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RT @mrzsixtrue: She breaks the female dog like a cat. | 0 |
"@Jgabsss: Stacy Dash Won & # 128166; http://t.co/pdlg46rjol" Baddest Bitch Evaaaa | 0 |
@jdickerson @scottPelley @bobschieffer All racist NTX garbage w @norahodonnell is not all about "Butler" but hated seeing this specific man | 0 |
RT @jmanziel2: & # 8220; @Realzachk0Enn: @jmanziel2 You are a bassoon & # 8221; You are a Fan of Texas ... | 0 |
RT @no_ahhhh23: Happy birthday bassoon!& # 128536; @waggggie | 0 |
You are a shit ugly female dog, I want to stab you and die, and play with your blood -Patrick Baitman | 0 |
@levi_page I'm not bent like that.Thank you for flattering. | 0 |
& # 8220; @Thejanicexxx: o U Ufollowed Unfollowed Unfollowed DM U, so say that here, you are a rude woman lmao & # 8221; You can DM me | 0 |
" @cb_baby24: @white_thunduh ALSARABSSS" HES HES BEANER SMH | 0 |
@Cbsthismorning @charlierose Racist @norahodonnell TRASH RACIST WHY WLD U Intvw @mittrombney N germanist questions are very rude | 0 |
RT @rachael_goss: Those who want to cool on the campus & amp; Throw a stupid Bible with shame & # 10067; & # 10068; | 0 |
RT @_asslxrd_: The nigger inside me is coming out | 0 |
The bassoon gives me an attitude that can't stand the Asian man right now. | 0 |
"My grandmother always called me a porch monkey ... think that the broken bottle was called a knitter knife" & # 128563; | 0 |
RT @hoodrichnick: Why does ya Niggas gassin these Wacklova female dogs?& # 128553; & # 128553; | 0 |
& # 128514; & # 128514; & # 128514; I just said RT @boythats_aryhah: My TL must be cooled by this cute face challenge, y'all hoesgag | 0 |
@heauxmersimpson just takes a vacation away from Niggers BRO. | 0 |
RT @ibezo: Foolish fucking Nigger LeBron.You flop a stupid jungle bunny monkey fogot. | 0 |
If you see ugly bitches get pregnant, please tell me that friend has sex with a cat.Alcohol is no longer an excuse.You were pushed | 0 |
@jrise88 @longliveTYLERD YOUR A FAG | 0 |
RT @chLLDHOODRUINER: Who else hated this female dog Nigga ?? http: //t.co/8jwgmv4yet | 0 |
@marylene58 @sunflower1790 @shelliecorreia @jan4usa She is just a niggy she thinks she is a human. | 0 |
"You are a female dog in the mouth of the square"
DeeeaaAADD | 0 |
According to Teebager Florida, who divorced twice, the marriage is "stable, permanent family units" http://t.co/9zwr3O333IU #wtf. | 0 |
Do you know why the ultimate warrior died?God loves tobacco #toosoon?He was an anti -gay Crusade, so he needs a little light joke | 0 |
@patricstpierre You are a bassoon. | 0 |
@darienbaby_xoxo JK I have a sexual intercourse before sex with your fish cat | 0 |
The female dog's butt Nigga, I hate black women ... Uncle Tom Bitch Punk. | 0 |
RT @badnewsali: ya boy @quanb24 RT @Drydenneal: Nigga a fagot rt @so_leaux: bruh rt @worstrapiyrics: Rapper http: //t.co … | 0 |
@donnerkay @surlyrevenant The fatal weapon of the Famous 6'4 "290 LB Mike Brown Fighting Weapons Legs. | 0 |
@Alexissert leaves the dike | 0 |
@jaibrooks1 Your brother is very strange and ugly | 0 |
@Buckm00se True Sand Niggers & Amp; Bum Brits claims that he is the legendary SMH of the ATG Hall of Fame | 0 |
@kitten_nugget69 stfu dyke looking HoE. | 0 |
@hunglikerobby_ It was a very gay.And I was tanned.Juvie made me white | 0 |
Or, Tichi may have obtained RT @Abstrastalante: I really hate a rude butt female dog in class.The professor is telling you about STFU Bitch. | 0 |
@quan1t0 You delayed BRUH LOL | 0 |
Nigga u a cunt yo fendi clutch | 0 |
# TweetlikePontiacholence & # 160;
I will do a pontiax pudding ...
@Real5hfacts STFU UGLY DYKE | 0 |
RT @anticvlum: @NoneShallpass97 Garbage to eat garbage | 0 |
That's my female dog level You can't have a sexual intercourse of her Nigga I like the red bottom I can't afford to buy her Nigga | 0 |
You hate your bassoon soccer | 0 |
I went to a fat countryside on the last day yolo @shawnnasanford @meganmonday13 @kelsss_lynn & # 128514; & # 128514; | 0 |
RT @thechefboyrd: @victoriaaa_lee @anniespringer_ Ew She is very ugly | 0 |
@Mynamesholdbe One problem is that I'm sorry that "cats are not allowed" @kerythekilla ... | 0 |
@kieffer_jason Oh, I am, I am the other sage, so you can get off my Twitter. | 0 |
#Milesthompson #goache #wetback #ca http://t.co/g3ze8bqlpg | 0 |
Like a new AVI like @bitchkrieg.My Twitter is late and shows you with a Cubs hat, but when I stalking your profile, it shows a new one | 0 |
@Arbogucci men are not to get the quia that sucked the buttocks | 0 |
RT @jaclyndeeter: Maybe you are a stupid ugly homeless female dog | 0 |
@jadegreenlef fag | 0 |
@JAYSWAGGKILLAH is a tobacco | 0 |
RT @_vodkathoushts_: "Do you mean light beer? Bagot urine?" - In addition, Poweredman | 0 |
RT @natal_mendoz: Cantovic Niga, a prostitute woman | 0 |
RT @rakwonogod: Go to the church this morning so that it was not open for Niggas about 4 hours ago | 0 |
Why does this bassoon in front of me have to get two donuts now? | 0 |
I hate white garbage police officers who raped and killed a young daughter and son. | 0 |
The south is full of white garbage.There are lots of white garbage in the Midwest.If it is full of white garbage, the west coast. | 0 |
What do these bitches want from Nigga?, Like some DMX | 0 |
@Seannn181 YOURE A FAG | 0 |
I did not throw away all other bitches because my wife was fucked by another.And do you know she got married?You have to die. | 0 |
@Fucktyler me Too tyler I just think they are Lill Niger's baby fudrat. | 0 |
Stoni is a Fuckin Queer ... | 0 |
Aeon Care Fuck Care HoE & # 9996; & # 65039; | 0 |
RT @saramariewelch: Digital camera cellphy @thorpe_emily http://t.co/xiqirbq7MP, it was my main Nigguh | 0 |
@tp_three: @westsideFlee @kekepalmer Damn Dame 553 ;;
Fallback NIGGA & # 128299; .. I do not share my wheel | 0 |
@oniinebaby I knew you were a bassoon | 0 |
@soldier1Eaodgrn I don't fly a fragment of human garbage tea that you think =) | 0 |
RT @buckm00se: Chaba needs to stay in his lane and keep sending gyro to hell | 0 |
@phreshagu_25 Yes, you know you are right Mexicans bring all your family | 0 |
I heard that @zeitgeistbabe Building likes trailer trash like you.@lincromero7 @jtstover @theobamadiary @rebhug @loriisRight | 0 |
Why do so many filthy wet -back half -bleed spick sardies live in #Losangeles?None of them are here. | 0 |
RT @ajade____: Everyone does not know that Tryna Fuck the Negga Bitch is the next Nigga Bitch & # 128586; & # 128566. | 0 |
@Vernon1488 Town.In a movie with a friend.I stabbed NIG three times and was sent to prison.justice? | 0 |
Scandal: Negro Bed Wench's fairy tale and propaganda: http: //t.co/tp1sa5u8uo | 0 |
@sramirez07943 It is a stupid female dog in the Gold Bar, and my father does not pick up you.He doesn't like bassoon like you & # 128528; | 0 |
@_westwest_yall @Phampelwoohoo!New Black's "Kill Baby" Panthers is rescued!#Racist #Trash #Thugs #Ferguson #Fergusonriot | 0 |
@hunterbuch66 @kieffer_jason @sbsYlvester You can pull everything. | 0 |
#Dutch Farmers is white garbage. | 0 |
I am upset by the fact that they got a bassoon at this show | 0 |
Everyone calls me "B".And I like my Niggah as Wassup | 0 |
@bellaangeletti If I was Lolz, the UD is still tobacco | 0 |
@Caykelly16 @madisonearhart U people are cigarettes. | 0 |
RT @erlktweets: What is this unpleasant nigger from Captain Philips in the movie, what is doing with red carpets for Oscar & # 8230; | 0 |
Your delay. | 0 |
@patdollard Fuckin Muzzie Cunts, all should be expelled overseas, field Abs | 0 |
Lynch's violence threatened Zimmerman Ju.& # 8216; n*ggas comes for the ass of the female dog & # 160; Jury & # 8217; http: //t.co/xy6v2ytyas hatred does not stop the flow | 0 |
"@Nochilpaz:" At least I'm not a nigger "http://t.co/rgja7cfoit"
lmfao | 0 |
The female dog has come to be mixed with Italian Chinese and African Americans.http://t.co/zdwd3l8m | 0 |
#AzmonSoon's rainy, too bad, was not enough to wash off the white trash of the state teabager racist.#tcot #Teaparty #Azflooding | 0 |
@Aravosis Can I jump to U -Balleless Dickwood?As a conservative, feminist, as a veterinarian female dog, I pray for you with the capital F. @dloesch | 0 |
RT @jhazethagod: You call a female dog for another Niggas to call a female dog and fight a female dog. | 0 |
'Ma Niggah Chood Please do not sleep & # 128076;@charleyhood & # 128175; & # 128175; | 0 |
RT @midniteBoss: If you sniper, you are a bassoon.I hope your sniper will be raped and suffer from cancer. | 0 |
If you want to kill all police officers and crackers, what is the next ??????Is it moving backwards? | 0 |
Bullet through Nigguh Tru Jeans | 0 |
Instead, you may be able to see it on the last Tuesday when a 26 -year -old USC medical student is missing http://t.co/evu04p6sur | 0 |
I intend to sell both my iPhone and both Macs, I do not support the bassoon. | 0 |
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