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, plucking the armpit hairs, and trimming the moustache." This hadeeth includes circumcision of both males and females. You are a literally cuck if you let your women go uncircumcised. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:28:33 no.222574520: >>222574258 yes it will, at least you won't have many sjw women running around. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:29:06 no.222574584: >>222574520 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHHAHA Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:30:16 no.222574703: >>222570304 Hi Karim. Mohammed was a pig fucker and Allah is a false idol. You can go burn in Hell with the rest of your shit stinking muzrat brethren now, cheers. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:31:42 no.222574879: Not a fan of the multiple marriage thing. I want state enforced, life time monogamy. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:34:34 no.222575220: >>222573113 A fucking leaf, yet again. Everytime I hear this line, though, I always think of this vid gjjXQo68 Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:35:55 no.222575373: >>222574330 >envious You are. I've been here long enough to have read between the lines for years. Even your incel Saint Tarrant acknowledged it as the first thing in his manifesto. That should tell you something if that triggered faggot had it at the forefront of his tiny mind. >Men allowed it Yes you capitulated as I said. You did what other supposedly subhuman men didn't. Women desire to be controlled. When you cede to a woman's demands, you inadvertently signal to her that you are a lower value male. Non whites have done just fine without you for long enough, we'll be fine when you're gone. The real women of race are you whites. Unable to defend yourselves or your nations and allowing yourselves to be repeatedly cucked into oblivion. And then blaming it all on brown men. >finally proved how much their femininity is worth Only a delusional frog could write such garbage. Even your fellow whites must be reading that and cringing. >>222574336 It doesn't include women at all. You can't be a dumb Wahhabi and fob off Muslims with your poorly translated Hadith. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:36:18 no.222575426: >>222574879 Ok roastie Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:36:45 no.222575491: >>222575373 See: Mawaahib al-Jaleel, 3/259 That circumcision is obligatory for men and is good and mustahabb for women. This is the third view of Imam Ahmad, and it is the view of some Maalikis such as Sahnoon. This view was also favoured by al-Muwaffaq ibn Qudaamah in al-Mughni. See: al-Tamheed, 21/60; al-Mughni, 1/63 It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (5/223): Circumcision is one of the Sunnahs of the fitrah, and it is for both males and females, except that is it obligatory for males and Sunnah and good in the case of women. if you don't do this, you aren't a true muslim, just a LARPer. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:37:50 no.222575612: >>222573988 you sent your criminal scum here to spread your religion, they do drugs, rape and murder all in the name of pedophile prophet goatfuck fuck off and die Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:38:13 no.222575647: >>222575491 I didn't see any Hadith there. Try again. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:38:36 no.222575691: >>222575426 I'm not a roastie. I just want there to be one man, one woman together for a lifetime. No outside sex before or after the marriage or you get the death penalty. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:39:30 no.222575799: >>222567545 They fuck goats, rape little boys, and destroy the very fabric of civilizations. They're Leftists who worship Satan. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:15 no.222575898: >>222567545 no beer no pork no music Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:44 no.222575954: >>222568719 >>222568886 This is what I've been saying. We STOPPED doing this, look at the absolute state. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:54 no.222575977: Yes, as much as I hate women I dont think the appropriate response is to restrict their personal freedoms to such an extent I cut their clits off and make them wear masks all day. Women are just grown up kids, and I wouldn't do that shit to a child so why would I do it to a woman? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:41:01 no.222575989: >>222567545 yeah, keep your nose out of my business Also, it takes a weak ass wimp of a "god" to need humans to tell people how to behave. Also, something something not judging until your eye is better or some shit Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:41:42 no.222576082: >>222568059 found the muzzie Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:08 no.222576140: >>222567545 Because an affront and ut and all its adherants should be eradicated. All its holy places razed to the ground. All its qurans used to wipe the blood of pugs from the floor of slaughterhouses. All its mentions erased from the histories. It should be completely and utterly erased from humanity's collective memory. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:30 no.222576180: >>222567545 all the good parts from sharia law is already found in Christianity Christianity just needs to rise up and take over and all liberal progressive "Christians" need to be removed Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:38 no.222576196: >>222567545 Sharia law is the definition of based, love how they kill fags Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:45 no.222576206: They're not white, they're stupid, and they don't even know what they're doing. They have no morality. When Muslims do something "based" they're not doing it because of morals. It's always for the wrong reason. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:43:03 no.222576237: >>222567545 Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:43:33 no.222576295: >>222567545 I agree with alot of it, but sniffing a guys arse 4 times a day and my wife not being able to go to the shop alone is shit. The court system is also retarded. And mohammed is a piece of shit, so is anybody that shares his name, camel piss be upon him. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:45:06 no.222576468: OP being a retard by shaming the entire west and the moderate east by posting this fucking thread. >OP IS BOSINIAN LMAO Didn't Alija fuck your country enough,retard? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:45:32 no.222576532: >>222567545 >Is there any reason apart from muslims bad, that you dont like sharia law? it is fascism... real fascism. help people with shit genetic get woman to they keep reproducing and perpetuate their absolute garbage genes. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:47:32 no.222576783: >>222567993 >Sharia Law is pretty based apart from the polygamy part polygamy helps men with good genes increase their genetic presence in the genetic pool
[ 13, 499, 25826, 253, 549, 2503, 262, 39746, 13, 285, 13970, 3987, 253, 278, 26202, 2679, 449, 187, 1552, 38442, 678, 3797, 4493, 68, 1297, 273, 1097, 10798, 285, 10753, 15, 187, 1394, 403, 247, 12832, 260, 1807, 604, 368, 1339, 634, 2255, 564, 5258, 1426, 360, 68, 1701, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1857, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 3566, 22029, 187, 9820, 352, 588, 13, 387, 1878, 368, 1912, 626, 452, 1142, 41996, 88, 2255, 3515, 1475, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1857, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1857, 938, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 2446, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 187, 17162, 10114, 10114, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 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16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1671, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 29546, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 3079, 1229, 187, 31, 257, 3391, 187, 1394, 403, 15, 309, 1849, 644, 1060, 1048, 2217, 281, 452, 1239, 875, 253, 3104, 323, 1107, 15, 4952, 634, 1485, 293, 11877, 308, 35083, 14969, 352, 347, 253, 806, 2181, 275, 521, 9766, 80, 15, 2064, 943, 2028, 368, 1633, 604, 326, 17142, 269, 13046, 302, 574, 352, 387, 253, 43213, 273, 521, 10058, 2564, 15, 187, 31, 18812, 4136, 352, 187, 4374, 368, 43395, 2907, 347, 309, 753, 15, 1422, 858, 752, 643, 24628, 749, 13961, 1821, 1904, 626, 15, 10168, 8327, 281, 320, 6537, 15, 2091, 368, 260, 13616, 281, 247, 3416, 434, 11684, 13, 368, 42255, 2625, 281, 617, 326, 368, 403, 247, 2406, 1318, 5086, 15, 209, 187, 11592, 19991, 452, 2218, 816, 4030, 1293, 368, 323, 1048, 2217, 13, 359, 1833, 320, 4030, 672, 368, 1472, 4783, 15, 380, 1524, 2255, 273, 5492, 403, 368, 19991, 15, 48706, 281, 2342, 36544, 390, 634, 12390, 285, 6941, 36544, 281, 320, 12889, 260, 20044, 715, 38611, 279, 15, 1244, 840, 44601, 352, 512, 327, 8516, 1821, 15, 187, 31, 71, 3341, 8058, 849, 1199, 616, 19026, 5953, 310, 4409, 187, 11564, 247, 1448, 316, 1593, 40096, 812, 3630, 824, 22630, 15, 4952, 634, 7715, 19991, 1364, 320, 4361, 326, 285, 260, 804, 272, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 3566, 23126, 187, 1147, 2506, 626, 2486, 2255, 387, 512, 15, 1422, 476, 626, 320, 247, 21413, 411, 1240, 8621, 74, 285, 269, 706, 745, 16492, 342, 634, 15225, 15786, 14136, 334, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 31254, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2385, 2787, 187, 20127, 37092, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 36458, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 1976, 29546, 187, 5035, 27, 353, 11415, 1240, 487, 355, 14, 43, 1079, 293, 13, 495, 16, 20395, 187, 2773, 4493, 68, 1297, 310, 7206, 2473, 323, 1821, 285, 310, 1175, 285, 1364, 1240, 8902, 323, 2255, 15, 831, 310, 253, 2626, 1859, 273, 3173, 312, 39505, 13, 285, 352, 310, 253, 1859, 273, 690, 7057, 267, 1479, 261, 824, 347, 32706, 8396, 15, 831, 1859, 369, 671, 46680, 407, 355, 14, 31425, 88, 2843, 32785, 18890, 79, 1165, 14776, 312, 1240, 275, 355, 14, 46, 19180, 8311, 15, 187, 5035, 27, 355, 14, 53, 312, 45217, 13, 3127, 16, 1549, 28, 355, 14, 46, 19180, 8311, 13, 337, 16, 3571, 187, 1147, 2296, 275, 401, 682, 11415, 355, 14, 45, 1432, 39521, 355, 14, 37, 5781, 457, 303, 1240, 313, 22, 16, 20360, 2262, 187, 27610, 360, 68, 1297, 310, 581, 273, 253, 4146, 39521, 84, 273, 253, 4944, 22876, 13, 285, 352, 310, 323, 1097, 10798, 285, 10753, 13, 3707, 326, 310, 352, 7206, 2473, 323, 10798, 285, 4146, 39521, 285, 1175, 275, 253, 1083, 273, 2255, 15, 187, 338, 368, 1053, 626, 513, 436, 13, 368, 6403, 626, 247, 2032, 1948, 2815, 13, 816, 247, 418, 1277, 6052, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1787, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 28703, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1867, 2055, 187, 5658, 2197, 634, 6424, 660, 360, 1060, 281, 5195, 634, 9596, 13, 597, 513, 5835, 13, 16773, 285, 7701, 512, 275, 253, 1416, 273, 7690, 2689, 587, 33494, 23244, 71, 1807, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 285, 3150, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1839, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 1976, 36458, 187, 42, 1904, 626, 923, 667, 14136, 334, 627, 15, 15358, 969, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1839, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 31254, 1731, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 247, 37092, 466, 15, 309, 816, 971, 627, 281, 320, 581, 637, 13, 581, 3416, 2366, 323, 247, 12702, 15, 1621, 3345, 2825, 1078, 390, 846, 253, 7875, 390, 368, 755, 253, 2471, 12339, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1867, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 31203, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 3726, 7435, 36507, 13, 16773, 1652, 8290, 13, 285, 6909, 253, 1077, 8067, 273, 5079, 5904, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 15584, 1346, 665, 17246, 28364, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 33868, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 2369, 10562, 187, 2369, 23914, 187, 2369, 3440, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 41643, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 29868, 746, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 2055, 2691, 187, 1552, 310, 752, 309, 1849, 644, 3981, 15, 187, 1231, 3915, 2795, 48389, 2509, 436, 13, 1007, 387, 253, 7880, 1375, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2357, 27, 187, 4374, 13, 347, 1199, 347, 309, 9239, 2255, 309, 13414, 1158, 253, 4569, 2380, 310, 281, 4656, 616, 3367, 45971, 281, 824, 271, 6070, 309, 2624, 616, 502, 953, 745, 285, 1056, 731, 8251, 25965, 512, 1388, 15, 10168, 403, 816, 8228, 598, 5753, 13, 285, 309, 5082, 626, 513, 326, 10739, 281, 247, 1429, 594, 2139, 651, 309, 513, 352, 281, 247, 3416, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3156, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 90, 3983, 13, 1978, 634, 11480, 562, 273, 619, 2136, 187, 9917, 13, 352, 3936, 247, 5075, 718, 259, 11548, 273, 247, 346, 30023, 3, 281, 878, 7497, 281, 2028, 952, 849, 281, 21319, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 1633, 1633, 417, 32721, 1919, 634, 5130, 310, 1805, 390, 690, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3156, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1549, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1438, 3046, 187, 14541, 253, 12910, 4396, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 12434, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 8457, 8033, 15, 261, 271, 2438, 47610, 285, 2780, 285, 512, 697, 519, 379, 1103, 943, 320, 31559, 6857, 15, 1876, 697, 18465, 5053, 1218, 4337, 281, 253, 3216, 15, 1876, 697, 2805, 321, 507, 908, 281, 31179, 253, 2614, 273, 268, 22201, 432, 253, 5254, 273, 30814, 24761, 15, 1876, 697, 25957, 44767, 432, 253, 29892, 15, 733, 943, 320, 4336, 285, 23228, 44767, 432, 16457, 434, 12786, 3541, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 11395, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 455, 253, 1175, 4243, 432, 439, 8125, 1569, 310, 2168, 1119, 275, 20242, 187, 26207, 414, 816, 3198, 281, 6054, 598, 285, 1379, 689, 285, 512, 12773, 13439, 346, 13238, 2458, 3, 878, 281, 320, 5176, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 19196, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 2809, 8125, 1569, 310, 253, 5426, 273, 1754, 13, 2389, 849, 597, 5159, 269, 3544, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 18040, 27, 187, 3726, 1472, 417, 3168, 13, 597, 1472, 11339, 13, 285, 597, 1053, 626, 1014, 871, 752, 597, 1472, 2509, 15, 1583, 452, 642, 28009, 15, 2091, 16492, 513, 1633, 346, 3169, 3, 597, 1472, 417, 2509, 352, 984, 273, 2298, 932, 15, 733, 434, 1900, 323, 253, 3430, 1921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 22270, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 42, 5194, 342, 47899, 273, 352, 13, 533, 31505, 272, 247, 6068, 549, 339, 577, 2069, 247, 1388, 285, 619, 4475, 417, 1146, 2104, 281, 564, 281, 253, 8979, 3815, 310, 10739, 15, 380, 1302, 985, 310, 671, 48101, 15, 1244, 278, 1368, 15416, 310, 247, 5313, 273, 10739, 13, 594, 310, 13098, 326, 10764, 521, 1416, 13, 46493, 24329, 320, 2220, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1857, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1540, 2358, 27, 187, 2795, 1146, 247, 31832, 407, 439, 6472, 253, 2862, 8935, 285, 253, 10290, 9268, 407, 16920, 436, 12835, 6293, 15, 187, 31, 2795, 4110, 378, 2697, 1042, 26081, 418, 3788, 48, 187, 40795, 626, 14355, 6362, 7435, 634, 2586, 2217, 13, 1221, 472, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1857, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2082, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 31, 2513, 627, 667, 1921, 7419, 432, 1948, 2815, 84, 3076, 13, 326, 368, 13414, 751, 439, 8125, 1569, 32, 187, 262, 310, 10942, 1204, 1051, 1524, 10942, 1204, 15, 187, 13070, 952, 342, 10739, 6380, 755, 3416, 281, 597, 1978, 39306, 285, 14549, 6340, 616, 7880, 22630, 3608, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2251, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2251, 35410, 187, 31, 2809, 8125, 5405, 310, 3965, 1754, 7419, 432, 253, 35182, 14743, 629, 187, 4818, 11550, 14743, 7729, 1821, 342, 1175, 3608, 2572, 616, 6380, 3361, 275, 253, 6380, 6363 ]
a loan issued to the government by the people. >>91385664 in the form of tax incentives for investing in companies that haven't gone public or something? just giving rich people tax breaks without conditions has never led them to invest in their own competitors. but i like the idea of what you're saying. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:32:11 no.91386500: >>91384868 Restrictions that were built to enrich those who put them in place. The government is terrified of Trump because he is going to cut Government out of the picture while giving Corporations an incentive not to fuck over Americans... Thus leaving more Tax Revenue for things like infrastructure, personal amenities, and even police training. As long as Democrats vote for no education and Science cuts, we should all be happy. Also no war with Russia would be nice lol Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:32:58 no.91386604: >>91386137 fair enough. >>91386179 once again, the economy is not the government Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:34:03 no.91386712: >>91384636 Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:34:13 no.91386740: >>91385929 >FORTNIGHT What the fuck is a fortnight? That sounds stupid. Also a stone and twoscore? What the fuck are those? Do you still use that too? Do you use the metric system in Australia? Anyways, those terms might work, but they are so outdated, it sounds like King Arthur talking or something. What the hell do they mean anyway? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:35:08 no.91386830: >>91386500 well-put. but he can't do all this stuff in the form of executive orders, can he? what if the house/senate go deadweight and we just have another 8 years of gridlock? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:36:02 no.91386925: >>91386712 citation needed Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:37:13 no.91387060: >>91386712 Who cares? Just ignore it like you did last time. It really does not matter. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:38:51 no.91387238: >>91385979 In this case it means fortnightly. Yanks dont have cool words like fortnight so they are stuck with confusing shit like biweekly. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:41:24 no.91387513: >>91386925 Google it yourself dipshit >>91387060 It's ironic Liberals that balance the books more efficiently Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:41:43 no.91387551: >>91385979 >>91387238 I would have answered you, I didn't see your post. Biweekly means every 2 weeks. How does fortnightly mean every two weeks. How does that work? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:42:48 no.91387664: >>91385965 Not bad I think you are on to something. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:43:21 no.91387723: >>91387551 A contraction of fourteen nights. I see. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:45:04 no.91387887: >>91386740 As an American, I wish we did use the term "fortnight"... I mean, why is "biweekly" once every two weeks if "biannually" is twice a year? Linguistically speaking, it just seems so counterproductive. Also, the imperial system has wasted far too much of my life in the process of converting to metric so as to be on the global standard. Feels bad, man :( Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:45:14 no.91387911: >>91387551 Looks like biweekly means both every 2 weeks, and twice in one week Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:46:34 no.91388062: >>91384868 Foreign aid and welfare for niggers and illegals Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:48:28 no.91388286: >>91387911 I guess fortnight is actually better then. Biweekly leaves to much room for mistakes if it has two meanings. But we don't use that here. Nobody would understand what I said. lol Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:51:03 no.91388543: >>91387513 >makes claim >"prove it for me" wew lad Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:51:43 no.91388619: >>91384636 UUUH B-BUT WE HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS SPENDS OUR TAX MONEY WELL AND ISN'T JUST USING IT TO PAY BACK INTEREST ON THE MONEY THEY LOAN FROM THE FED Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:56:08 no.91389090: >>91384636 I have just one thing to say: China, china, china, Mexico, Mexico. Love Merica Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:59:27 no.91389420: >>91386221 Well, for starters, making entrepreneurship feasible in the US. Free trade only works when all members actually adhere to policies and regulations. This is currently not the case. Unequal regulations on the US versus India, China, Bangladesh, etc. in addition to differences in workers' rights, currency manipulation, one-sided taxation policies and corruption make free trade a lopsided arrangement. In essence, we exchange domestic labor participation for cheaper outsourced labor and any attempts to circumvent this are quickly made uncompetitive by disproportionate burden. Trump's economic policy can only work if the US takes a protectionist stance on the economy. Making small businesses more competitive domestically will contribute to GDP without hurting workforce participation Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:01:51 no.91389678: >>91385929 >fortnight >fourteen nights Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:06:31 no.91390158: >>91387513 >Liberals balance the books more efficiently Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:09:44 no.91390531: >>91384636 God, you idiots sound like the far left in Portugal now. Hope you're proud of yourselves. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:12:45 no.91390889: Oh wow...$1.74....whatever will I do without it.. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:24:06 no.91392212: >>91384868 Hopefully nigger food. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:28:27 no.91392708: >>91388286 Bimonthly is what they mean Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:37:28 no.91393671: >>91384868 >what does he intend to cut that won't leave the fed gov't in a deeper hole than when he takes office We have this problem because of big government. Trump's planning to downsize shit Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:39:29 no.91393897: >biweekly Every time Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:41:35 no.91394123: >>91384868 I'd rather have the government in debt than me Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:43:20 no.91394326: >>91385716 Your ignorance is showing. Roads are paid and local infrastructure are paid from gas taxes. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:03:09 no.91396362: >>91384636 >>91390531 Its the method OP is using to change someone's opinion. Agree with them, but take it to the extreme. You are pro death penalty, I am against it. So I tell you we shouldn't have to wait years for the execution. If guilty, give them a day to say their goodbyes, make peace with their god, eat their last meal, then shoot them in the back of the head and be done with it. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:08:40 no.91396952: >>91390889 the difference is close to 90 dollars buddy Anonymous 10/03/16(
[ 247, 10119, 6808, 281, 253, 2208, 407, 253, 952, 15, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 33120, 1540, 187, 249, 253, 830, 273, 2891, 26911, 323, 23415, 275, 4413, 326, 6468, 626, 4783, 1345, 390, 1633, 32, 816, 4933, 6793, 952, 2891, 13471, 1293, 2515, 556, 1620, 3977, 731, 281, 1718, 275, 616, 1211, 21607, 15, 533, 891, 751, 253, 2934, 273, 752, 368, 1472, 3981, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 883, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2082, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 17613, 1467, 621, 326, 497, 4270, 281, 15655, 1110, 665, 1691, 731, 275, 1659, 15, 380, 2208, 310, 32052, 273, 3778, 984, 344, 310, 1469, 281, 2624, 7295, 562, 273, 253, 5406, 1223, 4933, 9697, 569, 271, 25275, 417, 281, 7435, 689, 7108, 1051, 3308, 6108, 625, 13662, 27464, 323, 1841, 751, 11319, 13, 3367, 39456, 13, 285, 1014, 3513, 3733, 15, 1284, 1048, 347, 10823, 6273, 323, 642, 4730, 285, 6875, 12176, 13, 359, 943, 512, 320, 5211, 15, 5220, 642, 2137, 342, 7422, 651, 320, 5322, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2691, 26890, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 15497, 187, 25525, 2217, 15, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 17864, 187, 19131, 969, 13, 253, 6982, 310, 417, 253, 2208, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 16008, 3778, 434, 43934, 14815, 5733, 370, 22, 15, 20, 1535, 2212, 281, 253, 3313, 16494, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2251, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 1717, 187, 31, 39, 7396, 47, 9981, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 310, 247, 7574, 6170, 32, 2064, 7835, 11339, 15, 187, 9917, 247, 8805, 285, 2500, 5829, 410, 32, 1737, 253, 7435, 403, 1110, 32, 3166, 368, 1335, 897, 326, 1512, 32, 187, 4045, 368, 897, 253, 7982, 985, 275, 6976, 32, 6101, 1576, 13, 1110, 2426, 1537, 789, 13, 533, 597, 403, 594, 36761, 13, 352, 7835, 751, 4377, 15948, 5015, 390, 1633, 15, 1737, 253, 7085, 513, 597, 1599, 8791, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1671, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2358, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2082, 361, 187, 4714, 14, 1065, 15, 533, 344, 476, 626, 513, 512, 436, 5017, 275, 253, 830, 273, 9165, 7367, 13, 476, 344, 32, 752, 604, 253, 2419, 16, 8243, 366, 564, 3846, 6712, 285, 359, 816, 452, 1529, 854, 1107, 273, 9860, 4348, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1812, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2090, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 187, 26977, 3058, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1787, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1967, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 187, 7883, 24505, 32, 187, 6300, 11823, 352, 751, 368, 858, 1390, 673, 15, 733, 1663, 1057, 417, 2647, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1839, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2597, 21378, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2787, 187, 688, 436, 1083, 352, 2097, 7574, 6170, 314, 15, 714, 3107, 13414, 452, 4484, 3000, 751, 7574, 6170, 594, 597, 403, 10960, 342, 21643, 10739, 751, 1794, 11151, 314, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3156, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2090, 1099, 187, 17664, 352, 4834, 12539, 26871, 209, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1967, 1549, 187, 1147, 434, 40066, 41172, 326, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3156, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2787, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2597, 21378, 187, 42, 651, 452, 9577, 368, 13, 309, 1904, 626, 923, 634, 1501, 15, 6943, 11151, 314, 2097, 1046, 374, 3618, 15, 1359, 1057, 7574, 6170, 314, 1599, 1046, 767, 3618, 15, 1359, 1057, 326, 789, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2945, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 35432, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2082, 187, 3650, 3076, 309, 1158, 368, 403, 327, 281, 1633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3079, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2357, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 187, 34, 22170, 273, 25963, 15513, 15, 309, 923, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1857, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2597, 32381, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 1449, 187, 1909, 271, 2448, 13, 309, 5730, 359, 858, 897, 253, 1307, 346, 4371, 6170, 36673, 309, 1599, 13, 2139, 310, 346, 4193, 11151, 314, 3, 2378, 1046, 767, 3618, 604, 346, 13564, 79, 1230, 3, 310, 7019, 247, 807, 32, 418, 5191, 18260, 8288, 13, 352, 816, 3133, 594, 4828, 16233, 15, 5220, 13, 253, 21474, 985, 556, 25262, 2080, 1512, 1199, 273, 619, 1495, 275, 253, 1232, 273, 22022, 281, 7982, 594, 347, 281, 320, 327, 253, 4156, 2629, 15, 5721, 1241, 3076, 13, 637, 34977, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1857, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 34384, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 187, 35082, 751, 1794, 11151, 314, 2097, 1097, 1046, 374, 3618, 13, 285, 7019, 275, 581, 2129, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2950, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1438, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 40128, 8596, 285, 15519, 323, 35825, 7276, 285, 20739, 932, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2385, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2055, 23360, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34384, 883, 187, 42, 5476, 7574, 6170, 310, 2686, 1805, 840, 15, 6943, 11151, 314, 6505, 281, 1199, 2316, 323, 16503, 604, 352, 556, 767, 30460, 15, 1292, 359, 1053, 626, 897, 326, 1060, 15, 27138, 651, 2096, 752, 309, 753, 15, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 29805, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 187, 31, 46535, 1750, 187, 21760, 17460, 352, 323, 479, 3, 187, 664, 88, 9931, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 35265, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 33759, 38450, 187, 35, 14, 30741, 13573, 19730, 5935, 8010, 58, 22778, 308, 14942, 1410, 209, 187, 9707, 443, 4741, 18174, 10634, 6589, 46651, 9975, 1400, 5942, 38392, 308, 14942, 353, 11147, 58, 13573, 2293, 4889, 4110, 47, 8, 53, 28509, 1982, 2637, 8017, 5935, 8010, 58, 29221, 22508, 24422, 8160, 3003, 353, 11147, 58, 35460, 23310, 1539, 10727, 3003, 48974, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3208, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2270, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 42, 452, 816, 581, 2181, 281, 1333, 27, 4135, 13, 448, 1758, 13, 448, 1758, 13, 8987, 13, 8987, 15, 10540, 7612, 3737, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3046, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2511, 25569, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 20735, 187, 4497, 13, 323, 37843, 13, 2403, 23721, 5363, 17887, 275, 253, 1982, 15, 7648, 5454, 760, 2987, 672, 512, 2758, 2686, 29534, 281, 7823, 285, 10132, 15, 187, 1552, 310, 4390, 417, 253, 1083, 15, 44589, 15847, 10132, 327, 253, 1982, 7147, 5427, 13, 4135, 13, 29310, 13, 3966, 15, 275, 1635, 281, 3910, 275, 5820, 8, 3570, 13, 14731, 19763, 13, 581, 14, 21773, 34871, 7823, 285, 16933, 1056, 1959, 5454, 247, 298, 2695, 1356, 11461, 15, 187, 688, 17718, 13, 359, 6431, 9836, 5299, 11497, 323, 20182, 20823, 47549, 5299, 285, 667, 9437, 281, 39256, 436, 403, 4541, 1160, 44690, 19922, 407, 50196, 7977, 15, 187, 18130, 434, 5054, 3646, 476, 760, 789, 604, 253, 1982, 3936, 247, 6055, 382, 22567, 327, 253, 6982, 15, 24709, 1355, 9341, 625, 12085, 41574, 1037, 588, 8162, 281, 24820, 1293, 34426, 26843, 11497, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 520, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2511, 25025, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 1717, 187, 31, 4371, 6170, 187, 31, 12496, 6933, 15513, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3071, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 520, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 187, 31, 45, 3669, 932, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2693, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1762, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 13618, 13, 368, 22467, 1502, 3590, 751, 253, 2080, 1669, 275, 24084, 1024, 15, 15541, 368, 1472, 9979, 273, 36544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 805, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2270, 33546, 27, 187, 4013, 39361, 1051, 5, 18, 15, 3566, 2391, 38499, 588, 309, 513, 1293, 352, 537, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1348, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1423, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 24004, 2920, 295, 16046, 2739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1630, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2055, 23360, 187, 35, 15329, 394, 314, 310, 752, 597, 1599, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1787, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1812, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 31, 5371, 1057, 344, 18607, 281, 2624, 326, 1912, 626, 3553, 253, 10208, 564, 87, 626, 275, 247, 12861, 7793, 685, 672, 344, 3936, 3906, 187, 1231, 452, 436, 1895, 984, 273, 1943, 2208, 15, 3778, 434, 7219, 281, 1066, 3281, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1867, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1839, 4148, 27, 187, 31, 4193, 11151, 314, 187, 8267, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 3953, 10683, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 42, 1871, 2581, 452, 253, 2208, 275, 6735, 685, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3079, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 3953, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 31416, 1036, 187, 7093, 24492, 310, 4645, 15, 8669, 84, 403, 5087, 285, 1980, 11319, 403, 5087, 432, 3678, 10474, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2941, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4196, 28615, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 1762, 2405, 187, 27132, 253, 1332, 13664, 310, 970, 281, 1818, 3095, 434, 4743, 15, 329, 3070, 342, 731, 13, 533, 1379, 352, 281, 253, 9559, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 403, 354, 2471, 12339, 13, 309, 717, 1411, 352, 15, 1893, 309, 2028, 368, 359, 10095, 626, 452, 281, 3343, 1107, 323, 253, 10636, 15, 1310, 8106, 13, 1918, 731, 247, 1388, 281, 1333, 616, 1175, 1615, 265, 13, 1056, 6330, 342, 616, 7122, 13, 6008, 616, 1390, 11484, 13, 840, 5310, 731, 275, 253, 896, 273, 253, 1481, 285, 320, 2218, 342, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2904, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 2090, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2270, 33546, 187, 783, 3064, 310, 2810, 281, 5091, 8918, 29517, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9 ]
the RBA stood at 8,000 active-duty personnel. Yeah I don't think you guys are going to get much help from the Bhutanese. Hopefully the US will help take out the mudshit Pakis Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:54:56 no.137835448: >>137834804 China vs India in a total war is the physical embodiment of "whoever loses, we win". You guys are handshake allies with India, so if it went badly you could even get to kill some chinks with a drone. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:55:07 no.137835468: >>137835164 > l_Bhutan_Army Pakis are retarded thanks to their dead ideology which made them believe Allah will piss on their head if they fuck their own sisters,half of their population can't operate TV so good. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:56:45 no.137835649: >>137835164 India is the biggest supporter of Bhutan financially, it's biggest trading partner, and they have a treaty to protect it. The majority of the Bhutan military are just glorified guards for royal families and shit anyways. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:56:58 no.137835674: >>137835468 That would drag US into war unless you paint a tri color in your drone. Anyway a new Chink propaganda surfaced. 7woHDWbo Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:00:14 no.137836027: >>137831426 ITS OVER Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:03:02 no.137836296: >>137835674 >That would drag US into war unless you paint a tri color in your drone. umm? I don't think trump would send GI joes to die for india or china... Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:03:24 no.137836337: >>137831426 YAS LETS GO LETS GO FUCKING BUMP Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:04:13 no.137836421: O shit, an actual possible happening. Not some bitching about removing statues. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:07:05 no.137836684: >Born too early to be a space pirate >Born just in time for POOS to start WW3 The Great Flush. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:07:37 no.137836742: >two nuclear powers exchanging gunfire >possible KIAs >media is too busy screeching about MUH NAZIS to mention it Modern media was a mistake. In all seriousness though, what are the odds that this escalates? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:08:19 no.137836814: Nothing is going to happen except a couple of incredibly minor skirmishes at the very most. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:10:25 no.137837009: Oh fug tanks in 30 senpai Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:15:40 no.137837578: >>137835029 Think of the innocent toilets that may be destroyed in a war you stupid fucking poo. Do you really want that? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:16:29 no.137837668: >>137833248 India and China had a border conflict in the late 50s, NOTHING game of if Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:18:30 no.137837863: >>137837578 Also, can I just take this moment to point out how amazing it is that to this poo these events could forever change his entire life and country, but in the end he's in some shitty dirt country that I could (literally) give 2 shits about so I'm just sitting here making poop jokes at him while in a year he may be getting his legs blown off by chinks. God damn I love being American. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:20:11 no.137838016: >>137837668 This time its different,we never had soldiers facing off each other waiting for a command to rip each other apart. >>137837578 they can never bomb something we don't have. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:20:14 no.137838021: >>137831426 > what is KIA wtf is this forum Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:21:46 no.137838197: >>137838021 To be fair he's probably not a native english speaker and doesn't understand that KIA stands for Killed In Action. Makes sense given the context. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:22:09 no.137838245: >>137833531 wtf leave Bhutan alone ppl! Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:22:31 no.137838281: >>137838021 Killed in Acton STUPID FUCK! Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:24:49 no.137838497: >>137838197 IKR,I meant one KIA but I have to be quick when it comes to HAPPENING. ffs we play call of duty and watch top gun as well. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:24:51 no.137838503: >>137838281 perro caca Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:26:43 no.137838668: >>137832775 (You)'ve earned this Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:27:13 no.137838711: >>137837863 At least my sister isn't sucking a niggers dick. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:28:00 no.137838798: >>137838281 That's an impressive dump for a dog. Is that in a military situation because if that dog was fed rations then it was probably building up to that poop for a week. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:28:22 no.137838836: >>137834423 That which benefits Nazbol China benefits all of humanity Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:29:02 no.137838901: >>137831426 >>137832488 >>137832332 >>137833604 >>137833997 >>137833993 >>137834180 >>137834218 >>137834490 More shots fired tomorrow lads ;) Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:29:35 no.137838962: >>137838711 Don't have a sister and even if I did my city is 86% white and in general mixed race couples are only like 2% of the population. At least my sister isn't literally poop colored. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:31:25 no.137839136: >>137833997 nigger, china is so desperate to get more land they are building artificial islands in the sea letting them build into someone elses country without any response is essentially giving them the land you have to be stupid to let china try and assert dominance Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:31:42 no.137839167: >>137838962 Have two sisters one in Michigan other in Sunnyvale,will take a refugee like a fucking nigger in your country m8,maybe I look like one,and I will surely behave like one so your KIKE govt provide me with visa,then I am going to track your IP and shit in your lawn I swear. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:33:03 no.137839313: >>137839167 So your only argument is that you're going to shit on my land which is the exact stereotype I'm making fun of you for? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:34:19 no.137839429: >>137839313 >accuse designated shitter of behaving like a subhuman >designated shitter threatens to behave like a subhuman hmm Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:35:09 no.137839500: >>137839313 YESSSSSS don't you know meme turns into reality? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:35:41 no.137839547: >>137839313 YES
[ 253, 416, 6327, 6225, 387, 854, 13, 933, 3939, 14, 37163, 11570, 15, 187, 6506, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 6068, 403, 1469, 281, 755, 1199, 1361, 432, 253, 26165, 307, 39534, 15, 33581, 253, 1982, 588, 1361, 1379, 562, 253, 16059, 26871, 10657, 261, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 25770, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 28927, 187, 22800, 4632, 5427, 275, 247, 2264, 2137, 310, 253, 3520, 14704, 273, 346, 10002, 972, 25068, 13, 359, 3330, 3446, 1422, 6068, 403, 1133, 35350, 17760, 342, 5427, 13, 594, 604, 352, 2427, 16426, 368, 812, 1014, 755, 281, 5159, 690, 448, 3106, 342, 247, 28141, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2417, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25039, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 18467, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 51, 28682, 187, 77, 64, 35, 73, 307, 266, 64, 22552, 90, 187, 49, 30441, 403, 48101, 6701, 281, 616, 3846, 25680, 534, 1160, 731, 2868, 27006, 588, 24329, 327, 616, 1481, 604, 597, 7435, 616, 1211, 18903, 13, 14674, 273, 616, 3072, 476, 626, 10196, 5579, 594, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3208, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 26937, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 18467, 187, 31870, 310, 253, 5962, 31409, 273, 26165, 307, 266, 27576, 13, 352, 434, 5962, 11947, 7832, 13, 285, 597, 452, 247, 23848, 281, 4017, 352, 15, 380, 5020, 273, 253, 26165, 307, 266, 4668, 403, 816, 41070, 1245, 17269, 323, 17292, 5870, 285, 10739, 667, 1576, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3208, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 29327, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25039, 2358, 187, 2773, 651, 9310, 1982, 715, 2137, 5734, 368, 6848, 247, 1195, 3295, 275, 634, 28141, 15, 187, 25954, 247, 747, 775, 750, 23306, 47300, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 3519, 19, 187, 24, 680, 10536, 56, 2399, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 361, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 16587, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 24265, 39161, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2941, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 23402, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 29327, 187, 31, 2773, 651, 9310, 1982, 715, 2137, 5734, 368, 6848, 247, 1195, 3295, 275, 634, 28141, 15, 187, 20440, 32, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 29154, 651, 5007, 27552, 3371, 265, 281, 3150, 323, 801, 571, 390, 448, 1758, 3346, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2941, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 23829, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 58, 1719, 19116, 52, 11488, 19116, 52, 11488, 187, 30531, 7519, 2637, 26564, 4548, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2125, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23100, 1797, 27, 187, 48, 10739, 13, 271, 4588, 1896, 9369, 15, 3105, 690, 2372, 7695, 670, 11922, 38490, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2922, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 28883, 27, 187, 31, 30937, 1512, 2393, 281, 320, 247, 2317, 42404, 187, 31, 30937, 816, 275, 673, 323, 19784, 2697, 281, 1265, 23556, 20, 187, 510, 6495, 2884, 2345, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2922, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25140, 2945, 27, 187, 31, 9389, 6069, 9136, 46108, 5654, 11342, 187, 31, 24902, 611, 42, 1909, 187, 31, 8236, 310, 1512, 10000, 48675, 7695, 670, 32639, 41, 10566, 59, 1830, 281, 3748, 352, 187, 33824, 3420, 369, 247, 10551, 15, 496, 512, 42558, 2167, 13, 752, 403, 253, 13653, 326, 436, 20092, 684, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2904, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23926, 1047, 27, 187, 16440, 310, 1469, 281, 5108, 3707, 247, 4564, 273, 16088, 5884, 1629, 2683, 6419, 387, 253, 1077, 954, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 740, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 8972, 27, 187, 4013, 33067, 20470, 275, 1884, 5303, 81, 2284, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1010, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 16552, 1717, 187, 26068, 273, 253, 15377, 18016, 1641, 326, 778, 320, 11069, 275, 247, 2137, 368, 11339, 12835, 2963, 80, 15, 3166, 368, 1663, 971, 326, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1036, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 32078, 2385, 187, 31870, 285, 4135, 574, 247, 5680, 7344, 275, 253, 3563, 2456, 84, 1157, 5803, 41, 2637, 2165, 273, 604, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1093, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 39948, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 187, 9917, 13, 476, 309, 816, 1379, 436, 2774, 281, 1127, 562, 849, 8644, 352, 310, 326, 281, 436, 2963, 80, 841, 3394, 812, 11654, 1818, 521, 2862, 1495, 285, 2586, 13, 533, 275, 253, 990, 344, 434, 275, 690, 10739, 555, 17819, 2586, 326, 309, 812, 313, 22478, 595, 10, 1918, 374, 439, 953, 670, 594, 309, 1353, 816, 7063, 1060, 2403, 2963, 412, 26984, 387, 779, 1223, 275, 247, 807, 344, 778, 320, 2970, 521, 9246, 24684, 745, 407, 448, 3106, 15, 2656, 15229, 309, 2389, 1146, 2448, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 11718, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 19807, 187, 1552, 673, 697, 1027, 13, 664, 1620, 574, 9647, 10268, 745, 1016, 643, 6179, 323, 247, 3923, 281, 25691, 1016, 643, 7419, 15, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 187, 9328, 476, 1620, 10110, 1633, 359, 1053, 626, 452, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 31, 752, 310, 611, 5236, 187, 88, 16114, 310, 436, 12209, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1797, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 18493, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 187, 1992, 320, 4344, 344, 434, 3164, 417, 247, 7925, 48087, 14925, 285, 2506, 626, 2096, 326, 611, 5236, 9572, 323, 611, 2591, 496, 12121, 15, 46615, 3282, 1677, 253, 3634, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 19490, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 187, 88, 16114, 3553, 26165, 307, 266, 3815, 268, 446, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 187, 44, 2591, 275, 3162, 251, 187, 1267, 12456, 1838, 401, 36746, 2195, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1348, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 30626, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 18493, 187, 22550, 51, 13, 42, 5486, 581, 611, 5236, 533, 309, 452, 281, 320, 3158, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 388, 18137, 1400, 2637, 15, 187, 567, 84, 359, 1132, 1067, 273, 7143, 285, 3698, 1755, 5654, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1348, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 26906, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 187, 468, 287, 260, 20240, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1731, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 20298, 1976, 187, 9, 1394, 18619, 306, 12431, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25745, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 39948, 187, 3404, 1878, 619, 7586, 3548, 626, 42296, 247, 35825, 7276, 33702, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 37348, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 187, 2773, 434, 271, 13943, 13725, 323, 247, 4370, 15, 1680, 326, 275, 247, 4668, 4112, 984, 604, 326, 4370, 369, 10208, 391, 569, 840, 352, 369, 3164, 3652, 598, 281, 326, 2963, 412, 323, 247, 2129, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25085, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 1508, 187, 2773, 534, 5373, 13025, 33338, 4135, 5373, 512, 273, 16457, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25592, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21874, 1237, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 26890, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 35410, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 11395, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 22981, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2270, 187, 7673, 13768, 11226, 10873, 298, 6594, 24457, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25592, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25745, 883, 187, 5498, 626, 452, 247, 7586, 285, 1014, 604, 309, 858, 619, 2846, 310, 11614, 6, 3168, 285, 275, 2087, 6804, 5492, 17581, 403, 760, 751, 374, 6, 273, 253, 3072, 15, 2058, 1878, 619, 7586, 3548, 626, 12832, 2963, 412, 18010, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2405, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 15220, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 79, 16046, 13, 448, 1758, 310, 594, 18439, 281, 755, 625, 2659, 597, 403, 3652, 13345, 17546, 275, 253, 6150, 209, 187, 1059, 1076, 731, 1973, 715, 3095, 1045, 6628, 2586, 1293, 667, 2380, 310, 9093, 4933, 731, 253, 2659, 187, 5658, 452, 281, 320, 11339, 281, 1339, 448, 1758, 1611, 285, 4138, 26447, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2405, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25592, 3763, 187, 11778, 767, 18903, 581, 275, 11314, 643, 275, 47998, 87, 1079, 13, 9846, 1379, 247, 29302, 751, 247, 12835, 295, 16046, 275, 634, 2586, 278, 25, 13, 28489, 309, 1007, 751, 581, 13, 395, 309, 588, 13353, 21319, 751, 581, 594, 634, 611, 42, 6541, 564, 20282, 2085, 479, 342, 25105, 13, 7461, 309, 717, 1469, 281, 3540, 634, 8153, 285, 10739, 275, 634, 23298, 309, 24156, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1610, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 18146, 187, 2598, 634, 760, 4154, 310, 326, 368, 1472, 1469, 281, 10739, 327, 619, 2659, 534, 310, 253, 3242, 14166, 5174, 309, 1353, 2403, 794, 273, 368, 323, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 27463, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 31, 3649, 2327, 13205, 439, 4069, 273, 50090, 751, 247, 749, 13961, 187, 31, 19417, 456, 439, 4069, 37654, 281, 21319, 751, 247, 749, 13961, 187, 44264, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 5388, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 24239, 3528, 3528, 52, 187, 9903, 626, 368, 871, 1167, 70, 7819, 715, 6612, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 20216, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 24239 ]
. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:54:47 no.159990592: >>159990448 op most likely got it from /r/tumblrinaction as they redact names to please reddit overlords. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:55:23 no.159990664: >>159986519 F I F T Y S I X I F T Y S I X Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:55:23 no.159990668: >>159978339 >silent majority Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:56:09 no.159990763: >>159987745 Say the line shill Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:56:26 no.159990793: >>159987027 Fuck off Bill and you shit libs that supported the Falcons over the Pats because of muh Trump. You don’t get to appropriate Falcons fandom for your shitty political feelings. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:57:49 no.159990965: >>159990404 >Your grandkids are gonna be brown. Um, no sweetie. They’re gonna be yellow. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:58:36 no.159991067: >inb4 that retarded commie shows up Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:14 no.159991152: >>159977929 >Haiti is already great GREAT NEWS! Haitians don't need to take refuge in the US anymore. We can send them back to their great beautiful homes. Thanks Obama! Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:34 no.159991196: jim crow laws did nothing wrong Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:57 no.159991242: >>159977929 I think the funniest part of the whole Conan debacle is that he went to a private resort to show how nice Haiti is and the next week a house less than a block away was raided for child prostitution. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:36 no.159991326: >>159979666 Are chinks even human? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:39 no.159991335: >>159982579 >skinnyfat security guard larping as a revolutionary somewhere in the desert is somehow beautiful Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:41 no.159991338: >>159991242 no way Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:03:47 no.159991773: >>159991588 >allahu aktarts lmao Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:03:55 no.159991793: >>159991242 >>159991338 My bad, it was back in July. Back before he went. I guess we know why he choose that resort, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more. 0025-haiti-flash-33-young-girls-sav ed-before-being-sold.html Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:04:18 no.159991849: >>159982439 Rolling Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:04:45 no.159991906: >>159991725 the crusades should have never ended Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:19 no.159991978: >>159980025 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:20 no.159991981: >>159983729 Yes, his pockets are full of tater tots. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:27 no.159991994: >>159991378 Holy shit this makes me rage beyond belief. From now on I'll make sure to name all my termination methods suicide() rather than selfDestruct() as I used to. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:36 no.159992010: >>159991793 well it still happened Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:54 no.159992050: >>159989260 >not banging the objectively hotter ftm theraddness 02/10/18(Sat)17:07:54 no.159992310: >>159977929 damn....conan forget how the jews jewed him? SAD! MANY SUCH CASES!!! 1488 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:07:56 no.159992313: a personal favourite Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:08:07 no.159992334: >>159992139 "yo rwasict whyte spapyamiastst!!1" Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:08:19 no.159992358: >>159978415 The cake is shooped but the guy is a confirmed commie Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:09:10 no.159992481: >>159977929 >island country devastated by earthquake and poverty >already great What did he mean by this? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:09:55 no.159992579: >>159979083 scarf killed me i am dead Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:13 no.159992627: >>159987131 C H E E N D R S Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:19 no.159992641: >>159984431 My daughter just asked me how soon the Day of the Rope could come. >"It's time for a thorough cleansing of degenerates", she explained. She's only eight years old. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:41 no.159992682: >>159979666 Look into its eyes, /pol/. That thing has no soul. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:12:48 no.159992943: this shit kills me inside. what the fuck, how did it get this bad? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:15:05 no.159993342: >>159992943 J E W S E W S Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:16:46 no.159993550: >>159988672 Not going to lie, would tap that. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:17:41 no.159993690: God I hope one of these faglords puts me in a self defense situation Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:18:54 no.159993841: >>159987528 >says while sporting an ancom flag Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:19:29 no.159993908: >>159991326 no Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:21:40 no.159994186: >>159988787 pretty sure that's why he left Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:21:51 no.159994209: >>159984118 >>159982420 I'm fucking dying. This is good. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:22:53 no.159994345: >>159988275 Every time Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:23:17 no.159994383: >>159979409 PUBG is really coming along nicely Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:25:00 no.159994572: >>159990793 >caring about eggball you are the problem Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:25:31 no.159994638: >>159992139 i remember when that happened. always get a kicker out of: >women clutching their purses as black men walk by if they ever actually watched women, women pretty much do that to ANYONE who walks by them. even other women. that isn't "black exclusive." hell, i always check my back pocket frequently while walking to make sure i still have my wallet. and guess what? i've done it with countless of people walking by me. but hey, i guess a nigger will think i'm only doing it when a nigger walks by
[ 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1762, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 25770, 187, 412, 954, 2779, 1694, 352, 432, 1227, 83, 16, 48556, 1559, 29814, 421, 347, 597, 2502, 514, 4454, 281, 4496, 28159, 262, 8366, 6565, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2417, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 30920, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2082, 746, 187, 39, 309, 401, 308, 714, 322, 309, 1594, 187, 42, 187, 39, 187, 53, 187, 58, 209, 187, 52, 187, 42, 187, 57, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2417, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3141, 23688, 187, 31, 17525, 290, 5020, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2357, 1857, 187, 27128, 253, 1386, 439, 408, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1967, 1630, 187, 30368, 745, 7641, 285, 368, 10739, 5135, 84, 326, 4516, 253, 20055, 5040, 689, 253, 367, 1832, 984, 273, 278, 6968, 3778, 15, 1422, 1053, 457, 85, 755, 281, 4569, 20055, 5040, 269, 2976, 323, 634, 10739, 555, 3569, 10450, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 28766, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 20611, 187, 31, 7093, 4936, 36358, 403, 6501, 320, 8516, 15, 209, 187, 26186, 13, 642, 7353, 466, 15, 1583, 457, 250, 6501, 320, 8862, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3680, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 740, 2251, 27, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 326, 48101, 764, 466, 2722, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 883, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 31, 41, 1942, 74, 310, 2168, 1270, 187, 41127, 1194, 41059, 2, 187, 41, 1942, 2458, 1053, 626, 878, 281, 1379, 12100, 275, 253, 1982, 10542, 15, 187, 1231, 476, 5007, 731, 896, 281, 616, 1270, 5389, 9076, 15, 187, 8061, 6729, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 4739, 19196, 27, 187, 75, 303, 6207, 5323, 858, 2717, 3430, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 42, 1158, 253, 794, 8311, 383, 629, 273, 253, 2644, 1716, 266, 4274, 6929, 310, 326, 344, 2427, 281, 247, 3055, 17942, 281, 921, 849, 5322, 40906, 310, 285, 253, 1735, 2129, 247, 2419, 1679, 685, 247, 2972, 1977, 369, 1218, 1356, 323, 1429, 43881, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24185, 187, 6723, 448, 3106, 1014, 1966, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1099, 2787, 187, 31, 3319, 23819, 19397, 3988, 7496, 1236, 14650, 347, 247, 22564, 9366, 275, 253, 13438, 310, 10380, 5389, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 187, 2369, 1039, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1166, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1010, 2055, 187, 31, 455, 20957, 46966, 12863, 187, 77, 785, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1166, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1839, 187, 3220, 3076, 13, 352, 369, 896, 275, 4163, 15, 8247, 1078, 344, 2427, 15, 309, 5476, 359, 871, 2139, 344, 5206, 326, 17942, 13, 42790, 13, 42790, 13, 295, 15414, 13, 295, 15414, 13, 1333, 642, 625, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 73, 1942, 9746, 250, 15, 681, 16, 257, 16, 13608, 14, 19, 187, 26236, 14, 73, 1942, 74, 14, 33390, 14, 1610, 14, 37615, 14, 23660, 84, 14, 47929, 187, 264, 14, 9131, 14, 11952, 14, 42022, 15, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1093, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1348, 1867, 187, 46630, 1981, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 746, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1166, 1099, 187, 783, 37440, 3355, 943, 452, 1620, 7402, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 19791, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 10695, 1099, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 18263, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1787, 1717, 187, 4374, 13, 521, 21371, 403, 2120, 273, 246, 727, 281, 1641, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 13034, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 3141, 187, 42846, 10739, 436, 2789, 479, 22324, 4457, 9927, 15, 187, 4509, 1024, 327, 309, 1833, 1056, 2119, 281, 1416, 512, 619, 15056, 3082, 13184, 1082, 2581, 685, 1881, 22482, 957, 1082, 347, 309, 908, 281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 7199, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1166, 4590, 187, 4714, 352, 1335, 4592, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 938, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2511, 19319, 187, 31, 1439, 270, 5610, 253, 38304, 3511, 350, 269, 20583, 535, 187, 508, 1911, 1255, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 34681, 2391, 585, 266, 7740, 849, 253, 15589, 84, 15589, 264, 779, 32, 322, 2350, 2, 353, 22026, 43399, 34710, 1410, 15844, 1638, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 1012, 27, 187, 66, 3367, 18069, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 4529, 15270, 187, 3, 11904, 391, 4238, 882, 2139, 442, 653, 522, 90, 7588, 505, 296, 4672, 18, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2759, 1010, 187, 510, 15221, 310, 6738, 11802, 533, 253, 5599, 310, 247, 5783, 764, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1348, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 31, 261, 1373, 2586, 43287, 407, 27108, 285, 14192, 187, 31, 39735, 1270, 187, 1276, 858, 344, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1099, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2270, 3245, 187, 19378, 71, 5339, 479, 891, 717, 3846, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1731, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2597, 17015, 187, 36, 388, 444, 444, 427, 399, 416, 322, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 4529, 33976, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2031, 2405, 187, 3220, 6122, 816, 2546, 479, 849, 3517, 253, 6258, 273, 253, 416, 1714, 812, 1705, 15, 209, 187, 21760, 1147, 434, 673, 323, 247, 11080, 46825, 273, 25273, 684, 995, 703, 5544, 15, 187, 2993, 434, 760, 4314, 1107, 1711, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1731, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24185, 187, 7745, 715, 697, 2927, 13, 1227, 4818, 14206, 2064, 2181, 556, 642, 7765, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1717, 3079, 27, 187, 2520, 10739, 26280, 479, 3304, 15, 752, 253, 7435, 13, 849, 858, 352, 755, 436, 3076, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1610, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1717, 3079, 187, 43, 444, 411, 322, 209, 187, 38, 187, 56, 187, 52, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1671, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2055, 31436, 187, 3650, 1469, 281, 7027, 13, 651, 13341, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1812, 2270, 27, 187, 13618, 309, 3524, 581, 273, 841, 269, 356, 42730, 12516, 479, 275, 247, 1881, 5684, 4112, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1839, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1976, 1619, 187, 31, 84, 698, 1223, 28802, 271, 271, 681, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1867, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1731, 187, 2369, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 20270, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 32381, 2597, 187, 38256, 2119, 326, 434, 2139, 344, 1669, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 14009, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2759, 14711, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1348, 938, 187, 42, 1353, 12835, 13889, 15, 831, 310, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 16767, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2055, 20450, 187, 8267, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 30528, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24264, 187, 7575, 21279, 310, 1663, 3551, 2112, 23395, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1857, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 42815, 187, 31, 68, 1875, 670, 7238, 2910, 187, 5658, 403, 253, 1895, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 2950, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 4529, 15270, 187, 74, 4456, 672, 326, 4592, 15, 1900, 755, 247, 8386, 254, 562, 273, 27, 187, 31, 31450, 26986, 7695, 616, 1460, 6628, 347, 2806, 1821, 2940, 407, 187, 338, 597, 2455, 2686, 9047, 2255, 13, 2255, 3965, 1199, 513, 326, 281, 9103, 11147, 665, 16771, 407, 731, 15, 1014, 643, 2255, 15, 326, 3548, 626, 346, 11958, 11855, 449, 7085, 13, 891, 1900, 2451, 619, 896, 11320, 7208, 1223, 7824, 281, 1056, 2119, 891, 1335, 452, 619, 23138, 15, 285, 5476, 752, 32, 891, 1849, 2218, 352, 342, 23499, 273, 952, 7824, 407, 479, 15, 533, 18981, 13, 891, 5476, 247, 295, 16046, 588, 1158, 891, 1353, 760, 2509, 352, 672, 247, 295, 16046, 16771, 407 ]
ovensky? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:00:10 no.183207440: >>183207342 Iznam svoih brati dobro. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:01:29 no.183207509: >>183197255 SLABIG UBION WEN xDDD :DDDDD???? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:01:31 no.183207513: Czechs are the only non russian slavs worthy of respect. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:03:30 no.183207635: >>183205879 Fuck off traitor. Anyone who defends Russians is a an enemy to our fatherland. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:22 no.183207683: >>183207635 Based AF, Karjala and Petseri should go back to their rightful owners (Estonia and Finland). Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:23 no.183207685: >>183207121 >compromising to them means only a loss for poles, czechs, slovaks, and hungarians (honorary slavs) enjoy you black dick sucking then. If you are so stuck up to not see whats coming at you i think you deserve evey bit of the pain that's coming. And no you cant keep the merkel twats out for long. >why don't you up your game first so we can talk about real cooperation? >Look at this niggerish attitude, smol disposable few mln population nation will larp as a "literature creator"? why should we even care? This is retarded we have been the defences of europe and your ass for to long and you expect us to do something better when we have been in perpetual warfare trying to keep out roaches arabs and niggers out. Tbh this is insulting! how about you come over here and do our jobs for a decades and see how far you will come. Siding whit burgers that fucking stirring up shit then complane that puland has to accept migrants. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:36 no.183207704: >>183206949 I do this >>183206189 >>183206846 so the westerners can understand. There's not much more to say now before wandering off into the details. Bosnians behead people when at war, just like Chechens. This is a dead giveaway that they are muslims. Being Slavic and being muslim is mutually exclusive. We don't lay claim to muslim Slavs in Turkey and Turks don't lay claim christian Greeks displaced in ex-Austro-Hungary. Perhaps the best way to obtain an appreciation, a comprehensive understanding of Slavic cuckery is to examine the story of how Slavs became Christians. Based knaz Rastislav decided to BTFO all the infighting pagan Slavlets and united the splintered Panonian holds into _historically documented_ Great Moravia under the flag of Christianity (roughly the territory of Moravia, Silesia, and half of Hungary up to the Matra mountains). The closest nation with Christian scholars was the Frankish Empire, but Rastislav didn't want Franks pissing off his already salty subjects (salty about all the statuettes that were cast into rivers) even more with latin and down-talking. He also lacked a unified writing system. The Pope told him to fuck off multiple times, so he turned to Byzantium. Byzantium, struggling to stay relevant, jumped on the opportunity and sent Kyrill and Methodeus. Long story short, Great Moravia had the first unified slavic writing system and an independent Church structure. Enter the faggot our (((historians))) celebrate today as a national hero. Svatopluk the Nigger arrived in Great Moravia with an army donated by the Franks and backstabbed his ruler, blinded some folks and even had executions done by pouring molten metal. After being done with betraying his own nation and driving out all the Church apparatus set up by the 2 Saints from Thessaloniki, he doublecrossed the Franks and told them to fuck off. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:39 no.183207709: >>183206512 >haplogroups determine ethnicity Welcome new friend! Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:55 no.183207723: are most croats actually seething over thompson or is that just the news blowing shit Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:05:39 no.183207757: >>183207723 forgot pic Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:05:55 no.183207769: >>183198055 >South Slavs are separated by land from other Slavs This isn't a problem Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:07:29 no.183207860: >>183207769 nigga go get the 45 division and start liberating i cant take this shit Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:14 no.183207906: >>183207769 it trully isn't since we now have ''Russian colonies'' here in some parts of the country Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:17 no.183207908: >>183207685 not only you're retarded, you don't even know history geez, it's pointless to talk with inbreds Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:24 no.183207915: >>183207769 >tfw i look like the russian mutt Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:03 no.183207950: >>183207685 defenders of europe LOL Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:27 no.183207974: >>183207704 cont. The Franks couldn't really care and made a deal that so as long as he doesn't fuck with them everything, east of the modern-day Czech-German border belongs to him, if he can hold it. With Christianity taught in Latin by Frankish priests, no unified writing system, and the State ruled basically like an oversized mafia, the whole thing died along with Svatopluk and there was a vacuum there until the Hungarians founded the Hungarian Kingdom. A traitorous egomaniac is celebrated as a one of the wisest rulers of Slavs. Let that sink in. The greatest folk hero of the Slovaks is a mountain nigger deserter from 2 armies. Let that sink in a little deeper. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:32 no.183207983: Honestly, I would love to see a Slavic Union of some sort, to really become a force against China and the US. That is as long as you leave the balts out of it. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:45 no.183207993: >>183206846 >>183207054 Mate, czechs are not nation of fighters. Its nation of survivalists. We could go at every invader guns blazing and get wrecked in a blaze of glory. But czech manpower is much smaller than all the invader s around is. There would be no czechia if we fought everybody. Better to bow down and outwait them. Its true that we are german protectorate right now, but its still best deal we could get. Without that connection to german i dustry and market, we wouldnt progress from 1990s a bit. These days youre either an empire or part of an empire, and were too small to be empire by ourselves Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:10:10 no.183208022: >>183207908 >it's pointless to talk with inbreds hurr durr guess now i know why we hate your ass you did jack shit othere then complained Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:11:17 no.183208101: >>183207950 Gusars were a mistake Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:06 no.183208218: >>183207950 hurr durr pretends to know history of the balkans. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:08 no.183208220: >>183208101 Husars are Gusars? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:16 no.183208230: >>183207993 >be one of the Czech nations >Your Czech king holds modern-day Poland, CR, west Slovakia, Vienna, and Slovenia. >literally medieval Intermarium Lite >be a sperg and side with the Bavarians in a major battle against your king, without having the honor
[ 729, 561, 4742, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 361, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3566, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 27222, 187, 42, 91, 6292, 256, 5711, 6356, 1308, 8657, 513, 9108, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 520, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 17013, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18493, 10637, 187, 7084, 2925, 2431, 530, 35, 2449, 411, 1400, 1269, 11927, 37, 1163, 11927, 11927, 37, 25561, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 520, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 1976, 1012, 27, 187, 36, 18506, 84, 403, 253, 760, 1327, 391, 1316, 757, 1499, 580, 84, 18338, 273, 1675, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2941, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3121, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 16763, 34384, 187, 30368, 745, 50136, 15, 26013, 665, 809, 1727, 24794, 310, 247, 271, 9054, 281, 776, 3392, 1373, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 38518, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 1671, 187, 15545, 11854, 13, 12604, 75, 7080, 285, 367, 1507, 25933, 943, 564, 896, 281, 616, 987, 1020, 9891, 313, 38, 5493, 571, 285, 25270, 481, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 15144, 187, 31, 3118, 409, 2182, 281, 731, 2097, 760, 247, 2957, 323, 25284, 13, 260, 18506, 84, 13, 1499, 729, 8765, 13, 285, 10416, 19222, 313, 25224, 263, 552, 1499, 580, 84, 10, 187, 257, 3881, 368, 2806, 33702, 42296, 840, 964, 1310, 368, 403, 594, 10960, 598, 281, 417, 923, 47515, 3551, 387, 368, 891, 1158, 368, 17337, 299, 3942, 2372, 273, 253, 3075, 326, 434, 3551, 15, 1244, 642, 368, 16216, 1978, 253, 4285, 18790, 2500, 1832, 562, 323, 1048, 964, 209, 187, 31, 22309, 1053, 626, 368, 598, 634, 2165, 806, 594, 359, 476, 2312, 670, 1524, 15850, 32, 209, 187, 31, 7745, 387, 436, 295, 16046, 763, 12046, 13, 924, 311, 34679, 1643, 278, 6677, 3072, 5674, 588, 1236, 81, 347, 247, 346, 22478, 1177, 24799, 16296, 2139, 943, 359, 1014, 1557, 32, 187, 1552, 310, 48101, 359, 452, 644, 253, 809, 2979, 273, 19454, 285, 634, 718, 323, 281, 1048, 285, 368, 1902, 441, 281, 513, 1633, 1805, 672, 359, 452, 644, 275, 41510, 27205, 2820, 281, 1978, 562, 687, 3844, 549, 5375, 285, 35825, 7276, 562, 15, 308, 26576, 436, 310, 50124, 2, 849, 670, 368, 1705, 689, 1060, 285, 513, 776, 7375, 323, 247, 8007, 285, 923, 849, 2080, 368, 588, 1705, 15, 322, 2821, 30661, 42803, 326, 12835, 22213, 598, 10739, 840, 3137, 1351, 326, 4734, 395, 556, 281, 2997, 25991, 964, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 26942, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2090, 2537, 187, 42, 513, 436, 209, 187, 5064, 21092, 18040, 18359, 586, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2358, 2950, 187, 594, 253, 10439, 398, 476, 2096, 15, 187, 2512, 434, 417, 1199, 625, 281, 1333, 1024, 1078, 31590, 745, 715, 253, 4278, 15, 187, 35, 375, 79, 2458, 320, 2522, 952, 672, 387, 2137, 13, 816, 751, 4661, 5756, 84, 15, 831, 310, 247, 3846, 1918, 12594, 326, 597, 403, 1948, 2815, 84, 15, 16688, 50168, 280, 285, 1146, 1948, 2815, 310, 25834, 11855, 15, 844, 1053, 626, 2242, 1750, 281, 1948, 2815, 50168, 84, 275, 14307, 285, 47563, 1053, 626, 2242, 1750, 37622, 757, 36452, 26699, 275, 385, 14, 16796, 287, 14, 38288, 552, 15, 187, 16830, 253, 1682, 1039, 281, 4044, 271, 24540, 13, 247, 11088, 4685, 273, 50168, 280, 260, 1807, 1771, 310, 281, 9186, 253, 2926, 273, 849, 50168, 84, 3395, 15600, 15, 187, 15545, 694, 1370, 416, 505, 12937, 580, 4425, 281, 23755, 8768, 512, 253, 2192, 23144, 47372, 50168, 6639, 285, 25536, 253, 6821, 249, 3606, 9251, 33286, 6556, 715, 795, 29059, 1037, 14290, 64, 6495, 4922, 25183, 762, 253, 7908, 273, 20242, 313, 903, 314, 253, 12785, 273, 4922, 25183, 13, 322, 3205, 571, 13, 285, 2716, 273, 29171, 598, 281, 253, 6397, 376, 14700, 481, 380, 8642, 5674, 342, 6416, 12981, 369, 253, 6893, 763, 13958, 13, 533, 416, 505, 12937, 580, 1904, 626, 971, 1879, 3107, 24329, 272, 745, 521, 2168, 3779, 555, 5705, 313, 84, 9724, 670, 512, 253, 1098, 86, 23314, 326, 497, 5248, 715, 21646, 10, 1014, 625, 342, 4329, 249, 285, 1066, 14, 85, 21489, 15, 754, 671, 20296, 247, 27998, 4028, 985, 15, 380, 18422, 2183, 779, 281, 7435, 745, 2709, 2069, 13, 594, 344, 3531, 281, 38557, 386, 1514, 15, 38557, 386, 1514, 13, 15586, 281, 3297, 4623, 13, 16780, 327, 253, 5107, 285, 2197, 611, 6147, 408, 285, 36380, 853, 316, 15, 8057, 2926, 2159, 13, 6495, 4922, 25183, 574, 253, 806, 27998, 1499, 580, 280, 4028, 985, 285, 271, 3907, 6412, 2605, 15, 187, 15886, 253, 269, 13046, 302, 776, 24317, 29059, 2458, 10689, 17019, 3063, 347, 247, 3872, 8080, 15, 322, 38760, 4488, 2788, 253, 427, 16046, 7244, 275, 6495, 4922, 25183, 342, 271, 8544, 26837, 407, 253, 1879, 3107, 285, 896, 42802, 3026, 521, 29658, 13, 34903, 690, 12633, 285, 1014, 574, 3244, 3360, 2218, 407, 31226, 38534, 5148, 15, 2732, 1146, 2218, 342, 19829, 272, 521, 1211, 5674, 285, 6276, 562, 512, 253, 6412, 6576, 873, 598, 407, 253, 374, 29122, 432, 380, 859, 267, 251, 8678, 13, 344, 4021, 16599, 264, 253, 1879, 3107, 285, 2183, 731, 281, 7435, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 26371, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2082, 805, 187, 31, 3227, 446, 31481, 2121, 3653, 31908, 187, 21096, 747, 3331, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2357, 1508, 27, 187, 609, 954, 9187, 1832, 2686, 396, 1526, 689, 289, 297, 10836, 390, 310, 326, 816, 253, 3668, 24935, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 31203, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 1508, 187, 1542, 19559, 14402, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 16134, 2417, 187, 31, 17967, 50168, 84, 403, 9070, 407, 2659, 432, 643, 50168, 84, 187, 1552, 3548, 626, 247, 1895, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2922, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3141, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 79, 304, 2485, 564, 755, 253, 5329, 9025, 285, 1265, 10875, 839, 891, 16216, 1379, 436, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 30920, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 262, 492, 26095, 3548, 626, 1580, 359, 1024, 452, 15078, 27397, 19665, 6267, 1060, 275, 690, 4243, 273, 253, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 33648, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 187, 1439, 760, 368, 1472, 48101, 13, 368, 1053, 626, 1014, 871, 2892, 187, 463, 16130, 13, 352, 434, 41690, 281, 2312, 342, 275, 29252, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 891, 1007, 751, 253, 391, 1316, 757, 2873, 85, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 187, 1545, 13577, 273, 19454, 49321, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 26942, 187, 1987, 15, 187, 510, 1879, 3107, 4571, 626, 1663, 1557, 285, 1160, 247, 2968, 326, 594, 347, 1048, 347, 344, 2506, 626, 7435, 342, 731, 3253, 13, 9268, 273, 253, 4980, 14, 1201, 21647, 14, 22353, 5680, 14125, 281, 779, 13, 604, 344, 476, 2186, 352, 15, 187, 3378, 20242, 10256, 275, 12760, 407, 6893, 763, 24061, 13, 642, 27998, 4028, 985, 13, 285, 253, 2418, 12969, 10323, 751, 271, 689, 10306, 278, 41067, 13, 253, 2644, 2181, 4962, 2112, 342, 322, 38760, 4488, 2788, 285, 627, 369, 247, 12124, 627, 1919, 253, 16835, 19222, 11420, 253, 32863, 11491, 15, 187, 34, 50136, 528, 24088, 4998, 14427, 310, 19651, 347, 247, 581, 273, 253, 14552, 383, 36491, 273, 50168, 84, 15, 1281, 326, 16338, 275, 15, 187, 510, 6459, 19365, 8080, 273, 253, 37603, 8765, 310, 247, 11129, 295, 16046, 711, 254, 350, 432, 374, 29894, 15, 1281, 326, 16338, 275, 247, 1652, 12861, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 3245, 27, 187, 23918, 27459, 13, 309, 651, 2389, 281, 923, 247, 50168, 280, 6398, 273, 690, 3686, 13, 281, 1663, 2489, 247, 3490, 1411, 4135, 285, 253, 1982, 15, 2064, 310, 347, 1048, 347, 368, 3553, 253, 4273, 1641, 562, 273, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2358, 2950, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 29695, 187, 46, 366, 13, 260, 18506, 84, 403, 417, 5674, 273, 20998, 15, 7850, 5674, 273, 5788, 1346, 15, 844, 812, 564, 387, 1046, 828, 6475, 11942, 787, 34054, 285, 755, 24028, 264, 275, 247, 787, 8879, 273, 18735, 15, 1292, 260, 18506, 637, 9177, 310, 1199, 4577, 685, 512, 253, 828, 6475, 256, 1475, 310, 15, 1707, 651, 320, 642, 260, 18506, 571, 604, 359, 13465, 11648, 15, 23526, 281, 6026, 1066, 285, 562, 14061, 731, 15, 7850, 2032, 326, 359, 403, 305, 8592, 47398, 366, 987, 1024, 13, 533, 697, 1335, 1682, 2968, 359, 812, 755, 15, 12414, 326, 4602, 281, 305, 8592, 891, 8660, 610, 285, 2791, 13, 359, 651, 2649, 4780, 432, 7901, 84, 247, 2372, 15, 2053, 1897, 368, 250, 2057, 271, 20986, 390, 629, 273, 271, 20986, 13, 285, 497, 1512, 1355, 281, 320, 20986, 407, 9361, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 740, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 1438, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 33648, 187, 31, 262, 434, 41690, 281, 2312, 342, 275, 29252, 84, 187, 27941, 83, 16547, 83, 209, 187, 4297, 405, 1024, 891, 871, 2139, 359, 9239, 634, 718, 209, 187, 5658, 858, 19708, 10739, 258, 9088, 840, 19375, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3593, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 187, 40, 316, 1032, 497, 247, 10551, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 187, 27941, 83, 16547, 83, 3215, 1727, 281, 871, 2892, 273, 253, 270, 1278, 507, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3593, 520, 187, 41, 316, 1032, 403, 46194, 1032, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 35410, 187, 31, 1257, 581, 273, 253, 21647, 12390, 187, 31, 7093, 21647, 6963, 6556, 4980, 14, 1201, 16795, 13, 6246, 13, 8935, 37603, 34335, 13, 26229, 13, 285, 43372, 571, 15, 187, 31, 22478, 595, 24196, 496, 3945, 27601, 418, 614, 187, 31, 1257, 247, 14413, 72, 285, 1930, 342, 253, 43447, 19222, 275, 247, 2201, 6680, 1411, 634, 6963, 13, 1293, 1907, 253, 10390 ]
, I'm talking constitutional amendments. It's likely that it would happen in Trump's lame duck term if it happens at all. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:16:05 no.97569248: >>97544406 The person who gets the most votes should be president. You cannot argue against that without your head entering your anus. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:16:22 no.97569323: >>97544406 >trump shits on the electoral college several times >it's what got him elected What is there to defend? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:17:00 no.97569468: >>97568808 If you take out the illegal immigrant vote in California then Trump would win the popular vote too. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:20:07 no.97570243: >>97544825 I argued this with someone and it was beyond fucking retarded >Clinton won the popular vote! >Not by much, and if you could subtract the illegals and dead people voting for her I doubt she would have won the popular vote >Haha wow anon, can't believe you buy into that conspiracy theory shit >Link them that article about the 19 year old faggot a month ago caught registering almost 20 people to vote for Hillary >W-WELL YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT PEOPLE DON'T DO IT FOR TRUMP TO, SO THERE! Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:20:20 no.97570308: >>97544406 >Donald Trump Lost The Popular Vote are all the votes counted yet? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:21:22 no.97570556: >>97569248 The United States is a federation, not a unitary state. The President should be representing the union of states and the people as a whole. The President does get elected with a majority of votes with the Electoral Votes. The Electoral College needs reform. One of them isn't reforming the Electoral College itself but through the House of Representatives. Increasing the number of seats will equalize the population to Electoral Voter ratio among all of the States. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:22:09 no.97570728: >>97570243 They literally give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in California. Of course they can fucking vote and nobody would know. Subtract however many million that is and Trump wins. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:23:22 no.97571042: >>97554769 Trump wins again at a larger margin Only the huge city blocks voted Shillary Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:25:14 no.97571492: >>97544406 >We build a solid case in defense of the Electoral College, thus the presidential mandate for Donald Trump you can't you fucking idiot you retards keep saying you voted for your idiot candidate because "le will of le peepul XD" (completely ignoring the fact that the will of the people is for hillary to be president). the electoral college is designed to remove power from the people and give it to electors chosen by the major partys and their officials. by definition, the electoral college exists to subvert the will of the people. you literally cannot support donald trump and the electoral college at the same time. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:11 no.97571728: >>97567846 Time for an amendment and voter verification. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:20 no.97571763: >>97571492 subtract illegal immigrant votes Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:27 no.97571794: >>97571492 >will of the people is for hillary to be president By less than 1 percent. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:30 no.97571804: Trump won 30/50 states There is your Popular Vote faggots. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:49 no.97571891: >>97571042 You have to admit it's more than a little surprising that Los Angeles County is baby blue and not deep blue. Maybe it really is slowly uncucking itself. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:13 no.97572218: >>97568431 >ARM YOURSELVES. THE WAR BEGINS NOW. So, the lefties are going to pick up arms. Kek. Like they used to say about the right-wingers militias: How do you think that's going to work against tanks? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:26 no.97572275: >>97544406 FYI two months ago we were assailing the electoral map and argued that the popular vote was better regardless, the purpose of the electoral college is to help give smaller, more rural states more of a say in congress and the presidency. prevent "tyranny of the majority" in a way. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:48 no.97572363: >>97571891 They went 71.5% for Clinton. If that's uncucking themselves, I'd hate to see what cucked is. Oh right, that's Maryland. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:54 no.97572390: >>97544406 the popular vote is irreverent, all it says is that highly populated areas voted clinton, but the majority of the country voted trump. if we let the popular vote count then it's basically letting a small portion of the country run the lot, because more people live there Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:12 no.97572464: >>97571492 you know theres a fine art of deal with it that you have to learn to not stress yourself out i learned it when obama won twice. your turn Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:34 no.97572552: >>97570728 And Obama himself fucking said before the election that illegals can vote without fear of being arrested. They sure as fuck went and voted Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:37 no.97572561: >>97571763 it is already been proven that illegal immigrants don't vote in these elections. anyone who has done any research into voter ID already knows that in-person voter fraud is a giant fucking myth (trump's lawyers straight up admitted it in court when they were suing to allow their voter intimidation/poll watching bullshit). Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:39 no.97572568: >>97554769 Uncap the house of Representatives, and instead do it by amounts of population. that's how it used to be. it was amended because there would be too many representatives and nothing would get done. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:52 no.97572614: >>97571804 It's useless talking to popular vote fags. They WANT to be ruled by California, New York and all the dead people in Chicago. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:30:25 no.97572742: >>97571804 That's an argument I can accept. However, it is possible to win with less than half of the states to win under the Electoral College. Reform should be made to make this impossible. There should be majority rule but through the states. Then there is the problem of the population to Electoral Vote ratio. That can be solved with increasing the seats of the House of Representatives. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:31:01 no.97572883: >>97572568 Which was actually the idea. As far as the founders were concerned, a hampered government was the best government. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:31:43 no.97573065: >>97572561 Not in California Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:32:01 no.97573134: >>97571804 >>97572742 I forgot my source. ELEVEN STATES NEEDED TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY 9/eleven-states-needed-to-win-the-p residency/ You can look elsewhere for more specifics on the electoral college (including what happens if no one reaches 270 votes). For now I just wanted to share the eleven states one can win to become president: California (55 votes) Texas (38 votes) Florida (29 votes) New York (29 votes) Illinois (20 votes) Pennsylvania (20 votes) Ohio (18 votes)
[ 13, 309, 1353, 5015, 10281, 26340, 15, 733, 434, 2779, 326, 352, 651, 5108, 275, 3778, 434, 42837, 27985, 1307, 604, 352, 6569, 387, 512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1036, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2090, 20520, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 510, 1436, 665, 4850, 253, 954, 13008, 943, 320, 4007, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 2550, 9059, 1411, 326, 1293, 634, 1481, 11734, 634, 271, 316, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1036, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2090, 21874, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 1206, 1765, 439, 953, 327, 253, 25575, 6831, 2067, 2069, 187, 31, 262, 434, 752, 1694, 779, 10544, 187, 1276, 310, 627, 281, 2342, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1166, 27, 361, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 30467, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2358, 23576, 187, 2042, 368, 1379, 562, 253, 9676, 28054, 6273, 275, 5002, 840, 3778, 651, 3330, 253, 4633, 6273, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 938, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1967, 23525, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 25770, 1099, 187, 42, 9125, 436, 342, 3095, 285, 352, 369, 4457, 12835, 48101, 187, 31, 2019, 8185, 1912, 253, 4633, 6273, 2, 187, 31, 3650, 407, 1199, 13, 285, 604, 368, 812, 43444, 253, 20739, 932, 285, 3846, 952, 13423, 323, 617, 309, 5545, 703, 651, 452, 1912, 253, 4633, 6273, 187, 31, 41, 19369, 39361, 271, 251, 13, 476, 626, 2868, 368, 4489, 715, 326, 13445, 3762, 10739, 187, 31, 10516, 731, 326, 3929, 670, 253, 655, 807, 1711, 269, 13046, 302, 247, 1770, 3622, 7270, 41863, 2761, 1384, 952, 281, 6273, 323, 18175, 187, 31, 56, 14, 10663, 2293, 8702, 20753, 8, 53, 4653, 19252, 16093, 41004, 24694, 8, 53, 7953, 8017, 6651, 7500, 47774, 5935, 13, 8717, 38038, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 938, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1967, 20777, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 16008, 3778, 26872, 380, 35555, 49588, 187, 609, 512, 253, 13008, 16042, 2568, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1797, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1762, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2090, 20520, 187, 510, 1986, 2077, 310, 247, 10208, 3328, 13, 417, 247, 24287, 1375, 15, 380, 3918, 943, 320, 9999, 253, 8083, 273, 3054, 285, 253, 952, 347, 247, 2644, 15, 380, 3918, 1057, 755, 10544, 342, 247, 5020, 273, 13008, 342, 253, 11051, 7909, 657, 4787, 15, 380, 11051, 7909, 6822, 3198, 8460, 15, 2596, 273, 731, 3548, 626, 8460, 272, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 3139, 533, 949, 253, 3995, 273, 25574, 15, 38078, 253, 1180, 273, 13512, 588, 4503, 907, 253, 3072, 281, 11051, 7909, 657, 31387, 4313, 2190, 512, 273, 253, 2077, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1423, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 26522, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 1967, 23525, 187, 3726, 12832, 1918, 6254, 434, 23937, 281, 9676, 16618, 275, 5002, 15, 4683, 2282, 597, 476, 12835, 6273, 285, 12445, 651, 871, 15, 4974, 43757, 2299, 1142, 3041, 326, 310, 285, 3778, 14896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1508, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 740, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 27496, 2504, 2090, 187, 18130, 14896, 969, 387, 247, 4067, 8459, 187, 11564, 253, 5699, 2846, 8336, 14285, 1608, 12537, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1099, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 1231, 1973, 247, 4891, 1083, 275, 5684, 273, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 13, 3021, 253, 12674, 21787, 323, 10053, 3778, 187, 5658, 476, 626, 368, 12835, 28006, 187, 5658, 851, 2196, 1978, 3981, 368, 14285, 323, 634, 28006, 7431, 984, 346, 282, 588, 273, 458, 759, 554, 335, 1594, 37, 3, 313, 43665, 23111, 253, 958, 326, 253, 588, 273, 253, 952, 310, 323, 288, 12537, 281, 320, 4007, 481, 209, 187, 783, 25575, 6831, 310, 4158, 281, 5386, 1612, 432, 253, 952, 285, 1918, 352, 281, 1516, 641, 6777, 407, 253, 2201, 629, 656, 285, 616, 6338, 15, 407, 5426, 13, 253, 25575, 6831, 4961, 281, 749, 1748, 253, 588, 273, 253, 952, 15, 368, 12832, 2550, 1329, 1053, 8950, 29154, 285, 253, 25575, 6831, 387, 253, 1072, 673, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 883, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2251, 34938, 187, 4769, 323, 271, 15129, 285, 23800, 21999, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 2377, 43757, 9676, 28054, 13008, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 31, 9846, 273, 253, 952, 310, 323, 288, 12537, 281, 320, 4007, 187, 3463, 1679, 685, 337, 2558, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 27, 187, 18130, 1912, 1884, 16, 1235, 3054, 187, 2512, 310, 634, 35555, 49588, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1093, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 740, 2945, 187, 1394, 452, 281, 11476, 352, 434, 625, 685, 247, 1652, 10084, 326, 8742, 9757, 3928, 310, 6858, 4797, 285, 417, 3676, 4797, 15, 8948, 352, 1663, 310, 7808, 5258, 25826, 3139, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1423, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 28883, 2405, 187, 31, 24407, 22031, 2354, 17173, 1410, 15, 3003, 411, 1277, 8728, 40, 11965, 29659, 15, 187, 2598, 13, 253, 1669, 447, 403, 1469, 281, 2619, 598, 6174, 15, 611, 1441, 15, 187, 9817, 597, 908, 281, 1333, 670, 253, 987, 14, 7706, 398, 14269, 6358, 27, 1359, 513, 368, 1158, 326, 434, 1469, 281, 789, 1411, 20470, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1423, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 48965, 42, 767, 2607, 3622, 359, 497, 718, 13454, 253, 25575, 3711, 285, 9125, 326, 253, 4633, 6273, 369, 1805, 187, 1747, 21350, 13, 253, 4096, 273, 253, 25575, 6831, 310, 281, 1361, 1918, 4577, 13, 625, 11393, 3054, 625, 273, 247, 1333, 275, 27797, 285, 253, 26083, 15, 3657, 346, 555, 83, 10059, 273, 253, 5020, 3, 275, 247, 1039, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1508, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 4739, 187, 3726, 2427, 11102, 15, 22, 6, 323, 9662, 15, 187, 2042, 326, 434, 5258, 25826, 3746, 13, 309, 1871, 9239, 281, 923, 752, 260, 20044, 310, 15, 187, 4013, 987, 13, 326, 434, 15812, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1508, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 783, 4633, 6273, 310, 21388, 306, 624, 13, 187, 455, 352, 2296, 310, 326, 4122, 26956, 3672, 14285, 502, 8185, 13, 533, 253, 5020, 273, 253, 2586, 14285, 29154, 15, 187, 338, 359, 1339, 253, 4633, 6273, 1385, 840, 352, 434, 10323, 13872, 247, 1355, 5110, 273, 253, 2586, 1408, 253, 2257, 13, 984, 625, 952, 3153, 627, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 805, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1348, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 5658, 871, 253, 373, 247, 4030, 1445, 273, 2968, 342, 352, 326, 368, 452, 281, 3037, 281, 417, 4073, 4834, 562, 187, 74, 6311, 352, 672, 691, 2902, 1912, 7019, 15, 634, 1614, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 26522, 1619, 187, 1898, 6729, 2994, 12835, 753, 1078, 253, 6132, 326, 20739, 932, 476, 6273, 1293, 4709, 273, 1146, 9833, 15, 1583, 2119, 347, 7435, 2427, 285, 14285, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1166, 3571, 187, 262, 310, 2168, 644, 11464, 326, 9676, 16618, 1053, 626, 6273, 275, 841, 12337, 15, 3780, 665, 556, 2218, 667, 2561, 715, 23800, 5417, 2168, 6057, 326, 275, 14, 10816, 23800, 9116, 310, 247, 10864, 12835, 13296, 313, 1206, 1765, 434, 16099, 4951, 598, 8176, 352, 275, 1302, 672, 597, 497, 402, 272, 281, 1581, 616, 23800, 16839, 17992, 16, 30209, 7487, 35281, 481, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 27496, 2504, 2090, 187, 2447, 4421, 253, 2419, 273, 25574, 13, 285, 3185, 513, 352, 407, 8322, 273, 3072, 15, 187, 3529, 434, 849, 352, 908, 281, 320, 15, 352, 369, 13799, 984, 627, 651, 320, 1512, 1142, 15572, 285, 2717, 651, 755, 2218, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1731, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 1147, 434, 19437, 5015, 281, 4633, 6273, 269, 3544, 15, 1583, 40505, 281, 320, 12969, 407, 5002, 13, 1457, 2816, 285, 512, 253, 3846, 952, 275, 8068, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1229, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1630, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 2773, 434, 271, 4154, 309, 476, 2997, 15, 1723, 13, 352, 310, 1896, 281, 3330, 342, 1679, 685, 2716, 273, 253, 3054, 281, 3330, 762, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 15, 27828, 943, 320, 1160, 281, 1056, 436, 7479, 15, 1707, 943, 320, 5020, 4086, 533, 949, 253, 3054, 15, 187, 5872, 627, 310, 253, 1895, 273, 253, 3072, 281, 11051, 7909, 49588, 4313, 15, 2064, 476, 320, 14042, 342, 3629, 253, 13512, 273, 253, 3995, 273, 25574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 2405, 27, 520, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1619, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1099, 2358, 187, 7371, 369, 2686, 253, 2934, 15, 1284, 2080, 347, 253, 33663, 497, 7514, 13, 247, 49141, 2208, 369, 253, 1682, 2208, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 2405, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1229, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1099, 3832, 187, 3650, 275, 5002, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1237, 27, 520, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 3655, 15468, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1630, 2945, 187, 42, 18298, 619, 2603, 15, 187, 38, 25684, 1400, 18746, 42945, 1703, 5935, 36410, 3003, 44468, 1838, 20712, 58, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 20707, 90, 563, 445, 15, 681, 16, 6755, 16, 740, 16, 18, 187, 26, 16, 11177, 1261, 14, 21196, 14, 34498, 14, 936, 14, 6481, 14, 783, 14, 81, 187, 373, 20927, 16, 187, 1394, 476, 1007, 11358, 323, 625, 40155, 327, 253, 25575, 6831, 313, 10387, 752, 6569, 604, 642, 581, 14190, 22540, 13008, 481, 1198, 1024, 309, 816, 3078, 281, 3894, 253, 19525, 3054, 581, 476, 3330, 281, 2489, 4007, 27, 187, 30971, 313, 2417, 13008, 10, 187, 36179, 313, 1839, 13008, 10, 187, 49210, 313, 1717, 13008, 10, 187, 4257, 2816, 313, 1717, 13008, 10, 187, 15041, 10868, 313, 938, 13008, 10, 187, 26008, 11187, 313, 938, 13008, 10, 187, 30779, 313, 1093, 13008, 10 ]
ian PM. What a fucking joke country, Ian Paisley laughs from heaven Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:11:24 no.172410101: >>172409915 or even better, when Mueller exonerates Trump of all crimes and claims that Trumps been right about the DOJ and FBI Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:11:56 no.172410132: Anybody willing to give him JUST hair? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:12:36 no.172410185: >>172410132 im on it Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:12:57 no.172410203: Time to die Drumpfywumpfy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:03 no.172410206: >>172409524 >>172409541 Thank goodness I woke up in time for the happening. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:09 no.172410213: >>172410101 Probably 0% chance of that (because mueller is a deep state turd). I’m convinced Hillary’s minions have arranged for Mueller to do what Comey did to clinton (even tho he shoulda indicted her) and say mean things about Trump (oh gee trump was careless) right before 2018 elections. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:36 no.172410237: >>172410132 Lol that absurd look on his face. Mr tough guy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:37 no.172410242: >>172410185 dont forget the red eyes Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:38 no.172410243: Oh dear, they are panicking By trying a ‘clever’ midterm strategy that focuses on policy not scandal, the Democrats are failing to hold this White House to account. It will cost them the election. // ts-must-get-a-lot-tougher-on-the-tr ump-scandals-or-they-will-lose-the- midterms Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:38 no.172410245: >>172410101 They'll take to the streets with their switches lit up and slingshots. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:07 no.172410285: >>172410203 Nobody cares about pajeet baloney Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:20 no.172410296: 3RD Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:34 no.172410308: >>172409541 SHOTS FIRED!!!!! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:36 no.172410311: >>172410213 Good thing that Trump isn't at the ballot for 2018, that would be pointless and so nothing to prevent people from voting R downballot Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:40 no.172410315: >>172410026 HAHAHA! Good call Trump. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:42 no.172410318: >>172410132 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:47 no.172410322: >>172410244 Eyyyyy Dan Bongino ovah heah! Gabba goo! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:06 no.172410344: >>172410132 Holy shit every picture of this guy looks almost cartoonishly evil. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:08 no.172410346: >>172410296 Oops Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:07 no.172410347: >>172410244 I love when the God Emperor drops his big golden dong on the table. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:13 no.172410355: >>172410203 Poo in the loo lawyer needs to sit this one out though, what a shitter Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:15 no.172410358: Vote out Bob Casey! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:22 no.172410367: >>172410311 She wants to get dems the house and then get trump impeached as revenge for billy impeachment too. She’s just a salty cunt Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:23 no.172410370: >>172410244 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Brennan is being hung out to dry. I bet he responds with his own tweet as well, this is going to be amazing, what a day. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:36 no.172410381: >>172410243 >Democrats >policy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:35 no.172410382: DAS RIGHT k/status/997898555510673411 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:51 no.172410399: >>172410318 Can you do this to the island of Britain in honor of their new Amerimutt Roastie Princess? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:09 no.172410420: >>172410370 It’ll probably be some pretentious roman quote or some shit. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:08 no.172410421: >>172408853 >mfw I met a guy literally named Mason Jar Did we do it? did we literally break reality itself? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:14 no.172410429: >>172410244 Reminder that Dan Bongino has been right about everything this whole time, before anybody else. He's being fed information by someone in the know. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:16 no.172410438: >>172410203 >war on trump wait i thought this was a reasonable legit investigation and not a political witch hunt Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:41 no.172410459: >>172410244 Keep going. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:45 no.172410460: >>172410421 Was he jelly? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:04 no.172410478: >>172409579 (((Goldhill))) My fuck It's almost time to fucking exterminate the jew plague. One more of these, just one more.... Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:40 no.172410508: >>172410420 He quoted Cicero last time, the cheeky fucker. At least it isn't irrelevant Bible quotes like Comey. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:46 no.172410513: >>172410243 ??? I've seen Dem apologist rags saying *exactly* the opposite also. They really don't know what the fuck they're doing, do they? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:59 no.172410527: >>172410344 John Brennan IS cartoonishly evil. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:07 no.172410539: >>172410242 >>172410132 >>172410237 >>172410318 >>172410399 >>172410344 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:08 no.172410540: >>172410444 >One side smearing the other ad inifnitum. Can they get actual court hearings for this shit already so it can be put to rest, people need to be >under oath and >punished for lying under oath to force these fucking retards to talk straight Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:18 no.172410553: >>172410460 Or saucey? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:21 no.172410554: >>172410101 >>172410213 yeah pretty clear muller was hired
[ 757, 5365, 15, 1737, 247, 12835, 16391, 2586, 13, 23259, 3643, 261, 2205, 33350, 432, 13926, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 1525, 1010, 187, 263, 1014, 1805, 13, 672, 26596, 22472, 254, 684, 3778, 273, 512, 12137, 285, 3916, 326, 1535, 10628, 644, 987, 670, 253, 7953, 43, 285, 12578, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 27, 187, 6693, 2915, 7378, 281, 1918, 779, 28509, 4707, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 805, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 303, 327, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 805, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 27, 187, 4769, 281, 3150, 3196, 1765, 31296, 88, 1765, 31296, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 1348, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 3156, 187, 8398, 23190, 309, 23686, 598, 275, 673, 323, 253, 9369, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 37161, 470, 6, 4839, 273, 326, 313, 12157, 12910, 7707, 310, 247, 3676, 1375, 10709, 69, 481, 309, 457, 78, 13762, 18175, 457, 84, 1054, 621, 452, 10912, 323, 26596, 281, 513, 752, 41101, 858, 281, 502, 8185, 313, 9154, 37152, 344, 943, 66, 38455, 617, 10, 285, 1333, 1599, 1841, 670, 3778, 313, 1368, 305, 1796, 29154, 369, 48292, 10, 987, 1078, 4765, 12337, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 45, 311, 326, 20873, 1007, 327, 521, 2454, 15, 2305, 10458, 5599, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22232, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 2227, 187, 69, 834, 7740, 253, 2502, 2927, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 27, 187, 4013, 11761, 13, 597, 403, 3199, 12427, 187, 3463, 2820, 247, 2802, 2148, 332, 457, 4260, 3945, 5700, 326, 16633, 327, 3646, 417, 20565, 13, 253, 10823, 403, 11741, 281, 2186, 436, 5219, 3995, 281, 2395, 15, 733, 588, 2105, 731, 253, 6132, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 7585, 15, 22477, 15, 2061, 16, 15261, 16, 3614, 27, 187, 605, 2700, 15, 85, 742, 4170, 1257, 505, 15, 681, 16, 783, 14, 9468, 406, 376, 187, 1641, 14, 18265, 14, 788, 14, 66, 14, 11753, 14, 85, 529, 379, 14, 251, 14, 783, 14, 1206, 187, 1765, 14, 1026, 45642, 14, 263, 14, 9328, 14, 9846, 14, 77, 583, 14, 783, 14, 187, 7893, 27169, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 19490, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 3726, 1833, 1379, 281, 253, 10198, 342, 616, 20994, 6195, 598, 285, 1499, 723, 40396, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 30213, 24505, 670, 1349, 5173, 292, 4273, 2153, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23402, 27, 187, 20, 19000, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 20777, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 3156, 187, 5648, 2415, 52, 401, 44780, 4672, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 187, 8620, 2181, 326, 3778, 3548, 626, 387, 253, 22523, 323, 4765, 13, 326, 651, 320, 41690, 285, 594, 2717, 281, 3657, 952, 432, 13423, 416, 1066, 2910, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 2313, 1731, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 2, 7088, 1067, 3778, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23625, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 38, 41246, 90, 5682, 378, 543, 2610, 14246, 1240, 344, 1240, 2, 17422, 5830, 564, 80, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 42846, 10739, 1046, 5406, 273, 436, 5599, 4453, 2761, 28224, 41524, 10319, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23402, 187, 48, 2695, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23568, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 42, 2389, 672, 253, 2656, 22212, 15323, 521, 1943, 14072, 277, 543, 327, 253, 2829, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22341, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 49, 3288, 275, 253, 2343, 80, 11115, 3198, 281, 1790, 436, 581, 562, 2167, 13, 752, 247, 439, 4069, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 26422, 27, 187, 55, 1584, 562, 8679, 32252, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 25140, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 883, 187, 2993, 5605, 281, 755, 1471, 84, 253, 2419, 285, 840, 755, 29154, 19812, 2729, 347, 25442, 323, 270, 9352, 31105, 1512, 15, 187, 2993, 457, 84, 816, 247, 3779, 555, 260, 2084, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 7246, 2446, 17162, 17520, 17520, 17520, 17520, 17520, 41, 45572, 310, 1146, 10416, 562, 281, 6079, 15, 309, 701, 344, 27019, 342, 521, 1211, 15975, 347, 973, 13, 436, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 8644, 13, 752, 247, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 30169, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 187, 31, 13641, 41965, 187, 31, 22872, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 31110, 27, 187, 37, 1719, 33238, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 48079, 69, 471, 1559, 317, 187, 76, 16, 8581, 16, 28315, 2511, 2227, 27865, 740, 2251, 1706, 883, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 187, 5804, 368, 513, 436, 281, 253, 8930, 273, 9643, 275, 10390, 273, 616, 747, 28177, 303, 13077, 8741, 505, 466, 23091, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23139, 187, 1147, 457, 620, 3164, 320, 690, 3215, 290, 784, 10102, 266, 14430, 390, 690, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2055, 3357, 187, 31, 78, 25837, 309, 1313, 247, 5599, 12832, 4907, 22455, 24064, 209, 187, 8917, 359, 513, 352, 32, 858, 359, 12832, 2740, 6612, 3139, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 8494, 6228, 326, 5682, 378, 543, 2610, 556, 644, 987, 670, 3253, 436, 2644, 673, 13, 1078, 13098, 2010, 15, 187, 1328, 434, 1146, 10208, 1491, 407, 3095, 275, 253, 871, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 31, 7523, 327, 29154, 187, 14061, 891, 1869, 436, 369, 247, 5272, 10972, 5839, 285, 417, 247, 3569, 25204, 20269, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 28333, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 19515, 1469, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1797, 187, 18412, 344, 39018, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 31819, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 2787, 187, 39246, 22526, 18610, 10689, 187, 3220, 7435, 187, 1147, 434, 2761, 673, 281, 12835, 385, 20792, 366, 253, 15589, 31781, 15, 2596, 625, 273, 841, 13, 816, 581, 625, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 938, 187, 1328, 15212, 45812, 2771, 1390, 673, 13, 253, 19723, 90, 7435, 254, 15, 2058, 1878, 352, 3548, 626, 19124, 13534, 19101, 751, 41101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 187, 33186, 187, 42, 1849, 2326, 4281, 1049, 10364, 391, 3544, 3981, 475, 911, 24374, 11, 253, 7285, 671, 15, 187, 3726, 1663, 1053, 626, 871, 752, 253, 7435, 597, 1472, 2509, 13, 513, 597, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 187, 8732, 45572, 4110, 28224, 41524, 10319, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22232, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 20991, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1525, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 24447, 187, 31, 4041, 1930, 924, 10745, 253, 643, 519, 275, 338, 32202, 360, 15, 187, 5804, 597, 755, 4588, 1302, 26388, 323, 436, 10739, 2168, 594, 352, 476, 320, 1691, 281, 1551, 13, 952, 878, 281, 320, 209, 187, 31, 4524, 25019, 187, 395, 209, 187, 31, 34139, 1428, 323, 10776, 762, 25019, 187, 936, 3490, 841, 12835, 851, 2196, 281, 2312, 4951, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 42633, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1549, 187, 3980, 12364, 90, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 187, 90, 3983, 3965, 2590, 278, 962, 254, 369, 14565 ]
man to fish: rator It's taking ages so I don't know. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:01:42 no.148258101: >>148236228 should this campaign go for round 2 on here? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:12:50 no.148259351: >>148258101 No, stick with the plan Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:13:43 no.148259467: problem for me in my country: I can't trigger the left that hard with the slogan Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:15:58 no.148259706: New - Youtube - MrIslamAnswersback - re: It's OK To Be White Hash tag Black Muslim tells you why it's not okay to be white edition meZwXWrM Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:16:19 no.148259754: >>148248636 This kills the computer. Here's a general recap vid kkPdQqLs Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:17:59 no.148259933: >>148257994 >>148236228 Looks like it's: Homizio Nova Light in all caps. It's free. varo-thomz/homizio-nova Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:20:26 no.148260212: >>148259351 I think what was meant was should anons start up a lot of threads for the campaign again..its slowed on here Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:21:19 no.148260321: >>148236228 How can we get weev to hack all the vulnerable printers in the world to print this out? He did it for the stormfags Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:23:42 no.148260606: >>148259467 Try: It's okay to be Right Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:28:48 no.148261224: saw this one today for Europe. Think the cultural marxist stuff needs to go as normies think it's a weird conspiracy Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:28:54 no.148261235: >>148236228 Did you know you can print images, like the one you posted? Isn't technology amazing? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:30:39 no.148261442: >>148261235 It wouldn't be as clean a print though, you could do different sizes and I think the line-height needs improvement anyway. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:32:47 no.148261679: My school just sent this out. Who /pol/ on my campus Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:33:12 no.148261722: >>148248671 Don't make fun of him. He is not even part of a legitimate country Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:35:24 no.148261992: >>148241674 Nice work dude. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:37:35 no.148262224: IS THE FONT COPYRIGHT FREE MY GOYS? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:40:44 no.148262559: >>148236228 I'd say Futura Light is close, but not the exact font (letter B) Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:41:33 no.148262647: >>148261679 that's a pretty based response desu Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:41:45 no.148262669: New ar-campus-saying-okay-white-called- racist-scandal/ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:44:34 no.148262966: >>148257257 well done Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:49:16 no.148263468: >>148262647 Yea not kidding. Didn't expect this from a UC response. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:49:29 no.148263492: So lets see where this (((OP))) stands >Civic Nationalists >Alt Lite >E-Celebs >Unimportant web news FAIL, Go back home you Wigger Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:00:39 no.148264826: >>148256822 Until you aren't. Agreed you can infiltrate and control information really well, but you always get blown the fuck out. Whatever, you fucking Yids seem to enjoy that part too, so you can milk it for sympathy later. One day you're getting purged, and only on that day will you know you've finally gone too far. You creatures are amazing. The type of people I have to admire, but can't respect. Shalom Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:09:45 no.148266146: >>148236608 You change it you change the message. We have but a simple message. "Its okay to be white" do not deviate from it. if anybody disagrees they are racist its a beautiful check if not check mate. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:10:32 no.148266253: >>148261442 It would be fine and you can resize / clean up the image however the fuck you want in paint. How many potatoes does it take to kill a million Irish? None Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:10:32 no.148266256: >>148238017 There are few mentally ill people on live leak that have dozens of left leaning accounts. I can tell he has migrated here. He needs a good doxing Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:11:42 no.148266388: >>148261679 he didn't fall for the bait. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:16:20 no.148266907: >>148263709 How much of a subhuman piece of shit do you have to be to stab a police horse? Those things are docile as fuck. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:19:47 no.148267348: >>148249299 Fucking shill faggots changing the format and linking to alt right websites... Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:20:03 no.148267391: >>148266253 That might pack more of a punch coming from a people that didnt die by the hundreds of millions to starvation. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:24:49 no.148267949: >>148238559 >>148239031 bro, you are doing a great job. have you joined the discord yet? we'd love to have you help with thte media channels: cTbJxZ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:25:52 no.148268089: >>148261679 An unexpectedly moderated response. This guy's actually smart. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:32:59 no.148269000: here in Davis too Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:38:29 no.148269728: bump, this campaign is ongoing and I encourage everyone to keep posting these flyers as fast as they are taken down. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:39:43 no.148269901: >>148240448 >(((Tracking the alt-right))) What did they mean by this? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:42:02 no.148270218: -another-trolling-campaign-emerges the fucking ADL... Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:43:17 no.148270366: >>148236441 I’m ashamed they didn’t report my signs in Albuquerque. :( Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:46:22 no.148270776: >>148270366 Post more anon Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:48:36 no.148271070: >>148236228 It'S oK
[ 637, 281, 6773, 27, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 8345, 371, 343, 1661, 15, 681, 16, 2056, 1962, 187, 21573, 187, 1147, 434, 3192, 11880, 594, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 3593, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 11425, 436, 4544, 564, 323, 3790, 374, 327, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 805, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 27018, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 3593, 520, 187, 2302, 13, 7356, 342, 253, 2098, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 3953, 2251, 27, 187, 28872, 323, 479, 275, 619, 2586, 27, 309, 476, 626, 9632, 253, 1669, 326, 1892, 342, 253, 43387, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1010, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 28166, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 49459, 428, 2305, 34330, 1145, 45823, 2135, 428, 294, 27, 733, 434, 10826, 1916, 2325, 5219, 22272, 6809, 187, 15383, 8797, 8599, 368, 2139, 352, 434, 417, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 11166, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 77, 39297, 187, 1405, 59, 88, 57, 56, 83, 46, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1036, 27, 746, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 31254, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 2691, 1812, 187, 1552, 26280, 253, 4382, 15, 187, 4943, 434, 247, 2087, 39994, 29069, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 5844, 52, 187, 14750, 49, 69, 50, 82, 45, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 1525, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21553, 34307, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 35082, 751, 352, 434, 27, 209, 187, 21569, 478, 900, 30947, 10315, 275, 512, 12839, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 1959, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 4909, 91, 2212, 15, 681, 16, 8345, 16, 77, 187, 2044, 80, 14, 394, 297, 91, 16, 12856, 478, 900, 14, 79, 8947, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 938, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 17223, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20395, 27018, 187, 42, 1158, 752, 369, 5486, 369, 943, 271, 790, 1265, 598, 247, 2257, 273, 17059, 323, 253, 4544, 969, 537, 953, 28837, 327, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 22693, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 2347, 476, 359, 755, 359, 1173, 281, 13908, 512, 253, 14043, 38121, 275, 253, 1533, 281, 3379, 436, 562, 32, 754, 858, 352, 323, 253, 9902, 71, 3544, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1508, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 25358, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 3953, 2251, 187, 17222, 27, 733, 434, 8261, 281, 320, 10154, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 805, 1348, 27, 187, 35577, 436, 581, 3063, 323, 3060, 15, 209, 187, 26068, 253, 8928, 2304, 89, 382, 5017, 3198, 281, 564, 347, 5222, 447, 1158, 352, 434, 247, 12504, 13445, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 805, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 8917, 368, 871, 368, 476, 3379, 3888, 13, 751, 253, 581, 368, 9269, 32, 36026, 626, 4302, 8644, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1229, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1047, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 805, 1671, 187, 1147, 5082, 626, 320, 347, 4076, 247, 3379, 2167, 13, 368, 812, 513, 1027, 9552, 285, 309, 1158, 253, 1386, 14, 7436, 3198, 7756, 8791, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 27, 187, 3220, 2143, 816, 2197, 436, 562, 15, 8452, 1227, 4818, 16, 327, 619, 13790, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1610, 27, 805, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1166, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20520, 35276, 187, 5498, 626, 1056, 794, 273, 779, 15, 754, 310, 417, 1014, 629, 273, 247, 14905, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1671, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 13895, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 1036, 3566, 187, 29235, 789, 29723, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1787, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1423, 1348, 27, 187, 1830, 3003, 401, 17171, 28827, 27460, 17450, 11488, 6328, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1099, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 42, 1871, 1333, 41395, 5650, 10315, 310, 2810, 13, 533, 417, 253, 3242, 8266, 313, 15139, 378, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 17984, 24, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 3529, 434, 247, 3965, 1754, 2380, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1731, 2090, 27, 187, 4257, 10350, 15, 681, 187, 3614, 1358, 585, 5379, 15, 681, 16, 9188, 84, 14, 6243, 187, 274, 14, 23485, 316, 14, 84, 16948, 14, 536, 333, 14, 11300, 14, 8890, 14, 187, 8306, 382, 14, 1026, 14363, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 2577, 8484, 59, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2031, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1717, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21553, 21553, 187, 4714, 2218, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1706, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 17984, 24, 187, 58, 14576, 417, 29521, 15, 40713, 626, 1902, 436, 432, 247, 23455, 2380, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1706, 4529, 27, 187, 2598, 14935, 923, 835, 436, 24317, 2795, 10689, 9572, 187, 31, 23429, 280, 3313, 1346, 187, 31, 31879, 418, 614, 187, 31, 38, 14, 36, 11177, 1768, 187, 31, 2447, 18108, 4384, 3668, 187, 27002, 13, 3617, 896, 1728, 368, 411, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 25020, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 2358, 1423, 187, 24753, 368, 6403, 626, 15, 209, 187, 8903, 22767, 368, 476, 23608, 366, 285, 1453, 1491, 1663, 973, 13, 533, 368, 1900, 755, 24684, 253, 7435, 562, 15, 187, 25713, 13, 368, 12835, 714, 2352, 1646, 281, 4264, 326, 629, 1512, 13, 594, 368, 476, 8463, 352, 323, 25528, 1996, 15, 187, 4041, 1388, 368, 1472, 2970, 1460, 2400, 13, 285, 760, 327, 326, 1388, 588, 368, 871, 368, 1849, 4720, 4783, 1512, 2080, 15, 1422, 17268, 403, 8644, 15, 380, 1511, 273, 952, 309, 452, 281, 26930, 13, 533, 476, 626, 1675, 15, 1608, 267, 297, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 16607, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 25805, 187, 1394, 1818, 352, 368, 1818, 253, 3935, 15, 844, 452, 533, 247, 2969, 3935, 15, 346, 27132, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 3, 513, 417, 1474, 4513, 432, 352, 15, 604, 13098, 10009, 6151, 597, 403, 22198, 697, 247, 5389, 2451, 604, 417, 2451, 20187, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 22067, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1047, 2945, 187, 1147, 651, 320, 4030, 285, 368, 476, 39332, 1227, 4076, 598, 253, 2460, 2299, 253, 7435, 368, 971, 275, 6848, 15, 187, 2347, 1142, 20951, 1057, 352, 1379, 281, 5159, 247, 3041, 11596, 32, 8256, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 9726, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21378, 11027, 187, 2512, 403, 1643, 23198, 2853, 952, 327, 3153, 13584, 326, 452, 18660, 273, 1669, 25661, 8553, 15, 309, 476, 2028, 344, 556, 40891, 1060, 15, 754, 3198, 247, 1175, 513, 89, 272, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 25085, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 248, 1904, 626, 2965, 323, 253, 35352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1036, 27, 938, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 2090, 2922, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1787, 2693, 187, 2347, 1199, 273, 247, 749, 13961, 5313, 273, 10739, 513, 368, 452, 281, 320, 281, 25520, 247, 3513, 8815, 32, 9240, 1841, 403, 5474, 587, 347, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 746, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 23546, 25289, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 4529, 1525, 187, 39, 25826, 439, 408, 269, 13046, 1502, 6890, 253, 5981, 285, 20057, 281, 6945, 987, 14248, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 938, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 16989, 23546, 30072, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 22313, 22067, 187, 2773, 1537, 3584, 625, 273, 247, 18750, 3551, 432, 247, 952, 326, 42126, 3150, 407, 253, 8307, 273, 9790, 281, 35351, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 2787, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2227, 3046, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2270, 2405, 187, 9108, 13, 368, 403, 2509, 247, 1270, 2628, 15, 452, 368, 7416, 253, 37600, 2568, 32, 359, 1871, 2389, 281, 452, 368, 1361, 342, 289, 442, 3420, 8123, 27, 260, 53, 67, 43, 89, 59, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1099, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1438, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 1145, 34065, 771, 12072, 2380, 15, 187, 1552, 5599, 434, 2686, 7060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1237, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 16989, 23292, 933, 27, 187, 1568, 275, 11328, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1839, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 4148, 1619, 27, 187, 67, 1765, 13, 436, 4544, 310, 10800, 285, 309, 11907, 4130, 281, 1978, 16920, 841, 8778, 398, 347, 3809, 347, 597, 403, 2668, 1066, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1867, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1525, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 14028, 25770, 187, 31, 39246, 2290, 10892, 253, 6945, 14, 918, 10689, 187, 1276, 858, 597, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2945, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 2640, 1093, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 324, 77, 15, 2061, 16, 9198, 16, 4064, 14, 21, 2291, 187, 14, 23955, 14, 85, 19891, 14, 49686, 14, 37114, 265, 187, 783, 12835, 5446, 45, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3079, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 16989, 20256, 25772, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 1540, 3156, 187, 42, 457, 78, 29170, 597, 1904, 457, 85, 1304, 619, 7871, 275, 1219, 9111, 14056, 1452, 15, 34977, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 16989, 20256, 32332, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20256, 25772, 187, 8983, 625, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2385, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 740, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 1147, 8, 52, 258, 44 ]
Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:04 no.100254983: >>100251929 lol bigly league xd trump shuod say this Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:08 no.100254991: >>100254734 >then the liberal hordes would ravage her why? It isn't like she has an incriminating pictures of h- oh.... Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:09 no.100254996: >>100254551 Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:13 no.100255005: >>100254478 Imagine being the craftsman who made that rhino. Being patient and skilled and intelligent and thoughtful enough to know your civilization wouldn't make it and eventually it would be lost to time. We saved your rhino figurine for you, Africa guy. A lot of people are looking at it, even though it's next to some dumb stone. Pls be at peace. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:15 no.100255010: >>100253603 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:24 no.100255027: why is argentina the way that it is Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:29 no.100255036: >>100253248 >let me assure you, this time it's different Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:31 no.100255041: >>100254950 We can see your other posts, shill. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:43 no.100255053: >>100254933 She had the money to FILE for a recount, now she needs to raise 8-10 million dollars more to actually have a recount in any given state, cuck Irony 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:11 no.100255109: >>100251929 It would be so ironic if Trump when he gets sworn in if he moves to imprison everybody who ever used the stupid Pepe the frog memes and all the dumbass nazis who heil solute to him and puts them in fucking concentration camps. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:18 no.100255117: >>100254893 There has to be a vailid reason for a recount. Al Gore said the machines were fucky in FL (and they were tampered with to some degree). That's why he got a recount. Using blog posts about Russian hackers isn't evidence in the slightest. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:22 no.100255122: >>100255027 Too many white people Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:30 no.100255136: >>100255027 Dysgenics Same reason the mediterranean is barely holding on to first world status Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:54 no.100255167: >>100254867 >Carried a distance of four fag miles whoopty doo Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:55 no.100255168: >For maximum asspain use in January on social meidia Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:06 no.100255187: >>100255027 jews and peronism Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:18 no.100255203: >>100252618 >>100254505 >>100254950 Take off the tinfoil fedora conspiratard Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:24 no.100255216: >>100255117 Don't need a reason in Wisconsin. Just money and on the ballot. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:29 no.100255222: anyone ever wear 2 Trump hats at the same time? It's a rush, lemme tell you. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:28 no.100255223: >>100255168 kek Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:28 no.100255224: >>100255117 quit arguing with the recount faggots Just smirk and enjoy their desperation Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:45 no.100255258: I want Tulsi to be SoS so bad, but MSM never talks about her. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:46 no.100255260: >>100254950 They're going to blame everything on Russia. This is the start of the narrative to justify WW3 >omg evil Russia hacked poor Hillary's emails >omg evil Russia spread "false news" during the campaign >omg evil Russia hacked the election >omg president Clinton says we need a no fly zone over Syria >omg we totally need to go to war with Russia now! The trump victory was all a set up Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:02 no.100255274: >>100255168 What if you like in Guam? Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:03 no.100255280: >>100255222 madman Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:09 no.100255294: >>100255168 hahahaa Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:15 no.100255306: anyone else find it interesting that hillary doesn't seem to care about a recount and the only one interested in recounting is jill stein, who wont' win? somethings fucky Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:23 no.100255319: >>100255216 >Source: my ass Good luck with that recount faggot Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:44 no.100255355: So why is Wisconsin being recounted? Trump had a 1% lead, so I assumed a recount couldn't occur. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:51 no.100255367: WHY ARE THEY RECOUNTING THE SWING STATES?! DID RUSSIA FUCK UP?! Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:55 no.100255374: >unix filename timestamp has passed 1480000000000 recently >filenames will begin with 1488 from february 25 until march 8 Meme magic will be strong next year. What do you think can we expect from Kek these weeks? Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:55 no.100255376: >>100253955 Previous campaigns didn't really have a candidate people were obsessed with like Trump, mostly just tolerated as the lesser of two evils. Even 08 Obama was just about people being sick of the Iraq war. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:59 no.100255383: >>100255274 He is your president Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:01 no.100255390: UQxN-hys Irony 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:02 no.100255395: >>100255109 >>100255109 >>100255109 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:16 no.100255422: >>100254950 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:20 no.100255434: >>100255053 >8-10 million Source: you ass >file The state clearly said they are going ahead with the recount you pathetic fucking moron Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:32 no.100255462: >>100255306 We shouldn't even bother talking about the recount anymore. CTR shills don't want us paying attention to it. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:33 no.100255466: >>100253995 Good for you! Too bad they'll say Trump won again. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:36 no.100255472: >>100254893 Wait, if they don't finish counting by 13.12 he just loses these votes automatically? Anonymous 11/25
[ 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 2537, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 746, 1717, 187, 77, 311, 1943, 314, 9728, 1269, 69, 187, 1206, 1765, 439, 86, 351, 1333, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 2313, 15161, 39405, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2504, 1706, 187, 31, 7461, 253, 12773, 288, 636, 265, 651, 37952, 486, 617, 187, 2139, 32, 209, 187, 1147, 3548, 626, 751, 703, 556, 271, 1485, 3428, 8779, 7968, 273, 288, 14, 187, 1368, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2313, 15161, 28053, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1857, 3712, 187, 53, 46072, 13, 309, 1333, 281, 368, 13, 597, 452, 2959, 616, 10921, 15, 1292, 672, 368, 1918, 281, 253, 878, 90, 13, 513, 417, 1339, 634, 1669, 1133, 871, 752, 634, 987, 1133, 310, 2509, 13, 594, 326, 634, 4933, 778, 320, 275, 4279, 15, 1244, 634, 10956, 665, 11403, 275, 4279, 588, 10921, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 5388, 22, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2031, 3141, 187, 38989, 1146, 253, 43021, 1342, 665, 1160, 326, 13882, 2610, 15, 187, 26143, 3110, 285, 18024, 285, 17497, 285, 30457, 2217, 281, 871, 634, 23749, 5082, 626, 1056, 352, 285, 6524, 352, 651, 320, 3663, 281, 673, 15, 187, 1231, 9809, 634, 13882, 2610, 43888, 460, 323, 368, 13, 7531, 5599, 15, 329, 2257, 273, 952, 403, 2819, 387, 352, 13, 1014, 2167, 352, 434, 1735, 281, 690, 21413, 8805, 15, 1847, 84, 320, 387, 6330, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 9104, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 16587, 20, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 27, 187, 22309, 310, 1736, 290, 1758, 253, 1039, 326, 352, 310, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1237, 2385, 187, 31, 1059, 479, 21684, 368, 13, 436, 673, 352, 434, 1027, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 1231, 476, 923, 634, 643, 9319, 13, 439, 408, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1610, 187, 2993, 574, 253, 2583, 281, 15691, 323, 247, 27513, 13, 1024, 703, 3198, 281, 7164, 854, 14, 740, 3041, 8918, 625, 281, 2686, 452, 247, 27513, 275, 667, 1677, 1375, 13, 260, 1807, 535, 187, 41331, 90, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 883, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 746, 1717, 187, 1147, 651, 320, 594, 40066, 604, 3778, 672, 344, 4850, 29773, 275, 604, 344, 9727, 281, 14875, 11648, 665, 2455, 908, 253, 11339, 3586, 365, 253, 40096, 1167, 265, 285, 512, 253, 21413, 515, 295, 1370, 261, 665, 344, 300, 1220, 1137, 281, 779, 285, 12516, 731, 275, 12835, 4719, 19509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 12231, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 4590, 187, 2512, 556, 281, 320, 247, 362, 647, 301, 1921, 323, 247, 27513, 15, 1219, 37697, 753, 253, 10679, 497, 7435, 90, 275, 11953, 313, 395, 597, 497, 21526, 11712, 342, 281, 690, 4248, 481, 2064, 434, 2139, 344, 1694, 247, 27513, 15, 6915, 5311, 9319, 670, 7247, 38287, 3548, 626, 1941, 275, 253, 33456, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 14351, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 25643, 1142, 3168, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 15220, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 37, 656, 1541, 982, 187, 27970, 1921, 253, 1129, 20478, 310, 12345, 5877, 327, 281, 806, 1533, 3708, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 2251, 187, 31, 10697, 2200, 247, 4181, 273, 1740, 269, 356, 6574, 187, 10002, 412, 555, 513, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 13851, 27, 187, 31, 2214, 4869, 718, 31406, 897, 275, 4247, 327, 2675, 479, 32825, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 17306, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 75, 999, 84, 285, 591, 251, 1204, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 17490, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1731, 1093, 187, 5064, 2313, 15161, 18550, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 12864, 745, 253, 246, 5374, 300, 10208, 6464, 11882, 255, 472, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12231, 187, 5498, 626, 878, 247, 1921, 275, 15558, 15, 3771, 2583, 285, 327, 253, 22523, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18895, 27, 187, 1279, 531, 2455, 8251, 374, 3778, 33054, 387, 253, 1072, 673, 32, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 16949, 13, 458, 78, 1405, 2028, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 20360, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 413, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12231, 187, 48997, 16425, 342, 253, 27513, 269, 13046, 1502, 187, 6300, 924, 11131, 285, 4264, 616, 46347, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22029, 27, 187, 42, 971, 308, 7228, 74, 281, 320, 1893, 52, 594, 3076, 13, 533, 44986, 1620, 12088, 670, 617, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 3726, 1472, 1469, 281, 13387, 3253, 327, 7422, 15, 831, 310, 253, 1265, 273, 253, 14511, 281, 15249, 23556, 20, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 41765, 4105, 18175, 434, 16530, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 5195, 346, 7750, 3668, 3, 1309, 253, 4544, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 41765, 253, 6132, 187, 31, 297, 72, 4007, 9662, 2296, 359, 878, 247, 642, 8778, 8232, 689, 12728, 209, 187, 31, 297, 72, 359, 9106, 878, 281, 564, 281, 2137, 342, 7422, 1024, 2, 209, 187, 510, 29154, 10170, 369, 512, 247, 873, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 23735, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 1276, 604, 368, 751, 275, 3262, 312, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 18895, 187, 34180, 1342, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22858, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 73, 1240, 1240, 5781, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18950, 27, 187, 1279, 531, 2010, 1089, 352, 4722, 326, 288, 12537, 2506, 626, 1646, 281, 1557, 670, 247, 27513, 285, 253, 760, 581, 6110, 275, 27513, 272, 310, 480, 408, 2870, 249, 13, 665, 31451, 8, 3330, 32, 187, 34355, 678, 723, 7435, 90, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3357, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1036, 187, 31, 7781, 27, 619, 718, 187, 8620, 7516, 342, 326, 27513, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22341, 27, 187, 2598, 2139, 310, 15558, 1146, 27513, 264, 32, 187, 18130, 574, 247, 337, 6, 1421, 13, 594, 309, 8025, 247, 27513, 4571, 626, 2826, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 25140, 27, 187, 8835, 58, 17003, 35460, 28239, 19984, 2637, 3003, 13710, 2637, 18746, 22418, 187, 37, 1838, 416, 24001, 5236, 401, 36746, 20653, 22418, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 24562, 27, 187, 31, 328, 895, 19722, 28921, 556, 4817, 20995, 4226, 361, 4102, 187, 31, 5073, 257, 1443, 588, 3135, 342, 1638, 2055, 432, 704, 67, 4701, 2030, 1919, 14172, 854, 187, 10267, 70, 10721, 588, 320, 2266, 1735, 807, 15, 1737, 513, 368, 1158, 476, 359, 1902, 432, 611, 1441, 841, 3618, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 25848, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1867, 2417, 187, 25925, 18120, 1904, 626, 1663, 452, 247, 7431, 952, 497, 35524, 342, 751, 3778, 13, 6571, 816, 29808, 347, 253, 16277, 273, 767, 612, 3683, 15, 4952, 16331, 6729, 369, 816, 670, 952, 1146, 8334, 273, 253, 9256, 2137, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 30528, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 23735, 187, 1328, 310, 634, 4007, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 520, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 23850, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 57, 40965, 187, 54, 50, 89, 47, 14, 73, 656, 535, 187, 41331, 90, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 20216, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 938, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3357, 187, 31, 25, 14, 740, 3041, 187, 7781, 27, 368, 718, 187, 31, 3140, 187, 510, 1375, 4518, 753, 597, 403, 1469, 6386, 342, 253, 27513, 368, 40479, 12835, 2298, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 34333, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 18950, 187, 1231, 10095, 626, 1014, 15105, 5015, 670, 253, 27513, 10542, 15, 45239, 439, 3171, 1053, 626, 971, 441, 10054, 4116, 281, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 22067, 28202, 187, 8620, 323, 368, 2, 21994, 3076, 597, 1833, 1333, 3778, 1912, 969, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 32006, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 4590, 187, 13689, 13, 604, 597, 1053, 626, 8416, 15496, 407, 2145, 15, 805, 344, 816, 25068, 841, 13008, 8356, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099 ]
(Thu)04:24:46 no.105724283: >>105716868 >lets make this black guy president, that'll make race relations better! >oh fuck what have we fucking done? Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:29:07 no.105724629: >>105716868 In the long run he will be remembered for being the first nigger president. Everything he did was by executive order, it will be repealed by Trump. Obamacare is getting repealed as well, so he will not have his insurance plan for people to remember him by. The only thing stopping him from being one of those 40 presidents no one knows anything about is the fact that he is black. Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:29:43 no.105724674: Inb4 THAT LEAF arrives to say BARACK HUSSEIN OBONGO FIXED THE ECONOMY LOOK AT MY MEME GRAPHS <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:14:36 no.135289224: So after 2 years of crying treason agaisnt Trump and Russia (with no actual evidence) the DNC gets caught red handed. Dont let his story slide initer/2017/07/26/this-exploding-dn c-story-is-crazier-than-fiction-may be-rep-wasserman-schultz-can-explai n/#327916c44144 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:14:55 no.135289260: >>135289224 What if we archive that Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:17:33 no.135289517: >>135289260 You're doing gods work. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:18:53 no.135289639: >>135289224 bump! Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:38:34 no.135291710: >>135289224 >So after 2 years of crying treason agaisnt Trump Trump is a traitor and all the Trumdupsters worshiping the Kremlin and sucking Putin's cock are traitors too. >and Russia (with no actual evidence) Fuckton of hard, damning evidence. - Russia hacked thousands of U.S. officials, both Democrat and Republican. - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake news on social media, supported by profiteers. - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake support for Trump on social media, supported by profiteers - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to divide the Democratic caucus, supported by profiteers. - RT and Sputnik News push state-sponsored propaganda through bots and social media to get it trending on Twitter, so it will go viral. - Voter rolls were hacked to identify voters to target with disinformation. - Trump was working with Russian disinformation outlets to validate news stories known to be fake. - Russians were able to successfully flood social media and specifically target key demographics such as Christians or outspoken patriots with disinformation, then duplicate counterfeit versions of the same accounts they targeted in order to amplify the spread of disinformation. Like attracts Like. - Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign effectively pushed the "election rigging" meme, while simultaneously engaging in the act of trying to influence the election by illegal means. - Senator Wyden is seeking Trump's tax returns, and has the legal authority to subpoena them, if necessary. - Russia uses business networks to influence political actors. - Private American businesses that oppose the Russian agenda are being attacked using tactics designed to negatively impact their stock prices. - Bots and trolls engage in "click fraud" (i.e. computer-automated visits to their own disinformation pages) to push them to page one in search engine results. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:38:59 no.135291758: >>135289224 - Mainstream media sometimes unwittingly published Russian propaganda because it was "trending." - The United States was completely caught off-guard, and had no mechanism in place to combat the Russian disinformation campaign. By the time people became aware of the campaign, it had achieved its objective. - Russia successfully ran practice missions prior to executing the operation against the United States, in once case convincing a town that its chemical plant had been attacked by ISIS when it had not, by using text messages and social media targeted to their region and demographics. - The GOP primaries were influenced by Russian disinformation, and Marco Rubio was specifically named as a target. - Vladimir Putin will continue to attack the United States in this manner. - Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, but if Trump lost, planned to continue to attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton. - "Trump Honeys" (i.e., scantily-clad young women appearing outside of Trump campaign events in Trump regalia) were hired and deployed all over the country by front companies to influence Trump support using a classic "honeypot" scheme. - Fake crimes by refugees, specifically rapes, were fabricated by Russia and spread throughout NATO countries. - Russia is actively working to influence ALL far-Right political parties throughout NATO countries, and executing operations similar to the one in the United States to discredit political moderates throughout NATO, on an ongoing basis. - Putin will continue unless we take positive steps to fight back. Everyone else is reporting it too, and there's information about the Kremlin launching the same disinformation cyberattack against Ukraine, too: rberkut-hackers-link-isis-ukrainian -weapons-negotiations-qatar-russian -2195165 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:41:08 no.135291995: >>135291710 >>135291758 This shit only works on twitter, Louise. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:01:17 no.135294017: >>135291710 Ahhahaha Just give up Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:06:46 no.135294545: >>135291710 Wow you twats are spreading fake news everywhere now. Anyone who believed the Trump Russia nonsense is either a liberal political operative or someone with the IQ of a grilled cheese burger. Anomolous 07/28/17(Fri)13:08:38 no.135294740: >>135291710 If Putin declared himself emporer of America tomorrow therw's not a damned thing fake americans like you would do, and real Americans would welcome him. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:09:08 no.135294795: >>135291710 tl:dr when did /pol/ become horrible at being funny? it almost looks as if this raging faggot takes himself seriously Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:09:39 no.135294858: >>135291710 I'm not seeing a single citation that validates the wall of bullshit you have just spewed out from your nether region. Just a bunch of conjecture and outright lies, sweetie. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:13:37 no.135295251: >>135291710 >>135291758 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:16:52 no.135295571: >>135289260 I'm your biggest fan. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:19:47 no.135295865: Back to the top we go Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:21:14 no.135296013: >>135289224 >implying pres kennedy wasn't a genocidal, anti-white criminal O.P.... Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:25:00 no.135296441: >>135289260 Thanks nord bot Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:32:36 no.135297248: >>135289224 sure guy Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:38:39 no.135297903: >>135296441 He's so amazing. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:40:31 no.135298112: >>135291710 Why wasn't the FBI allowed to look at the DNC's server? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/10/16(Wed)05:44:10 no.84803381: Should the voting age be raised? When I think back I was a retard at 18, I had no clue about politics. Anonymous 08/10/16(Wed)05:46:39 no.84803537: There should be no voting age. And no voting in general.
[ 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1348, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 1348, 28933, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3011, 13851, 2358, 187, 31, 6639, 1056, 436, 2806, 5599, 4007, 13, 326, 1833, 1056, 5492, 2493, 1805, 2, 187, 31, 1368, 7435, 752, 452, 359, 12835, 2218, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1717, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 23260, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3011, 13851, 2358, 187, 688, 253, 1048, 1408, 344, 588, 320, 12659, 323, 1146, 253, 806, 295, 16046, 4007, 15, 187, 22242, 344, 858, 369, 407, 9165, 1340, 13, 352, 588, 320, 3842, 3256, 407, 3778, 15, 187, 9379, 36801, 310, 2970, 3842, 3256, 347, 973, 13, 594, 344, 588, 417, 452, 521, 6503, 2098, 323, 952, 281, 4456, 779, 407, 15, 187, 510, 760, 2181, 15910, 779, 432, 1146, 581, 273, 1110, 3387, 37627, 642, 581, 6057, 2712, 670, 310, 253, 958, 326, 344, 310, 2806, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1717, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 1348, 29327, 27, 187, 688, 67, 21, 16093, 12838, 9006, 23981, 281, 1333, 43793, 8100, 388, 3016, 2354, 1042, 27227, 1139, 10993, 38506, 1703, 3003, 444, 5707, 2277, 58, 418, 16569, 4915, 17450, 25719, 38, 9942, 2088, 8282, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 27, 187, 2598, 846, 374, 1107, 273, 17800, 44331, 639, 4631, 2649, 3778, 285, 7422, 313, 3113, 642, 4588, 1941, 10, 253, 399, 9431, 4850, 7270, 2502, 14048, 15, 399, 834, 1339, 521, 2926, 14518, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 1542, 12133, 15, 681, 16, 37813, 16, 925, 1164, 78, 187, 249, 2562, 16, 7132, 16, 2922, 16, 1731, 16, 2520, 14, 15083, 4442, 14, 17915, 187, 68, 14, 19192, 14, 261, 14, 68, 5744, 1321, 14, 14644, 14, 33223, 14, 11159, 187, 1257, 14, 4762, 14, 88, 515, 8592, 14, 10629, 38085, 14, 5092, 14, 15083, 2284, 187, 79, 21225, 1237, 2787, 1036, 68, 2031, 14231, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1047, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 1276, 604, 359, 21429, 326, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 10579, 54, 18591, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 2222, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 1394, 1472, 2509, 17373, 789, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4196, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 67, 1765, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 31, 2598, 846, 374, 1107, 273, 17800, 44331, 639, 4631, 2649, 3778, 209, 187, 18130, 310, 247, 50136, 285, 512, 253, 1535, 360, 34856, 13297, 17246, 272, 253, 46885, 285, 42296, 22404, 434, 11694, 403, 1140, 5109, 1512, 15, 187, 31, 395, 7422, 313, 3113, 642, 4588, 1941, 10, 187, 30368, 1299, 273, 1892, 13, 2687, 920, 1941, 15, 209, 187, 14, 7422, 41765, 6763, 273, 530, 15, 52, 15, 6338, 13, 1097, 20736, 285, 8786, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 5195, 15223, 3668, 327, 2675, 3420, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 5195, 15223, 1329, 323, 3778, 327, 2675, 3420, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 10957, 253, 9922, 42775, 316, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 15, 187, 14, 9233, 285, 322, 1065, 16825, 6317, 7450, 1375, 14, 45519, 23306, 949, 270, 1502, 285, 2675, 3420, 281, 755, 352, 9058, 272, 327, 7879, 13, 594, 352, 588, 564, 9907, 15, 187, 14, 657, 31387, 21968, 497, 41765, 281, 4271, 11163, 281, 2303, 342, 557, 18480, 15, 187, 14, 3778, 369, 2444, 342, 7247, 557, 18480, 23812, 281, 17813, 3668, 6281, 1929, 281, 320, 15223, 15, 187, 14, 24794, 497, 2104, 281, 8379, 10802, 2675, 3420, 285, 5742, 2303, 2234, 35949, 824, 347, 15600, 390, 562, 33065, 20110, 1502, 342, 557, 18480, 13, 840, 21036, 4828, 44684, 9508, 273, 253, 1072, 8553, 597, 10522, 275, 1340, 281, 42074, 253, 5195, 273, 557, 18480, 15, 6975, 45465, 6975, 15, 187, 14, 7247, 557, 18480, 285, 253, 3778, 4544, 8069, 10184, 253, 346, 24508, 8132, 3390, 3, 1167, 70, 13, 1223, 10486, 15966, 275, 253, 769, 273, 2820, 281, 4833, 253, 6132, 407, 9676, 2097, 15, 187, 14, 18718, 18059, 3354, 310, 8445, 3778, 434, 2891, 6548, 13, 285, 556, 253, 4320, 6265, 281, 36674, 731, 13, 604, 3309, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 4648, 2136, 6928, 281, 4833, 3569, 14142, 15, 187, 14, 20859, 2448, 9341, 326, 25437, 253, 7247, 15990, 403, 1146, 13964, 970, 21041, 4158, 281, 18123, 3486, 616, 5739, 7911, 15, 187, 14, 378, 1502, 285, 37053, 84, 11377, 275, 346, 9738, 9116, 3, 313, 74, 15, 70, 15, 4382, 14, 37771, 456, 12941, 281, 616, 1211, 557, 18480, 7223, 10, 281, 7450, 731, 281, 3239, 581, 275, 3186, 3948, 1543, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 14, 11505, 4963, 3420, 4536, 10357, 2835, 314, 3863, 7247, 23306, 984, 352, 369, 346, 85, 5047, 272, 449, 187, 14, 380, 1986, 2077, 369, 4336, 7270, 745, 14, 18625, 13, 285, 574, 642, 5122, 275, 1659, 281, 11757, 253, 7247, 557, 18480, 4544, 15, 2896, 253, 673, 952, 3395, 6600, 273, 253, 4544, 13, 352, 574, 6786, 697, 8103, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 8379, 6337, 3946, 21468, 2720, 281, 24364, 253, 4254, 1411, 253, 1986, 2077, 13, 275, 2378, 1083, 21414, 247, 3874, 326, 697, 5793, 4444, 574, 644, 13964, 407, 25484, 672, 352, 574, 417, 13, 407, 970, 2505, 8169, 285, 2675, 3420, 10522, 281, 616, 2919, 285, 35949, 15, 187, 14, 380, 18485, 2248, 3927, 497, 12208, 407, 7247, 557, 18480, 13, 285, 28712, 46390, 369, 5742, 4907, 347, 247, 2303, 15, 187, 14, 31563, 22404, 588, 4035, 281, 2983, 253, 1986, 2077, 275, 436, 5133, 15, 187, 14, 31563, 22404, 3078, 3778, 281, 3330, 13, 533, 604, 3778, 3663, 13, 9355, 281, 4035, 281, 3177, 281, 1262, 12289, 18175, 9662, 15, 187, 14, 346, 18130, 388, 531, 656, 3, 313, 74, 15, 70, 904, 43721, 1031, 14, 498, 324, 2872, 2255, 15602, 3345, 273, 3778, 4544, 3394, 275, 3778, 810, 25431, 10, 497, 14565, 285, 18329, 512, 689, 253, 2586, 407, 2914, 4413, 281, 4833, 3778, 1329, 970, 247, 10610, 346, 73, 2153, 11714, 3, 6974, 15, 187, 14, 401, 640, 12137, 407, 19382, 13, 5742, 17845, 265, 13, 497, 26493, 407, 7422, 285, 5195, 4768, 24952, 4343, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 310, 15257, 2444, 281, 4833, 13556, 2080, 14, 8455, 3569, 4676, 4768, 24952, 4343, 13, 285, 24364, 5871, 2074, 281, 253, 581, 275, 253, 1986, 2077, 281, 1262, 12289, 3569, 16938, 684, 4768, 24952, 13, 327, 271, 10800, 3720, 15, 187, 14, 22404, 588, 4035, 5734, 359, 1379, 2762, 5018, 281, 3819, 896, 15, 187, 23631, 2010, 310, 9610, 352, 1512, 13, 285, 627, 434, 1491, 670, 253, 46885, 25251, 253, 1072, 557, 18480, 20239, 35946, 1411, 17111, 13, 1512, 27, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 487, 3181, 15, 681, 16, 83, 1316, 757, 14, 951, 1257, 187, 83, 589, 76, 307, 14, 73, 471, 398, 14, 4492, 14, 261, 261, 14, 2788, 24647, 187, 14, 664, 40127, 14, 43543, 10944, 14, 82, 15642, 14, 83, 1316, 757, 187, 14, 19, 17726, 15429, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 3156, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 12731, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 187, 1552, 10739, 760, 2987, 327, 34302, 13, 35028, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 13743, 22858, 11027, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 34, 12155, 1240, 19369, 187, 6300, 1918, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3071, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1857, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 24243, 368, 2500, 1832, 403, 17355, 15223, 3668, 11678, 1024, 15, 26013, 665, 6566, 253, 3778, 7422, 25333, 310, 2057, 247, 12773, 3569, 24685, 390, 3095, 342, 253, 29147, 273, 247, 46342, 12173, 42463, 15, 535, 187, 1145, 297, 311, 528, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2904, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2504, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 2042, 22404, 8884, 2994, 41534, 14071, 273, 3968, 10873, 253, 30217, 434, 417, 247, 31833, 2181, 15223, 41290, 507, 751, 368, 651, 513, 13, 285, 1524, 7108, 651, 10112, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2504, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 17945, 27, 5267, 187, 9453, 858, 1227, 4818, 16, 2489, 19201, 387, 1146, 11755, 32, 187, 262, 2761, 4453, 347, 604, 436, 48825, 269, 13046, 302, 3936, 2994, 10369, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13743, 22858, 31117, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 6523, 247, 2014, 25577, 326, 3588, 684, 253, 3402, 273, 35281, 368, 452, 816, 705, 7184, 562, 432, 634, 2036, 379, 2919, 15, 209, 187, 6300, 247, 12190, 273, 24366, 285, 30227, 8696, 13, 7353, 466, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13743, 22270, 21451, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1036, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2417, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 42, 1353, 634, 5962, 7989, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 746, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 3680, 2082, 27, 187, 8116, 281, 253, 1755, 359, 564, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13743, 23402, 13144, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 838, 465, 2477, 6368, 3589, 626, 247, 730, 406, 11421, 13, 3270, 14, 11300, 6424, 187, 48, 15, 49, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1099, 27, 361, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1540, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 8061, 295, 636, 17994, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13743, 23185, 20520, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 43574, 5599, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13743, 23185, 36814, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1540, 3156, 187, 1328, 434, 594, 8644, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 3593, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 4967, 3589, 626, 253, 12578, 4136, 281, 1007, 387, 253, 399, 9431, 434, 4771, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1762, 27, 2031, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2759, 1438, 1610, 3593, 27, 187, 18837, 253, 13423, 2363, 320, 5439, 32, 187, 3039, 309, 1158, 896, 309, 369, 247, 31832, 387, 1283, 13, 309, 574, 642, 22796, 670, 8672, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1762, 27, 2950, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 2759, 1438, 1671, 1787, 27, 187, 2512, 943, 320, 642, 13423, 2363, 15, 1244, 642, 13423, 275, 2087, 15, 535 ]
:53 no.132558508: >>132557747 Lyrical miracle tier shit but, D0vv-ds8 Hopefully the line about pirating software isn't too degenerate, lol. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:33:38 no.132558577: >>132555420 Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:35:45 no.132558829: >>132557221 Day and night Maad city Most shit by Kendrick Lamar Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:36:46 no.132558963: _goyPCMM Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:37:59 no.132559130: >>132557221 death grips Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:38:41 no.132559236: >>132557747 Dude, most popular songs in any genre mention one of those three things, people like those things. Redbone by Childish Gambino is pretty deep and non-degenerate and it's top 40 as fuck. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:39:18 no.132559320: >>132557221 >>132558577 >>132558963 HOyoq-wQ "am I equal or just goyim to you" lots of non degenerate rappers (((they))) just don't want you to find them Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:41:38 no.132559558: >>132555420 It's a real shame rap is the only genre which promotes masculinity. Women are objects useful only for sexual gratification, other men are either loyal comrades or enemies that you eliminate with no remorse, the only goal in life is achieving domination in social hierarchy either by killing all your enemies or obtaining the highest amount of valuable goods (by any means necessary)... While whyte bois stay mad simping for Stacy negros keep doing what a man is supposed to be doing. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:41:51 no.132559581: >>132559320 >>132559130 >>132558508 I stand corrected, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of the rap music industry is shit that blocks out the good stuff Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:43:05 no.132559707: >>132559581 I could say the same about rock and pop in the mainstream as well. Music died after 9/11 all genres some indie artists do it well, but if an artist has a label hes a puppet Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:43:37 no.132559771: >>132559581 A majority of the music industry is shit that blocks out the good stuff. Sex, drugs, and violence sell really well so that's what they use to market to the kids. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:45:41 no.132559980: You don't. Please don't I make beats for these nigs. Lot of us in the game just cant anything cuz lots of rappers are we wuz tier nigs. Don't wanna get blacklisted in this industry. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:46:45 no.132560091: YUJ1kZlE word play is insane no degenerate music intelligent lyrics (RIP) Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:49:54 no.132560413: >>132559858 The Jewish bourgeoisie isn't using degeneracy to corrupt the youth, they're using it to sell records to the youth. If degeneracy weren't marketable they wouldn't use it. Sadly it's extremely marketable. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:50:00 no.132560429: >>132555420 The only degenerate rap music is rap music that's produced by corporate record labels. Independent hip hop is the only music that exposes Zionism. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:50:23 no.132560473: >>132559320 >implying bob is good you fucking leaf Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:51:03 no.132560554: >>132555420 mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggin bix bood sheeiyih muh diq nugguh Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:53:35 no.132560793: >>132559581 No doubt. The mainstream stuff is what reflects the actual nigger culture. This is a song about black separatism from 1993. They're basically saying what /pol/ is saying for white people now. 33oeOBTE Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:55:02 no.132560958: zEM8cgt0 Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:56:44 no.132561142: >>132557221 nujabes luvsic part 6 faggot. listen to a genre in its entirety before you judge it. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:57:14 no.132561187: you're all Instagram faggots if you listen to rap in this day and age. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:00:13 no.132561490: >>132560958 Heh, this song that samples Zapper was in the related videos of the Freestyle Fellowship song I linked to the other anon. vmLRvAvw >>132561142 Hasn't Nujabes been dead for over a decade? He asked for popular music that was less than 10 years old, weeb. >>132561187 I don't really listen to it anymore, but I know some. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:04:15 no.132561910: Don't even try. Blacks are destroying themselves. They're eating up jewish propaganda and it's shame. Blacks could live a decent live if they slided together with whites but instead the whole rap genre is "haha fuck white people they opress me" while flaunting their cash that...well earned cause they weren't fucking opressed. Then cause they'll realize they weren't really opressed they'll turn to each other cause they need to have an enemy. Basically this was the whole west vs east coast feud of the 90s which killed 2Pac... Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:04:21 no.132561923: >>132561490 luvsic was released in 2013 you cocksucking kike; besides the point that Pace Rock, Substantial, Shing02, and Apani B all released similar rap lyrics under different hip hop producers as well. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:05:54 no.132562089: >>132555420 Also..they rap against fagotry and bitches so they just need a red pill. Overall there's big potential for rappers, but it's shame they are used by corporations and stuff. Are there any red pilled rappers? I mean Kanye is more or less woke and realizes that the media is bought and biased and he had that whole Trump meeting but is there anyone full blown red pill? P.S Ayyy nice 420, checked! Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:10:17 no.132562524: >>132561910 >the whole rap genre is "haha fuck white people they opress me" while flaunting their cash that You don't listen to very much rap, do you? >>132562089 >Also..they rap against fagotry and bitches so they just need a red pill. Yeah, but not in the way that you think. They need to completely drop the identitarian shit. They need to stop acting like their oppression is the main thing holding them back in life. And they've also got to stop it with the anti-fag anti-bitch shit too because fags and bitches honestly aren't that detrimental to their success either. Why let shit that doesn't affect you bother you? Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:13:40 no.132562867: >>13
[ 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3680, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2357, 2504, 187, 27524, 5526, 28065, 30625, 10739, 533, 13, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 19, 77, 57, 187, 37, 17, 24260, 14, 1397, 25, 187, 3614, 1358, 1541, 3750, 15, 681, 16, 21, 1418, 4529, 187, 24004, 2920, 253, 1386, 670, 19188, 839, 3694, 3548, 626, 1512, 29458, 13, 23385, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1610, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2227, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 69, 18, 87, 38, 19, 80, 44, 83, 37, 5428, 32, 85, 30, 1237, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1671, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2055, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 15490, 285, 2360, 209, 187, 16490, 324, 2846, 187, 10342, 10739, 407, 32064, 4662, 16967, 274, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1812, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2511, 3571, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 58, 18446, 187, 64, 72, 899, 5077, 8643, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1787, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 11246, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 26975, 18234, 793, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1839, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 21358, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2357, 2504, 187, 37, 2496, 13, 954, 4633, 9575, 275, 667, 19098, 3748, 581, 273, 1110, 1264, 1841, 13, 952, 751, 1110, 1841, 15, 4410, 15801, 407, 8347, 763, 41425, 2610, 310, 3965, 3676, 285, 1327, 14, 42822, 285, 352, 434, 1755, 3387, 347, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1867, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2227, 2357, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2511, 3571, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 58, 740, 187, 23435, 11904, 82, 14, 88, 50, 346, 312, 309, 4503, 390, 816, 564, 90, 303, 281, 368, 3, 8783, 273, 1327, 29458, 1218, 13906, 24317, 9328, 10689, 816, 1053, 626, 971, 368, 281, 1089, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 1524, 14816, 17845, 310, 253, 760, 19098, 534, 18653, 30668, 5953, 15, 10168, 403, 5113, 4217, 760, 323, 5615, 15556, 1877, 13, 643, 1821, 403, 2057, 14211, 40032, 390, 13948, 326, 368, 13469, 342, 642, 47753, 13, 253, 760, 4736, 275, 1495, 310, 17170, 38767, 275, 2675, 19868, 2057, 407, 9811, 512, 634, 13948, 390, 13546, 253, 4585, 2408, 273, 9865, 10229, 313, 1615, 667, 2097, 3309, 41605, 187, 6175, 2139, 442, 1766, 261, 3297, 10279, 948, 14650, 323, 659, 1974, 2297, 2921, 1978, 2509, 752, 247, 637, 310, 6326, 281, 320, 2509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 11246, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3680, 27101, 187, 42, 1462, 15045, 13, 533, 326, 2506, 626, 1818, 253, 958, 326, 253, 5020, 273, 253, 17845, 3440, 4491, 310, 10739, 326, 8336, 562, 253, 1175, 5017, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 26522, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 42, 812, 1333, 253, 1072, 670, 5561, 285, 1684, 275, 253, 17068, 347, 973, 15, 11412, 4962, 846, 898, 16, 883, 512, 39831, 690, 40308, 10846, 513, 352, 973, 13, 533, 604, 271, 9558, 556, 247, 5203, 34236, 247, 47717, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 40379, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 34, 5020, 273, 253, 3440, 4491, 310, 10739, 326, 8336, 562, 253, 1175, 5017, 15, 16678, 13, 5835, 13, 285, 7217, 5580, 1663, 973, 594, 326, 434, 752, 597, 897, 281, 2791, 281, 253, 5753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1857, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 1525, 1438, 27, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 15, 7764, 1053, 626, 309, 1056, 27125, 323, 841, 295, 17638, 15, 23519, 273, 441, 275, 253, 2165, 816, 16216, 2712, 260, 7958, 8783, 273, 1218, 13906, 403, 359, 259, 7958, 30625, 295, 17638, 15, 209, 187, 5498, 626, 17341, 755, 2806, 24328, 275, 436, 4491, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2950, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 361, 4739, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 664, 39, 187, 58, 54, 43, 18, 76, 59, 77, 38, 3159, 1132, 310, 24812, 642, 29458, 3440, 17497, 24591, 313, 51, 3123, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2537, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 26890, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 31117, 187, 510, 9556, 39201, 466, 3548, 626, 970, 44877, 281, 17715, 253, 8920, 13, 597, 1472, 970, 352, 281, 5580, 5861, 281, 253, 8920, 15, 1310, 44877, 10345, 626, 2791, 494, 597, 5082, 626, 897, 352, 15, 47870, 352, 434, 6685, 2791, 494, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1235, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 26890, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 510, 760, 29458, 17845, 3440, 310, 17845, 3440, 326, 434, 4197, 407, 10459, 1924, 13301, 15, 20911, 13290, 5184, 310, 253, 760, 3440, 326, 47566, 29452, 1204, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1235, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 31408, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 33131, 310, 1175, 187, 5658, 12835, 10617, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 78, 484, 4204, 513, 80, 858, 1473, 2963, 5497, 278, 6968, 71, 814, 6058, 270, 895, 270, 836, 703, 70, 14059, 6356, 278, 6968, 1073, 82, 295, 814, 4297, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3357, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 2302, 5545, 15, 380, 17068, 5017, 310, 752, 13806, 253, 4588, 295, 16046, 4466, 15, 209, 187, 1552, 310, 247, 4498, 670, 2806, 2533, 44451, 432, 9725, 15, 1583, 1472, 10323, 3981, 752, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 3981, 323, 3168, 952, 1024, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 18, 86, 22, 187, 1610, 3703, 9324, 5428, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2417, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 34240, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 44, 49275, 187, 91, 3172, 25, 68, 7332, 17, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3208, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 883, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 3023, 37918, 265, 298, 8962, 25831, 629, 721, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 187, 42050, 281, 247, 19098, 275, 697, 25983, 1078, 368, 5963, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3011, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 883, 2597, 27, 187, 5658, 1472, 512, 19614, 269, 13046, 1502, 604, 368, 8028, 281, 17845, 275, 436, 1388, 285, 2363, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 361, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1047, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 1549, 34240, 187, 1328, 73, 13, 436, 4498, 326, 3530, 1503, 16794, 369, 275, 253, 2905, 10556, 273, 253, 8377, 12463, 37417, 4498, 309, 7939, 281, 253, 643, 271, 251, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 71, 23, 85, 187, 87, 8316, 51, 87, 13834, 88, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 883, 2945, 187, 15413, 79, 626, 427, 10441, 357, 265, 644, 3846, 323, 689, 247, 9976, 32, 754, 2546, 323, 4633, 3440, 326, 369, 1679, 685, 884, 1107, 1711, 13, 359, 2275, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 883, 2597, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1663, 8028, 281, 352, 10542, 13, 533, 309, 871, 690, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 2125, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 746, 740, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 1014, 1611, 15, 5418, 84, 403, 25473, 3746, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 9123, 598, 15589, 763, 23306, 285, 352, 434, 14816, 15, 187, 5622, 7305, 812, 3153, 247, 12524, 3153, 604, 597, 1499, 1356, 2366, 342, 19991, 533, 3185, 253, 2644, 17845, 19098, 310, 346, 73, 19369, 7435, 3168, 952, 597, 1121, 560, 479, 3, 1223, 892, 66, 17852, 616, 7942, 326, 1051, 4714, 12431, 2847, 597, 10345, 626, 12835, 1121, 2079, 15, 187, 5872, 2847, 597, 1833, 8968, 597, 10345, 626, 1663, 1121, 2079, 597, 1833, 1614, 281, 1016, 643, 2847, 597, 878, 281, 452, 271, 9054, 15, 187, 37565, 436, 369, 253, 2644, 8935, 4632, 9268, 8852, 40157, 273, 253, 5091, 84, 534, 5339, 374, 27879, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 2125, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 746, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 1047, 2270, 187, 7675, 10936, 280, 369, 4439, 275, 4072, 368, 260, 4121, 25826, 465, 2804, 28, 16280, 253, 1127, 326, 367, 584, 9384, 13, 4974, 22430, 13, 1608, 272, 2640, 13, 285, 329, 4029, 74, 378, 512, 4439, 2074, 17845, 24591, 762, 1027, 13290, 5184, 18014, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 938, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 9917, 537, 9328, 17845, 1411, 269, 356, 48645, 285, 2372, 2706, 594, 597, 816, 878, 247, 2502, 12575, 15, 15699, 627, 434, 1943, 2442, 323, 1218, 13906, 13, 533, 352, 434, 14816, 597, 403, 908, 407, 18674, 285, 5017, 15, 187, 6723, 627, 667, 2502, 268, 2591, 1218, 13906, 32, 187, 42, 1599, 611, 1279, 70, 310, 625, 390, 1679, 23686, 285, 36683, 326, 253, 3420, 310, 8686, 285, 23539, 285, 344, 574, 326, 2644, 3778, 4804, 533, 310, 627, 3780, 2120, 24684, 2502, 12575, 32, 187, 49, 15, 52, 329, 12502, 90, 5322, 30642, 13, 10141, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 740, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1099, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 746, 740, 187, 31, 783, 2644, 17845, 19098, 310, 346, 73, 19369, 7435, 3168, 952, 597, 1121, 560, 479, 3, 1223, 892, 66, 17852, 616, 7942, 326, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 8028, 281, 1077, 1199, 17845, 13, 513, 368, 32, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 938, 2511, 187, 31, 9917, 537, 9328, 17845, 1411, 269, 356, 48645, 285, 2372, 2706, 594, 597, 816, 878, 247, 2502, 12575, 15, 187, 6506, 13, 533, 417, 275, 253, 1039, 326, 368, 1158, 15, 1583, 878, 281, 4336, 5926, 253, 1548, 14621, 10739, 15, 1583, 878, 281, 3523, 8534, 751, 616, 35635, 310, 253, 2022, 2181, 5877, 731, 896, 275, 1495, 15, 1244, 597, 1849, 671, 1694, 281, 3523, 352, 342, 253, 3270, 14, 71, 356, 3270, 14, 67, 2682, 10739, 1512, 984, 269, 3544, 285, 2372, 2706, 20509, 6403, 626, 326, 30078, 281, 616, 2323, 2057, 15, 6049, 1339, 10739, 326, 2506, 626, 2818, 368, 15105, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1012, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1619, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1012 ]
>>152833350 >Muhhh degeneracy!! Ethnonationalist libertarianism is the best possible system. Degeneracy is a biggest fucking meme. Superior values will always rise to the top, you don't need a government to enforce them. Pic related is you. /10/libertarians-and-race-realism/ Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:55:50 no.152834856: >>152833350 >m-m-muh degeneracy these things only get out of hand when socialist policies fuck up peoples families and employment prospects, policies tryhard edgy dipshits like you defend because capitalism is for le jews Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:56:03 no.152834871: >>152834732 >Superior values will always rise to the top, hahaha fucking hell you americans are dumb I guess thats just why we have such good morales today amirite? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:56:13 no.152834879: Libertarians are just liberals who hate taxes. Just crypto-SJW scum that turn a blind eye to mass immigration, feminism, trannies, faggots, etc. But don't you dare touch their precious shekels, all they really care about, or you will be met with unbearable autistic screeching and canned lines like "taxation is theft". Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:57:53 no.152834971: >>152834879 What's in the water up there? So weird that driving north a couple hours seems to turn the people up there into blithering spastics and idiots. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:59:13 no.152835046: >>152834971 Get the fuck out of my country you lolbertarian faggot. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:59:50 no.152835079: >>152833350 who is this semen demon Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:01:08 no.152835160: >>152833350 (You) Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:02:10 no.152835211: Libertarians are essentially autistic liberals. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:02:24 no.152835222: >>152835046 Stay in your shithole state and shut the fuck up. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:03:47 no.152835302: >>152834871 Some do, some don't. The ones that do are more successful. Or did you fall for the /pol/ cherrypicking and think everyone in America is a black tranny with a white girlfriend married to a soyboy cuck who smokes weed? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:09 no.152835370: >>152835222 t. perth >>152835302 >HEY DUDE JUST LET PEOPLE DO WANT THEY WANT AND FOLLOW WHATEVER MORALE CODE THEY WANT ITS TOTALLY WORKED IN THE PAST LIKE ROME AND EVERY OTHER CIVILIZATION RIGHT BEFORE ITS COLLAPSE Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:17 no.152835379: >>152835211 >>152834879 >I hate freedom. Spank me harder daddyyy!!! Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:30 no.152835395: pic related, the shitblasted libs ITT who think they own helicopters Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:04 no.152835435: >>152835222 you are a massive fag and he is right. Anything but your shekels is your motto Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:20 no.152835451: >>152835370 >He thinks Rome collapsed because of degeneracy. Jesus fucking Christ. Only now do I realize what I am talking to. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:34 no.152835469: >>152835379 >I'm a cuck who is only capable of living like a nomadic tribal because I'm too retarded and weak to institute government that does what I want Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:06 no.152835494: >>152835379 >muh freedom You fags are just obsessed with freedom for the sake of freedom, give me one good reason if the government seized to exist why your life would be better other then muh taxes I can name atleast a hundred why it would be worse off. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:34 no.152835523: >>152833350 can always depend on straya to flip the script Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:50 no.152835531: >>152834879 >libertarians cant be racist top kek Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:08:08 no.152835549: >>152835494 >He thinks all libertarians are anarchists. Alright, that's enough, I'm going to sleep. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:09:18 no.152835618: >>152835451 >Ahhh you are wrong you stoppid XDDDDD Nice argument you retard, let me guess you think it collapse because the proto-commies took over? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:09:45 no.152835639: >>152835549 >i just want a government that isn't even worth calling a government Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:10:17 no.152835674: hmm Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:10:25 no.152835680: >>152835435 >>152835370 Oi, boofheads. I have the trips, so shut the fuck up. > JUST LET PEOPLE DO WANT THEY WANT AND FOLLOW WHATEVER MORALE CODE THEY WANT ITS TOTALLY WORKED IN THE PAST It ended the religious wars of the reformation, it allowed us to implement capitalism where people can benefit from each other and total strangers in a win-win mutually beneficial and harmonious way. You'd be surprised how unifying this freedom for me and freedom for thee actually works and you might be surprised at how much culture effects everything, how your subjective preferences can be spread through society without the threat of force making people push back. I know you'll deny it but you might be surprised with what you find examining modern history. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:12:43 no.152835832: >>152835680 What the fuck are you talking about you faggots? Are you seriously suggesting that a-moralism stopped the reformation or introduced capitalism? We followed an extremely strict version of Christianity where you couldn't even think of sex. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:12:51 no.152835839: >>152835680 >capitalism where people can benefit from each other and total strangers in a win-win mutually beneficial and harmonious way This has been happening for millennia, faggot. It's called barter and trade. Capitalism = gradually transferring society into the control of whoever is best at making trades that screw other people over. Guess who that is Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:13:19 no.152835866: >Degeneracy doesn't come from 10+ years of compulsory socialist government schooling, but from the people most opposed to it. Nice divide&conquer thread kangaroo faggot, Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:13:32 no.152835885: >>152833350 Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:14:16 no.152835931: Is this another attempt at D&C in the alt-right? Who else can these persistent purist autists be? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:14:51 no.152835962: >>152835866 >d&c Hello newfriend Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:15:07 no.152835981: >>152833350 Bump Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:16:11 no.152836043: >>152835832 > Are you seriously suggesting that a-moralism stopped the reformation No I'm suggesting we had a series of religious wars until the west tried freedom of religion, as opposed to competing religious monarchs. Separation of church and state was a necessary addition.
[ 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 31, 46, 6968, 12155, 44877, 4672, 187, 22183, 4160, 1050, 382, 48845, 1204, 310, 253, 1682, 1896, 985, 15, 30114, 4330, 1974, 310, 247, 5962, 12835, 1167, 70, 15, 21112, 2193, 588, 1900, 6054, 281, 253, 1755, 13, 368, 1053, 626, 878, 247, 2208, 281, 7767, 731, 15, 20424, 2905, 310, 368, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 312, 445, 15, 681, 16, 28862, 16, 6622, 187, 16, 740, 16, 4658, 797, 19222, 14, 395, 14, 27679, 14, 6549, 1204, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 2417, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 33120, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 31, 78, 14, 78, 14, 1906, 73, 44877, 187, 20513, 1841, 760, 755, 562, 273, 1133, 672, 30177, 7823, 7435, 598, 22132, 5870, 285, 8410, 22087, 13, 7823, 1611, 10984, 1407, 4233, 12539, 1200, 953, 751, 368, 2342, 984, 24846, 310, 323, 458, 15589, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3208, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 40010, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 23568, 1237, 187, 31, 15705, 1528, 2193, 588, 1900, 6054, 281, 253, 1755, 13, 187, 73, 1240, 19369, 12835, 7085, 368, 41290, 507, 403, 21413, 309, 5476, 28763, 816, 2139, 359, 452, 824, 1175, 2298, 2339, 3063, 717, 343, 614, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3208, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 27, 187, 19467, 797, 19222, 403, 816, 36025, 665, 9239, 10474, 15, 3771, 23978, 14, 52, 43, 56, 660, 360, 326, 1614, 247, 9645, 5130, 281, 2280, 13163, 13, 48832, 13, 492, 1136, 447, 13, 269, 13046, 1502, 13, 3966, 15, 1292, 1053, 626, 368, 20141, 5181, 616, 18153, 703, 76, 1241, 13, 512, 597, 1663, 1557, 670, 13, 390, 368, 588, 320, 1313, 342, 26007, 613, 494, 1125, 2531, 48675, 7695, 285, 45364, 3104, 751, 346, 9292, 318, 310, 19610, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3011, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 21095, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 1276, 434, 275, 253, 1824, 598, 627, 32, 1893, 12504, 326, 6276, 6146, 247, 4564, 3038, 3133, 281, 1614, 253, 952, 598, 627, 715, 787, 1622, 272, 653, 26245, 285, 22467, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3046, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 21095, 3677, 187, 3633, 253, 7435, 562, 273, 619, 2586, 368, 23385, 6291, 6656, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3046, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 10002, 310, 436, 45769, 2725, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 520, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 9913, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 9, 1394, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2640, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 17605, 27, 187, 19467, 797, 19222, 403, 9093, 1125, 2531, 36025, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2640, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2950, 187, 28412, 275, 634, 439, 334, 1306, 1375, 285, 6294, 253, 7435, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2941, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 19044, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 40010, 187, 6080, 513, 13, 690, 1053, 626, 15, 380, 4394, 326, 513, 403, 625, 5547, 15, 2207, 858, 368, 2965, 323, 253, 1227, 4818, 16, 33804, 81, 12427, 285, 1158, 4130, 275, 3968, 310, 247, 2806, 492, 10059, 342, 247, 3168, 19609, 7028, 281, 247, 19175, 14889, 260, 1807, 665, 924, 7095, 32983, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 187, 85, 15, 591, 394, 209, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 19044, 187, 31, 1922, 58, 35049, 2573, 28509, 19116, 41004, 7953, 40505, 35460, 40505, 4889, 26483, 47689, 7245, 4966, 15537, 353, 1372, 23502, 40447, 35460, 40505, 37879, 308, 2415, 25509, 37051, 1703, 2949, 3003, 8010, 1267, 32021, 416, 14519, 4889, 39669, 19359, 330, 3252, 3077, 18769, 6570, 33238, 8728, 31966, 37879, 6392, 2293, 2088, 2354, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 17605, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 31, 42, 9239, 7185, 15, 2101, 1164, 479, 12150, 277, 1911, 12502, 90, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 20216, 27, 187, 14985, 2905, 13, 253, 10739, 1559, 12457, 5135, 84, 309, 4490, 665, 1158, 597, 1211, 43204, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25039, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 187, 5658, 403, 247, 7863, 269, 356, 285, 344, 310, 987, 15, 33571, 533, 634, 703, 76, 1241, 310, 634, 45820, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 30592, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 187, 31, 1328, 11121, 12300, 21900, 984, 273, 44877, 15, 187, 27035, 12835, 2828, 15, 7214, 1024, 513, 309, 8968, 752, 309, 717, 5015, 281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25039, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 247, 260, 1807, 665, 310, 760, 7032, 273, 3811, 751, 247, 7163, 18535, 26903, 984, 309, 1353, 1512, 48101, 285, 5075, 281, 32097, 2208, 326, 1057, 752, 309, 971, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 32942, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 187, 31, 1906, 73, 7185, 187, 1394, 269, 3544, 403, 816, 35524, 342, 7185, 323, 253, 13232, 273, 7185, 13, 1918, 479, 581, 1175, 1921, 604, 253, 2208, 17571, 281, 2226, 2139, 634, 1495, 651, 320, 1805, 643, 840, 278, 6968, 10474, 309, 476, 1416, 387, 38462, 247, 4289, 2139, 352, 651, 320, 7197, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 5092, 1900, 3469, 327, 1213, 12451, 281, 19153, 253, 6001, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 31, 4658, 797, 19222, 16216, 320, 22198, 187, 3956, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2904, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 32942, 187, 31, 1328, 11121, 512, 20107, 19222, 403, 34822, 1346, 15, 187, 47292, 13, 326, 434, 2217, 13, 309, 1353, 1469, 281, 4600, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2693, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 30592, 187, 31, 34, 12155, 73, 368, 403, 3430, 368, 4806, 377, 301, 1594, 11927, 11927, 37, 187, 29235, 4154, 368, 31832, 13, 1339, 479, 5476, 368, 1158, 352, 13551, 984, 253, 21634, 14, 2823, 447, 2335, 689, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2537, 187, 31, 74, 816, 971, 247, 2208, 326, 3548, 626, 1014, 4409, 6789, 247, 2208, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 740, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 29327, 27, 187, 44264, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 740, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25039, 1671, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 187, 48, 74, 13, 1766, 1171, 22089, 15, 309, 452, 253, 19055, 13, 594, 6294, 253, 7435, 598, 15, 187, 31, 28509, 19116, 41004, 7953, 40505, 35460, 40505, 4889, 26483, 47689, 7245, 4966, 15537, 353, 1372, 23502, 40447, 35460, 40505, 37879, 308, 2415, 25509, 37051, 1703, 2949, 3003, 8010, 1267, 209, 187, 1147, 7402, 253, 7231, 16860, 273, 253, 294, 1248, 13, 352, 4136, 441, 281, 3359, 24846, 835, 952, 476, 5649, 432, 1016, 643, 285, 2264, 26636, 275, 247, 3330, 14, 6481, 25834, 12912, 285, 23284, 784, 1039, 15, 1422, 1871, 320, 9861, 849, 440, 5411, 436, 7185, 323, 479, 285, 7185, 323, 19615, 2686, 2987, 285, 368, 1537, 320, 9861, 387, 849, 1199, 4466, 2538, 3253, 13, 849, 634, 17854, 17971, 476, 320, 5195, 949, 5948, 1293, 253, 4322, 273, 3490, 2403, 952, 7450, 896, 15, 309, 871, 368, 1833, 13292, 352, 533, 368, 1537, 320, 9861, 342, 752, 368, 1089, 17565, 4980, 2892, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 805, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 403, 368, 5015, 670, 368, 269, 13046, 1502, 32, 6272, 368, 10369, 7738, 326, 247, 14, 78, 7909, 1204, 6331, 253, 294, 1248, 390, 5611, 24846, 32, 844, 3560, 271, 6685, 7654, 2715, 273, 20242, 835, 368, 4571, 626, 1014, 1158, 273, 2825, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 805, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 187, 31, 38479, 1204, 835, 952, 476, 5649, 432, 1016, 643, 285, 2264, 26636, 275, 247, 3330, 14, 6481, 25834, 12912, 285, 23284, 784, 1039, 187, 1552, 556, 644, 9369, 323, 24933, 571, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 733, 434, 1925, 2534, 350, 285, 5454, 15, 187, 15614, 1562, 1204, 426, 13237, 27090, 5948, 715, 253, 1453, 273, 26350, 310, 1682, 387, 2403, 28587, 326, 11598, 643, 952, 689, 15, 187, 8469, 405, 665, 326, 310, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1012, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 2526, 27, 187, 31, 47068, 4330, 1974, 2506, 626, 1705, 432, 884, 12, 1107, 273, 42571, 30177, 2208, 46772, 13, 533, 432, 253, 952, 954, 10066, 281, 352, 15, 187, 29235, 10957, 7, 585, 14056, 6293, 465, 606, 274, 3288, 269, 13046, 302, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1012, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 29805, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1047, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 2405, 27, 187, 2513, 436, 1529, 3177, 387, 399, 7, 36, 275, 253, 6945, 14, 918, 32, 8452, 2010, 476, 841, 15663, 1460, 382, 1125, 1346, 320, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1047, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 26422, 2526, 187, 31, 69, 7, 68, 187, 12092, 747, 8471, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1010, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1036, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16587, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1237, 187, 31, 6272, 368, 10369, 7738, 326, 247, 14, 78, 7909, 1204, 6331, 253, 294, 1248, 187, 2302, 309, 1353, 7738, 359, 574, 247, 2962, 273, 7231, 16860, 1919, 253, 8935, 3597, 7185, 273, 9596, 13, 347, 10066, 281, 11771, 7231, 33490, 84, 15, 16925, 10068, 273, 6105, 285, 1375, 369, 247, 3309, 1635, 15 ]
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The Tinsy Pretokenized Paloma Dataset

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