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aries | general | 2020/06/17 | There's a great day ahead of you, Aries. You'll be blessed with the ability to solve problems, and others will come looking for you today. You'll listen, understand, and express empathy. You'll be wise enough to find solutions to any issues they present to you. After a day like this, you might ask yourself if you shouldn't work as a therapist. |
aries | general | 2020/06/18 | People will understand and appreciate your desire to stand out from the crowd today, Aries. This isn't a sign of arrogance on your part. It's just that you're particularly perceptive right now and people need your good advice. Since you're ready to step into the spotlight and shine like the stars that are giving you all this wonderful energy, go for it. You'd kick yourself if you let this opportunity pass. |
aries | general | 2020/06/19 | You are very interested in technological breakthroughs and innovation, Aries, especially if it has some benefit for individuals. Since you also concern yourself with social issues and subjects like psychology and spiritual therapies, you realize the importance of progress in these areas for the future. You also wonder where you fit in. |
aries | general | 2020/06/20 | Stress from overwork could have you feeling weaker than usual. You might be tempted to stay at home, get some rest, and recoup your energies. Do this if you can, Aries. Otherwise, you may not be able to give your project the concentration it needs, and therefore may not accomplish as much as you think you should. If you feel you can't stay home, try to work alone so you won't be distracted. |
aries | general | 2020/06/21 | This is a good day to stand up for yourself and make it known that you aren't a pushover, Aries. Use the powerful energy of the day to follow through on projects that may have lost momentum. Pick up the reins and take control of the direction of your life. Feel free to be more aggressive than you normally would. Show others your incredible worth. |
aries | general | 2020/06/22 | The planets align to make this a great day for you, Aries. You should find that your mood is excellent and your mind focused. Romance will thrive in the nice, stabilizing atmosphere, and you should feel free to take center stage. If you've been suffering from any doubts lately, now is the time to take control of the situation and go for it. |
aries | general | 2020/06/23 | This is a good day to add spark to your life, Aries. If things have seemed boring and stagnating lately, you may need to infuse a bit of excitement into the situation. Add flair and dynamism to the mix. Take matters into your own hands and actively pursue your goals. You have a strong inner sense of where you need to go. Trust your instincts and move in that direction. Don't hesitate. |
aries | general | 2020/06/24 | Success on all levels is filling your life and making you feel absolutely wonderful, Aries. The downside of this is that you might be a little too conscientious. Are you putting in a lot of extra hours? Be discriminating about this. Don't work harder than you need to. You could stress yourself out to the point where you tax your strength too much. That won't get you anywhere. Pace yourself. |
aries | general | 2020/06/25 | You've been doing well, Aries, but today you might be feeling more focused than ever. The path ahead seems clear and well defined. You're looking forward to the future with motivation and anticipation. You might be considering a travel adventure or perhaps going back to school for an advanced degree. Today is a good day to start doing some research and finalizing your plans. Go to it. |
aries | general | 2020/06/26 | You probably crave solitude, Aries. Even though you may have committed to doing something for a friend or relative, now you find the idea irritating. You could have some tasks of your own that you'd rather work on, or you might simply want to go for a workout and burn off some tension. The latter idea is a good one. Perhaps if you exercise early, you'll feel more like fulfilling your obligations. |
aries | general | 2020/06/27 | There's a conflicting push-pull aspect at play that may leave you feeling a bit unsure of how to proceed, Aries. On the one hand, you feel like you want to plan and get your emotions stabilized so you can function at full capacity. On the other hand, there may be something pulling you into the clouds. This is your heart talking. Listen to it and find a compromise between the two energies. |
aries | general | 2020/06/28 | Today you might hear about opportunities to increase your income, Aries, either through your current employment, a new job, or perhaps a project of your own. You're likely to channel a great deal of energy and inspiration to this end. Others may want to pitch in and help you. You're liable to feel energetic and optimistic. This, in turn, can help you attract more opportunities. Go for it! |
aries | general | 2020/06/29 | Today is a day to shine, Aries, so make sure you're giving it your all. Get the credit you deserve for all you do. Try not to fall into self-pity. Be yourself and people will naturally follow your lead. Now is an excellent time to make some plans for the future. Stay grounded and on target with your goals. Make sure you aren't thrown off course by other people's whims. |
aries | general | 2020/06/30 | A good tip for you to remember is to be careful about what you say about others, Aries. If you're talking about someone who isn't present, act as if he or she is. What is your motivation for saying those things? Is it necessary to speak in such a manner? A negative comment about someone else is going to resonate in the cosmos. People could lose trust in you. |
aries | general | 2020/07/01 | You might experience a great deal of emotional confusion today, Aries. There's a debate brewing inside you. You're having a hard time deciding whether to pursue the practical or the fanciful. Looking to others for help could only add to the confusion, so take their advice with a grain of salt. If nothing seems clear to you, then wait it out and proceed when you have a better handle on things. |
aries | general | 2020/07/02 | Your solid footing may become a bit unstable today, Aries, but don't worry about it. Be a little more flexible and release your tightfisted grip on the situation. Infuse a bit of laughter and playfulness into things. You'll find that the exchange of ideas is a critical part of the day. Get out of the house and enjoy lighthearted conversations whenever possible. |
aries | general | 2020/07/03 | A great deal of attention will center on your emotions today, Aries, although being centered in and of itself will be quite the challenge. You may feel like a yo-yo at the mercy of someone else's hand. Don't fall prey to victimization. Stand up for yourself even if it means that others are likely to get upset. You're responsible for your feelings and no one else's. |
aries | general | 2020/07/04 | You may have found yourself having some issues with food lately, Aries. It could be that your sense of self-worth isn't at its highest and you're trying to make up for it by sabotaging your relationship with your body. Food is healthy nourishment that you need to survive. Your body deserves respect. You need to always give it the proper fuel that it requires to be healthy. |
aries | general | 2020/07/05 | Mix your reality with a bit of fantasy today, Aries. Allow your feet to come off the ground for a little while. Give yourself a rest. Take some time to meditate and clear your mind of your daily worries. Calming, relaxing activities are the best way to spend the day. Spend time communicating with friends and feel free to go deep into conversations regarding outlandish subjects. Allow yourself to dream. |
aries | general | 2020/07/06 | Your Florence Nightingale side might make an appearance today, Aries. Your default defense is to take care of yourself and others. That's fine, but make sure you do it in a way that doesn't deplete your vital life force. The key is to offer advice and then leave the situation. You aren't responsible for others' actions. Offer information but leave the final decision up to the person you're trying to help. |
aries | general | 2020/07/07 | Act on your instincts today, Aries, and you won't go wrong. You may need to give up a bit of control and put logical thinking aside for the day. Let the wind take you where it wants you to go. Explore your mind and its interactions with others. You'll find that it will be just about impossible to solidify any plans. You're better off exploring options and comparing notes with others. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of thinking. |
aries | general | 2020/07/08 | You'll find little comfort in your emotions today, Aries. You may want to simply stick to business. Concentrate on getting things done in your regular routine. Create a plan and stick to it. This isn't a day to deviate from the norm, nor is it a time in which you'll find sympathy from others. Stick close to home and take care of your personal business. Time is precious - don't waste it. |
aries | general | 2020/07/09 | Come out of serious mode for a day and let yourself laugh, Aries. Sponsor a game night at your home and invite some good friends over to play cards and nibble on snacks until midnight, if possible. This is a day to have fun, so let loose and be free to express yourself in the best way you see fit. Realize how much power you have in your jovial nature. |
aries | general | 2020/07/10 | This is a great day to develop any latent talents you've wanted to explore, Aries, particularly those involving the arts. You might want to try working with friends who have the same talent. This could not only lead to some good advice but also bring you two closer. However, this isn't a good day to deal with practical paperwork, so let that sort of thing go for a little while. |
aries | general | 2020/07/11 | It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in your heart. Try not to take things too seriously, Aries. This is the key to maintaining a level head throughout the day. Do things with passion and take care of any detective work that needs to be done. There are important facts coming to you from unexpected sources. |
aries | general | 2020/07/12 | Your slow and steady approach may need a sharp kick in the pants today, Aries. Don't withhold your opinions. This is a time to get it all out on the table, despite the tension that it may cause. Strong forces are at work, so don't be surprised if things get a bit more heated than you're used to. The fact is that incredible breakthroughs can be made through disagreements among different types of people. |
aries | general | 2020/07/13 | The possibility of some future houseguests might have you checking your home to see what needs to be done to make it presentable. It may need a few minor repairs, Aries, and you could do some online shopping to dress the place up a little. Books might give you some workable ideas. Your mind might be working more quickly than your body, however. Take care not to push yourself too hard. |
aries | general | 2020/07/14 | Your financial affairs could look especially rosy now, Aries. Some benefits are definitely coming your way, although everything isn't quite as promising as it seems. You could well find yourself with less than you were hoping for. Think of whatever gain may be coming as something extra, but don't count on it. That way, whatever comes will be a welcome bonus rather than an irritating disappointment. |
aries | general | 2020/07/15 | Relations with those you care about continue to be warm and supportive. Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project, Aries, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future. This is also a good day to turn your attention to repairing, redecorating, or refurnishing your home. |
aries | general | 2020/07/16 | Today might be a bit difficult, Aries, because you aren't likely to be as productive as usual. You won't have much to say, and you'll feel sleepy and somewhat grumpy. In other words, it's the perfect day to go back to bed with that novel. Take a nap - or several naps - and follow your desire to do as little as possible. There will be plenty of time to catch up on work. |
aries | general | 2020/07/17 | New communications equipment may make whatever work you do that much easier to do, Aries. You might have some doubts about your ability to use it, but don't worry. You'll be able to deal with it as well as anyone. You'll find that it will open up new doors for you, both with regard to compiling information and staying in contact with old and new friends. Go to it! |
aries | general | 2020/07/18 | You may be in an especially nurturing mood today, Aries. You might reach out to every living thing around you, from plants to pets to friends, children, and romantic partners. There's a danger of being too helpful and supportive, which some could find stifling. Your loved ones like to see you relaxed and happy, so channel some energy into indulging yourself. Go for a massage or other treat. Live a little! |
aries | general | 2020/07/19 | You may be feeling a bit reserved today, Aries, especially when it comes to issues involving love and romance. Follow your instincts and know that your hesitation isn't unfounded. Sometimes it's good to slow down and question the road you're on. Just don't doubt yourself to the point that you become too frustrated that you can't take the next big step forward. |
aries | general | 2020/07/20 | New opportunities to advance your professional standing may arise, Aries. The aspects bode well for business and money. Promising new projects may present themselves. Your tendency to serve and nurture others should strengthen your work relationships, so morale on the job takes a tangible upswing at this time. Warmth and affection for friends, children, romantic partners, and even casual acquaintances should increase and enhance relationships. |
aries | general | 2020/07/21 | Here's a reminder that it's OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hear them. There may have been recent arguments with a partner, but those should subside now, thanks to today's serene feelings. Perhaps you've gained greater insight into the cause of the tension. Share this with the person you've been arguing with. |
aries | general | 2020/07/22 | You might surprise a few people with your words and actions, which could seem out of character for you, Aries. Don't be surprised if you don't think or act like your normal self. There is a streak of the oddball inside you that wants to have its day in the spotlight. Let that part of you shine through by wearing your plaid pants with a polka dot shirt and furry orange hat. Wear bright, expressive colors that show off your willingness to stand out in a crowd. |
aries | general | 2020/07/23 | Things should be going your way right now, Aries. Feel confident about yourself and your decisions. Let your inner glow radiate outward and show people that you have a great deal of love to offer. Practice what you preach. You lose respect when you act contrary to the way in which you insist the people around you act. Feel your power from within as opposed to trying to get it from others. |
aries | general | 2020/07/24 | Your brain is likely to be working overtime, Aries. Things were going along just fine until you suddenly ran into an unexpected snag that kept you from where you want to be. It's as if the hamster wheel you've been running on suddenly jammed. Even though you're still working just as hard, the wheel simply won't turn. Perhaps it's time to step off and take a break. Get some perspective. |
aries | general | 2020/07/25 | Don't be so nosy about others' affairs today, Aries. If you were meant to be included in the conversation, you'd have been invited. Suspicion of other people's actions and motives will only cause them to lose their trust in you. Keep any abrasive and critical thoughts to yourself. Perfection is a hot topic in your mind. Realize that the only person you can control in that department is you. |
aries | general | 2020/07/26 | You might have to do a bit of adjusting today in order to experience a harmonious understanding with the people around you, Aries. Adopt a feistier and more aggressive attitude toward love and romance if you want to receive any attention in that area. Feel free to go for the gold. Sitting back and lying low will most likely get you nowhere. Take the initiative. Be brave and go out on a limb. |
aries | general | 2020/07/27 | Today you should work to tune into the larger, slower-moving trends in your life, Aries. Consider making some long-term monetary and emotional investments. There is a great deal of prosperity available to you now, but beware of deception on the part of others. Watch out for fast talkers and people who promise everything yet deliver nothing. Have confidence that you can decipher what's real and what isn't. |
aries | general | 2020/07/28 | You'll find that your brain is extra sharp today and you have a greater sense of clarity regarding your purpose in life. It could be that your nurturing instinct is high and your general self-esteem depends on how useful you can be to the people around you. It may seem as if you're everyone's parent or watchful older sibling. Give people the advice they need to grow and be wiser. |
aries | general | 2020/07/29 | Regardless of how you feel today, Aries, it's important to own up to your mistakes. Keep in mind that you're responsible for your actions. No matter how much you might want to shrink away, it's important to stand up and admit your weaknesses. Take bold action today in which you command control of the situation and hold yourself responsible for the consequences. |
aries | general | 2020/07/30 | This is going to be a rather intense day, Aries. On the positive side, you'll accomplish a lot. On the less positive side, you may be exhausted by the end of the day. You're advised to try and pace yourself. Remain focused on what's truly important rather than let yourself get caught up in trivia. Keep the big picture in mind and the little things will take care of themselves. |
aries | general | 2020/07/31 | You seem to be filled with questions, Aries. Some of them are big, some trivial. All you know is that they preoccupy you, and the answers aren't readily apparent. Don't fret. All that will change by day's end. The planetary configurations are such that all the confusing events of recent days will begin to make sense. Your world will once again seem calm and orderly. Enjoy it. |
aries | general | 2020/08/01 | Your brain and warrior instincts agree today, Aries. Team up with others who share similar thoughts and desires. Conversations can be extremely rewarding. You're apt to learn a lot about yourself. Don't be afraid to share deep thoughts and emotions. Your willingness to express yourself demonstrates how comfortable you are with your actions and feelings. |
aries | general | 2020/08/02 | Sit back and observe others' behavior today, Aries. Take a look at the people around you and figure out what makes them tick. You'll find that you can learn a great deal from their actions and mistakes. Consider your role models and people you wish to emulate. Think about the traits that attract you to certain people and work to adopt those traits yourself. |
aries | general | 2020/08/03 | Don't get pulled off track by empty promises today, Aries. Someone may try to sell you oceanfront property in the middle of Iowa. Beware of things that sound too good to be true. People may be talking quite a bit, but in reality, they probably have nothing to say. Don't waste your time trying to make sense of useless drivel. You've got more important things to do. |
aries | general | 2020/08/04 | Travel arrangements may have to be put off because of unexpected developments that keep you where you are, Aries. You may be worried about the consequences, but don't waste your energy. You'll be able to make the necessary trip and accomplish whatever you're hoping to do - just not today. Worry will only stress you out. The only productive way to deal with this is to keep moving. |
aries | general | 2020/08/05 | The emotional swings that you could feel today might put a damper on your fantasy world, Aries. Remember that it's up to you to nurture these dreams. Try not to let the emotional tides of the day affect your long-range strategy for realizing your most treasured visions. Spend time by yourself if that makes you feel better. Don't give up. |
aries | general | 2020/08/06 | Your mind is buzzing like a bee, Aries. You're apt to find that there's very little you can do to slow it down. Make sure you add compassion to the chain that's holding everything together. Also make sure that you don't become a victim of your thoughts by losing control over how you act simply because the voice in your head has completely taken over. |
aries | general | 2020/08/07 | Have you been looking for a new job, Aries? If so, you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhaps at a social gathering, if possible. This could mean that someone unexpected brings it to your attention, or it could be a job in a new and unusual field. One way or another, as weird as it seems, it's worth consideration. Look into it and get all the facts before acting. |
aries | general | 2020/08/08 | Vivid dreams are likely to cause you to wake up feeling angry for no clear reason, Aries. You might want to take a close look at your dreams and try to analyze them so you can understand the source of your anger and how best to get over it. Later today, some disconcerting news about money is likely to prove groundless, so don't get stressed out. |
aries | general | 2020/08/09 | Changes taking place in your home could cause some temporary frustration tense nerves on the part of family members, Aries. Perhaps you're moving or refurnishing or trying to do a thorough cleaning and everyone is getting into everyone else's way. Just try to get the job done as quickly as possible. Once it's done, tempers will subside, and all will be well. |
aries | general | 2020/08/10 | Today a deep concern for others' feelings could have you lending a sympathetic ear to those in need of some understanding. It's more important to listen than talk now, Aries, even though your practicality might want to express itself. Your affairs should go smoothly, bringing you a lot of satisfaction. Don't be surprised if you shed a few tears of joy at some point. |
aries | general | 2020/08/11 | Today you could be hit with some exciting news, Aries. This could involve new people or equipment coming onto the scene or an entirely new project or course of action that you'd never have dreamed of. This is likely to be a lucky break for you, as it probably suits your skills and talents nearly perfectly. Make the most of this opportunity. It could make a big difference to you. |
aries | general | 2020/08/12 | Does your job have a good profit-sharing plan, Aries, or do you own company stock? If so, expect to hear that its value has skyrocketed beyond what anyone had hoped. This is worthy of celebration. You and your colleagues should do just that. A romantic interest might offer congratulations. This trend is likely to continue. You might be a millionaire someday. |
aries | general | 2020/08/13 | A sum of money above and beyond your usual income could come your way. This could be a bonus, settlement, or even a gift of some kind. You could put it to work making changes in your home, perhaps repairs, perhaps remodeling or redecorating. This may seem like a daunting prospect, but you'll have the energy and enthusiasm in addition to the money. Go to it. |
aries | general | 2020/08/14 | You may feel like you're being tested in some way and must prove that what you're doing is valid and correct, Aries. Fortunately, you should feel an emotional boost that will help you be confident about who you are, regardless of what other people think. The biggest tests are those that you give yourself. You are your toughest critic. Take concerted steps to go easier on yourself. |
aries | general | 2020/08/15 | If your lifestyle is very different from others, resist feeling self-conscious about it today, Aries. Remember that you chose your life for specific reasons. Even if you're considering a change, there's no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to make his or her own way. If it conforms to the norm, that's fine. If it doesn't, that's fine, too. |
aries | general | 2020/08/16 | Take charge of your health today, Aries. You'll likely wake up feeling energetic. Take advantage of the energy boost from the planetary movements to actively do things that maintain your sense of well-being. Consider emotional and spiritual aspects of your health. Sit outside in the fresh air. Take a walk, do some gardening, engage in something creative and physical. |
aries | general | 2020/08/17 | When was the last time you used a pen and paper, Aries? The keyboard has all but replaced these wonderful tools. In the same way that walking provides more than fresh air, the kinesthetic value of writing's rhythmic motion is far more soothing and healing than people realize. Moving your hand across the page can feel good. It unlocks places within that typing can't access. Try it. |
aries | general | 2020/08/18 | This is an excellent day to express your natural creativity, Aries. The arts will more than likely be very important to you. You may find that nothing brings you more pleasure on days like this. Consider putting this to good use by painting, sculpting, or doing crafts. You'll find the perfect thing for you is engaging in art activities with a focus on giving. |
aries | general | 2020/08/19 | Are you satisfied with your current career, Aries? If not, start by making a plan. There are specific steps that you can take to give you the greatest advantage in the opportunities available. Consider visiting online career sites. There are wonderful articles and tips for the taking. Don't settle for less than you deserve. See what's out there and find a more fulfilling career. |
aries | general | 2020/08/20 | You might feel more energetic than you have in a long time, Aries. A powerful energy that increases your mental acuity and physical strength can really help you finish anything that's pending. If you managed to accomplish so much already that you have time to spare, it's fine to help others with their load. Be sure to put yours first, though. |
aries | general | 2020/08/21 | Try not to lose sight of your own projects or desires, Aries. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if you aren't careful. Have confidence in yourself and don't back down if things get too confrontational. Take control of the car you're driving instead of just coasting haphazardly down the hill. |
aries | general | 2020/08/22 | There's a fiery tone to the day that can't be ignored, Aries. You may find that adjustments need to be made in your own plan of attack in order to get on the same page with other people. Don't worry if things don't go according to your plans. In fact, the best route to take is the one that wasn't even planned. Do something that you've never done before. |
aries | general | 2020/08/23 | Your intuition is likely to be very keen today, Aries. Accurate psychic insights could come to you thick and fast. Your imagination is also strong, and you might come up with ideas to enrich your home, work, or anything else on your mind. Don't be surprised if you seem to know what others will say before they even think of it. Write down any premonitions to verify later. |
aries | general | 2020/08/24 | Today you should be looking especially good and feeling particularly passionate and sensual, Aries. This is a great day to buy new clothes online, as your fashion sense is probably right on target. Racy novels and romantic movies may seem more appealing than usual. This is a great day to be alone with a love partner, if possible. Try to do this early in the day so there won't be any conflicts. |
aries | general | 2020/08/25 | You may run into a great deal of frustration if you try to fight the current circumstances, Aries. The key is to take whatever situation you're in and make the best of it. Whining and moping about your position won't make things better. You have great gifts to be proud of and thankful for, so don't throw them away by thinking that they have no outlet. Create your own reality. |
aries | general | 2020/08/26 | The key for you today is to not take things too seriously, Aries. You'll find that the more you deliberate over a decision, the harder it will be for you to make. You may miss your opportunity while you're weighing the facts. Be spontaneous. Try something you've never tried before. Vary your experiences so things don't get boring. Variety is the spice of life. |
aries | general | 2020/08/27 | All things domestic are highlighted, Aries. It could be that you've finally called the plumber or set out to do those household repairs yourself. New people are likely to come into your life. In fact, they may try to finagle an invitation for dinner, if possible. All you can expect today is the unexpected. Have some extra food on hand and see what happens. |
aries | general | 2020/08/28 | Travel of any kind might be virtually impossible today, Aries. Airports could be jammed, flights delayed, and planes plagued with mechanical problems. If you're traveling by car, expect road construction and backed-up traffic. Stay home if you can. If you must travel, take plenty of music and books to keep you occupied while you're waiting. You're likely to go nuts otherwise. |
aries | general | 2020/08/29 | It you’re able to attend a social event today, Aries, you won't feel like talking. You could be content just to listen to what everyone else says, feel at peace, and enjoy the warmth, music, and company. You may have been spending too much time at home and could well need to get out for a while. Relax, sit back in your chair, and enjoy yourself! |
aries | general | 2020/08/30 | It's probably in your nature to want to include everyone in your plans today, Aries. Perhaps you're running around making sure everyone is being cared for. More than likely, your nurturing instinct is coming out, so feel free to spread this love around. Be careful not to sacrifice too much of yourself as you do this. |
aries | general | 2020/08/31 | Today you may feel bored and frustrated with your life's direction, Aries. You feel buried under responsibilities, with no time left to do what you really want to do. You have other interests to pursue but no time to pursue them. It's frustrating. You might want to rethink your priorities. If you're creative about time management, you'll be able to find some time. |
aries | general | 2020/09/01 | Your mind may be a little cloudy most of the day, Aries, and you could find it hard to ground yourself. It may be that you're trying to navigate by the stars, but unfortunately, the clouds have moved in and there are no reference points to be seen. The good news is that the skies should clear later, and you'll find there's nothing but smooth sailing for the rest of the night. |
aries | general | 2020/09/02 | This should be a fortunate day for you, Aries. Everything you try to do should go fairly smoothly. Relations with others are warm, friendly, and congenial. Any chores or other pending work should be completed quickly and efficiently. If you've been planning to start a new project, this is the day to get going. Romance should be intense and passionate now, so make the most of it! |
aries | general | 2020/09/03 | You could get upsetting news regarding your job, Aries. There could be a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears about job security, but they're probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you'll probably be better off than you were before. |
aries | general | 2020/09/04 | There may be some tension today as you try to stabilize your emotions, Aries. There could be a force at work out there that's rather impersonal and detached. More than likely, this force doesn't relate as much to how you feel as it does to how well you've done the job. Stick to your tasks in a practical, grounded manner. |
aries | general | 2020/09/05 | Aries, a long-awaited letter or call could come from a love partner or beloved friend, bringing much happiness into your life. Don't be surprised if the person needs a shoulder to cry on. You could experience some powerful psychic insights today, and this might be a bit frightening. Don't let that get in the way of seeing these revelations objectively. They could be important. |
aries | general | 2020/09/06 | Today is a good day to ask for a raise or consider other ways to increase your income, Aries. Superiors will be in a receptive mood and likely feeling more benevolent than usual. This is a good time to study and consider investment possibilities, but it isn't a good time to make investments. The facts may differ from what you read or hear. Wait about a week before deciding. |
aries | general | 2020/09/07 | Perhaps you've been planning a trip or a return to school for a long time. However, Aries, a rather disturbing letter or phone call could jeopardize your plans and leave you teetering on the edge of disappointment. If you look at the situation carefully, you may find that it doesn't set you back that much. You can take care of it without sacrificing what you want. |
aries | general | 2020/09/08 | There's an adventurous side to today that you should latch onto. Try not to get weighed down by the little things in your life that don't really matter much. Look at the big picture and understand the importance of having great breadth of vision. There's a whole world to explore out there, Aries, so get going. There may be a few surprises today, so be ready for anything. |
aries | general | 2020/09/09 | You like to be honest with those you care about, but today you're likely to be a bit too honest. Don't be too quick to take offense and watch the tendency to be too blunt. If you temper your honesty with some diplomacy, you should get your message across with a minimum of hurt feelings. You create win/win situations that way. It's best for all involved. |
aries | general | 2020/09/10 | Don't let others' bad moods get you down, Aries. And don't feel it's your responsibility to cheer them up. Their moodiness is their business, not yours. You could be a little bit anxious today, and allowing yourself to be negatively influenced by others will do you no good at all. The general atmosphere will improve in a few days. |
aries | general | 2020/09/11 | Your health should be in top shape today, Aries. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and move ahead. An increased understanding of the needs and desires of others enriches your relationships. Take heart from past success, continue as you are, and enjoy your day. |
aries | general | 2020/09/12 | Stress could have you feeling uncommunicative today. You probably aren't going to want to talk to anyone, even your dearest friend, Aries. This might prove difficult, as people around you are going to ask for advice and help. Keep your cool. This feeling will pass, and you won't want anyone to think you're upset. Go to lunch alone, and tonight crash into bed with a good book. |
aries | general | 2020/09/13 | A financial windfall might open new doors for you, Aries, and you could consider making some major changes in your life. You might think about moving to a nicer home. Romance is definitely on your mind. If you aren't already involved in a domestic situation, you might consider it seriously right now. Change can be frightening, but these changes are good. Don't hesitate. |
aries | general | 2020/09/14 | Ask for help if you need it, Aries. Your nature is to serve others, but in order to maintain that energy, make sure that you're taken care of as well. Offer extra support to the people you love. In work-related issues, make sure that you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Delegate tasks to others. Pamper yourself tonight with a hot bath and a good meal. |
aries | general | 2020/09/15 | Yes, you may have another cookie, Aries. Enjoy it and don't feel guilty. Guilt is useless. Today, get rid of regret. Express your emotions but don't dwell on them. Your sensitivity is acute, so put up your psychic shield. You might pick up on others' intense energy, so be careful. Sympathize with others, but don't take on their garbage. They need to take out their own trash. |
aries | general | 2020/09/16 | Affection blooms in close relationships as you tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of those around you. Communication should be clear, open, and honest without being brutal. Social events should prove especially enjoyable today, Aries, as you're likely to attract interesting people with intriguing and useful information. Reading could also prove beneficial now. Enjoy your day. |
aries | general | 2020/09/17 | You could feel like a millionaire today, Aries. Money matters seem to surpass your expectations. You might want to spend time fixing up your home or perhaps shopping for yourself. Do you have plans to video chat tonight? A sexy new item might make your friend's eyes pop! Increased self-confidence adds even more juice to an already enhanced appearance. Dress in your favorite colors and have fun. |
aries | general | 2020/09/18 | You could be quite busy today as friends from far away call for long-overdue conversations, Aries. You'll probably spend as much time as you can catching up on the latest news, but don't go overboard. Your friends want to talk to you, but they aren’t judgmental. Talk about whatever is on your mind, and don’t worry about making a good impression. The truth is more important than bragging. Enjoy visiting. |
aries | general | 2020/09/19 | You might not get the things done that you want to do today, Aries, but don't sweat it. Go easy on yourself if you still have a few unchecked things on the list tonight. People may pop out of nowhere and demand your attention for much of the time. Listen, be present, and try not to think of the things that aren't getting done. Focus on those things that are getting done. |
aries | general | 2020/09/20 | Does your house look like a cyclone hit it? Your tidy nature should drive you to clean it up. In the course of wading through the mess, don't be surprised if you discover some objects you thought you'd lost forever. Once you finish, you'll probably find that the place looks beautiful, better than it did before it was messed up. Something good can indeed come out of chaos. |
aries | general | 2020/09/21 | There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aries. Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossible to work together. Adjustments are needed if everyone is going to work to the best of their abilities. If you're in a position to handle this, do it now. If you aren't, distance yourself from the situation. It's the only way to stay sane! |
aries | general | 2020/09/22 | The time is right to pursue training for a particular skill or finish a degree in a field of interest to you, Aries. Presently, great success and good fortune are indicated when you assert your considerable energy and focus on the subject matter. If you've been considering honing your communication skills, consider a writing course. Perhaps you want to organize a long-desired trip. |
aries | general | 2020/09/23 | An opportunity to increase your income by working in an artistic or innovative manner could come your way today, Aries. Technologies like film or computer graphics may be involved. You may have doubts about your ability to take this on, but that's only your insecurity. Don't be timid. Have a little confidence in yourself. Consider it all carefully. If it seems workable, go for it! |
aries | general | 2020/09/24 | A friend may have some juicy gossip for you, Aries. Perhaps someone is getting married. You aren't the type to put too much stock in gossip, but your friend could be so convincing that you believe everything. Be skeptical! What you're hearing may not be outright lies, but it could be exaggerated. Wait until you see the people in question before accepting it as truth. |
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