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22,232,332 | How efficient is the border wall vs the existing border protecting techniques? | Any border system that is not patrolled and / manned is an exercise in futility regardless of height, thickness, etc. Whether it is a fence, a ditch or a wall makes no difference, the effectiveness is simply in the manpower assigned to it., The Israelis have built a border control system that has some success but the critical part is monitoring., , In some locations, they have built walls (8 metres tall or more) but they are manned continuously., A fence system like this is cheaper than a wall and if breached is quicker and cheaper to repair., If you are talking about the Trump wall, understand a few minor details that do not correspond with his “alternative facts”., The Israeli wall costs about a billion dollars a year to maintain and is about 1/8 the length of the Mexican / American border. American labour and maintenance costs are higher than Israeli costs., The Israeli wall is close to populated area (by North American standards) so the patrolling personnel are living close to work. The Mexican / American border has areas that are essentially uninhabitable and the cost of positioning patrolling personnel will be a factor of ten higher., The Israeli wall is patrolled by both the Border Police and the Israeli Army. The American Army does not do that kind of work., The budget of the US Border Protection Services is about sixteen billion dollars a year. Maintaining the Trump wall will require an increase in that budget of between 50 and 100%. Manning every mile of that wall will increase costs even further., Half, if not more, of all illegal immigrants now enter the USA legally on visitor or short term work visa’s and simply overstay. The wall will be something to point and chuckle at as they pass through. If a wall comes up, then more people will come through the gates. The numbers will not change., The number of illegal immigrants in the USA has fallen from it’s peak and more and more of them are long term residents - ten years or more. That translates into fewer and fewer illegally entering the country., The only way to stop illegal immigration is to penalise the people that hire illegal immigrants. No one risks jail and deportation for access to a McDonald’s. They come for jobs. If no one will hire them, they will stop coming., The Trump wall will raise costs, cost a lot to build and will not work., Thanks for the A2A |
4,335,580 | What are the documents required for TAN Number? | Document required to apply for TAN Number., Proof of Identity, Proof of Address, Proprietor PAN Card along with 5–6 photos, Reference or Security, Proof of business enterprise address |
21,412,254 | Why can I not SSH into my server ( after deleting its route? | Really? It might not seem as such but when you delete route to local network you effectively disconnect that network.. . Why can I not SSH to my server after disconnecting the network?. So you are basically asking |
3,979,014 | How many ladies wear vintage fully fashioned nylons? | I do on special occasions like weddings they look so good on do love the seams and this is something my other sisters will do as well Most of the time i just wear stockings some times with seams and most of my sisters will wear tights But for the special times we all love to wear fully fashioned nylons it makes us feel so sexy |
22,466,883 | There was an example of a pharmaceutical company who developed a cure or treatment for a disease specifically for something in African but found there was no profit as people were too poor so it quietly discontinued the drug. Did this really happen? | Not that I know of, but here’s another, more subtle, story: In 1981 Merck began marketing ivermectin as a veterinary antiparasitic. By the late 1980s, ivermectin was the bestselling veterinary medicine in the world. A Merck scientist, Mohamed Aziz, collaborated with the World Health Organization to test the safety and efficacy of ivermectin in humans against River Blindess (onchocerciasis). They found it to be highly safe and effective, so Merck registered ivermectin for human use as "Mectizan" in France in 1987. A year later, Merck agreed to donate all ivermectin needed to eradicate River Blindness., So, almost the opposite situation. There was already a drug, it was found to be effective for an African disease in a very impoverished part of Africa, but rather than discontinue it, they gave it away., On the other hand, lithium carbonate was used since 1843 for kidney stones. gout, urinary calculi, rheumatism, mania and depression. but it wasn’t until 1948, John Cade found a used explicitly to end manic episodes, in what was then known as manic-depression, now called “bipolar disorder”. Lithium carbonate has ever since been the main treatment for bipolar symptoms. Unfortunately this form of lithium is very hard on the kidneys. Usually blood tests are requires for the first weeks and months because of a condition sometimes called “going toxic” on lithium, which can be fatal. It is so hard on the kidneys that they work extra hard to process the lithium, and therefore large doses are necessary. Long-term use (and it’s not too unusual for it to be used for decades) causes renal diabetes insipidus. Almost all bipolar patients eventually have to give up lithium eventually because kidneys don’t continue to be able to regenerate and heal to a functional level, as patients get older., There’s also lithium citrate, which is a bit more gentle, but there’s also different forms of lithium used as dietary supplements in the US, that have much less kidney complication, (Note they are offered in much, much lower doses as supplements). Two are: lithium oratate and lithium aspartate. Hypothetically, they could also be given in lower doses than lithium carbonate, as the body absorbs the ionic lithium better and the kidneys don’t try to process it so hard., No pharmaceutical companies are actively researching oratate or aspartate to see if they would be just as effective for lithium carbonate for bipolar disorders. The patent is long ago expired, so no commercial venture would profit much from proving alternative forms of lithium would be less harmful. And of course, in some “non-compliant” patients, doctors see an advantage to doing the blood tests to confirm the patients are actually taking the medication daily according to prescription. Psychiatrists are long used to patients who say they take their medications, but throw them out. With blood tests, they know for sure, at least in the initial months., Lithium is used globally for bipolar illnesses and schizaffective disorders, it’s not a matter of impoverished customers. Many patients don’t get effective results from other mood stabilizers, which are either anticonvulsants (that is, substances that were discovered originally for preventing seizures) or antipsychotics. I knew someone who went “toxic” on lithium (probably partly because she went on a hard drinking binge), went into a coma and had severe memory impairment for months afterwards. She tried an alternative, valproic acid, (Depakote), found it ineffective and went back on lithium. I was shocked the psychiatrist went back to lithium fairly quickly, but the psychiatrists I talked to said it was not unusual for some people to find lithium to be much more effective than anything else., The motives of pharma companies are complex, and usually their researchers are actually very eager to find treatments. The possibilities of profits and losses for research are very complex., Could the world be doing a much better job at searching for medicines, and specifically less profitable medicines. Yes, absolutely. But when it comes down to pointing fingers at who are responsible for this mess; politicians, Wall Street, universities’ research, the American medical systems run on principles of unfettered capitalism, etc. Well, it’s not so easy to untangle the good guys from the bad guys. It definitely could be better |
13,146,900 | What should I do to convince my boyfriend about marriage if he refuses the idea? | You shouldn't convince anyone into marriage if they have explicitly stated that that is not in their plans. People are pretty set on their ways. Even if you give them an ultimatum and they eventually agree, down the line they will resent you and you will resent them. It's like setting yourself up for failure. If marriage is deeply what you want, maybe they are not the right person for you. |
23,649,066 | Who kills Tarkin? | Luke Skywalker. Tarkin dies along with the rest of the crew on the first Deathstar., , Grand Moff Tarkin., , Obi-Wan told Luke to trust his feelings and use the Force. Luke does and makes a great shot. |
71,377,506 | What would happen if we stop learning more about health and safety? | We’d likely become less healthy, and less safe. Or, at a minimum, we wouldn’t become MORE healthy and MORE safe., Anything we learn about H&S and apply to our lives is, in general, a good thing. Some folks go overboard with it and become “Howard Hughes” types… hiding in their caves, afraid of germs and accidents to an extreme, and in those cases… well, it’s a bad thing., Most of us, fortunately, are able to take the information, balance it against our desires and enjoyments in life, and find a good balance; but it never hurts to keep learning as we go!, MJM, who will NOT however read that book about how bad chocolate is for you! |
8,022,755 | How much do military people get in entitlement? | “Military people” is so vague as to be totally meaningless. Please revisit. |
17,436,402 | I need a poem about bad dream own poem how can I write about it? with similes and metaphor alliteration | The ghastly ghost arouse from my sleeping soul
with bloody sword and grinning gall
bringing forth my fetid fetishes in vast view
“Behold, your wretched weakness, weakling!”
And with bony finger pointed past peering peaks
Where my humiliations halved my heart and hurt my humors:
Asleep, my body groaned and grimaced, seemingly blind to the horror.
The laughing Lord vanquished my vanity while viewing my shame.
My body sweat into the sheets, ignorant of my tortured mind;
My heavy hands clenched continuously, clearly cultivating controlled chaos
My mind measured miles mathematically making me mad, mad, mad
While despairing devastation developed dutifully during dreams of depradations
Gasping, gray, galloping, I awoke, heart hammering heavily, and cried “Begone, devil, shall I never get a night’s sleep?” |
8,150,685 | Can you get paid for installing/using solar power? | I don’t know where you live so obviously it depends on whether there is any “feed in tariff” (money paid by the electricity company for supplying electricity to the grid) available in your part of the world., We are in Scotland, certainly not noted for it’s sunshine but even so we generated 3605 kW hr last year for which we were paid £942. In addition I reckon we saved about £250 - £300 by using high consumption appliances when the panels were generating. |
1,887,113 | How did Jack get the Black Pearl? | Throughout the original Pirates trilogy, Jack’s backstory is hinted at: he was a young man with the East India Trading Company, he was aboard one of their slave ships as a sailor, and there was a mutiny. Jack was on the side of the rebellion, and saved 99 souls from death. Jack was also thrown overboard as a punishment for treason, and he was dying in the water. Davy Jones heard his prayers and raised him from the briny deep along with the Black Pearl to Captain for a set number of years. Time passed, and the start of Dead Man’s Chest is Bootstrap Bill Turner being sent to inform Jack that it’s time to pay the piper. |
92,901 | What is Paul Krugman’s ideal economy? | ”. What is Paul Krugman’s ideal economy?. “, Whatever will get him the highest paying government job, just like his hero Lord Keynes. |
17,561,416 | Do you always get the most basic, cheapest car insurance possible? Why or why not? | Never. I don’t even have the lowest rate possible. I want proper coverage to insure that I will not be bankrupted if I were severely injured by an uninsured or underinsured driver OR if I hit someone.
I also am very particular about my AGENT and I’ve been proven right many times as my other family members either sought to go with the “cheap” or were not particular about the agent. When they eventually had claims they were sorry.
Cars are CHEAPLY constructed these last few decades. If you stare really hard at some they need repairing. Not much of an exaggeration. So even a tiny tap in a lot can be a BIG expense.
I’ve never hit anyone, thank God. Hope that will always be a true statement. I can only control MY driving. AND bad things DO happen to good people. The sun DOES get in peoples’ eyes; people sneeze at the wrong time; a wave of pain can come over someone and distract him; many bad things can happen with NO evil intent but if there is an accident, then there is the aftermath to clean up.
As the expression goes: The cheap comes out expensive. |
12,672,777 | What is psychological intervention? | There are many kinds of psychological interventions., An intervention can be as simple as something you say to yourself, to interrupt your thoughts when your thoughts and feelings are headed in a direction you know will result in anger depression, and/or negative behavior., It can also be something that a counselor, therapist, or other individual uses to get you to stop and think about what you're doing before you continue onward towards a bad outcome. Sometimes this involves confronting someone gently about their behavior., Many years ago while I was still teaching anger management I was in the midst of a divorce. My soon-to-be ex-wife was leaving my daughter at home alone while she was only in third grade. Her mother was frequently too depressed to supply food for the household despite the fact that I offered to shop and pay for food. I did not want to damage our, already difficult, relationship and wanted custody of my daughter. I designed an intervention for myself that worked so well that it got me through a very difficult divorce without getting angry., Evwery time something outrageous happened, when I began to feel provoked, I used my intervention. My intervention was a simple sentence that I reminded myself to say., “If I love my daughter and my daughter loves her mother, to truly love my daughter I have to be loving to her mother.”, Because it was really true in my mind, it made a powerful intervention and kept me from acting out angry behavior. |
25,634,140 | Why were the players on England taking off their medals? | This question gets asked a lot on Quora (someone needs to merge them…) - I can only assume they are asked by people who rarely watch football., In any cup final, the team that loses are awarded runners’ up medals (colloquially referred to as “loser’s medals”). The standard practice is to accept them with good grace, and then take them off again shortly afterwards. So the English players did that because that is what is normally done., Anyone who has watched any cup final ever would be familiar with the normal practice. Those who don’t watch much football might have been misled into thinking this was in some way unusual or unconventional. |
25,433,133 | What is the meaning of काय गं in Marathi? How is गं used? | काय ग? Is a question / query used in conversation with a female family member or a female with whom you are emotionally close., काय रे? This is the masculine version of above query., In Marathi language verb acquires a suffix. In case the subject is male then the verb acquires male suffix and if the subject is female then the verb acquires a female suffix., Example - Where do you go?, Male Subject - तू कुठे जातोस? Verb = जा + Suffix Male तोस = जातोस, Female Subject - तू कुठे जातेस? Verb - जा + Suffix Female तेस = जातेस, More Examples, I write - Male Subject - मी लिहितो, Female Subject - मी लिहिते, Hopefully this make things more clear…. |
19,534,975 | Will a woman’s hoodie look good on a male? | It depends on the style. Some are designed to be very form fitting and would look a little weird an a guy. Others are more casual and are cut to allow for more room and will probably not be noticed by anyone. |
22,046,771 | What are the wing tip vortices and their effects? | Wing tip vortices are the circular patterns left behind a wing as it generates lift (drag) which usually happens in take off this is the reason planes are not allowed to immediately take off after one., Wing tip vortices are associated as induced drag , A three dimensional drag causing wake turbulence. |
616,363 | Why is the album art not loading on Spotify? | Four possible causes:, connection. I’m never able to view album art when I am in mediocre / bad Wifi or relying on weak cellular.. slow Wifi. You have a , You’re using . . Firefox can be quite glitchy and Spotify definitely isn’t designed to be used on this platform. Chrome is a great alternative.. Firefox, . I generally find that lots of little issues happen when you use a browser (even Chrome, which is great) as opposed to Spotify’s app.. as opposed to the computer app. browser. You’re on a . (in your case Firefox) , bug. You have a generic . . If none of the above possibilities resonate / you try their solutions with no effect, then you probably have a normal bug. If this is the case, then email Spotify customer service and they’ll help you out. |
23,412,468 | What are Roman empire historical analyses that are more commentaries of the society in which the author lives? | Fabio Paolo Barbieri has written a superb answer. There is no such thing as true objectivity, and it is one of the first and most important lessons to learn in any study of anything, but especially history., But allow me to go a bit more in depth with some source material: Ancient Historians. Men such as Suetonius and Tacitus are our major sources for Augustus’ rise to power, one of the most interesting and tumultuous periods of Rome’s history, and they make no attempt to hide their biases. Tacitus in particular was no fan of Augustus, pretty much calling him a despot in his annals (1.3), and calling his rule in its entirety devoid of morality (1.4). And that’s just the first few paragraphs of the first chapter!, He was influenced very much by his own times, when he lived under the Emperor Domitian, one of many tyrannical emperors. Thus, his view of Augustus was skewed as a result, much like Sir Ronald Syme’s was, influenced as he was by the rise of European facism in the 1930’s., That said, is true objectivity truly the most important thing? Facts are all very well, but what do they mean? What connections can be made? What can we, as people and a people, learn from this? One could argue that it is not the job of the historian to simply tell the facts, but instead to connect these facts to the present. As Tacitus and Sir Ronald Syme did., And how can one connect facts from different time periods without having opinions? |
7,183,512 | Why is being on my own so important to me? | Knowing about everything is understanding why a "composite" part of everything is a reflection of everything itself., We are made up of separate parts, the same as everything, we have the capacity to judge ourselves by deleting additions or accepting them, to change from the the past and become something else, that is not so easy, and neither is it for everything else., Addiction dies hard and often dies last, because people choose to ignore knowing themselves, they think it's too hard, and boring, that's the addiction talking., But don't forget we are the image of everything so everything must be addicted in the greater part to formality consistent with repetition when repetition is not in accordance with harmony., As we know the Universe is not symmetrical, symmetry occurs from the bash and smash of inconsistency, for I believe predestined conclusions accepted as an extraterrestrial manifestation of a paradigm supported by the Secular entities functioning as a component pole within the paradox of everything., So the few people who do find it so necessary to question what they are in spite of the addictive agendas that tie into the smash and bash of everything else, are in fact responding to the "Paradigm Prophecies " made at the beginning of our Universal Time to protect Impartiality from becoming function.
And just so, if it were not the calling of some to judge themselves and by so doing to judge Society, we would degenerate into the acceptance of corrupt practice until we again reached animal state., This very well may be the case, but for the individual who accepts the challenge of importance to be one true to Logical Certitude as an independent being, in my opinion must realize, at that point Religion parts company with Pantheism, as the only answer to why we sacrifice for principle. |
21,573,556 | How can I confirm my email account on Instagram? | Try to do this via email. |
3,532,333 | Why is exponentiation neither commutative nor associative? | , where . \otimes\colon\mathbb{N\times N\to N}. \oplus. is defined as repeated . \otimes. and . . That is:. Let the two abstract operators on the Natural numbers be , \quad a\otimes(b+1)=\begin{cases}a&\text{if $b=0$}\\(a\otimes b)\oplus a&\text{if $b>0$}\end{cases}, is commutative [ ] and associative [ ] and we want to know how . \oplus. .. \otimes. We are assuming . being commutative and associative restricts , for all . First thing to note is that . .. a. a\otimes 1=a, Commutative, implies:. \otimes. The commutativity of , \quad x+1=(x+1)\otimes 1=1\otimes(x+1)=(x\otimes 1)\oplus 1=x\oplus 1, to be normal addition which, of course, forces . In particular . so commutativity forces . to be normal multiplication.. \oplus. 2=1+1=1\oplus1. \otimes, Associative, implies:. The associativity of . \otimes, \quad x\otimes(2\otimes3)=(x\otimes2)\otimes3=x\oplus x\oplus x\oplus x\oplus x\oplus x=x\otimes6, and, in fact, . Thus . [math]a\ot.... 2\otimes3=6 |
16,618,399 | Do we design a doubly reinforced beam section for an over-reinforced beam section? | Never opt for Over-Reinforced Sections. The steel may never yield and the concrete will fail abruptly, which is the worst kind of failure., Even if you’re designing a doubly reinforced beam section, it should fall under Under-Reinforced Sections. Make sure Depth of Neutral Axis always stays within the Limit. |
79,479,321 | How much time is required to see the most popular attractions of Arches National Park? | You probably need two days for Arches, but why stop with that. Nearby is Dead Horse State Park, Fisher Towers, White Water rafting, Canyon Lands, The La Sal mountains, and Castle Valley these are all just within 40 mile drives or less from Moab. Expand your exploring by a 100 miles and see Goblin Valley, Newspaper Rock, Blue (Abaho mountain), Monticello, Blanding, and Bluff. Add a few more miles to see Lake Powell, Mesa Verde National Park, Hovenweep National Monument, Monument Valley, Goosenecks of the San Juan, and many other attractions., Tell me how many days you have, and I could put together a full itinerary, and still miss at least 10 other attractions. Southern Utah, Southwestern Colorado, Northern Arizona, North Western New Mexico have some of the most haunting, beautiful, and desolate country in the United States. Look up, The Grand Circle on the Internet. It includes six national parks, 10 national monuments, at least that many state parks all within a 360 mile radius with Capitol Reef National park as the center, The Great Basin National Park anchoring the Western side, and Mesa Verde the Eastern edge. Zion, Bryce, Arches, and the Grand Canyon National Parks all are part of this group that make up the Grand Circle of National Parks. |
23,435,331 | How can I read my girlfriends messages and texts on Facebook and Messenger? | If you are in a place where you have to be this freaking stalking creepy you certainly don't need a girlfriend or have what it takes to be a decent person if you think invading her privacy is your business. |
5,087,259 | Do smarter people choose to work out at home or at the gym? | As a home training specialist I would love to say these benefits of Home Workouts:, Convenience - you save time and money while training at home., You are not dependent from the gym work time., You are not dependent from waiting for training equipment, If you are smart, you will be able to build your equipment in order to move it anywhere (convenience, again), Some people prefer to train at home, others not., If you are self-motivator then home workouts are highly recommended (with smart coaching or program to follow), If you have lack of motivation, then visiting the gym would be the better choice., Hope that helps. If you have any questions related to this topic, I would love to help you get the best results in the healthiest way possible., The Busy Man Trainer, founder of, World Conditioning - The Busy Man Training Guide |
23,501,854 | What happened to the child in you, do you still know that person, are you now who you wanted to be, have you changed drastically since then, and do you like who you are? | I thought he'd disappeared a long time ago. Somewhere between puberty and college, he left without saying goodbye., One day, my 2 year old daughter looked at me. I looked at her., She gave me a cheeky grin, and started laughing. There was no particular reason, she just wanted to laugh and she did. I started laughing along with her. She laughed harder. So did I. We just laughed and laughed while my wife looked at us as if we were completely bonkers., As it turns out, he's still here after all.,
, , Like this. Only cheekier.. |
11,809,383 | I have 200000€ in my bank account. Is it possible to invest it in some way that I can quit my job in the next few years? | The short answer is no. While there are maybe some highly speculative ways of growing your money 10x in the next few years and retiring on the resultant 2 million, you are more likely to lose all your money., You could use the 200k to buy a business (pizza parlor, hotel, coffee shop) and work there instead of your job but a lot of businesses fail as well leaving you back at square one. You could also buy a farm and grow your own food and sell the surplus (but it is back breaking work)., This answer would be more helpful if you told us what you do as a job and how much does it pay per year. If you are for example making 12000 euros a year, you could quit your job today and live pretty happily for the next 16 or so years on the 200k (at the end of which you will need to work again). What do you want to do when you quit your job? |
3,565,421 | How can I stop Youtube video streaming once it has started? | Hi Sumit,
YouTube have not come up with option to stop the steaming video, you can just pause or cancel the buffering by refreshing the page or by going to other video (by click) |
3,505,237 | What is LTE Direct? | An autonomous, “always on” proximal discovery solution.
LTE Direct is a new and innovative device-to-device technology that enables discovering thousands of devices and their services in the proximity of ~500m, in a privacy sensitive and battery efficient way. This allows the discovery to be “Always ON” and autonomous, without drastically affecting the device battery life unlike other Proximity solutions such as OTT based that use GPS, or BT-LE and WiFi Direct.
LTE Direct uses licensed spectrum, allowing mobile operators to employ it as a way to offer a range of differentiated applications and services to users. It relies on the LTE physical layer to provide a scalable and universal framework for discovery and connecting proximate peers. Qualcomm Research, along with other 3GPP participants are leading the standardization of this feature in R-12.,
Hope it helps
Upvote if u don't mind |
21,483,070 | When are the next gen video game consoles expected to be released? | They’re already here! Assuming you can defeat the scalpers and bag yourself a PS5/XSX/S, If you’re referring to the next generation after this current new line, I would hesitate to guess but roughly hit the ballpark of around 6–7 years guesstimate, judging by previous intervals., Thanks, stay safe! |
11,866,961 | What makes a private blockchain more resilient against hackers than a normal database? | A blockchain can be “overtaken”. but the attacker must have the 51% of mining power of the whole network. A small networked blockchain is vulnerable. A public big blockchain is more resilient. In a database you can alter any records, in blockchain, you cannot, because each record contains a hash that is calculated from the records data and the previous record’s hash. So, to alter a record, you have to alter all subsequent records. The older records (altered), will be rejected from the other miners. You need to have a 51% of the mining power to do this. |
5,755,438 | In the movie "Titanic", why does Rose not let Jack on the door with her? Or at least let him hang on? | |
24,732,185 | If you are a restaurant, and the number of customers dwindles, what is it called? | attrition rate. churn rate. .. This is know as . , or , It’s a measure of the number of individuals or customers who “fall-off”, or stop visiting your restaurant over a specific period of time., I hope this helps!, __, :. About me, Hi, I’m Matt Wilson. Entrepreneur & Investor. I sold my last company at age 28, and now in my 30’s, I work as an advisor to start-ups and early stage organizations, helping to build their business model, sales, and marketing strategies. |
340,247 | What is the safest area to live in Chicago for a middle class family with kids? | Elsewhere. Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa or Missouri. Milwaukee Wisconsin is a lot less bad than Chicago (but not necessarily “good” either), outside of Milwaukee is generally good., PS: I’d probably also avoid a state that is so bad they gave it a named it “misery”, er, Missouri. |
8,540,301 | Have you ever had a dream that you wished would happen in reality? | June 2003 - When i was in 7th grade, i won district level competition in painting and got selected for state level. The state level competition was held at Mysore art gallery which is far away from my home town., It was a proud feeling that i was representing my school. After completing my painting i went around the gallery and was dumb struck at the paintings exhibited there. That night i dreamt that i have exhibited my paintings in an art gallery., Sept 2016: My paintings were exhibited at Venkatappa Art Gallery, Bangalore., Yes my dream came true!!!, The picture of my paintings at Art gallery, |
393,262 | What do you think is the absolute worst song that has ever been famous? | I don’t know., It really always depends on your personal music preference on what do you think on what do you think is the absolute worst song that has ever been famous, but according to my own personal music taste I have, and I’m always an extremely opinionated person myself ,who has a lot things that I like and dislike in common as always., But, in terms of personal preferences on things that we like and dislike in general., And even though I can’t use hate, and my parents told me to use dislike instead., Just like they told me to use like instead of love., Anyways, For me, the absolute worst song that has ever been famous is…. Probably either a tie between 'Old Town Road' by Lil Nas X, "I Like It" by Cardi B, Or maybe The Barney song?, Though I can’t remember what was it called again, and I can’t even remember the title of the song either., Although I don’t watch that show anymore since I’m now a teen and I’m getting too old for it, or maybe I have another absolute worst song that has ever been famous other than those., Hm… since those songs suck that I mentioned that are the absolute worst songs that have ever been famous other than those, Maybe pretty much anything about Nicki Minaj because her music is honestly pretty bad, In my honest opinion., I don't hate her though, but I just don’t like her music at all., And she’s rather inappropriate because she cusses a lot, and most of my Quora friends who follow me on Quora also don’t like her either., I personally really don’t like American rap music in general., Oh, my, freaking, gosh!, I can’t stand hearing them anymore., Just extremely irritating and hideous., To be honest, I, swear, to, freaking, god,… If I hear them again one more time., I will leave the house immediately when someone plays those songs that I don’t like that annoy the hell out of me, Or I will cover my ears with a pillow too when I hear them., No offense intended to anyone!, ~Evelyn. |
25,539,556 | How can you stop your addiction to sugar? | I am so proud to be able to write this answer today., My biggest vice is processed sugar, particularly chocolate. I’ve even elaborated on it here: Josephine Stefani (陳圻)'s answer to What is your daily vice? [陳圻 ], It has been a month since I wrote that answer, and now I look back and barely recognise the person that wrote it., By way of background, I used to consume sugary goods every day. This would usually — oh, who am I kidding? this would always — take the form of chocolate, and occasionally a sweet pastry on top of it. Ice-cream, cheesecake, shortbread cookies, fruit loaves, brioche buns, Lidl’s all-butter croissant? Yes please. And make that two., It was so bad that some of my friends commented that a good nine tenths of my daily carbohydrate consumption were from sugary goods., Nine. Tenths. I’ll let that sink in., They were not wrong, by the way. My food journal does not lie., As part of my ‘Sexy by June’ challenge (and my general health), I knew I had to clean up my diet. And let’s just say that my food journal results were rather depressing., I tried in November. I failed., I tried in December. I failed., I tried in January. I failed., When February came, I knew I had to do something different. I had been trying to quit cold turkey for months and failed miserably every time. All it took was for someone to hand me a biscuit or a Kit-Kat and I would just crumble (pun unintended)., But I had been going about it the wrong way. In February, I decided that I would abide by one simple rule — if I wanted something sugary, I would make it a sugar-free version of it myself, from scratch., A fairly laughable statement, by the way, since prior to February I couldn’t bake if you paid me. I didn’t even know how to use the oven properly! I remember even writing about it somewhere (Edit: Josephine Stefani (陳圻)'s answer to Did your parents teach you how to do things such as make tea or wash dishes from a young age or did you have to learn by yourself when you grew up because they never taught you? [陳圻 ]), But desperation makes for the best teacher, as I like to say., My first few days were spent scrambling to look for sugar free recipes. What I initially found thoroughly unimpressed me — a lot of the recipes called for dried fruit substitutes like raisins. That’s silly — do people even know how much sugar there is in raisins? Or dates? I do, because I’ve started checking nutrition labels., It was only when I found low-carb recipes that I truly found decent sugar-free desserts to make. And so began my quest to satiate my sugar cravings once and for all., I first started with chocolate desserts:, Low-carb mousse with double whipped cream and 100% cocoa:, , Low-carb red kidney bean brownies with 100% cocoa and cream cheese, , And then I found myself craving chocolate less and less, so I moved on to non-chocolate desserts:, Low-carb cinnamon cookies with 100% cocoa in cream and cashew milk., , Low-carb carrot cupcakes, , Banana-less banana, cinnamon and walnut bread, , Tofu bread with sesame seeds, crushed walnuts and chia seeds (this was completely experimentation!), , And then soon after I stopped craving even those, so I turned my attention to savoury baking – this was a low carb cheese, mushroom ... |
19,676,193 | Why does furan have less aromatic character than pyrrole? | will. be conventional:. Without knowing what was unsatisfactory (to you) about the answers that you Googled, I can't say whether my answer will be satisfactory, but it , NIST Chemistry WebBook. Furan is less aromatic than pyrrole (by about 1 or 1.5 kcal/mol, using hydrogenation energies from the . ) because oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen., Aromaticity in 5-membered heterocyclic rings requires delocalization of a lone pair on the heteroatom. A more electronegative atom will be less able to "turn loose" its lone pair, and so furan's oxygen is less able to participate in the cyclic delocalization that aromaticity requires., Compare the two resonance pairs below:
, |
945,227 | Where can I park my car for 6 days in a SF garage? (SoMa/Mission/Potrero) | I don't see why not. For $20/day, you should easily find a place.
Look at any garage offering monthly parking, if they have spots available they'll take you.
Most garages max out at $20-25/day anyway, so this can be easily negotiated. , Alternatively, if you are flying out of SFO for your trip, any off-airport long-term parking lot is within your budget. , You could also find a private garage/driveway on Craigslist for that price. |
16,155,994 | What are some physics experiments that are both easy to set up but also not too easy in terms of what it shows? | I’ve successfully produced a double slit interference pattern, using hand-cut slits in aluminum foil made with a box cutter and then illuminated with a laser pointer. You can see a meager but obvious interference pattern projected onto a wall. That demonstrates wave behavior of light. That experiment is more impressive if you can build up the pattern one photon at a time, which you can’t with this simple setup, but it was still fun and got some appreciation from my high school and college age daughters., The most fun one we’ve done, though, was to measure the speed of light using a microwave oven. You have to know the operating frequency of your microwave, which is sometimes printed on a label somewhere in the microwave. I had to chase down a service manual for my microwave online, but I managed. There are a couple of common frequencies, so you can guess if you have to. Anyway, what you do is put a row of small nuggets of baking chocolate across a plate, microwave it for some appropriate amount of time (10 seconds to a minute - you have to try until you get the right results). What you’... |
28,238,508 | Do you know any examples of podcasts that people pay for? | People don’t pay to listen to podcasts anymore, that’s an outdated model. There are so many thousands of free podcasts now on every topic that people won’t pay to listen to just one. However the “patreon” model is that fans of a show can support by donating to the podcast and for that they might get extra bonus episodes or content |
16,848,264 | What is the tutorial for the “If I Can’t Have You” dance? | URL for one dance:, , Honestly, search it up on YouTube and find whichever dance you want to learn. You can learn it through a tutorial or slow down the video to teach yourself. |
14,038,307 | Can I attain an undergraduate degree in political science if I haven't studied it in class 12? | Certainly yes!, In fact, untill 12th standard I was a science student but then I decided to switch to political science ….and completed my honors degree in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University. |
4,874,614 | Are all Chinese people who live in China rich? | No, Chinese who live in China are not necessarily rich., Chinese have a very high savings rate of between 40–50%, and tend to only spend their money on certain things they consider important. Sometimes, this makes them seem like they are rich., The main areas they focus their spending on is food and entertainment, education (for their children), travel and shopping. |
4,716,441 | Why do black people always die first in horror movies? | While this usually no longer occurs as much as it used to, the main reasons were:, - They then made Black character expendable so that they didn't have to attempt to flesh out someone who they didn't understand.. Most horror film writers were White males and they didn't know how to "write" Black characters, Most horror films contain a romantic element of sorts. - What is unspoken in Hollywood is that interracial Black male/White female relationships are not "popular." The writers created a Black character, but then they didn't give that character a romantic partner and that made them expendable., - To be blunt, there are areas of the United States and the world where the death of a Black character would not be mourned. An unspoken writing rule was that killing off the Black character had little downside with certain audiences.. Racism sells films, Someone. - The Black character was almost never the protagonist, meaning that if a choice had to be made, then he/she represented that choice.. has to die |
25,508,833 | Are there mountains in Nunavut? | Yes., Grise Fiord, , Pangnirtung, , Cape Dorset, , Mount Asgard, , Mount Thor, , Sirmilik National Park, , Barbeau Peak (highest point in Nunavut), , British Empire Range, |
29,151,085 | What is the approximate in-hand salary of a 5 LPA CTC in LTI? | For 5 LPA CTC ( LTI ), Basic (rs. p.m.) -15000, Bouquet of benifit (rs. p.m.)- 23800, A) Base salary - 38,800 (rs. p.m.) or 465600 (rs. p.a), B) variable pay - 0, C) Total Target Cash (A+B)=465600 p.a, , Provident Fund (PF) -1800 p.m or 21600 p.a, Gratuity- 722 p.m or 8658 p.a, Mediclaim Premium- 6773 p.a, D) Retrials & Other Benifits - 37031, Cost to company (CTC) C+D - 502631, It is very clear,, In hand salary (A) - 38,800, Thank you…, #Information from my friend's offer letter… |
5,531,993 | Is metal music dying? | Metal can never die, buddy., And by the way, Metal lives in us and not just in the songs. So as long as we keep loving it, there's no freakin way it’ll die.. Its true that you don’t see as much of new metal songs when compared to other genres. But for a metalhead like me and others like me, its no biggy. I have so much of metal songs on my phone that I cannot imagine desperately wanting new ones. I listen to Metallica(Unforgiven<3), Dead by April, Slipknot…. many more..! , Cheer up ;-). And also, I heard Metallica is releasing a new album.. so.. |
7,562,010 | Is Prabhas a self-made actor? | Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan once famously said,,
> “Shah Rukh Khan - the person, works for Shah Rukh Khan - the Brand”
, , Prabhas too, like every Actor, has two facets…, 1. Himself, the person
2. Prabhas, the brand
, Himself - the person, may be self-made. But his Acting persona, his visual screen presentation, is a team effort of the best backend professionals in the industry.,
, TEAM ONE :, To be able to portray various characters effectively on screen, actors nowadays need to have at least working knowledge of the following :-, 1. Dialogue Delivery
2. Fighting / Action
3. Dance
4. Language / Diction
5. Dubbing
6. Camera Angles
7. Swimming, Horse Riding, Rock Climbing
8. Driving different Vehicles
, , Invariably, there's one set of coaches training the actors in each of these skills before they get on the job.,
, TEAM TWO :, In addition, there's yet another team constantly working on the actor's, 1. Facial Beauty
2. Hair
3. Physique
4. Diet
5. General Grooming
6. Styling
7. Public Relations
, , This team works 24x7 on an actor's Presentability and Public Perception.,
, TEAM THREE :, Then there's also a third team working on sets to bring those characters played by the actor to life. These are professional technicians for…., * Movie Direction
* Makeup
* Costume Design
* Lighting
* Cinematography / Photography
* Da... |
3,954,710 | Can I deduct my professional expenses on my taxes? | Are you self employed? Yes, on Schedule C., If not, no, not since the Trump administration tax law changes took effect. There are zero allowed work or investment related expenses permitted. |
20,948,840 | How do I do a money order? | Money orders are about as simple to fill out as a personal check. Different outlets use different formats, but they all need the same basic information. Here’s a step-by-step guide on when you should use a money order, where you can get one, and how to fill it out properly.When you need to pay someone or someone needs to pay you but cash, a personal check, or a smartphone app aren't good options for whatever reason, a money order might be the solution. |
28,415,375 | How can I change the Lyf Wind 7 Android 5.1.1 to Android 7.1.1 Nougat? | sry bud….. actually lyf phones has no support for software updates……, and also custom roms are also not available for these phones as it is not that famous and of no availability to make roms by devs…….., but u can get to 6.0.1 |
3,047,068 | What are the benefits of coconut oil pulling? | I love coconut oil pulling!, I personally have been doing this for the past two years now and I can really see the positive effects but I realised how great this natural technique was when others began to notice the difference in my teeth (they didn't know I was partaking in oil pulling when they complimented me)., Oil pulling is an ancient oral care technique promoted through Ayurveda as well as yoga. As someone who has been practicing meditative yoga since I was about six (thanks to my awesome yoga instructor grandfather :)) and is a strong proponent of Ayurveda when I found out about this technique, I had no hesitations in trying it out., I think it’s also important to let you know that I work for an Organic based organisation that deals with Ayurvedic personal care in full transparency as well., I actually delved further into this practice when I was facing some dental issues about three years ago and read up on alternative natural remedies for oral hygiene and care., Oil pulling is often done with coconut oil or sesame oil and its benefits include fresher breath, whiter teeth, healthier and improved guns as well as an eradication of gingivitis and a reduction in cavity formation., I partake in oil pulling five times a week and I feel cosmetically, my teeth look cleaner and brighter. I also started rinsing my mouth with turmeric warm water three times a week to ensure that I get no more cavities (as I can't afford to!) however, turmeric is known to stain your teeth so I would suggest using this technique cautiously and not as often., Oil pulling also helps fight against the dryness of throats, soreness, cracked lips and is also known to strengthen the jaw., Anyway, please do make sure that you’re not allergic to coconut oil before you partake in this and also, please remember that I’m not a medical practitioner so the information provided is for educational purposes only., Hope this helps :) |
7,577,794 | What motivates Bernie Sanders? | The simplest answer: Democracy., Looking at these answers, I'm fascinated that nearly all of them sound like propaganda from the Clinton campaign. None of it tracks with what Bernie Sanders says and does., He's worked hard in Congress trying to prevent bad legislation and to promote good legislation. That's a hard job given that both parties are more interested in sucking up to corporate donors than they are in serving the public. Nevertheless, of the hundreds of pieces of legislation he's written, he has managed to get 90 passed - substantive, progressive legislation that helps ordinary people. He's saved pensions, kept post offices open, provided health care to millions of people who wouldn't have had it, stopped social security cuts, saved jobs, and made sure you can get a free annual credit report, just as examples., Unlike many members of Congress, Sanders has not been using his office as a stepping-stone to the presidency or vast wealth. Although he has been responsible for the passage of many excellent pieces of legislation, he hadn't bothered to get big PR splashes for his work with lots of photo-ops and press releases to keep his name in the media. Most people don't realize that important legislation is not necessarily a fully titled Bill - it may be a bill that's included in another bill and voted on as an Amendment and then passed with the full Bill. But Amendments can sometimes be detailed and extensive and have far-reaching consequences. That people only look at titled Bills means that they don't see how much of a hand Sanders had in amending legislation to have extensive benefits for ordinary people. That's a shame, but since he wasn't running for president, he didn't care. It's been up to his supporters to dig up his history because he's never been one to toot his own horn. Yes, really., He is not a "multimillionaire" in any meaningful sense. He has done little more than collect his salary for most of his career, although he made more than usual after his last book deal - a lot for a book, but not for a member of Congress to rake in with all the opportunities for insider trading and feathering one's nest by doing the bidding of big business in exchange for "help" and the promise of a lucrative, cushy job on "retirement" from government. Some members of Congress have $30million. Sanders just hasn't spent his time pursuing money, and his voting record is not the kind that encourages big business to give him money or gifts. His net wealth is estimated to be about two million dollars - more than most people have at one time, but not that much to have saved over a long, reasonably well-paid career at the age of 77, and nothing compared to most of his colleagues. Given that for all of his time in Congress he has been legally required to maintain two homes, one in a very expensive city, that's not a lot of money. He's not buying lots of yachts., It requires no armchair psychology to figure out what Bernie Sanders is motivated by. He tells you every day. He wants to make life better for most Americans, and he knows we can do it because we've done most of those things before (enforced anti-trust laws, kept taxes on the rich high, had free state universities, enforced a living wage, regulated the financial industry to prevent them from stealing people's wealth and wrecking communities, etc.), with good effect - and that other countries have done the things he's promoting already. He rightly believes that we can still do those things., Unlike most members of Congress, Bernie Sanders believes government should serve the people The people don't want to live as debt peons, they don't want to have to lose everything they have in order to pay for medical care for their families - or lose everything because it's been stolen by dishonest bankers. The people want- and need, and deserve - a reasonable chance at a decent future for themselves and their kids. For decades, such opportunities were expanding, but over the last 40 years they have been whittled down. Sanders wants them back. He is motivated by...democracy. |
7,767,237 | How safe is it to send a social security number by email? | Email really isn’t safe nor private from hackers. Do not use email for any sensitive information. If you do have to submit sensitive information, use the web site of the company you have to send it too and make sure it has https in the url or the lock symbol in front of the url. |
63,911,850 | What are the Finnish military knives? | We bring our own civilian knives in the military., Yup. You read it right. Every Finn has a knife - both boys and girls, and it is the only civilian item (along with eyeglasses) which can be publicly carried while in uniform., , doubles both as eating utensil, tool and sidearm. In addition to your civilian knife, you may also have a bayonet for RK-62, a course commemoration knife and/or a branch-related knife. I basically had three knives; my civilian knife (which I got when I was nine), the officer course commemoration knife and the engineer knife, albeit I carried just one on my belt.. puukko. The usual Finnish knife, , Be afraid. Be very afraid. |
3,282,588 | How can I generate alternative energy at personal level? | If you want to start going green, generating your own electricity through renewable sources can have a huge impact. If you live in an area that gets a lot of sun, you may be able to install solar panels to generate power. If you live in an area that's pretty windy, a small scale wind turbine can work well too. Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the human diet. The metabolic disposal of dietary carbohydrates is direct oxidation in various tissues, glycogen synthesis (in liver and muscles), and hepatic de novo lipogenesis., Disclaimer:, Go To See My Account. You will learn about Solar Panel and Solar Energy information over there! |
746,190 | Can we use an SSD as an external drive? | Yes., , For a time, I used this as the primary hard drive for my 2011 iMac. It was faster than the built-in spinning-rust drive. |
24,403,960 | I am doing a BCA course from IGNOU. Am I eligible to get admission for an MCA in JNU? | yes , you are eligible to appear in MCA entrance test of JNU., Hope it Helps :), Thanks for asking 🙇🏻♂️🙏🏻, Good Luck for your studies😊 |
13,123,483 | How did the stream of consciousness change your life? | :-) I GOT CONCIVED,, THEN BORN,, AND SURE IN WINTER OF MY LIFE,, STILL NOT GOT OVER THE GETTING, BORN BIT,, SOME TIMES THINK, Consciousness, IS THE TIME WE TRAVEL, From Conception to ? Disillusionment,, and why LIFE deems ME/You worthy of its Attention,, Its a road all living Organisms must follow, Regardless, TO ITS END,, So I say this, You, are Conceived, with One Part of you, Rooted in your Past,, and the Other Part of, You,, Rooted in Your Future,, a LIFE given to, YOU, at moment your Conceived, you move to, Consciousness,, then Birth,, Then ?Living (LEARNING CURVE), then Death,, There is a purpose to LIFEs logic,, Only trouble is can I work out the answer, to the ? LIFE, Of Me,, :-) Getting close to my Disillusionment,, Conscious me fighting hard to stay here ,, but deep in my Heart of Heart ,, All is the total sum of me, The soul of Consciousness in me is saying, let Go,, and, I am lucky as I get to pick manner of time to Pass, within limits,, Old age is a boon if you did but realise,, We ARE all traveller's in LIFE’S time,, Wonder what plan is once we pass, back to body of All Creation, the Consciousness, that is, LIFE, |
22,743,106 | How do you move a sprinkler head a few feet? | I've been out of the business for a couple of decades. There were flexible hoses with pipe thread fittings on the ends specifically for moving sprinkler heads utilizing existing hard lines so major excavation can be avoided. Try your local irrigation dealer instead of a big box store for help. |
17,425,273 | Can long term memory be recovered? | Of course it can, but I rather just call it memory in general or subconscious mind. Since that's a more simplified way of saying it. |
4,492,327 | What is a fair compensation package for a first hire at a startup in San Francisco—one that has yet to close its seed round and requires one to relocate? | Every startup is of course different, but 2% equity as a software engineer on the front-end, meaning not building something very computationally heavy, or something that requires a very specific skill set is very fair., The salary is of course below market rate but given the size of the seed round you are raising saving on salary is best for the startup since you'll have to staff up to prove out your business and 2% equity certainly makes up for it., The one caveat is that it looks like this 2% equity is pre-dilution from the Seed round which sounds like it's a convertible debt structure. So part of it is considering what the cap is however, you are all getting diluted equally and if the seed round + option pool come out to 25-35% then everything looks on point., One last consideration is are you receiving founder shares or options. If it's founder shares ensure that you file an 83B with the IRS so as to decrease your tax obligation when you are hopefully able to liquidate some equity., This is rather substantial and can save you 10-15% in taxes and is even more beneficial than simply receiving 2% in options., Overall I think you have a rather fair comp package moving forward. You'll of course want to get your salary raised but that should occur after you raise a multi-million dollar second seed or a full on series A. |
88,370,682 | If evolution selects for survival, why don’t species live longer? | Because the assumption that evolution selects for survival is wrong, evolution selects for reproductive success. If you have offspring(and they survive childhood), you win the round of survival of the fittest., What happens after is sometimes quite the opposite., Humans tend to help their children grow up, so for us it’s somewhat of an advantage to stay alive longer, but for some species the parents compete with their offspring for food, which would be a selection pressure that causes one or both parents to die very soon after having offspring., Besides that it’s very possible for genetic changes to have beneficial short-term effects, but detrimental long-term ones, for instance a genetic change might cause more calcium to be deposited in bones, causing fewer childhood injuries, and that same change might cause calcium to be deposited in blood vessels as well, potentially causing clogged arteries at a younger age., This would help more children survive into adulthood, while simultaneously increasing their risk of dying at, say, 40. |
19,630,383 | I miss my crush, I want to see her again by hanging out with her, but I don't want to text her because she didn't respond to my texts lately. What should I do? | Just corner her somewhere and talk to her to see what’s up, the ol’ “wanna hang out?” And if she’s says no, “you haven’t been hanging out with me lately” and just be honest with her and ask for the same honesty, ya know?, This is assuming you’ve hung out before. If you haven’t just ask, then the next week, ask again, and if no, ask “are you honest about (her excuse) or do you just not like me?”, That’s all for now I’ve got class. GL though! |
19,749,974 | How do I become financially stable for my daughter as a single mom with no family or money? | Hi there. Being a single mom and to be financially stable is very difficult, but there are ways that can help. For me, I applied for health insurance for the twins through our local state office. Every state is different, but maybe your state office can help. Here they offer foodstamps, health insurance, and a little financial assistance. If you can get extra help, it might help relieve some pressure on the finances. The other thing that helped me were second hand items like cribs and clothes. Maybe your friends that have little ones might have some extra thing they can spare? And if any of this doesn’t help, just know I understand. I send my hugs and prayers to you. |
87,435,358 | Does the new stimulus package (12/2020) let my employer pay my student loans until 2025? | Yes. The new 12/2020 stimulus bill extends the time frame allowing employers to pay up to $5,250 toward an employee's qualified educational loans and not pay payroll taxes on that benefit. That tax incentive was set to expire at the end of 2020 under the CARES Act (the first stimulus). The new stimulus extends this tax incentive to 12/31/2025., Note, that this bene... |
15,733,305 | What are the chances of there ever being an app that can replace a doctor? | 100% if you go far enough in the future. Probably by 2100 in the USA. It won’t completely replace doctors for all the interactions but it will completely replace docs for most of the interactions. BTW if WW3 happens before 2100 I would change my prediction. So people being born today, the future and in the last 10 years may see it. But I am too old to survive until 2100 so I won’t. Now third world countries might start doing it much sooner as it probably would be cost effective to train a person for one year then give them an app and a laptop and a smartphone. So maybe by 2050 in very underserved parts of the world. |
3,711,542 | Why is China giving billions of dollars in aid to Pakistan? | give?, If China's investment in Pakistan is a reckless gift , The Chinese people will revolt at once., It's more like a reasonable deal., West of Pakistan is the Persian gulf, where oil is produced. South of Pakistan is the western Indian Ocean, which is linked to east African countries. East of Pakistan is India, with a lot of cheap Labour and resources. North of Pakistan is China's xinjiang province, one of China's most important regions which need to be developed., Based in her location , Pakistan could be a new world trade center and production., But because of the war with India, the fight between America and the Soviet union in Afghanistan (that’s right ? haha Bin laden was trained in the United States.) ,the fight between Ameirican and the terrorists in Afghanistan. Pakistan eventually failed to get rich., There was a bad economic development in the proper geographical position. There is a place rich in opportunities., That's about the deal. China has lent money to help Pakistan build an advanced transportation system and electricity setting, even helping Pakistan drum up factory investment. Pakistan has achieved economic levels that match their geographical location. In return, Pakistan has become an economic stronghold for China, linking East Africa to China. People in Pakistan get jobs, education and factories. China gets some companies that work for China, and profits. And it can spread its economic and political influence in the west Indian Ocean., For Pakistan, these infrastructure projects could take decades. China can find many countries with similar geographic locations, such as Iran, such as myanmar. (in fact, we have similar plans) but Pakistan is a friend of China and is willing to complete the deal.This is the biggest friendship China can make in this era. China have poor people ourselves, and we can't make reckless investments., The next step may be to build an offshore RMB trading center in Pakistan. Perhaps several world-class trading ports could be built. There may even be a wave of investment, as long as Pakistan can solve Afghanistan's problems and manage relations with India. Pakistan needs India's resources and cheap labor, and she also needs a stable environment to promote development., _____________________________________________________________________________________, Some indians say China will control Pakistan., That's not practical., In Chinese theory, the Chinese government has a responsibility to provide education and get rich for all Chinese, and the government will be responsible for all Chinese. China's top officials, senior engineers, good economists and education experts have even failed to fill jobs in China's own provinces. China itself still has 400 million agricultural people to accept education, get into urban jobs and become rich. The current task of the Chinese government has not been completed. It's impossible to want more people and more responsibility. |
4,107,400 | Since my employer doesn’t offer this benefit, can I go out and buy my own short and long term disability insurance from somewhere? | Yes, it is commercially available. An underwriting process is involved. You’re wise to do so. It is the biggest risk most people face and few protect themselves adequately. |
4,803,558 | Who got to America first, horses or Native Americans? | Horses. Sort of. But from another point of view it was Native Americans., The ancestors of horses were actually native to North America, appearing by around 5 million years ago. Their range eventually spread to Asia via the Bering land bridge, well before the appearance of humans. Humans, then, reached the Americas by 22,000 years ago, and wild horse species in the Americas died off a bit over 10,000 years ago. Then, about 6000 years ago, people in Central Asia domesticated the wild horses living there. And it was descendants of those early Asian domesticates which were brought to the Americas in the 16th century., So, then, horses originated in the Americas long before our species existed. However, they went extinct a while after humans moved into the Americas, and the domesticated subspecies of horses we know today only developed after that. |
25,027,699 | Why do rotary guns shoot faster than other guns? | Two reasons., First, rotary guns — aka . guns — use multiple barrels clustered around a center hub. This combines the firepower of multiple weapons into a single unit. The mechanism allows each barrel to function very similar to its single barreled counter part. That is, each barrel is fed a round, the bolt closes, it fires, then the bolt opens, ejects the spent case and repeats the cycle.. Gatling, either by an electric motor or a pneumatic motor (on aircraft guns mostly). This allows them to rotate at very high speeds and cycle the individual barrels very fast.. powered. Second, these guns are , This animated GIF shows how the mechanism works from the outside. Internally there are cam surfaces that cause the bolt to move fore & aft to load and unload the barrels., |
23,693,909 | Why are coconuts fruit? | Yes coconut is a fruit as well as seed and nut too. Coconut is fibrous one-seeded drupe . A coconut have three layers. The inner most portion is eatable. The inner layer is woody part which is hard and that surrounds the seed. Some scientists refer the coconut as water dispersal fruit and seed. The tender coconut is a nutritious drink and contains sugar, mineral, and vitamins. The jelly flesh of coconut is so sweet. It has medical benefits. We can say that coconut is a fruit too. |
60,730,742 | What makes the brain interpret input from the eyes as images? Is this area of the brain (visual cortex) different from other areas of the brain, or could I wire in an artificial eye into any areas of the brain? | The brain learns what to do with the input over time., People who are blind from birth, for example, are found to use the same areas most of us use to process visual information, to process auditory information., If you tried to “wire in an artificial eye”, technically, you COULD use any area of the brain that processes stimuli to handle it., Areas that do not process stimuli, would be too poor at the task though., The brain does have high plasticity though, so, if young enough when you started sending in the new stimuli, it would tend to learn how to process it in areas not devoted to other tasks. |
3,738,071 | What are some ideas for some little competitions to engage people online? | hello all,my website's page has been cancelled in FB because they don't allow dating sites promotion. APart form Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, is there any other social media web I can use?.
Thanks |
28,951,649 | How does a battery get changed in a phone? | Yes, No, Maybe…, Some smarphones are designed for access to the battery area is easy to do. Most manufactures have been moving away from this though., Some are not designed this way., But most you can still have replaced by a repair shop even if not designed to be user replaceable. |
69,938,503 | Can you get paid overtime if you are on a salary? | “Salaried” is only a pay method and means nothing in and of itself. What matters is exempt and non-exempt. While most people equate salaried with exempt and hourly paid as non-exempt, not all salaried jobs are exempt; not all exempt jobs are salaried., If you are salaried exempt, then while a kind employer could pay you overtime if he chose to, you have no legal expectation of overtime even if you work 168 hours per week. That’s what an exempt employee is exempt from - overtime., If you are salaried non-exempt then you not only can, but must, with limited exceptions, be paid overtime when you work it |
88,793,783 | I have 100 BTC. Should I invest in something else or keep the bitcoins? | I'm sorry, but you do not have 100 BTC., If you did, you wouldn't be asking people on quora for advice about it. It would immediately put a target on you and every digital fingerprint you've ever left., Deception leads to where we are today. Please practice better methods of interaction., For the record there are only about 16k wallets containing 10 bitcoin. Maybe try a more believable fib next time. |
17,794,924 | When should I give my GMAT to apply for Fall 2018? | You should have already started preparing for it, but that depends on the score you are aiming for and what course you want to enroll in (MBA, MSc Finance, MSc Strategic Marketing, etc…)., When you should take the exam depends on whether you are applying for US or European programs. Deadlines for US programs with a Fall 2018 intake begin as early as late September/early October (for early decision), and then December for the competitive universities, or sometimes January., You want to leave yourself time to take the test two, or even three times if need be, because people dont always do well the first time. GMAT stipulates that you need to have 16 days between tests, so if you want to apply in late September, you need to take the test in early September, or if you want to apply in December, you should take the test no later than early November (the first time)., European programs have later deadlines. Many schools have either rolling deadlines (London School of Economics for example), or several rounds, beginning in September and ending in May or June (London Business School, Bocconni). Also, bear in mind all the other things you have to do (letters of recommendation, motivation essays, filling out applications - which is sometimes quite involved - CV, and so on…)., It takes months to prepare the GMAT well, anywhere from a couple to several months, and even a year (foreign students who aspire to 700 or higher). Give yourself plenty of time. The GMAT is not the type of test you can “cram” for, meaning you can’t learn it in a short time. |
21,502,201 | What are some rock album covers the design was for parody or satirical way? | The album cover for 1965’s WHIPPED CREAM & OTHER DELIGHTS, by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, has been endlessly parodied over the years:, , , , , , , , , , |
5,519,691 | What languages will become tonal in the future? | Sāmapriẏa Basu (সামপ্রিয় বসু). From my skimming of the literature on tonogenesis, linguists generally believe that tone becomes contrastive when it is needed to replace another distinction that is weakened or disappearing, often voicing (as . ’s excellent answer observes for Seoul Korean). Also, final fricatives, as was the case in Old Chinese, may influence tone to be left behind them., Linguists mostly focusing on East Asian languages used to think that monosyllabic morphemes are a near-requirement for tone to emerge, but that cannot be the case: many Bantu languages are tonal, and they sure are polysyllabic., But if the general theory is plausible, that disappearing contrasts and disappearing consonantal endings are going to shape tone left behind them, then I would suspect a very surprising candidate. It sounds batshit insane. But the leading theories of how tonogenesis happened for Chinese and Vietnamese and other should predict that something is going on there, and if there isn’t, well, then we need to reconsider our theories of tonogenesis., French., “he speaks” and. il parle . ils parlent. , “they speak”, sound exactly the same.. It has lost a lot of its final codas, so that verb endings are no longer distinct, and neither are most plurals. , Or do they?, Are French speakers actually finding some way to distinguish the two?, And if they aren’t, why did the Chinese find a way?, (I had this in my drafts folder for nearly a year, and today went, what the heck, I’ll post it.) |
4,788,165 | How can I raise my children to be problem solvers? | I like your question. May I contribute my opinion to it., Go out in the world with them with tools like magnifying glass, telescope, measuring tape, torch, pencil, bicycle, mathematical box, thread and needle, interact with them in everything, share (than teach) to them everything around the house, from microscopic view of the onion skin to the ants hole in the ground, from planting seeds of flowers to harvesting fruits, there are so many things can bee observed and lesson learned from morning to evening, everyday, every hour. Show them the bird’s nest to the planets in the sky. Take them to day trips to the zoo, pony ride in the village, strawberry picking, the weaver at work, the making of ice-cream, how to make french fries to bake a cake, watch movies, make music, bake, rake, shake and enjoy your sunny days and winter nights talking about pioneers, inventions and discoverers… you gonna have your hands full from there to Timbuktu., Share your care, become a child with your children, be their best friend., I am reminded of a movie of Tom Hanks: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 2011. how he interacted with his son, Just to add more inspiration,, Have a great time exploring, sharing, educating, enlightening … problems solving will automatically come, it’s their instinct… |
19,433,073 | Why has Apache Airflow become so popular? | Data Science and Data Engineering are getting more and more popular, also tools supporting that are getting more widespread. Especially for the second one, data engineering Apache Airflow is a perfect fit. Also, you are not locking-in yourself to any vendors as it is open-source and plain Python. Python, of course, is also a good argument to use it, as the language is straight-forward and easy to use., To answer in more detail, you need more background . What is data engineering is? What does a data engineer do? What are common responsibilities of a data engineer?. Afterwards what is an Orchestrator like Airflow., What is a Orchestrator - like Airflow?, An orchestrator is a scheduling and monitor workflows tool. For the different technologies and different file format working together, you need some orchestrator and processing engine that prepares, moves and wrangle the data correctly and to the right place., Why would you need this?, Without a clear sense of data lineage, accountability issues can arise, and operational metadata can be lost. As companies grow, their workflows become more complex, comprising of many processes with intricate dependencies that require increased monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintenance. . . This is where these tools come into play with their . , data pipelines, and workflow managers.. directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), Complex workflows can be represented through DAGs. DAGs are graphs where information must travel between the vertices in a specific direction, but there is no way for information to travel through the graph in a loop that circles back to the starting point. . The building blocks of DAGs are data pipelines or following processes where the output from one process becomes the input for the next. . Building these pipelines can be tricky, but luckily there are several open-source workflow managers available, allowing programmers to focus on individual tasks and dependencies., APACHE AIRFLOW – THE ORCHESTRATOR, As mentioned in . , this is one of the most critical decisions. As in traditional ETL, you had your ETL-Tools like Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and others where your transformation, cleaning and normalisation took place. In more modern architecture this kind of tools isn’t enough anymore. Moreover, code and transformation-logics are much more valuable also to other data-savvy people in the company.. Orchestrators – Scheduling and monitor workflows, same as YouTube. Maxime Beauchemin. ) which goes much deeper into how modern pipelines should be. Also, consider the read of . where Max explains about the breaking “data silo” and much more.. (. The Downfall of the Data Engineer. Read also the highly recommended blog post from . Functional Data Engineering — a modern paradigm for batch data processing. about , Why using Airflow?, Airflow is written in Python, and also all the . DAGs. will be written in Python. Instead of encapsulating your critical transformation-logic somewhere in a tool, you place it where it belongs to inside the Orchestrator. Another advantage of it that is using plain python, there is no need to encapsulate other dependencies or requirements like fetching from an FTP, copy data from A to B, writing a batch-file, you do that and everything else at the same place.. Therefore it is wise to use a more open tool or even programming language. Very popular and a perfect tool for that purpose, in my opinion, is . Apache Airflow., Features of Airflow, Moreover, you get a full functionalities overview of all current task in one very place as this interactive image shows:, , More relevant features of Airflow are that you write workflows as if you are writing programs. External jobs like Databricks, Spark, etc. are no problems., Job testing goes through Airflow itself. That includes passing parameters to other jobs downstream or verifing what is running on Airflow and seeing the actual code. The log files and other meta-data are accessible through the web GUI., (Re)run only on parts of the workflow and dependent tasks is a crucial feature which comes out of the box when you create your workflows with Airflow. The jobs/tasks are run in a context, the scheduler passes in the necessary details plus the work gets distributed across your cluster at the task level, not at the DAG level., .. full list. For many more feature visit the , ETL with Apache Airflow, shared with you. It has simple . HIVE. ETL best practices with Airflow. Data Vault. Data Vault with Big Data processes. , with . . It gives you an excellent overview of what’s possible and also how you would approach it.. , . ETL. If you want to start with Apache Airflow as your new ETL-tool, please start with this . , and . -examples, with plain SQL, with . Data Vault 2, .. At the same time, there is a Docker container that you can use, meaning you don’t even have to set-up any infrastructure. You can pull the container from . here, For the GitHub-repo follow the link on . .. etl-with-airflow, , If you want more information, see my website with all the different data engineering blog posts:, Data Engineering, the future of Data Warehousing? -, OLAP, what's coming next? -, Open-Source Data Warehousing - Druid, Apache Airflow & Superset -, Hope that helps, otherwise let me know :-) |
19,550,542 | How can I quickly learn English (speaking and writing) with perfection? | 1. Clarify WHY You Want to Learn:. Ask yourself this important question. Do a good job clarifying this and use your answer as your inspiration and guide for the entire process. Do you really want to learn? Does the motivation come from you or from what others expect? Until your WHY comes from within you, in a way that you can access and forms part of your attitude, your path to fluency will probably be difficult, unimaginative, and inefficient., However, if your “why” is strong and sincere, it will inspire you and energize your entire process. The best language learners know why they are learning, and it isn’t because they have to.This is effective learning, : Research different methods, schools, and programs for learning. Be aware that high quality alternative options and opportunities for learning are increasing every day. Do you want to study online, with a school, or with a private teacher?. 2. Organize Your Life, Plan Your Process, and Set Goals, Talk to friends who have already studied and those who have been successful, as well as a variety of schools. Sit in on classes to see which one you connect best with. And finally, set goals not only with your English (the final result), but also with your attitude and approach to the whole process., rk: Ask for the support of your family and friends. Search for mentors, people who have already been successful, teachers and friends in the real world, as well as virtual language learning communities (such as the RealLife Global Community).. 3. Build A Support Netwo, The more successful language learners you surround yourself with, the more their attitudes, strategies, support, and confidence will rub off on you. Furthermore, in times of confusion, these people can and will help you., 4. Effective Methods / Effective Learning Styles. : There are universally effective learning methods and there are personal learning styles. The Communicative approach, for example, is a very effective method for learning languages for any type of learner. In fact, this is how we learn naturally., The Communicative Approach treats meaningful communication as the vehicle for learning a language, focusing primarily on function rather than structure (which isn´t ignored, but rather something that plays a complementary role in the process.), Understanding your learning style would be to recognize how you as an individual learn. Are you more visual, auditory or kinesthetic? As a general rule, things you usually like doing are probably more in tune with your learning style. If you learn better visually, maybe TV shows and movies are your best bet, while if you’re an auditory learner, podcasts and music could be helpful., If you don’t know how you learn, pay attention as you go along and experiment with different strategies because it’s going to teach you a lot about yourself. This is a big reason why people who learn a second language as an adult have a much easier time learning a third. They are more aware of how they learn., 5. Take Responsibility For Your Learning: . Just do it. Dive in head first. Learn to enjoy it. If you aren’t engaged, don’t quit, but rather take responsibility and find out what is going wrong. If you aren’t learning, ask yourself why not. Maybe there are circumstances and other people who play a role in your learning process, but nobody can learn the language for you.You can’t blame it on a lack circumstances, time, money or opportunities. You have to want it bad enough to overcome the external obstacles. Worthwhile accomplishments aren’t easy, but if you enjoy the process, it´s well worth the payoff. But also, sometimes taking responsibility means having the courage to change things around., (Enjoy the Journey AND the Destination): Constantly evaluate your attitude towards learning English. Learning a language is not like learning math or science. If this is how you learned English in high school, it’s time to change your perspective.Effective learning is engaging, interesting, and a something that brings the topic to life. Effective learning is to enjoy the process AND strive for the result. Think back to an experience where you enjoyed learning, where time flew by and you always looked forward to it.Accessing this type of learning is not easy, but if you follow the above tips/ steps and have an idea of what it should feel like, you can start gathering the attitudes, support networks and resources to facilitate it. This will bring you an enjoyable process as well as the achievement of your goals.. 6. Have the Right Attitude, : Be consistent, dedicated, and diligent with your efforts. Excellence is a daily habit, not a twice a week class. You should insert English in your life every single day, or at least 5 or 6 days a week, because nobody reaches excellence in anything without daily application. You probably don’t need to “study” every day, but find convenient moments in your life where you can create routines that allow you to play around with English, enjoy it, and learn in a relaxed way.Some recommendations are Lifestyle English which would include learning with music, TV shows, podcasts, in addition to online communities and resources. You can learn something every day in the Real Life English International Community for free.. 7. Dedicate Yourself Every Day/ Create Routines, 8. Don’t Accept Mediocrity. : Don’t accept mediocrity from yourself or from the people you depend on for learning. To reiterate the above point about excellence, mediocrity is treating English like a twice a week hobby. Accept that you’re not going to be 100% perfect on your path to fluency, but you can learn a lot at every step, and you don’t have to ever settle into an attitude of mediocrity.It’s easy to sleepwalk through life with mediocre attitude, a mediocre plan, a mediocre goal, a mediocre purpose, a mediocre school or teacher, or mediocrity on any of these 8tips, but you get what you give, and fluency is not for the mediocre attitude. When you start expecting the best from yourself and others, some really awesome stuff starts to happen. |
9,832,904 | Who is greater sports person interms of stature in between PV Sindhu and Virat Kohli as of now? | The last thing any sports lover would like to see is a question like this., Why ,on earth ,there is a need to compare two sports persons from two entirely different sports. The question still would have made some sense had they been playing the same sport., They both are great because they both are making our country proud in the sport they are good at and we should enjoy seeing the best of them until they are playing., Thanks. |
26,461,371 | How long have you been using your current backpack? | I have had and used my Osprey Exos 58 since 2012. I love it and it will be a sad day when it no longer serves me. I had an Osprey Kestral before that and still own it. I use that pack to lend to folks that I introduce to backpacking. |
8,202,164 | What is the best way to start a 2018 Classic 350 Bullet? | I guess you will have to elaborate your question a bit more. Did you mean how to start the 2018 machine or did you mean the journey to start 2018 with?, Anyways I would consider the first and try to answer. There is no best way to start the RE 350. There are only two ways. One is using self start and another using kick start. Please use kick start for the first start of the day., P.S the classic is not a bullet. Classic is classic and bullet is a different motorcycle. In India bullet has become a synonym for all RE machines. |
23,577,385 | Do you need to peel beetroot? | The peel is tough and unpleasant to eat. So you should peel it, but cook it first. Why? First, if you peel it before cooking it, it will “bleed” that purple-red juice all over the pan while it cooks. Unpeeled, the juice is contained. Second, peeling a raw (and very hard) beet isn’t easy - but after it’s cooked, the peel slips off easily., Original question: . Do you need to peel beetroot? |
5,891 | What if someone gives their number on Quora? | It is a very risky thing to do. I strongly advise against it. The person who shares his number is subjecting himself to serious inconvenience., Here is my experience., Even when I have not shared my number publicly, spammers now message me or email me. But that is not so intrusive., I can live with that. I just don’t read the mails and mark all of them for deletion., Spam or hate messages in my Private message box too are easily ignored., But a phone call is terribly intrusive. It interrupts you rudely. It can disturb you at all odd hours and late at night too. It is also a nuisance to one’s family members., Why take this risk? Till you have become familiar with a person and met him and can trace him and identify him and can trust him, never share your telephone number or address over a public platform., I have been asked many times by Quorans for my number as they said the subject they wanted to discuss was too detailed for writing and they wanted to talk it over with me., I have always refused and explained why and put up with their disappointment. Many assure me that they will not share it but two bad experiences have taught me it is better to disappoint many than take a chance and suffer. I had to surrender one number to avoid a person who became a nuisance to me after the first few calls on a second land line telephone I had., If you must share your number for any reason, do so privately and judiciously with selected persons. Do not display it publicly., — |
28,240,623 | Why is the Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul so famous? | Because it was built by The most powerful Sultan of Ottomans and the ruler of that time the . Mimar Sinan . which was a Leanordo da Vinci of Turks... Magnificent Süleyman. and the builder is the most famous , Roxanne -Hürrem Sultan. is beside the mosque. Also at this small cemetery many famous Ottomans including the. who was the most influential religious figure then and still now .. graves. The popular reason for being famous with tourists is, the . Gümüşhanevi . . Sufi Master. of Magnificent Suleyman and his most famous wife , will go for centuries, he tied a rope to the minaret and asked the workers pull to the other side of minaret. then asked the kid if it was right in the place. The kid affirmed and happily left.. Historians note that when a small child passing on the area of construction, he said that one minaret was inclined/tilted sideways. Mimar Sinan , knowing that a smallest . rumor, Also Mimar Sinan built a smoke collection system in the mosque in order to collect the smoke coming from thousand of candles lighting the inside. The collected article was a very high quality ink which was used in best of tiles.., , second Solomon.. It references the . , which was built on the site of the . , as well as Justinian’s boast upon the completion of the Hagia Sophia: "Solomon, I have surpassed thee!". Temple of Solomon. Dome of the Rock. The design of the Süleymaniye also plays on Suleyman's self-conscious representation of himself as a ', It is over looking Golden Horn with its 27 meters of dome which is at 53 meters high. The 4 minarets 75 meters high each., It has been said by spiritualists , the mathematical codes of the building plan was a short summary of future events,(Ebced formula) we will leave it for the next time…, ı Thermodynamics of Suleymaniye. Ebced Hesabıyla Süleymaniye Cami-nin Yapım, , , , , |
21,603,631 | What is the Malayalam movie "Papanasam" based on? | Original film is Drishyam, a malayalam movie, directed by Jitu Joseph, Papanasham is a remake of Drishyam, lead role by Kamal Hsssan., The story line, Protection of the family by hiding the facts of an unintended crime from law and successfully defending interrogation of the police and the law of the country. |
19,589,565 | What is the best MBA essay writing service ever? | At the time, I was an MBA student and needed help to finish my essay. The assignment was due in less than a day, and I had not started with anything. As the essay writing service suggests, it will help you in need of any kind. That is why it is called Help In Homework. When you are looking for a company like that, make sure they specialize in what you are trying to do. There are plenty of essays written by them on their website if you would like an example of what they can do for you when you get hired., It can be expensive depending on how fast and challenging your work is. However, it is worth every penny if it helps you out of a tight spot., , , They are there to help students who are struggling and need assistance, so the fact that they charge should continue people from using them or hiring them. They have excellent writers who take all subjects seriously because they know that people's lives depend on this assistance. |
63,055,117 | Why do pigeons seemingly forget they have wings when running away from something? | Conservation of energy., Look at the shape of this city pigeon’s body., , That is a very heavy breast and main body proportional to the wings. His wings are not inadequate, but they are not designed for being in the air all the time like a lot of other species. Now look at those legs. Pretty sturdy drumsticks on that bad boy with his wings spread., Experience has taught him that he can run faster than you can, it takes a lot less energy to run than fly. He’ll fly if he has to, but as long as he calculates that he can out run you or what ever is after him, he’s going to give running a shot first before he expends the energy to lift his heavy chest off the ground. |
3,418,133 | How has your shift from face-to-face to online been working for your business? | It was a change years and years and years ago, and at first as many others, it was a challenge to adjust to , but know it’s a 99% business plan. |
16,178,416 | What are some of the best courses to be done at first year level undergraduate in computer engineering? | Programming Language :
1) Pick any programming language.
C, C++ or Java
2) Try to code as much as you can. , You can start learning :
Data Structures
Database Management System
Algorithms , Any how you have to learn these mentioned subjects in 2nd or 3rd year of Engineering.
But at this level you should have good knowledge about programming language and coding. , Hope this information will be helpful.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. , Thanks. |
17,599,734 | Can an 18W charger work with an iPhone 5s without causing any problems? | Here’s the problem. The device you’re concerned about is not a charger. It is simply a power supply capable of delivering 18W maximum. The iPhone’s charging system decides how much of that 18W it will need at any given point in time during the charge cycle. Your iPhone will never need the full 18W, but that shouldn’t keep you from using it., When you plug your TV into the wall outlet, the TV will never need the 2000W you are providing it, but you still plug your TV into that outlet anyway. The TV, like your iPhone will only use what it needs. |
4,310,467 | How do I end things with a married man who doesn't care at all? | Thankyou for the opportunity to answer.
Put your chin up, shoulders back and run like your hair is on fire. Don’t look back.
That man is not available to you. You owe him nothing . I hope you continue to date other men. Or do your feelings run so deep you just can’t ?
The greater question is,why do you choose to pursue a relationship with a married man who does not give a rats ars about you? Does it some how make you feel desired because he belongs to someone else? The risk of being exposed makes it so much more exciting ? Until holidays, birthdays , weekends ,vacations , long nights while he is sleeping with his wife you spend them alone.( and YES he’s doing more than just sleeping with the old ball and chain) Of course he is on his best behavior. Right? Until he is not., Oh and the beautiful lies he will tell you. Don’t you just love it? Perhaps he’s ( fake futuring with you) He grew apart from her. He loves You? You are the best he’s EVER had….( eye roll). He’s going to leave when the time is right. He wants to make a life with you? He just can’t leave right now because of the children , his job, money ,because it’s Wednesday? She can’t make it without him yet!! Etc etc. Lies all lies. If or when you become too demanding of his time or just not fun anymore he will move on to another….
You are worthy of having a love of your own . You are worthy of having a love that withstands and grows with the test of time. Please know your value.
As a rule men don’t leave their wives for the side piece. You my dear have signed up for that position. If he does have children and dared to leave his wife or he gets caught ,you will be the evil interloping whore who wreaked a family.. You are better than that honey. Not to mention you are contributing to the fact he’s a weak pitiful little man child 👶. Why hurt another woman?
If he cheats with you, he will cheat on you. I’d break it off over text and never look back. As painful as it might seem , trust me you will get over him. There are millions of wonderful people in this world. Find a nice man who is worthy of your love and affection., Mic drop! ✌️ |
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