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one of the benefits we get of course is travel | 0 |
it 's it 's really bad it uh i | 0 |
yeah it was pretty reasonable | 0 |
so um we usually meet like at my uncle 's cottage in the um at the lake and uh make a couple days of it | 0 |
exactly and i was very flattered until she told me she the company she was with | 0 |
have you read The Firm | 0 |
yeah and we just kind of we kept uh kind of uh it was a surprise birthday party for her was what it was | 0 |
i don 't know coming from Texas you 're probably i don 't know i i shouldn 't make stereo types but gun control is probably frowned on quite a bit down there i would think | 0 |
uhhuh oh she 's great she 's you know she 's a character she 'll sit with anybody she 'll play with anybody | 0 |
course that might up crime you know and uh people go in and steal your television and steal and sell it just because they can 't they can 't work anymore you know | 0 |
yeah they had a whole bunch of things that that sort of broke at the same time | 0 |
but uh so you like different foods huh | 0 |
uhhuh how do you feel the newspapers there in Colorado Springs treats local interest news | 0 |
you know one other benefit that that just occurred to me i didn 't take it as much advantage of it at least not yet in sometimes big companies will pay for like education | 0 |
well why don 't you start because you 've had more time to think about it if you don 't mind | 0 |
umhum do you find that you 're uh uh disappointed or pleased with uh uh the performance of like network coverage of news | 0 |
yeah i don 't yeah well what get 's me you know this thing it went down to defeat last December by how many votes by just a few hundred votes | 0 |
oh um no but they do have hay horse races at the Oaklawn tracks | 0 |
but i know that in some i know in a lot of rural areas they 're not that good | 0 |
right they will go through the slot | 0 |
is it twenty percent interest | 0 |
now that 's one of the best deterrents for a robber is a noisy neighbor even if the neighbor 's got a noisy dog that 's a deterrent because they know that that dog 's going to bark | 0 |
uhhuh it 's funny and um i i guess i just like funny shows mostly | 0 |
i don 't know okay well it was good talking to you and have a good evening | 0 |
came back from uh uh Grand Rapids where we saw one of our sons graduate | 0 |
do you do you wilderness camp | 0 |
it 's only getting worse exponentially it seems um | 0 |
and i really hate to lose them but um that 's one of the hazards i guess of uh having a a yard because i | 0 |
tag them or anything you you do it all yourself they tell you what to do but you do it all yourself | 0 |
not just lawyers but police officers and judges and the whole legal profession in general | 0 |
and uh that was twenty five hundred people when i joined and uh | 0 |
uh yeah and i was gonna say uh I 'll Fly Away which uh i think it was supposed to uh catch some of the same viewers as uh | 0 |
yeah but i don 't think we 're gonna to do it because it 's uh you can 't get local stations and that 's the news that we 're mostly interested in | 0 |
i 'm afraid that um i think his name was Anderson was the the gentleman who ran for uh on an independent ticket against Reagan and | 0 |
yeah i think there 's so much more economicable too just like with gas and everything i mean i can go forever on a tank of gas | 0 |
a few years ago i was a student there and spent um a semester studying abroad in London | 0 |
but they did something a little different with them | 0 |
i never have can 't do anything with cakes so | 0 |
well i have a VCR and i 've had to return it a couple of times because of the same part failure and uh it 's still not getting a real good picture | 0 |
huh well that 's neat well um it was real funny i went to a seminar that was just it was is a satellite seminar it was really neat and it was just for women | 0 |
yeah because it 's uh it had definitely been through the mill but uh | 0 |
well oh well that 's interesting do you uh did you take classes to learn how to do that | 0 |
with the others we 've either with some friends done a a sort of Mother 's Day out kind of thing where they took turns | 0 |
do we know what we 're going to say | 0 |
yeah they weren 't course they weren 't talking about uh where you know you 're absolutely unable to care for them but it was it you know they would come from large extended families | 0 |
uhhuh all right bye now | 0 |
okay and do they have good lasagna | 0 |
it 's just that since my money is tight right now i don 't even give myself a tempting | 0 |
yeah some special interest group | 0 |
um there 's nothing wrong with a parent gifting everything she has to uh to uh to an individual like uh like like you | 0 |
Texas only had fifty five thousand when i was there | 0 |
expensive you can get a lot of money in that kind of stuff especially the good stuff | 0 |
excuse me we pay for any you know the child care but we don 't pay as much as they do off base | 0 |
um hum yeah so so so you got a sign up there that says you got this alarm system and what if a burglar comes along and cuts your phone line | 0 |
yeah we have between the spouse and myself we have six | 0 |
yes well it it 's not it 's not legal to carry a handgun in Texas but no it 's not you can have it in your home | 0 |
um well i sort of own a computer we have two PCs at home but neither one do we really own um both are no both of them are sort of work related and | 0 |
and uh sometimes it 's nice to go out and have a salad | 0 |
and uh so i really enjoyed that | 0 |
wow maybe i should go see it in a theatre and plan to go out to dinner afterwards so we could sit and talk about it | 0 |
and they just pretty much know how much they have coming in you know and they just make sure they don 't buy over | 0 |
well we 're definitely keeping them poor and down trodden and helpless | 0 |
it 's kind of like a soap a nighttime soap opera type thing | 0 |
yeah i always said if i died well i always said if i died i 'd come back as a dog that 'd be the best way to be | 0 |
umhum well and i was gonna say there are some other areas they could cut you know i don 't they wouldn 't necessarily have to cut it out of there | 0 |
the latest contract that was awarded Virginia sued or has got a lawsuit against uh Gratin to stop construction because it was unfairly obtained or something like that you know | 0 |
Espinosa collected many romances from Californios in the 1920s | 1 |
These higherorder complexes of molecular devices arise because natural selection is able to act upon the collective properties of such molecular aggregates when those collective properties augment adaptive fitness | 1 |
But I do not believe any such algorithmic tool can be complete | 1 |
The law redeems not the individual but the community or the nation as a whole | 1 |
The constitutional text of 1787 had stipulated a right of slave owners to recover slaves who had escaped into free territory | 1 |
Steve Harris a molecular biologist from Texas was visiting | 1 |
Membership consisted of between thirty and fifty adult men per chapter called moradas and were divided into two common members called hermanos disciplantes brothers who discipline and officers called hermanos de luz brothers of light | 1 |
For 4 and 5yearolds questions more often address narrative organization What happens next | 1 |
Intuitively slightly convergent flow in state space allows classification for when two states converge on a single successor state those two states have been classified as equivalent by the network | 1 |
Therefore they persistently create a nonstationary world in which only the relatively recent past has valid data | 1 |
In the final chapter I step beyond the central concern with autonomous agents to consider the universe itself | 1 |
And therefore the state was not responsible for these private persons denying social rights to black citizens | 1 |
No difference exists between younger and older classmates in achievement test scores | 1 |
In the postbellum legal order the same result derived from federal constitutional principles | 1 |
Darwin starts with life already here | 1 |
The most common cause during toddlerhood and the preschool years is repeated otitis media or middle ear infection | 1 |
When civil society turns a deaf ear crazy ideas lose their edge | 1 |
McKim much to his chagrin not only lost but placed third behind Howard & amp Cauldwell | 1 |
Indeed part of what we need is a way of characterizing the organization of real processes in the nonequilibrium world | 1 |
Consisting of a core of three or four males with a few fringe members a palomilla was an important socialization unit that provided a safe space for young men to joke and express themselves | 1 |
But consider bread and butter | 1 |
Two American ideas 'protecting the flag and celebrating freedom of speech 'would eventually come into focus as contradictory ways of being American | 1 |
Bato is a word centuries old that can be translated as guy or dude | 1 |
We have beginning mathematical models that reveal something about this hierarchical organizationa aalthough the best current models are curiously limited despite their brilliance | 1 |
As the sand piles up it eventually reaches the rest angle for sand and also extends to the boundaries of the table | 1 |
The biosphere has expanded indeed more or less persistently exploded into the everexpanding adjacent possible | 1 |
Strange is it not that we pay no attention to one of the most profound features of the world right smack in front of our collective nose | 1 |
Rational expectations grew in part out of an attempt to understand actual trading on stock exchanges | 1 |
The relationship between rights and freedom is thus turned on its head | 1 |
The audience is invisible each viewer is in his little cubicle called a living room | 1 |
The end of plantation capitalism might have come as safely as the demise of communism in Europe | 1 |
I begin life with an endowment of a hundred pears and a thousand apples | 1 |
Your heart happened to be preadapted to pick up earthquake pretremors | 1 |
Diego followed her instructions and at the top of the hill he found beautiful roses of Castile still covered with dew | 1 |
Subsets and Splits