well. I will be alot better after we finish this
house business. I don't feel so good when I'm writing all those checks.
Talk to you later.
D | 100,075 |
mcconnell-m/_sent_mail/703. | Re: SA Networks Effort ,
Thanks for the email. Project Summer does bring up some big questions and
issues and I am not up to speed on the current thinking. We'll talk later
and i'll find out the issues and viewpoints. On your other issue, I
understand and we'll discuss.
Joe Kishkill@ENRON
07/25/2000 10:18 AM
To: Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: SA Networks Effort
You have probably heard that a tentative agreement has been reached on
Project Summer.
When convenient, I would like to talk to you about what that means for the
South Amercia Networks effort. Given that we have been pursuing this stuff
through a matrix approach many questions arise.
I am not sure of the Project Summer view or the Enron view. I have the
feeling it is not a "big blip" on anyone's radar screen.
I did not bring this up during the weekly call because D'Arcy and Steve do
not know anything (at least officially and/or from me).
Also, for what it is worth, I am assessing personal options at this point. I
am not necessarily wed to the "Newco" (unless Enron puts out a former EI
hiring moratorium) despite what people may be assuming.
Kish | 326,832 |
germany-c/all_documents/71. | Re: TP3 ,
Chris, remember we discussed this on Tuesday aftenoon - When we came in
Sunday (after physical deals were transfered over to new books) we
recaculated individual P&L's. Your book which had Friday's P&L of ($2,240)
was making $131,808 due to physical deals movement. So we had to tranfer the
difference of $134,048 from your book to Scott Neal's to bring you back at
Friday's P&L. This hit came in your Nymex book in March causing you to lose
more than you think in Nymex.
On Monday you would have recovered that physical loss but several deals
Sitara 636796, 636821, 646038 were changed on Monday resulting in taking the
Sunday's gain away from your book.
Let me know if we need to discuss further. thanks.
From: Chris Germany 03/07/2001 04:22 PM
To: Kimat Singla/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: TP3
I think you have my NYMX value in backwards.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/07/2001 04:21
PM ---------------------------
From: Chris Germany 03/07/2001 04:21 PM
To: Kimat Singla/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: TP3
For the year
My NYMX book is a positive $138410.00 with the trade I did today. This
morining it should have been $123035.00.
I still have only 3 physical deals (all desk to desk) in my book, all valued
at CNG IF flat. I still don't see how I can have negative P&L of $128,818. | 127,449 |
semperger-c/deleted_items/55. | RE: I need estate logins by the end of business today for Mike ,
Please work with the folks to make sure this happens ASAP as they need to have access before Monday due to the UBS cutover.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ( | 411,332 |
lavorato-j/sent_items/459. | RE: Have you checked dceg share price ,
I take back my dog comment.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Frank Ricciuti" <[email protected]>@ENRON []
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 8:49 AM
To: John J. Lavorato
Subject: Have you checked dceg share price
john, saw your CEO on the CNBC this mornng. He looks and sounds impressive. Stock price does not seem to give a damn. From my experience the price will show dramatic improvement once the overall tone of the market gets better and the "California" bankruptcy situation is done away with.
However have you seen the share price of dceg lately. I think you called it a dog not long ago. We've increased in price by 5X since the ridiculous lows reached just before Christmas.
Give my best to the family.
Your Uncle Frank | 266,857 |
smith-m/sent_items/159. | RE: Your Receipt - ,
To Whom This May Concern,
I have spoken to a couple people in your sales department regarding the shipping of this order. Delivery was withheld because I specified a residential address. In response, I would like to have the order delivered to the apartment offices at the delivery location. The address should read Manor Way Office, but reference the specified apartment number. Pete and Christy should be notified via the submitted phone number of the timing of the delivery. If the offices are still considered "residential" you are authorized to bill me for the additional surcharge, which I understand to be not more than $30.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. 713-853-047 (day)
Mathew Smith
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 6:17 PM
To: Smith, Matt
Subject: Your Receipt -
Thank you for shopping at!
Order Number 14171
Comments / More Information:
Comments / Gift Card Text (Limit 200 Characters):
Congratulations, Pete and Christy. We forever expect to be welcomed in your
home with cold liquids and frosty glasses.
Qty Name SKU Price Sub Total
1 Beer Dispenser SBC-500B $645.00 $645.00
Sub Total $645.00
Tax Total $0.00
Shipping: Ground $78.00
Grand Total $723.00
Most orders ship via UPS (large orders ship via truck, and some special order
items ship direct from the manufacturer). If your item ships via UPS, you
can track it here after it ships:
(use your order number)
Send us feedback:
Thank you for shopping at! Please keep us in mind for all
your kitchen and bar needs. Please come again!
Commercial quality supplies for restaurants, kitchens, and bars.
You also have been entered to win this month's prize in the
Monthly Drawings. More info is here:
This store is powered by ShopSite web catalog software. | 447,845 |
grigsby-m/deleted_items/420. | Commissioner.COM E-Reports for Big E '01 11/26/01 ,
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<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=4>Latest NFL Player News</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Keenan McCardell</B></A>, WR JAC - Neal/McKay <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>McCardell caught six passes for 80 yards against Baltimore. He has certainly raised the level of his play in recent weeks, and should be a solid Fantasy player down the stretch as opponents continue to focus on Jimmy Smith.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Stacey Mack</B></A>, RB JAC - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Mack rushed for 50 yards and two TDs and caught five passes for 45 yards against the Ravens. Despite his good outing, Mack remains a Fantasy risk be!
use of his inconsistency. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Qadry Ismail</B></A>, WR BAL - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The Jaguars held Ismail to three catches for 44 yards. Despite his quiet statistical performance, Ismail remains a must-start player for any Fantasy team. He is one of the most complete and underrated receivers in the AFC.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Jason Brookins</B></A>, RB BAL - Tori <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Brookins rushed for 82 yards and two TDs at Jacksonville, but also lost a fumble. The rookie RB is talented, but too erratic to be a Fantasy starter on most teams right now.</FONT></FONT><BR><!
<A HREF=""><B>Ron Dayne</B></A>, RB NYG - Neal/McKay <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Dayne carried the ball six times for 26 yards against Oakland. Don't depend on him for good numbers during the remainder of the season.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Tiki Barber</B></A>, RB NYG - Neal/McKay <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Barber rushed for 124 yards and a TD against Oakland, and caught five passes for 41 yards. He has played well recently, although his owners would still like to see him score on a more consistent basis.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="!
andom=734&key=235249&"><B>LaDainian Tomlinson</B></A>, RB SD - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Tomlinson was held out of the end zone, but he had a good day against Arizona nonetheless. The rookie tailback had 145 scrimmage yards, including 13 receptions, in San Diego?s 20-17 loss. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Doug Flutie</B></A>, QB SD - Russell <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Flutie had a solid game, throwing for 308 yards and two touchdowns against Arizona. However, he?s only worth starting when the matchup is to his advantage. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Jake Plummer</B></A>, QB ARI - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</F!
<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Plummer had a decent outing on Sunday, posting 241 yards and a touchdown against San Diego. Plummer, who also threw two picks, is only a reserve Fantasy quarterback at best. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>David Boston</B></A>, WR ARI - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Boston had another outstanding game, catching six passes for 121 yards and a touchdown against San Diego. He?s one of the most reliable Fantasy receivers in the league, and is worth starting on a weekly basis. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Willie Jackson</B></A>, WR NO - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Jackson had !
a !
good outing against New England, catching five catches for 78 yards and a touchdown. He may not be the most dependable Fantasy receiver, but he is worth starting in deeper leagues. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Joe Horn</B></A>, WR NO - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Horn had another solid outing, catching four passes for 97 yards against New England. He?s been a very dependable receiver in recent weeks and is worth starting on a weekly basis.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Tyrone Wheatley</B></A>, RB OAK - Giggles <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
In his return from a knee injury, Wheatley carried the ball five times for 17 yards. Zack Crockett was used more often in short-yardage packages, and Wheatley does not appear capable of starting for any Fantasy team in the near future. Even when he is fully healthy, he may not be able to take many carries away from Charlie Garner.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Antowain Smith</B></A>, RB NE - JWillie <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Smith had 153 yards of total offense and two touchdowns against New Orleans. After a slow start, Smith has become a pretty good weekly option for Fantasy Footballers</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Tom Brady</B></A>, QB NE - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</!
NT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Brady put up huge numbers against New Orleans, posting 258 yards passing and four touchdowns. He?s become a pretty reliable Fantasy player, and his performance will likely keep Drew Bledsoe on the Patriots? bench for another week.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Rich Gannon</B></A>, QB OAK - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gannon threw for 221 yards, three TDs and no interceptions against the Giants. He ignored rain-soaked conditions, and continued to look like the most reliable QB in Fantasy Football.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Frank Sanders</B></A>, WR ARI - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Hel!
tica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Sanders left Sunday's game against San Diego after re-aggravating a hamstring injury. He was replaced by MarTay Jenkins, and did not return to the game.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Eric Moulds</B></A>, WR BUF - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Moulds finally emerged from an extended slump, catching six passes for 196 yards and two TDs against Miami. He also lost a fumble, and Fantasy owners should still remember that Moulds has been a disappointment for most of the year. Don't be surprised if he follows his best outing of the year with a mediocre performance.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Alex Van Pelt</B></A>, QB BUF - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FA!
="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Van Pelt had another fine game, throwing for 309 yards, three TDs and one interception. He is definitely merits strong Fantasy consideration as long as he remains in Buffalo's starting lineup.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Oronde Gadsden</B></A>, WR MIA - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gadsden caught eight passes for 118 yards at Buffalo. He did not catch a TD pass, though, and lost a fumble. Gadsden is too unreliable to start for most Fantasy teams in these important final weeks.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Jay Fiedler</B></A>, QB MIA - Tori <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Fiedler threw for 262 yards, three TDs and no interceptions at Buffalo. His performance may have quieted talk of a QB controversy, but Fiedler is still too inconsistent to be a dependable Fantasy QB.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Donovan McNabb</B></A>, QB PHI - Russell <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>The Redskins held McNabb to 92 passing yards and 39 rushing yards, with no TDs or interceptions. Expect the Philadelphia QB to rebound quickly from such a quiet performance.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>James Thrash</B></A>, WR PHI - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Thrash caught four passes for 32 yards against Washington. He is too !
consistent to be a starter on better Fantasy teams as the playoffs approach. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Rod Gardner</B></A>, WR WAS - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gardner caught four passes for only 33 yards on Sunday. The rookie has slowed down considerably in the past few weeks, and now seems like a risk during the Fantasy homestretch. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Ki-Jana Carter</B></A>, RB WAS - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Carter saw extensive action on Sunday as Stephen Davis played through back problems. He carried 18 times for 56 yards, and is a good backup to have if Davis in on your Fantasy team. Davis has always been known to battle minor injuries.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Isaac Byrd</B></A>, WR CAR - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Byrd started in place of the injured Muhsin Muhammad on Sunday. He posted decent Fantasy numbers in Muhammad's absence, catching five passes for 69 yards in Carolina's 10-7 loss to Atlanta. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Muhsin Muhammad</B></A>, WR CAR - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Muhammad missed!
unday's game against Atlanta due to a shoulder injury. His status for next weekend's game against New Orleans is unknown at this time. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Derrick Alexander</B></A>, WR KC - JWillie <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Alexander caught two passes for 56 yards in his return from a rib injury. He was not open often, and Alexander may continue to be a Fantasy disappointment if he stays healthy.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Chris Chandler</B></A>, QB ATL - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Chandler had a subpar game on Sunday, throwing for only 132 yards against Carolina. The Falcons chose to attack Carolina with their ground game, which was the reason for Chandler's poor Fantasy numbers. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF=""><B>Derrick Alexander</B></A>, WR KC - JWillie <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 11/25/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Alexander caught two passes for 56 yards in his return from a rib injury. He was not open often, and Alexander may continue to be a Fantasy disappointment if he stays healthy.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="">More Updates</A><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Transactions, View !
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</CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Schedule, Breakdown </B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
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<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=48%><FONT SIZE=3><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>Giggles</B></FONT></FONT><TABLE BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR BGCOLOR="#e0e6df"><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Player</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Pos</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Points</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Culpepper, Daunte</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>QB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>12.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Bettis, Jerome</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>7.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Staley, Duce</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>9.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Conway, Curtis</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>11.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Johnson, Keyshawn</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>0.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Jurevicius, Joe</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>1.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Hollis, Mike</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>K</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>3.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Raiders</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>DT</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>6.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 BGCOLOR="#e0e6df" COLSPAN=3><IMG WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 SRC=""></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><B>TOTAL</B></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right> </TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right><B>49.0</B></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 BGCOLOR="#e0e6df" COLSPAN=3><IMG WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 SRC=""></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Wheatley, Tyrone</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>1.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Johnson, Rob</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>QB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>0.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Canidate, Trung</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>0.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">McAllister, Deuce</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>0.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Minor, Travis</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>4.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Warrick, Peter</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>2.0</TD></TR>
</TABLE><BR></TD><TD WIDTH=4%><IMG HSPACE=5 SRC=""></TD><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=48%><FONT SIZE=3><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>at Russell</B></FONT></FONT><TABLE BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR BGCOLOR="#e0e6df"><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Player</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Pos</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=2><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Points</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">McNabb, Donovan</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>QB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>7.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Garner, Charlie</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>15.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Holmes, Priest</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>19.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Harrison, Marvin</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>18.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Moss, Randy</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>2.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Gonzalez, Tony</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>TE</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>7.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Mare, Olindo</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>K</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>10.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Ravens</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>DT</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>5.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 BGCOLOR="#e0e6df" COLSPAN=3><IMG WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 SRC=""></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><B>TOTAL</B></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right> </TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right><B>83.0</B></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 BGCOLOR="#e0e6df" COLSPAN=3><IMG WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 SRC=""></TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Flutie, Doug</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>QB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>23.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Taylor, Travis</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>4.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Collins, Kerry</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>QB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>9.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Hilliard, Ike</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>WR</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>1.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">Huntley, Richard</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>5.0</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD2 ><A HREF="">White, Jamel</A></TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>RB</TD><TD class=TD2 ALIGN=right>1.0</TD></TR>
</TABLE><BR></TD></TR></TABLE><IMG WIDTH=1px HEIGHT=1px SRC=""><HR><CENTER>Copyright 2001 Commissioner.COM Inc and Inc.<BR>Your site can be reached from <A HREF=></A><BR><BR>FB10SP<BR></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE> | 144,275 |
arnold-j/deleted_items/409. | Phone Interview Results ,
Good Afternoon!
Please send me the results of your phone interviews.
I need to begin to contact these candidates to arrange their transportation to Houston.
Please e-mail a yes or no for your candidates.
John Arnold - Michael Scarlata/Donald Timpanaro/Jeffrey Zaun
John Forney/Frank Ermis - Brandon Cochran/Ruben Lorenzo/Nicholas Watson
Dana Davis - Carl Zavaretti/Sam Zhou/Yvan Go
Doug Gilbert-Smith - Augustin Leon/Brian McNamara/Zoya Raynes
Thank you!!!
x57302 | 5,293 |
kitchen-l/_americas/hr/146. | ,
We would like to thank you and your team for great preparation and execution of our PRC.
John and Louise | 258,138 |
steffes-j/california_issues/35. | FW: Direct Access Petition ,
Jim, do you have the call-in info on this? I should probably catch up with what is going on.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mara, Susan
Sent: Fri 9/7/2001 1:01 AM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Mara, Susan; Sharp, Vicki; Sanders, Richard B.; Williams, Robert C.; Kean, Steven J.; Shapiro, Richard; Dasovich, Jeff; Steffes, James D.
Subject: FW: Direct Access Petition
For our call set for 3 pm CDT
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Duncan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 7:03 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Direct Access Petition
Attached please find the draft Petition for Writ of Review before the California Supreme Court. We are currently working on the Memorandum of Points and Authorities and anticipate sending a draft sometime tomorrow morning. The Petition is based on the assumption that the Commission will adopt an order with retroactive application. If the Commissions issues an Order consistent with the draft Interim Decision published today, then retroactivity will not be an issue and there wll be no need to seek judicial relief (at least on that ground).
Enron Energy Services, Inc., is named as the Petitioner. I am uncertain, however, whether this is the correct name or entity.
The Petition must be filed in the Supreme Court because the Legislature conferred exclusive and original jurisdiction on it when Public Utilities Code section 1768 was enacted. The Petition does not address the timeliness of the request for Supreme Court review. Generally, all administrative remedies must be exhausted before a Petition is timely and Section 1768 appears to require that an application for rehearing be denied before a Petition can be filed. Since there will undoubtedly be an argument that the Petition is premature because there has been no application for a rehearing, the Points and Authorities (and probably the Petition) will discuss the timeliness of the Petition. The exceptions to the exhaustion doctrine should control making the Petition timely.
Dan Douglass and I will be available for your 1 p.m. conference call. If you need to reach me at any time my office number is (818) 596-2291, my cell number is (805) 796-2198, and my Email address is [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>. EWD | 453,446 |
solberg-g/deleted_items/852. | Fwd: letter about Afghanistan worth reading ,
I'm not forming an opinion, just thought it was worth reading...
>From: "Mari Hayes" <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>CC: [email protected]
>Subject: letter about Afghanistan worth reading
>Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 11:39:52
>I'm forwarding this as it expresses a lot of my sentiment, and I truly feel
>any kind of major military attack will open pandora's box, or a wasp nest
>if you like and the results will be disasterous. To have thousands more
>innocent people die is also an act of terrorism, it IS TIME to see where
>all the hate comes from and clean up our own backyard. 600,000 children
>have died in Iraq because of the sanctions, Afghanistan exists in the stone
>age...yes the Palestinians have committed acts of terror against the
>Israeli's, but the Israeli's have also terrorized the Palestinians. YES
>those that backed the crimes should be brought to justice but NOT at the
>cost of a lot more innocent lives...time to use some of their own tricks
>instead of going in with the heavy artillery, which kills indiscriminately.
>Hello all, I thought you might want to read this obviously heartfelt
>letter that was forwarded to me from an American that grew up in
>Afghanistan. I think the perspective is an interesting one and perhaps one
>that few of us have access to.
>Anne Sofia
>Dear Friends, Yesterday I heard a lot of talk about "bombing Afghanistan
>back to the Stone Age." Ronn Owens, on KGO Talk Radio allowed that this
>would mean killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with this
>atrocity, but "we're at war, we have to accept collateral damage," and he
>asked, "What else can we do? What is your suggestion?" Minutes later I
>heard a TV pundit discussing whether we "have the belly to do what must be
>I thought about these issues especially hard because I am from
>Afghanistan, and even though I've lived here for 35 years I've never
>lost track of what's been going on over there. So I want to share a few
>thoughts with anyone who will listen.
>I speak as one who hates the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. There is no
>doubt in my mind that these people were responsible for the atrocity in
>New York. I fervently wish to see those monsters punished.
>But the Taliban and Ben Laden are not Afghanistan. They're not even the
>government of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics
>who captured Afghanistan in 1997 and have been holding the country in
>bondage ever since. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a master
>plan. When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden,
>think Hitler. And when you think "the people of Afghanistan" think "the
>Jews in the concentration camps." It's not only that the Afghan people
>had nothing to do with this atrocity. They were the first victims of
>the perpetrators. They would love for someone to eliminate the Taliban and
>clear out the rats nest of international thugs holed up in their
>country. I guarantee it.
>Some say, if that's the case, why don't the Afghans rise up and
>overthrow the Taliban themselves? The answer is, they're starved,
>exhausted, damaged, and incapacitated. A few years ago, the United
>Nations estimated that there are 500,000 disabled orphans in
>Afghanistan--a country with no economy, no food. Millions of Afghans
>are widows of the approximately two million men killed during the war with
>the Soviets. And the Taliban has been executing these women for being women
>and have buried some of their opponents alive in mass graves. The soil of
>Afghanistan is littered with land mines and almost all the farms have been
>destroyed . The Afghan people have tried to overthrow the Taliban. They
>haven't been able to.
>We come now to the question of bombing Afghanistan back to the Stone
>Age. Trouble with that scheme is, it's already been done. The Soviets
>took care of it . Make the Afghans suffer? They're already suffering.
>Level their houses? Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble?
>Done. Eradicate their hospitals? Done. Destroy their infrastructure? There
>is no infrastructure. Cut them off from medicine and health care? Too late.
>Someone already did all that.
>New bombs would only land in the rubble of earlier bombs. Would they at
>least get the Taliban? Not likely. In today's Afghanistan, only the
>Taliban eat, only they have the means to move around. They'd slip away
>and hide. (They have already, I hear.) Maybe the bombs would get some
>of those disabled orphans, they don't move too fast, they don't even have
>wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul and dropping bombs wouldn't really be a
>strike against the criminals who did this horrific thing. Actually it would
>be making common cause with the Taliban--by raping once again the people
>they've been raping all this time
>So what else can be done, then? Let me now speak with true fear and
>trembling. The only way to get Bin Laden is to go in there with ground
>troops. I think that when people speak of "having the belly to do what
>needs to be done" many of them are thinking in terms of having the
>belly to kill as many as needed. They are thinking about overcoming moral
>qualms about killing innocent people. But it's the belly to die not kill
>that's actually on the table. Americans will die in a land war to get Bin
>Laden. And not just because some Americans would die fighting their way
>through Afghanistan to Bin Laden's hideout. It's much bigger than that,
>folks. To get any troops to Afghanistan, we'd have to go through Pakistan.
>Would they let us? Not likely. The conquest of Pakistan would have to be
>first. Will other Muslim nations just stand by? You see where I'm going.
>The invasion approach is a flirtation with global war between Islam and the
>And that is Bin Laden's program. That's exactly what he wants and why
>he did this thing. Read his speeches and statements. It's all right there.
>AT the moment, of course, "Islam" as such does not exist. There are Muslims
>and there are Muslim countries, but no such political entity as Islam. Bin
>Laden believes that if he can get a war started, he can constitute this
>entity and he'd be running it. He really believes Islam would beat the
>west. It might seem ridiculous, but he figures if he can polarize the world
>into Islam and the West, he's got a billion soldiers. If the West wreaks a
>holocaust in Muslim lands, that's a billion people with nothing left to
>lose, even better from Bin Laden's point of view. He's probably wrong about
>winning, in the end the west would probably overcome--whatever that would
>mean in such a war; but the war would last for years and millions would
>die, not just theirs but ours. Who has the belly for that? Bin Laden yes,
>but anyone else?
>I don't have a solution. But I do believe that suffering and poverty
>are the soil in which terrorism grows. Bin Laden and his cohorts want to
>bait us into creating more such soil, so they and their kind can
>flourish. We can't let him do that. That's my humble opinion.
>Tamim Ansary
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whalley-g/all_documents/220. | FW: DARWIN AWARDS ,
---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/EES on 05/17/2001
08:47 AM ---------------------------
05/16/2001 09:34 AM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES
cc: Kevin Hannon/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Why is it that a Canadian always seems to win the Darwin Awards?
----- Forwarded by Ken Rice/Enron Communications on 05/16/01 09:26 AM -----
[email protected]
05/16/01 08:46 AM
To: [email protected], [email protected], Ken Rice/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, [email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob and Sharyn Perkins [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 9:04 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Read it and shake your head in wonder.
> >> Hot off the press! The 2000-2001 Darwin Awards
> Are Here!! > The latest
> >> Darwin Awards update....
> >> 1. A Canadian man, searching for a way of
> getting drunk cheaply, because
> >> he had no money with which to buy alcohol, mixed
> gasoline with milk. Not
> >> surprisingly, this concoction made him ill, and
> he vomited into the
> >> fireplace in his house. This resulting explosion
> and fire burned his house
> >> down, killing both him and his sister.
> >> 2. A 34-year-old white male found dead in the
> basement of his home died of
> >> suffocation, according to police. He was
> approximately 6'2" tall and
> >> weighed 225 pounds. He was wearing a pleated
> skirt, white bra, black and
> >> white saddle shoes, and a woman's wig. It
> appeared that he was trying to
> >> create a schoolgirl's uniform look. He was also
> wearing a military gas
> >> mask that had the filter canister removed and a
> rubber hose attached in
> >> its place. The other end of the hose was
> connected to a one end of a
> >> hollow wooden tube approx. 12" long and 3" in
> diameter. The tube's other
> >> end was inserted into his rear end for reasons
> unknown, and was the cause
> >> of his suffocation. Police found the task of
> explaining the circumstances
> >> of his death to his family very awkward.
> >> 3. Three Brazilian men were flying in a light
> aircraft at low altitude
> >> when another plane approached. It appears that
> they decided to moon the
> >> occupants of the other plane, but lost control of
> their own aircraft and
> >> crashed. They were all found dead in the wreckage
> with their pants around
> >> their ankles.
> >> 4. A police officer in Ohio responded to a 911
> call. She had no details
> >> before arriving, except that someone had reported
> that his father was not
> >> breathing. Upon arrival, the officer found the
> man face down on the couch,
> >> naked. When she rolled him over to check for a
> pulse and to start CPR, she
> >> noticed burn marks around his genitals. After the
> ambulance arrived and
> >> removed the man - who was declared dead on
> arrival at the hospital - the
> >> police made a closer inspection of the couch, and
> noticed that the man had
> >> made a hole between the cushions. Upon flipping
> the couch over, they
> >> discovered what caused his death. Apparently the
> man had a habit of
> >> putting his penis between the cushions, down into
> the hole and between two
> >> electrical sanders (with the sandpaper removed,
> for obvious reasons).
> >> According to the story, after his orgasm the
> discharge shorted out one of
> >> the sanders, electrocuting him.
> >> 5. A 27-year-old French woman lost control of her
> car on a highway near
> >> Marseilles and crashed into a tree, seriously
> injuring her passenger and
> >> killing herself. As a commonplace road accident,
> this would not have
> >> qualified for a Darwin nomination, were it not
> for the fact that the
> >> driver's attention had been distracted by her
> Tamagotchi key ring, which
> >> had started urgently beeping for food as she
> drove along. In an attempt to
> >> press the correct buttons to save the
> Tamagotchi's life, the woman lost
> >> her own.
> >> 6. A 22-year-old Reston, VA man was found dead
> after he tried to use
> >> octopus straps to bungee jump off a 70-foot
> railroad trestle. Fairfax
> >> County police said Eric Barcia, a fast-food
> worker, taped a bunch of these
> >> straps together, wrapped an end around one foot,
> anchored the other end to
> >> the trestle at Lake Accotink Park, jumped and hit
> the pavement. Warren
> >> Carmichael, a police spokesman, said
> investigators think Barcia was alone
> >> because his car was found nearby. "The length of
> the cord that he had
> >> assembled was greater than the distance between
> the trestle and the
> >> ground", Carmichael said. Police say the apparent
> cause of death was
> >> "Major trauma".
> >> 7. A man in Alabama died from rattlesnake bites.
> It seems that he and a
> >> friend were playing a game of catch, using the
> rattlesnake as a ball. The
> >> friend - no doubt, a future Darwin Awards
> candidate - was hospitalised.
> >> 8. Employees in a medium-sized warehouse in west
> Texas noticed the smell
> >> of a gas leak. Sensibly, management evacuated the
> building, extinguishing
> >> all potential sources of ignition lights, power,
> etc. After the building
> >> had been evacuated, two technicians from the gas
> company were dispatched.
> >> Upon entering the building, they found they had
> difficulty navigating in
> >> the dark. To their frustration, none of the
> lights worked (you can see
> >> what's coming, can't you?). Witnesses later
> described the sight of one of
> >> the technicians reaching into his pocket and
> retrieving an object, that
> >> resembled a cigarette lighter. Upon operation of
> the lighter-like object,
> >> the gas in the warehouse exploded, sending pieces
> of it up to three miles
> >> away. Nothing was found of the technicians, but
> the lighter was virtually
> >> untouched by the explosion. The technician
> suspected of causing the blast
> >> had never been thought of as 'bright' by his
> peers.
> | 498,600 |
haedicke-m/all_documents/4777. | Side-by-Side Analysis Bankruptcy Legislation ,
Attached is a DRAFT TBMA/ISDA document comparing S.420 and H.R. 333.
Please note that this is a draft document and should not be circulated to
hill or regulatory staff at this time. The document compares each of the
relevant sections of the bill and includes comments on the preferred section
where the House and Senate provisions differ. Please do not hesitate to
contact me or Frank Hampton if you have any questions. Many thanks! --
<<Side-by-Side Analysis Bankruptcy Legislation.doc>>
Stacy Carey
Director North American Regulatory Policy
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
600 5th Avenue, 27th Floor
Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10020
(212) 332-1202 ph
(212) 332-1212 fax
(917) 543-9622 cell
[email protected]
- Side-by-Side Analysis Bankruptcy Legislation.doc | 152,801 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/484. | Minutes from call with City of Fresno, Attorney ,
I received a phone call today from David Hale, City Attorney, with the City
of Fresno. The following items below are issues that David brought up
regarding the CSU Fresno Project. They are centered around the CEQA document
that was provided to them.
? David can not make recommendations and/or comments to the City's Team with
the scope of the 115kV line from the PG&E Herndon/Bullard Sub. to the CSU
Fresno Sub. not being fully defined. i.e. overhead or under ground, PG&E or
CSU Fresno owning the line.
? David has numerous issues either way should PG&E owns the line or CSU
? David is investigating whether or not there is a public utility easement
located at Bullard. He indicated that the likelihood is high that there is.
? If PG&E installs and owns the line then there are set of rules that the
City has in place for this work to be conducted by a public utility governed
by the CPUC. The easement issues are broad under this scenario.
? David indicated that should PG&E install and own the 115kV line, that an
encroachment permit will not suffice. He indicated that a Conditional Use
Permit would need to be utilized.
? David stated that should CSU Fresno want to install and own the 115kV line
that this is an area that is "convoluted and complex". There would be a
tremendous amount of legal issues around this. i.e. can the City grant this
easement to the University? With the line being dedicated to the University
what does that mean? Does CSUF have a legal right to this easement?
? It sounds like the City has never dealt with this type of issue and does
not have set of rules and/or regulations dealing with this.
? David stated that he might be in the next meeting with the University, EES,
and Fresno.
I will advise everyone should there be any other developments in this area
prior to the upcoming meeting with the City. Let me know if you have any
comments or questions.
Rob Cone
Project Manager
Enron Energy Services
12647 Alcosta Blvd., Suite 500
San Ramon, CA 94583
Ph:925.543.3701, Fax:925.543.3550
Pager:888.397.5826 | 64,514 |
neal-s/inbox/204. | Re: Br. M Middleton'81 ,
On a serious note, I got a call from Larry this past week and he told me that Lee Christie's mom past away last Sunday. She was only 61. I've been playing phone tag with Lee to see how he's doing.
I don't think he has e-mail either or you could send him a note. Lee doesn't believe in the new technology.
If any of you on this list have other Phi's e-mail addresses send them to me and I'll compile a master list. We can trash talk all we want.
Bubba | 343,185 |
maggi-m/deleted_items/661. | TRV Notification: (NG - Price P/L - 05/31/2001) ,
The report named: NG - Price P/L <¤t_efct_date=05/31/2001>, published as of 05/31/2001 is now available for viewing on the website. | 298,728 |
stokley-c/chris_stokley/projects/sqmd/32. | FW: CES2139 Project Proposal Addendum 1 and Addendum 2 ,
I confirm that this work has been completed or is scheduled to be completed for the California ISO audit. I am unaware whether any of this should be included under the scope of existing contracts with CSC.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:50 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Lewchuk, Ken
Subject: CES2139 Project Proposal Addendum 1 and Addendum 2
Bob -
Attached are the Project Proposal addendums 1 and 2 and the Purchase Order
documents for the California ISO Audit #2 (CES2139). Please review the
documents at your earliest convenience. If the offers are acceptable to
EESO, please forward your acceptance to my attention via electronic mail
attached to this submission.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact
me at 614-737-1345.
Best Regards -
(See attached file: CES2139.California ISO addendum 2 081401.doc)(See
attached file: CES2139.California ISO addendum 1 081401.doc) | 458,276 |
parks-j/sent_items/408. | RE: Interview Itinerary ,
Margie, that time works with my schedule. Let me know when it is finalized.
-----Original Message-----
From: Moreno, Margie M. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 10:26 AM
To: Parks, Joe
Subject: Interview Itinerary
I have attached a copy of the Interview Itinerary. Please let me know
is this will work for you! Thanks.
Margie Moreno
Reliant Resources - HR Dept
713-207-8586 ph,713-207-0832 fax,713-421-5329 pg
[email protected] | 357,299 |
watson-k/sent_items/836. | RE: Time Reports Due Tomorrow ,
Audrey, I have no off duty time to report. Thanks, Kim.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robertson, Audrey
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 12:28 PM
To: Donoho, Lindy; Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK; Lokay, Michelle; McConnell, Mark; Watson, Kimberly; Y'barbo, Paul
Subject: Time Reports Due Tomorrow
Please submit....
Audrey D. Robertson
Transwestern Pipeline Company
email address: [email protected]
(713) 853-5849
(713) 646-2551 Fax | 496,699 |
mann-k/_sent_mail/1773. | Co Op City asset management agreement ,
Please check the last couple of pages and see if I'm close.
Kay | 300,238 |
lay-k/inbox/485. | values ,
Dear Ken,
I would like to apologize for not responding to the survey at the beginning of September. It wasn't a statement or anything. We were just up to our ears in a project that had to go out on the Wednesday following Labor Day. And the "well, I'll fill it out during lunch" is never a really good idea. Lunchtime disappears so quickly.
So by way of apology I am sending you this letter with some thoughts and observations about life at Enron. I hope you don't think I'm "line jumping" by doing this. But I've observed that surveys often get you information you want, not information you need. The numbers on the survey look good. But there's always room for improvement.
I'm very pleased that you're once again involved in the day-to-day operations. I'm also very glad that you're emphasizing our values. I have to admit that they weren't the reason I came to Enron-I needed a job-but as soon as I was here, they became a major reason for staying. It's not just another job, if the values are believed and followed. The perks are nice, but I bet that the values have as much to do with our being named a great place to work as anything else.
I wonder, though, if everyone shares my-our-view. There was a rumor going around the day after the all-employee meeting that senior management was not happy when you announced we were going to reaffirm our values. That strikes me as a little too soon after the meeting to be totally credible, and I really can't picture senior management telling people what they really think about our values or anything, if they really think that way.
I also don't doubt that it's true. We seem to have gone from a company that treasures its intellectual capital and people to one where reorganizations and "disappearances" are more the order of the day. Although it's gotten a little better, our values right now seem to be FUD-a computer industry term for fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Many people-myself included-spend a lot of time looking over our shoulders as we go through seemingly constant reorganization and reevaluation, waiting for the other shoe to drop-on us. Rumors (the whole unit is being phased out) were rampant, and it didn't help when the PEP scores came out with no indication why (really low) scores were given, or, more importantly, how we could go about improving our performance.
This doesn't strike me as the best way to increase productivity or esprit d' corps.
We need to add value to the values. As part of my initial orientation, Joe Sutton asked us to define and give examples of our values. A couple of months later, Jeff Skilling addressed "Enron at a Glance." He spent serious time explaining the importance of the values, too. Hey, I thought, these guys are serious about this stuff.
Since then, though, all my reinforcement about our values comes from the elevator, right after The Building Guy.
Last spring, we were all trooped over to the Doubletree to see the harassment players, costing a fair chunk of time and money, I'm guessing. So which, in my puny little brain, is more important? Where the dollars go, or the occasional reference in what somebody considers otherwise dead time?
There are ways we can adjust. I would like to suggest two possibilities. First, I would like to propose a refresher course in our values. Take time out of our days. Get in experts. Hire a hall. Give us cookies. Heck, maybe even lunch. Make the bigwigs in each unit do off-sites. They like off-sites.
We'll get the idea. This is important.
One other notion. You may recall bumper stickers that read, "Commit Random Acts of Kindness." I would like to suggest a "Random Acts of Values" award. Actually, I wouldn't want to make it an award. "Random Acts of Values" recognition? captured? Maybe.
I'll keep doing the day in and the day out, because it's the right thing to do, not because of an award. But recognizing what we think is important might give a boost to some other people. It will at least raise the profile. And it would also tell us something if the recognition was going to everyone except senior management. I'd really hate to see my rumormonger proven true.
I know we have the Chairman's Award. But I'm no Mark Herada. I would need two lifetimes to do half of what he's done. The Chairman's Award is really important, and I will nominate someone. People like Mark truly deserve it, and I know a couple. But it's one award, once a year.
We should recognize little moments. I have no idea how we would capture them, and I don't know what to do with a guy who is really respectful today and tomorrow resumes being a jerk. But we can figure out something.
And I'm suspecting that you really wouldn't be terribly bent out of shape if you had to recognize 20,000 values moments, especially if they were one per person.
John | 272,108 |
lavorato-j/calendar/31. | Mtg w/Keith Dodson ,
Asst: Barbara Hooks x55100 | 264,651 |
kaminski-v/deleted_items/1183. | conference invite for Vince Kaminski ,
Vince Kaminski
Dear Mr. Kaminski:
I invite you or someone from your group to speak at a conference on Gas
Volatility and Storage Valuation, to be held 10-12 October in Houston.
Invited participants include modelers from Aquila, Williams, and El Paso,
market participants from HNG Storage and Consumers, storage expert Ken
Beckman of International Gas Consulting, and software vendors Lukens,
Caminus, and Pros Revenue Management. INFOCAST is the conference organizer.
I invite you, or someone from your group, to present on "Implied Volatility
from Options." Other presentations in this session include:
? Estimating Volatility in NYMEX Futures
? Estimating Volatility in Spot and Basis
The session is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, 10 October 2001, as part
of the preconference workshop.
I will call you follow up on this invitation. Please feel free to reply via
e-mail, or call me at the number below.
I look forward to discussing this with you.
Todd Strauss
Director, Quantitative Analysis
PG&E National Energy Group
7600 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 280-5523
[email protected]
PG&E National Energy Group and any other
company referenced herein that uses the PG&E name or
logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and
Electric Company, the regulated California utility. Neither
PG&E National Energy Group nor these other
referenced companies are regulated by the California Public
Utilities Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company
do not have to buy products from these companies in order
to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility. | 211,896 |
ruscitti-k/deleted_items/66. | Career Opportunity: Associate with Cornerstone Research ,
Dear Alumni,
Cornerstone Research is searching for Associates for their offices nationwide.
MBA candidates with backgrounds in economics, finance and/or accounting are
highly encouraged to apply. Interested candidates can
send their cover letters (including location preference,
they have offices in Menlo Park, CA, Boston, MA, New York,
NY and Washington, D.C.), and resume attention to:
Associate Recruiting Director - EP
Cornerstone Research
1000 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 853-1660
Thank you.
Who We Are
Cornerstone Research is a leading financial/economic
consulting firm that specializes in providing attorneys
with expert testimony and economic and financial analyses
in all phases of commercial litigation. Our staff of more
than ninety consultants works closely with prominent
faculty at many top universities. Our work includes
developing economic and financial damages models,
conducting market research to analyze driving forces behind
business successes and failures, and supporting experts in
writing expert reports and preparing for trial testimony.
Cornerstone is involved in a broad variety of cases. We
analyze factors affecting the stock and option prices of a
company, study the impact of regulatory changes on the
development of an industry, determine the effects of a
firm's activities on its competitors, and research
historical merger and acquisition events. Our work has
involved highly visible events and legal issues. Some of
our recent cases have examined the failures of many
Internet high-tech ventures, the collapse of the savings
and loan industry, price fixing, insider trading, and large
corporate mergers. Our clients come from a variety of
industries, such as commercial and investment banks,
consumer goods producers, and leading technology and
telecommunications firms.
For further details, check our website at
Associates at Cornerstone
Associates are central to case work at Cornerstone. In the
initial stages, associates actively participate in the
formulation of the work plan and the analysis of issues.
As the case progresses, associates handle the complex
aspects of a case directly, while managing and advising
analysts. They work with senior staff, experts, and
clients to develop case strategy and to determine how best
to communicate our findings. An associate's
responsibilities include:
? Identifying key economic and financial issues
? Conducting in-depth research and analyzing relevant data
? Creating analytical frameworks, and building economic and
financial models
? Presenting complex findings to counsel
? Participating in the preparation of expert reports,
declarations, and other work product
Company Culture
We provide friendly and cooperative working environment.
Even with the significant growth over the last couple of
years, we have maintained a non-hierarchical collegial
culture. We recruit associates with a long-term
development perspective instead of 'up-or-out' mentality.
Associates are encouraged to take initiatives and
leadership roles in both case work and company business
Candidate Profile
Our current associates and managers include MBAs from
Stanford, Chicago, Duke, Wharton, Yale, Carnegie Mellon,
etc. The ideal candidate should have the ability to
develop structured case-cracking strategies and creative
solutions, present concise explanations of complex
analyses, and independently manage projects and junior
staff. Candidates should have strong background in
finance, accounting, or economics, as well as strong
communication and writing skills. We offer
industry-competitive compensation.
Interested candidates should send a cover letter which
includes your location preference (we have offices in Menlo
Park, CA, Boston, MA, New York, NY and Washington, D.C.),
and a resume to:
Associate Recruiting Director - EP
Cornerstone Research
1000 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 853-1660
MBA Career Management Center
The Anderson School at UCLA
Entrepreneurs Hall, C201
Phone: (310) 825-3325
Email: [email protected]
Web: | 383,246 |
sager-e/sent_items/211. | FW: WSPP Export Authorization [second transmission because of ,
Hi Steve
Attached is notice from Mike Small of the WSPP that we need to provide him info/$ if we want to continue to export to Canada under WSPP. It looks like we are currently on the approved list. Can you make sure we want to continue to be on approved list (I assume we do but....) and send materials to Mike. Thanks - hope your surviving OK
ps I'll be out of the office next week on vacation so ...see ya
-----Original Message-----
From: "David Berman" <[email protected]>@ENRON []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:08 AM
To: Sager, Elizabeth; [email protected]
Subject: WSPP Export Authorization [second transmission because of possible e-mail difficulties]
[second transmission because of possible e-mail difficulties]
Please see attached.
David Berman
Wright & Talisman, P.C.
(202) 393-1200 (phone)
(202) 393-1240 (fax)
[email protected] (e-mail)
- export authorization update.pdf
- export authorization update.doc | 388,050 |
shackleton-s/all_documents/9505. | Bear Stearns ,
Kaye: Can you please fax a confirm for me? It's in my office. Thanks.
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
[email protected]
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2001 04:39 PM -----
Jeff Nogid
02/28/2001 03:57 PM
To: Shackleton Sara
Subject: Bear Stearns
Please fax the confirm to 212/272-9857
Jeff Nogid
Enron Global Finance
713-853-4782 | 419,369 |
lay-k/deleted_items/930. | Demand Ken Lay Donate Proceeds from Enron Stock Sales ,
Juana Castanheira
1857 NW 139th Terrace
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
[email protected]
To Mr. Ken Lay,
I'm writing to urge you to donate the millions of dollars you made from selling Enron stock before the company declared bankruptcy to funds, such as Enron Employee Transition Fund and REACH, that benefit the company's employees, who lost their retirement savings, and provide relief to low-income consumers in California, who can't afford to pay their energy bills. Enron and you made millions out of the pocketbooks of California consumers and from the efforts of your employees.
Indeed, while you netted well over a $100 million, many of Enron's employees were financially devastated when the company declared bankruptcy and their retirement plans were wiped out. And Enron made an astronomical profit during the California energy crisis last year. As a result, there are thousands of consumers who are unable to pay their basic energy bills and the largest utility in the state is bankrupt.
The New York Times reported that you sold $101 million worth of Enron stock while aggressively urging the company's employees to keep buying it. Please donate this money to the funds set up to help repair the lives of those Americans hurt by Enron's underhanded dealings.
Juana Castanheira | 270,264 |
davis-d/sent_items/11. | RE: Full Requirements - Due Dilligence Items ,
This is for you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Meyn, Jim
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 10:42 AM
To: Presto, Kevin M.; Davis, Dana; May, Tom; Llodra, John; Will, Lloyd
Cc: Duran, W. David
Subject: Full Requirements - Due Dilligence Items
I've been asked to pull together a "road-map" of the list of due dilligence items that need to be vetted on full requirements deals for Origination's off-site meeting next week. I have drafted an initial list, attached below, but would appreciate any feedback you can offer on additional items or detail. Thanks
- Jim
<< File: full requirements road map.doc >> | 85,585 |
griffith-j/deleted_items/79. | SCS CLOSING CRUDE STRADDLES 1-29-02 ,
- 1_29_02LO.xls | <;> | 141,745 |
jones-t/all_documents/2114. | United Oil & Minerals, Inc. ,
Did you do this yet, they need worksheets.
---------------------- Forwarded by Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000
09:55 AM ---------------------------
From: Tana Jones on 06/14/2000 08:56 AM
To: Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: United Oil & Minerals, Inc.
Master Firm Purchase/Sale Agreement
Master Agreement for Financial Transactions
Are you going to be sending me some credit?
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000 08:55 AM -----
George Weissman
06/12/2000 04:31 PM
To: Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jill T Zivley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa
Graves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: United Oil & Minerals, Inc.
Master Firm Purchase/Sale Agreement
Master Agreement for Financial Transactions
Attached is a Contract Preparation Request for a Master Firm Purchase/Sale
Agreement for the generic physical transactions with United Oil & Minerals,
Please provide Credit Department approval to Tana Jones to prepare a Master
Agreement for Financial Transactions for the same counterparty.
George x3-6992 | 182,537 |
haedicke-m/inbox/550. | ISDA PRESS REPORT - NOVEMBER 12, 2001 ,
* ISDA Publishes Credit Publishes Credit Derivatives
Convertibles Supplement - ISDA Press Release
* ISDA Debuts Credit Derivatives Number At $631.5 Billion In
OTC Market Survey - ISDA Press Release
* ISDA reports growth in credit protection - Financial News
* Supranational Studies First Use Of Credit Derivatives -
Derivatives Week
* Basle study suggests changes to the Accord - IFR
ISDA Publishes Credit Publishes Credit Derivatives Convertibles Supplement
ISDA Press Release - November 9, 2001
NEW YORK, Friday, November 9, 2001 - The International Swaps and Derivatives
Association announced today that it has finalized and published the
Supplement Relating to Convertible, Exchangeable or Accreting Obligations.
The Supplement and Commentary can be accessed under the What's New section
of the ISDA's web site.
The Convertibles Supplement addresses the treatment under the 1999 ISDA
Credit Derivatives Definition of certain types of convertible and
exchangeable obligations, as well as the treatment of accreting obligations,
such as zero-coupon bonds, low coupon bonds issued at a discount and
non-discounted bonds that accrete during their term. "The Convertibles
Supplement represents the consensus of a diverse range of constituents in
the credit derivatives markets, including portfolio managers, credit
protection sellers and dealers," said Robert G. Pickel, Executive Director
and CEO of ISDA.
ISDA Debuts Credit Derivatives Number at $631.5 billion in OTC Market Survey
ISDA Press Release - November 9, 2001
NEW YORK, Friday, November 9, 2001 - The International Swaps and Derivatives
Association (ISDA) announced today that the global notional outstanding
volume of credit derivatives transactions was $631.497 billion for the first
half of 2001. While still modest in relation to interest rate products, this
figure is expected to remain on a strong upward trend compared to more
mature derivative product areas.
Polling member firms for the first time on credit derivatives transactions,
ISDA surveyed total notional outstanding volumes for single name credit
default swaps, default swaps on baskets of up to ten credits, and portfolio
transactions of ten credits and more. 83 ISDA member firms supplied data on
these products. Interest rate and currency derivatives growth was 3.573% in
the first half of the year among members that also reported to ISDA at
year-end 2000. For these firms, total notional outstanding volumes increased
from $53.267 trillion to $55.170 trillion. Total notional principle of
interest rate swaps, interest rate options and currency swaps for all
surveyed firms dipped to $57.305 trillion from $63.009 trillion last year.
Among top ten dealers, there was also a minor decrease in volume from
$35.648 trillion to $35.532 trillion.
"Shifting product use is a reflection of a more uncertain global market
environment," said Thomas K. Montag, Vice-Chairman of ISDA and Chair of the
Association's Market Survey Committee. "The market for credit protection has
an obvious appeal during times of economic downturn," said Mr Montag, a
Managing Director of Global Interest Rate Products and Asia FICC, and
Co-President of Goldman Sachs (Japan), Ltd.
The survey, which is compiled twice yearly by Andersen LLP, is performed on
a confidential basis. It is complemented by the more comprehensive survey
produced quarterly by the Bank for International Settlements. Of the 83
member institutions providing outstanding notional volumes figures in the
ISDA interest rate and currency derivatives survey, 67 were participants in
the previous semi-annual survey.
Isda reports growth in credit protection
Financial News - November 12, 2001
Available upon request - [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
Supranational Studies First Use Of Credit Derivatives
Derivatives Week - November 12, 2001
The European Investment Bank, a multinational lender with a EUR215 billion
(USD192 billion) loan portfolio, is considering using credit derivatives for
the first time as a means of hedging its credit risks next year. Officials
at the EIB in Luxembourg said the lender is currently conducting an internal
review on the credit derivatives market and is weighing whether it makes
sense to use products such as single-name default swaps to mitigate risk.
"Credit [derivatives] would be a completely new field for us," said Luis
Pacheco, an official in the credit-risk department in Luxembourg, noting the
bank has used foreign exchange swaps in the past on the back of its bond
offerings but has not used any derivatives on its loan portfolio.
The lender hands out EUR36 billion per year, EUR30 billion of which is
within the European Union, to highly rated banks and corporates. Two-thirds
of the loans go to highly-rated banks with credit ratings in the A range
with maturities of 15-25 years, which then loan money to small and
medium-sized enterprises. The remaining third goes to corporates across the
credit spectrum in five to 15-year tenors.
Pacheco said the EIB will accept default swaps in place of bank guarantees,
which it now requires as a means of hedging risk on the bulk of its
long-term lending, if the market is deemed liquid enough. Officials were
unable to quantify potential usage of credit derivatives given the early
stage of the discussions.
Credit derivatives pros were excited to hear of the EIB's discussions. "It's
just a matter of time until the credit derivatives market becomes more like
the interest-rate swaps market and what we're seeing now is the initial
phase," said one trader, adding, "I'm not surprised."
Pacheco and other EIB officials said the reason behind the review is because
the default swap market is more liquid and as a result may offer more
attractive pricing for debtors. "The advantage is the portfolio approach,"
commented one official. The EIB has considered using credit derivatives in
the past, although it found "the market was not developed enough and so we
were not interested," said Pacheco. The supranational is analyzing the
market now to see if that has changed in terms of liquidity and critical
mass in the last year as is expected. "Now we want to see the new situation
of the market and to see if we can use it in our business," he said. He
declined comment on potential counterparties.
Basle study suggests changes to the Accord
IFR - November 10, 2001
Banks could face higher capital charges under Basle II's internal ratings
based (IRB) foundation approach to credit risk reserving than its more
advanced, standardised approach.
Contrary to the Baste Committee on Banking Supervision's desired results,
the IRB foundation approach's minimum capital requirements would be 14%
higher among large G-1O banks, the regulators' quantitative impact study
(QIS) found.
Under the standardised approach, these banks would see their requirements
increase 6% on average. An average change of - 5% was reached when banks
were asked to calibrate credit risk using the IRB advanced approach laid out
in the Committee's January proposal, according to the QIS released last
To address the fact that the approach slated as the less intensive yielded
higher charges, and to understand better the impact that the January
proposal would have on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the
Committee is conducting a follow-on impact study.
The January proposal's corporate and retail risk weight curves and its
method for recognition of physical collateral and receivables may be
modified as a result of this study, the regulator said last week. The
January draft was not balanced because it was biased towards the views of
large banks engaged in large corporate lending activities, noted one
industry official.
The corporate risk weight curve under the new QIS is likely to reduce the
capital requirements for many SME borrowers relative to the January
proposal, the Committee said. Additional work is also under way aimed at
assessing the probable impact of applying separate risk weight curves for
residential mortgage exposures and for other retail exposures. Under the
Committee's January proposal, the IRB approach treated all retail exposures
using the same risk weight curve.
The impact of assuming a 45% loss-given default (LGD) for loans fully
secured by non-property physical collateral and a 40% LCD for loans fully
secured by receivables will be examined in the new QIS. "Under the January
proposal banks with the foundation approach have no incentive to use most
forms of collateral," said Marc Intrater, managing director at Oliver, Wyman
in New York.
Other than commercial and residential property collateral, the January
proposal did not recognise physical collateral or trade receivables as
collateral. As such, loans fully secured by either received a 50% LGD. Banks
that use collateral for their secured lending and do it well generally
experience a reduction in credit risk. The Committee's decision to undertake
a follow-up impact exercise is widely viewed as revisionist, say market
participants. Similar moves earlier this year appear poised to result in
changes to the January proposal, they note.
"There is a lot of waiting until the final accord. But most banks realise
that even though the accord does not come into effect until 2005, getting
ready for it requires a lot of lead time," said Intrater. The Baste
Committee plans to release a final version of its proposed accord in
**End of ISDA Press Report for November 12, 2001**
Scott Marra
Administrator for Policy and Media Relations
International Swaps and Derivatives Association
600 Fifth Avenue
Rockefeller Center - 27th floor
New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 332-2578
Fax: (212) 332-1212
Email: [email protected] | 154,501 |
Subsets and Splits