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The most compelling reason to buy the game is thereís the fact itís on the iPad for the first time naturally, and the delivery both succeeds and fails. For the most part the interface is comfortably laid out and the chance of death-by-accidental-tap is almost non-existent. On the other hand, there isnít a clear enough indication when you have tapped on an enemy. A couple of times Iíd lost a round of combat because I had thought that I told my hero to slash at the troll, but he instead moved next to the monster and stood there twiddling his thumbs. Itís also slightly problematic that the movement of the heroes is mapped to roughly the same touch screen command as the map scrolling action. A tap and swipe will move the map around, and this is fine, but often when I took my finger off the screen after scrolling around for a bit, the game would register that as a ďtapĒ and send my party of heroes wandering off somewhere I didnít necessarily want them to venture. Itís workable, but occasionally irritating.
The combat in the preview build of Conquistador that we got our hands on felt very basic at some points, and it seemed the optimal strategy was often to focus on bringing down single enemies, going from enemy to enemy. When faced with this opinion, Wæver ponders for a spell, and then says: “I think the tactical challenge in our combat doesn't necessarily come from the system itself. The actual battlefield is hugely important in terms of what you can and cannot do. We really focused on getting a lot of different layouts in and also different configurations. Sometimes you're flanked when combat begins, sometimes you're only attacked from one side, sometimes you're surrounded, or your dudes are spread out.” Eskildsen adds: “yeah, or you have to reach a certain part of the map.” “Yeah,” Wæver continues, “we also have different victory conditions. All this requires different tactics, obviously. I think that we just focused on having a flexible combat system more than having a super-complex one. So that you will have to kind of analyze the tactical situation more than the system. There are a fair few battlefields where if you just kind of play them on autopilot – simply advance and try to take the enemy out – you will get creamed, because a lot of the time there's more of them than of you. So a lot of the time you have to think “hmm, how do I get these guys to where I want them, how to get them in a position where I can flank them?”” Wæver and Eskildsen add that the preview build contains only 15 battles out of the full game's 75, that these are among the first battles the team actually designed (and therefore have simple, flat terrain for example), and that these battles are at the beginning of the game and are therefore easier than what you can expect in the game's later stages.
Cats are very popular pet animals; there are approximately eight million cats kept in the UK . There are different breeds and varieties of cat, varying in size, body shape and temperament. The majority of cats owned in the UK are non-pedigrees. Typically, cats live for fourteen years, but many live for much longer. Understanding cats' needs Cats retain much of the biology and behaviour of the wild cats they originated from. This means they have very complex needs so looking after them well can be challenging. Being aware of how wild cats live can help you understand your pet cat’s needs better, so why not check out our Cat Factfile to learn more. Your duty to care Owning and caring for a cat is great fun and very rewarding, but it is also a big responsibility and a long-term commitment in terms of care and finances. If you own or are responsible for a cat, even on a temporary basis, you are required by law to care for it properly. Read more about the Animal Welfare Act and your duty of care to your animals. The five welfare needs There is no one 'perfect' way to care for all cats because every cat and every situation is different. Cats are now increasingly kept as indoor-only pets, whilst many are given access outside or even live outside permanently. It is up to you how you look after your cat, but you must take reasonable steps to ensure that you meet all its needs. Read our expert reviewed pet care information to find out more about the needs of cats: Environment, Diet, Behaviour, Company and Health and welfare. You'll find lots more detailed advice under these main webpages, so do take a look around our cat section for top tips on keeping your cat happy and healthy. You can also download our booklet: How to take care of your cat (pdf 1.95MB). Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) pet statistics 2012. PFMA provide statistics on the UK pet population and pet food market.
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Marat Akhmetaleyev, 31, was at the right place at the right time. Mr Akhmetaleyev had gone out to shoot some idyllic rural scenes when the meteorite blasted into view just where his camera was pointing. This incredible picture of the Russian meteorite was taken by the professional photographer who feared it was a nuclear bomb. Despite trembling with fear, Mr Akhmetaleyev instinctively started snapping away as the space rock lit up the sky. The 100,000-tonne space rock blitzes through the air before exploding with the force of 30 Hiroshima bombs. Home / Posts tagged 'russian meteor' You would have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the meteor impact in Russia this morning. Over 700 people were been injured in the sparsely-populated Chelyabinsk region from the impact. There are tons of videos floating around the web so we took the liberty of compiling the best of the best into this Russian Meteor Supercut. Early this morning a meteorite crashed down in Russia. The crash was supposedly unrelated to the much larger meteor that was supposed to be a very close call to Earth. 2012 DA14, a 50 meter (160 foot) rock will pass just over 27,000 kilometers (17,000 miles) from the Earth’s surface. The meteorite landed in the sparsely-populated Chelyabinsk region, causing over 700 injuries due to shattered glass, mostly from the impact. It appears as though it was a single rock, but sources are conflicted on whether it was a shower or not.
The Board of Directors authorized a contract of $7,735,000 to California Engineering Contractors of Pleasanton to install steel plating inside the 3.6-mile Transbay Tube. The work will be part of the 10-year Earthquake Safety Program to protect BART's core system against a major earthquake. "The safety of our passengers is BART's number one responsibility and concern," BART Board President John McPartland said. "Our Earthquake Safety Program retrofit started in the Transbay Tube and we are almost finished. This upcoming work is yet another indication that we take seriously our responsibility to prepare for the inevitability of a major earthquake." The contract approved by the board requires the contractor to bolt 2.5-inch steel plates on the concrete wall of the Transbay Tube. The work is expected to begin this Spring and be completed about two years later. BART's Earthquake Safety Program has been underway since 2001 and significant work to strengthen the Transbay Tube is already complete. The Transbay Tube, connecting San Francisco to Oakland, carries about half of BART's 365,000 daily weekday riders and, during the peak transbay commute hours, BART riders equal the number of Bay Bridge drivers, 50,000, reducing bridge congestion by half.
Dear RubaDuck, dear Roger, today i found this Rubber Duck project and i think: ITS GREAT! I collect since 3 1/2 Years Rubber Ducks, today i have with my Girlfriend 216 Rubber Ducks We love it! And for this reason we also have a page created:www.MyRubberDucks.de Its only in German, we have a small german Community and a lot of German Collections online. Now i visit your page daily, Sorry for my bad english... Google-Translator is my friend | The German Fan-Community
Authorities are using medical screenings and other steps to try to detect warning signs of use of contaminated heroin as people are taken into custody, the Las Vegas Optic ( http://bit.ly/13T4Ker) reported. "The bottom line is this stuff is deadly, and everyone needs to stay completely away from it," Warden Patrick Snedeker said. Symptoms include seizures, hyperventilation, hallucinations and dangerous changes in vital signs, he said. The first case involved a 41-year-old woman who died Feb. 19 after being hospitalized a week earlier on Feb. 12, Snedeker said. She suffered a seizure 12 hours after she was booked into the jail for charges that included driving on a revoked license and not having proof of registration or proof of insurance. Jail officials then began seeing the same symptoms in other inmates who were long-term chronic heroin users, the Las Vegas Optic reported. "It's got to be (tainted heroin), with all the similar symptoms they've been having," said Amanda Martinez, health services administrator with Health Care Partners Foundation, the nonprofit organization that provides medical services to detainees. Snedeker said lab work at the hospital indicates that the stricken people used drugs "It's tainted, and they're mixing it with bath salts," he said. Antonio Padilla, chief of security at the jail, said jail officials are asking law enforcement agencies to have prisoners screened by a doctor at Alta Vista Regional Hospital before they're taken to the jail. "That way maybe we can catch it before they fall apart here at the detention center," Padilla said. Snedeker said the situation has been stressful to people who work at the detention center, prompting officials to activate the employee assistance program.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 Running Index vs Cadence Voila' another chart, exploring if there is a relationship between cadence (leg turnover) and Running Index (hence "effectiveness" in the run). The graph shows a certain correlation (higher cadence positively related to higher Running Index, calculated automatically by Excel), but I can not swear that it could pass a more accurate statistical study (level of confidence of the correlation, etc), because the variance at each point is in the range of +/-5 (points of RI)... Labels: Polar Rs800 HRM
Ask the Coaches: How Can I Train to Get 2-mile Time on Par with my 1-mile Time? And I'm struggling with my track coach Q: I have kind of been on my own this summer with preparations for cross country. I am going to be a junior this year and I've been running ever since freshman year. I started off with a PR of 19:00 minutes and by the end of my sophmore year I ended up running 16:34. I guess I can say I really improved I also have PR's of 2:00 minutes in the 800, 4:25 in the 1600 meters but sadly a 10:02 in the 3200 meters. What really was bugging me was that I saw guys running my mile time, but faster 3200 meter times like 9:35. I usually run about 38 miles a week including 12x400m, 16x200m and a long run of about 10 miles. Is there something I am missing or am I more of a middle distance runner? I also wanted to know if their was a way I could change my training schedule in track to work around our sprinter coach. He tries to coach the distance guys but he really doesn't know how. Our cross country coach is a great coach but he doesn't get along with the track coach. What can I do about the workouts?? A: You may well be more of a middle distance runner. Here’s how I would line up your expected PR’s (all things being equal like weather and competition etc) off of your 2:00 flat 800 time: 2:00 = 4:26 = 9:31 = 15:25. Those are just extrapolations based on oxygen uptake capacities and running economy, but another way to look at it is this formula: you should be able to double your racing distance by slowing down 5 sec per lap. Elite runners have cut that margin to as little as 2 to 3 sec, but 4-5 sec is a fair rule for most of us. If so, then 2:00 = 4:20; 4:20 = 9:40; 9:40 = 16:10 by slowing down 2.5 per lap to go that extra mile +. All that is pure speculation and needs to be qualified by the specificity of your training. For example, being in 2:00 flat shape probably would mean that your training has not been geared toward a fast 5,000 time and vice versa. While you were in good 5k XC shape, you probably would not have concentrated on the speed work needed to run a fast 800 right then. In short, I would suspect that your 2-mile PR is weak either from lack of racing it enough, or from not training specifically for it. If you want to improve it this coming track season, you probably need more tempo work. Workouts like repeat miles at 85-90% effort with a lap jog recovery interval instead of 16x200 might work. Regarding the dilemma of your coaching situation, join hundreds and thousands of other HS runners who suffer from the same shortcomings of coaching wisdom. Adjust what you can of your coach’s workouts, but don’t get into a peeing contest with him. He who has the power rules and you don’t need to get kicked off the team.
MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803 seattle marathon - circa 2006 (see also 1990) girls/girls.)>>>, i mean <<<(hills/hills)>>> <<<()>>> 皇居 in wooden geta 下駄 sandals, straw 草鞋 waraji sandals and several kinds of cloth tabis 足袋 including a regular jika-tabis 地下足袋 I also ran sections of the Tokyo Marathon course (3/22 this year; 2/;28 next year) adding up to 18 miles as I took the rosie ruiz trains back from the two out-and-backs. January total - 70 miles (January PR), . . . or was that 70K? either way, still a PR month. In fact, after three laps already this month, I`m ahead of last year`s February too. February miles - tetsujin - 10.2 miles YTD - 80.2 miles arigatou royal wildness goddess 1. February runs . . a. 2/7 - (3.1)(2) miles (barefoot) . . b. 2/14 - 4 miles (barefoot0 2. PR - running 10K from 9:30am - 10:00am on 2/7 (unfortunately, it took an hour to do it as 30 minutes was in Tokyo and 30 minutes in Seattle exactly 19 hours later) 3. boomer reunions - francesca/divechief/enka (2/19) 4. gratuitous comment - a bare foot is a terrible thing to waste in shoes hey, what a coincidence. I did two events too. 29.95 miles - St. Pat's Dash (3.75 miles) and Dizzy Daze Marathon YTD - 80.2 + 29.95 = 110.15 miles April miles - 0 YTD = 110.15 ps - my favorite running photos of all time are the little flyers' ones too. me too http://www.brightroom.com/view_user_event.asp? New PR 2009 - 15 marathons in a row with only a 5K, 10K and half mary between nos 112 and 113 not other running at all this year all very slow in deference to abbreviated stride for Mr. maraginal knee developed sometime in winter before I was running this year. 5k - 23:30 10k - 49:00 Half - 1:48:34 Full - 4:01:28 Shut the eff up and run. Winds: SSE at 4 mph dave - thanks for sticking around. - jon (loneliness of the slow long distance runners) © 2013 RunningAHEAD, LLC. All rights reserved.
" Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine" "Fat is like a Stray Dog, Stop Feeding it, and it will Leave" 2013 Mantra: Shut up and SWEAT...... It will NEVER be easy, but it will ALWAYS be WORTH IT...... PBs since age 60: 5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41. 10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44. Prince of Fatness © 2013 RunningAHEAD, LLC. All rights reserved.
A tough row to hoe The English language has become a sort of lingua franca for a good share of the world, and that is odd because it is rather an amalgamation of language in itself. Anglo-Saxon was a Germanic-based language, brought by people who were largely from the coasts of what is now Germany and the northern Netherlands. But over the centuries there was a large admixture of French, chiefly Norman French, and the Normans themselves descended from invaders speaking Scandinavian Germanic tongues. Through the later French came the influence of Latin and Greek. When a king is crowned, we now term it a “coronation,” a word derived from Latin. The Anglo-Saxons called the procedure a “kinging,” which is the creation of a verb from the noun itself. There are passages in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle that tell about a specific person going to a specific place “for his kinging.” Our name for the rhinoceros is a derivation from the Latin and Greek. The German name for that same animal is much more direct — “nose-horn.” That’s just what our word means, but it’s hidden behind the foreign derivation to the extent that many people might not realize its real meaning. Because of its Anglo-Saxon derivation English has many words whose pronunciation is different from the way they are spelled. “Night,” for instance, no longer gives voice to the “gh” sound. The German word “nocht” does give a sound to the “ch.” Efforts have been made sometimes to simplify the spelling of English words. The Chicago Tribune newspaper made a stab at such a thing so that the period of darkness became “nite.” That was fine until it came time to talk about the men around King Arthur’s Round Table. “Knight” in English is pronounced the same as the period of darkness, but the modifiers weren’t sure if “nites of the Round Table” would be more confusing than clarifying. The Tribune finally decided that the paper didn’t often need to talk about the Round Table people, so left their title stand as before. The “gh” echo is obliterated in the pronunciation of several English words, but not always in the same way. “Through” and “ought” do away with the sound completely, but it is given a different sound in “rough,” “tough” and “enough.” “Flight” and “right” throttle the “gh” completely, which brings to mind that you fly a plane when that trip is done you “flew.” But you fry an egg and when that process is finished, the egg is fried — not “frew” or “frown.” Actually, when the word “fly” is partly a noun, as in “fly ball” in baseball, you do treat its past tense in the manner of “fry.” You say the batter “flied out to center field.” A listener would get a completely different picture if you said “he flew out to center field.” All languages that cover any sizable territory develop different accents for the different regions. In “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas, one of the musketeers, Athos, makes fun of D’Artagnan’s Gascon accent. The German of Bavaria in the south of Germany is different from the same tongue on the Baltic coast of the north. The German world for “I” in Bavaria is pronounced “ish.” A Bavarian girl once joked to me about how Germans from Prussia pronounced that word. “They say, ‘ik,’ and doesn’t that sound funny?” she said. In this country we in New England are familiar with the Boston area pronunciation, when you pahk a cah. I call Boston the center of the “land of the throttled ‘r’.” When Jimmy Carter became president, his press secretary was named Jordan. But Carter insisted that it be pronounced the Georgia way, which is “Jerdan.” I know a person who grew up in Alabama, but who has lived for years in the North, especially in Vermont. Yet to my ear his language still has a definite trace of Dixie. But he says when he goes south to visit, his family tells him he sounds like a Yankee. A person from the Netherlands once tole me, jokingly, that the Dutch language was invented by a drunken German who was trying to talk English. While it is true that the emphasis on certain parts of words is different, you can see there are similarities that show that English and Dutch have many of the same roots. In English the bough of a tree is pronounced the same as the bow of a boat, but that bow is not pronounced like the bow that shoots an arrow. So generally speaking, our language, though, is tough enough to get through. Kendall Wild is a retired editor of the Herald.
Sites were large concrete pads and level!! Stayed 4 nights and was only going to stay 1. Daily garbage pickup,quiet area with local traffic, very safe and secure. Was followed into park every night by security- Great!! Showers had keypad on doors for extra security. Very much appreciated Ok for an overnight stay. Did get a discount on fuel with receipt. Site was difficulty to find at night and site not well drained. Was raining heavily and site was flooded. Had to wade through 5 inches of water to get to electric. Was not told internet was available. Easy access to highway/interstate. ?? if would stay again Park was nice, with 2 nice fishing ponds and lots of ducks. Enjoyed feeding ducks. Nicely kept, management extremely friendly and took to site. Very quiet. Conveniently located to major interstate. Would have stayed longer if not passing through. The campground was beautiful. Had a wonderful view of the lake. The site they put me in was horrible. Took me 45 minutes to get into the site. It was actually too small for my 5th wheel rig and my truck. Really wasn't sure I was going to get out either. Someone else across from me also had trouble and actually left. They need to re-assess the sites and what size rig they will actually accommodate, otherwise had a nice vacation. The owners have been very accommodating for my needs when ever I come home. Unfortunately I've only gotten to stay in the winter months, and a couple of days during the summer. They go out of their way to help out. From what I've seen the laundry and rest rooms are clean and the grounds are very well kept. On weekends there are lots of activities. I would recommend this park to anyone. This is a nice park that is fairly new. It met my needs, but its not really for the family. Mostly for the working person and passer by's. Clean well kept grounds, great Wi-Fi internet service, quiet and not real busy. Has a little fishing pond they call a lake. Sites were grassy and sand. Owner checks in frequently to see how all is going. Draw back, at time I stayed there was no office and I had to find my own site. Owner was making improvements the entire time I stayed and when I was leaving. I would stay there again I was here on a work contract. This was the niceset park around, but it was awful. They stated that there was wireless internet... That stunk! Couldnt even get on at the office. I asked for a site away from the playground and kid areas, and was put next to a house trailer with kids!! Trying to sleep in the day was a real chore. I was close to the dog park which was nice for me and the dog. There was supposed to be a rule against 4 wheelers, well there was one in the park for about 2 weeks. Then there were power surges that made everything shut off and the owners said it was our fault (the rv owners). The hot tub wasn't working most of my stay, and one of the co-owners/grounds keeper was extremely rude and carried a beer can around constantly. He would even stare at me while I was trying to do rv maintance. If I wasn't gone most of the time I would have left. If it weren't for some of my neighbors I would have left a long time ago. As a single female I really didnt feel safe esp with one of the grounds keepers around. I only recommend a brief 1 or 2 day stay not extended stay. 1st night after driving 10 hours was rough. Was given a spot that I could not get my RV level. Next am asked to move. Stayed there for 3 months. Needed some place cheap to stay. Was okay. Staff extra friendly and helpful, no dog run. Great walk out on a ranch. Where I was parked had no wireless internet. Had to go to the office to get signal. Was placed in a quiet area that I asked for.
"Oct. 25, 2012 -- Over-the-counter eyedrops and nose sprays contain powerful drugs that are poisonous in surprisingly small amounts if swallowed, the FDA warns. Unwary parents often leave these products within easy reach of curious chi"... (Generic versions may still be available.) Florinef Side Effects Center Medical Editor: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP Florinef (fludrocortisone) Acetate is used to treat conditions in which the body does not produce enough of its own steroids, such as Addison's disease, and salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome. It is a steroid. The brand name Florinef is discontinued in the U.S. It is available in generic form. Common side effects include stomach upset, headache, and menstrual changes (e.g., delayed/irregular/absent periods). Dosage of fludrocortisone depends on the severity of the disease and patient's response. To treat Addison's disease, the usual dose is 0.1 mg daily. The recommended dosage for treating the salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome is 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg daily. Fludrocortisone may interact with aspirin, amphotericin B, diuretics (water pills), digoxin, phenytoin, rifampin, birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, blood thinners, insulin or oral diabetes medications, steroids, or barbiturates. Tell your doctor all medications you use. During pregnancy, fludrocortisone should be used only when prescribed. Infants born to mothers who have used this medication may have low levels of corticosteroid hormone. Tell your doctor if you notice persistent nausea/vomiting, severe diarrhea, or weakness in your newborn. This medication passes into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. Our Florinef (fludrocortisone) Acetate Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. What is Patient Information in Detail? Easy-to-read and understand detailed drug information and pill images for the patient or caregiver from Cerner Multum. Florinef in Detail - Patient Information: Side Effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: - problems with your vision; - swelling, rapid weight gain, feeling short of breath; - severe depression, unusual thoughts or behavior, seizure (convulsions); - bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood; - pancreatitis (severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate); - low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst, increased urination, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or limp feeling); or - dangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure). Less serious side effects may include: - sleep problems (insomnia), mood changes; - acne, dry skin, thinning skin, bruising or discoloration; - slow wound healing; - increased sweating; - headache, dizziness, spinning sensation; - nausea, stomach pain, bloating; or - changes in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your arms, legs, face, neck, breasts, and waist). This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Read the entire detailed patient monograph for Florinef (Fludrocortisone) » What is Patient Information Overview? A concise overview of the drug for the patient or caregiver from First DataBank. Florinef Overview - Patient Information: Side Effects Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: change in skin appearance (e.g., color changes, thinning, fatty areas), easy bleeding/bruising, dizziness, slow wound healing, signs of infection (e.g., fever, persistent sore throat, skin sores), bone/joint/muscle pain, stomach/abdominal pain, puffy face, swelling of the hands/feet, severe tiredness, increased thirst/urination, unusual weight gain, muscle weakness. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur: black stools, eye problems (e.g., pain, redness, vision changes), severe/continuous headaches, fast/pounding/irregular heartbeat, mental/mood changes (e.g., agitation, depression, mood swings), seizure, vomit that looks like coffee grounds. A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing. This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. In Canada - Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345. Read the entire patient information overview for Florinef (Fludrocortisone)» What is Prescribing information? The FDA package insert formatted in easy-to-find categories for health professionals and clinicians. Florinef FDA Prescribing Information: Side Effects Most adverse reactions are caused by the drug's mineralocorticoid activity (retention of sodium and water) and include hypertension, edema, cardiac enlargement, congestive heart failure, potassium loss, and hypokalemic alkalosis. When fludrocortisone is used in the small dosages recommended, the glucocorticoid side effects often seen with cortisone and its derivatives are not usually a problem; however the following untoward effects should be kept in mind, particularly when fludrocortisone is used over a prolonged period of time or in conjunction with cortisone or a similar glucocorticoid. Musculoskeletal-muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, aseptic necrosis of femoral and humeral heads, pathologic fracture of long bones, and spontaneous fractures. Dermatologic-impaired wound healing, thin fragile skin, bruising, petechiae and ecchymoses, facial erythema, increased sweating, subcutaneous fat atrophy, purpura, striae, hyperpigmentation of the skin and nails, hirsutism, acneiform eruptions, and hives; reactions to skin tests may be suppressed. Endocrine-menstrual irregularities; development of the cushingoid state; suppression of growth in children; secondary adrenocortical and pituitary unresponsiveness, particularly in times of stress (e.g., trauma, surgery, or illness); decreased carbohydrate tolerance; manifestations of latent diabetes mellitus; and increased requirements for insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents in diabetics. Metabolic-hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism. Allergic Reactions-allergic skin rash, maculopapular rash, and urticaria. Other adverse reactions that may occur following the administration of a corticosteroid are necrotizing angiitis, thrombophlebitis, aggravation or masking of infections, insomnia, syncopal episodes, and anaphylactoid reactions. Read the entire FDA prescribing information for Florinef (Fludrocortisone) » Additional Florinef Information Florinef - User Reviews Florinef User Reviews Now you can gain knowledge and insight about a drug treatment with Patient Discussions. Report Problems to the Food and Drug Administration You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Parenting and Pregnancy Get tips for baby and you.
Finch to the fore in England win A Hastings Priory cricketer helped England under-19s triumph in the first Test away to South Africa. Harry Finch took five wickets in the match as England sealed a 107-run victory in Cape Town today (Wednesday). Finch wrote on social network site Twitter afterwards: “winning first test and newlands gotta be one of the best feeling in cricket! Class effort from the boys!” Batting at number three, Finch made nine as England slumped to 14-3 batting first before recovering to 313. He then took the first two wickets as South Africa replied with 194 before contributing 14 to the tourists’ second innings 151. The Sussex CCC talent claimed the first three wickets in South Africa’s second innings 163, ending with 3-11 from eight overs. Search for a job Search for a car Search for a house Weather for St Leonards-on-Sea Wednesday 22 May 2013 Temperature: 5 C to 16 C Wind Speed: 10 mph Wind direction: West Temperature: 4 C to 11 C Wind Speed: 12 mph Wind direction: North west
1899 - Born on January 17th in London. Shute wrote very popular, contemporary, gently romantic adventures, most having something to do with flying or with Australia—plus one vision of the world after a nuclear holocaust. And it's the latter he is most remembered for today. 1926 - His first novel was Marazan, in which the hero, Richard Stenning, is a pilot being chased by police while in pursuit himself of a drug-smuggling ring. 1928 - His novel, So Disdained, is for the most part a laid-back, spy novel, perhaps the first in which the communists are the villains, albeit tentatively. 1938 - He resigned from his company to concentrate on his writing for which his reputation was growing. During the Second World War Shute worked for the British government in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve on secret weapons projects and as a European correspondent. 1948 - His novel, No Highway, places an adventure of sorts in Britain's aircraft industry. 1954 - His autobiography Slide Rule came out. 1957 - His famous novel is On the Beach, made even better known by the Hollywood film produced during the height of the Cold War, as well as by a more recent television miniseries. 1960 - Died in January 12th in Melbourne. Page last updated: 11:29pm, 16th May '07
Sorry to say but Boxing itself is one big scandal. That's why you love it. As much as I don't want khan to look past Garcia, and as much as I don't want to see JMM vs Pacman 4. And as much as I don't want to see Nightmare On Elm Street part 32, Khan vs JMM is the only fight left at 140 of any value. What could go wrong, plenty let's hope this goes off with out any problem's. It's gonna take much more than one clean fight to clean boxing off the many black eyes it did get over the year. Khan sure cant do it all by himself. To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts. That's the way it is, not the way it ends You're asking a lot from one fight. Too much! Maybe Khan bites off his ear and it gets even worse. Yes I agree it won't be an overnight thing, but a lot of bad things have happened in boxing recently and hopefully with more and more people getting caught something can be done about it. I feel bad for Khan became he really wanted to settle the score with Peterson and I thought he would win the rematch. Hopefully can happen when Peterson is clean, although Khan shouldn't really waste anymore time on Peterson. There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. (0 members and 1 guests)
This section contains information about activities, projects and initiatives that local businesses are contributing to help make the community safer. A number of community projects are going on near you. See below for details. This section contains articles relating to PACT issues and priorities. This section contains information about regeneration activities and projects. The pedestrianisation of Bridgend town centre has been a great success with local businesses and shoppers alike, but it doesn't stop there. More regeneration projects are in the pipeline throughout the borough as part of the councils Streets Ahead campaign that aims to make Bridgend town centre streets ahead when it comes to working, shopping and socialising.
Saflex® S Series Solar Interlayer Reduce Cabin Temperature, Increase Fuel Efficiency Global environmental regulations require the automotive industry to meet more stringent CO2 emissions and fuel economy standards as soon as 2012. Combine that with the growing number of consumers interested in reducing their environmental footprint while maintaining comfort and quality, you have an industry that must look for new solutions to design more efficient vehicles. That’s where Saflex® S series advanced solar absorbing interlayers can help. In addition to providing the safety benefits of laminated automotive glazing, Saflex S series advanced solar absorbing interlayer provides a drop-in solution for automotive HVAC engineers to help control the interior temperature of a vehicle. Reducing the heat that is transmitted through the glazing of a vehicle can reduce the air conditioner load, which in turn improves fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions. Heat Reduction + Cabin Comfort Windscreens and side windows incorporating Saflex S series solar absorbing interlayers are designed to effectively absorb infrared (IR) light wavelengths from the sun that are responsible for generating excessive heat in vehicles. Thereby, they provide an effective solution for automotive engineers to help control the interior temperature of a vehicle. Fuel Efficiency / C02 Reduction When a vehicle cabin starts out cooler or gains less heat, the air conditioning system can run less to get the cabin temperature to a comfortable level, saving fuel and reducing CO2 emissions. Increased Electric Vehicle Range Consumer anxiety over the range (distance) of pure electric vehicles and the lack of available infrastructure to charge vehicles in emergency situations is of continual concern. The use of the air conditioning unit on a pure electric vehicle can reduce its driving range by 15%–40%, depending on how often the air conditioning is used and the size of the system. A windscreen made with Saflex S series solar absorbing interlayers can reduce the overall interior temperature of the vehicle. Also, when taking into account the potential reduced air conditioning usage, it can translate into an improvement in vehicle range when compared with a standard windscreen. Saflex S series interlayers are non-metallic and do not reflect electronic signals. Therefore, they do not require deletions, thus maintaining their solar effectiveness. Noise Reduction + Solar Control In addition to solar control, Saflex Q series advanced solar acoustic interlayers give automotive engineers the ability to reduce vehicle weight without increased noise in the cabin. As with other Saflex automotive interlayer products, Saflex S Series provides the benefit of blocking harmful UV radiation transmitted from the sun. In addition to absorbing heat producing energy, , Saflex® S series advanced solar interlayers provide enhanced UV protection, blocking over 99% of harmful UV, similar to the benefits provided by wearing SPF 50+ sunscreen.
Los Angeles (November 22, 2010) — Screen Actors Guild, in partnership with Project: Hollywood Cares, announced today the "A Touch of Home From Hollywood" program supporting U.S. troops this holiday season. The SAG National Board of Directors is urging all SAG members to support U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq this holiday season by making tax-deductible contributions to provide soldiers with global pre-paid calling cards to help them call home. In that spirit, many board members have already made personal contributions to support the effort. Through their generous donations, with the assistance of Project: Hollywood Cares, Screen Actors Guild members will ensure that American soldiers can connect with their loved ones throughout the holidays. A link can be found on the Guild’s website, SAG.org, through December 31. Project: Hollywood Cares distributes the products of the entertainment industry to support and boost the morale of America's military personnel for their dedicated service. In addition to the calling cards, PHC will further connect U.S. troops with a "touch of home" when they receive the wonderful movie, television and music performances of SAG members in DVDs and CDs collections sent by Project: Hollywood Cares. “Screen Actors Guild members have long supported the military by lending their talent and time on USO tours, site visits, hospital visits and assembling care packages,” said SAG President Ken Howard. “When it was brought to the National Board’s attention that some of our soldiers don't have the means to call home for the holidays, we found a way to help.” “I began Project: Hollywood Cares almost six years ago to bring the joy and comfort of entertainment to our stressed soldiers and deserving veterans. We continue to ask for more service and sacrifice from them so I am extremely delighted to partner with Screen Actors Guild on this most-needed and worthy project,” said Tom Fick, founder of Project: Hollywood Cares. To participate online, visit SAG.org and click on the “Touch of Home from Hollywood” icon on the homepage or visit the special "Touch of Home from Hollywood" web page at projecthollywoodcares.org and click the “donate” link. After entering your credit card or Pay Pal information, be sure to enter "A Gift from a Screen Actors Guild member" in the gift options message area. All donations are tax deductible under applicable law. Donations can also be mailed with check payable to: Project: Hollywood Cares Inc. CBS Studio Center Supply Station Bldg. 2nd Floor 4024 Radford St. Studio City, CA 91604 Attn: "SAG calling cards"
About: Diversity Action Group In 2009, as part of the strategic planning process of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), an action group was formed around each of the seven initiatives of the Strategic Plan. One of those initiatives was “Build Diversity,” and the group of faculty, staff, and students who have worked on this topic—known as the Diversity Action Group (DAG)—have organized and held two symposia to date. The first of these, held in late 2011, sought to broach the topic of diversity with the highest levels of leadership at SAIC, the President and his cabinet. At this symposium, presentations were given on the history of SAIC’s diversity initiatives and case studies of other universities’ approaches. Then, exercises to pinpoint SAIC’s strengths, challenges, and needs around diversity were done in breakout groups that reported to the whole assembly on their discussions. The subsequent symposium, in 2012, focused on diversity in the curriculum and included academic department heads and students among the attendees. Presentations were given on the prevalence of diversity in the curriculum historically as well as currently. Current expressions and challenges were detailed in Contemporary Practices, off-campus experiences, and critique. This was followed by an assessment group exercise with subsequent reporting, as in the first symposium. On March 22, 2013, the “Build Diversity” action group will have its final symposium, which will focus on students, who may reach out to James Britt—[email protected]—for more information. This symposium was preceded by focused conversations with students in the fall 2012 semester, which have informed the topics that will be discussed at the event. After the symposium, DAG student representatives will engage in dialogues with the senior administration in April. From these symposia and other research and dialogue, DAG will ultimately make a formal proposal to the Provost, who coordinates strategic planning initiatives, and the President outlining a long-term plan to address systemic improvements in the diversity of SAIC. A packet containing minutes from the two symposia that have taken place can be found here: Diversity Action Group symposia minutes [PDF]. Please review them so that you can become better acquainted with the work that has been done so far and how DAG’s response to the challenges laid out in the “Build Diversity” strategic initiative has evolved. Co-Chairs of DAG James Britt Jr., Director of Multicultural Affairs Mike Nicolai, Vice President of Human Resources Karyn Sandlos, Assistant Professor
Entries have now closed for this year's Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and from the original 100 applications, the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia has confirmed a quality international fleet of 89 yachts is being fine tuned for the Boxing Day dash south. From the close of nominations to the close of entries, typically 10 percent of yachts are withdrawn each year for a variety reasons. The owners of Alibi, Helsal III and Questionable Logic were the last to opt out of this year's starters and riders list prior to last Friday's 5pm close of paperwork. Some doubt was hanging over Michael Martin's Sayer 40 LMR Solar from Lake Macquarie, which suffered a compression fold in the mast during a training sail in foul weather off Stockton Beach, Newcastle, that brought the rig down. While it's a tight timeline, LMR Solar's crew is on track to hear the 1pm blast of cannon fire from close quarters on 26 December. A brand new aluminium Whale Spars mast is scheduled to be installed on the 16th of this month and the sail wardrobe is due to arrive from Malaysia three days later, leaving a week to put the spanking new set up to the test. "Christmas is a speed bump compared to this," Martin admitted today. "Then again, I would rather it happened off Stockton Beach than in the middle of Bass Strait." Martin has used the incident as an opportunity to modify the boat's rig, removing the runners. One of the race regulars and a former line honours winner (2003) will be on the start line sporting a brand new look. Grant Wharington's 98ft Wild Thing has had more than its fair share of Hobart drama over the years, but like a cat with nine lives the boat, and its wily skipper, have endured. has been resprayed black and will be heading south with fewer sails. Wharington, whose passion for the great ocean race has never waned, believes his calculated decision to sail with minimal crew and cloth might give him an edge over the powerful Wild Oats XI and Investec Loyal in the line honours stakes. Two name changes have been submitted to race organisers, Louis and Marc Ryckmans' GP42 Yeah Baby is now called Accenture (Yeah Baby) and Tony Levett's Sydney 38, Eleni, will race as TSA Management. In last year's Rolex Sydney Hobart, 87 yachts take took their places on the two Sydney Harbour start lines, with 18 of those subsequently retiring. The salt spray will start flying from this Friday when the Rolex Trophy - One Design Series kicks off for the Sydney 38 and Farr 40 fleets. Next Tuesday, Sydney Harbour will be the playground for all the hotted up super maxis and larger IRC grand prix racers readying to contest the Rolex Sydney Hobart when they join together for the invitation-only CYCA's annual SOLAS Big Boat Challenge. Two days later, the main challengers for handicap honours in this year's Rolex Sydney Hobart will contest the final shakedown, the Rolex Trophy - Rating Series from Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 December.
Racing was delayed for several hours today as the forecast South Easterly failed to appear, and a North Easterly sea breeze filled in late in the afternoon to give light and patchy winds never exceeding 10 knots. Two flights were run, which means that Round Robin One is finished and the first flight of Round Robin Two has been held. The last two flights of the second Round Robin will be held tomorrow. OneWorld Challenge beat Victory Challenge by 32 seconds One of the most exciting pre-starts with both boats approaching the pin end of the line, Jesper Bank's Victory Challenge to weather of the OneWorld Challenge. With not enough runway left for the time remaining, the pair luffed head to wind and over the line. When OneWorld bore away its stern made contact with the leeward side of the Swedish boat and OneWorld was penalised. The start gun went and the Swedes were over and went to sail around the pin end. The American boat didn't lay the pin and had to bear away and gybe to cross the line on port. On the way they closed the door on the Swedish boat but Bank forced a passage, collided, and was penalised. The two penalties cancelled each other and worse still the Swedish boat was now stopped on the water, whilst the American boat sailed away. The Swedish boat caught up during the course of the race but never got close enough to threaten the Seattle entry. Team New Zealand beat GBR Challenge by two minutes and six seconds The much awaited match between GBR Challenge and the current America's Cup holders, Team New Zealand saw a strong battle in the pre-start resulting in the best start going to the British boat starting at the pin end with speed. Team New Zealand, to weather, had to tack away to the right and the pair sailed on split tacks for several minutes. GBR Challenge didn't tack to cover and the Kiwis found some much stronger breeze to sail into a huge lead which was never really threatened again. Team New Zealand beat Victory Challenge by one minute and four seconds Dean Barker completely dominated the Swedish Challenge in the pre-start taking both boats over the start line early and holding the pair upwind of the line until well after the start gun was fired. The pair started more than three minutes after the start with the Victory Challenge boat trailing badly. The Swedes stayed in touch closing the gap from time to time and staying competitive beside the vastly more experienced Kiwi team. The end of the final run saw a gybing match in light airs. The final winning margin not at all reflecting the spectacle of the match. GBR Challenge beat OneWorld Challenge by five seconds Another close pre-start resulted in a split tack start with the GBR Challenge heading off to the right. Several times during the first beat the pair came back at each other with the Americans deciding to keep the left hand side the first time before dipping behind the British boat on the second cross to take up the right hand side of the course. Again they came back at each other, each time the British boat would bear away a bit to pass behind OneWorld Challenge. The Americans would tack and the British would be forced to the left again. On the third such occasion the Americans tacked a bit too late the British cried foul and the on the water umpires agreed and awarded a penalty against the Seattle Yacht Club boat. At the top mark for the first time the race was really close, OneWorld Challenge rounding just 28 seconds ahead after a lucky last minute lift. On the run the pair split and GBR Challenge found better breeze on the left-hand side of the run to cross ahead two thirds of the way down the leg. The race stayed close for the next lap but in the dying breeze at the end of the day it was the American boat that again found that there was better breeze on the left side of the run. The finish line came up first for the American boat but the slower GBR Challenge crossed the line ahead as the OneWorld Challenge was completing its penalty to lose by the smallest of margins. Racing for the rest of Round Robin Two will resume on Friday. For live race commentary tomorrow visit www.louisvuittoncup.com
On 30 September 2002, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the new lists of banned substances and methods which will be effective from 1 January 2003. WADA and the IOC published the new list of banned substances and methods, which will help guide doping control within the world of sports from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003. In releasing this list, WADA and the IOC have provided International Federations, National Olympic Committees and other Olympic partners the required three-month notice before this new list goes into effect. The current list, which was published in May 2001, will be applicable until December 31, 2002. For the first time, the list of prohibited methods includes a reference to genetic doping. "By introducing the notion of genetic doping into the list at this time, we at WADA and the IOC are taking into account the important changes occurring in doping techniques," said Richard W. Pound, WADA's president. "New medical technologies may pose new challenges in the fight against doping, but we, together with the scientific and medical communities, are ready to meet those challenges." "This list takes into account the dangers of the future and follows one of the fundamental principles of the IOC: the protection of athletes' health," said Dr. Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC. ISAF will be updating its Anti-Doping Code, ISAF Regulation 21, to reflect these changes. All interested parties are advised to always refer to the Anti-Doping information on the ISAF website at www.sailing.org/medical
In each of the four classes (2.4 Metre, SKUD-18, Sonar and J/22) competing at the eighth C. Thomas Clagett Jr. Memorial Regatta for sailors with disabilities, an unbroken winning streak on final day of racing determined the championship winners. The storm that pulled out of the area overnight left behind a perfect day for racing on Narragansett Bay, starting with a 5-7 knot westerly breeze that built to a top speed of 12-14. The only hiccup for the day came in the form of a 40-degree wind shift that caused a 2.4 Metre race to be abandoned just as it started and also necessitated a weather mark change for the SKUD18 class. In the five-boat Sonar fleet, John Porter with crew 2008 SKUD18 Paralympic Gold Medalist Maureen Mckinnon-Tucker and Gerard Tiernan (USA) continued the winning streak they had started on day one to end the regatta with 10 bullets for the class win. Second overall was Paul Callahan , Brad Johnson and Thomas Brown (USA) with 18 points after the day's five races. Eric Roberts, Jim Thweatt and Dennis Moran (USA) retained third overall with 29 points, followed four points back by Ted King sailing with Dan Rugg and Dirk Johnson (USA). Charlie Croteau and Jody Hill with Kitty Mears (USA) finished fifth with 43 points. The silver medalists in the SKUD18 at the 2010 IFDS Disabled Sailing World Championship, Scott Whitman and Julia Dorsett (USA), clinched their third consecutive class win at The Clagett after winning all four races sailed for a low score of six points. Sarah Everhart-Skeels and husband Brian Skeels (USA) were second overall with 11 points, and Mark Lewis (Hingham, Mass.) and Barbara Wilson were third overall with 17 points. In the 12-strong 2.4 Metre fleet, Charles Rosenfield (USA) won all four races to leapfrog three places in the standings and take the class championship. Dropping a DNF/13 points from the opening race of the series, Rosenfield finished 1-2-1-1-1-1 for a low score of seven points to displace the overnight leader, Britt Hall (USA) who finished the series in second overall with 12 points. Peter Wood (CAN) was third with 16 points. Also moving up the standings with finishes of 2-3-4-5 for the day was Timothy Ripley (USA) who moved from eighth overall to end the series fourth in the standings on 25 points. Scott Lutes (CAN) was fifth overall with 31 points. (USA) attributed Rosenfield's winning performance to the work he has been doing in the boat which has seen him steadily moving up the ranks of the class. "This is my fourth season in the 2.4 Metre ," said Rosenfield. "I did have a very good day today. I have been sailing in larger fleets, but generally have not done as well as I've done here. I learn a lot from every one of these regattas. I think it's great they opened The Clagett up for able bodied sailors. The great thing about the class is that it does integrate disabled and able bodied (AB) sailors on as level a playing field as you're going to get. The disabled 2.4 sailors get better because they sail with AB sailors and it's a really good thing to do here because it makes the fleet bigger and better 2006 IFDS Blind Sailing World Champions Jean-Paul Creignou (USA.) and Jan Bartleson with 2000 ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Magnus Liljedahl and David Bannister wrapped up the 2010 Sail Newport Blind National Sailing Championship title after winning all five of their races today in the seven-strong J/22 fleet. Creignou did not expect it to be easy as the team headed out to the racecourse: "It's going to be very different from yesterday. We had a lot of weight on the rail with Magnus and it was to our advantage. Today is going to be light air so it's going to be more tricky. " While Creignou has competed in The Clagett several times in other classes, this was his third try for the blind title. "This is a tradition for me to come here to such a great event and it's fun to be driving, because this is the only time I'm the 'front man' Second through fifth place went to teams from The Carroll Center for the Blind who participate in the center's SailBlind program which is run out of the Courageous Sailing Center in Boston. Sengil Inkiala and Nancy Jodoin with Ken Legle and Harry Berman were second overall on 15 points, followed by Duane Farrar and Nina Kagan with Kay Van Valkenburgh and Bob Costello with 27 points. Matt Chao and Ryck Lent with Lisa O'Connor Dalton and Bill Rapp were fourth with 30 points, while Jason Wallenstein (N. Billerica) and Bruce Howell with Mike Dinning and Mary McKinnon finished the series with 41 points for fifth place overall.
Classification Schedule Released SKUD18 fleet in Beijing London 2012 Paralympic Sailing Competition Weymouth and Portland, Great Britain Ahead of the London 2012 Paralympic Sailing Competition sailors who have a vision impairment are tested by IPC vision classifiers with correspondence between IFDS to ensure the correct classification is assigned. There are varying degrees of visual impairment and athletes are tested on their visual acuity and depending on the type of vision they possess they are classified accordingly. The schedule for those who need to be classified is available here Disabled Sailing London 2012 Paralympic Website
The IT&E Voyagers of SOS Bar & Grill, and 19th Hole Bar's Titans II are the frontrunners of Saipan Billiards Association's 15th Budweiser Open 8-Ball League. IT&E Voyagers have accrued 125 wins in 195 matches thus far in the season and currently grips a five-game lead in the Tuesday league field after a 15-0 shutout win at home over Poseidon Bar & Grill-Caboose Crazy 8 (67-128). In other results, the IT&E Incredibles (120-75) rung out a 13-2 home win at Oceanside Bar & Grill over Bammy's Restaurant & Bar's Triggers (83-112) to move into second place; third-ranked Blue Ice Hustlers (119-76) defeated the Docomo Pacific's Home Boyz (116-79), 10-5, at home in Utopia Bar; and Yuichiros Printing (77-118) upended 19th Hole's Titans I (73-122), 9-6, also at home. Notables include one-time 8-ball on break sinkers Mario Diola of Yuichiros, IT&E Voyagers' Arjay Nonato, Docomo's Robert Sanciangco, IT&E Incredibles' Mark Butac and Chester Cuento, and Ron Chisato of Titans I. Chester Hamoy has ran the table a league-mark seven times and leads Blue Ice's Jerry Soriano (6) and Docomo's Nolan Cultura (5) and Juancho Mendoza (5). In the Thursday league, the Titans II improved its record to 127-68 after a strong 14-1 road win over Wild Bill's Bar & Grill's Shark Attack (86-109). Titans II now holds a four-game lead against Bammy's Equalizers (123-72), who diced up the division frontrunner's sister team Eagles (57-138) on the road, 13-2. The Waterfront's Eight It! (107-88) strengthened its grip of the third spot with a 9-6 triumph at home over Jonny's Bar & Grill's Team SCS (85-110). Notables include one-time 8-ball sinkers Ken Phillips of the Eagles and Equalizers' Jerry Soriano. Erwin Gomez has run the table a league-high five times and is pacing Soriano (3) and The Waterfront's Rey Pinangay (3).
Board of Directors Past Award Winners SAJA Reporting Fellowships SAJA Broadcast Challenge Donate to SAJA 2011 SAJA Editors Challenge Current Volunteer Opportunities Public Member Directory SAJA Job Bank SAJA Job Bank Back to topics Star-Ledger Entry-Level Opening Subscribe to topic Monday, July 11, 2011 9:43 PM The Star-Ledger is looking for a journalist to fill an entry-level position on its computer-assisted reporting team. The reporter will be responsible for acquiring and analyzing public records and data to support enterprise stories for print and online. He or she should be comfortable filing public records and freedom of information requests with agencies at the local, state and federal levels. The reporter will also contribute to the redesign and maintenance of NJ By The Numbers, our home for databases and statistics vital to New Jersey readers. Qualifications: A background in local or investigative reporting for a daily news outlet and an affinity for math, web development and programming. Ability to identify and mine public databases for stories large and small and to build and manage relational databases. Experience displaying data graphically in print and online to engage readers. Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and Access, SQL, HTML and CSS, ESRI ArcView and Google Maps. Bonus points for candidates who have experience or interest in scraping, scripting, frameworks (Django, Rails, ASP.Net) or statistical analysis with SPSS, SAS or R. Send cover letter, resume and clips to: Back to top © SAJA | South Asian Journalists Association
X for Women Perfume Spray. Chypre Fruity. Modern and mysterious with an attitude that crosses, yet respects, conventional perfumery. Presented in a black glass flacon with gold overlay to acknowledge the powerful and unconventional quality of this perfume. ˇ Top notes: Ivy, peach, Sicilian mandarin, bergamot ˇ Heart: Karo karounde, reseda, rose, Egyptian jasmine ˇ Base: Patchouli, cedarwood, vetyver, labdanum, vanilla DUE TO HIGH DEMAND, A CUSTOMER MAY ORDER NO MORE THAN 6 UNITS OF THIS ITEM EVERY THIRTY DAYS.
Wednesday May 22, 2013 A Special Appeal to all People of Conscience: Stand with Us on Sunday June 3 and Bring the Vatican to JusticeKevin D. Annett Salem-News.com A Call for Solidarity Actions to Support Irish men and women who Survived Church Terror (NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - John Deegan, Mary Lawlor and Dave O’Brien are uncommon heroes who endured torture at the hands of the roman catholic church – and who are battling today to win justice. On May 4 in Dublin, they confronted Archbishop Dermot Martin and the Vatican with ten demands which must be enacted by September 15. Those who raped and murdered children with impunity have no where left to run. The system that has protected them is collapsing in the face of the courage of those like John, Mary and Dave. Don’t let these warriors fight alone. Stand with them on the first Sunday in June: the day before they are to meet again with church officials in Dublin. We ask you to stage solidarity protests and sit ins at catholic churches in your community on Sunday, June 3 during the regular mass. Share a simple message: Agree to the Ten Demands, or face further disruption. The demands are summarized below. We also ask you to use this event to help prepare for September 15, and the launching of our new, global civil disobedience campaign of disruption and banishment aimed at the world’s oldest and deadliest corporation: the roman catholic church. A sample leaflet for June 3 will be sent to you if you desire. Contact this email for more information. Stand by for more updates. Issued to the Vatican May 4, 2012 (see www.itccs.org posting of May 4 for details): Read the truth of genocide in Canada and globally at: www.itccs.org www.hiddennolonger.com (includes documentary film Unrepentant) "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" - Thomas Jefferson See this introductory video on The Canadian Holocaust: A Canadian clergyman, Kevin Annett has for nearly twenty years led the movement to bring to light and prosecute atrocities in Christian “Indian residential schools”, and win justice for survivors. Expelled in 1995 from his former United Church of Canada for exposing murders in that church’s Indian residential schools, and persecuted and blacklisted for his efforts, Kevin is now an award-winning film maker, author, social activist and public lecturer who works with victims of church violence and genocide all over the world. In 2009, he helped to establish the five-nation International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which is seeking to indict church and government leaders for crimes against humanity. As a result of Kevin’s tireless efforts on behalf of native people, the Canadian government was forced to issue a public “apology” and reparations program concerning Indian residential schools, in July of 2008. In giving him the name Eagle Strong Voice in 2007, Anishinabe elder Louis Daniels declared, “Kevin Annett is doing what few of his people have done, and that is to speak about the crimes they committed against many of our nations and their children. He has earned a place forever in our hearts and history. He is a brave and prophetic man. I ask everyone to welcome him and heed his voice.” And scholar Noam Chomsky wrote in 2006, “Kevin Annett is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many of those who have received it.” Articles for May 18, 2012 | Articles for May 19, 2012 | Articles for May 20, 2012 Use PayPal to |Contact: [email protected] | Copyright © 2013 Salem-News.com | news tips & press releases: [email protected].|
Urban Studies Minor The urban studies minor offers students an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the urban setting. Faculty members from a wide variety of disciplines within the social sciences and humanities assist students in examining how cities have evolved through time, identifying problems and opportunities associated with urban life, and exploring strategies for the reconstruction of the contemporary city. Although the primary focus is on urban affairs, considerable attention is also devoted to suburban topics in many courses. The urban studies minor also aims to enhance student's qualifications for employment in such fields as urban and regional planning, state and local government, law and public policy, business, social work, criminal justice, and housing and community development. In addition, the minor provides valuable preparation for graduate work in a number of urban studies disciplines such as geography, history, political science and sociology. Students who choose to minor in urban studies will be required to complete two core courses and four elective courses from at least two of the categories listed below. Core Courses (6 Credits: Choose Any Two Of The Following Core Courses) ECO 309 Urban Economics GGR 271 Urban Geography SOC 341 Urban Sociology Elective Courses (12 Credits: Choose Any Four Courses From At Least Two Of The Following Four Categories) Urban Policy and Planning Race, Class, Gender and Community The Urban Condition Culture in the City
Information on new season to follow soon Squad update – Ugo Udoji The Whites are pleased to announce that Ugo Udoji has agreed to stay with the club for next season, after joining the Whites part way through last season. The talented defender previously trained at the Glenn Hoddle Academy, and had spells at Portsmouth and Bishop’s Stortford before joining the Whites and helping the team to a strong finish at the end of last season. Darrell Clarke, Manager said “Ugo did well for us last season, despite only playing for a short spell. I’m really pleased he’s decided to stay with us. It also gives us competition for places at the back which helps keep the boys on top form.” The Manager went on to talk about what will be happening over the summer: “The lads are back in for pre-season training on July 2nd. I’ve got a lot of players coming in on trial, including some released from league clubs, and I’m still speaking to a lot of players. “We’ve had a busy summer so far, it’ll be even busier in July as I’d still like to add another 5 or 6 players to improve the squad. Midfield and attacking options are the priority at the moment – any news will be on the official website, so keep checking online.”
A new viral campaign "I Am One" gets personal in the fight against rape and sexual assault in the military According to military statistics, there were 3,191 reports of sexual trauma in 2011. But experts, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, believe that because these assaults are grossly underreported, there were actually as many as 19,000 – 22,000 sex crimes in the military that year. The women (and some men) who were raped or sexually assaulted by fellow service members are often faced with field commanders, as well as a Pentagon and Department of Veterans Affairs, who refuse to recognize their claims, provide treatment or prosecute the offenders. But now survivors of sexual assault in the military are speaking out, putting a human face to a silent epidemic. In addition to an Oscar nod for “The Invisible War,” a documentary on the pervasive culture of sexual abuse in the military, a viral campaign “I Am One” is documenting the personal experiences of women survivors. The stories reveal not only the initial trauma of sexual abuse, but the subsequent trauma of an indifferent military culture. They are stunning, brave and heartbreaking. One survivor writes: “I was sodomized and raped as a young Marine in 1981. Too ashamed to tell I spent almost 30 years living with the secret. After being hospitalized for a suicide attempt in 2010, I finally told someone and began treatment for PTSD caused by MST [military sexual trauma]. But my claim has been turned down once and now sits in limbo. Because I didn’t come forward when it happened, I can’t prove it, but I can sure prove the horrible aftermath of what it has done to my life.” “I am a MST survivor and had to fight for 4 years to get a rating and another 3 years of fighting to get my 100 percent rating. MST survivors should not have to fight harder for their VA benefits just because they were raped.” And yet another: “I too, am a survivor. It took me over 3 years before I could tell my story, so much shame and so much conflict within myself. I would hope that our government can support Ruth [Moore, a survivor and namesake of the Ruth Moore Act of 2013 for victims of military sexual trauma] and congratulate her for being brave and coming forth instead of suffering in silence. We can no longer coward in shame, we must speak up if we wish to begin healing, if we wish to survive!” The lack of accountability for the women who serve this country has already gone on too long, but their willingness to speak out is raising the public profile of sexual trauma in the armed services — and military officials and politicians are taking notice. A report from the Defense Department on sexual assaults in the military called the prevalence of sexual violence “an affront to the basic American values we defend and may degrade military readiness, subvert strategic goodwill and forever change the lives of victims and their families.” And lawmakers have introduced the Ruth Moore Act of 2013, named for a Navy veteran who struggled with homelessness and depression after being raped, twice, while serving in the military. If passed, the bill could make it easier for veterans to receive benefits for mental health problems linked to military sexual trauma, providing a lifeline for the many women who struggle to rebuild after surviving much, much more than a war. 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The twister killed six people and destroyed entire swaths of the North Texas town. Credit: AP/LM Otero Jack McMahon, the defense attorney for abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, speaks outside the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia Tuesday. His client was convicted of killing three babies in his clinic, and will serve multiple life sentences. Credit: AP/Matt Rourke A photo taken Monday captures Vice President Joe Biden's response to a Milwaukee second-grader's innovative proposal to end America's epidemic of gun violence. This guy! Credit: AP/Jenny Aicher Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., flanked by a grouper-eyed Michele Bachmann, addresses the IRS' admission that it targeted Tea Party groups in advance of the 2012 election. In an op-ed for CNN Thursday, the Kentucky senator slammed the president for his faux outrage. Credit: AP/Molly Riley Ousted IRS chief Steven Miller is sworn in on Capitol Hill Friday. Miller testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on the extra scrutiny the agency gave conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status. Credit: AP/J. Scott Applewhite Attorney General Eric Holder pauses as he testifies on Capitol Hill before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday. Holder is under fire, among other things, for the Justice Department's gathering of phone records at the Associated Press. Credit: AP/Carolyn Kaster O.J. Simpson sits during an evidentiary hearing at Clark County District Court in Las Vegas, Nev., Thursday. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison for armed robbery and kidnapping, is using a writ of habeas corpus to seek a new trial. Credit: AP/Las Vegas Review-Journal/Jeff Scheid Major Tom to ground control: On Sunday astronaut Chris Hadfield recorded the first music video from space, a cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity." Credit: AP/NASA/Chris Hadfield When it rains it pours. President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference Thursday with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, inexplicably inspiring an #umbrellagate Twitter meme. Credit: AP/Jacquelyn Martin A smoke plume rises high above a road block at the intersection of County A and Ross Road east of Solon Springs, Wis., Tuesday. No injuries were reported, but the the wildfire caused evacuations across northwestern Wisconsin. Credit: AP/The Duluth News-Tribune/Clint Austin Recent Slide Shows - 1 of 11
The homes of tomorrow are on the drawing board and the floor plans look nothing like the places we remember from our childhood. The ever-changing patterns of our lives are reshaping the way architects and homebuyers design and build. So, what will the homes of the future look like? At the cutting-edge of home design there are a few trends that stand out: Photo and credit: Sierra Pacific Windows Changing lifestyles call for changing living spaces. Tomorrow's homes include movable partitions, sliding doors and pocket doors to allow flexibility in living arrangements. My favorite is the NanaWall Folding Glass Wall and the Sierra Pacific Bi-Fold Door System. Multi-purpose family areas are replacing formal dining and living rooms and floor plans are adapting private "bonus" rooms, easily customized into an office space, game room, a small in-home theater or gym. Photo and credit: DesignAwards.Wordpress.com Forget the spiral staircases, elevated or sunken living rooms and ultra high cabinets that extend to the ceiling. Tomorrow’s homes will be easy to function and move around in, especially for those with physical limitations. Architects use the phrase "universal design" to describe these homes because they are livable and comfortable for people of all abilities and ages. Wide hallways are another common feature of universally designed homes, as are curb-less, walk-in showers and “comfort height” (taller) toilets in bathrooms. Photo and credit: HGTVRemodels.com Historically closets were scarce in homes of the past, but more storage space has become a basic requisite for homebuyers. Newer homes feature spacious walk-in closets, generous dressing rooms and plenty of easy-to-reach built-in cabinets, cubbies and shelving. Cathedral and vaulted ceilings are on their way out because families prefer to utilize any available space beneath the roof. Garages have also increased in size in order to accommodate oversized SUVs. Michele Wheeler is the VP, Architecture + Design for Denton House Design Studio in Salt Lake City | dentonhouse.com
Call for Entries: 2008 Science and Service Awards SAMHSA recently issued a call for applications for the Agency’s 2008 Science and Service Awards, a national program that recognizes community-based organizations and coalitions that use evidence-based mental health and substance abuse interventions. A maximum of five awards will be made in each of five categories: of Substance Abuse and Recovery Mental Health Promotion of Mental Illness and Recovery Support Independent experts will rate the applications using four criteria: community need, sustainability, accurate implementation, and results. recommendations will include the top five scoring submissions in each category. SAMHSA’s Office of the Administrator and the Agency’s Center Directors will review and approve award finalists. To be eligible for an award, an organization must have successfully employed a recognized evidence-based intervention. Both public sector (state, local, territorial, tribal) and private sector organizations are eligible. Applications must be emailed by March 31, 2008, to [email protected]. For organizations without access to email, the application must be postmarked by midnight on March 31 and mailed to Dean Fixsen, Ph.D., Science and Service Award Coordinator, University of South Florida, 13301 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, MHC 2312, Tampa, FL 33612. For more information, visit the SAMHSA Web site at www.samhsa.gov/scienceandservice. Back to Top Back to Graphic Version
Full Size Honey Finish Bookcase Bedroom Set (Click to learn about White Glove Delivery.) Constructed with a 6 Drawer Pedestal, and a footboard storage door, which allows access to the area beneath the bed. Accessories also included in this group include an entertainment console, student desk with hutch and matching chair. The bed comes with six drawers for one side while the other side is open and visible. Warranty Information1 year due to manufacturers defect. Parts replacement at no charge. There is no additional information available for this item.
Giving To Carl Sandburg College "Nothing happens unless first a dream." - Carl Sandburg Charitable gifts reward donors in many ways. There is the satisfaction of supporting an important cause, the excitement of seeing your gift lead to positive change, and in many cases, tangible financial benefits to you and/or another beneficiary, through tax advantages. There are two classifications of gifts that can be given to the Carl Sandburg College Foundation: Restricted gifts stipulate a specific use, such as student scholarships, specialized program needs, equipment and teaching resources, or general support. Unrestricted gifts are not limited by the donor and enable the Foundation to support any projects considered to be of greatest importance at any given time, or meet any of the goals outlined by the Board. Both restricted and unrestricted gifts help the College and they can be made through a variety of means. Here are just a few options: Cash, preferably in the form of a check payable to the Foundation, has the most immediate impact. Larger commitments can take the form of multi-year pledges. Stocks, an increasingly popular form of giving, include appreciated securities. Personal property, real estate, gifts-in-kind, and/or equipment are counted at their fair market value. Corporate matching gifts can double or triple the value of your gift. Deferred gifts may be designated for specific or unrestricted purposes. This category includes bequests, life insurance policies, life income gifts, and trusts administered by others. The Carl Sandburg College Foundation welcomes your gifts and will provide appropriate written confirmation as required by the tax laws.
Contacting Sandford Group Address: Sandford Freight Ltd., Unit P1 & P2 North Ring Business Park, Swords Rd, Cloghran, Dublin 9, Ireland. Fax: +353-1-8162702 / 8162703 Brian Falvey, Managing Director, [email protected] Linda Canavan, Operations Director, [email protected] Address: Sandford Freight (UK) Ltd., Abbeygate House, Challenge Road, Ashford, Middlesex TW15-1AX, United Kingdom. Telephone: +44 (0) - 1784 - 254900 Fax: +44 (0) - 1784 – 256900 Mr Roy Walker, Managing Director, [email protected] Ms Joanie Bond, General Manager, [email protected] Request a Quote Complete the form below and we will email you with a competitive quote for your
Italians run late; they just do. In my nine months here, I have been trying to figure out if this is due to a relaxed nature — not living by appointments and PalmPilots and the rigid schedules of the American lifestyle I am used to — or if, in fact, their perception of time is skewed. I would be prone to answer with the latter, although I may be on the verge of discovering a method to this seeming neglect for tempo. Take school, for example. At the University of Florence, classes are run on what was explained to me as the “University quarter-hour schedule,” meaning if your class is supposed to be from 5 to 7 p.m., you have 15 minutes of leeway on either end of the class — the professor will arrive anywhere up to 15 minutes late and will dismiss class anytime within the last 15 minutes. This scheduled tardiness exists within the realm of school, but in other realms it is less regimented — waiters may take half an hour to bring you your check, a friend might show up 20 minutes late to an appointment without a word of excuse, and buses, trains, and planes have no real use for such things as schedules. It is not only quarters of hours here and there that Italians dismiss as unimportant but this lackadaisical nature bleeds into months and years. Their entire university system, for example, is based on modules of semesters that make up “three years” of study. You take approximately seven classes a year and then will have a month, sometimes two, to “study” before you take your exams between modules. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand what happens when a college student is given two months off of school to follow a self-regimented study plan; the result is that hardly anyone passes their first time around. But they then are able to continue taking the exam during every exam period during their time at university, which somehow seems to stretch mysteriously from three years to five, seven, sometimes more. The Italian vocabulary is telling of this strange vortex of time. Bambini, or babies, are considered anywhere from newborn children to teenagers, while ragazzi, or children, are mostly college-age students or anyone under 30. Looking at the maturation process of Italian culture, these terms seem intuitive; when people live at home through their college years, don’t get married until their mid 30s, and hardly ever have children anymore, not only are they referred to by a younger-sounding word, they just are younger. I came to Italy as a 20-year-old, self-sufficient, American college student. I live in my own apartment, hold down a job, and am considered an adult in most arenas of life. The moment I arrived in Italy, I was immediately struck by the tendency for baristas or shopkeepers to refer to me as a bambina. “Who are they kidding?” I would think, offended to not be referred to formally as an adult. But as time has passed, I have begun to internalize the Italian culture and clock, realizing that their perceptions of me may not be so wrong — they just reflect a different set of priorities. Earlier in the year we had an appointment with the police chief to get fingerprinted and registered as foreigners living in Italy for our visas. We arrived to the appointment over a half hour late and were then told to wait another 15 minutes for the chief to be ready for us. On the other hand, I went to my second Fiorentina soccer game today and left my house at noon to make it to the three o’clock match hours early with the rest of the Florentine population in order to ensure good seats. Most people don’t marry until much later in life, but the common term to use instead of boyfriend or girlfriend to refer to your significant other is fidanzato, or fiancé. Apparently, an Italian’s love, like soccer, is serious enough to speed up time for. Certain things are worthy of their time; others aren’t. Time to them is a precious thing, not to be wasted sitting in line at the police station, but to be spent cheering your home team on to victory during their warm-ups, or over a five-hour Sunday lunch with your family and “fiancé” that you met two weeks ago. The Italian retardation of time applies not only to everyday living but to the entire life process, which may make me a bambina for a while longer, but it also seems to draw out adulthood and old age into something that is lasting, something to look forward to as a phase of life instead of the end of all. Just walk into any café in Florence and count the number of people over the age of 70 who aren’t locked away in nursing homes or shunned out of society; they’re still actively discussing politics with their waiter, taking afternoon walks around the city, and enjoying an evening glass of wine and aperitif before heading home for a 9 p.m. dinner. It may be nice to get a coffee in under five minutes and have an appointment with a teacher who actually shows up on time when I make it back to America, but for now, I’ll enjoy my newfound 21-year-old infancy and hope the rest can last just as long.
SAFE BOATING/PLEASURE CRAFT OPERATOR CARD Safe boating is everybody’s responsibility. If you operate a commercial small vessel, water taxi, sport-fishing charter, or tour boat, or operate a commercial small fishing vessel, contact Transport Canada to find out about the updated safety requirements that apply to your vessel. The competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require operators of pleasure craft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes to have proof of competency on board at all times Proof of competency can take 1 or 3 forms: The Operator Card is good for life Date at which proof of competency is required * How this applies to operators** of pleasure craft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes: * These requirements apply in areas outside the Northwest and Nunavut Territories at this time. ** Applies to non-residents operating their pleasure craft in Canadian waters after 44 consecutive days. Operator Card or equivalent issued to a non-resident by their state or country will be considered as proof of competency. Contact the Boating Safety Infoline at 1-800-267-6687. Visit the Office of Boating Safety website at www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca For information on Operator Card, please visit:
Everyone knows the Great Ocean Rd has some of Australia's best tourist destinations. What they don't know is it also boasts some of the great foodie destinations, like this gastro-pub. Friendly, laidback, relaxed and any other adjective you can think of to describe comfortable surrounds are all applicable here. Here you can enjoy a nice cold beer and modern dishes like the Barkers Creek pork cutlet with a green tomato and rosemary chutney on a bed of crushed potato and watch the sun set. They've even got a kids' menu so the little ones are kept happy and out of your hair. reviewed in yourRestaurants by Nick Eggert
> I'm new at developing scanner drivers for linux. Could anyone tell me > how to get started on developing one? In other words, do I need to get > any specs from the company that made the scanner? Yes, this would be the best and easiest way. You may try to listen to the Windows driver (e.g. with WINE) or disassemble the Windows driver but this will be very hard and I think it's not worth the work. > Or is it just using > one of the other scanner drivers as a template and tweaking it until the > scanner works right? If your scanner is very similar to one for that a backend exists, this may -- Source code, list archive, and docs: http://www.mostang.com/sane/ To unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe sane-devel | mail [email protected] This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu May 18 2000 - 10:57:29 PDT
Last Update: Thursday, May 16, 2013 |Beckham to Play Final Competitive Game With Galaxy in MLS Cup| |Written by San Fernando Valley Sun| |Wednesday, 21 November 2012 05:24| CARSON (CNS) - MLS Cup 2012 on Dec. 1 at The Home Depot Center will be David Beckham's final competitive game with the Los Angeles Galaxy, but the famed British midfielder said he wants to "experience one last challenge before the end of my playing career." Details about what the challenge could be may come when the 37-year-old Beckham meets with reporters at The Home Depot Center. Beckham called his six seasons with the Galaxy "an incredibly special time" and said that playing in the championship game won't be "the end of my relationship with the league." "My ambition is to be part of the ownership structure in the future," Beckham said. When Beckham signed with the Galaxy in 2007, he said he would be facing one of the biggest challenges of his career, trying to boost the popularity of the sport in a nation where it had long been met with apathy and derision. "In my time here, I have seen the popularity of the game grow every year," Beckham said. "I've been fortunate to win trophies, but more important to me has been the fantastic reception I've had from fans in LA and across the States. "Soccer's potential has no limits in this wonderful country and I want to always be part of growing it." Major League Soccer Commissioner Don Garber said "there is no doubt that MLS is far more popular and important here and abroad than it was when he arrived." "David has achieved great things on and off the field during his time with the Galaxy and he will always be an important part of our history," Garber said. "We look forward to his continued involvement with the LA Galaxy and the league." Tim Leiweke, president of CEO of Anschutz Entertainment Group, which owns the Galaxy, said "seldom does an athlete redefine a sport and David not only took our franchise to another level, but he took our sport to another level." |Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 06:08|
(LANSING) -- State Senator Phil Pavlov sits with John Borkovich (right), former Michigan DNR conservation officer of 27 years. Borkovich testified Thursday, November 8 before the Michigan Senate Committee on Outdoor Recreation and Tourism in support of legislation to strengthen Michigan’s poaching laws. Bills sponsored by Pavlov, R-St. Clair Township, and Senator Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, would raise fines for illegally killing a protected animal and impose additional penalties for poaching trophy bucks. The measures are consistent with policies in neighboring states. The bills were reported unanimously, and now await a vote of the full Senate.
K-1 World Qualifying Gp; Final $24.99 incl. gst Loyalty Points: 24 Artist: Martial Arts Released: 19 Nov 2010 Ships in SPECIAL ORDER. NOT IN STOCK.more info. August 11, 2009: Eight men entered, only one survived at the historic Yoyogi Stadium in Japan to clinch the final qualifying spot for K-1's last 16. This magnificent tournament saw the unveiling of Romanian powerhouse Daniel Ghita, said to be the hardest leg kicker on the planet. Witness his amazing record-breaking tournament run in a line-up including Melvin Maenhoff, Sergeii Lascenko and Ramazan Ramazanov. Plus, see K-1 great Peter Aerts take on former boxing champion Yousuke Nishijima and K-1 heavyweight champion Kyotaro against Czech ace Jan Soukup. No user ratings for this product.
- Front Page - High School - Elementary School - Special Services - Adult Ag Ed - Professional Sites This Web site was designed using Web standards. Learn more about the benefits of standardized design. Santa Fe High School-Alma, Missouri Santa Fe Elementary School-Waverly, Missouri Booster Club Golf Tournament will be August 10th at Indian Foothills in Marshall. Contact Julie Davenport for more information. read more H: 71° L: 51° H: 70° L: 50° Back To Top
SARAGURO: EL ORIENTE / THE "ORIENTE" (UPPER AMAZON BASIN). Since around 1900 Saraguros have been entering the Yacuambi River Valley, searching out new lands upon which to raise their cattle. This region lies across the high páramos and fifty kilometers and more to the east of Saraguro in the upper Amazon basin (Ecuador's "frontier" zone, which is known as the "Oriente"). This part of the Oriente has traditionally been the territory of the Shuar people (formerly--and improperly--known as the "Jívaro"). Since the 1970s Saraguros have scattered widely into other areas of the Oriente outside of the Yacuambi Valley (see the population distribution map) in order to seek new lands for pasture or in order to seek other economic opportunities (such as using their mule teams, trucks, and stores to supply emerging small-scale gold-mining operations). Almost all of the Oriente settled by Saraguros is in the Ecuadorian province of * It should also be noted that in 1994 we traveled from the small, isolated population of Guaysimi, to Loja, on a bus with cushioned, reclining seats, curtains on the windows, and a TV/VCR. This page revised June 15, 1999 FOTOS / PHOTOS Go to HOMEPAGE (www.saraguro.org)
Building a Better System with No-Till and Cover Crops It all began in 2002 with a $6,500 SARE grant and the seed of an idea. Today, that idea has grown into hundreds of research projects around the country and a new, effective tool that farmers are using to improve soil quality, weed management and the bottom line. The tool is the roller crimper, a drum with blades mounted to the front- or back-end of a tractor that is used to roll down, crimp and kill cover crops, creating thick, weed suppressing mulch. Today, the roller crimper is a common sight on land-grant university research plots, according to Jeff Moyer, director of farm operations at the Rodale Institute in Kutztown, Penn., who conceived of the tool and has led in-depth research on its use, including that first grant. The crimper, while not a fix-all, has shown many advantages, including using 40 percent less energy than cultivating or spraying; reducing erosion; retaining moisture; and allowing for more flexibility, since roll downs do not need to be timed to dry conditions. Tim Bock, who runs a 100-acre certified organic farm outside Kutztown, has tried the roller on more than 20 acres for another SARE-funded project. After two years of success, he plans to completely switch his soybean production to rolled rye. “The results have been outstanding,” Bock says. “I’ve really reduced my weed pressure and drastically reduced the number of trips across the field. I eliminated a complete tillage cycle.” This research is only one example of how SARE is at the forefront of supporting the innovative producers, educators and researchers who are making cover crops one of the most indispensable cost-saving tools in the soil-health toolbox. SARE grantees all over the country are discovering the immense benefits of integrating both cover crops and conservation tillage into farming operations. For example: - On his Montana dryland farm, Jess Alger used a 1999 SARE grant to compare no-till wheat grown with a black medic cover crop to a conventional wheat system. In two years of trials, below-average precipitation led to losses in both systems, but he lost considerably less on the no-till field: a combined $11.46 per acre, as opposed to $75.90 per acre on the conventional field. - Virginia Tech researcher Ron Morse used a 2004 SARE grant to lay the groundwork in a newly researched area: using no-till and cover crops in organic broccoli and cabbage production. While encountering many challenges, Morse had many encouraging results that have informed subsequent research, including that no-till cabbage yields were 41 percent better than with conventional tillage. - After being approached by organic farmers interested in adopting no-till, Ohio State University researchers used a 2004 SARE grant to compare soybean yields resulting from various combinations of cover crops and no-till termination methods, including roller crimpers and mowers. The researchers found that no-till could work: There was no significant difference in yields between these no-till treatments and conventional tillage practices. This only scratches the surface of the hundreds of research and on-farm demonstration projects SARE has supported on cover crops in the last 25 years. To discover more, and to find practical tools and guides, visit SARE’s Cover Crops Topic Room. About this series The SARE Cover Crop Series highlights 25 years of SARE-supported research on cover crops. Tools and information are available on: selection and management; economics; establishment; rotations; soil and fertility management; water management; pest management; and no-till. Visit the Cover Crops Topic Room for more information.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Thursday, March 10, 2011 Photo Credit: From Monica at the Homespun Heart Maple Oat Scone Recipe 1 ¾ C all purpose flour (I used whole grain organic flour) 1.5 C old fashioned oats 2 tsp baking powder 10 TBSP cold unsalted butter (I used 5 tsp butter & 5 tsp organic Coconut Oil from health food store) 1/3 C heavy cream 1/4 cup Maple Syrup 1 large egg beaten ½ cup chopped walnuts...about 2 oz. Maple Glace – recipe to follow Maple Glaze Recipe Combine 1 TBSP melted unsalted butter, 2 TBSP Maple Syrup, 1 TBSP heavy cream & 1 C icing sugar/confectioner’s sugar in a small bowl & whisk together until smooth & lump free...drizzle glaze on scones when they come out of the oven...then let cool before eating....if you can wait that long. Mix the dough – heat oven to 425 degrees F. Combine the flour, oats & baking powder in a large mixing bowl. Use a pastry blender or your fingers or knives to cut the butter into the flour mixture until the butter is the size of peas. Add the cream, maple syrup & egg...mix with a wooden spoon until well combined. Stir in the nuts. Bake the scones – Turn the dough out onto an unfloured surface & form into an 8 inch round about 1 inch thick( I pressed my dough into a greased large deep dish pie plate & precut it into pieces with a metal flipper before putting it in the oven.) Cut into 8 wedges & place on a baking sheet. Bake until lightly browned...about 15 to 18 minutes. Remove to a wire rack to cool. Recipe from Country Living’s book “The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen” by Teri Edwards & Serena Thomson. Hope you & yours enjoy this great recipe...Hugs Susan
King Abdullah receives U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan May 17, 2009 The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz received at the Royal Court at Al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh today U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. During the audience, Ambassador Holbrooke conveyed the greetings of U.S. President Barack Obama. The meeting was attended by Chief of General Intelligence Prince Miqren bin Abdulaziz; Adviser to the King Prince Abdulaziz bin Abdulaziz; Adviser to the King Prince Mansour bin Abdulaziz; Adviser to the King Prince Bandar bin Mohammed Al Saud; President of the Cabinet Presidency Court Prince Abdulaziz bin Abdulaziz; Adviser to the King Abdulmohsen Al-Tuwaijri; Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Adel A. Al-Jubeir; and Charge d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh David Randel. During his visit to the Kingdom, Ambassador Holbrooke and his delegation also met with Second Deputy Prime Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz to discuss regional and international developments.
MAKKAH – The residents of Al-Haj neighborhood say that the area has recently seen an influx of illegal workers. The residents are worried and concerned that epidemics like dengue fever will spread due to the accumulated garbage in streets caused by the workers. They demanded that the Passport Department intensify raids in the area. Resident Moti Musa called upon authorities to put an end to the spread of overstayers in the neighborhood and blamed fake Umrah and Haj companies for the phenomenon. While resident Atiyah Mahmoud said the neighborhood had become dangerous as illegal workers roamed the streets. “We’re scared that a crime might take place any minute because of the large number of illegal workers,” said Mahmoud while adding that garbage had accumulated in the neighborhood and people feared contracting diseases. Ahmad Al-Otaibi said Asian overstayers could be seen everywhere and some residents had already left the area. “There aren’t enough garbage containers here to cope with the influx of overstayers. This is the perfect environment for mosquitos and other insects to thrive in,” he said. Lt. Col. Muhammad Al-Hussein, spokesman for Makkah Passport Deparment, said raids to capture and deport overstayers have not stopped and they are being carried on a continuous basis. He called upon citizens not to employ or house illegal workers and asked people to report them to the authorities. Sahal Milibari, spokesman for public services department at the Makkah Mayoralty, said his department carries out regular inspections of districts to insure they are properly cleaned. He added that citizens can report a shortage of garbage containers by calling 940.
Superintendent: No talk of replacements Juenger: District focused on talks, not looking at options DIXON — No plans have been made to hire replacement teachers or to file for arbitration, said Superintendent Michael Juenger. Classes were canceled Friday for the seventh day as members of the Dixon Education Association remain on strike. As the strike extends and more uncertainty sets in as to how long it could go, Juenger said the focus remains on settling the contract rather than making contingency plans. Teachers have been working without a contract since August. “We’ve had no conversation to replace teachers or anything like that,” Juenger said. “There haven’t been any real contigency plans, other than trying to address the district’s responsibility to test students.” Wednesday, school board President Tom Balser said the district planned to administer the Illinois Standards Achievement Test next week – with or without teachers. Friday, however, the district said it did not plan to administer the ISATs until the strike has been resolved. As for arbitration, Juenger said it is an option, but one that the board and teachers have not discussed. Both sides would have to agree to have an arbitrator determine the contract terms, said John Brosnan, special counsel for the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board. Neither Juenger nor Brosnan can recall an Illinois district using arbitration to settle a strike. Brosnan said arbitration is rare, because it takes the power away from those negotiating. “You don’t know how it will turn out,” Brosnan said. “When a contract still is in negotiations, both sides can prioritize issues that are out there. Maybe one side will give away a couple of things, because other issues are more important to retain.” Once a strike is declared, the labor board remains on the sidelines for the duration, Brosnan said. There is no legal limit on the length of a strike. Brosnan said the board could file an injunction – a court order that could require a certain number of teachers to return to work. To do so, however, the board would have to persuade a judge that there is a “clear and present danger to the public,” which in the case of a school district would be a tough argument to make, Brosnan said. As for replacements, the board is required to hire a certain number of certified teachers and have its curriculum approved by the Illinois State Board of Education for a school day to count. To be certified, individuals must complete a state-approved certificate preparation program (or have a valid and comparable out-of-state certificate), meet all coursework and testing requirements, and meet all other requirements detailed in Illinois statutes and rules, according to the state board’s website. Lake Forest High School hired replacements in September. It has about 1,800 students, compared to Dixon’s 2,781. “It’s tough to get enough certified teachers in place to replace existing teachers,” Brosnan said. “For a smaller district, maybe that’s more of an option.” In many cases, a federal mediator and public pressure are the two best catalysts to settle a dispute, Brosnan said. In Dixon, a federal mediator has been working with both sides since November. “A federal mediator is there to keep them focused,” Brosnan said. “They are good at moving these things along.” More Local News - Prosecutors: Ng had a cohort - Most of corn crop now in field - Mayor starts bike rack program - Board OKs wind farm - We lost ‘a great role model’
CK One SHOCK (Men and Women) - Bloemfontein Deal by Vuvuplaza on Health & Beauty - SaveMe - CK One SHOCK (Men and Women) Discount from 26% CK One SHOCK for her A juicy, flavourful floriental that warms into a sexy skin musk.CK one Shock For Her opens with a fierce bouquet of passionflower, pink peony, and jewelled poppy flower.The intensity deepens with blackberry, jasmine and narcisse flower drizzled with a liquid accord.The addictive signature finishes with magnetic ambers enveloped in vanillin and patchouli, wrapped in second skin musk. CK One SHOCK for him A sparkling, energetic oriental with smooth spice and a masculine tobacco musk.This elixir opens with pure freshness-juicy clementine, edgy red bull accord and a crisp cucumber layer.The heart pulsates with black pepper and cardamon spiced with black basil.A combination of tobacco absolute and ambreine emerges revealing the skin-like creaminess of cashmeran musk and patchouli for a long lasting signature. This deal allows you to purchase both fragrances Please allow 2-3 days for delivery
Curry with Peas and Fresh Cheese 1 4" piece peeled ginger, half of it coarsely chopped, 6 tbsp. ghee or clarified butter 1 tbsp. cumin seeds 3 cardamom pods 2 whole cloves 1 3" cinnamon stick 1 large red onion, finely chopped 2 tsp. ground turmeric 1 tsp. kashmiri red chile powder or paprika 5 medium tomatoes, cored and chopped 1 cup canola oil 1 1⁄2 lbs. paneer (Indian fresh cheese), 1 1⁄4 lbs. cut into 1⁄2" cubes, 1⁄4 lb. crumbled 1 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 tbsp. garam masala Salt, to taste 2 tbsp. finely chopped cilantro leaves 1. Purée garlic, chopped ginger, and 1⁄4 cup water to a coarse paste in a blender; set aside. Heat ghee in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add cumin, cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until just browned, 7–8 minutes. Add ginger paste, turmeric, and chile powder and cook, stirring occasionally, until ghee separates from the paste, about 3–4 minutes. Stir in chopped tomatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, until brick red and thickened, 12–14 minutes. Add 1 quart water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until slightly thickened, 10–15 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, fry paneer cubes, gently turning once or twice, until lightly browned, 2–3 minutes per batch. Using a slotted spoon, transfer cubes to a paper towel–lined plate. 3. Add paneer cubes, peas, garam masala, and salt to pot and stir to combine. Heat through, 1–2 minutes more. Garnish with julienned ginger, crumbled paneer, and cilantro. SERVES 4 – 6
- Areas of Study - Catch up on our blogs - Make a gift - Academic Program Quick Links - Organizational Leadership & Transformation - MA/PhD Organizational Systems - MA Leadership & Organization Development, Seattle (LIOS) Residential - MA/PhD Leadership of Sustainable Systems - Mind-Body Medicine - MS Mind-Body Medicine - PhD Healthcare Research - PhD Healthcare Practice - PhD Healthcare Systems - PhD Integrative Mental Health - Clinical Psychology - MA Counseling (LIC), Seattle (LIOS) Residential - MA/MFT/PCC Clinical Psychology (LIC) - PhD Clinical Psychology (LIC) - Psychology & Interdisciplinary Inquiry - MA/PhD Human Science - MA/PhD Psychology - MA/PhD Consciousness, Spirituality & Integrated Health - MA/PhD Creativity Studies - MA/PhD Existential, Humanistic & Transpersonal Psych - MA/PhD Jungian Studies - MA/PhD Transformative Social Change - Saybrook Commons Login Jamie Scibelli, Organizational Systems, Leadership and Organizational Development Jamie ScibelliLIOS Graduate College Alumni/a Everyone wants government to be leaner, better organized, and more efficient. But what would that look like in practice? How would that happen? Saybrook alumna Jamie Scibelli can tell you. Jamie is the Project Manager for the “Lean government” initiative pioneered by Washington State’s Department of Labor and Industries. They’re taking the processes of one of the world’s most effective companies – Toyota – and figuring out how they can be applied to make government better at every level. “What we’ve discovered,” she says, “is that you have to train employees on how to solve problems at the lowest level. That's a real culture shock. Solving problems is typically something leaders see as their prerogative: they have been rewarded for their ability to react quickly. We have to teach them to encourage people to solve problems at every level in the organization. The leader’s job is more about coaching people, developing people: teaching them to improve the processes when they see an opportunity. It’s a whole different way of interacting with employees. But the payoff is that there's more ownership of the work, more connection with the customer, and a greater sense, on everybody's part, of how they fit in the strategic plan of the organization." The project has been recognized by the governor, and is now a model for other departments. It’s also something that her study at Saybrook prepared her for. “The LIOS MA in Leadership and Organizational Development was an invaluable resource I could refer to for government transformation,” she said. “I’m constantly referring back to the academics of leadership and change management, the models we applied at LIOS are great for coaching leaders. What I learned connects so perfectly to what I do.” That connection between scholarship and practice makes public service a dream job for Jamie. “This environment is really dynamic, it presents a level of challenge that's really unique for folks who choose it as a career,” she said. “I'm constantly being challenged by policy, process, and people issues, and that inspires my ongoing learning. LIOS promotes lifelong learners, and I can really accomplish that in this environment."
April 7, 2011 Major General William T. Grisoli Deputy Commanding General, Civil and Emergency Operations U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 441 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20314-1000 Dear Mr. Olson: Thank you for providing the Office of Advocacy (Advocacy) with the opportunity to submit interagency comments on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) ‘Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits.’ Advocacy was established pursuant to Pub. L. 94-305 to represent the views of small entities before federal agencies and Congress. Advocacy is an independent office within the Small Business Administration (SBA), so the views expressed by Advocacy do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the Administration. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA), gives small entities a voice in the rulemaking process. For all rules that are expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, federal agencies are required by the RFA to assess the impact of the proposed rule on small business and to consider less burdensome alternatives. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 612, Advocacy is required to monitor agency compliance with the RFA. Advocacy is pleased that the proposed nationwide permit 48 includes a request for comments on the proposal to modify the permit to include new aquaculture activities. Commercial shellfish farming is a growth area for the aquaculture industry in the U.S. The majority of commercial shellfish farms are small businesses who create jobs and provide economic growth in coastal areas. If aquaculture businesses are unable to obtain permits under a nationwide permit they will be required to apply for an individual permit. The extensive paperwork burdens associated with obtaining individual permits can be extremely burdensome on these small businesses both in terms of human and monetary resources. Advocacy believes that including new aquaculture activities in nationwide permit 48 would alleviate this burden and promote economic growth in the aquaculture industry. Advocacy supports the authorization of new aquaculture activities in nationwide permit 48. Advocacy has spoken to small businesses that have previously been authorized to operate under the current nationwide permit 48. These businesses are concerned that increased paperwork could be required to continue operations under the proposed nationwide permit 48. It would be a significant burden on small aquaculture businesses to have to re-submit all of the required documentation. Advocacy recommends that the Corps clarify what, if any, paperwork would be required from continuing operations. If the Corps decides to require documentation from continuing operations, businesses have suggested that continuing operations that have experienced no material changes be allowed to submit a single document affirming that no material change has occurred. This will alleviate a significant paperwork burden on small aquaculture businesses while serving the Corps’ goal of environmental protection. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact Kia Dennis, Assistant Chief Counsel at (202) 205-6936. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Winslow Sargeant, Ph.D Office of Advocacy
Frequently Asked Questions How do we select quality measures for reporting? We select measures which reflect high volume or high risk conditions that have well defined and accepted definitions for external comparison and internal improvement. We research current literature, seek input from physicians and employees to identify areas for improvement. Many of our measures have been chosen by Federal and state agencies and other health care experts as measurements of high quality medical care for certain conditions representing some of the most common and costly conditions that hospitals treat. By analyzing and reporting on a common set of measures, doctors and their patients can compare information easier and make informed decisions from reliable sources. How do we use these measures to improve our care? Measures provide the necessary feedback to ensure our efforts to improve our systems and processes are effective. We attempt to provide this data to those closest to our patients and who are in the best position to use them for improvement. Many of these measures are posted for our staff to see on the patient care units. We also share our quality measures with the medical staff and with our Board of Directors. Why are your measures less than 100%? One of the first steps in achieving 100% is to implement documentation systems to capture the required data. We may be providing the recommended care, but if we don’t document it in a very specific manner, we can’t count it. This often involves having physicians document why they do not recommend a certain practice based upon the patients condition. We also live in a dynamic world in which the evidence often changes faster than the definitions and measurement systems Who oversees the quality of care? Our Board of Directors oversees the quality of care for all Cottage Health System hospitals. They receive regular reports of our quality measures and improvement efforts. In addition, the Medical Staff leadership participates in our Quality and Patient Safety Committee and has delegated responsibility for patient care.
Prevailing Wage Studies Scores of studies have examined the impact of the payment of prevailing wages and benefits throughout the United States. Major studies are summarized below. All of the studies have found that: - The payment of prevailing wages (living wages) does not increase the cost of construction significantly, if at all. - In fact, the payment of prevailing wages often reduces costs because of the increase in productivity, the decrease in job site injuries, and savings derived from significant reductions in future maintenance because of the higher quality of the original construction. - Where prevailing wages are paid, training programs are more prevalent, including higher participation by minorities and disadvantaged workers. - The failure to pay prevailing wages and benefits creates a direct cost to taxpayers because it shifts the cost of health care and pensions from employers to public health systems. - The failure to pay prevailing wages creates direct costs to taxpayers and insurers because of the significant increase in job site injuries created by less-well trained workers. - The failure to pay prevailing wages often increase construction costs, reduces tax revenues, lowers the general economy and forces skilled workers to migrate to other areas, further reducing local tax bases. 1. Gasperow, Bob, Construction Labor Research Council, Federal Highway Administration, Do Higher Wages Raise Labor Costs?, Reported, May, 2001. Summary: A 14-year study of highway construction in the United States from 1980-1993, found that skills and productivity, not differences in wage rates, are the critical determiner of bottom line labor costs. The federal study found that the payment of prevailing wages and the use of higher paid, higher skilled workers reaped an average of $123,057 per mile in savings. The study found that "There is no basis to the claim that lower wage rates result in lower construction costs." 2. Phillips, Peter, Ph.D., A Comparison of Public School Construction Costs In Three Midwestern States That Have Changed Their Prevailing Wage Laws in the 1990s, February, 2001. Summary: A study of public school construction costs in Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan over the period 1991-2000, found that the use of prevailing wages raised school construction costs by less than 1%, a statistically insignificant result. Instead of raising costs, the study found that the payment of prevailing wages and benefits forces contractors to hire and train a more skilled and productive labor force. The failure to pay living wages reduces wages, training and health and pension benefits. As a result trained workers migrate to other areas and young less trained workers have an injury rate 15% higher than trained workers. 3. Waddoups, C. Jeffrey, Ph.D., Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance and UncompensatedCare: The Role of the University Medical Center in Clark County, January, 1999. Summary: A study of the University Medical Center (UMC) in Las Vegas (Clark County, Nevada), found that the failure to pay prevailing wages and health benefits shifts the burden of health care from employers to public health "safety nets." This adds costs to taxpayers as it allows employers to "free-ride" at the public's expense. The additional cost of this shift represents one-third of all uncompensated care at UMC, costing the taxpayers over $10 million per year. 4. Phillips, Peter, Ph.D., Presentation on Prevailing Wage Laws, Michigan Prevailing Wage Symposium, March, 1999. Summary: A study of school construction costs from 1992-1998 for 104 schools found that with the payment of prevailing wages average costs were $99 per square foot. When prevailing wages were not paid the average cost was $104. 5. Prus, Mark, Ph.D., Prevailing Wage Laws and School Construction Costs: An Analysis of Public School Construction In Maryland and the Mid Atlantic States, January, 1999. Summary: A study for the Prince George County's County City Council in Maryland compared school construction in three mid-Atlantic states (Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia) with prevailing wages between 1991-1997 with two states (North Carolina and Virginia) that did not pay prevailing wages. The study found that the slight increase in costs for states with prevailing wages was statistically insignificant. Further, future savings in maintenance costs because of higher quality construction produced additional savings for the states. 6. Dillon, Rodger, California Senate Office of Research, Potential Economic Impacts: Proposals of the Department of Industrial Relations to Alter Methodology Relating toPrevailing Wages, May, 1996. Summary: A proposal to lower prevailing wages has the unintended consequence of producing $800 million in total tax revenues, far overshadowing the expected $160-200 million in savings from the proposal. The proposal would also shift huge numbers of construction workers to public health care systems because of the commensurate loss of health insurance and pension benefits. The proposal would also make public work sites more dangerous because studies have shown that union sites are safer because of the additional safety training received by union workers. Finally, the reduction of prevailing wages would reduce the number of minority workers on public works sites. The proposal was not adopted. 7. Reich, Michael, Ph.D., UC Berkeley Institute of Industrial Relations, Prevailing Wage Lawsand the California Economy, February, 1996. Summary: A reduction in prevailing ages would have the result of lowering tax revenues, reduce job site productivity, reduce worker training and job site safety, decrease the numbers of minorities in training programs, reduce health care and pension benefits, impact negatively on local and state health care systems, and slow the expansion of the California economy. 8. Phillips, Peter, Ph.D., et al, University of Utah, Losing Ground: Lessons from the Repeal ofNine 'Little Davis-Bacon' Acts, February, 1995. Summary: A major study of nine states (Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Utah) that had repealed prevailing wages found that the repeals had negative impacts on all state budgets. The loss of construction earnings and sales tax revenues had an adverse impact, and cost overruns on road construction also increased costs. In Utah, for example, these cost overruns tripled after the repeal. Training was reduced by 40%, minority representation was reduced in training programs and injuries increased by 15%. The study concluded that if the federal Davis-Bacon Act was repealed that federal tax revenues would drop by $1 billion per year, and that there would be 76,000 additional workplace injuries in construction annually, with more than 675,000 work days lost each year. These increases would be felt in increased workers compensation costs and costs placed on public health systems by workers without health and pension benefits. Other Studies: (All of these studies have findings consistent with the studies summarized above). 9. Bilginsoy, Cihan, Department of Economics, University of Utah, Apprenticeship Trainingand Prevailing Wage Laws, February, 1996. 10. Carlson, Richard, Spectrum Economics, Inc., Impact of Repealing California's Prevailing Wage Laws on California's Local Economies, February, 1996. 11. Petersen, Jeffrey, Ph.D., School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Health Care and Pension Benefits for Construction Workers: The Role of Prevailing Wage Laws, April, 1997. 12. Petersen, Jeffrey, Ph.D., School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, The Effects for California Construction Workers from Changing the Method of Calculating Prevailing Wage Benefits, February. 1996. 13. Phillips, Peter, Ph.D., Economics Department, University of Utah, Results of a Multi variate Regression Analysis of Construction Workers Incomes with a Focus on the Implementation of Prevailing Wage Policies, February, 1996. 14. Prus, Mark, Department of Economics, SUNY, Cortland, The Effect of State Prevailing Wage Laws, January, 1996. 15. Waitzman, Norman, Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of Utah, Worker Beware: The Relationship Between the Strength of State Prevailing Wage Laws and Injuries in Construction, 1976-1991, 1996. Print this Page
Mike Hewitt - Getty Images Belgium are the favorites to win Group A. But Serbia might just have a few tricks up their sleeves. Belgium and Serbia, along with Croatia, are even at four points at the top of Group A in UEFA World Cup qualifying. But despite the equality in accumulated points, Belgium are the clear favorites to win this match, if not the group. Take a look at the Belgians selected for this round -- just how many of those names are unfamiliar? They're being snapped up like beads at a Mardi Gras parade and, quite frankly, that amount of attacking talent is just not fair. Yet Belgium's taking more of a slow-but-steady approach to this qualifying road, it seems. The intent is there, the precision in the attack is not. In the first match, Belgium needed James Collins to get sent off before they could truly penetrate the Wales' defense. When hosting Croatia, Axel Witsel, Christian Benteke and Kevin Mirallas all went near, but Belgium could only come away with a 1-1 draw. Serbia experienced many of the same problems at Scotland, a side whose negative tactics seem designed to emerge from qualifying with nothing but a better UEFA coefficient. Against Wales, though, the Serbs let loose in a 6-1 home victory. For a side whose most infamous names appear in defense, that's rather impressive. Aside from the veteran defenders, Sinisa Mihajlovic is counting on his younger players, many of whose names you're unlikely to recognize -- unless you're an avid fan of all European leagues. One of the changes between the Wales demolition and the Scotland draw was Serbia's shift to a 4-1-4-1, with young Partizan forward Lazar Marković leading the attack. The majority of the action came from wide play, however, which may cause Belgium some rightful worry. Right-back is their weakest link, and with Guillaume Gillet suspended, Ajax defender Toby Alderweireld will need to step in, a prospect that should delight CSKA Moscow winger Zoran Tošić. Belgium are also missing Marouane Fellaini and Romelu Lukaku, both out with injury. Again, the plethora of attacking Belgians should theoretically make up for such a loss, but anyone who saw Christian Benteke miss a free header for Aston Villa against Tottenham Hotspur might be forgiven for doubting such a theory. But the Serbian defense isn't watertight, and it'd be foolish to place a bet on Belgium remaining scoreless. Finally, Belgium may also end up intimidated by the atmosphere at the Marakana, which can be quite the simmering cauldron. But the home side could wind up feeling the wrath of their supporters if things don't go their way -- the risk of playing in Belgrade. In fact, Miha tried to convince the authorities to move this match to Novi Sad, where the Wales win occurred. Not much of a home-field advantage for Serbia, then. Match Date/Time: Friday, October 12 at 8:30 p.m. local time, 2:30 p.m. ET Venue: Marakana (Red Star Stadium), Belgrade, Serbia TV: RTS 1, RTRS TV (Serbia), VT4, La Une (Belgium) Online: ESPN3 (U.S.)
The Boston Celtics have lost to the Detroit Pistons twice in the past week. The Detroit Pistons have improved quickly this season, 7-3 in February after starting the season 4-19. But that doesn't mean the club should be beating the Boston Celtics twice in the span of a week. Detroit took Boston to the house again on Sunday, capitalizing on a big second quarter and holding on to win 96-81 at the Palace. Rajon Rondo was ejected for throwing the ball at an official, but even when he was in the game Boston struggled mightily with turnovers. The team racked 22 giveaways in 93 possessions, with Rondo leading the way with six in 28 minutes. Paul Pierce and Ray Allen had five and four apiece. That stood in stark contrast to Detroit's 14 assists, and helped the Pistons win by double-digits despite shooting just 37.8 percent from the floor. Greg Monroe looked like the best player on the floor, and probably was. MonRobocop finished with 17 points, 10 rebounds and three assists; his line would have been better had he hit more than one of his seven free throw attempts. He's been a 77 percent free-throw shooter on the season, so this performance was uncharacteristic. In other action: Timberwolves 92, Sixers 91: This was one of two games in which a solid defender committed a critical, terrible foul while up by a point with seconds left. In this one, Andre Iguodala -- an All-Star largely because of his defensive prowess -- fouled a driving Kevin Love with Philly up by one, sending the big man to the line with 0.1 seconds left. Love hit both, and that's all she wrote. Ricky Rubio scored a career-high 22 points. Cavaliers 93, Kings 92: Here's the other instance of the bad foul -- with Sacramento up one on the road, Tyreke Evans fouled a driving Kyrie Irving, sending the rookie to the line with 0.4 seconds left. Irving hit both, and the Kings' tip attempt(s) were ineffective. The Kings dropped their fifth straight and ruined a perfectly good 23-point, 11-assist, 8-rebound game from Isaiah Thomas.
Brad Mills-US PRESSWIRE Washington veteran linebacker London Fletcher will start Sunday against the Steelers, who will be missing running backs Rashard Mendenhall and backup Isaac Redman. The inactives list for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Washington Redskins Week 8 showdown has been released, and the consecutive-games streak for Redskins veteran linebacker London Fletcher will remain intact. Fletcher will start and extended his NFL record to 232 consecutive games. Earlier in the the week, there was worry a head injury would keep him out of the contest. For the Redskins, only two players are listed on its inactive list: wide receiver Pierre Garcon and safety Brandon Meriweather. Meanwhile, the Steelers will be without a pair of running backs: starter Rashard Mendenhall is out for the second straight week as is backup Isaac Redman. Pittsburgh will rely on third-string running back Jonathan Dwyer to carry the load again. Last week, Dwyer ran for 122 yards on 17 carriers in a 24-17 victory over the Cincinnati Bengals. Also out for the Steelers is safety Troy Polamalu. The rest of Pittsburgh's inactive players are: tackle Marcus Gilbert, linebacker Brandon Johnson, quarterback Charlie Batch and cornerback DeMarcus Van Dyke.
Lakeway, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/27/2013 -- Bestdamnpennystocks, an investment community with a special focus on updating investors with recent news on the U.S. stock market, issues news alert on the following stocks:- HCA Holdings Inc(NYSE:HCA) added 3.11% and is trading at $36.75. HCA Holdings, Inc. (HCA) is a holding company whose affiliates owns and operates hospitals and related health care entities. HCA is a health care services companies in the United States. How Should Investors Trade HCA After The Recent Movement? Find Out Here Aastrom Biosciences, Inc.(NASDAQ:ASTM) is higher 1.63% and is trading at $1.24. Aastrom Biosciences, Inc. (Aastrom) is a development stage company. The Company is focused on the development of cell therapies to repair or regenerate damaged or diseased tissues. Is ASTM Strong Buy After The Recent Strong Gains? Get Free Trend Analysis Here Johnson & Johnson(NYSE:JNJ) added 0.70% and is trading at $76.28. Johnson & Johnson is a holding company. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, is engaged in the research and development, manufacture and sale of a range of products in the healthcare field. The Company operates in three segments: Consumer, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Devices and Diagnostics. Is JNJ a Buying Opportunity After The Recent Plunge? Don’t Miss Out Our Latest Report Here MAKO Surgical Corp.(NASDAQ:MAKO) is higher 8.45% and is trading at $11.93. MAKO Surgical Corp. (MAKO) is a medical device company that markets its robotic arm solution and orthopedic implants for orthopedic procedures called MAKOplasty. The Company offers MAKOplasty, a surgical solution that enables orthopedic surgeons to treat patient specific, osteoarthritic disease. MAKOplasty is performed using its RIO Robotic Arm Interactive Orthopedic system (RIO). How Should Investors Trade MAKO After The Latest Earnings Report? Find Out Here Best Damn Penny Stocks’ team is engaged in providing stock newsletters on various hot penny stocks on a regular basis. Our instant stock news on Major Gainers, small cap penny stocks and various other stocks, guides investors in making the wise stock market investments decision. In order to get update to the markets, we would advise you sign up to our free newsletters. You can become leader in stock market by keeping track of the daily activity. The assembled information disseminated by Bestdamnpennystocks.com is for information purposes only, and is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities. Bestdamnpennystocks.com does expect that investors will buy and sell securities based on information assembled and presented in Bestdamnpennystocks.com. PLEASE always do your own due diligence, and consult your financial advisor. Copyright © 2005-2013 - SBWire, The Small Business Newswire - All Rights Reserved - Important Disclaimer Contact Us: 888-4-SBWIRE (US) - 920-321-1250 (International)
MarketRoster discloses about the event of boot camp fitness which is a type of physical training program that is conducted by personal trainers. Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/11/2013 -- MarketRoster discloses about the event of boot camp fitness which is a type of physical training program that is conducted by personal trainers. Boot camp fitness helps the people in maintaining the mental health with the regular aerobic exercise that reduces the stress. This event is organized on January1, 2013 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Orange Park. This program is conducted weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. MarketRoster displays the local events according to the different categories and one can also browse the events by date that refine the search. Suppose one is interested in health and fitness events so one need not to search in the other categories like Concerts, education etc. To participate in this boot camp program one has to bear the cost of $55 per month and paying this amount offers several interesting unlimited offers like flex, boot camp, yoga & pilates. There are lots of benefits which one gets with the promotion of the event through online medium like it removes the overhead charges which one has to bear in the traditional method of publishing event. For event listing there are certain packages which is categorized into paid and non paid options. Non paid category includes Silver package and paid package include gold and diamond. Paid package gets higher listing as compared to non paid category package. Apart from event listing it also brings the deals and classifieds at one place. Due to its wide variety of features it is considered among the best online business directory. MarketRoster.com is an online business directory dedicated to helping small and medium sized businesses connect with fellow entrepreneurs and prospective customers through one of the largest online communities in the world. This is one of the fastest growing local search sites in the world and help customers to easily locate the most relevant search results for local industries, coupons, best deals, discounts, sales, products, ratings, services. Copyright © 2005-2013 - SBWire, The Small Business Newswire - All Rights Reserved - Important Disclaimer Contact Us: 888-4-SBWIRE (US) - 920-321-1250 (International)
April 13, 2010 Ret. Owner of Poley Trucking, 95 Earle Poley of North Branch, NY, the retired owner of Poley Trucking and a former distributor for Sinclair Oil Corp., died Sunday, April 11, 2010 at home. He was 95. The son of the late John William and Bertha Jane Ballard Poley, he was born March 16, 1915 in North Branch. He was married to Ellen “Mae” Stewart Poley. Mr. Poley was a lifelong area resident and an 80-year member, a Past Chief, Past President and a former Commissioner of the North Branch Fire Department. He was a member of the North Branch Methodist Church, the Jeffersonville Senior Citizens, Callicoon Senior Citizens, and a former Democratic Committeeman for the Town of Callicoon. He is survived by his wife, Ellen “Mae” Stewart Poley, at home; four daughters, Kay Rosenberger and her husband Carl, Bonnie Dimler and her husband Ross, Jane Buddenhagen and her husband Daniel, and Amy Poley; grandchildren, Debbie Owen and her husband Guy, Brent Rosenberger and his wife Kim, Glen Rosenberger and his wife Joann, Brian Rosenberger and his wife Christine, Trina Dimler, Lance Dimler, Derek Dimler, Kurt Buddenhagen, Kelly Hendrickson and her husband Darren, Matthew Buddenhagen, April Masson and her husband Christopher, Ty Ebert and his wife Amanda, and Nate Bradshaw; 19 great-grandchildren; a brother, John Poley; a son-in-law, Roger Ebert; a sister-in-law, Wilda Priebe and her husband Albert; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a daughter, Carolyn “Sue” Ebert. Friends may call from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at the Stewart-Murphy Funeral Home, 34 Upper Main St., Callicoon, NY. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 14 at the North Branch Methodist Church, 8 North Branch-Obernberg Road. Burial will be in North Branch Methodist Cemetery, North Branch. Memorial contributions may be made to the North Branch Methodist Church; North Branch Fire Department; or the Leukemia Society of America, Central NY Chapter, 401 N. Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13203. Adelaide R. Geiselman July 30, 1916 April 7, 2010 Adelaide Ruth Geiselman, born July 30,1916 passed away peacefully at the home of her son Donald on April 7, 2010. Born in Fosterdale, New York, she was the daughter of the late George and Lillian Townsend. She was predeceased by her loving husband Charles Geiselman, four sisters and three brothers. She is survived by her sister Gladys O’Brien of River Edge, NJ; her son Donald and his wife Barbra Geiselman of Cleveland, NC; her daughter Jeanne and her husband Ron Bernard of Colonie, NY; her five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren: Mark and his wife Christy Bernard and their children Quinn and Tanner of Middle Grove, NY; Beth Bernard and her fiance Bob Gennarelli of Albany, NY; Caryn Geiselman and her husband Robert Schnabel and their children Heather and Christopher of Wurtsboro, NY; Ann Marie Geiselman and her husband Rick Van DeVen and their children Charlie, Emma and Isabel of Marble Hill, Missouri; and Wendy Geiselman and her fiance Nick Landato of Middletown, NY; and many dear nieces, nephews and friends. Adelaide retired from the New York Telephone Company and was a member of the Telephone Pioneers. She was an active member of the United Methodist Church of Monticello and volunteered at Noah’s Arc Thrift Shop. She was also a member of the Wesleyan Guild and the Monticello Senior Citizens. Relatives and friends are invited to call on Thursday, April 15, 2010 from 1-2 p.m. at the VanInwegen-Kenny, Inc. Funeral Home, 401 Broadway, Monticello, NY 12701 (845)-794-4141. A short service will be held at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will follow at Fosterdale Cemetery. The family has requested, in lieu of flowers, those who wish to remember Adelaide may make a memorial contribution to the United Methodist Church of Monticello, 445 Broadway, Monticello, NY 12701. Joseph P. Quinn Jr. Ret. VP,CFO, Public Relations, 60 Joseph P. Quinn Jr., 60, died Saturday, April 11, 2010, at Weill-Cornell Hospital in New York City with his family at his bedside. Family and friends are invited to visiting hours at the Stewart-Murphy Funeral Home in Jeffersonville from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13. A sharing of memories and love will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home. Born in Fort Lee, NJ, on January 28, 1950 to Joseph and Genevieve Quinn, he was a graduate of St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale, NJ, and Rutgers University (1972). He served as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army, and held the rank of Captain at discharge. After the Army, he held positions across a range of industries, and when he retired, due to disabilities, he was a Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of a New York-based public relations firm. The last seven years of Joe’s life were marked by a courageous battle with two disabling and life-threatening illnesses Parkinson’s disease and vasculitis. The family’s thanks goes out to the doctors and staff of Weill-Cornell Hospital who treated him so skillfully and caringly during his last three years. He is survived by his wife, Teresa A. Quinn of Jeffersonville; his father, Joseph P. Quinn Sr. of Pompano Beach, Fla.; his sister, Susan Noto of Upper Saddle River, NJ; his sister, Patricia Lamson of Ridgewood, NJ; and his brother, Peter Quinn of Fort Lee, NJ. Memorial contributions may be made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research or to the Vasculitis Foundation.
T O P I C R E V I E W Member # 33519 posted 04-19-2007 08:09 AM I've been on the birth control pill for a little more than six months and I did some reading and I know you can skip an occasional period, but what if I wanted to skip them regularly and not take the placebo pills, but jump to the next pack? Is that safe, do I need to change pills? I know that this one girl I knew Sophomore year said she didnt get her period because she took birth control, so I was wondering if I could do it too. Member # 25425 posted 04-19-2007 10:16 AM With some brands of the birth control pill it is possible to skip a period by just not taking the placebo pills and instead taking two packs back to back. However, doing this on a regular basis is not recommended. And even just doing it once is a bit of a gamble, as there's a good chance you'll end up spotting for the entire cycle. If you want to give it a try, regardless, the best thing to do is to give your gyn a call and and ask them if it's possible with your prescription, and whether they think it's okay for you to do. [ 04-19-2007, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: September ] Member # 33487 posted 04-19-2007 10:51 AM I'm on Depo-Provera (aka, The Shot), and that method does, in fact, stop your period. There will be some spotting around when you would usually get your period for the first few months, but after that? Let's just say that in September, I bought myself a box of really light absorbency tampons. It was a box of 20, and I've still got 7 left. If skipping your period is something you want on a more permanent level (as in, you want to not have a period for a year, as opposed to skipping it one month, and then having it the next), then perhaps look into Depo further, and talk to your doctor about it. As a university student, I have to say... the money I've saved on tampons, alone, is well worth it. Member # 3 posted 04-19-2007 10:58 AM FYI, it is NOT yet advised, even by menstrual suppression proponents, that adolescents under 18 regularly skip periods. NO long-term tests have been done with this population, and given the developmental issues specific to young women (especially big risks like bone mass loss, which has been shown to be a problem w/teens and Depo, as well as other risks), if and when long-term tests are ever donw with younger women, it's likely it'll be found to be problematic for long-term health. Member # 30315 posted 04-19-2007 11:06 AM Heather - how does that affect things like Seasonale, which (if I remember correctly) is the pill that gives you only four periods a year? I was under the impression that Seasonale has been generally approved, even though the four-a-year is pretty much acknowledged as the bare minimum to be safe. Is that not true? Like, are there significant risks if you take Seasonale? (I'm thinking of switching to it, is the main reason I'm asking. Although I am currently 18, so does that change the answer at all?) Member # 3 posted 04-19-2007 11:17 AM Well, the longest study for women of any age for Seasonale has been a two-year-study. It has been approaved, but it's women who are usuing it have not been observed and followed-up with for a period of greater than two years at this time. So, personally, it's still not something as an advocate for women's health I'd be comfortable promoting, but given you're not a younger adolescent, and most of your development is done, I'd say that when making up your mind on this, there's likely no reasons to have concerns about screwing up adolescent development, and in your research to make up your mind, you should consider yourself an adult woman.
Getting To Our Online Resources Schlow offers many online resources, like Magazines Online, Zinio (full-color magazines), Transparent Language, Newsbank (back issues of Centre Daily Times and many more), and ReferenceQuestions that you ask of library staff that require knowledge of the content of the collection or other resources such as those on the web. Sometimes you are referred to the answer, hence Reference. Reference can also refer to our reference materials that are often encyclopedic books that have many volumes and a concentrated number of facts and/or statistics. These materials usually have an overnight loan period so they are available in the library most of the time. USA (business and residential phone numbers). To get to these resources, click here to log on and see the complete list, or go to the Online Library link on the left of this page or to the Find Many More Online Resources link at the bottom of the dropdown menu above.
Scopus Publication Detail The publication detail shows the title, authors (with indicators showing other profiled authors), information on the publishing organization, abstract and a link to the article in Scopus. This abstract is what is used to create the fingerprint of the publication. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2012;157:118-123.Abstract Due to policies set forth between SciVerse Scopus and this publisher, the abstract cannot be displayed here. This section shows information related to the publication - computed using the fingerprint of the publication - including related publications, related experts with fingerprints representing significant amounts of overlap between their fingerprint and this publication. The red dots indicate whether those experts or terms appear within the publication, thereby showing potential and actual connections. Gloria A.E. Oxford; David Dubbeldam; Linda J. Broadbelt; Randall Q. SnurrJournal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2011;334(1-2):89-97. Faith C. Boman; Julianne M. Gibbs-Davis; Laurel M. Heckman; Brian R. Stepp; Sonbinh T. Nguyen; Franz M. GeigerJournal of the American Chemical Society. 2009;131(2):844-848. Marc Ganzhorn; Aravind Vijayaraghavan; Simone Dehm; Frank Hennrich; Alexander A. Green; Maximilian Fichtner; Achim Voigt; Michael Rapp; Hilbert Von Löhneysen; Mark C. Hersam; et al.ACS Nano. 2011;5(3):1670-1676. Appears in this Document
If the employee belongs to a union, offer him or her the option of having union representation present. If they are not, keep your office door open to ensure that a disgruntled employee does not accuse you of saying anything inappropriate or threatening. Present the facts as you know them. Be direct and honest and allow the employee to ask questions. If you have a policy manual or a state laws and regulations book that supports the issue, have them ready to show the employee. Poring through pages of books trying to find the section you are referencing while the employee is sitting there only makes you appear disorganized and can frustrate all parties involved. Besides, take it from me, I can never find a section of law or policy while people are sitting in my office. The specific page needed always seems to disappear until they’re gone! Any dialogue during a meeting or counseling session should be a two-way conversation. Give the employee the chance to address the points you are making. Even if the employee does not agree with you, the policy, law or procedure, he or his representatives should have the chance to present his opinion and version of the events that led up to your meeting. Don’t put things off We are all busy people in the pupil transportation business. However, do not let much time lag between the meeting and your counseling memo. The memo will be your proof of the meeting having been held, of what was discussed and possibly of how you want changes implemented. Allowing time to lag may send a message that the issue was not really as important as you made it out to be. Also, delaying the memo may allow the employee to continue his behavior until the memo is received. Specify course of action Let me make it clear that the memo must always be referred to as a counseling memo. There is nothing wrong with confirming and documenting the topic of a conversation. However, if the letter is a “warning,” labor unions may have issues with it. The memo should clearly state the reason(s) that you are writing it. Including the employee’s responses in the memo is appropriate, but don’t dedicate the largest portion of the memo to his response. Remember: Your goal is to restate your policy or procedure. It is very important to specify what you want the employee to do to correct or modify behavior. This prevents the employee from saying in the future, “I was never told that.” It should be clearly stated that failure to follow the course of action or improvement called for during your face-to-face meeting and specified in the memo “may” lead to actual disciplinary action. Be sure to use the word “may,” because the counseling memo is not a disciplinary action. Also, many supervisors cannot arbitrarily hand out discipline without going through other channels or proceedings. Don’t make threats you can’t deliver on. Counseling memos should be treated as personnel matters and therefore are confidential. Make every effort to clearly mark on the memo that it is personal and confidential. Copies should only be provided to the employee and his union representatives, if any. One copy should be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. Again: There is nothing wrong with keeping proof of a conversation and/or meeting in a personnel file, but you should also check with your operation’s union stewards. They may require a provision that allows the employee to staple a written statement or response to the memo before it is filed. Keep in mind that your goal with the memo is to correct behavior or instruct on policy not to discipline or punish. Avoid wording errors You are writing a counseling memo and, in most cases, counseling memos are exempt from the rules that pertain to written warnings. You should never use wording in a counseling memo that refers to a reprimand or formal written notice. An employee should never be accused of insubordination, incompetence, misconduct or neglect of duty. These are all very serious phrases and should only be used during official disciplinary proceedings. It is also my hope that you as supervisors and transportation managers are able to enter meetings better prepared with the documentation you need to achieve the results you desire. If you would like a sample of a counseling memo in Microsoft Word format, request one via e-mail to [email protected]. Michael P. Dallessandro is the transportation supervisor at Lake Shore (N.Y.) Central School District and a frequent contributor at SCHOOL BUS FLEET.
At this point in the calendar year, many of us have fallen behind on — or maybe even forgotten about — our New Year’s resolutions. My resolution for 2012 was to read one book per month, which may seem like a snail’s pace to any speed readers out there. Yet I’m currently about three books off track. (That is, unless you count Goodnight Moon, Green Eggs and Ham and the many other bedtime stories I read to my kids.) I’ve been thinking often of my New Year’s resolution during the summer, which theoretically would be an ideal time to get more reading done. But I’ve been getting caught up in home improvement projects and finding even less time to crack open a book. With schools and school buses getting back in gear soon, this question occurred to me: Since you work in pupil transportation, do you set new school year’s resolutions? Go for the goals If you haven’t already planned some new school year’s resolutions (OK — maybe you’re more likely to call them goals), you might find some good ideas in this issue. For example, we have a profile of two Cincinnati school districts that have saved tens of thousands of dollars by sharing their transportation service. Kristi Hooper, the joint transportation director, mentioned that one of her goals for this school year is to teach the staff at one of her districts how to work with video clips from their bus surveillance cameras. The key reason behind this is that when Hooper is at the other district’s transportation office, someone will still be able to access the clips. That specific initiative might not be applicable to your operation, but in a broader sense, are there some functions that only you know how to perform but that you could teach other members of your staff? Then when you’re out of the office, those tasks could still get done (possibly without anyone having to get a hold of you on your cell phone). Hooper has implemented another noteworthy objective: She makes a point of putting in face time with all of her employees on a daily basis. Particularly since she’s splitting her day between two transportation offices, this has helped her stay informed on everything that’s happening, and it has helped the staffs from the two districts work as a team. Here’s another idea to consider if you’re looking for another initiative for this school year: Get involved in an industry association. Whether it’s your state group or a national organization, maybe there’s an opportunity to become more connected with your colleagues by joining a committee, serving on the board of directors or just getting back into the annual conference if you haven’t gone in recent years. Do you have any new school year’s resolutions? What do you hope to achieve before summer suddenly rolls around again?
E-Z Sort Mail Filing Station - 50 Compartments Volume discounts available. Give each teacher or other employee their own spacious mail slot when you add Safco's E-Z Sort Mail Filing Station to your office. This mail filing station comes with its own table base that adjusts in height from 14" to 19". You'll also receive two sorter modules; each module features extra-wide 11" plastic mail trays that form up to 25 compartments for a total of 50 compartments. The sturdy steel frame stands up to wear and tear and comes with a gray or black powder-coat paint finish. Safco's E-Z Sort Mail Filing Station is GREENGUARD certified and requires assembly. - Made of durable steel with a gray powder-coat paint finish - 11" wide compartments holds a variety of items - Tray are made of molded plastic and adjust in 7/8" increments - Two modules for a total of 50 compartments - Includes height-adjustable table base - GREENGUARD certified - Assembly required - Material: Steel w/ molded plastic shelves - Finish: Gray or Black powder-coat paint - Compartments: 50 - Assembly: Assembly required - Other Info: GREENGUARD certified - Width: 57 1/2" - Depth: 18 1/4" - Height: 42 1/2" to 47 1/2" |Add to Cart||$1,069.95||SAF-7756-3||E-Z Sort Mail Filing Station - 75 Compartments| |Add to Cart||$1,339.95||SAF-7756-4||E-Z Sort Mail Filing Station - 100 Compartments|
This programme looks at the... - Education Professionals Teachers from a Gloucester primary school showcase an innovative approach to teaching geography at KS2 entitled "The City Curriculum". The programme features the originator of the scheme in Gloucester, Richard Martin and two teachers who are implementing this unique approach at Harewood School in the city. Part of the series: Just for Governors Login to post comments
On-line version ISSN 1645-6432 The e-JPH is a peer reviewed international journal. Its main objective is to provide publication of scholarly work on historical subjects, especially those concerning themes and topics of Portuguese history and its Empire, analysed in comparative perspective. Historically oriented contributions from the different social sciences are also welcome. It is furthermore the aim of the journal to offer new insights on developments in Portuguese historiography, as well as to provide news and information on research activities concerning Portuguese history.
Science & Art provides a variety of photography and Adobe photoshop workshops throughout the year. We now offer online photoshop workshops, and video training please visit our new web site below: Our photography workshops focus on: - Knowing how to use your camera both film and digital - Guide to better composition through design - Landscapes, wildflowers, macro-photography - Nature, science and wildlife photography - Digital processing of RAW files, using Adobe photoshop To see Robert's portfolio of images visit 2) www.moodsofnature.com (until May 2010) All level of photographers from beginners to seasoned professional photographers (e.g. Dr. Wayne Lynch, George Webber, Halle Flygare, Peter Dettling etc). have taken our workshops. Our specialty is Adobe Photoshop and our experience with Digital photography extends back over 15 years when Robert used digital imaging in his research. Robert has been photographing for over 35 years and loves to share his passion with others. Our Studio nicknamed "Geeks Paradise" has equipment to scan, process and print images up to 24 x 36 inches. Sample Magazine Publications Robert's Photographs have been published in Canadian Geographic, Alberta Views, Impact, Fly-Fisher, Greek photo magazine, Banff Mountain views, a variety of scientific publications, technical books and several children's books. Two of Robert's photos won 1st place awards in 2003 International Banff Mountain Film Festival.
- A clean 16 ounce plastic soda bottle - 1/2 cup 20-volume hydrogen peroxide liquid (20-volume is a 6% solution, ask an adult to get this from a beauty supply store or hair salon) - 1 Tablespoon (one packet) of dry yeast - 3 Tablespoons of warm water - Liquid dish washing soap - Food coloring - Small cup - Safety goggles NOTE: As you can see from the picture, foam will overflow from the bottle, so be sure to do this experiment on a washable surface, or place the bottle on a tray. 1. Hydrogen peroxide can irritate skin and eyes, so put on those safety goggles and ask an adult to carefully pour the hydrogen peroxide into the bottle. 2. Add 8 drops of your favorite food coloring into the bottle. 3. Add about 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap into the bottle and swish the bottle around a bit to mix it. 4. In a separate small cup, combine the warm water and the yeast together and mix for about 30 seconds. 5. Now the adventure starts! Pour the yeast water mixture into the bottle (a funnel helps here) and watch the foaminess begin! Foam is awesome! The foam you made is special because each tiny foam bubble is filled with oxygen. The yeast acted as a catalyst (a helper) to remove the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide. Since it did this very fast, it created lots and lots of bubbles. Did you notice the bottle got warm. Your experiment created a reaction called an Exothermic Reaction - that means it not only created foam, it created heat! The foam produced is just water, soap, and oxygen so you can clean it up with a sponge and pour any extra liquid left in the bottle down the drain. This experiment is sometimes called "Elephant's Toothpaste" because it looks like toothpaste coming out of a tube, but don't get the foam in your mouth! The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try to answer these questions: 1. Does the amount of yeast change the amount of foam produced? 2. Does the experiment work as well if you add the dry yeast without mixing it with water? 3. Does the size of the bottle affect the amount of foam produced?
Feb. 10, 1999 Anaheim, Calif. -- Researchers from the University of California San Francisco studying bone healing in animal models have found that two genes essential for bone formation in the fetus are also key to successful fracture repair in the adult. Through a clever biologic regulatory process, the two genes become inactive when fetal development concludes but then resurface when needed to help mend broken bones. "These findings shed new light on the bone formation process at the molecular level. Now we can use these principles to begin to develop new clinical treatments for troublesome fractures in which we mimic the natural healing process," said Theodore Miclau, MD, lead investigator and UCSF assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery who treats patients at San Francisco General Hospital Medical Center. Miclau presented the study findings here today (February 5) at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Working with adult mice, the UCSF team focused on the expression patterns of two embryonic genes, cbfal and Indian hedgehog, which are known to be indispensable in fetal bone formation. Study results showed the genes reappeared in the bone of a mature animal when it underwent a fracture. During this process of "reinduction," the genes activated the expression of two proteins that contributed to bone healing in the adult model in a sequence very similar to the pattern that takes place during skeletal formation in the fetus. The researchers analyzed bone tissue at the fracture site in adult mice at 3, 6, 8, 10, and 14 days after fracture to assess the presence of growth factors and other proteins. The UCSF team is believed to be the first to report the expression of the two genes in an animal bone repair model. "Understanding this cascade of events and the specific growth factors involved in bone repair is a small step but a significant one. If we can replicate the pattern and target therapy directly to the fracture site through injection, there is potential for greatly improving our ability to treat a bone healing problem," Miclau said. This type of targeted, molecular-based treatment would be more desirable than a bone graft, which currently is the most common therapy for a problem fracture, according to Miclau. A graft involves taking bone from elsewhere in the body, usually the pelvis, and carries an overall complication rate of about 25 percent. Ten years from now, Miclau foresees targeted therapy replacing the majority of bone graft procedures. The UCSF study team represents a collaboration of clinicians with basic scientists. Miclau, a surgeon, headed the research project with Jill Helms, DDS, PhD, director of the Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory of the UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Eytan Alpern, MD, UCSF research fellow in orthopaedic surgery, and Cristin Ferguson, MD, University of Rochester, contributed to the project. The study was funded by grants from the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University Of California, San Francisco. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above. Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Aug. 28, 2007 Although some people may spend part of the Labor Day weekend complaining about their bosses or about job burnout, most Americans are satisfied with their jobs, a new University of Chicago study shows. The survey found that job satisfaction increases with age, with workers over 65 among the most satisfied. The study shows that 86 percent of the people interviewed between 1972 and 2006 said they were satisfied at their jobs, with 48 percent saying they were very satisfied. Only four percent reported being very dissatisfied. In addition to older workers, those with more education, those earning more money, and workers in the South Central states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississipi, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee were the most satisfied. Blacks, Hispanics and people doing unskilled labor were the least happy, according to the report "Job Satisfaction in America: Trends and Socio-Demographic Correlates" by Tom W. Smith, Director of the General Social Survey at the National Opinion Center at the University of Chicago. "The most important the factors contributing to more job satisfaction in descending order of importance are holding a job with high prestige, being older, being non-black and earning more from a job," Smith said. "Job satisfaction is especially high among those 65 and over because most people working at that age are not those forced to still work due to financial reasons, but those who choose to do so because they like their jobs," he said. Of the people still working after age 65, 71 percent said they were very satisfied at their job. Workers under 29 had the lowest amount of happiness on the job -- 42 percent said they were very satisfied. Workers in the least prestigious 10 percent of job categories -- unskilled manual and service occupations -- reported the lowest level of satisfaction, with 35 percent that were very satisfied, compared to 57 percent satisfaction among those in the most prestigious 10 percent of occupations. Job satisfaction rises according to income. The study found that 40 percent of the people earning less than $12,500 per year said they were very satisfied while 68 percent for those making over $110,000 per year said they were very satisfied. African Americans are less satisfied with their jobs than whites are (40 percent vs. 53 percent) and Hispanics have somewhat lower job satisfaction than non-Hispanics do (46 percent vs. 51 percent). A job satisfaction study released in April by Smith showed that professions that focus on serving other people, especially those involving caring for, teaching, and protecting others and creative pursuits, provide people with the most satisfaction. This study lists the top and bottom 12 occupations in both job satisfaction and general happiness. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Dec. 17, 2007 A combination of a "targeted" therapy and chemotherapy shrank metastatic brain tumors by at least 50 percent in one-fifth of patients with aggressive HER2-positive breast cancer, according to data presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute investigators at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Lapatinib (Tykerb) and capecitabine (Xeloda) were paired in an extension of a Phase 2 clinical trial in which lapatinib given alone shrank brain metastases significantly in six percent of 241 patients. In the extension trial, capecitabine was added to lapatinib in 49 patients whose metastases -- cancerous colonies in the brain spread from their primary cancer -- had progressed while on treatment. With the combination therapy, brain metastases shrank by 20 percent or more in 18 patients (37 percent) and shrank by at least 50 percent in 10 patients (20 percent), reported Nancy Lin, MD, of Dana-Farber's Breast Oncology Center. "Very few medications have shown activity in the treatment of brain metastases, particularly in HER-2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients," said Lin, who led the study with Eric Winer, MD, director of the Dana-Farber Breast Oncology Center. "Therefore, these data are quite encouraging, and further studies are warranted." Lapatinib is an oral small-molecule drug from GlaxoSmithKline that is approved along with capecitabine for treating patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer whose tumors are driven by the abnormal growth signal, HER-2, and who have already undergone therapy including trastuzumab (Herceptin), a taxane drug, and an anthracycline compound. Lapatinib, like trastuzumab, blocks the HER-2 signal. Up to one-third of women with advanced, HER-2-positive breast cancer may develop metastases to the brain. "Although radiation treatment is often effective, as women live longer with metastatic cancer, some develop worsening of brain metastases despite radiation," said Lin. "Because cancer in the brain can have a major impact on quality of life, it is important to have treatment options to address this problem." The data was presented on Dec. 16, 2007. The study was sponsored in part by GlaxoSmithKline. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Apr. 22, 2009 Scientists at the Omics Science Center (OSC) of the RIKEN Yokohama Institute in Japan – along with researchers from McGill University and other institutions worldwide – are challenging current notions of how genes are controlled in mammals. Three years of intensive research by members of the international FANTOM consortium will culminate with the publication of several milestone scientific papers in Nature Genetics and other journals on April 20. FANTOM4, the fourth stage of the Functional Annotation of the Mammalian cDNA collaboration, is led by Dr. Yoshihide Hayashizaki of OSC. Dr. Josée Dostie, a biochemist at McGill's Faculty of Medicine joined the FANTOM4 collaboration in 2007 and is its only Canadian member. For several years, FANTOM researchers have provided the scientific community with extensive data on the genome of mammals, including detailed information on molecular function, biology and individual cell components. Now, the FANTOM4 stage of the collaboration has culminated in a breakthrough that will alter the way scientists understand transcription, the process of cellular copying and reproduction. "This study really challenges the way we understand cellular differentiation," explained Dr. Dostie, who participated in the primary FANTOM4 research and also authored a satellite paper for publication in the journal Genome Biology. "The dogma right now is that there are so-called 'master regulators,' a series of protein switches that sit in specific places on the genome and induce genes. This is supposed to lead to a cascade that leads to cellular differentiation. "The FANTOM4 studies show that this thesis is incorrect and there are no master regulators at all," she continued. "It's not like turning everything on like a switch. Instead, it looks like the expression of some genes needs to be decreased while others are increased in a more subtle, but coordinated way." FANTOM4 is the first report of a large-scale gene network based on an experimental data-set and is likely to generate considerable excitement in the scientific community. The information is important for life science and medical researchers trying to uncover the processes by which cells undergo conversion or become cancerous. It is also related to controlling the growth and differentiation of stem cells and ensuring their safety for use in regenerative medicine. "We are proud that we have created groundbreaking research in understanding more about how genes regulate cells at the molecular level and we want to acknowledge all consortium members for their great contribution to the research effort," said Dr. Harukazu Suzuki, scientific co-ordinator of the FANTOM4 consortium. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: - Faulkner et al. The regulated retrotransposon transcriptome of mammalian cells. Nature Genetics, 2009; DOI: 10.1038/ng.368 - Suzuki et al. The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line. Nature Genetics, 2009; DOI: 10.1038/ng.375 - Taft et al. Tiny RNAs associated with transcription start sites in animals. Nature Genetics, 2009; DOI: 10.1038/ng.312 Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Feb. 3, 2011 The bright galaxy NGC 3621, captured in a new image using the Wide Field Imager on the 2.2-meter telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile, appears to be a fine example of a classical spiral. But it is in fact rather unusual: it does not have a central bulge and is therefore described as a pure-disc galaxy. NGC 3621 is a spiral galaxy about 22 million light-years away in the constellation of Hydra (The Sea Snake). It is comparatively bright and can be seen well in moderate-sized telescopes. This picture was taken using the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. The data were selected from the ESO archive by Joe DePasquale as part of the Hidden Treasures competition . Joe's picture of NGC 3621 was ranked fourth in the competition. This galaxy has a flat pancake shape, indicating that it hasn't yet come face to face with another galaxy as such a galactic collision would have disturbed the thin disc of stars, creating a small bulge in its centre. Most astronomers think that galaxies grow by merging with other galaxies, in a process called hierarchical galaxy formation. Over time, this should create large bulges in the centres of spirals. Recent research, however, has suggested that bulgeless, or pure-disc, spiral galaxies like NGC 3621 are actually fairly common. This galaxy is of further interest to astronomers because its relative proximity allows them to study a wide range of astronomical objects within it, including stellar nurseries, dust clouds, and pulsating stars called Cepheid variables, which astronomers use as distance markers in the Universe . In the late 1990s, NGC 3621 was one of 18 galaxies selected for a Key Project of the Hubble Space Telescope: to observe Cepheid variables and measure the rate of expansion of the Universe to a higher accuracy than had been possible before. In the successful project, 69 Cepheid variables were observed in this galaxy alone. Multiple monochrome images taken through four different colour filters were combined to make this picture. Images taken through a blue filter have been coloured blue in the final picture, images through a yellow-green filter are shown as green and images through a red filter as dark orange. In addition images taken through a filter that isolates the glow of hydrogen gas have been coloured red. The total exposure times per filter were 30, 40, 40 and 40 minutes respectively. ESO's Hidden Treasures 2010 competition gave amateur astronomers the opportunity to search through ESO's vast archives of astronomical data, hoping to find a well-hidden gem that needed polishing by the entrants. Participants submitted nearly 100 entries and ten skilled people were awarded some extremely attractive prizes, including an all expenses paid trip for the overall winner to ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) on Cerro Paranal, in Chile, the world's most advanced optical telescope. The ten winners submitted a total of 20 images that were ranked as the highest entries in the competition out of the near 100 images. Cepheid variables are very luminous stars -- up to 30 000 times brighter than our Sun -- whose brightness varies at regular intervals over several days, weeks or months. The period of this variation in luminosity is related to the star's true brightness, known as its absolute magnitude. By knowing the absolute magnitude of the star, and measuring how bright it appears, astronomers can easily calculate its distance from Earth. Cepheid variables are therefore vital for establishing the scale of the Universe. Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Dec. 10, 2012 We all perhaps know the feeling of mental exhaustion, but what does it mean physiologically to have mental fatigue? A new study carried out using brain scans could help scientists uncover the neurobiological mechanisms underlying mental fatigue. According to Bui Ha Duc and Xiaoping Li of the National University of Singapore writing in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal Computer Applications in Technology, mental fatigue has become commonplace as many people face increasing mental demands from stressful jobs, longer working hours with less time to relax and increasingly suffer sleep problems. Mental fatigue has received attention from those involved generally in health and well being as well as from the military and transport industry. After all, mental fatigue not only affects the health of individuals but can also have implications for road safety and international security. The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to monitor activity in the brains of ten student volunteers (male and female aged 19 to 25 years) deprived of sleep for 25 hours and given a simple task repeatedly through that period. They carried out scans at 9am, 2pm, 3am, 9am the following day. All volunteers had to have avoided alcohol and caffeine for the 24 hours prior to the experiment, were all physically and mentally fit prior to participation and none had any sleep problems. The activation of the left thalamus increases with sleep deprivation, going in an exactly opposite trend to the inferior parietal that (following the circadian rhythm) decreases in activation from 9 am to 3 am next day and then increases in activation. This finding fits with logic as the inferior parietal cortex integrates information from different sensory modalities. As all the information has to go through the thalamus and then is sent by the thalamus to the inferior parietal, when the inferior parietal decreases in activation, the thalamus must increase its activation to get the information sent through. The team explains that a gradual increase in mental fatigue led to decreased activity in the volunteers' brains in specific regions: the anterior cingulate gyrus, right inferior frontal, left middle frontal and right superior temporal cortex. The anterior cingulate cortex has been described as an interface between motivation, cognition and action, and has been implicated in using reinforcement information to control behavior. The fMRI scans suggest that decreased activity in this part of the brain is therefore linked to those familiar feelings of mental fatigue including lethargy and slowness of thinking. "The research provides a neurophysiologic basis for measuring the level of mental fatigue by EEG, as well as for the intervention by non-invasive neural stimulation to maintain wakefulness," the team says. "We have developed devices for both, which will be commercialized by our spinoff company, Newrocare Pte Ltd." Other social bookmarking and sharing tools: - Xiaoping Li, Bui Ha Duc. Functional neuroimaging of circadian fatigue. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2012; 45 (2/3): 156 DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2012.050704 Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Herbal medicine, Pakistan, 2004-2005 Safi is the name of a liquid herbal preparation recommended by practitioners of Unani Tibb to treat and prevent blood impurities, skin conditions and constipation. Unani Tibb is an Islamic medical tradition practised mostly in Pakistan, India and other parts of Asia. Ideas of health are based on balance within the body and with the environment. The preparation was made by Hamdard (Wakf) Laboratories, a mass producer of Unani Tibb medicines. Related Themes and Topics There are 438 related objects. View all related objects Glossary: Unani Tibb medicine Glossary: Unani Tibb An Islamic medical tradition based on ancient Greek principles and focusing on balance in the body. It is found mostly in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Middle East.
Astonishing Science. Spectacular museum. Read about the project onedotzero: Screening of Graphic Cities 05 (1) onedotzero: Screening of Graphic Cities 05 (2) onedotzero: Screening of Graphic Cities 05 (3) Digital Reality Fly-Through Location: Science Museum's Dana Centre and London-wide The festival responded to the ways in which people across London are finding new and creative ways to produce, display and distribute art and media, and exciting new ways to work, connect and communicate - from collaborative mapping projects on the street, to community radio and free wireless networks in the air. The Dana Centre's 'cluster' season for NODE.London concentrated on experimentation, participation and young up-and-coming practitioners through a programme of debates, presentations and screenings. The Science Museum recognises the role artists have in championing the cultural, aesthetic and ethical questions at the forefront of new technological developments, alongside functionality, usability, purpose and application. 'As we move deeper into the information age, it is important that we readily take stock of the media that define our work, play and environmental experiences. It is equally important that we have fun, recognise ourselves as producers and consumers, defining as well as being defined by our media.' Hannah Redler, Head of Science Museum Arts Projects NODE London's website Read about the 'clusters' held in the Dana Centre Media Art Soapbox Various artists2 March 2006 Media Art Soapbox was the Science Museum's response to the grassroots approach of NODE.London and an opportunity for London-based media artists to present their work on a first-come, first-served basis, rather than going through a heavily curated selection process. Tina Gonsalves7 March 2006 In collaboration with Dr Hugo Critchley, Dr Doron Friedman and Tuvi Orbach, artist Tina Gonsalves presented Feel, a work in progress. Wearing highly sensitive bio-sensors, participants' psychophysical bodies were monitored and diagnosed to create an emotional map, in real time, to develop a new language of interactive and emotional communication.www.tinagonsalves.com Screening of Graphic Cities 05 onedotzero7-9 March 2006 Digital arts organisation onedotzero presented Graphic Cities 05, short animated visions by cutting-edge artists that reflect and re-imagine the urban environment. From unusual concepts of urban living to poetic city travelogues, new international perspectives from across the globe showed the metropolis as a continuing source of creative stimulation.www.onedotzero.com Digital Reality Fly-Through Various artists7 March 2006 In Digital Reality Fly-Through, artists, programmers and designers were invited to critically explore representations of CG reality in cinema, gaming and animation. Contributors included Bruno Martelli (Igloo), Helen Sloan (Director of SCAN), Hannah Redler (Head of Science Museum Arts Projects), Martin Parker (Framestore), Tanya Kryswinska, Marco Gillies (University College London) and David Surman (University of Wales). The event was co-curated by SCAN, the New Media Art Agency in the South of England, and Science Museum Arts Projects. Open to All - Get In-to-Net Art Andy Deck8 March 2006 Artist Andy Deck creates software which allows you to be creative, collaborative or, if you feel like it, destructive. Whatever you do, you are always modifying and re-creating the art for the next person. Participation is at the heart of Andy's work and during this event participants had the opportunity to play with his online creations Imprimatur, Glyphiti, Open Studio and Icontext. The event was a collaboration between Andy Deck, HTTP gallery and Science Museum Arts Projects.www.andyland.netwww.artcontext.org Tricks of the Psych Trade: a triple bill Various artists9 March 2006 Artists Julie Freeman and Peter Myers joined scientist Dr Emma Lawrence for the interactive event Tricks of the Psych Trade, exploring the methods commonly used to study social cognition and empathy in the laboratory. Accompanying the event was In Sound Mind by Julie Freeman, an interactive sound installation inspired by brain scanning procedures, and an exhibition of drawings by Peter Myers, an artist with Asperger's syndrome. Dr Emma Lawrence was supported by the British Psychological Society for this event.www.translatingnature.org Cybersalon and Digital Research Unit23 March 2006 Creative Software was a one-day event featuring workshops, artist talks, an exhibition of selected works and an evening panel discussion involving leading practitioners, academics and curators in the field. The programme investigated the relationship between art and technology and explored the history, context and approaches of artists who write their own software and/or author their own code to produce creative outputs.www.cybersalon.org TAKEAWAY Festival - Do-It-Yourself Media Karel Dudesek and Ravensbourne College Postgraduate Programme29-31 March 2006 More people are transforming from media consumers to media producers. TAKEAWAY Festival was a series of hands-on workshops, exhibitions, lectures and discussions about new media exploring the new tools, software and technologies now at our disposal and how to be a part of the new-media revolution. TAKEAWAY is an ongoing festival in its own right - for more information visit:www.takeawayfestival.com Back to images
A child born to an HIV-infected mother in Mississippi may be cured after a swiftly administered course of drugs. A number of factors make the child’s case unique, however, and clinicians caution that we have not discovered a general cure for HIV yet. Still, the medical first may hint at ways to fight the AIDS-causing virus. An HIV cure has been elusive because the virus has ways of hiding within the body. It can secret itself into blood cells and other so-called reservoirs. Faced with powerful drugs that prevent viral replication, called antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV levels in the blood drop down to nearly undetectable levels. Take the pressure off by halting treatment, however, and the virus comes roaring back. Recent years have offered some hints about how to disable HIV’s assaults. A rare category of individuals, dubbed “elite controllers” can drop the drugs and still show no symptoms. Also, researchers are developing a treatment that will eliminate one of HIV’s entryways into immune cells through a gene-editing process. Yet, the best approach already available is to prevent infection, a daunting challenge despite decades of progress. Preventing infection in the very young is a priority. Every day, approximately 1,000 babies are infected around the world with HIV during gestation, birth or breast-feeding, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund. Typically, newborns at risk of contracting HIV may receive one or two antiretroviral drugs prophylactically. If at six to eight weeks of age the baby tests positive for the viral antibodies, the physician will switch to the therapeutic cocktail and doses. The baby from Mississippi received a combination of the drugs zidovudine, lamivudine and nevirapine, just 30 hours after birth. This aggressive treatment is not typical because antiretroviral drugs are toxic and infection is not always certain. The mother passes HIV antibodies on to her child during gestation. Only after six to eight weeks of life can clinicians tell whether the baby is actually infected with HIV and not simply carrying the mother’s antibodies. “These drugs are not like vitamins,” says Lynne Mofenson, chief of the Maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. “You only use them when the child is at high risk.” Current guidelines in the U.S. recommend that expectant mothers who are infected with HIV receive drugs during pregnancy. Then, babies should be delivered via cesarean section and be formula-fed. Those recommendations can minimize the risk of transmission to less than 1 percent Mofenson says. Accordingly, mother-to-child transmission of the virus is rare in developed nations but much more common where anti-HIV drugs are scarce. Currently, fewer than 200 children in the U.S. are born HIV-positive each year. The mother in the new case did not receive any prenatal care or ART. She arrived at the clinic in labor and delivered her baby prematurely (at 35 weeks into her pregnancy). When a test came back showing she was HIV-positive, University of Mississippi Medical Center pediatric HIV specialist Hannah Gay determined that the risk to the child was great. Therefore she decided to treat, even though clinicians hadn’t confirmed that the baby was infected.
Here’s what she said: “If China were to revalue its currency, or China is to start making, say, toys that don’t have lead in them or food that isn’t poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up, and that means prices at Wal-Mart here in the United States are going to go up, too.” That was CNBC’s Erin Burnett, apparently a graduate of the Milo Minderbinder School of Business, speaking on the air on August 10. For anyone unacquainted with Milo, he was the man responsible for making sure that World War II was good business in Joseph Heller’s masterwork Catch-22. Milo’s grand free-trade organization is called M&M Enterprises. The first M is for Milo, the second M is for Minderbinder and the ampersand is “to nullify any impression that the syndicate is a one-man operation.” M&M Enterprises is a true multinational conglomerate—Minderbinder even makes a deal with the Germans to have Americans bomb their own base, to save money on all sides. Of course, such an action is so outrageous that there are inevitable consequences. “This time Milo had gone too far.... High-ranking government officials poured in to investigate and Congressmen denounced the atrocity in stentorian wrath and clamored for punishment. Mothers with children in the service organized into militant groups and demanded revenge. Not one voice was raised in his defense. Decent people everywhere were affronted, and Milo was all washed up until he opened his books to the public and disclosed the tremendous profit he had made.” In another venture, Minderbinder corners the market on Egyptian cotton. Then he finds that he can’t sell off the bumper crop for conventional use in textiles. He approaches Catch-22’s central character, Yossarian, and asks him to taste something soft, round and brown. “What is it?” Yossarian asks, while taking a bite. “Chocolate-covered cotton,” Milo replies. Yossarian gags, spits and asks, “Have you gone crazy?” To which Milo responds, “Give it a chance ... it can’t be that bad.” “It’s even worse,” Yossarian says. Later, Milo tries one more time. “I was joking,” he says. “It’s really cotton candy, delicious cotton candy.” But no matter what he calls it, it’s still indigestible. Back to the indigestible comments of Ms. Burnett, who later attempted a clarification of her warning that nontoxic toys and nonpoisonous foods might eat into the profit margin: “Nobody wants children to play with toys that are not safe. Nobody wants that. I don’t want that. You don’t want that. But safety and quality come with a price.” Note for future damage control: the sentiment rings truer without the “but.” As in, simply, “safety and quality come with a price.” In an admittedly nonscientific poll, 100 percent of people I surveyed were indeed willing to pay a bit extra for food that wasn’t poisoned. As for the toddler toxicity—as I write in early September, yet another three quarters of a million tainted toys were just recalled by Mattel—it’s not entirely clear that safety would actually even cost more. Lead is added to paint to make the colors brighter and shinier. So it’s possible that an unleaded dog for Barbie’s Dream Puppy House might actually be cheaper, albeit the possessor of a slightly less lustrous coat. Which would make the fake dog that much more realistic—real dogs were recently treated to pet food laced with an additive produced in China that included melamine. That chemical is a fire retardant that has the added benefit of making food appear to have more protein content. Lenin famously said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Even he might have been impressed by economics gurus warning us about the fiscal dangers of not poisoning our children with products from a communist country. But business is business. As when Milo buys eggs for seven cents each, sells them at five cents each and still somehow makes a profit. “I don’t make the profit,” he explains. “The syndicate makes the profit. And everybody has a share.”
Robert Silverberg has been one of SF's most prolific and popular writers since the mid-1950s. His science-fantasy stories set on the huge, exotic world called Majipoor began with Lord Valentine's Castle (1980), which the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction calls "polished but rather languid." In Lord Prestimion, the hero Prestimion takes the throne as Coronal, coruler of Majipoor, a millennium before Lord Valentine's reign. His crowning follows the long, ruinous civil war to overthrow a usurping Coronal, a war now literally forgotten: Prestimion's sorcerers have imposed amnesia on the people of Majipoor in hope of preventing any further uprising. Such a memory wipe reeks of wrongness and seems to have caused the infectious plague of insanity. Meanwhile, one very bad man, who is a leading rebel and warmonger, recovers his memories and escapes to make new mischief. After various colorful, almost dream-like travelogues, the situation is saved--a little too easily?--by telepathic gadgetry. (The device in question and several crossover characters appear in the 1982 story-cycle Majipoor Chronicles.) Smoothly written but somewhat short on real suspense, even in the swashbuckling comic sequence when Prestimion's Regent fights and kills at least 21 would-be assassins during one morning's office paperwork. It's just another day in the life of a Majipoor civil servant.| Source: David Langford, Amazon.co.uk.
A counselor is an individual who is well organized, a strong leader, an enthusiastic musician, and a hard worker. The festival counselors are in charge of managing the festival participants and the Counselors-in-Training (CITs). - Manage festival participants and the counselors-in-training (CIT) - Assist in the planning and supervising of all festival events - Coordinate festival awards - Help directors during rehearsals - Communicate with festival director and administrators - Decorate resident halls with CITs - Mentor CITs - Lead ensemble sectionals, if asked by director - Assist directors in preparation of rehearsal materials and equipment needs - Make sure rehearsal spaces are ready to go before rehearsals begin - Assist directors during Family Day to prepare stages and equipment for concerts - Take attendance throughout the festival - Manage commuting students - Direct students and families during move-in and move-out - Help administrators/directors with miscellaneous duties - Stay an extra day for festival wrap-up - Assist with any other tasks given by the festival administrators A counselor must: - Be a college rising junior or older - Submit the Counselor Application - Email a one page resume to Dr. Timohty Shook - A note about references: Please provide contact information for your band/choir/orchestra director or private music instructor, your religious mentor or a teacher/faculty member with whom you have studied, and a personal reference. - Possess knowledge of current computer technology (recording equipment, projector, etc.) Counselors will have the opportunity to: - Receive a $500 stipend - Receive full tuition scholarship for the festival - Develop leadership skills through games and activities with counselors and staff - Gain first-hand knowledge assisting directors during rehearsals Timeline for Counselor Applicants - Submit the Counselor Application and email resume by December 9, 2012. - After the application materials have been received by the Dean of the Summer Music Festival, the materials will be reviewed and applicants will be notified. - Counselors-in-Training will be announced on March 1, 2013.
Road test: Vinci tablet As a parent who is not overly concerned about my toddler getting a head start in life, it was ironic that a tablet promising to prepare children for future success landed on my desk. Nevertheless, my son is a little too keen on my iPad, and I had been considering getting him a more age-appropriate tablet when the Vinci tablet flagged my attention. First, the positives. The design makes it easy for a child to hold the tablet, a feature I appreciate after my son dropped my iPad on his foot. The Vinci tablet meets US Food and Drug Administration child safety regulations and its content is commercial free. The curriculum offers three levels for children aged from 18 months to five years covering thinking skills, emotional/social learning, maths/logical reasoning, language, general knowledge and science. My 20-month-old was not taken with the Level 1 content. While some of the characters are cute, overall the graphics could be more sophisticated and the colours bolder. The touch screen is not as sensitive as the iPad. My annoyed toddler jabbed at it, frustrated by the drumming app. Levels 1 and 2 need parental involvement, but it might be simpler and more engaging to teach children in the real world with kitchen tools, a trip to the zoo, pencil and paper, etc. For older children who have discovered video games, Level 3 has some games and puzzles, but they might not be fast-paced enough. My son enjoyed the songs and rhymes. The Kids' Library has a selection of popular children's app-makers. Some might be available on YouTube free of charge, but downloading it is more convenient. The tablet is great for parents intent on age-appropriate, edutainment-only screen time for their children. Results-oriented parents may be pleased that there is an assessment module. The tablet has 512 megabytes of RAM and eight gigabytes of internal storage that can be expanded up to 32GB with a MicroSD card, a three-megapixel back-facing camera/camcorder, an MP3 and MP4 player, and a battery good for six to eight hours of continuous play time. The verdict: could be more economical than buying a sophisticated tablet. The learning apps, however, are priced separately. Vinci Tab II (HK$1,779.90) and Vinci Curriculum packages (from HK$699.90) at vincigenius.com and selected Toys 'R' Us stores
33 Battle Close Sarisbury Green, SOUTHAMPTON, SO31 7ZF 22 Somerset Terrace, Southampton, SO15 3FW Porchester Road, Southampton, SO19 2JB Atlantic Park View, SOUTHAMPTON, SO18 3RQ 98 Anglesea Road, SOUTHAMPTON, SO15 5QS 2 Wildern Court, Hedge End, SO30 4DT By leaving this review, you agree to the website Terms and Conditions as set out here. Be the first to review this business.
Scottish independence: Follow recommendations of election watchdog, warns David Cameron DAVID Cameron today warned that the SNP Government must follow the recommendations of the country’s independent election watchdog in staging the independence referendum. • Public trust in SNP has plummeted since row over EU membership, says David Cameron • Prime Minister said that it was important for Salmond and Sturgeon to clearly state if they would follow independent expert advice of Electoral Commission • SNP looks set to defy Commission on campaign spending and enforce strict limits amid concerns unionists could outspend pro-independence lobby The Prime Minister insists that public trust has plummeted in the SNP administration after last week’s row over an independent Scotland’s membership of the EU. It emerged that the Government did not seek legal advice on the issue – despite Alex Salmond previously appearing to indicate it had done so in a TV interview, while ministers also spend thousands of pounds fighting a legal battle to conceal the absence of the advice. “The SNP’s lack of transparency over whether or not Scottish ministers had sought specific legal advice on which to base their assertions on EU membership makes it all the more important for the First Minister and his deputy to now state clearly whether or not they will follow the independent expert advice of the Electoral Commission in setting the referendum rules,” Mr Cameron wrote in the Mail on Sunday today. “A categorical assurance from the First Minister would at least start to restore trust in the process, since trust has been the main casualty of this recent row. “The SNP is a player in the referendum, not its referee, so people would be rightly baffled if, for example, it chose to ignore the Electoral Commission advice about the referendum question. “The discussion about the referendum rules will set the tone for the big debate about Scotland’s future. The Scottish people deserve clarity.” But the SNP does look set to defy Electoral Commission recommendations on campaign spending and enforce strict limits, amid concerns that the pro-independence lobby could be outspent by its unionist opponents. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told the Nationalists’ Autumn conference last week that Scotland’s future will not be “bought and sold for anyone’s gold.” Search for a job Search for a car Search for a house Weather for Edinburgh Wednesday 22 May 2013 Temperature: 3 C to 13 C Wind Speed: 23 mph Wind direction: West Temperature: 5 C to 11 C Wind Speed: 23 mph Wind direction: North west
Rangers still a big scalp claims Pressley FALKIRK manager Steven Pressley insists beating Rangers in the Ramsdens Cup tonight would be just as big a deal as their League Cup win last season, even though Rangers now languish two leagues below his team. The Bairns boss fully believes his side can repeat their stunning triumph of last year but is quick to highlight the contradictions that now follow their opponents following the decision to make them start again in the Third Division. Pressley admits that, following the recruitment of of Ian Black, Dean Shiels and Francisco Sandaza this summer, Rangers are still an SPL outfit in all but name. He said: “To put things into perspective, the reality is that one Rangers player will earn more than my entire squad – and they’re a Third Division squad. “But that was the reality last year when we played them in the League Cup, and we managed to produce an incredible performance and result. It’s going to take something similar this time to win the game, but we’re more than capable of doing that. “They are certainly a Third Division club in terms of status, but in terms of personnel, finance and all of these things they are an SPL club. “So, it would still be a massive scalp for a club like ours to win. That doesn’t mean we can’t win, far from it, and I think we have a real opportunity.” Pressley was fulsome in his praise of Rangers manager Ally McCoist over the way he has handled the club’s troubles. He added: “Alastair has had to cope with a great deal over the last three or four months and it’s taken time to put together a squad, because for a long period he didn’t have the luxury of being able to sign players. “So, they’re trying to find their way but I’m sure, given time, he’ll do a terrific job. I think he’s handled things brilliantly. “He could never have envisaged what he’s had to experience – I don’t think any manager has probably had to experience what Alastair has had to experience over the last four months. “Now he will be delighted he’s back concentrating more on football.” Search for a job Search for a car Search for a house Weather for Edinburgh Wednesday 22 May 2013 Temperature: 3 C to 13 C Wind Speed: 23 mph Wind direction: West Temperature: 5 C to 11 C Wind Speed: 23 mph Wind direction: North west
25 hours of racing in 2013 5 & 6 October 2013 at Stromlo Forest Park, Canberra, Australia Change for 2013. We’ll be adding a bonus hour of racing making the race the Scott 25 Hour. This is to celebrate the 25th anniversary of CORC. 2013 dates are 5&6 October for the Scott 25hr and 12&13 October for the WEMBO World Solo 24 Hour MTB Championships. There will be no solo category in the 2013 Scott. All solo riders are welcome to enter the WEMBO World Solo the following weekend and all the team riders are more than welcome to come along and watch. See the world's best solo 24 hour riders in action. There is a separate entry site for the WEMBO World Solo 24Hr MTB Championships. 6+7 category for 2013. These new categories are for teams of 2, 4 and 6 - male/female/mixed (but no age groups). It is aimed at riders who enjoy participating and who want to do something else during the night. Teams in this class will race the first 6 hours and then stop on the first lap their team finishes after 6 hours of riding. The night is up to you - sleep, party on to the live band or provide a cheer squad for the other riders. On Sunday morning they will start at 0600 plus their finish time difference from Saturday, then finish with the 25 hour categories. This means that if your team's last lap on Saturday finished at 18:20:30 your first rider on Sunday morning would be released by the starter at 06:20:30. If you decided to stop before 1800 Saturday you would start at 0600 Sunday. 360 hours of persistence. There are 5 riders who have ridden in all of CORC's 24hr races since 1999. If they make the 2013 race that will make 15. These riders will all be honoured at the race start and receive special awards for their 360 hours of persistence! They are: Paul Brodie, Shaun Lewis, Paul Mason, Wayne Morris and Michael Wade. If any other riders think they have ridden in all 14 so far (we may have missed people with a name-change, for example) then please contact [email protected]. Its going to be a huge week. We start with the Scott 25 Hour on 5/6 October and finish with the WEMBO World Solo 24Hr Championships on 12/13 October. In between there will be lots of action at Stromlo, including the Australian Defence Force Cycling Championships and you can check out the world's best solo 24 hour riders getting some last minute training in. There you have it. This site contains all you need to know to become part of Australia’s biggest 25 hour mountain biking festival, put on by the club that puts back into mountain biking, and we look forward to seeing you in Canberra in October.
On the 2001 black bear season opener, I traveled with good friend Cameron Hanes to Klamath, CA. There we filmed a spot and stalk video for Eastmans’ Outdoor Journal. We stalked to within 12 yards of a bear that Hanes arrowed while it fed in a grove of blackberries. I returned in November to hunt bears with houndsman, Ken Gavin. The redwood forests in this region are rugged and unforgiving, testing the stamina of the most fit outdoorsman. We jumped a good bear that ran more than two miles before hopping into a tree. It took us more than an hour to reach the tree, and that, after wading waist deep in river that was on the rise due to the harsh rainstorm we were caught in. As we approached the tree and cleared brush for a shot with my bow, the bear shimmied down and the chase was on again. The bear treed quickly, though it took us nearly two hours to reach him due to the vertical, brush-choked cliffs we had to scale. A well placed shot with PSE’s CRH Blacktail bow, throwing Carbon Force shafts topped with Rocky Mountain’s 100 grain Razor Lite broadheads, did the trick. One of the dogs suffered sever bites from the bear during the ordeal, and after receiving several stitches, spent the next month recovering. The bear weighed approximately 250 pounds.
The purpose of this policy is to enable customers to complain about the service they have received from the Scottish Arts Council. Documents may be available in PDF, RTF or Word format. If you experience any problems downloading this, or any other document, visit web help. Specific information on PDFs and accessibility can be found at Adobe's online conversion tools website.
|Opened 1911 in former Northern Hall of c.1885. Closed 1940. Became City Ballroom, then Maxine's, then Locarno Ballroom. Cl. 1.55. Used as workshop. Dem. 1979 for car park. It had a gallery round three sides. In 1978, the screen was long gone, replaced by the big window, but the pale green-and-cream colour scheme was relatively intact.
PALMS — The winner of a $7 million SuperLotto Plus jackpot had bought the ticket at a 7-Eleven market in the west Los Angeles neighborhood of Palms, California Lottery officials said today. The ticket was sold by a store at the corner of Palms Boulevard and Overland Avenue, and bears winning numbers 4, 11, 28, 34 and 42, as well as Mega number 26. The owner of the store that sold the winning ticket will get a one-half percent bonus payoff, or $35,000, lottery officials said. The $7 million jackpot is the sixth SuperLotto Plus jackpot to be awarded this year. The last jackpot, $23 million, went out just last Wednesday to a winner in the San Diego suburb of Santee.
Irfan Khan/AFP/Getty Images Former Bell City Manager Robert Rizzo listens to proceedings during his preliminary hearing on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 in Los Angeles Superior Court. A Los Angeles Superior Court judge could rule Wednesday on whether former Bell City Manager Robert Rizzo will stand trial on two more criminal charges. The judge in the case has already ordered Rizzo to stand trial on more than 50 public corruption counts. Prosecutors are trying to add two more: conflict of interest and misappropriation of public funds. They accuse Rizzo of steering city money to firms that former Bell planning director Dennis Tarango owned. Attorneys argue that Tarango funneled those funds back into a horse-racing business the two ran together. Tarango testified that his partnership with Rizzo began when he asked the city administrator how to keep tax costs down. He said Rizzo suggested buying racehorses. The two later formed Golden Aggie Ranch, Inc. As shareholders, they could report gains or losses on their own income tax returns instead of paying federal taxes. Tarango and Rizzo’s partnership lasted several years but after it dissolved, prosecutors say Rizzo directed $3 million in contracts to Tarango’s planning firms. Rizzo’s defense attorney said the witness made it clear – his client did not mix horse play with city business. The city of Bell has paid at least $10 million to Tarango’s companies since the mid-1990s.
A more common sentiment than you would think (JW). Full badge write up at the following SCQ piece. Thank you. Perky mammals have no place in the sea. I can not agree more. I am a biologist and I can’t stand life! Where’s my badge! I want this badge. Dolphins bahh. There not that smart and they are no where near as cool as Steller sea lions Intelligent mammals my gluteous maximus They’re so fucking pretentious. They know everyone loves them and they just ham it up. God damn sentient beings. I love dolphines and who ever says other whys all throw a shark at you. I think we need to set up courts to punish dolphin rapists. As in, dolphins who are rapists, which is a bigger problem than you might think. Previously known as the "I attended ScienceOnline and all I got was this stinking badge" badge.... (BZ, AZ, KT)[...] Read the rest »
Paper Fashions Boutique is here to save you time and money with your scrapbooking projects! Did you ever sit down and think about all the time it takes you to shop for supplies? How about your mileage/gas costs to get to and from the scrapbook store? If you shop online, how about the shipping costs for your supplies to be sent to you? What about all that time you spend trying to match papers and cardstocks for a project? Now add on the design time to figure out how to design each page or project. By now you have hours and hours of your time invested in planning and prep of your scrapbook projects! Well, Paper Fashions Boutique is here to make your life easier. Lisa has done all of that work for you! 1. She has carefully coordinated and selected all product for you. 2. She has pre-cut some of the pieces for you. 3. She has done all of the design work for you. 4. She has written step by step instructions for you so all you have to do is put it all together. 5. She has packaged everything very neatly in a kit for you. It doesn't get any easier than this! If you are like most people and do not have a lot of time or space to scrapbook, this is the website for you! You get a whole kit full of supplies and all the ordering, planning, and designing has been done for you. Now you get to take your scrapbooking kit and just enjoy the creative process. The new August Kit from A Million Memories, "Vintage Potpourri" is now available. this kit is packed full of inspiring product from a variety of manufacturers such as Maya Road, October Afternoon, Echo Park, My Mind's Eye, The Girls Paperie and more! This eclectic mix of product of bright pinks, blues, and greens is the perfect way to document your end of summer photos. The kit also includes 4 1/2 yards of AMM's famous vintage trims! Get your kit here! Or better yet, sign up for a subscription so you don't miss out on all the new CHA product that will be gracing upcoming kits! Sweet Peach Crop Shop offers two delectable kits each month! August's Sweet Featured Kit is perfect for all your sweet summer memories with Scribble Scrabble's "Sweet Shoppe". Amazing embellishments from American Crafts, Maya Road, Webster's Pages, Basic Grey, Jenni Bowlin and much, much more are also included! We also have a Sweet Peach exclusive this month in our embellishments and a coordinating paper add on that we will happily substitute for the double kit papers! The Juicy Themed Kit for August, "Retro Beach Party", is a mix of great colors and patterns from SEI's On The Coast line and Hambly's retro papers. "Retro Beach Party" also comes jammed packed with coordinating fun in the sun embellishments we collected just for you from more of your favorite companies! Check out our design team and all their beautiful ideas in the idea gallery as well as techniques and challenges on our blog. We look forward to serving you!
Admissions down in Argentina by 7% in first half of 2007 Admissions figures in Argentina dropped by an estimated 7% for the first half of 2007. The period saw 18.2m admissions as opposed to 19.5m in 2006.However, total box office was up 15.5% from the same period last year because of the rise in the average ticket price from $2.65 to $3.25. Hollywood blockbusters took an 84.8% share of the market (87.8% in the same period of 2006), local productions logged 4.4% (from last year's 4.1%), while European, Asian and other ... Continue reading – simply subscribe below It takes just two minutes and you’ll immediately gain full access to ScreenDaily.com, PLUS Screen International monthly magazine delivered to your door. Screen International Subscribers: If you are a Screen International subscriber please sign in with your email address and click submit: Not a Screen International subscriber? Sign up today for immediate and complete access to screendaily.com and the monthly Screen International magazine for as little as £19 a month! Find out more about all the benefits of a subscription to Screen International.