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The Minister of Agriculture talks about them on a regular basis.
| Le ministre de l'Agriculture en parle regulierement.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_101 |
To say that the government does not have an agricultural program is incorrect.
| Il est faux de dire que le gouvernement n'a pas de programme agricole.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_102 |
That program was widely requested.
| Ce programme est tres demande.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_103 |
The government was listening and aid was provided.
| Le gouvernement a ecoute et cette aide a ete accordee.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_104 |
I am being extravagant because it is important to the people of my province.
| Je suis extravagant parce que c'est important pour les gens de ma province.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_105 |
The government does not have a national agriculture policy.
| Le gouvernement n'a pas de politique agricole nationale.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_106 |
Senator Whelan knows that, Senator Gustafson knows that, the Liberal government knows that.
| Le senateur Whelan le sait, le senateur Gustafson le sait, le gouvernement liberal le sait.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_107 |
Hon. Noel A. Kinsella (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) :
| L'honorable Noel A. Kinsella (chef adjoint de l'opposition) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_108 |
Honourable senators, I have a question for the Leader of the Government in the Senate.
| Honorables senateurs, ma question s'adresse au leader du gouvernement au Senat.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_109 |
As I indicated earlier, it has done excellent work in the past.
| Je le repete, ce comite a fait de l'excellent travail par le passe.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_110 |
There have been great achievements by the Agriculture Committee over a number of years.
| Au fil des ans, le comite de l'agriculture a accompli de grandes choses.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_111 |
The committee has gained national recognition and it is regarded as a very responsible committee.
| Reconnu au niveau national, il est considere comme un comite tres responsable.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_112 |
However, it is critical that the leadership come from the government.
| Toutefois, il est essentiel que le leadership soit exerce par le gouvernement.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_113 |
The job of government is to provide focus in the development of policy.
| La tache du gouvernement consiste a orienter l'elaboration de la politique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_114 |
Yes, the government is aware that the situation is very serious.
| Le gouvernement est tres conscient de la gravite de la situation.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_115 |
Hon. John B. Stewart :
| L'honorable John B. Stewart :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_116 |
Honourable senators I should like to ask a supplementary question.
| Honorables senateurs, je voudrais poser une question complementaire.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_117 |
Surely that is the question to which we ought to be addressing our attention.
| C'est certainement la une question a laquelle nous devrions consacrer plus d'attention.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_118 |
These considerations must be part of the overall examination.
| Tous ces elements doivent faire partie de notre examen global.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_119 |
Honourable senators, I have a short supplementary question.
| Honorables senateurs, j'ai une breve question complementaire a poser.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_120 |
I shall seek further clarification from the Minister of Agriculture and from other cabinet colleagues.
| Je demanderai des eclaircissements au ministre de l'Agriculture et a mes collegues du Cabinet.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_121 |
Hon. B. Alasdair Graham (Leader of the Government) :
| L'honorable B. Alasdair Graham (leader du gouvernement) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_122 |
Honourable senators, that question is obviously not as transparent as the film.
| Honorables senateurs, de toute evidence, la question n'est pas aussi transparente que le film.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_123 |
Senator LeBreton has raised a valid point.
| Le senateur LeBreton a souleve une question tres valable.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_124 |
The Canada Council, like other agencies, is at arm's length from the government.
| Le Conseil des arts et les autres organismes sont independants du gouvernement.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_125 |
Who are these agents of Brian Mulroney?
| Qui sont ces agents de Brian Mulroney?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_126 |
Is it possible that she was taking orders from Brian Mulroney?
| Serait-il possible qu'elle ait obei aux ordres de Brian Mulroney?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_127 |
Budget Implementation Bill, 1999
| La Loi d'execution du budget de 1999
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_128 |
Second Reading-Debate Suspended
| Deuxieme lecture-Suspension du debat
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_129 |
I told honourable senators at that time that I did not believe it.
| J'avais dit alors aux honorables senateurs que je n'en croyais rien.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_130 |
It now stands at about $579 billion.
| Elle se situe maintenant a environ 579 milliards de dollars.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_131 |
They are returning to their old ways of spending excessively.
| Ils sont en train de revenir a leur vieille habitude de depenses exagerees.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_132 |
This year, the minister explained his dilemma to us:
| Cette annee, le ministre nous a explique son dilemme.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_133 |
How should he use the budgetary surplus?
| Comment devrait-il utiliser l'excedent budgetaire?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_134 |
There are, therefore, other causes - the ones I just mentioned.
| Il y a donc d'autres causes - celles que je viens de mentionner.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_135 |
It was therefore necessary to attract foreign investors to help us pay those costs.
| Il fallait donc attirer des investisseurs etrangers pour assumer ces couts.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_136 |
After all, Mr. Martin's government is benefiting from that success today.
| Apres tout, c'est le gouvernement de M. Martin qui en profite aujourd'hui.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_137 |
This brings me to the fiscal policy, particularly taxation.
| Cela m'amene a la politique fiscale, et plus particulierement a la taxation.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_138 |
This action is very typical of Liberal governments.
| C'est tout a fait typique d'un gouvernement liberal.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_139 |
The minister was off by $6 billion in his revenue projection.
| Le ministre s'est trompe de 6 milliards de dollars dans ses previsions de revenus.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_140 |
That is a huge mistake.
| C'est une erreur considerable.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_141 |
Money is coming in by the shovelful.
| Le gouvernement a de l'argent plein les poches.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_142 |
That, again, is an enormous difference.
| La encore, l'ecart est considerable.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_143 |
Capital is going elsewhere, just as our Canadian-trained professionals are doing.
| Les capitaux fuient, comme les professionnels formes au Canada d'ailleurs.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_144 |
All governments in Canada grab about 46 per cent of the GNP.
| Tous les gouvernements au Canada s'accaparent environ46 p. 100 du PNB.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_145 |
We are among the worst.
| Nous sommes parmi les pires.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_146 |
Moreover, that hidden tax has a fiscally regressive impact.
| De plus, cette taxe cachee a un effet regressif sur les impots.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_147 |
This year, he was more subtle.
| Cette annee, il a ete plus subtil.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_148 |
Instead, he put more money into existing programs.
| Il a plutot affecte des fonds a des programmes existants.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_149 |
This is what I call the automatic pilot.
| C'est ce que j'appelle le pilote automatique.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_150 |
I refer to the partial non-indexation of tax brackets and exemptions.
| Je pense a la non-indexation partielle des tranches d'imposition et des exemptions.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_151 |
They are playing hide-and-seek with taxpayers.
| On joue a la cachette avec le contribuable.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_152 |
How is that for frustrated cynicism?
| Comment peut-il ne pas etre frustre et desabuse?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_153 |
Let us turn to the other side of the budget, namely, public expenditures.
| Examinons l'autre facette du budget, soit les depenses publiques.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_154 |
The government's budgetary policy is evident in its program spending.
| La politique budgetaire du gouvernement se manifeste clairement dans les depenses de programmes.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_155 |
Last year, the minister projected program spending of $104 billion.
| L'annee derniere, le ministre avait prevu des depenses de programmes de104 milliards de dollars.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_156 |
Perhaps next year it will be child care.
| L'annee prochaine, ce sera peut-etre la garde des enfants?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_157 |
However, their negative consequences are no laughing matter.
| Toutefois, les consequences negatives qu'elles entrainent n'ont rien de drole.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_158 |
This is important, and Senator Keon has put his finger on the fundamental problem.
| C'est important, et le senateur Keon a souligne ce probleme essentiel.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_159 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_160 |
( a ) by replacing lines 28 and 29 on page 17 with the following:
| a ) par substitution, a la ligne 30, a la page 17, de ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_161 |
( c ) the request for extradition is made for"; and
| c ) soit la demande d'extradition est presen-;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_162 |
2. in Clause 2 and new Part 3:
| a l'article 2 et nouvelle partie 3:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_163 |
( a ) by substituting the term "general extradition agreement" for "extradition agreement" wherever it appears;
| a ) par substitution, au terme accord, de accord general d'extradition;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_164 |
( b ) by substituting the term "specific extradition agreement" for "specific agreement" wherever it appears;
| b ) par substitution, a l'expression accord specifique, de accord specifique d'extradition
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_165 |
( c ) in clause 2, on page 2
| c ) a l'article 2:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_166 |
(i) by adding after line 5 the following:
| (i) a la page 2, par adjonction, apres la ligne 8, de ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_167 |
(ii) by deleting lines 6 to 10;
| (ii) a la page 1, par suppression des lignes 7 a 10;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_168 |
(iii) by replacing line 11 with the following:
| (iii) a la page 2, par substitution, a la ligne 13, de ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_169 |
" "extradition partner" means a State";
| partenaire Etat qui est soit partie;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_170 |
(iv) by adding after line 15 the following:
| (iv) a la page 1, par adjonction, apres la ligne 10, de ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_171 |
" "specific extradition agreement" means an agreement referred to in section 10 that is in force.
| accord specifique d'extradition Accord vise a l'article 10 qui est en vigueur.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_172 |
( d ) on page 32, by adding after line 6 the following:
| d ) a la page 32, par adjonction, apres la ligne 4, de ce qui suit:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_173 |
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_174 |
( a ) as if the word "extradition" read "surrender to an international tribunal";
| a ) comme si le terme extradition se lisait remise a un tribunal international;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_175 |
( b ) as if the term "general extradition agreement" read "general surrender agreement";
| b ) comme si l'expression accord general d'extradition se lisait accord general de remise;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_176 |
( c ) as if the term "extradition partner" read "surrender partner";
| c ) comme si l'expression partenaire se lisait partenaire judiciaire;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_177 |
( d ) as if the term "specific extradition agreement" read "specific surrender agreement";
| d ) comme si l'expression accord specifique d'extradition se lisait accord specifique de remise;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_178 |
( e ) as if the term "State or entity" read "international tribunal";
| e ) comme si l'expression Etat ou entite se lisait tribunal international;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_179 |
( f ) with the modifications provided for in sections 78 to 82; and
| f ) avec le modifications prevues a l'article 78 a 82;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_180 |
( g ) with such other modifications as the circumstances require.
| g ) avec les autres modifications exigees par les circonstances.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_181 |
"( b ) describe the offence in respect of which the surrender is requested;" and
| b ) soit la designation de l'infraction a l'origine de la demande de remise;
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_182 |
( f ) by renumbering all cross-references accordingly."
| f ) par le changement de tous les renvois qui en decoulent.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_183 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_184 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_185 |
Hon. Sharon Carstairs (Deputy Leader of the Government) :
| L'honorable Sharon Carstairs (leader adjoint du gouvernement) :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_186 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_187 |
Motion in amendment of Senator Kinsella negatived on the following division:
| (La motion d'amendement du senateur Kinsella, mise aux voix, est rejetee.)
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_188 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_189 |
Honourable senators, we are now back to the first motions in amendment.
| Honorables senateurs, nous revenons maintenant aux premieres motions d'amendement.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_190 |
They will be split in that way.
| Les amendements seront divises de cette facon.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_191 |
The question of separating votes is an acceptable one.
| Il est possible de separer les votes.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_192 |
In that ruling, he went through an extensive study and stated that:
| Dans cette decision, il a procede a une etude exhaustive et a declare que:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_193 |
The first vote, therefore, will be on motion in amendment number one:
| Le premier vote portera donc sur l'amendement no 1.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_194 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President:
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_195 |
If not, is it your pleasure, honourable senators, to adopt the motion in amendment?
| Sinon, vous plait-il, honorables senateurs, d'adopter la motion d'amendement?
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_196 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_197 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_198 |
Will those honourable senators opposed to amendment number one please say "nay"?
| Que les senateurs qui sont contre veuillent bien dire non.
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_199 |
The Hon. the Speaker :
| Son Honneur le President :
| hansard.36.1.senate.debates.1999-05-12.139_200 |