1 value
15 values
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import qrcode try: #pylint: disable = E, W, R, C from PyQt6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap,QPainter # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport except Exception: #pylint: disable = E, W, R, C from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap,QPainter # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt # @UnusedImport @Reimport @UnresolvedImport ########################################################################## ##################### QR Image ##################################### ########################################################################## class QRImage(qrcode.image.base.BaseImage): def new_image(self, **_kwargs): img = QImage(self.pixel_size, self.pixel_size, QImage.Format.Format_RGB16) img.fill(Qt.GlobalColor.white) return img def pixmap(self): return QPixmap.fromImage(self.get_image()) def drawrect(self, row, col): painter = QPainter(self.get_image()) painter.fillRect( (col + self.border) * self.box_size, (row + self.border) * self.box_size, self.box_size, self.box_size, def save(self, stream, kind=None): pass def process(self): pass def drawrect_context(self, row, col, active, context): pass def QRlabel(url_str): qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=None, # 1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=4, border=1, image_factory=QRImage) qr.add_data(url_str) qr.make(fit=True) return qr
import cv2 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from time import sleep from camera import Camera from front_camera import FrontCamera from rear_camera import RearCamera run_front = True run_rear = True white = (255, 255, 255) black = (0, 0, 0) if run_front: front_camera = Camera(src=1) front_cam_processing = FrontCamera(front_camera) if run_rear: back_camera = Camera(src=0) rear_cam_processing = RearCamera(back_camera) def drawPoints(image, point_array): for point in point_array:, point, 2, white, -1) def main(): while(True): sleep(.1) # points = [] # points.append((20,20)) # points.append((100, 100)) # drawPoints(front, points) # edges = cv2.Canny(back, 220, 210) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import logging try: import torch from transformers import pipeline except ImportError: # No installation required if not using this function pass from nlpaug.model.lang_models import LanguageModels class FmTransformers(LanguageModels): def __init__(self, model_path='bert-base-uncased', model_type='bert', top_k=None, device='cuda', max_length=300, batch_size=32, silence=True): super().__init__(device, model_type=model_type, top_k=top_k, silence=silence) try: from transformers import pipeline except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError('Missed transformers library. Install transfomers by `pip install transformers`') self.max_length = max_length self.batch_size = batch_size self.model_path = model_path device = self.convert_device(device) top_k = top_k if top_k else 5 if silence: # Transformers thrown an warning regrading to weight initialization. It is expected orig_log_level = logging.getLogger('transformers.' + 'modeling_utils').getEffectiveLevel() logging.getLogger('transformers.' + 'modeling_utils').setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.model = pipeline("fill-mask", model=model_path, device=device, top_k=top_k) logging.getLogger('transformers.' + 'modeling_utils').setLevel(orig_log_level) else: self.model = pipeline("fill-mask", model=model_path, device=device, top_k=top_k) def to(self, device): def get_device(self): return str(self.model.device) def get_tokenizer(self): return self.model.tokenizer def get_model(self): return self.model.model def get_max_num_token(self): return self.model.model.config.max_position_embeddings - 2 * 5 def is_skip_candidate(self, candidate): return candidate.startswith(self.get_subword_prefix()) def token2id(self, token): # Iseue 181: TokenizerFast have convert_tokens_to_ids but not convert_tokens_to_id if 'TokenizerFast' in self.tokenizer.__class__.__name__: # New transformers API return self.model.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(token) else: # Old transformers API return self.model.tokenizer._convert_token_to_id(token) def id2token(self, _id): return self.model.tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(_id) def predict(self, texts, target_words=None, n=1): results = [] predict_results = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(0, len(texts), self.batch_size): predict_result = self.model(texts[i:i+self.batch_size], num_workers=1) if isinstance(predict_result, list) and len(predict_result) > 0: if isinstance(predict_result[0], list): predict_results.extend(predict_result) else: predict_results.extend([predict_result]) for result in predict_results: temp_results = [] for r in result: token = r['token_str'] if self.model_type in ['bert'] and token.startswith('##'): continue # subword came without space for roberta but not normal subowrd prefix if self.model_type in ['roberta', 'bart'] and not token.startswith(' '): continue temp_results.append(token) results.append(temp_results) return results
import unittest import os import copy import scipy import SloppyCell.Utility as Utility from SloppyCell.ReactionNetworks import * import SloppyCell.daskr from SloppyCell.daskr import daeint # Load the fast reaction example from the SBML semantic test suite. # To avoid extra dependencies on libsbml, we use verions built by SloppyCell. from AlgTestNets import algebraic_net, algebraic_net_manual tlist_algebraic_net = scipy.array([0] + [0.8*x for x in range(1, 51)]) class test_crossReferences(unittest.TestCase): # Introducing two helper functions for the integration test, which is # repeated a few times below. def integration_tests(self, net): """ integrates the network to timepoints with known data which we test """ traj = Dynamics.integrate(net, tlist_algebraic_net) self.data_test_cases(traj) def data_test_cases(self, traj): """ do the actual data comparison """ self.assertAlmostEqual(traj.get_var_val('X0',4.8), 0.618783392, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(traj.get_var_val('X1',21.6), 0.653837775, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(traj.get_var_val('T', 29.6), 0.138253942, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(traj.get_var_val('S1', 40.0), 0.018207409, 5) self.assertAlmostEqual(traj.get_var_val('S2', 16.8), 0.210750878, 5) def test_manual_cross_refs(self): """ Test that a network with manual call to makeCrossReferences gets \ correct reults """ net = algebraic_net_manual.copy() net._makeCrossReferences() self.integration_tests(net) def test_manual_without_makeCrossReferences(self): """ Test that after setting _manualCrossReferences_flag to True the \ compilation will fail if makeCrossReferences is NOT called """ net = algebraic_net_manual.copy() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, Dynamics.integrate, net, tlist_algebraic_net) def test_manual_without_makeCrossReferences_2(self): """ Test that after setting _manualCrossReferences_flag to True the \ compilation will fail if makeCrossReferences is NOT called. Also test that after \ makeCrossReferences() is subsequently called the integration works.""" net = algebraic_net_manual.copy() self.assertRaises(AttributeError, Dynamics.integrate, net, tlist_algebraic_net) net._makeCrossReferences() self.integration_tests(net) def test_manual_off(self): """ Test that after setting _manualCrossReferences_flag to True and then back \ integration still works """ net = algebraic_net.copy() self.assertEqual(net._manualCrossReferences_flag, False) net._manualCrossReferences(flag=True) self.assertEqual(net._manualCrossReferences_flag, True) net._manualCrossReferences(flag=False) self.assertEqual(net._manualCrossReferences_flag, False) self.integration_tests(net) def test_manual_call_makeCrossReferences(self): """ Test that for a network where cross references are manual, once \ _makeCrossReferences is called then it will be automatic.""" net = algebraic_net_manual.copy() self.assertEqual(algebraic_net_manual._manualCrossReferences_flag, True) self.assertEqual(net._manualCrossReferences_flag, True) net._makeCrossReferences() self.assertEqual(len(net.GetParameters()), 3) self.assertEqual(net._manualCrossReferences_flag, False) # Try adding a parameter to make sure the cross references are made automatically. net.addParameter('k_new', 1e-3) self.assertEqual(len(net.GetParameters()), 4) self.integration_tests(net) ################################################################################ suite = unittest.makeSuite(test_crossReferences) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools from oslo_log import log as logging from webob import exc from murano.common.i18n import _, _LI from murano.db import models from import sessions from murano.db import session as db_session from import states LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def check_env(request, environment_id): unit = db_session.get_session() environment = unit.query(models.Environment).get(environment_id) if environment is None: msg = _('Environment with id {0}' ' not found').format(environment_id) LOG.warning(msg) raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) if hasattr(request, 'context'): if environment.tenant_id != request.context.tenant: msg = _('User is not authorized to access' ' these tenant resources') LOG.warning(msg) raise exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=msg) return environment def check_session(request, environment_id, session, session_id): """Validate, that a session is ok.""" if session is None: msg = _('Session <SessionId {id}> is not found').format(id=session_id) LOG.error(msg) raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) if session.environment_id != environment_id: msg = _('Session <SessionId {session_id}> is not tied ' 'with Environment <EnvId {environment_id}>').format( session_id=session_id, environment_id=environment_id) LOG.error(msg) raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) check_env(request, environment_id) def verify_env(func): @functools.wraps(func) def __inner(self, request, environment_id, *args, **kwargs): check_env(request, environment_id) return func(self, request, environment_id, *args, **kwargs) return __inner def verify_env_template(func): @functools.wraps(func) def __inner(self, request, env_template_id, *args, **kwargs): unit = db_session.get_session() template = unit.query(models.EnvironmentTemplate).get(env_template_id) if template is None:"Environment Template with id '{0}' not found"). format(env_template_id)) raise exc.HTTPNotFound() if hasattr(request, 'context'): if template.tenant_id != request.context.tenant:'User is not authorized to access ' 'this tenant resources')) raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized() return func(self, request, env_template_id, *args, **kwargs) return __inner def verify_session(func): @functools.wraps(func) def __inner(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(request, 'context') and not request.context.session:'Session is required for this call')) raise exc.HTTPForbidden() session_id = request.context.session unit = db_session.get_session() session = unit.query(models.Session).get(session_id) if session is None:'Session <SessionId {0}> ' 'is not found').format(session_id)) raise exc.HTTPForbidden() if not sessions.SessionServices.validate(session):'Session <SessionId {0}> ' 'is invalid').format(session_id)) raise exc.HTTPForbidden() if session.state == states.SessionState.DEPLOYING:'Session <SessionId {0}> is already in ' 'deployment state').format(session_id)) raise exc.HTTPForbidden() return func(self, request, *args, **kwargs) return __inner
# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Middleware provided and used by Horizon. """ import json import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login from django.contrib import messages as django_messages from django import http from django import shortcuts from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from openstack_auth import views as auth_views from horizon import exceptions from horizon.utils import functions as utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HorizonMiddleware(object): """The main Horizon middleware class. Required for use of Horizon.""" logout_reason = None def _logout(self, request, login_url=None, message=None, status='success'): """Logout a user and display a logout message.""" response = auth_views.logout(request, login_url) if message is not None: self.logout_reason = message utils.add_logout_reason(request, response, message, status) return response def process_request(self, request): """Adds data necessary for Horizon to function to the request.""" request.horizon = {'dashboard': None, 'panel': None, 'async_messages': []} if not hasattr(request, "user") or not request.user.is_authenticated(): # proceed no further if the current request is already known # not to be authenticated # it is CRITICAL to perform this check as early as possible # to avoid creating too many sessions return None if request.is_ajax(): # if the request is Ajax we do not want to proceed, as clients can # 1) create pages with constant polling, which can create race # conditions when a page navigation occurs # 2) might leave a user seemingly left logged in forever # 3) thrashes db backed session engines with tons of changes return None # If we use cookie-based sessions, check that the cookie size does not # reach the max size accepted by common web browsers. if ( settings.SESSION_ENGINE == 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies' ): max_cookie_size = getattr( settings, 'SESSION_COOKIE_MAX_SIZE', None) session_cookie_name = getattr( settings, 'SESSION_COOKIE_NAME', None) session_key = request.COOKIES.get(session_cookie_name) if max_cookie_size is not None and session_key is not None: cookie_size = sum(( len(key) + len(value) for key, value in request.COOKIES.items() )) if cookie_size >= max_cookie_size: LOG.error( 'Total Cookie size for user_id: %(user_id)s is ' '%(cookie_size)sB >= %(max_cookie_size)sB. ' 'You need to configure file-based or database-backed ' 'sessions instead of cookie-based sessions: ' '' 'deployment.html#session-storage', { 'user_id': request.session.get( 'user_id', 'Unknown'), 'cookie_size': cookie_size, 'max_cookie_size': max_cookie_size, } ) tz = request.session.get('django_timezone') if tz: timezone.activate(tz) def process_exception(self, request, exception): """Catches internal Horizon exception classes such as NotAuthorized, NotFound and Http302 and handles them gracefully. """ if isinstance(exception, (exceptions.NotAuthorized, exceptions.NotAuthenticated)): auth_url = settings.LOGIN_URL next_url = iri_to_uri(request.get_full_path()) if next_url != auth_url: field_name = REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME else: field_name = None login_url = request.build_absolute_uri(auth_url) response = redirect_to_login(next_url, login_url=login_url, redirect_field_name=field_name) if isinstance(exception, exceptions.NotAuthorized): logout_reason = _("Unauthorized. Please try logging in again.") utils.add_logout_reason(request, response, logout_reason, 'error') # delete messages, created in get_data() method # since we are going to redirect user to the login page response.delete_cookie('messages') if request.is_ajax(): response_401 = http.HttpResponse(status=401) response_401['X-Horizon-Location'] = response['location'] return response_401 return response # If an internal "NotFound" error gets this far, return a real 404. if isinstance(exception, exceptions.NotFound): raise http.Http404(exception) if isinstance(exception, exceptions.Http302): # TODO(gabriel): Find a way to display an appropriate message to # the user *on* the login form... return shortcuts.redirect(exception.location) @staticmethod def copy_headers(src, dst, headers): for header in headers: dst[header] = src[header] def process_response(self, request, response): """Convert HttpResponseRedirect to HttpResponse if request is via ajax to allow ajax request to redirect url """ if request.is_ajax() and hasattr(request, 'horizon'): queued_msgs = request.horizon['async_messages'] if type(response) == http.HttpResponseRedirect: # Drop our messages back into the session as per usual so they # don't disappear during the redirect. Not that we explicitly # use django's messages methods here. for tag, message, extra_tags in queued_msgs: getattr(django_messages, tag)(request, message, extra_tags) if response['location'].startswith(settings.LOGOUT_URL): redirect_response = http.HttpResponse(status=401) # This header is used for handling the logout in JS redirect_response['logout'] = True if self.logout_reason is not None: utils.add_logout_reason( request, redirect_response, self.logout_reason, 'error') else: redirect_response = http.HttpResponse() # Use a set while checking if we want a cookie's attributes # copied cookie_keys = {'max_age', 'expires', 'path', 'domain', 'secure', 'httponly', 'logout_reason'} # Copy cookies from HttpResponseRedirect towards HttpResponse for cookie_name, cookie in response.cookies.items(): cookie_kwargs = dict(( (key, value) for key, value in cookie.items() if key in cookie_keys and value )) redirect_response.set_cookie( cookie_name, cookie.value, **cookie_kwargs) redirect_response['X-Horizon-Location'] = response['location'] upload_url_key = 'X-File-Upload-URL' if upload_url_key in response: self.copy_headers(response, redirect_response, (upload_url_key, 'X-Auth-Token')) return redirect_response if queued_msgs: # TODO(gabriel): When we have an async connection to the # client (e.g. websockets) this should be pushed to the # socket queue rather than being sent via a header. # The header method has notable drawbacks (length limits, # etc.) and is not meant as a long-term solution. response['X-Horizon-Messages'] = json.dumps(queued_msgs) return response
# Authors: Chris Holdgraf <[email protected]> # # License: BSD (3-clause) import os.path as op import pytest import numpy as np from numpy import einsum from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_allclose, assert_equal from mne.utils import requires_sklearn from mne.decoding import ReceptiveField, TimeDelayingRidge from mne.decoding.receptive_field import (_delay_time_series, _SCORERS, _times_to_delays, _delays_to_slice) from mne.decoding.time_delaying_ridge import (_compute_reg_neighbors, _compute_corrs) data_dir = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'io', 'tests', 'data') raw_fname = op.join(data_dir, 'test_raw.fif') event_name = op.join(data_dir, 'test-eve.fif') tmin, tmax = -0.1, 0.5 event_id = dict(aud_l=1, vis_l=3) # Loading raw data n_jobs_test = (1, 'cuda') def test_compute_reg_neighbors(): """Test fast calculation of laplacian regularizer.""" for reg_type in ( ('ridge', 'ridge'), ('ridge', 'laplacian'), ('laplacian', 'ridge'), ('laplacian', 'laplacian')): for n_ch_x, n_delays in ( (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 4), (4, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 4), (4, 3), (4, 4), (5, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5), (20, 9), (9, 20)): for normed in (True, False): reg_direct = _compute_reg_neighbors( n_ch_x, n_delays, reg_type, 'direct', normed=normed) reg_csgraph = _compute_reg_neighbors( n_ch_x, n_delays, reg_type, 'csgraph', normed=normed) assert_allclose( reg_direct, reg_csgraph, atol=1e-7, err_msg='%s: %s' % (reg_type, (n_ch_x, n_delays))) @requires_sklearn def test_rank_deficiency(): """Test signals that are rank deficient.""" # See GH#4253 from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge N = 256 fs = 1. tmin, tmax = -50, 100 reg = 0.1 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) eeg = rng.randn(N, 1) eeg *= 100 eeg = rfft(eeg, axis=0) eeg[N // 4:] = 0 # rank-deficient lowpass eeg = irfft(eeg, axis=0) win = np.hanning(N // 8) win /= win.mean() y = np.apply_along_axis(np.convolve, 0, eeg, win, mode='same') y += rng.randn(*y.shape) * 100 for est in (Ridge(reg), reg): rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, fs, estimator=est, patterns=True), y) pred = rf.predict(eeg) assert_equal(y.shape, pred.shape) corr = np.corrcoef(y.ravel(), pred.ravel())[0, 1] assert corr > 0.995 def test_time_delay(): """Test that time-delaying w/ times and samples works properly.""" # Explicit delays + sfreq X = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1000, 2) assert (X == 0).sum() == 0 # need this for later test_tlims = [ ((1, 2), 1), ((1, 1), 1), ((0, 2), 1), ((0, 1), 1), ((0, 0), 1), ((-1, 2), 1), ((-1, 1), 1), ((-1, 0), 1), ((-1, -1), 1), ((-2, 2), 1), ((-2, 1), 1), ((-2, 0), 1), ((-2, -1), 1), ((-2, -1), 1), ((0, .2), 10), ((-.1, .1), 10)] for (tmin, tmax), isfreq in test_tlims: # sfreq must be int/float with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`sfreq` must be an instance of'): _delay_time_series(X, tmin, tmax, sfreq=[1]) # Delays must be int/float with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='.*complex.*'): _delay_time_series(X, np.complex128(tmin), tmax, 1) # Make sure swapaxes works start, stop = int(round(tmin * isfreq)), int(round(tmax * isfreq)) + 1 n_delays = stop - start X_delayed = _delay_time_series(X, tmin, tmax, isfreq) assert_equal(X_delayed.shape, (1000, 2, n_delays)) # Make sure delay slice is correct delays = _times_to_delays(tmin, tmax, isfreq) assert_array_equal(delays, np.arange(start, stop)) keep = _delays_to_slice(delays) expected = np.where((X_delayed != 0).all(-1).all(-1))[0] got = np.arange(len(X_delayed))[keep] assert_array_equal(got, expected) assert X_delayed[keep].shape[-1] > 0 assert (X_delayed[keep] == 0).sum() == 0 del_zero = int(round(-tmin * isfreq)) for ii in range(-2, 3): idx = del_zero + ii err_msg = '[%s,%s] (%s): %s %s' % (tmin, tmax, isfreq, ii, idx) if 0 <= idx < X_delayed.shape[-1]: if ii == 0: assert_array_equal(X_delayed[:, :, idx], X, err_msg=err_msg) elif ii < 0: # negative delay assert_array_equal(X_delayed[:ii, :, idx], X[-ii:, :], err_msg=err_msg) assert_array_equal(X_delayed[ii:, :, idx], 0.) else: assert_array_equal(X_delayed[ii:, :, idx], X[:-ii, :], err_msg=err_msg) assert_array_equal(X_delayed[:ii, :, idx], 0.) @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_jobs', n_jobs_test) @requires_sklearn def test_receptive_field_basic(n_jobs): """Test model prep and fitting.""" from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge # Make sure estimator pulling works mod = Ridge() rng = np.random.RandomState(1337) # Test the receptive field model # Define parameters for the model and simulate inputs + weights tmin, tmax = -10., 0 n_feats = 3 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(10000, n_feats) w = rng.randn(int((tmax - tmin) + 1) * n_feats) # Delay inputs and cut off first 4 values since they'll be cut in the fit X_del = np.concatenate( _delay_time_series(X, tmin, tmax, 1.).transpose(2, 0, 1), axis=1) y =, w) # Fit the model and test values feature_names = ['feature_%i' % ii for ii in [0, 1, 2]] rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, feature_names, estimator=mod, patterns=True), y) assert_array_equal(rf.delays_, np.arange(tmin, tmax + 1)) y_pred = rf.predict(X) assert_allclose(y[rf.valid_samples_], y_pred[rf.valid_samples_], atol=1e-2) scores = rf.score(X, y) assert scores > .99 assert_allclose(rf.coef_.T.ravel(), w, atol=1e-3) # Make sure different input shapes work[:, np.newaxis:], y[:, np.newaxis]), y[:, np.newaxis]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='If X has 3 .* y must have 2 or 3'):[..., np.newaxis], y) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='X must be shape'):[:, 0], y) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='X and y do not have the same n_epo'):[:, np.newaxis], np.tile(y[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], [1, 2, 1])) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='X and y do not have the same n_tim'):, y[:-2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='n_features in X does not match'):[:, :1], y) # auto-naming features feature_names = ['feature_%s' % ii for ii in [0, 1, 2]] rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, estimator=mod, feature_names=feature_names) assert_equal(rf.feature_names, feature_names) rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, estimator=mod), y) assert_equal(rf.feature_names, None) # Float becomes ridge rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, ['one', 'two', 'three'], estimator=0) str(rf) # repr works before fit, y) assert isinstance(rf.estimator_, TimeDelayingRidge) str(rf) # repr works after fit rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, ['one'], estimator=0)[:, [0]], y) str(rf) # repr with one feature # Should only accept estimators or floats with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`estimator` must be a float or'): ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, estimator='foo').fit(X, y) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`estimator` must be a float or'): ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, estimator=np.array([1, 2, 3])).fit(X, y) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='tmin .* must be at most tmax'): ReceptiveField(5, 4, 1).fit(X, y) # scorers for key, val in _SCORERS.items(): rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1, ['one'], estimator=0, scoring=key, patterns=True)[:, [0]], y) y_pred = rf.predict(X[:, [0]]).T.ravel()[:, np.newaxis] assert_allclose(val(y[:, np.newaxis], y_pred, multioutput='raw_values'), rf.score(X[:, [0]], y), rtol=1e-2) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='inputs must be shape'): _SCORERS['corrcoef'](y.ravel(), y_pred, multioutput='raw_values') # Need correct scorers with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='scoring must be one of'): ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1., scoring='foo').fit(X, y) @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_jobs', n_jobs_test) def test_time_delaying_fast_calc(n_jobs): """Test time delaying and fast calculations.""" X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [5, 7, 11]]).T # all negative smin, smax = 1, 2 X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1.) # (n_times, n_features, n_delays) -> (n_times, n_features * n_delays) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) expected = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1], [0, 5, 7], [0, 0, 5]]).T assert_allclose(X_del, expected) Xt_X =, X_del) expected = [[5, 2, 19, 10], [2, 1, 7, 5], [19, 7, 74, 35], [10, 5, 35, 25]] assert_allclose(Xt_X, expected) x_xt = _compute_corrs(X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)), smin, smax + 1)[0] assert_allclose(x_xt, expected) # all positive smin, smax = -2, -1 X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1.) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) expected = np.array([[3, 0, 0], [2, 3, 0], [11, 0, 0], [7, 11, 0]]).T assert_allclose(X_del, expected) Xt_X =, X_del) expected = [[9, 6, 33, 21], [6, 13, 22, 47], [33, 22, 121, 77], [21, 47, 77, 170]] assert_allclose(Xt_X, expected) x_xt = _compute_corrs(X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)), smin, smax + 1)[0] assert_allclose(x_xt, expected) # both sides smin, smax = -1, 1 X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1.) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) expected = np.array([[2, 3, 0], [1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2], [7, 11, 0], [5, 7, 11], [0, 5, 7]]).T assert_allclose(X_del, expected) Xt_X =, X_del) expected = [[13, 8, 3, 47, 31, 15], [8, 14, 8, 29, 52, 31], [3, 8, 5, 11, 29, 19], [47, 29, 11, 170, 112, 55], [31, 52, 29, 112, 195, 112], [15, 31, 19, 55, 112, 74]] assert_allclose(Xt_X, expected) x_xt = _compute_corrs(X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)), smin, smax + 1)[0] assert_allclose(x_xt, expected) # slightly harder to get the non-Toeplitz correction correct X = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 5]]).T smin, smax = 0, 3 X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1.) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) expected = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0, 1]]).T assert_allclose(X_del, expected) Xt_X =, X_del) expected = [[39, 23, 13, 5], [23, 14, 8, 3], [13, 8, 5, 2], [5, 3, 2, 1]] assert_allclose(Xt_X, expected) x_xt = _compute_corrs(X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)), smin, smax + 1)[0] assert_allclose(x_xt, expected) # even worse X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [5, 7, 11]]).T smin, smax = 0, 2 X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1.) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) expected = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1], [5, 7, 11], [0, 5, 7], [0, 0, 5]]).T assert_allclose(X_del, expected) Xt_X =, X_del) expected = np.array([[14, 8, 3, 52, 31, 15], [8, 5, 2, 29, 19, 10], [3, 2, 1, 11, 7, 5], [52, 29, 11, 195, 112, 55], [31, 19, 7, 112, 74, 35], [15, 10, 5, 55, 35, 25]]) assert_allclose(Xt_X, expected) x_xt = _compute_corrs(X, np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)), smin, smax + 1)[0] assert_allclose(x_xt, expected) # And a bunch of random ones for good measure rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(25, 3) y = np.empty((25, 2)) vals = (0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -11, 11) for smax in vals: for smin in vals: if smin > smax: continue for ii in range(X.shape[1]): kernel = rng.randn(smax - smin + 1) kernel -= np.mean(kernel) y[:, ii % y.shape[-1]] = np.convolve(X[:, ii], kernel, 'same') x_xt, x_yt, n_ch_x, _, _ = _compute_corrs(X, y, smin, smax + 1) X_del = _delay_time_series(X, smin, smax, 1., fill_mean=False) x_yt_true = einsum('tfd,to->ofd', X_del, y) x_yt_true = np.reshape(x_yt_true, (x_yt_true.shape[0], -1)).T assert_allclose(x_yt, x_yt_true, atol=1e-7, err_msg=(smin, smax)) X_del.shape = (X.shape[0], -1) x_xt_true =, X_del).T assert_allclose(x_xt, x_xt_true, atol=1e-7, err_msg=(smin, smax)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_jobs', n_jobs_test) @requires_sklearn def test_receptive_field_1d(n_jobs): """Test that the fast solving works like Ridge.""" from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = rng.randn(500, 1) for delay in range(-2, 3): y = np.zeros(500) slims = [(-2, 4)] if delay == 0: y[:] = x[:, 0] elif delay < 0: y[:delay] = x[-delay:, 0] slims += [(-4, -1)] else: y[delay:] = x[:-delay, 0] slims += [(1, 2)] for ndim in (1, 2): y.shape = (y.shape[0],) + (1,) * (ndim - 1) for slim in slims: smin, smax = slim lap = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0.1, 'laplacian', fit_intercept=False, n_jobs=n_jobs) for estimator in (Ridge(alpha=0.), Ridge(alpha=0.1), 0., 0.1, lap): for offset in (-100, 0, 100): model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., estimator=estimator, n_jobs=n_jobs) use_x = x + offset, y) if estimator is lap: continue # these checks are too stringent assert_allclose(model.estimator_.intercept_, -offset, atol=1e-1) assert_array_equal(model.delays_, np.arange(smin, smax + 1)) expected = (model.delays_ == delay).astype(float) expected = expected[np.newaxis] # features if y.ndim == 2: expected = expected[np.newaxis] # outputs assert_equal(model.coef_.ndim, ndim + 1) assert_allclose(model.coef_, expected, atol=1e-3) start = model.valid_samples_.start or 0 stop = len(use_x) - (model.valid_samples_.stop or 0) assert stop - start >= 495 assert_allclose( model.predict(use_x)[model.valid_samples_], y[model.valid_samples_], atol=1e-2) score = np.mean(model.score(use_x, y)) assert score > 0.9999 @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_jobs', n_jobs_test) @requires_sklearn def test_receptive_field_nd(n_jobs): """Test multidimensional support.""" from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge # multidimensional rng = np.random.RandomState(3) x = rng.randn(1000, 3) y = np.zeros((1000, 2)) smin, smax = 0, 5 # This is a weird assignment, but it's just a way to distribute some # unique values at various delays, and "expected" explains how they # should appear in the resulting RF for ii in range(1, 5): y[ii:, ii % 2] += (-1) ** ii * ii * x[:-ii, ii % 3] y -= np.mean(y, axis=0) x -= np.mean(x, axis=0) x_off = x + 1e3 expected = [ [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], ] tdr_l = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0.1, 'laplacian', n_jobs=n_jobs) tdr_nc = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0.1, n_jobs=n_jobs, edge_correction=False) for estimator, atol in zip((Ridge(alpha=0.), 0., 0.01, tdr_l, tdr_nc), (1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 5e-3, 5e-2)): model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., estimator=estimator), y) assert_array_equal(model.delays_, np.arange(smin, smax + 1)) assert_allclose(model.coef_, expected, atol=atol) tdr = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0.01, reg_type='foo', n_jobs=n_jobs) model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., estimator=tdr) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='reg_type entries must be one of'):, y) tdr = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0.01, reg_type=['laplacian'], n_jobs=n_jobs) model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., estimator=tdr) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='reg_type must have two elements'):, y) model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1, estimator=tdr, fit_intercept=False) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='fit_intercept'):, y) # Now check the intercept_ tdr = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0., n_jobs=n_jobs) tdr_no = TimeDelayingRidge(smin, smax, 1., 0., fit_intercept=False, n_jobs=n_jobs) for estimator in (Ridge(alpha=0.), tdr, Ridge(alpha=0., fit_intercept=False), tdr_no): # first with no intercept in the data model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., estimator=estimator), y) assert_allclose(model.estimator_.intercept_, 0., atol=1e-7, err_msg=repr(estimator)) assert_allclose(model.coef_, expected, atol=1e-3, err_msg=repr(estimator)) y_pred = model.predict(x) assert_allclose(y_pred[model.valid_samples_], y[model.valid_samples_], atol=1e-2, err_msg=repr(estimator)) score = np.mean(model.score(x, y)) assert score > 0.9999 # now with an intercept in the data, y) if estimator.fit_intercept: val = [-6000, 4000] itol = 0.5 ctol = 5e-4 else: val = itol = 0. ctol = 2. assert_allclose(model.estimator_.intercept_, val, atol=itol, err_msg=repr(estimator)) assert_allclose(model.coef_, expected, atol=ctol, rtol=ctol, err_msg=repr(estimator)) if estimator.fit_intercept: ptol = 1e-2 stol = 0.999999 else: ptol = 10 stol = 0.6 y_pred = model.predict(x_off)[model.valid_samples_] assert_allclose(y_pred, y[model.valid_samples_], atol=ptol, err_msg=repr(estimator)) score = np.mean(model.score(x_off, y)) assert score > stol, estimator model = ReceptiveField(smin, smax, 1., fit_intercept=False), y) assert_allclose(model.estimator_.intercept_, 0., atol=1e-7) score = np.mean(model.score(x_off, y)) assert score > 0.6 def _make_data(n_feats, n_targets, n_samples, tmin, tmax): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_feats) w = rng.randn(int((tmax - tmin) + 1) * n_feats, n_targets) # Delay inputs X_del = np.concatenate( _delay_time_series(X, tmin, tmax, 1.).transpose(2, 0, 1), axis=1) y =, w) return X, y @requires_sklearn def test_inverse_coef(): """Test inverse coefficients computation.""" from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge tmin, tmax = 0., 10. n_feats, n_targets, n_samples = 3, 2, 1000 n_delays = int((tmax - tmin) + 1) # Check coefficient dims, for all estimator types X, y = _make_data(n_feats, n_targets, n_samples, tmin, tmax) tdr = TimeDelayingRidge(tmin, tmax, 1., 0.1, 'laplacian') for estimator in (0., 0.01, Ridge(alpha=0.), tdr): rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1., estimator=estimator, patterns=True), y) inv_rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1., estimator=estimator, patterns=True), X) assert_array_equal(rf.coef_.shape, rf.patterns_.shape, (n_targets, n_feats, n_delays)) assert_array_equal(inv_rf.coef_.shape, inv_rf.patterns_.shape, (n_feats, n_targets, n_delays)) # we should have,coef) ~ np.eye(n) c0 = rf.coef_.reshape(n_targets, n_feats * n_delays) c1 = rf.patterns_.reshape(n_targets, n_feats * n_delays) assert_allclose(, c1.T), np.eye(c0.shape[0]), atol=0.2) @requires_sklearn def test_linalg_warning(): """Test that warnings are issued when no regularization is applied.""" from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge n_feats, n_targets, n_samples = 5, 60, 50 X, y = _make_data(n_feats, n_targets, n_samples, tmin, tmax) for estimator in (0., Ridge(alpha=0.)): rf = ReceptiveField(tmin, tmax, 1., estimator=estimator) with pytest.warns((RuntimeWarning, UserWarning), match='[Singular|scipy.linalg.solve]'):, X)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch # Retrieves segmentation data for visitors today who arrived via a search. # # Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.x # # Copyright 2014, Temboo Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # # ############################################################################### from temboo.core.choreography import Choreography from temboo.core.choreography import InputSet from temboo.core.choreography import ResultSet from temboo.core.choreography import ChoreographyExecution import json class SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch(Choreography): def __init__(self, temboo_session): """ Create a new instance of the SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch Choreo. A TembooSession object, containing a valid set of Temboo credentials, must be supplied. """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch, self).__init__(temboo_session, '/Library/Clicky/SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch') def new_input_set(self): return SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet() def _make_result_set(self, result, path): return SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchResultSet(result, path) def _make_execution(self, session, exec_id, path): return SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchChoreographyExecution(session, exec_id, path) class SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet(InputSet): """ An InputSet with methods appropriate for specifying the inputs to the SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch Choreo. The InputSet object is used to specify input parameters when executing this Choreo. """ def set_Limit(self, value): """ Set the value of the Limit input for this Choreo. ((optional, integer) The number of records you want to retrieve. Defaults to 30.) """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet, self)._set_input('Limit', value) def set_Output(self, value): """ Set the value of the Output input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) What format you want the returned data to be in. Accepted values: xml, php, json, csv. Defaults to 'xml'.) """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet, self)._set_input('Output', value) def set_SiteID(self, value): """ Set the value of the SiteID input for this Choreo. ((required, integer) Your request must include the site's ID that you want to access data from. Available from your site preferences page.) """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet, self)._set_input('SiteID', value) def set_SiteKey(self, value): """ Set the value of the SiteKey input for this Choreo. ((required, string) The unique key assigned to you when you first register with Clicky. Available from your site preferences page.) """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet, self)._set_input('SiteKey', value) def set_Type(self, value): """ Set the value of the Type input for this Choreo. ((optional, string) The type of data you want to retrieve. Defaults to "segmentation".) """ super(SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchInputSet, self)._set_input('Type', value) class SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchResultSet(ResultSet): """ A ResultSet with methods tailored to the values returned by the SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearch Choreo. The ResultSet object is used to retrieve the results of a Choreo execution. """ def getJSONFromString(self, str): return json.loads(str) def get_Response(self): """ Retrieve the value for the "Response" output from this Choreo execution. (The response from Clicky formatted as specified in the Output parameter. Default is XML.) """ return self._output.get('Response', None) class SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchChoreographyExecution(ChoreographyExecution): def _make_result_set(self, response, path): return SegmentationForVisitorsTodayViaSearchResultSet(response, path)
# # # simple demo of using the parsing library to do simple-minded SQL parsing # could be extended to include where clauses etc. # # Copyright (c) 2003, Paul McGuire # from pyparsing import Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, Upcase, delimitedList, Optional, \ Combine, Group, alphas, nums, alphanums, ParseException, Forward, oneOf, quotedString, \ ZeroOrMore, restOfLine, Keyword def test( str ): print str,"->" try: tokens = simpleSQL.parseString( str ) print "tokens = ", tokens print "tokens.columns =", tokens.columns print "tokens.tables =", tokens.tables print "tokens.where =", tokens.where except ParseException, err: print " "*err.loc + "^\n" + err.msg print err print # define SQL tokens selectStmt = Forward() selectToken = Keyword("select", caseless=True) fromToken = Keyword("from", caseless=True) ident = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_$" ).setName("identifier") columnName = Upcase( delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ) ) columnNameList = Group( delimitedList( columnName ) ) tableName = Upcase( delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ) ) tableNameList = Group( delimitedList( tableName ) ) whereExpression = Forward() and_ = Keyword("and", caseless=True) or_ = Keyword("or", caseless=True) in_ = Keyword("in", caseless=True) E = CaselessLiteral("E") binop = oneOf("= != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge", caseless=True) arithSign = Word("+-",exact=1) realNum = Combine( Optional(arithSign) + ( Word( nums ) + "." + Optional( Word(nums) ) | ( "." + Word(nums) ) ) + Optional( E + Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums) ) ) intNum = Combine( Optional(arithSign) + Word( nums ) + Optional( E + Optional("+") + Word(nums) ) ) columnRval = realNum | intNum | quotedString | columnName # need to add support for alg expressions whereCondition = Group( ( columnName + binop + columnRval ) | ( columnName + in_ + "(" + delimitedList( columnRval ) + ")" ) | ( columnName + in_ + "(" + selectStmt + ")" ) | ( "(" + whereExpression + ")" ) ) whereExpression << whereCondition + ZeroOrMore( ( and_ | or_ ) + whereExpression ) # define the grammar selectStmt << ( selectToken + ( '*' | columnNameList ).setResultsName( "columns" ) + fromToken + tableNameList.setResultsName( "tables" ) + Optional( Group( CaselessLiteral("where") + whereExpression ), "" ).setResultsName("where") ) simpleSQL = selectStmt # define Oracle comment format, and ignore them oracleSqlComment = "--" + restOfLine simpleSQL.ignore( oracleSqlComment ) test( "SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC" ) test( "select * from SYS.XYZZY" ) test( "Select A from Sys.dual" ) test( "Select A,B,C from Sys.dual" ) test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual" ) test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 " ) test( "Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual" ) test( "Select A, B, C frox Sys.dual" ) test( "Select" ) test( "Select &&& frox Sys.dual" ) test( "Select A from Sys.dual where a in ('RED','GREEN','BLUE')" ) test( "Select A from Sys.dual where a in ('RED','GREEN','BLUE') and b in (10,20,30)" ) test( "Select A,b from table1,table2 where eq -- test out comparison operators" ) """ Test output: >pythonw -u SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC -> tokens = ['select', '*', 'from', ['XYZZY', 'ABC']] tokens.columns = * tokens.tables = ['XYZZY', 'ABC'] select * from SYS.XYZZY -> tokens = ['select', '*', 'from', ['SYS.XYZZY']] tokens.columns = * tokens.tables = ['SYS.XYZZY'] Select A from Sys.dual -> tokens = ['select', ['A'], 'from', ['SYS.DUAL']] tokens.columns = ['A'] tokens.tables = ['SYS.DUAL'] Select A,B,C from Sys.dual -> tokens = ['select', ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'from', ['SYS.DUAL']] tokens.columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'] tokens.tables = ['SYS.DUAL'] Select A, B, C from Sys.dual -> tokens = ['select', ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'from', ['SYS.DUAL']] tokens.columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'] tokens.tables = ['SYS.DUAL'] Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 -> tokens = ['select', ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'from', ['SYS.DUAL', 'TABLE2']] tokens.columns = ['A', 'B', 'C'] tokens.tables = ['SYS.DUAL', 'TABLE2'] Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual -> ^ Expected 'select' Expected 'select' (0), (1,1) Select A, B, C frox Sys.dual -> ^ Expected 'from' Expected 'from' (15), (1,16) Select -> ^ Expected '*' Expected '*' (6), (1,7) Select &&& frox Sys.dual -> ^ Expected '*' Expected '*' (7), (1,8) >Exit code: 0 """
#******************************************************************************** #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Significance Labs # Brooklyn, NYC # # Author: Alexandra Berke (aberke) # Written: Summer 2014 # # # # util file # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #********************************************************************************* from flask import Response import json from bson import ObjectId from datetime import datetime import error_codes from functools import wraps from flask import request, current_app def jsonp(func): """ Taken from: Wraps JSONified output for JSONP requests. """ @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): callback = request.args.get('callback', False) if callback: data = str(func(*args, **kwargs).data) content = str(callback) + '(' + data + ')' mimetype = 'application/javascript' return current_app.response_class(content, mimetype=mimetype) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): # Custom JSONJSONencoder because by default, json cannot handle datetimes or ObjectIds """ def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, datetime): return str(o) if isinstance(o, ObjectId): return str(o) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) def decode(self, data): if not type(data) == dict: return data if '_id' in data: data['_id'] = ObjectId(data['_id']) if '_cleaner' in data: data['_cleaner'] = ObjectId(data['_cleaner']) if '_list' in data: data['_list'] = ObjectId(data['_list']) if '_room' in data: data['_room'] = ObjectId(data['_room']) return data def load(self, data): if not data: return None return self.decode(json.loads(data)) JSONencoder = JSONEncoder() class APIexception(Exception): code = 0 message = None original_message = None def yell(self, message): print("\n************ ERROR **************\n" + str(message) + "\n************* ERROR *************\n") def __init__(self, message='', code=0): if not code in self.yell('Invalid error code: ' + str(code)) code = 0 self.code = code self.original_message = message self.message =[code] Exception.__init__(self, message) yellERROR("Original message: {0}\nMessage: {1}".format(self.original_message, self.message)) # yell the error for logs def respond500(exception): """ @param {int} code: error code for which to find error string in error_codes map @param {str} err: optional error message to YELL to server for logs Philosophy: Return a small set of error strings - These strings are keywords in the translations spreadsheet that have translations Use: When endpoints are hit with bad data or cause accidental exceptions to occur It catches accidentally raised Exceptions - In this case, expects code==0 - Returns nicely formatted response to user rather than cryptic mongo/python error It it called directly when endpoint receives invalid data - Expects code in error_codes map """ if not isinstance(exception, APIexception): exception = APIexception(message=exception.message) data = json.dumps({ 'message': exception.message, 'code': exception.code }) response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} return Response(data, 500, response_headers) def respond200(): return Response(status=200) def dumpJSON(data): if not isinstance(data, str): data = JSONencoder.encode(data) response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} return Response(data, 200, response_headers) def yellERROR(msg=None): print("\n************ ERROR **************\n" + str(msg) + "\n************* ERROR *************\n")
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Jeff Verkoeyen on 2011-06-07. Copyright 2011 Jeff Verkoeyen Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # The exposed interfaces for the ios module. from pbxproj import pbxproj from relpath import relpath
#/###################/# # Import modules # #ImportModules import ShareYourSystem as SYS #/###################/# # Build the model # #Define MyTransferer=SYS.TransfererClass( ).stationarize( _MeanWeightVariable=[ [0.,-10.], [10.,0.] ], _RateVariable = [5.,5.], _InteractionStr = "Spike" ).stabilize( _ComputeBool=False ).transfer( _ColorStrsList = ["red","blue"] ).view( ).pyplot( ).show( ) #print print('MyTransferer is ') SYS._print(MyTransferer)
# Generated by Django 2.2.13 on 2020-07-06 15:28 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations import re PERMISSIONS = ['view', 'add', 'change', 'delete'] MODELS = {'core': ['Annotation', 'Attachment', 'Build', 'Environment', 'Metric', 'Status', 'Suite', 'TestRun'], 'ci': ['TestJob']} def split_on_upper_and_make_lower(name): split = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', name) return [w.lower() for w in split] def create_squad_group_and_add_users(apps, schema_editor): Group = apps.get_model('auth', 'Group') Permission = apps.get_model('auth', 'Permission') ContentType = apps.get_model('contenttypes', 'ContentType') squad_group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='squad') for app, model in MODELS.items(): for m in model: ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(apps.get_model(app, m)) for permission in PERMISSIONS: split_words = split_on_upper_and_make_lower(m) perm_name = 'Can {}' + (' {}' * len(split_words)) name = perm_name.format(permission, *split_words) codename = '_'.join([permission, m.lower()]) try: perm = Permission.objects.get(name=name, codename=codename, content_type=ct) except Permission.DoesNotExist: perm = Permission.objects.create(name=name, codename=codename, content_type=ct) squad_group.permissions.add(perm) User = apps.get_model('auth', 'User') for user in User.objects.all(): squad_group.user_set.add(user) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0130_project_status_baseline_next'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython( create_squad_group_and_add_users, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop ) ]
import sys import os import inspect from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui import plugnplay from uptime import boottime from TardisUtil import TardisOptions, TimeSubmitter class TardisDiff(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(TardisDiff, self).__init__() self.difference = 0 self.clipboard = QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard() # Set hot keys QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+C"), self, self.setClipboard) QtWidgets.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+T"), self, self.notify_time_submitters) self.options = TardisOptions() # Get plugins plugnplay.plugin_dirs = ['./plugins', ] plugnplay.load_plugins() # Get directory path # From: if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # py2exe, PyInstaller, cx_Freeze script_path = os.path.abspath(sys.executable) else: script_path = inspect.getabsfile(TardisDiff) script_path = os.path.realpath(script_path) script_path = os.path.dirname(script_path) # Google for a fancy tardis icon until I've made one self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join(script_path, 'icon', 'tardis-by-camilla-isabell-kasbo.ico'))) self.initUI() def initUI(self): # Create and initialize UI elements self.contentWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.contentWidget) self.formLayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.timeEdit1 = QtWidgets.QTimeEdit(self.contentWidget) self.timeEdit2 = QtWidgets.QTimeEdit(self.contentWidget) self.timeEditBreakTime = QtWidgets.QTimeEdit(self.contentWidget) self.timeEditBreakTime.setDisplayFormat("h:mm") self.timeEditBreakTime.setCurrentSection( QtWidgets.QDateTimeEdit.MinuteSection) self.timeEditBreakTime.setTime(QtCore.QTime(0, 30)) self.label_timeDiffOut = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.contentWidget) self.button_time1_now = QtWidgets.QPushButton( "Now", self.contentWidget) self.button_time2_now = QtWidgets.QPushButton( "Now", self.contentWidget) self.label_timeDiffOut.setText("") self.timeEdit1.setTime(self.getStartTime()) self.timeEdit2.setTime(QtCore.QTime.currentTime()) # Add UI elements row1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() row1.addWidget(self.timeEdit1) row1.addWidget(self.button_time1_now) row2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() row2.addWidget(self.timeEdit2) row2.addWidget(self.button_time2_now) self.formLayout.addRow("Time 1:", row1) self.formLayout.addRow("Time 2:", row2) self.formLayout.addRow("Break Time:", self.timeEditBreakTime) self.formLayout.addRow("Difference:", self.label_timeDiffOut) self.gridLayout.addLayout(self.formLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.setCentralWidget(self.contentWidget) self.statusBar() # connect slots self.timeEdit1.timeChanged.connect(self.inputChanged) self.timeEdit2.timeChanged.connect(self.inputChanged) self.timeEditBreakTime.timeChanged.connect(self.inputChanged) self.button_time1_now.pressed.connect(self.reset_time1) self.button_time2_now.pressed.connect(self.reset_time2) self.setWindowTitle('TardisDiff') self.inputChanged() def inputChanged(self): """ Checks both time inputs and the break time input to determine the difference. Then calls the method to update the ui. """ time1 = self.timeEdit1.time() time2 = self.timeEdit2.time() breakTime = self.timeEditBreakTime.time().secsTo(QtCore.QTime(0, 0)) self.difference = (time1.secsTo(time2) + breakTime) / 3600 self.difference = round(self.difference, 2) self.label_timeDiffOut.setText(str(self.difference)) def reset_time1(self): self.timeEdit1.setTime(QtCore.QTime.currentTime()) def reset_time2(self): self.timeEdit2.setTime(QtCore.QTime.currentTime()) def setClipboard(self): """Sets the current diff text to clipboard""" self.clipboard.setText(str(self.difference)) self.statusBar().showMessage("Copied to clipboard.") def getStartTime(self): return TardisDiff.getBootTimeAsQTime()\ if self.options.isStartTimeAuto()\ else QtCore.QTime.fromString(self.options.getStartTime()) def notify_time_submitters(self): TimeSubmitter.submit_time(self.difference) @staticmethod def getBootTimeAsQTime(): return QtCore.QDateTime(boottime()).time() def main(): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) ed = TardisDiff() sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# F3AT - Flumotion Asynchronous Autonomous Agent Toolkit # Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Flumotion Services, S.A. # All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # See "LICENSE.GPL" in the source distribution for more information. # Headers in this file shall remain intact. import json from zope.interface import implements from feat.common import defer, serialization, error, log from feat.common.serialization import json as feat_json from feat.common.container import AsyncDict from feat.web import document from feat.models.interface import IModel, IReference from feat.models.interface import IErrorPayload from feat.models.interface import IActionPayload, IMetadata, IAttribute from feat.models.interface import IValueCollection, IValueOptions, IValueRange from feat.models.interface import IEncodingInfo, ValueTypes from feat.models.interface import Unauthorized MIME_TYPE = "application/json" class ActionPayload(dict): implements(IActionPayload) def render_metadata(obj): result = [] if IMetadata.providedBy(obj): metadata = IMetadata(obj) for metaitem in metadata.iter_meta(): m = {"name":, "value": metaitem.value} if metaitem.scheme is not None: m["scheme"] = metaitem.scheme result.append(m) return result def render_model_items(model, context): return model.fetch_items().addCallback(render_items, context) def render_items(items, context): result = AsyncDict() for item in items: result.add(, render_item(item, context)) return result.wait() def render_model_actions(model, context): return model.fetch_actions().addCallback(render_actions, context) def render_actions(actions, context): result = AsyncDict() for action in actions: result.add(, render_action(action, context)) return result.wait() def render_item(item, context): result = AsyncDict() result.add_if_not_none("label", item.label) result.add_if_not_none("desc", item.desc) result.add_if_true("metadata", render_metadata(item)) result.add_result("href", item.reference, "resolve", context) args = (context, result) return item.fetch().addCallbacks(render_attribute, filter_errors, callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args) def render_attribute(model, context, result=None): if not IAttribute.providedBy(model): return result and result.wait() result = result or AsyncDict() subcontext = context.descend(model) attr = IAttribute(model) result.add("info", render_value_info(attr.value_info)) result.add_if_true("readable", attr.is_readable) result.add_if_true("writable", attr.is_writable) result.add_if_true("deletable", attr.is_deletable) if attr.is_readable: if attr.value_info.value_type is not ValueTypes.binary: d = attr.fetch_value() d.addCallback(render_value, subcontext) result.add("value", d) return result.wait() def filter_errors(failure, context, result): failure.trap(Unauthorized) return result and result.wait() def render_action(action, context): result = AsyncDict() result.add_if_not_none("label", action.label) result.add_if_not_none("desc", action.desc) result.add_if_true("metadata", render_metadata(action)) result.add("method", context.get_action_method(action).name) result.add_if_true("idempotent", bool(action.is_idempotent)) result.add("category", result.add_result("href", action.reference, "resolve", context) if action.result_info is not None: result.add("result", render_value_info(action.result_info)) if action.parameters: result.add("params", render_params(action.parameters)) return result.wait() def render_value_info(value): result = AsyncDict() result.add("type", if value.use_default: result.add("default", value.default) result.add_if_not_none("label", value.label) result.add_if_not_none("desc", value.desc) result.add_if_true("metadata", render_metadata(value)) if IEncodingInfo.providedBy(value): encinfo = IEncodingInfo(value) result.add_if_not_none("mimetype", encinfo.mime_type) result.add_if_not_none("encoding", encinfo.encoding) if IValueCollection.providedBy(value): coll = IValueCollection(value) allowed = [render_value_info(v) for v in coll.allowed_types] result.add("allowed", defer.join(*allowed)) result.add("ordered", coll.is_ordered) result.add_if_not_none("min_size", coll.min_size) result.add_if_not_none("max_size", coll.max_size) if IValueRange.providedBy(value): vrange = IValueRange(value) result.add("minimum", vrange.minimum) result.add("maximum", vrange.maximum) result.add_if_not_none("increment", vrange.increment) if IValueOptions.providedBy(value): options = IValueOptions(value) result.add("restricted", options.is_restricted) result.add("options", [{"label": o.label, "value": o.value} for o in options.iter_options()]) return result.wait() def render_params(params): result = AsyncDict() for param in params: result.add(, render_param(param)) return result.wait() def render_param(param): result = AsyncDict() result.add("required", param.is_required) result.add("info", render_value_info(param.value_info)) result.add_if_not_none("label", param.label) result.add_if_not_none("desc", param.desc) return result.wait() def render_value(value, context): if IReference.providedBy(value): return value.resolve(context) return value def render_verbose(model, context): result = AsyncDict() result.add("identity", model.identity) result.add_if_not_none("name", result.add_if_not_none("label", model.label) result.add_if_not_none("desc", model.desc) result.add_result("href", model.reference, "resolve", context) result.add_if_true("metadata", render_metadata(model)) result.add_if_true("items", render_model_items(model, context)) result.add_if_true("actions", render_model_actions(model, context)) return render_attribute(model, context, result) def render_compact_model(model, context): if IAttribute.providedBy(model): attr = IAttribute(model) if attr.is_readable: d = attr.fetch_value() d.addCallback(render_value, context) return d return defer.succeed(None) if render_as_list(model): return render_model_as_list(model, context) result = AsyncDict() if model.reference: result.add_result("href", model.reference, "resolve", context) d = model.fetch_items() d.addCallback(render_compact_items, context, result) return d def render_compact_items(items, context, result): for item in items: if render_inline(item): d = item.fetch() d.addCallback(render_inline_model, context) result.add(, d) elif iattribute_meta(item) and not prevent_inline(item): d = item.fetch() d.addCallback(render_compact_attribute, item, context) result.add(, d) elif item.reference is not None: result.add(, item.reference.resolve(context)) return result.wait() def _parse_meta(meta_items): return [i.strip() for i in meta_items.value.split(",")] def get_parsed_meta(meta): if not IMetadata.providedBy(meta): return [] parsed = [_parse_meta(i) for i in meta.get_meta('json')] return parsed def iattribute_meta(meta): parsed = get_parsed_meta(meta) return ['attribute'] in parsed def render_inline(meta): parsed = get_parsed_meta(meta) return ['render-inline'] in parsed def render_as_list(meta): parsed = get_parsed_meta(meta) return ['render-as-list'] in parsed def prevent_inline(meta): parsed = get_parsed_meta(meta) return ['prevent-inline'] in parsed def render_compact_attribute(submodel, item, context): attr = IAttribute(submodel) if attr.value_info.value_type is ValueTypes.binary: if item.reference is not None: return item.reference.resolve(context) elif attr.is_readable: d = attr.fetch_value() d.addCallback(render_value, context) return d def filter_model_errors(failure, item, context): failure.trap(Unauthorized) if item.reference is not None: return item.reference.resolve(context) return failure def render_json(data, doc): if doc.encoding == 'nested-json': doc.write(data) else: enc = CustomJSONEncoder(encoding=doc.encoding) doc.write(enc.encode(data)) def write_model(doc, obj, *args, **kwargs): context = kwargs["context"] verbose = "format" in kwargs and "verbose" in kwargs["format"] if verbose: d = render_verbose(obj, context) else: d = render_compact_model(obj, context) return d.addCallback(render_json, doc) class NestedJson(document.BaseDocument): ''' This is an implementation used to represent nested documents which are rendered inline. It is used in CustomJSONEncoder to injects preserialized parts of resulting json into the structure. ''' implements(document.IWritableDocument) def __init__(self): document.BaseDocument.__init__(self, MIME_TYPE, 'nested-json') self._data = None def get_data(self): return self._data ### IWriter ### def write(self, data): self._data = data def writelines(self, sequence): raise NotImplementedError("This should not be used for NestedJson") def render_inline_model(obj, context, *args, **kwargs): obj = IModel(obj) doc = NestedJson() d = document.write(doc, obj, context=context) d.addCallback(defer.override_result, doc) return d def render_model_as_list(obj, context): def got_items(items): defers = list() for item in items: d = item.fetch() d.addCallbacks(render_inline_model, filter_model_errors, callbackArgs=(context, ), errbackArgs=(item, context)) defers.append(d) return defer.DeferredList(defers, consumeErrors=True) d = obj.fetch_items() d.addCallback(got_items) d.addCallback(unpack_deferred_list_result) d.addCallback(list) return d def unpack_deferred_list_result(results): for successful, result in results: if not successful: error.handle_failure(None, result, "Failed rendering inline model") continue yield result def write_reference(doc, obj, *args, **kwargs): context = kwargs["context"] result = obj.resolve(context) render_json({u"type": u"reference", u"href": result}, doc) def write_error(doc, obj, *args, **kwargs): result = {} result[u"type"] = u"error" result[u"error"] = unicode( if obj.error_code is not None: result[u"code"] = int(obj.error_code) if obj.message is not None: result[u"message"] = obj.message if obj.subjects is not None: result[u"subjects"] = list(obj.subjects) if obj.reasons: result[u"reasons"] = dict([k, str(v)] for k, v in obj.reasons.iteritems()) if obj.debug is not None: result[u"debug"] = obj.debug if obj.stamp: result[u"stamp"] = obj.stamp log.debug('application/json', 'Wrote error response with debug stamp: %s', obj.stamp) log.debug('application/json', 'Error: %s', result[u'error']) if obj.message: log.debug('application/json', 'Message: %s', obj.message) render_json(result, doc) def write_anything(doc, obj, *args, **kwargs): render_json(obj, doc) def read_action(doc, *args, **kwargs): data = if not data: return ActionPayload() try: params = json.loads(data) except ValueError, e: raise document.DocumentFormatError("Invalid JSON document: %s" % (e, )) if not isinstance(params, dict): return ActionPayload([(u"value", params)]) return ActionPayload(params) document.register_writer(write_model, MIME_TYPE, IModel) document.register_writer(write_error, MIME_TYPE, IErrorPayload) document.register_writer(write_reference, MIME_TYPE, IReference) # document.register_writer(write_serializable, MIME_TYPE, # serialization.ISerializable) document.register_writer(write_anything, MIME_TYPE, None) document.register_reader(read_action, MIME_TYPE, IActionPayload) ### private ### class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, context=None, encoding=None): kwargs = {"indent": 2} if encoding is not None: kwargs["encoding"] = encoding json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._serializer = feat_json.PreSerializer() def default(self, obj): if serialization.ISerializable.providedBy(obj): return self._serializer.convert(obj) if serialization.ISnapshotable.providedBy(obj): return self._serializer.freeze(obj) if isinstance(obj, NestedJson): # models marked with render-inline are rendered into a separate # IWritableDocument instance, which is here injected into its # placeholder in the resulting document return obj.get_data() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
from mdt import CompartmentTemplate, FreeParameterTemplate from mdt.model_building.parameter_functions.transformations import ScaleTransform __author__ = 'Robbert Harms' __date__ = "2015-06-21" __maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms" __email__ = "[email protected]" class TimeDependentZeppelin(CompartmentTemplate): """Implements a Zeppelin (cylindrical symmetric Tensor) with time dependence in the perpendicular diffusivity. The perpendicular diffusivity is calculated as: .. math:: D_{h, \perp} = D_{h,\infty} + A \frac{\ln(\Delta/\delta) + 3/2}{\Delta - \delta/3} For a detailed description please see equation 11 in [1]. References: [1] De Santis, S., Jones D., Roebroeck A., 2016. Including diffusion time dependence in the extra-axonal space improves in vivo estimates of axonal diameter and density in human white matter, NeuroImage 2016. """ parameters = ('g', 'b', 'd', 'd_bulk', 'theta', 'phi', 'time_dependent_characteristic_coefficient(A)', 'Delta', 'delta') dependencies = ('Zeppelin',) cl_code = ''' double dperp0 = d_bulk + A * (log(Delta/delta) + 3/2.0)/(Delta - delta/3.0); return Zeppelin(g, b, d, dperp0, theta, phi); ''' class time_dependent_characteristic_coefficient(FreeParameterTemplate): """The time dependent characteristic as used in the TimeDependentZeppelin model. Values are in m^2.""" init_value = 1e-6 lower_bound = 1e-7 upper_bound = 1e-5 parameter_transform = ScaleTransform(1e7) sampling_proposal_std = 1e-7
""" Functions provided to user for saving / loading / combining times data objects. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from timeit import default_timer as timer try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import copy # import mmap # import os from gtimer.private import focus as f from gtimer.private import collapse from gtimer.local.times import Times from gtimer.local import merge __all__ = ['get_times', 'attach_subdivision', 'attach_par_subdivision', 'save_pkl', 'load_pkl'] # 'open_mmap', 'close_mmap', 'save_mmap', 'load_mmap'] def get_times(): """ Produce a deepcopy of the current timing data (no risk of interference with active timing or other operaitons). Returns: Times: gtimer timing data structure object. """ if f.root.stopped: return copy.deepcopy(f.root.times) else: t = timer() times = collapse.collapse_times() f.root.self_cut += timer() - t return times def attach_par_subdivision(par_name, par_times): """ Manual assignment of a collection of (stopped) Times objects as a parallel subdivision of a running timer. Notes: An example sequence of proper usage: 1. Stamp in master process. 2. Run timed sub-processes. 3. Get timing data from sub-processes into master. 4. Attach timing data (i.e. list of Times objects) in master using this method. 5. Stamp in master process. To stamp in the master between steps 1 and 5, it is recommended to subdivide() between steps 1 and 2, and end that subdivision before attaching, or else the master stamp will not reflect the sub-process time. Args: par_name (any): Identifier for the collection, passed through str() par_times (list or tuple): Collection of Times data objects. Raises: TypeError: If par_times not a list or tuple of Times data objects. """ t = timer() if not isinstance(par_times, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("Expected list or tuple for param 'par_times'.") for times in par_times: if not isinstance(times, Times): raise TypeError("Expected each element of param 'par_times' to be Times object.") assert > 0., "An attached par subdivision has total time 0, appears empty." par_name = str(par_name) sub_with_max_tot = max(par_times, key=lambda x: f.r.self_agg += sub_with_max_tot.self_agg if par_name not in f.t.par_subdvsn_awaiting: f.t.par_subdvsn_awaiting[par_name] = [] for times in par_times: times_copy = copy.deepcopy(times) times_copy.parent = f.r times_copy.par_in_parent = par_name f.t.par_subdvsn_awaiting[par_name].append(times_copy) else: for new_sub in par_times: is_prev_sub = False for old_sub in f.t.par_subdvsn_awaiting[par_name]: if == is_prev_sub = True break if is_prev_sub: merge.merge_times(old_sub, new_sub) else: new_sub_copy = copy.deepcopy(new_sub) new_sub_copy.parent = f.r new_sub_copy.par_in_parent = par_name f.t.par_subdvsn_awaiting[par_name].append(new_sub_copy) f.t.self_cut += timer() - t def attach_subdivision(times): """ Manual assignment of a (stopped) times object as a subdivision of running timer. Use cases are expected to be very limited (mainly provided as a one-Times variant of attach_par_subdivision). Notes: As with any subdivision, the interval in the receiving timer is assumed to totally subsume the time accumulated within the attached object--the total in the receiver is not adjusted! Args: times (Times): Individual Times data object. Raises: TypeError: If times not a Times data object. """ t = timer() if not isinstance(times, Times): raise TypeError("Expected Times object for param 'times'.") assert > 0., "Attached subdivision has total time 0, appears empty." name = f.r.self_agg += times.self_agg if name not in f.t.subdvsn_awaiting: times_copy = copy.deepcopy(times) times_copy.parent = f.r f.t.subdvsn_awaiting[name] = times_copy else: merge.merge_times(f.t.subdvsn_awaiting[name], times) f.t.self_cut += timer() - t def save_pkl(filename=None, times=None): """ Serialize and / or save a Times data object using pickle (cPickle). Args: filename (None, optional): Filename to dump to. If not provided, returns serialized object. times (None, optional): object to dump. If non provided, uses current root. Returns: pkl: Pickled Times data object, only if no filename provided. Raises: TypeError: If 'times' is not a Times object or a list of tuple of them. """ if times is None: if not f.root.stopped: times = collapse.collapse_times() else: times = f.root.times else: if isinstance(times, (list, tuple)): for t in times: if not isinstance(t, Times): raise TypeError("Expected single Times instance or list/tuple of Times instances for param 'times'.") elif not isinstance(times, Times): raise TypeError("Expected single Times instance or list/tuple of Times instances for param 'times'.") if filename is not None: with open(str(filename), 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(times, file) else: return pickle.dumps(times) def load_pkl(filenames): """ Unpickle file contents. Args: filenames (str): Can be one or a list or tuple of filenames to retrieve. Returns: Times: A single object, or from a collection of filenames, a list of Times objects. Raises: TypeError: If any loaded object is not a Times object. """ if not isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple)): filenames = [filenames] times = [] for name in filenames: name = str(name) with open(name, 'rb') as file: loaded_obj = pickle.load(file) if not isinstance(loaded_obj, Times): raise TypeError("At least one loaded object is not a Times data object.") times.append(loaded_obj) return times if len(times) > 1 else times[0] # # These are still under construction...not tested and probably not functional: # # def open_mmap(filenames, init_size=10000, write=True): # """ # EXPERIMENTAL: UNTESTED OR NOT FUNCTIONING. # Args: # filenames (TYPE): Description # init_size (int, optional): Description # write (bool, optional): Description # """ # if not isinstance(filenames, (list, tuple)): # filenames = [filenames] # files = list() # mmaps = list() # for name in filenames: # name = str(name) # if not os.path.isfile(name): # with open(name, 'w') as f: # f.write(init_size * b'\0') # if write: # access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY # else: # access = mmap.ACCESS_READ # file = open(name, 'r+') # mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=access) # files.append(file) # mmaps.append(mm) # if len(files) > 1: # return files, mmaps # else: # return file, mm # def close_mmap(mmaps, files): # """ # EXPERIMENTAL: UNTESTED OR NOT FUNCTIONING. # Args: # mmaps (TYPE): Description # files (TYPE): Description # """ # mmaps = list(mmaps) # files = list(files) # for mm in mmaps: # mm.close() # for file in files: # file.close() # def save_mmap(mm, file, times=None): # """ # EXPERIMENTAL: UNTESTED OR NOT FUNCTIONING. # Args: # mm (TYPE): Description # file (TYPE): Description # times (None, optional): Description # """ # if times is not None: # assert isinstance(times, Times), "Input 'times' must be None or Times object." # times_pkl = save_pkl(times) # filesize = mm.size() # data_len = len(times_pkl) # if data_len > filesize: # mm.close() #, 2) # file.write((data_len - filesize) * b'\0') # mm = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), data_len, access=mmap.ACCESS_COPY) # # mm.write(times_pkl) # return mm, data_len # def load_mmap(mmaps, files, write=False): # """ # EXPERIMENTAL: UNTESTED OR NOT FUNCTIONING. # Args: # mmaps (TYPE): Description # files (TYPE): Description # write (bool, optional): Description # """ # mmaps = list(mmaps) # files = list(files) # times = list() # if write: # access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY # else: # access = mmap.ACCESS_READ # mmaps_new = list() # for file, mm in zip(files, mmaps): # size = os.path.getsize(f) # if size > mm.size(): # mm.close() # mm_new = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=access) # mmaps_new.append(mm_new) # # times.append(pickle.loads( # else: # mmaps_new.append(mm) # # times.append(pickle.loads( # if len(times) > 1: # return times, mmaps_new # else: # return times[0], mmaps_new[0]
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Datasets Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from tensorflow_datasets.image_classification import binary_alpha_digits import tensorflow_datasets.testing as tfds_test class BinaryAlphaDigitsTest(tfds_test.DatasetBuilderTestCase): DATASET_CLASS = binary_alpha_digits.BinaryAlphaDigits SPLITS = { "train": 2, } DL_EXTRACT_RESULT = {"train": "binaryalphadigs.mat"} if __name__ == "__main__": tfds_test.test_main()
import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages requirements_file = open('%s/requirements.txt' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'r') install_requires = [line.rstrip() for line in requirements_file] base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) setup( name="pyhttp", version="1.0.0", description="An object-oriented layer for the HTTP specification. It provides an abstraction for requests, responses, uploaded files, cookies, etc", long_description="\n\n".join([ open(os.path.join(base_dir, "README.rst"), "r").read(), ]), url="", author="Felix Carmona", author_email="[email protected]", packages=find_packages(exclude=('pyhttp.tests', 'pyhttp.tests.*')), zip_safe=False, install_requires=install_requires, test_suite="pyhttp.tests.get_tests", )
# -*- encoding: utf8 -*- # # The Qubes OS Project, # # Copyright (C) 2017 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <[email protected]> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see <>. ''' Qubes block devices extensions ''' import re import string import lxml.etree import qubes.devices import qubes.ext name_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9-]{1,12}$") device_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9/-]{1,64}$") # FIXME: any better idea of desc_re? desc_re = re.compile(r"^.{1,255}$") mode_re = re.compile(r"^[rw]$") # all frontends, prefer xvdi # TODO: get this from libvirt driver? AVAILABLE_FRONTENDS = ['xvd'+c for c in string.ascii_lowercase[8:]+string.ascii_lowercase[:8]] SYSTEM_DISKS = ('xvda', 'xvdb', 'xvdc', 'xvdd') class BlockDevice(qubes.devices.DeviceInfo): def __init__(self, backend_domain, ident): super(BlockDevice, self).__init__(backend_domain=backend_domain, ident=ident) self._description = None self._mode = None self._size = None @property def description(self): '''Human readable device description''' if self._description is None: if not self.backend_domain.is_running(): return self.ident safe_set = {ord(c) for c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '()+,-.:=_/ '} untrusted_desc = '/qubes-block-devices/{}/desc'.format(self.ident)) if not untrusted_desc: return '' desc = ''.join((chr(c) if c in safe_set else '_') for c in untrusted_desc) self._description = desc return self._description @property def mode(self): '''Device mode, either 'w' for read-write, or 'r' for read-only''' if self._mode is None: if not self.backend_domain.is_running(): return 'w' untrusted_mode = '/qubes-block-devices/{}/mode'.format(self.ident)) if untrusted_mode is None: self._mode = 'w' elif untrusted_mode not in (b'w', b'r'): self.backend_domain.log.warning( 'Device {} has invalid mode'.format(self.ident)) self._mode = 'w' else: self._mode = untrusted_mode.decode() return self._mode @property def size(self): '''Device size in bytes''' if self._size is None: if not self.backend_domain.is_running(): return None untrusted_size = '/qubes-block-devices/{}/size'.format(self.ident)) if untrusted_size is None: self._size = 0 elif not untrusted_size.isdigit(): self.backend_domain.log.warning( 'Device {} has invalid size'.format(self.ident)) self._size = 0 else: self._size = int(untrusted_size) return self._size @property def device_node(self): '''Device node in backend domain''' return '/dev/' + self.ident.replace('_', '/') class BlockDeviceExtension(qubes.ext.Extension): @qubes.ext.handler('domain-init', 'domain-load') def on_domain_init_load(self, vm, event): '''Initialize watching for changes''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use vm.watch_qdb_path('/qubes-block-devices') @qubes.ext.handler('domain-qdb-change:/qubes-block-devices') def on_qdb_change(self, vm, event, path): '''A change in QubesDB means a change in device list''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use vm.fire_event('device-list-change:block') def device_get(self, vm, ident): # pylint: disable=no-self-use '''Read information about device from QubesDB :param vm: backend VM object :param ident: device identifier :returns BlockDevice''' untrusted_qubes_device_attrs = vm.untrusted_qdb.list( '/qubes-block-devices/{}/'.format(ident)) if not untrusted_qubes_device_attrs: return None return BlockDevice(vm, ident) @qubes.ext.handler('device-list:block') def on_device_list_block(self, vm, event): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if not vm.is_running(): return untrusted_qubes_devices = vm.untrusted_qdb.list('/qubes-block-devices/') untrusted_idents = set(untrusted_path.split('/', 3)[2] for untrusted_path in untrusted_qubes_devices) for untrusted_ident in untrusted_idents: if not name_re.match(untrusted_ident): msg = ("%s vm's device path name contains unsafe characters. " "Skipping it.") vm.log.warning(msg % continue ident = untrusted_ident device_info = self.device_get(vm, ident) if device_info: yield device_info @qubes.ext.handler('device-get:block') def on_device_get_block(self, vm, event, ident): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if not vm.is_running(): return if not device_info = self.device_get(vm, ident) if device_info: yield device_info @qubes.ext.handler('device-list-attached:block') def on_device_list_attached(self, vm, event, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if not vm.is_running(): return xml_desc = lxml.etree.fromstring(vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()) for disk in xml_desc.findall('devices/disk'): if disk.get('type') != 'block': continue dev_path_node = disk.find('source') if dev_path_node is None: continue dev_path = dev_path_node.get('dev') target_node = disk.find('target') if target_node is not None: frontend_dev = target_node.get('dev') if not frontend_dev: continue if frontend_dev in SYSTEM_DISKS: continue else: continue backend_domain_node = disk.find('backenddomain') if backend_domain_node is not None: backend_domain =[backend_domain_node.get('name')] else: backend_domain =[0] options = {} read_only_node = disk.find('readonly') if read_only_node is not None: options['read-only'] = 'yes' else: options['read-only'] = 'no' options['frontend-dev'] = frontend_dev if disk.get('device') != 'disk': options['devtype'] = disk.get('device') if dev_path.startswith('/dev/'): ident = dev_path[len('/dev/'):] else: ident = dev_path ident = ident.replace('/', '_') yield (BlockDevice(backend_domain, ident), options) def find_unused_frontend(self, vm): # pylint: disable=no-self-use '''Find unused block frontend device node for <target dev=.../> parameter''' assert vm.is_running() xml = vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc() parsed_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(xml) used = [target.get('dev', None) for target in parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk/target")] for dev in AVAILABLE_FRONTENDS: if dev not in used: return dev return None @qubes.ext.handler('device-pre-attach:block') def on_device_pre_attached_block(self, vm, event, device, options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # validate options for option, value in options.items(): if option == 'frontend-dev': if not value.startswith('xvd') and not value.startswith('sd'): raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'Invalid frontend-dev option value: ' + value) elif option == 'read-only': options[option] = ( 'yes' if, None, value) else 'no') elif option == 'devtype': if value not in ('disk', 'cdrom'): raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'devtype option can only have ' '\'disk\' or \'cdrom\' value') else: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'Unsupported option {}'.format(option)) if 'read-only' not in options: options['read-only'] = 'yes' if device.mode == 'r' else 'no' if options.get('read-only', 'no') == 'no' and device.mode == 'r': raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'This device can be attached only read-only') if not vm.is_running(): return if not device.backend_domain.is_running(): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMNotRunningError(device.backend_domain, 'Domain {} needs to be running to attach device from ' 'it'.format( if 'frontend-dev' not in options: options['frontend-dev'] = self.find_unused_frontend(vm) vm.libvirt_domain.attachDevice('libvirt/devices/block.xml').render( device=device, vm=vm, options=options)) @qubes.ext.handler('device-pre-detach:block') def on_device_pre_detached_block(self, vm, event, device): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use if not vm.is_running(): return # need to enumerate attached device to find frontend_dev option (at # least) for attached_device, options in self.on_device_list_attached(vm, event): if attached_device == device: vm.libvirt_domain.detachDevice('libvirt/devices/block.xml').render( device=device, vm=vm, options=options)) break
#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import os import runpy import shutil import sys import textwrap import argparse import config from path import path import utils # Be a good neighbour. if sys.platform == 'win32': GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE = 'tipfy.cfg' else: GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE = '.tipfy.cfg' MISSING_GAE_SDK_MSG = "%(script)r wasn't found. Add the App Engine SDK to " \ "sys.path or configure sys.path in tipfy.cfg." class Action(object): """Base interface for custom actions.""" #: Action name. name = None #: ArgumentParser description. description = None #: ArgumentParser epilog. epilog = None def __init__(self, manager, name): self.manager = manager = name self.logger = logging.getLogger(name) def __call__(self, argv): raise NotImplementedError() def get_config_section(self): sections = [, 'tipfy'] return ['%s:%s' % (s, for s in sections if s] def error(self, message, status=1): """Displays an error message and exits.""" self.logger.error(message) sys.exit(status) def run_hooks(self, import_names, args): """Executes a list of functions defined as strings. They are imported dynamically so their modules must be in sys.path. If any of the functions isn't found, none will be executed. """ # Import all first. hooks = [] for import_name in import_names: hook = utils.import_string(import_name, True) if hook is None: self.error('Could not import %r.' % import_name) hooks.append(hook) # Execute all. for hook in hooks: hook(self.manager, args) class CreateAppAction(Action): """Creates a directory for a new tipfy app.""" description = 'Creates a directory for a new App Engine app.' def get_parser(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.description ) parser.add_argument( 'app_dir', help='App directory or directories.', nargs='+' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--template', dest='template', help='App template, copied to the new project directory. ' 'If not defined, the default app skeleton is used.' ) return parser def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager section = self.get_config_section() parser = self.get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=argv) template_dir = args.template if not template_dir: # Try getting the template set in config. template_dir = manager.config.get(section, 'appengine_stub') if not template_dir: # Use default template. curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) template_dir = os.path.join(curr_dir, 'stubs', 'appengine') template_dir = os.path.abspath(template_dir) if not os.path.exists(template_dir): self.error('Template directory not found: %r.' % template_dir) for app_dir in args.app_dir: app_dir = os.path.abspath(app_dir) self.create_app(app_dir, template_dir) def create_app(self, app_dir, template_dir): if os.path.exists(app_dir): self.error('Project directory already exists: %r.' % app_dir) shutil.copytree(template_dir, app_dir) class GaeSdkAction(Action): """This is just a wrapper for tools found in the Google App Engine SDK. It delegates all arguments to the SDK script and no additional arguments are parsed. """ def __call__(self, argv): sys.argv = [] + argv try: runpy.run_module(, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True) except ImportError: self.error(MISSING_GAE_SDK_MSG % dict( class GaeSdkExtendedAction(Action): """Base class for actions that wrap the App Engine SDK scripts to make them configurable or to add before/after hooks. It accepts all options from the correspondent SDK scripts, but they can be configured in tipfy.cfg. """ options = [] def get_base_gae_argv(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_getopt_options(self): for option in self.options: if isinstance(option, tuple): long_option, short_option = option else: long_option = option short_option = None is_bool = not long_option.endswith('=') long_option = long_option.strip('=') yield long_option, short_option, is_bool def get_parser_from_getopt_options(self): manager = self.manager section = self.get_config_section() usage = '%%(prog)s %(action)s [--config CONFIG] [--app APP] ' \ '[options]' % dict( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.description, usage=usage, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, add_help=False ) for long_option, short_option, is_bool in self.get_getopt_options(): args = ['--%s' % long_option] kwargs = {} if short_option: args.append('-%s' % short_option) if is_bool: kwargs['action'] = 'store_true' kwargs['default'] = manager.config.getboolean(section, long_option) else: kwargs['default'] = manager.config.get(section, long_option) parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) # Add app path. app_path = manager.config.get(section, 'path', '') parser.add_argument('app', nargs='?', default=app_path) return parser def get_gae_argv(self, argv): manager = self.manager parser = self.get_parser_from_getopt_options() args, extras = parser.parse_known_args(args=argv) if parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) gae_argv = self.get_base_gae_argv() for long_option, short_option, is_bool in self.get_getopt_options(): value = getattr(args, long_option) if value is not None: if is_bool and value: value = '--%s' % long_option elif not is_bool: value = '--%s=%s' % (long_option, value) if value: gae_argv.append(value) # Add app path. gae_argv.append(os.path.abspath( return gae_argv class GaeRunserverAction(GaeSdkExtendedAction): """ A convenient wrapper for "dev_appserver": starts the Google App Engine development server using before and after hooks and allowing configurable defaults. Default values for each option can be defined in tipfy.cfg in the "tipfy:runserver" section or for the current app, sufixed by ":runserver". A special variable "app" is replaced by the value from the "--app" argument: [tipfy] path = /path/to/%(app)s [tipfy:runserver] debug = true datastore_path = /path/to/%(app)s.datastore [my_app:runserver] port = 8081 In this case, executing: tipfy runserver --app=my_app ...will expand to: dev_appserver --datastore_path=/path/to/my_app.datastore --debug --port=8081 /path/to/my_app Define in "before" and "after" a list of functions to run before and after the server executes. These functions are imported so they must be in sys.path. For example: [tipfy:runserver] before = hooks.before_runserver_1 hooks.before_runserver_2 after = hooks.after_runserver_1 hooks.after_runserver_2 Then define in the module "" some functions to be executed: def before_runserver_1(manager, args): print 'before_runserver_1!' def after_runserver_1(manager, args): print 'after_runserver_1!' # ... Use "tipfy dev_appserver --help" for a description of each option. """ description = textwrap.dedent(__doc__) # All options from dev_appserver in a modified getopt style. options = [ ('address=', 'a'), 'admin_console_server=', 'admin_console_host=', 'allow_skipped_files', 'auth_domain=', ('clear_datastore', 'c'), 'blobstore_path=', 'datastore_path=', 'use_sqlite', ('debug', 'd'), 'debug_imports', 'enable_sendmail', 'disable_static_caching', 'show_mail_body', ('help', 'h'), 'history_path=', 'mysql_host=', 'mysql_port=', 'mysql_user=', 'mysql_password=', ('port=', 'p'), 'require_indexes', 'smtp_host=', 'smtp_password=', 'smtp_port=', 'smtp_user=', 'disable_task_running', 'task_retry_seconds=', 'template_dir=', 'trusted', ] def get_base_gae_argv(self): return ['dev_appserver'] def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager section = self.get_config_section() before_hooks = manager.config.getlist(section, 'before', []) after_hooks = manager.config.getlist(section, 'after', []) # Assemble arguments. sys.argv = self.get_gae_argv(argv) # Execute before scripts. self.run_hooks(before_hooks, argv) script = 'dev_appserver' try:'Executing: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) runpy.run_module(script, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True) except ImportError: self.error(MISSING_GAE_SDK_MSG % dict(script=script)) finally: # Execute after scripts. self.run_hooks(after_hooks, argv) class GaeDeployAction(GaeSdkExtendedAction): """ A convenient wrapper for "appcfg update": deploys to Google App Engine using before and after hooks and allowing configurable defaults. Default values for each option can be defined in tipfy.cfg in the "tipfy:deploy" section or for the current app, sufixed by ":deploy". A special variable "app" is replaced by the value from the "--app" argument: [tipfy] path = /path/to/%(app)s [tipfy:deploy] verbose = true [my_app:deploy] email = [email protected] no_cookies = true In this case, executing: tipfy deploy --app=my_app ...will expand to: appcfg update --verbose [email protected] --no_cookies /path/to/my_app Define in "before" and "after" a list of functions to run before and after deployment. These functions are imported so they must be in sys.path. For example: [tipfy:deploy] before = hooks.before_deploy_1 hooks.before_deploy_2 after = hooks.after_deploy_1 hooks.after_deploy_2 Then define in the module "" some functions to be executed: def before_deploy_1(manager, args): print 'before_deploy_1!' def after_deploy_1(manager, args): print 'after_deploy_1!' # ... Use "tipfy appcfg update --help" for a description of each option. """ description = textwrap.dedent(__doc__) # All options from appcfg update in a modified getopt style. options = [ ('help', 'h'), ('quiet', 'q'), ('verbose', 'v'), 'noisy', ('server=', 's'), 'insecure', ('email=', 'e'), ('host=', 'H'), 'no_cookies', 'passin', ('application=', 'A'), ('version=', 'V'), ('max_size=', 'S'), 'no_precompilation', ] def get_base_gae_argv(self): return ['appcfg', 'update'] def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager section = self.get_config_section() before_hooks = manager.config.getlist(section, 'before', []) after_hooks = manager.config.getlist(section, 'after', []) # Assemble arguments. sys.argv = self.get_gae_argv(argv) # Execute before scripts. self.run_hooks(before_hooks, argv) script = 'appcfg' try:'Executing: %s' % ' '.join(sys.argv)) runpy.run_module(script, run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True) except ImportError: self.error(MISSING_GAE_SDK_MSG % dict(script=script)) finally: # Execute after scripts. self.run_hooks(after_hooks, argv) class BuildAction(Action): description = 'Installs packages in the app directory.' cache_path = 'var/cache/packages' pin_file = 'var/%(app)s_pinned_versions.txt' def get_parser(self): manager = self.manager # XXX cache option # XXX symlinks option section = self.get_config_section() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.description ) parser.add_argument( '--from_pin_file', help='Install package versions defined in this pin file.', default=manager.config.get(section, 'from_pin_file') ) parser.add_argument( '--pin_file', help='Name of the file to save pinned versions.', default=manager.config.get(section, 'pin_file', self.pin_file) ) parser.add_argument( '--no_pin_file', help="Don't create a pin file after installing the packages.", action='store_true', default=manager.config.getboolean(section, 'no_pin_file', False) ) parser.add_argument( '--cache_path', help='Directory to store package cache.', default=manager.config.get(section, 'cache_path', self.cache_path) ) parser.add_argument( '--no_cache', help="Don't use package cache.", action='store_true', default=manager.config.getboolean(section, 'no_cache', False) ) parser.add_argument( '--no_symlink', help="Move packages to app directory instead of creating " "symlinks. Always active on Windows.", action='store_true', default=manager.config.getboolean(section, 'no_symlink', False) ) return parser def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager if not self.error('Missing app. Use --app=APP_NAME to define the current ' 'app.') parser = self.get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=argv) if args.from_pin_file: packages_to_install = self.read_pin_file(args.from_pin_file) else: packages_to_install = manager.config.getlist(section, 'packages', []) if not packages_to_install: self.error('Missing list of packages to install.') if sys.platform == 'win32': args.no_symlink = True packages = [] if not args.no_pin_file: pin_file = args.pin_file % dict( self.save_pin_file(pin_file, packages) def save_pin_file(self, pin_file, packages): # XXX catch errors f = open(pin_file, 'w+') f.write('\n'.join(packages)) f.close() def read_pin_file(self, pin_file): # XXX catch errors f = open(pin_file, 'r') contents = f.close() packages = [line.strip() for line in contents.splitlines()] return [line for line in packages if line] def _get_package_finder(self): # XXX make mirrors configurable from pip.index import PackageFinder find_links = [] use_mirrors = False mirrors = [] index_urls = [''] return PackageFinder(find_links=find_links, index_urls=index_urls, use_mirrors=use_mirrors, mirrors=mirrors) class InstallAppengineSdkAction(Action): """Not implemented yet.""" description = 'Downloads and unzips the App Engine SDK.' def get_parser(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.description ) parser.add_argument( '--version', '-v', help='SDK version. If not defined, downloads the latest stable ' 'one.' ) return parser def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager parser = self.get_parser() raise NotImplementedError() class TestAction(Action): """Testing stuff.""" def __call__(self, argv): manager = self.manager print class TipfyManager(object): description = 'Tipfy Management Utilities.' epilog = 'Use "%(prog)s action --help" for help on specific actions.' # XXX Allow users to hook in custom actions. actions = { # Wrappers for App Engine SDK tools. 'appcfg': GaeSdkAction, 'bulkload_client': GaeSdkAction, 'bulkloader': GaeSdkAction, 'dev_appserver': GaeSdkAction, 'remote_api_shell': GaeSdkAction, # For now these are App Engine specific. 'runserver': GaeRunserverAction, 'deploy': GaeDeployAction, # Extra ones. #'install_gae_sdk': InstallAppengineSdkAction(), 'create_app': CreateAppAction, 'build': BuildAction, 'test': TestAction, } def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, argv): parser = self.get_parser() args, extras = parser.parse_known_args(args=argv) # Load configuration. self.parse_config(args.config) # XXX load other actions based on definitions from config. if args.action not in self.actions: # Unknown action or --help. return parser.print_help() # Load config fom a specific app, if defined, or use default one. = or self.config.get('tipfy', 'app') # Fallback to the tipfy section. self.config_section = ['tipfy'] if self.config_section.insert(0, # If app is set, an 'app' value can be used in expansions. if self.config.set('DEFAULT', 'app', # Prepend configured paths to sys.path, if any. sys.path[:0] = self.config.getlist(self.config_section, 'sys.path', []) # Current cwd and app paths. self.cwd_path = path.getcwd() if default_app_path = self.cwd_path.joinpath( self.app_path = path(self.config.get(self.config_section, 'path', default_app_path)).abspath() else: self.app_path = None if # Delegate help to action. extras.append('--help') action = self.actions[args.action](self, args.action) return action(extras) def get_parser(self): actions = ', '.join(sorted(self.actions.keys())) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.description, epilog=self.epilog, add_help=False ) parser.add_argument( 'action', help='Action to perform. Available actions are: %s.' % actions, nargs='?' ) parser.add_argument( '--config', default='tipfy.cfg', help='Configuration file. If not provided, uses tipfy.cfg from ' 'the current directory.' ) parser.add_argument( '--app', help='App configuration to use.' ) parser.add_argument( '-h', '--help', help='Show this help message and exit.', action='store_true' ) return parser def parse_config(self, config_file): """Load configuration. If files are not specified, try 'tipfy.cfg' in the current dir. """ self.config_files = [ # Global configuration, saved in user dir. path('~').expanduser().joinpath(GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE).realpath(), # Project configuration, saved in current or provided dir. path(config_file).abspath().realpath(), ] self.config = config.Config() self.config_loaded = def main(): manager = TipfyManager() manager(sys.argv[1:]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from flask_testing import TestCase from project import create_app, logger, db import os import logging app = create_app() class BaseTestCase(TestCase): def create_app(self): app.config.from_object('config.TestingConfig') logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) return app def setUp(self): db.session.remove() db.drop_all() db.create_all() def tearDown(self): db.session.remove() db.drop_all()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of CERN Document Server. # Copyright (C) 2016 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # # In applying this license, CERN does not # waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status # as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. """CDS API to use Sorenson transcoding server.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os from werkzeug.utils import cached_property from . import config class CDSSorenson(object): """CDS Sorenson extension.""" def __init__(self, app=None): """Extension initialization.""" if app: = app self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): """Flask application initialization.""" self.init_config(app) app.extensions['cds-sorenson'] = self def init_config(self, app): """Initialize configuration.""" for k in dir(config): if k.startswith('CDS_SORENSON_'): app.config.setdefault(k, getattr(config, k)) # Set the proxies if (os.environ.get('APP_CDS_SORENSON_PROXIES_HTTP') and os.environ.get('APP_CDS_SORENSON_PROXIES_HTTPS')): app.config['CDS_SORENSON_PROXIES'] = { 'http': os.environ.get('APP_CDS_SORENSON_PROXIES_HTTP'), 'https': os.environ.get('APP_CDS_SORENSON_PROXIES_HTTPS') } @cached_property def aspect_ratio_fractions(self): """Map aspect ratios with their computed fractions.""" fractions_with_ar = {} for ar in['CDS_SORENSON_PRESETS']: sorenson_w, sorenson_h = ar.split(':') sorenson_ar_fraction = float(sorenson_w) / float(sorenson_h) fractions_with_ar.setdefault(sorenson_ar_fraction, ar) return fractions_with_ar
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -* # Supervisor process - reads config.yaml and checks services # installation on Ubuntu # sudo apt-get install python3-yaml # sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt # # or (if running python 2.7): # sudo apt-get install python-yaml # sudo pip install paho-mqtt # + backport of ipaddress to python 2.7: # sudo apt-get install python-ipaddress # # If your user has trouble accessing paho-mqtt, execute the following commands: # sudo find /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ';' # sudo find /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ';' import logging import services import sched import time import sys import yaml import paho.mqtt.client as paho logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # read yaml configuration def read_configuration(file='config.yaml'):"Opening config file " + file) with open(file, 'r') as myfile: data = return yaml.load(data) try: config = read_configuration() except Exception as e: print("Could not read configuration: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1) # open mqtt client client = paho.Client() # set user/password if config['mqtt_broker']['use_username_password']: client.username_pw_set(config['mqtt_broker']['username'], config['mqtt_broker']['password']) # set tls if config['mqtt_broker']['use_ca']: client.tls_set(config['mqtt_broker']['ca_cert']) client.tls_insecure_set(config['mqtt_broker']['ca_insecure']) # connect try: client.connect(config['mqtt_broker']['hostname'], config['mqtt_broker']['port'], config['mqtt_broker']['keepalive'])"Connected to broker " + config['mqtt_broker']['hostname'] + ":" + str(config['mqtt_broker']['port'])) except Exception as e: print("Could not connect with mqtt broker: " + str(e)) sys.exit(1) # add client to config config['settings']['mqtt_client'] = client # define check function to run on scheduler def check_service(service, sc):"Running " + service.execute() # re-enter service sc.enter(service.check_frequency, 1, check_service, (service, sc,)) # initialize scheduler s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) # get services and add them to scheduler for key, service_config in config['services'].items(): service = services.service_factory(service_config['type'], key, service_config, config['settings']) # add to scheduler s.enter(0, 1, check_service, (service, s,)) # run scheduler
import traceback class DbUtils(object): #FIXME change to plugin style and read query from custom config files db = None db_conn = None def __init__(self, db): self.db = db def __del__(self): # dtor if self.db_conn: self.db_conn.close() def connect(self): db = self.db protocol = db['protocol'] if protocol.find('mysql') == -1: print('Do not support database other than mysql at the moment') return False dblib = None try: import MySQLdb as dblib except: pass if not dblib: print('No MySQL library installed for python') return False try: self.db_conn = dblib.connect(host=db['host'], port=int(db['port']), user=db['username'], passwd=db['password'], db=db['dbname']) except: print('Failed to open connection to db {} using user {}'.format(db['host'], db['username'])) #print traceback.print_exc() return False return True def query(self, sql): if not self.db_conn: print('Can\'t query until connection is established.') return False try: cur = self.db_conn.cursor() except: print('Failed to create connection cursor.') #print traceback.print_exc() return False try: cur.execute(sql) except: cur.close() print('Failed to execute SQL command.') #print traceback.print_exc() return False cur.close() return True
#!/usr/bin/python3 #coding=utf-8 ''' ************************** * File Name * Author:Charlley88 * Mail:[email protected] ************************** ''' import sys sys.path.append('..') import insummer from insummer.query_expansion.entity_finder import NgramEntityFinder from insummer.summarization.lexrank import LexRank from insummer.summarization.textrank import TextRank finder = NgramEntityFinder import pickle import data import logging from optparse import OptionParser def exp(questions,qnum,method): for i in range(qnum): print('问题 : %s'%(i)) q = questions[i] lexer = LexRank(q,250) result = lexer.extract() lexer.evaluation(result,'lex') if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__) #parser = OptionParser() #parser.add_option('-d','--data',dest='data',help='选择数据集') #parser.add_option('-m','--method',dest='method',help='算法选择') #(options,args) = parser.parse_args() print('loading the data..') duc_question = pickle.load(open('/home/lavi/project/insummer/question_data/duc_question.pkl','rb')) #method = options.method exp(duc_question,4,'lex')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import mock from itertools import combinations from biseqt.sequence import Alphabet from biseqt.stochastics import rand_seq, MutationProcess, rand_read from biseqt.stochastics import np # to mock def test_rand_seq(): _bak = np.random.choice np.random.choice = mock.Mock(return_value=[0, 0, 0]) A = Alphabet('ACGT') assert rand_seq(A, 10) == A.parse('AAA') np.random.choice = _bak def test_expected_coverage(): A = Alphabet('ACGT') S = rand_seq(A, 100) cov = 10 reads = [r for r in rand_read(S, len_mean=len(S)/2, expected_coverage=cov)] assert len(reads) == 2 * cov def test_lossless_reads(): A = Alphabet('ACGT') S = rand_seq(A, 100) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): next(rand_read(S, len_mean=200, num=1)) # len_mean must be < len(S) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): # at most one of num or expected_coverage given next(rand_read(S, len_mean=50, num=1, expected_coverage=1)) assert sum(1 for _ in rand_read(S, len_mean=50, num=10)) == 10, \ 'The number of sampled reads should be controllable' assert sum(1 for _ in rand_read(S, len_mean=50)) == 1, \ 'If neither num or expected coverage is given only one sample is read' # there should be no noise added read, pos = next(rand_read(S, len_mean=40, num=1)) assert S[pos:pos+len(read)] == read S = A.parse('ACT' * 100) reads = [x for x in rand_read(S, len_mean=100, len_sd=0.01, num=100)] assert set(len(read) for read, _ in reads) > 1, \ 'Read lengths should be randomly chosen' len_mean = sum(len(read) for read, _ in reads) / 100. assert len_mean > 50 and len_mean < 150, \ 'Normal distribution of read lengths works' # index edge cases A = Alphabet(['00', '01']) S = A.parse('01' * 10) _bak = np.random.normal np.random.normal = mock.Mock(return_value=[1]) assert next(rand_read(S, len_mean=1, num=1))[0] == A.parse('01'), \ 'sequences in alphabets with > 1 long letters can be sampled too' np.random.normal = _bak def test_lossy_reads(): A = Alphabet('ACGT') S = A.parse('ACT' * 100) gap_kw = {'go_prob': 0.2, 'ge_prob': 0.3} M = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=0.3, **gap_kw) read, pos, tx = next(M.noisy_read(S, len_mean=50, num=1)) assert tx.count('S') > 0 and tx.count('I') + tx.count('D') > 0, \ 'Random mutations should be performed to get lossy reads' def test_mutation_process(): A = Alphabet('ACGT') S = A.parse('ACT' * 100) gap_kw = {'go_prob': 0, 'ge_prob': 0} T, tx = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=0, **gap_kw).mutate(S) assert T == S and tx == 'MMM' * 100, \ 'all mutation probabilities can be set to zero' T, tx = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=0.1, **gap_kw).mutate(S) assert all(op in 'MS' for op in tx) and 'S' in tx, \ 'there can be mutation processes with only substitutions' T, tx = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=0.01, **gap_kw).mutate(S) assert tx.count('S') < 0.1 * len(S), 'substitution probabilities work' with pytest.raises(AssertionError): MutationProcess(A, go_prob=0.2, ge_prob=0.1) # go_prob <= ge_prob gap_kw = {'go_prob': 0.05, 'ge_prob': 0.1} T, tx = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=0, **gap_kw).mutate(S) indels = sum(1 for op in tx if op in 'ID') assert indels > 0 and indels < 0.5 * len(S), 'gap probabilities work' def test_log_odds_scores(): A = Alphabet('ACGT') # linear gap model P = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=.1, ge_prob=.1, go_prob=.1) subst_scores, (go_score, ge_score) = P.log_odds_scores() assert go_score == 0. and ge_score < 0 match_pos = [(i, i) for i in range(len(A))] mismatch_pos = [(i, j) for i, j in combinations(range(len(A)), 2)] assert all(subst_scores[i][j] < 0 for i, j in mismatch_pos) assert all(subst_scores[i][j] > 0 for i, j in match_pos) # affine gap model P = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=.1, ge_prob=.2, go_prob=.1) subst_scores, (go_score, ge_score) = P.log_odds_scores() assert ge_score < 0 # do mismatch scores go down if subst probs are decreased? P = MutationProcess(A, subst_probs=.01, ge_prob=.2, go_prob=.1) new_subst_scores, _ = P.log_odds_scores() assert new_subst_scores[0][1] < subst_scores[0][1], \ 'mismatch scores become more negative with lower mismatch probs'
from httprpc.client import Client a = Client("", username='a', password='a') print a.hello(a=1, b=1) print a.demo.hello(a=1, b=1)
from mxl import MXLFile import fileinput SEP = ',' COLUMNS = ( 'time.upper', 'time.lower', 'key.fifths', 'maj.min', 'melody.staff.1', 'melody.staff.2', 'num.dynamic.changes', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', '16th', 'eighth', 'half', 'quarter', 'whole' ) if __name__ == '__main__': print SEP.join(COLUMNS) for line in fileinput.input(): mxlf = MXLFile(line.rstrip('\n')) num_measures = len(mxlf.get_part(0).get_measures()) note_type_counts = mxlf.get_part(0).get_note_type_counts(staff_num=1) note_pitch_counts = mxlf.get_part(0).get_note_pitch_counts(staff_num=1) num_staffs = mxlf.get_part(0).get_num_staffs() time_signature = mxlf.time_signature() key_signature = mxlf.key_signature() melody_staff_0 = mxlf.get_part(0).get_melody_stat(staff_num=1) if num_staffs > 1: melody_staff_1 = mxlf.get_part(0).get_melody_stat(staff_num=2) else: melody_staff_1 = -1 columns = ( time_signature[0], time_signature[1], key_signature[0], key_signature[1], melody_staff_0, melody_staff_1, len(list(mxlf.get_part(0).get_dynamic_changes())) / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['A'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['B'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['C'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['D'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['E'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['F'] / float(num_measures), note_pitch_counts['G'] / float(num_measures), note_type_counts['16th'] / float(num_measures), note_type_counts['eighth'] / float(num_measures), note_type_counts['half'] / float(num_measures), note_type_counts['quarter'] / float(num_measures), note_type_counts['whole'] / float(num_measures) ) print SEP.join(map(str, columns))
''' Kivy standard library imports ''' import kivy from kivy.config import Config #kivy.config.Config.set('graphics','resizable', False) #config needs to be set before is imported Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'auto') from import App from time import time from os.path import dirname, join from kivy.lang import Builder from import NumericProperty,StringProperty,BooleanProperty from import ListProperty,ReferenceListProperty,ObjectProperty from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.bubble import Bubble from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.rst import RstDocument from kivy.clock import Clock, mainthread from kivy.uix.videoplayer import VideoPlayer ''' Project imports ''' from data.DatabaseThread import * from data.StepperControl import * from data.ServoControl import * from data.libs.MyKnob import * from import *
import logging import markdown from flask import Markup from flask import render_template from sqlalchemy import text, column from pajbot.managers.db import DBManager from pajbot.models.user import User from pajbot.models.webcontent import WebContent from pajbot.modules import ChattersRefreshModule log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def init(app): @app.route("/points") def points(): with DBManager.create_session_scope() as db_session: custom_web_content = db_session.query(WebContent).filter_by(page="points").first() custom_content = "" if custom_web_content and custom_web_content.content: try: custom_content = Markup(markdown.markdown(custom_web_content.content)) except: log.exception("Unhandled exception in def index") # rankings is a list of (User, int) tuples (user with their rank) # note on the efficiency of this query: takes approx. 0.3-0.4 milliseconds on a 5 million user DB # # pajbot=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, rank() OVER (ORDER BY points DESC) AS rank FROM "user") AS subquery LIMIT 30; # QUERY PLAN # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Limit (cost=0.43..2.03 rows=30 width=49) (actual time=0.020..0.069 rows=30 loops=1) # -> WindowAgg (cost=0.43..181912.19 rows=4197554 width=49) (actual time=0.020..0.065 rows=30 loops=1) # -> Index Scan Backward using user_points_idx on "user" (cost=0.43..118948.88 rows=4197554 width=41) (actual time=0.012..0.037 rows=31 loops=1) # Planning Time: 0.080 ms # Execution Time: 0.089 ms # # (see also the extensive comment on migration revision ID 2, rankings = db_session.query(User, column("rank")).from_statement( text( 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, rank() OVER (ORDER BY points DESC) AS rank FROM "user") AS subquery LIMIT 30' ) ) chatters_refresh_enabled = ChattersRefreshModule.is_enabled() chatters_refresh_settings = ChattersRefreshModule.module_settings() chatters_refresh_interval = ChattersRefreshModule.UPDATE_INTERVAL return render_template( "points.html", top_30_users=rankings, custom_content=custom_content, chatters_refresh_enabled=chatters_refresh_enabled, chatters_refresh_settings=chatters_refresh_settings, chatters_refresh_interval=chatters_refresh_interval, )
#!/usr/bin/env python a = [5, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2, 0, 8, 9] class Node(object): def __init__(self, value, left, right): self.value, self.left, self.right = value, left, right def __repr__(self): return str(self.value) class BTree(object): def __init__(self, value): self.root_node = Node(value, None, None) def add_node(self, value): cur_node = self.root_node new_node = Node(value, None, None) while True: if cur_node.value > new_node.value: # Insert left side if cur_node.left: cur_node = cur_node.left continue else: cur_node.left = new_node return elif cur_node.value < new_node.value: # Insert right side if cur_node.right: cur_node = cur_node.right continue else: cur_node.right = new_node return break # Same us current node do nothing def find_depth(self, cur_node=None, depth=0): if cur_node is None: cur_node = self.root_node depth1 = depth2 = depth if cur_node.left: depth1 = self.find_depth(cur_node.left, depth + 1) if cur_node.right: depth2 = self.find_depth(cur_node.right, depth + 1) depth = depth1 if depth1 < depth2: depth = depth2 return depth def print_nodes(self, cur_node=None, print_array=None, cur_depth=0): is_root_node = False if cur_depth == 0: is_root_node = True cur_node = cur_node if cur_node else self.root_node total_depth = self.find_depth(cur_node) print_array = [[] for i in range(total_depth + 2)] print_array[cur_depth].append(str(cur_node.value)) if cur_node.left: self.print_nodes(cur_node.left, print_array, cur_depth + 1) else: print_array[cur_depth + 1].append(' ') if cur_node.right: self.print_nodes(cur_node.right, print_array, cur_depth + 1) else: print_array[cur_depth + 1].append(' ') if is_root_node: for i in range(len(print_array)): print '{}{}'.format(''.join(' ' * (total_depth - i + 1)), ' '.join(print_array[i])) def find_node(self, value, cur_node=None): if cur_node is None: cur_node = self.root_node if cur_node.value == value: return cur_node elif cur_node.value > value: return self.find_node(value, cur_node.left) else: return self.find_node(value, cur_node.right) def del_node(self, del_value, cur_node=None): # Find node and parent node if cur_node is None: cur_node = self.root_node parent_node = None while True: if cur_node.value == del_value: break elif cur_node.value > del_value and cur_node.left is not None: parent_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node.left continue elif cur_node.value < del_value and cur_node.right is not None: parent_node = cur_node cur_node = cur_node.right continue return # Did not find node if cur_node.left is None or cur_node.right is None: replacement_node = cur_node.left if cur_node.left else \ cur_node.right else: replacement_node = cur_node.left replacement_node_parent = cur_node while replacement_node.right: replacement_node_parent = replacement_node replacement_node = replacement_node.right replacement_node_parent.right = None replacement_node.left = cur_node.left replacement_node.right = cur_node.right if parent_node: if parent_node.left == cur_node: parent_node.left = replacement_node else: parent_node.right = replacement_node return else: self.root_node = replacement_node if __name__ == '__main__': btree = BTree(a[0]) for i in a[1:]: btree.add_node(i) print a btree.print_nodes() found_node = btree.find_node(3) btree.print_nodes(cur_node=found_node) btree.del_node(5) btree.print_nodes()
import unittest import src.vector_gen.generateWeatherVectors as gwv import pandas as pd from test import test_path as path class GenerateWeatherVectorsTest(unittest.TestCase): trajectories_df = None weather_df = None def setUp(self): self.trajectories_df = pd.read_csv(path.trajectories_training_file2) self.weather_df = pd.read_csv(path.weather_training_file) def test_get_simple_result(self): X = gwv.generate_TimeInformationCurrentSituationWeatherVectors(self.trajectories_df, self.weather_df) self.assertIsNotNone(X) def test_length_of_timeIimeInformationCurrentSituationWeatherVector_X(self): X = gwv.generate_TimeInformationCurrentSituationWeatherVectors(self.trajectories_df, self.weather_df) # 91 days of training data, 12*2hours per day( number = 7*12 self.assertEqual(len(X), number) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# ============================================================================= # COPYRIGHT 2013 Brain Corporation. # License under MIT license (see LICENSE file) # ============================================================================= import logging import os import platform from utility import run_shell, cp, fix_rpath, safe_remove from requirement import RequirementException import shutil import subprocess def install(robustus, requirement_specifier, rob_file, ignore_index): ni_install_dir = os.path.join(robustus.cache, 'OpenNI2') if requirement_specifier.version is not None: ni_install_dir += requirement_specifier.version def in_cache(): return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ni_install_dir, '')) if not in_cache() and not ignore_index: cwd = os.getcwd() ni_clone_dir = os.path.join(cwd, 'OpenNI2') try: if os.path.isdir(ni_clone_dir): logging.warn('Directory for cloning OpenNI found, cloning skipped') else:'Cloning OpenNI') retcode = run_shell(['git', 'clone', '']) if retcode != 0: raise RequirementException('OpenNI2 clone failed') os.chdir(ni_clone_dir) # checkout requested version branch = requirement_specifier.version if requirement_specifier.version is not None else 'master' if requirement_specifier.version is not None: retcode = run_shell(['git', 'checkout', branch]) if retcode != 0: raise RequirementException('OpenNI2 checkout failed')'Building OpenNI') if platform.machine().startswith('arm'): ver = 'Arm' # patch flags for arm file_to_patch = os.path.join(ni_clone_dir, 'ThirdParty/PSCommon/BuildSystem/Platform.Arm') with open(file_to_patch, "rt") as f: content = with open(file_to_patch, "wt") as f: f.write(content.replace('-mfloat-abi=softfp', '')) elif platform.architecture()[0].startswith('64'): ver = 'x64' else: ver = 'x86' retcode = run_shell(['make', 'PLATFORM=' + ver], verbose=robustus.settings['verbosity'] >= 1) if retcode != 0: raise RequirementException('OpenNI2 build failed') # copy release dir and usb rules to wheelhouse if os.path.isdir(ni_install_dir): shutil.rmtree(ni_install_dir) release_dir = os.path.join(ni_clone_dir, 'Bin', ver + '-Release') shutil.copytree(release_dir, ni_install_dir) cp(os.path.join(ni_clone_dir, 'Packaging/Linux/primesense-usb.rules'), ni_install_dir) finally: os.chdir(cwd) safe_remove(ni_clone_dir) # copy files to venv if in_cache():'Copying OpenNI2 to virtualenv') cp(os.path.join(ni_install_dir, '*.so'), os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib')) cp(os.path.join(ni_install_dir, '*.jar'), os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib')) ni_drivers_dir = os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib/OpenNI2') if os.path.isdir(ni_drivers_dir): shutil.rmtree(ni_drivers_dir) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(ni_install_dir, 'OpenNI2'), ni_drivers_dir) # copy demo for testing purposes cp(os.path.join(ni_install_dir, 'SimpleRead'), os.path.join(robustus.env, 'bin')) fix_rpath(robustus, robustus.env, os.path.join(robustus.env, 'bin/SimpleRead'), os.path.join(robustus.env, 'lib')) # setup usb rules'Configuring udev rules, you may need to reconnect sensor or restart computer') retcode = run_shell(['sudo', 'cp', os.path.join(ni_install_dir, 'primesense-usb.rules'), '/etc/udev/rules.d/557-primesense-usb.rules'], verbose=robustus.settings['verbosity'] >= 1) if retcode != 0: raise RequirementException('Faied to copy udev rules') # return nonzero code, but seems to work['sudo', 'udevadm', 'control', '--reload-rules']) else: raise RequirementException('can\'t find OpenNI2-%s in robustus cache' % requirement_specifier.version)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This tool helps you to rebase package to the latest version # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # he Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Authors: Petr Hracek <[email protected]> # Tomas Hozza <[email protected]> from __future__ import print_function import subprocess import os from rebasehelper.version import VERSION try: from setuptools import setup, Command except: from distutils.core import setup, Command class PyTest(Command): user_options = [('test-runner=', 't', 'test runner to use; by default, multiple py.test runners are tried')] command_consumes_arguments = True def initialize_options(self): self.test_runner = None self.args = [] def finalize_options(self): pass def runner_exists(self, runner): syspaths = os.getenv('PATH').split(os.pathsep) for p in syspaths: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, runner)): return True return False def run(self): # only one test runner => just run the tests supported = ['2.7', '3.3', '3.4'] potential_runners = ['py.test-' + s for s in supported] if self.test_runner: potential_runners = [self.test_runner] runners = [pr for pr in potential_runners if self.runner_exists(pr)] if not runners: raise SystemExit('No test runners available!') retcode = 0 for runner in runners: if len(runners) > 1: print('\n' * 2) print('Running tests using "{0}":'.format(runner)) cmd = [runner] for a in self.args: cmd.append(a) cmd.append('-v') cmd.append('test') t = subprocess.Popen(cmd) rc = t.wait() retcode = t.returncode or retcode raise SystemExit(retcode) setup( name='rebasehelper', version=VERSION, description='RebaseHelper helps you to rebase your packages.', keywords='packages,easy,quick', author='Petr Hracek', author_email='[email protected]', url='', license='GPLv2+', packages=['rebasehelper'], include_package_data=True, entry_points={'console_scripts': ['']}, setup_requires=[], classifiers=['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development', ], cmdclass={'test': PyTest} )
# Python3 def allLongestStrings(inputArray): maxLen = max(len(s) for s in inputArray) return [ s for s in inputArray if len(s) == maxLen ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright 2014 Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U This file is part of fiware-pep-steelskin fiware-pep-steelskin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. fiware-pep-steelskin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with fiware-pep-steelskin. If not, see For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License please contact with::[[email protected]] """ __author__ = 'Jon Calderin Goñi <[email protected]>' from fabric.api import run, env, cd, put, sudo, local, output import os import platform from lettuce import world def set_variables_config(host_proxied_ip, host_proxied_port, port_listening, ac_port, ac_ip, pep_user, pep_password, pep_domain, ks_ip, ks_port, log_level, plug_in, plug_in_extract_action, bypass_activation='false', bypass_id='', cache_users='1000', cache_projects='1000', cache_roles='60', administration_port='11211', ac_disable='false', ks_check_headers='true'): """ Modify the variables in the PEP config_template file and write the final values in a PEP config file. :param host_proxied_ip: :param host_proxied_port: :param port_listening: :param ac_port: :param ac_ip: :param pep_user: :param pep_password: :param pep_domain: :param ks_ip: :param ks_port: :param log_level: :param plug_in: :param plug_in_extract_action: :param bypass_activation: :param bypass_id: :param cache_users: :param cache_projects: :param cache_roles: :param administration_port: :return: """'Setting the pep config') replaces = { 'host_proxied_ip': host_proxied_ip, 'host_proxied_port': host_proxied_port, 'port_listening': port_listening, 'ac_ip': ac_ip, 'ac_port': ac_port, 'ac_disable': ac_disable, 'pep_user': pep_user, 'pep_password': pep_password, 'pep_domain': pep_domain, 'ks_check_headers': ks_check_headers, 'ks_ip': ks_ip, 'ks_port': ks_port, 'log_level': log_level, 'plug_in': plug_in, 'plug_in_extract_action': plug_in_extract_action, 'bypass_activation': bypass_activation, 'bypass_id': bypass_id, 'cache_users': cache_users, 'cache_projects': cache_projects, 'cache_roles': cache_roles, 'administration_port': administration_port } path, fl = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if platform.system() == 'Windows': path += '\\resources\\' elif platform.system() == 'Linux': path += '/resources/' else: raise NameError('The SO is not recognize, set the config manually') full_path_template = path + 'config_template.js' full_path_config = path + 'config.js' template = open(full_path_template) config = open(full_path_config, 'w+') # Check in each line if there is a variable to modify for line in template.readlines(): for replace in replaces: string_to_replace = '{{%s}}' % replace if line.find(string_to_replace) >= 0: line = line.replace(string_to_replace, replaces[replace]) config.write(line) template.close() config.close() def get_ssh_port(container_name): """ Given the name of a container, get the ssh port :param container_name: :return: """'Getting ssh port of the container') ret = run('docker port {container_name} 22'.format(container_name=container_name)) return ret.split(':')[1] def start_docker_pep(ip_host, user_host, password_host, container_user, container_pass, container_name, pep_path='/fiware-pep-steelskin'): """ Given the docker host, get the PEP container and start it with the config defined :param ip_host: :param user_host: :param password_host: :param container_user: :param container_pass: :param container_name: :param pep_path: :return: """'Starting pep in docker') env.host_string = ip_host env.user = user_host env.password = password_host output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False container_port = get_ssh_port(container_name) start_pep(ip_host, container_user, container_pass, container_port, pep_path) def stop_docker_pep(ip_host, user_host, password_host, container_user, container_pass, container_name): """ Given the docker host, get the PEP container and stop it :param ip_host: :param user_host: :param password_host: :param container_user: :param container_pass: :param container_name: :return: """'Stoping pep in docker') env.host_string = ip_host env.user = user_host env.password = password_host output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False container_port = get_ssh_port(container_name) stop_pep(ip_host, container_user, container_pass, container_port) def start_pep(ip, user, password, port='22', pep_path='/fiware-pep-steelskin'): """ Given a ssh connection data, stop PEP if its running, put the new configuration, and start is. The machina have to has the "dtach" package :param ip: :param user: :param password: :param port: :param pep_path: :return: """'Starting pep in remote') env.host_string = ip + ':' + port env.user = user env.password = password env.sudo_password = password output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False path, fl = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if platform.system() == 'Windows': config = path + '\\resources\\' + 'config.js' elif platform.system() == 'Linux': config = path + '/resources/' + 'config.js' else: raise NameError('The SO is not supported') so = run('cat /etc/issue').split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0] if so == 'CentOS': pid = sudo('ps -ef | grep "node bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'') elif so == 'Ubuntu': pid = sudo('ps -ef | grep "nodejs bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'') else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') if pid != '': for proc_pid in pid.split('\n'): sudo('kill -9 {pid}'.format(pid=proc_pid.strip())) with cd(pep_path): put(config, '{path}/config.js'.format(path=pep_path)) sudo('mkdir -p {pep_tmp_dir}'.format(pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir)) if so == 'CentOS': resp = sudo('dtach -n `mktemp -u {pep_tmp_dir}/dtach.XXXX` /bin/bash -c \' node bin/pepProxy >> {pep_tmp_dir}/pep.log\''.format(pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir)) elif so == 'Ubuntu': resp =sudo('dtach -n `mktemp -u {pep_tmp_dir}/dtach.XXXX` /bin/bash -c \' nodejs bin/pepProxy >> {pep_tmp_dir}/pep.log\''.format(pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir)) else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') world.log.debug('The response initializing pep in remote is: {resp}'.format(resp=resp)) def stop_pep(ip, user, password, port='22'): """ Stop pep process :param ip: :param user: :param password: :param port: :return: """'Stoping pep in remote') env.host_string = ip + ':' + port env.user = user env.password = password env.sudo_password = password output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False so = run('cat /etc/issue').split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0] if so == 'CentOS': pid = sudo('ps -ef | grep "node bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'') elif so == 'Ubuntu': pid = sudo('ps -ef | grep "nodejs bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'') else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') if pid != '': for proc_pid in pid.split('\n'): sudo('kill -9 {pid}'.format(pid=proc_pid.strip())) def start_pep_local(pep_path='/fiware-pep-steelskin'): """ Given a ssh connection data, stop PEP if its running, put the new configuration, and start is. The machine has to have the "dtach" package :param pep_path: :return: """'Starting pep in local') output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False path, fl = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if platform.system() == 'Windows': config = path + '\\resources\\' + 'config.js' elif platform.system() == 'Linux': config = path + '/resources/' + 'config.js' else: raise NameError('The SO is not supported') so = local('cat /etc/issue', capture=True).split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0] if so == 'CentOS': pid = local('ps -ef | grep "node bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'', capture=True) elif so == 'Ubuntu': pid = local('ps -ef | grep "nodejs bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'', capture=True) else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') if pid != '': for proc_pid in pid.split('\n'): local('kill -9 {pid}'.format(pid=proc_pid.strip()), capture=True) local('cp {config} {path}/config.js'.format(config=config, path=pep_path), capture=True) local('mkdir -p {pep_tmp_dir}'.format(pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir)) if so == 'CentOS': resp = local('dtach -n `mktemp -u {pep_tmp_dir}/dtach.XXXX` /bin/bash -c \' cd {path} && node bin/pepProxy >> {pep_tmp_dir}/pep.log\''.format(path=pep_path, pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir), capture=True) elif so == 'Ubuntu': resp = local('dtach -n `mktemp -u {pep_tmp_dir}/dtach.XXXX` /bin/bash -c \' cd {path} && nodejs bin/pepProxy >> {pep_tmp_dir}/pep.log\''.format(path=pep_path, pep_tmp_dir=world.pep_tmp_dir), capture=True) else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') world.log.debug('The response initializing pep in local is: {resp}'.format(resp=resp)) def stop_local_pep(): """ Stop pep process :return: """'Stoping pep in local') output['stdout'] = False output['running'] = False output['warnings'] = False so = local('cat /etc/issue', capture=True).split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0] if so == 'CentOS': pid = local('ps -ef | grep "node bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'', capture=True) elif so == 'Ubuntu': pid = local('ps -ef | grep "nodejs bin/pepProxy" | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\'', capture=True) else: raise NameError('Pep only can be started in Ubuntu and CentOS systems') if pid != '': for proc_pid in pid.split('\n'): local('kill -9 {pid}'.format(pid=proc_pid.strip()), capture=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import sys from os.path import dirname, abspath import nose def run_all(argv=None): sys.exitfunc = lambda: sys.stderr.write('Shutting down....\n') # always insert coverage when running tests if argv is None: argv = [ 'nosetests', '--with-xunit', '--with-xcoverage', '--cover-package=nos', '--cover-erase', '--cover-branches', '--logging-filter=nos', '--logging-level=DEBUG', '--verbose' ] nose.run_exit( argv=argv, defaultTest=abspath(dirname(__file__)) ) if __name__ == '__main__': run_all(sys.argv)
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Purpose: cell spanning controller # Created: 13.02.2011 # Copyright (C) 2011, Manfred Moitzi # License: MIT license from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division __author__ = "mozman <[email protected]>" from .xmlns import wrap from .tableutils import iter_cell_range, iter_cell_range_without_start_pos class CellSpanController(object): # is not a public class # public access only by Table or similar classes # all cell references has to be 2-tuples! def __init__(self, row_controller): self._row_controller = row_controller def _get_cell(self, pos): return wrap(self._row_controller.get_cell(pos)) def is_cell_spanning(self, pos): return self._get_cell(pos).span != (1, 1) def set_span(self, pos, size): self._check_pos_and_size(pos, size) if self._has_cell_range_spanned_cells(pos, size): raise ValueError("cell range contains already spanned cells") for cell_index in iter_cell_range_without_start_pos(pos, size): self._cover_cell(cell_index) self._set_span_attributes(pos, size) def _check_pos_and_size(self, pos, size): start_row, start_column = pos if start_row < 0 or start_column < 0: raise IndexError("invalid start pos: %s" % tostr(pos)) nrows, ncols = size if nrows < 1 or ncols < 1: raise ValueError("invalid size parameter: %s" % tostr(size)) if start_row + nrows > self._row_controller.nrows() or \ start_column + ncols > self._row_controller.ncols(): raise ValueError("cell range exceeds table limits") def _has_cell_range_spanned_cells(self, pos, size): for cell_index in iter_cell_range(pos, size): if self.is_cell_spanning(cell_index): return True return False def _cover_cell(self, pos): cell = self._get_cell(pos) if not cell.covered: cell._set_covered(True) def _uncover_cell(self, pos): cell = self._get_cell(pos) if cell.covered: cell._set_covered(False) def _set_span_attributes(self, pos, size): cell = self._get_cell(pos) cell._set_span(size) self._uncover_cell(pos) def remove_span(self, pos): if not self.is_cell_spanning(pos): return # should it raise an error? size = self._get_cell(pos).span for cell_index in iter_cell_range(pos, size): self._uncover_cell(cell_index) self._remove_span_attributes(pos) def _remove_span_attributes(self, pos): cell = self._get_cell(pos) cell._del_span_attributes() self._uncover_cell(pos)
import logging from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree from xml.parsers import expat try: from oslo_serialization import jsonutils except ImportError: from oslo.serialization import jsonutils from builtins import int import six from . import constants from . import exceptions as exception from ..i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ActionDispatcher(object): def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): action = kwargs.pop('action', 'default') action_method = getattr(self, str(action), self.default) return action_method(*args, **kwargs) def default(self, data): raise NotImplementedError() class DictSerializer(ActionDispatcher): def serialize(self, data, action='default'): return self.dispatch(data, action=action) def default(self, data): return "" class JSONDictSerializer(DictSerializer): def default(self, data): def sanitizer(obj): return six.text_type(obj) return jsonutils.dumps(data, default=sanitizer) class XMLDictSerializer(DictSerializer): def __init__(self, metadata=None, xmlns=None): super(XMLDictSerializer, self).__init__() self.metadata = metadata or {} if not xmlns: xmlns = self.metadata.get('xmlns') if not xmlns: xmlns = constants.XML_NS_V20 self.xmlns = xmlns def default(self, data): try: links = None has_atom = False if data is None: root_key = constants.VIRTUAL_ROOT_KEY root_value = None else: link_keys = [k for k in six.iterkeys(data) or [] if k.endswith('_links')] if link_keys: links = data.pop(link_keys[0], None) has_atom = True root_key = (len(data) == 1 and list(data.keys())[0] or constants.VIRTUAL_ROOT_KEY) root_value = data.get(root_key, data) doc = etree.Element("_temp_root") used_prefixes = [] self._to_xml_node(doc, self.metadata, root_key, root_value, used_prefixes) if links: self._create_link_nodes(list(doc)[0], links) return self.to_xml_string(list(doc)[0], used_prefixes, has_atom) except AttributeError as e: LOG.exception(str(e)) return '' def __call__(self, data): return self.default(data) def to_xml_string(self, node, used_prefixes, has_atom=False): self._add_xmlns(node, used_prefixes, has_atom) return etree.tostring(node, encoding='UTF-8') def _add_xmlns(self, node, used_prefixes, has_atom=False): node.set('xmlns', self.xmlns) node.set(constants.TYPE_XMLNS, self.xmlns) if has_atom: node.set(constants.ATOM_XMLNS, constants.ATOM_NAMESPACE) node.set(constants.XSI_NIL_ATTR, constants.XSI_NAMESPACE) ext_ns = self.metadata.get(constants.EXT_NS, {}) for prefix in used_prefixes: if prefix in ext_ns: node.set('xmlns:' + prefix, ext_ns[prefix]) def _to_xml_node(self, parent, metadata, nodename, data, used_prefixes): result = etree.SubElement(parent, nodename) if ":" in nodename: used_prefixes.append(nodename.split(":", 1)[0]) if isinstance(data, list): if not data: result.set( constants.TYPE_ATTR, constants.TYPE_LIST) return result singular = metadata.get('plurals', {}).get(nodename, None) if singular is None: if nodename.endswith('s'): singular = nodename[:-1] else: singular = 'item' for item in data: self._to_xml_node(result, metadata, singular, item, used_prefixes) elif isinstance(data, dict): if not data: result.set( constants.TYPE_ATTR, constants.TYPE_DICT) return result attrs = metadata.get('attributes', {}).get(nodename, {}) for k, v in sorted(data.items()): if k in attrs: result.set(k, str(v)) else: self._to_xml_node(result, metadata, k, v, used_prefixes) elif data is None: result.set(constants.XSI_ATTR, 'true') else: if isinstance(data, bool): result.set( constants.TYPE_ATTR, constants.TYPE_BOOL) elif isinstance(data, int): result.set( constants.TYPE_ATTR, constants.TYPE_INT) elif isinstance(data, float): result.set( constants.TYPE_ATTR, constants.TYPE_FLOAT) LOG.debug("Data %(data)s type is %(type)s", {'data': data, 'type': type(data)}) result.text = six.text_type(data) return result def _create_link_nodes(self, xml_doc, links): for link in links: link_node = etree.SubElement(xml_doc, 'atom:link') link_node.set('rel', link['rel']) link_node.set('href', link['href']) class TextDeserializer(ActionDispatcher): def deserialize(self, datastring, action='default'): return self.dispatch(datastring, action=action) def default(self, datastring): return {} class JSONDeserializer(TextDeserializer): def _from_json(self, datastring): try: return jsonutils.loads(datastring) except ValueError: msg = _("Cannot understand JSON") raise exception.MalformedResponseBody(reason=msg) def default(self, datastring): return {'body': self._from_json(datastring)} class XMLDeserializer(TextDeserializer): def __init__(self, metadata=None): super(XMLDeserializer, self).__init__() self.metadata = metadata or {} xmlns = self.metadata.get('xmlns') if not xmlns: xmlns = constants.XML_NS_V20 self.xmlns = xmlns def _get_key(self, tag): tags = tag.split("}", 1) if len(tags) == 2: ns = tags[0][1:] bare_tag = tags[1] ext_ns = self.metadata.get(constants.EXT_NS, {}) if ns == self.xmlns: return bare_tag for prefix, _ns in ext_ns.items(): if ns == _ns: return prefix + ":" + bare_tag else: return tag def _get_links(self, root_tag, node): link_nodes = node.findall(constants.ATOM_LINK_NOTATION) root_tag = self._get_key(node.tag) link_key = "%s_links" % root_tag link_list = [] for link in link_nodes: link_list.append({'rel': link.get('rel'), 'href': link.get('href')}) node.remove(link) return link_list and {link_key: link_list} or {} def _from_xml(self, datastring): if datastring is None: return None plurals = set(self.metadata.get('plurals', {})) try: node = etree.fromstring(datastring) root_tag = self._get_key(node.tag) links = self._get_links(root_tag, node) result = self._from_xml_node(node, plurals) if root_tag == constants.VIRTUAL_ROOT_KEY: return result return dict({root_tag: result}, **links) except Exception as e: parseError = False if (hasattr(etree, 'ParseError') and isinstance(e, getattr(etree, 'ParseError'))): parseError = True elif isinstance(e, expat.ExpatError): parseError = True if parseError: msg = _("Cannot understand XML") raise exception.MalformedResponseBody(reason=msg) else: raise def _from_xml_node(self, node, listnames): attrNil = node.get(str(etree.QName(constants.XSI_NAMESPACE, "nil"))) attrType = node.get(str(etree.QName( self.metadata.get('xmlns'), "type"))) if (attrNil and attrNil.lower() == 'true'): return None elif not len(node) and not node.text: if (attrType and attrType == constants.TYPE_DICT): return {} elif (attrType and attrType == constants.TYPE_LIST): return [] else: return '' elif (len(node) == 0 and node.text): converters = {constants.TYPE_BOOL: lambda x: x.lower() == 'true', constants.TYPE_INT: lambda x: int(x), constants.TYPE_FLOAT: lambda x: float(x)} if attrType and attrType in converters: return converters[attrType](node.text) else: return node.text elif self._get_key(node.tag) in listnames: return [self._from_xml_node(n, listnames) for n in node] else: result = dict() for attr in node.keys(): if (attr == 'xmlns' or attr.startswith('xmlns:') or attr == constants.XSI_ATTR or attr == constants.TYPE_ATTR): continue result[self._get_key(attr)] = node.get(attr) children = list(node) for child in children: result[self._get_key(child.tag)] = self._from_xml_node( child, listnames) return result def default(self, datastring): return {'body': self._from_xml(datastring)} def __call__(self, datastring): return self.default(datastring) class Serializer(object): def __init__(self, metadata=None, default_xmlns=None): self.metadata = metadata or {} self.default_xmlns = default_xmlns def _get_serialize_handler(self, content_type): handlers = { 'application/json': JSONDictSerializer(), 'application/xml': XMLDictSerializer(self.metadata), } try: return handlers[content_type] except Exception: raise exception.InvalidContentType(content_type=content_type) def serialize(self, data, content_type): return self._get_serialize_handler(content_type).serialize(data) def deserialize(self, datastring, content_type): return self.get_deserialize_handler(content_type).deserialize( datastring) def get_deserialize_handler(self, content_type): handlers = { 'application/json': JSONDeserializer(), 'application/xml': XMLDeserializer(self.metadata), } try: return handlers[content_type] except Exception: raise exception.InvalidContentType(content_type=content_type)
"""Copyright (C) 2013 COLDWELL AG This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import json import gevent from .models import Account, Profile, HosterAccount, PremiumAccount, Http, HttpAccount, HttpHosterAccount, HttpPremiumAccount, \ MultiAccount, HttpMultiAccount from .manager import manager, log, config from ..hoster.this import localctx from ..scheme import transaction from .. import db, interface, settings from ..api import proto from . import verify def init(): # plugins are loaded by Account.localctx = localctx with transaction, db.Cursor() as c: aa = c.execute("SELECT * FROM account") for a in aa.fetchall(): try: name = json.loads(a['name']) data = json.loads(a['data']) data['id'] = int(a['id']) a = manager.get_pool(name).add(**data) except TypeError: log.critical("broken row: {}".format(a)) c.execute("DELETE FROM account WHERE id={}".format(a["id"])) except AttributeError: log.critical("hoster account for {} not exists anymore".format(name)) @interface.register class AccountInterface(interface.Interface): name = "account" def add(name=None, **kwargs): """adds a new account generally the plugin name is needed: {name: 'plugin name'} for default hoster plugins additional: {username: 'name', password: 'pass'} for http profiles: { host: 'hostname', port: port, username: 'user', password: 'pass', auth_method: 'auth', cookies: {key: value, key2: value2}, headers: {key: value, key2, value2}} for ftp profiles: { host: 'hostname', port: port, username: 'user', password: 'pass'}""" account = manager.get_pool(name).add(**kwargs) if account: return def remove(id=None): """removes an account""" with transaction: try: pool, account = manager.get_account_by_id(int(id)) except ValueError: pass # account already deleted (not found) else: pool.remove(account) def reset(id=None): """resets an account (logout and clear infos ...)""" with transaction: pool, account = manager.get_account_by_id(int(id)) account.reset() def check(id=None): """rechecks an account (makes reset, than check)""" with transaction: pool, account = manager.get_account_by_id(int(id)) account.reset() account.boot() recheck = check def modify(id=None, update=None): """modifies files. arguments are the same as on modify_package""" pool, account = manager.get_account_by_id(int(id)) with transaction: enabled = account.enabled account.reset() account.enabled = enabled account.modify_table(update) account.boot() def sync(clients=None): for name, pool in manager.iteritems(): for acc in pool: if acc._private_account: continue data = acc.get_login_data() if not data: continue data['name'] = name data['enabled'] = acc.enabled for client in clients: if client == settings.app_uuid: continue proto.send('client', 'account.add', payload=data, channel=client) def list_plugins(): """lists all account plugins""" return list(manager) def set_secret(hoster=None, code=None, timeleft=None): verify.set_secret(hoster, code, timeleft)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools for visualizing ADCP data that is read and processed by the adcpy module This module is imported under the main adcpy, and should be available as adcpy.plot. Some methods can be used to visualize flat arrays, independent of adcpy, and the plots may be created quickly using the IPanel and QPanel classes. This code is open source, and defined by the included MIT Copyright License Designed for Python 2.7; NumPy 1.7; SciPy 0.11.0; Matplotlib 1.2.0 2014-09 - First Release; blsaenz, esatel """ import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats.stats as sp from matplotlib.dates import num2date#,date2num, import adcpy from adcpy_recipes import calc_transect_flows_from_uniform_velocity_grid U_str = 'u' V_str = 'v' W_str = 'w' vel_strs = (U_str,V_str,W_str) # Common formatting for datenums: def fmt_dnum(dn): return num2date(dn).strftime('%c') class IPanel(object): """ This object stores and plots a 2D velocity map as an image. Any of the data fields (kwarg_options) may be specificed as kwargs during initialization. At minimum IPanel requires 'velocity' to be set. """ kwarg_options = ['use_pcolormesh', 'minv', 'maxv', 'velocity', 'title', 'units', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'x', 'y', 'chop_off_nans', 'x_is_mtime', 'arrow_color', 'xy_is_lonlat', 'interpolation', 'shading', 'my_axes'] def __init__(self,**kwargs): # init everything to None for kwarg in self.kwarg_options: exec("self.%s = None"%kwarg) # set defaults self.minv = -0.25 self.maxv = 0.25 self.x_is_mtime = False self.interpolation = 'nearest' self.use_pcolormesh = False self.shading = 'flat' self.xy_is_lonlat = False self.chop_off_nans = False # read/save arguments for kwarg in self.kwarg_options: if kwarg in kwargs: exec("self.%s = kwargs[kwarg]"%kwarg) def plot(self,ax=None): """ Plots the data in IPanel onto the axis ax, or if ax is None, onto self.my_axes. Inputs: ax = matplotlib axes object, or None Returns: Nothing """ # set desired axes if ax is not None: elif self.my_axes is not None: ax = else: ax = plt.gca() if self.minv is not None: mnv = ",vmin=self.minv" else: mnv = "" if self.minv is not None: mxv = ",vmax=self.maxv" else: mxv = "" if self.use_pcolormesh: vel_masked =,mask=np.isnan(self.velocity)) if self.x is not None and self.y is not None: xy = "self.x,self.y," else: xy = "" plot_cmd = "pc=plt.pcolormesh(%svel_masked.T,shading=self.shading%s%s)"%(xy,mnv,mxv) exec(plot_cmd) else: if self.x is not None and self.y is not None: xy = ",extent=[self.x[0],self.x[-1],self.y[-1],self.y[0]]" else: xy = "" plot_cmd = "pc=plt.imshow(self.velocity.T%s,interpolation=self.interpolation%s%s)"%(xy,mnv,mxv) exec(plot_cmd) if self.title is not None: plt.title(self.title) plt.axis('tight') if self.chop_off_nans: x_test = np.nansum(self.velocity,axis=1) x_test = ~np.isnan(x_test)*np.arange(np.size(x_test)) if self.x is None: plt.xlim([np.nanmin(x_test),np.nanmax(x_test)]) else: plt.xlim([self.x[np.nanmin(x_test)],self.x[np.nanmax(x_test)]]) if self.x[-1] < self.x[0]: plt.xlim(plt.xlim()[::-1]) y_test = np.nansum(self.velocity,axis=0) y_test = ~np.isnan(y_test)*np.arange(np.size(y_test)) plt.ylim([np.nanmin(y_test),np.nanmax(y_test)]) if self.y is None: plt.ylim([np.nanmin(y_test),np.nanmax(y_test)]) else: plt.ylim([self.y[np.nanmin(y_test)],self.y[np.nanmax(y_test)]]) if self.y[-1] < self.y[0]: plt.ylim(plt.ylim()[::-1]) if self.x_is_mtime: ax.xaxis_date() plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() elif self.xy_is_lonlat: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%7.4f')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%7.4f')) plt.ylabel('Latitude [degrees N]') plt.xlabel('Longitude [degrees E]') if self.xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) plt.colorbar(pc, use_gridspec=True) class QPanel(object): """ This object stores and plots a 1D or 2D velocity map as a quiver plot. Any of the data fields (kwarg_options) may be specificed as kwargs during initialization. At minimum QPanel requires 'velocity' to be set. """ kwarg_options = ['u_vecs', 'v_vecs', 'velocity', 'title', 'units', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'x', 'y', 'v_scale', # make arrow bigger or smaller, relatively speaking, daults to 1 'xpand', # fractional buffer around xy extent, to capture arrow ends 'x_is_mtime', 'arrow_color', 'xy_is_lonlat', 'equal_axes', 'my_axes'] def __init__(self,**kwargs): # init everything to None for kwarg in self.kwarg_options: exec("self.%s = None"%kwarg) # set defaults self.u_vecs = 50 self.v_vecs = 50 self.x_is_mtime = False self.xy_is_lonlat = False self.arrow_color = 'k' self.v_scale = 1.0 self.xpand = 0.33 self.equal_axes = False # read/save arguments for kwarg in self.kwarg_options: if kwarg in kwargs: exec("self.%s = kwargs[kwarg]"%kwarg) def plot(self,ax=None): """ Plots the data in QPanel onto the axis ax, or if ax is None, onto self.my_axes. Inputs: ax = matplotlib axes object, or None Returns: Nothing """ # set desired axes if ax is not None: elif self.my_axes is not None: ax = else: ax = plt.gca() dims = np.shape(self.velocity) u_reduction = max(1,int(dims[0]/self.u_vecs)) u_indices = np.arange(0,dims[0],u_reduction) v_mag = np.sqrt(self.velocity[...,0]**2 + self.velocity[...,1]**2) if len(dims) == 2: vScale = np.nanmax(v_mag[u_indices]) local_vel = self.velocity[u_indices,...] local_u = local_vel[:,0] local_v = local_vel[:,1] local_x = self.x[u_indices] local_y = self.y[u_indices] elif len(dims) == 3: v_reduction = max(1,int(dims[1]/self.v_vecs)) v_indices = np.arange(0,dims[1],v_reduction) v_mag = v_mag[u_indices,:] v_mag = v_mag[:,v_indices] vScale = np.nanmax(np.nanmax(v_mag)) local_vel = self.velocity[u_indices,:,:] local_vel = local_vel[:,v_indices,:] local_u = local_vel[:,:,0].T local_v = local_vel[:,:,1].T local_x,local_y = np.meshgrid(self.x[u_indices],self.y[v_indices]) vScale = max(vScale,0.126) qk_value = np.round(vScale*4)/4 Q = plt.quiver(local_x,local_y, local_u,local_v, width=0.0015*self.v_scale, headlength=10.0, headwidth=7.0, scale = 10.0*vScale/self.v_scale, #scale = 0.005, color = self.arrow_color, scale_units = 'width') if self.equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') if self.xpand is not None: xpand = self.xpand xspan = np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x) yspan = np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y) xspan = max(xspan,yspan) yspan = xspan x1 = np.min(self.x) - xpand*xspan; x2 = np.max(self.x) + xpand*xspan plt.xlim([x1, x2]) y1 = np.min(self.y) - xpand*yspan; y2 = np.max(self.y) + xpand*yspan plt.ylim([y1, y2]) qk = plt.quiverkey(Q, 0.5, 0.08, qk_value, r'%3.2f '%qk_value + r'$ \frac{m}{s}$', labelpos='W',) if self.title is not None: plt.title(self.title,y=1.06) if self.x_is_mtime: ax.xaxis_date() plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() elif self.xy_is_lonlat: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%7.4f')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%7.4f')) plt.ylabel('Latitude [degrees N]') plt.xlabel('Longitude [degrees E]') if self.xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(self.ylabel) #plt.autoscale(True) def get_fig(fig): """ Returns a new figure if figure is None, otherwise passes returns fig. Inputs: fig = matplotlib figure object, or None Returns: fig = either passes, or new matplotlib figure object """ if fig is None: return plt.figure() else: return fig def plot_vertical_panels(vpanels,fig=None,title=None): """ Plots a list of panels in a vertical arangement in in figure window. Inputs: fig = matplotlib figure object in which to plot, or None for a new figure Returns: nothing """ fig_handle = get_fig(fig) plt.clf() n_panels = len(vpanels) sp_base = 100*n_panels+10 for i in range(n_panels): plt.subplot(sp_base+i+1) vpanels[i].plot() plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: plt.title(title) return fig_handle def show(): """ Shortcut to """ def find_array_value_bounds(nparray,resolution): """ Find the bounds of the array values, adding up + resolution to make the bounds a round out of a multiple of resolution. Inputs: nparray = array of numbers for which bounds are needed resoution = number of which the bounds will be rounded up toward Returns: minv = minimum bound value of nparray maxv = maximum bound value of nparray """ inv = 1.0/resolution mtest = np.floor(nparray*inv) minv = np.nanmin(np.nanmin(mtest))*resolution mtest = np.ceil(nparray*inv) maxv = np.nanmax(np.nanmax(mtest))*resolution return (minv,maxv) def find_plot_min_max_from_velocity(velocity_2d,res=None,equal_res_about_zero=True): """ Finds bounds as in find_array_value_bounds(), then optinoally equates then +/- from zero. If res is None, returns None Inputs: nparray = array of numbers for which bounds are needed [2D numpy array] res = number of which the bounds will be rounded up toward [number] equal_res_about_zero = toggle to switch [True/False] Returns: minv =- minimum bound value of nparray, or None maxv = maximum bound value of nparray, or None """ if res is not None: minv, maxv = find_array_value_bounds(velocity_2d,res) if equal_res_about_zero: maxv = np.max(np.abs(minv),np.abs(minv)) minv = -1.0*maxv else: minv = None maxv = None return (minv,maxv) def get_basic_velocity_panel(velocity_2d,res=None,equal_res_about_zero=True): """ Returns an IPanel with from a 2D velocity array. Inputs: nparray = array of numbers for which bounds are needed res = number of which the bounds will be rounded up toward equal_res_about_zero = toggle to switch [True/False] Returns: IPanel onject """ minv, maxv = find_plot_min_max_from_velocity(velocity_2d,res, equal_res_about_zero) return IPanel(velocity = velocity_2d, x = None, y = None, minv = minv, maxv = maxv, units = 'm/s') def plot_uvw_velocity_array(velocity,fig=None,title=None,ures=None,vres=None,wres=None, equal_res_about_zero=True): """ Generates a figure with three panels showing U,V,W velocity from a single 3D velocity array Inputs: velocity = [x,y,3] shape numpy array of 2D velocities fig = input figure number [integer or None] ures,vres,wres = numbers by which the velocity bounds will be rounded up toward [number or None] equal_res_about_zero = toggle to switch [True/False] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ panels = [] res = [ures, vres, wres] for i in range(3): if i == 0 and title is not None: title_str = title + " - " else: title_str = "" panels.append(get_basic_velocity_panel(velocity[:,:,i],res=res[i],equal_res_about_zero=False)) panels[-1].title = "%s%s Velocity [m/s]"%(title_str,vel_strs[i]) panels[-1].use_pcolormesh = False fig = plot_vertical_panels(panels) plt.tight_layout() return fig def plot_secondary_circulation(adcp,u_vecs,v_vecs,fig=None,title=None): """ Generates a with a single panel, plotting U velocity as an IPanel, overlain by VW vectors from a QPanel. Inputs: adcp = ADCPData object u_vecs,v_vecs = desired number of horizontal/vertical vectors [integers] fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(fig,figsize=(10,4)) else: plt.clf() xd,yd,dd,xy_line = adcpy.util.find_projection_distances(adcp.xy) stream_wise = get_basic_velocity_panel(adcp.velocity[:,:,1],res=0.01) stream_wise.x = dd stream_wise.y = adcp.bin_center_elevation stream_wise.chop_off_nans = True secondary = QPanel(velocity = adcp.velocity[:,:,1:], x = dd, y = adcp.bin_center_elevation, xpand = None, v_scale = 1.5, u_vecs = u_vecs, v_vecs = v_vecs, arrow_color = 'k', units = 'm/s') stream_wise.plot() secondary.plot() if title is not None: plt.title(title) return fig def plot_secondary_circulation_over_streamwise(adcp,u_vecs,v_vecs,fig=None,title=None): """ Generates a with a single panel, plotting U velocity as an IPanel, overlain by VW vectors from a QPanel. Inputs: adcp = ADCPData object u_vecs,v_vecs = desired number of horizontal/vertical vectors [integers] fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(fig,figsize=(10,4)) else: plt.clf() xd,yd,dd,xy_line = adcpy.util.find_projection_distances(adcp.xy) stream_wise = get_basic_velocity_panel(adcp.velocity[:,:,0],res=0.01) stream_wise.x = dd stream_wise.y = adcp.bin_center_elevation stream_wise.chop_off_nans = True secondary = QPanel(velocity = adcp.velocity[:,:,1:], x = dd, y = adcp.bin_center_elevation, xpand = None, v_scale = 1.5, u_vecs = u_vecs, v_vecs = v_vecs, arrow_color = 'k', units = 'm/s') stream_wise.plot() secondary.plot() if title is not None: plt.title(title) return fig def plot_ensemble_mean_vectors(adcp,fig=None,title=None,n_vectors=50,return_panel=False): """ Generates a QPanel, plotting mean uv velocity vectors in the x-y plane. Inputs: adcp = ADCPData object fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] n_vectors = desired number of vectors [integer] return_panel = optinally return the QPanel instead of the figure Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object, or vectors = QPanel object """ dude = np.zeros((adcp.n_ensembles,2),np.float64) velocity = adcp.get_unrotated_velocity() # this doesn't factor in depth, may integrate bad values if the have not been filtered into NaNs somehow dude[:,0] = sp.nanmean(velocity[:,:,0],axis=1) dude[:,1] = sp.nanmean(velocity[:,:,1],axis=1) vectors = QPanel(velocity = dude, u_vecs = n_vectors, arrow_color = 'k', title = title, units = 'm/s') if adcp.xy is not None: vectors.x = adcp.xy[:,0] vectors.y = adcp.xy[:,1] vectors.xlabel = 'm' vectors.ylabel = 'm' vectors.equal_axes = True elif adcp.lonlat is not None: vectors.x = adcp.lonlat[:,0] vectors.y = adcp.lonlat[:,1] vectors.xy_is_lonlat = True else: vectors.x = adcp.mtime vectors.y = np.zeros(np.size(vectors.x)) vectors.x_is_mtime = True if return_panel: return vectors else: fig = get_fig(fig) vectors.plot() plt.tight_layout() return fig def plot_obs_group_xy_lines(adcp_obs,fig=None,title=None): """ Produces a quick plot of the adcp ensemble x-y locations, from a list of ADCPData objects. x-y tracks lines are colored differently for each ADCPData object. Inputs: adcp_obs = list ADCPData objects fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ fig = get_fig(fig) plt.hold(True) legends = [] for a in adcp_obs: if a.mtime is not None: label = a.source+"; "+fmt_dnum(a.mtime[0]) else: label = a.source plot_xy_line(a,fig,label=label,use_stars_at_xy_locations=False) plt.legend(prop={'size':10}) if title is not None: plt.title(title,y=1.06) return fig def plot_xy_line(adcp,fig=None,title=None,label=None,use_stars_at_xy_locations=True): """ Produces a quick plot of the adcp ensemble x-y locations, from an ADCPData object. Inputs: adcp_obs = list ADCPData objects fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] use_stars_at_xy_locations = plots * at actual ensemble locations [True/False] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ fig = get_fig(fig) if adcp.xy is not None: x = adcp.xy[:,0] y = adcp.xy[:,1] elif adcp.lonlat is not None: x = adcp.lonlat[:,0] y = adcp.lonlat[:,1] else: raise Exception,"plot_xy_line(): no position data in ADCPData object" if use_stars_at_xy_locations: plt.plot(x,y,marker='*',label=label) else: plt.plot(x,y,label=label) if title is not None: plt.title(title,y=1.06) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) return fig def plot_uvw_velocity(adcp,uvw='uvw',fig=None,title=None,ures=None,vres=None,wres=None, equal_res_about_zero=True,return_panels=False): """ Produces a quick plot of the adcp ensemble x-y locations, from an ADCPData object. Inputs: adcp_obs = list ADCPData objects fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] use_stars_at_xy_locations = plots * at actual ensemble locations [True/False] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ panels = [] dx = None dt = None res = [ures, vres, wres] if adcp.xy is not None: if np.size(adcp.xy[:,0]) == adcp.n_ensembles: xd,yd,dx,xy_line = adcpy.util.find_projection_distances(adcp.xy) if adcp.mtime is not None: if np.size(adcp.mtime) == adcp.n_ensembles: dt = adcp.mtime ax = adcpy.util.get_axis_num_from_str(uvw) for i in ax: if i == ax[0] and title is not None: title_str = title + " - " else: title_str = "" panels.append(get_basic_velocity_panel(adcp.velocity[:,:,i],res=res[i])) panels[-1].title = "%s%s Velocity [m/s]"%(title_str,vel_strs[i]) if dx is not None: # plotting velocity projected along a line panels[-1].x = dx panels[-1].xlabel = 'm' panels[-1].ylabel = 'm' panels[-1].y = adcp.bin_center_elevation elif dt is not None: # plotting velocity ensembles vs time panels[-1].x = dt panels[-1].x_is_mtime = True panels[-1].y = adcp.bin_center_elevation panels[-1].ylabel = 'm' panels[-1].use_pcolormesh = False else: # super basic plot panels[-1].use_pcolormesh = False if return_panels: return panels else: fig = plot_vertical_panels(panels) return fig def plot_flow_summmary(adcp,title=None,fig=None,ures=None,vres=None,use_grid_flows=False): """ Plots projected mean flow vectors, U and V velocity profiles, and associated text data on a single plot. Inputs: adcp_obs = list ADCPData objects fig = input figure number [integer or None] title = figure title text [string or None] ures,vres = numbers by which the velocity bounds will be rounded up toward [number or None] use_grid_flows = calculates flows using crossproduct flow (if available) [True] or by weighted summing of grid cells [False] Returns: fig = matplotlib figure object """ if adcp.xy is None: ValueError('Cannot plot summary without projected data.') raise if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(fig,figsize=(8,10.5)) else: plt.clf() vectors = plot_ensemble_mean_vectors(adcp,n_vectors=30,return_panel=True) vectors.x = vectors.x - np.min(vectors.x) vectors.y = vectors.y - np.min(vectors.y) u_panel,v_panel = plot_uvw_velocity(adcp,uvw='uv',fig=fig,ures=ures, vres=vres,return_panels=True) u_panel.chop_off_nans = True u_panel.xlabel = None v_panel.chop_off_nans = True xd,yd,dd,xy_line = adcpy.util.find_projection_distances(adcp.xy) plt.subplot(221) vectors.plot() plt.subplot(413) u_panel.plot() plt.subplot(414) v_panel.plot() plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: plt.text(0.55,0.933,title, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) if adcp.mtime is not None: plt.text(0.55,0.9,'Start of Data: %s'%( num2date(adcp.mtime[0]).strftime('%c')), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) if adcp.rotation_angle is not None: if np.size(adcp.rotation_angle) > 1: rot_str = 'Rozovski' else: rot_str = '%5.2f degrees'%(adcp.rotation_angle*180.0/np.pi) else: rot_str = 'None' plt.text(0.55,0.866,'Streawise Rotation: %s'%rot_str, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform=fig.transFigure) x1 = min(adcp.xy[:,0][np.nonzero(~np.isnan(adcp.xy[:,0]))]) y1 = min(adcp.xy[:,1][np.nonzero(~np.isnan(adcp.xy[:,1]))]) loc_string = 'Plot origin (%s) = (%i,%i)'%(adcp.xy_srs, int(x1), int(y1)) plt.text(0.55,0.833,loc_string, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) if not use_grid_flows and 'calc_crossproduct_flow' in dir(adcp): wrums,wru,tsa,tcsa = adcp.calc_crossproduct_flow() plt.text(0.55,0.8,'Mean cross-product velocity [m/s]: %3.2f'%wrums, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) plt.text(0.55,0.766,'Mean cross-product flow [m^3/s]: %12.2f'%wru, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) else: (scalar_mean_vel, depth_averaged_vel, total_flow, total_survey_area) = \ calc_transect_flows_from_uniform_velocity_grid(adcp,use_grid_only=True) plt.text(0.55,0.8,'Mean U velocity [m/s]: %3.2f'%scalar_mean_vel[0], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) plt.text(0.55,0.766,'Mean V velocity [m/s]: %3.2f'%scalar_mean_vel[1], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) plt.text(0.55,0.733,'Mean U flow [m^3/s]: %12.2f'%total_flow[0], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) plt.text(0.55,0.7,'Mean V flow [m^3/s]: %12.2f'%total_flow[1], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) if adcp.source is not None: plt.text(0.55,0.633,'Sources:\n%s'%adcp.source, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10, transform = fig.transFigure) return fig
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH (<>) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv import openerp.netsvc import logging class account_invoice(osv.osv): _inherit = "account.invoice" def button_validate(self, cr , uid, ids, context=None): """FIXME workaround because of limited multi company support """ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not context: context = {} for invoice in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): _logger.debug('FGF validate partner %s ' %( ) if invoice.partner_id.company_id and != _logger.debug('FGF update partner %s ' %( ) self.pool.get('res.partner').write(cr, 1, [], {'company_id':''}) res= self.button_validate(cr , uid, ids, context) return res account_invoice()
#!/usr/bin/python """Simple server that listens on port 6000 and echos back every input to the client. Connect to it with: telnet localhost 6000 Terminate the connection by terminating telnet (typically Ctrl-] and then 'quit'). """ import gevent from gevent.server import StreamServer def discard(socket, address): print ('New connection from %s:%s' % address) fileobj = socket.makefile() while True: line = fileobj.readline() if not line: return print ("got %r" % line) if __name__ == '__main__': # to make the server use SSL, pass certfile and keyfile arguments to the constructor s1 = StreamServer(('localhost', 59068), discard) s1.start() s2 = StreamServer(('localhost', 59067), lambda a,b:None) s2.start() gevent.sleep(30) s1.stop() s2.stop()
from bin_heap import binHeap import pytest import random def test_empty_heap(): blist = binHeap() assert blist.heap == [0] def test_push_pop(): blist = binHeap() blist.push(123) assert blist.pop() == 123 def all_list(heap): value_input = [] while True: try: value_input.append(heap.pop()) except IndexError: return value_input return value_input def test_input_random(): blist = binHeap() for x in random.sample(range(123), 123): blist.push(x) assert all_list(blist) == range(0, 123)
"""CLI tests for Repository setup. :Requirement: Repository :CaseAutomation: Automated :CaseLevel: Component :CaseComponent: Repositories :TestType: Functional :CaseImportance: High :Upstream: No """ import pytest from robottelo.cli.factory import ( make_lifecycle_environment, make_org, ) from robottelo.constants import ( CUSTOM_PUPPET_REPO, DISTROS_SUPPORTED, DOCKER_REGISTRY_HUB, DOCKER_UPSTREAM_NAME, FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE, FAKE_0_YUM_REPO, ) from robottelo.datafactory import xdist_adapter from robottelo.decorators import tier4 from robottelo.products import ( DockerRepository, PuppetRepository, YumRepository, RepositoryCollection, SatelliteToolsRepository, ) from robottelo.vm import VirtualMachine def _distro_cdn_variants(): distro_cdn = [] for cdn in [False, True]: for distro in DISTROS_SUPPORTED: distro_cdn.append((distro, cdn)) return distro_cdn @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def module_org(): return make_org() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def module_lce(module_org): return make_lifecycle_environment({'organization-id': module_org['id']}) @tier4 @pytest.mark.parametrize('value', **xdist_adapter(_distro_cdn_variants())) def test_vm_install_package(value, module_org, module_lce): """Install a package with all supported distros and cdn not cdn variants :id: b2a6065a-69f6-4805-a28b-eaaa812e0f4b :expectedresults: Package is install is installed """ # the value is support distro DISTRO_RH6 or DISTRO_RH7 # this will create 4 tests: # - one test with disto rhel6 cdn False # - one test with distro rhel7 cdn False # - one test with disto rhel6 cdn True # - one test with distro rhel7 cdn True distro, cdn = value repos_collection = RepositoryCollection( distro=distro, repositories=[ SatelliteToolsRepository(cdn=cdn), YumRepository(url=FAKE_0_YUM_REPO), DockerRepository(url=DOCKER_REGISTRY_HUB, upstream_name=DOCKER_UPSTREAM_NAME), PuppetRepository(url=CUSTOM_PUPPET_REPO, modules=[dict(name='generic_1', author='robottelo')]) ] ) # this will create repositories , content view and activation key repos_collection.setup_content(module_org['id'], module_lce['id'], upload_manifest=True) with VirtualMachine(distro=distro) as vm: # this will install katello ca, register vm host, enable rh repos, # install katello-agent repos_collection.setup_virtual_machine(vm, enable_custom_repos=True) # install a package result ='yum -y install {0}'.format(FAKE_0_CUSTOM_PACKAGE)) assert result.return_code == 0
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import codecs from setuptools import setup def read(fname): file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) return, encoding='utf-8').read() setup( name='pytest-yapf', version='0.1.1', author='Roman Osipenko', author_email='[email protected]', maintainer='Roman Osipenko', maintainer_email='[email protected]', license='MIT', url='', description='Run yapf', long_description=read('README.rst'), py_modules=['pytest_yapf'], install_requires=['pytest>=3.1.1', 'yapf>=0.16.2'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Framework :: Pytest', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', ], entry_points={ 'pytest11': [ 'yapf = pytest_yapf', ], }, )
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Continuous Integration Database Library.""" import glob import logging import os import re import sqlalchemy from chromite.cbuildbot import constants TEST_DB_CREDENTIALS_DIR = os.path.join(constants.SOURCE_ROOT, 'crostools', 'cidb', 'test_credentials') CIDB_MIGRATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(constants.CHROMITE_DIR, 'cidb', 'migrations') class DBException(Exception): """General exception class for this module.""" class UnsupportedMethodException(DBException): """Raised when a call is made that the database does not support.""" def minimum_schema(min_version): """Generate a decorator to specify a minimum schema version for a method. This decorator should be applied only to instance methods of SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection objects. """ def decorator(f): def wrapper(self, *args): if self.schema_version < min_version: raise UnsupportedMethodException() return f(self, *args) return wrapper return decorator class SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection(object): """Connection to a database that is aware of its schema version.""" SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME = 'schemaVersionTable' SCHEMA_VERSION_COL = 'schemaVersion' def __init__(self, db_name, db_migrations_dir, db_credentials_dir): """SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection constructor. Args: db_name: Name of the database to connect to. db_migrations_dir: Absolute path to directory of migration scripts for this database. db_credentials_dir: Absolute path to directory containing connection information to the database. Specifically, this directory should contain files names user.txt, password.txt, host.txt, client-cert.pem, client-key.pem, and server-ca.pem """ self.db_migrations_dir = db_migrations_dir self.db_credentials_dir = db_credentials_dir self.db_name = db_name with open(os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'password.txt')) as f: password = with open(os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'host.txt')) as f: host = with open(os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'user.txt')) as f: user = cert = os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'client-cert.pem') key = os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'client-key.pem') ca = os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, 'server-ca.pem') ssl_args = {'ssl': {'cert': cert, 'key': key, 'ca': ca}} connect_string = 'mysql://%s:%s@%s' % (user, password, host) # Create a temporary engine to connect to the mysql instance, and check if # a database named |db_name| exists. If not, create one. temp_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string, connect_args=ssl_args) databases = temp_engine.execute('SHOW DATABASES').fetchall() if (db_name,) not in databases: temp_engine.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' % db_name)'Created database %s', db_name) temp_engine.dispose() # Now create the persistent connection to the database named |db_name|. # If there is a schema version table, read the current schema version # from it. Otherwise, assume schema_version 0. connect_string = '%s/%s' % (connect_string, db_name) self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string, connect_args=ssl_args) self.schema_version = self.QuerySchemaVersion() def DropDatabase(self): """Delete all data and tables from database, and drop database. Use with caution. All data in database will be deleted. Invalidates this database connection instance. """ self.engine.execute('DROP DATABASE %s' % self.db_name) self.engine.dispose() def QuerySchemaVersion(self): """Query the database for its current schema version number. Returns: The current schema version from the database's schema version table, as an integer, or 0 if the table is empty or nonexistent. """ tables = self.engine.execute('SHOW TABLES').fetchall() if (self.SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME,) in tables: r = self.engine.execute('SELECT MAX(%s) from %s' % (self.SCHEMA_VERSION_COL, self.SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME)) return r.fetchone()[0] or 0 else: return 0 def ApplySchemaMigrations(self, maxVersion=None): """Apply pending migration scripts to database, in order. Args: maxVersion: The highest version migration script to apply. If unspecified, all migrations found will be applied. """ # Look for migration script files in the migration script directory, # with names of the form [number]*.sql, and sort these by number. migration_scripts = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.db_migrations_dir, '*.sql')) migrations = [] for script in migration_scripts: match = re.match(r'([0-9]*).*', os.path.basename(script)) if match: migrations.append((int(, script)) migrations.sort() # Execute the migration scripts in order, asserting that each one # updates the schema version to the expected number. If maxVersion # is specified stop early. for (number, script) in migrations: if maxVersion is not None and number > maxVersion: break if number > self.schema_version: self.RunQueryScript(script) self.schema_version = self.QuerySchemaVersion() if self.schema_version != number: raise DBException('Migration script %s did not update ' 'schema version to %s as expected. ' % (number, script)) def RunQueryScript(self, script_path): """Run a .sql script file located at |script_path| on the database.""" with open(script_path, 'r') as f: script = queries = [q.strip() for q in script.split(';') if q.strip()] for q in queries: self.engine.execute(q) class CIDBConnection(SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection): """Connection to a Continuous Integration database.""" def __init__(self): super(CIDBConnection, self).__init__('cidb', CIDB_MIGRATIONS_DIR, TEST_DB_CREDENTIALS_DIR) @minimum_schema(1) def TestMethodSchemaTooLow(self): """This method is a temporary one to test the minimum_schema decorator.""" @minimum_schema(0) def TestMethodSchemaOK(self): """This method is a temporary one to test the minimum_schema decorator."""
# Copyright 2018, 2020, 2021 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the # following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import numpy as np import pytest from pytest import approx from import DataIMG, DataIMGInt from sherpa.astro.ui.utils import Session from import Data1DInt, Data1D from sherpa.models.basic import Box1D from sherpa.models import Const1D, RegriddableModel1D, Parameter, Const2D, \ RegriddableModel2D, ArithmeticModel, Gauss2D, basic, model from sherpa.utils.err import ModelErr from sherpa.utils import neville, linear_interp from sherpa.utils import akima @pytest.fixture def setup(): const = Const1D("const") const.c0 = 0 const.c0.freeze() my_model = MyModel("my_model") my_model.integrate = False return Session(), my_model, const @pytest.fixture def setup2d(): const = Const2D("const") const.c0 = 0 const.c0.freeze() x = [2, 3, 2, 3] y = [2, 2, 3, 3] xhi = [2.1, 3.5, 2.1, 3.5] yhi = [2.1, 2.1, 3, 3.5] # This is the result when rebinning [100, ] * 4 z = [225, ] * 4 my_model = MyModel2D("my_model") return Session(), my_model, const, (x, y, xhi, yhi, z) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_point_list(setup): """ The idea of the test is that the model will evaluate differently depending on the grid it is evaluated on. This is really arbitrary, it just exercises the high level API for a common workflow while making sure the results are the expected ones. """ ui, my_model, const = setup # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, [1, 2, 3], [100, 100, 100]) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid([1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5]) # The model will usually be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component, # although that component is muted. ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, 1) # Now fit with a different grid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] assert_fit(ui, my_model, 0) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_point_list_2d(setup2d): """ The idea of the test is that the model will evaluate differently depending on the grid it is evaluated on. This is really arbitrary, it just exercises the high level API for a common workflow while making sure the results are the expected ones. """ ui, my_model, const, data = setup2d x, y, _, _, z = data # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, x, y, z, DataIMG) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid([2, 2.5, 3], [2, 2.5, 3]) # The model will usually be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component, # although that component is muted. ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, (1, 1)) # Now fit with a different grid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = [2, 3], [2, 3] assert_fit(ui, my_model, (0, 0)) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_integrated_list(setup): """ Same as above, but with integrated models. """ ui, my_model, const = setup # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, [1.5, 2.5, 3.5], [2.5, 3.5, 4.5], [100, 100, 100], Data1DInt) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]) # The model will be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, 1) # Now fit with a different grid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5], [2.5, 3.5, 4.5] assert_fit(ui, my_model, 0) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_integrated_list_2d(setup2d): """ Same as above, but with integrated models """ ui, my_model, const, data = setup2d x, y, xhi, yhi, z = data # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, x, y, xhi, yhi, z, DataIMGInt) regrid_lo = [2, 2.5, 3] regrid_hi = np.array([2, 2.5, 3.5]) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid(regrid_lo, regrid_lo, regrid_hi, regrid_hi) # The model will usually be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component, # although that component is muted. ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, (1, 1)) # Now fit with a different grid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = x, y, xhi, yhi assert_fit(ui, my_model, (0, 0)) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_point_ndarray(setup): """ The idea of the test is that the model will evaluate differently depending on the grid it is evaluated on. This is really arbitrary, it just exercises the high level API for a common workflow while making sure the results are the expected ones. """ ui, my_model, const = setup # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, [1, 2, 3], [100, 100, 100]) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid(np.array([1, 2, 2.5, 4, 5])) # The model will be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, 1) # Now fit with a different regrid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) assert_fit(ui, my_model, 0) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_integrated_ndarray(setup): """ Same as above, but with integrated models. """ ui, my_model, const = setup # Load data ui.load_arrays(1, [1.5, 2.5, 3.5], [2.5, 3.5, 4.5], [100, 100, 100], Data1DInt) # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. regrid_model = my_model.regrid(np.array([0, 1, 2]), [1, 2, 3]) # The model will be part of a complex model expression, so let's pretend we add another component ui.set_source(regrid_model + const) # Fit and check the result assert_fit(ui, my_model, 1) # Now fit with a different grid. # This is also the important part. regrid_model.grid = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5], np.array([2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) assert_fit(ui, my_model, 0) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_no_overlap(setup): """ If grids do not overlap, issue a warning and return zeros """ ui, my_model, _ = setup # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. Note that there is overlap, but # the start and end p with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as excinfo: my_model.regrid([2, 2.5], [2, 2.5]) assert ModelErr.dict['needsint'] in str(excinfo.value) def test_evaluate_model_on_arbitrary_grid_no_overlap_2d(setup2d): """ In the 2D case, the overlap is way more stringent than in the 1D case, due to the complexity of rebinning """ ui, my_model, _, data = setup2d x, y, _, _, _ = data my_model.x_has_25 = 1 # To force the model to evaluate to something other than 0. # Get a model that evaluates on a different grid # This is the important part. Note that there is overlap, but # the start and end points are different. regrid_model = my_model.regrid([2, 2.5], [2, 2.5]) with pytest.warns(UserWarning): np.testing.assert_array_equal(regrid_model(x, y), [0, 0, 0, 0]) def test_runtime_interp(): def tst_runtime_interp(model, requested, interp): regrid_model = mdl.regrid(requested, interp=interp) yregrid = regrid_model(xgrid) return yregrid xgrid = np.arange(2, 6, 0.1) requested = np.arange(2.5, 5.1, 0.075) mdl = Box1D() mdl.xlow = 3.1 mdl.xhi = 4.2 mdl.ampl = 0.4 yregrid = tst_runtime_interp(mdl, requested, akima.akima) assert 4.4 == approx(yregrid.sum()) yregrid = tst_runtime_interp(mdl, requested, linear_interp) assert 4.4 == approx(yregrid.sum()) yregrid = tst_runtime_interp(mdl, requested, neville) assert - 5.0e6 > yregrid.sum() d = Data1D('tst', xgrid, np.ones_like(xgrid)) yexpected = d.eval_model(mdl) requested = np.arange(2.5, 7, 0.2) rmdl = mdl.regrid(requested) ygot = d.eval_model(rmdl) assert ygot == approx(yexpected) def test_regrid_binaryop_1d(): """issue #762, Cannot regrid a composite model (BinaryOpModel)""" from sherpa.stats import LeastSq from import Fit from sherpa.optmethods import LevMar class MyConst1D(RegriddableModel1D): def __init__(self, name='myconst1d'): self.c0 = Parameter(name, 'c0', 3.1) self.counter = 0 ArithmeticModel.__init__(self, name, (self.c0,)) def calc(self, par, *args, **kwargs): x = args[0] self.counter += x.size return par[0] class MyGauss(RegriddableModel1D): def __init__(self, name='mygauss'): self.sigma = Parameter(name, 'sigma', 10, min=0, max=10) self.pos = Parameter(name, 'pos', 0, min=-10, max=10) self.ampl = Parameter(name, 'ampl', 5) self.counter = 0 ArithmeticModel.__init__(self, name, (self.sigma, self.pos, self.ampl)) def calc(self, par, *args, **kwargs): sigma, pos, ampl = par[0], par[1], par[2] x = args[0] self.counter += x.size return ampl * np.exp(-0.5 * (args[0] - pos)**2 / sigma**2) np.random.seed(0) leastsq = LeastSq() levmar = LevMar() mygauss = MyGauss() myconst = MyConst1D() mymodel = mygauss + myconst x = np.linspace(-5., 5., 5) err = 0.25 y = mymodel(x) + np.random.normal(mygauss.pos.val, err, x.shape) mygauss.counter = 0 myconst.counter = 0 data = Data1D('one', x, y) fit = Fit(data, mymodel, leastsq, levmar) result = assert result.numpoints == x.size assert result.statval < 1.0 assert mygauss.counter == myconst.counter assert (result.nfev + 4) * x.size == mygauss.counter mygauss.counter = 0 myconst.counter = 0 x_regrid = np.linspace(-5., 5., 25) mymodel_regrid = mymodel.regrid(x_regrid) fit = Fit(data, mymodel_regrid, leastsq, levmar) result = assert result.numpoints == x.size assert result.statval < 1.0 assert mygauss.counter == myconst.counter assert (result.nfev + 4) * x_regrid.size == mygauss.counter def test_regrid_binaryop_2d(): y0, x0 = np.mgrid[20:29, 10:20] y0 = y0.flatten() x0 = x0.flatten() gmdl = Gauss2D() gmdl.fwhm = 14 gmdl.xpos = 15 gmdl.ypos = 24 gmdl.ampl = 10 cmdl = Const2D() cmdl.c0 = 4 xr1 = np.arange(10, 20, 1) yr1 = np.arange(20, 29, 1) rmdlg = gmdl.regrid(xr1, yr1) rmdlc = cmdl.regrid(xr1, yr1) shape = y0.shape truthg = gmdl(x0, y0).reshape(shape) truthc = cmdl(x0, y0).reshape(shape) truth = truthg + truthc ans1 = rmdlg(x0, y0).reshape(shape) ans2 = rmdlc(x0, y0).reshape(shape) assert (ans1 == truthg).all() assert (ans2 == truthc).all() rmdl = (gmdl + cmdl).regrid(xr1, yr1) ans3 = rmdl(x0, y0).reshape(shape) assert (ans3 == truth).all() def test_regrid_call_behavior(): class Wrappable1D(model.RegriddableModel1D): def __init__(self, cls, name): self.ncalled = [] # record the number of elements self.baseclass = cls self.baseclass.__init__(self, name) def calc(self, pars, xlo, *args, **kwargs): xlo = np.asarray(xlo) self.ncalled.append((xlo[0], xlo[-1], xlo.size)) return self.baseclass.calc(self, pars, xlo, *args, **kwargs) m1 = Wrappable1D(basic.Const1D, 'm1') m2 = Wrappable1D(basic.Gauss1D, 'm2') m2.pos = 5 xregrid = np.arange(0, 20, 0.2) xdata = np.arange(1.5, 12.5, 0.5) morig = m1 + m2 mwrap = morig.regrid(xregrid) # evaluate the model, we do not check the return value _ = mwrap(xdata) # Check both components were called with the same grid assert m1.ncalled == m2.ncalled # Check that m1 was called with the expected grid (ie that # it is larger than xdata). got = m1.ncalled assert len(got) == 1 minval, maxval, nbins = m1.ncalled[0] assert minval == pytest.approx(0) assert maxval == pytest.approx(19.8) assert nbins > xdata.size assert nbins == 111 class MyModel(RegriddableModel1D): """ A model that returns [100, ] * len(x) if 2.5 is in the input array x """ def __init__(self, name): self.has_25 = Parameter(name, "has_25", 0, min=0, max=1) ArithmeticModel.__init__(self, name, (self.has_25,)) def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def get_center(self): raise NotImplementedError() def set_center(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): x = args[0] if 2.5 not in x: if p[0] == 0: return [100, ] * len(x) else: return [100-p[0] * 100, ] * len(x) if p[0] == 1: return [100, ] * len(x) else: return [p[0]*100, ] * len(x) class MyModel2D(RegriddableModel2D): """ A 2D model that returns [100, ] * len(x) * len(y) if 2.5 is in the input arrays x and y """ def __init__(self, name): self.x_has_25 = Parameter(name, "x_has_25", 0, min=0, max=1) self.y_has_25 = Parameter(name, "y_has_25", 0, min=0, max=1) RegriddableModel2D.__init__(self, name, (self.x_has_25, self.y_has_25)) def guess(self, dep, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def get_center(self): raise NotImplementedError() def set_center(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def calc(self, p, *args, **kwargs): x, y, x_has_25, y_has_25 = args[0], args[1], p[0], p[1] x_eval = np.array(self._eval(x, x_has_25)) y_eval = np.array(self._eval(y, y_has_25)) return (x_eval + y_eval)/2 def _eval(self, array, has_25): if 2.5 not in array: if has_25 == 0: return [100, ] * len(array) else: return [100 - has_25 * 100, ] * len(array) if has_25 == 1: return [100, ] * len(array) else: return [has_25 * 100, ] * len(array) def assert_fit(ui, model, value): try: # 2D, two values len(value) assert model.x_has_25.val == approx(value[0]) assert model.y_has_25.val == approx(value[1]) except TypeError: # 1D, one value assert model.has_25.val == approx(value)
"""WSGI Components This module implements WSGI Components. """ try: from urllib.parse import unquote except ImportError: from urllib import unquote # NOQA from operator import itemgetter from traceback import format_tb from types import GeneratorType from sys import exc_info as _exc_info from import tryimport from circuits.core import handler, BaseComponent StringIO = tryimport(("cStringIO", "StringIO", "io"), "StringIO") from .http import HTTP from .events import request from .headers import Headers from .errors import httperror from circuits.web import wrappers from .dispatchers import Dispatcher def create_environ(errors, path, req): environ = {} env = environ.__setitem__ env("REQUEST_METHOD", req.method) env("SERVER_NAME",":", 1)[0]) env("SERVER_PORT", "%i" % (req.server.port or 0)) env("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "HTTP/%d.%d" % req.server.http.protocol) env("QUERY_STRING", req.qs) env("SCRIPT_NAME", req.script_name) env("CONTENT_TYPE", req.headers.get("Content-Type", "")) env("CONTENT_LENGTH", req.headers.get("Content-Length", "")) env("REMOTE_ADDR", req.remote.ip) env("REMOTE_PORT", "%i" % (req.remote.port or 0)) env("wsgi.version", (1, 0)) env("wsgi.input", req.body) env("wsgi.errors", errors) env("wsgi.multithread", False) env("wsgi.multiprocess", False) env("wsgi.run_once", False) env("wsgi.url_scheme", req.scheme) if req.path: req.script_name = req.path[:len(path)] req.path = req.path[len(path):] env("SCRIPT_NAME", req.script_name) env("PATH_INFO", req.path) for k, v in list(req.headers.items()): env("HTTP_%s" % k.upper().replace("-", "_"), v) return environ class Application(BaseComponent): channel = "web" headerNames = { "HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION": "Authorization", "CONTENT_LENGTH": "Content-Length", "CONTENT_TYPE": "Content-Type", "REMOTE_HOST": "Remote-Host", "REMOTE_ADDR": "Remote-Addr", } def init(self): self._finished = False HTTP(self).register(self) Dispatcher().register(self) def translateHeaders(self, environ): for cgiName in environ: # We assume all incoming header keys are uppercase already. if cgiName in self.headerNames: yield self.headerNames[cgiName], environ[cgiName] elif cgiName[:5] == "HTTP_": # Hackish attempt at recovering original header names. translatedHeader = cgiName[5:].replace("_", "-") yield translatedHeader, environ[cgiName] def getRequestResponse(self, environ): env = environ.get headers = Headers(list(self.translateHeaders(environ))) protocol = tuple(map(int, env("SERVER_PROTOCOL")[5:].split("."))) req = wrappers.Request( None, env("REQUEST_METHOD"), env("wsgi.url_scheme"), env("PATH_INFO", ""), protocol, env("QUERY_STRING", ""), headers=headers ) req.remote = wrappers.Host(env("REMOTE_ADDR"), env("REMTOE_PORT")) req.script_name = env("SCRIPT_NAME") req.wsgi_environ = environ try: cl = int(headers.get("Content-Length", "0")) except: cl = 0 req.body.write(env("wsgi.input").read(cl)) res = wrappers.Response(req) res.gzip = "gzip" in req.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "") return req, res def __call__(self, environ, start_response, exc_info=None): self.request, self.response = self.getRequestResponse(environ), self.response)) self._finished = False while self or not self._finished: self.tick() self.response.prepare() body = self.response.body status = self.response.status headers = list(self.response.headers.items()) start_response(str(status), headers, exc_info) return body @handler("response", channel="web") def response(self, event, response): self._finished = True event.stop() @property def host(self): return "" @property def port(self): return 0 @property def secure(self): return False class _Empty(str): def __bool__(self): return True __nonzero__ = __bool__ empty = _Empty() del _Empty class Gateway(BaseComponent): channel = "web" def init(self, apps): self.apps = apps self.errors = dict((k, StringIO()) for k in self.apps.keys()) @handler("request", priority=0.2) def _on_request(self, event, req, res): if not self.apps: return parts = req.path.split("/") candidates = [] for i in range(len(parts)): k = "/".join(parts[:(i + 1)]) or "/" if k in self.apps: candidates.append((k, self.apps[k])) candidates = sorted(candidates, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True) if not candidates: return path, app = candidates[0] buffer = StringIO() def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): res.status = int(status.split(" ", 1)[0]) for header in headers: res.headers.add_header(*header) return buffer.write errors = self.errors[path] environ = create_environ(errors, path, req) try: body = app(environ, start_response) if isinstance(body, list): body = "".join(body) elif isinstance(body, GeneratorType): res.body = body = True return res if not body: if not buffer.tell(): return empty else: return buffer else: return body except Exception as error: etype, evalue, etraceback = _exc_info() error = (etype, evalue, format_tb(etraceback)) return httperror(req, res, 500, error=error) finally: event.stop()
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """Module for defining report element classes. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .base import * __all__ = __features__ = ["Code", "Footer", "Header", "Table", "Section", "Text", "Title"] HEAD_CSS = "@%(pos)s-left{%(left)s};@%(pos)s-center{%(center)s};@%(pos)s-righ" \ "t{%(right)s};" class Footer(Element): """ This class represents the footer of a report. """ pos = "bottom" def __init__(self, left="", center="", right=""): self.pos = self.__class__.pos if self.pos == "bottom" and center == "": center = "\" counter(page) \"/\" counter(pages) \"" for elm in ["left", "center", "right"]: val = locals()[elm] if isinstance(val, string_types): val = Text(val, size=9) if isinstance(val, Text): setattr(self, elm, val.css()) @output def css(self, text=TEXT): return HEAD_CSS % self.__dict__ class Header(Footer): """ This class represents the header of a report. """ pos = "top" class Table(Element): """ This class represents a table. """ filename = "table" def __init__(self, data, col_headers=None, row_headers=None): array = np.array(data) if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) else data kw = {} if col_headers is not None: kw['columns'] = col_headers if row_headers is not None: kw['index'] = row_headers self._data = pd.DataFrame(data, **kw) @output def csv(self, text=TEXT, sep=',', index=True, float_fmt="%.2g"): """ Generate a CSV table from the table data. """ return self._data.to_csv(sep=sep, index=index, float_format=float_fmt) @output def html(self, text=TEXT): """ Generate an HTML table from the table data. """ return self._data.to_html() @output def json(self, text=TEXT): """ Generate a JSON object form the table data. """ return self._data.to_json(orient='index') @output def md(self, text=TEXT, float_format="%.2g"): """ Generate Markdown from the table data. """ cols = self._data.columns hl = pd.DataFrame([["---"] * len(cols)], index=["---"], columns=cols) df = pd.concat([hl, self._data]) return df.to_csv(sep='|', index=True, float_format=float_format) @output def xml(self, text=TEXT): """ Generate an XML output from the report data. """ def convert(line): xml = " <item>\n" for f in line.index: xml += " <field name=\"%s\">%s</field>\n" % (f, line[f]) xml += " </item>\n" return xml return "<items>\n" + '\n'.join(self._data.apply(convert, axis=1)) + \ "</items>" class Text(Element): """ Text area report element. """ def __init__(self, content, size="12", style="normal", color="black", tag="p"): self.content = content self.tag = tag = "font-size:%(size)spx;font-style:%(style)s;color:" \ "%(color)s;" % locals() @output def css(self, text=TEXT): return 'content:"%(content)s";%(style)s' % self.__dict__ @output def html(self, text=TEXT): return ('<%(tag)s style="%(style)s">%(content)s</%(tag)s>' % \ self.__dict__).replace("\n", "<br>") @output def md(self, text=TEXT): return self.content class Code(Text): """ Code block report element. """ def __init__(self, code, size="10", style="normal", color="grey", language=None, hl_lines=None): super(Code, self).__init__(code, size, style, color, "pre") self.language = language self.hl_lines = hl_lines @output def html(self, text=TEXT): s = "<pre" if self.language: s += ' class="%s hljs"' % self.language s += ' style="%s">' % return s + str(self.content).replace("\n", "<br>") + "</pre>" @output def md(self, text=TEXT): s = "```" if self.language: s += self.language if self.hl_lines: s += " hl_lines=\"%s\"" % self.hl_lines return s + "\n%s\n```" % self.content class Title(Text): """ Title report element. """ def __init__(self, title, style="normal", color="black", tag="h1"): self.content = title self.tag = tag = "font-style:%(style)s;color:%(color)s;" % locals() @output def md(self, text=TEXT): i = self.tag[-1] if not i.isdigit(): raise ValueError("Title tag should be \"h[1-6]\"") return "%(prefix)s %(content)s" % {'prefix': "#" * int(i), 'content': self.content} class Section(Title): """ Section report element. """ def __init__(self, title, style="normal", color="black", tag="h2"): super(Section, self).__init__(title, style, color, tag)
#!/usr/bin/env python class DiscUsage(object): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually.""" def __init__(self): """ Attributes: swaggerTypes (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is attribute type. attributeMap (dict): The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition. """ self.swaggerTypes = { 'UsedSize': 'long', 'TotalSize': 'long' } self.attributeMap = { 'UsedSize': 'UsedSize','TotalSize': 'TotalSize'} self.UsedSize = None # long self.TotalSize = None # long
#!/usr/bin/python #============================ adjust path ===================================== import sys import os if __name__ == '__main__': here = sys.path[0] sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(here, '..')) #============================ imports ========================================= import Tkinter import dustGuiLib import dustFrame from dustStyle import dustStyle from SmartMeshSDK import ApiException #============================ defines ========================================= WELL_KNOWN_ADDR_MANAGER = 'ff020000000000000000000000000002' DEFAULT_DEST_PORT = '61000' DEFAULT_HOST_ADDR = '20010470006600170000000000000002' #============================ body ============================================ class dustFrameSensorTx(dustFrame.dustFrame): ERROR = 'error' NOERROR = 'noerror' def __init__(self,parentElem,guiLock,frameName="sensor",row=0,column=0): # record params # local variables self.connector = None self.payloadCounter = 0 # init parent dustFrame.dustFrame.__init__(self,parentElem,guiLock,frameName,row,column) #row 0: slide self.slide = Tkinter.Scale(self.container, from_=0, to=0xffff, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL) self._add(self.slide,0,0,columnspan=3) #row 1: label temp = dustGuiLib.Label(self.container, text='destination IPv6 address') self._add(temp,1,0) temp.configure(font=dustStyle.FONT_HEADER) temp = dustGuiLib.Label(self.container, text='dest. UDP port') self._add(temp,1,1) temp.configure(font=dustStyle.FONT_HEADER) #row 2: send to manager temp = dustGuiLib.Label(self.container, text=WELL_KNOWN_ADDR_MANAGER) self._add(temp,2,0) self.mgrPortText = dustGuiLib.Text(self.container, width=6, height=1) self.mgrPortText.insert(1.0,DEFAULT_DEST_PORT) self._add(self.mgrPortText,2,1) self.mgrButton = dustGuiLib.Button(self.container, text='send to manager', state=Tkinter.DISABLED, command=self._sendMgr) self._add(self.mgrButton,2,2) #row 3: send to host self.hostAddrText = dustGuiLib.Text(self.container, width=35, height=1) self.hostAddrText.insert(1.0,DEFAULT_HOST_ADDR) self._add(self.hostAddrText,3,0) self.hostPortText = dustGuiLib.Text(self.container, width=6, height=1) self.hostPortText.insert(1.0,DEFAULT_DEST_PORT) self._add(self.hostPortText,3,1) self.hostButton = dustGuiLib.Button(self.container, text='send to host', state=Tkinter.DISABLED, command=self._sendHost) self._add(self.hostButton,3,2) #row 4: status self.statusLabel = dustGuiLib.Label(self.container) self._add(self.statusLabel,4,0,columnspan=3) #======================== public ========================================== def activate(self,connector,socketId): # store params self.connector = connector self.socketId = socketId # enable send buttons self.mgrButton.config(state=Tkinter.NORMAL) self.hostButton.config(state=Tkinter.NORMAL) def disactivate(self): # forget about the connector self.connector = None # disable send buttons self.mgrButton.config(state=Tkinter.DISABLED) self.hostButton.config(state=Tkinter.DISABLED) #======================== private ========================================= def _sendMgr(self): destAddr = WELL_KNOWN_ADDR_MANAGER destPort = int(self.mgrPortText.get(1.0,Tkinter.END).strip()) self._sendInternal(destAddr,destPort) def _sendHost(self): destAddr = self.hostAddrText.get(1.0,Tkinter.END).strip() try: destPort = int(self.hostPortText.get(1.0,Tkinter.END).strip()) except ValueError: self._printStatus(self.ERROR,"invalid port number") self._sendInternal(destAddr,destPort) #======================== helpers ========================================= def _sendInternal(self,destAddrString,destPort): # format destAddr destAddr = [] destAddrString = ''.join( destAddrString.split(" ") ) if len(destAddrString)%2!=0: self._printStatus(self.ERROR,"destination address is not a even number of characters") return try: for i in range(0, len(destAddrString), 2): destAddr.append( int(destAddrString[i:i+2],16) ) except ValueError: self._printStatus(self.ERROR,"destination address not hexadecimal numbers") return # prepare sensor data sensorValRaw = self.slide.get() sensorVal = [(sensorValRaw>>8)%256,(sensorValRaw>>0)%256] try: res = self.connector.dn_sendTo( self.socketId, destAddr, destPort, 0, 1, self.payloadCounter, sensorVal ) self.payloadCounter += 1 except ApiException.APIError as err: self._printStatus(self.ERROR,str(err)) else: assert(res.RC==0) self._printStatus(self.NOERROR,"Sent succesfully") def _printStatus(self,errorLevel,statusText): self.statusLabel.config(text=statusText) if errorLevel in [self.NOERROR]: self.statusLabel.config(bg=dustStyle.COLOR_NOERROR) elif errorLevel in [self.ERROR]: self.statusLabel.config(bg=dustStyle.COLOR_ERROR) else: raise ValueError("unknown errorLevel {0}".format(errorLevel)) #============================ sample app ====================================== # The following gets called only if you run this module as a standalone app, by # double-clicking on this source file. This code is NOT executed when importing # this module is a larger application # class exampleApp(object): def __init__(self): self.window = dustWindow("dustFrameSensorTx", self._closeCb) self.guiLock = threading.Lock() self.frame = dustFrameSensorTx( self.window, self.guiLock, row=0,column=0) self.window.mainloop() def _closeCb(self): print " _closeCb called" if __name__ == '__main__': import threading from dustWindow import dustWindow exampleApp()
import _plotly_utils.basevalidators class FamilyValidator(_plotly_utils.basevalidators.StringValidator): def __init__( self, plotly_name="family", parent_name="scatter3d.legendgrouptitle.font", **kwargs ): super(FamilyValidator, self).__init__( plotly_name=plotly_name, parent_name=parent_name, edit_type=kwargs.pop("edit_type", "style"), no_blank=kwargs.pop("no_blank", True), strict=kwargs.pop("strict", True), **kwargs )
"""Computes active users over the last one year.""" import datetime import logging import isoweek import luigi from import MapReduceJobTask, MapReduceJobTaskMixin from import EventLogSelectionDownstreamMixin, EventLogSelectionMixin from import IncrementalVerticaCopyTask, VerticaCopyTaskMixin from import eventlog from import BareHiveTableTask, HivePartitionTask, WarehouseMixin from import OverwriteOutputMixin from import get_target_from_url from import WeeklyIntervalMixin log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ActiveUsersDownstreamMixin( WarehouseMixin, OverwriteOutputMixin, MapReduceJobTaskMixin, EventLogSelectionDownstreamMixin): """Common parameters needed for the workflow.""" pass class ActiveUsersTask(ActiveUsersDownstreamMixin, EventLogSelectionMixin, MapReduceJobTask): """Task to compute active users.""" def mapper(self, line): value = self.get_event_and_date_string(line) if value is None: return event, date_string = value username = eventlog.get_event_username(event) if not username: log.error("Encountered event with no username: %s", event) self.incr_counter('Active Users last year', 'Discard Event Missing username', 1) return date =*[int(x) for x in date_string.split('-')]) iso_year, iso_weekofyear, _iso_weekday = date.isocalendar() week = isoweek.Week(iso_year, iso_weekofyear) start_date = week.monday().isoformat() end_date = (week.sunday() + datetime.timedelta(1)).isoformat() yield (start_date, end_date, username), 1 def reducer(self, key, _values): yield key def output(self): output_url = self.hive_partition_path('active_users_per_week', self.interval.date_b) return get_target_from_url(output_url) def run(self): self.remove_output_on_overwrite() super(ActiveUsersTask, self).run() def extra_modules(self): import isoweek return [isoweek] class ActiveUsersTableTask(BareHiveTableTask): """Hive table that stores the active users over time.""" @property def partition_by(self): return 'dt' @property def table(self): return 'active_users_per_week' @property def columns(self): return [ ('start_date', 'STRING'), ('end_date', 'STRING'), ('username', 'STRING'), ] class ActiveUsersPartitionTask(ActiveUsersDownstreamMixin, HivePartitionTask): """Creates hive table partition to hold active users data.""" @property def hive_table_task(self): # pragma: no cover return ActiveUsersTableTask( warehouse_path=self.warehouse_path, ) @property def partition_value(self): """ Use a dynamic partition value based on the interval end date. """ return self.interval.date_b.isoformat() @property def data_task(self): return ActiveUsersTask( mapreduce_engine=self.mapreduce_engine, n_reduce_tasks=self.n_reduce_tasks, source=self.source, pattern=self.pattern, warehouse_path=self.warehouse_path, interval=self.interval, overwrite=self.overwrite, ) class LoadInternalReportingActiveUsersToWarehouse(WeeklyIntervalMixin, ActiveUsersDownstreamMixin, IncrementalVerticaCopyTask): """Loads the active_users_this_year hive table into Vertica warehouse.""" HIVE_TABLE = 'active_users_per_week' @property def record_filter(self): return "start_date='{start_date}' and end_date='{end_date}'".format( start_date=self.interval.date_a.isoformat(), end_date=self.interval.date_b.isoformat() ) def update_id(self): return '{task_name}(start_date={start_date},end_date={end_date})'.format( task_name=self.task_family, start_date=self.interval.date_a.isoformat(), end_date=self.interval.date_b.isoformat() ) @property def insert_source_task(self): return ActiveUsersPartitionTask( interval=self.interval, n_reduce_tasks=self.n_reduce_tasks, warehouse_path=self.warehouse_path, overwrite=self.overwrite, ).data_task @property def table(self): return 'f_active_users_per_week' @property def auto_primary_key(self): return None @property def default_columns(self): """List of tuples defining name and definition of automatically-filled columns.""" return None @property def columns(self): return [ ('start_date', 'DATE'), ('end_date', 'DATE'), ('username', 'VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL'), ] class ActiveUsersWorkflow(ActiveUsersDownstreamMixin, VerticaCopyTaskMixin, luigi.WrapperTask): date = luigi.DateParameter() overwrite_n_weeks = luigi.IntParameter(default=1) interval = None def requires(self): kwargs = { 'schema': self.schema, 'credentials': self.credentials, 'weeks': 1, 'warehouse_path': self.warehouse_path, 'n_reduce_tasks': self.n_reduce_tasks, } yield LoadInternalReportingActiveUsersToWarehouse(, overwrite=self.overwrite, **kwargs ) weeks_to_overwrite = self.overwrite_n_weeks end_date = while weeks_to_overwrite > 0: end_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(weeks=1) yield LoadInternalReportingActiveUsersToWarehouse( end_date=end_date, overwrite=True, **kwargs ) weeks_to_overwrite -= 1 def complete(self): # OverwriteOutputMixin changes the complete() method behavior, so we override it. return all(r.complete() for r in luigi.task.flatten(self.requires()))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import mock import grpc from grpc.experimental import aio from import Iterable import json import math import pytest from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule from requests import Response from requests import Request, PreparedRequest from requests.sessions import Session from google.api_core import client_options from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions from google.api_core import gapic_v1 from google.api_core import grpc_helpers from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async from google.api_core import path_template from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError from import ( RegionBackendServicesClient, ) from import pagers from import transports from import compute from google.oauth2 import service_account import google.auth def client_cert_source_callback(): return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" # If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. # This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different # mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. def modify_default_endpoint(client): return ( "" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT ) def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): api_endpoint = "" api_mtls_endpoint = "" sandbox_endpoint = "" sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "" non_googleapi = "" assert RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None assert ( RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint ) assert ( RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint ) assert ( RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint ) assert ( RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint ) assert ( RegionBackendServicesClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_name", [(RegionBackendServicesClient, "rest"),] ) def test_region_backend_services_client_from_service_account_info( client_class, transport_name ): creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() with mock.patch.object( service_account.Credentials, "from_service_account_info" ) as factory: factory.return_value = creds info = {"valid": True} client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info, transport=transport_name) assert client.transport._credentials == creds assert isinstance(client, client_class) assert client.transport._host == ( "{}".format(":443") if transport_name in ["grpc", "grpc_asyncio"] else "https://{}".format("") ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transport_class,transport_name", [(transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest"),], ) def test_region_backend_services_client_service_account_always_use_jwt( transport_class, transport_name ): with mock.patch.object( service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access", create=True ) as use_jwt: creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) with mock.patch.object( service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access", create=True ) as use_jwt: creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) use_jwt.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_name", [(RegionBackendServicesClient, "rest"),] ) def test_region_backend_services_client_from_service_account_file( client_class, transport_name ): creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() with mock.patch.object( service_account.Credentials, "from_service_account_file" ) as factory: factory.return_value = creds client = client_class.from_service_account_file( "dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name ) assert client.transport._credentials == creds assert isinstance(client, client_class) client = client_class.from_service_account_json( "dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name ) assert client.transport._credentials == creds assert isinstance(client, client_class) assert client.transport._host == ( "{}".format(":443") if transport_name in ["grpc", "grpc_asyncio"] else "https://{}".format("") ) def test_region_backend_services_client_get_transport_class(): transport = RegionBackendServicesClient.get_transport_class() available_transports = [ transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, ] assert transport in available_transports transport = RegionBackendServicesClient.get_transport_class("rest") assert transport == transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ ( RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest", ), ], ) @mock.patch.object( RegionBackendServicesClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(RegionBackendServicesClient), ) def test_region_backend_services_client_client_options( client_class, transport_class, transport_name ): # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. with mock.patch.object(RegionBackendServicesClient, "get_transport_class") as gtc: transport = transport_class(credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials()) client = client_class(transport=transport) gtc.assert_not_called() # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. with mock.patch.object(RegionBackendServicesClient, "get_transport_class") as gtc: client = client_class(transport=transport_name) gtc.assert_called() # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host="squid.clam.whelk", scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is # "never". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is # "always". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has # unsupported value. with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): client = client_class(transport=transport_name) # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. with mock.patch.dict( os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"} ): with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = client_class(transport=transport_name) # Check the case quota_project_id is provided options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id="octopus", client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ ( RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest", "true", ), ( RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest", "false", ), ], ) @mock.patch.object( RegionBackendServicesClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(RegionBackendServicesClient), ) @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) def test_region_backend_services_client_mtls_env_auto( client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env ): # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. with mock.patch.dict( os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env} ): options = client_options.ClientOptions( client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback ) with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) if use_client_cert_env == "false": expected_client_cert_source = None expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT else: expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=expected_host, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. with mock.patch.dict( os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env} ): with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=True, ): with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source", return_value=client_cert_source_callback, ): if use_client_cert_env == "false": expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT expected_client_cert_source = None else: expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback patched.return_value = None client = client_class(transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=expected_host, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. with mock.patch.dict( os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env} ): with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False, ): patched.return_value = None client = client_class(transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [RegionBackendServicesClient]) @mock.patch.object( RegionBackendServicesClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(RegionBackendServicesClient), ) def test_region_backend_services_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): mock_api_endpoint = "foo" options = client_options.ClientOptions( client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint ) api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source( options ) assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() mock_api_endpoint = "foo" options = client_options.ClientOptions( client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint ) api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source( options ) assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint assert cert_source is None # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT assert cert_source is None # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT assert cert_source is None # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False, ): api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT assert cert_source is None # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=True, ): with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source", return_value=mock_client_cert_source, ): ( api_endpoint, cert_source, ) = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ ( RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest", ), ], ) def test_region_backend_services_client_client_options_scopes( client_class, transport_class, transport_name ): # Check the case scopes are provided. options = client_options.ClientOptions(scopes=["1", "2"],) with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=["1", "2"], client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ ( RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport, "rest", None, ), ], ) def test_region_backend_services_client_client_options_credentials_file( client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers ): # Check the case credentials file is provided. options = client_options.ClientOptions(credentials_file="credentials.json") with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=None, credentials_file="credentials.json", host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_delete_unary_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation( client_operation_id="client_operation_id_value", creation_timestamp="creation_timestamp_value", description="description_value", end_time="end_time_value", http_error_message="http_error_message_value", http_error_status_code=2374, id=205, insert_time="insert_time_value", kind="kind_value", name="name_value", operation_group_id="operation_group_id_value", operation_type="operation_type_value", progress=885, region="region_value", self_link="self_link_value", start_time="start_time_value", status=compute.Operation.Status.DONE, status_message="status_message_value", target_id=947, target_link="target_link_value", user="user_value", zone="zone_value", ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.delete_unary(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.Operation) assert response.client_operation_id == "client_operation_id_value" assert response.creation_timestamp == "creation_timestamp_value" assert response.description == "description_value" assert response.end_time == "end_time_value" assert response.http_error_message == "http_error_message_value" assert response.http_error_status_code == 2374 assert == 205 assert response.insert_time == "insert_time_value" assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert == "name_value" assert response.operation_group_id == "operation_group_id_value" assert response.operation_type == "operation_type_value" assert response.progress == 885 assert response.region == "region_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" assert response.start_time == "start_time_value" assert response.status == compute.Operation.Status.DONE assert response.status_message == "status_message_value" assert response.target_id == 947 assert response.target_link == "target_link_value" assert response.user == "user_value" assert == "zone_value" def test_delete_unary_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["backend_service"] = "" request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).delete._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["backendService"] = "backend_service_value" jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).delete._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) # Check that path parameters and body parameters are not mixing in. assert not set(unset_fields) - set(("request_id",)) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "backendService" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["backendService"] == "backend_service_value" assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "delete", "query_params": request_init, } transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.delete_unary(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_delete_unary_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.delete._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(("requestId",)) & set(("backendService", "project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_delete_unary_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_delete" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_delete" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.Operation.to_json(compute.Operation()) request = compute.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.Operation client.delete_unary( request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),] ) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_delete_unary_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.delete_unary(request) def test_delete_unary_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.delete_unary(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices/{backend_service}" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_delete_unary_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.delete_unary( compute.DeleteRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", ) def test_delete_unary_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_get_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432, creation_timestamp="creation_timestamp_value", custom_request_headers=["custom_request_headers_value"], custom_response_headers=["custom_response_headers_value"], description="description_value", edge_security_policy="edge_security_policy_value", enable_c_d_n=True, fingerprint="fingerprint_value", health_checks=["health_checks_value"], id=205, kind="kind_value", load_balancing_scheme="load_balancing_scheme_value", locality_lb_policy="locality_lb_policy_value", name="name_value", network="network_value", port=453, port_name="port_name_value", protocol="protocol_value", region="region_value", security_policy="security_policy_value", self_link="self_link_value", session_affinity="session_affinity_value", timeout_sec=1185, ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendService.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.get(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.BackendService) assert response.affinity_cookie_ttl_sec == 2432 assert response.creation_timestamp == "creation_timestamp_value" assert response.custom_request_headers == ["custom_request_headers_value"] assert response.custom_response_headers == ["custom_response_headers_value"] assert response.description == "description_value" assert response.edge_security_policy == "edge_security_policy_value" assert response.enable_c_d_n is True assert response.fingerprint == "fingerprint_value" assert response.health_checks == ["health_checks_value"] assert == 205 assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert response.load_balancing_scheme == "load_balancing_scheme_value" assert response.locality_lb_policy == "locality_lb_policy_value" assert == "name_value" assert == "network_value" assert response.port == 453 assert response.port_name == "port_name_value" assert response.protocol == "protocol_value" assert response.region == "region_value" assert response.security_policy == "security_policy_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" assert response.session_affinity == "session_affinity_value" assert response.timeout_sec == 1185 def test_get_rest_required_fields(request_type=compute.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["backend_service"] = "" request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).get._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["backendService"] = "backend_service_value" jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).get._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "backendService" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["backendService"] == "backend_service_value" assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendService() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "get", "query_params": request_init, } transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendService.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.get(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_get_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.get._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(()) & set(("backendService", "project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_get_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_get" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_get" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.BackendService.to_json( compute.BackendService() ) request = compute.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.BackendService client.get(request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),]) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_get_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.get(request) def test_get_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendService() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendService.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.get(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices/{backend_service}" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_get_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.get( compute.GetRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", ) def test_get_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_get_health_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["resource_group_reference_resource"] = {"group": "group_value"} request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth(kind="kind_value",) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.get_health(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth) assert response.kind == "kind_value" def test_get_health_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["backend_service"] = "" request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).get_health._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["backendService"] = "backend_service_value" jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).get_health._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "backendService" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["backendService"] == "backend_service_value" assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "post", "query_params": request_init, } transcode_result["body"] = {} transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.get_health(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_get_health_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.get_health._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(()) & set( ("backendService", "project", "region", "resourceGroupReferenceResource",) ) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_get_health_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_get_health" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_get_health" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth.to_json( compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth() ) request = compute.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth client.get_health(request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),]) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_get_health_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["resource_group_reference_resource"] = {"group": "group_value"} request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.get_health(request) def test_get_health_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", resource_group_reference_resource=compute.ResourceGroupReference( group="group_value" ), ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceGroupHealth.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.get_health(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices/{backend_service}/getHealth" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_get_health_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.get_health( compute.GetHealthRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", resource_group_reference_resource=compute.ResourceGroupReference( group="group_value" ), ) def test_get_health_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_insert_unary_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation( client_operation_id="client_operation_id_value", creation_timestamp="creation_timestamp_value", description="description_value", end_time="end_time_value", http_error_message="http_error_message_value", http_error_status_code=2374, id=205, insert_time="insert_time_value", kind="kind_value", name="name_value", operation_group_id="operation_group_id_value", operation_type="operation_type_value", progress=885, region="region_value", self_link="self_link_value", start_time="start_time_value", status=compute.Operation.Status.DONE, status_message="status_message_value", target_id=947, target_link="target_link_value", user="user_value", zone="zone_value", ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.insert_unary(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.Operation) assert response.client_operation_id == "client_operation_id_value" assert response.creation_timestamp == "creation_timestamp_value" assert response.description == "description_value" assert response.end_time == "end_time_value" assert response.http_error_message == "http_error_message_value" assert response.http_error_status_code == 2374 assert == 205 assert response.insert_time == "insert_time_value" assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert == "name_value" assert response.operation_group_id == "operation_group_id_value" assert response.operation_type == "operation_type_value" assert response.progress == 885 assert response.region == "region_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" assert response.start_time == "start_time_value" assert response.status == compute.Operation.Status.DONE assert response.status_message == "status_message_value" assert response.target_id == 947 assert response.target_link == "target_link_value" assert response.user == "user_value" assert == "zone_value" def test_insert_unary_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).insert._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).insert._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) # Check that path parameters and body parameters are not mixing in. assert not set(unset_fields) - set(("request_id",)) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "post", "query_params": request_init, } transcode_result["body"] = {} transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.insert_unary(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_insert_unary_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.insert._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(("requestId",)) & set(("backendServiceResource", "project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_insert_unary_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_insert" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_insert" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.Operation.to_json(compute.Operation()) request = compute.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.Operation client.insert_unary( request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),] ) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_insert_unary_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.insert_unary(request) def test_insert_unary_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.insert_unary(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_insert_unary_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.insert_unary( compute.InsertRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) def test_insert_unary_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest, dict,] ) def test_list_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceList( id="id_value", kind="kind_value", next_page_token="next_page_token_value", self_link="self_link_value", ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceList.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.list(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListPager) assert == "id_value" assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert response.next_page_token == "next_page_token_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" def test_list_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).list._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).list._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) # Check that path parameters and body parameters are not mixing in. assert not set(unset_fields) - set( ("filter", "max_results", "order_by", "page_token", "return_partial_success",) ) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceList() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "get", "query_params": request_init, } transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceList.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.list(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_list_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.list._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(("filter", "maxResults", "orderBy", "pageToken", "returnPartialSuccess",)) & set(("project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_list_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_list" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_list" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.BackendServiceList.to_json( compute.BackendServiceList() ) request = compute.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.BackendServiceList client.list(request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),]) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_list_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.list(request) def test_list_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.BackendServiceList() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict(project="project_value", region="region_value",) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.BackendServiceList.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.list(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_list_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.list( compute.ListRegionBackendServicesRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", ) def test_list_rest_pager(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # TODO(kbandes): remove this mock unless there's a good reason for it. # with mock.patch.object(path_template, 'transcode') as transcode: # Set the response as a series of pages response = ( compute.BackendServiceList( items=[ compute.BackendService(), compute.BackendService(), compute.BackendService(), ], next_page_token="abc", ), compute.BackendServiceList(items=[], next_page_token="def",), compute.BackendServiceList( items=[compute.BackendService(),], next_page_token="ghi", ), compute.BackendServiceList( items=[compute.BackendService(), compute.BackendService(),], ), ) # Two responses for two calls response = response + response # Wrap the values into proper Response objs response = tuple(compute.BackendServiceList.to_json(x) for x in response) return_values = tuple(Response() for i in response) for return_val, response_val in zip(return_values, response): return_val._content = response_val.encode("UTF-8") return_val.status_code = 200 req.side_effect = return_values sample_request = {"project": "sample1", "region": "sample2"} pager = client.list(request=sample_request) results = list(pager) assert len(results) == 6 assert all(isinstance(i, compute.BackendService) for i in results) pages = list(client.list(request=sample_request).pages) for page_, token in zip(pages, ["abc", "def", "ghi", ""]): assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_patch_unary_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation( client_operation_id="client_operation_id_value", creation_timestamp="creation_timestamp_value", description="description_value", end_time="end_time_value", http_error_message="http_error_message_value", http_error_status_code=2374, id=205, insert_time="insert_time_value", kind="kind_value", name="name_value", operation_group_id="operation_group_id_value", operation_type="operation_type_value", progress=885, region="region_value", self_link="self_link_value", start_time="start_time_value", status=compute.Operation.Status.DONE, status_message="status_message_value", target_id=947, target_link="target_link_value", user="user_value", zone="zone_value", ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.patch_unary(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.Operation) assert response.client_operation_id == "client_operation_id_value" assert response.creation_timestamp == "creation_timestamp_value" assert response.description == "description_value" assert response.end_time == "end_time_value" assert response.http_error_message == "http_error_message_value" assert response.http_error_status_code == 2374 assert == 205 assert response.insert_time == "insert_time_value" assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert == "name_value" assert response.operation_group_id == "operation_group_id_value" assert response.operation_type == "operation_type_value" assert response.progress == 885 assert response.region == "region_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" assert response.start_time == "start_time_value" assert response.status == compute.Operation.Status.DONE assert response.status_message == "status_message_value" assert response.target_id == 947 assert response.target_link == "target_link_value" assert response.user == "user_value" assert == "zone_value" def test_patch_unary_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["backend_service"] = "" request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).patch._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["backendService"] = "backend_service_value" jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).patch._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) # Check that path parameters and body parameters are not mixing in. assert not set(unset_fields) - set(("request_id",)) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "backendService" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["backendService"] == "backend_service_value" assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "patch", "query_params": request_init, } transcode_result["body"] = {} transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.patch_unary(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_patch_unary_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.patch._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(("requestId",)) & set(("backendService", "backendServiceResource", "project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_patch_unary_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_patch" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_patch" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.Operation.to_json(compute.Operation()) request = compute.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.Operation client.patch_unary(request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),]) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_patch_unary_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.patch_unary(request) def test_patch_unary_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.patch_unary(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices/{backend_service}" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_patch_unary_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.patch_unary( compute.PatchRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) def test_patch_unary_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "request_type", [compute.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest, dict,] ) def test_update_unary_rest(request_type): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation( client_operation_id="client_operation_id_value", creation_timestamp="creation_timestamp_value", description="description_value", end_time="end_time_value", http_error_message="http_error_message_value", http_error_status_code=2374, id=205, insert_time="insert_time_value", kind="kind_value", name="name_value", operation_group_id="operation_group_id_value", operation_type="operation_type_value", progress=885, region="region_value", self_link="self_link_value", start_time="start_time_value", status=compute.Operation.Status.DONE, status_message="status_message_value", target_id=947, target_link="target_link_value", user="user_value", zone="zone_value", ) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.update_unary(request) # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, compute.Operation) assert response.client_operation_id == "client_operation_id_value" assert response.creation_timestamp == "creation_timestamp_value" assert response.description == "description_value" assert response.end_time == "end_time_value" assert response.http_error_message == "http_error_message_value" assert response.http_error_status_code == 2374 assert == 205 assert response.insert_time == "insert_time_value" assert response.kind == "kind_value" assert == "name_value" assert response.operation_group_id == "operation_group_id_value" assert response.operation_type == "operation_type_value" assert response.progress == 885 assert response.region == "region_value" assert response.self_link == "self_link_value" assert response.start_time == "start_time_value" assert response.status == compute.Operation.Status.DONE assert response.status_message == "status_message_value" assert response.target_id == 947 assert response.target_link == "target_link_value" assert response.user == "user_value" assert == "zone_value" def test_update_unary_rest_required_fields( request_type=compute.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest, ): transport_class = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport request_init = {} request_init["backend_service"] = "" request_init["project"] = "" request_init["region"] = "" request = request_type(request_init) jsonified_request = json.loads( request_type.to_json( request, including_default_value_fields=False, use_integers_for_enums=False ) ) # verify fields with default values are dropped unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).update._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with default values are now present jsonified_request["backendService"] = "backend_service_value" jsonified_request["project"] = "project_value" jsonified_request["region"] = "region_value" unset_fields = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ).update._get_unset_required_fields(jsonified_request) # Check that path parameters and body parameters are not mixing in. assert not set(unset_fields) - set(("request_id",)) jsonified_request.update(unset_fields) # verify required fields with non-default values are left alone assert "backendService" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["backendService"] == "backend_service_value" assert "project" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["project"] == "project_value" assert "region" in jsonified_request assert jsonified_request["region"] == "region_value" client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) request = request_type(request_init) # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req: # We need to mock transcode() because providing default values # for required fields will fail the real version if the http_options # expect actual values for those fields. with mock.patch.object(path_template, "transcode") as transcode: # A uri without fields and an empty body will force all the # request fields to show up in the query_params. transcode_result = { "uri": "v1/sample_method", "method": "put", "query_params": request_init, } transcode_result["body"] = {} transcode.return_value = transcode_result response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value response = client.update_unary(request) expected_params = [] actual_params = req.call_args.kwargs["params"] assert expected_params == actual_params def test_update_unary_rest_unset_required_fields(): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials ) unset_fields = transport.update._get_unset_required_fields({}) assert set(unset_fields) == ( set(("requestId",)) & set(("backendService", "backendServiceResource", "project", "region",)) ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("null_interceptor", [True, False]) def test_update_unary_rest_interceptors(null_interceptor): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), interceptor=None if null_interceptor else transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) with mock.patch.object( type(client.transport._session), "request" ) as req, mock.patch.object( path_template, "transcode" ) as transcode, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "post_update" ) as post, mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesRestInterceptor, "pre_update" ) as pre: pre.assert_not_called() post.assert_not_called() transcode.return_value = { "method": "post", "uri": "my_uri", "body": None, "query_params": {}, } req.return_value = Response() req.return_value.status_code = 200 req.return_value.request = PreparedRequest() req.return_value._content = compute.Operation.to_json(compute.Operation()) request = compute.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest() metadata = [ ("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"), ] pre.return_value = request, metadata post.return_value = compute.Operation client.update_unary( request, metadata=[("key", "val"), ("cephalopod", "squid"),] ) pre.assert_called_once() post.assert_called_once() def test_update_unary_rest_bad_request( transport: str = "rest", request_type=compute.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest ): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # send a request that will satisfy transcoding request_init = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } request_init["backend_service_resource"] = { "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec": 2432, "backends": [ { "balancing_mode": "balancing_mode_value", "capacity_scaler": 0.1575, "description": "description_value", "failover": True, "group": "group_value", "max_connections": 1608, "max_connections_per_endpoint": 2990, "max_connections_per_instance": 2978, "max_rate": 849, "max_rate_per_endpoint": 0.22310000000000002, "max_rate_per_instance": 0.22190000000000001, "max_utilization": 0.1633, } ], "cdn_policy": { "bypass_cache_on_request_headers": [{"header_name": "header_name_value"}], "cache_key_policy": { "include_host": True, "include_http_headers": [ "include_http_headers_value_1", "include_http_headers_value_2", ], "include_named_cookies": [ "include_named_cookies_value_1", "include_named_cookies_value_2", ], "include_protocol": True, "include_query_string": True, "query_string_blacklist": [ "query_string_blacklist_value_1", "query_string_blacklist_value_2", ], "query_string_whitelist": [ "query_string_whitelist_value_1", "query_string_whitelist_value_2", ], }, "cache_mode": "cache_mode_value", "client_ttl": 1074, "default_ttl": 1176, "max_ttl": 761, "negative_caching": True, "negative_caching_policy": [{"code": 411, "ttl": 340}], "request_coalescing": True, "serve_while_stale": 1813, "signed_url_cache_max_age_sec": 2890, "signed_url_key_names": [ "signed_url_key_names_value_1", "signed_url_key_names_value_2", ], }, "circuit_breakers": { "max_connections": 1608, "max_pending_requests": 2149, "max_requests": 1313, "max_requests_per_connection": 2902, "max_retries": 1187, }, "connection_draining": {"draining_timeout_sec": 2124}, "connection_tracking_policy": { "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends": "connection_persistence_on_unhealthy_backends_value", "idle_timeout_sec": 1694, "tracking_mode": "tracking_mode_value", }, "consistent_hash": { "http_cookie": { "name": "name_value", "path": "path_value", "ttl": {"nanos": 543, "seconds": 751}, }, "http_header_name": "http_header_name_value", "minimum_ring_size": 1829, }, "creation_timestamp": "creation_timestamp_value", "custom_request_headers": [ "custom_request_headers_value_1", "custom_request_headers_value_2", ], "custom_response_headers": [ "custom_response_headers_value_1", "custom_response_headers_value_2", ], "description": "description_value", "edge_security_policy": "edge_security_policy_value", "enable_c_d_n": True, "failover_policy": { "disable_connection_drain_on_failover": True, "drop_traffic_if_unhealthy": True, "failover_ratio": 0.1494, }, "fingerprint": "fingerprint_value", "health_checks": ["health_checks_value_1", "health_checks_value_2"], "iap": { "enabled": True, "oauth2_client_id": "oauth2_client_id_value", "oauth2_client_secret": "oauth2_client_secret_value", "oauth2_client_secret_sha256": "oauth2_client_secret_sha256_value", }, "id": 205, "kind": "kind_value", "load_balancing_scheme": "load_balancing_scheme_value", "locality_lb_policy": "locality_lb_policy_value", "log_config": {"enable": True, "sample_rate": 0.1165}, "max_stream_duration": {}, "name": "name_value", "network": "network_value", "outlier_detection": { "base_ejection_time": {}, "consecutive_errors": 1956, "consecutive_gateway_failure": 2880, "enforcing_consecutive_errors": 3006, "enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure": 3930, "enforcing_success_rate": 2334, "interval": {}, "max_ejection_percent": 2118, "success_rate_minimum_hosts": 2799, "success_rate_request_volume": 2915, "success_rate_stdev_factor": 2663, }, "port": 453, "port_name": "port_name_value", "protocol": "protocol_value", "region": "region_value", "security_policy": "security_policy_value", "security_settings": { "client_tls_policy": "client_tls_policy_value", "subject_alt_names": [ "subject_alt_names_value_1", "subject_alt_names_value_2", ], }, "self_link": "self_link_value", "session_affinity": "session_affinity_value", "subsetting": {"policy": "policy_value"}, "timeout_sec": 1185, } request = request_type(request_init) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a BadRequest error. with mock.patch.object(Session, "request") as req, pytest.raises( core_exceptions.BadRequest ): # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 400 response_value.request = Request() req.return_value = response_value client.update_unary(request) def test_update_unary_rest_flattened(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest", ) # Mock the http request call within the method and fake a response. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport._session), "request") as req: # Designate an appropriate value for the returned response. return_value = compute.Operation() # get arguments that satisfy an http rule for this method sample_request = { "project": "sample1", "region": "sample2", "backend_service": "sample3", } # get truthy value for each flattened field mock_args = dict( project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) mock_args.update(sample_request) # Wrap the value into a proper Response obj response_value = Response() response_value.status_code = 200 json_return_value = compute.Operation.to_json(return_value) response_value._content = json_return_value.encode("UTF-8") req.return_value = response_value client.update_unary(**mock_args) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(req.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = req.mock_calls[0] assert path_template.validate( "%s/compute/v1/projects/{project}/regions/{region}/backendServices/{backend_service}" % client.transport._host, args[1], ) def test_update_unary_rest_flattened_error(transport: str = "rest"): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.update_unary( compute.UpdateRegionBackendServiceRequest(), project="project_value", region="region_value", backend_service="backend_service_value", backend_service_resource=compute.BackendService( affinity_cookie_ttl_sec=2432 ), ) def test_update_unary_rest_error(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="rest" ) def test_credentials_transport_error(): # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, transport=transport, ) # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) options = client_options.ClientOptions() options.api_key = "api_key" with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( client_options=options, transport=transport, ) # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. options = mock.Mock() options.api_key = "api_key" with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( client_options=options, credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() ) # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, transport=transport, ) def test_transport_instance(): # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) client = RegionBackendServicesClient(transport=transport) assert client.transport is transport @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transport_class", [transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport,] ) def test_transport_adc(transport_class): # Test default credentials are used if not provided. with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default") as adc: adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) transport_class() adc.assert_called_once() def test_region_backend_services_base_transport_error(): # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), credentials_file="credentials.json", ) def test_region_backend_services_base_transport(): # Instantiate the base transport. with mock.patch( "" ) as Transport: Transport.return_value = None transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) # Every method on the transport should just blindly # raise NotImplementedError. methods = ( "delete", "get", "get_health", "insert", "list", "patch", "update", ) for method in methods: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): transport.close() def test_region_backend_services_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file with mock.patch.object( google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True ) as load_creds, mock.patch( "" ) as Transport: Transport.return_value = None load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport( credentials_file="credentials.json", quota_project_id="octopus", ) load_creds.assert_called_once_with( "credentials.json", scopes=None, default_scopes=( "", "", ), quota_project_id="octopus", ) def test_region_backend_services_base_transport_with_adc(): # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch( "" ) as Transport: Transport.return_value = None adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) transport = transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport() adc.assert_called_once() def test_region_backend_services_auth_adc(): # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc: adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) RegionBackendServicesClient() adc.assert_called_once_with( scopes=None, default_scopes=( "", "", ), quota_project_id=None, ) def test_region_backend_services_http_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls(): cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() with mock.patch( "google.auth.transport.requests.AuthorizedSession.configure_mtls_channel" ) as mock_configure_mtls_channel: transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport( credentials=cred, client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback ) mock_configure_mtls_channel.assert_called_once_with(client_cert_source_callback) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", ["rest",]) def test_region_backend_services_host_no_port(transport_name): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), client_options=client_options.ClientOptions( api_endpoint="" ), transport=transport_name, ) assert client.transport._host == ( "" if transport_name in ["grpc", "grpc_asyncio"] else "" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", ["rest",]) def test_region_backend_services_host_with_port(transport_name): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), client_options=client_options.ClientOptions( api_endpoint="" ), transport=transport_name, ) assert client.transport._host == ( "" if transport_name in ["grpc", "grpc_asyncio"] else "" ) def test_common_billing_account_path(): billing_account = "squid" expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format( billing_account=billing_account, ) actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) assert expected == actual def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): expected = { "billing_account": "clam", } path = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) # Check that the path construction is reversible. actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) assert expected == actual def test_common_folder_path(): folder = "whelk" expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder,) actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_folder_path(folder) assert expected == actual def test_parse_common_folder_path(): expected = { "folder": "octopus", } path = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_folder_path(**expected) # Check that the path construction is reversible. actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) assert expected == actual def test_common_organization_path(): organization = "oyster" expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization,) actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_organization_path(organization) assert expected == actual def test_parse_common_organization_path(): expected = { "organization": "nudibranch", } path = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_organization_path(**expected) # Check that the path construction is reversible. actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) assert expected == actual def test_common_project_path(): project = "cuttlefish" expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project,) actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_project_path(project) assert expected == actual def test_parse_common_project_path(): expected = { "project": "mussel", } path = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_project_path(**expected) # Check that the path construction is reversible. actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.parse_common_project_path(path) assert expected == actual def test_common_location_path(): project = "winkle" location = "nautilus" expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format( project=project, location=location, ) actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_location_path(project, location) assert expected == actual def test_parse_common_location_path(): expected = { "project": "scallop", "location": "abalone", } path = RegionBackendServicesClient.common_location_path(**expected) # Check that the path construction is reversible. actual = RegionBackendServicesClient.parse_common_location_path(path) assert expected == actual def test_client_with_default_client_info(): client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() with mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport, "_prep_wrapped_messages" ) as prep: client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), client_info=client_info, ) prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) with mock.patch.object( transports.RegionBackendServicesTransport, "_prep_wrapped_messages" ) as prep: transport_class = RegionBackendServicesClient.get_transport_class() transport = transport_class( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), client_info=client_info, ) prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) def test_transport_close(): transports = { "rest": "_session", } for transport, close_name in transports.items(): client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport ) with mock.patch.object( type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close" ) as close: with client: close.assert_not_called() close.assert_called_once() def test_client_ctx(): transports = [ "rest", ] for transport in transports: client = RegionBackendServicesClient( credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport ) # Test client calls underlying transport. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: close.assert_not_called() with client: pass close.assert_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "client_class,transport_class", [(RegionBackendServicesClient, transports.RegionBackendServicesRestTransport),], ) def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): with mock.patch.object( google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True ) as get_api_key_credentials: mock_cred = mock.Mock() get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred options = client_options.ClientOptions() options.api_key = "api_key" with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: patched.return_value = None client = client_class(client_options=options) patched.assert_called_once_with( credentials=mock_cred, credentials_file=None, host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, scopes=None, client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, quota_project_id=None, client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access=True, )
# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import datetime from http import client as http_client import os import shutil from urllib import parse as urlparse from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import requests from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.glance_service.image_service import GlanceImageService from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import utils from ironic.conf import CONF IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # 1mb # NOTE(kaifeng) Image will be truncated to 2GiB by sendfile, # we use a large chunk size here for a better performance # while keep the chunk size less than the size limit. SENDFILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # 1Gb LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class BaseImageService(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Provides retrieval of disk images.""" @abc.abstractmethod def validate_href(self, image_href): """Validate image reference. :param image_href: Image reference. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed. :returns: Information needed to further operate with an image. """ @abc.abstractmethod def download(self, image_href, image_file): """Downloads image to specified location. :param image_href: Image reference. :param image_file: File object to write data to. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed. :raises: exception.ImageDownloadFailed. """ @abc.abstractmethod def show(self, image_href): """Get dictionary of image properties. :param image_href: Image reference. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed. :returns: dictionary of image properties. It has three of them: 'size', 'updated_at' and 'properties'. 'updated_at' attribute is a naive UTC datetime object. """ class HttpImageService(BaseImageService): """Provides retrieval of disk images using HTTP.""" def validate_href(self, image_href, secret=False): """Validate HTTP image reference. :param image_href: Image reference. :param secret: Specify if image_href being validated should not be shown in exception message. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if HEAD request failed or returned response code not equal to 200. :returns: Response to HEAD request. """ output_url = 'secreturl' if secret else image_href try: verify = strutils.bool_from_string(CONF.webserver_verify_ca, strict=True) except ValueError: verify = CONF.webserver_verify_ca try: response = requests.head(image_href, verify=verify, timeout=CONF.webserver_connection_timeout) if response.status_code != http_client.OK: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=output_url, reason=_("Got HTTP code %s instead of 200 in response " "to HEAD request.") % response.status_code) except (OSError, requests.ConnectionError, requests.RequestException) as e: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed(image_href=output_url, reason=str(e)) return response def download(self, image_href, image_file): """Downloads image to specified location. :param image_href: Image reference. :param image_file: File object to write data to. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if GET request returned response code not equal to 200. :raises: exception.ImageDownloadFailed if: * IOError happened during file write; * GET request failed. """ try: verify = strutils.bool_from_string(CONF.webserver_verify_ca, strict=True) except ValueError: verify = CONF.webserver_verify_ca try: response = requests.get(image_href, stream=True, verify=verify, timeout=CONF.webserver_connection_timeout) if response.status_code != http_client.OK: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=image_href, reason=_("Got HTTP code %s instead of 200 in response " "to GET request.") % response.status_code) with response.raw as input_img: shutil.copyfileobj(input_img, image_file, IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE) except (OSError, requests.ConnectionError, requests.RequestException, IOError) as e: raise exception.ImageDownloadFailed(image_href=image_href, reason=str(e)) def show(self, image_href): """Get dictionary of image properties. :param image_href: Image reference. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if: * HEAD request failed; * HEAD request returned response code not equal to 200; * Content-Length header not found in response to HEAD request. :returns: dictionary of image properties. It has three of them: 'size', 'updated_at' and 'properties'. 'updated_at' attribute is a naive UTC datetime object. """ response = self.validate_href(image_href) image_size = response.headers.get('Content-Length') if image_size is None: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=image_href, reason=_("Cannot determine image size as there is no " "Content-Length header specified in response " "to HEAD request.")) # Parse last-modified header to return naive datetime object str_date = response.headers.get('Last-Modified') date = None if str_date: http_date_format_strings = [ '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', # RFC 822 '%A, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT', # RFC 850 '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' # ANSI C ] for fmt in http_date_format_strings: try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_date, fmt) break except ValueError: continue no_cache = 'no-store' in response.headers.get('Cache-Control', '') return { 'size': int(image_size), 'updated_at': date, 'properties': {}, 'no_cache': no_cache, } class FileImageService(BaseImageService): """Provides retrieval of disk images available locally on the conductor.""" def validate_href(self, image_href): """Validate local image reference. :param image_href: Image reference. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if source image file doesn't exist. :returns: Path to image file if it exists. """ image_path = urlparse.urlparse(image_href).path if not os.path.isfile(image_path): raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=image_href, reason=_("Specified image file not found.")) return image_path def download(self, image_href, image_file): """Downloads image to specified location. :param image_href: Image reference. :param image_file: File object to write data to. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if source image file doesn't exist. :raises: exception.ImageDownloadFailed if exceptions were raised while writing to file or creating hard link. """ source_image_path = self.validate_href(image_href) dest_image_path = local_device = os.stat(dest_image_path).st_dev try: # We should have read and write access to source file to create # hard link to it. if (local_device == os.stat(source_image_path).st_dev and os.access(source_image_path, os.R_OK | os.W_OK)): image_file.close() os.remove(dest_image_path), dest_image_path) else: filesize = os.path.getsize(source_image_path) offset = 0 with open(source_image_path, 'rb') as input_img: while offset < filesize: count = min(SENDFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, filesize - offset) nbytes_out = os.sendfile(image_file.fileno(), input_img.fileno(), offset, count) offset += nbytes_out except Exception as e: raise exception.ImageDownloadFailed(image_href=image_href, reason=str(e)) def show(self, image_href): """Get dictionary of image properties. :param image_href: Image reference. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if image file specified doesn't exist. :returns: dictionary of image properties. It has three of them: 'size', 'updated_at' and 'properties'. 'updated_at' attribute is a naive UTC datetime object. """ source_image_path = self.validate_href(image_href) return { 'size': os.path.getsize(source_image_path), 'updated_at': utils.unix_file_modification_datetime( source_image_path), 'properties': {}, # No point in caching local file images 'no_cache': True, } protocol_mapping = { 'http': HttpImageService, 'https': HttpImageService, 'file': FileImageService, 'glance': GlanceImageService, } def get_image_service(image_href, client=None, context=None): """Get image service instance to download the image. :param image_href: String containing href to get image service for. :param client: Glance client to be used for download, used only if image_href is Glance href. :param context: request context, used only if image_href is Glance href. :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if no image service can handle specified href. :returns: Instance of an image service class that is able to download specified image. """ scheme = urlparse.urlparse(image_href).scheme.lower() if not scheme: if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(str(image_href)): cls = GlanceImageService else: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=image_href, reason=_('Scheme-less image href is not a UUID.')) else: cls = protocol_mapping.get(scheme) if not cls: raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed( image_href=image_href, reason=_('Image download protocol %s is not supported.' ) % scheme) if cls == GlanceImageService: return cls(client, context) return cls()
""" This module contains helper functions for controlling caching. It does so by managing the "Vary" header of responses. It includes functions to patch the header of response objects directly and decorators that change functions to do that header-patching themselves. For information on the Vary header, see: Essentially, the "Vary" HTTP header defines which headers a cache should take into account when building its cache key. Requests with the same path but different header content for headers named in "Vary" need to get different cache keys to prevent delivery of wrong content. An example: i18n middleware would need to distinguish caches by the "Accept-language" header. """ import hashlib import logging import re import time from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import caches from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotModified from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text, iri_to_uri from django.utils.http import ( http_date, parse_etags, parse_http_date_safe, quote_etag, ) from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone_name from django.utils.translation import get_language cc_delim_re = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*') logger = logging.getLogger('django.request') def patch_cache_control(response, **kwargs): """ Patch the Cache-Control header by adding all keyword arguments to it. The transformation is as follows: * All keyword parameter names are turned to lowercase, and underscores are converted to hyphens. * If the value of a parameter is True (exactly True, not just a true value), only the parameter name is added to the header. * All other parameters are added with their value, after applying str() to it. """ def dictitem(s): t = s.split('=', 1) if len(t) > 1: return (t[0].lower(), t[1]) else: return (t[0].lower(), True) def dictvalue(t): if t[1] is True: return t[0] else: return '%s=%s' % (t[0], t[1]) if response.get('Cache-Control'): cc = cc_delim_re.split(response['Cache-Control']) cc = dict(dictitem(el) for el in cc) else: cc = {} # If there's already a max-age header but we're being asked to set a new # max-age, use the minimum of the two ages. In practice this happens when # a decorator and a piece of middleware both operate on a given view. if 'max-age' in cc and 'max_age' in kwargs: kwargs['max_age'] = min(int(cc['max-age']), kwargs['max_age']) # Allow overriding private caching and vice versa if 'private' in cc and 'public' in kwargs: del cc['private'] elif 'public' in cc and 'private' in kwargs: del cc['public'] for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): cc[k.replace('_', '-')] = v cc = ', '.join(dictvalue(el) for el in cc.items()) response['Cache-Control'] = cc def get_max_age(response): """ Return the max-age from the response Cache-Control header as an integer, or None if it wasn't found or wasn't an integer. """ if not response.has_header('Cache-Control'): return cc = dict(_to_tuple(el) for el in cc_delim_re.split(response['Cache-Control'])) try: return int(cc['max-age']) except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): pass def set_response_etag(response): if not response.streaming: response['ETag'] = quote_etag(hashlib.md5(response.content).hexdigest()) return response def _precondition_failed(request): logger.warning( 'Precondition Failed: %s', request.path, extra={ 'status_code': 412, 'request': request, }, ) return HttpResponse(status=412) def _not_modified(request, response=None): new_response = HttpResponseNotModified() if response: # Preserve the headers required by Section 4.1 of RFC 7232, as well as # Last-Modified. for header in ('Cache-Control', 'Content-Location', 'Date', 'ETag', 'Expires', 'Last-Modified', 'Vary'): if header in response: new_response[header] = response[header] # Preserve cookies as per the cookie specification: "If a proxy server # receives a response which contains a Set-cookie header, it should # propagate the Set-cookie header to the client, regardless of whether # the response was 304 (Not Modified) or 200 (OK). # new_response.cookies = response.cookies return new_response def get_conditional_response(request, etag=None, last_modified=None, response=None): # Only return conditional responses on successful requests. if response and not (200 <= response.status_code < 300): return response # Get HTTP request headers. if_match_etags = parse_etags(request.META.get('HTTP_IF_MATCH', '')) if_unmodified_since = request.META.get('HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE') if if_unmodified_since: if_unmodified_since = parse_http_date_safe(if_unmodified_since) if_none_match_etags = parse_etags(request.META.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', '')) if_modified_since = request.META.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE') if if_modified_since: if_modified_since = parse_http_date_safe(if_modified_since) # Step 1 of section 6 of RFC 7232: Test the If-Match precondition. if if_match_etags and not _if_match_passes(etag, if_match_etags): return _precondition_failed(request) # Step 2: Test the If-Unmodified-Since precondition. if (not if_match_etags and if_unmodified_since and not _if_unmodified_since_passes(last_modified, if_unmodified_since)): return _precondition_failed(request) # Step 3: Test the If-None-Match precondition. if if_none_match_etags and not _if_none_match_passes(etag, if_none_match_etags): if request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'): return _not_modified(request, response) else: return _precondition_failed(request) # Step 4: Test the If-Modified-Since precondition. if (not if_none_match_etags and if_modified_since and not _if_modified_since_passes(last_modified, if_modified_since)): if request.method in ('GET', 'HEAD'): return _not_modified(request, response) # Step 5: Test the If-Range precondition (not supported). # Step 6: Return original response since there isn't a conditional response. return response def _if_match_passes(target_etag, etags): """ Test the If-Match comparison as defined in section 3.1 of RFC 7232. """ if not target_etag: # If there isn't an ETag, then there can't be a match. return False elif etags == ['*']: # The existence of an ETag means that there is "a current # representation for the target resource", even if the ETag is weak, # so there is a match to '*'. return True elif target_etag.startswith('W/'): # A weak ETag can never strongly match another ETag. return False else: # Since the ETag is strong, this will only return True if there's a # strong match. return target_etag in etags def _if_unmodified_since_passes(last_modified, if_unmodified_since): """ Test the If-Unmodified-Since comparison as defined in section 3.4 of RFC 7232. """ return last_modified and last_modified <= if_unmodified_since def _if_none_match_passes(target_etag, etags): """ Test the If-None-Match comparison as defined in section 3.2 of RFC 7232. """ if not target_etag: # If there isn't an ETag, then there isn't a match. return True elif etags == ['*']: # The existence of an ETag means that there is "a current # representation for the target resource", so there is a match to '*'. return False else: # The comparison should be weak, so look for a match after stripping # off any weak indicators. target_etag = target_etag.strip('W/') etags = (etag.strip('W/') for etag in etags) return target_etag not in etags def _if_modified_since_passes(last_modified, if_modified_since): """ Test the If-Modified-Since comparison as defined in section 3.3 of RFC 7232. """ return not last_modified or last_modified > if_modified_since def patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=None): """ Add HTTP caching headers to the given HttpResponse: Expires and Cache-Control. Each header is only added if it isn't already set. cache_timeout is in seconds. The CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS setting is used by default. """ if cache_timeout is None: cache_timeout = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS if cache_timeout < 0: cache_timeout = 0 # Can't have max-age negative if not response.has_header('Expires'): response['Expires'] = http_date(time.time() + cache_timeout) patch_cache_control(response, max_age=cache_timeout) def add_never_cache_headers(response): """ Add headers to a response to indicate that a page should never be cached. """ patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=-1) patch_cache_control(response, no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True) def patch_vary_headers(response, newheaders): """ Add (or update) the "Vary" header in the given HttpResponse object. newheaders is a list of header names that should be in "Vary". Existing headers in "Vary" aren't removed. """ # Note that we need to keep the original order intact, because cache # implementations may rely on the order of the Vary contents in, say, # computing an MD5 hash. if response.has_header('Vary'): vary_headers = cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary']) else: vary_headers = [] # Use .lower() here so we treat headers as case-insensitive. existing_headers = {header.lower() for header in vary_headers} additional_headers = [newheader for newheader in newheaders if newheader.lower() not in existing_headers] response['Vary'] = ', '.join(vary_headers + additional_headers) def has_vary_header(response, header_query): """ Check to see if the response has a given header name in its Vary header. """ if not response.has_header('Vary'): return False vary_headers = cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary']) existing_headers = {header.lower() for header in vary_headers} return header_query.lower() in existing_headers def _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key): """If necessary, add the current locale or time zone to the cache key.""" if settings.USE_I18N or settings.USE_L10N: # first check if LocaleMiddleware or another middleware added # LANGUAGE_CODE to request, then fall back to the active language # which in turn can also fall back to settings.LANGUAGE_CODE cache_key += '.%s' % getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', get_language()) if settings.USE_TZ: # The datetime module doesn't restrict the output of tzname(). # Windows is known to use non-standard, locale-dependent names. # User-defined tzinfo classes may return absolutely anything. # Hence this paranoid conversion to create a valid cache key. tz_name = force_text(get_current_timezone_name(), errors='ignore') cache_key += '.%s' % tz_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii').replace(' ', '_') return cache_key def _generate_cache_key(request, method, headerlist, key_prefix): """Return a cache key from the headers given in the header list.""" ctx = hashlib.md5() for header in headerlist: value = request.META.get(header) if value is not None: ctx.update(force_bytes(value)) url = hashlib.md5(force_bytes(iri_to_uri(request.build_absolute_uri()))) cache_key = 'views.decorators.cache.cache_page.%s.%s.%s.%s' % ( key_prefix, method, url.hexdigest(), ctx.hexdigest()) return _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key) def _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request): """Return a cache key for the header cache.""" url = hashlib.md5(force_bytes(iri_to_uri(request.build_absolute_uri()))) cache_key = 'views.decorators.cache.cache_header.%s.%s' % ( key_prefix, url.hexdigest()) return _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key) def get_cache_key(request, key_prefix=None, method='GET', cache=None): """ Return a cache key based on the request URL and query. It can be used in the request phase because it pulls the list of headers to take into account from the global URL registry and uses those to build a cache key to check against. If there isn't a headerlist stored, return None, indicating that the page needs to be rebuilt. """ if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX cache_key = _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request) if cache is None: cache = caches[settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS] headerlist = cache.get(cache_key) if headerlist is not None: return _generate_cache_key(request, method, headerlist, key_prefix) else: return None def learn_cache_key(request, response, cache_timeout=None, key_prefix=None, cache=None): """ Learn what headers to take into account for some request URL from the response object. Store those headers in a global URL registry so that later access to that URL will know what headers to take into account without building the response object itself. The headers are named in the Vary header of the response, but we want to prevent response generation. The list of headers to use for cache key generation is stored in the same cache as the pages themselves. If the cache ages some data out of the cache, this just means that we have to build the response once to get at the Vary header and so at the list of headers to use for the cache key. """ if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX if cache_timeout is None: cache_timeout = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS cache_key = _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request) if cache is None: cache = caches[settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS] if response.has_header('Vary'): is_accept_language_redundant = settings.USE_I18N or settings.USE_L10N # If i18n or l10n are used, the generated cache key will be suffixed # with the current locale. Adding the raw value of Accept-Language is # redundant in that case and would result in storing the same content # under multiple keys in the cache. See #18191 for details. headerlist = [] for header in cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary']): header = header.upper().replace('-', '_') if header == 'ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' and is_accept_language_redundant: continue headerlist.append('HTTP_' + header) headerlist.sort() cache.set(cache_key, headerlist, cache_timeout) return _generate_cache_key(request, request.method, headerlist, key_prefix) else: # if there is no Vary header, we still need a cache key # for the request.build_absolute_uri() cache.set(cache_key, [], cache_timeout) return _generate_cache_key(request, request.method, [], key_prefix) def _to_tuple(s): t = s.split('=', 1) if len(t) == 2: return t[0].lower(), t[1] return t[0].lower(), True
from PyQt4 import QtGui class BooksListWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ Uneditable list's books """ def __init__(self, label): super(BooksListWidget, self).__init__() # init label and table widgets self.title_label = QtGui.QLabel(label) self.books_list = QtGui.QListView() # List settings self.books_list.minimumHeight() # Make the list uneditable self.books_list.setEditTriggers(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) # Create a model for the list's books self.model = QtGui.QStringListModel() # Apply the model to the list view self.books_list.setModel(self.model) # Create the layout self.main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.main_layout.addWidget(self.title_label) self.main_layout.addWidget(self.books_list) # Set the layout self.setLayout(self.main_layout) def update_list(self, books_list): """ Update the books list """ assert isinstance(books_list, list) self.model.setStringList(books_list)
result = 1 for i in range(1, int(input()) + 1): result *= i print(result)
"""Utilities relating to data handling and processing. This module does not define datatypes itself. See L{} for that. """ """ ============================== License ======================================== Copyright (C) 2008, 2010-12 University of Edinburgh, Mark Granroth-Wilding This file is part of The Jazz Parser. The Jazz Parser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Jazz Parser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The Jazz Parser. If not, see <>. ============================ End license ====================================== """ __author__ = "Mark Granroth-Wilding <[email protected]>" def hold_out(full, start, end): if start is None or start == 0: return full[end:] elif end is None: return full[:start] else: return full[:start] + full[end:] def holdout_partition(input, partitions): """ Partitions the iterable input into the given number of partitions and returns a list of subsets of the input with each of the partitions excluded. Useful for doing heldout data evaluations. """ partition_size = len(input) / partitions heldout_sets = [] for partition in range(partitions-1): heldout_sets.append(hold_out(input, partition_size*partition, partition_size*(partition+1))) # Last partition: throw in everything that's left heldout_sets.append(hold_out(input, partition_size*(partitions-1), None)) return heldout_sets def partition(input, partitions): """ The complement of holdout_partition. Simply splits the input n ways. """ partition_size = len(input) / partitions parts = [] for partition in range(partitions-1): parts.append(input[partition_size*partition: partition_size*(partition+1)]) # Last partition: throw what's left in parts.append(input[partition_size*(partitions-1):]) return parts
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.conf import settings urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', 'docbucket.views.home', name='home'), url(r'^create/(?P<compiler>.+)$', 'docbucket.views.create', name='create'), url(r'^list/$', 'docbucket.views.list', name='list'), url(r'^list/(?P<tag_name>.+)/$', 'docbucket.views.list', name='list-tag'), url(r'^show/(?P<doc_id>\d+)/$', '', name='show'), url(r'^search/$', '', name='search'), url(r'^_thumbnail/file/(?P<identifier>.+)$', 'docbucket.views.thumbnail', {'type': 'file'}, name='thumbnail-file'), url(r'^_thumbnail/document/(?P<identifier>\d+)$', 'docbucket.views.thumbnail', {'type': 'document'}, name='thumbnail-document'), url(r'^_document/(?P<doc_id>\d+)', 'docbucket.views.ajax_document', name='ajax_document'), url(r'^_tags/', 'docbucket.views.ajax_tags', name='ajax_tags') ) if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
"""Dependency downloader for open_fortran_parser.""" import logging import os import pathlib import platform import typing as t import urllib import wget _LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def ensure_dependencies( dependencies: t.Mapping[str, t.Tuple[urllib.parse.ParseResult, pathlib.Path]], target_dir: pathlib.Path, download: bool = True, silent: bool = False) -> None: """Download missing depenedencies.""" if not target_dir.exists(): _LOG.warning('Creating directory "%s"...', target_dir) os.makedirs(str(target_dir), exist_ok=True) for dependency, (url_root, filename) in dependencies.items(): path = target_dir.joinpath(filename) if path.is_file() and not silent: _LOG.warning('%s is present already.', dependency) continue if not download: _LOG.warning('%s is not present!', dependency) continue url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(url_root) + str(filename) _LOG.warning('Downloading %s from URL "%s" to path "%s"...', dependency, url, path), str(path), bar=None if silent else wget.bar_adaptive) if not silent: print() def cleanup_old_dependencies( outdated_dependencies, current_dir: pathlib.Path, backup_dir: t.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None): if backup_dir is not None and not backup_dir.exists(): _LOG.warning('Creating directory "%s"...', backup_dir) os.makedirs(str(backup_dir), exist_ok=True) for dependency, filename in outdated_dependencies.items(): path = current_dir.joinpath(filename) if not path.is_file(): _LOG.debug('%s already does not exist.', dependency) continue if backup_dir is None: _LOG.warning('Deleting %s in path "%s"...', dependency, current_dir) path.unlink() else: _LOG.warning('Moving %s from path "%s" to path "%s"...', dependency, current_dir, backup_dir) path.rename(backup_dir.joinpath(filename))
from edmunds.globals import abc, ABC class BaseDriver(ABC): """ The base driver for storage-drivers """ def __init__(self, app): """ Initiate the instance :param app: The application :type app: Edmunds.Application """ self._app = app @abc.abstractmethod def write_stream(self, path, append=False, prefix=None): """ Get a write stream to a certain path :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param append: Append to the file :type append: bool :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: The write stream :rtype: Stream """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def read_stream(self, path, raise_errors=False, prefix=None): """ Get a read stream to a certain path :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param raise_errors: Raise the errors :type raise_errors: bool :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: The read stream :rtype: Stream """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def copy(self, path, new_path, raise_errors=False, prefix=None): """ Copy a certain path :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param new_path: The path to the new file :type new_path: str :param raise_errors: Raise the errors :type raise_errors: bool :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: Success :rtype: bool """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, path, raise_errors=False, prefix=None): """ Delete a certain path :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param raise_errors: Raise the errors :type raise_errors: bool :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: Success :rtype: bool """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def exists(self, path, prefix=None): """ Check if a certain path exists :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: Exists :rtype: bool """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def path(self, path, prefix=None): """ Get a processed path :param path: The path to the file :type path: str :param prefix: The prefix :type prefix: str :return: Absolute path to file :rtype: str """ pass
from __future__ import unicode_literals from pydoc import deque from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue import gc import time from traceback import print_exc from django.db import connection from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway from py4j.protocol import Py4JJavaError from codebase.models import CodeElementKind, CodeElement, MethodElement,\ ParameterElement, FieldElement from docutil.progress_monitor import NullProgressMonitor from codeutil.java_element import clean_java_name JAVA_PARSER = 'java' PARSER_WORKER = 4 HIERARCHY_WORKER = 2 class HierarchyWorker(Thread): '''Worker that adds parents to code elements.''' def __init__(self, hierarchies, codebase, progress_monitor): ''' :param hierarchies: queue of [child_fqn, parent_fqn, parent_fqn, ...] :param codebase: :param progress_monitor: ''' Thread.__init__(self) self.hierarchies = hierarchies self.progress_monitor = progress_monitor self.codebase = codebase self.setDaemon(True) def run(self): while True: hierarchy = self.hierarchies.get() if hierarchy is None: # Sentinel value to indicate we are done! break child_fqn = hierarchy[0] child = CodeElement.objects.filter(codebase=self.codebase).\ get(fqn=child_fqn) for parent_fqn in hierarchy[1:]: try: parent_element = CodeElement.objects.\ filter(codebase=self.codebase).get(fqn=parent_fqn) child.parents.add(parent_element) except Exception: # Not found! # Probably because not in codebase! pass'Parsed {0} hierarchy: {1} parents'.\ format(child_fqn, len(hierarchy) - 1)) self.hierarchies.task_done() self.hierarchies.task_done() # Because django does not automatically close a connection created by # a custom thread... connection.close() class CUWorker(Thread): '''Worker that processes a compilation unit''' def __init__(self, queue, codebase, hierarchies, gateway, progress_monitor): ''' :param queue: queue of (cu, package_code_element, cu_name, work_amount) where cu is a Java CompilationUnit. :param codebase: :param hierarchies: queue of [child_fqn, parent_fqn, parent_fqn, ...] :param gateway: Py4J gateway :param progress_monitor: ''' Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(True) self.queue = queue self.codebase = codebase # Does not work as expected because if a thread is waiting while being # a daemon and the last one, it seems that there may be glitches. #self.daemon = True self.hierarchies = hierarchies self.gateway = gateway self.progress_monitor = progress_monitor self.class_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='class') self.annotation_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='annotation') self.enumeration_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='enumeration') self.field_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='field') self.method_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='method') self.method_parameter_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get( kind='method parameter') self.annotation_field_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get( kind='annotation field') self.enumeration_value_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get( kind='enumeration value') self.ASTParser = self.JLS3 = self.ast_parser = self.ASTParser.newParser(self.JLS3) self.IJavaElement = self.Modifier = def _get_type_bindings(self, cunit): children = cunit.getChildren() new_types = [] type_type = self.IJavaElement.TYPE for child in children: if child.getElementType() == type_type: new_types.append(child) array = self.gateway.new_array(self.IJavaElement, len(new_types)) for i, type_element in enumerate(new_types): array[i] = type_element self.ast_parser.setSource(cunit) bindings = self.ast_parser.createBindings(array, None) return bindings def run(self): while True: item = self.queue.get() if item is None: # Sentinel value to indicate we are done. break (cu, package_code_element, cu_name, work_amount) = item'Parsing {0}'.format(cu_name)) try: for type_binding in self._get_type_bindings(cu): if type_binding is None: # This is an anonymous class in a .class continue self._parse_type(type_binding, package_code_element) except Exception: print_exc() # Useful for Py4J gc.collect() self.queue.task_done()'Parsed {0}'.format(cu_name), work_amount) self.queue.task_done() # Because django does not automatically close a connection created by # a custom thread... connection.close() def _parse_type(self, type_binding, container_code_element): if type_binding.isAnonymous(): return java_element = type_binding.getJavaElement() (simple_name, fqn) = clean_java_name(type_binding.getQualifiedName()) deprecated = type_binding.isDeprecated() abstract = self.Modifier.isAbstract(type_binding.getModifiers()) or \ (type_binding.isInterface() and not type_binding.isAnnotation()) type_code_element = CodeElement(codebase=self.codebase, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, eclipse_handle=java_element.getHandleIdentifier(), parser=JAVA_PARSER, deprecated=deprecated, abstract=abstract) type_code_element.binding = type_binding if type_binding.isAnnotation(): type_code_element.kind = self.annotation_kind elif type_binding.isEnum(): type_code_element.kind = self.enumeration_kind else: type_code_element.kind = self.class_kind type_code_element.containers.add(container_code_element) self._parse_type_members(type_binding, type_code_element) self._parse_type_hierarchy(type_binding, type_code_element) def _parse_type_members(self, type_binding, type_code_element): for method_binding in type_binding.getDeclaredMethods(): if method_binding.isAnnotationMember(): self._parse_annotation_field(method_binding, type_code_element) else: self._parse_method(method_binding, type_code_element) for field_binding in type_binding.getDeclaredFields(): if field_binding.isEnumConstant(): self._parse_enumeration_value(field_binding, type_code_element) else: self._parse_field(field_binding, type_code_element) for tbinding in type_binding.getDeclaredTypes(): self._parse_type(tbinding, type_code_element) def _parse_type_hierarchy(self, type_binding, type_code_element): supertypes = [type_code_element.fqn] super_class = type_binding.getSuperclass() if super_class != None: (_, fqn) = clean_java_name(super_class.getQualifiedName()) supertypes.append(fqn) for interface in type_binding.getInterfaces(): (_, fqn) = clean_java_name(interface.getQualifiedName()) supertypes.append(fqn) # Save hierarchy for further processing if len(supertypes) > 1: self.hierarchies.append(supertypes) def _parse_method(self, method_binding, container_code_element): # method header if self._is_private(method_binding): return java_element = method_binding.getJavaElement() if java_element is None: # This means that the method was inferred like default # constructor. # This is for compatibility with previous recodoc. return simple_name = method_binding.getName() (_, fqn) = clean_java_name( method_binding.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName()) fqn = fqn + '.' + simple_name parameters = method_binding.getParameterTypes() try: parameter_names = java_element.getParameterNames() except Py4JJavaError: parameter_names = ["arg" for param in parameters] params_length = len(parameters) (return_simple_name, return_fqn) = clean_java_name( method_binding.getReturnType().getQualifiedName()) deprecated = method_binding.isDeprecated() type_binding = container_code_element.binding abstract = self.Modifier.isAbstract(method_binding.getModifiers())\ or (type_binding.isInterface() and not type_binding.isAnnotation()) method_code_element = MethodElement(codebase=self.codebase, kind=self.method_kind, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, parameters_length=params_length, eclipse_handle=java_element.getHandleIdentifier(), return_simple_name=return_simple_name, return_fqn=return_fqn, parser=JAVA_PARSER, deprecated=deprecated, abstract=abstract) # method container method_code_element.containers.add(container_code_element) # parse parameters for i, parameter in enumerate(parameters): (type_simple_name, type_fqn) = clean_java_name( parameter.getQualifiedName()) parameter_name = parameter_names[i] if parameter_name.startswith('arg'): parameter_name = '' simple_name = fqn = parameter_name parameter_code_element = ParameterElement( codebase=self.codebase, kind=self.method_parameter_kind, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, type_simple_name=type_simple_name, type_fqn=type_fqn, index=i, attcontainer=method_code_element, parser=JAVA_PARSER) # If we ever need to get the deprecated replace # method.getJavadoc() # method.tags() # look for tag.getTagName() == 'deprecated' # look at subtag link or just plain text... def _is_private(self, binding): return self.Modifier.isPrivate(binding.getModifiers()) def _parse_field(self, field_binding, container_code_element): if not self._is_private(field_binding): java_element = field_binding.getJavaElement() simple_name = field_binding.getName() (_, fqn) = clean_java_name( field_binding.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName()) fqn = fqn + '.' + simple_name (type_simple_name, type_fqn) = clean_java_name( field_binding.getType().getQualifiedName()) field_code_element = FieldElement(codebase=self.codebase, kind=self.field_kind, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, eclipse_handle=java_element.getHandleIdentifier(), type_simple_name=type_simple_name, type_fqn=type_fqn, parser=JAVA_PARSER) field_code_element.containers.add(container_code_element) def _parse_enumeration_value(self, field_binding, container_code_element): if not self._is_private(field_binding): java_element = field_binding.getJavaElement() simple_name = field_binding.getName() (_, fqn) = clean_java_name( field_binding.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName()) fqn = fqn + '.' + simple_name (type_simple_name, type_fqn) = clean_java_name( field_binding.getType().getQualifiedName()) field_code_element = FieldElement(codebase=self.codebase, kind=self.enumeration_value_kind, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, eclipse_handle=java_element.getHandleIdentifier(), type_simple_name=type_simple_name, type_fqn=type_fqn, parser=JAVA_PARSER) field_code_element.containers.add(container_code_element) def _parse_annotation_field(self, method_binding, container_code_element): if not self._is_private(method_binding): java_element = method_binding.getJavaElement() simple_name = method_binding.getName() (_, fqn) = clean_java_name( method_binding.getDeclaringClass().getQualifiedName()) fqn = fqn + '.' + simple_name (type_simple_name, type_fqn) = clean_java_name( method_binding.getReturnType().getQualifiedName()) field_code_element = FieldElement(codebase=self.codebase, kind=self.annotation_field_kind, simple_name=simple_name, fqn=fqn, eclipse_handle=java_element.getHandleIdentifier(), type_simple_name=type_simple_name, type_fqn=type_fqn, attcontainer=container_code_element, parser=JAVA_PARSER) field_code_element.containers.add(container_code_element) class JavaParser(object): '''Parses a Java codebase and creates the appropriate CodeElement. This parser uses multiple threads to speed up the parsing. This parser requires access to Eclipse/Py4J''' JAVA_SRC_FOLDER = 'src' def __init__(self, codebase, project_key, opt_input): ''' :param project_key: The name of the project in the Eclipse workspace. :param codebase: The codebase instance to which the CodeElement will be associated with. :param opt_input: Optional input. Not used by this parser. ''' self.project_name = project_key self.gateway = JavaGateway() self.hierarchies = deque() # list of tuples. [(parent, child, child)] self.codebase = codebase self.queue = Queue() self.package_kind = CodeElementKind.objects.get(kind='package') if opt_input is None or opt_input.strip() == '' or opt_input == '-1': self.proot_name = None self.package_names = None else: inputs = opt_input.split(',') self.proot_name = inputs[0].strip() self.package_names = inputs[1:] def _get_package_root(self): ResourcePlugin =\ ResourcesPlugin workspaceRoot = ResourcePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot() project = workspaceRoot.getProject(self.project_name) java_project =\ create(project) if self.proot_name is None: src_folder = project.getFolder(JavaParser.JAVA_SRC_FOLDER) proot = java_project.getPackageFragmentRoot(src_folder) else: proot = None for temp_proot in java_project.getAllPackageFragmentRoots(): if temp_proot.getElementName() == self.proot_name: proot = temp_proot break return proot def _should_filter_package(self, package_name): if self.package_names is None: return False else: should_keep = False for pname in self.package_names: if package_name.startswith(pname): should_keep = True break return not should_keep def _parse_packages(self, proot): packages = [] for package in proot.getChildren(): if package.hasChildren(): package_name = package.getElementName() if self._should_filter_package(package_name): continue package_code_element = CodeElement(codebase=self.codebase, simple_name=package_name, fqn=package_name, eclipse_handle=package.getHandleIdentifier(), kind=self.package_kind, parser=JAVA_PARSER) packages.append((package, package_code_element)) return packages def _need_class_files(self): return self.proot_name is not None and self.proot_name.endswith('.jar') def parse(self, progress_monitor=NullProgressMonitor()): '''Parses the codebase and creates CodeElement instances. :progress_monitor: A progress monitor to track the parsing progress. ''' proot = self._get_package_root() packages = self._parse_packages(proot) progress_monitor.start('Parsing Java Project', len(packages)) # Start workers: for _ in xrange(0, PARSER_WORKER): worker = CUWorker(self.queue, self.codebase, self.hierarchies, self.gateway, progress_monitor) worker.start() start = time.time() for (package, package_code_element) in packages: gc.collect() # for Py4J if self._need_class_files(): cunits = package.getClassFiles() else: cunits = package.getCompilationUnits() unit_length = float(len(cunits)) for cunit in cunits: cu_name = cunit.getElementName() if cu_name.find('$') > -1: # Do not send internal classes: they will be parsed # using type_binding.getDeclaredTypes() continue winput = (cunit, package_code_element, cu_name, 1.0 / unit_length) self.queue.put(winput) for _ in xrange(0, PARSER_WORKER): self.queue.put(None)'Done parsing packages. Waiting for CUs.') self.queue.join() progress_monitor.done() self.gateway.close() print('Time: ' + str(time.time() - start)) self.parse_hierarchy(progress_monitor) def parse_hierarchy(self, progress_monitor=NullProgressMonitor()): '''Builds the hierarchy of the parsed CodeElement instances. Must be called *after* parse. :param progress_monitor: ''' queue = Queue() for hierarchy in self.hierarchies: queue.put(hierarchy) progress_monitor.start('Parsing Java Hierarchy', len(self.hierarchies)) start = time.time() for _ in xrange(0, HIERARCHY_WORKER): # Sentinel value queue.put(None) worker = HierarchyWorker(queue, self.codebase, progress_monitor) worker.start() queue.join() progress_monitor.done() self.gateway.close() print('Time: ' + str(time.time() - start))
from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated from .models import Submission from .serializers import SubmissionSerializer from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from problem.models import Problem from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from .forms import SubmissionForm from django_tables2 import RequestConfig from .tables import SubmissionTable # from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user class SubmissionViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Submission.objects.all() serializer_class = SubmissionSerializer permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) class SubmissionListView(ListView): model = Submission def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(SubmissionListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) submissions_table = SubmissionTable(self.get_queryset()) RequestConfig(self.request).configure(submissions_table) # add filter here context['submissions_table'] = submissions_table return context class SubmissionDetailView(DetailView): model = Submission def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(SubmissionDetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) return context class SubmissionCreateView(CreateView): model = Submission form_class = SubmissionForm template_name_suffix = '_create_form' @method_decorator(login_required) def dispatch(self, request, pid=None, *args, **kwargs): pid = self.kwargs['pid'] self.problem = get_object_or_404(Problem.objects.all(), pk=pid) return super(SubmissionCreateView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_form_kwargs(self): kw = super(SubmissionCreateView, self).get_form_kwargs() kw['qs'] = self.problem.allowed_lang.all() return kw def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(SubmissionCreateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['problem'] = self.problem return context def form_valid(self, form): self.object = self.object.problem = self.problem self.object.user = self.request.user return super(SubmissionCreateView, self).form_valid(form)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Simplest demo of using PyGame to playback audio from Python """ import pygame from time import sleep from pyimagevideo import dialtone fs = 8000 # Hz x = (dialtone(fs) * 32768).astype('int16') # scale to int16 for sound card pygame.mixer.pre_init(fs, size=-16, channels=1) pygame.mixer.init() sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(x) sleep(0.01) # NOTE: Since sound playback is async, allow sound playback to start before Python exits
from izrazi_cnf import * #################### primeri za cnf, SAT #################### p = Spr('p') r = Spr('r') q = Spr('q') a = Spr('a') b = Spr('b') c = Spr('c') d = Spr('d') e = Spr('e') f = Spr('f') p1, p1_cnf = Ali(a), a p2, p2_cnf = In(a,Neg(a)), F() p3, p3_cnf = Ali(a,Neg(a)), T() p4, p4_cnf = In(T(),F(),Ali(p,Neg(p))), F() p5, p5_cnf = Ali(Neg(In(p,r,q))), Ali(Neg(r),Neg(p),Neg(q)) p6, p6_cnf = In(T(),In(p,Neg(p))), F() p7, p7_cnf = In(a), a p8, p8_cnf = Ali(p,In(q,p)), In(p,Ali(p,q)) p9, p9_cnf = In(p,Ali(q,Neg(p))), In(p,Ali(q,Neg(p))) p10, p10_cnf = Ali(Ali(a)), a p11, p11_cnf = Ali(Ali(a,b),In(Neg(a),b)), Ali(a,b) p12, p12_cnf = In(Ali(p,q),Ali(p,r)), In(Ali(p,q),Ali(p,r)) p13, p13_cnf = In(In(p,q),In(q,r),In(r,p)), In(p,q,r) p14, p14_cnf = Ali(In(p,q),In(a,b,Neg(p))), In(Ali(a,p),Ali(a,q),Ali(b,p),Ali(b,q),Ali(Neg(p),q)) p15, p15_cnf = In(Ali(In(p,r),In(a,b)),f), In(f, Ali(a,p),Ali(a,r),Ali(b,p),Ali(b,r)) p16 = Ali(In(a,Ali(Ali(b,d),In(e,f))),In(c,Ali(d,a)),e) p17 = Ali(F(),Ali(a,b,c),In(Neg(a),e,f,Ali(c,d),T()),Neg(Ali(Neg(e),d)),In(b,f)) #################### primeri za sudoku #################### ## Neresljiv sudoku sud1 = [(1,2,8),(1,4,3),(1,5,1), (2,3,3),(2,6,5),(2,7,4),(2,9,1), (3,4,7),(3,7,8),(3,8,5), (4,1,9),(4,2,7),(4,6,2),(4,9,6), (5,1,4),(5,2,6),(5,3,1),(5,7,7),(5,8,9),(5,9,4), (6,1,2),(6,4,6),(6,8,8),(6,9,4), (7,2,4),(7,3,7),(7,6,1), (8,1,8),(8,3,9),(8,4,2),(8,7,3), (9,5,7),(9,6,3),(9,8,1)] ## Sudokuji z resitvijo sud2 = [(1,1,8),(1,5,9),(1,6,3),(1,7,7),(1,9,1), (2,5,5),(2,7,3),(2,8,6),(2,9,9), (3,3,5),(3,4,6),(3,5,7), (4,6,8),(4,9,6), (5,1,6),(5,2,7),(5,3,4),(5,4,9),(5,6,5),(5,7,2),(5,8,3),(5,9,8), (6,1,1),(6,4,7), (7,5,8),(7,6,9),(7,7,5), (8,1,9),(8,2,1),(8,3,2),(8,5,3), (9,1,5),(9,3,8),(9,4,4),(9,5,2),(9,9,7)] sud3 = [(1,2,1),(1,5,6),(1,7,4),(1,8,3),(1,9,9), (2,5,4),(2,6,3),(2,7,5), (3,1,4),(3,4,9),(3,5,5),(3,6,1),(3,7,2),(3,8,8), (4,5,2),(4,7,9),(4,8,5),(4,9,4), (5,1,6),(5,2,9),(5,5,7),(5,6,4),(5,7,8),(5,8,1),(5,9,3), (6,1,5),(6,3,3),(6,5,8), (7,3,8),(7,6,5), (8,3,1),(8,4,2), (9,1,9),(9,3,4),(9,5,1),(9,8,7)] sud4 = [(1,3,6),(1,5,7),(1,6,4),(1,8,8),(1,9,2), (2,3,9),(2,6,5),(2,9,3), (4,2,6),(4,4,5),(4,5,3),(4,6,2), (5,4,1),(5,6,9), (6,4,7),(6,5,8),(6,6,6),(6,8,2), (7,1,7),(7,3,5),(7,5,9),(7,6,3),(7,8,6), (8,1,6),(8,4,8),(8,7,3), (9,1,1),(9,2,9),(9,4,6),(9,5,2),(9,7,8)] sud5 = [(1,1,9),(1,2,2),(1,5,1),(1,6,5), (2,3,5),(2,8,6), (3,1,6),(3,2,1),(3,4,3),(3,9,4), (4,1,2),(4,2,8),(4,5,4), (5,1,1),(5,5,3),(5,9,6), (6,5,8),(6,8,9),(6,9,5), (7,1,4),(7,6,9),(7,8,5),(7,9,3), (8,2,9),(8,7,6), (9,4,8),(9,5,6),(9,8,4),(9,9,1)] ##Poln sudoku sud6 = [(1,1,5),(1,2,3),(1,3,6),(1,4,9),(1,5,7),(1,6,4),(1,7,1),(1,8,8),(1,9,2), (2,1,8),(2,2,7),(2,3,9),(2,4,2),(2,5,1),(2,6,5),(2,7,6),(2,8,4),(2,9,3), (3,1,4),(3,2,2),(3,3,1),(3,4,3),(3,5,6),(3,6,8),(3,7,9),(3,8,7),(3,9,5), (4,1,9),(4,2,6),(4,3,7),(4,4,5),(4,5,3),(4,6,2),(4,7,4),(4,8,1),(4,9,8), (5,1,2),(5,2,5),(5,3,8),(5,4,1),(5,5,4),(5,6,9),(5,7,7),(5,8,3),(5,9,6), (6,1,3),(6,2,1),(6,3,4),(6,4,7),(6,5,8),(6,6,6),(6,7,5),(6,8,2),(6,9,9), (7,1,7),(7,2,8),(7,3,5),(7,4,4),(7,5,9),(7,6,3),(7,7,2),(7,8,6),(7,9,1), (8,1,6),(8,2,4),(8,3,2),(8,4,8),(8,5,5),(8,6,1),(8,7,3),(8,8,9),(8,9,7), (9,1,1),(9,2,9),(9,3,3),(9,4,6),(9,5,2),(9,6,7),(9,7,8),(9,8,5),(9,9,4)] #################### primeri za barvanje grafa #################### g1 = {'a':{'b'},'b':{'a','c'},'c':{'b','d'},'d':{'c','e'},'e':{'d'}} g2 = {'a':{'b','f'},'b':{'a','c','f'},'c':{'b','d','f'},'d':{'c','e','f'},'e':{'d','f'},'f':{'a','b','c','d','e'}} g3 = {'a':{'b','f','g'},'b':{'a','c'},'c':{'b','d','g'},'d':{'c','e'},'e':{'d','f','g'},'f':{'a','e','g'},'g':{'a','c','e','f'}} g4 = {'a':{'b','c'},'b':{'a','e','f'},'c':{'a','d'},'d':{'c'},'e':{'b'},'f':{'b'}} g5 = {1:{2,6,7},2:{1,7,5,3},3:{2,4},4:{3,5,6},5:{2,4,6},6:{1,5,4},7:{1,2}} g6 = {1:{2,3,4,5,6},2:{1,3,4,5,6},3:{1,2,4,5,6},4:{1,2,3,5,6},5:{1,2,3,4,6},6:{1,2,3,4,5}} #poln graf na 6 vozliscih g7 = {1:{2,5,6},2:{1,3,7},3:{2,4,8},4:{3,5,9},5:{4,1,10},6:{1,8,9},7:{2,9,10},8:{3,10,6},9:{4,6,7},10:{5,7,8}} #petersenov graf g8 = {1:{2,4,5},2:{1,3,5,6},3:{2,5,6},4:{1,5},5:{1,2,3,4,6},6:{2,3,5}}
"""Constants for the auth module.""" from datetime import timedelta ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = timedelta(minutes=30) MFA_SESSION_EXPIRATION = timedelta(minutes=5) GROUP_ID_ADMIN = "system-admin" GROUP_ID_USER = "system-users" GROUP_ID_READ_ONLY = "system-read-only"
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from rest_framework.compat import NoReverseMatch class MockObject(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def __str__(self): kwargs_str = ', '.join([ '%s=%s' % (key, value) for key, value in sorted(self._kwargs.items()) ]) return '<MockObject %s>' % kwargs_str class MockQueryset(object): def __init__(self, iterable): self.items = iterable def __getitem__(self, val): return self.items[val] def get(self, **lookup): for item in self.items: if all([ getattr(item, key, None) == value for key, value in lookup.items() ]): return item raise ObjectDoesNotExist() class BadType(object): """ When used as a lookup with a `MockQueryset`, these objects will raise a `TypeError`, as occurs in Django when making queryset lookups with an incorrect type for the lookup value. """ def __eq__(self): raise TypeError() def mock_reverse(view_name, args=None, kwargs=None, request=None, format=None): args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} value = (args + list(kwargs.values()) + ['-'])[0] prefix = '' if request else '' suffix = ('.' + format) if (format is not None) else '' return '%s/%s/%s%s/' % (prefix, view_name, value, suffix) def fail_reverse(view_name, args=None, kwargs=None, request=None, format=None): raise NoReverseMatch()
# Roundware Server is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3. # See COPYRIGHT.txt, AUTHORS.txt, and LICENSE.txt in the project root directory. from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include from roundware.api1 import views import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) urlpatterns = patterns('', # V1 API url(r'^$', 'api1.views.operations'), url(r'^auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')), # V1 DRF API - V1 is partially REST. url(r'^rest/$', views.APIRootView.as_view()), url(r'^rest/asset/$', views.AssetList.as_view(), name='api1-asset'), url(r'^rest/assetlocation/$', views.AssetLocationList.as_view(), name='api1-assetlocation'), url(r'^rest/assetlocation/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', views.AssetLocationDetail.as_view(), name='api1-assetlocation-detail'), url(r'^rest/project/$', views.ProjectList.as_view(), name='api1-project'), url(r'^rest/event/$', views.EventList.as_view(), name='api1-event'), url(r'^rest/session/$', views.SessionList.as_view(), name='api1-session'), url(r'^rest/listeninghistoryitem/$', views.ListeningHistoryItemList.as_view(), name='api1-listeninghistoryitem'), )
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import factory reload(factory) from factory import * def pyethapp_factory(branch='master'): factory = BuildFactory() for step in [ Git( haltOnFailure=True, logEnviron=False, repourl='', branch=branch, mode='full', method='copy', codebase='pyethapp', retry=(5, 3) ), SetPropertyFromCommand( haltOnFailure=True, logEnviron=False, name="set-version", command='sed -ne "s/.*version=.*[^0-9]\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\\1/p"', property="version" ), ShellCommand( haltOnFailure=True, logEnviron=False, name="pip-requirements", description="installing requirements", descriptionDone="install requirements", command=["pip", "install", "-r", "requirements.txt"] ), ShellCommand( haltOnFailure=True, logEnviron=False, name="upgrade-requirements", description="upgrading test requirements", descriptionDone="upgrade test requirements", command=["pip", "install", "--upgrade", "--no-deps", "-r", "requirements.txt"] ), ShellCommand( haltOnFailure=True, logEnviron=False, name="pip-install", description="installing", descriptionDone="install", command=["pip", "install", "-e", "."] ), ShellCommand( logEnviron=False, description="running", descriptionDone="run", name="pyethapp", command=["pyethapp", "--help"] ) ]: factory.addStep(step) return factory
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ mod_python->WSGI Framework utilities This code has been taken from mod_python original source code and rearranged here to easying the migration from mod_python to wsgi. The code taken from mod_python is under the following License. """ # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # Originally developed by Gregory Trubetskoy. # # $Id: 468216 2006-10-27 00:54:12Z grahamd $ from wsgiref.headers import Headers import time import re import os import cgi import cStringIO import tempfile from types import TypeType, ClassType, BuiltinFunctionType, MethodType, ListType from invenio.config import CFG_TMPDIR, CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR from invenio.webinterface_handler_config import \ SERVER_RETURN, \ HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, \ HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, \ InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentLenghtError, \ InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentTypeError, \ InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentMD5Error class table(Headers): add = Headers.add_header iteritems = Headers.items def __getitem__(self, name): ret = Headers.__getitem__(self, name) if ret is None: return '' else: return str(ret) ## Some functions made public exists_config_define = lambda dummy: True ## Some constants class metaCookie(type): def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict): _valid_attr = ( "version", "path", "domain", "secure", "comment", "expires", "max_age", # RFC 2965 "commentURL", "discard", "port", # Microsoft Extension "httponly" ) # _valid_attr + property values # (note __slots__ is a new Python feature, it # prevents any other attribute from being set) __slots__ = _valid_attr + ("name", "value", "_value", "_expires", "__data__") clsdict["_valid_attr"] = _valid_attr clsdict["__slots__"] = __slots__ def set_expires(self, value): if type(value) == type(""): # if it's a string, it should be # valid format as per Netscape spec try: t = time.strptime(value, "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT") except ValueError: raise ValueError, "Invalid expires time: %s" % value t = time.mktime(t) else: # otherwise assume it's a number # representing time as from time.time() t = value value = time.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(t)) self._expires = "%s" % value def get_expires(self): return self._expires clsdict["expires"] = property(fget=get_expires, fset=set_expires) return type.__new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict) class Cookie(object): """ This class implements the basic Cookie functionality. Note that unlike the Python Standard Library Cookie class, this class represents a single cookie (not a list of Morsels). """ __metaclass__ = metaCookie DOWNGRADE = 0 IGNORE = 1 EXCEPTION = 3 def parse(Class, str, **kw): """ Parse a Cookie or Set-Cookie header value, and return a dict of Cookies. Note: the string should NOT include the header name, only the value. """ dict = _parse_cookie(str, Class, **kw) return dict parse = classmethod(parse) def __init__(self, name, value, **kw): """ This constructor takes at least a name and value as the arguments, as well as optionally any of allowed cookie attributes as defined in the existing cookie standards. """, self.value = name, value for k in kw: setattr(self, k.lower(), kw[k]) # subclasses can use this for internal stuff self.__data__ = {} def __str__(self): """ Provides the string representation of the Cookie suitable for sending to the browser. Note that the actual header name will not be part of the string. This method makes no attempt to automatically double-quote strings that contain special characters, even though the RFC's dictate this. This is because doing so seems to confuse most browsers out there. """ result = ["%s=%s" % (, self.value)] # pylint: disable=E1101 # The attribute _valid_attr is provided by the metaclass 'metaCookie'. for name in self._valid_attr: if hasattr(self, name): if name in ("secure", "discard", "httponly"): result.append(name) else: result.append("%s=%s" % (name, getattr(self, name))) # pylint: enable=E1101 return "; ".join(result) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) # This is a simplified and in some places corrected # (at least I think it is) pattern from standard lib _cookiePattern = re.compile( r"(?x)" # Verbose pattern r"[,\ ]*" # space/comma (RFC2616 4.2) before attr-val is eaten r"(?P<key>" # Start of group 'key' r"[^;\ =]+" # anything but ';', ' ' or '=' r")" # End of group 'key' r"\ *(=\ *)?" # a space, then may be "=", more space r"(?P<val>" # Start of group 'val' r'"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"' # a doublequoted string r"|" # or r"[^;]*" # any word or empty string r")" # End of group 'val' r"\s*;?" # probably ending in a semi-colon ) def _parse_cookie(str, Class, names=None): # XXX problem is we should allow duplicate # strings result = {} matchIter = _cookiePattern.finditer(str) for match in matchIter: key, val ="key"),"val") # We just ditch the cookies names which start with a dollar sign since # those are in fact RFC2965 cookies attributes. See bug [#MODPYTHON-3]. if key[0] != '$' and names is None or key in names: result[key] = Class(key, val) return result def get_cookies(req, Class=Cookie, **kw): """ A shorthand for retrieveing and parsing cookies given a Cookie class. The class must be one of the classes from this module. """ if not req.headers_in.has_key("cookie"): return {} cookies = req.headers_in["cookie"] if type(cookies) == type([]): cookies = '; '.join(cookies) return Class.parse(cookies, **kw) def get_cookie(req, name, Class=Cookie, **kw): cookies = get_cookies(req, Class, names=[name], **kw) if cookies.has_key(name): return cookies[name] parse_qs = cgi.parse_qs parse_qsl = cgi.parse_qsl # Maximum line length for reading. (64KB) # Fixes memory error when upload large files such as 700+MB ISOs. readBlockSize = 65368 """ The classes below are a (almost) a drop-in replacement for the standard FieldStorage class. They should have pretty much the same functionality. These classes differ in that unlike cgi.FieldStorage, they are not recursive. The class FieldStorage contains a list of instances of Field class. Field class is incapable of storing anything in it. These objects should be considerably faster than the ones in because they do not expect CGI environment, and are optimized specifically for Apache and mod_python. """ class Field: def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): = name # Some third party packages such as Trac create # instances of the Field object and insert it # directly into the list of form fields. To # maintain backward compatibility check for # where more than just a field name is supplied # and invoke an additional initialisation step # to process the arguments. Ideally, third party # code should use the add_field() method of the # form, but if they need to maintain backward # compatibility with older versions of mod_python # they will not have a choice but to use old # way of doing things and thus we need this code # for the forseeable future to cope with that. if args or kwargs: self.__bc_init__(*args, **kwargs) def __bc_init__(self, file, ctype, type_options, disp, disp_options, headers = {}): self.file = file self.type = ctype self.type_options = type_options self.disposition = disp self.disposition_options = disp_options if disp_options.has_key("filename"): self.filename = disp_options["filename"] else: self.filename = None self.headers = headers def __repr__(self): """Return printable representation.""" return "Field(%s, %s)" % (``, `self.value`) def __getattr__(self, name): if name != 'value': raise AttributeError, name if self.file: value = else: value = None return value def __del__(self): self.file.close() class StringField(str): """ This class is basically a string with added attributes for compatibility with std lib Basically, this works the opposite of Field, as it stores its data in a string, but creates a file on demand. Field creates a value on demand and stores data in a file. """ filename = None headers = {} ctype = "text/plain" type_options = {} disposition = None disp_options = None def __new__(cls, value): '''Create StringField instance. You'll have to set name yourself.''' obj = str.__new__(cls, value) obj.value = value return obj def __str__(self): return str.__str__(self) def __getattr__(self, name): if name != 'file': raise AttributeError, name self.file = cStringIO.StringIO(self.value) return self.file def __repr__(self): """Return printable representation (to pass unit tests).""" return "Field(%s, %s)" % (``, `self.value`) class FieldList(list): def __init__(self): self.__table = None list.__init__(self) def table(self): if self.__table is None: self.__table = {} for item in self: if in self.__table: self.__table[].append(item) else: self.__table[] = [item] return self.__table def __delitem__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__delitem__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__delslice__(self, *args) def __iadd__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__iadd__(self, *args) def __imul__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__imul__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__setitem__(self, *args) def __setslice__(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.__setslice__(self, *args) def append(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.append(self, *args) def extend(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.extend(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.insert(self, *args) def pop(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.pop(self, *args) def remove(self, *args): self.__table = None return list.remove(self, *args) class FieldStorage: def __init__(self, req, keep_blank_values=0, strict_parsing=0, file_callback=None, field_callback=None, to_tmp_shared=False): # # Whenever readline is called ALWAYS use the max size EVEN when # not expecting a long line. - this helps protect against # malformed content from exhausting memory. # self.list = FieldList() self.wsgi_input_consumed = False # always process GET-style parameters if req.args: pairs = parse_qsl(req.args, keep_blank_values) for pair in pairs: self.add_field(pair[0], pair[1]) if req.method != "POST": return try: clen = int(req.headers_in["content-length"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): # absent content-length is not acceptable raise SERVER_RETURN, HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED self.clen = clen self.count = 0 if not req.headers_in.has_key("content-type"): ctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" else: ctype = req.headers_in["content-type"] if ctype.startswith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"): pairs = parse_qsl(, keep_blank_values) self.wsgi_input_consumed = True for pair in pairs: self.add_field(pair[0], pair[1]) return elif not ctype.startswith("multipart/"): # we don't understand this content-type return self.wsgi_input_consumed = True # figure out boundary try: i = ctype.lower().rindex("boundary=") boundary = ctype[i+9:] if len(boundary) >= 2 and boundary[0] == boundary[-1] == '"': boundary = boundary[1:-1] boundary = re.compile("--" + re.escape(boundary) + "(--)?\r?\n") except ValueError: raise SERVER_RETURN, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST # read until boundary self.read_to_boundary(req, boundary, None) end_of_stream = False while not end_of_stream and not self.eof(): # jjj JIM BEGIN WHILE ## parse headers ctype, type_options = "text/plain", {} disp, disp_options = None, {} headers = table([]) line = req.readline(readBlockSize) self.count += len(line) if self.eof(): end_of_stream = True match = boundary.match(line) if (not line) or match: # we stop if we reached the end of the stream or a stop # boundary (which means '--' after the boundary) we # continue to the next part if we reached a simple # boundary in either case this would mean the entity is # malformed, but we're tolerating it anyway. end_of_stream = (not line) or ( is not None) continue skip_this_part = False while line not in ('\r','\r\n'): nextline = req.readline(readBlockSize) self.count += len(nextline) if self.eof(): end_of_stream = True while nextline and nextline[0] in [ ' ', '\t']: line = line + nextline nextline = req.readline(readBlockSize) self.count += len(nextline) if self.eof(): end_of_stream = True # we read the headers until we reach an empty line # NOTE : a single \n would mean the entity is malformed, but # we're tolerating it anyway h, v = line.split(":", 1) headers.add(h, v) h = h.lower() if h == "content-disposition": disp, disp_options = parse_header(v) elif h == "content-type": ctype, type_options = parse_header(v) # # NOTE: FIX up binary rubbish sent as content type # from Microsoft IE 6.0 when sending a file which # does not have a suffix. # if ctype.find('/') == -1: ctype = 'application/octet-stream' line = nextline match = boundary.match(line) if (not line) or match: # we stop if we reached the end of the stream or a # stop boundary (which means '--' after the # boundary) we continue to the next part if we # reached a simple boundary in either case this # would mean the entity is malformed, but we're # tolerating it anyway. skip_this_part = True end_of_stream = (not line) or ( is not None) break if skip_this_part: continue if disp_options.has_key("name"): name = disp_options["name"] else: name = None # create a file object # is this a file? if disp_options.has_key("filename"): if file_callback and callable(file_callback): file = file_callback(disp_options["filename"]) else: if to_tmp_shared: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR) else: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=CFG_TMPDIR) else: if field_callback and callable(field_callback): file = field_callback() else: file = cStringIO.StringIO() # read it in self.read_to_boundary(req, boundary, file) if self.eof(): end_of_stream = True # make a Field if disp_options.has_key("filename"): field = Field(name) field.filename = disp_options["filename"] else: field = StringField( = name field.file = file field.type = ctype field.type_options = type_options field.disposition = disp field.disposition_options = disp_options field.headers = headers self.list.append(field) def add_field(self, key, value): """Insert a field as key/value pair""" item = StringField(value) = key self.list.append(item) def __setitem__(self, key, value): table = self.list.table() if table.has_key(key): items = table[key] for item in items: self.list.remove(item) item = StringField(value) = key self.list.append(item) def read_to_boundary(self, req, boundary, file): previous_delimiter = None while not self.eof(): line = req.readline(readBlockSize) self.count += len(line) if not line: # end of stream if file is not None and previous_delimiter is not None: file.write(previous_delimiter) return True match = boundary.match(line) if match: # the line is the boundary, so we bail out # if the two last chars are '--' it is the end of the entity return is not None if line[-2:] == '\r\n': # the line ends with a \r\n, which COULD be part # of the next boundary. We write the previous line delimiter # then we write the line without \r\n and save it for the next # iteration if it was not part of the boundary if file is not None: if previous_delimiter is not None: file.write(previous_delimiter) file.write(line[:-2]) previous_delimiter = '\r\n' elif line[-1:] == '\r': # the line ends with \r, which is only possible if # readBlockSize bytes have been read. In that case the # \r COULD be part of the next boundary, so we save it # for the next iteration assert len(line) == readBlockSize if file is not None: if previous_delimiter is not None: file.write(previous_delimiter) file.write(line[:-1]) previous_delimiter = '\r' elif line == '\n' and previous_delimiter == '\r': # the line us a single \n and we were in the middle of a \r\n, # so we complete the delimiter previous_delimiter = '\r\n' else: if file is not None: if previous_delimiter is not None: file.write(previous_delimiter) file.write(line) previous_delimiter = None def eof(self): return self.clen <= self.count def __getitem__(self, key): """Dictionary style indexing.""" found = self.list.table()[key] if len(found) == 1: return found[0] else: return found def get(self, key, default): try: return self.__getitem__(key) except (TypeError, KeyError): return default def keys(self): """Dictionary style keys() method.""" return self.list.table().keys() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.list.table()) def has_key(self, key): """Dictionary style has_key() method.""" return (key in self.list.table()) __contains__ = has_key def __len__(self): """Dictionary style len(x) support.""" return len(self.list.table()) def getfirst(self, key, default=None): """ return the first value received """ try: return self.list.table()[key][0] except KeyError: return default def getlist(self, key): """ return a list of received values """ try: return self.list.table()[key] except KeyError: return [] def items(self): """Dictionary-style items(), except that items are returned in the same order as they were supplied in the form.""" return [(, item) for item in self.list] def __delitem__(self, key): table = self.list.table() values = table[key] for value in values: self.list.remove(value) def clear(self): self.list = FieldList() def parse_header(line): """Parse a Content-type like header. Return the main content-type and a dictionary of options. """ plist = map(lambda a: a.strip(), line.split(';')) key = plist[0].lower() del plist[0] pdict = {} for p in plist: i = p.find('=') if i >= 0: name = p[:i].strip().lower() value = p[i+1:].strip() if len(value) >= 2 and value[0] == value[-1] == '"': value = value[1:-1] pdict[name] = value return key, pdict def apply_fs_data(object, fs, **args): """ Apply FieldStorage data to an object - the object must be callable. Examine the args, and match then with fs data, then call the object, return the result. """ # we need to weed out unexpected keyword arguments # and for that we need to get a list of them. There # are a few options for callable objects here: fc = None expected = [] if hasattr(object, "func_code"): # function fc = object.func_code expected = fc.co_varnames[0:fc.co_argcount] elif hasattr(object, 'im_func'): # method fc = object.im_func.func_code expected = fc.co_varnames[1:fc.co_argcount] elif type(object) in (TypeType,ClassType): # class fc = object.__init__.im_func.func_code expected = fc.co_varnames[1:fc.co_argcount] elif type(object) is BuiltinFunctionType: # builtin fc = None expected = [] elif hasattr(object, '__call__'): # callable object if type(object.__call__) is MethodType: fc = object.__call__.im_func.func_code expected = fc.co_varnames[1:fc.co_argcount] else: # abuse of objects to create hierarchy return apply_fs_data(object.__call__, fs, **args) # add form data to args for field in fs.list: if field.filename: val = field else: val = field.value args.setdefault(, []).append(val) # replace lists with single values for arg in args: if ((type(args[arg]) is ListType) and (len(args[arg]) == 1)): args[arg] = args[arg][0] # remove unexpected args unless co_flags & 0x08, # meaning function accepts **kw syntax if fc is None: args = {} elif not (fc.co_flags & 0x08): for name in args.keys(): if name not in expected: del args[name] return object(**args) RE_CDISPOSITION_FILENAME = re.compile(r'filename=(?P<filename>[\w\.]*)') def handle_file_post(req, allowed_mimetypes=None): """ Handle the POST of a file. @return: the a tuple with the full path to the file saved on disk, and it's mimetype as provided by the request. @rtype: (string, string) """ from invenio.bibdocfile import decompose_file, md5 ## We retrieve the length clen = req.headers_in["Content-Length"] if clen is None: raise InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentLenghtError("Content-Length header is missing") try: clen = int(clen) assert (clen > 1) except (ValueError, AssertionError): raise InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentLenghtError("Content-Length header should contain a positive integer") ## Let's take the content type ctype = req.headers_in["Content-Type"] if allowed_mimetypes and ctype not in allowed_mimetypes: raise InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentTypeError("Content-Type not in allowed list of content types: %s" % allowed_mimetypes) ## Let's optionally accept a suggested filename suffix = prefix = '' g ="Content-Disposition", "")) if g: dummy, prefix, suffix = decompose_file("filename")) ## Let's optionally accept an MD5 hash (and use it later for comparison) cmd5 = req.headers_in["Content-MD5"] if cmd5: the_md5 = md5() ## Ok. We can initialize the file fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=CFG_TMPDIR) the_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') ## Let's read the file while True: chunk =, clen)) if len(chunk) < min(10240, clen): ## We expected to read at least clen (which is different than 0) ## but chunk was shorter! Gosh! Error! Panic! the_file.close() os.close(fd) os.remove(path) raise InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentLenghtError("File shorter than what specified in Content-Length") if cmd5: ## MD5 was in the header let's compute it the_md5.update(chunk) ## And let's definitively write the content to disk :-) the_file.write(chunk) clen -= len(chunk) if clen == 0: ## That's it. Everything was read. break if cmd5 and the_md5.hexdigest().lower() != cmd5.strip().lower(): ## Let's check the MD5 the_file.close() os.close(fd) os.remove(path) raise InvenioWebInterfaceWSGIContentMD5Error("MD5 checksum does not match") ## Let's clean everything up the_file.close() return (path, ctype)
## ## File: ## ## Author: Schuyler Martin <[email protected]> ## ## Description: Python class that defines a datagram for storing statistics ## on users ## from datagrams.datagram import Datagram class UserStats(Datagram): ''' Class for storing statistics on a user ''' def __init__(self, uid="", init_map=None): ''' UserStat constructor, uses optional named parameters :param: uid UID of user that these stats belong to :param: init_map Dictionary that maps class attributes to values This map, if it is passed in, will replace all attributes that are seen in the dictionary. This is how we load an object from JSON in the DB ''' super().__init__(uid, init_map) # number of questions a student has asked or a tutor has answered self.q_count = 0 # number of times logged into the system self.login_count = 0 # override attributes in the map if (init_map != None): if ("q_count" in init_map): self.q_count = init_map["q_count"] if ("login_count" in init_map): self.login_count = init_map["login_count"] def __str__(self): ''' Converts to a string equivalent ''' title = "User Stats for " + self.uid + "\n" return title + super().__str__() def stat_count(self, var_name): ''' Returns the stats measure of a specific variable :param: var_name Variable to fetch :return: Current variable count ''' return self.__dict__[var_name] def stat_increment(self, var_name, value=1): ''' Increments the stats measure of a specific variable :param: var_name Variable to increment :param: value Optional parameter, how much to increment by :return: Current variable count ''' self.__dict__[var_name] += value return self.stat_count(var_name)
from .core import * from .viz import * __version__ = "0.0.5"
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Introdução a Programação de Computadores - IPC # Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - UEA # Prof. Jucimar Jr # # Adham Lucas da Silva Oliveira 1715310059 # Gabriel Barroso da Silva Lima 1715310011 # Guilherme Silva de Oliveira 1715310034 # Natália Cavalcante Xavier 1715310021 # Tiago Ferreira Aranha 1715310047 # # Fazer um algoritmo em Python que: # a) Leia o valor inteiro de n (n  1000) e os n valores de uma variável composta A de # valores numéricos, ordenados de forma crescente; # b) Determine e imprima, para cada número que se repete no conjunto, a quantidade de # vezes em que ele aparece repetido; # c) Elimine os elementos repetidos, formando um novo conjunto; # d) Imprima o conjunto obtido no item c. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- n = int(input("digite a quantidade de números: ")) digitados = [] repete = 0 for i in range (0, n): numero = int(input("digite o número: ")) digitados.append(numero) i = 1 digitados.append(digitados[0]-1) while i < n: while digitados[i] == digitados[i-1]: repete += 1 digitados.remove(i) n -= 1 else: if repete > 0: print ("número", digitados[i-1], "repete", repete, "vez(es)") repete = 0 i += 1 digitados.remove(digitados[0]-1) for i in range (0, n): print (digitados[i])
Enter file contents here""" Put the text of the current NVDA navigator object into a new window. To install, place this file in the globalPlugins folder. You can get to this folder by typing the following into your run box (windows key + r): %appdata%\nvda\globalPlugins Once this is done, simply reload NVDA. To use, focus the object you want to view the text for, then press NVDA+CTRL+N. This file written by Chris Norman for use in Coventry Samaritans. Feel free to distribute, use, learn from, edit or whatever. I only ask that if you do use or modify it, you send me an email just so I can feel good about myself! :-) My email address, should you want to stroke my ego, complain or get help is [email protected] """ from globalPluginHandler import GlobalPlugin from api import getFocusObject from ui import message frame = None # The frame when it opens. Gets reset upon close. class GlobalPlugin(GlobalPlugin): """The plugin required to make this whole thing work.""" def script_objectName(self, gesture): """Pops up the text of the current object in a new window.""" text = getattr(getFocusObject(), 'windowText', None) if text != None: text = text.strip('\n') if not text: message('No text.') else: global frame if frame: frame.setText(text) else: frame = ObjectNameFrame(text) __gestures = { 'kb:NVDA+control+n': 'objectName' } import wx class ObjectNameFrame(wx.Frame): """The frame to show.""" def __init__(self, text): """Text is the text to populate the frame with.""" super(ObjectNameFrame, self).__init__(None, title = 'Object Text') p = wx.Panel(self) s = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) s1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) s1.Add(wx.StaticText(p, label = '&Object Text'), 0, wx.GROW) self.text = wx.TextCtrl(p, style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) s1.Add(self.text, 1, wx.GROW) s.Add(s1, 1, wx.GROW) s2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.closeButton = wx.Button(p, label = 'Close &Window') s2.Add(self.closeButton, 1, wx.GROW) self.closeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda event: self.Close(True)) self.findText = '' # The text that the user searched for last time. self.findButton = wx.Button(p, label = '&Find...') s2.Add(self.findButton, 1, wx.GROW) self.findButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.find) self.findAgainButton = wx.Button(p, label = 'Find A&gain') s2.Add(self.findAgainButton, 1, wx.GROW) self.findAgainButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda event: self.find(text = self.findText)) s.Add(s2, 0, wx.GROW) p.SetSizerAndFit(s) = wx.MenuBar() self.editMenu = wx.Menu() self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.find, self.editMenu.Append(wx.ID_FIND, '&Find...\tCTRL+F', 'Search for a string.')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda event: self.find(text = self.findText), self.editMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Find A&gain\tF3', 'Search again.')), '&Edit') self.SetMenuBar( self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose) self.setText(text) def Show(self, value = True): """Show the window, maximizing in the process.""" res = super(ObjectNameFrame, self).Show(value) self.Maximize(True) return res def find(self, event = None, text = None): """Find function.""" if text == None: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter a string to search for', 'Find', self.findText) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: text = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if text: self.findText = text text = text.lower() i = self.text.GetInsertionPoint() f = self.text.GetValue().lower().find(text, i) if f >= 0: f += self.text.GetValue().count('\n', 0, f) self.text.SetSelection(f, f + len(text)) else: wx.Bell() return self.find() def setText(self, text): """Set the text field to the provided text.""" self.text.SetValue(text) self.Raise() self.Show(True) def onClose(self, event): """Close the window, clearing frame first.""" global frame frame = None event.Skip()
#encoding=utf-8 import ldap SERVER_NAME = '' SERVER_PORT = 389 try: conn ="") conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 #设置ldap协议版本 username = "cn=Manager," #身份信息 password = "secret" #访问密码 conn.simple_bind_s(username,password) # 开始绑定,验证成功的话不会抛出异常 except ldap.LDAPError, e: #捕获出错信息 print e
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append('..') from rt1.scatter import Scatter class TestScatter(unittest.TestCase): def test_p(self): S = Scatter() theta_0 = np.pi/2. theta_s = 0.234234 phi_0 = np.pi/2. phi_s = 0. p = S.scat_angle(theta_0, theta_s, phi_0, phi_s, a=[-1.,1.,1.]) # cos(theta)=0 self.assertAlmostEqual(p, 0.,10) theta_0 = 0. theta_s = 0. phi_0 = np.pi/2. phi_s = 0.12345 p = S.scat_angle(theta_0, theta_s, phi_0, phi_s, a=[-.7,1.,1.]) # cos(theta)=-1 self.assertAlmostEqual(p, -.7,10) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# coding=utf-8 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file LICENSE or import argparse import os import simplejson as json import grpc from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson from qrl.core import config from qrl.core.AddressState import AddressState from qrl.crypto.xmss import XMSS from qrl.core.txs.Transaction import Transaction from qrl.core.txs.TransferTransaction import TransferTransaction from pyqrllib.pyqrllib import hstr2bin, bin2hstr from qrl.generated import qrl_pb2_grpc, qrl_pb2, qrlmining_pb2, qrlmining_pb2_grpc from flask import Flask, Response, request from jsonrpc.backend.flask import api app = Flask(__name__) def read_slaves(slaves_filename): with open(slaves_filename, 'r') as f: slave_data = json.load(f) slave_data[0] = bytes(hstr2bin(slave_data[0])) return slave_data def get_addr_state(addr: bytes) -> AddressState: stub = get_public_stub() response = stub.GetAddressState(request=qrl_pb2.GetAddressStateReq(address=addr)) return AddressState(response.state) def set_unused_ots_key(xmss, addr_state, start=0): for i in range(start, 2 ** xmss.height): if not addr_state.ots_key_reuse(i): xmss.set_ots_index(i) return True return False def valid_payment_permission(public_stub, master_address_state, payment_xmss, json_slave_txn): access_type = master_address_state.get_slave_permission( if access_type == -1: tx = Transaction.from_json(json_slave_txn) public_stub.PushTransaction(request=qrl_pb2.PushTransactionReq(transaction_signed=tx.pbdata)) return None if access_type == 0: return True return False def get_unused_payment_xmss(public_stub): global payment_slaves global payment_xmss master_address = payment_slaves[0] master_address_state = get_addr_state(master_address) if payment_xmss: addr_state = get_addr_state(payment_xmss.address) if set_unused_ots_key(payment_xmss, addr_state, payment_xmss.ots_index): if valid_payment_permission(public_stub, master_address_state, payment_xmss, payment_slaves[2]): return payment_xmss else: payment_xmss = None if not payment_xmss: unused_ots_found = False for slave_seed in payment_slaves[1]: xmss = XMSS.from_extended_seed(slave_seed) addr_state = get_addr_state(xmss.address) if set_unused_ots_key(xmss, addr_state): # Unused ots_key_found payment_xmss = xmss unused_ots_found = True break if not unused_ots_found: # Unused ots_key_found return None if not valid_payment_permission(public_stub, master_address_state, payment_xmss, payment_slaves[2]): return None return payment_xmss @app.route('/api/<api_method_name>') def api_proxy(api_method_name): """ Proxy JSON RPC requests to the gRPC server as well as converts back gRPC response to JSON. :param api_method_name: :return: """ stub = qrl_pb2_grpc.PublicAPIStub(grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(config.user.public_api_host, config.user.public_api_port))) public_api = qrl_pb2.DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name['PublicAPI'] api_method = public_api.FindMethodByName(api_method_name) api_request = getattr(qrl_pb2, for arg in request.args: if arg not in api_method.input_type.fields_by_name: raise Exception('Invalid args %s', arg) data_type = type(getattr(api_request, arg)) if data_type == bool and request.args[arg].lower() == 'false': continue value = data_type(request.args.get(arg, type=data_type)) setattr(api_request, arg, value) resp = getattr(stub, api_method_name)(api_request, timeout=10) return Response(response=MessageToJson(resp, sort_keys=True), status=200, mimetype='application/json') def get_mining_stub(): global mining_stub return mining_stub def get_public_stub(): global public_stub return public_stub @api.dispatcher.add_method def getlastblockheader(height=0): stub = get_mining_stub() request = qrlmining_pb2.GetLastBlockHeaderReq(height=height) grpc_response = stub.GetLastBlockHeader(request=request, timeout=10) block_header = { 'difficulty': grpc_response.difficulty, 'height': grpc_response.height, 'timestamp': grpc_response.timestamp, 'reward': grpc_response.reward, 'hash': grpc_response.hash, 'depth': grpc_response.depth } resp = { "block_header": block_header, "status": "OK" } return resp @api.dispatcher.add_method def getblockheaderbyheight(height): return getlastblockheader(height) @api.dispatcher.add_method def getblocktemplate(reserve_size, wallet_address): stub = get_mining_stub() request = qrlmining_pb2.GetBlockToMineReq(wallet_address=wallet_address.encode()) grpc_response = stub.GetBlockToMine(request=request, timeout=10) resp = { 'blocktemplate_blob': grpc_response.blocktemplate_blob, 'difficulty': grpc_response.difficulty, 'height': grpc_response.height, 'reserved_offset': grpc_response.reserved_offset, 'seed_hash': grpc_response.seed_hash, 'status': 'OK' } return resp @api.dispatcher.add_method def submitblock(blob): stub = get_mining_stub() request = qrlmining_pb2.SubmitMinedBlockReq(blob=bytes(hstr2bin(blob))) response = stub.SubmitMinedBlock(request=request, timeout=10) if response.error: raise Exception # Mining pool expected exception when block submission fails return MessageToJson(response, sort_keys=True) @api.dispatcher.add_method def getblockminingcompatible(height): stub = get_mining_stub() request = qrlmining_pb2.GetBlockMiningCompatibleReq(height=height) response = stub.GetBlockMiningCompatible(request=request, timeout=10) return MessageToJson(response, sort_keys=True) @api.dispatcher.add_method def transfer(destinations, fee, mixin, unlock_time): if len(destinations) > raise Exception('Payment Failed: Amount exceeds the allowed limit') addrs_to = [] amounts = [] for tx in destinations: addrs_to.append(bytes(hstr2bin(tx['address'][1:]))) # Skipping 'Q' amounts.append(tx['amount']) stub = get_public_stub() xmss = get_unused_payment_xmss(stub) if not xmss: raise Exception('Payment Failed: No Unused Payment XMSS found') tx = TransferTransaction.create(addrs_to=addrs_to, amounts=amounts, message_data=None, fee=fee,, master_addr=payment_slaves[0]) tx.sign(xmss) response = stub.PushTransaction(request=qrl_pb2.PushTransactionReq(transaction_signed=tx.pbdata)) if response.error_code != 3: raise Exception('Transaction Submission Failed, Response Code: %s', response.error_code) response = {'tx_hash': bin2hstr(tx.txhash)} return response app.add_url_rule('/json_rpc', 'api', api.as_view(), methods=['POST']) def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='QRL node') parser.add_argument('--qrldir', '-d', dest='qrl_dir', default=config.user.qrl_dir, help="Use a different directory for node data/configuration") parser.add_argument('--network-type', dest='network_type', choices=['mainnet', 'testnet'], default='mainnet', required=False, help="Runs QRL Testnet Node") return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_arguments() qrl_dir_post_fix = '' copy_files = [] if args.network_type == 'testnet': qrl_dir_post_fix = '-testnet' package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) copy_files.append(os.path.join(package_directory, 'network/testnet/genesis.yml')) copy_files.append(os.path.join(package_directory, 'network/testnet/config.yml')) config.user.qrl_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(args.qrl_dir) + qrl_dir_post_fix) config.create_path(config.user.qrl_dir, copy_files) config.user.load_yaml(config.user.config_path) global payment_slaves, payment_xmss global mining_stub, public_stub mining_stub = qrlmining_pb2_grpc.MiningAPIStub(grpc.insecure_channel('{0}:{1}'.format(config.user.mining_api_host, config.user.mining_api_port))) public_stub = qrl_pb2_grpc.PublicAPIStub(grpc.insecure_channel('{0}:{1}'.format(config.user.public_api_host, config.user.public_api_port))) payment_xmss = None payment_slaves = read_slaves(config.user.mining_pool_payment_wallet_path), port=config.user.grpc_proxy_port) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
VERSION = '1.5.2-dev'
#!/usr/bin/python3 from qgmap import * if __name__ == '__main__' : def goCoords() : def resetError() : coordsEdit.setStyleSheet('') try : latitude, longitude = coordsEdit.text().split(",") except ValueError : coordsEdit.setStyleSheet("color: red;") QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(500, resetError) else : gmap.centerAt(latitude, longitude) gmap.moveMarker("MyDragableMark", latitude, longitude) def goAddress() : def resetError() : addressEdit.setStyleSheet('') coords = gmap.centerAtAddress(addressEdit.text()) if coords is None : addressEdit.setStyleSheet("color: red;") QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(500, resetError) return gmap.moveMarker("MyDragableMark", *coords) coordsEdit.setText("{}, {}".format(*coords)) def onMarkerMoved(key, latitude, longitude) : print("Moved!!", key, latitude, longitude) coordsEdit.setText("{}, {}".format(latitude, longitude)) def onMarkerRClick(key) : print("RClick on ", key) gmap.setMarkerOptions(key, draggable=False) def onMarkerLClick(key) : print("LClick on ", key) def onMarkerDClick(key) : print("DClick on ", key) gmap.setMarkerOptions(key, draggable=True) def onMapMoved(latitude, longitude) : print("Moved to ", latitude, longitude) def onMapRClick(latitude, longitude) : print("RClick on ", latitude, longitude) def onMapLClick(latitude, longitude) : print("LClick on ", latitude, longitude) def onMapDClick(latitude, longitude) : print("DClick on ", latitude, longitude) app = QtGui.QApplication([]) w = QtGui.QDialog() h = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(w) l = QtGui.QFormLayout() h.addLayout(l) addressEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit() l.addRow('Address:', addressEdit) addressEdit.editingFinished.connect(goAddress) coordsEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit() l.addRow('Coords:', coordsEdit) coordsEdit.editingFinished.connect(goCoords) gmap = QGoogleMap(w) gmap.mapMoved.connect(onMapMoved) gmap.markerMoved.connect(onMarkerMoved) gmap.mapClicked.connect(onMapLClick) gmap.mapDoubleClicked.connect(onMapDClick) gmap.mapRightClicked.connect(onMapRClick) gmap.markerClicked.connect(onMarkerLClick) gmap.markerDoubleClicked.connect(onMarkerDClick) gmap.markerRightClicked.connect(onMarkerRClick) h.addWidget(gmap) gmap.setSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) gmap.waitUntilReady() gmap.centerAt(41.35,2.05) gmap.setZoom(13) coords = gmap.centerAtAddress("Pau Casals 3, Santa Coloma de Cervelló") # Many icons at: gmap.addMarker("MyDragableMark", *coords, **dict( icon="", draggable=True, title = "Move me!" )) # Some Static points for place in [ "Pau Casals 13, Santa Coloma de Cervelló", "Ferrer 20, Santa Coloma de Cervelló", ]: gmap.addMarkerAtAddress(place, icon="", ) gmap.setZoom(17) app.exec_()
# coding=utf-8 """ Copyright 2015 Load Impact Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import unittest from datetime import datetime from loadimpact.clients import Client from loadimpact.exceptions import CoercionError from loadimpact.fields import ( Field, DataStoreListField, DateTimeField, DictField, IntegerField, StringField) from loadimpact.resources import Resource from loadimpact.utils import UTC class MockClient(Client): def _requests_request(self, method, *args, **kwargs): pass class MockResource(Resource): fields = {} def __init__(self, client, field_cls, field_value=None): self.__class__.fields['field'] = field_cls super(MockResource, self).__init__(client, field=field_value) class TestFieldsField(unittest.TestCase): def test_coerce(self): self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, Field.coerce, None) class TestFieldsDataStoreListField(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = MockClient() def test_coerce(self): coerced = DataStoreListField.coerce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assertEqual(coerced, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) def test_coerce_from_list_of_dicts(self): coerced = DataStoreListField.coerce([{'id': 6}, {'id': 7}, {'id': 8}]) self.assertEqual(coerced, [6, 7, 8]) def test_get(self): r = MockResource(self.client, DataStoreListField, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assertEqual(r.field, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) class TestFieldsDateTimeField(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC(), microsecond=0) self.client = MockClient() def test_coerce(self): value = '%s+00:00' % coerced = DateTimeField.coerce(value) self.assertEqual(coerced, def test_coerce_bad_format(self): self.assertRaises(CoercionError, DateTimeField.coerce, '2013-01-01') def test_construct_bad_format(self): self.assertRaises(CoercionError, MockResource, self.client, DateTimeField, '2013-01-01') def test_get(self): value = '%s+00:00' % r = MockResource(self.client, DateTimeField, value) self.assertEqual(r.field, class TestFieldsIntegerField(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = MockClient() def test_coerce(self): coerced = IntegerField.coerce(1) self.assertEqual(coerced, 1) def test_coerce_from_string(self): coerced = IntegerField.coerce('1') self.assertEqual(coerced, 1) def test_get(self): r = MockResource(self.client, IntegerField, 1) self.assertEqual(r.field, 1)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on Feb 20, 2013 @author: maribelacosta ''' class Revision(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self): = 0 # Fake sequential id. Starts in 0. self.wikipedia_id = 0 # Wikipedia revision id. self.contributor_id = 0; # Id of the contributor who performed the revision. self.contributor_name = '' # Name of the contributor who performed the revision. self.contributor_ip = '' # Name of the contributor who performed the revision. self.paragraphs = {} # Dictionary of paragraphs. It is of the form {paragraph_hash : [Paragraph]}. self.ordered_paragraphs = [] # Ordered paragraph hash. self.length = 0 # Content length (bytes). self.total_tokens = 0 # Number of tokens in the revision. self.timestamp = 0 def __repr__(self): return str(id(self)) def to_dict(self): revision = {} revision.update({'obj' : []}) for paragraph_hash in self.ordered_paragraphs: p = [] for paragraph in self.paragraphs[paragraph_hash]: p.append(repr(paragraph)) revision['obj'].append(p) return revision
"""A filter that reduces CitcomS vtk input data. """ #Author: Martin Weier #Copyright (C) 2006 California Institute of Technology #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Enthought library imports. from enthought.traits import Instance, Range, Int, Float, Enum, Trait, Button from enthought.traits.ui import View, Group, Item from enthought.tvtk.api import tvtk # Local imports from enthought.mayavi.core.filter import Filter from CitcomSSphere import * ###################################################################### # `Threshold` class. ###################################################################### class CitcomSreduce(Filter): # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 0 # The threshold filter. probe_filter = Instance(tvtk.ProbeFilter, ()) citcomsgrid = CitcomSSphere() sphere = Instance(tvtk.SphereSource,()) # Upper threshold (this is a dynamic trait that is changed when # input data changes). Radius = Range(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, desc='adjust radius') theta = Range(3, 40, 3, desc='the theta resolution') phi = Range(3, 40, 3, desc='the upper threshold of the filter') Selected_Source = Enum( 'Sphere','CitcomSGrid',) radius_max = Float(1.0) set_radius_max = Button('Set Radius Max') # Our view. view = View(Item(name="Selected_Source"), Group(Item(name='Radius'), Item(name='theta'), Item(name='phi'), Item(name='radius_max'), Item(name='set_radius_max', style='simple', label='Simple'), show_border = True ), ) grid_source = True ###################################################################### # `Filter` interface. ###################################################################### def setup_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *creates* its tvtk pipeline. This method is invoked when the object is initialized via `__init__`. Note that at the time this method is called, the tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup. So upstream data will not be available. The idea is that you simply create the basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not dependent on upstream sources and filters. """ # Just setup the default output of this filter. s = self.sphere s.set(radius=0.0,theta_resolution=20,phi_resolution=20) self.probe_filter.input = s.output self.outputs = [self.probe_filter.output] def update_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline when data upstream is known to have changed. This method is invoked (automatically) when the input fires a `pipeline_changed` event. """ # By default we set the input to the first output of the first # input. fil = self.probe_filter fil.source = self.inputs[0].outputs[0] self._calc_grid(0,self.theta,self.phi) fil.update() self.outputs[0] = fil.output self.pipeline_changed = True def update_data(self): """Override this method to do what is necessary when upstream data changes. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `data_changed` event. """ self.probe_filter.source = self.inputs[0].outputs[0] self.probe_filter.update() # Propagate the data_changed event. self.data_changed = True def _calc_grid(self,radius,resolution_x,resolution_y): fil = self.probe_filter coords = [] if self.Selected_Source == 'CitcomSGrid': for i in xrange(12): coords += self.citcomsgrid.coords_of_cap(radius,self.theta,self.phi,i) grid = tvtk.UnstructuredGrid() #Connectivity for 2d-Data #There is no need to interpolate with the CitcomS grid surface. If this is however #wanted uncomment this code to create the CitcomS surface information #for capnr in xrange(12): # i=1 # for n in xrange((resolution_x+1)*(resolution_y+1) - (resolution_x+1)): # if i%(resolution_x+1)!=0 : # n0 = n+(capnr*((resolution_x+1)*(resolution_y+1))) # n1 = n0+1 # n2 = n0+resolution_y+1 # n3 = n2+1 # grid.insert_next_cell(8,[n0,n1,n2,n3]) # i+=1 ## grid.points = coords fil.input = grid if self.Selected_Source == 'Sphere': sphere = tvtk.SphereSource() sphere.radius = radius sphere.theta_resolution = resolution_x sphere.phi_resolution = resolution_y #Rotate the Sphere so that the poles are at the right location transL = tvtk.Transform() trans1 = tvtk.TransformPolyDataFilter() trans2 = tvtk.TransformPolyDataFilter() trans1.input = sphere.output transL.rotate_y(90) transL.update() trans1.transform = transL trans1.update() trans2.input = trans1.output transL.rotate_z(90) transL.update() trans2.transform = transL trans2.update() fil.input = trans2.output fil.update() ###################################################################### # Non-public interface ###################################################################### def _Radius_changed(self, new_value): fil = self.probe_filter #self.sphere.radius = new_value self._calc_grid(new_value,self.theta,self.phi) fil.update() self.data_changed = True def _theta_changed(self, new_value): fil = self.probe_filter self._calc_grid(self.Radius,new_value,self.phi) fil.update() self.data_changed = True def _phi_changed(self, new_value): fil = self.probe_filter self._calc_grid(self.Radius,self.theta,new_value) fil.update() self.data_changed = True def _Selected_Source_changed(self,new_value): self._calc_grid(self.Radius, self.theta, self.phi) self.outputs[0] = self.probe_filter.output self.data_changed = True self.pipeline_changed = True def _radius_max_changed(self,new_value): if self.Radius > new_value: self.Radius = new_value if new_value <= 0.0: self.radius_max = 0.0 def _set_radius_max_fired(self): trait = Range(0.0, self.radius_max, self.Radius, desc='adjust radius') self.add_trait('Radius', trait)
# Copyright (c) 2014. Mount Sinai School of Medicine # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from os.path import join from .static_data import MATRIX_DIR def read_coefficients( key_type='row', verbose=True, filename=join(MATRIX_DIR, 'pmbec.mat')): """ Parameters ------------ filename : str Location of PMBEC coefficient matrix key_type : str 'row' : every key is a single amino acid, which maps to a dictionary for that row 'pair' : every key is a tuple of amino acids 'pair_string' : every key is a string of two amino acid characters verbose : bool Print rows of matrix as we read them """ d = {} if key_type == 'row': def add_pair(row_letter, col_letter, value): if row_letter not in d: d[row_letter] = {} d[row_letter][col_letter] = value elif key_type == 'pair': def add_pair(row_letter, col_letter, value): d[(row_letter, col_letter)] = value else: assert key_type == 'pair_string', \ "Invalid dictionary key type: %s" % key_type def add_pair(row_letter, col_letter, value): d["%s%s" % (row_letter, col_letter)] = value with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = [line for line in'\n') if len(line) > 0] header = lines[0] if verbose: print(header) residues = [x for x in header.split(' ') if len(x) == 1 and x != ' ' and x != '\t'] assert len(residues) == 20 if verbose: print(residues) for line in lines[1:]: cols = [ x for x in line.split(' ') if len(x) > 0 and x != ' ' and x != '\t' ] assert len(cols) == 21, "Expected 20 values + letter, got %s" % cols row_letter = cols[0] for i, col in enumerate(cols[1:]): col_letter = residues[i] assert col_letter != ' ' and col_letter != '\t' value = float(col) add_pair(row_letter, col_letter, value) return d if __name__ == '__main__': d = read_coefficients(key_type='pair_string') print("PMBEC matrix") for k in sorted(d): print(k, d[k])
import bbcode import markdown import html from c2corg_ui.format.wikilinks import C2CWikiLinkExtension from c2corg_ui.format.img import C2CImageExtension from import C2CVideoExtension from c2corg_ui.format.important import C2CImportantExtension from c2corg_ui.format.warning import C2CWarningExtension from markdown.extensions.nl2br import Nl2BrExtension from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension _markdown_parser = None _bbcode_parser = None _parsers_settings = None def configure_parsers(settings): global _parsers_settings _parsers_settings = { 'api_url': settings.get('api_url') } def _get_markdown_parser(): global _markdown_parser if not _markdown_parser: extensions = [ C2CWikiLinkExtension(), C2CImageExtension(api_url=_parsers_settings['api_url']), C2CVideoExtension(), C2CImportantExtension(), C2CWarningExtension(), Nl2BrExtension(), TocExtension(marker='[toc]', baselevel=2), ] _markdown_parser = markdown.Markdown(output_format='xhtml5', extensions=extensions) return _markdown_parser def _get_bbcode_parser(): global _bbcode_parser if not _bbcode_parser: _bbcode_parser = bbcode.Parser(escape_html=False, newline='\n') return _bbcode_parser def parse_code(text, md=True, bb=True): if bb: text = _get_bbcode_parser().format(text) if md: text = _get_markdown_parser().convert(text) return text def sanitize(text): return html.escape(text)
class Solution(object): def fizzBuzz(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: List[str] """ num_str_arr = [""] * n for i in range(1, n+1): num_str = "" if i % 3 != 0 and i % 5 != 0: num_str = str(i) else: if i % 3 == 0: num_str = "Fizz" if i % 5 == 0: num_str += "Buzz" num_str_arr[i-1] = num_str return num_str_arr
algorithms/412. Fizz Buzz/
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- if __name__ != '__main__': __dicErros__ = { 00: "[Erro]: Arquivo contendo o código fonte não foi passado!", 01: "[Erro]: O arquivo passado possui extensão incompatível.", 02: "[Erro]: Erro lexico na linha " } __listaErros__ = [] def getErro(chave, linha, coluna): """A função retorna a string do erro correspondente contido no dicionário de erros.""" if(linha is None and coluna is None): return __dicErros__[chave] return __dicErros__[chave] + str(linha) + " e coluna " + str(coluna) def getListaErros(): """A função retorna a lista de erros encontrados no código fonte.""" return __listaErros__ def setListaErros(erro): """A função acrescenta ao final da lista de erros uma nova string de um erro encontrado.""" return __listaErros__.append(erro)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import logging import api # :REFACTOR: import datetime def set_timer(seconds, func): period = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) def on_timeout(): func() io_loop.add_timeout(period, on_timeout) io_loop.add_timeout(period, on_timeout) if __name__ == "__main__": from api import connect_to_dvr, StreamState from tornado import gen from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop io_loop = IOLoop.instance() host, port = "localhost", 8000 if False: @gen.engine def process(callback=None): stream = yield gen.Task(connect, host, port) if stream: stream.close() if callback: callback(None) io_loop.stop() process() io_loop.start() if True: test_timer = False if test_timer: def on_test_timer(): print("!") set_timer(1, on_test_timer) else: def write_func(stream, is_first): stream.write(b"Hello\n") print("written!") obj = api.make_struct() def on_timeout(): connect_to_dvr(obj, (host, port), write_func) set_timer(1, on_timeout) io_loop.start()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is protected by Copyright. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file # distributed with this source distribution. # # This file is part of REDHAWK server. # # REDHAWK server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # REDHAWK server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # from tornado.testing import main import unittest from tests import * def all(): return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(__import__(__name__)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Number of "papers using libmesh" by year. # # Note 1: this does not count citations "only," the authors must have actually # used libmesh in part of their work. Therefore, these counts do not include # things like Wolfgang citing us in his papers to show how Deal.II is # superior... # # Note 2: I typically update this data after regenerating the web page, # since bibtex2html renumbers the references starting from "1" each year. # # Note 3: These citations include anything that is not a dissertation/thesis. # So, some are conference papers, some are journal articles, etc. # # Note 4: The libmesh paper came out in 2006, but there are some citations # prior to that date, obviously. These counts include citations of the # website as well... # # Note 5: Preprints are listed as the "current year + 1" and are constantly # being moved to their respective years after being published. data = [ '\'04', 5, '\'05', 2, '\'06', 13, '\'07', 8, '\'08', 23, '\'09', 29, '\'10', 25, '\'11', 32, '\'12', 53, '\'13', 78, '\'14', 63, '\'15', 79, '\'16', 84, '\'17', 31, 'T', 62 ] # Extract the x-axis labels from the data array xlabels = data[0::2] # Extract the publication counts from the data array n_papers = data[1::2] # The number of data points N = len(xlabels); # Get a reference to the figure fig = plt.figure() # 111 is equivalent to Matlab's subplot(1,1,1) command ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create an x-axis for plotting x = np.linspace(1, N, N) # Width of the bars width = 0.8 # Make the bar chart. Plot years in blue, preprints and theses in green.[0:N-1], n_papers[0:N-1], width, color='b')[N-1:N], n_papers[N-1:N], width, color='g') # Label the x-axis plt.xlabel('T=PhD, MS, and BS Theses') # Set up the xtick locations and labels. Note that you have to offset # the position of the ticks by width/2, where width is the width of # the bars. ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(1,N,N) + width/2) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) # Create a title string title_string = 'Papers by People Using LibMesh, (' + str(sum(n_papers)) + ' Total)' fig.suptitle(title_string) # Save as PDF plt.savefig('libmesh_citations.pdf') # Local Variables: # python-indent: 2 # End:
# # # by Shaun Astbury # # Import required modules. try: from osgeo import ogr, osr except: import ogr import osr import os ogr.UseExceptions() # Driver names matched to driver instances. drivers = {ogr.GetDriver(i).GetName(): ogr.GetDriver(i) for i in range(ogr.GetDriverCount())} # OGR Geometry methods for exporting geometries to other formats. export_geometries = {'wkt': ogr.Geometry.ExportToWkt, 'wkb': ogr.Geometry.ExportToWkb, 'kml': ogr.Geometry.ExportToKML, 'json': ogr.Geometry.ExportToJson, 'gml': ogr.Geometry.ExportToGML} # OSR SpatialReference methods for exporting to other formats. export_sr = {'pwkt': osr.SpatialReference.ExportToPrettyWkt, 'wkt': osr.SpatialReference.ExportToWkt, 'proj4': osr.SpatialReference.ExportToProj4, 'pci': osr.SpatialReference.ExportToPCI, 'xml': osr.SpatialReference.ExportToXML, 'epsg': osr.SpatialReference.GetAttrValue} # Matches extensions to drivers. extensions = {} for driver in drivers: driver = drivers[driver] data = driver.GetMetadata() if "DMD_EXTENSIONS" in data: exts = data["DMD_EXTENSIONS"] exts = exts.split(" ") for ext in exts: extensions["." + ext] = driver # Match single geometries to multi versions and vice versa. geom_dict = {'POINT': 'MULTIPOINT', 'LINESTRING': 'MULTILINESTRING', 'POLYGON': 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTIPOINT': 'POINT', 'MULTILINESTRING': 'LINESTRING', 'MULTIPOLYGON': 'POLYGON'} # OGR geometry type codes to names. geom_types = {ogr.wkbUnknown: 'UNKNOWN', ogr.wkbPoint: 'POINT', ogr.wkbLineString: 'LINESTRING', ogr.wkbPolygon: 'POLYGON', ogr.wkbMultiPoint: 'MULTIPOINT', ogr.wkbMultiLineString: 'MULTILINESTRING', ogr.wkbMultiPolygon: 'MULTIPOLYGON', ogr.wkbGeometryCollection: 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION', ogr.wkbNone: 'NONE', ogr.wkbLinearRing: 'LINEARRING'} # OGR geometry creation functions. import_geometries = {'wkt': ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt, 'wkb': ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb, 'json': ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson, 'gml': ogr.CreateGeometryFromGML, 'ogr': ogr.Geometry.Clone} # OSR SpatialReference methods for importing from other formats. import_sr = {'wkt': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromWkt, 'proj4': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromProj4, 'url': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromUrl, 'esri': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromESRI, 'epsg': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromEPSG, 'epsga': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromEPSGA, 'pci': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromPCI, 'usgs': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromUSGS, 'xml': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromXML, 'erm': osr.SpatialReference.ImportFromERM} # OGR Geometry spatial predicate methods. spatial_queries = {'CONTAINS': ogr.Geometry.Contains, 'CROSSES': ogr.Geometry.Crosses, 'DISJOINT': ogr.Geometry.Disjoint, 'EQUALS': ogr.Geometry.Equals, 'INTERSECTS': ogr.Geometry.Intersects, 'OVERLAPS': ogr.Geometry.Overlaps, 'TOUCHES': ogr.Geometry.Touches, 'WITHIN': ogr.Geometry.Within} def add_attribute(iterable, value=None): """ Add an attribute to Features in a generator. Parameters: - iterable: The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). - value (optional): Default value for attribute. Yields: - feature: The result of the tested record (Feature). """ for feature in iterable: feature.attributes.append(value) yield feature def cascaded_union(geoms): """ Union multiple OGR Geometries into a single Geometry. Parameters: - geoms: The OGR Geometries to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). Returns: - geom: The resulting geometry (ogr.Geometry). """ geometry = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) for geom in geoms: geometry.AddGeometry(geom) geom = geometry.UnionCascaded() del geometry return geom def create_layer(datasource, field_definitions, geometry_type, fields=None, features=None, spatial_ref=None, layer=None, driver=None): """ Create a data source and layer file, and populate with Features. Parameters: - datasource: Path to the output data source, potentially including the layer name (str). - field_definitions: Feature definitions object or Layer field_definitions dict (ogr.FeatureDefn/dict). - geometry_type: OGR geometry type for the output (int). - fields (optional): Field names for the output (list/tuple). - features (optional): The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). - spatial_ref (optional): OSR SpatialReference to set for the output (osr.SpatialReference). - layer (optional): Name for the output layer, if not given in datasource (str). - driver (optional): OGR name for the driver to use for the output (str). Returns: - ds: The opened data source (ogr.DataSource). - out_layer: The created layer (ogr.Layer). """ _, ds = open_ds(datasource, driver, True, "rw") layers = ds.GetLayerCount() if layer is None: layer = get_layer(datasource) if layer.upper() in (ds.GetLayerByIndex(i).GetName().upper() for i in xrange(layers)): ds.DeleteLayer(layer) out_layer = ds.CreateLayer(layer, spatial_ref, geometry_type) if isinstance(field_definitions, ogr.FeatureDefn): defn = field_definitions else: for field in field_definitions: field_type, precision, width = field_definitions[field] field_def = ogr.FieldDefn(field, field_type) if precision: field_def.SetPrecision(precision) if width: field_def.SetWidth(width) out_layer.CreateField(field_def) defn = out_layer.GetLayerDefn() if features: for feature in features: if spatial_ref: feature = feature.transform(spatial_ref, in_place=False) feat = create_ogr_feature(defn, feature.ogr_geom, feature.attributes, fields) out_layer.CreateFeature(feat) return ds, out_layer def create_ogr_feature(definition, ogr_geom, attributes=[], fields=None): """ Create an OGR Feature object from a OGR Geometry, OGR FeatureDefn, and a set of attributes. Parameters: - field_definitions: Feature definitions object or Layer field_definitions dict (ogr.FeatureDefn/dict). - ogr_geom: OGR geometry for the output (ogr.Geometry). - attributes (optional): The attributes to include in the output feature (list/tuple). - fields (optional): Field names for the output (list/tuple). Returns: - feature: The created Feature object (ogr.Feature). """ feature = ogr.Feature(definition) if fields is None: fields = [definition.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in xrange(definition.GetFieldCount())] feature.SetGeometry(ogr_geom) for field, attribute in zip(fields, attributes): feature.SetField(field, attribute) return feature def extent_to_polygon(minx, miny, maxx, maxy): """ Create an OGR Geometry from a bounding box extent. Parameters: - minx: Minimum x value for extent (int/float). - miny: Minimum y value for extent (int/float). - maxx: Maximum x value for extent (int/float). - maxy: Maxmum y value for extent (int/float). Returns: - ogr_geom: The resultant OGR Geometry (ogr.Geometry) """ extent = "POLYGON ((" extent += "{0} {1}, {2} {1}, {2} {3}, {0} {3}, {0} {1}".format( minx, miny, maxx, maxy) extent += "))" return import_geometries['wkt'](extent) def get_layer(datasource): """ Gets the layer name of single-layer data sources. If not possible (e.g. database connection strings), raises an exception. Parameters: - datasource: File path for the datasource, or an OGR DataSource instance (ogr.DataSource/str). Returns: - layer_name: The name of the layer, determined as the basename of the input data source, excluding any file extension (str). """ try: if isinstance(datasource, ogr.DataSource): datasource = datasource.GetName() layer_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(datasource)[0]) return layer_name except: print "\nNo layer parameter supplied when required by data source." raise Exception() def map_geom(func, iterable, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply spatial operations to Features in an iterable. Parameters: - func: The function to use (func). - iterable: The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). Yields: - feature: The result of the spatial operation (Feature). """ for i in iterable: feature = func(i, *args, **kwargs) if feature is not None: yield feature def open_ds(datasource, driver=None, create=False, mode="r"): """ Opens OGR DataSources. Parameters: - datasource: File system path to an OGR-readable data source, or a database connection string (str). - driver (optional): Name of the driver to use, in OGR format (str). If not supplied, this will be determined from the file extension, or by attempting all drivers (str). - create (optional): If True, create a new data source, otherwise if not found, raise an exception (default) (bool). - mode (optional): Set "r" for read only, or "rw" for read/write. OGR 0/1 is also accepted. Read only is default (int/str). Returns: - driver: The driver used to open the DataSource (ogr.Driver). - ds: The opened OGR DataSource (ogr.DataSource). """ modes = {"r": 0, "rw": 1} if mode in modes: mode = modes[mode] elif mode not in modes.values: print "\nSupplied mode parameter value not valid." raise Exception() ext = os.path.splitext(datasource)[1] if driver is None: if ext in extensions: driver = extensions[ext] elif create: print "\nNo driver parameter supplied to create data source." raise Exception() elif not isinstance(driver, ogr.Driver): try: driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver) except: print ("\nSupplied driver parameter value not valid, or driver " + "not available.") raise Exception() if os.path.exists(datasource): try: if driver is None: ds = ogr.Open(datasource, mode) driver = ds.GetDriver() else: ds = driver.Open(datasource, mode) except: print ("\nFailed to open data source, file " + "format not supported.") raise Exception() else: if create: try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(datasource)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(datasource)) ds = driver.CreateDataSource(datasource) except: print "\nCould not create Data Source {0}.".format(datasource) raise Exception() else: print "\nData Source {0} does not exist.".format(datasource) raise Exception() return driver, ds def spatial_query(query, iterable, feature): """ Filter Features in an iterable by spatial predicate. Parameters: - query: The spatial predicate function to use (func). - iterable: The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). - feature: The operation feature to apply (Feature) Yields: - feature: The result of the spatial operation (Feature). """ for i in iterable: result = query(i, feature) if result: yield i def update_attributes(iterable, field, value, fields, clause=None): """ Alter the value of an Feature attribute in an iterable. Parameters: - iterable: The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). - field: The field to adjust (str). - fields: The fields present in the clause (list/tuple). - clause: The input query string (str). Yields: - feature: The result of the spatial operation (Feature). """ idx = fields.index(field) if clause: query = Query(fields, clause) for feature in iterable: if query.test(feature.attributes): feature.attributes[idx] = value yield feature else: for feature in iterable: feature.attributes[idx] = value yield feature def update_feature(func, iterable, *args): """ Apply spatial operations to Features in an iterable. Parameters: - func: The function to use (func). - iterable: The features to iterate over (list/tuple/generator). Yields: - feature: The result of the spatial operation (Feature). """ for feature in iterable: func(feature, *args) yield feature class Query(object): """ Basic query evaluator. Will test any input to the query - no validation or parsing, just replaces fields with test values and calls eval. Methods: - test: Tests the attributes of a records against the acceptable input clause. Attributes: - clause: The input query string (str). - fields: The fields present in the clause (list/tuple). """ def __init__(self, fields, clause): """ Basic query evaluator. Will test any input to the query - no validation or parsing, just replaces fields with test values and calls eval. Parameters: - fields: Names of all fields present in the tested records, which should match the clause (list/tuple). - clause: Query string to apply to the inputs. Input must be valid Python, using unquoted field names and field values as they would be defined in Python, e.g. field_1 >= 1 or field_2 == "A" (str). """ self.fields = fields self.clause = clause def test(self, record): """ Test a record against the clause, extracting its values based on field indicies. Parameters: - record: The values to test. Attributes must be set in the order of the instance fields attribute (list/tuple). Returns: - result: The result of the tested record (bool). """ test = self.clause[:] for field in self.fields: test_value = record[self.fields.index(field)] if type(test_value) in (str, unicode): test = test.replace(field + ' ', + test_value + '" ') else: test = test.replace(field + ' ', str(test_value) + ' ') test = test.replace(" = ", " == ") return eval(test)
# Ensure that tests are importing the local copy of trex rather than # any system-installed copy of trex that might exist in the path. import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir)) import trex sys.path.pop(0)
""" After running the recipe in this directory, we get a large JSON file called all_covid19_datasets.json. This script reads that JSON file, adds to it using the directives pull from a Google sheet, and produces a new JSON file called demo_data.json. """ import csv import dataclasses import json import os import pathlib import time from typing import Dict, List from datahub.metadata.schema_classes import ( AuditStampClass, CorpUserInfoClass, CorpUserSnapshotClass, DatasetLineageTypeClass, DatasetSnapshotClass, EditableSchemaMetadataClass, GlobalTagsClass, MetadataChangeEventClass, OwnerClass, OwnershipClass, OwnershipTypeClass, UpstreamClass, UpstreamLineageClass, ) DEMO_DATA_DIR = pathlib.Path("./examples/demo_data") INPUT_ALL_DATASETS = DEMO_DATA_DIR / "all_covid19_datasets.json" OUTPUT_ENRICHED = DEMO_DATA_DIR / "demo_data.json" DIRECTIVES_CSV = DEMO_DATA_DIR / "directives.csv" @dataclasses.dataclass class Directive: table: str drop: bool owners: List[str] depends_on: List[str] def read_mces(path: os.PathLike) -> List[MetadataChangeEventClass]: with open(path) as f: objs = json.load(f) mces = [MetadataChangeEventClass.from_obj(obj) for obj in objs] return mces def write_mces(path: os.PathLike, mces: List[MetadataChangeEventClass]) -> None: objs = [mce.to_obj() for mce in mces] with open(path, "w") as f: json.dump(objs, f, indent=4) def parse_directive(row: Dict) -> Directive: return Directive( table=row["table"], drop=bool(row["drop"]), owners=[x.strip() for x in row["owners"].split(",") if x], depends_on=[x.strip() for x in row["depends_on"].split(",") if x], ) def fetch_directives() -> List[Directive]: with open(DIRECTIVES_CSV, "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) rows = [parse_directive(row) for row in reader] return rows def dataset_name_to_urn(name: str) -> str: return f"urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:bigquery,{name},PROD)" def clean_owner_name(name: str) -> str: clean = "".join(c for c in name if c.isalpha()) return clean def owner_name_to_urn(name: str) -> str: return f"urn:li:corpuser:{name}" def create_owner_entity_mce(owner: str) -> MetadataChangeEventClass: clean_name = clean_owner_name(owner) return MetadataChangeEventClass( proposedSnapshot=CorpUserSnapshotClass( urn=owner_name_to_urn(clean_name), aspects=[ CorpUserInfoClass( active=True, displayName=owner, fullName=owner, email=f"{clean_name}[email protected]", ) ], ) ) def create_ownership_aspect_mce(directive: Directive) -> MetadataChangeEventClass: return MetadataChangeEventClass( proposedSnapshot=DatasetSnapshotClass( urn=dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table), aspects=[ OwnershipClass( owners=[ OwnerClass( owner=owner_name_to_urn(clean_owner_name(owner)), type=OwnershipTypeClass.DATAOWNER, ) for owner in directive.owners ], lastModified=AuditStampClass( time=int(time.time() * 1000), actor="urn:li:corpuser:datahub", ), ) ], ) ) def create_lineage_aspect_mce(directive: Directive) -> MetadataChangeEventClass: return MetadataChangeEventClass( proposedSnapshot=DatasetSnapshotClass( urn=dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table), aspects=[ UpstreamLineageClass( upstreams=[ UpstreamClass( dataset=dataset_name_to_urn(upstream), type=DatasetLineageTypeClass.TRANSFORMED, auditStamp=AuditStampClass( time=int(time.time() * 1000), actor="urn:li:corpuser:datahub", ), ) for upstream in directive.depends_on ] ) ], ) ) def create_global_tags_aspect_mce(directive: Directive) -> MetadataChangeEventClass: return MetadataChangeEventClass( proposedSnapshot=DatasetSnapshotClass( urn=dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table), aspects=[GlobalTagsClass(tags=[])], ) ) def create_editable_schema_info_aspect_mce( directive: Directive, ) -> MetadataChangeEventClass: return MetadataChangeEventClass( proposedSnapshot=DatasetSnapshotClass( urn=dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table), aspects=[ EditableSchemaMetadataClass( created=AuditStampClass( time=int(time.time() * 1000), actor="urn:li:corpuser:datahub", ), lastModified=AuditStampClass( time=int(time.time() * 1000), actor="urn:li:corpuser:datahub", ), editableSchemaFieldInfo=[], ) ], ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": datasets = read_mces(INPUT_ALL_DATASETS) all_directives = fetch_directives() directives = [directive for directive in all_directives if not directive.drop] all_dataset_urns = { dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table) for directive in all_directives } allowed_urns = { dataset_name_to_urn(directive.table) for directive in all_directives if not directive.drop } missing_dataset_directives = [ dataset.proposedSnapshot.urn for dataset in datasets if dataset.proposedSnapshot.urn not in all_dataset_urns ] assert not missing_dataset_directives filtered_dataset_mces = [ dataset for dataset in datasets if dataset.proposedSnapshot.urn in allowed_urns ] owner_names = {owner for directive in directives for owner in directive.owners} owner_entity_mces = [ create_owner_entity_mce(owner) for owner in sorted(owner_names) ] ownership_aspect_mces = [ create_ownership_aspect_mce(directive) for directive in directives if directive.owners ] lineage_aspect_mces = [ create_lineage_aspect_mce(directive) for directive in directives if directive.depends_on ] global_tags_aspect_mces = [ create_global_tags_aspect_mce(directive) for directive in directives if not directive.drop ] editable_schema_info_aspect_mces = [ create_editable_schema_info_aspect_mce(directive) for directive in directives if not directive.drop ] enriched_mces = ( filtered_dataset_mces + owner_entity_mces + ownership_aspect_mces + lineage_aspect_mces + global_tags_aspect_mces + editable_schema_info_aspect_mces ) write_mces(OUTPUT_ENRICHED, enriched_mces)
# Copyright 2002-2005 Vladimir Prus. # Copyright 2002-2003 Dave Abrahams. # Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # import TestCmd import copy import fnmatch import glob import math import os import os.path import re import shutil import StringIO import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import traceback import tree import types from xml.sax.saxutils import escape class TestEnvironmentError(Exception): pass annotations = [] def print_annotation(name, value, xml): """Writes some named bits of information about the current test run.""" if xml: print escape(name) + " {{{" print escape(value) print "}}}" else: print name + " {{{" print value print "}}}" def flush_annotations(xml=0): global annotations for ann in annotations: print_annotation(ann[0], ann[1], xml) annotations = [] def clear_annotations(): global annotations annotations = [] defer_annotations = 0 def set_defer_annotations(n): global defer_annotations defer_annotations = n def annotate_stack_trace(tb=None): if tb: trace = TestCmd.caller(traceback.extract_tb(tb), 0) else: trace = TestCmd.caller(traceback.extract_stack(), 1) annotation("stacktrace", trace) def annotation(name, value): """Records an annotation about the test run.""" annotations.append((name, value)) if not defer_annotations: flush_annotations() def get_toolset(): toolset = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if not arg.startswith("-"): toolset = arg return toolset or "gcc" # Detect the host OS. cygwin = hasattr(os, "uname") and os.uname()[0].lower().startswith("cygwin") windows = cygwin or os.environ.get("OS", "").lower().startswith("windows") if cygwin: default_os = "cygwin" elif windows: default_os = "windows" elif hasattr(os, "uname"): default_os = os.uname()[0].lower() def prepare_prefixes_and_suffixes(toolset, target_os=default_os): prepare_suffix_map(toolset, target_os) prepare_library_prefix(toolset, target_os) def prepare_suffix_map(toolset, target_os=default_os): """ Set up suffix translation performed by the Boost Build testing framework to accommodate different toolsets generating targets of the same type using different filename extensions (suffixes). """ global suffixes suffixes = {} if target_os in ["windows", "cygwin"]: if toolset == "gcc": suffixes[".lib"] = ".a" # mingw static libs use suffix ".a". suffixes[".obj"] = ".o" if target_os == "cygwin": suffixes[".implib"] = ".lib.a" else: suffixes[".implib"] = ".lib" else: suffixes[".exe"] = "" suffixes[".dll"] = ".so" suffixes[".lib"] = ".a" suffixes[".obj"] = ".o" suffixes[".implib"] = ".no_implib_files_on_this_platform" if target_os == "darwin": suffixes[".dll"] = ".dylib" def prepare_library_prefix(toolset, target_os=default_os): """ Setup whether Boost Build is expected to automatically prepend prefixes to its built library targets. """ global lib_prefix lib_prefix = "lib" global dll_prefix if target_os == "cygwin": dll_prefix = "cyg" elif target_os == "windows" and toolset != "gcc": dll_prefix = None else: dll_prefix = "lib" def re_remove(sequence, regex): me = re.compile(regex) result = filter(lambda x: me.match(x), sequence) if not result: raise ValueError() for r in result: sequence.remove(r) def glob_remove(sequence, pattern): result = fnmatch.filter(sequence, pattern) if not result: raise ValueError() for r in result: sequence.remove(r) class Tester(TestCmd.TestCmd): """Main tester class for Boost Build. Optional arguments: `arguments` - Arguments passed to the run executable. `executable` - Name of the executable to invoke. `match` - Function to use for compating actual and expected file contents. `boost_build_path` - Boost build path to be passed to the run executable. `translate_suffixes` - Whether to update suffixes on the the file names passed from the test script so they match those actually created by the current toolset. For example, static library files are specified by using the .lib suffix but when the "gcc" toolset is used it actually creates them using the .a suffix. `pass_toolset` - Whether the test system should pass the specified toolset to the run executable. `use_test_config` - Whether the test system should tell the run executable to read in the test_config.jam configuration file. `ignore_toolset_requirements` - Whether the test system should tell the run executable to ignore toolset requirements. `workdir` - Absolute directory where the test will be run from. `pass_d0` - If set, when tests are not explicitly run in verbose mode, they are run as silent (-d0 & --quiet Boost Jam options). Optional arguments inherited from the base class: `description` - Test description string displayed in case of a failed test. `subdir` - List of subdirectories to automatically create under the working directory. Each subdirectory needs to be specified separately, parent coming before its child. `verbose` - Flag that may be used to enable more verbose test system output. Note that it does not also enable more verbose build system output like the --verbose command line option does. """ def __init__(self, arguments=None, executable="bjam", match=TestCmd.match_exact, boost_build_path=None, translate_suffixes=True, pass_toolset=True, use_test_config=True, ignore_toolset_requirements=False, workdir="", pass_d0=False, **keywords): assert arguments.__class__ is not str self.original_workdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if workdir and not os.path.isabs(workdir): raise ("Parameter workdir <%s> must point to an absolute " "directory: " % workdir) self.last_build_timestamp = 0 self.translate_suffixes = translate_suffixes self.use_test_config = use_test_config self.toolset = get_toolset() self.pass_toolset = pass_toolset self.ignore_toolset_requirements = ignore_toolset_requirements prepare_prefixes_and_suffixes(pass_toolset and self.toolset or "gcc") use_default_bjam = "--default-bjam" in sys.argv if not use_default_bjam: jam_build_dir = "" if == "nt": jam_build_dir = "bin.ntx86" elif ( == "posix") and os.__dict__.has_key("uname"): if os.uname()[0].lower().startswith("cygwin"): jam_build_dir = "bin.cygwinx86" if ("TMP" in os.environ and os.environ["TMP"].find("~") != -1): print("Setting $TMP to /tmp to get around problem " "with short path names") os.environ["TMP"] = "/tmp" elif os.uname()[0] == "Linux": cpu = os.uname()[4] if re.match("i.86", cpu): jam_build_dir = "bin.linuxx86" else: jam_build_dir = "bin.linux" + os.uname()[4] elif os.uname()[0] == "SunOS": jam_build_dir = "bin.solaris" elif os.uname()[0] == "Darwin": if os.uname()[4] == "i386": jam_build_dir = "bin.macosxx86" elif os.uname()[4] == "x86_64": jam_build_dir = "bin.macosxx86_64" else: jam_build_dir = "bin.macosxppc" elif os.uname()[0] == "AIX": jam_build_dir = "bin.aix" elif os.uname()[0] == "IRIX64": jam_build_dir = "bin.irix" elif os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD": jam_build_dir = "bin.freebsd" elif os.uname()[0] == "OSF1": jam_build_dir = "bin.osf" else: raise ("Do not know directory where Jam is built for this " "system: %s/%s" % (, os.uname()[0])) else: raise ("Do not know directory where Jam is built for this " "system: %s" % # Find where jam_src is located. Try for the debug version if it is # lying around. srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "src") dirs = [os.path.join(srcdir, "engine", jam_build_dir + ".debug"), os.path.join(srcdir, "engine", jam_build_dir)] for d in dirs: if os.path.exists(d): jam_build_dir = d break else: print("Cannot find built Boost.Jam") sys.exit(1) verbosity = ["-d0", "--quiet"] if not pass_d0: verbosity = [] if "--verbose" in sys.argv: keywords["verbose"] = True verbosity = ["-d2"] self.verbosity = verbosity if boost_build_path is None: boost_build_path = self.original_workdir + "/.." program_list = [] if use_default_bjam: program_list.append(executable) else: program_list.append(os.path.join(jam_build_dir, executable)) program_list.append('-sBOOST_BUILD_PATH="' + boost_build_path + '"') if arguments: program_list += arguments TestCmd.TestCmd.__init__(self, program=program_list, match=match, workdir=workdir, inpath=use_default_bjam, **keywords) os.chdir(self.workdir) def cleanup(self): try: TestCmd.TestCmd.cleanup(self) os.chdir(self.original_workdir) except AttributeError: # When this is called during TestCmd.TestCmd.__del__ we can have # both 'TestCmd' and 'os' unavailable in our scope. Do nothing in # this case. pass def set_toolset(self, toolset, target_os=default_os): self.toolset = toolset self.pass_toolset = True prepare_prefixes_and_suffixes(toolset, target_os) # # Methods that change the working directory's content. # def set_tree(self, tree_location): # It is not possible to remove the current directory. d = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.workdir)) shutil.rmtree(self.workdir, ignore_errors=False) if not os.path.isabs(tree_location): tree_location = os.path.join(self.original_workdir, tree_location) shutil.copytree(tree_location, self.workdir) os.chdir(d) def make_writable(unused, dir, entries): for e in entries: name = os.path.join(dir, e) os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | 0222) os.path.walk(".", make_writable, None) def write(self, file, content, wait=True): nfile = self.native_file_name(file) self.__makedirs(os.path.dirname(nfile), wait) f = open(nfile, "wb") try: f.write(content) finally: f.close() self.__ensure_newer_than_last_build(nfile) def copy(self, src, dst): try: self.write(dst,, binary=True)) except: self.fail_test(1) def copy_preserving_timestamp(self, src, dst): src_name = self.native_file_name(src) dst_name = self.native_file_name(dst) stats = os.stat(src_name) self.write(dst, self.__read(src, binary=True)) os.utime(dst_name, (stats.st_atime, stats.st_mtime)) def touch(self, names, wait=True): if names.__class__ is str: names = [names] for name in names: path = self.native_file_name(name) if wait: self.__ensure_newer_than_last_build(path) else: os.utime(path, None) def rm(self, names): if not type(names) == types.ListType: names = [names] if names == ["."]: # If we are deleting the entire workspace, there is no need to wait # for a clock tick. self.last_build_timestamp = 0 # Avoid attempts to remove the current directory. os.chdir(self.original_workdir) for name in names: n = glob.glob(self.native_file_name(name)) if n: n = n[0] if not n: n = self.glob_file(name.replace("$toolset", self.toolset + "*") ) if n: if os.path.isdir(n): shutil.rmtree(n, ignore_errors=False) else: os.unlink(n) # Create working dir root again in case we removed it. if not os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.mkdir(self.workdir) os.chdir(self.workdir) def expand_toolset(self, name): """ Expands $toolset placeholder in the given file to the name of the toolset currently being tested. """ self.write(name,"$toolset", self.toolset)) def dump_stdio(self): annotation("STDOUT", self.stdout()) annotation("STDERR", self.stderr()) def run_build_system(self, extra_args=None, subdir="", stdout=None, stderr="", status=0, match=None, pass_toolset=None, use_test_config=None, ignore_toolset_requirements=None, expected_duration=None, **kw): assert extra_args.__class__ is not str if os.path.isabs(subdir): print("You must pass a relative directory to subdir <%s>." % subdir ) return self.previous_tree, dummy = tree.build_tree(self.workdir) self.wait_for_time_change_since_last_build() if match is None: match = self.match if pass_toolset is None: pass_toolset = self.pass_toolset if use_test_config is None: use_test_config = self.use_test_config if ignore_toolset_requirements is None: ignore_toolset_requirements = self.ignore_toolset_requirements try: kw["program"] = [] kw["program"] += self.program if extra_args: kw["program"] += extra_args if stdout is None and not any(a.startswith("-d") for a in kw["program"]): kw["program"] += self.verbosity if pass_toolset: kw["program"].append("toolset=" + self.toolset) if use_test_config: kw["program"].append('--test-config="%s"' % os.path.join( self.original_workdir, "test-config.jam")) if ignore_toolset_requirements: kw["program"].append("--ignore-toolset-requirements") if "--python" in sys.argv: # -z disables Python optimization mode. # this enables type checking (all assert # and if __debug__ statements). kw["program"].extend(["--python", "-z"]) if "--stacktrace" in sys.argv: kw["program"].append("--stacktrace") kw["chdir"] = subdir self.last_program_invocation = kw["program"] build_time_start = time.time() apply(, [self], kw) build_time_finish = time.time() except: self.dump_stdio() raise old_last_build_timestamp = self.last_build_timestamp self.tree, self.last_build_timestamp = tree.build_tree(self.workdir) self.difference = tree.tree_difference(self.previous_tree, self.tree) if self.difference.empty(): # If nothing has been changed by this build and sufficient time has # passed since the last build that actually changed something, # there is no need to wait for touched or newly created files to # start getting newer timestamps than the currently existing ones. self.last_build_timestamp = old_last_build_timestamp self.difference.ignore_directories() self.unexpected_difference = copy.deepcopy(self.difference) if (status and self.status) is not None and self.status != status: expect = "" if status != 0: expect = " (expected %d)" % status annotation("failure", '"%s" returned %d%s' % (kw["program"], self.status, expect)) annotation("reason", "unexpected status returned by bjam") self.fail_test(1) if stdout is not None and not match(self.stdout(), stdout): stdout_test = match(self.stdout(), stdout) annotation("failure", "Unexpected stdout") annotation("Expected STDOUT", stdout) annotation("Actual STDOUT", self.stdout()) stderr = self.stderr() if stderr: annotation("STDERR", stderr) self.maybe_do_diff(self.stdout(), stdout, stdout_test) self.fail_test(1, dump_stdio=False) # Intel tends to produce some messages to stderr which make tests fail. intel_workaround = re.compile("^xi(link|lib): executing.*\n", re.M) actual_stderr = re.sub(intel_workaround, "", self.stderr()) if stderr is not None and not match(actual_stderr, stderr): stderr_test = match(actual_stderr, stderr) annotation("failure", "Unexpected stderr") annotation("Expected STDERR", stderr) annotation("Actual STDERR", self.stderr()) annotation("STDOUT", self.stdout()) self.maybe_do_diff(actual_stderr, stderr, stderr_test) self.fail_test(1, dump_stdio=False) if expected_duration is not None: actual_duration = build_time_finish - build_time_start if actual_duration > expected_duration: print("Test run lasted %f seconds while it was expected to " "finish in under %f seconds." % (actual_duration, expected_duration)) self.fail_test(1, dump_stdio=False) self.__ignore_junk() def glob_file(self, name): name = self.adjust_name(name) result = None if hasattr(self, "difference"): for f in (self.difference.added_files + self.difference.modified_files + self.difference.touched_files): if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, name): result = self.__native_file_name(f) break if not result: result = glob.glob(self.__native_file_name(name)) if result: result = result[0] return result def __read(self, name, binary=False): try: openMode = "r" if binary: openMode += "b" else: openMode += "U" f = open(name, openMode) result = f.close() return result except: annotation("failure", "Could not open '%s'" % name) self.fail_test(1) return "" def read(self, name, binary=False): name = self.glob_file(name) return self.__read(name, binary=binary) def read_and_strip(self, name): if not self.glob_file(name): return "" f = open(self.glob_file(name), "rb") lines = f.readlines() f.close() result = "\n".join(x.rstrip() for x in lines) if lines and lines[-1][-1] != "\n": return result + "\n" return result def fail_test(self, condition, dump_difference=True, dump_stdio=True, dump_stack=True): if not condition: return if dump_difference and hasattr(self, "difference"): f = StringIO.StringIO() self.difference.pprint(f) annotation("changes caused by the last build command", f.getvalue()) if dump_stdio: self.dump_stdio() if "--preserve" in sys.argv: print print "*** Copying the state of working dir into 'failed_test' ***" print path = os.path.join(self.original_workdir, "failed_test") if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False) elif os.path.exists(path): raise "Path " + path + " already exists and is not a directory" shutil.copytree(self.workdir, path) print "The failed command was:" print " ".join(self.last_program_invocation) if dump_stack: annotate_stack_trace() sys.exit(1) # A number of methods below check expectations with actual difference # between directory trees before and after a build. All the 'expect*' # methods require exact names to be passed. All the 'ignore*' methods allow # wildcards. # All names can be either a string or a list of strings. def expect_addition(self, names): for name in self.adjust_names(names): try: glob_remove(self.unexpected_difference.added_files, name) except: annotation("failure", "File %s not added as expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) def ignore_addition(self, wildcard): self.__ignore_elements(self.unexpected_difference.added_files, wildcard) def expect_removal(self, names): for name in self.adjust_names(names): try: glob_remove(self.unexpected_difference.removed_files, name) except: annotation("failure", "File %s not removed as expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) def ignore_removal(self, wildcard): self.__ignore_elements(self.unexpected_difference.removed_files, wildcard) def expect_modification(self, names): for name in self.adjust_names(names): try: glob_remove(self.unexpected_difference.modified_files, name) except: annotation("failure", "File %s not modified as expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) def ignore_modification(self, wildcard): self.__ignore_elements(self.unexpected_difference.modified_files, wildcard) def expect_touch(self, names): d = self.unexpected_difference for name in self.adjust_names(names): # We need to check both touched and modified files. The reason is # that: # (1) Windows binaries such as obj, exe or dll files have slight # differences even with identical inputs due to Windows PE # format headers containing an internal timestamp. # (2) Intel's compiler for Linux has the same behaviour. filesets = [d.modified_files, d.touched_files] while filesets: try: glob_remove(filesets[-1], name) break except ValueError: filesets.pop() if not filesets: annotation("failure", "File %s not touched as expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) def ignore_touch(self, wildcard): self.__ignore_elements(self.unexpected_difference.touched_files, wildcard) def ignore(self, wildcard): self.ignore_addition(wildcard) self.ignore_removal(wildcard) self.ignore_modification(wildcard) self.ignore_touch(wildcard) def expect_nothing(self, names): for name in self.adjust_names(names): if name in self.difference.added_files: annotation("failure", "File %s added, but no action was expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) if name in self.difference.removed_files: annotation("failure", "File %s removed, but no action was expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) pass if name in self.difference.modified_files: annotation("failure", "File %s modified, but no action was expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) if name in self.difference.touched_files: annotation("failure", "File %s touched, but no action was expected" % name) self.fail_test(1) def __ignore_junk(self): # Not totally sure about this change, but I do not see a good # alternative. if windows: self.ignore("*.ilk") # MSVC incremental linking files. self.ignore("*.pdb") # MSVC program database files. self.ignore("*.rsp") # Response files. self.ignore("*.tds") # Borland debug symbols. self.ignore("*.manifest") # MSVC DLL manifests. self.ignore("bin/standalone/msvc/*/msvc-setup.bat") # Debug builds of bjam built with gcc produce this profiling data. self.ignore("gmon.out") self.ignore("*/gmon.out") # Boost Build's 'configure' functionality (unfinished at the time) # produces this file. self.ignore("bin/config.log") self.ignore("bin/project-cache.jam") # Compiled Python files created when running Python based Boost Build. self.ignore("*.pyc") # OSX/Darwin files and dirs. self.ignore("*.dSYM/*") def expect_nothing_more(self): if not self.unexpected_difference.empty(): annotation("failure", "Unexpected changes found") output = StringIO.StringIO() self.unexpected_difference.pprint(output) annotation("unexpected changes", output.getvalue()) self.fail_test(1) def expect_output_lines(self, lines, expected=True): self.__expect_lines(self.stdout(), lines, expected) def expect_content_lines(self, filename, line, expected=True): self.__expect_lines(self.read_and_strip(filename), line, expected) def expect_content(self, name, content, exact=False): actual = content = content.replace("$toolset", self.toolset + "*") matched = False if exact: matched = fnmatch.fnmatch(actual, content) else: def sorted_(x): x.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower().replace("\\","/"), y.lower().replace("\\","/"))) return x actual_ = map(lambda x: sorted_(x.split()), actual.splitlines()) content_ = map(lambda x: sorted_(x.split()), content.splitlines()) if len(actual_) == len(content_): matched = map( lambda x, y: map(lambda n, p: fnmatch.fnmatch(n, p), x, y), actual_, content_) matched = reduce( lambda x, y: x and reduce( lambda a, b: a and b, y, True), matched, True) if not matched: print "Expected:\n" print content print "Got:\n" print actual self.fail_test(1) def maybe_do_diff(self, actual, expected, result=None): if os.environ.get("DO_DIFF"): e = tempfile.mktemp("expected") a = tempfile.mktemp("actual") f = open(e, "w") f.write(expected) f.close() f = open(a, "w") f.write(actual) f.close() print("DIFFERENCE") # Current diff should return 1 to indicate 'different input files' # but some older diff versions may return 0 and depending on the # exact Python/OS platform version, os.system() call may gobble up # the external process's return code and return 0 itself. if os.system('diff -u "%s" "%s"' % (e, a)) not in [0, 1]: print('Unable to compute difference: diff -u "%s" "%s"' % (e, a )) os.unlink(e) os.unlink(a) elif type(result) is TestCmd.MatchError: print(result.message) else: print("Set environmental variable 'DO_DIFF' to examine the " "difference.") # Internal methods. def adjust_lib_name(self, name): global lib_prefix global dll_prefix result = name pos = name.rfind(".") if pos != -1: suffix = name[pos:] if suffix == ".lib": (head, tail) = os.path.split(name) if lib_prefix: tail = lib_prefix + tail result = os.path.join(head, tail) elif suffix == ".dll": (head, tail) = os.path.split(name) if dll_prefix: tail = dll_prefix + tail result = os.path.join(head, tail) # If we want to use this name in a Jamfile, we better convert \ to /, # as otherwise we would have to quote \. result = result.replace("\\", "/") return result def adjust_suffix(self, name): if not self.translate_suffixes: return name pos = name.rfind(".") if pos == -1: return name suffix = name[pos:] return name[:pos] + suffixes.get(suffix, suffix) # Acceps either a string or a list of strings and returns a list of # strings. Adjusts suffixes on all names. def adjust_names(self, names): if names.__class__ is str: names = [names] r = map(self.adjust_lib_name, names) r = map(self.adjust_suffix, r) r = map(lambda x, t=self.toolset: x.replace("$toolset", t + "*"), r) return r def adjust_name(self, name): return self.adjust_names(name)[0] def __native_file_name(self, name): return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.workdir, *name.split("/"))) def native_file_name(self, name): return self.__native_file_name(self.adjust_name(name)) def wait_for_time_change(self, path, touch): """ Wait for newly assigned file system modification timestamps for the given path to become large enough for the timestamp difference to be correctly recognized by both this Python based testing framework and the Boost Jam executable being tested. May optionally touch the given path to set its modification timestamp to the new value. """ self.__wait_for_time_change(path, touch, last_build_time=False) def wait_for_time_change_since_last_build(self): """ Wait for newly assigned file system modification timestamps to become large enough for the timestamp difference to be correctly recognized by the Python based testing framework. Does not care about Jam's timestamp resolution, since we only need this to detect touched files. """ if self.last_build_timestamp: timestamp_file = "timestamp-3df2f2317e15e4a9" open(timestamp_file, "wb").close() self.__wait_for_time_change_impl(timestamp_file, self.last_build_timestamp, self.__python_timestamp_resolution(timestamp_file, 0), 0) os.unlink(timestamp_file) def __build_timestamp_resolution(self): """ Returns the minimum path modification timestamp resolution supported by the used Boost Jam executable. """ dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("bjam_version_info") try: jam_script = "timestamp_resolution.jam" f = open(os.path.join(dir, jam_script), "w") try: f.write("EXIT $(JAM_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION) : 0 ;") finally: f.close() p = subprocess.Popen([self.program[0], "-d0", "-f%s" % jam_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=dir, universal_newlines=True) out, err = p.communicate() finally: shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=False) if p.returncode != 0: raise TestEnvironmentError("Unexpected return code (%s) when " "detecting Boost Jam's minimum supported path modification " "timestamp resolution version information." % p.returncode) if err: raise TestEnvironmentError("Unexpected error output (%s) when " "detecting Boost Jam's minimum supported path modification " "timestamp resolution version information." % err) r = re.match("([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{9})$", out) if not r: # Older Boost Jam versions did not report their minimum supported # path modification timestamp resolution and did not actually # support path modification timestamp resolutions finer than 1 # second. # TODO: Phase this support out to avoid such fallback code from # possibly covering up other problems. return 1 if != "00" or != "00": # hours, minutes raise TestEnvironmentError("Boost Jam with too coarse minimum " "supported path modification timestamp resolution (%s:%s:%s)." % (,, return float( # seconds.nanoseconds def __ensure_newer_than_last_build(self, path): """ Updates the given path's modification timestamp after waiting for the newly assigned file system modification timestamp to become large enough for the timestamp difference between it and the last build timestamp to be correctly recognized by both this Python based testing framework and the Boost Jam executable being tested. Does nothing if there is no 'last build' information available. """ if self.last_build_timestamp: self.__wait_for_time_change(path, touch=True, last_build_time=True) def __expect_lines(self, data, lines, expected): """ Checks whether the given data contains the given lines. Data may be specified as a single string containing text lines separated by newline characters. Lines may be specified in any of the following forms: * Single string containing text lines separated by newlines - the given lines are searched for in the given data without any extra data lines between them. * Container of strings containing text lines separated by newlines - the given lines are searched for in the given data with extra data lines allowed between lines belonging to different strings. * Container of strings containing text lines separated by newlines and containers containing strings - the same as above with the internal containers containing strings being interpreted as if all their content was joined together into a single string separated by newlines. A newline at the end of any multi-line lines string is interpreted as an expected extra trailig empty line. """ # str.splitlines() trims at most one trailing newline while we want the # trailing newline to indicate that there should be an extra empty line # at the end. splitlines = lambda x : (x + "\n").splitlines() if data is None: data = [] elif data.__class__ is str: data = splitlines(data) if lines.__class__ is str: lines = [splitlines(lines)] else: expanded = [] for x in lines: if x.__class__ is str: x = splitlines(x) expanded.append(x) lines = expanded if _contains_lines(data, lines) != bool(expected): output = [] if expected: output = ["Did not find expected lines:"] else: output = ["Found unexpected lines:"] first = True for line_sequence in lines: if line_sequence: if first: first = False else: output.append("...") output.extend(" > " + line for line in line_sequence) output.append("in output:") output.extend(" > " + line for line in data) annotation("failure", "\n".join(output)) self.fail_test(1) def __ignore_elements(self, list, wildcard): """Removes in-place 'list' elements matching the given 'wildcard'.""" list[:] = filter(lambda x, w=wildcard: not fnmatch.fnmatch(x, w), list) def __makedirs(self, path, wait): """ Creates a folder with the given path, together with any missing parent folders. If WAIT is set, makes sure any newly created folders have modification timestamps newer than the ones left behind by the last build run. """ try: if wait: stack = [] while path and path not in stack and not os.path.isdir(path): stack.append(path) path = os.path.dirname(path) while stack: path = stack.pop() os.mkdir(path) self.__ensure_newer_than_last_build(path) else: os.makedirs(path) except Exception: pass def __python_timestamp_resolution(self, path, minimum_resolution): """ Returns the modification timestamp resolution for the given path supported by the used Python interpreter/OS/filesystem combination. Will not check for resolutions less than the given minimum value. Will change the path's modification timestamp in the process. Return values: 0 - nanosecond resolution supported positive decimal - timestamp resolution in seconds """ # Note on Python's floating point timestamp support: # Python interpreter versions prior to Python 2.3 did not support # floating point timestamps. Versions 2.3 through 3.3 may or may not # support it depending on the configuration (may be toggled by calling # os.stat_float_times(True/False) at program startup, disabled by # default prior to Python 2.5 and enabled by default since). Python 3.3 # deprecated this configuration and 3.4 removed support for it after # which floating point timestamps are always supported. ver = sys.version_info[0:2] python_nanosecond_support = ver >= (3, 4) or (ver >= (2, 3) and os.stat_float_times()) # Minimal expected floating point difference used to account for # possible imprecise floating point number representations. We want # this number to be small (at least smaller than 0.0001) but still # large enough that we can be sure that increasing a floating point # value by 2 * eta guarantees the value read back will be increased by # at least eta. eta = 0.00005 stats_orig = os.stat(path) def test_time(diff): """Returns whether a timestamp difference is detectable.""" os.utime(path, (stats_orig.st_atime, stats_orig.st_mtime + diff)) return os.stat(path).st_mtime > stats_orig.st_mtime + eta # Test for nanosecond timestamp resolution support. if not minimum_resolution and python_nanosecond_support: if test_time(2 * eta): return 0 # Detect the filesystem timestamp resolution. Note that there is no # need to make this code 'as fast as possible' as, this function gets # called before having to sleep until the next detectable modification # timestamp value and that, since we already know nanosecond resolution # is not supported, will surely take longer than whatever we do here to # detect this minimal detectable modification timestamp resolution. step = 0.1 if not python_nanosecond_support: # If Python does not support nanosecond timestamp resolution we # know the minimum possible supported timestamp resolution is 1 # second. minimum_resolution = max(1, minimum_resolution) index = max(1, int(minimum_resolution / step)) while step * index < minimum_resolution: # Floating point number representation errors may cause our # initially calculated start index to be too small if calculated # directly. index += 1 while True: # Do not simply add up the steps to avoid cumulative floating point # number representation errors. next = step * index if next > 10: raise TestEnvironmentError("File systems with too coarse " "modification timestamp resolutions not supported.") if test_time(next): return next index += 1 def __wait_for_time_change(self, path, touch, last_build_time): """ Wait until a newly assigned file system modification timestamp for the given path is large enough for the timestamp difference between it and the last build timestamp or the path's original file system modification timestamp (depending on the last_build_time flag) to be correctly recognized by both this Python based testing framework and the Boost Jam executable being tested. May optionally touch the given path to set its modification timestamp to the new value. """ assert self.last_build_timestamp or not last_build_time stats_orig = os.stat(path) if last_build_time: start_time = self.last_build_timestamp else: start_time = stats_orig.st_mtime build_resolution = self.__build_timestamp_resolution() assert build_resolution >= 0 # Check whether the current timestamp is already new enough. if stats_orig.st_mtime > start_time and (not build_resolution or stats_orig.st_mtime >= start_time + build_resolution): return resolution = self.__python_timestamp_resolution(path, build_resolution) assert resolution >= build_resolution self.__wait_for_time_change_impl(path, start_time, resolution, build_resolution) if not touch: os.utime(path, (stats_orig.st_atime, stats_orig.st_mtime)) def __wait_for_time_change_impl(self, path, start_time, resolution, build_resolution): # Implementation notes: # * Theoretically time.sleep() API might get interrupted too soon # (never actually encountered). # * We encountered cases where we sleep just long enough for the # filesystem's modifiction timestamp to change to the desired value, # but after waking up, the read timestamp is still just a tiny bit # too small (encountered on Windows). This is most likely caused by # imprecise floating point timestamp & sleep interval representation # used by Python. Note though that we never encountered a case where # more than one additional tiny sleep() call was needed to remedy # the situation. # * We try to wait long enough for the timestamp to change, but do not # want to waste processing time by waiting too long. The main # problem is that when we have a coarse resolution, the actual times # get rounded and we do not know the exact sleep time needed for the # difference between two such times to pass. E.g. if we have a 1 # second resolution and the original and the current file timestamps # are both 10 seconds then it could be that the current time is # 10.99 seconds and that we can wait for just one hundredth of a # second for the current file timestamp to reach its next value, and # using a longer sleep interval than that would just be wasting # time. while True: os.utime(path, None) c = os.stat(path).st_mtime if resolution: if c > start_time and (not build_resolution or c >= start_time + build_resolution): break if c <= start_time - resolution: # Move close to the desired timestamp in one sleep, but not # close enough for timestamp rounding to potentially cause # us to wait too long. if start_time - c > 5: if last_build_time: error_message = ("Last build time recorded as " "being a future event, causing a too long " "wait period. Something must have played " "around with the system clock.") else: error_message = ("Original path modification " "timestamp set to far into the future or " "something must have played around with the " "system clock, causing a too long wait " "period.\nPath: '%s'" % path) raise TestEnvironmentError(message) _sleep(start_time - c) else: # We are close to the desired timestamp so take baby sleeps # to avoid sleeping too long. _sleep(max(0.01, resolution / 10)) else: if c > start_time: break _sleep(max(0.01, start_time - c)) class List: def __init__(self, s=""): elements = [] if s.__class__ is str: # Have to handle escaped spaces correctly. elements = s.replace("\ ", "\001").split() else: elements = s self.l = [e.replace("\001", " ") for e in elements] def __len__(self): return len(self.l) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.l[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.l[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.l[key] def __str__(self): return str(self.l) def __repr__(self): return "%s.List(%r)" % (self.__module__, " ".join(self.l)) def __mul__(self, other): result = List() if not isinstance(other, List): other = List(other) for f in self: for s in other: result.l.append(f + s) return result def __rmul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, List): other = List(other) return List.__mul__(other, self) def __add__(self, other): result = List() result.l = self.l[:] + other.l[:] return result def _contains_lines(data, lines): data_line_count = len(data) expected_line_count = reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), lines, 0) index = 0 for expected in lines: if expected_line_count > data_line_count - index: return False expected_line_count -= len(expected) index = _match_line_sequence(data, index, data_line_count - expected_line_count, expected) if index < 0: return False return True def _match_line_sequence(data, start, end, lines): if not lines: return start for index in xrange(start, end - len(lines) + 1): data_index = index for expected in lines: if not fnmatch.fnmatch(data[data_index], expected): break; data_index += 1 else: return data_index return -1 def _sleep(delay): if delay > 5: raise TestEnvironmentError("Test environment error: sleep period of " "more than 5 seconds requested. Most likely caused by a file with " "its modification timestamp set to sometime in the future.") time.sleep(delay) ############################################################################### # # Initialization. # ############################################################################### # Make os.stat() return file modification times as floats instead of integers # to get the best possible file timestamp resolution available. The exact # resolution depends on the underlying file system and the Python os.stat() # implementation. The better the resolution we achieve, the shorter we need to # wait for files we create to start getting new timestamps. # # Additional notes: # * os.stat_float_times() function first introduced in Python 2.3. and # suggested for deprecation in Python 3.3. # * On Python versions 2.5+ we do not need to do this as there os.stat() # returns floating point file modification times by default. # * Windows CPython implementations prior to version 2.5 do not support file # modification timestamp resolutions of less than 1 second no matter whether # these timestamps are returned as integer or floating point values. # * Python documentation states that this should be set in a program's # __main__ module to avoid affecting other libraries that might not be ready # to support floating point timestamps. Since we use no such external # libraries, we ignore this warning to make it easier to enable this feature # in both our single & multiple-test scripts. if (2, 3) <= sys.version_info < (2, 5) and not os.stat_float_times(): os.stat_float_times(True) # Quickie tests. Should use doctest instead. if __name__ == "__main__": assert str(List("foo bar") * "/baz") == "['foo/baz', 'bar/baz']" assert repr("foo/" * List("bar baz")) == "__main__.List('foo/bar foo/baz')" assert _contains_lines([], []) assert _contains_lines([], [[]]) assert _contains_lines([], [[], []]) assert _contains_lines([], [[], [], []]) assert not _contains_lines([], [[""]]) assert not _contains_lines([], [["a"]]) assert _contains_lines([""], []) assert _contains_lines(["a"], []) assert _contains_lines(["a", "b"], []) assert _contains_lines(["a", "b"], [[], [], []]) assert _contains_lines([""], [[""]]) assert not _contains_lines([""], [["a"]]) assert not _contains_lines(["a"], [[""]]) assert _contains_lines(["a", "", "b", ""], [["a"]]) assert _contains_lines(["a", "", "b", ""], [[""]]) assert _contains_lines(["a", "", "b"], [["b"]]) assert not _contains_lines(["a", "b"], [[""]]) assert not _contains_lines(["a", "", "b", ""], [["c"]]) assert _contains_lines(["a", "", "b", "x"], [["x"]]) data = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] assert _contains_lines(data, [["1", "2"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["2", "1"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1", "3"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1", "3"]]) assert _contains_lines(data, [["1"], ["2"]]) assert _contains_lines(data, [["1"], [], [], [], ["2"]]) assert _contains_lines(data, [["1"], ["3"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["3"], ["1"]]) assert _contains_lines(data, [["3"], ["7"], ["8"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1"], ["3", "5"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1"], [""], ["5"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1"], ["5"], ["3"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["1"], ["5", "3"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [[" 3"]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["3 "]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["3", ""]]) assert not _contains_lines(data, [["", "3"]]) print("tests passed")
import getopt import os import sys import logging from pcs import ( settings, usage, utils, ) from pcs.cli.common import ( capabilities, completion, errors, parse_args, routing, ) from pcs.cli.reports import process_library_reports, output from pcs.cli.routing import ( acl, alert, booth, client, cluster, config, constraint, dr, host, node, pcsd, prop, qdevice, quorum, resource, status, stonith, tag, ) from pcs.lib.errors import LibraryError def _non_root_run(argv_cmd): """ This function will run commands which has to be run as root for users which are not root. If it required to run such command as root it will do that by sending it to the local pcsd and then it will exit. """ # matching the commands both in here and in pcsd expects -o and --options # to be at the end of a command argv_and_options = argv_cmd[:] for option, value in utils.pcs_options.items(): if parse_args.is_option_expecting_value(option): argv_and_options.extend([option, value]) else: argv_and_options.append(option) # specific commands need to be run under root account, pass them to pcsd # don't forget to allow each command in pcsd.rb in "post /run_pcs do" root_command_list = [ ["cluster", "auth", "..."], ["cluster", "corosync", "..."], ["cluster", "destroy", "..."], ["cluster", "disable", "..."], ["cluster", "enable", "..."], ["cluster", "node", "..."], ["cluster", "pcsd-status", "..."], # TODO deprecated, remove command ["cluster", "start", "..."], ["cluster", "stop", "..."], ["cluster", "sync", "..."], # ['config', 'restore', '...'], # handled in config.config_restore ["host", "auth", "..."], ["host", "deauth", "..."], ["pcsd", "deauth", "..."], ["pcsd", "status", "..."], ["pcsd", "sync-certificates"], ["quorum", "device", "status", "..."], ["quorum", "status", "..."], ["status"], ["status", "corosync", "..."], ["status", "pcsd", "..."], ["status", "quorum", "..."], ["status", "status", "..."], ] for root_cmd in root_command_list: if (argv_and_options == root_cmd) or ( root_cmd[-1] == "..." and argv_and_options[: len(root_cmd) - 1] == root_cmd[:-1] ): # handle interactivity of 'pcs cluster auth' if argv_and_options[0:2] in [["cluster", "auth"], ["host", "auth"]]: if "-u" not in utils.pcs_options: username = utils.get_terminal_input("Username: ") argv_and_options.extend(["-u", username]) if "-p" not in utils.pcs_options: password = utils.get_terminal_password() argv_and_options.extend(["-p", password]) # call the local pcsd err_msgs, exitcode, std_out, std_err = utils.call_local_pcsd( argv_and_options ) if err_msgs: for msg in err_msgs: utils.err(msg, False) sys.exit(1) if std_out.strip(): print(std_out) if std_err.strip(): sys.stderr.write(std_err) sys.exit(exitcode) usefile = False filename = "" def main(argv=None): # pylint: disable=global-statement # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements if completion.has_applicable_environment(os.environ): print( completion.make_suggestions( os.environ, usage.generate_completion_tree_from_usage() ) ) sys.exit() argv = argv if argv else sys.argv[1:] utils.subprocess_setup() global filename, usefile utils.pcs_options = {} # we want to support optional arguments for --wait, so if an argument # is specified with --wait (ie. --wait=30) then we use them waitsecs = None new_argv = [] for arg in argv: if arg.startswith("--wait="): tempsecs = arg.replace("--wait=", "") if tempsecs: waitsecs = tempsecs arg = "--wait" new_argv.append(arg) argv = new_argv try: if "--" in argv: pcs_options, argv = getopt.gnu_getopt( argv, parse_args.PCS_SHORT_OPTIONS, parse_args.PCS_LONG_OPTIONS ) else: # DEPRECATED # TODO remove # We want to support only the -- version ( args_without_negative_nums, args_filtered_out, ) = parse_args.filter_out_non_option_negative_numbers(argv) if args_filtered_out: options_str = "', '".join(args_filtered_out) output.warn( f"Using '{options_str}' without '--' is deprecated, those " "parameters will be considered position independent " "options in future pcs versions" ) pcs_options, dummy_argv = getopt.gnu_getopt( args_without_negative_nums, parse_args.PCS_SHORT_OPTIONS, parse_args.PCS_LONG_OPTIONS, ) argv = parse_args.filter_out_options(argv) except getopt.GetoptError as err: usage.main() print(err) if err.opt in {"V", "clone", "device", "watchdog"}: # Print error messages which point users to the changes section in # pcs manpage. # TODO remove # To be removed in the next significant version. print(f"Hint: {errors.HINT_SYNTAX_CHANGE}") sys.exit(1) full = False for option, dummy_value in pcs_options: if option == "--full": full = True break for opt, val in pcs_options: if not opt in utils.pcs_options: utils.pcs_options[opt] = val else: # If any options are a list then they've been entered twice which # isn't valid utils.err("%s can only be used once" % opt) if opt in ("-h", "--help"): if not argv: usage.main() sys.exit() else: argv = [argv[0], "help"] + argv[1:] elif opt == "-f": usefile = True filename = val utils.usefile = usefile utils.filename = filename elif opt == "--corosync_conf": settings.corosync_conf_file = val elif opt == "--version": print(settings.pcs_version) if full: print( " ".join( sorted( [ feat["id"] for feat in capabilities.get_pcs_capabilities() ] ) ) ) sys.exit() elif opt == "--fullhelp": usage.full_usage() sys.exit() elif opt == "--wait": utils.pcs_options[opt] = waitsecs elif opt == "--request-timeout": request_timeout_valid = False try: timeout = int(val) if timeout > 0: utils.pcs_options[opt] = timeout request_timeout_valid = True except ValueError: pass if not request_timeout_valid: utils.err( ( "'{0}' is not a valid --request-timeout value, use " "a positive integer" ).format(val) ) # initialize logger logging.getLogger("pcs") if (os.getuid() != 0) and (argv and argv[0] != "help") and not usefile: _non_root_run(argv) cmd_map = { "resource": resource.resource_cmd, "cluster": cluster.cluster_cmd, "stonith": stonith.stonith_cmd, "property": prop.property_cmd, "constraint": constraint.constraint_cmd, "acl": acl.acl_cmd, "status": status.status_cmd, "config": config.config_cmd, "pcsd": pcsd.pcsd_cmd, "node": node.node_cmd, "quorum": quorum.quorum_cmd, "qdevice": qdevice.qdevice_cmd, "alert": alert.alert_cmd, "booth": booth.booth_cmd, "host": host.host_cmd, "client": client.client_cmd, "dr": dr.dr_cmd, "tag": tag.tag_cmd, "help": lambda lib, argv, modifiers: usage.main(), } try: routing.create_router(cmd_map, [])( utils.get_library_wrapper(), argv, utils.get_input_modifiers() ) except LibraryError as e: process_library_reports(e.args) except errors.CmdLineInputError: if argv and argv[0] in cmd_map:[0], []) else: usage.main() sys.exit(1)
from collections import OrderedDict import json from django.db import models from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField as Builtin_JSONField from django.core.serializers.json import Serializer as Builtin_Serializer from django.utils.encoding import smart_text class JSONField(Builtin_JSONField): def value_from_object(self, obj): value = getattr(obj, self.attname) if value: return json.loads(value) else: return None
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Unit tests for """ from crypto.hash.sha1Hash import SHA1 import unittest import struct assert struct.calcsize('!IIIII') == 20, '5 integers should be 20 bytes' class SHA1_FIPS180_TestCases(unittest.TestCase): """ SHA-1 tests from FIPS180-1 Appendix A, B and C """ def testFIPS180_1_Appendix_A(self): """ APPENDIX A. A SAMPLE MESSAGE AND ITS MESSAGE DIGEST """ hashAlg = SHA1() message = 'abc' message_digest = 0xA9993E36L, 0x4706816AL, 0xBA3E2571L, 0x7850C26CL, 0x9CD0D89DL md_string = _toBString(message_digest) assert( hashAlg(message) == md_string ), 'FIPS180 Appendix A test Failed' def testFIPS180_1_Appendix_B(self): """ APPENDIX B. A SECOND SAMPLE MESSAGE AND ITS MESSAGE DIGEST """ hashAlg = SHA1() message = 'abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq' message_digest = 0x84983E44L, 0x1C3BD26EL, 0xBAAE4AA1L, 0xF95129E5L, 0xE54670F1L md_string = _toBString(message_digest) assert( hashAlg(message) == md_string ), 'FIPS180 Appendix B test Failed' def testFIPS180_1_Appendix_C(self): """ APPENDIX C. A THIRD SAMPLE MESSAGE AND ITS MESSAGE DIGEST Let the message be the binary-coded form of the ASCII string which consists of 1,000,000 repetitions of "a". """ hashAlg = SHA1() message = 1000000*'a' message_digest = 0x34AA973CL, 0xD4C4DAA4L, 0xF61EEB2BL, 0xDBAD2731L, 0x6534016FL md_string = _toBString(message_digest) assert( hashAlg(message) == md_string ), 'FIPS180 Appendix C test Failed' def _toBlock(binaryString): """ Convert binary string to blocks of 5 words of uint32() """ return [uint32(word) for word in struct.unpack('!IIIII', binaryString)] def _toBString(block): """ Convert block (5 words of 32 bits to binary string """ return ''.join([struct.pack('!I',word) for word in block]) if __name__ == '__main__': # Run the tests from the command line unittest.main()
import json from corehq.apps.api.models import ApiUser, PERMISSION_POST_SMS from corehq.apps.domain.models import Domain from corehq.apps.hqcase.utils import update_case from corehq.apps.sms.api import (send_sms, send_sms_to_verified_number, send_sms_with_backend, send_sms_with_backend_name) from corehq.apps.sms.mixin import BadSMSConfigException from corehq.apps.sms.models import (SMS, QueuedSMS, SQLMobileBackendMapping, SQLMobileBackend, MobileBackendInvitation, PhoneLoadBalancingMixin, BackendMap) from corehq.apps.sms.tasks import handle_outgoing from corehq.apps.sms.tests.util import BaseSMSTest, delete_domain_phone_numbers from corehq.form_processor.interfaces.dbaccessors import CaseAccessors from corehq.form_processor.tests.utils import run_with_all_backends from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.apposit.models import SQLAppositBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.grapevine.models import SQLGrapevineBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.http.models import SQLHttpBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.mach.models import SQLMachBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.megamobile.models import SQLMegamobileBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.push.models import PushBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.sislog.models import SQLSislogBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.smsgh.models import SQLSMSGHBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.telerivet.models import SQLTelerivetBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models import SQLTestSMSBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.tropo.models import SQLTropoBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.twilio.models import SQLTwilioBackend from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.unicel.models import SQLUnicelBackend, InboundParams from corehq.messaging.smsbackends.yo.models import SQLYoBackend from corehq.util.test_utils import create_test_case from datetime import datetime from dimagi.utils.couch.cache.cache_core import get_redis_client from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.test.utils import override_settings from mock import patch from urllib import urlencode class AllBackendTest(BaseSMSTest): def setUp(self): super(AllBackendTest, self).setUp() self.domain_obj = Domain(name='all-backend-test') self.create_account_and_subscription( self.domain_obj = Domain.get(self.domain_obj.get_id) self.test_phone_number = '99912345' self.unicel_backend = SQLUnicelBackend( name='UNICEL', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLUnicelBackend.get_api_id() ) self.mach_backend = SQLMachBackend( name='MACH', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLMachBackend.get_api_id() ) self.tropo_backend = SQLTropoBackend( name='TROPO', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTropoBackend.get_api_id() ) self.http_backend = SQLHttpBackend( name='HTTP', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLHttpBackend.get_api_id() ) self.telerivet_backend = SQLTelerivetBackend( name='TELERIVET', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTelerivetBackend.get_api_id() ) self.telerivet_backend.set_extra_fields( **dict( webhook_secret='telerivet-webhook-secret' ) ) self.test_backend = SQLTestSMSBackend( name='TEST', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.grapevine_backend = SQLGrapevineBackend( name='GRAPEVINE', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLGrapevineBackend.get_api_id() ) self.twilio_backend = SQLTwilioBackend( name='TWILIO', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTwilioBackend.get_api_id() ) self.megamobile_backend = SQLMegamobileBackend( name='MEGAMOBILE', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLMegamobileBackend.get_api_id() ) self.smsgh_backend = SQLSMSGHBackend( name='SMSGH', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLSMSGHBackend.get_api_id() ) self.apposit_backend = SQLAppositBackend( name='APPOSIT', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLAppositBackend.get_api_id() ) self.sislog_backend = SQLSislogBackend( name='SISLOG', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLSislogBackend.get_api_id() ) self.yo_backend = SQLYoBackend( name='YO', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLYoBackend.get_api_id() ) self.push_backend = PushBackend( name='PUSH', is_global=True, hq_api_id=PushBackend.get_api_id() ) def _test_outbound_backend(self, backend, msg_text, mock_send): SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(, backend) send_sms(, None, self.test_phone_number, msg_text) sms = SMS.objects.get(, direction='O', text=msg_text ) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) msg_arg = mock_send.call_args[0][0] self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(sms.backend_api, backend.hq_api_id) self.assertEqual(sms.backend_id, backend.couch_id) def _verify_inbound_request(self, backend_api_id, msg_text, backend_couch_id=None): sms = SMS.objects.get(, direction='I', text=msg_text ) self.assertEqual(sms.backend_api, backend_api_id) if backend_couch_id: self.assertEqual(sms.backend_id, backend_couch_id) def _simulate_inbound_request_with_payload(self, url, content_type, payload): with create_test_case(, 'participant', 'contact', case_properties={ 'contact_phone_number': self.test_phone_number, 'contact_phone_number_is_verified': '1', }, drop_signals=False): response = Client().post(url, payload, content_type=content_type) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def _simulate_inbound_request(self, url, phone_param, msg_param, msg_text, post=False, additional_params=None, expected_response_code=200, is_megamobile=False): fcn = Client().post if post else Client().get payload = { phone_param: self.test_phone_number, msg_param: msg_text, } if additional_params: payload.update(additional_params) contact_phone_prefix = '63' if is_megamobile else '' with create_test_case(, 'participant', 'contact', case_properties={ 'contact_phone_number': contact_phone_prefix + self.test_phone_number, 'contact_phone_number_is_verified': '1', }, drop_signals=False): response = fcn(url, payload) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_response_code) @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.unicel.models.SQLUnicelBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.mach.models.SQLMachBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.tropo.models.SQLTropoBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.http.models.SQLHttpBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.telerivet.models.SQLTelerivetBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.grapevine.models.SQLGrapevineBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.twilio.models.SQLTwilioBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.megamobile.models.SQLMegamobileBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.smsgh.models.SQLSMSGHBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.apposit.models.SQLAppositBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.sislog.models.SQLSislogBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.yo.models.SQLYoBackend.send') @patch('corehq.messaging.smsbackends.push.models.PushBackend.send') def test_outbound_sms( self, push_send, yo_send, sislog_send, apposit_send, smsgh_send, megamobile_send, twilio_send, grapevine_send, test_send, telerivet_send, http_send, tropo_send, mach_send, unicel_send): self._test_outbound_backend(self.unicel_backend, 'unicel test', unicel_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.mach_backend, 'mach test', mach_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.tropo_backend, 'tropo test', tropo_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.http_backend, 'http test', http_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.telerivet_backend, 'telerivet test', telerivet_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.test_backend, 'test test', test_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.grapevine_backend, 'grapevine test', grapevine_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.twilio_backend, 'twilio test', twilio_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.megamobile_backend, 'megamobile test', megamobile_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.smsgh_backend, 'smsgh test', smsgh_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.apposit_backend, 'apposit test', apposit_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.sislog_backend, 'sislog test', sislog_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.yo_backend, 'yo test', yo_send) self._test_outbound_backend(self.push_backend, 'push test', push_send) @run_with_all_backends def test_unicel_inbound_sms(self): self._simulate_inbound_request('/unicel/in/', phone_param=InboundParams.SENDER, msg_param=InboundParams.MESSAGE, msg_text='unicel test') self._verify_inbound_request(self.unicel_backend.get_api_id(), 'unicel test') @run_with_all_backends def test_tropo_inbound_sms(self): tropo_data = {'session': {'from': {'id': self.test_phone_number}, 'initialText': 'tropo test'}} self._simulate_inbound_request_with_payload('/tropo/sms/', content_type='text/json', payload=json.dumps(tropo_data)) self._verify_inbound_request(self.tropo_backend.get_api_id(), 'tropo test') @run_with_all_backends def test_telerivet_inbound_sms(self): additional_params = { 'event': 'incoming_message', 'message_type': 'sms', 'secret': self.telerivet_backend.config.webhook_secret } self._simulate_inbound_request('/telerivet/in/', phone_param='from_number_e164', msg_param='content', msg_text='telerivet test', post=True, additional_params=additional_params) self._verify_inbound_request(self.telerivet_backend.get_api_id(), 'telerivet test') @run_with_all_backends @override_settings(SIMPLE_API_KEYS={'grapevine-test': 'grapevine-api-key'}) def test_grapevine_inbound_sms(self): xml = """ <gviSms> <smsDateTime>2015-10-12T12:00:00</smsDateTime> <cellNumber>99912345</cellNumber> <content>grapevine test</content> </gviSms> """ payload = urlencode({'XML': xml}) self._simulate_inbound_request_with_payload( '/gvi/api/sms/?apiuser=grapevine-test&apikey=grapevine-api-key', content_type='application/x-www-form-urlencoded', payload=payload) self._verify_inbound_request(self.grapevine_backend.get_api_id(), 'grapevine test') @run_with_all_backends def test_twilio_inbound_sms(self): url = '/twilio/sms/%s' % self.twilio_backend.inbound_api_key self._simulate_inbound_request(url, phone_param='From', msg_param='Body', msg_text='twilio test', post=True) self._verify_inbound_request(self.twilio_backend.get_api_id(), 'twilio test', backend_couch_id=self.twilio_backend.couch_id) @run_with_all_backends def test_twilio_401_response(self): start_count = SMS.objects.count() self._simulate_inbound_request('/twilio/sms/xxxxx', phone_param='From', msg_param='Body', msg_text='twilio test', post=True, expected_response_code=401) end_count = SMS.objects.count() self.assertEqual(start_count, end_count) @run_with_all_backends def test_megamobile_inbound_sms(self): self._simulate_inbound_request('/megamobile/sms/', phone_param='cel', msg_param='msg', msg_text='megamobile test', is_megamobile=True) self._verify_inbound_request(self.megamobile_backend.get_api_id(), 'megamobile test') @run_with_all_backends def test_sislog_inbound_sms(self): self._simulate_inbound_request('/sislog/in/', phone_param='sender', msg_param='msgdata', msg_text='sislog test') self._verify_inbound_request(self.sislog_backend.get_api_id(), 'sislog test') @run_with_all_backends def test_yo_inbound_sms(self): self._simulate_inbound_request('/yo/sms/', phone_param='sender', msg_param='message', msg_text='yo test') self._verify_inbound_request(self.yo_backend.get_api_id(), 'yo test') @run_with_all_backends def test_smsgh_inbound_sms(self): user = ApiUser.create('smsgh-api-key', 'smsgh-api-key', permissions=[PERMISSION_POST_SMS]) self._simulate_inbound_request('/smsgh/sms/smsgh-api-key/', phone_param='snr', msg_param='msg', msg_text='smsgh test') self._verify_inbound_request('SMSGH', 'smsgh test') user.delete() @run_with_all_backends def test_apposit_inbound_sms(self): self._simulate_inbound_request_with_payload( '/apposit/in/%s/' % self.apposit_backend.inbound_api_key, 'application/json', json.dumps({ 'from': self.test_phone_number, 'message': 'apposit test', }) ) self._verify_inbound_request('APPOSIT', 'apposit test', backend_couch_id=self.apposit_backend.couch_id) @run_with_all_backends def test_push_inbound_sms(self): xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <bspostevent> <field name="MobileNumber" type="string">99912345</field> <field name="Text" type="string">push test</field> </bspostevent> """ self._simulate_inbound_request_with_payload( '/push/sms/%s/' % self.push_backend.inbound_api_key, content_type='application/xml', payload=xml) self._verify_inbound_request(self.push_backend.get_api_id(), 'push test', backend_couch_id=self.push_backend.couch_id) def tearDown(self): delete_domain_phone_numbers( self.domain_obj.delete() self.unicel_backend.delete() self.mach_backend.delete() self.tropo_backend.delete() self.http_backend.delete() self.telerivet_backend.delete() self.test_backend.delete() self.grapevine_backend.delete() self.twilio_backend.delete() self.megamobile_backend.delete() self.smsgh_backend.delete() self.apposit_backend.delete() self.sislog_backend.delete() self.yo_backend.delete() self.push_backend.delete() super(AllBackendTest, self).tearDown() class OutgoingFrameworkTestCase(BaseSMSTest): def setUp(self): super(OutgoingFrameworkTestCase, self).setUp() self.domain = "test-domain" self.domain2 = "test-domain2" self.domain_obj = Domain(name=self.domain) self.create_account_and_subscription( self.domain_obj = Domain.get(self.domain_obj._id) self.backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND1', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND2', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend3 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND3', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend4 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND4', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend5 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND5', domain=self.domain, is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend6 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND6', domain=self.domain2, is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend6.set_shared_domains([self.domain]) self.backend7 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND7', domain=self.domain2, is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend8 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', domain=self.domain, is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend9 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', domain=self.domain2, is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend9.set_shared_domains([self.domain]) self.backend10 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.backend_mapping1 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='*', backend=self.backend1 ) self.backend_mapping2 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='1', backend=self.backend2 ) self.backend_mapping3 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='91', backend=self.backend3 ) self.backend_mapping4 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='265', backend=self.backend4 ) self.backend_mapping5 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='256', backend=self.backend5 ) self.backend_mapping6 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='25670', backend=self.backend6 ) self.backend_mapping7 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='25675', backend=self.backend7 ) def tearDown(self): delete_domain_phone_numbers(self.domain) delete_domain_phone_numbers(self.domain2) for obj in ( list(MobileBackendInvitation.objects.all()) + list(SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.all()) ): # For now we can't do bulk delete because we need to have the # delete sync with couch obj.delete() self.backend1.delete() self.backend2.delete() self.backend3.delete() self.backend4.delete() self.backend5.delete() self.backend6.delete() self.backend7.delete() self.backend8.delete() self.backend9.delete() self.backend10.delete() self.domain_obj.delete() super(OutgoingFrameworkTestCase, self).tearDown() def test_multiple_country_prefixes(self): self.assertEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '256800000000' ).pk, ) self.assertEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '256700000000' ).pk, ) self.assertEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '256750000000' ).pk, ) def __test_global_backend_map(self): with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '15551234567', 'Test for BACKEND2')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '9100000000', 'Test for BACKEND3')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '26500000000', 'Test for BACKEND4')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '25800000000', 'Test for BACKEND1')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, def __test_domain_default(self): # Test overriding with domain-level backend SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(self.domain, self.backend5) with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '15551234567', 'Test for BACKEND5')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, def __test_shared_backend(self): # Test use of backend that another domain owns but has granted access SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(self.domain, self.backend6) with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms(self.domain, None, '25800000000', 'Test for BACKEND6')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, # Test trying to use a backend that another domain owns but has not granted access SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(self.domain, self.backend7) with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertFalse(send_sms(self.domain, None, '25800000000', 'Test Unauthorized')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 0) def __test_verified_number_with_map(self, contact): # Test sending to verified number with backend map SQLMobileBackendMapping.unset_default_domain_backend(self.domain) verified_number = contact.get_verified_number() self.assertTrue(verified_number is not None) self.assertTrue(verified_number.backend_id is None) self.assertEqual(verified_number.phone_number, '15551234567') with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for BACKEND2')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, # Test sending to verified number with default domain backend SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(self.domain, self.backend5) with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for BACKEND5')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, def __test_contact_level_backend(self, contact): # Test sending to verified number with a contact-level backend owned by the domain update_case(self.domain, contact.case_id, case_properties={'contact_backend_id': 'BACKEND'}) contact = CaseAccessors(self.domain).get_case(contact.case_id) verified_number = contact.get_verified_number() self.assertTrue(verified_number is not None) self.assertEqual(verified_number.backend_id, 'BACKEND') self.assertEqual(verified_number.phone_number, '15551234567') with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for domain BACKEND')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, # Test sending to verified number with a contact-level backend granted to the domain by another domain = 'BACKEND8' with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for shared domain BACKEND')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, # Test sending to verified number with a contact-level global backend = 'BACKEND9' with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue(send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for global BACKEND')) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, # Test raising exception if contact-level backend is not found = 'BACKEND10' with self.assertRaises(BadSMSConfigException): send_sms_to_verified_number(verified_number, 'Test for unknown BACKEND') def __test_send_sms_with_backend(self): with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue( send_sms_with_backend(self.domain, '+15551234567', 'Test for BACKEND3', self.backend3.couch_id) ) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, def __test_send_sms_with_backend_name(self): with patch( 'corehq.messaging.smsbackends.test.models.SQLTestSMSBackend.send', autospec=True ) as mock_send: self.assertTrue( send_sms_with_backend_name(self.domain, '+15551234567', 'Test for BACKEND3', 'BACKEND3') ) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[0][0].pk, def test_choosing_appropriate_backend_for_outgoing(self): with create_test_case( self.domain, 'participant', 'contact', case_properties={ 'contact_phone_number': '15551234567', 'contact_phone_number_is_verified': '1', }, drop_signals=False) as contact: self.__test_global_backend_map() self.__test_domain_default() self.__test_shared_backend() self.__test_verified_number_with_map(contact) self.__test_contact_level_backend(contact) self.__test_send_sms_with_backend() self.__test_send_sms_with_backend_name() class SQLMobileBackendTestCase(TestCase): def assertBackendsEqual(self, backend1, backend2): self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(backend1.__class__, backend2.__class__) def test_domain_is_shared(self): backend = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', domain='shared-test-1', is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) self.assertFalse(backend.domain_is_shared('shared-test-2')) backend.set_shared_domains(['shared-test-2']) self.assertTrue(backend.domain_is_shared('shared-test-2')) backend.soft_delete() self.assertFalse(backend.domain_is_shared('shared-test-2')) backend.delete() def test_domain_is_authorized(self): backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND1', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND2', domain='auth-test-1', is_global=False, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) self.assertTrue(backend1.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-1')) self.assertTrue(backend1.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-2')) self.assertTrue(backend1.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-3')) self.assertTrue(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-1')) self.assertFalse(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-2')) self.assertFalse(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-3')) backend2.set_shared_domains(['auth-test-2']) self.assertTrue(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-1')) self.assertTrue(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-2')) self.assertFalse(backend2.domain_is_authorized('auth-test-3')) backend1.delete() backend2.delete() def test_load_default_by_phone_and_domain(self): backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND1', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND2', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend3 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND3', is_global=False, domain='load-default-test', hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend4 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND4', is_global=False, domain='load-default-test', hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='*', backend=backend1 ) SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='27', backend=backend2 ) SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=False, domain='load-default-test', backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='*', backend=backend3 ) SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=False, domain='load-default-test', backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='27', backend=backend4 ) # Test global prefix map self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test-2' ), backend2 ) # Test domain-level prefix map self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test' ), backend4 ) # Test domain catch-all backend4.soft_delete() self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test' ), backend3 ) # Test global prefix map backend3.soft_delete() self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test' ), backend2 ) # Test global catch-all backend2.soft_delete() self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test' ), backend1 ) # Test raising exception if nothing found backend1.soft_delete() with self.assertRaises(BadSMSConfigException): SQLMobileBackend.load_default_by_phone_and_domain( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, '2700000000', domain='load-default-test' ) backend1.delete() backend2.delete() backend3.delete() backend4.delete() def test_get_backend_api_id(self): backend = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) self.assertEquals( SQLMobileBackend.get_backend_api_id(, SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) self.assertEquals( SQLMobileBackend.get_backend_api_id(backend.couch_id, is_couch_id=True), SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id() ) backend.soft_delete() with self.assertRaises(SQLMobileBackend.DoesNotExist): SQLMobileBackend.get_backend_api_id( with self.assertRaises(SQLMobileBackend.DoesNotExist): SQLMobileBackend.get_backend_api_id(backend.couch_id, is_couch_id=True) backend.delete() def test_load(self): backend = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load(, backend ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load(, api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id()), backend ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load(backend.couch_id, is_couch_id=True), backend ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load( backend.couch_id, api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), is_couch_id=True ), backend ) backend.soft_delete() with self.assertRaises(SQLMobileBackend.DoesNotExist): SQLMobileBackend.load(, api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id()) with self.assertRaises(SQLMobileBackend.DoesNotExist): SQLMobileBackend.load( backend.couch_id, api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), is_couch_id=True ) with self.assertRaises(BadSMSConfigException): SQLMobileBackend.load(, api_id='this-api-id-does-not-exist') backend.delete() def test_load_by_name(self): backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST', is_global=False, domain='backend-by-name-test-1', hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST', is_global=False, domain='backend-by-name-test-2', hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2.set_shared_domains(['backend-by-name-test-1']) backend3 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-1', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend1 ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-3', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend3 ) backend1.soft_delete() self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-1', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend2 ) backend2.set_shared_domains([]) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-1', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend3 ) self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-2', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend2 ) backend2.soft_delete() self.assertBackendsEqual( SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-2', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ), backend3 ) backend3.soft_delete() with self.assertRaises(BadSMSConfigException): SQLMobileBackend.load_by_name( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, 'backend-by-name-test-1', 'BACKEND_BY_NAME_TEST' ) backend1.delete() backend2.delete() backend3.delete() class LoadBalanceBackend(SQLTestSMSBackend, PhoneLoadBalancingMixin): class Meta: proxy = True @classmethod def get_api_id(cls): return 'LOAD_BALANCE' class RateLimitBackend(SQLTestSMSBackend): class Meta: proxy = True def get_sms_rate_limit(self): return 10 @classmethod def get_api_id(cls): return 'RATE_LIMIT' class LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend(SQLTestSMSBackend, PhoneLoadBalancingMixin): class Meta: proxy = True def get_sms_rate_limit(self): return 10 @classmethod def get_api_id(cls): return 'LOAD_BALANCE_RATE_LIMIT' def mock_get_backend_classes(): return { LoadBalanceBackend.get_api_id(): LoadBalanceBackend, RateLimitBackend.get_api_id(): RateLimitBackend, LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend.get_api_id(): LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend, } @patch('corehq.apps.sms.util.get_backend_classes', new=mock_get_backend_classes) class LoadBalancingAndRateLimitingTestCase(BaseSMSTest): def setUp(self): super(LoadBalancingAndRateLimitingTestCase, self).setUp() self.domain = 'load-balance-rate-limit' self.domain_obj = Domain(name=self.domain) self.create_account_and_subscription(self.domain) self.domain_obj = Domain.get(self.domain_obj.get_id) def tearDown(self): QueuedSMS.objects.all().delete() self.domain_obj.delete() super(LoadBalancingAndRateLimitingTestCase, self).tearDown() def create_outgoing_sms(self, backend): sms = QueuedSMS( domain=self.domain, date=datetime.utcnow(), direction='O', phone_number='9991234567', text='message', backend_id=backend.couch_id ) return sms def delete_load_balancing_keys(self, backend): # This should only be necessary when running tests locally, but doesn't # hurt to run all the time. client = get_redis_client().client.get_client() client.delete(backend.get_load_balance_redis_key()) def assertRequeue(self, backend): requeue_flag = handle_outgoing(self.create_outgoing_sms(backend)) self.assertTrue(requeue_flag) def assertNotRequeue(self, backend): requeue_flag = handle_outgoing(self.create_outgoing_sms(backend)) self.assertFalse(requeue_flag) def test_load_balance(self): backend = LoadBalanceBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, load_balancing_numbers=['9990001', '9990002', '9990003'], hq_api_id=LoadBalanceBackend.get_api_id() ) self.delete_load_balancing_keys(backend) for i in range(5): with patch('corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends.LoadBalanceBackend.send') as mock_send: self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990001') self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990002') self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990003') backend.delete() def test_rate_limit(self): backend = RateLimitBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, hq_api_id=RateLimitBackend.get_api_id() ) # Requeue flag should be False until we hit the limit for i in range(backend.get_sms_rate_limit()): with patch('corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends.RateLimitBackend.send') as mock_send: self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) # Requeue flag should be True after hitting the limit with patch('corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends.RateLimitBackend.send') as mock_send: self.assertRequeue(backend) self.assertFalse(mock_send.called) backend.delete() def test_load_balance_and_rate_limit(self): backend = LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND', is_global=True, load_balancing_numbers=['9990001', '9990002', '9990003'], hq_api_id=LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend.get_api_id() ) self.delete_load_balancing_keys(backend) for i in range(backend.get_sms_rate_limit()): with patch('corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends.LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend.send') as mock_send: self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990001') self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990002') self.assertNotRequeue(backend) self.assertTrue(mock_send.called) self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_args[1]['orig_phone_number'], '9990003') with patch('corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends.LoadBalanceAndRateLimitBackend.send') as mock_send: self.assertRequeue(backend) self.assertFalse(mock_send.called) self.assertRequeue(backend) self.assertFalse(mock_send.called) self.assertRequeue(backend) self.assertFalse(mock_send.called) backend.delete() class SQLMobileBackendMappingTestCase(TestCase): def test_backend_map(self): backend_map = BackendMap( 1, { '1': 2, '27': 3, '256': 4, '25670': 5, '25675': 6, } ) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('910000000'), 1) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('100000000'), 2) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('200000000'), 1) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('250000000'), 1) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('270000000'), 3) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('256000000'), 4) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('256700000'), 5) self.assertEqual(backend_map.get_backend_id_by_prefix('256750000'), 6) def assertNoDomainDefaultBackend(self, domain): self.assertEqual( SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.filter(domain=domain).count(), 0 ) def assertDomainDefaultBackend(self, domain, backend): mapping = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.get(domain=domain) self.assertFalse(mapping.is_global) self.assertEqual(mapping.domain, domain) self.assertEqual(mapping.backend_type, SQLMobileBackend.SMS) self.assertEqual(mapping.prefix, '*') self.assertEqual(mapping.backend_id, def test_set_default_domain_backend(self): backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND1', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND2', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) domain = 'domain-default-backend-test' self.assertNoDomainDefaultBackend(domain) SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(domain, backend1) self.assertDomainDefaultBackend(domain, backend1) SQLMobileBackendMapping.set_default_domain_backend(domain, backend2) self.assertDomainDefaultBackend(domain, backend2) SQLMobileBackendMapping.unset_default_domain_backend(domain) self.assertNoDomainDefaultBackend(domain) backend1.delete() backend2.delete() def test_get_prefix_to_backend_map(self): backend1 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND1', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend2 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND2', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend3 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND3', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend4 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND4', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend5 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND5', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend6 = SQLTestSMSBackend.objects.create( name='BACKEND6', is_global=True, hq_api_id=SQLTestSMSBackend.get_api_id(), ) backend_mapping1 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='*', backend=backend1 ) backend_mapping2 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='27', backend=backend2 ) backend_mapping3 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=True, backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='1', backend=backend3 ) backend_mapping4 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=False, domain='prefix-backend-map-test', backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='*', backend=backend4 ) backend_mapping5 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=False, domain='prefix-backend-map-test', backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='256', backend=backend5 ) backend_mapping6 = SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.create( is_global=False, domain='prefix-backend-map-test', backend_type=SQLMobileBackend.SMS, prefix='25670', backend=backend6 ) global_backend_map = SQLMobileBackendMapping.get_prefix_to_backend_map(SQLMobileBackend.SMS) self.assertEqual(global_backend_map.catchall_backend_id, self.assertEqual(global_backend_map.backend_map_dict, { '27':, '1':, }) domain_backend_map = SQLMobileBackendMapping.get_prefix_to_backend_map( SQLMobileBackend.SMS, domain='prefix-backend-map-test' ) self.assertEqual(domain_backend_map.catchall_backend_id, self.assertEqual(domain_backend_map.backend_map_dict, { '256':, '25670':, }) backend_mapping1.delete() backend_mapping2.delete() backend_mapping3.delete() backend_mapping4.delete() backend_mapping5.delete() backend_mapping6.delete() backend1.delete() backend2.delete() backend3.delete() backend4.delete() backend5.delete() backend6.delete()