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[ "Motorola MC143150 and MC143120", "Windows 3.1(new) for sale $35", "Gospel Dating", "Help with ultra-long timing", "Cirrus Logic 5426 Graph Card", "What is Zero dB????", "Wings will win", "To be exact, 2.5 million Muslims were exterminated by the Armenians.", "Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "SGI sales practices (Was: Crimson (Was: Kubota Announcement?))", "BATF/FBI revenge", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "Travesty at the Joe Louis", "W32/TSENG card & other VLB cards... (please)", "Monophysites and Mike Walker", "Jeep Grand vs. Toyota 4-Runner", "Looking For David E. Smyth", "Plus minus stat...", "Blues into playoffs, beat TB 6-5", "Mitsumi CD ROM drivers fix for QEMM", "Non-word password generator", "Swimming pool defense", "1985.5 Porsche 944", "Blast them next time", "A: DRIVE WON'T BOOT", "Remember those names come election time.", "Radio Shack voice recognition chips", "THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY SOLD 400 TONES OF ARMENIAN BONES IN 1924.", "NHLPA poll (partial stats/results)", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "Need Maintenance tips", "Foreskin Troubles", "Good shareware paint and/or animation software for SGI?", "Burden of Proof", "The doctrine of Original Sin", "Hits Stolen -- Second Base 1992", "Manual Shift Bigots", "Some more about gun control...", "Physics lab LOSES a number!!!!", "Video Resolution Switching", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "Need pinouts for a G8870 dtmf decoder chip", "Americans and Evolution", "8051 Microcontroller", "Need info on cc:Mail file format", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Some more about gun control...", "Xlib for MS/WINDOWS not an XSERVER!!!", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "Phillies: A New Ballpark in Future?", "Speedstar 24X & Windows Enhanced Mode", "DATman for sale.", "World Series Stats", "Patents (was RC2 RC4)", "Should I buy a VRF 750?", "Why Spanky?", "electronic odometers (was: Used BMW Question ..... ???)", "Desertification of the Negev", "Mac SCSI spec?", "Roger Maynard", "HELP: my pc freezes!", "Your Custom Resume on Disk!!", "Fingernail \"moons\"", "Comet in Temporary Orbit Around Jupiter?", "Clarification of personal position", "Countersteering_FAQ please post", "Property problems", "iterations of the bible", "Xsun not finding default font (Sol2.1)", "Turkey-Cyprus-Bosnia-Serbia-Greece (Armenia-Azeris)", "Yet more crazy predictions", "Jose Canseco's swing - 1992 vs. 1986.", "I thought commercial Advertising was Not allowed", "Big Block Dodge Carburetor", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Space FAQ 05/15 - References", "Help! - Disappearing Groups!!!", "Assurance of Hell", "E-mail of Michael Abrash?", "Clinton wants National ID card, aka USSR-style \"Internal Passport\"", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Are BMW's worth the price?", "FFL&gunsmithing questions", "Exercise and Migraine", "Accelerators for SE", "Remarks by President Clinton to NCAA Division I Champion Hockey Team", "How many homosexuals are there?", "New software for sale", "ABC coverage", "Would \"clipper\" make a good cover for other encryption method?", "Winning Streaks", "Anybody out there?", "Question: Jesus alone, Oneness", "pink tools [was: Re: What is it with girlfriends and motorcycles?]", "IR detector 'cards'???", "Angels win!", "New Uniforms", "ugliest swing", "xs1100 timing", "TrueType fonts that display but do not print.", "4-plane Xterminal (Do I want one?)", "japanese moon landing?", "Bates Method for Myopia", "Dead Sea Scrolls", "Space FAQ 15/15 - Orbital and Planetary Launch Services", "WP-PCF, Linux, RISC?", "TeleUse, UIM/X, and C++", "X Error of failed request: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter)", "ISLAM BORDERS vs Israeli borders", "NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict", "Western Digital HD info needed", "Shaft-drives and Wheelies", "PB 100 to Non Apple Printer", "int15h for joysticks is slow....", "Revelations - BABYLON?", "Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Rights Violations in Azerbaijan #007", "S3 video card at different address", "Type spesifications (CB, VFR, GT, etc.)", "Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test", "Title for XTerm", "Canucks clinch, Bure to score 20 playoff goals", "New Religion Forming -- Sign Up", "SUMMARY xon and X11R5", "Lindbergh and the moon (was:Why not give $1G)", "References to switched-capacitor filter ICs wanted.", "Blackhawks win!!!", "Permanaent Swap File with DOS 6.0 dbldisk", "Diamond Speedstar Driver for v3.1", "Limiting Govt (was Re: Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate...)", "Moonbase race, NASA resources, why?", "The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam", "Freemasonry and the Southern Baptist Convention", "Formal Rebuttal to the Presumption of Jurisdiction", "American Jewish Congress Open Letter to Clinton", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "electronic odometers (was: Used BMW Qu", "difference between VLB and ISA/EISA", "Die Koresh Die!", "The arrogance of Christians", "Reboot problem", "Gaza and separation from Israel", "Why do I need \"xrdb -m\" when .Xdefaults unchanged?", "Why Spanky?", "Need pinouts for a G8870 dtmf decoder chip", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Fahrenheit 1280+ problems, help!", "Numerical Nothingness", "Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window", "Easter: what's in a name? (was Re: New Testament Double Stan", "1962 thunderbird", "Yeah, Right", "Is it good that Jesus died?", "HELP!!!! (Mercury Capri Query).", "Need pinouts for ext db25 floppy connectors, please", "DCC and MiniDisc: next DAT/DDS like story?", "BGI Drivers for SVGA", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Final Solution in Palestine ?", "Daily Verse", "Desktop rebuild and Datadesk keyboard?", "PROBLEM WITH PRINTER AND EMM386.EXE!!", "electronic odometers (was: Used BMW Question ..... ???)", "Improvements in Automatic Transmissions", "DEC pixmap size", "Adcom cheap products?", "guns in backcountry? no thanks", "How many Mutlus can dance on the head of a pin?", "References needed on Memory Management", "space news from Feb 15 AW&ST", "Vandalizing the sky", "ACLU policies", "compiling on sun4_411", "When are two people married in God's eyes?", "Anybody tape Daytona?", "How to get 24bit color with xview frames ?", "Space FAQ 03/15 - Data Sources", "Can I use a CD4052 analog multiplexer for digital signal", "ATI ultra pro Drivers?", "Ami Pro v3.0 for sale!", "The Manitoban Candidate", "What is the current Rom Version shipping in Syquest drives?", "Any Syclone or Typhoon owners out there?", "Installation problem with X11R5", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "God-shaped hole (was Re: \"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\")", "[Q] Connor PC 30204 jumper settings", "Pantheism & Environmentalism", "* What's the difference between a Mac Portable and Powerbook 100?", "WANTED: Symantec address", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", "Aerostitch: 1- or 2-piece?", "Guns for Space", "workaround for Citizen drivers", "Chosing optimal colors for colormap ?", "How do DI boxes work?", "Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series", "Commercial point of view", "Why not concentrate on child molesters?", "Cubs behind Marlins? How?", "Star Trek (TOS) novels: 3/$8 package", "Dreams and Degrees (was Re: Crazy? or just Imaginitive?)", "New planet/Kuiper object found?", "finding out state of state keys (eg, CapsLock and NumLock)", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Hard drives, etc... for sale", "Israel's Expansion II", "FAX VIA E-MAIL", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Upgrading a modem ...", "CView answers", "Computer Parts/Camcorder", "Rosicrucian Order(s) ?!", "Rosicrucian Order(s) ?!", "\"militia\" (incredibly long)", "Wire-Amperage table needed", "Shrunken monitor window?", "An agnostic's question", "Israeli Terrorism", "Bo was a good player, you shorts (plus idiots)", "Riceburner Respect", "What is a Rapid Tech SQUEEZE card?", "Atheists and Hell", "core dump from getcons(?)", "AKG 340 Electrostatic/Dynamic Headphones For Sale", "CNN for sale", "Israel's Expansion", "Win NT - what is it???", "A question that has bee bothering me.", "Crypto Conference", "NuBus NTSC Genlock card f/sale", "Final Solution for Gaza ?", "\"Full page\" PB screen", "WANTED: Super 8mm Projector with SOUNDS", "The battle is joined", "What disk drives are out there?", "History question", "quality of Catholic liturgy", "A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.", "Keith Schneider - Stealth Poster?", "VGA 640x400 graphics mode", "Prophetic Warning to New York City", "14 Apr 93 God's Promise in 1 John 1: 7", "Davidians and compassion", "Weaver trial update", "How large are commercial keys?", "Lindbergh and the moon (was:Why not give $1G)", "\"Imaginary\" Friends - Info and Experiences", "PC keyboard", "DREGISTERe: XV for MS-DOS", "Photogrammetric Camera", "Migraines and Estrogen", "Piano, free to charity", "He has risen!", "My Belated Predictions (NL)", "Sinus vs. Migraine (was Re: Sinus Endoscopy)", "nuclear waste", "British Championship Playoffs (16 Apr 93)", "Model United Nations", "Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "Finding equally spaced points on a sphere.", "Eumemics (was: Eugenics)", "quick way to tell if your local beat writer is dumb.", "Why does US consider YIGAL ARENS to be a dangerous to humanity", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "When is Apple going to ship CD300i's?", "sore throat", "Food Dehydrators", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...", "Tangent Computer (EISA LB system)", "Losing dark colors of my icons", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "Where can I get a New York taxi?", "2 5V 200A Power Supplies f/$350 obo", "The arrogance of Christians", "Xsun not running on SPARCclassic", "NIKKOR 70-210 AF forsale", "Proteced Mode", "The doctrine of Original Sin", "Apology to Jim Meritt (Was: Silence is concurance)", "Axion Serial port switcher: Good or bad?", "Apple Tape backup 40SC under System 7.x", "X interactive performance", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Atheist's views on Christianity (was: Re: \"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\") - soc.religion.christian #16242", "Can I Change \"\"Licensed To\"\" Data in Windows 3.1?", "Please Recommend 3D Graphics Library For Mac.", "A1000 Memory Needed!!!", "How hot should the cpu be?", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "sources for shading wanted", "Blast them next time", "Griffin / Office of Exploration: RIP", "RE: Win NT - what is it???", "Fractals? what good are they?", "Need manual for HP 1740 scope", "WHAT car is this!?", "Into Infinity?(WAS:Re: *Doppelganger* (was Re: Vulcan?)", "Licensing of public key implementations", "BUFFALO 4, Boston 0: Defense!!", "My IIcx won't turn on...", "Space FAQ 02/15 - Network Resources", "ABC: The Real Thing?", "what to do with old 256k SIMMs?", "Cassettes for Sale!!! (Update)", "How to detect use of an illegal cipher?", "Final Solution for Gaza ?", "\"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\"", "WAX RESIDUE ON BLACK MOLDING", "Changing sprocket ratios (79 Honda CB750)", "electronic odometers (was: Used BMW Question ..... ???)", "Gatewaying Microsoft Mail/Workgroups via 9600 modem?", "Laptop Cards", "THE HAMAS WAY of DEATH", "Heat Shock Proteins", "Remember those names come election time.", "Sega CD [Forsale]", "Gospel Dating", "how can 0.022 uF be different from two 0.047 in series?!", "Though his book was dealing with the Genocide of Muslims by Armenians..", "Searching for xgolf", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Windows 3.1 slower using DOS 6 ????", "Seagate Hard Drive Forsale", "Happy Birthday Israel!", "VESA standard VGA/SVGA programming???", "Bring on the O's", "Auto air conditioning without Freon", "The infamous Gateway 2000 video/monitor problem: info requested!", "IDE vs SCSI", "Dealer cheated me with wrong odometer reading. Need help!", "How to make simplest possible composite widget?", "Cost/Benefit Analysis (was FBI Director's Statement...)", "Deir Yassin", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "PowerBook 170 4/40", "Being right about messiahs", "NASA Ames server (was Re: Space Station Redesign, JSC Alternative #4)", "Official Rules of Baseball ISBN", "Happy Easter!", "An Anecdote about Islam", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "PC/Geos, Windows, OS/2, and Unix/X11", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "birds - are they physics majors?", "Imake cpp problems on AIX", "Do we need the clipper for cheap security?", "hard times investments was: (no subject given)", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "What is Zero dB????", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Candlestick Park experience (long)", "more DoD paraphernali", "Mogilny must be benched.", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Objective Values 'v' Scientific Accuracy (was Re: After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is)", "Technical books for sale", "Don't fight Clipper Chip, subvert or replace it !", "Vandalizing the sky.", "Remote Sensing Data", "Moving Sale", "Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window", "question regarding overlaying of graphics", "The arrogance of Christians", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Win NT - what is it???", "Conference on Manned Lunar Exploration. May 7 Crystal City", "FOR SALE - MACINTOSH SE/30", "Gritz/JBS/Liberty Lobby/LaRouche/Christic Insitute/Libertarian/....", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is oxymoronic?", "opinions of RC2 alg.", "Who's next? Mormons and Jews?", "Rumours about 3DO ???", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "Pin map for 8pin-DIN cable?", "Spelling Error on the Stanley Cup??", "24-pin Printer", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Gun Control", "Detroit Playoff Tradition", "Vonnegut/atheism", "Christians above the Law, was Clarification of personal position", "Info. on Genoa 8500 vlb card or other low-end vlb?", "Pointer Feature", "making copy of a Video tape", "LaserWriter Pro 600 memory upgrade (4-->8)", "Center for Anti-Israel Propaganda", "3d-Studio V2.01 : Any differences with previous version", "What's the diff.between mouse.sys/com??", "Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Founding Father questions", "WC 93: Scores and standings, April 20", "Car buying story, was: Christ, another dealer service scam...", "New Uniforms", "High Resolution ADC for Mac II", "GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorcycles pisses me off!", "MPEG for MS-DOS", "Trident VGA Drivers", "Clipper proposal - key length?", "Clinton wants National ID card, aka USSR-style \"Internal Passport\"", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "RFD: soc.religion.islam.ahmadiyya moderated", "BMW '90 K75RT For Sale", "*** New Computer Books for Sale ***", "top 10 reasons why i love CR (not for the humor impaired)", "A TREATISE ON THE MIRACLES OF MUHAMMAD SAW, PART-2", "Catholic Liturgy", "Revelations", "JPEG file format?", "Why do people become atheists?", "COMET...when did/will she launch?", "Computer Engr vs. Computer Science", "BRAKE ROTORS..CROSS DRILLING...1-312-702-8323", "3d-Studio V2.01 : Any differences with previous version", "Mathcad 4.0 swap file?", "Call for Votes - DTBL MVP and CY. Please vote!", "Possible FAQ question about a UART", "Final Solution for Gaza ?", "**** WANNA SEX !!! ****", "modem question", "Contraceptive pill", "Boom! Dog attack!", "Supply-Sider Lightbulb Joke", "XFree86 and Esix 4.0.4", "Concerning God's Morality (long)", "x86 ~= 680x0 ?? (How do they compare?)", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", ">>> Bally's/Holiday Health Club \\\\\\ LIFETIME MEMERSHIP ///", "Help with Magitronic 8 bit memory card needed!", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "Centris 610 Video Problem - I'm having it also!", "SONY MHC-3600 BOOKSHELF STEREO SYSTEM", "Can't Breathe", "plus minus stat", "Final Solution in Palestine ?", "Shipping a bike", "Windows NT, HELP! PLEASE HELP!", "If You Were Pat Burns ...", "Israel's Expansion II", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "Is it possible ?", "Selective Placebo", "Swastika (was: Hitler - pagan or Christian?)", "Branch Davidians info", "Recommendations for a Local BUS (Cached) IDE Controller", "Latest on Branch Davidians", "*** The list of Biblical contradictions", "Kawi Zephyr? (was Re: Vision vs GpZ 550)", "Type spesifications (CB, VFR, GT, etc.)", "2 level brightness Xmas light set (for Easter?", "Need to find out number to a phone line", "Another question about synthetic engi", "14 Apr 93 God's Promise in 1 John 1: 7", "Thumbs up to ESPN", "17\" Monitors", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "RE Diamond SS 24X", "More Diamond SS 24X", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Gamma Ray Bursters. Where are they?", "Half-page hand scanners?", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "USENET Hockey Draft week 26 price list", "Help with changing Startup logo", "Image processing software for PC", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "Newtek Video Toaster Link For Sale", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Some more about gun control...", "Goalie masks", "Date is stuck", "List of large integer arithmetic packages", "core dump from getcons", "Cornerstone DualPage driver wanted", "Israeli Expansion-lust", "For Sale: Sound Blaster Card...Hurry!", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42 (SILLY)", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "Israel's Expansion II", "Need a good concave -> convex polygon algorithm", "S3 86c805 w/2MB = 1024x768x32k colors = Orchid Pipe Dream?", "Prophetic Warning to New York City", "HDs and other Computer parts for Sale / Wanted...", "Why is my mouse so JUMPY? (MS MOUSE)", "Hercules Graphite?", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Diamond SS24X, Win 3.1, Mouse cursor", "Can men get yeast infections?", "Rawlins debunks creationism", "Keyboards, Drives, Radios for sale!", "Legality of the Jewish Purchase", "Conversions", "What is reverse or negative video?", "The Tories could win the \"lottery\"...Clinton GST?", "Do they really believe?", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "8051 Microcontroller", "Armenian admission to the crime of Turkish Genocide.", "Help with ultra-long timing", "One day graphics/composites seminar", "Dumb Question: Function Generator", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Objective morality (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "ERA formula", "Alt.Atheism FAQ: Constructing a Logical Argument", "What is Zero dB????", "Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window", "Need diode model for PSpice", "Motorcycle wanted.", "clipper chip --Bush did it", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "Opel owners?", "Cannibalism was Albert Sabin", "18 Israelis murdered in March", "V-max handling request", "FOR SALE: ULTRABOTS PC GAME", "2%: We're undertaxed/Poll", "WANTED: Multi-page GIF!!", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Spark Plug question?", "Best frontplate for SyQuest in IIvi/IIvx/C650?", "Vandalizing the sky.", "I'm getting a car, I need opinions.", "MOW BODYCOUNT", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "SOURCE to Mactinosh PGP 2.2 in C available", "changing port buffer size in ZTerm", "MLB Standings and Scores for Fri., Apr. 16th, 1993", "IDE vs SCSI (Why VLB busmastering slows your system)", "saturn -- puzzled by its pricing", "Reason vs. Revelation", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Thanks! (Backing Up Masters)", "Orbit data - help needed", "Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)", "Playoff pool rule revision", "a strange problem with text", "RFD:{misc,setup}", "Israeli Terrorism", "Now available: xvertext.4.0", "Stealth VRAM", "Ray Tracing Pictures", "Amusing atheists and agnostics", "Mary's assumption", "Latest on Branch Davidians", "Investment in Yehuda and Shomron", "\"Choleric\" and The Great NT/NF Semantic War.", "17\" Monitors", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Fortune-guzzler barred from bars!", "Remote TEKTRONICS emulation", "A universal RIGHT to bear arms? NOT!", "LIST OF TEE TIMES AT METROPOLITAN TORONTO GOLF COURSES FOR MONDAY", "And Azeri survivors were killed by a shot to the back of the head.", "Your opinion and what it means to me.", "Part 1 and part 2 (re: Homosexuality)", "5W30, 10W40, or 20W50", "pentium clock counts", "Psygnosis CD-I titles (was Re: Rumours about 3DO ???)", "New Environmental Group Launches.", "SIMM vs DRAM", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "CLINTON: War Powers Resolution on Bosnia 4.14.93", "?? DOS font size in windows??", "how much would a Tektronix 2465A oscilloscope fetch", "Question about FastMicro", "cubs & expos roster questions", "European M/C Insurance", "HELP: Need modem info for Duo 210", "The Escrow Database.", "orchid fahrenheit sparkel...the answers......", "For Sale: TR-606 and Mirage Rack Mount Sampler", "Sunview -> X", "Apartment in Moscow for Rent!!!", "?Order of files written when exitting windows?", "Young Catchers", "McCartney concert tickets for sale", "Donating organs", "Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis", "Stereo sound problem (?) on mac games", "Grateful Dead?", "Biblical Backing of Koresh's 3-02 Tape (Cites enclosed)", "Stolen AARGHHHH.....", "The arrogance of Christians", "Cryptology in the world", "Best Homeruns", "Manual for Eprom Blower (Logical Devices Prompro-8) Wanted", "More Diamond SS 24X", "Disappearing hard drive in LC?", "18 Israelis murdered in March", "Hercules Graphite?", "Non-lethal alternatives to handguns?", "Can I Change \"Licensed To\" Data in Windows 3.1?", "What is \" Volvo \" ?", "WACO: Clinton press conference, part 2", "1280x1024 on ATI Ultra w/ Nanao 550i", "A question about 120VAC outlet wiring..", "Ten questions about Israel", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "Maple Leafs Update", "Waxing a new car", "Questions about SPECT imaging", "need a viewer for gl files", "Space FAQ 10/15 - Planetary Probe History", "A Move we won't see (was Why The RedFlops Can(but won't) win.....)", "F*CK OFF TSIEL, logic of Mr. Emmanuel Huna", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "Automotive crash test, performance and maintenance stats?", "Interdisc. Bible Research Inst.", "Modem for Sale", "(new) reason for Clipper alg'm secrecy", "What the clipper nay-sayers sound like to me.", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "Surface intersections", "Is Anyone Using Video For Windows?", "More MOA stuff --- like the RA", "I need modem selection help! (especially vocabulary)", "Quadra 950/900 case source wanted", "army in space", "army in space", "Duo 230 crashes aftersleep (looks like Apple bug!)", "Flyers [Re: This year's biggest and worst (opinion)...]", "Big Brother (Clipper) chip", "CD300 & 300i", "Floptical Question", "IDE vs SCSI", "Cute X clients", "OTO, the Ancient Order of Oriental Templars", "thanks to poster of NY Times article on ATF in Texas", "Ten questions about Israel", "Entry form for playoff pool", "Help needed in setting up NCSA Telnet w/ AppleTalk or Phonenet...", "WANTED: TCM3105 chips, small quantities", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "Questions from a newbie", "Torre: The worst manager?", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "MOTORCYCLE DETAILING TIP #18", "Biosphere II", "Aussie needs info on USA car shows/swap meets", "The source of that announcement", "int15h for joysticks is slow....", "The obvious isn't politically correct.", "Norton Desktop for Windows 2.2", "Heard of these South Bay shops?", "Delaunay Triangulation", "moving icons", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "What inexpensive monochrome X station can you recommend?", "MSF Program where?", "The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam", "PROBLEM: Running AIX info from a Sun rlogin shell.", "quick way to tell if your local beat writer is dumb.", "Open letter to NISSAN (Really Station Wagon)", "US-Made M-B SUV", "How to act in front of traffic jerks", "Recommendations for a Local BUS (Cached) IDE Controller", "For Sale: 1969 karmann ghia", "Why are there no turbocharged motorbikes in North America?", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Radio Electronics Free information card", "Diamond SS 24X", "So what is the fastest Windows video c", "Zionism is Racism", "Is it good that Jesus died?", "OTO, the Ancient Order of Oriental Templars", "Professors Whining About Pay", "HELP for Kidney Stones ..............", "How can I rotate text ?", "Now available: xvertext.4.0", "Original IBM PC specs", "Thinking about heaven", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "Surviving Large Accelerations?", "Militello update", "Video in/out", "For Sale: IBM Wheelwriter 6", "Changing sprocket ratios (79 Honda CB750)", "how to search for bad memory chips.", "Who's next? Mormons and Jews?", "UHC SVR4.0.3.6 forsale..", "Old Spacecraft as NAvigation Beacons!", "Armenian slaughter of more than 600,000 Kurdish people in 1915.", "Newsgroup Split", "X Intrinsic mailing list", "Utility to expand DOS file descriptions in directory listing?", "Plus minus stat", "HYPOGLYCEMIA", "Boom! Whoosh......", "European M/C Insurance", "Booting from B drive", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "Rawlins debunks creationism", "Would \"clipper\" make a good cover for other encryption method?", "HINT 486 VLB/ISA/EISA motherboard", "How to reach Micron", "Lois Chevrolet?", "Help with WinQVT", "Sun CD-ROM on PCs???", "mysterious TV problem -- source?", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "LARSONIAN Astronomy and Physics", "Fractals? what good are they?", "Certainty and Arrogance", "\"National repentance\"", "Mr. Cramer's 'Evidence'", "Best Second Baseman?", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "*** NeXTstation 8/105 For Sale ***", "Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)", "AHL Calder Cup Playoff preview", "AMI Pro 3.0 and equation mode", "The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam", "problem with xvertext package", "Celebrate Liberty! 1993", "FOR SALE: Drum Machine", "14\" monitors", "proposed catcher re-sub rule", "Video/Audio/Computer equipment for sale..", "Anyone know stacker's email address?", "XDM & DECnet ?", "Atlanta Hockey Hell!!DIR", "Boom! Dog attack!", "Powerbook with a math coprocessor?", "Gov't break-ins (Re: 60 minutes)", "Pattern Generator wanted", "Duo Dock problems", "How many homosexuals are there?", "Many people on one machine", "Why does US consider YIGAL ARENS to be a dangerous to humanity", "Is ms-windows a \"mature\" OS?", "CAR INSURANCE !!! HELP", "How is slugging percentage computed?", "Fast polygon routine needed", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Point within a polygon", "Program manager ** two questions", ".GIF to .BMP", "Church related graphics", "Battery storage -- why not charge and store dry?", "FLYERS notes 4/5", "Smiths birthday goal was LEAFS GO ALL THE WAY !!!", "80486DX-50 vs 80586DX2-50", "Name of MD's eyepiece?", "Lincoln & slavery (Re: Top Ten Tricks You Can Play on the American Voter)", "For Sale (sigh)", "BMW MOA members read this!", "images of earth", "Barasso - the cheap shot master?", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "Conference on Manned Lunar Exploration. May 7 Crystal City", "Stereo sound problem (?) on mac games", "Surgery for Hal Morris", "Accelerator for Classic II?", "Catalog of Hard-to-Find PC Enhancements (Repost)", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "Help needed on hidden line removal", "Torx T-15 Screwdriver", "Dear Mr. Theist", "\"National repentance\"", "Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series", "Flaming Nazis", "RUMOUR - Keenan signs with Rangers?", "Circular Motif Widgets", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "Fragmentation", "Brendan McKay Clarifies the Nazi Racial Theory", "National Day of Prayer,5/6/93", "Any updated Canon BJ-200 driver", "American Jewish Congress Open Letter to Clinton", "need shading program example in X", "Wrecked BMW", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH - UPDATE", "A silly question on x-tianity", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "Hell_2: Black Sabbath", "Top Ten Signs That It's the Age of Aquarius on Pennsylvania Avenue", "Looking for 900MHz Spread Spectrum Modules", "LIST OF TEE TIMES AT METROPOLITAN TORONTO GOLF COURSES FOR MONDAY", "Beta Testers Wanted for Graphics Libraries", "BMW's new plant in Greer, SC", "Mormon Temples", "Yeah, Right", "Satan kicked out of heaven: Biblical?", "DC-X update???", "Improvements in Automatic Transmissions", "Randy Weaver Trial - Day 2", "color xterm", "HELP: is my monitor dying???", "STARGARDTS DISEASE", "Adapter Cable for VGA Monitors", "Lots of runs", "Adlib sound board for sale!", "JPEG file format?", "XAllocColor fails to return nearest match", "LC III NuBus Capable?", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "Krillean Photography", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "The Bob Dylan Baseball Abstract", "Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini", "food-related seizures?", "More Cool BMP files??", "First Bike??", "The Old Key Registration Idea...", "A to D hardware for a PC", "asynch to synch on the mac", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "Science News article on Federal R&D", "Help with ultra-long timing", "Was \"Re: Safety\": From how far can you see a car ?", "Who's next? Mormons and Jews?", "Malpractice Not the Issue (Was Re: 8 MYTHS about National Health...)", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Printing ASCII 128 and above", "Anita out pubic hairs?! Oh please! PROVE IT!!", "Ideas on Clipper", "interface to access separate appl.", "Help! Need 3-D graphics code/package for DOS!!!", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all tim", "Cirrus Logic 5426 Graph Card", "Dana-Faber Cancer Institute", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "AutoCAD -> TIFF Can it be done????", "Fortune-guzzler barred from bars!", "Changing sprocket ratios (79 Honda CB750)", "Armenian-Nazi Collaboration During World War II.", "Bikes And Contacts", "SAM Virus Clinic (Mac) Software for Sale", "Inner Ear Problems from Too Much Flying?", "Thumbs up to ESPN", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "ASTROS FOR REAL?", "Schedule...", "Israeli Terrorism", "LCIII->PowerPC?", "It's a rush... (was Re: Too fast)", "Israeli Terrorism", "tape backup for windows", "Uninterruptible Power Supply", "Slick 50, any good?", "Whither QuickDraw Performance (across product line)", "xrolo/SPACRC/SunOS4.1.1/audio", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "Open letter to NISSAN (Really Station Wagon)", "INFO WANTED : Graphics LCD displays", "BBB Autoline Arbitration", "So far so good", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "need ACS tutorial and/or netlist examples", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "OPINIONS WANTED -- HELP", "Ungrounded GFCIs; was: Re: A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.", "How Redirect PRINT MANAGER To FILE?", "Space FAQ 09/15 - Mission Schedules", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Qestion about amipro demo files on cica", "Saturn's Pricing Policy", "ABOLISH SELECTIVE SERVICE", "AMD i486 clones: Now legal in US?!?!?!", "was:Go Hezbollah!", "Interesting ADB behaviour on C650", "INDIANA JONES HINT BOOK WANTED", "Why does US consider YIGAL ARENS to be a dangerous to humanity", "Age of Consent == Child Molestation", "Kawi Zephyr? (was Re: Vision vs GpZ 550)", "How to beat Pittsburgh!", "H.R. violations by Israel/Arab st.", "cytoskeleton dynamics", "Zane!!Rescue us from Simmons!!", "LOOKING for AD PC-Board", "Blues steal game 1 from Hawks", "guns in backcountry? no thanks", "Western Digital HD info needed", "Moonbase race", "Run box w/o cover ??", "Playoff Predictions", "harrassed at work, could use some prayers", "Dayton Hamfest", "Tickets - advice is worth what you paid", "CDs priced for immediate sale", "Looking for MOVIES w/ BIKES", "Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)", "Quack-Quack (was Re: Candida(yeast) Bloom, Fact or Fiction)", "An Anecdote about Islam", "Investment in Yehuda and Shomron", "receiver system", "Comics : The complete set of the ad. of Buck Rogers in the 25th century", "The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake", "The 1964 Phillies: deja vu?", "Question for those with popular morality", "Adaptec ACB-2322: what is it?", "Looking to buy Dodge Stealth, have questions", "Protective gear", "Fortune-guzzler barred from bars!", "Options that would be great to have...", "Overriding Default Behaviour", "imake - help needed", "How many israeli soldiers does it take to kill a 5 yr old child?", "GUI Application Frameworks for Windows ??", "Jose Canseco's Swing - 1992 vs. 1986.", "DAVE KINGMAN FOR THE HALL OF FAME", "NHL Summary parse results for games played Sat, April 3, 1993", "Jemison on Star Trek", "FORSALE: 1982 Yamaha Seca 650 Turbo", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "Xanax...please provide info", "Clipper chip -- technical details", "Objective morality (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Sam, are you there?", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "86 chevy sprint", "help for school", "MGBs and the real world", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "need font family, weight and slant from instance of a widget", "Sinus vs. Migraine (was Re: Sinus Endoscopy)", "Guns for Space", "Reds Without Sleeves (was Re: New Uniforms)", "Motorola XC68882RC33 and RC50", "14 Apr 93 God's Promise in 1 John 1: 7", "Shopping for a new [NEC?] monitor", "Does God love you?", "was:Go Hezbollah!!", "X Device Driver for Bird", "2 1000W Power Supplies", "Amplifier into CD-ROM earphone plug ?", "ANother Res QUestion!", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "PC PAINTBRUSH IV+", "<Political Atheists?", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "Tech Books for sale!!! Cheap!!!", "Do we need a Radiologist to read an Ultrasound?", "Info about Fast Centronics, ECP, EPP", "Top Ten Comments Overheard in the Secret Service Lounge", "RGV and posing!!", "Boom! Whoosh......", "New Alarm Proposal", "Danny Rubenstein speaking tonight.", "WC: Scores and standings, April 18", "Genocide is Caused by Atheism", "Call for presentations: Navy SciViz/VR seminar", "XVideo Information", "How many read", "Ray tracer for ms-dos?", "Israeli Terrorism", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "We knew it would happen", "Playoff pool update", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Has anyone had problems with IBM drives in their machines?", "Some more info. about P9000 board", "exit codes (dos--sorry for wrong group : (", "Unconventional peace proposal", "Noisy SE: What can I do?", "Analog switches/Balanced Demodulators", "$25 network", "Fifth Amendment and Passwords", "FOR SALE: Paradise SVGA accelerator card", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "x86 ~= 680x0 ?? (How do they compare?)", "Memory Slot Problem", "Electronics", "Big amateur rockets", "Ford and the automobile", "Ford Probe - Opinions? (centered around the GT)", "tuff to be a Christian?", "RFD: misc.taoism", "Keith IS a relativist!", "Some more about gun control...", "Freedom In U.S.A.", "Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini", "Riddle me this...", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "WP-PCF, Linux, RISC?", "SE/30 acc & graphics card?", "Kawasaki 440 AE for sale.", "Q700 at 34.5MHz, it's fine...", "what do y'all think of the IIvx?", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "National Sales Tax, The Movie", "The Dayton Gun \"Buy Back\" (Re: Boston Gun Buy Back)", "Beginner's RF ???", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "Alt.Atheism FAQ: Introduction to Atheism", "X bitmap -> Postscript", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)" ]
[ 12, 6, 0, 12, 2, 12, 10, 17, 0, 14, 13, 1, 16, 9, 10, 3, 15, 7, 5, 10, 10, 3, 11, 18, 6, 16, 3, 17, 12, 17, 10, 11, 8, 13, 1, 19, 15, 9, 7, 16, 1, 4, 11, 11, 12, 0, 12, 1, 7, 16, 5, 16, 9, 2, 6, 9, 11, 8, 9, 7, 17, 4, 10, 3, 6, 13, 14, 19, 8, 5, 15, 5, 17, 10, 9, 18, 6, 5, 14, 2, 15, 1, 16, 10, 7, 16, 13, 4, 10, 18, 6, 10, 11, 10, 15, 15, 8, 12, 9, 9, 9, 8, 2, 5, 14, 13, 15, 14, 2, 5, 5, 17, 18, 3, 8, 4, 3, 15, 17, 3, 8, 18, 5, 10, 19, 5, 14, 12, 10, 2, 2, 18, 14, 0, 19, 18, 17, 11, 12, 3, 16, 15, 3, 17, 5, 9, 12, 7, 2, 10, 5, 15, 7, 0, 19, 7, 3, 4, 1, 5, 17, 15, 4, 3, 12, 7, 5, 12, 16, 17, 3, 14, 14, 16, 5, 15, 8, 5, 14, 12, 2, 6, 18, 4, 7, 5, 16, 15, 3, 15, 4, 2, 13, 8, 14, 2, 1, 12, 9, 14, 18, 9, 6, 14, 14, 5, 19, 6, 17, 6, 19, 3, 1, 6, 19, 19, 16, 12, 12, 15, 17, 9, 8, 3, 15, 5, 6, 16, 17, 2, 15, 11, 6, 17, 4, 1, 11, 3, 12, 15, 12, 0, 1, 15, 19, 19, 16, 11, 14, 19, 3, 1, 6, 13, 6, 0, 9, 13, 14, 10, 18, 2, 0, 1, 13, 9, 17, 14, 4, 13, 12, 18, 2, 3, 2, 18, 7, 6, 15, 5, 6, 2, 15, 19, 4, 4, 5, 11, 15, 2, 1, 6, 3, 11, 1, 16, 14, 2, 1, 12, 7, 14, 11, 10, 4, 14, 10, 12, 6, 11, 17, 15, 7, 8, 7, 2, 6, 17, 13, 17, 6, 0, 12, 17, 5, 10, 2, 6, 17, 1, 9, 7, 3, 3, 7, 5, 16, 17, 16, 4, 15, 14, 9, 8, 0, 16, 2, 7, 7, 5, 11, 18, 14, 12, 17, 10, 9, 8, 10, 16, 0, 6, 11, 14, 14, 6, 5, 5, 15, 7, 2, 14, 4, 16, 19, 11, 19, 1, 15, 4, 10, 6, 19, 16, 10, 0, 19, 3, 5, 12, 4, 17, 1, 3, 0, 16, 10, 7, 9, 4, 8, 1, 2, 11, 16, 16, 15, 8, 6, 7, 19, 15, 15, 1, 15, 14, 4, 8, 1, 2, 9, 3, 17, 3, 4, 13, 8, 18, 5, 0, 4, 16, 13, 6, 3, 13, 4, 6, 13, 10, 17, 8, 2, 10, 17, 0, 2, 13, 19, 15, 3, 15, 19, 8, 8, 12, 12, 8, 19, 10, 3, 11, 2, 2, 16, 16, 14, 4, 19, 10, 2, 13, 14, 6, 11, 16, 10, 3, 11, 5, 2, 17, 3, 1, 16, 12, 17, 1, 3, 15, 6, 2, 2, 0, 11, 2, 13, 0, 6, 17, 15, 1, 18, 16, 19, 12, 17, 12, 1, 12, 16, 0, 9, 0, 12, 5, 12, 6, 11, 18, 7, 19, 17, 8, 6, 16, 1, 16, 7, 4, 14, 7, 18, 0, 11, 4, 9, 3, 7, 15, 11, 16, 3, 14, 13, 10, 5, 2, 17, 5, 6, 1, 0, 15, 15, 17, 13, 3, 7, 8, 5, 16, 10, 17, 8, 19, 7, 3, 1, 18, 4, 19, 18, 2, 12, 3, 9, 8, 4, 11, 3, 6, 5, 6, 2, 9, 6, 13, 13, 4, 9, 19, 8, 15, 11, 9, 12, 2, 4, 17, 2, 16, 2, 7, 16, 3, 12, 17, 14, 10, 7, 13, 1, 14, 9, 17, 13, 7, 15, 3, 11, 11, 7, 1, 2, 8, 4, 4, 14, 14, 4, 10, 11, 4, 4, 3, 5, 19, 16, 17, 10, 3, 12, 12, 15, 9, 12, 8, 14, 7, 11, 3, 15, 2, 7, 1, 2, 11, 5, 8, 0, 5, 9, 7, 7, 8, 3, 6, 8, 7, 12, 2, 1, 17, 19, 19, 18, 13, 5, 5, 3, 15, 19, 14, 9, 1, 6, 8, 3, 19, 6, 14, 17, 1, 5, 2, 10, 13, 14, 8, 3, 19, 19, 11, 3, 4, 7, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 1, 15, 15, 18, 9, 9, 6, 5, 10, 2, 0, 5, 18, 6, 4, 9, 6, 2, 5, 10, 8, 4, 16, 12, 4, 18, 2, 17, 2, 7, 9, 1, 11, 1, 2, 1, 1, 8, 10, 10, 3, 13, 18, 8, 8, 1, 10, 11, 9, 14, 4, 9, 4, 6, 16, 1, 4, 0, 15, 9, 19, 10, 5, 13, 19, 17, 15, 2, 17, 5, 8, 16, 0, 11, 15, 18, 12, 10, 1, 7, 15, 0, 15, 14, 7, 16, 5, 3, 13, 4, 9, 6, 1, 5, 4, 11, 13, 11, 9, 2, 13, 2, 8, 11, 12, 4, 16, 14, 12, 7, 16, 18, 11, 5, 18, 11, 5, 1, 7, 2, 13, 16, 1, 8, 8, 17, 8, 6, 13, 10, 0, 9, 10, 17, 4, 7, 17, 3, 12, 7, 4, 5, 16, 7, 12, 7, 15, 11, 12, 16, 8, 12, 2, 14, 19, 2, 7, 18, 3, 17, 4, 6, 17, 18, 8, 10, 17, 13, 9, 3, 10, 16, 3, 14, 3, 10, 15, 12, 8, 6, 8, 13, 13, 0, 17, 12, 6, 17, 9, 19, 3, 7, 8, 8, 7, 5, 5, 17, 2, 9, 9, 10, 14, 8, 18, 13, 11, 0, 9, 7, 7, 14, 7, 16, 5, 13, 14, 9, 12, 19, 3, 15, 17, 5, 6, 12, 4, 1, 1, 0, 13, 1, 6, 13, 3, 18, 8, 14, 7, 17, 10, 0, 1, 5, 14, 1, 17, 13, 16, 10, 7, 4, 3, 2, 17, 4, 12, 12, 11, 6, 11, 4, 3, 6, 14, 7, 7, 15, 19, 0, 16, 17, 2, 16, 7, 2, 4, 8, 4, 4, 11, 18, 16, 12, 0, 0, 5, 13 ]
[ "REPOST: Tape Drives (4mm, 8mm) for sale.", "Part 1 and part 2 (re: Homosexuality)", "How to beat the Pens", "Windows for WorkGroups and LAN Workplace", "Do trains have radar?", "space food sticks", "\"Conventional Proposales\": Israel & Palestinians", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "<Political Atheists?", "Pulldown menu periodically hangs application on OpenWindows 3.0", "When are two people married in God's eyes?", "Quicken 6 vs. Tobias' Managing Your Money", "The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "LC III NuBus Capable?", "Original IBM PC specs", "Foot switches for sale", "proof of resurection", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Logitech Scanman 256", "Did US drive on the left?", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "Galileo Update - 04/22/93", "Oops! Oh no!", "Basics about maintenance", "BRAKE ROTORS..CROSS DRILLING...1-312-702-8323", "What about No-Fault?", "IDE vs SCSI", "NAVSTAR positions", "Windows Help", "A.L. East is best in baseball!", "SyQuest internal 44 drive with 8 cartridges: sale or trade", "3M DC6150s for sale", "THE CLIPPER CHIP: A TECHNICAL SUMMARY", "HDF readers/viewers", "Request for Support", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Moonbase race", "Let's talk sticks...", "It's all Mary's fault!", "RIPEM Frequently Noted Vulnerabilities", "Israeli Expansion-lust", "Electronics", "16550 UARTs (was: uucico for windows)", "LIST OF TEE TIMES AT METROPOLITAN TORONTO GOLF COURSES FOR MONDAY", "Jeep Grand vs. Toyota 4-Runner", "Gamma-Law Correction", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Fall Comdex '93", "Best Sportwriters...", "How to detect use of an illegal cipher?", "How long do RAM SIMM's last?", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "A Little Too Satanic", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "National Sales Tax, The Movie", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", "Tie Breaker....(Isles and Devils)", "Dents on car.", "Don Cherry - Coach's Corner summary - April 19, 1993", "Novell 2.0a/3.11", "Wholly Babble (Was Re: free moral agency)", "Ban All Firearms !", "Vandalizing the sky.", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "COMMENTS ==> VIDEO BLASTER (Creative Labs)", "How large are commercial keys?", "help - how to construct home-built battery for 3rd grade sci report", "Metal powder,steel,iron.", "We don't need no stinking subjects!", "Xt intrinsics: slow popups", "Non-Apple Mini-Docks available?", "BEAM Robot Olympic Games next Week in Toronto.", "catholic church poland", "Riceburner Respect", "Out of environment space running BAT files from Windows", "Asante EN/SC hangs SCSI devices", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "Model United Nations", "What if the USSR had reached the Moon first?", "Kyle K. on Rodney King", "Armed Citizen - April '93", "S414 (Brady bill) loopholes?", "Genocide is Caused by Atheism", "Can I only insert 16 color pics in WfW2.0", "delay/sampler", "24 bit Graphics cards", "CDs for sale [update]", "modems and noisy lines.", "Why not concentrate on child molesters?", "Setting up three-user accounting system with WFWG", "The arrogance of Christians", "christians and aids", "cubs & expos roster questions", "This year the Turkish Nation is mourning and praying again for...", "[NEWS]Re:List or image processing systems?", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "ISA to EISA", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "Wings will win", "JPEG image compression: Frequently Asked Questions", "Looking for AUTOCAD .DXF file parser", "plus minus stat", "Any Subaru Liberty owners out there?", "1986 Mazda forsale", "Let's Talk Phillies", "Suggestions on Audio relays ???", "Seeking FAX For Network Access", "Defensive Averages 1988-1992, Third Base", "Program manager ** two questions", "KORESH IS GOD!", "Cell Church discussion group", "Wallpaper in Windows 3.1", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Would \"clipper\" make a good cover for other encryption method?", "Where to find CHEAP LCD displays?", "CNN for sale", "Armed Citizen - April '93", "Defensive Averages 1988-1992 -- Shortstop", "Homemade projector automation", "Win3.1 Config.Sys query", "Clipper chip -- technical details", "Radar Detector DETECTORS?", "Gospel Dating", "PLEEZE HELP ME BUY A MAC!", "Buick heater controls", "Recommendations for a Local BUS (Cache", "Wanted original Shanghai for PC", "Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only", "\"Proper gun control?\" What is proper gun control? (was Re: My Gun is like my American Express Card)", "National Sales Tax, The Movie", "reference needed....", "Actix video card drivers for windows", "Two pointing devices in one COM-port?", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "Permanaent Swap File with DOS 6.0 dbldisk", "some thoughts.", "It's all Mary's fault!", "Hewlett Packard DeskJet 500 inkjet printer for sale...", "What about", "Sunrise/ sunset times", "CView answers", "Should liability insurance be required?", "How does it really work? (was Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption)", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "subliminal message flashing on TV", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "Reasons for hospitals to join Internet?", "quality control in medicine", "Looking for Address of Noise Cancellation Tech.", "question regarding overlaying of graphics", "Any info. on Vasomotor Rhinitis", "[lds] Thief goes to Paradise; Kermit goes off tangent", "Need advice for riding with someone on pillion", "Surgery for Hal Morris", "Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window", "Does God Love You?", "WANTED: Info on Asymetrix/Toolbook", "Cryptography FAQ 01/10 - Overview", "PC Scanners", "Store/Post events", "Point within a polygon", "Language and agreement", "Bill Conner:", "Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test", "XtShellStrings,XtStrings?", "To be exact, 2.5 million Muslims were exterminated by the Armenians.", "Sabbath Admissions 5of5", "Damn Furriners Be Taken Over", "YOU WILL ALL GO TO HELL!!!", "NHL Team Captains", "", "ESPN and Expansion", "help - how to construct home-built battery for 3rd grade sci report", "Insurance and lotsa points...", "quick way to tell if your local beat writer is dumb.", "Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "ATARI 2600 Processors", "SHARKS: Kingston Fired!!!", "Reasons : was Re: was: Go Hezbollah!!", "Questions about Windows NT. Help!", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "David Polie's future", "Lindbergh and the moon (was:Why not give $1G)", "\"Clipper\" an Infringement on Intergraph's Name?", "Islam vs the Jehovah's Witnesses", "The Orders for the Turkish Extermination of the Armenians #17", "National Sales Tax, The Movie", "DOS 6 / EMM386 / Windows 3.1 PROB", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "Don't more innocents die without the death penalty?", "Hismanal, et. al.--side effects", "*** New Computer Books for Sale ***", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "S3 86c805 w/2MB = 1024x768x32k colors = Orchid Pipe Dream?", "Need pinouts for a G8870 dtmf decoder chip", "More Adaptec 1542B problems", "Enough Freeman Bashing! Was: no-Free man propaganda machine: Freemanwith blood greetings from Israel", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "WANTED: OPINIONS ON 75 MG", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "Question: Can I connect two harddisk to one controller?", "Davidians and compassion", "Personal to Ulf Samuellsson", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "detecting double points in bezier curves", "What counntries do space surveillance?", "Standard Colormaps", "IDE vs SCSI", "Ungrounded GFCIs; was: Re: A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.", "how to put RPC in HP X/motif environment?", "nuclear waste", "Off Line Mail", "When are two people married in God's eyes?", "And America's Team is....But Why?", "free moral agency", "div. and conf. names", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "Need Windows-logo", "Blow up space station, easy way to do it.", "Mysterious beeping", "Single chip receiver for FSK?", "A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.. (the truth)", "Fax modem for the Mac", "Observation re: helmets", "WANTED: TCM3105 chips, small quantities", "DLL's and RegisterClass/CreateWindow", "Positioning a window, under openlook.", "Easter: what's in a name? (was Re: New Testament Double Stan", "Bosox win again! (the team record is 9-3)", "Analgesics with Diuretics", "From Israeli press. TORTURE.", "ARCTIC WHEELS AUTO SHOW", " the Rec.Autos Archive Server", "V-max handling request", "Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Peace talks ...", "Change of name ??", "Harley-Davidson Mailing List -- an Email taste sensation!", "Israeli Terrorism", "4-Band Equalizer", "Joe Robbie Stadium \"NOT FOR BASEBALL\"", "Vandalizing the sky", "Daigle/Kariya", "Bikes And Contacts", "Countersteering_FAQ please post", "Victims of various 'Good Fight's", "Malpractice Not the Issue (Was Re: 8 MYTHS about National Health...)", "[soc.motss, et al.] \"Princeton axes matching funds for Boy Scouts\"", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "While Armenians destroyed all the villages from Trabzon to Erzurum...", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "1989 Honda CRX for sale", "The Area Rule", "Membrane keypad with custom legend.", "Ryan rumor...", "nuclear waste", "HELP: Need DIAGNOSTIC DISK for my COMPAQ DESKPRO 286.", "My New Diet --> IT WORKS GREAT !!!!", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "tuff to be a Christian?", "Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series", "CLINTON: President's Remarks at Summer Jobs Conference 4.14.93", "Blast them next time", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "What is Zero dB????", "Public Service Translation No.2", "17 Apr 93 God's Promise in Luke 11:28", "<Political Atheists?", "Fundamentalism - again.", "Wanted IDE hard drive >40", "Recommendations for a Local BUS (Cached) IDE Controller", "Wanted: Opinions on MAG 17S and NANAO 560i monitor", "Command Loss Timer (Re: Galileo Update - 04/22/93)", "Who's next? Mormons and Jews?", "Posix Message Catalogs", "Playoff predictions", "Help! Ten beeps with 386/40 (AMI BIOS)", "A moment of silence for the perpetrators of the Turkish Genocide?", "Davidians and compassion", "Membrane keypad with custom legend.", "Crypto Conference", "41M HD FORSALE OR TRADE", "Playoff Predictions", "Bimmer vs Beamer", "X11R5 and Open Look", "Virtual Reality for X on the CHEAP!", "Where to buy Pentium motherboard?", "seizures ( infantile spasms )", "PLANETS STILL: IMAGES ORBIT BY ETHER TWIST", "warranty extension by credit company: applies to the phurchase of computer?", "SI Clock Poll - Final Call", "Help with ultra-long timing", "ati GUP and Vpic", "Looking for Women's Motorcycle Helmet", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorc", "Israeli Terrorism", "my reply to NY Times editorial \"Dear Member of the NRA\"", "Govs. Florio, Wilder Hit Airwaves In Support of Brady Bill", "Kyle K. on Rodney King", "Workspace Manager for Win 3.1 ?", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violations in Azerbaijan #011", "Help with a Windows drum machine!", "New Name for the Stanley Cup", "Where can I AFFORD a Goldwing mirror?", "Individual Winners (WAS: Re: WHERE ARE THE DOUBTERS NOW? HMM?)", "My Gun is like my Ame", "Temper tantrums from the 1960's", "I need source for splines", "ABC: The Real Thing?", "guns in backcountry? no thanks", "Ignorance is BLISS, was Is it good that Jesus died?", "Reboot problem", "Live Free, but Quietly, or Die", "LaserWriter Pro 600 memory upgrade (4-->8)", "PDS vs. Nubus (was Re: LC III NuBus Capable?)", "MAC SE FORSALE", "Don't \"repair\" that sticky mouse button--CALL APPLE!!!", "THE CLIPPER CHIP: A TECHNICAL SUMMARY", "40MHZ Oscilloscope FOR SALE", "HELP: my pc freezes!", "Red Sox win 1st", "LCD Overhead Projectors", "Biblical Backing of Koresh's 3-02 Tape (Cites enclosed)", "anybody have patched version of xroach for tvtwm???", "How often are SIMMs bad (mail order)?", "Draining battery", "Pens playoff radio coverage (was:Re: Radio stations)", "Candida Albicans: what is it?", "Fighting the Clipper Initiative", "How do I make GhostScript work?", "Countersteering_FAQ please post", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Travel outside US (Bangladesh)", "CD300 & 300i", "Quick Question", "Accounts of Anti-Armenian Human Right Violations in Azerbaijan #010", "roman.bmp 08/14", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "FOR SALE: 2 4MB 80ns SIMMs", "80486DX-50 vs 80586DX2-50", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "Turkey-Cyprus-Bosnia-Serbia-Greece (Armenia-Azeris)", "Christians that are not church members", "IIvx -> C650 Upgrade Question", "CRYPTO 93 FINAL CALL", " Frequently Asked Consumer/Automotive Questions", "5 Apr 93 God's Promise in Psalm 85: 8", "Spreading Christianity (Re: Christian Extremist Kills Doctor)", "Israeli Terrorism", "Unconventional peace proposal", "Hard drive compression ie, stacker.superstor etc.", "xwd->gif conversions", "\"National repentance\"", "The arrogance of Christians", "Dbase IV for sale (price dropped!)", "Evo. & Homosexuality (Was Re: Princeton etc.)", "Marvel comics for sale! (mostly cover price)", "IBM-PC XT switch settings", "best homeruns", "C7 link/segment problem (calling run-time functions)", "File Formats", "Pantheism & Environmentalism", "For Sale: 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix SE", "Non-lethal alternatives to handguns?", "Mirosoft Office Package", "Limiting Govt (was Re: Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate...)", "The Israeli Press", "HELP!!! GRASP", "Conference on Manned Lunar Exploration. May 7 Crystal City", "17\" Monitors", "Help with ultra-long timing", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Orion drive in vacuum -- how?", "speeding up windows", "Any graphics packages available for AIX ?", "Need video drivers for Tseng True-color", "Rosicrucian Order(s) ?!", "MacX 1.2 color problem", "Biblical Rape", "Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)", "Is itproper net etiquette to advertise a company's junk mail list?", "The state of justice", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "Truly a sad day for hockey", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "Summary: DoubleDisk Gold v 6.0", "Torre: The worst manager?", "A WRENCH in the works?", "Why do I need \"xrdb -m\" when .Xdefaults unchanged?", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "400 big block", "Thrush ((was: Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)))", "plus minus stat", "Another happy Gateway owner", "Newsgroup Split", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "was: Go Hezbollah!!", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Bhagavad-Gita 2.44", "just testing", "Chrysler New Yorker LHS (was Re: Chryslers Compact LH Sedans?)", "Crazy? or just Imaginitive?", "Thanks Apple: Free Ethernet on my C610!", "This year's biggest and worst (opinion)...", "waiting for a specific event/callback", "Genocide is Caused by Atheism", "Is it really apples to apples? (Lawful vs. unlawful use of guns)", "Cryptography FAQ 07/10 - Digital Signatures", "Exploding TV!", "Looking For David E. Smyth", "More Cool BMP files??", "Need advice for riding with someone on pillion", "A/D board BUS SPEED probl", "Heat Shock Proteins", "Greek Wordprocessor/Database.", "Gov't break-ins (Re: 60 minutes)", "was: Go Hezbollah!!", "How is a Loopback connector made?", "STS-56 Press Kit", "Open letter to NISSAN (Really Station Wagon)", "How many homosexuals are there?", "For Sale or Trade: IBM Games", "Space Research Spin Off", "Braves Pitching UpdateDIR", "Atari Mono and VGA", "<<Pompous ass", "Nebulisers and particle Size", "Blast them next time", "Vancouver/Seattle Study Critiques", "Daily Verse", "How do they know what keys to ask for? (Re: Clipper)", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "TEst Instruments for sale", "definition of 2nd", "Borland Software for sale - CHEAP!", "Bhagavad-Gita 2.32", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "The Inimitable Rushdie", "X on Amiga 4000?", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "XCopyPlane Question", "Joining the X Consortium ????", "Rosicrucian Order(s) ?!", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Its entire Muslim population had been slaughtered by the Armenians.", "Atheists and Hell", "<<Pompous ass", "Vegas odds?", "How to the disks copy protected.", "Info/Opinions Wanted on Cars In this Article", "If You Feed Armenians Dirt -- You Will Bite Dust!", "Trident VGA Drivers", "xSoviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide.", "Dumb Fans (Was Re: Indians Woofing)", "Integra GSR", "<Political Atheists?", "Eternity of Hell (was Re: Hell)", "AmiPro/Deskjet 500 Printing Problem", "Most bang for between $13,000 and $16,000", "Wanted: Advice/comments on building a PC", "Non-lethal alternatives to handguns?", "Comments on Xtree for Windows ????", "Color problem.", "food-related seizures?", "NRA address?", "Microstrip help wanted", "To be exact, 2.5 million Muslims were exterminated by the Armenians.", "What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?", "How many heterosexuals are there?", "more on radiosity", "HELP!!! My ESDI is posessed by demons!", "Boom! Hubcap attack!", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "waco conflagration - precedents?", "eye dominance", "Aftermarket air-conditioners", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Temper tantrums from the 1960's", "Trouble compiling X11R5 on SunOS_4.1.3", "1956 Elvis autograph", "Why does Illustrator AutoTrace so poorly?", "Asante EN/SC PB adaptor won't work with duo 230", "Recommendations for removable storage media wanted", "Cache card for IIsi", "Propaganda Re: re: fillibuster", "bullet proof luxury sedans", "Assurance of Hell", "Bay area media (Wings-Leafs coverage)", "Xarchie-2.0 available on export", "Biblical Backing of Koresh's 3-02 Tape (Cites enclosed)", "Win NT - what is it???", "For Sale: Quicken 3.0 for the PC", "Go Hizbollah II!", "xdm and Solaris2.1", "Question for those with popular morality", "Looking for MOVIES w/ BIKES", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES (Henrik)", "Ancient islamic rituals", "Reposting: 10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest rules (2 of 2)", "The bad press Islam has recieved.", "He has risen!", "Is a 2 headed Sun 3/60 possible (cgfour0/bwtwo0)", "Car buying story, was: Christ, another dealer service scam...", "Ancient islamic rituals", "Need to find out number to a phone line", "Sabbath Admissions 5of5", "Bruins vs Canadiens: Talentwise", "Multi-screen apps and window managers", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "Radio Shack Battery of the Month Club", "Marlin fans", "WORD 2.0 HELP!", "Duo 230 crashes aftersleep (looks like Apple bug!)", "Young Catchers", "How to detect use of an illegal cipher?", "Hey FLYERS Fans!", "BMW battery", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "News briefs from KH # 1025", "Camden Yards", "Sources for Intel D87C51FB?", "Please Ignore [Ideal Operating System (Was: DEATH BLOW TO UNIX)]", "Mives 4 Sale (update)", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Where are they now?", "Wanted: Advice for New Cylist", "$$$ to fix TRACKBALL", "Thumbs up to ESPN", "Does someone know what is the news group for IEEE.", "MIT R5 on Sun with Rasterops TC Colorboard", "More Cool BMP files??", "Yankee Bullpen - HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "Goalie masks", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "sex education", "My Gun is like my....", "Fast wireframe graphics", "NHL Playoff leaders as of April 19, 1993", "Manual Shift Bigots", "NHL Team Items...", "GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorcycles pisses me off!", "Suggestions on Audio relays ???", "Diamond Stealth 24 giving 9.4 Winmarks?", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "The arrogance of Christians", "Need to find out number to a phone line", "Who picks first?", "Speeding ticket from CHP", "Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Realistic PRO-34 Hand-held Scanner", "Jim Lefebvre is an idiot.", "BusLogic 542B questions", "Deuterocanonicals, esp. Sirach", "How do I change the Text cursor in xterm", "Emphysema question", "Fast polygon routine needed", "CD-ROMS 4-Sale (NEW)", "FLORIDA SUCKS!", "Young Catchers", "Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis", "help: object appears thrice!", "PRK (Photo Refractive Keratostomy)", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "Terraforming Venus: can it be done \"cheaply\"?", "FASTMicro out of business?", "Police radar....Just how does it work??", "Paul on weekly collections", "Who's next? Mormons and Jews?", "Questions about Windows NT. Help!", "LCIII vs. Centris 610?", "PLANETS STILL: IMAGES ORBIT BY ETHER TWIST", "Scope questions", "quality of Catholic liturgy", "Blues into playoffs, beat TB 6-5", "BMW R65 info wanted", "2 Sound Blasters in 1 machine", "CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Navy SciViz/VR Seminar", "Do we need the clipper for cheap security?", "So Why Does Clayton Cramer Fixate on Molesting Children", "Go Hezbollah!!", "Employment (was Re: Why not concentrate on child molesters?", "Help! How to test SIMMs?", "Postscript view for DOS or Windows?", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Countersteering_FAQ please post", "The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "space news from Feb 15 AW&ST", "\"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\"", "Program & Reg Forms: 1st Int Conf on Intell Sys for Molecular Biology", "What is going on?...", "Sarchoidosis", "Order MOORE's book to restore Great Telescope", "486DX33, 4mRAM, 64kCACHE, 130mHD ->$1,298", "In Nazi Germany, Armenians were considered to be an Aryan race and...", "ACCESS BUS (was I2C bus)", "Being right about messiahs", "THE BACK MACHINE - Update", "Thinking about heaven", "Do we need the clipper for cheap security?", "U.S. Space Foundation Speech", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Hell_2: Black Sabbath", "Radio Electronics Free information card", "Cheap video card for LC? w/fpu?", "Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini", "Possible FAQ question about a UART", "Marvel, DC, Valiant, Image, etc.. For Sale", "ringing ears", "WANTED: X & security posting", "What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?", "PC Syquest on a Mac??", "Cell Church discussion group", "Norton Desktop for Windows 2.2", "THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY SOLD 400 TONES OF ARMENIAN BONES IN 1924.", "specs on eprom data formats", "SMARTCAM VERSION 7 FOR SALE AND 486 33DX", "HELP: Need modem info for Duo 210", "Life on Mars???", "What WAS the immaculate conception?", "Gamma Ray Bursters. WHere are they.", "data pods (10248B) for HP logic analyzer (1615A)?!?", "Performa Plus monitor", "Pantheism & Environmentalism", "Rewording the Second Amendment (ideas)", "***** HP calculator for $13 *****", "Canucks clinch, Bure to score 20 playoff goals", "Bikes And Contacts", "MARLINS WIN! MARLINS WIN!", "Anti-Viral Herbs", "Digital Answering mach", "Identify this bike for me", "ATM or Truetype-which to choose? (TT for True-Effects for windows)", "Seven castaways w. Gilligan=Seven Deadly Sins", "Inflation in car prices", "Serial Line connection between Duo 210 and PC???", "Centris 650 Math CoProcessor option", "Private Colormaps & Widget creation", "Hypercard for UNIX", "Rejetting carbs..", "Necessity of fuel injector cleaning by dealership", "Space Station radio commercial", "Concerning God's Morality (was: Americans and Evolution)", "uh, der, whassa deltabox?", "Religious wars", "An Open Letter to Mr. Clinton", "Wanted: Advice for New Cylist", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "Need Reference: Multiple Personalities Disorders and Allergies", "SHO clutch question (grinding noise?)", "Question about FastMicro", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "islamic authority over women", "Why is my mouse so JUMPY? (MS MOUSE)", "My Belated Predictions (NL)", "10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Opening (part 2 of 2)", "The arrogance of Christians", "My Belated Predictions (NL)", "BBB Autoline Arbitration", "New break pads & exhausts after 96K km (60K mi) on '90 Maxima?", "So, do any police ossifers read this stuff?", "Help building X11R5 with gcc", "Why religion and which religion?", "Scarlet Horse of Babylon (was Daemons)\u001b", "How many Mutlus can dance on the head of a pin?", "Contact person for boots", "1985.5 Porsche 944", "Defense against the detractors...", "What did Lazarus smell like?", "5W30, 10W40, or 20W50", "FAQ: Typing Injuries (4/4): Software Monitoring Tools [monthly posting]", "Local Dealer Service (WAS: The infamous Gateway 2000 video/monitor problem: info requested!)", "Opel owners?", "When is Apple going to ship CD300i's?", "cytoskeleton dynamics", "SUMMARY: Borland/Microsoft Database C Libraries", "help - how to constru", "Would \"clipper\" make a good cover for other encryption method?", "Page numbering problem with WFW & Canon BJ10e", "Sid Fernandez?", "A visit from the Jehovah's Witnesses", "How to get 24bit color with xview frames ?", "Ten questions about Israel", "LA ON ABC IN CANADA", "Quadra 900/950", "Feminism and Islam, again", "Space Research Spin Off", "Need pinouts for a G8870 dtmf decoder chip", "Is OT Valid????", "History question", "What the clipper nay-sayers sound like to me.", "Best Homeruns", "With Friends Like The", "insect impacts", "Reasonable Civie Arms Limits", "Bill 'Blame America First' Clinton Strikes Again.", "Procomm Plus for windows problems....", "Ad said Nissan Altima best seller?", "diet for Crohn's (IBD)", "Common-mode noise and small signals", "CB750 C with flames out the exhaust!!!!---->>>", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "islamic authority over women", "Atheists and Hell", "For Sale: Zenith 386-25 Motherboard", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "300ZX or SC300???", "Washington Post Article on SSF Redesign", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "**** WANNA SEX !!! ****", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "Adcom cheap products?", "Need to find out number to a phone line", "no-Free man propaganda machine: Freeman, with blood greetings from Israel", "Ban All Firearms !", "Real Time Graphics??", "Ancient Books", "PR Campaign Against Iran (PBS Frontline)", "Objective morality (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "How do I compensate for photographic viewpoint and distortion?", "Source of random bits on a Unix workstation", "rejoinder. Questions to Israelis", "\"Accepting Jesus in your heart...\"", "Observation re: helmets", "Pleasant Yankee Surprises", "V-max handling request", "Dayton Hamfest", "CView answers", "Final Solution for Gaza ?", "Playoff predictions", "Pleasant Yankee Surprises", "SYNOPTICS LAN H/W", "HICN610 Medical News Part 4/4", "That silly outdated Bill (was Re: Koresh and Miranda)", "What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?", "Pov-ray problem / Please Help...", "Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only", "An Open Letter to Mr. Clinton", "Adcom cheap products?", "NDW Norton Desktop for Windows", "The 1964 Phillies: deja vu?", "Privacy & Anonymity on the Internet FAQ (1 of 3)", "PB questions...", "Rebuilding the Temple (was Re: Anybody out there?)", "Clipper considered harmful", "mazda - just does not feel right", "Hard Copy --- Hot Pursuit!!!!", "CAD Program for Electronics?", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Windows Speaker Sound Driver", "Israeli Terrorism", "Remember those names come election time.", "Strange 386 enhanced behavior...", "Colormaps and Window Managers", "WH announcement", "Deuterocanonicals, esp. Sirach", "pushing the envelope", "Safe driving prcatices...", " Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 4/5", "Goldwing performance", "New Home for the Bosox!!!", "Can you share one monitor w/ 2 cpus?", "<<Pompous ass", "Pinout needed for TIL311", "difference between VLB and ISA/EISA", "Minolta FD 50 mm forsale", "neck reining -was- Countersteering_FAQ please post", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "mysterious TV problem -- source?", "666 - MARK OF THE BEAST - NEED INFO", "Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Canada 3 Sweden 1 at the World Champioships", "Nords 3 - Habs 2 in O.T. We was robbed!!", "Transmitter tube", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Misc./Buying Info. Needed", "Help! Need 3-D graphics code/package for DOS!!!", "Fortegraph Emulator Card, what's this?", "Don't fight Clipper Chip, subvert or replace it !", "Armed Citizen - April '93", "ISLAM BORDERS vs Israeli borders", "++BIKE SOLD OVER NET 600 MILES AWAY!++", "Police radar....Just how does it work??", "Juggling Dodgers", "Latest on Branch Davidians", "Did The Blues Pull It Out?", "Pens Info needed", "Go Hezbollah!!", "X-server for NT?", "[lds] kermit's reply [was: Re: Tony Rose was : FREE BOOK OF MORMON", "Bikes vs. Horses (was Re: insect impacts f", "How do they know what keys to ask for? (Re: Clipper)", "Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test", "Phills vs Pirates", "Vandalizing the sky.", "DC-X update???", "Shuttle Launch Question", "Uninterruptible Power Supply", "Joystick suggestions?", "Apollo Training in Iceland", "Anyone Have Official Shorthanded Goal Totals?", "Tempest vs LCD (was: Re: Once tapped...)", "Good Neighbor Political Hypocrisy Test", "The arrogance of Christians", "FBI Director's Statement on Waco Standoff", "Yet more Rushdie [Re: ISLAMIC LAW]", "div. and conf. names", "YANKKES 1 GAME CLOSER", "Christian Daemons? [Biblical Demons, the u", "How can I use the mouse in NON-Windows applications under MS-WINDOWS ?", "DC-Y trajectory simulation", "roman.bmp 09/14------------ Part 9 of 14 ------------", "Daily Verse", "Ten questions about Israel", "Any good electronic Christian magazine?", "rejoinder. Questions to Israelis", "Medical Images via Gopher?", "Goalie masks", "Yankee fears.", "Get Real. Caps have no chance", "POV reboots PC after memory upgrade", "FYI - BATF reply on Waco", "Modified sense of taste in Cancer pt?", "Soundblaster IRQ and Port settings", "Need to find out numb", "Karadzic on Bosnia peace plan", "Losing your temper is not a Christian trait", "R/S Battery of the Month Club", "The Area Rule", "The Role of the National News Media in Inflaming Passions", "Modem for Sale", "Manual Shift Bigots", "exit codes (dos--sorry for wrong group : (", "Did US drive on the left?", "Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only", "BDI Experience", "Attractive drawing on the sphere", "WC Pool B : GB win the gold", "Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)", "Hell_2: Black Sabbath", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "IDE vs SCSI", "Old Predictions to laugh at...", "Laser vs Bubblejet?", "character recognition", "THE POPE IS JEWISH!", "Trickle down (Was: 1937 was: Dan Quayle, genius", "Utility for updating Win.ini and system.ini", "Running X on a PC at home talking to a host over Serial Line", "<Political Atheists?", "How 2 Get Fontname from Fonstruct ???", "CHRISTIAN DEVIL REVEALED!", "Surface normal orientations", "Certainty and Arrogance", "Question for those with popular morality", "Heatsink needed", "wanted: mail order hockey equipment", "Is there any documentation for Microsoft Diagnostics?", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "ATM or Truetype-which to choose?", "Can't wear contacts after RK/PRK?", "17\" Monitors", "Temper tantrums from the 1960's", "japanese moon landing/temporary orbit", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?", "Twitching eye?", "Clinton's immunization program", "internationalized menus & icon labels", "HELP!! How to get refund from Visual Images?", "Reciever/CD Player/Keyboards for sale.", "Squirrel Hill Studio", "A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.", "An agnostic's question", "Photoshop for Windows", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "was:Go Hezbollah!", "Program manager ** two questions", "WAYNE RIGBY", "The [secret] source of that announcement", "SS 24X Questions", "Boom! Dog attack!", "\"clipper chip\"", "Anyone use Number 9 GXE video card?", "Save my hard disk?! (allocation error, cross-linked)", "80386 and 80486: What's the difference?", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "IDE vs SCSI", "New software for sale", "Octopus in Detroit?", "Atheist's views on Christianity (was: Re: \"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\")", "Changing oil by self.", "Mwm title-drag crashes X server (SIGPIPE)", "Changing oil by self.", "DC-X update???", "UNIX PC Software for sale", "Asynchronous X Windows?", "Giants' GM Quinn *is* a genius!", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", "Custom Keys", "USENET Playoff Pool", "AMI Pro 3.0 and equation mode", "[[email protected]: Re: Xlib for MS/WINDOWS not an XSERVER!!!]", "Looking for a little research help", " Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 3/5", "Ten questions about Israel", "PC/TCP onpredir with Windows", "was:Go Hezbollah!", "Speculations", "CView answers", "Freedom In U.S.A.", "CD300 & 300i", "The Kuebelwagen??!!", "Grateful Dead?", "$6700 for hail damage - a record?", "FOR SALE: ULTRABOTS PC GAME", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "Jack Morris", "Comics : The complete set of the ad. of Buck Rogers in the 25th century", "the hawks WILL return to the finals!!!!!", "is there a simple way to check what action a mouse button will take?", "Chrysler bailout", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "Rosicrucian Order(s) ?!", "To be exact, 2.5 million Muslims were exterminated by the Armenians.", "$$$ to fix TRACKBALL", "Please Recommend 3D Graphics Library For Mac.", "What are you smoking? (wasRe: My Predictions of a classic playoff year!)", "For sale; Edmonton Oilers.", "WP-PCF, Linux, RISC?", "Info needed for Cleveland tickets", "Passenger helmet sizing", "Creating 8 bit windows on 24 bit display.. How?", "TIFF -> Anything?!", "Is Anyone Using Video For Windows?", "Am I going to Hell?", "virtual mwm ?", "Pinout needed for TIL311", "Volante Warp 10 board", "Truck tailgates/mileage", "Problem with Maxtor 340Mb IDE drive", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "Riceburner Respect", "2 PowerBook Questions", "Basil, opinions? (Re: Water on the brain)", "PLANETS STILL: IMAGES ORBIT BY ETHER TWIST", "Misc Stuff for Sale", "Orion drive in vacuum -- how?", "Jim Lefebvre is an idiot.", "Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...", "Raster and Text Widgets (View only!), Xew-1.3 version", "When is a couple married...", "LOOKING for AD PC-Board", "Israel's Expansion", "japanese moon landing?", "Rewording the Second Amendment (ideas)", "Superstars and attendance (was Teemu Selanne, was +/- leaders)", "insect impacts", "tape down selections", "Know anything about EISA-2?", "Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.", "Definition of \"two up\"?", "Bible contradictions", "tvtwm & xsetroot, X11R5 and Sparc 10 keyboard", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Fast polygon routine needed", " Getting more performance out of X. FAQ", "Sabbath Admissions 5of5", "New planet/Kuiper object found?", "Homosexuality issues in Christianity", "Atlas revisited", "How do I quickly switch between Windows screen resolutions?", "Changing oil by self.", "GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorcycles pisses me off!", "Goalie mask poll", "8x oversampling CD player", "thoughts on christians", "WH proposal from Police point of view", "DAVE KINGMAN FOR THE HALL OF FAME", "water in trunk of 89 Probe??", "Moonbase race, NASA resources, why?", "Corneal erosion/abrasions.", "Help with DTK I/O Plus II card needed", "Clipper Chip", "Mississippi River water and catfish: safe?", "manipulating a hexagonal grid", "Booting from B drive", "E-mail of Michael Abrash?", "How does it really work? (was Re: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption)", "Ulf and all...", "Developable Surface", "Death Penalty / Gulf War", "Athiests and Hell", "Prizm's Radio Question", "McCartney concert tickets for sale", "**** Tapes 4 Sale (most sale) ****", "Organized Lobbying for Cryptography", "ALT.SEX.STORIES under Literary Critical Analysis :-)", "Fortune-guzzler barred from bars!", "More technical details", "eye dominance", "Legality of the jewish purchase", "48-bit graphics...", "WINQVTNET with NDIS on Token Ring ?", "Onkyo Integra series Integrated amp for sale:", "How do I find by AppContext", "Anyone use Number 9 GXE video card?", "proof of resurection", "OK to set 54 lbs on top of Centris 610???", "Question about Virgin Mary", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Looking for free/share wares", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "SCSI Ethernet Converter For Sale", "Winjet accelerator card", "Plus minus stat...", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "Did US drive on the left?", "Memory upgrades", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "Freedom In U.S.A.", "Cryptography FAQ 08/10 - Technical Miscellany", "The arrogance of Christians", "Newspapers censoring gun advertisements", "Shuttle Launch Question", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "XV under MS-DOS ?!?", "Needed 24 volt 4 circuit Flasher", "edu breaths", "-=WANTED=- HP 48s or HP 48sx", "American Jewish Congress Open Letter to Clinton", "Biblical Rape", "Is ms-windows a \"mature\" OS?", "", "Video cards with BNC connectors?", "RE Aftermarket A/C units", "That silly outdated Bill (was Re: Koresh and Miranda)", "Processing of stereo images", "COMPAQ and standard SIMM RAM (HELP)", "NASA \"Wraps\"", "Clementine mission name", "Rickey Henderson", "Torre: The worst manager?", "USAToday ad (\"family values\")", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "Can Radio Freq. Be Used To Measure Distance?", "Old Predictions to laugh at...", "Some questions from a new Christian", "<<Pompous ass", "IDE vs SCSI", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "Recommendation for a front tire.", "Pantheism & Environmentalism", "Atheists and Hell", "Freedom In U.S.A.", "Video in/out", "Comet in Temporary Orbit Around Jupiter?", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "That silly outdated Bill (was Re: Koresh and Miranda)", "Space Activities in Tucson, AZ ?", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "BMW Nostalgia Question from a Neophyte", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Lasers for dermatologists", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "iconize a running application?", "Bursitis and laser treatment", "Organized Lobbying for Cryptography", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "Books for sale!!!", "Griffin / Office of Exploration: RIP", "Atlanta Hockey Hell!!DIR", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "cubs & expos roster questions", "Need help writing MS EXCEL macro", "Changing oil by self.", "Question: Jesus alone, Oneness", "The [secret] source of that announcement", "Joe Robbie Stadium \"NOT FOR BASEBALL\"", "OB-GYN residency", "This Year's vs. Next Year's Playoffs", "Disappointed by La Cie", "Realtime X-tensions", "Israeli Media (was Re: Israeli Terrorism)", "Save my hard disk?! (allocation error, cross-linked)", "Magellan Update - 04/16/93", "Idle questions for fellow atheists", "Which Video Card? (Please HELP)", "BMW 3 series for 94?", "Bware of JayHayes/Deleware", "Help with changing Startup logo", "Character Codes Problems", "HELP for Kidney Stones ..............", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "<<<< SALE: 3 Software Packages ... pcANYWHERE, antivirus, deltagraph >>>", "XView slider", "BMW MOA members read this!", "Simple Windows question", "EnviroLeague", "FET-TRONS(sp?)", "I WANT YOUR 486sx or dx CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!", "The nonexistance of Atheists?!", "LEADING TECH QUESTION", "Jack Morris", "$1bil space race ideas/moon base on the cheap.", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "compiling on sun4_411", "Frequent nosebleeds", "WINNLS.DLL?", "Question for those with popular morality", "WORD 2.0 HELP!", "airhorns on an FJ1100 review", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Observation re: helmets", "Bruins vs Canadiens:", "fillibuster", "Seventh Century A.D. Armenian Math Problems", "keyboard specifications", "Space Station Redesign, JSC Alternative #4", "My New Diet --> IT WORKS GREAT !!!!", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Anybody tape Daytona?", "NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict", "Seeking advice/experience with back problem", "DAVE KINGMAN FOR THE HALL OF FAME", "Radar Jammers And Stealth Cars", "XWindows always opaque", "Can sin \"block\" our prayers?", "Gamma Ray Bursters. WHere are they.", "A Message for you Mr. President: How do you know what happened?", "European/Russian Hockey team addresses?", "Text Recognition software availability", "Kol Israel Broacasts", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "new Multiple Sclerosis drug?", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Need PD X-Y Plot Package", "Trouble compiling X11R5 on SunOS_4.1.3", "Your opinion and what it means to me.", "Question about Virgin Mary", "ZOROASTRIANISM - SAN JOSE - (Merc News Article)", "Donating organs", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Protected Mode ?", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Renting from Alamo", "Clarification of personal position (Jesus and the Law)", "sony 1304 & Rasterops 24sx(si) for SALE! - UPDATE!!", "83 tercel sunroof leaks - arrggh", "Interfaith weddings", "Vulcan? (No, not the guy with the ears!)", "This year's biggest and worst (opinion)...", "HST Servicing Mission", "Ducati 400 opinions wanted", "A silly question on x-tianity", "Visuallib (3D graphics for Windows)", "Vandalizing the sky.", "X-Soviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide.", "Mysterious beeping", "Space FAQ 14/15 - How to Become an Astronaut", "Clipper chip -- technical details", "Is there an FTP achive for USGS terrain data", "Help with backpack", "What'S A Good Ic For Rs23", "Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only", "A Miracle in California", "eye dominance", "Prayer in Jesus' Name", "Israel's Expansion II", "Double sonic booms.", "Ray tracer for ms-dos?", "Intel 96oo Ex Modem", "Mix GL with X (Xlib,Xt,mwm)", "The Problem of Satan (used to be: islamic authority over women)", "CACHE or Micronics EISA/VLB Motherboard?", "NEW AIRCRAFT TU-154M", "Torre: The worst manager?", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "Yankees win home opener", "Bring on the O's", "water in trunk of 89 Probe??", "race and violence", "Strange exposure problem", "Desktop rebuild and Datadesk keyboard?", "FAQ: Typing Injuries (1/4): Changes since last month [monthly posting]", "Diamond Stealth 24 giving 9.4 Winmarks?", "PUBLIC HEARINGS on Ballot Access, Vote Fraud and Other Issues", "GGRRRrrr!! Cages double-parking motorc", "Reseting LW IIg to factory defaults", "Graphics Library Package", "Some questions from a new Christian", "ALASKA CAR SHOW", "Problem: Maxtor LXT340S spins down with no reason", "BMW MOA members read this!", "Interesting ADB behaviour on C650", "Gun Control (was Re: We're Mad as Hell at the TV News)", "Monitor recommendation Needed", "Video in/out", "FAQ: Typing Injuries (3/4): Keyboard Alternatives [monthly posting]", "More on ADL spying case", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "Rumours about 3DO ???", "HYPOGLYCEMIA", "gadgets vs widgets", "ImageWriter II at 50 Hz", "The Bob Dylan Baseball Abstract", "Does Win3.1 use a math co-processor?", "Is key escrow enough?", "Booting from B drive", "images of earth", "How often are SIMMs bad (mail order)?", "some thoughts.", "Smiths birthday goal was LEAFS GO ALL THE WAY !!!", "lost in (TekHVC color) space", "PDS vs. Nubus (was Re: LC III NuBus Capable?)", "Any video gurus feel like attacking this quirk...?", "Boom! Dog attack!", "1962 thunderbird", "Hamas methods of Murder", "EGA/VGA Monitor&Card wanted", "was:Go Hezbollah!", "Booting from B drive", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Why do people become atheists?", "2SC1096, 2SA634 specs?", "Ultimate AWD vehicles", "eXpEn$iVe MOTOROLA Handheld Radio For Peanuts!", "What is \"ROM accelerated video\"?", "guns in backcountry? no thanks", "Key definitions in Emacs + X", "NHL team leaders in +/-", "Power, signal surges in home...", "Seeking Moe Berg reference/info", "A question that has bee bothering me.", "Help with ultra-long timing", "Driver for DataFrame XP60+B", "Candlestick Park experience (long)", "roman.bmp 13/14", "Final Solution in Palestine ?", "Opinions on Allergy (Hay Fever) shots?", "Eternity of Hell (was Re: Hell)", "Israeli Terrorism", "WinQVT/Net V3.4?", "New Alarm Proposal", "Windows 3.1 or DOS 5.0 or SMARTDRV or ???", "Speeding ticket from CHP", "How many read", "Changing oil by self.rist, another dealer service scam...", "Was \"Re: Safety\": From how far can you see a car ?", "Jacob's Ladder", "I don't beleive in you either.", "Serial Line connection between Duo 210 and PC???", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "male/female mystery [ Re: Dumbest automotive concepts of all time ]", "Ed must be a Daemon Child!!", "Shaft-drives and Wheelies", "Pens box score 4/14", "xSoviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide.", "CView answers", "Realignment in 2000", "Fred and Tom, ad naseum", "xv -root with vue? (was Re: xloadimage -onroot ...)", "saturn -- puzzled by its pricing", "Question for those with popular morality", "Christian Morality is", "White House Public Encryption Management Fact Sheet", "uh, der, whassa deltabox?", "computer graphics to vcr?", "Hi Volt from battery", "Internet Discussion List", "Quaint US Archaisms", "roman 03/14", "Israeli Terrorism", "Rockies (not Rookies)", "FORTRAN library for MS-Windows", "A Little Too Satanic", "Police radar....Just how does it work??", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Objective morality (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Some more about gun control...", "Nords 3 - Habs 2 in O.T. We was robbed!!", "Illegal Wiretaps (was Denning's Trust)", "Quantum SCSI 40mb Hard Drive For Sale", "was: Go Hezbollah!", "What's a good assembly VGA programming book?", "MACH 25 landing site bases?", "Wings will win", "Objective morality (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "ALL-TIME BEST PLAYERS", "Bay area media (Wings-Leafs coverage)", "Orion drive in vacuum -- how?", "Sending a Null character across Ethernet", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "Genocide is Caused by Atheism", "Societal basis for morality", "RANGERS ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT", "warranty extension by credit company: applies to the phurchase of computer?", "To be, or Not to be [ a Disaster ]", "Need to find out number to a phone line", "Electronics", "Lindbergh and the moon (was:Why not give $1G)", "Genoa Blitz 24 hits 1600x1200x256 NI !", "Drawing colour pixmaps - not rectangular", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "BBBBIG problem with W4W print file. Help!!!!", "Why is telephone audio 300-3000 Hz?", "Xavier (AV Extension to InterViews)", "Overriding Default Behaviour", "Frozen shoulder and lawn mowing", "17\" Monitors", "Dragon's Lair II & Space Ace ARCADE games for sale", "I thought commercial Advertising was Not allowed", "Riceburner Respect", "diet for Crohn's (IBD)", "Facts about WTC Bombing", "Hypercard for UNIX", "Benediktine Metaphysics", "SIMM for Sale", "TV Schedule for Next Week", "Attractive drawing on the sphere", "Hercules Graphite?", "Trouble compiling X11R5 on SunOS_4.1.3", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "More Adaptec 1542B problems", "Some more about gun control...", "guns in backcountry? no thanks", "Quick easy question!", "Half-page hand scanners?", "Washington To Beat Pitt", "Trumpet for Windows & other news readers", "ABC coverage", "Why not concentrate on child molesters?", "WANTED: HP ScanJet (and ADF)", "Why DC-1 will be the way of the future.", "Need Info on Diamond Viper Video Card", "> Re: > RE: 1024 x 768 video on Q800 --- adaptor pinouts", "JPEG file format?", "An Open Letter to Mr. Clinton", "How is a Loopback connector made?", "quality of Catholic liturgy", "When is Apple going to ship CD300i's?", "Animation with XPutImage()?", "Estimating Wiretap Costs/Benefits", "Fixed-point math library", "Israel does not kill reporters.", "plus minus stat", "Tidying up after removing an OLE server", "[ANNOUNCE] Ivan Sutherland to speak at Harvard", "Nintendo games and control deck", "was: Go Hezbollah!!", "workaround for Citizen drivers", "ABOLISH SELECTIVE SERVICE", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "print graph on printer", "For Sale: Harvard Graphics for Windows", "NT Questions", "Windows Speaker Sound Driver", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "A Question I Do Not Found In FAQ", "Final Solution for Gaza ?", "ABC coverage", "Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series", "1-800-832-4778 Western Digital NO REPLY", "MOTORCYCLE DETAILING TIP #18", "DID HE REALLY RISE???", "A visit from the Jehovah's Witnesses", "God, morality, and massacres", "Weaver trial update", "Do it yourself front-end alignment possible?", "I believe in gun control.", "Sr-71 in propoganda films?", "Probert and Wendall", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "Fractals? what good are they?", "Help on hand scanners wanted", "PUBLIC HEARINGS on Ballot Access, Vote Fraud and Other Issues", "Interesting ADB behaviour on C650", "Do trains/busses have radar?", "What is Zero dB????", "How difficult is it to get Penguin tickets?", "How to buy a first bike, etc.", "EPS Technologies; experience anyone?", "YOU WILL ALL GO TO HELL!!!", "\"SIMM Re-use\" NuBus board... Anyone seen one?", "islamic authority over women", "Help with changing Startup logo", "Science and methodology (was: Homeopathy ... tradition?)", "Is MSG sensitivity superstition?", "FAQ in", "PostScript on X-terminal", "How to the disks copy protected.", "FOR SALE: MAC CLASSIC AND STYLEWRITER 1", "This year's biggest and worst (opinion)...", "quick way to tell if your local beat writer is dumb.", "RFI:Art of clutchless shifting", "UART-CPU-ROM-RAM subsystem", "Johnny Hart's (B.C. comic strip) mailing address?", "Toyota Land Cruiser worth it?", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Into Infinity?(WAS:Re: *Doppelganger* (was Re: Vulcan?)", "Is car saftey important?", "Mac SCSI spec?", "TPS will stay on the top...", "Dayton Hamfest", "Capital Gains tax increase \"loses\" money", "what to do with old 256k SIMMs?", "Immunotherapy for Recurrent Miscarriage", "Re: VGA 640x400 graphics mode", "Islam And Scientific Predictions (was Re: Genocide is Caused by Atheism)", "Importing Volvo?", "Key Registering Bodies", "Bare 4mb 386/25 Micronics system - $450/$350 <reduced!>", "The Inimitable Rushdie", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "articles on flocking?", "Gulf War and Peace-niks", " Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1/5", "The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake", "Eric Bosco where are you?!", "Legality of the Jewish Purchase", "Screw the people, crypto is for hard-core hackers & spooks only", "muslim tithe; sexism in Genesis 2", "Mystery Illness with eye problems", "Panther's President", "LC III NuBus Capable?", "Islam And Scientific Predictions (was Re: Genocide is Caused by Atheism)", "Searching for a phonetic font", "Changing system fonts", "Jews/Islam Dr. Frankenstien", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "How many israeli soldiers... What are you ``joking'' dark so much for?", "CD300 & 300i", "Mazda RX7 parts - JC Whitney", "Candlestick Park experience (long)", "Questioning Authority", "ray tracing spline surfaces", "Roger Maynard", "Open letter to NISSAN (Really Station Wagon)", "Cultural Enquiries", "Idle questions for fellow atheists", "Trumpet for Windows & other news readers", "WP-PCF, Linux, RISC?", "roman.bmp 05/14", "The arrogance of Christians", "Bruins in the Playoffs", "For Sale: 386/25MHz motherboard (or system) with 8 megabytes", "Command Loss Timer (Re: Galileo Update - 04/22/93)", "Am I going to Hell?", "AHL Season in review (off ice stuff)", "NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict", "Tempest and Cyclone info. NEEDED", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Ideas on Clipper", "Apple hard disk drive?", "New Study Out On Gay Percentage", "Ford SHO engine parts!", "First Bike??", "The Role of the National News Media in Inflaming Passions", "An Open Letter to Mr. Clinton", "Need APARTMENT/ROOM in BOSTON", "Telcom wiring question...need help", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "RGV and posing!!", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "Letter to the President", "HELP: 20ma current loop to RS232 converter needed.", "Thrush (was: Good Grief! (was Re: Candida Albicans: what is it?)", "HELP! Setting Colormaps on multi-top-level APP", "Conductive Plastic, what happened?", "Rayshade query", "Montreal Question.......", "phone number of wycliffe translators UK", "*** TurboGrafx System For SALE ***", "Was Jesus Black?", "Cryptography FAQ 05/10 - Product Ciphers", "Wanted: Advice for New Cylist", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "icon pixmap problem...", "Surface normal orientations", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "NCR 1204 external floppy drive", "Turkey-Cyprus-Bosnia-Serbia-Greece (Armenia-Azeris)", "DESIGNATED HITTER RULE", "Top Ten Reasons Not to Aid Russians", "Trouble compiling X11R5 on SunOS_4.1.3", "FOR SALE: FARENHEIT 1280 24bit", "What the clipper nay-sayers sound like to me.", "Developable Surface", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "JUDAS, CRUCIFIXION, TYRE, Etc...", "Ten questions about Israel", "What do Nuclear Site's Cooling Towers do?", "Dear Mr. Theist", "Jim Lefebvre is an idiot.", "BRAINDEAD Drivers Who Don't Look Ahead--", "Help! Which bikes are short?", "Secret algorithm [Re: Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow]", "What a HATE filled newsgroup!!!!", "Centris 610 Video Problem - I'm having it also!", "Rewording the Second Amendment (ideas)", "Atheists and Hell", "Solar Sail Data", "rejoinder. Questions to Israelis", "Keith Schneider - Stealth Poster?", "Homeopathy: a respectable medical tradition?", "Sinus vs. Migraine (was Re: Sinus Endoscopy)", "Comments on an accelerated Video Card for ISA bus", "Need Maintenance tips", "Reaction-Diffusion techniques", "G. Williams sent down; Yanks win AL East", "Young Catchers", "A question about 120VAC outlet wiring.", "Hard disk question", "Diamond SS24X, Win 3.1, Mouse cursor", "CD'S FOR SALE", "Opel owners?", "Freemasonry and the Southern Baptist Convention", "BMW MOA members read this!", "Will Italy be the Next Domino to Fall?", "Changing dpy->max_request_size ?", "Astros Are Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "666, THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, VIEWER DISCR", "mac portable vs. powerbook 100 answers (?)", "saturn -- puzzled by its pricing", "iisi clock upgrades", "Running C++ EXE under Windows 3.1", "TeleUse, UIM/X, and C++", "Opinions asked about rejection", "arcade style buttons and joysticks", "sudden numbness in arm", "Zionism is Racism", "CD'S FOR SALE", "Wcl for Solaris 2?", "Help with Magitronic 8 bit memory card needed!", "NHL Team Captains", "Racet Optical", "Duo Dock problems", "Q700 at 34.5MHz, it's fine...", "Jack Morris", "SHARKS REVIEW Part 2: Defensemen (2-19)", "Radar detector DETECTORS?", "Ancient islamic rituals", "Gritz/JBS/Liberty Lobby/LaRouche/Christic Insitute/Libertarian/...", "IBM link to Imagewriter -- HELP!!", "EISA tape controllers", "islamic authority over women", "detecting double points in bezier curves", "Adaptec 1542A problem", "Sticky Lock on Tailgate", "The _real_ probability of abiogenesis (was Re: Albert Sabin)", "Items For Sale", "Canadiens - another Stanley Cup???", "plus minus stat", "Win NT - what is it???", "NHL team in Milwaukee", "Cryptology in the world", "Ultimate AWD vehicles", "Moonbase race, NASA resources, why?", "iisi clock upgrades", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all time", "Sorry, another Gateway posting", "Another key registration body bites the dust (IMHO)", "Tape Backup Question", "Assurance of Hell", "univesa driver", "I don't have FTP, live in Canada, how do i get RSA(RAS?) 4 my atariS", "St. Maria Goretti", "Amusing atheists and agnostics", "Speeding ticket from CHP", "nuclear waste", "Trade rumor: Montreal/Ottawa/Phillie", "race and violence", "Celebrate Liberty! 1993", "TPS will stay on the top...", "DC-X: Vehicle Nears Flight Test", "Janet Reno and \"Responsibility\"", "Source for Deskwriter Ink Carts.", "HYPOGLYCEMIA", "Clipper considered harmful", "TIFF (NeXT Appsoft draw) -> GIF conversion?", "NC vs Hunt (Marine Gay Bashing in Wilmington NC) verdict", "BMW MOA members read this!", "Radio stations", "Looking for a good Spice book", "Philips 17\" monitor", "Ulf and all...", "Altitude adjustment", "The state of justice", "Some Recent Observations by Hubble", "Truly a sad day for hockey", "polygon orientation in DXF?", "serial printing in Windows", "images of earth", "Vandalizing the sky.", "Isuzu Amigo Opinions sought", "First Bike??", "MLB logos: Part 3", "moving icons", "Devils and Islanders tiebreaker????", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Why the algorithm is secret", "Founding Father questions", "A KIND and LOVING God!!", "What is \"intersection syndrome\" near the forearm/wrist?", "Wirtz is a weenie", "INDIANA JONES HINT BOOK WANTED", "Finding equally spaced points on a sphere.", "Chanting of the Passion", "History question", "Prodigal Son", "multiple desktops", "CView answers", "Prophetic Warning to New York City", "*** HELP I NEED SOME ADDRESSES ***", "10th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Opening (1 of 2)", "CDs priced for immediate sale", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Young Catchers", "Fractals? what good are they?", "PBS Frontline: Iran and the bomb", "Frame buffer question for X11R5 (Sun)", "TV RECEPTION: HEELLLPPP!!!", "MS-Windows graphics viewer?", "Police radar....Just how does it work??", "ARMENIA SAYS IT COULD SHOOT DOWN TURKISH PLANES", "ST1100 ride", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "For Sale: Book of Life multi-volume book set unopened", "NHLPA poll (Stats/2nd uptade)", "Ten questions about Israel", "Ducati 400 opinions wanted", "Sandberg Update...Won't be long now!!!", "Electrical Properties of ELASTOMERS", "compartment syndrome - general information, references, etc.", "sex education", "Krillean Photography", "Unisys 22403 emulation", "The battle is joined", "86 chevy sprint", "Matt Militzok please read!", "Easy to translate JPEG code...", "Supply Side Economic Policy (was Re: David Stockman )", "FOR SALE: '91 Celica Repair Manuals", "How long do monitors last????", "Observation re: helmets", "Panasonic KX-P1091i Driver?", "CorelDraw Bitmap to SCODAL", "Licensing of public key implementations", "Help w/ Greenleaf CommLib 4.0?", "SHARKS REVIEW Part 5: Left Wings", "wrong RAM in Duo?", "Periodic Post of Charley Challenges, #3, with additions", "wife wants convertible", "How do I find my AppContext?", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "USENET Hockey Draft week 26 standings", "New Uniforms", "Plus minus stat", "Which X events are generated on application exit?", "Jack Morris", "ADC card for computer", "tuff to be a Christian?", "Program Included: 2 Edge Detection Algorithms!", "Windows 3.1 slower using DOS 6 ????", "My New Diet --> IT WORKS GREAT !!!!", "new encryption", "SATANIC TOUNGES", "Commercial mining activities on the moon", "Vandalizing the sky.", "Waco, they did it. ( MASADA )", "HBP? BB? BIG-CAT?", "Hell_2: Black Sabbath", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Eating and Riding was Re: Drinking and Riding", "Most bang for between $13,000 and $16,000", "Info needed: 2D contour plotting", "Photogrammetric Camera", "Looking for Large MONO/COLOR VGA Monitor.", "Getting Off to an Early Start!", "Comet in Temporary Orbit Around Jupiter?", "Is it good that Jesus died?", "Need pinouts for ext db25 floppy connectors, please", "Playoff pool, rules, entry form", "Holes: practical questions, was - Philosophical Question", "Hamza Salah, the Humanist", "comparative SCSI performance", "Word processing utilities for sale", "Xm1.2.1 and OW server", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "Norton Desktop Smartcan vs. Norton Util's EP", "The arrogance of Christians", "NHL Swedes: Stats, April 5", "Dir Yassin (was Re: no-Free man propaganda machine: Freeman, with blood greetings from Israel)", "DC-X & DC-Y", "SAAB Mailing list", "Hallicrafters S120", "Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)", "Newsweek reports Clinton approval ratings...", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Critique of Pressure Point Massager", "GUI Application Frameworks for Windows ??", "A Scoop of Waco Road, Please", "Royals final run total...", "Ethernet card that uses A/Rose?", "Help on RenderMan language wanted!", "Clear coat woes . . .", "Battery Charger", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "harry and candy", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "Comments on the Koresh 3-02 Transcript", "Best Homeruns", "I'm getting a car, I need opinions.", "Canon BJ200 (BubbleJet) and HP DeskJet 500...", "app-defaults files", "Fighting the Clipper Initiative", "tape backup for windows", "ANSI/AIIM MS-53 Standard Image File Format", "That Kill by Sword, Must be Killed by Sword", "Shrunken monitor window?", "Car Stereo Stolen?", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "When are two people married", "Many people on one machine", "Why does Apple give us a confusing message?", "X on Amiga 4000?", "Items for SALE", "Xt intrinsics: slow popups", "Suggestions on Audio relays ???", "Quadra 700 Sound", "Keyboard mapping and window placement questions", "TIFF: philosophical significance of 42", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "The 'pill' for Deer = No Hunting", "HeathKit/Zenith", "Certainty and Arrogance", "Randy Weaver Trial - Day 2", "Question on Sabbath question; Correction", "\"Cruel\" (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "WIN 3.1 comm drivers replacements (question)", "24-pin Printer For Sale as well", "Reboot when I start windows.", "Changing oil by self.", "THE HAMAS WAY of DEATH", "was: Go Hezbollah!!", "Moscow Aviation Institute summer school", "Ducati 400 opinions wanted", "Surgery of damaged tendons and median nerve", "Monitor for XGA", "Used Bikes, East vs. West Coasts", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "NHLPA poll (partial stats/results)", "PROBLEM: Running AIX info from a Sun rlogin shell.", "Fast polygon routine needed", "Stop putting down white het males.", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "If You Were Pat Burns ...", "Trident 8900 *CL* 1280x1024 driver?", "waiting for a specific event/callback", "Problem with MIT-SHM", "Why DC-1 will be the way of the future.", "HELP - SCSI Woes on Mac IIfx", "TIGER STADIUM GIF?", "Help: Event propagation", "RFD: soc.religion.islam.ahmadiyya moderated", "roman.bmp 06/14", "6551A and 6551 compatibility", "Moonbase race, NASA resources, why?", "MATH COPRO SALE/TRADE", "Aussie needs info on car shows", "Marching Cubs", "XVideo Information", "Yamaha vs Honda opinions", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Graphics editor required", "Israeli Terrorism", "integrated cct-type UM82C452L manufac by UMC.", "BATF/FBI revenge", "Looking for a doctor", "Cop kills teenager", "New Uniforms", "Available memory to the Xserver. How to get the actual size?", "Type spesifications (CB, VFR, GT, etc.)", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "WI and IL firearms law Questions", "History question", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Hummel Collectors (1 left)", "Market or gov failures", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "Grey Scale while in windows?", "cubs & expos roster questions", "Jewish Baseball Players?", "High order bit of a character in xterm .", "Clipper Chip and crypto key-escrow", "How is Cizeta V16T doing?", "Estimating Wiretap Costs/Benefits", "\"Rubber-hose cryptanalysis\"", "Mathcad 4.0 swap file?", "Shaft-drives and Wheelies", "Cleaning EuroWiper Boots?", "Pantheism & Environmentalism", "Printer Paper Tray", "IDE vs SCSI", "5.25\" MO sectors/track?", "The arrogance of Christians", "Drivers for CD-ROM", "An Open Letter to Mr. Clinton", "*FOR SALE*: H-1 500...", "National Sales Tax, The Movie", "Gospel Dating", "$25 network", "Windows 3.1 keeps crashing: Please HELP", "Top Ten Comments Overheard in the Secret Service Lounge", "Keyboard map for UK type 5 keyboard under X11/R5?", "NEW SVGA card?", "Alaska Pipeline and Space Station!", "Quadra SCSI Problems???", "It's a rush... (was Re: Too fast)", "Cable TVI interference", "Moving Sale", "Xt intrinsics: slow popups", "Pleasant Yankee Surprises", ".SCF files, help needed", "[POV] Having trouble bump mapping a gif to a sphere", "3D Animation Station", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "Question about Candlestick", "HELP: Need modem info for Duo 210", "Clinton wants National ID card, aka USSR-style \"Internal Passport\"", "Satan kicked out of heaven: Biblical?", "ESPN sucks: OT or Baseball? Guess which.", "Q900 FP Errors? (was: Quadra 900/950 differences", "US-Made M-B SUV", "Constitutionality of 18 U.S.C 922(o)", "ORION space drive", "Wide band Analog time delay", "help - how to construct home-built battery for 3rd grade sci report", "The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A Costly and Dangerous Mistake", "arcade style buttons and joysticks", "Looking for Electronics Dept Info in Austrailia", "Traffic Case", "VGA-Scrolling ?", "Leading Edge Computer-Buy?", "18 Apr 93 God's Promise in Philippians 4:9", "Pascal-Fractals", "BATF/FBI revenge", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "MICROPHONE PRE-AMP/LOW NOISE/PHANTOM POWERED", "Guns GONE. Good Riddance !", "Detroit Tigers", "Question about Virgin Mary", "Scope questions", "Phills vs Pirates", "<Political Atheists?", "Oakleys' for sale; items wanted", "Privacy & Anonymity on the Internet FAQ (2 of 3)", "Genocide is Caused by Theism : Evidence?", "Off the shelf cheap DES keyseach machine (Was: Re: Corporate acceptance of the wiretap chip)", "page setup in Notepad", "protection fault", "Notes on Jays vs. Indians Series", "Apple Tape backup 40SC under System 7.x", "CD's For Sale", "Exercise and Migraine", "public awareness (wasRe: text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption)", "No News Is Bad News", "Comet in Temporary Orbit Around Jupiter?", "Losing your temper is not a Christian trait", "Polygon to raster converter required", "MORBUS MENIERE - is there a real remedy?", "Hismanal, et. al.--side effects", "Sega CD [Forsale]", "WANTED: bus card for Logitech Mouse", "Is car saftey important?", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "HELP: is my monitor dying???", "Atheist's views on Christianity (was: Re: \"Accepting Jeesus in your heart...\")", "correction re Audio relay followup", "Clinton's sister, Shalala", "Info about Fast Centronics, ECP, EPP", "IDE vs SCSI", "File Manager problem", "Instead of a Saturn SC2, What???", "free moral agency and Jeff Clark", "WARNING.....(please read)...", "Debating special \"hate crimes\" laws (was How many homosexuals...)", "My New Diet --> IT WORKS GREAT !!!!", "food-related seizures?", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more.", "John 3:16 paraphrased", "Rumours about 3DO ???", "Dead mouse ?", "Diamond Stealth 24 giving 9.4 Winmarks?", "Just what is in the Jobs/Pork bill?", "Need tone decoder circuit", "When Is Melido Due Back?", "VB to MSACCESS DDE communications", "California Insurance Commissioner Endorses Federal Legislation to Protect Consumers from Scam Insurance Companies", "Silence is concurance", "Keeping Spacecraft on after Funding Cuts.", "Honda New Car Info", "Summary: ATI Graphics Ultra Questions etc", "Computers for sale ( PC and amiga )", "Zane!!Rescue us from Simmons!!", "Microsoft DOS 6.0 Upgrade for sale", "Procomm Plus for windows problems....", "was:Go Hezbollah!", "Clinton's views on Jerusalem", "Cosmos 2238", "Does someone know what is the news group for IEEE.", "PBS Frontline documentary : \"Memory of the camps\"", "Sampling CD audio (was Re: What to put in Centris 650...)", "Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)", "WANTED: SPI's \"War of the Ring\"", "Fighting the Clipper Initiative", "Win3.1 font with MACRONS", "To be, or Not to be [ a Disaster ]", "The arrogance of Christians", "RAMs &ROMs with ALE latches (for 8051's)", "Fifth Amendment and Passwords", "Car Stereo Stolen?", "XT clone for sale", "text of White House announcement and Q&As on clipper chip encryption", "Trivia: the Habs?", "pb100 memory upgrade", "Why not give $1 billion to first year-long moon residents?", "Cost/Benefit Analysis (was FBI Director's Statement...)", "Watt misquoted", "Aerostitch: 1- or 2-piece?", "RE Aftermarket A/C units", "Facinating facts: 30 bit serial number, possibly fixed S1 and S2", "A WRENCH in the works?", "Nazi Armenians were of service to Germans in Arab countries as well.", "Rumours about 3DO ???", "The [secret] source of that announcement", "Interesting ADB behaviour on C650", "The Inimitable Rushdie", "electronic odometers (was: Used BMW Question ..... ???)", "Mix GL with X (Xlib,Xt,mwm)", "Clipper Crap", "Hate Crimes Laws", "Christianity and repeated lives", "Fifth Amendment and Passwords", "summer program", "Dodgers newsletter?", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "Looking for a good Spice book", "WP-PCF, Linux, RISC?", "Storing a car long term", "quick way to tell if your local beat writer is dumb.", "Dopson Pitches First Shutout; Red Sox Win 6-0", "Trade rumor: Montreal/Ottawa/Phillie", "15-day, 30-day, 60-day disabled list questions", "Is \"Christian\" a dirty word?", "Davidians and compassion", "Being right about messiahs", "Dumbest automotive concepts of all tim", "Misc./buying info. needed", "roman.bmp 07/14", "Are there any Honda groups?", "Yeah, Right", "Helium non-renewable?? (was: Too many MRIs?)", "Jim Lefebvre is an idiot.", "Freezing and Riding", "Program manager ** two questions", "The arrogance of Christians", "Xterm Cursor", "[soc.motss, et al.] \"Princeton axes matching funds for Boy Scouts\"", "Cosmos 2238: an EORSAT", "WFAN (STEVE & CHIEF ON 48 HOURS)", "O's lose openr at home to Rangers", "Increasing the number of Serial ports", "quality of Catholic liturgy", "realizing colours/win.ini setting changes to \"y\" automatically:", "Jacob's Ladder", "Homosexuality issues in Christianity", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "The Inimitable Rushdie (Re: An Anecdote about Islam", "3d-Studio V2.01 : Any differences with previous version", "OTO, the Ancient Order of Oriental Templars", "MacPlus freezes after ~1 hour use, fails to boot", "diet for Crohn's (IBD)", "After 2000 years, can we say that Christian Morality is", "Quadra SCSI Problems???", "Newsgroup Split", "Point within a polygon", "Help adding a SCSI Drive", "food-related seizures?", "space food sticks", "eye dominance", "FOR SALE: 4-TRACK RECORDER", "Too Many Europeans in NHL", "Merlin, Mithras and Magick", "Do we need the clipper for cheap security?", "How starters work really", "Did you really expect Toronto to go anywhere? REALLY!", "MOTORCYCLE DETAILING TIP #18", "Can't set COM4", "BMW MOA members read this!", "Casio Digital Diary", "Question about helmets", "CorelDraw Bitmap to SCODAL", "Roland D-50 For Sale", "Forcing a window manager to accept specific coordinates for a window", "Plymouth Sundance/Dodge Shadow experiences?", "*** The list of Biblical contradictions", "PC sound on a SB", "Revelations", "For Sale: Kawasaki EX500 (Michigan)", "Gamma Ray Bursters. Where are they?", "CD-ROM multisession", "iterations of the bible", "Should liability insurance be required?", "Re: Inverted Fork needed", "Husky Programmer bits req'd", "FOR SALE: Apple IIgs", "Advise needed in buying Automobile", "Impeach Clinton, Reno", "A Little Too Satanic", "was: Go Hezbollah!!", "images of earth", "Windows NT FAQ?", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "THE EMPTY TOMB...", "SDA Doctrinal Distinctives", "Hockey and the Hispanic community", "\"Proper gun control?\" What is proper gun control?", "Polaroid Range finder interference-Help!", "Finnally, the Phils have support", "Exploding TV!", "Galileo Update - 04/15/93", "*** TurboGrafx-16 system for sale ***", "quality control in medicine", " Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 5/5", "Morality? (was Re: <Political Atheists?)", "Diamond SS24X, Win 3.1, Mouse cursor", "Do we need the clipper for cheap security?", "Need phone number for Western Digital (ESDI problem)", "spring records", "disk safety measure?", "\"Accepting Jesus in your heart...\"", "VGA Mode 13h Routines Available", "Hell_2: Black Sabbath", "Drawing Lines (inverse/xor)", "Barbecued foods and health risk", "Subaru Shop manuals for sale", "Insurance discount", "I want that Billion", "VESA on the Speedstar 24", "Reasons : was Re: was: Go Hezbollah!!", "FOR SALE: 550 ZEPHYR", "Vandalizing the sky.", "Quantum Q250 hard disk", "Devils and Islanders tiebreaker????", "Auto air conditioning without Freon", "left side pains", "68HC16 public domain software?", "xrn, xarchie for HP 9000/730 - ASAP", "A Message for you Mr. President: How do you know what happened?", "SSPX schism ?", "BATF/FBI Murders Almost Everyone in Waco Today! 4/19", "ABC coverage", "\"Full page\" PB screen", "Why does Illustrator AutoTrace so poorly?", "Clinton's Wiretapping Initiative", "Trident VGA Drivers", "RESULT: passes 237:28", "How do you find a window id given its name", "ATF BURNS DIVIDIAN RANCH! NO SURVIVORS!!!", "request for list of Boston Univ. players in NHL", "Can I Change \"Licensed To\" Data in Windows 3.1?", "Kind, loving, merciful and forgiving GOD!", "My Gun is like my American Express Card", "Electric power line \"balls\"", "Internal SCSI installation, How?", "Once tapped, your code is no good any more." ]
[ 6, 19, 10, 2, 7, 14, 17, 13, 19, 0, 5, 15, 2, 17, 11, 4, 3, 6, 15, 16, 6, 7, 13, 14, 8, 7, 8, 8, 3, 14, 2, 9, 6, 6, 11, 1, 0, 16, 14, 10, 0, 11, 17, 6, 3, 10, 7, 1, 5, 2, 9, 11, 4, 19, 0, 11, 18, 15, 13, 10, 7, 10, 6, 0, 16, 14, 9, 3, 11, 12, 6, 0, 5, 4, 12, 15, 8, 2, 4, 14, 18, 14, 18, 16, 16, 0, 2, 6, 1, 6, 3, 18, 2, 15, 15, 9, 17, 1, 16, 3, 9, 10, 1, 1, 10, 7, 7, 9, 12, 4, 9, 2, 0, 15, 2, 16, 11, 12, 16, 16, 9, 12, 2, 11, 12, 0, 4, 7, 3, 6, 11, 16, 18, 16, 2, 1, 14, 2, 0, 0, 6, 13, 14, 1, 8, 11, 11, 12, 7, 13, 13, 12, 5, 13, 19, 8, 9, 5, 15, 2, 11, 3, 5, 1, 19, 0, 18, 5, 17, 15, 18, 0, 10, 1, 9, 12, 8, 9, 0, 12, 10, 17, 2, 14, 1, 10, 14, 11, 0, 17, 18, 2, 7, 0, 13, 6, 13, 7, 3, 12, 3, 17, 9, 7, 12, 3, 19, 10, 16, 1, 14, 5, 3, 12, 5, 14, 2, 15, 9, 0, 10, 7, 2, 14, 5, 12, 12, 4, 8, 12, 2, 5, 15, 9, 13, 17, 7, 7, 8, 2, 16, 17, 16, 8, 17, 12, 9, 14, 10, 8, 8, 0, 18, 0, 14, 17, 14, 7, 14, 12, 9, 14, 3, 13, 14, 15, 9, 18, 16, 11, 12, 17, 19, 0, 17, 6, 3, 3, 14, 16, 5, 10, 3, 17, 19, 12, 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16, 14, 3, 12, 15, 19, 2, 4, 14, 12, 15, 10, 8, 3, 1, 11, 18, 17, 18, 4, 2, 5, 8, 0, 11, 14, 15, 13, 11, 13, 14, 6, 17, 12, 15, 13, 15, 11, 14, 16, 7, 15, 12, 4, 2, 3, 6, 13, 5, 12, 4, 15, 2, 17, 12, 6, 4, 14, 15, 14, 12, 4, 15, 16, 6, 10, 8, 9, 13, 12, 8, 2, 15, 7, 4, 4, 5, 5, 8, 7, 14, 0, 8, 15, 11, 8, 15, 13, 7, 3, 16, 0, 2, 9, 5, 15, 9, 7, 7, 8, 5, 15, 19, 17, 8, 6, 18, 15, 7, 13, 3, 7, 4, 13, 2, 12, 11, 2, 9, 0, 5, 17, 10, 4, 0, 14, 12, 15, 12, 11, 9, 16, 8, 16, 16, 2, 7, 13, 12, 8, 11, 0, 15, 6, 7, 7, 14, 19, 3, 16, 12, 12, 17, 16, 1, 15, 17, 0, 7, 1, 11, 17, 15, 8, 9, 8, 12, 1, 17, 10, 9, 6, 13, 16, 12, 1, 11, 11, 12, 2, 9, 11, 4, 15, 11, 7, 8, 12, 10, 2, 17, 17, 2, 5, 11, 15, 14, 8, 5, 8, 9, 4, 0, 12, 3, 6, 8, 17, 12, 19, 18, 13, 11, 10, 10, 6, 7, 8, 1, 6, 11, 16, 17, 8, 12, 9, 15, 10, 10, 17, 5, 19, 8, 11, 18, 9, 14, 14, 14, 12, 3, 14, 10, 11, 18, 15, 16, 0, 10, 9, 19, 2, 14, 2, 15, 17, 15, 17, 1, 10, 9, 10, 1, 16, 13, 3, 12, 18, 15, 12, 14, 18, 3, 7, 2, 7, 11, 8, 1, 10, 13, 15, 12, 3, 9, 12, 1, 0, 18, 2, 5, 0, 5, 19, 1, 15, 19, 3, 10, 2, 16, 2, 13, 3, 18, 14, 0, 12, 13, 18, 5, 6, 6, 6, 12, 15, 1, 11, 17, 2, 1, 11, 2, 8, 11, 2, 2, 3, 14, 3, 6, 10, 15, 7, 5, 7, 14, 6, 5, 9, 13, 3, 10, 2, 5, 14, 5, 17, 2, 17, 0, 1, 17, 4, 7, 9, 7, 6, 1, 9, 6, 10, 5, 18, 17, 19, 17, 4, 1, 10, 10, 2, 9, 8, 5, 1, 2, 15, 5, 12, 3, 7, 3, 7, 11, 8, 4, 17, 14, 6, 14, 9, 2, 5, 15, 3, 17, 14, 16, 10, 8, 5, 3, 14, 8, 0, 5, 0, 1, 5, 15, 14, 15, 14, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 0, 11, 9, 7, 14, 13, 3, 16, 13, 1, 3, 1, 11, 10, 1, 0, 15, 7, 6, 6, 11, 19, 8, 11, 13, 17, 1, 2, 6, 5, 2, 15, 4, 15, 11, 4, 13, 4, 3, 10, 1, 7, 4, 16, 13, 17, 11, 15, 16, 14, 18, 1, 12, 8, 6, 17, 0, 2, 5, 2, 7, 16, 1, 3, 14, 14, 9, 9, 0, 9, 12, 9, 15, 0, 3, 13, 8, 15, 15, 17, 1, 14, 9, 16, 14, 9, 8, 5, 13, 15, 5, 13, 11, 14, 6, 14, 10, 13, 9, 2, 7, 15, 11, 9, 13, 10, 4, 5, 17, 2, 14, 0, 1, 7, 6, 2, 2, 13, 5, 16, 6, 5, 8, 2, 0, 12, 6, 0, 3, 9, 14, 16, 5, 13, 2, 19, 2, 8, 16, 8, 10, 18, 17, 2, 14, 13, 11, 8, 18, 13, 9, 12, 5, 15, 14, 19, 10, 1, 17, 16, 16, 13, 7, 5, 5, 8, 15, 19, 13, 16, 3, 11, 7, 19, 4, 7, 15, 14, 10, 14, 8, 0, 1, 14, 17, 5, 14, 11, 1, 8, 12, 11, 8, 13, 15, 17, 14, 1, 6, 5, 0, 3, 6, 9, 19, 9, 9, 7, 18, 5, 4, 13, 3, 18, 8, 4, 1, 15, 7, 3, 8, 4, 16, 4, 1, 13, 17, 11, 1, 13, 5, 4, 9, 2, 11, 3, 1, 4, 0, 10, 5, 4, 2, 8, 7, 17, 6, 17, 3, 19, 16, 15, 12, 7, 6, 4, 16, 5, 10, 12, 9, 15, 12, 4, 9, 2, 17, 13, 15, 17, 2, 7, 2, 8, 14, 7, 7, 12, 0, 4, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10, 17, 1, 10, 14, 5, 7, 19, 0, 11, 8, 1, 12, 8, 14, 2, 17, 9, 2, 0, 12, 16, 0, 16, 10, 11, 6, 17, 1, 14, 10, 0, 9, 10, 14, 3, 13, 0, 19, 10, 3, 18, 12, 6, 14, 1, 5, 16, 2, 12, 5, 5, 13, 3, 6, 18, 8, 13, 17, 5, 0, 3, 10, 1, 2, 5, 19, 3, 16, 16, 9, 4, 10, 2, 10, 18, 6, 14, 3, 4, 1, 11, 3, 15, 4, 5, 11, 1, 17, 10, 2, 1, 6, 17, 2, 18, 11, 1, 2, 2, 2, 13, 5, 17, 10, 9, 3, 8, 15, 0, 15, 16, 7, 16, 14, 10, 16, 1, 3, 18, 4, 7, 12, 10, 8, 3, 0, 4, 0, 2, 13, 13, 5, 5, 12, 6, 10, 9, 7, 12, 15, 7, 7, 14, 7, 4, 10, 12, 18, 12, 13, 1, 0, 7, 11, 6, 0, 14, 1, 0, 5, 17, 6, 17, 11, 15, 13, 10, 4, 0, 2, 2, 17, 17, 17, 4, 7, 9, 15, 1, 10, 7, 8, 0, 2, 2, 2, 15, 10, 6, 14, 15, 10, 18, 4, 7, 11, 3, 18, 7, 8, 18, 11, 6, 12, 7, 8, 16, 16, 12, 13, 5, 12, 1, 9, 15, 6, 15, 11, 8, 19, 11, 5, 1, 11, 3, 17, 9, 18, 5, 6, 11, 1, 7, 19, 17, 12, 0, 9, 7, 8, 11, 17, 4, 16, 15, 14, 17, 0, 13, 13, 3, 8, 1, 9, 9, 12, 3, 2, 6, 7, 19, 8, 18, 5, 9, 19, 19, 4, 7, 4, 2, 5, 15, 12, 13, 17, 6, 5, 3, 10, 4, 4, 4, 9, 10, 12, 0, 16, 3, 3, 0, 1, 3, 7, 19, 6, 10, 10, 2, 10, 11, 7, 14, 4, 7, 3, 11, 3, 15, 1, 11, 15, 0, 8, 14, 10, 18, 18, 10, 14, 16, 4, 13, 11, 1, 18, 8, 10, 12, 3, 10, 13, 18, 14, 10, 1, 2, 1, 14, 7, 8, 9, 2, 10, 19, 11, 16, 19, 13, 10, 6, 1, 15, 12, 15, 2, 1, 15, 14, 5, 6, 7, 9, 1, 17, 5, 12, 1, 12, 17, 8, 10, 6, 10, 17, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 13, 5, 11, 7, 10, 1, 18, 7, 3, 8, 2, 1, 11, 2, 10, 4, 0, 7, 5, 7, 10, 9, 10, 5, 9, 12, 15, 1, 2, 13, 11, 15, 14, 14, 16, 9, 15, 0, 8, 7, 1, 6, 3, 18, 14, 19, 3, 10, 12, 17, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 15, 10, 17, 14, 7, 6, 5, 18, 16, 13, 2, 16, 9, 4, 1, 7, 8, 9, 9, 16, 19, 9, 7, 2, 5, 11, 3, 1, 19, 12, 6, 16, 15, 2, 4, 5, 6, 5, 12, 4, 5, 1, 11, 16, 16, 12, 15, 16, 19, 0, 2, 6, 2, 7, 17, 17, 14, 8, 13, 3, 8, 16, 10, 5, 1, 18, 16, 10, 2, 5, 5, 14, 4, 9, 5, 15, 2, 12, 14, 6, 7, 1, 5, 8, 7, 5, 17, 12, 16, 13, 16, 9, 5, 8, 16, 16, 12, 16, 6, 14, 7, 16, 2, 9, 9, 5, 11, 7, 11, 11, 2, 8, 7, 15, 6, 3, 4, 15, 4, 11, 8, 18, 0, 12, 2, 18, 5, 3, 14, 4, 7, 12, 6, 5, 9, 1, 1, 1, 14, 9, 4, 16, 15, 10, 4, 7, 16, 14, 12, 12, 17, 12, 12, 18, 1, 3, 19, 1, 16, 14, 12, 16, 9, 15, 12, 9, 0, 6, 11, 0, 11, 2, 2, 9, 4, 6, 13, 11, 19, 14, 15, 5, 13, 13, 6, 3, 7, 11, 3, 15, 12, 18, 3, 3, 2, 7, 0, 7, 18, 13, 13, 11, 15, 1, 4, 3, 18, 12, 9, 2, 18, 19, 14, 7, 2, 6, 9, 6, 2, 17, 17, 14, 12, 17, 4, 5, 6, 11, 2, 18, 15, 12, 11, 6, 6, 11, 10, 4, 14, 16, 15, 8, 7, 11, 14, 17, 1, 11, 4, 0, 7, 5, 11, 18, 15, 11, 15, 9, 16, 12, 2, 7, 9, 9, 10, 9, 15, 19, 15, 7, 8, 2, 7, 0, 13, 9, 8, 2, 15, 5, 0, 14, 10, 9, 4, 15, 2, 12, 15, 0, 0, 1, 19, 4, 13, 19, 4, 1, 1, 3, 13, 14, 13, 6, 10, 19, 11, 12, 10, 8, 3, 8, 6, 8, 1, 6, 5, 7, 19, 3, 15, 8, 14, 4, 15, 8, 8, 12, 6, 7, 16, 0, 17, 1, 2, 16, 15, 15, 10, 16, 12, 9, 12, 14, 6, 13, 5, 0, 2, 11, 3, 9, 11, 15, 1, 15, 5, 13, 7, 8, 14, 1, 17, 8, 14, 4, 10, 7, 13, 12, 5, 19, 15, 16, 10, 4, 1, 18, 2, 13, 5, 16, 10, 2, 19, 16, 12, 4, 11 ]
["Computer Engr vs. Computer Science","The bad press Islam has recieved.","Accounts of Anti-Armenian(...TRUNCATED)
["Keeping the silent memory of 2.5 million Muslim people alive.","built-in video problems on Mac IIs(...TRUNCATED)
["Another happy Gateway owner","WC 93: Results, April 20","David Koresh - Messianic Cult???","Why do(...TRUNCATED)
["Telephone on hook/off hok ok circuit ~","Golden & Space ages","Pantheism and Environmentalism","Co(...TRUNCATED)
["Gotta a Question....","[ANNOUNCE] Ivan Sutherland to speak at Harvard","wrong RAM in Duo?","BATF/F(...TRUNCATED)
["Need Windows-logo","Legal definition of religion","Women's Jackets? (was Ed must be a Daemon Child(...TRUNCATED)
["Why VESA Local-Bus ????","Suggestion for \"resources\" FAQ","WHAT'S WITH ALL THESE SCORES?","nucle(...TRUNCATED)
["Truetype OEM font with line drawing characters etc wanted","Eco-Freaks forcing Space Mining.","Ast(...TRUNCATED)
[2,14,9,0,12,3,9,12,2,0,11,13,17,3,19,17,18,15,14,17,16,5,0,7,12,6,12,1,18,9,9,2,3,14,7,11,2,1,12,7,(...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty.
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