Dataset Viewer
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13 values
package com.hubspot.singularity; import java.util.List; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.quartz.CronExpression; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import com.hubspot.mesos.Resources; public class SingularityRequest { @NotNull private final String command; @NotNull private final String name; private final String executor; private final Resources resources; private final String schedule; @Min(0) private final Integer instances; private final Boolean daemon; private static final Joiner JOINER = Joiner.on(" "); @JsonCreator public SingularityRequest(@JsonProperty("command") String command, @JsonProperty("name") String name, @JsonProperty("executor") String executor, @JsonProperty("resources") Resources resources, @JsonProperty("schedule") String schedule, @JsonProperty("instances") Integer instances, @JsonProperty("daemon") Boolean daemon) { schedule = adjustSchedule(schedule); Preconditions.checkState(schedule == null || ((instances == null || instances == 0) && (daemon == null || !daemon)), "Scheduled requests can not be ran on more than one instance, and must not be daemons"); Preconditions.checkState((daemon == null || daemon) || (instances == null || instances == 0), "Non-daemons can not be ran on more than one instance"); Preconditions.checkState(schedule == null || CronExpression.isValidExpression(schedule), "Cron Schedule %s was not parseable", schedule); this.command = command; = name; this.resources = resources; this.executor = executor; this.schedule = schedule; this.daemon = daemon; this.instances = instances; } /** * * Transforms unix cron into fucking quartz cron; adding seconds if not passed in and switching either day of month or day of week to ? * * Field Name Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters * Seconds 0-59 , - * / * Minutes 0-59 , - * / * Hours 0-23 , - * / * Day-of-month 1-31 , - * ? / L W * Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * / * Day-of-Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L # * Year (Optional) empty, 1970-2199 , - * / */ private String adjustSchedule(String schedule) { if (schedule == null) { return null; } String[] split = schedule.split(" "); if (split.length < 4) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Schedule %s is invalid", schedule)); } List<String> newSchedule = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(6); boolean hasSeconds = split.length > 5; if (!hasSeconds) { newSchedule.add("*"); } else { newSchedule.add(split[0]); } int indexMod = hasSeconds ? 1 : 0; newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 0]); newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 1]); String dayOfMonth = split[indexMod + 2]; String dayOfWeek = split[indexMod + 4]; if (dayOfWeek.equals("*")) { dayOfWeek = "?"; } else if (!dayOfWeek.equals("?")) { dayOfMonth = "?"; } newSchedule.add(dayOfMonth); newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 3]); newSchedule.add(dayOfWeek); return JOINER.join(newSchedule); } public byte[] getRequestData(ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws Exception { return objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(this); } public static SingularityRequest getRequestFromData(byte[] request, ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws Exception { return objectMapper.readValue(request, SingularityRequest.class); } public Integer getInstances() { return instances; } public Boolean getDaemon() { return daemon; } @JsonIgnore public boolean alwaysRunning() { return (daemon == null || daemon.booleanValue()) && !isScheduled(); } @JsonIgnore public boolean isScheduled() { return schedule != null; } public String getSchedule() { return schedule; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getExecutor() { return executor; } public Resources getResources() { return resources; } public String getCommand() { return command; } }
package com.hubspot.singularity; import java.util.List; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.quartz.CronExpression; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import com.hubspot.mesos.Resources; public class SingularityRequest { @NotNull private final String command; @NotNull private final String name; private final String executor; private final Resources resources; private final String schedule; @Min(0) private final Integer instances; private final Boolean daemon; private static final Joiner JOINER = Joiner.on(" "); @JsonCreator public SingularityRequest(@JsonProperty("command") String command, @JsonProperty("name") String name, @JsonProperty("executor") String executor, @JsonProperty("resources") Resources resources, @JsonProperty("schedule") String schedule, @JsonProperty("instances") Integer instances, @JsonProperty("daemon") Boolean daemon) { schedule = adjustSchedule(schedule); Preconditions.checkState(schedule == null || ((instances == null || instances == 0) && (daemon == null || !daemon)), "Scheduled requests can not be ran on more than one instance, and must not be daemons"); Preconditions.checkState((daemon == null || daemon) || (instances == null || instances == 0), "Non-daemons can not be ran on more than one instance"); Preconditions.checkState(schedule == null || CronExpression.isValidExpression(schedule), "Cron Schedule %s was not parseable", schedule); this.command = command; = name; this.resources = resources; this.executor = executor; this.schedule = schedule; this.daemon = daemon; this.instances = instances; } /** * * Transforms unix cron into fucking quartz cron; adding seconds if not passed in and switching either day of month or day of week to ? * * Field Name Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters * Seconds 0-59 , - * / * Minutes 0-59 , - * / * Hours 0-23 , - * / * Day-of-month 1-31 , - * ? / L W * Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * / * Day-of-Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L # * Year (Optional) empty, 1970-2199 , - * / */ private String adjustSchedule(String schedule) { if (schedule == null) { return null; } String[] split = schedule.split(" "); if (split.length < 4) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Schedule %s is invalid", schedule)); } List<String> newSchedule = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(6); boolean hasSeconds = split.length > 5; if (!hasSeconds) { newSchedule.add("*"); } else { newSchedule.add(split[0]); } int indexMod = hasSeconds ? 1 : 0; newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 0]); newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 1]); String dayOfMonth = split[indexMod + 2]; String dayOfWeek = split[indexMod + 4]; if (dayOfWeek.equals("*")) { dayOfWeek = "?"; } else { dayOfMonth = "?"; } newSchedule.add(dayOfMonth); newSchedule.add(split[indexMod + 3]); newSchedule.add(dayOfWeek); return JOINER.join(newSchedule); } public byte[] getRequestData(ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws Exception { return objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(this); } public static SingularityRequest getRequestFromData(byte[] request, ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws Exception { return objectMapper.readValue(request, SingularityRequest.class); } public Integer getInstances() { return instances; } public Boolean getDaemon() { return daemon; } @JsonIgnore public boolean alwaysRunning() { return (daemon == null || daemon.booleanValue()) && !isScheduled(); } @JsonIgnore public boolean isScheduled() { return schedule != null; } public String getSchedule() { return schedule; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getExecutor() { return executor; } public Resources getResources() { return resources; } public String getCommand() { return command; } }
fix this
fix this
<ide><path>rc/main/java/com/hubspot/singularity/ <ide> <ide> if (dayOfWeek.equals("*")) { <ide> dayOfWeek = "?"; <del> } else { <add> } else if (!dayOfWeek.equals("?")) { <ide> dayOfMonth = "?"; <ide> } <ide>
/* * Copyright 2007 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * <p>This class attempts to find finder patterns in a QR Code. Finder patterns are the square * markers at three corners of a QR Code.</p> * * <p>This class is not thread-safe and should not be reused.</p> * * @author [email protected] (Sean Owen) */ final class FinderPatternFinder { private static final int CENTER_QUORUM = 2; private static final int MIN_SKIP = 3; // 1 pixel/module times 3 modules/center private static final int MAX_MODULES = 57; // support up to version 10 for mobile clients private static final int INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT = 8; private final MonochromeBitmapSource image; private final Vector possibleCenters; private boolean hasSkipped; /** * <p>Creates a finder that will search the image for three finder patterns.</p> * * @param image image to search */ FinderPatternFinder(MonochromeBitmapSource image) { this.image = image; this.possibleCenters = new Vector(); } FinderPatternInfo find(Hashtable hints) throws ReaderException { boolean tryHarder = hints != null && hints.containsKey(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER); int maxI = image.getHeight(); int maxJ = image.getWidth(); // We are looking for black/white/black/white/black modules in // 1:1:3:1:1 ratio; this tracks the number of such modules seen so far // Let's assume that the maximum version QR Code we support takes up 1/4 the height of the // image, and then account for the center being 3 modules in size. This gives the smallest // number of pixels the center could be, so skip this often. When trying harder, look for all // QR versions regardless of how dense they are. int iSkip = (int) (maxI / (MAX_MODULES * 4.0f) * 3); if (iSkip < MIN_SKIP || tryHarder) { iSkip = MIN_SKIP; } boolean done = false; int[] stateCount = new int[5]; for (int i = iSkip - 1; i < maxI && !done; i += iSkip) { // Get a row of black/white values BitArray blackRow = image.getBlackRow(i, null, 0, maxJ); stateCount[0] = 0; stateCount[1] = 0; stateCount[2] = 0; stateCount[3] = 0; stateCount[4] = 0; int currentState = 0; for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++) { if (blackRow.get(j)) { // Black pixel if ((currentState & 1) == 1) { // Counting white pixels currentState++; } stateCount[currentState]++; } else { // White pixel if ((currentState & 1) == 0) { // Counting black pixels if (currentState == 4) { // A winner? if (foundPatternCross(stateCount)) { // Yes boolean confirmed = handlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, j); if (confirmed) { iSkip = 1; // Go back to examining each line if (hasSkipped) { done = haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters(); } else { int rowSkip = findRowSkip(); if (rowSkip > stateCount[2]) { // Skip rows between row of lower confirmed center // and top of presumed third confirmed center // but back up a bit to get a full chance of detecting // it, entire width of center of finder pattern // Skip by rowSkip, but back off by stateCount[2] (size of last center // of pattern we saw) to be conservative, and also back off by iSkip which // is about to be re-added i += rowSkip - stateCount[2] - iSkip; j = maxJ - 1; } } } else { // Advance to next black pixel do { j++; } while (j < maxJ && !blackRow.get(j)); j--; // back up to that last white pixel } // Clear state to start looking again currentState = 0; stateCount[0] = 0; stateCount[1] = 0; stateCount[2] = 0; stateCount[3] = 0; stateCount[4] = 0; } else { // No, shift counts back by two stateCount[0] = stateCount[2]; stateCount[1] = stateCount[3]; stateCount[2] = stateCount[4]; stateCount[3] = 1; stateCount[4] = 0; currentState = 3; } } else { stateCount[++currentState]++; } } else { // Counting white pixels stateCount[currentState]++; } } } if (foundPatternCross(stateCount)) { boolean confirmed = handlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, maxJ); if (confirmed) { iSkip = stateCount[0]; if (hasSkipped) { // Found a third one done = haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters(); } } } } FinderPattern[] patternInfo = selectBestPatterns(); patternInfo = orderBestPatterns(patternInfo); return new FinderPatternInfo(patternInfo); } /** * Given a count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just seen and an end position, * figures the location of the center of this run. */ private static float centerFromEnd(int[] stateCount, int end) { return (float) (end - stateCount[4] - stateCount[3]) - stateCount[2] / 2.0f; } /** * @param stateCount count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just read * @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/1/3/1/1 ratios * used by finder patterns to be considered a match */ private static boolean foundPatternCross(int[] stateCount) { int totalModuleSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int count = stateCount[i]; if (count == 0) { return false; } totalModuleSize += count; } if (totalModuleSize < 7) { return false; } int moduleSize = (totalModuleSize << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT) / 7; int maxVariance = moduleSize / 2; // Allow less than 50% variance from 1-1-3-1-1 proportions return Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[0] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[1] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && Math.abs(3 * moduleSize - (stateCount[2] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < 3 * maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[3] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[4] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance; } /** * <p>After a horizontal scan finds a potential finder pattern, this method * "cross-checks" by scanning down vertically through the center of the possible * finder pattern to see if the same proportion is detected.</p> * * @param startI row where a finder pattern was detected * @param centerJ center of the section that appears to cross a finder pattern * @param maxCount maximum reasonable number of modules that should be * observed in any reading state, based on the results of the horizontal scan * @return vertical center of finder pattern, or {@link Float#NaN} if not found */ private float crossCheckVertical(int startI, int centerJ, int maxCount, int originalStateCountTotal) { MonochromeBitmapSource image = this.image; int maxI = image.getHeight(); int[] stateCount = new int[5]; // Start counting up from center int i = startI; while (i >= 0 && image.isBlack(centerJ, i)) { stateCount[2]++; i--; } if (i < 0) { return Float.NaN; } while (i >= 0 && !image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[1] <= maxCount) { stateCount[1]++; i--; } // If already too many modules in this state or ran off the edge: if (i < 0 || stateCount[1] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (i >= 0 && image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[0] <= maxCount) { stateCount[0]++; i--; } if (stateCount[0] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // Now also count down from center i = startI + 1; while (i < maxI && image.isBlack(centerJ, i)) { stateCount[2]++; i++; } if (i == maxI) { return Float.NaN; } while (i < maxI && !image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[3] < maxCount) { stateCount[3]++; i++; } if (i == maxI || stateCount[3] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (i < maxI && image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[4] < maxCount) { stateCount[4]++; i++; } if (stateCount[4] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // If we found a finder-pattern-like section, but its size is more than 20% different than // the original, assume it's a false positive int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; if (5 * Math.abs(stateCountTotal - originalStateCountTotal) >= originalStateCountTotal) { return Float.NaN; } return foundPatternCross(stateCount) ? centerFromEnd(stateCount, i) : Float.NaN; } /** * <p>Like {@link #crossCheckVertical(int, int, int, int)}, and in fact is basically identical, * except it reads horizontally instead of vertically. This is used to cross-cross * check a vertical cross check and locate the real center of the alignment pattern.</p> */ private float crossCheckHorizontal(int startJ, int centerI, int maxCount, int originalStateCountTotal) { MonochromeBitmapSource image = this.image; int maxJ = image.getWidth(); int[] stateCount = new int[5]; int j = startJ; while (j >= 0 && image.isBlack(j, centerI)) { stateCount[2]++; j--; } if (j < 0) { return Float.NaN; } while (j >= 0 && !image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[1] <= maxCount) { stateCount[1]++; j--; } if (j < 0 || stateCount[1] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (j >= 0 && image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[0] <= maxCount) { stateCount[0]++; j--; } if (stateCount[0] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } j = startJ + 1; while (j < maxJ && image.isBlack(j, centerI)) { stateCount[2]++; j++; } if (j == maxJ) { return Float.NaN; } while (j < maxJ && !image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[3] < maxCount) { stateCount[3]++; j++; } if (j == maxJ || stateCount[3] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (j < maxJ && image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[4] < maxCount) { stateCount[4]++; j++; } if (stateCount[4] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // If we found a finder-pattern-like section, but its size is significantly different than // the original, assume it's a false positive int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; if (5 * Math.abs(stateCountTotal - originalStateCountTotal) >= originalStateCountTotal) { return Float.NaN; } return foundPatternCross(stateCount) ? centerFromEnd(stateCount, j) : Float.NaN; } /** * <p>This is called when a horizontal scan finds a possible alignment pattern. It will * cross check with a vertical scan, and if successful, will, ah, cross-cross-check * with another horizontal scan. This is needed primarily to locate the real horizontal * center of the pattern in cases of extreme skew.</p> * * <p>If that succeeds the finder pattern location is added to a list that tracks * the number of times each location has been nearly-matched as a finder pattern. * Each additional find is more evidence that the location is in fact a finder * pattern center * * @param stateCount reading state module counts from horizontal scan * @param i row where finder pattern may be found * @param j end of possible finder pattern in row * @return true if a finder pattern candidate was found this time */ private boolean handlePossibleCenter(int[] stateCount, int i, int j) { int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; float centerJ = centerFromEnd(stateCount, j); float centerI = crossCheckVertical(i, (int) centerJ, stateCount[2], stateCountTotal); if (!Float.isNaN(centerI)) { // Re-cross check centerJ = crossCheckHorizontal((int) centerJ, (int) centerI, stateCount[2], stateCountTotal); if (!Float.isNaN(centerJ)) { float estimatedModuleSize = (float) stateCountTotal / 7.0f; boolean found = false; int max = possibleCenters.size(); for (int index = 0; index < max; index++) { FinderPattern center = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(index); // Look for about the same center and module size: if (center.aboutEquals(estimatedModuleSize, centerI, centerJ)) { center.incrementCount(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { possibleCenters.addElement(new FinderPattern(centerJ, centerI, estimatedModuleSize)); } return true; } } return false; } /** * @return number of rows we could safely skip during scanning, based on the first * two finder patterns that have been located. In some cases their position will * allow us to infer that the third pattern must lie below a certain point farther * down in the image. */ private int findRowSkip() { int max = possibleCenters.size(); if (max <= 1) { return 0; } FinderPattern firstConfirmedCenter = null; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern center = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); if (center.getCount() >= CENTER_QUORUM) { if (firstConfirmedCenter == null) { firstConfirmedCenter = center; } else { // We have two confirmed centers // How far down can we skip before resuming looking for the next // pattern? In the worst case, only the difference between the // difference in the x / y coordinates of the two centers. // This is the case where you find top left first. Draw it out. hasSkipped = true; return (int) Math.abs(Math.abs(firstConfirmedCenter.getX() - center.getX()) - Math.abs(firstConfirmedCenter.getY() - center.getY())); } } } return 0; } /** * @return true iff we have found at least 3 finder patterns that have been detected * at least {@link #CENTER_QUORUM} times each, and, the estimated module size of the * candidates is "pretty similar" */ private boolean haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters() { int confirmedCount = 0; float totalModuleSize = 0.0f; int max = possibleCenters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern pattern = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); if (pattern.getCount() >= CENTER_QUORUM) { confirmedCount++; totalModuleSize += pattern.getEstimatedModuleSize(); } } if (confirmedCount < 3) { return false; } // OK, we have at least 3 confirmed centers, but, it's possible that one is a "false positive" // and that we need to keep looking. We detect this by asking if the estimated module sizes // vary too much. We arbitrarily say that when the total deviation from average exceeds // 15% of the total module size estimates, it's too much. float average = totalModuleSize / max; float totalDeviation = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern pattern = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); totalDeviation += Math.abs(pattern.getEstimatedModuleSize() - average); } return totalDeviation <= 0.15f * totalModuleSize; } /** * @return the 3 best {@link FinderPattern}s from our list of candidates. The "best" are * those that have been detected at least {@link #CENTER_QUORUM} times, and whose module * size differs from the average among those patterns the least * @throws ReaderException if 3 such finder patterns do not exist */ private FinderPattern[] selectBestPatterns() throws ReaderException { Collections.insertionSort(possibleCenters, new CenterComparator()); int size = 0; int max = possibleCenters.size(); while (size < max) { if (((FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(size)).getCount() < CENTER_QUORUM) { break; } size++; } if (size < 3) { // Couldn't find enough finder patterns throw new ReaderException("Could not find three finder patterns"); } if (size == 3) { // Found just enough -- hope these are good! return new FinderPattern[]{ (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(0), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(1), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(2) }; } possibleCenters.setSize(size); // Hmm, multiple found. We need to pick the best three. Find the most // popular ones whose module size is nearest the average float averageModuleSize = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { averageModuleSize += ((FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i)).getEstimatedModuleSize(); } averageModuleSize /= (float) size; // We don't have java.util.Collections in J2ME Collections.insertionSort(possibleCenters, new ClosestToAverageComparator(averageModuleSize)); return new FinderPattern[]{ (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(0), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(1), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(2) }; } /** * <p>Having found three "best" finder patterns we need to decide which is the top-left, top-right, * bottom-left. We assume that the one closest to the other two is the top-left one; this is not * strictly true (imagine extreme perspective distortion) but for the moment is a serviceable assumption. * Lastly we sort top-right from bottom-left by figuring out orientation from vector cross products.</p> * * @param patterns three best {@link FinderPattern}s * @return same {@link FinderPattern}s ordered bottom-left, top-left, top-right */ private static FinderPattern[] orderBestPatterns(FinderPattern[] patterns) { // Find distances between pattern centers float abDistance = distance(patterns[0], patterns[1]); float bcDistance = distance(patterns[1], patterns[2]); float acDistance = distance(patterns[0], patterns[2]); FinderPattern topLeft; FinderPattern topRight; FinderPattern bottomLeft; // Assume one closest to other two is top left; // topRight and bottomLeft will just be guesses below at first if (bcDistance >= abDistance && bcDistance >= acDistance) { topLeft = patterns[0]; topRight = patterns[1]; bottomLeft = patterns[2]; } else if (acDistance >= bcDistance && acDistance >= abDistance) { topLeft = patterns[1]; topRight = patterns[0]; bottomLeft = patterns[2]; } else { topLeft = patterns[2]; topRight = patterns[0]; bottomLeft = patterns[1]; } // Use cross product to figure out which of other1/2 is the bottom left // pattern. The vector "top-left -> bottom-left" x "top-left -> top-right" // should yield a vector with positive z component if ((bottomLeft.getY() - topLeft.getY()) * (topRight.getX() - topLeft.getX()) < (bottomLeft.getX() - topLeft.getX()) * (topRight.getY() - topLeft.getY())) { FinderPattern temp = topRight; topRight = bottomLeft; bottomLeft = temp; } return new FinderPattern[]{bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight}; } /** * @return distance between two points */ static float distance(ResultPoint pattern1, ResultPoint pattern2) { float xDiff = pattern1.getX() - pattern2.getX(); float yDiff = pattern1.getY() - pattern2.getY(); return (float) Math.sqrt((double) (xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff)); } /** * <p>Orders by {@link FinderPattern#getCount()}, descending.</p> */ private static class CenterComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object center1, Object center2) { return ((FinderPattern) center2).getCount() - ((FinderPattern) center1).getCount(); } } /** * <p>Orders by variance from average module size, ascending.</p> */ private static class ClosestToAverageComparator implements Comparator { private final float averageModuleSize; private ClosestToAverageComparator(float averageModuleSize) { this.averageModuleSize = averageModuleSize; } public int compare(Object center1, Object center2) { return Math.abs(((FinderPattern) center1).getEstimatedModuleSize() - averageModuleSize) < Math.abs(((FinderPattern) center2).getEstimatedModuleSize() - averageModuleSize) ? -1 : 1; } } }
/* * Copyright 2007 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * <p>This class attempts to find finder patterns in a QR Code. Finder patterns are the square * markers at three corners of a QR Code.</p> * * <p>This class is not thread-safe and should not be reused.</p> * * @author [email protected] (Sean Owen) */ final class FinderPatternFinder { private static final int CENTER_QUORUM = 2; private static final int MIN_SKIP = 3; // 1 pixel/module times 3 modules/center private static final int MAX_MODULES = 57; // support up to version 10 for mobile clients private final MonochromeBitmapSource image; private final Vector possibleCenters; private boolean hasSkipped; /** * <p>Creates a finder that will search the image for three finder patterns.</p> * * @param image image to search */ FinderPatternFinder(MonochromeBitmapSource image) { this.image = image; this.possibleCenters = new Vector(); } FinderPatternInfo find(Hashtable hints) throws ReaderException { boolean tryHarder = hints != null && hints.containsKey(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER); int maxI = image.getHeight(); int maxJ = image.getWidth(); // We are looking for black/white/black/white/black modules in // 1:1:3:1:1 ratio; this tracks the number of such modules seen so far int[] stateCount = new int[5]; boolean done = false; // Let's assume that the maximum version QR Code we support takes up 1/4 the height of the // image, and then account for the center being 3 modules in size. This gives the smallest // number of pixels the center could be, so skip this often. When trying harder, look for all // QR versions regardless of how dense they are. int iSkip = (int) (maxI / (MAX_MODULES * 4.0f) * 3); if (iSkip < MIN_SKIP || tryHarder) { iSkip = MIN_SKIP; } for (int i = iSkip - 1; i < maxI && !done; i += iSkip) { // Get a row of black/white values BitArray blackRow = image.getBlackRow(i, null, 0, maxJ); stateCount[0] = 0; stateCount[1] = 0; stateCount[2] = 0; stateCount[3] = 0; stateCount[4] = 0; int currentState = 0; for (int j = 0; j < maxJ; j++) { if (blackRow.get(j)) { // Black pixel if ((currentState & 1) == 1) { // Counting white pixels currentState++; } stateCount[currentState]++; } else { // White pixel if ((currentState & 1) == 0) { // Counting black pixels if (currentState == 4) { // A winner? if (foundPatternCross(stateCount)) { // Yes boolean confirmed = handlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, j); if (confirmed) { iSkip = 1; // Go back to examining each line if (hasSkipped) { done = haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters(); } else { int rowSkip = findRowSkip(); if (rowSkip > stateCount[2]) { // Skip rows between row of lower confirmed center // and top of presumed third confirmed center // but back up a bit to get a full chance of detecting // it, entire width of center of finder pattern // Skip by rowSkip, but back off by stateCount[2] (size of last center // of pattern we saw) to be conservative, and also back off by iSkip which // is about to be re-added i += rowSkip - stateCount[2] - iSkip; j = maxJ - 1; } } } else { // Advance to next black pixel do { j++; } while (j < maxJ && !blackRow.get(j)); j--; // back up to that last white pixel } // Clear state to start looking again currentState = 0; stateCount[0] = 0; stateCount[1] = 0; stateCount[2] = 0; stateCount[3] = 0; stateCount[4] = 0; } else { // No, shift counts back by two stateCount[0] = stateCount[2]; stateCount[1] = stateCount[3]; stateCount[2] = stateCount[4]; stateCount[3] = 1; stateCount[4] = 0; currentState = 3; } } else { stateCount[++currentState]++; } } else { // Counting white pixels stateCount[currentState]++; } } } if (foundPatternCross(stateCount)) { boolean confirmed = handlePossibleCenter(stateCount, i, maxJ); if (confirmed) { iSkip = stateCount[0]; if (hasSkipped) { // Found a third one done = haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters(); } } } } FinderPattern[] patternInfo = selectBestPatterns(); patternInfo = orderBestPatterns(patternInfo); return new FinderPatternInfo(patternInfo); } /** * Given a count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just seen and an end position, * figures the location of the center of this run. */ private static float centerFromEnd(int[] stateCount, int end) { return (float) (end - stateCount[4] - stateCount[3]) - stateCount[2] / 2.0f; } /** * @param stateCount count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just read * @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/13/1/1 ratios * used by finder patterns to be considered a match */ private static boolean foundPatternCross(int[] stateCount) { int totalModuleSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (stateCount[i] == 0) { return false; } totalModuleSize += stateCount[i]; } if (totalModuleSize < 7) { return false; } float moduleSize = (float) totalModuleSize / 7.0f; float maxVariance = moduleSize / 2.0f; // Allow less than 50% variance from 1-1-3-1-1 proportions return Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[0]) < maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[1]) < maxVariance && Math.abs(3.0f * moduleSize - stateCount[2]) < 3.0f * maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[3]) < maxVariance && Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[4]) < maxVariance; } /** * <p>After a horizontal scan finds a potential finder pattern, this method * "cross-checks" by scanning down vertically through the center of the possible * finder pattern to see if the same proportion is detected.</p> * * @param startI row where a finder pattern was detected * @param centerJ center of the section that appears to cross a finder pattern * @param maxCount maximum reasonable number of modules that should be * observed in any reading state, based on the results of the horizontal scan * @return vertical center of finder pattern, or {@link Float#NaN} if not found */ private float crossCheckVertical(int startI, int centerJ, int maxCount, int originalStateCountTotal) { MonochromeBitmapSource image = this.image; int maxI = image.getHeight(); int[] stateCount = new int[5]; // Start counting up from center int i = startI; while (i >= 0 && image.isBlack(centerJ, i)) { stateCount[2]++; i--; } if (i < 0) { return Float.NaN; } while (i >= 0 && !image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[1] <= maxCount) { stateCount[1]++; i--; } // If already too many modules in this state or ran off the edge: if (i < 0 || stateCount[1] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (i >= 0 && image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[0] <= maxCount) { stateCount[0]++; i--; } if (stateCount[0] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // Now also count down from center i = startI + 1; while (i < maxI && image.isBlack(centerJ, i)) { stateCount[2]++; i++; } if (i == maxI) { return Float.NaN; } while (i < maxI && !image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[3] < maxCount) { stateCount[3]++; i++; } if (i == maxI || stateCount[3] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (i < maxI && image.isBlack(centerJ, i) && stateCount[4] < maxCount) { stateCount[4]++; i++; } if (stateCount[4] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // If we found a finder-pattern-like section, but its size is more than 20% different than // the original, assume it's a false positive int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; if (5 * Math.abs(stateCountTotal - originalStateCountTotal) >= originalStateCountTotal) { return Float.NaN; } return foundPatternCross(stateCount) ? centerFromEnd(stateCount, i) : Float.NaN; } /** * <p>Like {@link #crossCheckVertical(int, int, int, int)}, and in fact is basically identical, * except it reads horizontally instead of vertically. This is used to cross-cross * check a vertical cross check and locate the real center of the alignment pattern.</p> */ private float crossCheckHorizontal(int startJ, int centerI, int maxCount, int originalStateCountTotal) { MonochromeBitmapSource image = this.image; int maxJ = image.getWidth(); int[] stateCount = new int[5]; int j = startJ; while (j >= 0 && image.isBlack(j, centerI)) { stateCount[2]++; j--; } if (j < 0) { return Float.NaN; } while (j >= 0 && !image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[1] <= maxCount) { stateCount[1]++; j--; } if (j < 0 || stateCount[1] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (j >= 0 && image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[0] <= maxCount) { stateCount[0]++; j--; } if (stateCount[0] > maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } j = startJ + 1; while (j < maxJ && image.isBlack(j, centerI)) { stateCount[2]++; j++; } if (j == maxJ) { return Float.NaN; } while (j < maxJ && !image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[3] < maxCount) { stateCount[3]++; j++; } if (j == maxJ || stateCount[3] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } while (j < maxJ && image.isBlack(j, centerI) && stateCount[4] < maxCount) { stateCount[4]++; j++; } if (stateCount[4] >= maxCount) { return Float.NaN; } // If we found a finder-pattern-like section, but its size is significantly different than // the original, assume it's a false positive int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; if (5 * Math.abs(stateCountTotal - originalStateCountTotal) >= originalStateCountTotal) { return Float.NaN; } return foundPatternCross(stateCount) ? centerFromEnd(stateCount, j) : Float.NaN; } /** * <p>This is called when a horizontal scan finds a possible alignment pattern. It will * cross check with a vertical scan, and if successful, will, ah, cross-cross-check * with another horizontal scan. This is needed primarily to locate the real horizontal * center of the pattern in cases of extreme skew.</p> * * <p>If that succeeds the finder pattern location is added to a list that tracks * the number of times each location has been nearly-matched as a finder pattern. * Each additional find is more evidence that the location is in fact a finder * pattern center * * @param stateCount reading state module counts from horizontal scan * @param i row where finder pattern may be found * @param j end of possible finder pattern in row * @return true if a finder pattern candidate was found this time */ private boolean handlePossibleCenter(int[] stateCount, int i, int j) { int stateCountTotal = stateCount[0] + stateCount[1] + stateCount[2] + stateCount[3] + stateCount[4]; float centerJ = centerFromEnd(stateCount, j); float centerI = crossCheckVertical(i, (int) centerJ, stateCount[2], stateCountTotal); if (!Float.isNaN(centerI)) { // Re-cross check centerJ = crossCheckHorizontal((int) centerJ, (int) centerI, stateCount[2], stateCountTotal); if (!Float.isNaN(centerJ)) { float estimatedModuleSize = (float) stateCountTotal / 7.0f; boolean found = false; int max = possibleCenters.size(); for (int index = 0; index < max; index++) { FinderPattern center = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(index); // Look for about the same center and module size: if (center.aboutEquals(estimatedModuleSize, centerI, centerJ)) { center.incrementCount(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { possibleCenters.addElement(new FinderPattern(centerJ, centerI, estimatedModuleSize)); } return true; } } return false; } /** * @return number of rows we could safely skip during scanning, based on the first * two finder patterns that have been located. In some cases their position will * allow us to infer that the third pattern must lie below a certain point farther * down in the image. */ private int findRowSkip() { int max = possibleCenters.size(); if (max <= 1) { return 0; } FinderPattern firstConfirmedCenter = null; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern center = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); if (center.getCount() >= CENTER_QUORUM) { if (firstConfirmedCenter == null) { firstConfirmedCenter = center; } else { // We have two confirmed centers // How far down can we skip before resuming looking for the next // pattern? In the worst case, only the difference between the // difference in the x / y coordinates of the two centers. // This is the case where you find top left first. Draw it out. hasSkipped = true; return (int) Math.abs(Math.abs(firstConfirmedCenter.getX() - center.getX()) - Math.abs(firstConfirmedCenter.getY() - center.getY())); } } } return 0; } /** * @return true iff we have found at least 3 finder patterns that have been detected * at least {@link #CENTER_QUORUM} times each, and, the estimated module size of the * candidates is "pretty similar" */ private boolean haveMulitplyConfirmedCenters() { int confirmedCount = 0; float totalModuleSize = 0.0f; int max = possibleCenters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern pattern = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); if (pattern.getCount() >= CENTER_QUORUM) { confirmedCount++; totalModuleSize += pattern.getEstimatedModuleSize(); } } if (confirmedCount < 3) { return false; } // OK, we have at least 3 confirmed centers, but, it's possible that one is a "false positive" // and that we need to keep looking. We detect this by asking if the estimated module sizes // vary too much. We arbitrarily say that when the total deviation from average exceeds // 15% of the total module size estimates, it's too much. float average = totalModuleSize / max; float totalDeviation = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { FinderPattern pattern = (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i); totalDeviation += Math.abs(pattern.getEstimatedModuleSize() - average); } return totalDeviation <= 0.15f * totalModuleSize; } /** * @return the 3 best {@link FinderPattern}s from our list of candidates. The "best" are * those that have been detected at least {@link #CENTER_QUORUM} times, and whose module * size differs from the average among those patterns the least * @throws ReaderException if 3 such finder patterns do not exist */ private FinderPattern[] selectBestPatterns() throws ReaderException { Collections.insertionSort(possibleCenters, new CenterComparator()); int size = 0; int max = possibleCenters.size(); while (size < max) { if (((FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(size)).getCount() < CENTER_QUORUM) { break; } size++; } if (size < 3) { // Couldn't find enough finder patterns throw new ReaderException("Could not find three finder patterns"); } if (size == 3) { // Found just enough -- hope these are good! return new FinderPattern[]{ (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(0), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(1), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(2) }; } possibleCenters.setSize(size); // Hmm, multiple found. We need to pick the best three. Find the most // popular ones whose module size is nearest the average float averageModuleSize = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { averageModuleSize += ((FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(i)).getEstimatedModuleSize(); } averageModuleSize /= (float) size; // We don't have java.util.Collections in J2ME Collections.insertionSort(possibleCenters, new ClosestToAverageComparator(averageModuleSize)); return new FinderPattern[]{ (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(0), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(1), (FinderPattern) possibleCenters.elementAt(2) }; } /** * <p>Having found three "best" finder patterns we need to decide which is the top-left, top-right, * bottom-left. We assume that the one closest to the other two is the top-left one; this is not * strictly true (imagine extreme perspective distortion) but for the moment is a serviceable assumption. * Lastly we sort top-right from bottom-left by figuring out orientation from vector cross products.</p> * * @param patterns three best {@link FinderPattern}s * @return same {@link FinderPattern}s ordered bottom-left, top-left, top-right */ private static FinderPattern[] orderBestPatterns(FinderPattern[] patterns) { // Find distances between pattern centers float abDistance = distance(patterns[0], patterns[1]); float bcDistance = distance(patterns[1], patterns[2]); float acDistance = distance(patterns[0], patterns[2]); FinderPattern topLeft; FinderPattern topRight; FinderPattern bottomLeft; // Assume one closest to other two is top left; // topRight and bottomLeft will just be guesses below at first if (bcDistance >= abDistance && bcDistance >= acDistance) { topLeft = patterns[0]; topRight = patterns[1]; bottomLeft = patterns[2]; } else if (acDistance >= bcDistance && acDistance >= abDistance) { topLeft = patterns[1]; topRight = patterns[0]; bottomLeft = patterns[2]; } else { topLeft = patterns[2]; topRight = patterns[0]; bottomLeft = patterns[1]; } // Use cross product to figure out which of other1/2 is the bottom left // pattern. The vector "top-left -> bottom-left" x "top-left -> top-right" // should yield a vector with positive z component if ((bottomLeft.getY() - topLeft.getY()) * (topRight.getX() - topLeft.getX()) < (bottomLeft.getX() - topLeft.getX()) * (topRight.getY() - topLeft.getY())) { FinderPattern temp = topRight; topRight = bottomLeft; bottomLeft = temp; } return new FinderPattern[]{bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight}; } /** * @return distance between two points */ static float distance(ResultPoint pattern1, ResultPoint pattern2) { float xDiff = pattern1.getX() - pattern2.getX(); float yDiff = pattern1.getY() - pattern2.getY(); return (float) Math.sqrt((double) (xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff)); } /** * <p>Orders by {@link FinderPattern#getCount()}, descending.</p> */ private static class CenterComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object center1, Object center2) { return ((FinderPattern) center2).getCount() - ((FinderPattern) center1).getCount(); } } /** * <p>Orders by variance from average module size, ascending.</p> */ private static class ClosestToAverageComparator implements Comparator { private final float averageModuleSize; private ClosestToAverageComparator(float averageModuleSize) { this.averageModuleSize = averageModuleSize; } public int compare(Object center1, Object center2) { return Math.abs(((FinderPattern) center1).getEstimatedModuleSize() - averageModuleSize) < Math.abs(((FinderPattern) center2).getEstimatedModuleSize() - averageModuleSize) ? -1 : 1; } } }
Switch to integer math in a critical QR Code detector method for speed and tweak a few things before I start investigating this method and the infamous "270 issue" git-svn-id: b10e9e05a96f28f96949e4aa4212c55f640c8f96@485 59b500cc-1b3d-0410-9834-0bbf25fbcc57
Switch to integer math in a critical QR Code detector method for speed and tweak a few things before I start investigating this method and the infamous "270 issue"
<ide><path>ore/src/com/google/zxing/qrcode/detector/ <ide> private static final int CENTER_QUORUM = 2; <ide> private static final int MIN_SKIP = 3; // 1 pixel/module times 3 modules/center <ide> private static final int MAX_MODULES = 57; // support up to version 10 for mobile clients <add> private static final int INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT = 8; <ide> <ide> private final MonochromeBitmapSource image; <ide> private final Vector possibleCenters; <ide> int maxJ = image.getWidth(); <ide> // We are looking for black/white/black/white/black modules in <ide> // 1:1:3:1:1 ratio; this tracks the number of such modules seen so far <del> int[] stateCount = new int[5]; <del> boolean done = false; <ide> <ide> // Let's assume that the maximum version QR Code we support takes up 1/4 the height of the <ide> // image, and then account for the center being 3 modules in size. This gives the smallest <ide> iSkip = MIN_SKIP; <ide> } <ide> <add> boolean done = false; <add> int[] stateCount = new int[5]; <ide> for (int i = iSkip - 1; i < maxI && !done; i += iSkip) { <ide> // Get a row of black/white values <ide> BitArray blackRow = image.getBlackRow(i, null, 0, maxJ); <ide> <ide> /** <ide> * @param stateCount count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just read <del> * @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/13/1/1 ratios <add> * @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/1/3/1/1 ratios <ide> * used by finder patterns to be considered a match <ide> */ <ide> private static boolean foundPatternCross(int[] stateCount) { <ide> int totalModuleSize = 0; <ide> for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { <del> if (stateCount[i] == 0) { <add> int count = stateCount[i]; <add> if (count == 0) { <ide> return false; <ide> } <del> totalModuleSize += stateCount[i]; <add> totalModuleSize += count; <ide> } <ide> if (totalModuleSize < 7) { <ide> return false; <ide> } <del> float moduleSize = (float) totalModuleSize / 7.0f; <del> float maxVariance = moduleSize / 2.0f; <add> int moduleSize = (totalModuleSize << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT) / 7; <add> int maxVariance = moduleSize / 2; <ide> // Allow less than 50% variance from 1-1-3-1-1 proportions <del> return Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[0]) < maxVariance && <del> Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[1]) < maxVariance && <del> Math.abs(3.0f * moduleSize - stateCount[2]) < 3.0f * maxVariance && <del> Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[3]) < maxVariance && <del> Math.abs(moduleSize - stateCount[4]) < maxVariance; <add> return Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[0] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && <add> Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[1] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && <add> Math.abs(3 * moduleSize - (stateCount[2] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < 3 * maxVariance && <add> Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[3] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance && <add> Math.abs(moduleSize - (stateCount[4] << INTEGER_MATH_SHIFT)) < maxVariance; <ide> } <ide> <ide> /**
// Copyright (C) 2011 - Will Glozer. All rights reserved. package com.lambdaworks.redis.pubsub; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import com.lambdaworks.redis.codec.RedisCodec; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandHandler; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandOutput; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.RedisCommand; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; /** * A netty {@link ChannelHandler} responsible for writing redis pub/sub commands and reading the response stream from the * server. * * @param <K> Key type. * @param <V> Value type. * * @author Will Glozer */ public class PubSubCommandHandler<K, V> extends CommandHandler<K, V> { private RedisCodec<K, V> codec; private PubSubOutput<K, V> output; /** * Initialize a new instance. * * @param queue Command queue. * @param codec Codec. */ public PubSubCommandHandler(BlockingQueue<RedisCommand<K, V, ?>> queue, RedisCodec<K, V> codec) { super(queue); this.codec = codec; this.output = new PubSubOutput<K, V>(codec); } @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws InterruptedException { while (output.type() == null && !queue.isEmpty()) { CommandOutput<K, V, ?> output = queue.peek().getOutput(); if (!rsm.decode(buffer, output)) { return; } queue.take().complete(); if (output instanceof PubSubOutput) { ctx.fireChannelRead(output); } } while (rsm.decode(buffer, output)) { ctx.fireChannelRead(output); output = new PubSubOutput<K, V>(codec); buffer.discardReadBytes(); } } }
// Copyright (C) 2011 - Will Glozer. All rights reserved. package com.lambdaworks.redis.pubsub; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import com.lambdaworks.redis.codec.RedisCodec; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandHandler; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.CommandOutput; import com.lambdaworks.redis.protocol.RedisCommand; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import; /** * A netty {@link ChannelHandler} responsible for writing redis pub/sub commands and reading the response stream from the * server. * * @param <K> Key type. * @param <V> Value type. * * @author Will Glozer */ public class PubSubCommandHandler<K, V> extends CommandHandler<K, V> { private RedisCodec<K, V> codec; private PubSubOutput<K, V> output; /** * Initialize a new instance. * * @param queue Command queue. * @param codec Codec. */ public PubSubCommandHandler(BlockingQueue<RedisCommand<K, V, ?>> queue, RedisCodec<K, V> codec) { super(queue); this.codec = codec; this.output = new PubSubOutput<K, V>(codec); } @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buffer) throws InterruptedException { while (output.type() == null && !queue.isEmpty()) { CommandOutput<K, V, ?> output = queue.peek().getOutput(); if (!rsm.decode(buffer, output)) { return; } queue.take().complete(); if (output instanceof PubSubOutput) { ctx.fireChannelRead(output); } } while (rsm.decode(buffer, output)) { ctx.fireChannelRead(output); output = new PubSubOutput<K, V>(codec); } buffer.discardReadBytes(); } }
only discard bytes once they have been fully used
only discard bytes once they have been fully used
<ide><path>rc/main/java/com/lambdaworks/redis/pubsub/ <ide> while (rsm.decode(buffer, output)) { <ide> ctx.fireChannelRead(output); <ide> output = new PubSubOutput<K, V>(codec); <add> buffer.discardReadBytes(); <ide> } <del> <del> buffer.discardReadBytes(); <ide> } <ide> <ide> }
package es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.modules; import java.util.HashMap; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.InfModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.components.FinalUIConfiguration; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.components.UIConfiguration; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.model.ICapability; public class UIReasoner { private ICapability user, device, context; private FinalUIConfiguration finalConfiguration; private HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> currentUI; private HistoryManager historyManager; private Context appContext; public static final String NS = ""; public OntModel ontModel = null; public OntClass ontUserClass = null; public OntClass ontDeviceClass = null; public OntClass ontContextClass = null; public OntClass ontFinalConfClass = null; public Reasoner reasoner; public InfModel infModel; // private static final float MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 1.0F; public UIReasoner(){ super(); } public UIReasoner(ICapability user, ICapability device, ICapability context, HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> currentUI, Context appContext) { super(); this.user = user; this.device = device; this.context = context; this.historyManager = new HistoryManager(this.appContext); this.currentUI = currentUI; this.appContext = appContext; generateModel(); reasoner = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(loadRules())); executeRules(generateModel()); finalConfiguration = parseConfiguration(); Log.d(UIReasoner.class.getSimpleName(), "Rules ended"); } private Model generateModel() { this.ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); this.ontModel.setNsPrefix("prueba", NS); this.ontUserClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "User"); this.ontDeviceClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "Device"); this.ontContextClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "Context"); this.ontFinalConfClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "FinalUIConfiguration"); addInstancesWithJena("user", "device", "context", "final_conf"); this.ontModel.write(System.out); return this.ontModel; } /** * This method adds the corresponding classes to the model * * @param userId * @param deviceId * @param contextId * @param finalUIConf */ private void addInstancesWithJena(final String userId, final String deviceId, final String contextId, final String finalUIConf){ addUserInstance(userId); addDeviceInstance(deviceId); addContextInstance(contextId); } private Individual addUserInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontUserClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral("DEFAULT"); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "INPUT"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.user.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.INPUT)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); Property brightness = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "BRIGHTNESS"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.user.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS)); individual.setPropertyValue(brightness, literal); return individual; } private Individual addDeviceInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontDeviceClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "INPUT"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.INPUT)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); Property brightness = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "BRIGHTNESS"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS)); individual.setPropertyValue(brightness, literal); Property orientation = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ORIENTATION"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ORIENTATION)); individual.setPropertyValue(orientation, literal); Property acceleration = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ACCELERATION"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ORIENTATION)); individual.setPropertyValue(acceleration, literal); return individual; } private Individual addContextInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontContextClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "TEMPERATURE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.context.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.TEMPERATURE)); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ILLUMINANCE"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.context.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); return individual; } /** * This method loads any rule to be executed by the reasoner * @return A String containing every rule */ private String loadRules() { String rules = ""; String adaptViewSize_1 = "[adaptViewSize1: " + "(?u " + "(?u ?vs) " + "equal(?vs, \"DEFAULT\") " + " -> " + "print(\"ADAPTING CONFIGURATION\") " + "( " + "( \"VERY_BIG\") ]"; String adaptViewSize_2 = "[adaptViewSize2: " + "(?u " + "(?u ?vs) " + "equal(?vs, \"BIG\") " + " -> " + "(?u \"RULE_EXECUTED_BIG\")] "; rules = adaptViewSize_1 + adaptViewSize_2 + ""; return rules; } private void executeRules(Model dataModel) { infModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, dataModel); infModel.prepare(); for (Statement st : infModel.listStatements().toList()){ Log.d("InfModel", st.toString()); } } /** * This method extracts the FinalUIConfiguration from the model * to create the corresponding Java Object * * @return The Java Object corresponding to the same FinalUIConfiguration semantic model */ private FinalUIConfiguration parseConfiguration(){ finalConfiguration = new FinalUIConfiguration(); final Resource resource = infModel.getResource(""); final Statement statement = resource.getProperty(this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE")); finalConfiguration.setViewSize(statement.getObject().toString()); return finalConfiguration; } /** * This method takes the updated user, the current device's capabilities * and the current configuration and returns the best suitable UI * for this situation. * * @return a new UI configuration (FinalUIConfiguration) to be displayed in the device */ // public FinalUIConfiguration getAdaptedConfiguration() { // //TODO: // //1. Check if there is a previous configuration for this situation // if (checkAdaptationHistory()){ // return historyManager.getAdaptedConfiguration(); // } else { // //2. Else, generate a new one // //2.1 First, from a standard one // StandardUIManager standardUIManager = new StandardUIManager(); // FinalUIConfiguration standardConfiguration = standardUIManager.getStandardConfiguration(user); // // if (StandardUIManager.isSufficient(standardConfiguration)){ // return standardConfiguration; // } else { // //2.2 If it is not sufficient, a new one // //TODO: How do we determine if an adaptation is sufficient enough? // return adaptConfiguration(this.user.getAllCapabilities(), this.device.getAllCapabilities(), this.context.getAllCapabilities()); // } // } // } // // private boolean checkAdaptationHistory() { // return historyManager.checkConfiguration(this.user, this.currentUI); // } // // private FinalUIConfiguration adaptConfiguration( // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> userCapabilities, // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> deviceCapabilities, // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> contextCapabilities) { // // //TODO: This is a mock configuration. The logic of this method // //should return the corresponding UIConfiguration object so // //the AdaptationModule could adapt the UI to its characteristics // // /** // * 1. Get user capabilities // * 2. Get current UI configuration // * 3. If it is not enough, generate a new configuration taking into account the // * defined taxonomy of how each component from context, user and device affects // * to the final UI result component // */ // // FinalUIConfiguration finalUIConfiguration = new FinalUIConfiguration(); // // // //TODO: This class should obtain the corresponding output // //via certain rules in order to obtain the corresponding // //component adaptation // // /** // * VIEW_SIZE // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity, temperature // * -User; output, view_size, brightness // * -Device: brightness, output, acceleration, view_size, orientation // * // * Priorities order: // * -user_output, device_output, user_view_size, device_view_size, context_luminosity, device_brightness. // * context_temperature, device_orientation, device_acceleration // * // * */ // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.DEFAULT)){ //User can read text and hear audio // if (deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.DEFAULT)){ //device can use text and audio outputs // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE).equals(deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE))){ //the ui is updated to user preference // if (brightnessComparison((ICapability.BRIGHTNESS) deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS), (ICapability.ILLUMINANCE) contextCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)) == 1){ // //TODO: increase brightness // } else if (brightnessComparison((ICapability.BRIGHTNESS)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS), (ICapability.ILLUMINANCE)contextCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)) == -1){ // //TODO: decrease brightness // } // } else if (viewSizeComparison((ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE), (ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)) == 1){ //the ui is NOT updated to user preference // //TODO: increase view size // } else if (viewSizeComparison((ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE), (ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)) == -1){ // //TODO: decrease view size // } // } // } else if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.ONLY_TEXT)){ // // } else if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.ONLY_AUDIO)){ // // } // // // // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE).equals(ICapability.VIEW_SIZE.BIG)){ //// if (currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getHeight() == -2){ //wrap_content // finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(500); //// } else finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(200); // //// if (currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getWidth() == -2){ //wrap_content // finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(500); //// } else finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(200); // // } else { // finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(100); // finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(100); // } // // /** // * TEXT_SIZE // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, text_size // * -Device: acceleration, text_size // * // * */ // // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.BIG)){ //// if ((!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.BIG)) && //// (!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.VERY_BIG))) { //// //TODO: BIG //// } //// } // // // /** // * BRIGHTNESS // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, brightness // * -Device: brightness, battery // * // * */ // // // // // // // // /* // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // if (!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // //TODO: Higher brightness value // } // } // */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setBrightness(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH); // // // //TODO: Can it be changed? // /** // * CONTRAST // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, contrast // * -Device: contrast // * // * */ // // /** // * VIEW_COLOR // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, input? text_color, view_color // * -Device: brightness, text_color, view_color, output? input? // * // * rule_1.1: if user_input && user_output is HAPTIC (views available) // * rule_1.2: if device_input && device_output is HAPTIC // * //the last adaptation value will be made by context // * rule_1.3: if user_view_color != device_text_color (if not different, can't see the text) // * rule_1.4: if context_luminosity < value_x // * if context_luminosity > value_y // * // * RULE_1_RESULT // * // * */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setViewColor(Color.GREEN); // // /** // * TEXT_COLOR (almost same VIEW_COLOR rules) // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, text_color, view_color // * -Device: brightness, text_color, view_color, // * // * Text is not just for HAPTIC interfaces, non-haptic // * ones also use text. // * Text color must be always different from the "button" // * or the control one. // * // * */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setTextColor(Color.BLUE); // // // /** // * VOLUME // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: noise // * -User; output, volume // * -Device: output, battery, volume // * // * rule_3.1: if device_output is VOLUME // * rule_3.2: if context_noise > device_volume // * rule_3.3: if user_volume < context_noise // * rule_3.4: if device_battery is OK // * // * RULE_3_RESULT // * */ // // // // // // /* // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // if (this.currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getHeight() == -2){ //wrap_content // //TODO: Bigger // return new UIConfiguration(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, 500, 700, "VERY BIG"); // } // } // // return new UIConfiguration(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, 500, 500, "TEST"); // */ // //// finalUIConfiguration.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); //// finalUIConfiguration.setViewColor(Color.WHITE ); // finalUIConfiguration.setText("TESTING"); // // return finalUIConfiguration; // } /** * This method compares current device brightness status with the context brightness levels * * @param deviceBrightness * @param contextBrightness * @return a number indicting if * -1: device brightness level is higher than the context one, * 0: if both are the same (adaptation is ok) or * 1: if context brightness is higher than the device configuration screen brightness */ private int brightnessComparison(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS deviceBrightness, ICapability.ILLUMINANCE contextBrightness){ if (deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.LOW) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.DEFAULT) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.HIGH)){ if (contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.SUNLIGHT)){ return 1; //context value higher than device current brightness level } else return -1; } else if (((deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)) && contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.SUNLIGHT)) || (((deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.DEFAULT)) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.LOW) && contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.MOONLESS_OVERCAST_NIGHT)))){ return 0; } else return -1; } /** *This method compares current device view size status with the user's * @param userViewSize * @param deviceViewSize * @return a number indicting if * -1: user view size is higher than the device's, * 0: if both are the same (adaptation is ok) or * 1: if device view size is higher than the user's */ private int viewSizeComparison(ICapability.VIEW_SIZE userViewSize, ICapability.VIEW_SIZE deviceViewSize){ if (userViewSize.equals(deviceViewSize)){ return 0; } else if (userViewSize.compareTo(deviceViewSize) == -1){ return -1; } else return 1; //TODO: compare enum cardinal order, if User > Device -> return -1; else return 1; } public ICapability getUser() { return user; } public ICapability getDevice() { return device; } public HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> getUiConfiguration() { return currentUI; } }
package es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.modules; import java.util.HashMap; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.InfModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.GenericRuleReasoner; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.components.FinalUIConfiguration; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.components.UIConfiguration; import es.deusto.deustotech.dynamicui.model.ICapability; public class UIReasoner { private ICapability user, device, context; private FinalUIConfiguration finalConfiguration; private HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> currentUI; private HistoryManager historyManager; private Context appContext; public static final String NS = ""; public OntModel ontModel = null; public OntClass ontUserClass = null; public OntClass ontDeviceClass = null; public OntClass ontContextClass = null; public OntClass ontFinalConfClass = null; public Reasoner reasoner; public InfModel infModel; // private static final float MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 1.0F; public UIReasoner(){ super(); } public UIReasoner(ICapability user, ICapability device, ICapability context, HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> currentUI, Context appContext) { super(); this.user = user; this.device = device; this.context = context; this.historyManager = new HistoryManager(this.appContext); this.currentUI = currentUI; this.appContext = appContext; generateModel(); reasoner = new GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.parseRules(loadRules())); executeRules(generateModel()); finalConfiguration = parseConfiguration(); Log.d(UIReasoner.class.getSimpleName(), "Rules ended"); } private Model generateModel() { this.ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); this.ontModel.setNsPrefix("prueba", NS); this.ontUserClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "User"); this.ontDeviceClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "Device"); this.ontContextClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "Context"); this.ontFinalConfClass = ontModel.createClass(NS + "FinalUIConfiguration"); addInstancesWithJena("user", "device", "context", "final_conf"); this.ontModel.write(System.out); return this.ontModel; } /** * This method adds the corresponding classes to the model * * @param userId * @param deviceId * @param contextId * @param finalUIConf */ private void addInstancesWithJena(final String userId, final String deviceId, final String contextId, final String finalUIConf){ addUserInstance(userId); addDeviceInstance(deviceId); addContextInstance(contextId); } private Individual addUserInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontUserClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral("DEFAULT"); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "INPUT"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.user.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.INPUT)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); Property brightness = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "BRIGHTNESS"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.user.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS)); individual.setPropertyValue(brightness, literal); return individual; } private Individual addDeviceInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontDeviceClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "INPUT"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.INPUT)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); Property brightness = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "BRIGHTNESS"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS)); individual.setPropertyValue(brightness, literal); Property orientation = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ORIENTATION"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ORIENTATION)); individual.setPropertyValue(orientation, literal); Property acceleration = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ACCELERATION"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.device.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ORIENTATION)); individual.setPropertyValue(acceleration, literal); return individual; } private Individual addContextInstance(String id) { Individual individual = this.ontContextClass.createIndividual(NS + id); Property viewSize = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "TEMPERATURE"); Literal literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.context.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.TEMPERATURE)); individual.setPropertyValue(viewSize, literal); Property input = this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "ILLUMINANCE"); literal = this.ontModel.createTypedLiteral(this.context.getCapabilityValue(ICapability.CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)); individual.setPropertyValue(input, literal); return individual; } /** * This method loads any rule to be executed by the reasoner * @return A String containing every rule */ private String loadRules() { String rules = ""; String adaptViewSize_1 = "[adaptViewSize1: " + "(?u " + "(?u ?vs) " + "equal(?vs, \"DEFAULT\") " + " -> " + "print(\"ADAPTING CONFIGURATION\") " + "( " + "( \"VERY_BIG\") ]"; String adaptViewSize_2 = "[adaptViewSize2: " + "(?u " + "(?u ?vs) " + "equal(?vs, \"BIG\") " + " -> " + "(?u \"RULE_EXECUTED_BIG\")] "; rules = adaptViewSize_1 + adaptViewSize_2 + ""; return rules; } private void executeRules(Model dataModel) { infModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, dataModel); infModel.prepare(); for (Statement st : infModel.listStatements().toList()){ Log.d("InfModel", st.toString()); } } /** * This method extracts the FinalUIConfiguration from the model * to create the corresponding Java Object * * @return The Java Object corresponding to the same FinalUIConfiguration semantic model */ private FinalUIConfiguration parseConfiguration(){ finalConfiguration = new FinalUIConfiguration(); final Resource resource = infModel.getResource(""); final Statement statement = resource.getProperty(this.ontModel.getProperty(NS + "VIEW_SIZE")); finalConfiguration.setViewSize(statement.getObject().toString()); return finalConfiguration; } /** * This method takes the updated user, the current device's capabilities * and the current configuration and returns the best suitable UI * for this situation. * * @return a new UI configuration (FinalUIConfiguration) to be displayed in the device */ // public FinalUIConfiguration getAdaptedConfiguration() { // //TODO: // //1. Check if there is a previous configuration for this situation // if (checkAdaptationHistory()){ // return historyManager.getAdaptedConfiguration(); // } else { // //2. Else, generate a new one // //2.1 First, from a standard one // StandardUIManager standardUIManager = new StandardUIManager(); // FinalUIConfiguration standardConfiguration = standardUIManager.getStandardConfiguration(user); // // if (StandardUIManager.isSufficient(standardConfiguration)){ // return standardConfiguration; // } else { // //2.2 If it is not sufficient, a new one // //TODO: How do we determine if an adaptation is sufficient enough? // return adaptConfiguration(this.user.getAllCapabilities(), this.device.getAllCapabilities(), this.context.getAllCapabilities()); // } // } // } // // private boolean checkAdaptationHistory() { // return historyManager.checkConfiguration(this.user, this.currentUI); // } // // private FinalUIConfiguration adaptConfiguration( // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> userCapabilities, // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> deviceCapabilities, // HashMap<CAPABILITY, Object> contextCapabilities) { // // //TODO: This is a mock configuration. The logic of this method // //should return the corresponding UIConfiguration object so // //the AdaptationModule could adapt the UI to its characteristics // // /** // * 1. Get user capabilities // * 2. Get current UI configuration // * 3. If it is not enough, generate a new configuration taking into account the // * defined taxonomy of how each component from context, user and device affects // * to the final UI result component // */ // // FinalUIConfiguration finalUIConfiguration = new FinalUIConfiguration(); // // // //TODO: This class should obtain the corresponding output // //via certain rules in order to obtain the corresponding // //component adaptation // // /** // * VIEW_SIZE // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity, temperature // * -User; output, view_size, brightness // * -Device: brightness, output, acceleration, view_size, orientation // * // * Priorities order: // * -user_output, device_output, user_view_size, device_view_size, context_luminosity, device_brightness. // * context_temperature, device_orientation, device_acceleration // * // * */ // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.DEFAULT)){ //User can read text and hear audio // if (deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.DEFAULT)){ //device can use text and audio outputs // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE).equals(deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE))){ //the ui is updated to user preference // if (brightnessComparison((ICapability.BRIGHTNESS) deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS), (ICapability.ILLUMINANCE) contextCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)) == 1){ // //TODO: increase brightness // } else if (brightnessComparison((ICapability.BRIGHTNESS)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.BRIGHTNESS), (ICapability.ILLUMINANCE)contextCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.ILLUMINANCE)) == -1){ // //TODO: decrease brightness // } // } else if (viewSizeComparison((ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE), (ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)) == 1){ //the ui is NOT updated to user preference // //TODO: increase view size // } else if (viewSizeComparison((ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE), (ICapability.VIEW_SIZE)deviceCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE)) == -1){ // //TODO: decrease view size // } // } // } else if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.ONLY_TEXT)){ // // } else if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.OUTPUT).equals(ICapability.OUTPUT.ONLY_AUDIO)){ // // } // // // // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.VIEW_SIZE).equals(ICapability.VIEW_SIZE.BIG)){ //// if (currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getHeight() == -2){ //wrap_content // finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(500); //// } else finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(200); // //// if (currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getWidth() == -2){ //wrap_content // finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(500); //// } else finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(200); // // } else { // finalUIConfiguration.setHeight(100); // finalUIConfiguration.setWidth(100); // } // // /** // * TEXT_SIZE // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, text_size // * -Device: acceleration, text_size // * // * */ // // // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.BIG)){ //// if ((!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.BIG)) && //// (!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_TEXT_SIZE).equals(ICapability.TEXT_SIZE.VERY_BIG))) { //// //TODO: BIG //// } //// } // // // /** // * BRIGHTNESS // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, brightness // * -Device: brightness, battery // * // * */ // // // // // // // // /* // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // if (!currentUI.get(CAPABILITY.DEVICE_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // //TODO: Higher brightness value // } // } // */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setBrightness(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH); // // // //TODO: Can it be changed? // /** // * CONTRAST // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, contrast // * -Device: contrast // * // * */ // // /** // * VIEW_COLOR // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, input? text_color, view_color // * -Device: brightness, text_color, view_color, output? input? // * // * rule_1.1: if user_input && user_output is HAPTIC (views available) // * rule_1.2: if device_input && device_output is HAPTIC // * //the last adaptation value will be made by context // * rule_1.3: if user_view_color != device_text_color (if not different, can't see the text) // * rule_1.4: if context_luminosity < value_x // * if context_luminosity > value_y // * // * RULE_1_RESULT // * // * */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setViewColor(Color.GREEN); // // /** // * TEXT_COLOR (almost same VIEW_COLOR rules) // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: luminosity // * -User; output, text_color, view_color // * -Device: brightness, text_color, view_color, // * // * Text is not just for HAPTIC interfaces, non-haptic // * ones also use text. // * Text color must be always different from the "button" // * or the control one. // * // * */ // // finalUIConfiguration.setTextColor(Color.BLUE); // // // /** // * VOLUME // * // * Affected by: // * -Context: noise // * -User; output, volume // * -Device: output, battery, volume // * // * rule_3.1: if device_output is VOLUME // * rule_3.2: if context_noise > device_volume // * rule_3.3: if user_volume < context_noise // * rule_3.4: if device_battery is OK // * // * RULE_3_RESULT // * */ // // // // // // /* // if (userCapabilities.get(CAPABILITY.USER_BRIGHTNESS).equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)){ // if (this.currentUI.get(WidgetName.BUTTON).getHeight() == -2){ //wrap_content // //TODO: Bigger // return new UIConfiguration(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, 500, 700, "VERY BIG"); // } // } // // return new UIConfiguration(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, 500, 500, "TEST"); // */ // //// finalUIConfiguration.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); //// finalUIConfiguration.setViewColor(Color.WHITE ); // finalUIConfiguration.setText("TESTING"); // // return finalUIConfiguration; // } /** * This method compares current device brightness status with the context brightness levels * * @param deviceBrightness * @param contextBrightness * @return a number indicting if * -1: device brightness level is higher than the context one, * 0: if both are the same (adaptation is ok) or * 1: if context brightness is higher than the device configuration screen brightness */ private int brightnessComparison(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS deviceBrightness, ICapability.ILLUMINANCE contextBrightness){ if (deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.LOW) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.DEFAULT) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.HIGH)){ if (contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.SUNLIGHT)){ return 1; //context value higher than device current brightness level } else return -1; } else if (((deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.VERY_HIGH)) && contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.SUNLIGHT)) || (((deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.DEFAULT)) || deviceBrightness.equals(ICapability.BRIGHTNESS.LOW) && contextBrightness.equals(ICapability.ILLUMINANCE.MOONLESS_OVERCAST_NIGHT)))){ return 0; } else return -1; } /** *This method compares current device view size status with the user's * @param userViewSize * @param deviceViewSize * @return a number indicting if * -1: user view size is higher than the device's, * 0: if both are the same (adaptation is ok) or * 1: if device view size is higher than the user's */ private int viewSizeComparison(ICapability.VIEW_SIZE userViewSize, ICapability.VIEW_SIZE deviceViewSize){ if (userViewSize.equals(deviceViewSize)){ return 0; } else if (userViewSize.compareTo(deviceViewSize) == -1){ return -1; } else return 1; //TODO: compare enum cardinal order, if User > Device -> return -1; else return 1; } public ICapability getUser() { return user; } public ICapability getDevice() { return device; } public HashMap<String, UIConfiguration> getUiConfiguration() { return currentUI; } }
Few changes
Few changes
<ide><path>rc/es/deusto/deustotech/dynamicui/modules/ <ide> * This method loads any rule to be executed by the reasoner <ide> * @return A String containing every rule <ide> */ <del> private String loadRules() { <del> String rules = ""; <del> <del> String adaptViewSize_1 = "[adaptViewSize1: " + <del> "(?u " + <del> "(?u ?vs) " + <del> "equal(?vs, \"DEFAULT\") " + <del> <del> " -> " + <del> <del> "print(\"ADAPTING CONFIGURATION\") " + <del> "( " + <del> "( \"VERY_BIG\") ]"; <del> <del> <del> String adaptViewSize_2 = "[adaptViewSize2: " + <del> "(?u " + <del> "(?u ?vs) " + <del> "equal(?vs, \"BIG\") " + <del> <del> " -> " + <del> <del> "(?u \"RULE_EXECUTED_BIG\")] "; <del> <del> rules = adaptViewSize_1 + adaptViewSize_2 + ""; <del> <del> return rules; <del> } <add> private String loadRules() { <add> String rules = ""; <add> <add> String adaptViewSize_1 = "[adaptViewSize1: " <add> + "(?u " <add> + "(?u ?vs) " <add> + "equal(?vs, \"DEFAULT\") " <add> + <add> <add> " -> " <add> + <add> <add> "print(\"ADAPTING CONFIGURATION\") " <add> + "( " <add> + "( \"VERY_BIG\") ]"; <add> <add> String adaptViewSize_2 = "[adaptViewSize2: " <add> + "(?u " <add> + "(?u ?vs) " <add> + "equal(?vs, \"BIG\") " + <add> <add> " -> " + <add> <add> "(?u \"RULE_EXECUTED_BIG\")] "; <add> <add> rules = adaptViewSize_1 + adaptViewSize_2 + ""; <add> <add> return rules; <add> } <ide> <ide> private void executeRules(Model dataModel) { <ide> infModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, dataModel);
package; import*; import org.litecoin.LitecoinParams; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TreeMap; import static; /** * Downloads and verifies a full chain from your local peer, emitting checkpoints at each difficulty transition period * to a file which is then signed with your key. */ public class BuildCheckpoints { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); final NetworkParameters params = LitecoinParams.get(); // Sorted map of UNIX time of block to StoredBlock object. final TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock> checkpoints = new TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock>(); // Configure bitcoinj to fetch only headers, not save them to disk, connect to a local fully synced/validated // node and to save block headers that are on interval boundaries, as long as they are <1 month old. final BlockStore store = new MemoryBlockStore(params); final BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, store); final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain); peerGroup.addAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost()); long now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; peerGroup.setFastCatchupTimeSecs(now); final long oneMonthAgo = now - (86400 * 30); chain.addListener(new AbstractBlockChainListener() { @Override public void notifyNewBestBlock(StoredBlock block) throws VerificationException { int height = block.getHeight(); if (height % params.getInterval() == 0 && block.getHeader().getTimeSeconds() <= oneMonthAgo) { System.out.println(String.format("Checkpointing block %s at height %d", block.getHeader().getHash(), block.getHeight())); checkpoints.put(height, block); } } }, Threading.SAME_THREAD); peerGroup.startAndWait(); peerGroup.downloadBlockChain(); checkState(checkpoints.size() > 0); // Write checkpoint data out. final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("checkpointslitecoin", false); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); final DigestOutputStream digestOutputStream = new DigestOutputStream(fileOutputStream, digest); digestOutputStream.on(false); final DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(digestOutputStream); dataOutputStream.writeBytes("CHECKPOINTS 1"); dataOutputStream.writeInt(0); // Number of signatures to read. Do this later. digestOutputStream.on(true); dataOutputStream.writeInt(checkpoints.size()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(StoredBlock.COMPACT_SERIALIZED_SIZE); for (StoredBlock block : checkpoints.values()) { block.serializeCompact(buffer); dataOutputStream.write(buffer.array()); buffer.position(0); } dataOutputStream.close(); Sha256Hash checkpointsHash = new Sha256Hash(digest.digest()); System.out.println("Hash of checkpoints data is " + checkpointsHash); digestOutputStream.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); peerGroup.stopAndWait(); store.close(); // Sanity check the created file. CheckpointManager manager = new CheckpointManager(params, new FileInputStream("checkpoints")); checkState(manager.numCheckpoints() == checkpoints.size()); StoredBlock test = manager.getCheckpointBefore(1346335719); // Just after block 200,000 checkState(test.getHeight() == 199584); checkState(test.getHeader().getHashAsString().equals("49b13ca1eb4a55ced4e99e38469db12b74428c19fd2fb9fa0c262e5839eccf6a")); } }
package; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TreeMap; import static; /** * Downloads and verifies a full chain from your local peer, emitting checkpoints at each difficulty transition period * to a file which is then signed with your key. */ public class BuildCheckpoints { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); final NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get(); // Sorted map of UNIX time of block to StoredBlock object. final TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock> checkpoints = new TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock>(); // Configure bitcoinj to fetch only headers, not save them to disk, connect to a local fully synced/validated // node and to save block headers that are on interval boundaries, as long as they are <1 month old. final BlockStore store = new MemoryBlockStore(params); final BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, store); final PeerGroup peerGroup = new PeerGroup(params, chain); peerGroup.addAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost()); long now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; peerGroup.setFastCatchupTimeSecs(now); final long oneMonthAgo = now - (86400 * 30); chain.addListener(new AbstractBlockChainListener() { @Override public void notifyNewBestBlock(StoredBlock block) throws VerificationException { int height = block.getHeight(); if (height % params.getInterval() == 0 && block.getHeader().getTimeSeconds() <= oneMonthAgo) { System.out.println(String.format("Checkpointing block %s at height %d", block.getHeader().getHash(), block.getHeight())); checkpoints.put(height, block); } } }, Threading.SAME_THREAD); peerGroup.startAndWait(); peerGroup.downloadBlockChain(); checkState(checkpoints.size() > 0); // Write checkpoint data out. final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("checkpoints", false); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); final DigestOutputStream digestOutputStream = new DigestOutputStream(fileOutputStream, digest); digestOutputStream.on(false); final DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(digestOutputStream); dataOutputStream.writeBytes("CHECKPOINTS 1"); dataOutputStream.writeInt(0); // Number of signatures to read. Do this later. digestOutputStream.on(true); dataOutputStream.writeInt(checkpoints.size()); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(StoredBlock.COMPACT_SERIALIZED_SIZE); for (StoredBlock block : checkpoints.values()) { block.serializeCompact(buffer); dataOutputStream.write(buffer.array()); buffer.position(0); } dataOutputStream.close(); Sha256Hash checkpointsHash = new Sha256Hash(digest.digest()); System.out.println("Hash of checkpoints data is " + checkpointsHash); digestOutputStream.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); peerGroup.stopAndWait(); store.close(); // Sanity check the created file. CheckpointManager manager = new CheckpointManager(params, new FileInputStream("checkpoints")); checkState(manager.numCheckpoints() == checkpoints.size()); StoredBlock test = manager.getCheckpointBefore(1348310800); // Just after block 200,000 checkState(test.getHeight() == 199584); checkState(test.getHeader().getHashAsString().equals("000000000000002e00a243fe9aa49c78f573091d17372c2ae0ae5e0f24f55b52")); } }
Litecoin: generate checkpointslitecoin
Litecoin: generate checkpointslitecoin
<ide><path>ools/src/main/java/com/google/bitcoin/tools/ <ide> package; <ide> <ide> import*; <del>import; <add>import org.litecoin.LitecoinParams; <ide> import; <ide> import; <ide> import; <ide> public class BuildCheckpoints { <ide> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { <ide> BriefLogFormatter.init(); <del> final NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get(); <add> final NetworkParameters params = LitecoinParams.get(); <ide> <ide> // Sorted map of UNIX time of block to StoredBlock object. <ide> final TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock> checkpoints = new TreeMap<Integer, StoredBlock>(); <ide> checkState(checkpoints.size() > 0); <ide> <ide> // Write checkpoint data out. <del> final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("checkpoints", false); <add> final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("checkpointslitecoin", false); <ide> MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); <ide> final DigestOutputStream digestOutputStream = new DigestOutputStream(fileOutputStream, digest); <ide> digestOutputStream.on(false); <ide> // Sanity check the created file. <ide> CheckpointManager manager = new CheckpointManager(params, new FileInputStream("checkpoints")); <ide> checkState(manager.numCheckpoints() == checkpoints.size()); <del> StoredBlock test = manager.getCheckpointBefore(1348310800); // Just after block 200,000 <add> StoredBlock test = manager.getCheckpointBefore(1346335719); // Just after block 200,000 <ide> checkState(test.getHeight() == 199584); <del> checkState(test.getHeader().getHashAsString().equals("000000000000002e00a243fe9aa49c78f573091d17372c2ae0ae5e0f24f55b52")); <add> checkState(test.getHeader().getHashAsString().equals("49b13ca1eb4a55ced4e99e38469db12b74428c19fd2fb9fa0c262e5839eccf6a")); <ide> } <ide> }
package com.googlecode.gentyref; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.RandomAccess; import junit.framework.TestCase; public abstract class AbstractGenericsReflectorTest extends TestCase { /** * A constant that's false, to use in an if() block for code that's only there to show that it compiles. * This code "proves" that the test is an actual valid test case, by showing the compiler agrees. * But some of the code should not actually be executed, because it might throw exceptions * (because we're too lazy to initialize everything). */ private static final boolean COMPILE_CHECK = false; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<String>> ARRAYLIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<String>> LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<List<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<String>> COLLECTION_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<List<String>>> ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<List<String>>> LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<List<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<List<String>>> COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<? extends String>> ARRAYLIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<? extends String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<? extends String>> COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<? extends String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<? super String>> COLLECTION_OF_SUPER_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<? super String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<List<? extends String>>> ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>> LIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<List<? extends String>>> COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private final ReflectionStrategy strategy; class Box<T> implements WithF<T>, WithFToken<TypeToken<T>> { public T f; } public AbstractGenericsReflectorTest(ReflectionStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } private boolean isSupertype(TypeToken<?> supertype, TypeToken<?> subtype) { return strategy.isSupertype(supertype.getType(), subtype.getType()); } /** * Test if superType is seen as a real (not equal) supertype of subType. */ private void testRealSupertype(TypeToken<?> superType, TypeToken<?> subType) { // test if it's really seen as a supertype assertTrue(isSupertype(superType, subType)); // check if they're not seen as supertypes the other way around assertFalse(isSupertype(subType, superType)); } private <T> void checkedTestInexactSupertype(TypeToken<T> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<? extends T> type) { testInexactSupertype(expectedSuperclass, type); } /** * Checks if the supertype is seen as a supertype of subType. * But, if superType is a Class or ParameterizedType, with different type parameters. */ private void testInexactSupertype(TypeToken<?> superType, TypeToken<?> subType) { testRealSupertype(superType, subType); strategy.testInexactSupertype(superType.getType(), subType.getType()); } /** * Like testExactSuperclass, but the types of the arguments are checked so only valid test cases can be applied */ private <T> void checkedTestExactSuperclass(TypeToken<T> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<? extends T> type) { testExactSuperclass(expectedSuperclass, type); } /** * Like testExactSuperclass, but the types of the arguments are checked so only valid test cases can be applied */ private <T> void assertCheckedTypeEquals(TypeToken<T> expected, TypeToken<T> type) { assertEquals(expected, type); } /** * Checks if the supertype is seen as a supertype of subType. * SuperType must be a Class or ParameterizedType, with the right type parameters. */ private void testExactSuperclass(TypeToken<?> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<?> type) { testRealSupertype(expectedSuperclass, type); strategy.testExactSuperclass(expectedSuperclass.getType(), type.getType()); } protected static Class<?> getClassType(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class) { return (Class<?>)type; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) type; return (Class<?>)pType.getRawType(); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { GenericArrayType aType = (GenericArrayType) type; Class<?> componentType = getClassType(aType.getGenericComponentType()); return Array.newInstance(componentType, 0).getClass(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only supports Class, ParameterizedType and GenericArrayType. Not " + type.getClass()); } } private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(TypeToken<?> forType, String fieldName) { return getFieldType(forType.getType(), fieldName); } /** * Marker interface to mark the type of the field f. * Note: we could use a method instead of a field, so the method could be in the interface, * enforcing correct usage, but that would influence the actual test too much. */ interface WithF<T> {} /** * Variant on WithF, where the type parameter is a TypeToken. * TODO do we really need this? */ interface WithFToken<T extends TypeToken<?>> {} /** * Uses the reflector being tested to get the type of the field named "f" in the given type. * The returned value is cased into a TypeToken assuming the WithF interface is used correctly, * and the reflector returned the correct result. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // assuming the WithT interface is used correctly private <T> TypeToken<? extends T> getF(TypeToken<? extends WithF<? extends T>> type) { return (TypeToken<? extends T>) getFieldType(type, "f"); } /** * Variant of {@link #getF(TypeToken)} that's stricter in arguments and return type, for checked equals tests. * @see #getF(TypeToken) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // assuming the WithT interface is used correctly private <T> TypeToken<T> getStrictF(TypeToken<? extends WithF<T>> type) { return (TypeToken<T>) getFieldType(type, "f"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends TypeToken<?>> T getFToken(TypeToken<? extends WithFToken<T>> type) { return (T) getFieldType(type, "f"); } private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(Type forType, String fieldName) { try { Class<?> clazz = getClassType(forType); return getFieldType(forType, clazz.getField(fieldName)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in test: can't find field " + fieldName, e); } } private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(Type forType, Field field) { return TypeToken.get(strategy.getFieldType(forType, field)); } // private Type getReturnType(String methodName, Type forType) { // try { // Class<?> clazz = getClass(forType); // return strategy.getExactReturnType(clazz.getMethod(methodName), forType); // } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Error in test: can't find method " + methodName, e); // } // } private <T, U extends T> void checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(TypeToken<T> type1, TypeToken<U> type2, TypeToken<? extends U> type3) { testExactSuperclassChain(type1, type2, type3); } private void testExactSuperclassChain(TypeToken<?> ... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { assertTrue(isSupertype(types[i], types[i])); for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { testExactSuperclass(types[i], types[j]); } } } private <T, U extends T> void checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(TypeToken<T> type1, TypeToken<U> type2, TypeToken<? extends U> type3) { testInexactSupertypeChain(type1, type2, type3); } private void testInexactSupertypeChain(TypeToken<?> ...types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { assertTrue(isSupertype(types[i], types[i])); for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { testInexactSupertype(types[i], types[j]); } } } /** * Test that type1 is not a supertype of type2 (and, while we're at it, not vice-versa either). */ private void testNotSupertypes(TypeToken<?>... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { assertFalse(isSupertype(types[i], types[j])); assertFalse(isSupertype(types[j], types[i])); } } } private <T> TypeToken<T> tt(Class<T> t) { return TypeToken.get(t); } public void testBasic() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object.class), tt(Number.class), tt(Integer.class)); testNotSupertypes(tt(Integer.class), tt(Double.class)); } public void testSimpleTypeParam() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>>(){}); } public interface StringList extends List<String> { } public void testStringList() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class)); } public void testTextendsStringList() { class C<T extends StringList> implements WithF<T>{ public T f; } // raw if (COMPILE_CHECK) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") C c = null; List<String> listOfString = c.f; } testExactSuperclass(LIST_OF_STRING, getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } public void testExtendViaOtherTypeParam() { class C<T extends StringList, U extends T> implements WithF<U> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public U f; } // raw testExactSuperclass(LIST_OF_STRING, getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?,?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testMultiBoundParametrizedStringList() { class C<T extends Object & StringList> implements WithF<T>{ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } // raw new C().f = new Object(); // compile check assertEquals(tt(Object.class), getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } public void testFListOfT_String() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<T> f; } TypeToken<List<String>> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public void testOfListOfString() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<Integer>>>(){}); } public void testFListOfListOfT_String() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<List<T>>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<List<T>> f; } TypeToken<List<List<String>>> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public interface ListOfListOfT<T> extends List<List<T>> {} public void testListOfListOfT_String() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ListOfListOfT<String>>(){}); } public interface ListOfListOfT_String extends ListOfListOfT<String> {} public void testListOfListOfT_StringInterface() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, tt(ListOfListOfT_String.class)); } public interface ListOfListOfString extends List<List<String>> {} public void testListOfListOfStringInterface() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, tt(ListOfListOfString.class)); } public void testWildcardTExtendsListOfListOfString() { class C<T extends List<List<String>>> implements WithF<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } TypeToken<? extends List<List<String>>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public void testExtWildcard() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_EXT_STRING); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>>(){}); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Object>>(){}); } public interface ListOfListOfExtT<T> extends List<List<? extends T>> {} public void testListOfListOfExtT_String() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ListOfListOfExtT<String>>(){}); } public void testUExtendsListOfExtT() { class C<T, U extends List<? extends T>> implements WithF<U> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public U f; } // this doesn't compile in eclipse, so we hold the compilers hand by adding a step in between // TODO check if this compiles with sun compiler // TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<? extends String, ?>>(){}); TypeToken<? extends C<? extends String, ?>> tt = new TypeToken<C<? extends String, ?>>(){}; TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(tt); checkedTestInexactSupertype(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ft); } public void testListOfExtT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<? extends T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<? extends T> f; } TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ft); } public void testListOfSuperT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<? super T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<? super T> f; } TypeToken<? extends List<? super String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_SUPER_STRING, ft); } public void testInnerFieldWithTypeOfOuter() { class Outer<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") class Inner implements WithF<T> { public T f; } class Inner2 implements WithF<List<List<? extends T>>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<List<? extends T>> f; } } TypeToken<String> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(String.class), ft); TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>> ft2 = getStrictF(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner2>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, ft2); } public void testInnerExtendsWithTypeOfOuter() { class Outer<T> { class Inner extends ArrayList<T> { } } checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner>(){}); } public void testInnerDifferentParams() { class Outer<T> { class Inner<S> { } } // inner param different testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<Integer>>(){}, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<String>>(){}); // outer param different testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Outer<Integer>.Inner<String>>(){}, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<String>>(){}); } /** * Supertype of a raw type is erased */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testSubclassRaw() { class Superclass<T extends Number> { public T t; } class Subclass<U> extends Superclass<Integer>{} assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Subclass.class, "t")); Number n = new Subclass().t; // compile check new Subclass().t = n; // compile check } /** * Supertype of a raw type is erased. * (And there's no such thing as a ParameterizedType with some type parameters raw and others not) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testSubclassRawMix() { class Superclass<T, U extends Number> { // public T t; public U u; } class Subclass<T> extends Superclass<T, Integer> {} assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Subclass.class, "u")); Number n = new Subclass().u; // compile check new Subclass().u = n; // compile check } /** * If a type has no parameters, it doesn't matter that it got erased. * So even though Middleclass was erased, its supertype is not. */ public void testSubclassRawViaUnparameterized() { class Superclass<T extends Number> implements WithF<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } class Middleclass extends Superclass<Integer> {} class Subclass<U> extends Middleclass {} TypeToken<Integer> ft = getStrictF(tt(Subclass.class)); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(Integer.class), ft); } /** * Similar for inner types: the outer type of a raw inner type is also erased */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testInnerRaw() { class Outer<T extends Number> { public Inner rawInner; class Inner<U extends T> { public T t; public U u; } } assertEquals(tt(Outer.Inner.class), getFieldType(Outer.class, "rawInner")); assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Outer.Inner.class, "t")); assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Outer.Inner.class, "u")); if (COMPILE_CHECK) { Number n = new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.t; // compile check new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.t = n; // compile check n = new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.u; // compile check new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.u = n; // compile check } } public void testSuperWildcard() { Box<? super Integer> b = new Box<Integer>(); // compile check b.f = new Integer(0); // compile check testInexactSupertype(getFieldType(new TypeToken<Box<? super Integer>>(){}, "f"), tt(Integer.class)); TypeToken<? super Integer> ft = getFToken(new TypeToken<Box<? super Integer>>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertype(ft, tt(Integer.class)); } public void testContainment() { checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(new TypeToken<List<?>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<? extends Number>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<Integer>>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(new TypeToken<List<?>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<? super Integer>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<Object>>(){}); } public void testArrays() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object[].class), tt(Number[].class), tt(Integer[].class)); testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Integer[]>(){}, new TypeToken<String[]>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object.class), tt(Object[].class), tt(Object[][].class)); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(Serializable.class), tt(Integer[].class)); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(Cloneable[].class), tt(Object[][].class)); } public void testGenericArrays() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(new TypeToken<Collection<String>[]>(){}, new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>[]>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertype(new TypeToken<Collection<? extends Number>[]>(){}, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(RandomAccess[].class), new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){}); assertTrue(isSupertype(tt(ArrayList[].class), new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){})); // not checked* because we're avoiding the inverse test } public void testArrayOfT() { class C<T> implements WithF<T[]> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T[] f; } TypeToken<String[]> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(String[].class), ft); } public void testArrayOfListOfT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<T>[]> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<T>[] f; } TypeToken<List<String>[]> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(new TypeToken<List<String>[]>(){}, ft); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testArrayRaw() { class C<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<String> f; } new C().f = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // compile check assertEquals(tt(List.class), getFieldType(new TypeToken<C>(){}, "f")); } public void testPrimitiveArray() { testNotSupertypes(tt(double[].class), tt(float[].class)); testNotSupertypes(tt(int[].class), tt(Integer[].class)); } public void testCapture() { TypeToken<Box<?>> bw = new TypeToken<Box<?>>(){}; TypeToken<?> capture1 = getF(bw); TypeToken<?> capture2 = getF(bw); assertFalse(capture1.equals(capture2)); // if these were equal, this would be valid: // Box<?> b1 = new Box<Integer>(); // Box<?> b2 = new Box<String>(); // b1.f = b2.f; // but the capture is still equal to itself assertTrue(capture1.equals(capture1)); } class Node<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> implements WithF<List<E>> { public List<E> f; public E e; } class Edge<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> implements WithF<List<N>> { public List<N> f; public N n; } public void testGraphWildcard() { TypeToken<? extends List<? extends Edge<? extends Node<?,?>,?>>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<Node<?, ?>>(){}); testInexactSupertype(new TypeToken<List<? extends Edge<? extends Node<?,?>,?>>>(){}, ft); } public void testGraphCapture() throws NoSuchFieldException { Field e = Node.class.getField("e"); Field n = Edge.class.getField("n"); TypeToken<?> node = new TypeToken<Node<?, ?>>(){}; TypeToken<?> edgeOfNode = getFieldType(node.getType(), e); TypeToken<?> nodeOfEdgeOfNode = getFieldType(edgeOfNode.getType(), n); TypeToken<?> edgeOfNodeOfEdgeOfNode = getFieldType(nodeOfEdgeOfNode.getType(), e); assertEquals(edgeOfNode, edgeOfNodeOfEdgeOfNode); assertFalse(node.equals(nodeOfEdgeOfNode)); // node is not captured, nodeOfEdgeOfNode is } }
package com.googlecode.gentyref; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.RandomAccess; import junit.framework.TestCase; public abstract class AbstractGenericsReflectorTest extends TestCase { /** * A constant that's false, to use in an if() block for code that's only there to show that it compiles. * This code "proves" that the test is an actual valid test case, by showing the compiler agrees. * But some of the code should not actually be executed, because it might throw exceptions * (because we're too lazy to initialize everything). */ private static final boolean COMPILE_CHECK = false; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<String>> ARRAYLIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<String>> LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<List<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<String>> COLLECTION_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<List<String>>> ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<List<String>>> LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<List<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<List<String>>> COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<List<String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<? extends String>> ARRAYLIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<? extends String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<? extends String>> COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<? extends String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<? super String>> COLLECTION_OF_SUPER_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<? super String>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<ArrayList<List<? extends String>>> ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>> LIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private static final TypeToken<Collection<List<? extends String>>> COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING = new TypeToken<Collection<List<? extends String>>>(){}; private final ReflectionStrategy strategy; class Box<T> implements WithF<T>, WithFToken<TypeToken<T>> { public T f; } public AbstractGenericsReflectorTest(ReflectionStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } private boolean isSupertype(TypeToken<?> supertype, TypeToken<?> subtype) { return strategy.isSupertype(supertype.getType(), subtype.getType()); } /** * Test if superType is seen as a real (not equal) supertype of subType. */ private void testRealSupertype(TypeToken<?> superType, TypeToken<?> subType) { // test if it's really seen as a supertype assertTrue(isSupertype(superType, subType)); // check if they're not seen as supertypes the other way around assertFalse(isSupertype(subType, superType)); } private <T> void checkedTestInexactSupertype(TypeToken<T> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<? extends T> type) { testInexactSupertype(expectedSuperclass, type); } /** * Checks if the supertype is seen as a supertype of subType. * But, if superType is a Class or ParameterizedType, with different type parameters. */ private void testInexactSupertype(TypeToken<?> superType, TypeToken<?> subType) { testRealSupertype(superType, subType); strategy.testInexactSupertype(superType.getType(), subType.getType()); } /** * Like testExactSuperclass, but the types of the arguments are checked so only valid test cases can be applied */ private <T> void checkedTestExactSuperclass(TypeToken<T> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<? extends T> type) { testExactSuperclass(expectedSuperclass, type); } /** * Like testExactSuperclass, but the types of the arguments are checked so only valid test cases can be applied */ private <T> void assertCheckedTypeEquals(TypeToken<T> expected, TypeToken<T> type) { assertEquals(expected, type); } /** * Checks if the supertype is seen as a supertype of subType. * SuperType must be a Class or ParameterizedType, with the right type parameters. */ private void testExactSuperclass(TypeToken<?> expectedSuperclass, TypeToken<?> type) { testRealSupertype(expectedSuperclass, type); strategy.testExactSuperclass(expectedSuperclass.getType(), type.getType()); } protected static Class<?> getClassType(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class) { return (Class<?>)type; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) type; return (Class<?>)pType.getRawType(); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { GenericArrayType aType = (GenericArrayType) type; Class<?> componentType = getClassType(aType.getGenericComponentType()); return Array.newInstance(componentType, 0).getClass(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only supports Class, ParameterizedType and GenericArrayType. Not " + type.getClass()); } } private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(TypeToken<?> forType, String fieldName) { return getFieldType(forType.getType(), fieldName); } /** * Marker interface to mark the type of the field f. * Note: we could use a method instead of a field, so the method could be in the interface, * enforcing correct usage, but that would influence the actual test too much. */ interface WithF<T> {} /** * Variant on WithF, where the type parameter is a TypeToken. * TODO do we really need this? */ interface WithFToken<T extends TypeToken<?>> {} /** * Uses the reflector being tested to get the type of the field named "f" in the given type. * The returned value is cased into a TypeToken assuming the WithF interface is used correctly, * and the reflector returned the correct result. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // assuming the WithT interface is used correctly private <T> TypeToken<? extends T> getF(TypeToken<? extends WithF<? extends T>> type) { return (TypeToken<? extends T>) getFieldType(type, "f"); } /** * Variant of {@link #getF(TypeToken)} that's stricter in arguments and return type, for checked equals tests. * @see #getF(TypeToken) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // assuming the WithT interface is used correctly private <T> TypeToken<T> getStrictF(TypeToken<? extends WithF<T>> type) { return (TypeToken<T>) getFieldType(type, "f"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends TypeToken<?>> T getFToken(TypeToken<? extends WithFToken<T>> type) { return (T) getFieldType(type, "f"); } private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(Type forType, String fieldName) { try { Class<?> clazz = getClassType(forType); return TypeToken.get(strategy.getFieldType(forType, clazz.getField(fieldName))); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in test: can't find field " + fieldName, e); } } // private Type getReturnType(String methodName, Type forType) { // try { // Class<?> clazz = getClass(forType); // return strategy.getExactReturnType(clazz.getMethod(methodName), forType); // } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Error in test: can't find method " + methodName, e); // } // } private <T, U extends T> void checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(TypeToken<T> type1, TypeToken<U> type2, TypeToken<? extends U> type3) { testExactSuperclassChain(type1, type2, type3); } private void testExactSuperclassChain(TypeToken<?> ... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { assertTrue(isSupertype(types[i], types[i])); for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { testExactSuperclass(types[i], types[j]); } } } private <T, U extends T> void checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(TypeToken<T> type1, TypeToken<U> type2, TypeToken<? extends U> type3) { testInexactSupertypeChain(type1, type2, type3); } private void testInexactSupertypeChain(TypeToken<?> ...types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { assertTrue(isSupertype(types[i], types[i])); for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { testInexactSupertype(types[i], types[j]); } } } /** * Test that type1 is not a supertype of type2 (and, while we're at it, not vice-versa either). */ private void testNotSupertypes(TypeToken<?>... types) { for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < types.length; j++) { assertFalse(isSupertype(types[i], types[j])); assertFalse(isSupertype(types[j], types[i])); } } } private <T> TypeToken<T> tt(Class<T> t) { return TypeToken.get(t); } public void testBasic() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object.class), tt(Number.class), tt(Integer.class)); testNotSupertypes(tt(Integer.class), tt(Double.class)); } public void testSimpleTypeParam() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>>(){}); } public interface StringList extends List<String> { } public void testStringList() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class)); } public void testTextendsStringList() { class C<T extends StringList> implements WithF<T>{ public T f; } // raw if (COMPILE_CHECK) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") C c = null; List<String> listOfString = c.f; } testExactSuperclass(LIST_OF_STRING, getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } public void testExtendViaOtherTypeParam() { class C<T extends StringList, U extends T> implements WithF<U> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public U f; } // raw testExactSuperclass(LIST_OF_STRING, getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?,?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testMultiBoundParametrizedStringList() { class C<T extends Object & StringList> implements WithF<T>{ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } // raw new C().f = new Object(); // compile check assertEquals(tt(Object.class), getFieldType(C.class, "f")); // wildcard TypeToken<? extends StringList> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(LIST_OF_STRING, tt(StringList.class), ft); } public void testFListOfT_String() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<T> f; } TypeToken<List<String>> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public void testOfListOfString() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<List<Integer>>>(){}); } public void testFListOfListOfT_String() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<List<T>>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<List<T>> f; } TypeToken<List<List<String>>> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public interface ListOfListOfT<T> extends List<List<T>> {} public void testListOfListOfT_String() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<ListOfListOfT<String>>(){}); } public interface ListOfListOfT_String extends ListOfListOfT<String> {} public void testListOfListOfT_StringInterface() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, tt(ListOfListOfT_String.class)); } public interface ListOfListOfString extends List<List<String>> {} public void testListOfListOfStringInterface() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, LIST_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, tt(ListOfListOfString.class)); } public void testWildcardTExtendsListOfListOfString() { class C<T extends List<List<String>>> implements WithF<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } TypeToken<? extends List<List<String>>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<?>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_STRING, ft); } public void testExtWildcard() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_EXT_STRING); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, ARRAYLIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>>(){}); testNotSupertypes(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Object>>(){}); } public interface ListOfListOfExtT<T> extends List<List<? extends T>> {} public void testListOfListOfExtT_String() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, new TypeToken<ListOfListOfExtT<String>>(){}); } public void testUExtendsListOfExtT() { class C<T, U extends List<? extends T>> implements WithF<U> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public U f; } // this doesn't compile in eclipse, so we hold the compilers hand by adding a step in between // TODO check if this compiles with sun compiler // TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<? extends String, ?>>(){}); TypeToken<? extends C<? extends String, ?>> tt = new TypeToken<C<? extends String, ?>>(){}; TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(tt); checkedTestInexactSupertype(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ft); } public void testListOfExtT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<? extends T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<? extends T> f; } TypeToken<? extends List<? extends String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_EXT_STRING, ft); } public void testListOfSuperT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<? super T>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<? super T> f; } TypeToken<? extends List<? super String>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_SUPER_STRING, ft); } public void testInnerFieldWithTypeOfOuter() { class Outer<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") class Inner implements WithF<T> { public T f; } class Inner2 implements WithF<List<List<? extends T>>> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<List<? extends T>> f; } } TypeToken<String> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(String.class), ft); TypeToken<List<List<? extends String>>> ft2 = getStrictF(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner2>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(LIST_OF_LIST_OF_EXT_STRING, ft2); } public void testInnerExtendsWithTypeOfOuter() { class Outer<T> { class Inner extends ArrayList<T> { } } checkedTestExactSuperclass(COLLECTION_OF_STRING, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner>(){}); } public void testInnerDifferentParams() { class Outer<T> { class Inner<S> { } } // inner param different testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<Integer>>(){}, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<String>>(){}); // outer param different testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Outer<Integer>.Inner<String>>(){}, new TypeToken<Outer<String>.Inner<String>>(){}); } /** * Supertype of a raw type is erased */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testSubclassRaw() { class Superclass<T extends Number> { public T t; } class Subclass<U> extends Superclass<Integer>{} assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Subclass.class, "t")); Number n = new Subclass().t; // compile check new Subclass().t = n; // compile check } /** * Supertype of a raw type is erased. * (And there's no such thing as a ParameterizedType with some type parameters raw and others not) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testSubclassRawMix() { class Superclass<T, U extends Number> { // public T t; public U u; } class Subclass<T> extends Superclass<T, Integer> {} assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Subclass.class, "u")); Number n = new Subclass().u; // compile check new Subclass().u = n; // compile check } /** * If a type has no parameters, it doesn't matter that it got erased. * So even though Middleclass was erased, its supertype is not. */ public void testSubclassRawViaUnparameterized() { class Superclass<T extends Number> implements WithF<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T f; } class Middleclass extends Superclass<Integer> {} class Subclass<U> extends Middleclass {} TypeToken<Integer> ft = getStrictF(tt(Subclass.class)); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(Integer.class), ft); } /** * Similar for inner types: the outer type of a raw inner type is also erased */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testInnerRaw() { class Outer<T extends Number> { public Inner rawInner; class Inner<U extends T> { public T t; public U u; } } assertEquals(tt(Outer.Inner.class), getFieldType(Outer.class, "rawInner")); assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Outer.Inner.class, "t")); assertEquals(tt(Number.class), getFieldType(Outer.Inner.class, "u")); if (COMPILE_CHECK) { Number n = new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.t; // compile check new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.t = n; // compile check n = new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.u; // compile check new Outer<Integer>().rawInner.u = n; // compile check } } public void testSuperWildcard() { Box<? super Integer> b = new Box<Integer>(); // compile check b.f = new Integer(0); // compile check testInexactSupertype(getFieldType(new TypeToken<Box<? super Integer>>(){}, "f"), tt(Integer.class)); TypeToken<? super Integer> ft = getFToken(new TypeToken<Box<? super Integer>>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertype(ft, tt(Integer.class)); } public void testContainment() { checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(new TypeToken<List<?>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<? extends Number>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<Integer>>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertypeChain(new TypeToken<List<?>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<? super Integer>>(){}, new TypeToken<List<Object>>(){}); } public void testArrays() { checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object[].class), tt(Number[].class), tt(Integer[].class)); testNotSupertypes(new TypeToken<Integer[]>(){}, new TypeToken<String[]>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclassChain(tt(Object.class), tt(Object[].class), tt(Object[][].class)); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(Serializable.class), tt(Integer[].class)); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(Cloneable[].class), tt(Object[][].class)); } public void testGenericArrays() { checkedTestExactSuperclass(new TypeToken<Collection<String>[]>(){}, new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>[]>(){}); checkedTestInexactSupertype(new TypeToken<Collection<? extends Number>[]>(){}, new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){}); checkedTestExactSuperclass(tt(RandomAccess[].class), new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){}); assertTrue(isSupertype(tt(ArrayList[].class), new TypeToken<ArrayList<Integer>[]>(){})); // not checked* because we're avoiding the inverse test } public void testArrayOfT() { class C<T> implements WithF<T[]> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public T[] f; } TypeToken<String[]> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(tt(String[].class), ft); } public void testArrayOfListOfT() { class C<T> implements WithF<List<T>[]> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<T>[] f; } TypeToken<List<String>[]> ft = getStrictF(new TypeToken<C<String>>(){}); assertCheckedTypeEquals(new TypeToken<List<String>[]>(){}, ft); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testArrayRaw() { class C<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public List<String> f; } new C().f = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // compile check assertEquals(tt(List.class), getFieldType(new TypeToken<C>(){}, "f")); } public void testPrimitiveArray() { testNotSupertypes(tt(double[].class), tt(float[].class)); testNotSupertypes(tt(int[].class), tt(Integer[].class)); } // TODO graph tests for recursively referring bounds // interface Graph<N extends Node<N, E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} // interface Node<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} // interface Edge<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} }
add tests related to capture conversion git-svn-id: 326906f25eac0196cf968068262a06313b1d5d7a@18 9a24f7ba-d458-11dd-86d7-074df07e0730
add tests related to capture conversion
<ide><path>rc/test/java/com/googlecode/gentyref/ <ide> package com.googlecode.gentyref; <ide> import; <ide> import java.lang.reflect.Array; <add>import java.lang.reflect.Field; <ide> import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; <ide> import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; <ide> import java.lang.reflect.Type; <ide> private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(Type forType, String fieldName) { <ide> try { <ide> Class<?> clazz = getClassType(forType); <del> return TypeToken.get(strategy.getFieldType(forType, clazz.getField(fieldName))); <add> return getFieldType(forType, clazz.getField(fieldName)); <ide> } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { <ide> throw new RuntimeException("Error in test: can't find field " + fieldName, e); <ide> } <add> } <add> <add> private TypeToken<?> getFieldType(Type forType, Field field) { <add> return TypeToken.get(strategy.getFieldType(forType, field)); <ide> } <ide> <ide> // private Type getReturnType(String methodName, Type forType) { <ide> testNotSupertypes(tt(int[].class), tt(Integer[].class)); <ide> } <ide> <del> // TODO graph tests for recursively referring bounds <del>// interface Graph<N extends Node<N, E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} <del>// interface Node<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} <del>// interface Edge<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> {} <del> <add> public void testCapture() { <add> TypeToken<Box<?>> bw = new TypeToken<Box<?>>(){}; <add> TypeToken<?> capture1 = getF(bw); <add> TypeToken<?> capture2 = getF(bw); <add> assertFalse(capture1.equals(capture2)); <add> // if these were equal, this would be valid: <add>// Box<?> b1 = new Box<Integer>(); <add>// Box<?> b2 = new Box<String>(); <add>// b1.f = b2.f; <add> // but the capture is still equal to itself <add> assertTrue(capture1.equals(capture1)); <add> } <add> <add> class Node<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> implements WithF<List<E>> { <add> public List<E> f; <add> public E e; <add> } <add> class Edge<N extends Node<N,E>, E extends Edge<N, E>> implements WithF<List<N>> { <add> public List<N> f; <add> public N n; <add> } <add> <add> public void testGraphWildcard() { <add> TypeToken<? extends List<? extends Edge<? extends Node<?,?>,?>>> ft = getF(new TypeToken<Node<?, ?>>(){}); <add> testInexactSupertype(new TypeToken<List<? extends Edge<? extends Node<?,?>,?>>>(){}, ft); <add> } <add> <add> public void testGraphCapture() throws NoSuchFieldException { <add> Field e = Node.class.getField("e"); <add> Field n = Edge.class.getField("n"); <add> TypeToken<?> node = new TypeToken<Node<?, ?>>(){}; <add> TypeToken<?> edgeOfNode = getFieldType(node.getType(), e); <add> TypeToken<?> nodeOfEdgeOfNode = getFieldType(edgeOfNode.getType(), n); <add> TypeToken<?> edgeOfNodeOfEdgeOfNode = getFieldType(nodeOfEdgeOfNode.getType(), e); <add> assertEquals(edgeOfNode, edgeOfNodeOfEdgeOfNode); <add> assertFalse(node.equals(nodeOfEdgeOfNode)); // node is not captured, nodeOfEdgeOfNode is <add> } <ide> }
"/*\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n * contributor license a(...TRUNCATED)
"/*\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n * contributor license a(...TRUNCATED)
"Allow more room for thread name (20 chars)\n\ngit-svn-id: 7c053b8fbd1fb5868f764c6f9536fc6a9bbe7da9@(...TRUNCATED)
Allow more room for thread name (20 chars)
"<ide><path>rc/jorphan/org/apache/jorphan/logging/\n<ide> \t\t\t+ \"%{category}: (...TRUNCATED)
"/*\n * Copyright 2006 Open Source Applications Foundation\n * \n * Licensed under the Apache Licens(...TRUNCATED)
"/*\n * Copyright 2006 Open Source Applications Foundation\n * \n * Licensed under the Apache Licens(...TRUNCATED)
Marked update/remove content methods as @ExternalizableContent
Marked update/remove content methods as @ExternalizableContent
"<ide><path>osmo-core/src/main/java/org/unitedinternet/cosmo/dao/\n<ide> * (...TRUNCATED)
"package Debrief.ReaderWriter.NMEA;\r\n\r\nimport java.awt.Color;\r\nimport;\(...TRUNCATED)
"package Debrief.ReaderWriter.NMEA;\r\n\r\nimport java.awt.Color;\r\nimport;\(...TRUNCATED)
"change processing so we can optionally choose to generate DR track from organic sensors rather than(...TRUNCATED)
"change processing so we can optionally choose to generate DR track from organic sensors rather than(...TRUNCATED)
"<ide><path>rg.mwc.debrief.legacy/src/Debrief/ReaderWriter/NMEA/\n<ide> private enu(...TRUNCATED)
"/*\n *\n *\n * Version: $Revision$\n *\n * Date: $Date$\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2002, He(...TRUNCATED)
"/*\n *\n *\n * Version: $Revision$\n *\n * Date: $Date$\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2002, He(...TRUNCATED)
"Added hack to allow boolean searching. Basically, I transform 'AND' into '&&',\n'OR' into '||' and (...TRUNCATED)
"Added hack to allow boolean searching. Basically, I transform 'AND' into '&&', 'OR' into '||' and '(...TRUNCATED)
"<ide><path>space/src/org/dspace/search/\n<ide> \n<ide> import org.apache.log4j.Logger;\(...TRUNCATED)
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