How did you collect urls?
Thank you for your fantastic work! I'm so impressed!
I want to create my own dataset by using the Flickr API to extract URLs and metadata of all CC-BY licensed content on Flickr. According to the public license information on Flickr's website, it seems that I can generate a dataset of about 95 million items.
I am running the code below, trying to extract URLs in ascending order of the posted date using 'date-posted-asc'. However, the number of results returned by the search is sparse, and I cannot extract the predicted number of URLs.
Which API and args did you use to extract these URLs? (or do you have any plans to make cc-by version of this dataset? haha)
Thank you!
from flickrapi import FlickrAPI, exceptions
import json
import os, time
import time
import zipfile
from tqdm import tqdm
key = "xxxxxxx"
secret = "xxxxxx"
wait_time = 0.
flickr = FlickrAPI(key, secret, format='parsed-json')
per_page = 500
now = time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 # photos of yesterday
# load checkpoint
with open('meta/count') as f:
count = int(
with open('meta/min_upload_date') as f:
min_upload_date = str(
while int(min_upload_date) < now:
for page in tqdm(range(1, 5)):
zip_path = f'./data/{count:09n}.zip'
json_path = f'./{count:09n}.json'
result =
extras='url_h, url_m, url_s, licence, date_upload, description'
photos = result['photos']
json_data = json.dumps(photos)
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
zipf.writestr(json_path, json_data)
count += per_page
min_upload_date = photos['photo'][-1]['dateupload']
except exceptions.FlickrError:
# write checkpoint
with open('meta/min_upload_date', mode='w') as f:
with open('meta/count', mode='w') as f:
I'm not planning on a CC-BY version of Megalith. I think provides a reasonable baseline for CC-BY training (though it's a subset of YFCC from 2014, not the full Flickr API output).
To collect URLs I used the same
API you're using.
Specifically, I started from a search of the entire time window (ending in 2022, to avoid AI slop) and recursively subdivided a tree of search queries until there was only a single page of results for that search (at which point I would process that "leaf node" and save the results). This worked around the non-uniform distribution of timestamps as well as the 4000-max-results-per-search issue. I also used thread parallelism on the top few levels of the tree to speed things up.

I tracked progress as the proportion of the total time range that had been successfully processed.
You can probably do something similar with conventional Flickr scrapers like, but I wrote my own from scratch for the educational value.
Thank you for your quick response!
I could reproduce that!
Thank you!