stringlengths 40
| size
int64 2
| ext
stringclasses 6
values | lang
stringclasses 1
value | max_stars_repo_path
stringlengths 5
| max_stars_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_stars_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_stars_repo_licenses
sequence | max_stars_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_stars_repo_stars_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_path
stringlengths 5
| max_issues_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_issues_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_issues_repo_licenses
sequence | max_issues_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_issues_repo_issues_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_path
stringlengths 5
| max_forks_repo_name
stringlengths 5
| max_forks_repo_head_hexsha
stringlengths 40
| max_forks_repo_licenses
sequence | max_forks_count
int64 1
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_min_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | max_forks_repo_forks_event_max_datetime
stringlengths 24
⌀ | content
stringlengths 2
| avg_line_length
float64 1
| max_line_length
int64 1
| alphanum_fraction
float64 0
4fd47c81b5d454e5ec1a23ecf0a06e650995e9a9 | 4,447 | yml | YAML | _config.yml | 0--key/0--key.github.io | 8859f487a01e9296cc78d9eae6d4a0af590e8346 | [
] | null | null | null | _config.yml | 0--key/0--key.github.io | 8859f487a01e9296cc78d9eae6d4a0af590e8346 | [
] | null | null | null | _config.yml | 0--key/0--key.github.io | 8859f487a01e9296cc78d9eae6d4a0af590e8346 | [
] | null | null | null | # This is the default format.
# For more see: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/
permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title
exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "README.md", "Rakefile", "changelog.md"]
highlighter: rouge
# Themes are encouraged to use these universal variables
# so be sure to set them if your theme uses them.
title : Cooking Python in Emacs
tagline: Python, Emacs, literate programming, mental athletics
author :
name : Anton S. Kosinov
email : [email protected]
github : 0--key
# The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed
# such as sitemap.txt
# Most places will/should use BASE_PATH to make the urls
# If you have set a CNAME (pages.github.com) set your custom domain here.
# Else if you are pushing to username.github.io, replace with your username.
# Finally if you are pushing to a GitHub project page, include the project name at the end.
production_url : http://0--key.github.io
gems: ["jekyll-sitemap"]
# All Jekyll-Bootstrap specific configurations are namespaced into this hash
JB :
version : 0.3.0
# All links will be namespaced by BASE_PATH if defined.
# Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{BASE_PATH}}
# however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your deployment situation.
# CNAME (http://yourcustomdomain.com)
# (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively)
# GitHub Pages (http://username.github.io)
# (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively)
# GitHub Project Pages (http://username.github.io/project-name)
# A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of your repositories.
# REQUIRED! Set BASE_PATH to: http://username.github.io/project-name
# - When in Localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless of BASE_PATH
# - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false]
# - When setting BASE_PATH it must be a valid url.
# This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or prefixing with "/"
BASE_PATH : false
# By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to BASE_PATH plus the enabled theme.
# ex: [BASE_PATH]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME]
# Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here.
# ex:
# http://s3.amazonaws.com/yoursite/themes/watermelon
# /assets
ASSET_PATH : false
# These paths are to the main pages Jekyll-Bootstrap ships with.
# Some JB helpers refer to these paths; change them here if needed.
archive_path: /archive.html
categories_path : /categories.html
tags_path : /tags.html
atom_path : /atom.xml
rss_path : /rss.xml
# Settings for comments helper
# Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use.
# Set 'provider' to false to turn commenting off globally.
comments :
provider : disqus
disqus :
short_name : 0-key-github-io
livefyre :
site_id : 123
intensedebate :
account : 123abc
facebook :
appid : 123
num_posts: 5
width: 580
colorscheme: light
duoshuo :
short_name : jekyllbootstrap
# Settings for analytics helper
# Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use.
# Set 'provider' to false to turn analytics off globally.
analytics :
provider : google
gauges :
site_id : 'SITE ID'
google :
tracking_id : 'UA-83131318-1'
getclicky :
site_id :
mixpanel :
token : '_MIXPANEL_TOKEN_'
piwik :
baseURL : 'myserver.tld/piwik' # Piwik installation address (without protocol)
idsite : '1' # the id of the site on Piwik
# Settings for sharing helper.
# Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, like, reddit buttons etc.
# Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use.
# Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally.
sharing :
provider : false
# Settings for all other include helpers can be defined by creating
# a hash with key named for the given helper. ex:
# pages_list :
# provider : "custom"
# Setting any helper's provider to 'custom' will bypass the helper code
# and include your custom code. Your custom file must be defined at:
# ./_includes/custom/[HELPER]
# where [HELPER] is the name of the helper you are overriding.
| 32.940741 | 101 | 0.684731 |
e657755a7db42cfbb38814c91857e53b0c136670 | 110 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-04-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-04-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-04-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-04-template
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.75 | 27 | 0.727273 |
fc055a3c7baa9402889d439d700fee69bde02d96 | 507 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ovivogae
version: c03
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- remote_api: on
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /sitemap.xml
script: sitemap.application
- url: /vikarbureau/.*
script: vikar.application
- url: /tag/.*
script: vikar.application
- url: /concept
script: concept.application
- url: /.*
script: index.application
- name: jinja2
version: latest
- name: markupsafe
version: latest
- name: django
version: latest | 14.485714 | 29 | 0.717949 |
895baf5c236a60b562ff44f3a32d76b7cc0297ce | 3,229 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/bulkloader.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/bulkloader.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/OvivoStaff/bulkloader.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | # Autogenerated bulkloader.yaml file.
# You must edit this file before using it. TODO: Remove this line when done.
# At a minimum address the items marked with TODO:
# * Fill in connector and connector_options
# * Review the property_map.
# - Ensure the 'external_name' matches the name of your CSV column,
# XML tag, etc.
# - Check that __key__ property is what you want. Its value will become
# the key name on import, and on export the value will be the Key
# object. If you would like automatic key generation on import and
# omitting the key on export, you can remove the entire __key__
# property from the property map.
# If you have module(s) with your model classes, add them here. Also
# change the kind properties to model_class.
- import: base64
- import: re
- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform
- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.bulkloader_wizard
- import: google.appengine.ext.db
- import: google.appengine.api.datastore
- import: google.appengine.api.users
- import: upload_converter
- kind: Company
connector: csv
- property: company_name
external_name: company_name
- property: company_n_fractions
external_name: company_name
- property: company_site_url
external_name: company_site_url
- property: short_description
external_name: short_description
import_transform: db.Text
- property: sh_d_fractions
external_name: short_description
import_transform: db.Text
- property: phone
external_name: phone
- property: phone_type
external_name: phone_type
- property: gen_description
external_name: gen_description
import_transform: db.Text
- property: gen_d_fractions
external_name: gen_description
import_transform: db.Text
- property: description_headers
external_name: description_headers
- property: description_paragraph
external_name: description_paragraphs
import_transform: db.Text
- property: description_p_fractions
external_name: description_headers
- property: tags
external_name: tags
import_transform: db.Text
- property: category
external_name: category
- property: address
external_name: address
- property: postal_code
external_name: address
- property: city
external_name: address
- property: city_fractions
external_name: address
- property: country
external_name: address
- property: continent
external_name: address
post_import_function: upload_converter.post_import_transformations
- kind: Description
connector: csv
- property: company
external_name: company_name
- property: headers
external_name: description_headers
# import_transform: upload_converter.split_into_list
- property: paragraph
external_name: description_paragraphs
import_transform: db.Text
post_import_function: upload_converter.description_processing
- kind: City
connector: csv
- property: city
external_name: address
post_import_function: upload_converter.unique_cities | 31.349515 | 76 | 0.731496 |
0aaa6304e59282006a9b4ba3fc10a0cf3d1dd6e5 | 136 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/real_time/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/real_time/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/real_time/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: clock
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /.*
script: main.py
| 13.6 | 20 | 0.713235 |
674c71774c2ffb2cc781c3691ae37282ed59d1af | 144 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-08-login/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-08-login/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-08-login/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-08-login
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.090909 | 24 | 0.708333 |
c019199102266e356dcd6883482f5cf7924e28e1 | 282 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: valuesets
version: a07
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /xml/.*
script: xml.py
- url: /uploadadmin/.*
script: csv_upload.py
- url: /autocomplete/.*
script: autocomplete.py
- url: /.*
script: medhelper.py
| 14.1 | 25 | 0.680851 |
cfcc36951484cddd02a1649ba7e30aa7c711a7c8 | 147 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-05-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-05-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-05-template/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-05-template
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.363636 | 27 | 0.714286 |
1b6c30695166ca163e4c0f7d29d79676b7c5948e | 109 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-01-trivial
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.625 | 26 | 0.724771 |
0f59e5c86932c9985f43aaa0022a80d3d76c952b | 107 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-03-guess
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.375 | 24 | 0.719626 |
b19150f8a35ad26bc4fd3b1b42dff002f9379ce2 | 109 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-03-trivial/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-03-trivial
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.625 | 26 | 0.724771 |
6ce4db0d589fd1591b7790902a7662b18eefa24f | 107 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/edu/ae-01-guess/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: ae-01-guess
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /.*
script: index.py
| 13.375 | 24 | 0.719626 |
9f17f8e2e15cf4b3930ff3d20146108ada1668fb | 260 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/Python/GAE/server_test/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/Python/GAE/server_test/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/Python/GAE/server_test/app.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | application: python-server-test
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes
- url: /favicon\.ico
static_files: favicon.ico
upload: favicon\.ico
- url: .*
script: main.application
- name: webapp2
version: "2.5.2"
| 14.444444 | 31 | 0.723077 |
dab3dc94a9e3276d89c09f7c1fbc33ed26a26eb1 | 1,202 | yaml | YAML | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/index.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/index.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | null | null | null | portfolio/2009_GoogleAppEngine/apps/Placebo/index.yaml | 0--key/lib | ba7a85dda2b208adc290508ca617bdc55a5ded22 | [
] | 5 | 2016-03-22T07:40:46.000Z | 2021-05-30T16:12:21.000Z | indexes:
# This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver
# detects that a new type of query is run. If you want to manage the
# index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line
# saying "# AUTOGENERATED"). If you want to manage some indexes
# manually, move them above the marker line. The index.yaml file is
# automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy
# your application using appcfg.py.
- kind: Placebo
- name: category_words
- name: concept_words
- name: developer
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: category_words
- name: concept_words
- name: taxonomy_words
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: category_words
- name: developer
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: category_words
- name: developer
- name: taxonomy_words
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: concept_words
- name: developer
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: concept_words
- name: developer
- name: taxonomy_words
- name: OID
- kind: Placebo
- name: developer
- name: taxonomy_words
- name: OID
| 20.724138 | 69 | 0.707155 |
03239767333ed1b7b8d726abacf6242010c76399 | 108 | yml | YAML | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | 1 | 2016-07-04T23:56:56.000Z | 2016-07-04T23:56:56.000Z | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | null | null | null | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | null | null | null | name: GM4_UndeadPlayers
main: co.gm4.GM4_UndeadPlayers.GM4_UndeadPlayers
author: OSX
version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT | 27 | 48 | 0.842593 |
1e9fc562752f4a3ea9aa85948fccf3bbd1292871 | 106 | yml | YAML | src/main/resources/config.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | 1 | 2016-07-04T23:56:56.000Z | 2016-07-04T23:56:56.000Z | src/main/resources/config.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | null | null | null | src/main/resources/config.yml | 0-0-1/GM4_UndeadPlayers | 39a69651f68feb9d250908b343a5e225dfc5c44b | [
] | null | null | null | zombieName: Undead Player
canPickUpItems: true
nameTagVisible: true
canDespawn: false
accomplishedPlayers: | 21.2 | 25 | 0.867925 |
af565196088210ec0338671616e7c4366fe83028 | 1,465 | yml | YAML | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/SuperSmelter | c6693dbe38f1ee5783e0ef857647642c11568743 | [
] | null | null | null | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/SuperSmelter | c6693dbe38f1ee5783e0ef857647642c11568743 | [
] | null | null | null | src/main/resources/plugin.yml | 0-0-1/SuperSmelter | c6693dbe38f1ee5783e0ef857647642c11568743 | [
] | null | null | null | name: SuperSmelter
main: com.axeldios.SuperSmelter.SuperSmelter
version: 2.1c
author: AxelDios
website: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/supersmelter/
soft-depend: [Vault]
description: SuperSmelter Commands
usage: /ss give {player} {type}
description: Craft Type I SuperSmelters
default: op
description: Place Type I SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Use Type I SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Buy Type I SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Craft Type II SuperSmelters
default: op
description: Place Type II SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Use Type II SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Buy Type II SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Craft Type III SuperSmelters
default: op
description: Place Type III SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Use Type III SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Buy Type III SuperSmelters
default: false
description: Give Command
default: op
description: Ability to setup frame shops
default: op
| 26.160714 | 59 | 0.729693 |
da93906555def27e6a5e3426ad82eda54fd03592 | 773 | yml | YAML | .travis.yml | 0-0-a/BilibiliHelper | f8da44baac33c5b3e59dafe8b7e4065b0f8dee1e | [
] | 2 | 2019-05-09T01:23:19.000Z | 2019-05-09T02:40:29.000Z | .travis.yml | flasco/BilibiliHelper | 21af6fc41ae69c11a1b92461aa567ec680f5416c | [
] | null | null | null | .travis.yml | flasco/BilibiliHelper | 21af6fc41ae69c11a1b92461aa567ec680f5416c | [
] | null | null | null | sudo: required
language: bash
services: docker
- docker login -u="$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p="$DOCKER_PASSWORD"
- sudo curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metowolf/docker-builder/master/scripts/publish.sh -o /usr/local/bin/docker-publish
- sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-publish
- |
set -Eeuo pipefail
set -x
docker build -t travis .
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
image_version=`cat package.json | grep 'version' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'`
if [ ! "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then
docker-publish travis metowolf/bilibilihelper:${image_version} 2
- docker images
| 26.655172 | 133 | 0.645537 |
4d4e552e7b2ef8966ef3fdd725bbc2d81c2351e4 | 6,039 | yml | YAML | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/game-packages | f0c6517c0c1120f94016fd11a8d5e44ed006e196 | [
] | 1 | 2021-02-26T06:59:30.000Z | 2021-02-26T06:59:30.000Z | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/game-packages | f0c6517c0c1120f94016fd11a8d5e44ed006e196 | [
] | null | null | null | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/game-packages | f0c6517c0c1120f94016fd11a8d5e44ed006e196 | [
] | null | null | null | name: Packages
- master
- 'packages/**'
- 'packages/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
ANDROID_HOME: "/opt/termux/android-sdk"
NDK: "/opt/termux/android-ndk"
target_arch: [aarch64, arm, i686, x86_64]
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 1000
- name: Free additional disk space on host
run: |
sudo apt purge -yq $(dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -P '(cabal-|dotnet-|ghc-|libmono|php)') \
liblldb-6.0 libllvm6.0:amd64 mono-runtime-common monodoc-manual powershell ruby
sudo apt autoremove -yq
- name: Build
run: |
BASE_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.base.sha "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
OLD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[0].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
HEAD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[-1].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
if [ "$BASE_COMMIT" = "null" ]; then
if [ "$OLD_COMMIT" = "$HEAD_COMMIT" ]; then
# Single-commit push.
echo "Processing commit: ${HEAD_COMMIT}"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${HEAD_COMMIT}")
# Multi-commit push.
echo "Processing commit range: ${OLD_COMMIT}..${HEAD_COMMIT}"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${OLD_COMMIT}" "${HEAD_COMMIT}")
# Pull requests.
echo "Processing pull request #$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.number "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"): ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${BASE_COMMIT}" "HEAD")
mkdir -p ./artifacts ./debs
# Process tag '%ci:no-build' that may be added as line to commit message.
# Forces CI to cancel current build with status 'passed'.
if grep -qiP '^\s*%ci:no-build\s*$' <(git log --format="%B" -n 1 "HEAD"); then
echo "[!] Force exiting as tag '%ci:no-build' was applied to HEAD commit message."
exit 0
# Remove duplicates and deleted packages from $PACKAGE_NAMES.
# Write names of deleted packages to a list that will be passed to upload job for
# further processing.
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -nE 's@^packages/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/.*)?$@\1@p' <<< "$CHANGED_FILES" | sort | uniq)
for pkg in $PACKAGE_NAMES; do
if [ ! -d "./packages/${pkg}" ]; then
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -E "s/(^|\s\s*)${pkg}(\$|\s\s*)/ /g" <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES")
echo "$pkg" >> ./deleted_packages.txt
# Remove trailing spaces.
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES")
# Process added or updated packages. Create a list of packages for further processing
# in upload job.
if [ -n "$PACKAGE_NAMES" ]; then
./scripts/lint-packages.sh $(echo "$PACKAGE_NAMES" | grep -P '^[a-zA-Z0-9]' | awk '{ print "./packages/"$0"/build.sh" }')
./start-builder.sh ./build-package.sh -a ${{ matrix.target_arch }} -I ${PACKAGE_NAMES}
echo "${PACKAGE_NAMES}" > ./built_packages.txt
test -d ./termux-packages/debs && mv ./termux-packages/debs/* ./debs/
# Put package lists into directory with *.deb files so they will be transferred to
# upload job.
test -f ./built_packages.txt && mv ./built_packages.txt ./debs/
test -f ./deleted_packages.txt && mv ./deleted_packages.txt ./debs/
# Files containing certain symbols (e.g. ":") will cause failure in actions/upload-artifact.
# Archiving *.deb files in a tarball to avoid issues with uploading.
tar cf artifacts/debs-${{ matrix.target_arch }}-${{ github.sha }}.tar debs
- name: Checksums for built *.deb files
run: |
find debs -type f -name "*.deb" -exec sha256sum "{}" \; | sort -k2
- name: Store *.deb files
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: game-packages-${{ github.sha }}
path: ./artifacts
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
needs: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get *.deb files
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: game-packages-${{ github.sha }}
path: ./
- name: Upload to bintray.com
run: |
for i in debs-*.tar; do
tar xf $i
TO_DELETE=$(test -f ./debs/deleted_packages.txt && cat ./debs/deleted_packages.txt || true)
if [ -n "$TO_DELETE" ]; then
./scripts/package_uploader.sh -d $TO_DELETE
TO_UPLOAD=$(test -f ./debs/built_packages.txt && cat ./debs/built_packages.txt || true)
if [ -n "$TO_UPLOAD" ]; then
./scripts/package_uploader.sh -p ./debs $TO_UPLOAD
- name: Setup ssh key and known_hosts
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "${{ secrets.KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY }}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.SSHKEY }}"
- name: Upload to grimler.se
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
run: |
# Zip the deb archives to only do one transfer to the repo.
# This makes it easier to parse it, we can run one update job
# instead of one for each arch on the server.
archive="game-packages-${{ github.sha }}.zip"
zip $archive debs-*-${{ github.sha }}.tar
sftp -P ${{ secrets.PORT }} ${{ secrets.USER }}@grimler.se <<EOF
put $archive /debs/
| 41.9375 | 131 | 0.580229 |
b05d56d16d4b1a4f5b3ffb98f3efc7ad9a789f17 | 6,049 | yml | YAML | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/termux-root-packages | 94c79a66e26523e0802ed09588205ee09d0d7400 | [
] | 1 | 2021-02-26T06:49:56.000Z | 2021-02-26T06:49:56.000Z | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/termux-root-packages | 94c79a66e26523e0802ed09588205ee09d0d7400 | [
] | null | null | null | .github/workflows/packages.yml | 0-09/termux-root-packages | 94c79a66e26523e0802ed09588205ee09d0d7400 | [
] | null | null | null | name: Packages
- master
- 'packages/**'
- 'packages/**'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
ANDROID_HOME: "/opt/termux/android-sdk"
NDK: "/opt/termux/android-ndk"
target_arch: [aarch64, arm, i686, x86_64]
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 1000
- name: Free additional disk space on host
run: |
sudo apt purge -yq $(dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -P '(cabal-|dotnet-|ghc-|libmono|php)') \
liblldb-6.0 libllvm6.0:amd64 mono-runtime-common monodoc-manual powershell ruby
sudo apt autoremove -yq
- name: Build
run: |
BASE_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.base.sha "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
OLD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[0].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
HEAD_COMMIT=$(jq --raw-output .commits[-1].id "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
if [ "$BASE_COMMIT" = "null" ]; then
if [ "$OLD_COMMIT" = "$HEAD_COMMIT" ]; then
# Single-commit push.
echo "Processing commit: ${HEAD_COMMIT}"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${HEAD_COMMIT}")
# Multi-commit push.
echo "Processing commit range: ${OLD_COMMIT}..${HEAD_COMMIT}"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${OLD_COMMIT}" "${HEAD_COMMIT}")
# Pull requests.
echo "Processing pull request #$(jq --raw-output .pull_request.number "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH"): ${BASE_COMMIT}..HEAD"
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${BASE_COMMIT}" "HEAD")
mkdir -p ./artifacts ./debs
# Process tag '%ci:no-build' that may be added as line to commit message.
# Forces CI to cancel current build with status 'passed'.
if grep -qiP '^\s*%ci:no-build\s*$' <(git log --format="%B" -n 1 "HEAD"); then
echo "[!] Force exiting as tag '%ci:no-build' was applied to HEAD commit message."
exit 0
# Remove duplicates and deleted packages from $PACKAGE_NAMES.
# Write names of deleted packages to a list that will be passed to upload job for
# further processing.
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -nE 's@^packages/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/.*)?$@\1@p' <<< "$CHANGED_FILES" | sort | uniq)
for pkg in $PACKAGE_NAMES; do
if [ ! -d "./packages/${pkg}" ]; then
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed -E "s/(^|\s\s*)${pkg}(\$|\s\s*)/ /g" <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES")
echo "$pkg" >> ./deleted_packages.txt
# Remove trailing spaces.
PACKAGE_NAMES=$(sed 's/[[:blank:]]*$//' <<< "$PACKAGE_NAMES")
# Process added or updated packages. Create a list of packages for further processing
# in upload job.
if [ -n "$PACKAGE_NAMES" ]; then
./scripts/lint-packages.sh $(echo "$PACKAGE_NAMES" | grep -P '^[a-zA-Z0-9]' | awk '{ print "./packages/"$0"/build.sh" }')
./start-builder.sh ./build-package.sh -a ${{ matrix.target_arch }} -I ${PACKAGE_NAMES}
echo "${PACKAGE_NAMES}" > ./built_packages.txt
test -d ./termux-packages/debs && mv ./termux-packages/debs/* ./debs/
# Put package lists into directory with *.deb files so they will be transferred to
# upload job.
test -f ./built_packages.txt && mv ./built_packages.txt ./debs/
test -f ./deleted_packages.txt && mv ./deleted_packages.txt ./debs/
# Files containing certain symbols (e.g. ":") will cause failure in actions/upload-artifact.
# Archiving *.deb files in a tarball to avoid issues with uploading.
tar cf artifacts/debs-${{ matrix.target_arch }}.tar debs
- name: Store *.deb files
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
name: termux-root-packages
path: ./artifacts
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
needs: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get *.deb files
uses: actions/download-artifact@v1
name: termux-root-packages
path: ./
- name: Upload to bintray.com
run: |
for i in debs-*.tar; do
tar xf $i
TO_DELETE=$(test -f ./debs/deleted_packages.txt && cat ./debs/deleted_packages.txt || true)
if [ -n "$TO_DELETE" ]; then
./scripts/package_uploader.sh -d $TO_DELETE
TO_UPLOAD=$(test -f ./debs/built_packages.txt && cat ./debs/built_packages.txt || true)
if [ -n "$TO_UPLOAD" ]; then
./scripts/package_uploader.sh -p ./debs $TO_UPLOAD
- name: Setup ssh key and known_hosts
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "${{ secrets.KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY }}" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.SSHKEY }}"
- name: Get *.deb files
uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
name: termux-root-packages
- name: Upload to grimler.se
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
run: |
# Zip the deb archives to only do one transfer to the repo.
# This makes it easier to parse it, we can run one update job
# instead of one for each arch on the server.
archive="termux-root-packages-$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 6).zip"
zip $archive debs-aarch64.tar debs-arm.tar debs-i686.tar debs-x86_64.tar
sftp -P ${{ secrets.PORT }} ${{ secrets.USER }}@grimler.se <<EOF
put $archive /debs/
| 41.717241 | 131 | 0.585717 |
6f679ae843c462ec6c28dd5709df52c61dc48ad7 | 109 | yml | YAML | .travis.yml | 0-1-0/paperclip-ffmpeg | 99160a0ed2ef27d823451dbe85f8a49ef11ff8b1 | [
] | null | null | null | .travis.yml | 0-1-0/paperclip-ffmpeg | 99160a0ed2ef27d823451dbe85f8a49ef11ff8b1 | [
] | null | null | null | .travis.yml | 0-1-0/paperclip-ffmpeg | 99160a0ed2ef27d823451dbe85f8a49ef11ff8b1 | [
] | null | null | null | language: ruby
- 2.1.2
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
| 15.571429 | 34 | 0.678899 |
35c1d62fc391367020f069abbebae7fd60aff2ea | 624 | yml | YAML | _config.yml | 0-9x/github-pages-with-jekyll | d82c7ec1f8e7a30568fddcacaaeb750b2055ac67 | [
] | null | null | null | _config.yml | 0-9x/github-pages-with-jekyll | d82c7ec1f8e7a30568fddcacaaeb750b2055ac67 | [
] | 4 | 2020-10-11T12:17:07.000Z | 2020-10-11T13:02:18.000Z | _config.yml | 0-9x/github-pages-with-jekyll | d82c7ec1f8e7a30568fddcacaaeb750b2055ac67 | [
] | null | null | null | title: hi
author: io
email: [email protected]
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
theme: minima
# social links
twitter_username: your-twitter-handle # DO NOT include the @ character, or else the build will fail!
github_username: your-github-handle # DO NOT include the @ character, or else the build will fail!
show_excerpts: true # set to false to remove excerpts on the homepage
| 44.571429 | 100 | 0.772436 |
9154d4ae6d5d5b1a16e509e3ae8deba765eb3237 | 92 | yml | YAML | _data/defaults.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | _data/defaults.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | _data/defaults.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | home:
heading: "0-auth TWL"
subheading: "This week We Learn"
banner: "Your image url"
| 18.4 | 34 | 0.673913 |
0a96134dee3d10a34907eb086e33d6e30f4f931f | 6,275 | yml | YAML | _config.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | _config.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | _config.yml | 0-Auth/0-auth.github.io | ea30e482a591eaf5c4f1e7b02c12b5d888188440 | [
] | null | null | null | # Welcome to Jekyll!
# About Theme
# Yet another theme for elegant writers with modern flat style and beautiful
# night/dark mode.
# Website: https://github.com/jeffreytse/jekyll-theme-yat
# You can do anything you want, including projects for your clients, as long
# as you mention an attribution back (credit links in footer or project).
# See the LICENCE file.
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you
# use 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart
# the server process.
# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: 0-auth TWL
email: [email protected]
author: 0-auth
# Copyright setting
# You can use any html code, currently below placeholders are available:
# * current year: {currentYear}
# * author: {author} (Value is the same as site.author)
# * copyright: (c) - ©
# * copyleft: (cleft)
# * sound recording copyright: (p) - ℗
# For example:
# "Copyright (c) 2017-{currentYear} <a href="https://example.com">{author}</a>"
# "Copyright © 2017-2021 Foobar"
copyright: "Unpublished Work (cleft) 2022-{currentYear} {author}"
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. https://example.com
favicon: "" # the favicon for your site
# Yat date format
# refer to https://shopify.github.io/liquid/filters/date/ if you want to customize this
date_format: "%b %d, %Y"
# If you want more debug log, you can set true
# debug: false
# If you don't want transparent header, you can set false
# header_transparent: true
# If you want to change the content width, you can set to another value
# content_width: "920px"
# Google analytics
# google_analytics: [Tracking ID]
# If you want to generate website sitemap, you can set true
# sitemap: false
# If you want to change site language, you can set lang option
# lang: "en" # default lang is en
# Translate languges
# langs refer to https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages
# translate_langs:
# - lang: en
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/united-states-of-america/flag-400.png
# text: English
# - lang: fr
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/france/flag-400.png
# text: French
# - lang: zh-CN
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/china/flag-400.png
# text: Chinese(Simple)
# - lang: ja
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/japan/flag-400.png
# text: Japanese
# - lang: ko
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/south-korea/flag-400.png
# text: Korean
# - lang: ru
# img: https://cdn.countryflags.com/thumbs/russia/flag-400.png
# text: Russian
# You can choose a theme color
# Default theme colors as below:
# coolblack: #090a0b
# spacegrey: #353535
# snowwhite: #ffffff
# theme_color: snowwhite
# Custom color as below:
# theme_color: "#882250"
# You can choose a brand color
# Default brand colors as below:
# orangered: #ff5100
# greatgold: #f2cb05
# greenblue: #389092
# brand_color: orangered
# Custom color as below:
# brand_color: "#1a8e42"
# Night/Dark mode
# Default mode is "auto", "auto" is for auto nightshift
# (19:00 - 07:00), "manual" is for manual toggle, and
# "on/off" is for default on/off.
# Whatever the user's choice is, it will supersede the
# default setting of the site and be kept during the
# visit (session). Only the dark mode setting is"manual",
# it will be always kept on every visit (i.e. no matter
# the browser is closed or not)
# night_mode: "auto"
# Code badge setting
# You can enable or disable the code badge and so on
# code_badge:
# enabled: "true"
# color: "#fff"
# background_color: "#ff4e00"
# text_transform: "uppercase" # ("uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize")
# If you want to link only specific pages in your header, uncomment
# this and add the path to the pages in order as they should show up
# header_pages:
# - index.html
# - archives.html
# - categories.html
# - tags.html
# - about.md
# Page default value
# defaults:
# home:
# heading: "Your awesome heading"
# subheading: "Your awesome subheading"
# banner: "Your image url"
# Banner default settings
# These banner settings are for global banner default, but you can also
# config it by the front matter for one specific 2022-03-10-TWL-01-React-동작원리
# banner:
# video: null # Video banner source
# loop: true # Video loop
# volume: 0 # Video volume (100% is 1.0)
# start_at: 0 # Video start time
# image: null # Image banner source
# opacity: 1.0 # Banner opacity (100% is 1.0)
# background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" # Banner background (Could be a image)
# height: "640px" # Banner default height
# min_height: null # Banner minimum height
# heading_style: null # Custom heading style (e.g. "font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline")
# subheading_style: null # Custom subheading style (e.g. color: gold)
# Excerpt size setting
# excerpt_size: 350
# Pagination setting
# paginate: 5
# Disqus comments
# disqus:
# shortname: "Your Disqus username"
# Gitment comments
# gitment:
# username: "Your GitHub username"
# repo: "The repo to store comments"
# client_id: "Your client ID"
# client_secret: "Your client secret"
# redirect_uri: "Your redirect url" # If you use a custom domain name
# Build settings
# highlighter: none
markdown: kramdown
input: GFM
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-spaceship
| 30.023923 | 105 | 0.692908 |
d11a8ed2af9a0d7e60d9dd51811f2dd9682ce98d | 1,800 | yml | YAML | .github/workflows/CI.yml | 0-Auth/0Auth | b9b91315a7f654b6a1f6fde1bde0bec5021bd547 | [
] | 12 | 2020-08-17T06:11:18.000Z | 2022-03-10T22:49:11.000Z | .github/workflows/CI.yml | 0-Auth/0Auth | b9b91315a7f654b6a1f6fde1bde0bec5021bd547 | [
] | 43 | 2020-07-16T13:55:38.000Z | 2020-11-07T05:11:12.000Z | .github/workflows/CI.yml | 0-Auth/0Auth | b9b91315a7f654b6a1f6fde1bde0bec5021bd547 | [
] | 5 | 2020-07-16T11:53:14.000Z | 2022-01-06T05:22:40.000Z | # This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest]
fail-fast: false
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: '12.x'
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install
- name: Lint Code
run: yarn lint
name: Run 0Auth tests code
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
fail-fast: false
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Cache node modules
uses: actions/cache@v2
cache-name: cache-node-modules
# npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS
path: ~/.npm
key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-
${{ runner.os }}-build-
${{ runner.os }}-
- name: Use Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: '12.x'
- name: Install dependencies
run: yarn install
- name: Test Code
run: yarn test
| 26.470588 | 98 | 0.604444 |
35f4ea49713900733fc2a60eba21cb97d24f8f43 | 722 | yml | YAML | .github/workflows/deploy.yml | 0-Chan/0-Chan.github.io | 70dc1c64c06e57727fa3eeed7e77e7e6f995adc3 | [
] | null | null | null | .github/workflows/deploy.yml | 0-Chan/0-Chan.github.io | 70dc1c64c06e57727fa3eeed7e77e7e6f995adc3 | [
] | null | null | null | .github/workflows/deploy.yml | 0-Chan/0-Chan.github.io | 70dc1c64c06e57727fa3eeed7e77e7e6f995adc3 | [
] | null | null | null | name: Gatsby Publish
- main
- '**/README.md'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/[email protected]
node-version: '12.x'
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.npm
key: ${{ runner.os }}-node-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-node-
- uses: enriikke/gatsby-gh-pages-action@v2
access-token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}
deploy-branch: gh-pages
skip-publish: false
| 21.235294 | 77 | 0.520776 |
d60adf11d057a04266afaca92c064eddfe7c23e0 | 1,174 | yml | YAML | docs/_config.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 56 | 2019-01-18T15:38:15.000Z | 2022-03-19T12:36:03.000Z | docs/_config.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 34 | 2019-01-25T20:16:05.000Z | 2022-02-16T18:43:15.000Z | docs/_config.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 9 | 2019-01-21T07:07:07.000Z | 2021-08-31T20:05:38.000Z | # Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ site.email }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
title: Presence Publisher
description: ' '
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman
# Exclude from processing.
# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
# to override the default setting.
# exclude:
# - Gemfile
# - Gemfile.lock
# - node_modules
# - vendor/bundle/
# - vendor/cache/
# - vendor/gems/
# - vendor/ruby/
| 34.529412 | 89 | 0.73339 |
c128bf35e59d903609e3568beec5acc36f9924c1 | 695 | yml | YAML | .github/workflows/android.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 56 | 2019-01-18T15:38:15.000Z | 2022-03-19T12:36:03.000Z | .github/workflows/android.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 34 | 2019-01-25T20:16:05.000Z | 2022-02-16T18:43:15.000Z | .github/workflows/android.yml | 0-Rainer-Stoff-0/PresencePublisher | 846618bc9f4355eb8a5d2c0efef7a2e9c26034bc | [
] | 9 | 2019-01-21T07:07:07.000Z | 2021-08-31T20:05:38.000Z | name: Android CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: set up JDK 1.8
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: 1.8
- name: Build with Gradle
run: ./gradlew build
- name: Check notice file
run: ./gradlew checkUpdatedLicenseFile
- name: Archive debug apk
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: debug-apk
path: app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
- name: Archive reports
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: reports
path: app/build/reports/
| 23.166667 | 57 | 0.578417 |
3378aa9ac0b92e0672321a7783d2b01920face59 | 12,062 | yml | YAML | support/azure/active-directory/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/azure/active-directory/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/azure/active-directory/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | - name: Welcome
href: welcome-azure-ad.yml
- name: Active Directory (Hybrid)
- name: Can't verify account when resetting password
href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md
- name: Fail to convert domain to Standard
href: convert-domain-federated.md
- name: Maximum number of devices is reached
href: maximum-number-of-devices-joined-workplace.md
- name: Unable to register a device
href: cant-connect-service-error-register-device.md
- name: App Integration and Development
- name: Troubleshoot adding apps
href: troubleshoot-adding-apps.md
- name: Troubleshoot sign-in to SAML-based SSO apps
- name: Error AADSTS50003 - certificate or key not configured
href: error-code-AADSTS50003-cert-or-key-not-configured.md
- name: Error AADSTS50011 - reply URL mismatch
href: error-code-AADSTS50011-reply-url-mismatch.md
- name: Error AADSTS50105 - user not assigned a role
href: error-code-AADSTS50105-user-not-assigned-role.md
- name: Error AADSTS650056 - misconfigured app
href: error-code-AADSTS650056-misconfigured-app.md
- name: Error AADSTS70001 - app not found in directory
href: error-code-AADSTS70001-app-not-found-in-directory.md
- name: Error AADSTS75011 - authentication method mismatch
href: error-code-AADSTS75011-auth-method-mismatch.md
- name: Error AADSTS75005 - not a valid saml request
href: error-code-AADSTS75005-not-a-valid-saml-request.md
- name: Error AADSTS750054 - SAML request or response not present
href: error-code-AADSTS750054-saml-request-not-present.md
- name: Troubleshoot signing in to SAML-based single sign-on configured apps
href: troubleshoot-sign-in-saml-based-apps.md
- name: User redirected to incorrect reply URL or localhost
href: reply-url-redirected-to-localhost.md
- name: Business to Consumer
- name: An exception occurs in application
href: server-error-application-exception.md
- name: Can't delete a directory
href: cannot-delete-directory.md
- name: Fail to sign in to application
href: error-sign-into-app.md
- name: Server Error in '/' Application error in application
href: server-error-application.md
- name: Directories, Domains, and Objects
- name: Can't delete a directory using portal
href: cannot-delete-directory-azure-portal.md
- name: Can't open Azure AD Module PowerShell
href: cant-open-aad-module-powershell.md
- name: Can't verify account when resetting password
href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md
- name: Method invocation failed error in Azure PowerShell
href: method-invocation-failed-error.md
- name: Password changes aren't saved
href: pwd-change-not-save.md
- name: Perform a Workplace Join using DRS
href: cant-perform-workplace-join.md
- name: Remove duplicate mobile device management objects
href: remove-duplicate-mobile-device-management.md
- name: Remove user from recycle bin
href: remove-msoluser-user-not-found-recyclebin.md
- name: Set up your enterprise for working remotely FAQ
href: faq-set-up-enterprise-work-remotely.yml
- name: The term is not recognized error in Azure PowerShell
href: term-cmdlet-name-not-recognized-aad-cmdlet.md
- name: Troubleshoot dynamic groups
href: troubleshoot-dynamic-groups.md
- name: Governance, Compliance and Reporting
- name: Audit Logs
- name: Unknown Actors in Audit Reports
href: unknown-actors-in-audit-reports.md
- name: Sign-in Activity Reports
- name: Verify 1st party Microsoft apps in sign-in reports
href: verify-first-party-apps-sign-in.md
- name: Sign-in and Multi-factor authentication
- name: An unknown error occurred
href: unknown-error-occurred-sign-in-assistant.md
- name: Authorization_RequestDenied error when changing password
href: authorization-request-denied-graph-api.md
- name: Can't authenticate using ADAL
href: adal-authenticate-android-devices-fail.md
- name: Can't perform a Workplace Join
href: confirm-signin-info-workplace-join.md
- name: Can't sync SystemMailbox or DiscoveryMailboxSearch accounts
href: unable-sync-system-discovery-mailbox.md
- name: Can't verify account when resetting password
href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md
- name: Code 403 Forbidden error when using SSO
href: code-403-azure-seamless-sso-win10.md
- name: Connect-MsolService fails with access denied error
href: cannot-connect-cloud-services-powershell.md
- name: ESR settings don't sync
href: esr-settings-not-sync-mfa-enabled.md
- name: Enable support for TLS 1.2 in your environment
href: enable-support-tls-environment.md
- name: Federated user is forced to sign in
href: federated-users-forced-sign-in.md
- name: Federated user is prompted to enter credentials
href: federated-user-prompt-enter-credentials.md
- name: Federated users sign in two times
href: federated-users-sign-in-two-times-mfa.md
- name: Federation service identifier is already in use
href: federation-service-identifier-specified.md
- name: MFA users aren't prompted for a second verification
href: multi-factor-auth-second-verification.md
- name: No response received when resetting password
href: unable-reset-pwd-response-call.md
- name: Request isn't processed when resetting password
href: request-not-processed-reset-pwd.md
- name: Reset MFA setting after phone number changes
href: cannot-use-mfa-signin-lose-phone.md
- name: Settings aren't sync between devices
href: event-id-6065-user-cant-sign.md
- name: Split-brain DNS configuration
href: faulty-split-brain-dns-configuration-prevent-sso.md
- name: The MFA status is displayed incorrectly
href: user-displayed-disabled-or-enabled-mfa.md
- name: Troubleshoot account lockout
href: account-lockout-adfs-window-server.md
- name: Troubleshoot MFA issues
href: troubleshoot-azure-mfa-issue.md
- name: Troubleshooting MFA issues
href: troubleshoot-azure-mfa-issue.md
- name: User name or password is incorrect
href: user-name-pwd-incorrect.md
- name: Unexpected error when resetting password
href: unexpected-error-reset-pwd.md
- name: Verify account error when resetting password
href: cannot-verify-account-reset-pwd.md
- name: User Provisioning and Synchronization
- name: Administrator credentials error
href: admin-credentials-supplied-not-valid.md
- name: Azure AD Connect hangs during importing
href: aad-management-agent-hangs-during-import.md
- name: Azure AD Connect won't work after upgrading
href: cannot-work-automatic-upgrade.md
- name: Can't connect to Azure RMS
href: fail-connect-azure-information-protection-PowerShell.md
- name: Can't enable Device writeback
href: Cannot-enable-device-writeback.md
- name: Can't manage or remove objects
href: cannot-manage-objects.md
- name: Can't run DirSyncConfigShell.psc1
href: load-file-or-assembly-error.md
- name: Can't sign in after converting domain
href: cannot-signin-convert-domain-federated.md
- name: Can't sync system mailbox
href: unable-sync-system-discovery-mailbox.md
- name: Can't verify account when resetting password
href: could-not-verify-account-reset-pwd.md
- name: Changes to mail-enabled security group don't sync
href: sg-mail-enabled-sync.md
- name: Computer startup delays
href: computers-3-hour-delay-boot.md
- name: Directory sync to Azure stops
href: directory-sync-stop-register.md
- name: Email addresses aren't synced
href: email-addresses-not-sync.md
- name: Enable password hash sync
href: pwd-hash-sync-auto-enable.md
- name: Enable support for TLS 1.2 in your environment
href: enable-support-tls-environment.md
- name: Error code 1603 in Azure AD Connect
href: upgrade-fails-error-code-1603.md
- name: Error 80070005 in Azure AD Sync Services config wizard
href: aad-sync-services-config-wizard-error.md
- name: Errors with event ID 6301 after installing Azure AD Connect
href: tvp-errors-when-AADConnect-installed-on-Windows-Server-2019.md
- name: Fail to get address for method
href: failed-get-address-method.md
- name: Fail to install Azure AD Module
href: unable-install-aad-module-powershell.md
- name: Fail to sync domain-based filtering changes
href: domain-based-filtering-fail-sync.md
- name: High CPU usage when using Azure AD Connect
href: high-cpu-usage.md
- name: Identity sync client can't authenticate
href: unable-communicate-windows-service.md
- name: Logon failure with 1789 error
href: error-code-1789-configuration-wizard.md
- name: Must join domain error when installing sync tool
href: computer-must-joined-domain.md
- name: Number is added to username
href: number-add-username-email-address.md
- name: Number of objects are exceeded
href: exceed-number-objects-synced.md
- name: Object deletions aren't synched
href: object-deletions-not-sync.md
- name: One or more objects don't sync
href: objects-dont-sync-ad-sync-tool.md
- name: Outdate information is displayed
href: outdate-information-displays.md
- name: Password hash sync stops work
href: pwd-hash-sync-stop-work-fim.md
- name: Password isn't sync after reset
href: pwd-not-sync.md
- name: Password sync fails with event ID 611
href: pwd-hash-sync-stops-work.md
- name: ProxyAddresses attribute in Azure AD
href: proxyaddresses-attribute-populate.md
- name: Request isn't processed when resetting password
href: request-not-processed-reset-pwd.md
- name: RPC errors affecting AADConnect
href: rpc-errors-affecting-aadconnect.md
- name: Scripts cannot be loaded
href: cannot-run-scripts-powershell.md
- name: Separate passwords required
href: separate-pwds-required-computer-work-account.md
- name: Slow performance and high CPU usage
href: slow-performance-high-cpu-usage.md
- name: Subdomains and parent domains management
href: manage-sub-parent-domain.md
- name: Sync services don't start
href: services-sync-not-start.md
- name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Connect installation issues
href: installation-issues.md
- name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Sync installation issues
href: installation-configuration-wizard-errors.md
- name: Troubleshoot Azure AD Connect objects and attributes
href: troubleshoot-aad-connect-objects-attributes.md
- name: Troubleshoot Certificate-Based Authentication issues
href: certificate-based-authenticate-issue.md
- name: Troubleshoot password sync issues
href: troubleshoot-pwd-sync.md
- name: Unable to add subdomain
href: new-msoldomain-cmdle-add-subdomain.md
- name: Unable to authenticate your credentials
href: unable-authenticate-credentials.md
- name: Unable to configure password writeback
href: unable-configure-pwd-writeback-error.md
- name: Unknown error 0x80005000
href: unknown-error-0x80005000.md
- name: UPN matching for identity sync
href: use-upn-matching-identity-sync.md
- name: User object is missing or filtered
href: user-object-missing-filtered.md
- name: User's primary group is excluded
href: exclude-user-primary-group.md
- name: Yellow exclamation mark in Office 2013
href: yellow-exclamation-mark-office2013.md
- name: Integration issues
- name: Fail to sign out
href: unable-sign-out-online-services.md
- name: Reference
- name: Enable trace for Online Services Sign-in Assistant
href: enable-disable-trace-online-services.md
- name: IdFix.exe is not a valid Win32 application
href: idfix-not-valid-win32-application.md
- name: Security context is not associated in IdFix
href: security-context-not-associate-domian.md
- name: Support data collection
href: support-data-collection-diagnostic-logs.md
| 43.861818 | 82 | 0.739595 |
d58beb746247af6bfe12277cbcbfcea8df484cbb | 66,685 | yml | YAML | support/windows-client/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/windows-client/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/windows-client/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | - name: Windows Client
href: welcome-windows-client.yml
- name: Active Directory
- name: Active Directory
href: ./identity/active-directory-overview.md
- name: Schema update - known issues, best practices, workflow review
- name: Error when checking domain object property
href: ./identity/error-when-checking-domain-object-property.md
- name: User, computer, group, and object management
- name: Known issues for managing Group Policy clients
href: ./identity/known-issues-for-group-policy-clients.md
- name: The LsaLookupSids function returns the old user name
href: ./identity/lsalookupsids-function-not-return-new-user-name.md
- name: UAC blocks elevation of executable applications
href: ./identity/uac-blocks-elevation-executable-apps.md
- name: Windows Time Service
- name: W32Time doesn't start automatically
href: ./identity/w32time-not-start-on-workgroup.md
- name: Admin Development
- name: Admin Development
href: ./admin-development/admin-development-overview.md
- name: Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI)
- name: User authentication issues with ADSI WinNT provider
href: ./admin-development/adsi-winnt-provider-user-authentication-issues.md
- name: Windows Script Host (WSH)
- name: Create desktop shortcuts with WSH
href: ./admin-development/create-desktop-shortcut-with-wsh.md
- name: Application Management
- name: Application Management
href: ./application-management/application-management-overview.md
- name: .NET Framework installation
- name: .NET Framework 3.5 installation errors
href: ./application-management/dotnet-framework-35-installation-error.md
- name: Performance of System.Diagnostics.StackFrame degrades
href: ./application-management/system-diagnostics-stackframe-performance-degrades.md
- name: 1st Party Applications
- name: 64-bit versions of Windows don't support 16-bit applications
href: ./application-management/x64-windows-not-support-16-bit-programs.md
- name: Third-party virtualization applications don't work with Hyper-V
href: ./application-management/virtualization-apps-not-work-with-hyper-v.md
- name: Registering OCX and DLL files as System Globals
href: ./application-management/registering-ocx-dll-files-system-globals.md
- name: Registry key WOW6432Node is listed on x86 machines
href: ./application-management/wow6432node-registry-key-present-32-bit-machine.md
- name: COM and COM+ performance and stability
- name: COM port settings revert to the default
href: ./application-management/com-port-settings-reset-to-default.md
- name: Printer VBScript error 0x1A8
href: ./application-management/printer-vbscript-error-0x1a8-object-required.md
- name: USMT 4.0 migration from x86 to x64 results in corrupted COM+ components
href: ./application-management/usmt-4-migrate-from-x86-to-x64-com-plus-component-corrupt.md
- name: COM+ administration, configuration, and security
- name: Error 0x8007000e when calling objects from one process to another by COM+
href: ./application-management/0x8007000e-call-objects-from-one-process-to-another-with-complus.md
- name: DCOM service startup and permissions
- name: Event 10016 when accessing DCOM components
href: ./application-management/event-10016-logged-when-accessing-dcom.md
- name: Modern, Inbox and Microsoft Store Apps
- name: Microsoft Store app package updates are available
href: ./application-management/windows-81-microsoft-store-app-package-updates.md
- name: MSI
- name: 0x80070BC9 error when installing MSI package
href: ./application-management/0x80070bc9-error-while-installing-msi-package.md
- name: Can't uninstall an application
href: ./application-management/error-opening-installation-log-file.md
- name: Enable Windows Installer logging
href: ./application-management/enable-windows-installer-logging.md
- name: Installed programs are incorrectly displayed
href: ./application-management/add-remove-programs-displays-programs-incorrectly.md
- name: VersionNT value for Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019
href: ./application-management/versionnt-value-for-windows-10-server.md
- name: Multilingual User Interface (MUI) and Input Method Editor (IME)
- name: Can not link TextService in Eudcedit.exe
href: ./application-management/cannot-link-textservice-eudcedit.md
- name: Windows Script Host (CScript or WScript)
- name: Change registry values or permissions
href: ./application-management/change-registry-values-permissions.md
- name: App-V
- name: App-V
href: ./app-v/app-v-overview.md
- name: Administration
- name: Launch processes inside the App-V 5.0 virtualized environment
href: ./app-v/launch-processes-inside-app-v-5-virtualized-environment.md
- name: Application does not load or run
- name: App-V v5 virtualized application fails with error 0xc0000142
href: ./app-v/app-v-v5-virtualized-application-fails-start-error-0xc0000142.md
- name: Installation and configuration
- name: Current list of App-V 5.x file versions
href: ./app-v/current-list-app-v-5-dot-x-file-versions.md
- name: Management Server issues
- name: HTTP Error 500.19 when launching App-V Management console
href: ./app-v/http-error-500dot19-launch-app-v-management.md
- name: Troubleshoot applications failing to stream from an App-V management server
href: ./app-v/applications-fail-to-stream-from-app-v-management-server.md
- name: Package conversion
- name: Adding a package version returns error 0x8007012F
href: ./app-v/adding-package-version-error-0x8007012f.md
- name: Remove a cached copy of an unpublished package
href: ./app-v/remove-cached-copy-unpublished-package-app-v-v5.md
- name: Publishing server issue
- name: Troubleshoot publishing server refresh failures in App-V v5
href: ./app-v/troubleshoot-publishing-server-refresh-failures-app-v-v5.md
- name: Backup and Storage
- name: Backup and Storage
href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-and-storage-overview.md
- name: Configuring and using Backup software
- name: Backup fails when you create system image
href: ./backup-and-storage/backup-fails-when-create-system-image.md
- name: Error 0x810000 when using the Backup and Restore Wizard
href: ./backup-and-storage/error-0x81000031-back-up-files-backup-restore-wizard.md
- name: System Image Recovery fails with 0x80070002 error
href: ./backup-and-storage/system-image-restore-failed-error-0x80070002.md
- name: Partition and volume management
- name: Access is denied error message
href: ./backup-and-storage/access-denied-error-appears-permissions-are-correct.md
- name: Event ID 8 is logged in Application log
href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-8-in-application-log.md
- name: Overview of FAT, HPFS, and NTFS file systems
href: ./backup-and-storage/fat-hpfs-and-ntfs-file-systems.md
- name: Storage hardware
- name: Event ID 158 is logged for identical disk GUIDs
href: ./backup-and-storage/event-id-158-for-identical-disk-guids.md
- name: Garmin USB devices don't work
href: ./backup-and-storage/garmin-usb-devices-not-working.md
- name: System Restore or resetting your computer
- name: How to use System Restore to log on
href: ./backup-and-storage/system-restore-log-on-lose-access-account.md
- name: System Restore fails with error 0x8007045b
href: ./backup-and-storage/system-restore-fail-error-0x8007045b.md
- name: Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
- name: Event IDs for Volsnap
href: ./backup-and-storage/e2e-event-ids-volsnap.md
- name: Most recent previous versions are missing for a share
href: ./backup-and-storage/most-recent-previous-versions-missing-for-share.md
- name: Deployment
- name: Deployment
href: ./deployment/deployment-overview.md
- name: Activation
- name: Activation failures on volume-licensed KMS clients
href: ./deployment/activation-failures-not-genuine-notifications-volume-licensed-kms-client.md
- name: Can't activate Windows 7 with KMS
href: ./deployment/cannot-activate-windows-from-oem.md
- name: Fail to open a list in VAMT 2.0
href: ./deployment/item-with-same-key-has-been-added.md
- name: How to validate the OEM activation key
href: ./deployment/validate-oem-activation-key.md
- name: KMS current count doesn't increase
href: ./deployment/kms-current-count-not-increase.md
- name: Devices and Drivers
- name: '"The operation timed out" error'
href: ./deployment/operation-timed-out-error-disk-management-console.md
- name: A description of the driver support
href: ./deployment/description-of-driver.md
- name: A high pitched noise is heard when using Bluetooth headphones
href: ./deployment/high-pitched-noise-is-heard.md
- name: Bluetooth speakers don't work after KB 4505903 is applied
href: ./deployment/bluetooth-speakers-not-work-after-KB4505903-installed.md
- name: Create a user-defined service
href: ./deployment/create-user-defined-service.md
- name: Desktop icon isn't visible in Extended mode
href: ./deployment/desktop-icon-not-visible-disconnect-hdmi-display.md
- name: Devices not working before you log on a computer
href: ./deployment/devices-not-working-before-log-on-computer.md
- name: Dynamic link library (DLL)
href: ./deployment/dynamic-link-library.md
- name: Error when you access a USB storage device
href: ./deployment/error-when-you-access-usb-storage-device.md
- name: Event ID 219 when a device is plugged into a Windows system
href: ./deployment/event-id-219-when-device-plugged-in-windows-system.md
- name: Event ID 7000 or 7026 after starting a computer
href: ./deployment/system-log-event-id-7000-7026.md
- name: Fail to attach PCI Express expansion chassis
href: ./deployment/error-attach-pci-express-expansion-chassis.md
- name: Firmware update failures in Windows 8.1
href: ./deployment/firmware-updates-fail-windows-8dot1.md
- name: Hide Devices in Devices and Printers
href: ./deployment/disable-devices-in-devices-and-printers.md
- name: How to use or to reference the Usbser.sys driver
href: ./deployment/how-to-use-reference-usbser-driver-universal-serial-bus.md
- name: Limitations of $WinPeDriver$
href: ./deployment/limitations-dollar-sign-winpedriver-dollar-sign.md
- name: LoadLibrary function returns STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND error on impersonate thread
href: ./deployment/loadlibrary-function-returns-status-dll-not-found-error-impersonate-thread.md
- name: Loss of functionality for Intel SMBus Controller devices
href: ./deployment/functionality-loss-for-intel-smbus-controller-device.md
- name: Media device isn't available
href: ./deployment/media-device-isnt-available.md
- name: Msinfo32.exe reports wrong values for Adapter RAM
href: ./deployment/msinfo32-report-wrong-display-adapter-ram.md
- name: Non-compliant USB 3.0 devices doesn't function
href: ./deployment/non-compliant-usb-3-devices-not-function.md
- name: Power Management tab isn't visible
href: ./deployment/power-management-not-visible-in-aoac-platform.md
- name: Running TPM Management console fails
href: ./deployment/cannot-load-tpm-management-console.md
- name: Uninstalling driver doesn't remove associated files
href: ./deployment/uninstalling-driver-not-remove-associated-files.md
- name: USB device drivers are removed unexpectedly after Windows 10 is updated
href: ./deployment/usb-device-drivers-removed-unexpectedly-after-windows-10-update.md
- name: Windows 10 doesn't install specific drivers for USB audio device
href: ./deployment/windows-10-not-install-specific-drivers-usb-audio-devices.md
- name: WSD devices icons show incorrectly
href: ./deployment/icons-wsd-devices-incorrectly-devices-printers.md
- name: Power Management
- name: Desktop wakes up unexpectedly from sleep or hibernation
href: ./deployment/desktop-wakes-up-unexpectedly-from-sleep-hibernation.md
- name: Devices attached to Thunderbolt Dock stop working
href: ./deployment/devices-connected-via-thunderbolt-dock-not-work.md
- name: Fast startup causes system shutdown
href: ./deployment/fast-startup-causes-system-hibernation-shutdown-fail.md
- name: Hard disk usage reaches 100 percent
href: ./deployment/hard-disk-usage-reaches-100-percent.md
- name: How to disable and re-enable hibernation
href: ./deployment/disable-and-re-enable-hibernation.md
- name: How to enable Wake on LAN
href: ./deployment/wake-on-lan-feature.md
- name: Power/shutdown button is missing from start screen
href: ./deployment/power-shutdown-button-missing.md
- name: The Power Management option isn't selected
href: ./deployment/power-management-option-isnt-selected.md
- name: Updates may not install with Fast Startup
href: ./deployment/updates-not-install-with-fast-startup.md
- name: Servicing
- name: .NET Framework 1.1 isn't supported
href: ./deployment/dotnet-framework-1dot1-not-supported.md
- name: 80072EE6 error when downloading an update from WSUS
href: ./deployment/error-80072ee6-downlaod-wsus-update.md
- name: Analyze log file entries that SFC.exe generates
href: ./deployment/analyze-sfc-program-log-file-entries.md
- name: Automatic Updates can't download updates
href: ./deployment/automatic-updates-cannot-download-updates-event-16.md
- name: Cannot install May 2019 update of Windows 10 on computers running AMD RAID drivers
href: ./deployment/cannot-install-may-2019-update-windows-10-amd-raid-drivers.md
- name: Cannot use the ImageX.exe tool for backup
href: ./deployment/cannot-use-imagex-tool-backup.md
- name: Command-line switches for software update packages
href: ./deployment/command-line-switches-deploy-update-packages.md
- name: Command-line switches supported by Self-Extractor packages
href: ./deployment/command-switches-supported-by-self-extractor-package.md
- name: Compute MD5 or SHA-1 cryptographic hash values
href: ./deployment/compute-md5sha-1-cryptographic-hash-value.md
- name: DISM /Apply-Image command fails with error code 5
href: ./deployment/dism-apply-image-command-fails-error-code-5.md
- name: Download updates from Windows Update Catalog
href: ./deployment/download-updates-drivers-hotfixes-windows-update-catalog.md
- name: Error 403 when you access Windows Update
href: ./deployment/error-403-connect-to-windows-update.md
- name: Error 87 when a Windows 10 image is applied
href: ./deployment/dism-error-87-apply-windows-10-image.md
- name: Error message when installing RSAT
href: ./deployment/error-message-when-installing-rsat.md
- name: Error messages when you scan for updates
href: ./deployment/error-messages-when-you-scan-updates.md
- name: Fix errors found in CheckSUR.log
href: ./deployment/errors-in-checksur-log.md
- name: Get the latest Skype version by Microsoft Update
href: ./deployment/skype-for-microsoft-update.md
- name: How to downgrade from Windows 8
href: ./deployment/downgrade-from-windows-8.md
- name: How to get updates via Windows Update
href: ./deployment/get-updates-through-windows-update.md
- name: How to keep Windows up to date
href: ./deployment/keep-windows-up-to-date.md
- name: How to schedule automatic updates
href: ./deployment/how-to-use-automatic-updates-feature.md
- name: How to solve disk space issues caused by WinSxS directory
href: ./deployment/address-disk-space-issues-caused-by-winsxs.md
- name: In-place upgrade to Windows 10 problem
href: ./deployment/in-place-upgrade-to-windows-10-problems.md
- name: Install Service Packs and Hotfixes
href: ./deployment/install-service-packs-hotfixes.md
- name: Package Manager can install only the first package
href: ./deployment/package-manager-cannot-manage-two-more-packages.md
- name: Previously released updates are reoffered
href: ./deployment/previously-released-updates-reoffered.md
- name: Restore missing Windows Installer cache files
href: ./deployment/missing-windows-installer-cache.md
- name: SFC detects Opencl.dll as corrupted
href: ./deployment/sfc-detects-opencl-dot-dll-corrupted.md
- name: Standard terminology that defines software updates
href: ./deployment/standard-terminology-software-updates.md
- name: Switches with Xcopy and Xcopy32 commands
href: ./deployment/switches-with-xcopy-and-xcopy32-command.md
- name: Sysprep fails after you remove or update Microsoft Store apps
href: ./deployment/sysprep-fails-remove-or-update-store-apps.md
- name: System Error 126 when you start TrustedInstaller
href: ./deployment/system-error-126-start-windows-modules-installer.md
- name: System registry is no longer backed up to the RegBack folder
href: ./deployment/system-registry-no-backed-up-regback-folder.md
- name: The processor not supported with Windows version
href: ./deployment/processor-not-supported-together-with-windows-version.md
- name: The same update is offered repeately
href: ./deployment/repeatedly-offer-the-same-update.md
- name: Update Windows Update Agent to latest version
href: ./deployment/update-windows-update-agent.md
- name: view system registry with 64-bit versions of Windows
href: ./deployment/view-system-registry-with-64-bit-windows.md
- name: Windows Update automatically downloads and installs updates
href: ./deployment/updates-automatically-downloaded.md
- name: Windows Update blocked because of drive reassignment
href: ./deployment/drive-reassignment-block-update.md
- name: Windows Update hangs
href: ./deployment/windows-update-hangs-updates-uninstalled.md
- name: Setup
- name: .NET Framework 4.5.1 (web installer)
href: ./deployment/dotnet-framework-4dot5dot1-web-installer.md
- name: An upgrade to Windows Server 2016 fails
href: ./deployment/windows-cannot-verify-the-digital-signature-for-this-file.md
- name: Automate regional and language settings
href: ./deployment/automate-regional-language-settings.md
- name: Can't enter UEFI firmware setup
href: ./deployment/cant-enter-uefi-firmware-setup.md
- name: Can't turn off a computer from Audit mode
href: ./deployment/fail-to-turn-off-computer-from-audit-mode.md
- name: Computer screen goes black during setup
href: ./deployment/computer-screen-black-during-installation.md
- name: Customize default local user profile
href: ./deployment/customize-default-local-user-profile.md
- name: Download and burn an ISO file from VLSC
href: ./deployment/iso-file-on-vlsc.md
- name: Error 0x80042468 when creating a single partition
href: ./deployment/error-when-creating-single-partition.md
- name: Event ID 10 is logged in Application log
href: ./deployment/event-10-is-logged-in-application-log.md
- name: F5 doesn't refresh Explorer
href: ./deployment/f5-not-refresh-explorer-windows-pe-windows-10.md
- name: Fail to perform an in-place upgrade
href: ./deployment/windows-not-parse-process-unattend-answer-file.md
- name: Fail to start an operating system on a 64-bit UEFI-based computer
href: ./deployment/blinitializelibrary-failed-start-os-on-64-bit-uefi-based-computer.md
- name: Fail to upgrade Windows 10 Enterprise edition
href: ./deployment/contact-system-administrator-to-upgrade-windows.md
href: ./deployment/installation-error-hal-initialization-failed.md
- name: How to customize the default local user profile when creating an image
href: ./deployment/customize-default-local-user-profile-prepare-image.md
- name: How to edit the Boot.ini file in Windows 2000
href: ./deployment/edit-boot-ini-file-windows-2000.md
- name: Installation File Location not behave on the Explain tab
href: ./deployment/installation-file-location-service-pack-not-behave.md
- name: Language packs no longer available
href: ./deployment/language-packs-no-longer-available-after-upgrade.md
- name: MiracastView package cause sysprep error after upgrading a computer
href: ./deployment/miracastview-cause-sysprep-error-upgrade-windows-10-1709.md
- name: Network provider settings are removed during an in-place upgrade
href: ./deployment/network-provider-settings-removed-in-place-upgrade.md
- name: OOBE fails when you start a new computer
href: ./deployment/windows-oobe-fails-start-new-computer.md
- name: Operations fail if Windows 8 is improperly identified as a WTG installation
href: ./deployment/windows-8-incorrectly-reported-as-wtg-installation.md
- name: Remote Server Admin Tools uninstalled during in-place upgrade
href: ./deployment/remote-server-admin-tools-uninstalled-in-place-upgrade.md
- name: Running Sysprep /generalize returns error
href: ./deployment/error-occurs-when-running-sysprep-generalize.md
- name: Sysprep and capture task sequence fails
href: ./deployment/sysprep-capture-task-sequence-fails.md
- name: System restore points are disabled after upgrade
href: ./deployment/system-restore-points-disabled.md
- name: Windows optional component setup tool
href: ./deployment/use-ocsetup-to-install-remove-components.md
- name: Windows setup log file locations
href: ./deployment/windows-setup-log-file-locations.md
- name: Windows SIM can't generate a catalog
href: ./deployment/windows-sim-unable-generate-catalog-error.md
- name: Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor tool failed to run
href: ./deployment/upgrade-advisor-tool-failed-to-run.md
- name: WinRE can't be built after deploying an image
href: ./deployment/winre-cannot-built-deploy-image-captured-non-uefi-computer.md
- name: You can't access an EFI system partition
href: ./deployment/cant-access-efi-system-partition.md
- name: Group Policy
- name: Group Policy
href: ./group-policy/group-policy-overview.md
- name: AppLocker or software restriction policies
- name: Archived application can't be restored
href: ./group-policy/archived-application-cant-be-restored.md
- name: Group Policy management - GPMC or AGPM
- name: .admx errors when running Local Group Policy Editor
href: ./group-policy/admx-errors-when-local-group-policy-editor.md
- name: Can't disable Microsoft Store through Group Policy
href: ./group-policy/cannot-disable-microsoft-store.md
- name: How to create and manage Central Store for registry-based policies
href: ./group-policy/create-and-manage-central-store.md
- name: Logon scripts don't run for five minutes
href: ./group-policy/logon-scripts-not-run-for-long-time.md
- name: Use Settings app Group Policy
href: ./group-policy/use-settings-app-group-policy.md
- name: Managing removable devices through Group Policy
- name: Using Group Policy Objects to hide specified drives
href: ./group-policy/using-group-policy-objects-hide-specified-drives.md
- name: Problems applying Group Policy objects to users or computers
- name: Can't open gpedit.msc after updating ADML and ADMX file
href: ./group-policy/resource-stringid-win7only-not-found.md
- name: Clients fail to apply group policy at startup
href: ./group-policy/fail-to-apply-group-policy-at-startup.md
- name: Disable screen saver passwords by using policies
href: ./group-policy/disable-screen-saver-passwords.md
- name: Group membership changes do not update over some VPN connections
href: ./group-policy/group-membership-changes-not-updating-over-some-vpn-connections.md
- name: Group Policy is not applied to a user account
href: ./group-policy/group-policy-not-applied-user-account-runas.md
- name: Group Policy Screensaver setting isn't working
href: ./group-policy/group-policy-screensaver-setting-not-work.md
- name: Point and Print Restrictions policies are ignored
href: ./group-policy/point-print-restrictions-policies-ignored.md
- name: Save documents to OneDrive by default
href: ./group-policy/save-documents-to-onedrive-by-default.md
- name: Use Group Policy to deploy a Known Issue Rollback
href: ./group-policy/use-group-policy-to-deploy-known-issue-rollback.md
- name: High Availability
- name: High Availability
href: ./high-availability/high-availability-overview.md
- name: Nested Virtualization
- name: Retrieve data from Windows XP Mode VM
href: ./high-availability/retrieve-data-from-windows-xp-mode-vm.md
- name: Networking
- name: Networking
href: ./networking/networking-overview.md
- name: Access to remote file shares (SMB or DFS Namespace)
- name: '"User has not been authenticated" error when accessing a network drive'
href: ./networking/error-access-network-drive-mapped-web-share.md
- name: Access Denied when you access SMB file share
href: ./networking/access-denied-access-smb-file-share.md
- name: Can access offline files even if the file server is removed
href: ./networking/access-offline-files-file-server-removed-from-network.md
- name: Can't access shared folders from File Explorer
href: ./networking/cannot-access-shared-folder-file-explorer.md
- name: Error when accessing an administrative share
href: ./networking/cannot-logon-access-administrative-share.md
- name: Mapped drive connection to network share is lost
href: ./networking/mapped-drive-connection-to-network-share-lost.md
- name: Mapped drives not available in elevated command prompt
href: ./networking/mapped-drives-not-available-from-elevated-command.md
- name: Mapped network drive may fail to reconnect
href: ./networking/mapped-network-drive-fail-reconnect.md
- name: Saving and restoring existing Windows shares
href: ./networking/saving-restoring-existing-windows-shares.md
- name: Slow network performance on remote network computer
href: ./networking/slow-network-performance-remote-computer.md
- name: System error 85 with NET USE command
href: ./networking/system-error-85-net-use-command.md
- name: DNS
- name: Configure a domain suffix search list on the Domain Name System clients
href: ./networking/configure-domain-suffix-search-list-domain-name-system-clients.md
- name: DNS requests appear to be random
href: ./networking/dns-requests-random-network-properties-change.md
- name: URI-encoding in UNC paths interpreted literally
href: ./networking/url-encoding-unc-paths-not-url-decoded.md
- name: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- name: DHCP clients are blocked when DAI-enabled network device is used
href: ./networking/dhcp-clients-blocked-dai-enabled-network.md
- name: Folder redirection and Offline Files and Folders (CSC)
- name: Can't open files offline
href: ./networking/error-open-files-offline-offline-files-wip.md
- name: Can't redirect Documents folder to the home directory
href: ./networking/redirect-users-documents-folder-to-their-home-directory-fail.md
- name: Change the location of CSC folder
href: ./networking/change-csc-folder-location-with-cachelocation-registry.md
- name: CSCCMD tool Version 1.1. functions and features
href: ./networking/client-side-caching-command-line-options-v1dot1.md
- name: Current hotfixes have folder redirection enabled
href: ./networking/current-hotfixes-have-folder-redirection.md
- name: Errors when having a large "Folder Redirection" policy settings file
href: ./networking/errors-work-large-folder-redirection-policy-settings-file.md
- name: Folder redirection doesn't work correctly
href: ./networking/folder-redirection-not-work.md
- name: Folder redirection fails when redirected to mapped drive letter
href: ./networking/cannot-redirect-folder-use-drive-map-letter.md
- name: How to re-initialize the offline files cache and database
href: ./networking/re-initialize-offline-files-cache-database.md
- name: Move the CSC folder to a new location
href: ./networking/move-client-side-caching-folder.md
- name: Offline file synchronization issues
href: ./networking/offline-file-synchronization-issue.md
- name: IP Address Management (IPAM)
- name: Intranet site is identified as Internet site
href: ./networking/intranet-site-identified-as-an-internet-site.md
- name: Network Load Balancing (NLB)
- name: Configure network infrastructure to support NLB operation mode
href: ./networking/configure-network-to-support-nlb-operation-mode.md
- name: Remote access
- name: Change default MTU Size Settings
href: ./networking/change-default-mtu-size-for-ppp-vpn-connection.md
- name: CMAK-based VPN client doesn't work
href: ./networking/cmak-based-vpn-doesnt-work.md
- name: Default gateway route doesn't appear in Routing Table
href: ./networking/default-gateway-route-not-appear.md
- name: DirectAccess clients can't connect by IP-HTTPS
href: ./networking/error-directaccess-clients-connect-over-ip-https.md
- name: DirectAccess clients can't connect with IP-HTTPS
href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-unable-connect-error-0x80092013.md
- name: DirectAccess clients connection error 0x800b0109
href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-connection-error-0x800b0109.md
- name: DirectAccess clients that use Teredo tunneling cannot connect
href: ./networking/directaccess-clients-teredo-tunneling-not-connect-after-upgrade.md
- name: Disconnect incoming VPN connection
href: ./networking/disconnect-incoming-vpn-connection.md
- name: Error 721 when establishing a VPN connection
href: ./networking/error-when-establishing-vpn-connection.md
- name: Error codes for dial-up or VPN connections
href: ./networking/error-codes-for-dial-up-vpn-connection.md
- name: Modern Apps can't connect when using Check Point VPN
href: ./networking/modern-apps-cannot-connect-check-point-vpn.md
- name: Troubleshoot L2TP/IPSec VPN client connection
href: ./networking/l2tp-ipsec-vpn-client-connection-issue.md
- name: Windows Connection Manager disconnects WLAN
href: ./networking/windows-connection-manager-disconnects-wlan.md
- name: TCP/IP communications
- name: Additional gateways appear in persistent routes
href: ./networking/incorrect-default-gateways-in-persistent-routes.md
- name: Can't turn on Network Discovery
href: ./networking/cannot-turn-on-network-discovery.md
- name: Check Microsoft Broadband Network Adapter
href: ./networking/ping-exe-check-microsoft-broadband-network-adapter.md
- name: Configure client proxy server settings
href: ./networking/configure-client-proxy-server-settings-by-registry-file.md
- name: Device can't connect to mobile broadband
href: ./networking/device-cant-connect-mobile-broadband-over-the-air.md
- name: Enterprise APN lost after SIM change or MBN adapter error
href: ./networking/enterprise-apn-lost-after-sim-change-mbn-adapter-error.md
- name: Error "WSAENOBUFS (10055)"
href: ./networking/connect-tcp-greater-than-5000-error-wsaenobufs-10055.md
- name: Error 0x80071779 when removing network components
href: ./networking/cannot-uninstall-client-for-microsoft-networks.md
- name: Error 734 when establishing a dial-up connection
href: ./networking/cannot-establish-dial-up-connection.md
- name: How to disable network adapter power management
href: ./networking/power-management-on-network-adapter.md
- name: ICS doesn't work after computer or service restart
href: ./networking/ics-not-work-after-computer-or-service-restart.md
- name: Internet Explorer or Edge window opens when connecting to a corporate network
href: ./networking/internet-explorer-edge-open-connect-corporate-public-network.md
- name: Network gets disconnected if the computer isn't used after you sign in
href: ./networking/network-gets-disconnected-computer-not-used-after-sign-in.md
- name: Port Scanning Prevention Filter behavior
href: ./networking/lots-disk-io-writes-wfpdiag-etl-log.md
- name: Set up your small business network
href: ./networking/set-up-your-small-business-network.md
- name: Settings for minimizing periodic WAN traffic
href: ./networking/settings-for-minimizing-periodic-wan-traffic.md
- name: TCP/IP addressing and subnetting
href: ./networking/tcpip-addressing-and-subnetting.md
- name: TCP/IP and NBT configuration parameters
href: ./networking/tcpip-and-nbt-configuration-parameters.md
- name: Toubleshoot missing network connections icons
href: ./networking/troubleshoot-missing-network-connections-icons.md
- name: Unwanted wake-up events when you enable WOL
href: ./networking/unwanted-wake-up-events.md
- name: Use Telnet to test Port 3389 functionality
href: ./networking/use-telnet-to-test-port-3389-functionality.md
- name: Winsock timeout errors on slow links with Proxy Server or ISA Server
href: ./networking/10060-connection-timed-out-with-proxy-server.md
- name: Web Application Proxy (WAP) role service
- name: Fail to use apps that connect to Internet
href: ./networking/use-authenticated-proxy-servers.md
- name: Use Group Policy to apply WinHTTP proxy settings
href: ./networking/use-group-policy-apply-winhttp-proxy-settings.md
- name: WebClient and WebDAV
- name: Can't access WebDAV Web folder
href: ./networking/cannot-access-webdav-web-folder.md
- name: Can't automatically reconnect a DAV share when Basic Authentication is used
href: ./networking/cannot-automatically-reconnect-dav-share.md
- name: Windows Defender Exploit Guard
- name: Lost internet connectivity using VPN
href: ./networking/network-connectivity-lost.md
- name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS)
- name: Firewall profile doesn't switch to Domain when using a third-party VPN
href: ./networking/firewall-profile-not-switch-to-domain.md
- name: Internet firewalls prevent browsing and file sharing
href: ./networking/internet-firewalls-prevent-browsing-file-sharing.md
- name: Wireless networking and 802.1X authentication
- name: Code 31 error for WAN Miniport device
href: ./networking/code-31-error-device-manager-for-wan-miniport.md
- name: Configure Wi-Fi Sense and Paid Wi-Fi Services
href: ./networking/configure-wifi-sense-and-paid-wifi-service.md
- name: Event 10317 when you turn on mobile broadband device
href: ./networking/event-10317-mobile-broadband-device.md
- name: How to connect to a wireless network
href: ./networking/connect-to-wireless-network.md
- name: Intel's My WiFi Technology stops working
href: ./networking/intels-my-wifi-stops-working.md
- name: 'Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) option is missing'
href: ./networking/microsoft-protected-eap-option-missing.md
- name: OpenGL applications don't run on Miracast display
href: ./networking/opengl-application-not-run-miracast-wireless-display.md
- name: Security alert when connecting to wireless network
href: ./networking/windows-security-alert-wireless-network.md
- name: Virtual WiFi/SoftAP fails to start
href: ./networking/virtual-wifisoftap-fails-to-start.md
- name: Wireless devices are disabled after Airplane mode is off
href: ./networking/wireless-devices-disabled-airplane-mode-off.md
- name: Performance
- name: Performance
href: ./performance/performance-overview.md
- name: Applications
- name: Applications freeze when concurrently trying to access a file on a network drive
href: ./performance/applications-freeze-concurrently-access-file-network-drive.md
- name: Check Point and Centrify apps stop working
href: ./performance/check-point-centrify-apps-stop-working.md
- name: Command prompt and PowerShell don't start
href: ./performance/command-prompt-powershell-not-start.md
- name: Error 1058 when a service suddenly stops
href: ./performance/error-1058-displayed-when-service-stops.md
- name: Flight Simulator X hangs on loading screen
href: ./performance/flight-simulator-x-stops-responding.md
- name: Memory allocation experiences out-of-memory errors
href: ./performance/slow-page-file-growth-memory-allocation-errors.md
- name: Running an.exe file starts different program
href: ./performance/running-exe-starts-another-program.md
- name: Some Windows procedures don't work without RPC service
href: ./performance/disable-rpc-service-windows-process-not-work.md
- name: SuperFetch(SysMain) service consumes CPU
href: ./performance/superfetch-sysmain-service-spikes-cpu.md
- name: Windows 10 causes issues when it calls CreateWindowEx
href: ./performance/issues-when-calls-createwindowex-32-bit-applications.md
- name: Blue Screen/Bugcheck
- name: Computers crash with error code 0x113
href: ./performance/error-0x113-intel-amd-graphics-adapters.md
href: ./performance/nmi-hardware-failure-error.md
- name: Read small memory dump files
href: ./performance/read-small-memory-dump-file.md
- name: Stop error 0xE6 for a wireless device driver
href: ./performance/stop-error-0xe6-wireless-device-driver-dmar.md
- name: Stop error on Lenovo ThinkPad with KB4568831 update
href: ./performance/stop-error-lenovo-thinkpad-kb4568831-uefi.md
- name: Tablet device creates only a minidump file
href: ./performance/tablet-device-creates-minidump-file.md
- name: No Boot (not BugChecks)
- name: Can't refresh or reset your PC
href: ./performance/cannot-refresh-reset-pc-automatic-repair-fail.md
- name: Changing ATA drive setting causes reboot loop
href: ./performance/changing-bios-ata-drive-causes-reboot-loop.md
- name: Fail to use PXE to boot clients from WDS
href: ./performance/invalid-boot-file-received-error.md
href: ./performance/process1-initialization-failed-stop-error.md
- name: Windows devices fail to boot after installing October 10 version of KB4041676 or KB4041691
href: ./performance/windows-devices-fail-boot-after-installing-kb4041676-kb4041691.md
- name: Windows fails to start with error Missing or Corrupt ntoskrnl.exe
href: ./performance/windows-fails-start-error-missing-corrupt-ntoskrnl.md
- name: Performance monitoring tools
- name: Cannot modify user environment variables
href: ./performance/cannot-modify-user-environment-variables-system-properties.md
- name: CPU usage exceeds 100%
href: ./performance/cpu-usage-exceeds-100.md
- name: Determine hardware DEP is available
href: ./performance/determine-hardware-dep-available.md
- name: GPU Process Memory counters report incorrect values
href: ./performance/gpu-process-memory-counters-report-wrong-value.md
- name: Task Manager shows incorrect CPU speed
href: ./performance/task-manager-shows-incorrect-cpu-speed.md
- name: User-defined data collector set doesn't run as scheduled
href: ../windows-server/performance/user-defined-dcs-doesnt-run-as-scheduled.md
- name: Use the System Configuration utility to troubleshoot
href: ./performance/system-configuration-utility-troubleshoot-configuration-errors.md
- name: Windows Experience Index shows 1.0
href: ./performance/windows-experience-index-shows-1-dot-0.md
- name: Servicing
- name: Push-button reset fails because language resources are missing
href: ./performance/pbr-reset-fails-language-resources-missing.md
- name: Shutdown is slow or hangs
- name: Shuts down slowly when set to clear the virtual memory pagefile
href: ./performance/windows-shuts-down-slowly-when-set-to-clear-virtual-memory-pagefile.md
- name: Slow Performance
- name: High CPU usage in the LSAISO process
href: ./performance/lsaiso-process-high-cpu-usage.md
- name: How to speed up your computer
href: ./performance/speed-up-your-computer.md
- name: Memory leak in remote registry service
href: ./performance/memory-leak-remote-registry-service.md
- name: Troubleshooting slow file copying in Windows
href: ./performance/troubleshooting-slow-file-copying-in-windows.md
- name: 'Printing '
- name: 'Printing '
href: ./printing/printing-overview.md
- name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: General issues'
- name: Can't install a Secure WSD printer from Print Management Console
href: ./printing/cannot-install-secure-web-services-on-devices.md
- name: Error occurs when adding an IPP printer
href: ./printing/error-occurs-when-adding-ipp-printer.md
- name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print output or print failures'
- name: Duplex printing options can't be set
href: ./printing/two-sided-printing-cannot-be-set.md
- name: PNG images don't print correctly in Word 2010 after changing display scaling
href: ./printing/png-images-not-print-correctly-change-display-scaling.md
- name: 'Errors and troubleshooting: Print spooler'
- name: Printers don't work with XPS-based print drivers
href: ./printing/print-directly-to-the-printer-setting-not-work.md
- name: Issues with Scanning
- name: '"Server Busy" error message when you try to scan a document'
href: ./printing/server-busy-error-scan-document.md
- name: Scanning cause TWAIN aware application to hang
href: ./printing/scanning-twain-aware-application-hang.md
- name: 'Management and Configuration: General issues'
- name: Add print directory feature
href: ./printing/add-print-directory-feature.md
- name: Alter printers that roam with roaming profiles
href: ./printing/alter-printers-behavior-roaming-profiles.md
- name: Error 0x00000709 when you use CNAME record
href: ./printing/error-0x00000709-use-cname-record.md
- name: Errors when you connect to a shared printer by using a CNAME record
href: ./printing/errors-connect-to-shared-printer-cname-record.md
- name: Printing from Modern App creates large spool file
href: ./printing/print-modern-app-creates-large-file.md
- name: 'Management and Configuration: Installing Print drivers'
- name: Error message 0x0000052e when you try to install a network printer
href: ./printing/error-message-0x0000052e-install-network-printer.md
- name: Not all printer drivers are listed in Add Printer wizard
href: ./printing/not-all-printer-drivers-from-windows-update-in-add-printer-wizard.md
- name: Print driver default settings not inherited through Point and Print
href: ./printing/print-driver-default-settings-not-inherited-point-print.md
- name: Remote Desktop Services
- name: Remote Desktop Services
href: ./remote/remote-desktop-services-overview.md
- name: Administration
- name: Description of Remote Server Administration Tools
href: ./remote/description-remote-server-administration-tools.md
- name: Connecting to a session or desktop
- name: 802.1x user authentication fails when using RDS connection
href: ./remote/cannot-use-802dot1x-user-authentication-connect-rds.md
- name: Local computer behaves as if Windows logo key is pressed
href: ./remote/local-computer-behaves-as-if-windows-logo-key-pressed.md
- name: Use MSTSC or universal Remote Desktop client instead of RDMan
href: ./remote/use-mstsc-universal-remote-desktop-client-instead-rdman.md
- name: Redirection (not printer)
- name: Some USB devices aren't available
href: ./remote/usb-devices-unavailable-remotefx-usb-redirection.md
- name: Remote desktop sessions
- name: Invalid client IP address in security event ID 4624
href: ./remote/invalid-client-ip-address-port-number-event-4624.md
- name: Troubleshoot RDP Client connection problems
href: ./remote/terminal-server-client-connection-failures.md
- name: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
- name: Support policy for Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session
href: ./remote/support-policy-windows-virtual-desktop-windows-10-enterprise-multi-session.md
- name: Shell Experience
- name: Shell Experience
href: ./shell-experience/shell-experience-overview.md
- name: Cortana and Search
- name: Can't start Windows Search service and error occurs
href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-service-not-starting.md
- name: Fix problems in Windows Search
href: ./shell-experience/fix-problems-in-windows-search.md
- name: Issues for Windows Desktop Search and Cortana
href: ./shell-experience/windows-desktop-search-and-cortana-issues.md
- name: Troubleshoot Windows Search performance
href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-performance-issues.md
- name: Windows.edb becomes larger than expected
href: ./shell-experience/larger-windowsdotedb-file.md
- name: Desktop Shell
- name: An x in App titles in the lower-right corner
href: ./shell-experience/x-app-titles-lower-right-corner.md
- name: Black screen when unlocking a computer
href: ./shell-experience/windows-7-black-screen-unlock-computer.md
- name: Blank screen with no Start Menu
href: ./shell-experience/windows-logon-process-failed-spawn-user-app.md
- name: Fail to execute commands with RunOnce and RunOnceEx
href: ./shell-experience/standard-user-cannot-run-commnad-via-runonce.md
- name: Fail to register a DLL by using Regsvr32.exe
href: ./shell-experience/dllregisterserver-error.md
- name: HotStart buttons doesn't work
href: ./shell-experience/disabling-autoplay-cause-hotstart-buttons-not-working.md
- name: How to modify the command line string limitation
href: ./shell-experience/command-line-string-limitation.md
- name: UPX is displayed in the UI on managed device
href: ./shell-experience/upx-displayed-in-UI-on-managed-device.md
- name: DPI and Display Issues
- name: Can't open high resolution file in Photo Gallery
href: ./shell-experience/cannot-open-high-resolution-file-photo-gallery.md
- name: Custom display settings revert to the default
href: ./shell-experience/custom-display-settings-revert-to-default.md
- name: 'Display configuration reverts to "Second screen only"'
href: ./shell-experience/display-configuration-reverts-second-screen-only-resume-standby.md
- name: Display issue when you use USB-attached monitor
href: ./shell-experience/display-configuration-retained-after-reboot.md
- name: Display resolution changes to a lower resolution
href: ./shell-experience/display-resolution-changes-win-p-key.md
- name: Docking station external monitors not working in Windows 10 version 1703
href: ./shell-experience/docked-external-monitor-not-working-windows-10-1703.md
- name: Error when DDA-capable app is against GPU
href: ./shell-experience/error-when-dda-capable-app-is-against-gpu.md
- name: Fonts may not all get scaled properly
href: ./shell-experience/fonts-may-not-all-get-scaled-properly.md
- name: List All Modes displays incomplete list of modes
href: ./shell-experience/incomplete-list-modes-in-duplicate-mode.md
- name: Mouse input in games is incorrectly scaled
href: ./shell-experience/mouse-input-incorrectly-scaled.md
- name: The blocking untrusted fonts feature
href: ./shell-experience/feature-to-block-untrusted-fonts.md
- name: Video resolution limit for H.264 and stabilization
href: ./shell-experience/video-stabilization-resolution-limits-h-264.md
- name: DST and Timezones
- name: Changes to calendar date in BIOS are not reflected in Windows
href: ./shell-experience/changes-calendar-date-in-bios-not-reflected.md
- name: File Associations
- name: Can't associate a program with an extension
href: ./shell-experience/cannot-associate-program-with-extension.md
- name: File Explorer/Windows Explorer
- name: .CHM file not render properly
href: ./shell-experience/dot-chm-file-not-render-properly.md
- name: Context menu items are missing
href: ./shell-experience/context-menus-shortened-select-over-15-files.md
- name: Error when burning files to disc
href: ./shell-experience/error-when-burning-files-to-disc.md
- name: Error when opening a Library in Windows Explorer
href: ./shell-experience/no-longer-working-error-library-windows-explorer.md
- name: How to remove the Security tab by a group policy
href: ./shell-experience/disable-security-tab-use-group-policy.md
- name: How to use the Windiff.exe Utility
href: ./shell-experience/how-to-use-windiff-utility.md
- name: Renaming a network folder fails
href: ./shell-experience/renaming-a-network-folder-fails.md
- name: Support of whitespace characters in file and folder names
href: ./shell-experience/file-folder-name-whitespace-characters.md
- name: Lock Screen or Screensaver
- name: Lock screen isn't displayed
href: ./shell-experience/lock-screen-isnt-displayed.md
- name: Manage lock screen image
href: ./shell-experience/manage-lock-screen-image.md
- name: Monitor powers off when computer is locked
href: ./shell-experience/monitor-powers-off-when-pc-locked.md
- name: Modern, Inbox and Microsoft Store Apps
- name: Can't open Microsoft Store when making a VPN connection
href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-store-not-open-domain-joine-computer-vpn.md
- name: Can't play audio in a system with DisplayPort
href: ./shell-experience/errors-play-audio-displayport-hdmi-monitor.md
- name: Can't remove, uninstall, or reinstall Microsoft Store app
href: ./shell-experience/cannot-remove-uninstall-or-reinstall-microsoft-store-app.md
- name: Can't start Microsoft Store apps
href: ./shell-experience/error-start-store-apps.md
- name: Event ID 5973 when you open Windows Store apps
href: ./shell-experience/windows-store-apps-not-open-event-id-5973.md
- name: Microsoft Store app removed unexpectedly
href: ./shell-experience/pre-installed-microsoft-store-app-removed-logon.md
- name: Microsoft Store Apps fail to start
href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-store-apps-fail-to-start.md
- name: Microsoft-Windows-AppReadiness event ID 215 error
href: ./shell-experience/microsoft-windows-appreadiness-event-id-215-error.md
- name: Modern apps are blocked by security software
href: ./shell-experience/modern-apps-blocked-security-software-start-applications.md
- name: Store App can't start without user profile
href: ./shell-experience/apps-not-start-without-user-profile-programdata.md
- name: Store app used by multiple users won't open after update
href: ./shell-experience/store-app-not-start-after-update.md
- name: Windows Media Player
- name: Toggle between full screen mode and Windows mode
href: ./shell-experience/toggle-full-mode-and-windows-mode.md
- name: Videos don't play in Windows Media Player 11
href: ./shell-experience/media-player-11-not-play-video.md
- name: Windows Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N and for Windows 7 KN
href: ./shell-experience/windows-media-feature-pack-for-windows-7.md
- name: Windows Search
- name: Windows Search 4.0 and Multilingual User Interface Pack
href: ./shell-experience/windows-search-4-multilingual-user-interface-pack.md
- name: System Management Components
- name: System Management Components
href: ./system-management-components/system-management-components-overview.md
- name: Event Viewer
- name: Delete saved logs from Event Viewer
href: ./system-management-components/delete-saved-log-from-event-viewer.md
- name: Help and Support
- name: Daylight saving time help and support
href: ./system-management-components/daylight-saving-time-help-support.md
- name: Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
- name: Error when you launch VAMT 3.0
href: ./system-management-components/fail-to-launch-vamt-3dot0.md
- name: Windows Trace Session Manager service doesn't start
href: ./system-management-components/windows-trace-session-manager-service-not-start-event-id-7000.md
- name: PowerShell
- name: Grant-DfsnAccess doesn't change inheritance mode
href: ./system-management-components/grant-dfsnaccess-not-change-inheritance.md
- name: Server Manager
- name: DNS server tool is missing for RSAT client
href: ./system-management-components/rsat-client-missing-dns-server-tool.md
- name: Task Scheduler
- name: Error 0x80041323 when you run Scheduled tasks
href: ./system-management-components/0x80041323-running-scheduled-tasks.md
- name: Error when using the "/z" switch with the "Schtasks.exe" command
href: ./system-management-components/error-task-xml-missing-required-element-attribute.md
- name: Run programs automatically when a user logs on
href: ./system-management-components/run-programs-automatically.md
- name: Task scheduler runs tasks as background processes
href: ./system-management-components/task-scheduler-task-only-runs-in-background.md
- name: Use the at command to schedule tasks
href: ./system-management-components/use-at-command-to-schedule-tasks.md
- name: WinRM
- name: Errors when you run WinRM commands
href: ./system-management-components/errors-when-you-run-winrm-commands.md
- name: How to configure WINRM for HTTPS
href: ./system-management-components/configure-winrm-for-https.md
- name: WMI
- name: Event ID 10 is logged in the Application log
href: ./system-management-components/event-id-10-logged-application-log-after-install.md
- name: Failed logon event when running remote WMI
href: ./system-management-components/failed-logon-event-when-running-remote-wmi.md
- name: SMS Agent Host service not start
href: ./system-management-components/sms-agent-host-service-not-start.md
- name: WMI-Activity Event ID 5858 logged with ResultCode = 0x80041032
href: ./system-management-components/wmi-activity-event-5858-logged-with-resultcode-0x80041032.md
- name: UE-V
- name: UE-V
href: ./ue-v/ue-v-overview.md
- name: UEV 2.1
- name: '%username% is unavailable that has OneDrive for Business installed'
href: ./ue-v/percent-username-percent-unavailable.md
- name: Unexpected one-minute delay of Outlook if UE-V is enabled
href: ./ue-v/outlook-takes-one-minute-start.md
- name: User Experience Virtualization (UE-V)
- name: Enable debug logging
href: ./ue-v/enable-debug-logging.md
- name: Troubleshoot UE-V replication issues
href: ./ue-v/ue-v-replication-issues.md
- name: UE-V Registry Settings
href: ./ue-v/ue-v-registry-settings.md
- name: UserProfiles and Logon
- name: UserProfiles and Logon
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/userprofiles-and-logon-overview.md
- name: Slow logon
- name: Slow logon with a blank screen
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/slow-logon-with-blank-screen.md
- name: Smart card logon
- name: Integrated Unblock screen not displayed when smart card PIN is blocked
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/integrated-unblock-screen-not-displayed-smart-card-pin-blocked.md
- name: Registry keys for smart card PIN caching options not available
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/registry-keys-smart-card-pin-caching-options-not-available.md
- name: User Logon fails
- name: Custom credential providers don't load when you first log on
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/custom-credential-providers-dont-load-first-logon.md
- name: Error 0xCAA5001C Token broker operation failed
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/event-1098-error-0xcaa5001c.md
- name: Facial recognition logon doesn't work after applying Group Policy setting
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/facial-recognition-logon-not-work-group-policy-setting.md
- name: First sign-in fails after deploying an image
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/first-logon-fails-deploy-image.md
- name: Holding Shift key while logging off the system can't disable automatic logon
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/hold-shift-key-shutting-down-not-disable-automatic-logon.md
- name: How to track users logon/logoff
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/track-users-logon-logoff.md
- name: Logon fails when using cached credentials
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cached-user-logon-fails-lsasrv-event-45058.md
- name: User profiles
- name: Can't set a convenience PIN
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/cannot-configure-a-convenience-pin.md
- name: Create a new profile if the profile is damaged
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/create-new-user-profile.md
- name: Error "Invalid store path" during the LoadState process
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/error-invalid-store-path-loadstate-user-state-migration-tool.md
- name: Logon or logoff delays when you use roaming user profiles
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/roaming-profile-was-not-completely-synchronized-error.md
- name: Renaming user account doesn't change profile path
href: ./user-profiles-and-logon/renaming-user-account-not-change-profile-path.md
- name: Virtualization
- name: Virtualization
href: ./virtualization/virtualization-overview.md
- name: Configuration of virtual machine settings
- name: Office prompts for activation in Azure
href: ./virtualization/office-prompts-for-activation.md
- name: Hyper-V Network Virtualization (HNV)
- name: Can't create a Hyper-V virtual switch
href: ./virtualization/cannot-create-hyper-v-virtual-switch.md
- name: Installation and configuration of Hyper-V
- name: Can't use kdump or kexec for Linux virtual machines
href: ./virtualization/cant-use-kdump-kexec-linux-virtual-machines-hyper-v.md
- name: Virtual machine creation
- name: Supported Guest Operating Systems in Virtual PC
href: ./virtualization/supported-guest-operating-systems-virtual-pc.md
- name: Virtual machine performance
- name: Hyper-V can't start VM after upgrade
href: ./virtualization/hyper-v-not-start-vm-after-upgrade.md
- name: Windows 7 End of Support (EoS) FAQ
- name: Windows 7 EoS FAQ
href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-end-support-faq.yml
- name: Windows 7 end of support
href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-end-support-faq-general.yml
- name: Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU)
href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-extended-security-updates-faq.yml
- name: Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers
href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-esu-offers-e5-customers-faq.yml
- name: Troubleshoot issues in ESU
href: ./windows-7-eos-faq/troubleshoot-extended-security-updates-issues.yml
- name: Windows Security
- name: Windows Security
href: ./windows-security/windows-security-overview.md
- name: Account lockouts
- name: Access computer after administrator account is disabled
href: ./windows-security/access-computer-after-administrator-disabled.md
- name: Bitlocker
- name: BitLocker Recovery starts when OEMs perform firmware updates for TPM 1.2
href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-starts-oems-firmware-updates-tpm-1-dot-2.md
- name: Earlier Windows versions don't start after "Setup Windows and Configuration Manager"
href: ./windows-security/earlier-versions-not-start-use-pre-provision-bitlocker.md
- name: TPM is in reduced functionality mode
href: ./windows-security/trusted-platform-module-reduced-functionality-mode.md
- name: Windows 10 BitLocker Recovery auto-shutdown in UEFI mode
href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-auto-shutdown-in-uefi-mode.md
- name: BitLocker could not be enabled
href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-not-enabled-usb-drive-not-found.md
- name: Can't retrieve BitLocker Recovery key
href: ./windows-security/cant-retrieve-bitlocker-recovery-key.md
- name: Disk partition requirement for using Windows RE tools on a UEFI-based computer
href: ./windows-security/disk-partition-requirement-use-windows-re-tool.md
- name: Error after you enter BitLocker PIN at startup
href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-too-many-pin-entry-attempts.md
- name: Error when BIOS is in legacy mode with TPM 2.0
href: ./windows-security/tpm-is-ready-for-use-with-reduced-functionality.md
- name: Event ID 15 when a computer resumes from sleep
href: ./windows-security/event-id-15-computer-resume-from-sleep.md
- name: How to enable BitLocker device encryption
href: ./windows-security/enable-bitlocker-device-encryption-local-hard-disk.md
- name: MBAM client fails with error 0x8004100E
href: ./windows-security/mbam-client-fails-event-id-4-0x8004100e.md
- name: Parameter is incorrect when you enable BitLocker
href: ./windows-security/parameter-is-incorrect.md
- name: Specified Account not exist when enabling BitLocker
href: ./windows-security/specified-account-not-exist-enable-bitlocker.md
- name: Suspend BitLocker protection for non-Microsoft software updates
href: ./windows-security/suspend-bitlocker-protection-non-microsoft-updates.md
- name: The recovery password for BitLocker isn't available when FIPS compliant policy is set
href: ./windows-security/bitlocker-recovery-password-not-fips-compliant.md
- name: The requested Key ID is invalid
href: ./windows-security/requested-key-id-is-invalid.md
- name: Kerberos authentication
- name: '"Not enough storage is available to complete this operation" error'
href: ./windows-security/not-enough-storage-available-complete-operation-error.md
- name: Fail to paste password into credential dialog box
href: ./windows-security/file-system-error-when-pasting-password.md
- name: Internet Protocol security (IPSec)
- name: Default encryption settings for L2TP/IPSec VPN client
href: ./windows-security/default-encryption-settings-for-l2tp-ipsec-vpn-client.md
- name: Legacy authentication (NTLM)
- name: Enable NTLM 2 authentication
href: ./windows-security/enable-ntlm-2-authentication.md
- name: Enabling debug logging for the Netlogon service
href: ./windows-security/enable-debug-logging-netlogon-service.md
- name: Permissions, access control, and auditing
- name: Permissions when you copy and move files
href: ./windows-security/permissions-on-copying-moving-files.md
- name: Secure Boot and UEFI
- name: Can't boot if more than one EFI system partition is present
href: ./windows-security/cannot-boot-windows-on-primary-hard-disk-uefi.md
- name: Error 0x80290300 when clearing the TPM
href: ./windows-security/clear-tpm-fails-error-code-0x80290300.md
- name: TPM isn't recognized as a compatible device
href: ./windows-security/tpm-is-not-recognized.md
- name: Smart card logon
- name: 0x6 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE error when a multithreaded application accesses a smart card
href: ./windows-security/0x6-error-invalid-handle-multithreaded-application.md
- name: Can't authenticate because of an incorrect PIV smart card driver update
href: ./windows-security/cannot-authenticate-incorrect-piv-smart-card-driver-update.md
- name: Code 31 for Microsoft USB CCID smart card reader
href: ./windows-security/code-31-device-manager-usbccid-smartcard-reader-problem.md
- name: TPM
- name: Events 14 and 17 for TPM command failure or non-recoverable error
href: ./windows-security/tpm-device-driver-error-log.md
- name: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS)
- name: Enable diagnostic logging for Windows Security Center
href: ./windows-security/how-to-enable-diagnostic-logging-for-windows-security-center.md
- name: Windows Troubleshooters
- name: Windows Troubleshooters
href: ./windows-troubleshooters/windows-troubleshooters-overview.md
- name: Active and retired Windows 10 troubleshooters
href: ./windows-troubleshooters/active-and-retired-troubleshooters-windows-10.md
| 56.084945 | 107 | 0.732534 |
62234522e10a07281e278f54a80b73004165a99c | 5,603 | yml | YAML | support/azure/general/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | 1 | 2021-09-10T17:43:36.000Z | 2021-09-10T17:43:36.000Z | support/azure/general/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/azure/general/toc.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | - name: Welcome
href: welcome-general.yml
- name: Azure Automation
- name: Automation modifications aren't reflected in the portal
href: modifications-not-reflect-portal.md
- name: Capture diagnostics information
href: automation-scripted-diagnostic-capture.md
- name: Find-AzureRmResource returns error
href: find-azurermresource-fails.md
- name: How to capture debug stream
href: capture-debug-stream-automation-runbook.md
- name: Reinstall Operations Management Suite Agent
href: reinstall-oms-agent-linux.md
- name: Azure API Management
- name: Troubleshooting overview
href: apim-troubleshooting-series.md
- name: Blank response is returned
href: api-return-blank-response.md
- name: HTTP 403 - Forbidden issues
href: request-throttling-http-403.md
- name: HTTP 404 and 500 status codes
href: soap-based-api-return-404-http-code.md
- name: Performance issues in API calls
href: performance-hit-api-calls.md
- name: Unauthorized errors (401)
href: unauthorized-errors-invoke-apis.md
- name: Azure Stack
- name: Side-channel vulnerabilities protection
href: side-channel-vulnerabilities.md
- name: Warning message in Azure Stack
href: pending-service-account-password-expiration.md
- name: Azure Stack Edge
- name: Azure Stack Edge support package and device logs
href: azure-stack-edge-support-package-device-logs.md
- name: Cloud Platform System
- name: Apply out-of-band updates
href: apply-out-of-band-updates-to-cps.md
- name: Enable BitLocker in Cloud Platform System
href: how-to-enable-bitlocker-in-cloud-platform-system.md
- name: Firmware version matrix for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: firmware-version-matrix.md
- name: Renew Windows Azure Pack authentication sites certificates
href: how-to-renew-windows-azure-pack-authentication-sit.md
- name: Update 1610 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-1610-cps-premium.md
- name: Update 1606 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-1606-cps-premium.md
- name: Update 1603 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-1603-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md
- name: Update 1603 for Cloud Platform System Standard
href: update-1603-cps-standard.md
- name: Update 1602 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-1602-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md
- name: Update 2.3 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-2.3-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md
- name: Update 2.1 for Cloud Platform System Premium
href: update-2.1-for-cloud-platform-system-premium.md
- name: Azure information Protection
- name: Troubleshoot Azure Information Protection policy issues
href: troubleshoot-aip-issues.md
- name: Azure Virtual Network
- name: Virtual Network troubleshooter
href: sdp3fdcb6045-5616-45b4-bb68-0bd11081c184-vnet.md
- name: Azure Service Fabric
- name: Azure Service Fabric troubleshooter
href: fabric-logs.md
- name: Azure Storage
- name: Embedded application error when install Azure backup agent
href: unable-to-execute-the-embedded-application-error-backup-agent.md
- name: Data restore scenarios for Azure Storage service
href: data-restore-storage.md
- name: Request body is too large error when write to file
href: request-body-large.md
- name: Optimize CreateFile function
href: optimize-createfile-function.md
- name: Troubleshoot high CPU or disk usage issues
href: diagnose-high-cpu-disk-perfinsights.md
- name: General
- name: Associate a custom domain with Azure websites
href: associate-custom-domain-secure-communication.md
- name: Azure region access request process
href: region-access-request-process.md
- name: Container support policy
href: support-policy-containers.md
- name: Delete a corrupted Azure Analysis Services database
href: delete-corrupted-azure-analysis-services-database.md
- name: Deploy TLS 1.2 in Azure Pack
href: tls-support-deployment-guide.md
- name: Error when you try to copy content to Azure
href: error-run-copy-activity-azure.md
- name: Tips for finding Microsoft troubleshooting content
href: search-tips-find-troubleshooting-content.md
- name: Use Secure File Exchange to exchange files
href: secure-file-exchange-transfer-files.md
- name: Domains used by Microsoft support agents
href: email-domains-support-agent.md
- name: Other common issues
- name: App Service Compliance with PCI Standards 3.0 and 3.1
href: app-service-compliance-wit.md
- name: Can't load VM metrics
href: problem-occur-loading-metrics.md
- name: Delete button doesn't work
href: delete-button-not-work-portal.md
- name: Enterprise Agreement user can't create a VM
href: cannot-create-vm-ea.md
- name: Fail to sign up for an Azure subscription
href: cannot-sign-up-subscription.md
- name: Loading error occurs in Azure Data Factory
href: loading-error-data-factory.md
- name: Users and groups lists disappear
href: cannot-see-users-groups-list-iam.md
- name: WebUI "Oops" error message in StorSimple
href: storsimple-user-receives-web-ui-error.md
- name: Connection status is incorrect on portal
href: connection-status-not-display-correctly-portal.md
- name: Support Diagnostic Packages
- name: Diagnostic logs for SQL Server
href: sql-vm-logs.md
- name: SQL database data collector
href: sdp-342a3d014-6535-4e1f-9bd4-b0c32e71e3bf-sql.md
| 38.376712 | 74 | 0.745672 |
7ac2c9b9f82b0c4d303769a5c3dcf1305d6c23f7 | 2,702 | yml | YAML | support/windows-client/windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-esu-offers-e5-customers-faq.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
] | null | null | null | support/windows-client/windows-7-eos-faq/windows-7-esu-offers-e5-customers-faq.yml | 0-SamboNZ-0/SupportArticles-docs | 1bd812354cf0e0f42aa5dedd0252e415ddade6bc | [
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] | null | null | null | ### YamlMime:FAQ
title: FAQ about Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers
description: After January 14, 2020, Microsoft no longer provides security updates or support for computers that run Windows 7 for E5 customers.
ms.date: 09/21/2020
author: Deland-Han
ms.author: delhan
manager: dscontentpm
audience: itpro
ms.topic: troubleshooting
ms.prod: windows-client
localization_priority: medium
ms.reviewer: v-elj, chawong, winciccore, kaushika
ms.prod-support-area-path: E5 ESU offers
ms.technology: windows-client-eos
title: FAQ about Windows 7 ESU offers for E5 customers
summary: |
This article describes the frequently asked questions about the Extended Security Updates offers for E5 customers for Windows 7.
This article is intended for use by IT professionals. If you're looking for information for home users, see [Windows 7 support ended on January 14, 2020](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4057281/windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020).
_Applies to:_ Windows 7 Service Pack 1
_Original KB number:_ 4527879
- name: General information
- question: |
Is Windows 7 Year 1 ESU included with Microsoft 365 E5?
answer: |
Yes. Starting March 1, 2020, Microsoft is introducing a new program that includes Windows 7 Year 1 ESU together with Microsoft 365 E5, Microsoft 365 E5 Security, and Microsoft 365 Security + Compliance Subscription License.
- question: |
In this new program, which subscriptions include Windows 7 Year 1 ESU?
answer: |
- Microsoft 365 E5
- Microsoft 365 E5 Security
- Microsoft 365 Security + Compliance Subscription License (SL)
- question: |
Who can take advantage of this program?
answer: |
Windows 7 Year 1 ESU combined with Microsoft 365 E5 is available to Volume Licensing (VL) customers who purchase through EA or EAS agreements.
- question: |
What are the effective dates of this program?
answer: |
March 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020.
- question: |
Do customers have to maintain Microsoft 365 E5 subscriptions throughout the ESU coverage period?
answer: |
Yes. Customers must maintain the qualifying E5 SKUs through the end of the Windows 7 Year 1 ESU period (January 12, 2021) to benefit from the included ESU.
- question: |
Why is only Windows 7 Year 1 ESU included?
answer: |
We believe that most customers who have to purchase Windows 7 ESU require only Year 1 coverage as they continue to deploy Windows 10.
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] | null | null | null | - name: Docs
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/mem/configmgr/welcome-configuration-manager
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/system-center/
- name: Data Protection Manager
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/system-center/dpm/welcome-dpm
- name: Operations Manager
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/system-center/scom/welcome-scom
- name: Orchestrator
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/system-center/scsm/welcome-scsm
- name: Virtual Machine Manager
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/system-center/vmm/welcome-vmm
- name: Azure
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/azure/
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tocHref: /troubleshoot/azure/devops/
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- name: General
tocHref: /troubleshoot/azure/general/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/azure/general/welcome-general
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/azure/virtual-machines/welcome-virtual-machines
- name: Virtual Machine Scale Sets
tocHref: /troubleshoot/azure/virtual-machine-scale-sets/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/azure/virtual-machine-scale-sets/welcome-virtual-machine-scale-sets
- name: Microsoft Dynamics 365
tocHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/
- name: Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection
tocHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/fraud-protection/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/fraud-protection/welcome-fraud-protection
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tocHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/marketing/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/dynamics-365/marketing/welcome-marketing
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- name: Microsoft Power Platform
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topicHref: /troubleshoot/power-platform/power-apps/welcome-power-apps
- name: Power Automate
tocHref: /troubleshoot/power-platform/power-automate/
topicHref: /troubleshoot/power-platform/power-automate/welcome-power-automate | 40.135714 | 100 | 0.700658 |
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