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i so tadni ca catlu do .i la'e di'u rinka lo nu mi milxe ckeji .i ku'i ny nalkecti ke jmina cusku di'e .i .ua ru'e .krtis. zei valsi | There are 9 students looking at you. That made me a little ashamed. But he went on, relentlessly: Hmm, seems like this might be Curtis's coined term. |
.u'u .ei mi ca cliva .co'o .i bazi xruti .i za'a zmiku gerna .i fi'o suksa fe'u bo ko broda | Regretfully, I must depart now. Farewell. I shall return shortly. I observe it's automatic grammar. Act suddenly! |
mi retsku fi le mamta be mi fe lu mi ba mo | I asked my mother, what will I be |
i pa krati be lo turni bei lo ka ckini fi lo gubni co'a tavla loi se natmi | A representative of the governor in public relations started talking to the nation. |
zoi se smuni zo mu'a bau lo ponjo .i a'u .i la'o zy. Humble Bundle .zy cinri vecnu tadji .i mi pensi lo nu mi pu zvati ma kau | "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. Hmm, intriguing. The Humble Bundle employs a fascinating sales approach. I'm thinking of where I was. |
co'o brus .i se finti bau la since .i xu mi dunli do lo ka ma kau ni me ce'u moi fa lo kenka spisa | Goodbye, Brus. It is authored in the language of Sinae. Am I equal to you in how many individual cake portions belong to each of us? |
coi mimi .i pei .i xu clitci .ua nai .i coi mo .i lo flira be do cu pilda .i ma krinu | Hi, Mimi! How are you doing? Is the doctor uncertain? Hello! What's up? Your face is pale. What happened? |
.i ua .u'u sei lo cmalu noltru cu cusku xu do ba ca'o zvati le zdani .i mi na srasu sei lo xrula cu xutla spusku | Ah! Please excuse me, said the little prince. Will you stay at home? I am not a weed, the flower replied, sweetly. |
la mubyl cu bebna .i mi na pilno la grasysmani xu xamgu do doi .tenen. | Mubyl is foolish, I do not use Grassmann. Is this good for you, Tenen? |
doi dan .i mi pu skudji losedu'u simlu loka me'oi bot | Dan, I meant to say that I seemed like a bot. |
ni'o lu go'i sei la .alis. cu krixa li'u ku'i da rinka lo nu ny nurcni la poi zarci .bastn. poi mi mutce broda i u'a la'e di'u se jetnu lo du'u mi drani .i lo'e xirma ce lo'e xasli cu simxu le ka frica | Yes!' shouted Alice, but a thought came to reassure him: The market in Boston where I am extremely Broda. Aha, that proves that I am right. The tale experiences its own storytelling, and horses and donkeys are not the same. |
li cy so my ci no tcika lo nu lo pa zarci co'a akti vau lo cabdei ti .i lo cmatca nanla pu mi'arckasu mi .i ma se pitsa do | The shop starts working today at 9:30. The boys in the village laughed at me. What are the toppings on your pizza? |
.i zo na'e .e'u .i ko na zukte | The word "na'e" negates the suggestion (e'u). Don't do it. |
mi djica lo nu mi cilre la .san.fransiskos. oi ko se jbobau doi la'o zoi dbrock zoi | I want to learn San Francisco. Oh, please translate this into Lojban, dbrock! |
.u'ucai .i mi pu citka | I deeply regret it. I ate something. |
do smaka ma .i la'e di'u cabna ma sei lo cmalu noltru cu djuno cpedu | What taste can you feel? When will that be? inquired the little prince. |
i o'a nai i doi la co'e sy co'e si pu ta'e irci | I feel awkward. Hey there, S, you used to regularly hang out on IRC. |
gapru je lamji le jubme .i ma nu gleki .u'a .i cinri fatci .i do jinvi ma | It's on the table. What is happiness? Ah! The fact is genuinely intriguing. What do you think? |
i lo vi kumfa be lo xotli cu barda | This hotel room is large. |
i ie la kevin ka'e pu zvati ti | Yes, Alice could be here. |
.i coi la selckiku mu'a le gismu sance cu je'u cunso ju'inai do | Hello, Selckiku, for example, the pronunciation of root words is inherently unpredictable, ignore me. |
ni'o mi na djuno .i mi ca'o mutce lo ka gunka lo nu troci lo nu vimcu lo dukse tagji klupe lo mi matra .i mi mutce lo ka dunku .iki'ubo ge lo nu spofu cu co'a simlu lo ka vajni gi lo se pinxe djacu noi se xaksu cu gasnu lo nu mi tepkanpe lo xlarai | I did not know. At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine. I was very much worried, for it was becoming clear to me that the breakdown of my plane was extremely serious. And I had so little drinking-water left that I had to fear for the worst. |
la'o gy mukti* gy je'a zvati pe'i | In my opinion, Mukti* is indeed present. |
.i cliva gi'e ba citka vau ei | I must leave now and then eat later (as an obligation). |
ta'onai gau rodo mo i coi djilks la tom pu no roi to'e canci .i mutce cafne fa lo nu mi vitke lo patfu be mi | To get back to the point, what are you all actively doing? Hello, djilks! Tom never showed up. It's quite often that I visit my father. |
ni'o ni'o bi mo'o me la noltruni'u moi kelcrkroke bo foldi | CHAPTER VIII. The Queen's Croquet-Ground |
i li ly pa dy pa ze ny re no pa xa detri lo nu mi co'a tadni la lojban vau la nipon. la gregoris. | January 17, 2016 (Japanese timezone, Gregorian calendar) is the date when I started studying Lojban. |
.i mi ce do prami zu'ai i ka'e jai ri'a morsi .i lu ju'o cu'i cu drata | We love each other. It can be fatal. "I am certain that uncertainty is different." |
pe'i lo cifnu gasnu lonu sakci kei ri'a tu'a lo na'e fagri mu'o | In my opinion, the infant's sucking action is caused by something unrelated to fire. ... |
lo zgike kamni cu tigni i | and all the lovely ladies had flowers in their hair. |
mutce cizra .i ma tcini lenu do farlu .i mi se degji no'o da | That's so weird. What is the circumstance surrounding your fall? I have a usual number of fingers. |
i ti nakni lo mlatu lo ka se nakpinji .i .u'e mi jbonuka | This is a male cat since it has a penis. Wow, I'm actually starting to grasp Lojban! |
.i masno fanva .uinairu'e .i lo nu co'a cusku lo se smuni be lo na'e se djica cu se ge'enmo | The translation proceeds sluggishly, accompanied by a faint hint of frustration. Expressing the unintended meaning evokes uncertain emotions. |
.i lo vajrai cu nonselji'u lo kanla sei lo cmalu noltru tezu'e lo nu morji cu fuksku | What is essential is invisible to the eye,the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember. |
ku'i su'o minji ku na'e vinji | However, some machines are not aircraft. |
lo fetsi pu ku tatpi gi'e ku'i nai co'a sipna .i mi galfi do lo kanba ku | She was tired and in line with that she fell asleep. I turn you into a goat. |
.i xu do nelci lo'e zgike .u'u sai sai | Do you like music? Alas, very, very much! |
lo nu penmi cu mentu be li ji'i xa no .i .u'i cmene ni'o lu lo makcu prenu cu cizra mutce li'u se cusku lo cmalu noltru ri ca lo nu litru | The meeting is approximately 60 minutes long. Heh, a name. The grown-ups are very strange, the little prince said to himself, as he continued on his journey. |
ni'o lo barda smacu cu barda ma ma .i xu lo bruna be do cu klama fi la paris .i doi.stobix. xu la'edi'u banzu lonu do cilre coi la latro'a .ui ma da'i fau lo nu mi cusku zo nai | Compared to which standard and in what aspect is the large mouse considered big? Has your brother come from Paris? Stobix, is that sufficient for your learning? Hello, Latro'a! How joyful! What if I say "no"? |
mo zoi gy. pheromone .gy i mi na djuno oiru'e | What is the meaning or role of "pheromone" in this context? Oh, I just don’t know. |
ma'i ma xanri sevzi papri i lo boske cu culno lo smani | In whose frame of reference does an imagined self-identity page exist? The forest is full of monkeys. |
ta'o mi jai gau refcfa fai lo .irci proga .i cinri trixe | By the way, I restarted the IRC program. What's behind is interesting. |
.i e'u ko pilno lo vlaste .i mi nelci lo nu cusku mu'u lu bypyfyky cu co'e li'u po'o | Please use the dictionary, and I like expressing things such as the example "bypyfyky does whatever"—nothing else matters. |
la .bancus. smaji | Bancus is silent. |
ko klama gi'e nurxru mi .i xagji sofybakni .i la'a zo la'ei mapti | Come and rescue me. Is the Soviet cow hungry? Maybe, the word "la'ei" is appropriate in some aspect. |
coi isyd no da snada bu'u le munje se ja'e le nu le nei na troci | Hello, isyd. Nobody achieves in the world without exertion. |
grandest pinji zo'o cusku lu coi ro do li'u gi'e ba zi bo cliva | The mightiest penis (said with humor) said "Hello, everyone," and then immediately departed. |
le te jvinu cu se manci jai ri'a vasxu be de'a zo ni malplicau bu'u do'i | The scenery is breathtaking, and the term "ni" requires explanation in this context. |
na'i .i ca nau re da za'a jbopre i mi cerda lo ka ponse lo dinju vau lo patfu be mi su'o se djica be ri i mi na brito | Not literally. At this very moment, I observe two individuals who are Lojbanists. I inherited the house from my father according to his will. I am not British. |
.i da noroi djuno sei lo tedyskepre cu cusku | One never knows,said the geographer. |
ra ca tadji bu'u lo ckusro .i ni'o le nu mi lifri la'e do'i cu li'a se rinka tu'a le pa cukta .i mi gleki lo nu do jinga | He is studying in the library now. These cycles of experience, of course, all stem from that worm-riddled book. I am happy that you won. |
ni'o la ciftoldi cu tavla pa moi | The Caterpillar was the first to speak. |
mi nelci pa ninmu i mi pacna lo nu ba na nandu do fa lo ka jimpe gi'e morji | I like a woman and I hope you won’t find it all too difficult to understand and to remember. |
mi renro lo plopijnytci fa'a la djef lo stedu | I threw the stapler at Jeff's head. |
mi nitcu lo nu da tavla mi .i mi bilma je ka'orze'a | I need someone to talk to me, and I am ill/sick and have been so for a long time. |
mi jbebau le glibau po'o to .ui nai ru'e toi .i pa mei lo nabmi .i ba'a lo pendo be mi pu jinga | My only native language is English (albeit with a hesitant reluctance). It is one of the problems. I expect my friend to have won. |
mu'a daspo lo lamji tcada .i mi pu djica le nu mi zvati ra | For example, the neighboring city is destroyed, and I wanted to be there. |
.i ra pu minde mi le ka na limna bu'u tu .i no da skicu su'o de mi .i .ei mi di'a zvati lo ckana | He told me not to swim there. Nobody tells me anything. I need to get back to bed. |
e'o do cuxna fi lo pixra poi vreji fi ce'u fa lo megdo be li su'e pa bei lo ka bitni li bi .i xu la poland lemi krinu lo nu fanva fe la lojban | Please choose an image that does not exceed 1 Megabyte. Is it about Poland my reason is for translating into Lojban. |
mi ponse ti | This is mine. |
ta cilmo .i muno prenu pu se marce le pa vinji | That's wet. There were fifty travelers on the aircraft. |
i ei do troci lo ka co'e bu'u lo drata detri fa lo bavlamdei xunai .i mi ralte lo vi karce | You should try it somewhere else. Isn't the date tomorrow? This is my car. |
i lo nu prami cu nu gunka | Loving is working. |
lo jisra pe ne'i lo lenku minji pu xlali .i do jo'u la alis jo'u mi tavla zu'ai | The juice in the fridge was no good, and you, Alice and I talk to each other. |
va'o lo ca mupli smumunje ku ro fasnu cu se cusku | Under the conditions of the current example model, all occurring events are expressed. |
i do'a mi do ka'e ctuca lo se jmina .i e'ocai ro loi do besna | I could teach you some additional things. I earnestly implore you to completely stop all mental processes. |
la selckiku pu skuna zo reldi .i ju'i cu'i sonci .i lu mi djica lo nu ciksi fi mi sei la jitfa cakyrespa cu cusku li'u | Selckiku said "Tuesday". At ease, soldiers. "I should like to have it explained," said the Mock Turtle. |
xu le da'i mi casnu bau la lojban cu nibli le du'u do na jundi mi'a .i'a doi la .ilmen. coi do mi'e la arxokuna | Does supposing that I discuss in Lojban logically entail the fact that you're not paying attention to us? Alright/Understood, Ilmen. Greetings! I go by Arxokuna. |
.i plixau fa lo du'u da kakne lo nu jungau fi lo du'u ma kau te nupre .ie sy djuno fi lo rokci poi ba janli le terdi | It is beneficial to be able to inform others about what has been promised, and indeed, S knows about the rocks that will collide with the Earth. |
mi vasxu lo noi culno lo kijno jo'u lo pluka panci vau vacri be lo purdi .i inpociburu | I breathe the air of the garden full of oxygen and pleasant scents. It is impossible under such conditions. |
.i pa mai plixauvla .i lo prenu cu zmadu frili jimpe fi lo smuni be lo selsku .i re mai melbi .i rinka lo nu lo clani jbobau bo selsku cu melbi cnici .i ci mai mi cinmo lo ka mi bilga lo nu finti lo ci moi poi se darlu ku'o ki'u lo za'i pilno zo mai | First. A useful word. People comprehend the meaning behind utterances more easily. Second. Elegance. The structured nature of extended Lojban discourse creates aesthetic harmony. Third. I feel compelled to compose this third counterargument due to the ongoing use of the word "mai" itself. |
.i mu'a no da valsi lo ka lunra i ku'i su'o da gismu lo ka ca'o lunra gi'a ca'a lunra i lu le lunra co'a galtu fi le rirxe cu se fanva fu zoi .tlon.hlr u fang axaxaxas ml.tlon. noi simsa fi tu'a le porsi fe lu mo'i ga'u to ti'a ru'i flecu toi mluni li'u to la pu sutra fanva ra fu lu fi'o galtu fi'o trixe fi'o flecu ca'o lunra toi fi lo palci .i ku'i na vamtu lo ciblu | For example: there is no word that corresponds to the word "moon", but there is a verb that would be in Lojban would be "to moon" or "to moonate." "The moon arose over the river" is said "hlr u fang axaxaxas ml" that is, in its order: "upward behind the lasting-flow mooned". (Xul Solar briefly translates it as: up after onflowingly moonated). About the wicked, however, there is no vomiting of blood. |
ko kancu lo lanme .i za'a i'esai .i za'a do tavla fo la lojban fe lo na'e lojbo | You count the sheep. I observe this with considerable approval. I observe that you are speaking Lojban to a non-Lojbanic audience. |
lo rirni be mi cu pensi'u bu'u lo cmana | My parents met each other in the mountains. |
zo cinkemralfra banzu | The quoted term "cinkemralfra" suffices. |
fanza tolvai pante | The AI protests out of annoyance. |
.i ku'i nai mi lerci tolcliva ji'a .u'i ni'o ni'o xa mo'o | However, even though I was late, I actually made it here in the end—isn’t that ironic? Part 6 |
.ie ja'a jai kalsa .i coi isyn e'o do jai gau ganlo fai le vorme | Indeed, it is truly chaotic. Hello, Isyn. Close the window, please. |
.i .uo jboxa'a la zgana mi lo cunso .i ba zi mrilu | Finally, I’ve perceived the randomness. I’ll send an email shortly. |
i darno raunzu fi lo ka snura | This distance protects him from all evil |
.i .e'apei mi zutse sei lo cmalu noltru cu toldarsi retsku | May I sit down?came now a timid inquiry from the little prince. |
ko zgana ti pe'u la alis .i lo vi badna cu kukte mi .i lo nu cuxna lo du'u ma kau cipra cu sarcu po'o .i dejni | Look at this, please, Alice, for me this banana is sweet. The sole necessity is determining exactly which test needs to be chosen. A debt is owed. |
i lo rirni pu sfasa lo verba lo ka jai gau spofu fai lo palta vau lo ka na e'ande vo'e lo ka kelci bu'u lo zdani | The parent punished the child for breaking the plate by not allowing playing at home. |
mi pu na jimpe ki'u lodu'u so'i nalpleji bilni cu zasti ne'i lo mi gugde .i lo fetsi pu ku tatpi gi'e ku'i nai co'a sipna | I didn't understand why there were so many rigidly organized military forces existing within my country, and she was tired and in line with that she fell asleep. |
ki'a jibri pelji .i la emilis verntineidja .i mi ne lo xance pu te cpacu fi la kevin fe lo dakfu | What? A job involving paper(s)? Emily is a teenager. I handed Kevin a knife. |
.i milxe lo ka xamvla .i ji'a kukte spati vamtu ma | The expression is somewhat mild. Moreover, the plant is delightfully tasty. What is being thrown up? |
i la'o gy.The wild jai cinri skina | "The wild bears" is an interesting movie. |
i lo skami pe mi cu spofu | My computer is broken. |
.i je'u lo nanmu poi zutse lo midju zi'e noi simlu lo ka traji lo ka catni kei lo ci mei cu katna lo spisa be lo rectu bu'u lo palne te zu'e lo nu cipra lo ka ranti banzu gi'e na nitcu lo nu xruti se benji fi lo jukpa kumfa | In fact, the one who sat in the middle (for the other two he seemed to serve as the authority) cut off a piece of meat still on the plate obviously to establish whether it was sufficiently tender and whether or not something should be shipped back to the kitchen. |
.i .e'u mi'o klama | Let's depart! |
i pa pendo be mi pu sazri lo minji lo ka kakpa lo dertu | My friend operated the machine to dig ground. |
xu lo nu do pilno gy cu mleca tu'a py lo ka faurcafne .i ma jetnu krinu le nu do na djica le nu do zukte ra | Is your use of "G" less frequent than (that of) "P" in terms of frequency? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? |
ru'i ku lo'e prenu su'o da se ckake .i mi kucli lo nu xukau do tolcando du'i mi ca le prulamdei mi sidju le patfu | We are always exposed to some kind of danger. I wonder if you are as busy as I am? Yesterday I assisted the father. |
mi mo'u jdice lo du'u sarcu fa lo nu mi'a stali i fanza tolvai pante i la lojban iu ro'e | I decided that we need to stay, and the AI protests out of annoyance. Lojban arouses a thoughtless affection or aversion. |
i dunli genai lo pamoi ginai lo remoi .oi ku'i .i'a .i li te'o te'a vei ka'o pi'i pai ve'o du li ni'u pa .i .au klama | The translation is neither equal to the first nor equivalent to the second, though I gripe, I accept. e<sup>(i × π)</sup> = -1. I want to go. |
mi pu djica le nu mi sidju do .i e'a ro prenu poi aidji cu jmina | I wanted to help you, and allow all individuals who intend to join to do so. |
.i ku'i barda .i .au lo drata .itku'ilpre mi sidju | However, it's too big. I want something different. Please help me. |
.i doi bersa do'u pau do djica lo nu mi te vecnu ma lo zarci | Brother, what do you want me to buy from the market? |
lo zdani cu bancu lo vu tricu ti lo ka darno ti .i lo cidja cu vasru lo zinki | The house is beyond those trees from here in how far it is from here. The food contains zinc. |
ma xe fanva zoi zoi. kaisha zoi. lo glibau | What is the English for "kaisha"? |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
Korpora is a meticulously curated Lojban-English bilingual parallel corpus, ingeniously synthesized from the widely recognized Tatoeba and Lojban Corpus available online.
This comprehensive dataset is further enriched by integrating partially parallel data through the augmentation of Jbovlaste's Deepseek-R1, while rigorously ensuring grammatical integrity with the assistance of Camxes and Jbofi'e.
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