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The bear is big. The cat is big. The cat visits the bear. The cat visits the lion. The lion is nice. The lion likes the bear. The lion sees the cat. The lion sees the tiger. The tiger is cold. The tiger sees the cat. If the cat is kind then the cat sees the bear. If something is cold then it sees the lion. If something sees the bear then the bear is nice. If something sees the cat and the cat is blue then the cat sees the bear. If something is nice then it likes the lion. If something likes the lion then it sees the bear. If something visits the bear then the bear is blue.
The bear visits the cat.
The lion is nice. The lion needs the tiger. The lion visits the tiger. The mouse does not eat the tiger. The rabbit is green. The rabbit is kind. The rabbit is rough. The tiger is cold. The tiger is kind. The tiger does not visit the rabbit. If something is green and it eats the tiger then the tiger eats the rabbit. If the mouse visits the tiger and the lion does not eat the mouse then the mouse does not visit the lion. If something needs the rabbit then it is cold. If something is rough then it eats the tiger. If something needs the mouse then it needs the rabbit. If something visits the rabbit and the rabbit is cold then it does not visit the tiger. If something eats the rabbit then the rabbit needs the mouse. If something eats the rabbit then the rabbit needs the tiger. If something is kind and it eats the tiger then the tiger visits the mouse.
The tiger is not green.
The bald eagle eats the bear. The bald eagle eats the cow. The bald eagle is nice. The bald eagle is round. The bear sees the bald eagle. The cow is rough. The dog is not rough. The dog is round. The dog does not visit the bald eagle. The dog does not visit the bear. If the cow is blue and the cow is kind then the cow visits the bald eagle. If someone visits the cow and the cow visits the dog then the cow visits the bald eagle. If the dog visits the bald eagle then the dog does not see the bald eagle. If the bald eagle sees the cow then the cow is nice. If someone sees the bear and they are kind then the bear eats the cow. If someone eats the bald eagle and they see the dog then the dog does not eat the bald eagle. If someone eats the bald eagle then they see the cow. If someone is nice then they eat the bald eagle.
The bear does not see the cow.
The bear is rough. The bear needs the cow. The cow visits the bear. The cow visits the dog. The dog is young. The dog visits the cow. The squirrel eats the bear. If something is cold then it does not visit the bear. If something visits the dog then it needs the squirrel. If something is cold then it needs the squirrel. If something eats the dog then the dog eats the squirrel. If something needs the bear and the bear does not eat the dog then the dog needs the squirrel. If the squirrel is rough and the squirrel visits the cow then the squirrel eats the bear. If something needs the squirrel then the squirrel is cold. If the squirrel is cold and the squirrel visits the cow then the squirrel does not need the bear. If something needs the squirrel then it visits the cow.
The squirrel is not cold.
Bob is quiet. Bob is round. Dave is big. Dave is nice. Erin is cold. Erin is round. Harry is kind. If someone is cold and big then they are nice. If someone is white then they are nice. Quiet, white people are big. Kind, white people are quiet. If someone is kind then they are nice. All nice people are cold. If Erin is quiet and Erin is kind then Erin is cold. Cold people are white. All quiet, kind people are round.
Bob is not quiet.
The bear chases the cat. The cat chases the lion. The cat is blue. The lion does not chase the bear. The lion chases the mouse. The lion is blue. The lion is cold. The lion is rough. The mouse likes the lion. The mouse does not visit the bear. The mouse visits the lion. If something visits the cat then the cat is young. If something is young then it visits the bear. If something likes the cat and it is rough then the cat visits the lion. If something is rough and it chases the bear then the bear does not visit the cat. If something chases the lion and it visits the bear then the bear chases the cat. If something visits the cat and it visits the bear then the bear likes the cat. If something is cold then it is young. If something visits the bear then it visits the cat.
The bear does not visit the cat.
Bob is quiet. Erin is kind. Erin is quiet. Fiona is green. Fiona is red. Fiona is young. Harry is green. If someone is quiet then they are young. All young people are kind. If someone is white and not green then they are quiet. All green, smart people are quiet. All quiet, kind people are white. White people are smart. If someone is kind and not green then they are not smart. If someone is white and smart then they are not red. If someone is young and not white then they are red.
Harry is smart.
Charlie is not cold. Fiona is smart. Gary is cold. Gary is kind. Gary is round. Harry is cold. Harry is kind. Harry is rough. Harry is round. Harry is smart. If something is cold then it is rough. Round things are blue. If Harry is smart then Harry is blue. If Harry is cold and Harry is quiet then Harry is round. All smart things are cold. Cold things are round. Blue things are quiet. All smart, quiet things are kind.
Charlie is not round.
The cow does not chase the lion. The cow eats the rabbit. The cow is young. The lion eats the tiger. The rabbit is green. The rabbit needs the cow. The rabbit does not need the lion. The tiger chases the cow. The tiger does not eat the rabbit. The tiger is not green. The tiger needs the rabbit. If the lion chases the rabbit then the lion does not eat the tiger. If something is cold then it eats the cow. If the tiger is big then the tiger is not young. If something is round then it eats the lion. If something eats the cow and it eats the rabbit then it is green. If something eats the lion and it eats the tiger then the lion does not need the cow. If something needs the cow then the cow needs the tiger. If something needs the tiger then the tiger is cold. If something eats the tiger and the tiger eats the cow then the tiger is big.
The tiger is not big.
Anne is nice. Anne is round. Anne is white. Charlie is nice. Charlie is rough. Fiona is kind. Harry is white. Rough, round people are big. Quiet, white people are rough. Round people are quiet. Round people are quiet. If someone is white then they are round. All big people are nice. All round, white people are not kind.
Harry is not nice.
Erin is nice. Erin is red. Fiona is nice. Fiona is red. Fiona is rough. Fiona is young. Gary is rough. Gary is smart. Harry is red. Harry is rough. Harry is round. Young, red people are blue. If someone is red and young then they are rough. Rough people are smart. Young, smart people are nice. Round, nice people are rough. All smart people are round. Nice people are smart. If Fiona is round then Fiona is smart. All rough, nice people are young.
Harry is not blue.
Bob is big. Bob is cold. Bob is kind. Bob is rough. Charlie is furry. Charlie is kind. Dave is white. Harry is big. Harry is blue. Harry is kind. Harry is rough. All big people are blue. Cold people are furry. White people are big. Kind people are cold. All kind people are rough. If Charlie is furry and Charlie is big then Charlie is white. If someone is blue then they are kind.
Dave is blue.
Anne is big. Anne is red. Anne is smart. Bob is not smart. Charlie is kind. Charlie is smart. Dave is quiet. If something is white then it is quiet. All smart things are quiet. If Dave is quiet and Dave is white then Dave is big. All quiet things are white. Big, kind things are red. If Bob is white then Bob is smart. If something is big then it is kind. All red, quiet things are rough. If something is white and not big then it is rough.
Charlie is rough.
Anne is kind. Charlie is quiet. Charlie is rough. Dave is kind. Dave is nice. Dave is rough. Dave is young. Erin is kind. Erin is quiet. Erin is red. Quiet people are rough. If someone is rough and quiet then they are red. All blue people are nice. All kind people are blue. Rough people are young. Nice people are quiet. If Charlie is nice then Charlie is kind. If someone is rough then they are young. If Dave is rough and Dave is kind then Dave is blue.
Anne is rough.
Anne is big. Anne is rough. Dave is furry. Dave is kind. Dave is red. Dave is rough. Fiona is kind. Fiona is red. Gary is furry. Gary is red. If Dave is big then Dave is smart. Big, rough people are white. If Fiona is big and Fiona is furry then Fiona is rough. All rough, smart people are furry. All white people are red. If someone is smart then they are furry. Red, kind people are smart. All red people are kind. If Fiona is white then Fiona is big.
Anne is not furry.
The cat visits the rabbit. The cat visits the tiger. The cow is green. The cow is nice. The cow is rough. The cow needs the rabbit. The rabbit is rough. The tiger is green. The tiger is nice. The tiger is round. The tiger visits the cow. If someone visits the rabbit then the rabbit needs the tiger. If someone visits the cat then they need the rabbit. If someone is nice then they chase the rabbit. If someone is kind then they need the rabbit. If someone is round and they chase the rabbit then the rabbit is green. If someone visits the rabbit and the rabbit is green then they are kind. If someone needs the rabbit then they are round. If someone is rough then they need the cow. If someone visits the rabbit and the rabbit visits the cat then the rabbit chases the cat.
The cow is round.
Anne is blue. Anne is kind. Bob is not blue. Bob is round. Erin is cold. Erin is nice. Fiona is not nice. Round, kind things are not red. Blue, nice things are young. If something is red then it is young. All young, cold things are round. Blue things are cold. Cold things are nice. If Bob is red and Bob is blue then Bob is young. If Erin is red then Erin is blue. If Anne is not kind then Anne is young.
Anne is young.
The cat is young. The dog needs the cat. The dog needs the lion. The dog sees the squirrel. The dog visits the lion. The lion sees the dog. The squirrel sees the cat. If something needs the dog then it sees the lion. If something sees the squirrel and the squirrel is young then the squirrel sees the dog. If something sees the dog then the dog sees the lion. If something sees the lion and it is red then the lion is red. If something is red and it sees the cat then the cat is blue. If something is red then it needs the dog. If the squirrel is green and the squirrel is rough then the squirrel is red. If something needs the lion and it sees the lion then it is red. If something visits the lion and it is young then it is rough.
The dog is not red.
The bald eagle chases the rabbit. The bald eagle is red. The lion is not round. The lion likes the rabbit. The mouse is red. The mouse is not round. The mouse visits the bald eagle. The mouse visits the rabbit. The rabbit is red. The rabbit likes the bald eagle. The rabbit likes the mouse. If something visits the rabbit then it chases the mouse. If something visits the mouse and the mouse likes the lion then the mouse is blue. If something is kind then it visits the rabbit. If something visits the bald eagle then the bald eagle chases the rabbit. If something visits the bald eagle and it chases the mouse then the bald eagle is kind. If something likes the lion and it is blue then it likes the mouse. If something visits the lion and the lion chases the mouse then the mouse chases the lion. If something is kind and it chases the mouse then the mouse likes the rabbit. If something chases the bald eagle and it is not blue then it does not like the rabbit.
The rabbit is blue.
The bear eats the cow. The bear eats the squirrel. The bear eats the tiger. The bear needs the squirrel. The bear needs the tiger. The cow eats the bear. The cow is big. The squirrel is kind. The squirrel is rough. The tiger visits the squirrel. If something is rough and it eats the bear then the bear eats the squirrel. If something is big then it needs the bear. If something needs the squirrel and the squirrel needs the tiger then the tiger is kind. If something is nice then it eats the bear. If something visits the squirrel then it is nice. If something eats the tiger then the tiger visits the bear. If something eats the bear then it visits the cow. If something visits the bear then the bear visits the squirrel. If something eats the tiger and it is kind then the tiger is kind.
The bear eats the cow.
The cow is cold. The cow likes the tiger. The cow needs the dog. The cow sees the dog. The dog likes the tiger. The lion is blue. The lion is green. The lion likes the dog. The lion likes the tiger. The lion sees the cow. The tiger likes the dog. The tiger needs the dog. The tiger sees the dog. The tiger sees the lion. If something sees the cow then it is kind. If something is blue and it likes the cow then it is cold. If something is green then it needs the lion. If something sees the tiger and the tiger is cold then the tiger sees the cow. If something likes the lion then it is kind. If something is kind and it sees the dog then it likes the cow. If something likes the cow then it is blue. If something needs the dog and the dog sees the cow then the dog is young. If something needs the dog then it likes the lion.
The cow does not need the tiger.
The bald eagle chases the dog. The bald eagle eats the cow. The bald eagle is blue. The bald eagle visits the cow. The bald eagle visits the dog. The cow chases the bald eagle. The dog chases the bald eagle. The dog chases the cow. The dog eats the bald eagle. The lion chases the cow. The lion visits the bald eagle. Cold people are blue. If someone is blue and they visit the cow then they chase the bald eagle. If someone eats the bald eagle then they eat the dog. If someone chases the bald eagle then they chase the lion. If someone is green then they chase the cow. If someone chases the bald eagle and they are red then they eat the lion. If someone visits the bald eagle and they chase the dog then the dog is cold. If someone eats the cow and they chase the lion then the lion chases the dog.
The dog is blue.
Anne is green. Dave is furry. Dave is green. Dave is kind. Dave is quiet. Dave is rough. Dave is not white. Gary is cold. Gary is kind. Gary is quiet. Gary is not white. Harry is quiet. All quiet people are kind. If someone is quiet and rough then they are cold. If someone is green then they are cold. If someone is green and quiet then they are cold. Cold, quiet people are furry. If someone is green then they are rough. If someone is quiet and kind then they are rough. If someone is rough then they are quiet. All furry, kind people are green.
Harry is not furry.
Bob is blue. Bob is quiet. Bob is red. Charlie is furry. Charlie is quiet. Dave is furry. Dave is quiet. Dave is red. Dave is white. Gary is blue. Gary is rough. If someone is blue and cold then they are furry. If someone is quiet and blue then they are furry. If someone is quiet and furry then they are cold. If someone is red and quiet then they are furry. If someone is red and white then they are quiet. Blue people are red. Red, blue people are white. Blue people are red.
Gary is not cold.
The bald eagle is red. The bear is young. The bear does not like the bald eagle. The bear does not see the cow. The bear visits the lion. The cow is green. The cow likes the bald eagle. The cow likes the bear. The lion is big. The lion is blue. The lion likes the bald eagle. The lion visits the bear. If the bald eagle sees the bear and the bear does not like the lion then the bear likes the cow. If something is green then it visits the cow. If something visits the lion and the lion is blue then it is blue. If something is big then it visits the bald eagle. If something sees the bear then it visits the bald eagle. If the lion visits the bald eagle then the bald eagle visits the lion. If the bear is big and the bear visits the bald eagle then the bear is red. If something sees the cow then it is not big. If something is blue then it is green.
The bald eagle does not like the cow.
Charlie is furry. Charlie is round. Charlie is young. Erin is big. Erin is nice. Erin is rough. Erin is young. Fiona is big. Fiona is nice. Harry is big. Harry is nice. If something is young then it is kind. All kind things are young. If something is nice and rough then it is furry. If something is nice then it is young. Rough, kind things are furry. All round things are rough. If something is young and kind then it is round.
Fiona is not young.
The bear needs the squirrel. The dog is nice. The dog likes the bear. The dog likes the lion. The dog sees the lion. The lion is green. The lion likes the dog. The lion needs the bear. The lion sees the dog. The squirrel is green. The squirrel likes the lion. The squirrel sees the bear. If someone is green then they see the lion. If someone sees the bear then they are green. If someone likes the squirrel then they need the squirrel. If someone likes the lion and the lion is big then the lion likes the dog. If someone needs the squirrel and they are green then they see the squirrel. If someone likes the lion then they like the squirrel. If the squirrel sees the dog then the squirrel sees the bear. If someone sees the lion then the lion likes the bear. If someone likes the bear then they like the lion.
The dog does not see the squirrel.
Anne is nice. Anne is round. Anne is white. Bob is furry. Bob is white. Erin is big. Erin is furry. Erin is round. Erin is white. Erin is young. Gary is kind. Gary is young. If something is young then it is kind. If Gary is young then Gary is nice. If something is young and nice then it is kind. All furry things are big. All kind things are round. If something is nice and big then it is young. Big things are nice.
Bob is young.
The bald eagle likes the cat. The bald eagle visits the cat. The cat is round. The rabbit likes the cat. The squirrel is young. The squirrel likes the cat. The squirrel needs the cat. If the rabbit is kind then the rabbit likes the cat. If someone is young then they like the squirrel. If someone is nice and they do not visit the cat then they like the rabbit. If someone likes the rabbit then they visit the rabbit. If someone needs the bald eagle then the bald eagle is young. If someone likes the cat then they are nice. If someone is young and they like the squirrel then they need the bald eagle.
The rabbit does not like the cat.
Anne is furry. Bob is blue. Bob is green. Bob is quiet. Bob is red. Erin is big. Erin is nice. Gary is big. Gary is blue. Gary is furry. Gary is green. Gary is nice. Gary is quiet. Gary is red. All nice, quiet people are green. If someone is quiet then they are red. Blue people are furry. Big people are blue. If Erin is green and Erin is big then Erin is quiet. All quiet, big people are red. If Bob is big and Bob is furry then Bob is blue. Furry people are green.
Anne is quiet.
The bald eagle is kind. The bald eagle needs the rabbit. The bear chases the tiger. The bear is blue. The bear is kind. The bear likes the bald eagle. The bear likes the tiger. The rabbit chases the bear. The rabbit is young. The rabbit needs the tiger. The tiger is big. The tiger needs the rabbit. If something chases the bald eagle then the bald eagle likes the rabbit. If something chases the bear then the bear needs the bald eagle. If the bald eagle chases the tiger and the tiger chases the bear then the tiger likes the rabbit. If something likes the rabbit and it needs the rabbit then the rabbit needs the bald eagle. If something is red and big then it needs the rabbit. If something likes the tiger and it needs the bald eagle then the tiger chases the bald eagle. If something chases the bear then it likes the bald eagle. If the tiger likes the bald eagle and the bald eagle needs the bear then the tiger chases the bear. If the rabbit needs the bald eagle then the bald eagle is big.
The bald eagle is not big.
Charlie is quiet. Dave is quiet. Dave is white. Dave is young. Erin is red. Erin is young. Fiona is big. Fiona is red. Fiona is rough. Fiona is young. All red people are quiet. If Erin is blue and Erin is white then Erin is rough. If someone is red and white then they are blue. If someone is white and red then they are quiet. All quiet people are big. All big people are white. If Fiona is quiet and Fiona is white then Fiona is young.
Erin is not rough.
Dave is red. Erin is green. Fiona is blue. Fiona is rough. Harry is blue. Harry is green. Harry is kind. Harry is quiet. Harry is red. Harry is rough. Harry is smart. If someone is blue then they are quiet. All quiet, kind people are red. If Erin is quiet then Erin is smart. If someone is blue and quiet then they are kind. All quiet, red people are green. If Harry is smart and Harry is red then Harry is rough. If Dave is not green then Dave is rough. If someone is rough and not green then they are not smart. If someone is green and kind then they are smart.
Erin is rough.
The cat chases the tiger. The dog chases the tiger. The dog is red. The dog is rough. The dog needs the cat. The dog sees the lion. The lion chases the cat. The lion does not chase the tiger. The lion is rough. The tiger chases the cat. The tiger needs the dog. If someone needs the cat and the cat needs the lion then the cat is kind. If someone is rough then they are red. If someone is round then they do not need the lion. If someone sees the dog and they are red then the dog sees the cat. If someone sees the tiger then the tiger chases the dog. If someone needs the lion then they need the dog. If the lion is red and the lion chases the cat then the lion sees the tiger. If someone chases the dog then they are rough. If the cat sees the tiger then the tiger sees the cat.
The dog is not red.
Bob is green. Bob is round. Dave is quiet. Dave is smart. Erin is cold. Erin is round. Fiona is cold. Fiona is green. Fiona is white. Fiona is young. All round, smart things are white. If Erin is quiet then Erin is white. If something is young and smart then it is cold. Young things are cold. Cold things are green. All green things are smart. If something is round and white then it is green. If something is white and green then it is young. If something is cold then it is quiet.
Bob is not quiet.
Anne is young. Bob is blue. Bob is round. Bob is white. Dave is furry. Dave is round. Gary is blue. If something is furry then it is blue. All smart things are blue. If Anne is young and Anne is big then Anne is furry. Round things are smart. Young things are round. If something is white and blue then it is big. Round, blue things are big. If Gary is blue then Gary is smart.
Dave is young.
The bald eagle needs the lion. The bald eagle needs the squirrel. The bear is round. The bear needs the lion. The bear needs the squirrel. The lion eats the bear. The lion is blue. The lion likes the bald eagle. The squirrel eats the bald eagle. The squirrel is blue. The squirrel likes the bear. If the bald eagle likes the squirrel and the squirrel likes the bear then the bald eagle is round. If someone needs the lion and they eat the squirrel then they like the squirrel. If someone is round and they like the bald eagle then the bald eagle is blue. If someone eats the squirrel then they eat the lion. If someone is blue and they eat the squirrel then they eat the bear. If someone eats the lion then the lion is round. If someone needs the bear and they eat the squirrel then the squirrel likes the bear. If someone needs the squirrel then they eat the squirrel.
The bear is not young.
Anne is rough. Dave is not big. Dave is round. Fiona is big. Fiona is rough. Gary is cold. Gary is rough. Rough people are nice. Red people are cold. If someone is nice then they are rough. Big, round people are rough. All big, white people are round. If someone is nice then they are red. All cold people are white.
Anne is not red.
Anne is blue. Anne is rough. Bob is quiet. Bob is red. Bob is smart. Bob is young. Fiona is red. Harry is quiet. Harry is rough. Harry is smart. Harry is young. Smart things are quiet. If something is rough then it is red. All red, smart things are blue. All furry things are smart. Furry, quiet things are smart. All red things are young. If something is young then it is furry. If something is blue then it is rough.
Anne is not quiet.
Bob is smart. Dave is big. Dave is cold. Dave is furry. Dave is green. Dave is kind. Dave is quiet. Erin is big. Erin is green. Erin is quiet. Erin is smart. Harry is cold. Kind things are smart. If Dave is cold and Dave is quiet then Dave is green. If Harry is cold and Harry is smart then Harry is furry. If Harry is big and Harry is quiet then Harry is cold. Furry, big things are smart. If something is green then it is quiet. All cold things are kind. If something is furry then it is green.
Harry is quiet.
The bald eagle sees the mouse. The bear sees the mouse. The bear visits the mouse. The bear visits the tiger. The mouse is rough. The mouse is round. The mouse likes the tiger. The mouse sees the bald eagle. The tiger is big. The tiger is rough. The tiger sees the mouse. If someone sees the mouse and they are round then the mouse visits the tiger. If someone is red then they visit the bald eagle. If someone is big and they see the mouse then they like the bear. If someone likes the bear then they are red. If someone visits the bald eagle then the bald eagle is round. If the bear sees the bald eagle and the bald eagle likes the tiger then the bald eagle is round. If someone likes the bald eagle then the bald eagle sees the mouse. If someone sees the bald eagle then they like the mouse.
The mouse likes the mouse.
Anne is green. Anne is red. Bob is green. Bob is red. Bob is white. Erin is big. Erin is blue. Erin is green. Erin is smart. Harry is rough. If something is smart and big then it is blue. All blue things are rough. If something is white then it is red. If something is rough then it is white. Blue, white things are big. If something is rough and blue then it is red. All blue things are green. Red, rough things are blue. Green, big things are smart.
Harry is not red.
Bob is rough. Dave is blue. Dave is rough. Dave is round. Fiona is blue. Fiona is nice. Fiona is red. Fiona is rough. Fiona is round. Gary is blue. If someone is blue then they are rough. All red people are smart. If someone is smart then they are round. If someone is blue and red then they are young. Young people are red. If someone is rough then they are young. If Fiona is red then Fiona is round. Young, round people are red.
Gary is smart.
The bald eagle chases the bear. The bald eagle chases the cow. The bald eagle is red. The bear chases the bald eagle. The bear chases the tiger. The bear is round. The bear sees the bald eagle. The cow is kind. The tiger eats the bear. The tiger eats the cow. The tiger is round. The tiger sees the bald eagle. The tiger sees the bear. The tiger sees the cow. If someone is kind and nice then they chase the bear. All round people are nice. If someone sees the tiger then they eat the bald eagle. If the bear is kind then the bear chases the cow. If someone is red and they eat the tiger then the tiger sees the cow. If someone sees the bear and they chase the bear then the bear eats the tiger. If the cow chases the bear then the cow is red. If someone is round and they eat the tiger then they eat the bear. If someone is nice then they are kind.
The bald eagle is nice.
The dog eats the tiger. The dog is rough. The dog sees the lion. The lion eats the rabbit. The lion is blue. The lion is not nice. The lion is rough. The lion likes the rabbit. The lion sees the rabbit. The lion sees the tiger. The rabbit is round. The rabbit likes the dog. The tiger eats the lion. The tiger eats the rabbit. The tiger is nice. The tiger is young. If someone is rough and they do not see the lion then the lion is nice. If someone is young and they see the rabbit then the rabbit sees the dog. If someone sees the dog then they see the tiger. If the lion likes the dog then the lion is young. If someone likes the tiger and they eat the lion then the lion likes the dog. If someone eats the rabbit and they eat the lion then they like the tiger. If the dog is round then the dog does not see the tiger.
The tiger likes the rabbit.
Anne is blue. Anne is quiet. Charlie is blue. Charlie is rough. Charlie is young. Erin is cold. Erin is rough. Erin is young. Gary is blue. Gary is cold. Gary is quiet. All smart, quiet things are young. If something is young then it is smart. All quiet things are smart. If something is cold and quiet then it is not rough. If Erin is smart then Erin is blue. If Erin is not smart then Erin is blue. If something is nice then it is cold. If something is young then it is nice. If something is cold and blue then it is nice.
Charlie is not smart.
The bald eagle is young. The bear eats the tiger. The bear is rough. The bear is young. The bear needs the bald eagle. The dog eats the bald eagle. The dog eats the tiger. The dog visits the tiger. The tiger is young. The tiger needs the bear. If someone visits the dog then they visit the bald eagle. If someone eats the bald eagle and they eat the tiger then they eat the bear. If someone visits the bald eagle then they eat the bear. If someone needs the bear then the bear eats the tiger. If someone visits the dog then the dog needs the tiger. If the bear eats the tiger then the tiger is round. If someone is round then they visit the dog. If someone is blue and they need the dog then they visit the dog. If someone eats the bear then they eat the dog.
The tiger eats the bear.
The bear chases the cat. The bear visits the dog. The bear visits the tiger. The cat chases the dog. The cat does not visit the bear. The dog is blue. The dog is not kind. The dog does not see the cat. The dog visits the bear. The dog visits the tiger. The tiger is blue. The tiger visits the bear. The tiger does not visit the cat. The tiger does not visit the dog. If someone visits the bear then the bear is rough. If someone chases the tiger then they see the bear. If someone is round and not kind then they do not chase the cat. If someone sees the bear then they chase the cat. If someone is blue then they chase the tiger. If someone chases the cat then the cat is rough. If someone is kind then they see the cat. Rough people are blue. If the bear does not visit the cat then the bear chases the cat.
The cat does not chase the cat.
The bald eagle eats the cow. The bald eagle needs the cow. The bald eagle needs the dog. The bald eagle needs the squirrel. The cow is kind. The dog is kind. The dog is nice. The dog needs the bald eagle. The squirrel eats the bald eagle. The squirrel eats the cow. The squirrel needs the cow. If something needs the bald eagle and the bald eagle is red then the bald eagle eats the squirrel. If something sees the squirrel then it is blue. If something needs the bald eagle and the bald eagle needs the dog then the bald eagle is kind. If something is kind then it is red. If something is nice then it sees the cow. If something eats the squirrel then the squirrel is kind.
The bald eagle is not blue.
The bald eagle eats the dog. The bald eagle is not green. The bald eagle does not need the dog. The bald eagle needs the rabbit. The bald eagle does not visit the dog. The dog is green. The dog needs the bald eagle. The rabbit eats the squirrel. The rabbit is not young. The rabbit needs the dog. The squirrel is kind. If someone needs the squirrel then the squirrel needs the bald eagle. If someone eats the rabbit then they are young. If the dog is green and the dog needs the rabbit then the dog visits the rabbit. Nice people are not green. If the dog is green then the dog eats the bald eagle. If the dog is not young then the dog eats the bald eagle. If someone is green and they eat the dog then the dog needs the bald eagle. If someone eats the bald eagle then they need the rabbit. If someone visits the rabbit then the rabbit is nice.
The rabbit is not green.
Charlie is not kind. Charlie is not red. Charlie is white. Dave is white. Fiona is red. Fiona is not young. Gary is red. Young, red people are cold. Young people are cold. If Gary is kind then Gary is young. If Gary is white then Gary is not nice. If someone is nice then they are not young. If someone is white and red then they are young. All red people are kind. Cold, red people are white.
Fiona is not quiet.
Bob is furry. Bob is smart. Fiona is furry. Fiona is red. Fiona is smart. Gary is furry. Gary is quiet. Gary is red. Gary is rough. Gary is round. Harry is big. Quiet people are big. If someone is big and smart then they are quiet. All round people are big. If Gary is smart and Gary is round then Gary is big. Big people are furry. Round people are rough. If someone is red then they are round. Quiet people are red. If Harry is furry then Harry is quiet.
Fiona is not smart.
The cow is big. The lion is blue. The lion is red. The lion sees the tiger. The squirrel sees the lion. The tiger is kind. The tiger needs the squirrel. If something is cold then it needs the cow. If something sees the lion then it is blue. If something is blue and it needs the cow then it needs the tiger. If something sees the cow then it visits the lion. If something sees the lion then the lion is cold. If something needs the tiger then the tiger sees the lion. If something needs the cow then it needs the squirrel.
The lion visits the lion.
Dave is not quiet. Dave is rough. Erin is big. Erin is furry. Fiona is quiet. Fiona is rough. Gary is quiet. If something is quiet then it is round. If something is nice and round then it is big. Big, nice things are young. If Fiona is round and Fiona is quiet then Fiona is nice. If Dave is quiet and Dave is rough then Dave is furry. If something is young and round then it is quiet. All young, quiet things are not furry. If Erin is big and Erin is not round then Erin is not rough.
Fiona is not furry.
Anne is big. Anne is round. Bob is red. Dave is cold. Dave is red. Dave is young. Harry is big. Harry is red. Harry is round. Harry is white. White, round people are cold. Big, young people are white. White, cold people are nice. If Anne is nice and Anne is round then Anne is red. Red people are young. If someone is young and nice then they are round. All young people are round. If someone is big then they are young. If Dave is cold then Dave is young.
Harry is not young.
Anne is kind. Anne is quiet. Charlie is big. Charlie is kind. Fiona is not kind. Fiona is red. Gary is white. Red, quiet things are white. All kind things are cold. Big things are quiet. All cold things are red. All young, quiet things are big. If something is kind and young then it is big. If something is white and cold then it is young. If Charlie is cold and Charlie is quiet then Charlie is young. If Fiona is not kind then Fiona is young.
Anne is not young.
Bob is big. Bob is furry. Charlie is big. Charlie is quiet. Dave is quiet. Dave is white. Fiona is big. Big, white things are nice. If something is quiet and nice then it is green. All white, nice things are quiet. All nice things are big. Furry things are nice. All big things are kind. If something is nice then it is furry. If something is kind then it is white. If Dave is quiet then Dave is kind.
Dave is green.
The dog chases the mouse. The dog chases the squirrel. The dog eats the mouse. The dog is big. The lion does not eat the mouse. The mouse sees the lion. The squirrel does not eat the lion. The squirrel eats the mouse. The squirrel is blue. The squirrel sees the mouse. If someone is rough and blue then they do not eat the lion. If someone sees the squirrel then the squirrel chases the mouse. If someone eats the squirrel and they eat the mouse then they see the squirrel. If someone chases the mouse then the mouse chases the lion. If someone chases the mouse then they eat the squirrel. If someone sees the squirrel and they chase the squirrel then the squirrel is blue.
The mouse does not see the squirrel.
Bob is blue. Bob is kind. Bob is nice. Bob is white. Erin is furry. Erin is nice. Gary is blue. Gary is furry. Gary is kind. Gary is nice. Gary is round. Gary is white. Harry is kind. Harry is nice. Harry is round. Harry is smart. All furry, white people are blue. If someone is nice then they are white. If someone is blue then they are kind. If Erin is kind and Erin is smart then Erin is blue. If someone is kind and white then they are round. If Harry is furry then Harry is kind. If Gary is smart and Gary is white then Gary is furry. All blue people are white. Round people are smart.
Harry is not white.
The bear needs the cat. The cat is kind. The cat needs the rabbit. The cat does not visit the rabbit. The mouse is blue. The mouse needs the cat. The rabbit is rough. If something is big then it sees the bear. If something visits the cat and it sees the mouse then the mouse sees the bear. If the cat sees the bear then the cat is kind. If something is big and it sees the bear then the bear is rough. All rough things are big. If something is kind and it does not visit the mouse then the mouse is rough. If something visits the cat and the cat visits the rabbit then it needs the cat. If something needs the cat and the cat sees the mouse then the cat does not need the bear. If something is kind and it sees the cat then it is not round.
The bear is not big.
The bear likes the squirrel. The bear needs the rabbit. The dog likes the squirrel. The rabbit is blue. The rabbit likes the dog. The squirrel likes the bear. The squirrel sees the rabbit. If someone sees the dog then the dog is blue. If someone likes the dog then they need the bear. If someone is blue then they are rough. If someone is rough and they see the squirrel then the squirrel needs the rabbit. If someone likes the squirrel then the squirrel likes the rabbit. If the squirrel is kind and the squirrel likes the bear then the bear sees the squirrel. If someone is rough then they see the dog.
The dog is not rough.
Anne is cold. Anne is green. Anne is white. Dave is quiet. Fiona is quiet. Fiona is red. Gary is kind. All young, quiet things are red. Red things are young. Red, young things are quiet. If Gary is kind then Gary is red. All quiet, young things are green. If something is green then it is white. Quiet, cold things are kind.
Anne is not white.
Bob is cold. Bob is quiet. Erin is kind. Erin is young. Fiona is kind. Fiona is quiet. Harry is cold. If someone is rough and not cold then they are not quiet. Cold people are red. All green people are red. All young, cold people are rough. All rough people are kind. All red, cold people are kind. If someone is rough then they are green. If someone is cold and kind then they are young.
Harry is not rough.
Charlie is furry. Dave is cold. Dave is furry. Erin is furry. Erin is not nice. Erin is not round. Harry is furry. If someone is furry then they are quiet. If Dave is round then Dave is rough. If someone is nice then they are not round. All nice people are furry. If Harry is quiet then Harry is nice. If someone is smart and not round then they are rough. If someone is nice and not round then they are smart. If Erin is rough and Erin is furry then Erin is not smart.
Harry is not round.
Anne is red. Dave is kind. Dave is red. Dave is round. Fiona is big. Fiona is furry. Fiona is green. Fiona is kind. Fiona is red. Fiona is round. Fiona is white. Harry is furry. Harry is round. Harry is white. Furry, green things are white. Furry things are green. All green, white things are kind. If something is kind and white then it is big. Green things are furry. If Harry is green then Harry is red. All red things are furry. All white, furry things are round. If something is big then it is white.
Anne is not green.
Anne is blue. Anne is round. Bob is blue. Gary is smart. Harry is nice. Harry is quiet. Harry is red. If Bob is round and Bob is nice then Bob is blue. All smart people are red. All blue, kind people are quiet. If Gary is kind then Gary is red. All red people are round. All smart, nice people are quiet. All quiet, kind people are smart. If someone is round and kind then they are blue. If someone is blue then they are kind.
Anne is red.
The bald eagle is nice. The bald eagle needs the lion. The bald eagle needs the tiger. The cow eats the tiger. The cow is green. The cow is kind. The lion eats the bald eagle. The lion eats the cow. The lion eats the tiger. The lion is blue. The lion likes the bald eagle. The lion likes the cow. The lion needs the bald eagle. The tiger is green. The tiger likes the cow. The tiger needs the bald eagle. If something is kind and blue then it eats the bald eagle. If something is blue and it needs the tiger then the tiger is young. All green things are blue. If something eats the bald eagle and it is kind then the bald eagle is green. If something needs the lion then the lion is young. If something needs the bald eagle and it needs the lion then the lion likes the cow. If something likes the lion then the lion eats the tiger. If something is nice then it needs the cow.
The bald eagle is green.
Anne is smart. Dave is not kind. Dave is smart. Erin is round. Fiona is furry. Fiona is smart. Fiona is young. If Dave is smart and Dave is white then Dave is kind. All kind things are smart. Round, kind things are not smart. All young things are furry. Smart things are young. Nice, round things are not white. If something is young and nice then it is round. If something is furry and smart then it is nice.
Anne is kind.
Bob is blue. Bob is green. Bob is round. Bob is young. Dave is furry. Dave is green. Gary is blue. Gary is furry. Gary is young. Harry is round. If something is blue and cold then it is nice. All nice things are green. Cold, young things are nice. All cold, green things are blue. If Harry is furry and Harry is blue then Harry is nice. Cold things are blue. If Gary is furry then Gary is green. Round things are furry. If something is furry then it is cold.
Dave is blue.
The bald eagle needs the bear. The bear is kind. The bear needs the cow. The bear sees the bald eagle. The bear sees the cat. The bear sees the cow. The cat does not chase the bear. The cat is big. The cat is green. The cow needs the bear. The cow sees the bear. If the cow needs the cat then the cat does not need the cow. If someone chases the cat then they chase the bald eagle. If someone chases the bear then they do not chase the cow. If someone needs the bear and they are big then the bear is green. If someone sees the bear and they chase the bald eagle then the bald eagle is not green. If someone is nice and they do not chase the cow then they do not see the bear. If someone is green then they are young. If someone is young then they need the bear.
The cat needs the bald eagle.
The bald eagle chases the rabbit. The bald eagle likes the cow. The bear chases the rabbit. The bear is green. The cow chases the bald eagle. The cow chases the rabbit. The cow is kind. The cow likes the bald eagle. The rabbit chases the bear. The rabbit likes the bear. The rabbit needs the bear. If someone likes the cow and they are green then the cow chases the bald eagle. If someone likes the bald eagle then they are young. If someone chases the bear then they are kind. If someone likes the bear then they like the rabbit. If someone needs the rabbit then the rabbit likes the bald eagle. If someone is young then they need the bald eagle. If someone is nice then they chase the bald eagle. If the cow needs the bald eagle then the bald eagle needs the rabbit. If someone is nice and young then they need the bald eagle.
The bald eagle needs the bald eagle.
The cat likes the mouse. The cat sees the dog. The cat does not see the lion. The dog sees the lion. The lion does not eat the dog. The lion does not like the dog. The mouse eats the cat. The mouse is cold. The mouse is red. The mouse sees the cat. If something sees the lion then it likes the cat. If something sees the lion then it is not nice. If the dog does not see the cat and the cat does not like the lion then the cat sees the dog. If something is nice and it eats the mouse then the mouse sees the dog. If something likes the cat then it eats the mouse. If something eats the mouse then the mouse sees the lion.
The lion is big.
Charlie is nice. Fiona is nice. Fiona is white. Gary is green. Gary is kind. Harry is furry. Harry is kind. If something is big and furry then it is blue. If Harry is green and Harry is kind then Harry is big. Kind, furry things are big. If something is white and nice then it is blue. Nice, kind things are white. Furry things are green. Blue things are furry. Nice things are kind. All big, kind things are nice.
Gary is not white.
Charlie is blue. Charlie is kind. Dave is quiet. Dave is rough. Dave is round. Erin is white. Fiona is blue. Fiona is kind. Fiona is nice. Fiona is quiet. Fiona is round. Fiona is white. All round, nice people are rough. All nice, quiet people are white. All rough people are blue. If someone is quiet and kind then they are nice. Rough people are quiet. If someone is round then they are nice. If Dave is nice then Dave is white. If someone is blue and rough then they are quiet. Blue people are round.
Erin is quiet.
The bald eagle is cold. The bald eagle visits the cow. The bear is nice. The bear is round. The bear likes the cow. The bear needs the bald eagle. The bear visits the cat. The cat likes the bald eagle. The cat likes the bear. The cow is red. The cow is round. The cow needs the bear. If the bear is cold then the bear is round. If someone visits the cat then the cat is nice. If someone is red then they like the cat. If someone is round then they need the cat. Nice people are round. If someone likes the bear and they need the cat then they are red. If someone is red then they visit the cow.
The cow likes the bear.
The bald eagle is blue. The bald eagle is cold. The bald eagle is nice. The bald eagle is round. The bald eagle likes the bear. The bald eagle needs the tiger. The bear visits the dog. The dog is kind. The dog visits the tiger. The tiger likes the bear. The tiger likes the dog. The tiger needs the bear. If something likes the dog then it is kind. If something visits the bald eagle then the bald eagle likes the dog. If something is kind then it visits the dog. If something visits the dog then it likes the tiger. If something needs the tiger then the tiger visits the dog. If the tiger needs the bear and the tiger needs the dog then the dog is nice. If something is kind then it visits the bald eagle. If something likes the tiger and the tiger likes the dog then the tiger likes the bear.
The tiger likes the tiger.
Anne is smart. Charlie is blue. Charlie is green. Charlie is rough. Charlie is white. Dave is blue. Dave is kind. Dave is rough. Dave is smart. Dave is white. Erin is green. Erin is rough. All green people are blue. All kind, white people are quiet. Smart people are green. If Anne is blue then Anne is rough. If someone is rough then they are kind. If someone is kind then they are rough. Quiet, blue people are rough. If Anne is blue and Anne is quiet then Anne is rough. All blue people are white.
Charlie is blue.
The bear chases the cat. The bear is red. The bear needs the cat. The cat is kind. The cat is nice. The cat is red. The cat needs the tiger. The squirrel is nice. The tiger chases the squirrel. The tiger likes the bear. The tiger likes the squirrel. The tiger needs the bear. If something is kind then it needs the tiger. If something is kind then it chases the squirrel. If something chases the squirrel then the squirrel is cold. If something chases the bear then it likes the bear. Nice things are cold. If something chases the bear and the bear chases the tiger then the bear likes the tiger. If something needs the tiger then it chases the cat. If something chases the squirrel then it likes the squirrel. If something likes the squirrel and it needs the tiger then the tiger is kind.
The cat needs the bear.
Charlie is furry. Charlie is green. Charlie is nice. Charlie is quiet. Charlie is rough. Charlie is white. Erin is green. Fiona is nice. Fiona is rough. Fiona is white. Fiona is young. Harry is furry. Harry is rough. Harry is white. Rough things are furry. If something is quiet then it is white. If Harry is green and Harry is rough then Harry is nice. White things are young. Rough things are young. If something is rough and green then it is quiet. If something is green then it is quiet. Rough, furry things are white. If something is green and young then it is rough.
Erin is young.
Erin is cold. Fiona is cold. Fiona is kind. Fiona is young. Gary is cold. Harry is green. Harry is rough. Rough things are nice. If something is round then it is nice. If something is nice then it is green. If something is cold then it is kind. All green, cold things are rough. If Gary is rough then Gary is green. If Gary is rough then Gary is nice. Kind things are round. All nice things are round.
Harry is cold.
Anne is red. Anne is rough. Charlie is blue. Charlie is young. Dave is big. Dave is furry. Gary is blue. If someone is red then they are big. All cold people are big. If someone is blue then they are red. All rough people are furry. All big, red people are rough. If someone is red then they are not cold. If Anne is furry then Anne is young. If someone is furry and not cold then they are young.
Dave is not blue.
The bald eagle is nice. The bald eagle needs the cow. The bald eagle visits the cow. The bald eagle visits the squirrel. The cow is green. The cow is kind. The dog eats the squirrel. The dog needs the bald eagle. The dog visits the squirrel. The squirrel eats the cow. The squirrel eats the dog. If someone eats the cow then they need the squirrel. If someone eats the squirrel then the squirrel is green. If someone visits the bald eagle then they need the bald eagle. If someone is cold and they visit the squirrel then they eat the bald eagle. If the cow is big and the cow is kind then the cow eats the dog. All big people are cold. If someone is green and they visit the cow then they eat the bald eagle. If someone eats the dog then the dog is big. If someone eats the bald eagle and they are cold then the bald eagle eats the cow.
The cow is not kind.
Charlie is big. Charlie is nice. Charlie is rough. Charlie is round. Charlie is smart. Charlie is young. Dave is young. Erin is quiet. Harry is big. Harry is smart. Harry is young. All young things are round. If Dave is nice and Dave is quiet then Dave is big. If something is round and big then it is rough. If something is round then it is big. Nice things are smart. Quiet things are rough. If something is rough then it is nice.
Dave is not round.
Bob is big. Bob is young. Charlie is furry. Charlie is nice. Erin is green. Fiona is white. Fiona is young. If something is white then it is green. If something is big then it is white. If Fiona is kind and Fiona is green then Fiona is furry. Furry things are big. White, green things are kind. If something is young and not kind then it is nice. All kind, big things are nice.
Fiona is not furry.
The bear is green. The dog is green. The dog is rough. The dog likes the mouse. The dog likes the rabbit. The dog visits the bear. The mouse is not blue. The mouse does not visit the dog. The rabbit is nice. The rabbit likes the dog. The rabbit likes the mouse. The rabbit visits the mouse. If something visits the rabbit then it is nice. If something is green and it visits the mouse then it is not nice. If something is round then it needs the dog. If something likes the mouse then the mouse visits the rabbit. If something is nice then it needs the bear. If something visits the mouse then it is round. If something needs the rabbit then the rabbit does not like the bear. If something needs the dog and the dog likes the rabbit then the dog visits the mouse.
The bear does not need the dog.
Anne is big. Anne is quiet. Charlie is big. Dave is big. Dave is white. Gary is big. Gary is white. Quiet things are nice. If something is white and nice then it is rough. Kind, big things are quiet. Rough, kind things are furry. If something is white then it is kind. If Anne is quiet then Anne is white. All kind things are quiet.
Charlie is not furry.
The bear is nice. The bear sees the cat. The cat is cold. The cat sees the dog. The cat sees the mouse. The dog sees the mouse. The mouse is round. If someone likes the dog then the dog is round. If the mouse likes the cat then the cat likes the dog. If someone is round then they are blue. If someone is nice and they visit the cat then they are big. If someone is blue then they like the cat. If someone visits the cat and the cat likes the dog then the dog does not see the cat. If someone sees the mouse and they do not like the dog then the dog likes the mouse. If someone is blue and they do not like the mouse then the mouse does not see the cat. If someone sees the cat then the cat likes the bear.
The bear does not like the cat.
Anne is blue. Anne is round. Dave is big. Dave is not blue. Dave is kind. Dave is not nice. Dave is smart. Fiona is nice. Fiona is rough. Gary is blue. Gary is rough. Gary is smart. If something is blue then it is not kind. Kind, nice things are blue. Smart, nice things are blue. If something is nice then it is smart. If something is nice and not kind then it is round. If something is nice and round then it is big.
Anne is not big.
The cat chases the squirrel. The cat eats the squirrel. The cat is not nice. The cat is not round. The cat needs the tiger. The rabbit chases the squirrel. The rabbit eats the squirrel. The rabbit does not need the cat. The squirrel does not chase the tiger. The tiger needs the squirrel. If something eats the tiger then it does not chase the cat. If something needs the tiger and the tiger needs the squirrel then it is big. If something is rough then it is nice. If something is nice and it does not chase the tiger then it is green. If the cat needs the squirrel then the squirrel is rough. If something needs the cat then the cat eats the squirrel. If the tiger is round then the tiger is nice. If something chases the tiger and the tiger needs the squirrel then the tiger is nice. If something is big then it needs the squirrel.
The tiger is not rough.
The bear sees the tiger. The cow eats the bear. The cow sees the dog. The dog chases the bear. The dog chases the tiger. The tiger chases the bear. The tiger is big. If something is kind and it eats the dog then the dog chases the bear. If something chases the cow then the cow is big. If something chases the bear and the bear chases the tiger then the tiger eats the dog. If something is kind and it eats the tiger then the tiger is big. If something is big then it eats the tiger. If something eats the tiger then it chases the cow.
The cow chases the cow.
The bear is kind. The bear needs the squirrel. The cow is cold. The cow is kind. The cow is nice. The cow sees the bear. The rabbit eats the bear. The rabbit eats the cow. The rabbit is round. The squirrel eats the bear. The squirrel eats the rabbit. The squirrel needs the bear. The squirrel needs the rabbit. The squirrel sees the cow. If someone needs the rabbit then they need the bear. If someone sees the rabbit then they eat the squirrel. If someone eats the rabbit then they eat the squirrel. If someone eats the bear and they eat the squirrel then they need the rabbit. If someone sees the squirrel then the squirrel is round. If someone sees the rabbit and the rabbit is green then they see the squirrel. If someone is kind and they need the cow then they are cold. If someone eats the bear and they are nice then the bear sees the rabbit. If someone is kind then they eat the bear.
The squirrel is kind.
Charlie is cold. Charlie is green. Erin is big. Gary is cold. Harry is quiet. Harry is white. Harry is young. All big people are quiet. Cold, young people are big. If Erin is kind then Erin is big. If someone is green then they are big. All quiet, cold people are white. If someone is white and young then they are green. If Harry is cold then Harry is big. All white people are young. All young people are kind.
Charlie is not green.
The bald eagle chases the dog. The bald eagle needs the cat. The bald eagle visits the cat. The cat chases the rabbit. The cat does not need the rabbit. The cat visits the dog. The dog is blue. The rabbit chases the cat. The rabbit is not nice. The rabbit visits the bald eagle. If someone needs the bald eagle and the bald eagle needs the cat then the bald eagle is big. If the dog needs the cat and the dog visits the bald eagle then the dog is nice. If someone chases the rabbit and the rabbit needs the dog then they visit the rabbit. If someone is blue then they visit the rabbit. If someone is blue and they visit the rabbit then they need the dog. If someone visits the dog and they do not visit the cat then the dog chases the cat. If someone visits the rabbit then the rabbit is blue. If someone visits the dog then they chase the bald eagle.
The cat does not chase the bald eagle.
The cat does not visit the tiger. The dog is kind. The mouse eats the cat. The mouse is red. The mouse does not see the dog. The tiger eats the cat. The tiger is red. The tiger is rough. The tiger is not young. The tiger sees the mouse. The tiger visits the dog. If someone is round then they visit the cat. If someone is red then they are rough. If someone visits the cat then the cat is red. If the cat does not see the tiger then the cat eats the mouse. If someone visits the mouse then they are round. If someone visits the tiger then the tiger does not see the mouse. If someone visits the cat and the cat sees the tiger then they eat the dog. If someone eats the cat then the cat visits the mouse.
The cat visits the mouse.
Anne is kind. Bob is furry. Bob is green. Bob is quiet. Bob is round. Bob is white. Charlie is cold. Charlie is furry. Charlie is kind. Charlie is round. Charlie is white. Fiona is quiet. Fiona is round. Fiona is white. If something is kind and round then it is white. If something is white and furry then it is green. If something is green and cold then it is round. All kind things are quiet. All cold, round things are quiet. Cold, green things are round. Quiet, kind things are green. If something is round then it is kind. All green, quiet things are cold.
Anne is cold.
The bald eagle is red. The bald eagle likes the rabbit. The cow eats the rabbit. The rabbit chases the squirrel. The squirrel chases the bald eagle. The squirrel eats the cow. The squirrel eats the rabbit. The squirrel is green. The squirrel is rough. The squirrel likes the cow. The squirrel likes the rabbit. If something likes the bald eagle then it is green. If something is rough then it eats the squirrel. If something is young and it likes the rabbit then the rabbit likes the cow. If something eats the bald eagle and it chases the cow then the cow likes the squirrel. If the cow eats the squirrel then the cow is red. If something likes the cow then it is red. If something eats the squirrel then it is young. If something is red then it eats the squirrel.
The rabbit is not red.
Anne is big. Anne is green. Anne is kind. Anne is rough. Anne is round. Anne is young. Charlie is big. Charlie is young. Fiona is big. Fiona is green. Fiona is quiet. Fiona is rough. Fiona is round. Fiona is young. Harry is big. Harry is kind. All big, quiet things are round. Green things are quiet. If something is quiet and young then it is rough. All young, big things are green. Big things are round. Kind, young things are rough. If Harry is round and Harry is kind then Harry is green. Rough, round things are big. If something is quiet then it is young.
Harry is not young.
The dog does not see the rabbit. The mouse is cold. The mouse is red. The mouse needs the dog. The mouse does not need the rabbit. The mouse needs the tiger. The rabbit is big. The rabbit needs the dog. The rabbit sees the mouse. The tiger needs the mouse. If someone is red then they are kind. If someone sees the tiger then they eat the mouse. If someone eats the tiger and the tiger needs the mouse then the tiger is red. If someone sees the mouse then they eat the rabbit. If someone is kind then they eat the tiger. Red people are not green. If someone sees the tiger then they are green. If the tiger eats the mouse and the tiger eats the rabbit then the tiger sees the dog. If the mouse is kind then the mouse eats the tiger.
The mouse is red.
The bald eagle chases the dog. The bald eagle is green. The bald eagle is red. The dog eats the bald eagle. The lion is red. The lion sees the bald eagle. The mouse does not eat the bald eagle. The mouse eats the dog. The mouse eats the lion. The mouse sees the lion. If something eats the mouse then the mouse does not see the dog. If something eats the mouse and the mouse chases the lion then the lion is round. If the mouse is nice then the mouse does not eat the lion. If the mouse sees the bald eagle then the bald eagle is round. If something chases the mouse then it eats the dog. If the mouse eats the lion then the mouse sees the bald eagle. If the bald eagle is round and the bald eagle is green then the bald eagle chases the lion. If something chases the lion then it chases the mouse.
The bald eagle is not round.
Bob is big. Erin is big. Erin is cold. Erin is red. Fiona is red. Harry is big. Harry is blue. Harry is nice. Harry is quiet. Harry is young. Young, big people are nice. All red, young people are big. If someone is red then they are quiet. Quiet, red people are blue. If someone is big and nice then they are quiet. If Fiona is cold then Fiona is blue. If Fiona is young and Fiona is red then Fiona is cold. All red, blue people are young.
Bob is not nice.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

A processed subset of the OWA section of the ProofWriter dataset. Each train/test split contains 300 entries, each of which has a unique set of theories and a single question for those theories. Both splits are balanced so that the depth of the proof required to answer the question varies evenly between 0-5 (50 entries each), and the labels are balanced (100 each). 'Unknown' labels have been replaced by 'Uncertain' to match other datasets.

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