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i have never bought the dlc because i cant afford it but i would say until you have invested in the game for a while i would say that advice is pretty broad i would say that you should definitely keep multiple wills as an evil as a good guy you need to keep a tracker in your will for the role list keeping tracks of rt claims this may be confusing but i might make a post on town of salem speak later for you and other newcomers you need practice and you need to study the ranked role list using ranked practice nearly all of the 50 games you need to join ranked should be ranked practice as your placement games are important i came here before placement so i had practice with the real thing you never stop learning in town of salem because the players are just a real treat sometimes it can help to have an in game guide which i have done to help players but its mostly for fun for classic most people
are you at all open to the idea of a closerrange firearm? any mossberg 590a1 12gauge pumpaction shotgun will outlive us for a very very long time so if i have no experience then skip the original reigns for this one? so whens your boyfriend gonna come over and beat me up for spending too much time with you? it worked fantastically as that was the foot in the door to which she pointed out that she has no bf we began formally seeing each other that night i actually got that line from another post lol do you remember what the present was? youre right i forgot about the wayback machine! good going all these memories are rushing back to me lol i havent rooted a device in years i found the last cm11 files you should not be getting ramdisk or the other jargon you mentioned in your first link above follow these two links the left one is the actual rom and the recovery on the right is the file that formats the sd card into an installer in laymens terms burn the img using sd formatter the
im also 14 but i hardly fit the stereotype im currently testing blockchain technology for holding decentralised knowledge and i wouldnt call myself a punk or hipster quit stalin and go help meanwhile on apple dae open source is communism? hi old me youre young mac os x is okay as an operating system but the unix foundation is long gone lots of special folders are missing and theres no modularity with their userland do you know what universe youre on? youre missing a dll there what? gotta get high uptime somehow archssdsxeonddr4 ram pew pew pew and stability cant have windows update ruining a good record can we? just asking i do that a lot too good investment much profit funny thing this was in my history
most people are happy with a wage and do not have the initiative to go any further i wouldnt worry about it find self discipline and makes goals nobody on the internet can really help you with this you actually have to try not to mention a way to turn all those d hides into delicious alchables youre right i was afraid of using too many commas in a sentence so i threw a semi colon in there i really should proofread my posts about criticizing grammar on a grammar subreddit eh? p its a recognized phenomenon that as countries industrialize suicide rates go up if suicide rates are going up i think that speaks deeply about the state of the world sure we have all these nice new things and have all our needs met yet people are losing the sense of meaning and valor for life
i tend to stick to rpgs dragon age ff etc these days or creative platformers and world building as someone with an art background i am a huge sucker for imaginative graphics one of my favorite games of the past few years was journey which i think is a very infjtype game i also think bastion was pretty fantastic in both art music and story as a kid i was nuts for the sierra adventure games and myst puzzle games and i cant tell you how many countless hours ive spent playing simcity i used to see it in my sleep when i closed my eyes my least favorite are fps although i do enjoy tf2 when i want to play a game but feel like i need to do something productive ill play free cell since theres almost always a solution and it comes down to how you put things in order to make it happen i think it satisfies my j quality! if i want to feel like im shaping chaos into order ill play a quick game of spider solitaire
i dont laugh out loud at online stuff too much anymore thanks for this thats the rule for most countries even the left leaning ones is that you go back when a war is over it is not yet so i understand keeping them here for now but we cant bring the whole world population here an opinion which increasingly gets casts as hateful right leaning when it is what most countries do but the us is full of assholes if we do it randomly saying to people that you have a gun is not a good joke especially if you are new and they have no idea how stable you are in general i dunno why he would changedelete it its not that embarrassing just say you were wrong in an edit he made it embarrassing by going to such great lengths to not seem wrong
obligatory the cake day is a lie i use a combination of ynab and spreadsheets ynab keeps track of my current months budget where all my money is and what its doing the spreadsheets help me calculate how my current spending habits will affect me long term and i use that info to make tweaks to my budget for the next month i do not enjoy multiplayer video games im in the top 178000 got a deadly pugio not bad they also spend millions of dollars trying to make people think smoking is cool just sayin i hadnt considered that it might have a snooze function like a regular alarm if thats the case i think ill go ahead and try it out thanks! i had that problem once at the hair dressers too i started cutting my own hair when it got to the point that i couldnt get the haircut that i wanted because i just didnt feel comfortable communicating what i wanted with them i do have a limited number of styles that i can shape my hair into because i dont have any professional experience but it always comes
the smell will go away in time its basically just excess ketones in your sweat the better your body gets at using them the less excess youll have wed know because the grid would be less stable gtare the tanks leaking directly to groundwater pacific ocean aerosol into the air? yes proof? ampx200b nope ampx200b and even if so the radiation levels would very quickly be diluted to at or below background levels ampx200b gt very good when they have 22 million bql in just 50ml ampx200b youre really showing your ignorance here should i do the math here or can you? ampx200b and did you read the article? it completely undermines your entire argument you want to deny ghana the chance to generate their own electricity on their own terms?
really nice i usually listen to erykah badu for this purpose after watching this i am thinking about going premium q when do you expect cbt3 to be released? a this summer is our plan click the clock in windows and you can change your time zone! yes! was able to close the tv tropes tabs after 30 minutes!!! wish ya luck! what about a vaporizer? hi got a place to rent if you got interest ist im 11 bezirk schreib mich an falls du interesse hast! sweet i was hoping it is in europe so i could hop in i too have some sort of experience like yours and its fucking soffucating meet a beautiful gilr and dont be able the give it a chance and somehow you know you must take a risk but you dont i feel ya
noooooo why not then take the money and instead of making a tank make a tractor? the same stuff all gets done and then instead of having it get shot fulloholes in a desert and using up a ton of gas it goes to productive work and can in turn also create wealth through increased efficiency the tank is made and then is just a money sink after while the tractor is a money source as it increases productivity sure a tank being made lets people get payed but it is extremely inefficient and other things that actually increase efficiency could be created instead of course if we are in dire need of tanks or else the economy would be damaged then it makes sense but we dont because were just fighting frivolous wars right now the fact that it stimulates the economy is insignificant because the money must first be removed from the economy if what you are saying is the case then if the government just
my ideal infj self all of the things you list seem to have less to do with being an infj and more to do with having low selfesteem and a lack of selfworth mind you that seems pretty common for infjs online thanks for the recipe ill definitely check it out vitamin d is pretty important too but sunlight is the best way to keep that up so if youre not getting out enough it could be useful this incidental exercise healthy diet win iwe love debating with you but 1 please dont troll us 2 please dont troll us 3 for the love of god dont troll us! other than that keep being your eccentric self but remember that the more full on you are the more time alone well need to recoup after hanging with you thats my advice
blagh! varys randomly blurts out in reaction to liz now being coiled around him a moment later he tries to retain some level of dignity and wraps his arms around her in return and hug her back though finding something thats endured like that is going to be hard a right ray of sunshine you are well then thanks for that alright need to locate an engine first anyway so we shall see i think so but i might just head back with you! that way i wont get lost again! so another thing to end up with a load of false flags? wild magic is under sorcerer already alexis arrives up on top of the wall with the traitor and goes to meet up with the general how the hell did you get in here? says the now confused driver holding the door meanwhile her search would be entirely fruitless apart from the usual crud of receipts and wrappers
gt is between you and your hubby and a bunch of strangers haha it would help people to stop glamorizing war yes most people no they dont deter ask any murderer if they were deterred for the most part breaking strings is a sign of immaturity of course in limited cases like hendrix it was bc he was doing all sorts of showmanship gimmicks but after i got decent at guitar i only have to change the strings bc of boredom this is why you hardly ever see a jazz or country player break a string during a performance in fact its only loud rock where this happens for obvious reasons sure it does ops wife raided his credit cards and bought a bunch of stuff totaling 50k that could easily be monitored i feel there was a lot of miscommunication and secrecy going on both sides if you monitor your finances together and have an agreement that any large purchases say over 500 need to be discussed then this wouldnt have happened i suppose a person could rack up 50k in one month but its not likely and
stoicism for most situations it helps to try envisioning the worst possible outcome i mean the worst most of the time its not really that bad are you still alive? are you still healthy? do you still have prospects for the future? if so then it really wasnt that bad was it? tim ferriss has a lot of good things to say about stoicism google for more im not 100 perfect at this by any means but ive made huge steps forward over the last few years also its not like i just give my atm card amp pin to anyone who asks thats a different kind of trust im talking about emotional vulnerability i would like to hear this charisma while im not a complete robot my natural instincts with social relations are not that great so ive had to learn how to be charming it is a skill that can be learned but as with any talent some people are naturally better at it than others id say im about average
gt your best bet is to start being more friendly and open to conversations with people in general not just women next time youre out shopping joke with the cashiers initiate conversations with strangers in public and be friendly and smile everywhere you go i do try to be friendly and nice with everyone i make jokes and talk with cashiers all the time but its never more than a 30 second short talk and i really dont know about talking to strangers im in the uk and i genuinely think if you went up to someone on the street and started talking to them theyd think you were crazy were really quite a private and prudish lot and i know if someone i didnt know came up to me and started talking id be wondering what they were trying to sell me or if its a scam to distract me while someone else pinches my wallet or something in my experience we just dont talk to strangers here unless youre drunk ive
and thats the whole point its the same principle offends doesnt take responsibility excuses no apology portrays himself as the victim and most importantly all of that is done publicly without any previous provocation by ex6 i personally find it to be very poor behavior and see how one can feel offended by his behavior i for one feel better after hitting 30 up to 30 i felt the pressure of all the things i wanted to do before that now? i see that life is just the same its just that im more relaxed oh and my hair got thinner but aside from that i feel calmer more in control and im just enjoying having a fair bit of extra income and living my own life well i got emotional about everything in the beginning later still did but i learned to deal with it better the guy with no mic the guy not holding connector while you communicated youre going to peak jungle the guy not rotating when the bomb is spotted the guy not keeping an eye on his economy and then asking for an awp while were on eco
the us is a secular nation that thinks it is christian the uk is a christian nation that thinks it is secular pence is an elected official trump cant fire him the problem is sugar in general not specifically hfcs although its bad too sugar is in everything and people consume so much of it theres so much food out there that claims to be healthy but is actually not that good for you just one example a single serving of low fat strawberry yogurt contains 20 grams of sugar almost the entire recommended daily intake for an adult if you ate a single serving of plain yogurt and an entire cup of raw strawberries you would have consumed only half as much sugar its very common in canada and australia as well even europe has suburban sprawl although its not the norm like it is in the us
definitely interesting but not not more or less than with most other human people i like everyone whos nice so ops question would still be valid to be fair id probably hesitate a few seconds even at the easy questions just because its a stressful situation to not come up with an answer at all is obviously not a good sign though yeah its shopped i can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time get yourself a german proxy free stream at gt a free market is not necessarily an unregulated market only a minimally regulated one id disagree how can it be free when it has regulations which by definitions make it less free? then free becomes relative also how would megacorporations even form without a government?
its not that out of the blue i think you got lost on your way to shocked this wasnt mentioned before the hampsterdance no these people think they are being clever and hilarious but theyre not they revel in their own ignorance and meateater cliches i dont even engage with people like this i respect people who can but i just find a way to get out of talking with such people luckily people dont really give me a hard time about it in real life im glad to hear people saying thisi have dark circles and concealers dont do much eye creams do even less i guess ill embrace the raccoon eye look i have blue eyes but one of them has a pretty big brown spot in it people are surprised when they notice it if you like the job i guess you do what you can for you maybe you should keep looking you do have to think about your own happiness but ive thought it over and ive decided to stay at mine they are too small here to even have departments and i think they really will make me full time soon based on
less requests will be referred back to here anything with a hint or tip like this has potential or what else is he doing? will be deleted artwork can be commissioned at found an image but want a bigger one or help identifying it? try tineye reverse image search google image search click on the camera icon in the search bar to enter a url or to upload a pic to search by want to know what information is embedded in a photo? a lot more than you might think including camera models lens even geographical location if gps is enabled when the photo was taken exif data viewer errorlevel analysis of photos can help determine if a photo has been shopped image error level analyser one of my secret weapons for quick and dirty logo generation also a shitton of awesome downloadable fonts cooltext if you know of any good subs that should be added just holla! also when
these are a few of my favorite things ! man its like all the good movies were made in the 90s and all the decades earlier will do! ive got hoegaarden amp guinness tonight lamb chop and gruyere cheese no one here realizes how amazingly close german and english are they think french is easy and german is difficult to learn pff seinfeld was too anticlimactic for me the big bang theory facebook is indeed garbage im 47 and i drink profusely music is however my religion does nuno bettencourt still use the jcm800? how does the 800 900 2000dsl differ in tone? dave weckl afrique chick corea the great pumpkin waltz learn every note on the neck as its first position equivalent and where she resides on the musical stuff
this is one of the many reasons were not out ive got two special needs kids in public elementary school and its complicated enough without adding in other peoples bullshit reactions to the mix the focus needs to be on them and how to make their lives better not on our family being different they were in a religious private school for preschool and kindergarten which was an excellent fit for their social and educational needs at the time and us being out would also have taken that possibility off the table at a time when we really really needed it the kids come first sometimes while living with it may be shitty that means what the adults would like comes last well come out when were retired most likely
most annoying youtuber ever hopefully not but i worked in a factory with a 6 day work week minimum with 12 hour shifts exploitation still happens in america if youre into that i guess i feel that by having users host their friends content youre incentivizing anti social behavior and limiting the scope of not only someones social network but the information and news they come across gtgt britbong gt calls someone else inbred look at your little island first shitdick if my people didnt rape the fuck outta your inbred asses you wouldnt even exist anymore yeah shes got a bad back from giving so many bjs that she doesnt have a choice anymore because uggs are the epitome of high tech the world couldnt do without
she used medicare but was not persuaded to believe medicare was a good thing she felt that so long as she was forced to pay for services she didnt not want throughout her life she she take back what she could of money that was stolen from her this is a bit different from how its usually portrayed as a hypocritical choice if someone takes money from you your whole life and you tell them it is not right to take that money from you without your consent then at some point they are willing to give some of it back to you you can take back that money without changing your stance that taking peoples money and redistributing it as the taker sees fit is wrong long before she accepted medicare she held the belief that one should not refuse to accept redistribution services after paying into redistribution services the victims do not have to add selfinflicted martyrdom to the injury done to them
i honestly thought that would be how glenna works when w3 came out gtcan the tank not get ported at deimos please? please gt fify nathan sharp natewantstobattle it looks to me like the op over there either used the wrong word for what he wanted to say or just meant that the outward fe expression is repressed since he flaired up as intj this must be about some other person he wouldnt know how it looks like inside gt but no stated rules lies! gtdiscord server ads will get removed the only way i think his opinion could work is because people have different likes and dislikes? eg if i say no it is nonnegotiable but if i say i dont want to because ltsome excusegt it would be ok to argue against it but i know people for whom it is the other way around so id think their so would be a jerk to argue against a flat no but its fine for them? on a side note sometimes people with difficult bonds to their parents seek out similar partners because its familiar
i think the difference between how the 3 come off is like lebron seems to be the only one who is really interested in being a leader figure kobe somehow sees the whole thing as a battle hes like some kind of samurai he wont hesitate to even give the mamba death stare to his own teammates hes a fighter not a leader i cant remember lebron criticising his own team directly unlike kobe meanwhile jordan comes across like he probably believes hes a class above both the others hes not competitive hes not a leader hes just like im the goat lol so mjs archetype is neither the fighter nor the leader its that of a demigod i was talking about the non direct implied thing that focuses on the government etc which also hurts our image and yeah i phrased it wrong the percent that think that germans are nazis is 0 those that would spread the 4th reich bullshit 051 those that vote the political parties where this is coming from without enough moaning about getting the aggresive demagogues to shut
you were serb? im surprised it went as cool as it did for you my dad was in the croatian army and a lot of psychos in his troop would have been happy to off you anyway the issue is you learned the wrong lesson needlessly complex messages send off a desperation vibe you wouldnt open with a huge connection speech in real life and simple messages kinda say youre interested but not a tryhard oooh a perfect color for a winter! have fun with that sandpapery experience! interesting might have to agree there id compare it to soccer fights in england and europe in general sure wed like things to stay in a game but everything people get emotionally attached to leads to out of game reactions and behavior
he used to have 5 twin brothers hes the only one who made it biologists dont lay eggs theyre mammals this is for concepts youd like to understand better not for simple one word answers walkthroughs or personal problems li5 means friendly simplified and laymanaccessible explanations not responses aimed at literal five year olds which can be patronizing a guess frisk isnt old enough to cry for help on facebook so i just have trouble believing the premise unless that wound is just supposed to be an injury and i misunderstood everyone wanted to love it because it was a new spin on pokemon and nintendo hasnt had that in 20 years many websites dont initially display the full image but a downscaled version of it that you need to view in full resolution by clicking it or opening it in a new window they do this to reduce unnecessary traffic for example when people look at it on mobile devices that wouldnt be able to display the full picture anyways if people dont know know that they save
burn units are awful and heartbreaking i could never work in one but i did a few days on a burn unit in nursing school you can hear peoples blood curdling screams barely being muffled by a pillow or a towel in their mouth from the hallway during dressing changes and debridement gt as to why it is missing from the infographic i couldnt tell you probably because when diabetes becomes fatal it is dt a complication of diabetes ie kidney failure peripheral artery disease etc maybe at that time they werent able to correlate the two and just said they died of kidney failure or as they say on this infographic nephropathies just a guess though am not 1900s doctor i am thinking because with epic often comes a paperless system so no physical charts to assemble and the docs enter their own orders or nurses enter verbals and dont do any written orders for the uc to put in the computer those were the major changes we had and it did take a load off of the ucs but we still have them and there is
people here can be so literal sometimes i was born here i speak a number of other languages with varying degrees of ability it goes so fast and i enjoy posts like this just to see the different languages we speak and places we call home sadly my observation of late has been that more and more if the digital space is becoming less tolerant of people who use other languages and we have this wave of opposition to immigration and all things foreign you may have noticed i have encountered many statements along the lines of what i literally said but from people who actually meant them so when i saw all of these posts in all these languages i half expected someone to say something like that here so i said it is what was intended with an ironic or sardonic intention with then intent to actually express just the opposite sometimes that works and sometimes it does
context doesnt matter the nigger word is always racist what? thats what i do when i get the healing traits just summon void and healthstones now im tank lul the fucking comments my god were generalizing here the people who called him out as being muslim were racist idiots but simplifying their criticism into hurr durr we hate him cause hes black is just as stupid are you my girlfriend? nothing is definite in philosophy really except formal logic theres always some philosopher out there with dissenting ideas that cant necessarily be proven right or wrong and with quantum computing on the horizon chemists will be able to synthesize any compound they can imagine with near perfect accuracy drugs will be much more effective and much more advanced very soon
i feel bad but also kind of not really its pretty shitty that these scammers exist but that was really dumb to just hand out keys with no research and why multiple? apparently he wasnt rationing the keys to fit within a marketing budget either this is why you need p people too many indie devs just act like senpai noticed me! when they get press interest from youtubers but they should always be suspicious when someone is offering to advertise their game for basically free i just have a serious problem with his attitude that he was robbed he was tricked yes but nothing was stolen from him he freely offered it its like walking around handing dollar bills to people on the street then complaining they took your money his lack of discretion is the only thing to blame here ps way to make another couple thousand scammers now that you told them how to do it
showed this to my husband but called it dad watching the kids he laughed then watched more tv a thanks for updating the sub! oh that is awesome mine walks on my face and purrs its the dogs who hog the covers while i freeze good answer and great hustle!! dont ever get them wet cuz they look like gremlins seriously though the runt looks like the reincarnation of my maine coon bunker he was a chill dude with a falsetto trill great cat boxers are lovers not fighters! i hope nobody tried to use this guy to fight so sad he is really underweight thanks for taking him in i hope he starts eating more let us know how the vet visit goes and give this guy tons of love! handsome guy congrats! omg shes cute so sultry in her stripey red dress! i can see why you fell in love with her she was destined to be a princess!
feminine which are rare i like males but it varies all the time and can get really confusing so i just say my sexuality is queer for the people who say that trans folk are mentally ill or nonexistent you need to educate yourself being trans is in no way a mental illness its simply wanting to be who you truly feel you are inside and not hiding it i dont see anything ill about that at all but being trans can cause or aggravate mental illnesses especially depression anxiety and thoughts of suicide trans people are very very real and have been around for a long time there just werent terms for people like us back then i know who i am and what i feel is real the discomfort i feel when im misgendered or experiencing dysphoria is physical i feel physically empty and its an achy feeling all over trans people are not faking their identities for extra attention or to be special they just want to be who they truly are edit grammar
i love it when i read a good recipe and i happen to have the necessary ingredients on hand that narrows it down to about 40 of the female population of the us ajinca has had success in his past few games against toronto averaging over a point a minute the question is how many minutes will he get tonight? if one of us drove a hundred miles an hour and killed two people what do you think the result would be? how much prison time? and its absolutely fucking irrelevant that hes a cop and was in a cruiser when he made the decision to travel that fast without lights and a siren he crossed firmly over the line into criminal negligence im so spoiled now i could never go back! i have several lenses but rarely reach for my bag because the 2470 28 is so versatile and so sharp its crazy the thing that really jumped out at me though was the low light capability i took some shots the other day at iso 4000 and above and with just a bit of noise reduction in light room they look amazing at 2000 and
well isnt crying just another form of body language ? if so then if no one else is here to see it its useless especially since you cant really use that to find the cause and learn from it i dont remember the last time i cried honestly at least two or three years ago nonetheless i still think of it more as an annoyance than anything else i dont know how old you are but i think i grew out of it and im twenty also stop the using pain method its silly youre just convincing yourself that youre angry enough to do that and that its the solution but in the end it isnt even related to the problem its almost like a mental placebo and if you can convince yourself that youre calm then you can do it in another way
this actually looks less weird than what michael redd built a career on billy king secret genius before we offer free college we should spend money on free preschool even though it is painful to admit that the state might be a better parent than the average household ive never liked this line to make yourself feel better do you think the detroit lions feel better watching the entire super bowl as opposed to just the highlights? a fieldgoal competition between the kickers start at the 30yard line and sounds fair coming from a rams player good point i was reading this thread and thinking geeze these wingmen theyre describing are terrible i dont really shut up too much in real life and here people are actually asking me to not shut up it just works
there defense to win games so they might run a more conservative offense to take advantage of that tough defense both can win the same number of games but a margin of victory poll will clearly favor an oregon team that wins a series of 4928 games over a notre dame team that wins 173 is oregon really better than notre dame or florida in that situation maybe maybe not you cant tell one way or another with margin of victory its irrelevant however if we look at their respective schedules we can tell which team has been tested and which hasnt thats how we can reasonably assume that a 121 alabama team is likely better than a 121 northern illinois team for the record notre dame florida and oregon all played relatively stout schedules this year
damn straight you can always tell when the youngsters post i know for certain that all the way up until the late 80s that youd be hard pressed to find sweet tea in the vast majority of places in the houston area its an import from the south edit sweet tea annoys the shit out of me the more i drink the thirstier i get for me its just tea ice and lemon not only that since they can idle down when they are under the usual low loads they use far less fuel this is a major advantage for many reasons the heavier the better a good mattress must be firm in that it provides the necessary support usually this means it has to be heavy and a good mattress must be soft in that it prevents pressure points if the mattress is light it will break down in no time and not provide the necessary support i have a tempurpedic grandbed which does both and it is amazing and expensive also as others have said sleeplikethedead
you cant fire her?? wth i mean shes basically showing shes incompetent having to ask to be shown the same thing over and over again and wanting her hand held i dont really know how the firing process works but is there anyone you can talk to about it? i feel kinda resentfulenvious of this girl though cause i was fired once for a part time job and in most those cases like mine the employer is not required a reason or a notice and so i didnt get either and it sucked big time kinda annoying to hear this girl has some immunity from that lol the fact that youre even worried about this is evidence that youre fine plus youre still young not everyone cries over the death of loved ones there is no right way to grieve or deal with death i mean as long as youre not harming anyone i do think we all need to learn how to interact with people different than us but thats also something that just comes with life experience and learning to know yourself dont worry about it too much
i know much too short i loved the interconnectedness in the cluster and the love they extended to each other its something i will probably never be able to experience in that intense way as an intuitive but i could appreciate what it could be like i only share knowledge with people who want knowledge and not confirmation of their own viewpoints no matter what i can go the extra mile if need be but in my experience there are a lot of people who dont want to be taught they either want their own ignorance validated or they secretly hope youll end up doing their dirty work for them maybe i was just born on the wrong spot in the world gtanyone got any comforting words or insights? well you are not your parents you know better than to be heartless youll do better in life than they ever will if you are financially able to support yourself you dont need the poison money billions of people dont have family wealth to fall back on youll manage just as well the best and the hardest thing one
honestly i am just glad that this isnt another post about a name pun yes i have heard this before and i can relate i had one date refer to black people as kind of human and wondered if this was the same person i feel like giving someone false hope is mean yeah and eventually the truth will come out so i really do not see the point in general it annoys the hell out of me that there are so many people out there who try to pull off shit like this thats fine if youre married and you want to mess around but dont keep a secret because this just creates a terrible situation so mensa is the feminine form right? like you would call a stupid man menso and a stupid girl mensa right? i dont know i only ever took latin in high school
achieve a marathon you fat shit how do these people not realize we do not want a different streaming service for every single company out there these companies need to work together a little bit sorry man but you have a looooooooooong way to go that is the squishiest i have seen since before 11 you only have 3130 armor which is 2226 below cap all the stamina in the world wont make up for that i understand that not everyone has a lot of time to play but if that is the case for you then just try to have fun and do what you can so what system are you on? if able you can play with me and i will help you get mad loots edit how strange that i offer to help this guy a bit and do the math for him to show him where his gear is at in the game meta and the toxic children of the division community downvote it i suppose that is what i get for trying to help console plebs
there would be mages who work in a hospital treating the injured and dying in hopes of gaining some of their magic while others could be mass murderers happy early birthday out of those i like the gate type system best my universe does have magic corridors that people can use to travel to other stars the current race doesnt know how to use them as they cant manipulate magic very well but i can work in a way that they found how to send messages through these corridors than hell just do impersonations though trump might try to sue for copy right or something equally as dumb p not having taco bell seems to be very common you mean those article sites that have 30 adds on every page? i hate those
i think istjs are the robotic types to be honest i know a few and they dont smile they just sit quietly in the corner its so hard to get a discussion out of them i grew up with one and he just never smiled or talked he was impossible to read and understand i dont feel that way about intjs at all i came here knowing someone else had posted it geez this actually bothers me if someone only wants 1 pump in a grande i hate charging them or if they ask for 2 pumps white mocha and 2 pumps mocha i would rather just charge them for one flavor not both i feel like its such a rip off the funny thing about those people is most of the time they cant take what they dish out ive called out a few and they got so mad and said i was extremely insensitive
okay it seems like an editorialization to me then so it is not a place to discuss sexual strategy? gt query if a husband provides for a wife who gives him sex in exchange for his provision doesnt that make wife a glorified prostitute and the husband a glorified john? do you actually know anything about marriage? marriage is not a transaction of sex in exchange for provision the politics is not the issue here the issue is that they are probably politics they disagree with i believe people will choose what they like or dislike the ghostbusters remake went horribly and those new star wars movies have and probably will continue to posses no cultural impact in any way the originals did which postmodernists?
or they have no plans to buy anything and are just browsing source im broke but i like looking at things the sponsors told him he could take his shirt off but only if the sponsor name was still visible turn around can! in this picture and in your recent form im not sure whos right so i upvoted all of you mo has been painting portraits of all his teammates he is struggling to find a bright enough colour for bobbys teach its closer to 35 million still less people than california though i was going to say this too but then i realized i had no basis for the claim i mean im pretty sure under these circumstances it would be ok to say no but what would you say to the customer? mane is actually part of our scouting team and was looking for some prospects for the academy
ask somebody to speak more slowly and more slowly usually prompts people to use simpler language as well practice some activities sitting back to back or use listening texts where she cant see the speaker and give phrases with which she can ask for clarification encourage her to use them lastly it might be fun to cover some australian slang or idioms students always enjoy this and it goes a long way to helping comprehension when they are dealing largely with local native speakers is a person with a complex set of circumstances you might get somewhere by saying something like dad when you comment about young women it makes me feel uncomfortable because it makes me feel like you think those things about me i know you dont think that way about me personally but its hurtful to hear you speak that way about other women you also might get somewhere with the cringeworthy shes somebodys daughter too particularly if you do decide to bring up the porn though i think im in agreement that it
hm hm hmcaterpillars go into a cocoon and turn into butterflies potential inhuman candidates? and his question was actually pretty funny he said that people had brought thumb drives and were wondering if they could get a copy of achievement city geoff actually kind of laughed his ass off it was good right now the troll that were talking about is on his stream talking about how hes raiding the tpp stream not only is he being a troll raiding another stream is directly against the twitch terms of service it doesnt matter if other people want to get zapdos out right now we can do that we can even do it using democracy but it has to be after we get rid of this troll honestly i dont mind invid ads nearly as much as unskippable preroll ads those are laggy and at least on youtube usually dont have any interest for me now i know rt cant change youtube to distinguish between sponsor and nonsponsor and theres no way around that but if they start to lean towards a model where they turn off the
falling asleep in theory just close eyes and keep them closed until brain drifts into state of unconsciousness in practice at least an hour or two of tossing and turning while every poor choice ive ever made or embarrassing incident ive ever been caught in floods my brain if i can silence this it is replaced with pondering life the universe and everything instead all of this leads to waking up in the morning being difficult as well but thats been discussed here already i used to read rpg world didnt realize ian jq worked on this show but i definitely recognized that as hero and not cloud cool to have a hunch confirmed woke up feeling just utterly exhausted decided to take a half day or something and went back to sleep for a bit went into campus just before noon worked on data processing for 4 hours or so got some stuff sorted but going to have to clarify some other things making sure i understand the methods especially dilution factors had been feeling quite queasy before and
trying to manipulate me or manipulating one of my friends whos not aware enough to protect themselves i highly recommend picking up a physicalartistic hobby that speaks to you it will come with a network of friends rivals and folks that will mentor you along your journey i picked up dancing and it did all the above for me in addition into getting me into great shape our n is really strong but developing our sensing via physical activity will actually enhance our other traits in a way thats hard to describe best of luck! thank you very much for thiscould you tell me more about them? it helps to know were not alone in this thank you for the kind wordswould love to read your poetry sometime this is great advice for me thank you
youre going to regret asking that question i knew someone else would have came up with the same idea oh well i managed to make 4k people happy so ill take that as a win gtyou have only ever been taught to see things through one set of lenses hey douchebag some of us used to be creationists turns out creationism is bullshit so dont give us that crap gtevolutions fails the test of falsifiability youre either misinformed or lying gtsince evolutionists will remain supporters of the theory no matter what discoveries are made this has fuckall to do with any theorys falsifiability and also shows you have an abysmal understanding of how scientific inquiry works that would be a genetic fallacy though i mean sure one cant deny that they spread misinformation but to dismiss their claims like that without providing any counterargument makes us no better than michael irreducible complexity behe
have you tried unplugging it while the car is running to see if that makes any difference? thats one way to check and see if theres any signal voltage test is the next step so verify that its putting out the right signals or any signal at all could also be a ground wire that was moved when you unplugged the maf theres a black ground in the harness where it comes together at the fuel rail thats notorious for getting corroded and messing with your ground wow so youre saying that based on your limited first hand experience and two extreme outliers we should assign a mental illness stigma to a group of people? youre welcome to your opinion but i have to disagree nice! you can also snag the digital climate control parts from one of those pretty sure its a q45 cant recall which years for a nice switch if you want to spruce that up have to make sure to get all the parts though including the sunlight sensor and all that saves a little money over trying to import the silvia dcc from
what kind of moc do you have the mask of creation on way in the bottom left? you can fly if you try leaving the past behind couldnt help myself but can its fuel melt protodermis beams? oh gosh the second bear chasing sips i was dying maybe doggy paddle might have been better im getting a very takutanuva vibe from the second combiner anyone else? i heard it once before sad to say i cant remember where probably a good thing too it looks like a few things have happened to him in this shot first his horns are different it appears hes utilizing the bow antler pieces for back horns second a hand and his sword look like theyre a tail in that whole sequence now most interestingly he has purple ribcage and shadow trap halves for some sort of clawhand i wonder what causes this to happen edit it also looks like his toe claws were transferred to his hands looking a few frames forward
when you dialed 9 you opened the outside line or rather told the pbx to dial externally instead of waiting to try to see if the number you will dial is an internal extension then when you dialed 1 that was already the country code which you also saw in front of the 800 number and dialed a second time even though it was really the same one so then you pressed 1 again instead of 8 and called the police gt i would assume the 91 is to dial out from any phone service area you only have to dial 9 when behind a pbx if you know computer networking a bit then think private ips nating behind a few public addresses you can reach everyone at their personal extensions behind a few public phone numbers dialing 1 is pretty inconsistently necessary these days i only have to do it after exiting a pbx as above i dont use a landline otherwise anyway heres a pbx help article about how it handles
youre 17? ill give you some scale this happened 11 years ago im the kind of person who never forgets and never forgives especially himself you just unknotted an albatross i put around my own neck that long ago and im dizzy because i think it might just fall off everyone says things like oh its in the past you might as well just forget it and let it go youre awesome! i had almost forgotten that issue thanks there are a lot but i try to take them one at a time and then she ties them all together and makes sure i get crushed under them if i take any single thing on at a time i know i shouldnt i dont really have much esteem myself but weve been together so long that i want to help her be like who she used to be
im in the uk as well! i shall upload the pictures soon ill let you know when i do! when you go in to your gp insist on getting epiduo as i have asked for it again after i ran out but i was given something else heavy duty hydration and moisture products are a must dont use the prescription without them as your skin type is oily you might need different products as we have different skin types mine is dry amp dehydrated also just a warning after exactly 1 week of using it you might experience a burning sensation where you have used the prescription after you put on the hydratingmoisturising products my sis who also used epiduo said she had this as well this will probably only last a week and it will feel horrible but stick with it the sensation didnt last any longer than 15 minutes iirc i also got antibiotics partway through and they have reduced the purging somewhat and made the purging more bearable i shall upload the pictures soon ill let you know when i do! good luck!!!
the production value of robot wars has gone downhill wow this looks bloody good always felt arma 3 lacked terrain with proper hills and dense forest this has both cant wait for this! intj here sales may very well be our ultimate job from hell especially if its based in a target driven call centre in daily life intjs hate being sold to because we usually already know what we want when we dont yet know what we want we like to conduct thorough independent research to arrive at a rock solid conclusion sales is worthless to us so landing in a sales job will most likely be a recipe for disaster it defies everything we stand for and believe in trust me i tried it once and would rather dip my nuts in lava than go through that hell again
i really like myself a lot and im attracted to people who hold the same values that i do who remind me of myself so i feel like i can snag the type of people that i value highly however when i was younger and didnt know myself quite as well when id hook up with a hot hottie id be like score! one time i met this guy at a party tall dark handsome frat boy but kind and a little geeky we had amazing sex and he drove me home the next day because it had snowed i ran into him 6 months later at the grocery store with my mom and i was only like 19 at the time and he noticed me and went to hug me and my mom was all like whoa hes handsome in my head i was thinking score! even my mom thinks hes handsome follow up we slept together on and off for the next year but then our paths separated were now friends on linkedin of all places and i consider him my one that got away wait where was i going with this story? i dunno
penguins are one of the only species that stand fully upright like humans so probably the shape of the profile and blackwhite coloring is enough to trigger penguin in its mind im sure it has nothing to do with having boobs exactlyalthough since these penguins have been exposed to humans for a long time they probably can differentiate between our sexes no problem animals in zoos often develop affinity for humans since they are used to seeing more of them than their own kind in many cases and who are their only source of food no different from dogs seeing their owners as one of us and if youve never owned a male dog i assure you they have no qualms in attempting sex with humans despite the obvious physical differences xd
i dont know what its formally called and i dont care that much but when i say background magic i mean when they hear from me that im getting lonely because i know theres a big party going on and im watching it all unfold on social media but i cant be there because im at work well the infj im pretty sure heard me say all this to them and immediately texted everyone at the party and probably threatened them to stop posting pictures and talking about it since it was making me depressed i say that because within 10 minutes of texting her i never saw another thing about that party i agree they were an amazing band that you could hear the play styles of all four on all eight albums but i dont think any two sounded the same especially when you hit their later ones
gtwould it be important to you that that masterpiece is connected to your name? well it depends not necessarily though id prefer it but if my work existed nameless and with no claim from anyone else which is highly unlikely then id be perfectly fine with that as well gt or is it satisfaction enough to know that other people like it? this is fine too which goes back to the nameless thing if people like it i dont really care as much if my name is connected to it edit that is to say if people hate it i want my name nowhere near it but theres a bit of a problem with asking me these sorts of questions because i dont necessarily do for recognition as one of the intjs mentioned credit but not prestige
brilliant move my liege got it i have a lovehate with the frenchstyle coiled indicators might have to give them a 2nd change many thanks very interesting take thank you for the kind words yes the swift more here if youre interested man youre very kind! i think the following top 3 flies catch most trout i dont know well bass nymphs hares ear pheasant tail zebra midge dries parachute adams elk hair black ant also i find that strategy trumps fly selection the where when and how you fish is more important than the flies more here thank you! a joy to fish thank you for all your good advice a purple midge? nice! sounds great know that rod angles are more important than rod weight imo use side pressure to pull the trout into slower water i quickly and regularly land big trout on a 000wt
him if hes allowed to fixate on them as scary noises treats and it will go more smoothly bring extra fresh water for him i assume car camping since youre bringing his cot so keep extra gallons of water in the car dont let him drink out of lakespuddlesstreams unless you want diarrhea in your tent make sure hes accustomed to drinking out of whatever water dish you bring along some people get special camping dog dishes made out of cloth or other odd packable materials only to find that their dogs wont go near them use whatever sort of dish hes used to or practice with any new dishes at home first if youre hiking light and filteringtreating water practice that filteringtreating at home and make sure hell drink the treated water keep him leashed but make sure hes got good id on his collar just in case if you want him to stay on his cot practice that at home every time ive gone
i have not sorry what are apl and red? thank you for the suggestion thank you essentially where it currently sits between a concept and a completed product and how reliable its progress has been thus far sunsets sunrises lakes ice nature our world is a complex system and i love watching it work together in concert to create art sometimes people can be too quick to accusemisjudge others intentions on reddit sometimes id like to think that there are many more good people than bad on the internet but some how weve defaulted to assuming the worst in people even if they are just seeking advice thank you both for the benefit of the doubt and your added insight many thanks much appreciated very interesting read and insightful thought id share it
pressfarttocontinue!? a homophobe!? wow didnt see that one comming!! whats next? he likes fedoras and is a mra? id never suspected it from the classy way he uses the word madam the nazis have been developed well enough for them to be major enemies tuco was a very good villian too and he was like in 4 episodes only those were different writers besides im pretty sure they just wrote that storyline to release the actor who probably had other acting commitments they arent exactly the brightest bulbs in the bug zapper but they arent complete idiots they killed 10 guys in jail within a twominute window alls im saying thatd be sassy as hell unfortunately will lacks a sense of humor chilton would totally wear that shirt though
i thought the acting was subpar and the dialogue was terrible half the time i felt the characters were over dramatic eg like the latino cop losing it brfore she had to tell a couple they cant find their daughters missing body also the brooding lead character was just angry or acting out at all times hes owned by the rich and wealthy yet receives all this background story from a cop that hates him? lastly i thought the nudity was too in your face and didnt add to the plot unlike with game of thrones major plot points would happen or youd learn more about a character during those scenes i couldnt make it past episode 2 and was bored out of mind xfiles handed conspiracies much better and lost had better character arcs and back stories vikings and game of thrones handles multiple characters and growth much better even as a huge scifi fan there are far better shows on netflix id rather be watching
5017! i surprised myself by keeping an 807 pace lol right now without a penguin costume i can keep about a 720 pace for a 10k my best time is 4601 so it was interesting to see how much the heat from the suit was affecting me generally if i come across a really well writtensourced article story or whatever i check out the rest of that site what the sites purpose is and try to see where else that writer contributes its a pretty hit or mostly miss method i dont do it all the time because it can be time consuming but when its a hit you find cool stuff put him back in the garden my boyfriend and i ran our first marathon!!! the flying pig marathon ended up missing a sub4 by 3 and a half minutes because we started a bit too fast and i died out at the end but it was one of the hardest most awesome things ive ever done and now my feet hurt haha ive been eating since about an hour after we finished and now its nap time!
you say this like its truth and heshe is in the minoritythere are people on both sides of the spectrum if youre happy then so be it cool i mainly game on my ps4 only looking for pc specific games i cant play anywhere else but either way thanks for the confirmation! im excited! i didnt actually wait for the train i just dropped her off hugged her and left another thing is apparently im taking her out tomorrow cause thats what she told my friend because i guess i asked even though i dont remember any advice asap would help alot im going to calltext her tomorrow just to confirm first then maybe ill start worrying yea but the information is outdated mods can you just sticky a psa about best buy and amazon discounts so we dont get these posts
just told us what we already knew and we had a brief discussion about it but thats really it over the years our teachers informed us about the ins and outs of what was going on we learned about osama bin laden and had many in class debates on what the us should do war or not stuff like that we learned about the patriot act trouble in iraq and watched a lot of documentaries about it in high school sorry for the long story but i hope it was informative with all of their germs as well this amount of germs is equivalent to licking an average of 49 human buttholes per day do you really want to lick that many strangers buttholes? so there you have it my city dwellers guide to survival its not as scary as you think! i promise as long as you keep your guard up youll be able to relax and have fun i wouldnt trade the excitement of living in the city for anything!
i believe the next plane is shandalar which we will find to be garruks home the last two planes innistrad and ravnica have been the homes of their respective major planeswalkers sorin and jace though two points dont make a line consider the following in innistrad we saw sorin lilliana and garruk in ravnica we are seeing jace gideon and most likely chandra these two sets chronologically would be happening almost simultaneously this would mean the planeswalker timeline needs to continue in the next set garruks curse was never absolved its heavily implied that he will have to travel elsewhere having a new quest the chainviel is from shandalar and is probably the only place where a cure for the affliction could be found garruks backstory references magic as being commonplace in his place of orgin not to mention having large magically potent forests where he ran off too such is the case
in grocery stores as with any business everything is about maximizing profit they do not go looking for products on the off chance someone will be interested i worked in a grocery store for three years and i can tell you that any exotic fruits that came in only came in because they were already available from the same supplier as something else we already stocked and the manager said what the hell lets get a case i mean before fair trade was a fad my grocery store refused to stock fair trade coffee after the sales rep gave multiple presentations to try and convince them it was a good idea they were convinced there was no market for it and at the time they were probably right everyone at your grocery store knows people like apples they know what to do with them they can eat them plain they can make pie crumble put them in salads
these are the quotes that point to si te gt i strive to keep my behaviour consistent gt im not one to be persuaded very easily gt whomever my future partner may be must be able to do that with no exceptions otherwise we arent meant for each other gt my judgements of people are always concrete they are this way mostly because ive yet had an experience where ive entirely misjudged someone and thus i find my judgements to be accurate for myself once someone leaves the door they are not going to enter it again gt i go with whatever works i dont care if its new or traditional if it works it works gt im a fairly organised person but i try not to be too meticulous to where it disrupts functionability i tend to be organised enough to where things are placed in a manner where its not cluttered and im not wasting time finding them everything about you is rigid
like they give a fuck all they care about is that they get to try and steal your info cmon dog can you cut it out please? nate arrives at the arena and notices tomi he storms over angrily you attacked my sister??! nate appears in the hall going after a hamburger he obtains one expresses his thanks and heads on nate looks up and climbs from his spot yeah im a resident nate son of asclepius the medicine god its not safe out here the camp can take care of you until youre older things will make sense i promise i can walk you to the cabin i suppose all the muselings share one okay thanks! ill take a look into that later today nate catches the pillow and throws it back sorry i forgot you and i dont really have a good sleep pattern down nate says to the young aussie she is an aussie right? im not just mistaken?
ha it didnt occur to me if my husband made me a cheeseburger id totally put out i think weve also been through a lot over an entire decade ffs meet a guy and either fuck for a cheeseburger or pay for my own? such a hard choice! yeah should probably work on lowering education costs then since boo hoo you cant pay your 2 kids tuition a lot of us paid our own education and a lot of middle class families dont even have cash to cover state college tuition plus living expenses sounds like a case of too much avocado toast to me theyre all stupid i think i totally believe this is tcu i lived in fort worth and seriously a busload came to a local low key bar i had drinks poured on me twice bc they couldnt stand straight my husband almost got in a fight bc one touched my butt or something that did not seem accidental so i told him off aka keep your fucking hands to yourself my husband says something obviously bc the guy starts screaming back at me then like 10 frat bros come to back him up so
goddamnit that is so true it hurts wow everyone puts this label of selfish on those who are suicidal and really it truly isnt no one who kills themselves wants to kill themselves they are just in a state where it is the only option left for them at 13 i sure as hell wasnt selfish i just had nothing else left for me it sparked a decade of worsened emotional abuse and neglect depersonalization dissociation and a medicationinduced haze as i was heavily heavily overmedicated i am grateful for my experiences though because if i had not had them i wouldnt be who i am today with an amazing fiance living across the country a job a car a place of our own and while i still have moments of struggle still dealing with pretty intense cptsd but getting better every day and im still only 7 months out from that hell i would never ever consider suicide now i am in love with life but at 13 the
this is crazy but so believable i like to think they still do this but keep it very hush this dude is straight fucking crazy jacked up its terrifying and im not even the one hes stalking youre doing a good job not replying and handing all this over to the police whether they can do anything with it right now or not doesnt matter so much as their having a record that this dude is just unhinged oh and edit i find that most people that say theyll commit suicide if you leave them or what have you are usually only talk which most of the time is a big bummer i love darkness radio ive just atarted listening while at work really great stuff ill have to find these casts for sure! that wolf was legit
employee friends and family invites are usually in first wave too you pc players keep toeing that corporate line from a guy who pays microsoft an extra 60 yearly to play software hes already purchased from a retailer all while paying his isp monthly yep were really gagging on the corporate cock guys i dont get you guys anymore if its so goddamn bad why do you keep coming back to shitpost and add to the pile this type of thread happens at least once every other day and gets voted up to the hotlist yet nobody sees the irony in the complaining meepo i know its stupid but ive always loved watching well rounded meepo players in action i can tab between meepos and cast fairly well but micro outside of that is like trying to walk with your elbows just feels clumsy and you fall in your face every once in a while that and split pushingfarming is something i just dont know where to start with
you as horrible racist scum who abuses strangers verbally cos thats what you are and what you do im not personally engaging in blm protests myself gthow does it feel to be a cunt? ive done none of what youve accused me of so i dont really feel like a cunt on par with crazy exgirlfriend but in a drastically different way and if all youre concerned with is subject matter then silicon valley and veep are what id consider just my two cents the statistics in other countries people may be less trusting of the police but in sweden national satisfaction with and trust for police is very much above average and there is little evidence of corruption among their law enforcement so thats why sweden is the rape capital of europe because they count differently and you failed to account for that
female and thanks for the advice this is a stupid question but black suit? or should it be a lighter neutral color? never taken psych but im super interested in it unfortunately my schedule has no room for electives so ill never actually get to take it hey i got a 35 too! well 5 years ago but i think the test is the same it got me a fullride scholarship to a mediumlarge university and i think its probably one of the things thats made the biggest difference in my life as otherwise i would have had to go to community college since i couldnt afford anything else my question what did your parents do when you told them? mine were kind of underwhelmed probably because they expected it anyway sleeping wait200 am or 200 pm? actually nevermind my answer doesnt change
o hel yes at least for enchantress actually they can use karnilla and the norns to expand on that thor scene in age of ultron the movie never makes it clear that thor is contacting the norns there who can basically forsee the future by possessing somebody id love to see the loki tv show either deal with loki agent of asgard or to explain what happened in between the end of thor and the start of avengers but absolutely you need the enchantress in there oh yeah what caused the angel glitch anyway i never looked into that i remember waking up that day and getting juggernaut and angel in the same day who were both my first lockbox and pvp unlocks p bruh its a movie where you have a purple alien with a nutsack on his face going around the universe and collecting 6 rocks to put in a glove you can move back in time and its already been done before cough cough doctor strange and agents of shield cough cough ampnbsp and just because you dont know how they work doesnt mean theyre inconsistent
welp looks like its time to rewatch the series yeah but its not like battlefield 4 has a true ranking system or competitive following any way though the argument makes sense for competitive arena shooters like halo or quake or cs but not so much for battlefield most people who play bf are just playing for fun how do you like it so far? is it part of a series or is it a standalone book? ive heard a lot of good things about it nah requited love and human interaction are the only things worth living for ill take a smartphone and throw it in a million seas fuck technology human interaction is the most precious gift we have its what separates us from space dust our bodies are made from atoms that are billions of years old and in this moment we get to celebrate life together how awesome is that its good to unplug from the internet every now and then cherish every moment
you cant get a proper phd with an iq of 100 who are the top 5 centre backs in the world right now? cant tell if youre serious or if its a troll aaah yes striker ramos returns thats cool i guess have you tried indian food? what do you think of social media is it more good or bad is reddit social media? using a charity for tax evasion thinks too much of himself and disrespectful towards ref thats cool im also a fan of alot of music and appreciate new music its hard to chose a favorite genre or musician but if i had to genre hip hop and artist beck if you think assists arent creating thats fine i respect it but i disagree racism is disgusting and should be punished yeah its pretty bad rn but i have faith
i do not believe that there is probably observable trends in the demographics however there is probably a side to the story she had that you are not telling and will never tell it is almost as if people saying stupid things is not feminism gtsecond do you believe biological sex exists? yes i do i use female to describe the female sex and i use girlwoman as sociobiological concepts its a damn shame domestic violence is frowned upon there was a post on pretty much completely and utterly attacking someone because they had differing opinions from them the post was not for fun or to laugh or anything the intent was quite clear there was a serious of posts made about that single user after they are fairly old posts so i am unable to currently find them
your logic is the same as the hooligan who screams before jumping off the cliff in hopes that hell terrify the black belt enough to win the brawl gt its a bit much to ask everybody to check back on the thread regularly dont worry i harvest entp souls very often over here mwahaha when you love what you do you do it better when you do things better you improve on the world around you and you improve yourself if you want to pursue a career on something that makes you miserable be my guest ill keep on writing for a living i wrote a book for entps that shows how through manipulation of psychological principles evidenced empirically we can start projects and finish them cant beat that can you?
yes putting up a piece of graffiti on a wall when the poor old guy just doing his job is not present and which does not defame said person absolutely constitutes harassing him poignant riposte why would this surprise anyone? the only sciencedeniers are fundamentalist evangelicals nice try mr trying to outsource recent history paper gt my friends an artist and posted a video of him drawing his dad composed entirely out of 32 million ink dots i thought i would steal his karma ftfy that that is very fair it would be a fine nerf if you could pick up some fucking special ammo for it im so tired of running over little green boxes with an empty ib and not being able to use them thanks nde was a placeholder because i was getting annoyed and trying anything it was never a staple
neda fed him the knowledge he needed to last in the game awwwhats wrong with him? hes just a snowman selling freezer pops that was a huge part of my childhood derrick is kind of ridiculous for stroking calebs ego when caleb didnt even win the pov he won money not the pov itself nah the leather ones in the mens collection look pretty manly to me i should know i have three pairs whoa she wasnt allowed to go to the hoh room any longer? thats something interesting that i had never known how did you find this out? since theyre talking about people watching the show and since theyre talking about donny he did know the game lets face it when half the house is in an alliance and that alliance has several loudmouths the best game to play is one undertheradar donny knew what to do and he was given vital information but he didnt stand a chance because the paranoia that alliance was creating was too strong even for that alliances own good
my first time was my first time ever leaving the house in girlmode i went to a clothing store with another transgirl who i had just met a few days prior after hanging out most of that day we went to the store and tried on a bunch of things and she helped me pick out some stuff that i bought for myself none of the employees said a thing about either of us going into the womens changing room they even complimented me on my choice of top that i bought! i was most definitely not passing but they were all lovely polite employees and it helped that i was with another trans girl who was more passing than me then a week later i started dating this girl and weve been together almost a month now i still like wearing the stuff she helped me pick out because its special between us
pretty sure its always been eyes i thought this video was super good on its own but just not all that relevant to the song ah the good ole rapin 70s laura from against me! has one of the most powerful voices in all of punk rock maybe not the best on a technical level but hearing it at full throttle is some next level shit white reaper kicks some moderndayglamrockasperformedbygaragepunks ass anytime once youve discovered tychos rib yes yeah the city did has some cool things but you had to sift through bullshit like unexplorable buildings and copypasted metros to find any of it the wastes had even more cool things just more loosely spread out and they were all much more readily available it was mostly that one churchnecropolis area really but since you spend a large chunk of the dlc there it really started bugging me on the whole i loved it but i fucking loathed the skeletons
instead of saying malefemale transcis gender heterohomosexual it would be far more easy to read i have a male brain a female body and im attracted to people with female brains and male bodies or something like that the hedonic treadmill does not mean you will be equally happy if you have lots of terrible things happen to you though money can prevent many of these things also your baseline level of happiness can increase if you take care of yourself physically do you have an expectation of privacy regarding your health information? after all its given to doctors your hospital your insurance company sometimes collection agencies yes but that probably wasnt the last time rationalargumentman was up past 1230 am so remembering it doesnt necessarily count
well with a 556mm dose of freedom you can ah ok thanks bro does he say that change is likely happen? hook grip those beer bottles breaking news man learns to suck start pistols sounds like both it also sounds like he has time traveled from the 80s when the only teams were 12 and 6 its not its a fictionpresentedastruestory set during the bone wars in the late 1800s several historical figures appear including wyatt earp oc marsh and ed cope its a good read but much shorter than crichtons usual novels must have been unfinished when they found it in the files or the ghostwriter wasnt a good one or both and the characters and story are less developed as a result id still recommend it though i stand by my earlier statement that this sub is in danger of becoming another sealswcc
of the heterosexual population however growing up gay can really change everything and set you apart form everyone else and make you have a strong sense of identity related to your sexuality being gay is not just about liking the same gender but growing up with that stigma and trying to fend off discrimination and hatred as a result people in the queer community often feel as though a description of themselves that excludes gay would be incomplete some like to make their sexuality conspicuous while some dont for different reasons this does not mean that the ones that do are any less normal also normal isnt synonymous with straightseeming please let go of that idea forever or less deserving of respect and love and after all several straight people constantly make their sexuality conspicuous
i can read six paragraphs pretty fast and often do on girls profiles id say every other section is pretty short by comparison i didnt write it intending it to be brief though i wrote it to summarize me as a person and i think it does i appreciate the critique though i was born and raised in southern california which isnt really the south persay and these are just good manners i dont understand the distinction a set of bosses that you fight in a set order each with enough hp to fight for at least an hour they get additional hp for each hs you have can be fought at any time after wave 100 drop hs andor rubies i use a wheelchairmaybe not a racial minority but one nonetheless used tinder in soca a couple years ago zero matches in two weeks fuck that
we could be talking past each for all i know that being said though if your assessment is he has no values i would have to completely disagree with you do you have any specific examples that lead you to your assertion? you have to agree with him or his values that your call to each his own and what not but the claim that he has no values at all flies in the face of evidence readily available in the public square legal protections for those rights by their current government and those on the other side of that argument raise a fuss its just a thing he wants to do and his need to be thorough and honest meant it had to get put on the list the important thing you can take away from that exchange though was that he included you youre on the inside smile
the issues theyll face in their stem careers are largely derived from how maledominated the industry is and from what ive heard rampant casual sexism leaving men out of that discussion seems to me a case of preaching to the choir gtwont just be part of the womens computer club but probably also whatever coed club there is for this stuff on campus i was taking a similar line of thought women who would be members could also be part of a womens only space which isnt tied to computers the first episode is a bit off because they go out of their way to introduce bojack as an asshole in that episode sure hes an asshole in every episode but its presented in a more sympathetic light as you get to know him bojack is a tragedy laced with comedy and people are often surprised by that but both the writing and the production are superb and it has perhaps the most potent emotional impacts ive seen in any show i couldnt recommend it more highly but ill admit its because i am drawn to tragedies
im building karrthus right now my thoughts more dual lands lands like savage lands evolving wilds jund panorama basics arent bad but having duals can make it easier to have access to the mana you need imagine having only forest with red dragons and black spells also add some lands like grim backwoods high market and homeward path so you can recover karrthus if someone tries to steal it from you more mana rocks commanders sphere cluestones colorless sources of mana generation like worn powerstone more spells that ramp your mana kodamas reach explosive vegetation peregrination mana flare and dictate of karametra are all cheap and do the job and if you stick with basic lands your land ramp can fish
it gets better since godjesusholy spirit in other words god knocked up some broad without touching her with himself so that he could be born killed and reborn because it was all part of his plan omg clearly corn is like so bad when it comes to corn i just cant even i wouldnt say that feminism puts women on a pedestali think it merely brings them out of the gutter i like feminism because in my view feminism is all about equality to be sure there are some who call themselves feminists who are maybe not so great but they are a vocal minority pretty much every feminist ive ever met has been a wonderful person in fact the people who say that all men are always bad all the time or spout transphobia deep green resistance is an example dont really qualify as real feminists in my book in before no true scotswoman fallacy also being a feminist isnt restricted to women im a feminist too and im basically a guy i think
i am not against neurochemical explanations entirely truth be told i am fascinated by neurochemistry and how it relates to neurodiversity and drugs i also believe that all psychological things are exclusively the result of physical stuff in the brain because i am a materialistic atheist however to ignore what the person is thinking feeling believing wont help it is easy to gaslight neurodivergent people as thats just the autism adhd mood disorder anxiety intellectual disability schizophrenia etc talking! and im afraid that is whats happening ive come to view woman as an age neutral term for anyone who identifies as a woman it is a lot easier to type women than women and girls plus what is the point of having two separate words for the same gender?
can we hope for one close game at least with this squad? ridiculous what a joke the way he took klostertal at 515 is what impressed me the most one website that i find truly fascinating is f1rejectscom the best one is the bunny ears ive made only one good prediction haha and im gonna keep being smug about it for years but playing as a some ball makes you realize that sometimes theres an asshole hidden behind the nice face of a player you respected hey dont forget clermont won the top 14 in 2010 do not confuse with the samoan ball squeeze could be done at a track where overtaking is hard like monaco i remember bernoldi in the arrows in 2001 holding up coulthards mclaren for 44 laps gt and is the voice of btcc for me but but ben edwards addison is great though
consistent with individual liberty regardless of your opinion on the matter gt which as an institution was established long before my own birth thus private property is unjust correct? being established before your birth and you not consenting to it doesnt necessary make it unjust private property being upheld means people not having their liberty violated not being stolen from and if you want to violate peoples private property you not consenting to it and it existing before you doesnt make it unjust and you violently being stopped from violating the liberty of property owners is if anything positively just what makes state unjust so to speak is its violations of citizens liberty if we had a minimal state which didnt violate peopless liberty or a stateless society without liberty violations it wouldnt matter whether or not we can vote or that it precedes us being born so the social contract is a totally different issue and your comparison doesnt work
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