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Hey Reddit!
**EDIT: I've been on for six hours and have made 150+ comments, so I'm taking a break.**
**Lessons learned so far:**
* Just because people snark to me doesn't mean I should snark back. So I'll try being more respectful for future answers.
* I need to answer more concisely.
I’m Robby Slaughter, an independent candidate running for the U.S. House of Representatives from Indiana’s 5th district (Hamilton, Tipton, Howard, Madison, Grant, and Delaware counties). I’ve been a part of the Reddit community for over 18 years, and now I’m stepping up to represent my community in Congress.
After gathering over 6,000 signatures, I’ve secured a spot on the ballot as an independent—no party affiliations, just a commitment to working for the people of Indiana. I believe in accountability, transparency, and putting the needs of constituents above partisan politics. I am also not taking any corporate donations.
I have an extensive website at [https://robbyslaughter.com](https://robbyslaughter.com) with tons of articles, blog posts, and videos.
Feel free to ask me anything—about this campaign, my platform, my experience as an independent candidate, or what it's like to run for office without the backing of a major party. I’m excited to have a conversation about what you think is important for our district and our country.
Proof: [https://i.imgur.com/mQark3d.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/mQark3d.jpeg) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNWNXWGxpZV9wekthZlVhMjJ1MnduQ3lzeVZxRy1oeW4wWTRGREE0ekNCcWkxUFNfZzN0VW9oZzNWREpnS21SZ3J5MlZ5TDJXTjdvMU16VnlYVndXU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzT1J5WDZQanlrbzNpdUEzVV9ZVDhjX29sMnJwdHRVM1Ffd0RlV3JnNEw0Sm9fcDJQYUV0ejlYM09yN3pGNjAwOXVleGd2SnVxd3YwbTYxeXk0eFpCYU9TOFhIMkxmLTBpalIyaHpYanFoTHY5MDk1R1hOSUNDbVVFV0s3TjkzdjhSa0xGMHVleU5ZQ0QzLUJlNHd6X2RGZUtINUJiSEpaQkN6d1Z1QXZBc1puWkFIbTI1X0c4b2dNejRHdjVMbWpw |
[https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/1g8qmyp/were\_two\_climate\_journalists\_writing\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/environment/comments/1g8qmyp/were_two_climate_journalists_writing_about/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySk00Q2VkSFBvRjdqV2p2QlFfSERxVnVuclBtWUwxV3ZXOUVVcjg0RUt4Q1JzNWp2RmNJTE40bDVoSXc3MFh3Q0tneGxRMkU0SnE2VVhlYm1sMkJvNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSWpia04xVjk3U2Q0UHRrRlpIemlzUTNxUlVJSVNfWEZ2eDBtcUJmTm84allqbW5ETnJWWFZEVkJLTmFld3pWV0txMEZfd1NmYkxHZXNIRWJKRk83RHEtNjVzdERlekluREVUZTdIVkEtYkhfcC1UUFRad2IwZlhpRG1KZml1dFNNUk5Pc2tzWUxVUlBPaVFIZHdRejhJU0xJXzFFMWQ4NHBZZ1FXeXJMblpuelgxUHNRZ3NsLWg1SjBYU1E4WjJH |
My name is Shawn Danino, I use he/they pronouns, and I am running for Oakland City Council At-Large on a deeply prohousing, pro-mobility platform that centers climate change and affordability, above all. I am a dues-paying union member, a child of immigrants, and a civil servant. I have spent the last five years at the State Housing Department, where I planned for over a quarter million homes across California, and had the pleasure of reviewing Oakland’s housing element, the 8-year housing plan where they would outline their plan to accommodate nearly 30,000 new homes. As part of this work, I :
* Founded a $100 million grant program to finance affordable backyard homes
* Got the Rockridge neighborhood desegregated to accommodate an additional 5,000 mixed-income homes
* Launched the Prohousing Designation program, where I advocated to include menu items that rewarded Cities for advancing Vision Zero, protecting bike lanes, and planning Bus Rapid Transit Routes
I care deeply about building affordable infill housing, as well as planning more mobility lanes for bikes, scooters and wheelchairs. I have concrete plans to streamline the approval of these mobility lanes, target tree canopy and other capital improvement programs to areas of disinvestment, and legalize neighborhood markets on Day One so that Oaklanders have more commercial options that do not require a car trip.
I currently serve on the Board of TransForm and Transport Oakland, where I advocate for safe streets and environmental justice.
Here's my campaign website for more information: [www.daninoforoakland.com](http://www.daninoforoakland.com)
Here's me:
Ask me anything! | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWm03MmFpdVMxZ0tweTdKSllQNDR2TnM5X1pQTm1FVkJWZmtIZks2N1BCZUl1VklYRENOWUhHbnhrOE1NRDZlUTNWczFFQS1RcWNjMzNOZWpjbjlpYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSmhiNVpweUxEbGVJVkZaeklhREEtZTNBWjdUZkZKdFJRYUZPbGpZOEw5cXVpNGZEQ2h1cFQ1Z3N1TGJvUW5XV0syR2pCREhrZ3pfTUN0QWlUWlJ2d3dpbDV2RWQ2TjR5YVJiaXJ6ZFJKTHRLb3NYb293ZkNhSFh2TzMxbVpKMlAwSzlxR0NVNVdTNDVnR3pkWWhPakxIcl8zdk0waEtoMUpkWThsdFVQcTNhbUVIaEVIY29SOUV4aktxRzRFTV9r |
We are three former (international) students of the [Chemnitz University of Technology](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/index.html.en) who, with a little bit of assistance from the [university Career Service](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/career-service/index.php.en), have found jobs in our respective industries here in Germany. Feel free to ask us anything about our (career) journey, why we chose to go to Chemnitz/Germany, how we found our jobs and how (work) life in Germany is for us.
Here are some more details on us:
u/A\_G\_Mohamed - studied ‘[Advanced Functional Materials](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/chemie/ma_afm.html.en)’, has 6 years of work experience \[3 years in Germany, 3 in Egypt\], now works as a Process Engineer in a semiconductor company
u/IllustriousPie3326 - studied ‘[Embedded Systems](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/etit/studium/stugang/index.php.en?page=m_es)’, has 5 years of work experience \[3 years in Germany, 2 years in India\] works as a Full-Stack Developer in IT
u/Alumni\_TUC\_Adv\_Mfg - studied ‘[Advanced Manufacturing](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mb/studium/studiengaenge.php.en?sg=master_advanced-manufacturing)’, 8 years of work experience \[4 years in India, 4 years in Germany\], works as a Project Engineer in R&D
We will be online at various points between 16:00 - 20:00 (CEST) today (23.10.2024). Feel free to also ask your questions in the coming days, we will check back. ‘Our’ career coach [André ](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/career-service/about.php.en)= u/CareerCoachChemnitz (3+ years & 1.500+ consultations experience in assisting international students finding their jobs) is also answering questions. If you have questions specific to a certain industry or study program, best adress us directly with our Reddit names.
Feel free to check out the website of [Chemnitz University of Technology](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/index.html.en) and its I[nternational Office](https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/incoming/index.php.en).
Looking forward to chatting with you :)
[André Claren - Career Coach @Chemnitz University of Technology](https://preview.redd.it/ut80kxyl5hwd1.jpg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72eb94cf2c18556af0d9d0c6cea191aed74b208a) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZ28taURDV0VoY242NEJvZmJaMlRqeF9lbXVTNlpyZ1NFbTItWVcwc1RZbUlZOWk2WEZ2Rk9vTndtQV9MaFJpUUlqalVtSXp5SGhPTXRnRWhVR3NIRUdwNUQtRnUybklVcWlpVjBPelQyNm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbWlUNGpoTWhHY1M5cVFrUVpjZ2VCWjV5cFg3MW9uNlhVNlkwVE5rV2dCUEg3b1hJMjA3RW84SXFlaVNXVHJGbXgzZnRyNldzRGxpUTVZeEhwUkQxS2F2dmQzZnk1ektNZDlIUVR5dzZwOTNPNmFDcVR0RGw2T0tHd29JVnltZWZsVTI3ZmVwMkxzRGFwSTFheU5WWDRNbDJyZDdDc2ViZGJoX09uUEd0VW9BcGhQdk95Ym02eW5qWTZLQldndEl4 |
WAYWT = What Are You Wearing This Week (or a different day, whatever).
Think of this as your chance to share your outfits with the community 🧍📷
People enjoy knowing where you bought your pieces, so consider putting them in your comment📝
**How to take better pictures**
* Try to use natural sunlight ☀️
* Use simple backgrounds ⬜
Want to know more tips and tricks? Read the guide [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/16rwft/how_to_take_better_self_pics_for_mfa/).
**How to add a picture to your Reddit comment:**
* You can upload on the [Reddit app and website](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10516331142932-How-do-I-add-images-in-comments-)
* Or upload your picture to [Imgur.com](https://imgur.com/upload) and copy/paste the link into your Reddit comment.
**Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread ❌** | r/malefashionadvice | post | r/malefashionadvice | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWGFsamMxV3RvalFScFNlV3Z0SVEwNld5VHNYdkpZUWp3YVRlREZmcFZsbmN4Si1rcnNyWHlraVBBVndZbHVpczdrRnUtNGRic191SjJoX3gtajQyM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSDJIbDd2OE1tel95YjFMeXJMa3UySWxHSGxhTkphMEY3U0tZbEpsZG1SS1V3ZzkxSE84Ym5aVDlrR2FnR2FycHdwUGl0REFEYVhPbV9XbXU0LUM5X1o5VXdpUjI2cXFiQ3JFNGl4REZGMktKMEVJU2pfenIzNzE2U1RmSDF0dGRza0VuTnhNMVlhT2VMbWxqY3ZLbUxhYVI5eEQxdVJKSkNtbElaMF84bXVPQk9wVWFJSk5DWWRaQTFOWHh4VVRxNlZrSEpzcmF2OWwtYndmS3p2eTVPUT09 |
Seriously ETC did so good q3 man we made great progress went up so much. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydTQ5UTVVSDF5cUNxVWRmR2xKUHhUTG5zN1hOTW9aOXB5TThxOVhWWEIwdlYtTnpTVi1tc2JYYWI4YUNkZGVETmwxXzFNWXp2OWJaWTBZcE0yQnpsOVlDWDI4MHctdjBDUEF4MlVyN3piaVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMm9qSUpaVGxweWpPTC1DNTQ3MEh4TWlVY1NhbHVHMWtfbkw0aHp6OWVTRlM3VG1WT2pLOVVWUUVYWDlocFFob0JWR0xhNUNXREMwVWNVeHZWeFNwY1k5N05wUDlLdVcyQldrNUF1M3JDa1ZLclgtWkpJZnRUOHRvQ2F6R3l1UldtcGozYlBJbDJFc19JZ19YMldLUzQ3S3daZkg4SkNKaXZUMnNJR3FzTWVkZFE4NWpiQkw5ZTdZV1dVbURLV09F |
*Edit at 12:13 p.m. PST/3:13 p.m. ET: Thank you everyone for your good questions! I need to step away for work, but if you want to stay in touch, you can reach out to my account,* u/shoeshine1837, *or my work email, swalter @ themarshallproject.org. You can* [read my full article](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/09/09/drug-test-pregnancy-pennsylvania-california?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit) *if you'd like for more info. Thank you again for talking with me!*
Hi everyone, my name is Shoshana Walter and [I’m an investigative reporter](https://www.themarshallproject.org/staff/shoshana-walter?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit) for The Marshall Project. My recent investigation (co-published with Reveal, Mother Jones and USA Today) found that hospitals across the U.S. are reporting pregnant patients to child protective services [based on false positive drug tests](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/09/09/drug-test-pregnancy-pennsylvania-california?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit).
I found 50 mothers in 22 states who faced reports and investigations over positive drug tests that were likely wrong. Women tested positive after eating common foods or taking over-the-counter medications. For example ⬇️
[A short list of how common foods & products can show up as false positives on these drug tests](https://preview.redd.it/kf0nlzrd8qwd1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=073b78f5dfd36b338258e4c13c642b343347c919)
One woman in California had her newborn removed for two weeks after testing positive for opiates from a Costco salad. A married couple in Pennsylvania was escorted out of the hospital by police, and threatened with arrest, after she tested positive for meth due to her prescription medication. Another woman was told to “buck up, get a backbone, and stop crying,” by a hearing officer after her newborn was removed due to a false positive result. It took three months to get her newborn back from foster care. (You can hear from the women in [my audio episode with Reveal](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/09/07/drug-test-hospital-pregnancy?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit), or r[ead more in my print story](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/09/09/drug-test-pregnancy-pennsylvania-california?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit).)
This is happening because hospitals typically use pee-in-a-cup tests that are fast and cheap, but have false positive rates as **high as 50 percent**. Hospitals are then reporting these results to child welfare agencies to comply with state and federal laws. But after reviewing laws and policies in every state, I found that **not a single state requires hospitals to actually confirm test results before reporting them**. These policies are funneling thousands of families every year into the child welfare system — forcing them to go through the pain and heartache of a child welfare investigation — even when they have not used any illicit drugs.
That lack of protections is striking in comparison to workplace drug testing regulations, which give many workers confirmation tests and a review from a specially trained doctor who knows how to interpret the results. For workers, these safeguards have existed for decades. In the ‘90s, a federal committee actually recommended that these same protections be put in place for pregnant patients. But that advice was ignored.
Many of these hospitals have blanket policies of drug testing every patient who comes in to give birth, often without patients' consent — [a policy that has been called discriminatory](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/10/05/pregnancy-drug-test-new-jersey?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tmp-reddit) and a [violation of civil rights](https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2024/09/nj-attorney-general-sues-virtua-hospital-system-drug-testing-pregnant-patients-without-consent/) by civil rights groups and the attorneys general of New York and New Jersey. Attorneys are now looking to file lawsuits against hospitals to change their practices, and some groups are lobbying Congress to change federal law to eliminate the requirement that hospitals notify child welfare authorities anytime a baby is born substance-exposed. But even if federal law changes, little is likely to happen unless states follow suit.
Are you pregnant, know someone who is, has been or will be? Did you think this problem only existed in [a Seinfeld episode](https://youtu.be/mYzuQr7YVYg?si=HTfBB7E9Jp4ZHz5z&t=30)? What would you like to know about these tests, policies and what I found?
Ask me anything!
([Here's the proof on imgur](https://imgur.com/a/sHw0XrE) just in case) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyek42ZkhiSk16eU44U1RMNHBtNUkyek00ckcyaklCcUtlaGpuRlpydG9iZWhLMnlLbXVaLXVJaEdDbzdMZmstQk1fRF9uX2tVdkRJWG5NU0xpZGlsUzZybHFUd291emhfUEdXQzdRdWpNUk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNW1mRXlNUlVUb2pxUDdhYlhXX3ZvNGJTLThtNnN6TlNBajA5em8zSUFSeTJHZktPQlJQQTdfX3RnVUo2WXNLdFZ2WUl3eGc0WlNFNndBUjJrQWd0RzFlT3hVR1lTZ1lTT205QVZVMWpqZm1lSnJQaUk4aHpWdGx6T3V3TFlqaF9mcktWTGhHalJ4bEZ5cGl0YTJNSGdfbG54TFdlQTdZS1BjZzQ2M2VCX1cxcks2Y0loT2c3d0tNd1dJQXRWcjZw |
Hi all!
I'm Lewis Sage-Passant; a researcher in the field of intelligence and espionage with a PhD from Loughborough University in intelligence studies. As well as being an adjunct professor in intelligence at Sciences Po Paris, I'm the Global Head of Intelligence at one of the world's largest companies. In this role, I look at how security threats ranging from macro geopolitical risks, conflict derived supply chain disruptions, and economic espionage activities impact the company.
I've spent my career in a variety of geopolitical analysis and intelligence roles, supporting the energy industry, the financial sector, leading technology firms, and the pharmaceuticals sector, living and working in the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Europe. I occasionally make talking head appearances in various media outlets, including the BBC, France24, CNBC, Harvard Business Review, The New Arab, El Mundo, and GQ (the coolest one by far!), discussing intelligence, geopolitics, and security topics.
I also founded the geopolitics blog [Encyclopedia Geopolitica](https://encyclopediageopolitica.com/), which this subreddit has been so fantastic in supporting over the years! I host the site's "[How to get on a Watchlist](https://encyclopediageopolitica.com/how-to-get-on-a-watchlist/)" podcast, which interviews various experts about dangerous activities. Season 3 will be launching in the coming weeks!
Most recently, I wrote “[Beyond States and Spies: The Security Intelligence Services of the Private Sector](https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-beyond-states-and-spies.html)“, which comes out from Edinburgh University Press next week and explores how corporations use intelligence to navigate geopolitics, counter security threats, and shape the world around them.
Thank you to the mods for inviting me to do this AMA. I would be delighted to answer your questions on intelligence, geopolitics, careers in the field, and in particular, how corporations approach geopolitical risk!
All the best,
Please visit the AMA [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/1gaxa0o/im\_intelligence\_researcher\_and\_the\_founder\_of/). | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyR09OakxSeTVNM3NfTWtKeXpJS3NLRVBzcHJsaXJ0ME5hUTBvdjRTSGZrbHRMd2U3R2Y5TkZCeURBMFhrdkNGclM2RFZmTUNFamFXdDBGLXJwN1VkbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzS1FvbWtUZE1IVTl3N1FNMU1kSzNoWVhtY01sRjZHR3hCak9SbXEwSkVrTExWdWdwRFV3VERvaWRWNFoxM2FmXzlLVkM0SjUyZlRMVzlUNGUzTjlCMEw4RWRYRFVXZXZ4RVktX0FvTHQ5NVMxM0lGc1NKLUJ5RkJLbWNkaGNScGhrbUJKa1dSYnBqX3V3MWdtOXhfQkthcXU5TFIxbVNkQVFqbFBBUGdaelJMRUlpZjlFM0FCYVRzcFJ2TnVuSU5lbGRIZXZaN0V5OG9zcE42Ui1OUzNRQT09 |
Back when I was i think 12, I stayed up real late one night like around 4-5am I know it was around that time because Adult Swim would go back to Cartoon Network around that time and I distinctly remember seeing bugs bunny so I know it was looney tunes on, so I was laying in bed across from my door, I used to sleep with my door open and the bathroom would be right next to my room. I didn’t like the dark that much back then so I used to always keep the light on in there. I was sitting there in bed when suddenly something moved past the hallway into the bathroom, I was looking at the tv so I didn’t notice who went in and assumed it was my brother who probably needed the bathroom but before I knew it the bathroom light just shuts off. Usually, when we turn off the light in there you’d hear a click from the switch but there wasn’t one and from there I saw it. I saw a dark figure slowly peek through the bathroom right at me once the light was off, it was completely pitch black except for my TV so couldn’t see what I was looking at, I was completely frozen stiff and wanted to say something but couldn’t it looked back at me for several seconds but it felt like minutes and suddenly it leaves into the hallway. I was completely paralyzed with fear and tired to talk myself into believing my brother was the one who did it or that he had one of his friends over because his room was in that direction. The next day I asked my brother if he was the one who turned the light off or if he had someone over that day and he looked at me confused and told me he had no idea what I was talking about. It couldn’t have been my parents because my bed was in front of their door and it was shut. I’m 26 now and I still think about that to this day what that figure was and why it hasn’t happened to me since. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyR05JSFZYOGJZTWhvbnlJSlE3SjBGWXUzaDVFenhjMGZjYkVJVE1qYWMxREQyRW44YjM1QndpOGFxckpGaEJFSDdWS281WHJtSFZEN2hzM1FqMVNpX1kzTEdRcDNJRVlCdG5pM3lyaV82eWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTmRXczVWX1J6UUdmNFl0ZWYwUHpSSC1hSzFMX2dIQzhXTk1OYjFTOENoNTIzeWdmVzNTNjFYM01VUTZEd01ZYndma2xwbi1KUG9sQ21UN3lIeVVxZHh0eUVDMDNxRklsMUFyMW8taGh4SEVqQWdlRll5WHlUdVhVeVp6NXduN1hNZHdsbzJMSFN1YWpaQXBkRXl6a25NWENKNHBra0JDRUlkU09Td21uNUF6aDlNdzRFdDFnaWd2d0lOZXRMbGNE |
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who viewed my post and asked me about type 1 diabetes, why I decided to do my PhD project and shared their experience with diabetes. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Best wishes, Shanice
I’m a third-year health sciences PhD student at the University of Bristol. I am looking at how age and ethnicity may influence type 1 diabetes. I’m particularly interested in how people from diverse ethnicities have been excluded from diabetes research.
Our bodies need insulin to help to change the glucose (sugar) in our food to energy. People living with type 1 diabetes do not make enough insulin, which makes them feel unwell and exhausted. Today we treat Type 1 Diabetes with insulin injections to help people have more energy. About 1 in 200 people in the UK are living with type 1 diabetes, that’s over 300,000 people!
Most research on type 1 diabetes has focused on White Northern European Children and our knowledge of type 1 diabetes in adults and people from other cultures is limited despite the increasing number of adults and people from other cultures living with it. Type 1 was previously known as a childhood disease. However, over 50% of new cases are identified in adults. Many adults are misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes as ageing is a known risk for the condition.
Studies suggest that children have a more severe form of type 1 diabetes and adults might have a milder form that develops slowly. Few studies have focused on adults with type 1 diabetes, so we do not know much about the development of type 1 diabetes in adults.
Ethnically diverse people with type 1 diabetes have a more significant risk of developing severe complications. Also, there is a little understanding of the genetic factors that are associated with type 1 diabetes and people from other cultures. Unfortunately, multiple studies have revealed that people from ethnic backgrounds feel excluded, as their cultural beliefs, religion and lived experiences are not considered in research studies. Several studies have reported that their research participants’ experience with diabetes was influenced by their gender and ethnicity. Type 1 diabetes can affect anyone at any age and from any cultural and social background, so it is crucial that research reflects people from all walks of life.
I am dedicated to ensuring that our research represents all people with type 1 diabetes, no matter their age or ethnicity.
I am happy to answer any questions you have about type 1 diabetes, ethnicity and research or general questions about studying a PhD. Please feel free to ask me anything!
Proof: [Shanice Lewis AMA Proof | University of Bath | Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/uniofbath/54092330201/in/dateposted/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMk5tejBMdmRYMWl6ck1paW45cGlxYjRWVWpOcUdLc21Sa21JbGkwaDdzaEdWMlEwRHJaWks3Z1ZWRXJzZnNWNVp6aElxWGVjS2k1TDlfUGJjLWxhYUl2aHhGS0VDaXlnZ2dlUXdvc253bEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzYlJGZ09td3lNNEp3UE9yc1BHX3VWSTBhcjJNZ1QwTF9EQjY4OHhVdlM0dzhnTWxBbWxHMzF0RVI4bWwwWl95bWluU3h1UXc1QmYzdU1QY3QyZTVHbktrZ1lMZGFxQkh6SnVEcG95bGtkTUMwVkRLdXBCZGt5cnNvUVNhUTdtMExjSnB6dmFnTGZRbDV4bkFWRHROaDc5ZzBwend5MjBVcm5GZ2VtV28wTVdEUE83M2UzZngxUzJYYzVYQzQ2ekpkWWpLa0dSdUJQcHBpT3A4a01TUmZ4Zz09 |
[https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/1g6iepq/im\_jurrien\_timmer\_director\_of\_global\_macro\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/1g6iepq/im_jurrien_timmer_director_of_global_macro_at/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQV8yWldWX0lSZnVuX0llN2ZjdlBOTy1ZREpoV2hCNHdZZ09vMXpyRXgzeEd5THg2UTVGSk5wRV8ta1BOcmJkQTlMdnc4Z0M1SnpvVzdwcnV6VHZrakU0dnFfcDFQenhQVlN0NFVSOFFNTlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaUpLRk9rSHpMUnNCS1ZVTl84ZVRsZDNVbWw2NktZTndXRnZTcHNUWUQ0eFloODRUZ3lnODNXaFlJX0ZtaklKMmJwaVBwVEFiUG5aeDZxTk91UWd1NUhUbUtvUVdhRkFscC1BYUJ5UFJyOVlOMVZGTUFZLWJOX0pGdThaSWN5MFlCU1VHR1ZjTDVnNnowejQ0WU9YY05keUpBc2hHdjZHNmItdGd0MzJQZy1yQkRWQ0JTWXdTaWZpZ0o5eHhRTVpL |
Hello Reddit! My name is Greg DeSanto and I have been a professional clown for over 40 years. I am a Ringling Bothers and Barnum and Bailey Clown College graduate, I worked on the show for 10 years eventually becoming a producing clown. I have performed at Madison Square Garden, the White House, and am the second living American clown ever to be on a US postage stamp, the first being ICHOF Inductee Master Clown Lou Jacobs. Clowning has taken me all over the world and enabled me to experience amazing things.
I currently serve as the Executive Director of the International Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center. It is the only museum that is singularly devoted to celebrating the greatest clowns on earth and houses the largest collection of clown artifacts in the world. The ICHOF recently launched a brand-new website and we are excited to share the stories and history of this unique art form with our guests and audiences. That being said.
Ask me anything!
**Link to our new Site**
[**link to proof**](https://imgur.com/a/PXqyOwV) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydkRacTR2aXpCakRNbXZMRmNLWllhYlF3a2ZTcHgxNjMyZzRRTDF6LXF2ZFFxNDZ3Mmsta3JSYVJfWDk0S2w2WEd4RFo1NlgyOXZqTW5sbjFTTWo0UHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOGhDSkwzOFNTTXZFeDFLa3JRWmVoUEFOejdoZDNxV2g4NHM4T095LUNfMUs4ZkI5RmhrNzRIejRocFRZV01OLWJpdVNSSFdvb2pXbTdlcUtIY0xySXE1cEhrNVphSTJJM3ctYUtSLTVqbUZJaTZaRzRaWXlJd2g3NGU0bUI2NHA3bVcxRGwtWDZSdmF4ZnNMS1U4NmVOWjdHaDM2RW52Q3dEWFhucEJHYVczVFZHcXZGWmRRNnJ4X044YlBueXZt |
around 3:20 AM last night, i hear this strange noise and think nothing of it because it's probably wind, but it keeps happening and i realize it's a lot like something rubbing on the window, not squeaky but like someone dragging something across it, at one point it became repetitive and i thought it might be machinery being used in the distance, but it seemed like sporadic squeegee noises, by about 3:30 it had stopped.
I saw nothing odd in the morning, luckily i have these heavy curtains so i couldn't see anything.
There is a tree outside but it's not near enough to touch, my bedroom is on the 2nd floor and there's literally no way you can get up there apart from a ladder.
I have some voice recorders so i'm probably going to charge one up tonight and use it if i hear any more noises, i would leave it recording on/near the window in sound activated recording mode, but last time i tried that to record another strange noise my snoring ruined the audio. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRVYtUThlcE5rSzVKcmxndnRrYU9MVlhiaGtNcUlWdkl2dm5uMVA5dERxNHd1aEhvZjhhN25xMEJkYkVURi0wcER3V0RSY2VNRGFwUUh3Q2hzZUg4U3NxdURmUE9hZ0pEYmVPdktuQUZ5QkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRDhXQUxKME93LVk3RFZYR3g1Tjk2dWJqbUFla0FTUXl5UjI1M1FZY3gtMFM3aTlXTU1ySFdHSmQtTHU1M2hOOHZoLWlmeXFsQ2pORU1wWU9kTDc0YkVjTGlSNXpjZ2pyR0JKbGdWakNibU9ORC1GeVJwQi0tZUE1aTZjVXE3WWlkaGN3bmlaRy1zdGxnakI4QXVBc0pmcmpaY3h2NU93N09WNXpESE41dEdGcFBKZTE3empkbjVIUVU2bldnQkstUW1TQVEzQnZvZFBaanJtVC02ZEdydz09 |
**Ended 8pm CT. Thank you!**
Proof link: [https://www.autopsy.online/ama](https://www.autopsy.online/ama)
Hello, again! Been some time. What a world! Want a break to talk about the soothing world of autopsies? Join me at 5 pm CT today Oct. 27. I am a past very-on-the-grid now very-off-the-grid guy, but got some reddit-inspired outreach this week and thought I'd make myself available again.
I am a private autopsy pathologist and creator of [autopsy.online](http://autopsy.online) and the [autopsy app](http://www.autopsychicago.com/app) (sorry, guys, some tech issues now on google play, but iphone/App Store is still up).
We're not livestreaming these days, but still consenting families for video. We can talk about it or anything else autopsy on your mind.
If you want the deep dive from the big AMA several years ago and a passive scroll into the autopsy world, go to AMA #3:
[I do autopsies, record them, livestream them, & photograph them by family consent. This is my 3rd AMA! : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/d5q071/i_do_autopsies_record_them_livestream_them/)
And this article that came out of it:
[Meet the Doctor Who's Livestreaming Human Autopsies (futurism.com)](https://futurism.com/neoscope/doctor-livestreaming-human-autopsy-videos)
If you want to ask your own questions, have some back-of-the-mind follow-up from whenever, or want to follow along in rt, join me.
Looking forward to chatting.
>We're done! Thank you for the interested questions. Maybe again in a couple years. Be well, stay safe and have a good upcoming holiday season! Ben
>[Schools and medical training programs, check out autopsy.online!](https://www.autopsy.online) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTl94Mzh0clRudUVITERaeThOaHFJRkZPamVLWklmWDIyc1l0SERZU3BhNkJjT2RIQk14Wm9IVXJ4RF9BUlQwekNrN3BaelJ5MzhXWlphaHFCY2h5VkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZktsN25WRmh3M0M3SWVfZXBCSWpqZ0VoSGhrMElsZVdyUXN2aXFOc3B6WFNCSzlTa3hSeU8tNXZEUXpMWjBxLVdqQ1g2bGdXeFNybS1sVHY1aENhOXBmZFY5WDZ6WndrWFdnUXJua0hHZ3lyaEozZS1RaHEteDA1VzBkeGE5UGlXZXRDbHQzd2dvdURyaWJIT25DRTFYSVJxajczNlp3eHhFdVk2VzV6UGdpN1pEVnkxT3gxYlBlbTZqWS1IQVYw |
I remember a while ago, I think it was like 3 or 2 years ago, me and my little brother were playing on the trampoline in my backyard, we were jumping around a lot, so we got tired really easily, so, we lay down on the trampoline, then out of nowhere a lime falls from the sky, I think it lands between me and my brothers head, we didn't think much of it at the time, just thought it was a little odd, so we went inside and put it in the fridge. I haven't forgot it since, and to note, we did have a lemon tree in our backyard, but that doesn't make sense since it was a lime, and also, I'm now realising that if the lime landed on me or my brother's head, it could of done some serious damage. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWkVDeTc4d2x0eEZUU1FsZ2ZLaDRXS1JGMEp0dkhSMFJERUl3YnhITVZWSWhFUWxzdllScF9RYWxMYjBpd001RE1VRGMtTTl0Vnl6RVEzSEdTTTRiQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzY0c4LWJyQkN4bFJjODF4cFluV2VhbU9QTmZzdlZlU0JFOTRQaENTYXBZMWtfdUxTdzhBZlE3Vl9XZzB1bzRhR1k3dV90NENxQVJBUXFoNzExbDdkVHdHR0RfajhSdzVhamVrS25zYml3ZEV4Y0RJSGxKRnVLMWp5UjZzVlZUb0JDX0gyXzR6NjBncnFEZURiWDZyUEdXVWliNzFCOFI0UTJNbTJQRVJnaDJrPQ== |
This is a friendly reminder that politics are not allowed in this sub and any such posts/comments will be removed as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading! | r/relationships | post | r/relationships | 2024-10-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZk1GZTBNODhtMThEOVNjdUlla19oMzJZZDdIanNkV2l2emRCQV9ybWpESlIzNzFTaTlBd1NfekRqVm9SSzg3Um82Wm5iejFZblJ0V25GNjVyZHRtVXpUWVVnUmMwSWxBZk5qc3FHZGtmRUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWHc5MzNBUkpuYjZCTXZtbzhDZXhRYlkxUXY1elFWcWRCV09ZYWtfWDA5Qjk4b2l4T0VCWWx2c0tRZkwzV0d0VEFKeDFRZmVpRkttdzR1VktRRnMyb1A5dVNoWEY1TWRrNDQ2bDZTYVhqdmwzQ01ndmFVYm8zN1ROMEhoUkFmX04wR1BlLUZUN3ZIb2k5S2QtOUczRnhQUERvMF9WNVozd2s2NEs2TkVrbzlvPQ== |
Hi, we are the [Scientific Advisory Board](https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/about-us/scientific-advisory-board) of the [Food Packaging Forum](https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/about-us) back for round three! We are researchers investigating how chemicals in packaging and cookware affect our health, plastic and chemical pollution, microplastics, endocrine disruption, sustainable packaging, and so much more! (see [round 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/xvhar4/were_a_group_of_scientists_working_with_the_food/), [round 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/16sq5y4/we_are_scientists_investigating_chemicals_in_food/))
You may have seen some of FPF's research on a few weeks ago about [chemicals known to be used in food contact materials also detected in humans](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1fqlv1j/thousands_of_toxins_from_food_packaging_found_in/).
The Food Packaging Forum is organizing this AMA to provide the opportunity for Redditors to ask questions of a room full of scientists dedicated to these and related subjects. Participating scientists this year include:
Angel Nadal, Jane Muncke, Leo Trasande (u\\leotrasande), Thomas Zoeller, Jerry Heindel, Maricel Maffini, Terry Collins, Pete Myers, Cristina Nerín (not pictured), Martin Scheringer (not pictured) - [ PHOTO](https://imgur.com/WcH87N4)
Many of us are also part of the [Scientist’s Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty](https://ikhapp.org/scientistscoalition/), contributing scientific knowledge to decision makers and the public involved in the UN negotiations towards a global agreement to end plastic pollution. The 5^(th) meeting is taking place in Busan, South Korea in December.
Ask us anything! (we will start answering at 18:00 CET, 13:00 Eastern)
EDIT: \[Lindsey\] Thanks for the questions! I will keep an eye on things for the next day or two but the SAB is going to disperse. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZ0t1Qkh0X2FwY3NULThIU3R0azcwcnNSTE5nTWozeTB0ZENwdkdoaEduS3p2X2NmV0hTQ2FrWFpFblItQ0VHLThtekNqcEdVNnJrTF9oc1Jzd0NJM1lSOFpEanpYQVVUbGRpZTBiNDFSc1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSDdPdWNhVHBWWDBSOHp6b1pKMzZURmJiSDR5VHJNT3pSeE1QbXdjQjJlMXdwZnlFWkZRcHk3dGZ2eVB1MF9KXzlqY0RJQ3gyellzSzJjWVhFNEJLd0VnS1I0c1lVYXZQZV9MOUlUcjhPY1I3Zkx2ZXhSNzh1dTlEWkJfRXlWOGQ1UVJaZ3JhaTRETm04eEtab3R2LXlwaXNnVHlYUTJ3ZWZBVEtnQzNSVk5MQ05HZkJFWnFJZHg5SGR2VWRJbVBy |
Hi! My name is Dr. Emily Thomas, and I am the Manager of Auto Safety at Consumer Reports. I’m a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and I serve on the Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) Industry Advisory Board. I also oversee CR’s car seat program and rear-seat safety program at Consumer Reports. I am passionate about helping families and caregivers keep kids safe in cars.
What questions do you have about car seats?
| r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYjFrQkFHbl9EbFo0NklVWGhnbDlNZU9PNmFfQXBnR1hnYUxXMnFzNGdMVGxjUWEtV3p2LXlIQnFubE16NHN4OHlCR2M3T25FMEZQRENGaWxtVXpfX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVTBQdmtOU3BmaG00Zk1PT3NFOWdqYmZrbTNVektVVUNjbVk1anB4bWI2Uk5YMEF4RHA3X2EtT2JJTUZFX1E4Z0lCRXA5UDNBRkN1U25BOF9wcjhXMEhTSjI2WXhEZzg2UElOUnN6MEZkTWpLeUluN1hJazQ1WGttcXphQjMyVmgyOU1VMzFnbExyakdPUjdJMERaSFBqQ0NvdkF2RnViNUJDeG9jT3lBTVBnZVZpQnktMkpRdnp5THFna2x0ZGRod0FMM0d2RHN0MXRpb1gwR2FkM0pDQT09 |
So my Aunt on my dad's side of the family claimed to see a Banshee through one of the windows of her house the night before someone in our family was about to pass away. My aunt is now long gone but I was wondering if anyone else has had an encounter like this because even though my aunt would claim to see it but her husband would never see the banshee even though she claimed it would cry, wail, and sometimes scream. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVzZUUHZRb1ZlSjc5QTRDSDh0a3YzbmloRVJ4Y09pSHp5N3BWdG1KTThIeHFKbVV1UTJ1aWFaaXh3bWIzYm9HUjBqU2l5VFpWRjd3SjB0MEdhNHJSSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMVpfYWFpSTNVb080X19PenE5N3dyY1dnOHNBMnFpUTdaa0x3dVFBU3lQclVoQS1qendSSmhFUWVfbW1ibXFEajlzSFVSYzY0X1NpeWUzSUFCSU9HUXpIenlnVTRwU09KblU2UHVEbm1qOF84WWtNUWY3ai1FaWZzZVl6RHVuTjFyMzZpMjJNMy1YQ1BQbVMzcUx5d2p5S04tRVBxakdmOGhqdUNja09XOUV1RERhalVLdzJIWV9hQldFSnh3WHFH |
This event took place around last November in 2023. Usually on the weekends I like to wake up a little early and go for a quick run/hike sometimes to take a break and relax from the stressful week. As I was getting ready to start after my warm up, I heard like a scream from out in the distance, mind you this is on a cross country course so I assumed maybe someone needed help. But the scream seemed a little off, like it just didn't seem like an animal or a human could have made it. I started to run over there and see if anyone was hurt, when I got to the general area of where the scream was I couldn't find anyone but it just felt strange like I was being watched. Where I live there are no big predators like Bears, Wolves, Mountain Lions, or Bobcats so I couldn't tell why I was so worried. So I just completed my morning run like normal but one thing I noticed after the run was that there was no one on the cross country course the entire time I was there. So if no human was there...what could have possibly made that scream? Any thoughts? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNzNsX2tObm94NUJqZkMyN2NqcjIxR3JIOEs2SDRaSUdlMEU1Y3VhSV9ZUG1Xcy1SS0hGZXNrZUd5TGhLdDF0YVVieEN0YkxUYzhLQmxzN0pmcXBTM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzX2xqQUFjRV9fZUU2Nk5Wcm5xUXRmeWxnS2dkdmwxZW0wQlpUVWx3NkdxM0JUZlRoNVdCTG5QZmZsZTR0aGhCVkQwX3Qza1p2ZTRUU251MGIwMHhNSkljcVBxVVlQbGR3d0lhNk1yZUxHT1h6TFBYXzA2dXNrWElPNmYyd2ZRSFhkanQyZEFrd0pLQU1MMEJOQUtnR0w2a0hTaHRDMzlhN2RmZnZYQ0p1M3JVUjV2UXlsS2tvLWUwN3ZBZDNraGRh |
This is a subreddit dedicated to the aggregation and discussion of articles and miscellaneous content regarding absurdist philosophy and tangential topics (Those that touch on.)
Please checkout the reading list... in particular
- **The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays** - Albert Camus
- The Rebel - Albert Camus
- Albert Camus and the Human Crisis: A Discovery and Exploration - Robert E. Meagher
Subreddit Rules:
1. No spam or undisclosed self-promotion.
2. No adult content unless properly justified.
3. Proper post flairs must be assigned.
4. External links may not be off-topic.
5. Suicide may only be discussed in the abstract here. If you're struggling with suicidal thoughts, please visit [](https://old.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch).
6. Follow [reddiquette.](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)
7. Posts should relate to absurdist philosophy and tangential topics. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNEZTYm5RVVYxdFBOeHExOXhFUFFFa0hadEZtMjk5VnhRN2dzN0Q0X1dkZk02ZGpUZEwzNWFDUnlSMWlhbHlDaDRscllZMndCc2dSNjNIZlNtVVZ1aVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdDc3WUNwQVVvTXJYM25rTlBkTzR0WDVSakxRSFJuNVlZcDhNX3V0UUpHS3NDNnBHT3Y5VUNDakZncndEN1oweUFfS0xNd05aUUc5UFJ4eDREbmJjWUh1aWVfOUFjNGItdHJadEdFUk00RE1iQWdMVTM3Q0RxQlZ0eU9nNFJaUExvRFFVa3pLWVVUbDYwTG5nN3VYcDlacTY3Vm4zOFVuNF9xOWN5R3BNRWdEaE81SmM1WkRBRXF2X1pZWTA1UEhOai1PSTFpbVhhdmI0VFZrMkhjVkhRdz09 |
Join us over at r/technology: [Hi everyone! We’re Vickie Robinson, General Manager and Ryan Palmer Director of Microsoft’s Airband Initiative, working to bring internet access to 250 million people globally by 2025. Ask us anything about how we’re working with governments, nonprofits and internet providers to make this happen. : r/technology](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1gdfgpb/hi_everyone_were_vickie_robinson_general_manager/)
The Internet is a critical part of our daily lives, almost taken for granted thanks to its wide availability. But there are 2.6 BILLION people in the world who remain offline today. Without internet access, we see exacerbated economic inequalities and inhibited access to social services, civic activities, and online learning resources.
Internet access isn’t a luxury, it’s a fundamental right. We lead the work behind Microsoft’s[ Airband Initiative](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/corporate-responsibility/airband-initiative?msockid=31d122b3ddc26cf134ae336cdc246dde) to bring together a global network of internet and energy providers, government agencies, nonprofits, and private sector companies to close the digital divide.
We’re aiming to connect 250 million people globally by 2025, focusing particularly on rural areas where internet access is limited -- and that requires big investments in infrastructure. In the United States, for example, our internet service provider partners have received more than $725 million in government infrastructure funding awards to expand networks and drive broadband adoption, with approximately 80% going to rural communities.
We also recently refreshed our [Digital Equity Dashboard](https://msit.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmUyMzY2YjUtNDdmMS00ZTYyLThhMDAtMTUxMmZmNTcxMGE0IiwidCI6IjcyZjk4OGJmLTg2ZjEtNDFhZi05MWFiLTJkN2NkMDExZGI0NyIsImMiOjV9), which combines government and private sector data to help understand where there are broadband gaps in the United States – right down to the census block level. We want to provide transparent data to everyone and help policymakers make & maximize investments in areas of highest need. If you’re curious about how your town compares to your neighbor’s, take a look!
A little bit about us! Before I (Vickie) began working at Microsoft, I spent nearly 20 years at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). I was most recently the acting CEO of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the organization designated by the FCC to administer the Universal Service Fund (USF), which subsidizes broadband network expansions and provides discounts to low-income consumers.
I (Ryan) also came from the FCC where I led the Telecommunications Access Policy Division, the division at the FCC responsible for developing policies for administration and oversight of the Universal Service Fund programs.
Ask us anything about our work!
Proof pic: [https://imgur.com/a/Y9j6ZyD](https://imgur.com/a/Y9j6ZyD) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyb29EdFhFOWhUaXd5akphclRSNXBFbnZSeEZNVjZEX1FORVUxZjBibVp3MHdJOU9XTUtJUFFCN2thVk9PaGd2UVFRQnoxRmRWNUNCejN6elZwWUhWdlJpMUQ4ckVDbGZNdW9HbzBMN0VJOVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdU1HbUNRS1VtaDJuTjRrX2g4XzhsdjFsY2k4amhmb3Fkd3hDSjRWRnhXZ1dnTEtrdFFjR1BFajF6MXBnYmQzYzhYd1E5TkZEdEtHZFNPVENCTUNGc0VEdGhwOGVtREZmUnpILVBSU1EwbkQwRW9ZdVlQYXEyMUhaN1RQb05wZ3BhY2h4Nm1zT3N1WWF6dHF2amlUMDU5c1YzRjVLcDBMQ1pUQ2tiVlRIQTl5NDF3dzNjQ0VlaUtVcUJONEpDQTE0 |
Happy Halloween everyone!
Edit: Thank you for sharing your experiences! | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyU3ZsUDlXRlZfeVVYV043ZTFEc1FFZ2lrazFyNGkzOWViLXBFYzV4dnhUd3RNWXJuOGJNVXo4Q3FlQmlHeGJJRkhkLU92M3pLLXRuZ0U4blhsVmlyLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOE90UWtmWTVmaC1kWk5RVzNMNl9Xa0hmUnpjU2VaUW0xYnkxWW95RktQWENCaUxuekpKZl9fTlFFT3RNWlp6YmdldVRYMTN1RjZPRE1EN1lBUEc4Z09hdVhtZHk0TzVCZWJzQkM5NG1JSHRBbmFrNl9HNE5JZzhodVdLVDVNRXg5b2FTT2JxYkVfQ1RlX3JoT09iZGpHNW5lQW13NGRGOG0yRFM3bHpRRUJNNXlfQzRvVkl2YUllOHFZekZBU0VXeDJrZ1FMWG5uVk92ZlpfNE5ZNWcydz09 |
Hi, my name is Mike Nellis ([proof](https://x.com/MikeNellis/status/1851422042995966415)). I worked for VP Kamala Harris for many years as her digital consultant and was on her 2019 campaign as a Senior Advisor before she joined the Biden ticket. I am a Democratic strategist and a Founder of White Dudes for Harris.
What questions can I answer about the election or Kamala Harris?
| r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyN1hHRlphVUwtOTV3azUtaUhDLWZHS3djd0xmRkhvd2t6Wnk3bV95Wlp5ZnZTUzBoSlVMY3JsZXhpSTNhLV9BMGFYU3FBZHY3Mnkwb0RKNVZHS3J0RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRzkzb2ZPLVRQNm9Wall6WEh6N2docUVmWmdXQzVYcXZqWDlia3EtUWlEUldkZjZ4elE2Z0QxcVVwT3B2SDBjT3dhSnpLOU5MVVJSVHRSTUNwU0dUZDQxejdUbkpjMGtLX2o5Q21BOE9fbEo2b3NldU1EbEc0OWdVT0t5dHZfZms1Y0ZDcjQ2UnRyZ1lmWmhPYkhSdkZQZFZiSk5FbmFpM0tsbk9QUWxHTlFsUDJxRC1kSVR0M1E0a0ZWUGZtV00w |
Join us over at r/inthenews to [submit your questions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1gfm4ny/im_nicholas_kristof_a_new_york_times_opinion/)
Hi! Nick Kristof here. I recently visited the [Chad-Sudan border to report](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/12/opinion/sudan-famine-rape-murder.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.YZYZ.5NcNZH37Mnao&smid=re-nytopinion) on the [murder, rape and starvation](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/28/opinion/darfur-sudan-atrocities.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.cFPt.cHJVWCtVG9Ta&smid=re-nytopinion) that have [devastated Sudan](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/21/opinion/sudan-darfur-rape.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.lB8_.RIxukPh9WSZv&smid=re-nytopinion) since the civil war began last year. As I wrote in a [September column](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/18/opinion/darfur-sudan-famine.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.Jqaq.nyAyfbqJ7fhS&smid=re-nytopinion), “the world is distracted and silent” about the atrocities in Sudan. “Impunity is allowing violence to go unchecked, which, in turn, is producing what may become the worst famine in half a century or more.” You can check out a video of what I witnessed in Darfur [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@nytopinion/video/7416341498834472238).
I have also recently argued that [people shouldn’t demean Trump voters](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/31/opinion/trump-voters-liberal-civil.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.aOMn._vFw6G96bQRS&smid=re-nytopinion) and explained [how President Biden can push for a peace deal](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/19/opinion/sinwar-gaza-biden-netanyahu.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.caP1.VmMKx-O7JJIy&smid=re-nytopinion) to end the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
I’ve been a columnist for The Times since 2001 and have served as a correspondent at the paper in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Beijing and Tokyo. My memoir about my career in journalism, “[Chasing Hope: A Reporter’s Life](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/09/opinion/journalism-reporting-progress.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.XP6a.RIDxGkGihwPQ&smid=re-nytopinion),” was published in May.
Ask me anything about the deepening conflict in Sudan, the war in the Middle East or the upcoming U.S. election.
I’ll answer your questions from 2-3 p.m. E.T. on Wednesday, Oct. 30th.
Proof picture [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/nick-kristof-reddit-ama-rCbuZI2). | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQTVTRnhnSG1ma3M1MVU2eVZ2LUtPdkZxUGl5N1dieHZWM0ZLdGFxLWVVLXRKLU9nZjkxSHJpWDBCVk9IMkdpSGpDaGRTWVByYXlTdlVKN3g1OTJhMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUUdXcTRuenZhMENoZ2ZsWkdMYU9Demx5eFdUX1VJNklqeE42NDZyZVg3SkVIYjB2ZUl3X3FUdF9JeGRZTUdZRy1Vd3BBQmpOcTktb1k2Ym5McEhtbUJ3WFVLVGREYlpBZzFxTGRzVGhTWERPY0FWWEtmbkUteXUxOENjVlRqVmJTc2dITVZPbm93Q29NRFo3N1pHYWVaSzVuNFBrZEJyckRHejJ6OG1wYTJTam9XWjl6WmhMOFgxRGZVMWM2R1RW |
17 years ago I was brought to the US by my parents at the age of 7. Unfortunately, I missed out on DACA by 6 months and have been learning to navigate my life one step at a time. I was able to complete my degree and graduate Summa Cum Laude, and now I have aspirations of being a lawyer. I started organizing for immigrant rights about a year ago, and quickly immersed myself in the work of advocacy. I was a leader in the #WorkPermitsForAll Campaign which urged president Biden to grant work permits for all 11 million + undocumented immigrants in the US. In June of this year, President Biden signed an executive action granting parole in place for spouses of us citizens. This same executive action also facilitated work visas for dreams with and without DACA. The Parole in Place (Pip) program was recently shutdown by a federal judge from the state of Texas, and is now held up in court just like DACA.
Feel free to ask me anything about my Undocumented Experience or current work in politics/advocacy for immigrants.
Proof: [https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/migrants-work-permits-long-undocumented/](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/migrants-work-permits-long-undocumented/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybHV1Y0JjT1FqTDVJNl9lem5xM0J4b0FIWUNiei1rVHBnNnNiODFreHp4emVKRGNvaUN5eGp2ejduS1dkU2ViaXAxTlFzaS1mQzVtUnVUQ3g0M2pQVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZGNuRlFqTnlWYmlILWFYelVhUzJ4dWFwUlhrZ05zR3VyYUNPeHhycTlURkktMXVzdUVSaWgwVEdZNnk2M3Y3SjkzUFFFQzk3Wlh6TnVjNmdxeWRpYzFRNTk2ZzF2emp0SjR4ZFllZ1hfTVNYNmtzU19mU09aRWJkczZCQjVLUklVeW94MjR0Yzg4TkJiZGhqeGV6WWFuUW9VVzNfa3VOSnh5S2FFVUdfWm44ckw5WHliNVc0eFJfM2E3dEt0cWIx |
Hello Reddit! I’m Dr. Joseph Breen, a neurotologist (ear surgeon) and part of the [Acoustic Neuroma Program at Mayo Clinic in Florida](https://careinfo.mayoclinic.org/acoustic-neuroma-fl). On Tuesday, December 3 at 11am ET, ask me anything about acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) and other skull base tumors. After their diagnosis, many patients will have questions about management options, what happens during surgery, and how they can be returned to health after treatment. You may also just want to know more about ear surgery or how your ear works. Feel free to start submitting your questions now!
Have at it…AMA!
**EDIT:** It has begun! I am here and ready to answer your questions.
**UPDATE:** Thanks for a great AMA, Reddit! I hope I was able to answer your questions and address some common topics related to acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) and the inner ear. Catch you next time!
[Dr. Breen at Mayo Clinic in Florida](https://preview.redd.it/k0lzd74mcyxd1.jpg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edefb93ea340d32b42d5b6c13c9ebec8f974e89f) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZ2V3b0RiNElmckR3T0N0Tmc2U2N0bFpycF9kX3VlVFVCWm9jWENrOGxpVXMzR00tTmJxb3BYVzgtVU1pb1djSW9WWG1UNVBoTC1JcnRRRks4ZmgxNGdtNEdHbGFqSUFYMkplcTBHMGNIaWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNXV3a0IyV1FWX1pYWW90VUV3ZDB1NzdKZGFJcjJFRWpuMHVFYmFCTGZuWERTNjdpOVQ5X1NuY2tCdWJHMUZiQTQ4M3JrcjlOUUJRbFVkUlZXaTEyVkUxNHdWS2Y5b293VDcxemQtU1luUTJHSFhOQnpWemFqMTFkZi15SlpMYUY1LV9JM2twOU1pVGwyQkxlT1drbWRhdnJFTEdaUFBtcWFQMWVGTllQYlVwR1ZIb1duV3lsY1FTLTM3QkFEelBC |
[](https://www.reddit.com/r/Geopolitics/) welcomes [Evan Centanni](https://www.reddit.com/u/Evzob), founder, editor, and lead cartographer of [Political Geography Now](https://www.polgeonow.com/), a source for ideologically-neutral news and educational features concerning statehood, borders, and territorial control around the world. PolGeoNow includes original maps of disputed territories, intergovernmental organizations, rebel controlled areas and other topics.
"Most of these maps are created by yours truly, either entirely or in part. I'm happy to answer questions concerning cartography, PolGeoNow's operations, borders, statehood, and territory around the world. I do not consider myself an expert on policy analysis or military strategy, though people are of course welcome to ask whatever they want." This year Political Geography Now has largely focused on the conflicts in Sudan, Israel/Palestine, and Somalia (report upcoming) but questions regarding other areas are welcomed. Evan Centanni has participated in past AMAs at [](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/) which may be viewed in our Wiki [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/wiki/events/).
[Link to AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/1gg2wut/iama_evan_centanni_founder_editor_and_lead/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydm0ydkFwU09Sd2ZLYjdqZ2NyU2o4TzdjSkUtMXN2MVJaeElIZVdMYXFyb3UxUlUzeTZoOE50cmQ3WVF4Q2owYWZtNWRNVEY5LWl2Z0tjZDI4bmlLZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzYy1lMDhNc1hqTHFBOFk4dDhHdlNqb2NVYlYtQnNXYTBoT01OY3ZGczJ5LU84aEl4MG9EanNsVkhBZ3dEeW9KVnI4SnVFLVBDWS13MG1DVDl0bmVJQjM2UExfQWx0TFpnc2tJSTJOTE9JWlhhOFYyUlNWM1VkMngwWlVSZHZVaVhDdmFjcUhfb3BUQl84UVNrbWZRSXV4YWdfNURwU1Itamllc2QxdEVEWU1OTnVRVTAtODItMV8xMnhPSXhVX0Yz |
Let me start off by saying this is not the only strange or unexplained event I’ve experienced. I am currently 26, and have had bizarre encounters my whole life. This particular experience happened when I was around 7 years old. Me, my mom, dad, brother (1 y/o baby at the time), and grandparents all rented a room at a Colorado ski resort. It was a pretty sweet resort, and my family’s unit consisted of a living area, kitchen, and three bedrooms that were connected by a hallway. My parents and grandparents had their room, and my brother and I were sharing a room. This was the first (and last) time I went to CO or skiing (not bc of this experience, but bc it wasn’t in the cards again for us). We were booked to stay for a week (flying out on the 7th day in the afternoon), and I couldn’t have been more exited. I remember having an absolute blast trying to learn how to maneuver the slopes (even though I kinda sucked at it and had 2 speeds: too fast or laying in the snow bc I lost control and crashed lol).
It wasn’t until the 3rd day of our trip that I started seeing a shadow figure out of the corner of my eye. I remember the first time I saw it I was coloring on the coffee table in the living area, and all my hair stood on end. I wasn’t sure why… but then I noticed the figure out of my peripheral. It was tall (seemed to be the shape of a man), all black, and appeared to be wearing a cowboy hat… but with less of a rim. Almost like a fedora or bowlers cap I guess? I saw it walking down the same hall leading to the rooms often, or peaking out from behind a wall… the weird thing is every time I looked directly at the area it was in it disappeared. I began to feel a sense of dread… something that wasn’t foreign to me as I’ve dealt with a slew of issues and challenges (at this time my OCD was terrible, and I was later professionally diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum). The reason I bring this up is because anxiety, panic, and overstimulation were not a foreign experience for me, so it wasn’t like “a child’s first experience with anxiety” situation. The feeling I got when I saw this figure was different. I remember I actually was so scared at one point I brought it up to my mom, who said that she too sees figures in her peripheral vision, and that it was much worse when she was a kid but that all people experience this phenomenon. She said it was my imagination or my mind playing tricks on me and it wasn’t real. I trusted her… but still had a horrible feeling in my gut.
Fast forward to day 5 of our 7 day trip, I became violently ill. Vomiting, fever, fatigue, the whole shebang. I distinctly remember the throwing up and sweating from fever being particularly bad. I rested the last full day (day 6) while my family members took turns monitoring me…and honestly don’t remember any of it. From what they told me I was either asleep, vomiting, or in a strange, semi-lucid state that they said was a result of fever. Then came day 7. We were leaving in the afternoon, and I have memories of that day (one that stands out is me running to the bathroom and vomiting in the tub lmao). I did my best to rest and get ready for the flight home… but I truly felt like I was dying. I even said maybe we could stay until I felt better bc the thought of flying was so aversive, but that wasn’t an option. We flew home (and shockingly I never once threw up on the flight), got back in the early morning hours, I went to sleep, and woke up in our home the next morning feeling SIGNIFICANTLY better.
My family said it was altitude sickness or a 48 hour bug. If it was altitude sickness, why did it only hit me on the 5th day? I could see it being a bug or maybe the flu… but I still have that gut feeling something more was at play. None of it really made sense to me (even as a child)… but I brushed it off and moved on. It wasn’t until I began learning about the unexplained that I started to question if maybe these events were connected. What if the figure I kept seeing, that made me feel scared enough to tell my mom (which wasn’t something I normally did) had something to do with it? I don’t have the answer but I figured maybe some people on this sub might have a unique insight or perspective I haven’t thought of before.
TLDR: At age 7 I started seeing a tall shadow figure with a hat on vacation with my family out of my peripheral. When I looked in the direction of the figure it wasn’t there. I got violently ill on the 5th day of our 7 day trip. My family insisted my mind was playing tricks on me, but I felt as though more was at play
Edit: added paragraph breaks so it’s not such a pain in the ass to read and to add TLDR
| r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaEtCYXdDZXRLNExVeWU2Z3p4LVF1cGxlNGpLNC1qTEpTQzNIdEhfdjh3UHFMUm1uREk5ZkFzNmFXeVdJZVYxbHIzOE9ZeWlzbWh4SXJEZXd0WTBTRHc2WkhoYzFJUl9fLXBhVmhLelg0WTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZUFCTk9jNkRLREhWRjhYNk9ldVpXZFJhVVlEZDliTXJBTWNYdng5UjJQMFcweTJYMkFNYnRWTmtYNThrNktmcm5WcUtQaVRKQlZja1BUTkhPbUpPb3VDYVZvVUEySUhtS1V2Zks2eDdrMl83RkNjQk14a0l4LWRWNklzVG5KSmZ3NFk4Y3hfeVpobXNlR29URmtCdFNvU1ZKQkMwb3pwWHpzSEVmTWN3NHFuQXVUcm1rekt3cjdtdUFmYmpSb0FJelY2eTU5MktKMWRfdm9qWE1pSXVXUT09 |
It’s election season in America, and you might have noticed something different about the 2024 election cycle compared to the others—this time around, you can bet on the outcome.
My company, Kalshi, is a prediction market platform. We’re a financial exchange like Robinhood or ETrade, but one where people can trade on the outcome of events. We’ve been a leader in the prediction market space for a while (we were the first to get event contracts approved by the CFTC, and the first to get our own native clearinghouse), but in early October, we got our biggest win ever when a court [ruled in our favor](https://www.wsj.com/finance/regulation/are-you-ready-to-bet-on-u-s-elections-a-judges-ruling-opens-the-door-556abc73) to make it legal to trade on the outcome of elections.
Since then, we’ve gotten a [ton](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-dow-sp500-nasdaq-live-10-09-2024/card/the-100-million-election-bet-is-here-MV2rogamhehs3NFeCda6) [of](https://www.wsj.com/video/series/news-explainers/what-betting-markets-can-tell-us-about-the-presidential-race/F496B7B3-1D5F-4A6C-8774-06B01B211A0E?mod=WSJvidctr_politicscampaign_pos3) [press](https://www.ft.com/content/0bfa5288-ecd2-41d1-9c1f-ac84e0c43c65?shareType=nongift) and seen trading volume on our platform increase by more than 100x. We’ve also seen a lot of [misinformation](https://time.com/7095708/financial-scam-political-prediction-election/) floating around about prediction markets and Kalshi itself, so I wanted to hop on Reddit to answer any questions you guys have!
https://preview.redd.it/h550of7dz5yd1.jpg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4975a298ee9ecc4e43b1c6c5f8d39c9e34dd1839 | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNGZOWlhIRF9MUUpheEh3cXhiTGdENl93WVc4OENaQVZsQVczemdpUFl6WnNCYXVib29kZmZHbDB4WUlQcHFBZmZ5QUZ0aExVLVNlOFN5YVBXbHRaS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWTNESy1aYmtadm5DQTltTWV3NzN3bjdPUDFBdDhtLTQtN2phNjdIdW5ReUVuLXRpN0dEb3lJMElVNU1NeU9HOEZ0LTJrVEEtNjQ4bTYzdThIVHpzck1teGEtWDAxQWthbDVpdk1XWEtwZ05uSThSLTlleTIzWWE3Q1JzZVNxOXIyVzhjNzNQMWFtLWVFcWRfVE5qbE9qM0RUcjdnalN0U28yZXJ4cjRVRmo4R2pVTERsUTdKZkRmOU5UN2VnZDZz |
Hi Reddit, we are researchers interested in ageing and society.
Dr Bethany Simmonds is a [Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for Sociology at the University of Aberystwyth](https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dges/staff-profiles/listing/profile/bes88/) and a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Death and Society with nearly twenty years’ experience and expertise in researching age and ageism, particularly in health and social care settings.
[In her recent research](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sociology/articles/10.3389/fsoc.2024.1372926/full), she discusses how some health care decisions on whether to give treatment, particularly during the first wave of the pandemic, were based on age rather than whether someone was healthy, or likely to survive. But a lack of dignity and care for older people has been a problem for decades in the UK. Because of the changes to the health and social care system and austerity measures, decisions for older people’s care are often based on cost rather than need. So if you have any questions about how we can improve the care of older people, please ask Bethany.
Bethany is also interested in answering any questions on digital exclusion in later life, which again have been highlighted since COVID-19. She would like to hear how digitally accessing art and creative activities, volunteering, paid work, banking services, benefits, pensions and other everyday services could be made more accessible for older people? Please get in touch with any suggestions or questions for Bethany, please Ask Her Anything!
Dr Chao Fang is a [Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Liverpoo](https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/sociology-social-policy-and-criminology/staff/chao-fang/)l and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath. He is also the Deputy Director of the Centre for Ageing and the Life Course.
Chao has extensive experience in researching death, dying, and ageing. By focusing on loss as a fundamental life experience, he has conducted numerous research projects to examine what loss means to people in different contexts, including ageing, grief, and illness. He has conducted numerous projects exploring the meaning of loss in contexts like ageing, grief, and illness. Initially, he studied bereavement in later life and expanded to include terminal and chronic illness, where loss disrupts identity. Recently, Chao has explored resilience, viewing it as a double-edged sword that provides meaning but also heightens awareness of vulnerability and that life will end.
If you have any questions about loss in general, death, dying, grief, ageing, and illness-related loss, he would like to hear from you. Chao has an academic background in comparing different countries, so if you are interested in how loss is perceived and coped with in different societies and cultures, please feel free to get in touch as well!
Proof: [Bethany and Chao Reddit AMA proof | University of Bath | Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/uniofbath/54092452391/in/dateposted/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydmNWQnNPbEhzZkVwejc3bzNEVjYyRGhFMmVPU2JtbDZlU3FYUXVmVk4xV0ZMdjVGanFONEZldHBBUmJZTlF3MXFzMFUzUlFoLVBjSDRWa0xRMWZmU3czUExOS2xxZ2tIV0drWC1USkNucHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZDk0SGdQQThYTWJCRWxKSGdUZTlGZW1Pd0JVMHc2V1lma3VoMFN1V0RnM1dPWnlFcXdKbkhSQ0xaQXd2R015N0J0T0ZVcmZxbmxFQ1dGSG8tRnE2S1JqV3FIYnJtb2lKcnpsaU1BemItbEFaS3NPRmhWcDBDbG1RTEdtZkp6Wm5HUVNWbnVFS3ZsWGEzNTBUYjJOZlZ3WjB3Ynl5bm1rSWU0UkVDOVd4d3BBdmdxbi1XeGt5Q0JaM1VBQnZKV2Vv |
r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyeTNaQmw4RkpRY0Z0NEJzNnNxT3kwM0hqVGp3ZGd0RDlIQXk2X0ttVGNUSktFTzlsNlZ4TlZPb2tQUlZ6dXdnN2pIaDNCRU5Bb0ItY0hISWkwRzg1MXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZ0VwTWotZ3VnMDJJdUZBeUpSUndlUS1xeGhZMUU1US02WnJMUmE2QllHU3o0dTM5bkFCaXc2RkN0VGRiNC1rMjVIdkFkRTA4c2VPaUJld1VPNmVvU3VYRzRuNHl5WkFBZWkxTEl5Sl9mY1JSTUxvSmk2S1dqZHZ1cWVOSVc5THBla3Jpd013SUozVEpKVE1KVV9wVXFmVF9IN0RpSzlUekplSHFubldLZUg5SEV0cE8zaXRKRmZXSkhwS0tRaHIw |
Sometimes when I leave my house I get a strange feeling, as if my surroundings are different. Everything is the same as before, but somehow emotionally I feel different. It's been happening to me for over ten years, a couple of times a year. This feeling only lasts from the time I leave my house to a certain zebra crossing 200-300 meters away, after that it suddenly disappears. I can control it so that when I get this random feeling I can sort of reset it to my normal surroundings. Or even when I don't get the feeling, I can, if I want to, imagine my surroundings with that particular feeling, filter. It's usually on cold and grey days when there's no one on the streets. When I walk along this particular route with this particular feeling, I cannot imagine what one of the streets to the left looks like. When I try to imagine what the street on the left looks like, this feeling, this filter, disappears, but I can bring it back up again if I want to. I know what derealization is and it's certainly not, I've read about jamais vu though, which may be partly true to this, some pages say I don't remember things I see all the time anyway, but that's not true of me. A couple of sites however say that when something we know as familiar seems somehow unreal, different or new, in this case it is more true. Related to this, a memory, when I was young, in the evening my dad and sister were watching E.T. in the living room, and my mom and I went to get cheeseburgers for them, and when we left we went along this route, it was dark and cold. When we got back I looked into the movie and saw E.T. I was really scared and crying. Maybe it's just a memory and a coincidence, but when I think back to that night, when I walk along this route with my mother, I can only think back to the trip with this different feeling, with this filter, I can't imagine this memory in the basic environment. I’ve never talked about this to anyone until yesterday, when my friend asked me if I ever got a paranormal activity feeling. I couldn’t think of any, so I explained this to him. He suddenly got excited because he too, sometimes gets this feeling, but we both thought, that we are the only one. Many things matches, a 200-300 meter route, that it usually happens on grey and cold days and that this is a route we've been taking the most in our life. But he cant controll this feeling, how I can. And he doesnt have a certain memory that I have. We talked about it for hours, and came to the conclusion that this feeling we get is the feeling on the one hand that this ,,thing” already happened to us a couple times, but on the other hand we also have this feeling, that we can’t explain, it’s just something unexplainable. We both know that we cannot explain it to someone who has never felt it before, you only know this if you’ve experienced this before. I hope that some of you gets this feeling and we can talk about it, and share eachothers experience with this feeling. If not, and you can’t imagine this feeling, that is happening to us time to time, then sorry for wasting your time. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycDIxSTBMY3pnV0ExZGVCbS1ON1JzcGdoN04yaGFiSzhIWWo1eTA5NDZFQjNfN21CVUZySmtzaGtwaXdYZkNmOHhrZVBmNXN2a1plXzNDTmFoR1hXZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVzBkdXk1bm9ZTU01aG1Oc0pEYkZLaFRVZENpS3VSQnVXc0NhOTBlU2xOcVl6UG9wcmdhSi1laDhwVGF5d192LUhjdExjbENyQjFuV0lhcTZfY0Voc3dDZ0huOHRES3pKWEZXcmxkYWRCUk0teEY2VFVjZXgzWE9mV1hfdVRUMVpLbWRqUFFlVnJCaTF6YWJlTjFsUWdNQk1RU0tFTGxXaXJaY05qRE00Y3NrSWVoc0k3Q0tjYi1GU201RDdBZU9zc0JoMGJUWHUyNXoxNkQ4d2cyUHJiZz09 |
While refusing to pay a bribe for updating land records, I have successfully sued local officials in High Court in India four times. Despite orders from the High court, officials drag their feet but I refuse to cave in.
AMA about experience as a litigant in India, where corruption is still rampant.
TLDR; I have been pursuing the update our land records at the office of Bangalore Urban Deputy Commissioner ***[Details of #mystory in the Change petition](https://www.change.org/RevenueKarnataka)***
Last year, an agent working with the revenue department officials approached me and asked for a HUGE fee - amount ranging from ₹10-15 lakhs!
As the officials dragged their feet, I took the matter to Karnataka High Court. The honorable court passed an order in my favor on 28 March 2023
When officials still refused to act per the order on time, my lawyer filed a contempt of court against the Bangalore Urban Deputy Commissioner (DC). The Karnataka High Court had issued a Contempt of Court Notice to Bengaluru Urban Deputy Commissioner & Revenue Department on 14 Aug 2023
Some might argue that I could/should simply have paid the damn bribe and moved on, but it is not easy to navigate the web of corruption where touts also cheat favor seekers.
My Story in local and national papers
* [Times of India - 5 Years after court directive, man still awaits Katha](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/bengaluru-5-years-after-court-direction-to-deputy-commissioner-man-still-awaits-khata/articleshow/92713420.cms)
* [Bengaluru Urban DC accused of violating HC order over issuance of khata](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bengaluru-urban-dc-accused-of-violating-hc-order-over-issuance-of-khata/article66985535.ece)
* [Ex-IAF officer struggles to get land title registered for over 25 years, now his son starts digital campaign](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/ex-iaf-officer-land-title-registration-son-digital-campaign-7562262/)
AMA about experience as a litigant suing Government officials in India, where corruption is still rampant | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTU04anltY05OcC10MUpUSmgxNTk5WFlkSXEzV0Z5NldReTkzVk9PaXp3OFREazJXV2RfRldyWm9OV296b3N0bTNmYUdRZFNoaWhjbVJMWklTTzNxc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZ3ZRUnJzMDdWRFZOb05sbnM3TFItc3JRcDBLMXl1ZFNyQ2FBSHlRZlp4YzN0NDQtSk1lWWVxVFlycFM2X0NmeXg3WXpSU21JSGhiOFBFQTZnVGlYcXdXeVozMU9jOFFrSkswMXhKaGlROXZTQXpOMXd3MkdlaGoycjROV0dWOF9EMDk1LXBGNnZWS1dHSi1pcERBNjhUV0tkYmZYRFphaEh4Q0NGN25rdXNHaGJaZFZqMWE2WklSZ0Rqd0dIZGFH |
[https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1gjhvjs/were\_part\_of\_the\_politifact\_team\_factchecking\_the/?sort=qa](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1gjhvjs/were_part_of_the_politifact_team_factchecking_the/?sort=qa) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMnpJWndFd3FxczBQbDlOcW93dXNPMFg2RGRQcnV1bTEzX3RtZ281ZDFaNTRhR3dWV1ZUMmE2RmRjaGJ4Zm5GTTNlMWZSN3h3YkZ0Y29PWGFiRUpfbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSTF4X1E2N041U2NtUlVSUEVZWEJWTVFxOHh1NVNlZjE5amhzbGhMZTd2Z1c2VHRZckFOTnpPZ3VwelJiV1JaOFlzZVlKeUk1eGxtM013NHBrYUUxRGNqNzg4T3JqanR3U1N4NS1LaUVUVEcwdkd5LXNUdXh6QkMwUEZjWkpvLVdFUXdCNEJjZE51RHhfR2pXYkN6QzE1MXN4VElNOHNrWjBtbnUxVUpkc1hmTEN0Z3Boel8zS0dHSGpYeFBsdWJp |
I am Dr. Rafid Fadul, the Medical Group Owner at Evernow, a digital care platform dedicated to women in perimenopause and menopause. As a DC-based clinician and entrepreneur, I now focus on leveraging health tech to improve patient outcomes and revolutionize the healthcare system.
During Evernow’s last Reddit AMA, many husbands, spouses, and partners reached out, eager to learn how they can support the women in their lives during menopause. In response, I'm excited to host this AMA to provide insights and answer your questions about menopause, how it affects your partner, and ways you can offer support.
At Evernow, we offer online access to menopause-certified providers who develop personalized care plans to manage symptoms through hormone replacement therapy, vaginal estrogen, non-hormonal treatments, hair growth solutions, and more. Ask me anything about menopause, its symptoms, and how to support your loved ones during this phase of life.
P.S. Ladies, if you have questions for yourself or a friend, please share them as well! All are welcome.
Disclaimer: This is a general conversation, and I can’t provide specific medical advice.
Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/RJUnrAV](https://imgur.com/a/RJUnrAV)
LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafid-fadul-md-mba-b2944bb](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafid-fadul-md-mba-b2944bb) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNHl0czdPc2tLTVpYNm01T25wNEsyQUpxTU9ERnl3MFVTVFVyaDE4SU4ycnNZVi1GTlFfeWc3Y3NBVF9mN3FXd0dFLWM1RjE0SV9SQUpULW1jMFBMdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRlQzVU1rU3pKLTFkVGdyNzRKQkJoQmtxdUIxWjFSYllaQzNqV3hoS0VWa05ReFpndnMyWW1MdmRxVVdFX3dtcEdOdXhXYzN1aXA1aWl6SGZqdGtDUjdCREZBY3BnTmg0Mk5Cam9MR1ppWjVpTUdCalhNNEJCMWZ2cG1MWnFHcnlRUmVvVDJCVEVzanJrRDE0Z3IyWDl0LVdTLVVuVVIwczlnTjFzQldKWkNDZElLSVVpVXdFUDZqclZZWWNvN1px |
We are Jess Marsden and Brad Jacobson of [Protect Democracy](https://protectdemocracy.org/), a cross-ideological nonprofit dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat and building a more resilient, inclusive democracy. Jess oversees our efforts to protect free and fair elections, including our VoteShield team which Brad leads. VoteShield is made up of data scientists, engineers, and advocates who analyze public data, like voter files, to help protect our elections. We’re here to answer any questions about the road ahead; the threats and risks posed by an election denialist movement bent on deceiving, denying, and disrupting the will of voters; and how all of us can protect our democracy in the face of an ongoing authoritarian movement. Our [website](https://protectdemocracy.org/our-work/) is loaded with helpful resources to help you get started.
Proof: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F80jhrebf3xyd1.jpeg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F80jhrebf3xyd1.jpeg)
Proof: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F636c1jyj3xyd1.jpeg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F636c1jyj3xyd1.jpeg)
Update: Update: Thanks for hosting us with such thoughtful questions! Please keep them coming—we’ll continue to monitor for questions and answer as many as we can until election day.
>We'll be keeping an eye on this AMA and answer questions as we can... | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTkhLb1V6Ym1GWHBsenVHQnBXc2kxZ0NjWXVneXF3NC1oMUdsR0F5QjB2Mlpjc3FrXzgzZTNzdHlwaEU2TEtKeTlPalZpekF2TURoOURjNUhpU1FNVll5elJvNmtiU2tlWmRLbV83VGg0Z2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzS0FSUm9qcjNVQU1oNl9yU0xWUWwzbWF5Q3JKSWdGd3dERmJqa3QxbmhhVi05amtzMTVsd0xFR3l2Mk1Oa19vbldfMFFWd3ZTdjBkLV90LS1mYklLeVl6TUptT0pYaU9NUS04WWRJa1NyN0lzUjlpVVU2SmxzNUlNV1JmNWRKQzNpaTZISWI0VFF4MkRqN185Z212MV9pOEpZNFRSS2RpOVJYZWdkd2JDTGN5ck51MlNZQkx4Q0RRalg1OGExa3BZ |
[Despark.io](http://despark.io/) is a Web3 user research platform dedicated to gathering valuable feedback from crypto users to help shape the development of future tools and platforms. We run surveys/interviews with the goal of bridging the gap between protocols and users. A current survey we have running is targeting European Web3 Users, in which users who take the survey will recieve $15 USDC for the 3-minute survey.
If you are interested in participating, visit [despark.io](http://despark.io/) and look for the relevant sections to get started. Your feedback is invaluable and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVGJPZlVYc01samJDYzJmR0F1anJ5X0lfSFNCSGhPT1NIMmF3Zkhick5uT3FUUnJsYVIyZDUyRFItU3RpLXhoa3VDbWE4Y0NLanhtSGFaa0RGNEJwZ0hhQUVDdHJRWjJZcTYyaV9lUmxPT1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcGpRWXdjcHg1d1ozZFptbGNKMU5qdWxnREVJbUNGMk4tc0JiWWV2Z0FmWFB4bjFzMW9qc19sNE5DN1h2X0YwNkpycFBSd0ZGa1BOeWEtS0RpZDFYbGhHbktjZ0c5YUd0aGlOaS1yNGs5TFZsUERRTmw5WjhyR0RmTlpoa0pFZDk0NEYwcHVCbnp3YU8xYnkzS3dQUWVmSi1xLW00YWxPdWtkSFE1MmpybUphNUtSNUNvbFRjSnJVSVc0MUFHNEg4LVo2cVprVW5KUVlGbTliOF9CVVpEUT09 |
This is a reoccurring issue that’s been reported by multiple members of my family. Phenomenon started when I was nine, downstairs by myself at the time. It was initially chalked up to a miscellaneous house noise, some inner working device in the wall like pipes or something.
It stopped for more than 4 years but began picking up again in our new house recently. Now that I’m older, these noises sound really fucking organic and spooky. I’ll try to record it next time it starts again.
Has anyone experienced any similar phenomena? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySm82Y2Q2MGtKWk9jWnBqcmlucUlBV3dvLXRoc2pyYURieHNCQlBCdlBYTUNPTGNta3lxejhEZkstTWxxV3BkX2ZyVUlibG95QnRIRmhSTThlSUpyOHZfeTIyOHNQTXNjTmM2V2dKNVhmVlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWGJuU0JkcnpncmE2X0FIWHJyckVQZmJOc2FmNEpmb18xTUc1Z1ItbFVMWjBEYkdPN2RqOXMyZlMydG5nWkRmazNYVHE4RDRxSVhyS2h4WUVtUDNldy1hVVdkd3hyYm1GRmRueWJaN3Nfam9ja2s1cU1vR1ZqcnJaR3VCTENqYmh3eDdVekp0U2J1VlZsY1Y3aUFtSGdIbG44c2JoQjBSYmt4eFNfN181ZnhBLUR6dDlFQWFyaHZ0UHRwV3FCNm9MTzNUSmw1MG8xN21tOWxPUmNZdElnQT09 |
Hi! We are OCCRP, an international network of investigative journalists who expose organized crime and corruption around the world.
We’re here to talk about our recent investigation, The Crime Messenger, revealing how Sky ECC encrypted phones became a go-to tool used by criminals to coordinate logistics for drug trafficking, murders, and more.
Alongside 12 media partners across Europe and Canada, we learned that Sky Global didn’t just end up in the hands of criminals — criminals themselves were selling the phones.
We’re joined today by three colleagues who investigated Sky Global in their own countries: **Stevan Dojcinović**, an OCCRP editor who also leads the investigative newsroom KRIK in Serbia, where horrifically brutal gangs were some of Sky’s biggest fans; **Hakan Tanriverdi**, a German journalist with Paper Trail Media, which is releasing a multi-part podcast on Sky; and **Frédéric Zalac**, a Canadian reporter who dug into the roots of the Vancouver-based company and its distributors. **We welcome your questions — Ask Us Anything!**
Thank you to for hosting this live event, scheduled for Wednesday, November 6 at 1:30 p.m. Toronto + NYC + Washington D.C. / 7:30 p.m. Amsterdam + Berlin + Belgrade.
**You may also submit questions in advance.**
The Crime Messenger is built on leaked investigative files from a Paris court case involving Sky Global’s founder and others. With help from 12 media partners across Europe and North America, we found evidence that executives looked the other way as convicted criminals became trusted distributors of their tech. (The company has denied any wrongdoing, and its founder has maintained his innocence.)
Check out the project here: [https://www.occrp.org/en/project/the-crime-messenger](https://www.occrp.org/en/project/the-crime-messenger).
You’ll find an interactive map showing cases where decrypted messages exposed the inner workings of criminal schemes, leading to charges and convictions.
Plus, don’t miss our 20-minute documentary, which shows how Serbia’s notorious Principi gang used encrypted Sky phones to plan murders, share gory photos, and taunt rivals.
With phones considered uncrackable and the backing of Serbian officials, they killed like no one was watching.
Looking forward to your questions!
Click here to visit the [AUA](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrganizedCrime/comments/1gjq08l/were_some_of_the_investigative_journalists_behind/) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNjhPOEJmWkZTaFM2YkVyaGpYblJRV3BZMjU0dXR1bjh6TGk5SklFbzZzRU5FNEtpajFoa1Y3WEE3WThhcmJaWDhXRl8zQnZnUEV3VWd5ZDdiSkpaZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzT053cndUNmJQNVFkMzdhSThXM2JDMDhRR1dtaXB0S09VZjFtWEtQWThkdU9EV0Q2TVU2R1VDbGtDTS14S2s2bzVyb0cxZzFpUlRWUkpDZjVHVjF1Zjh6UmtXX0pwUzI2QjRGNmNLVWtqdzBFQXdnOGpDNnhISUZvVmRNbXdBekg4cGVNQ0NSNUFuRWJvMzdGNWJvZ3JnR1JZTTNiVGN1cjdJT3VJRkI2NVpDOVFjUW44R0lZMnExTDRPZTB6Zkxl |
when i was 12 i lived in this one house for about a year, and for around a month every night i would hear this sort of scratching sound in my closet but id always assume it was my sister because her room was on the other side of my closet. One time she spent the night in my room and i told her about it and she got really freaked about because apparently she never knew anything about this. The night my sister was in my room with me it didn’t scratch but i was able to catch a video of it a few nights later. My sister was really creeped out by it as was i, after i moved away from the house i couldn’t find the video of the scratching so i thought i was totally crazy. what do you guys think it could’ve been??? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyX21Obm9IVVE3WmxxNXM4SDltMWRNdW5KazBxTmprLTY5Y0t1Vk9IQzZZT0Vqbkw5cldjZEM2aGpWWjhMMmJkakFPVFA1UGt3VVhXaVNCYUY1NjQwOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbGxxRVFsOEV0QWhvdkJxUEw2dU55QnJoUFZBTlZJbWk3YnY1ZDlET0lsVFBrMFJXb2M3QUpmc0oyUU03STk1dGFpcEFXWU5BVU9mdF9PZkRfNl9mVlNMTjB6c3JNZUU4b3pFMTNfOXZVWVZ4a1Q3dUxCZ2xpckU1RjQwcU4xTUtYX1pJdFVuNGh4QU5mNkMzN004V2xhTGpIZlp0aGJLZVpzQW9jV3RUVmp1eDZrRkJkejZlSVZ4c1hWeE81aHhi |
**Join us over at** r/inthenews **to** [**submit your questions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1gklxzl/we_write_for_new_york_times_opinion_ask_us/)**.**
Hey Reddit, Charles Blow, Lydia Polgreen and Michelle Cottle here. We've been closely watching the presidential election play out and written extensively about the Trump and Harris campaigns. Today, we’ll dive into Trump's victory and what to expect next. Ask us anything!
From Charles: I write about national politics, public opinion and social justice, with a focus on racial equality and L.G.B.T.Q. rights. I’ve been a columnist at Opinion since 2008. I am a political analyst for MSNBC, and I live in Atlanta. Recently, I explained how [Trump has embraced vulgarity](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/23/opinion/donald-trump-arnold-palmer.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk4.vKwf.QXHqrtsji93e&smid=re-nytopinion) to exploit the gender gap among particularly young voters.
From Lydia Polgreen: I write about the world, culture and politics, with an emphasis on human rights, migration, queer lives and democracy. I spent a decade as an international correspondent for The Times in West Africa, South Asia and South Africa. “Whether Harris wins or loses, it is hard to escape the feeling that the past year has produced a tragic victory for Trump’s scapegoating of Muslims, leaving many Arab and Muslim Americans feeling expendable,” [I argue in a recent column](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/02/opinion/trump-harris-gaza-arab-americans.html?unlocked_article_code=1.XU4.6GoJ.GObL5CZTdjyB&smid=re-nytopinion).
From Michelle Cottle: I recently reflected on some of the most [defining moments of this campaign season](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/01/opinion/election-trump-harris-campaign-review.html?unlocked_article_code=1.XU4.gPP2.LHaWyXCgbtne&smid=re-nytopinion), from Donald Trump’s indictments to Project 2025. I have covered Washington since the Clinton administration and am a host of “Matter of Opinion,” a weekly podcast where I discuss a singular topic with my colleagues.
We’ll start answering questions at 12 p.m. E.T. on Wednesday, November 6th.
[https://imgur.com/gallery/michelle-cottle-reddit-ama-11-6-eAutEXz](https://imgur.com/gallery/michelle-cottle-reddit-ama-11-6-eAutEXz) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyanlpajlTLWhfbVJZVGMwZThRZFVtX3RSbzNPV1B2cVhOOU1mYW1QbWl4WjdqeW54RTR6REtmbktVWWZBUmVBSXM5VjBHM19lRl9MOFhtNG82ajk2akE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzelpFQ3J2MWZhaFJtbWwwWEtPbEg3RTUxNGlSa3UzTmxCUnJRWHRTMnowVWhhV3YteUVvYWw2OVExUFNOTVNjVktveWszMF9kX1o3QW9hOHRqMUtsNzB4LVdfYXpJcGZCVnpJWXFubVBHeUxzTmx6clU1TU9Dd0RncG9PdWVLeTZySWlwakxrTzE1UEk0YUxhSVdCX240UW5fb3RGU2ktZk5QSm9Sc1BicElobUF3cGxvU3Q1OUhJNmU0Zmw0RVdMQ293VjBzNzJ0c2lsLUs4enRVX2tlQT09 |
Each night i wake up at exactly at 2:34AM it gets werider too so ever since my grandma died in april me and my parents and our roommate has experienced this werid encounter with this white spirit we had no idea who it was and every night at 2:34AM but my room is right in front of the bathroom but i can still see the living room and this one night i was scrolling on tiktok and i look over to my right it was 2:34 i just see a white girl in a white dress walk across my living room then vanished into thin air. Idk if i was hallucinating or smth but lmk what i should do. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYVlrNFJjYnVjMFh2a3h1NXhNYlRFa0lJd1NFVVJCdUtTREgtODhrSFdlYWlCUFpQNG9VLWxPakJwYThoS1BxQXhQOXQ5dy1YWW12SFg3c1V1d2hpR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzT2x5NTh4Z0UwSy1Yd21xSGtEYXc2RE01anY2cHZmeDVHUE9lM1BhMVdGTlpacmVxUWZPeWw4d0VwcE9MNjBYcE5RNmVLamdlQ25ZZGxHU0UyZDNtaDBkOXR3WTFGZ29Qdzh0b1V2d3E0NHozeDF2ZEJzTm1uekwwN3VmczNYSGNuQW9aMFBRSkN2OFctUEpabmR5ZFNFc2ZyZjdZbDRkb01YaHFqRzJSZndnPQ== |
Hey everyone! While there are many, many opinions about what happened on Election Day this year, please keep it off this subreddit. If you see any posts about the election results or such, please report them so we can get them taken care of as soon as possible. There are many other subs for you to vent on about the election instead of this one. Thank you. | r/amioverreacting | post | r/AmIOverreacting | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyODBqd1dhVE0wV01QUzBhSDVuWHdIRENlWXFrSGxraGpTYUZQazMySmdabE9VNGtkXzNQZkxCRURIVXE4RHFQN1llQkJGVmhtMjJld09EbVJDNWNNUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzc3lxNEdWZUN2NlR2WFZKQ19UdFY3T3JkLUNFSXlaREt6OTRaVkhoSFowLUZWdVcyd1NMVVJxV21CRl9MVVFKbllaTVhCQ2JzeUl1V3UzT0d1Z2hDT20zX1ZFdXcwSFFoRm5DYnlQT0dyc0RfX3dSSWxVNFVRVURwX1JMYTkwQ1FpWGU1V2wxOVAxaldlOURyWmQ0MnlxRWRGeW85bEdxRkZoc081ZzRtdG5yMFFsZnJHdlRvZFo2dzh5NTBkVF9W |
Hey Reddit! I've been an Amazon Vine product reviewer for about 5 months so far, which was a legitimate dream of mine for years! I used to have TONS of questions about it, and any time I mention it to people, they always have questions, so I figured I'd post this AMA (I've never done this before in any capacity, so please bear with me!).
For folks who have never heard of Amazon Vine, or maybe hadn't realized you had, if you ever see a review on Amazon that has "Amazon Vine Customer Review of Free Product," that's one of us giving a candid review of a product that we receive for **FREE**!
So far, it's been super cool, and I'd be stoked to answer any questions anyone has about it!
We've got a long weekend, so I'll close this out midnight between 11/11/24 and 11/12/24 (midnight OF 11/12) if people are still asking.
**Proof:** [https://imgur.com/a/npLBDNV](https://imgur.com/a/npLBDNV) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVWwydzdpa0JQVVlJT3VjR1lWN2hNWV9mQ29XWTJJNmd2clRBZEptYUViR2tXWldnNXl6LXN5ald6Wi00UE51VHVxUzlDU3NiNWpELXYtNXBETmtscEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRHN1QllMS0pnV1FkS1NGVmdPZ1RBUUk2SjFKLUxYUmNnUUVxZkFHMlBUTU5lQ19JcFBXNTg2bDFtLVpxUHFUWGRmYWRPaTRDdnRBVUJVN2QzeWt0NTFQaTZ0b09sMWg5cHdhQVFaQ2J3c0hrb2dJZFVHdG5Zd2I4VkJwdERjMXRPTEVXQUtseVhfc3FVclhiUVdoeWVnaGZYREZ5cTYxWWVsZlpFejQ2dW0yTDl2eHY0TUtjN3hVRkMxLTVNYnBwNC1VWnhUa0xRaGRVQzdlRWZGdmpfZz09 |
Hi Reddit, we are researchers interested in how people think and feel about pain.
We are Ed Keogh and Ian Taverner from the [CRIISP](https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcriisp.uk%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cdwv20%40bath.ac.uk%7C644dedb31bcd49dc4dd308dcff1fc387%7C377e3d224ea1422db0ad8fcc89406b9e%7C0%7C0%7C638665759083352157%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=FhQzUOFY5v%2BCTEyeI9iIJNC19d%2Bd3amz05FgRDXkPJ8%3D&reserved=0) (Consortium to Research into Individual, Interpersonal and Social influences in Pain) project led by the University of Bath. Ed leads the project and Ian is Chair of the CRIISP Public Advisory Group.
Psychological factors such as thoughts and feelings, and social factors including personal relationships, can affect chronic pain alongside biological factors. We don’t know which of these factors are most important, or how they combine to affect people’s experience of pain. The [CRIISP](https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcriisp.uk%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cdwv20%40bath.ac.uk%7C644dedb31bcd49dc4dd308dcff1fc387%7C377e3d224ea1422db0ad8fcc89406b9e%7C0%7C0%7C638665759083352157%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=FhQzUOFY5v%2BCTEyeI9iIJNC19d%2Bd3amz05FgRDXkPJ8%3D&reserved=0) project is trying to find out what is important guided by the experiences of people living with pain at every stage of the project. Ed Keogh leads the project and Ian Taverner is Chair of the CRIISP Public Advisory Group.
[Ed Keogh](https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/edmund-keogh) is a Professor of Psychology and Deputy Director of the [Centre for Pain Research](https://www.bath.ac.uk/research-centres/centre-for-pain-research-cpr/) at the University of Bath. His main area of research is the psychology of pain particularly sex and gender differences in pain, with a focus on psychosocial mechanisms (e.g. emotions, coping).
Ian Taverner was MD of a large international company before his health deteriorated significantly. Through his and his family's experiences living with chronic conditions, he embarked on a new career, authoring the bestselling cookbook, [Cookfulness](https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cookfulness.co.uk%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cdwv20%40bath.ac.uk%7C644dedb31bcd49dc4dd308dcff1fc387%7C377e3d224ea1422db0ad8fcc89406b9e%7C0%7C0%7C638665759083383460%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=2oWtgIeTaKYPFqBraSnjYUbO8L0oL2hYHPktAHtkBuc%3D&reserved=0), designed specifically for people who find cooking difficult, leading to him becoming a hugely sought after cooking coach.
We’d love to answer any questions on what factors you think are important in pain, and how we have involved the experiences of people living with pain in our research. Please Ask Me Anything!
**PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to give advice on personal pain related issues and would encourage all medical questions to be directed to your GP.**
[Ed Keogh Reddit AMA proof | University of Bath | Flickr](https://flic.kr/p/2qsSgkk)
[Ian Taverner Reddit AMA proof | University of Bath | Flickr](https://flic.kr/p/2qsSBNR) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydEJ6ZU9VOGd0S2QxZ3RiczNEQ2tHbGdEb0xfVW1ZVkpral9pcWJLQ2FxOGZBZDk5OW1nVC01bmZiUjVENXRJOEl6Z1JoZzE3Ty00UWFYN2F1dXMxLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeWZOdmxaNTkxUFRtZ3hxLUZBdjRxbElnUVNXU05yblIxdzNCWFNFeDBvQVYtYjQ5VHJ0RDVnWjlTQTF4amtLVzdEQi0zMXNmMmdaODNETW5MYm9xN3ZvY3BNbm56NUJZMmVUM1FzRFZuQmh4d1JJTHhUUXZHTGl2WTJSUHp2cks2WDU1NU5lUllfQlBlMGdLeGlqZHBmY3JWNHViUzVYUU9zQlhZMUtQb2xISGhJNHdGQ1hCT0VXRmp5aG9nMmpT |
I wanted to start reading Nietzsche but found it a bit hard. As recommended by the Nietzsche subreddit, I started with Twilight of the Idols. I wanted to move on to something else first, so I tried Camus, thinking it would be good practice for reading philosophy and a stepping stone to Nietzsche. But “stepping stone” I don’t mean in regards the philosophy, but the very hard to understand language used. The ideas are fairly simple, but I find they’re made unnecessarily difficult by the way they’re transmitted.
I’m personally finding Myth so much harder than Twilight. It’s not even close. I just took a break from Myth and found Twilight refreshing during my break. I’m understanding Twilight this time. I think Myth being so much harder gave me better practice than expected. Twilight is leisure reading by comparison.
Why did Camus do this? Why add so many layers of unnecessary difficulty with the language used? Isn’t it better for people to understand what’s being said without difficulty and without room for different interpretations? It often feels like he’s going out of his way to make things harder and being clear would’ve needed much less effort from his side.
Thoughts? | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWkNQeEZMU25ybm96bzdJMzZzYkdxOEozdkpxdERvc2ZsN3UydGNOa2dQNkh6WHg0bDE5YWdtVVE1ZDYyOFo5ZEtLTEVaNzBqRUZnV0thZHBjMmc0LXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMzBka3YxaGhrbjlqUkFSYU54NkRWMXNLLVVoYW0wVllTOC1lTnFkU21nR3ZYbHRkNmxsNVltb044N2ZSV1ZwWGl3T203TzZaa0xaT2U1NkRFbjhNMjUzUjRWZXE2eDh0MmVUbS1mYWJKQmZMY0JoN3htcmlheGIxbTRTVEhLUUt2UGFzR1JGcnNLaTUxeDlqY0Q3dkpzNlJBT3VseEllbnpwY1ptUlZTQ3h6YXVyY2k2emp2M0pQWjJ0V3pKLW1RaG5jR2JtZ1NVaUVucko2U3g2aExSUT09 |
> Hey Reddit and r/JewsOfConscience, [I am Andrey X](https://imgur.com/a/HA3fqSi), journalist and activist in the West Bank. I cover violence by the settlers and the Israeli Occupation Forces in the West Bank and work with human rights advocates who provide protective presence to vulnerable Palestinian communities. AMA!
> [My Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/the.andrey.x/profilecard/?igsh=MWpkMGp1cDhmcTU0cQ==)
> [My Twitter](https://x.com/the_andrey_x?t=Xr27NUX8QUMnr47MJS2nEw&s=09)
> [My TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@the_andrey_x?_t=8rE6WcbaAYq&_r=1) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTXoyOVB1SkcxYUlxa0huUEsybGhkekNzam5OXzJvU09kcjRCTVRHdzBHWm01NThhSWI3TUdjOG42eHFRQ0FWa3d0NVFmdjE4VVJGR0dJOHFlaUtIaVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzR0tIVG5RTGh0bEh5MmlQQ0tpSGFmNDc5endoRFBMZ053c2FoVEVseGtkS3MwVnZYeHhPX3pMZ0dXNnpjZzRPa1B1N255aDB1T3FMeUloaWppSENaSDFGSVNjSlhGZlFRc1l5TU44aXBFSzU4NEdlN2Z0MDM0UVZSMV9NU20zZ3FCZGNsVzl4S2dPTDRVWUNHMFdLLXhuQjltdnFJR0hWdTd3MWo5NnZBNk9xb05VWG9YS09Wd2hTUDRielBySkFrV0s1bjZQd1lFVVZlQ1lQSHhZYTZkZz09 |
The thesis is that reality is a continuous flow of 'being' and 'becoming,' where entities persist through natural duration rather than relying on an imposed concept of time.
Imagine you’re watching a river. It has parts that appear stable—a specific width, depth, and banks—but it’s also always in motion. It’s moving, changing, yet somehow stays recognizably a river. That’s close to the heart of this philosophy: reality is not just “things that are” or “things that change.” Reality is a seamless, dynamic flow of *both* stable presence (*being*) and ongoing unfolding (*becoming*).
In other words, each entity—like the river or a mountain, or even ourselves—has two intertwined aspects:
1. **Being**: This is the stable part, the “what is.” It’s what makes a tree recognizable as a tree or a river as a river, grounding each entity with a unique, steady presence.
2. **Becoming:** This is the unfolding part, the “always in motion” quality. The tree grows, the river flows, and even our own identities shift and evolve. Becoming is the dynamic side, the continual process that each entity participates in.
**Duration: How Things Persist Without Needing “Time”**
Here’s where it gets interesting: in this view, things don’t actually need “time” in the way we typically think about it. Instead, every entity has its own kind of natural *duration*, or persistence, that doesn’t rely on the clock ticking. Duration is how things stay coherent in their “being” while continuously unfolding in “becoming.”
For example, a mountain persists in its form even as it’s slowly worn down by erosion. Its duration isn’t about the hours, days, or years passing. It’s about the mountain’s intrinsic ability to endure in its own natural way within the larger flow of reality.
**Why Time Isn’t a “Thing” Here, but an Interpretation**
In this view, “time” is something we humans **create** not impose, to understand and measure the flow of this unified reality. We chop duration into hours, days, years—whatever units we find helpful. But in truth, entities like trees, mountains, stars, or rivers don’t need this structure to exist or persist, even 'you'. They have their own objective duration, their own intrinsic continuity, which is just a part of their existence in reality’s flow.
So, in simple terms, this philosophy says:
* Reality *just is* and is constantly *becoming*—a flow of stability and change.
* Entities have *duration*, which is their natural way of persisting, without needing our idea of “time.”
* We use “time” as a tool to interpret and measure this flow, but it’s not a necessary part of how reality fundamentally operates.
This view invites us to see reality as something organic and interconnected—a vast, seamless process where everything is both stable in what it “is” and constantly unfolding through its “becoming.”
I welcome engagements, conversations and critiques. This is a philosophy in motion, and i'm happy to clarify any confusions that may arise from it's conceptualization.
Note: Stability doesn't imply static of fixidity. A human being is a perfect example of this. On the surface, a person may appear as a stable, identifiable entity. However, at every level, from biological processes to subatomic interactions, there is continuous activity and change. Cells are replaced, blood circulates, thoughts emerge, and subatomic particles move in constant motion. Nothing about a human being remains fixed, yet a coherent form and identity are maintained. Stability here emerges as a dynamic interplay, a persistence that holds form while allowing for movement and adaptation. This emphasizes the concept of stability not as a static, unchanging state but as a fluid resilience, allowing a coherent identity to persist through continuous transformation.
This post addresses how we understand reality's nature.
* ***Objection 1***: Isn’t time necessary to understand any persistence or change?
* ***Response***: In this view, time as humans define it isn't fundamental; entities have their own objective durations that enable persistence and change within the flow of reality.
* ***Objection 2***: Does this mean that scientific or empirical concepts of time are irrelevant?
* ***Response***: Not irrelevant, but rather tools we use to interpret a fundamentally timeless reality, where time serves as a helpful construct... | r/philosophy | post | r/philosophy | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNkVzNDlRUjduUjlCcTFRNXp6eDR3UXVoTU5pcWJBdFU5RUtNaVZKMV9pWXhQUXRNNTlvZUdKcFN5T3VtQk82ZEo4N2VXZldyYUZCM3E2cHphdDc4UHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcU8ta0RVUUl5Ui1NS0RJNkdzeGlyWDRaY3MwUW9YbzdkVmMxcUV2QkQtUlZEcUVHbUotNGRNYzYyTElsWVlaRDdPUGxxUGRBX2dHajRGUndpTEwtRzVlbVd2WkUtQUNiNWlad2hsclNjeXNhOFh3N2xQRlB1TEI3dTVOeDFfOW9PREtvZExqSjFIT1I3M1FZY0hLVkpLWkpsa0hrOVRxV0ZUcy1wYnVpUENnellwdjBsX0liQWthVmVPbUZYVlFZ |
That is what I got out of The Stranger. Inspiringly depressing. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyb2ZCZTUwbzRBR3lKOW9KZzJNQXJJallpVzdRR2c2TmU3N0tlOUlCekVEcHZyWXFWR2pLdnExcUNqQWNITEhpWGhnZDNPU3BmWVZNT0hBbldrRVc0amc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzOUcybUJvR0JvSW5scWJfQXZWQmVhUFp1ZXl1cldUZ3dnYW54Tmg4cHIxOElJVnl5Sl82S0RucWdUeGFSalhLcXVKX0hWU2hnU0pGRzk2NlV2YW80dWVlRmdVQkNyUnlvRk1FbXBxXzhZN24tWER1UVI5aDZMemtISWNFNkk4SWlWWDEwSVFZM0VxZVZhYkZRV0RsWE5XWTRVOXgtLUZNR0FKMlhfN1NPNThqN1d2Vmd4dzBPb2l6Ty1TM3hLNXR0MC12RTNYQS1UZ3o2ejRjSklYdWVfdz09 |
Similar to the previous [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/1eatq3y/2024_us_elections_megathread/), but with a slightly clearer title. Submitting questions to this while browsing and upvoting popular questions will create a user-generated FAQ over the coming days, which will significantly cut down on frontpage repeating posts which were, prior to this megathread, drowning out other questions.
**The rules**
All top level OP must be questions. This is not a soapbox. If you want to rant or vent, please do it elsewhere.
Otherwise, the usual sidebar rules apply (in particular: Rule 1:Be Kind and Rule 3:Be Genuine).
The default sorting is by new to make sure new questions get visibility, but you can change the sorting to top if you want to see the most common/popular questions. | r/tooafraidtoask | post | r/TooAfraidToAsk | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaVhzeC1RYWJ0WVZsaVNJTl8tcDViUTlIUGc3T0pWMlJwLUplRkFDOGZpZl9aeTA5eTVNTkl2NHJyMDQ3S3poYWllOUp5T3dQNHJNWHh2dTlvWkRBLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaWMyMmFKUm1PUWhKbUo4NXQyZC16U3dRamlDV1kyRU9NVTQ2bHppV2FKVXZyU1VOT3E1RmhWazhGa09mblg5X0Y5VkI1T19QaVg5ZDY0cXdMS2JOa0tpZmFPeXJzR1pBanNnT2doQTVheUxUaVA2YmYteXN4a3VJVl80cW01QXpOUlpCMkU3NVpvd2I1c1BBVU13U1lFcV9xRjFXZEF0d09YNnFoWkdRRGRpZUNTN1hRSklWemhKRVhqT1ZOY0hq |
Link to Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1gmcrja/i\_hacked\_nasa\_and\_they\_thanked\_me\_for\_it\_ask\_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1gmcrja/i_hacked_nasa_and_they_thanked_me_for_it_ask_me/)
>Hey! 7h3h4ckv157 here...
>I'm a Self Taught Hacker and Offensive-Security Professional. I recently hacked [u/NASA](https://www.reddit.com/user/NASA/) (again) and reported some vulnerabilities to them, they even sent me an appreciation letter after they patching the loopholes! ([proof](https://x.com/7h3h4ckv157/status/1839329242544476316)).
>Are you curious about Hacking and planning to start a career in it?
Well, I’m here to help - Ask Me Anything!
> | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyV2FfR2d1akdmcWJ3VUVxOWhjSWRYM2NoUHUxV3hraG9hWmpEQ1h1SXNBYi16ODYtNWg3SGxXN3lFdG1yMF9jVTZfdFk0bzBlWF9rZ3Znb3lkSTNQRUdfakthNjlEQldmdlphTkN0UWctbzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTEpBMXpIV0N0Vnlncmpnc2phTVRjamFwQ0RiWDlRdDVCVUZOSC1FYzNrZGpRcjAyTTVzWTF6c0FkaTF4NGI0b25jVDBPRktMSTJPNlY1TzlmMml4T1lfdHF3bXRoZFFsQVhtdmVVSGltOEhqWjdIUENhWEcwMW5OUWJ4ZndfS0lUaHVjSEZzR3dhcU1DLU5TVFJadk5BNU5ORjNlcEt4djBsMzYzbXpmRnlNU1JtVVlmM0J0WFNDYTBZdlR5d2xG |
So far I have written about 2 different encounters regarding creepy mysterious things I’ve encountered in my life. Today I’m going to post another strange thing that I witnessed in my life that took place in northern Virginia.
During this time I would say I was maybe 11 or 12 and was living in a neighborhood of apartment complexes. I would always go outside and play with other kids around the entire neighborhood. I was out playing with other kids just like any other day and was one of the few kids that stayed out once the sun started to set. The few kids and I went to this one tunnel towards the back part of the neighborhood that connected to a wooded area. We thought this tunnel was a good place to play some soccer and started kicking a ball around. As the sun continued to set and the sky grew darker, most of the kids left. The only kids who remained were me and this one other kid who was a couple years younger than me. We sat down near the end of the tunnel that connected to the woods and started to talk.
As we were talking, we both heard some weird whispering sound coming from the edge of the woods. I asked him if he heard that and he said yes. It was dark in that area, but the light from the tunnel made it somewhat visible. I looked towards the woods but didn’t see anything at first, but when I looked to a higher elevation, I saw something. Barely lit by the faint light of the tunnel, I saw a hooded figure that appeared to be floating under a tree branch facing our direction. The hood covered its face and the arms were at the side, so they weren’t holding onto the tree branch. The kid next to me saw it too and got up and ran back into the tunnel towards the neighborhood while crying. I quickly followed him back into the neighborhood and we ran into his older brother, who was also older than me. We told him about it but he didn’t believe us and took his little brother back home. I ran back home after that, as my apartment complex was a little bit further and I did not want to be alone out there at night.
From the brief period I had of observing that figure, I can only describe it as a person with a hood over their face. I only saw the top part of their body and it looked like somebody wearing a hoodie. The inside of the hood was completely black, so I couldn’t make out any facial features. I couldn’t really tell what color the hoodie was, but it had to be some sort of light color for it to stand out like that in the darkness. I didn’t get a chance to look at the lower body of this figure because I was scared and ran away. The tree branch that it was directly under was far too high up so I knew for a fact it wasn’t standing on the ground, which is why I get the idea that it was floating. I couldn’t make out any words from the whispering, but it was pretty loud and noticeable.
That’s pretty much it for this encounter. If anyone has any questions regarding this encounter, then please ask. I would also like to know if anyone has heard about similar things like this that has happened to other people. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyM0E3VmRXX1lQMGR2VnFtc2lQSzlqdzNtOTlqMi12b3JzTDVBYVhQQVVXRUxzQzRWb3Q2QnNpQVFlbXNtX016a3A1enQ3REhjVHNqTnNGbERVdmNIb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzVDdiS0xud3FLS2UxTDBIRDJpSW8zTHJraC0wSktHRDBZZWd4RndNLTc1Y253bldJZjUzY3pUZnJTdmRPRzBFRVNkQjNKbG5uTHhUcEpicnp4Y05nTFZsdmpWeXdxQTNkLWs4N0R2VjkzUDVKSGsySWpGbHJtSnkwQUU3MVpmNVhBYU9pdnA4Zm1GbHFfOG9GV2t4QVItWFRoYmpLLTFmcmdnaHNNZU1aTldUREVJM3c1NWZ5THJPc0N6cGpYVlRtQnNUMWJydDJ4bGh4c3pTazdidXphdz09 |
Welcome to our History Questions Thread!
This thread is for all those history related questions that are too simple, short or a bit too silly to warrant their own post.
So, do you have a question about history and have always been afraid to ask? Well, today is your lucky day. Ask away!
Of course all our regular rules and guidelines still apply and to be just that bit extra clear:
Questions need to be historical in nature. Silly does not mean that your question should be a joke. [r/history](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/) also has an active [discord server](https://discord.com/invite/r-history-284001693044310016) where you can discuss history with other enthusiasts and experts. | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydlhjM2IxckZHc2Ewb2lXVDJzT25ZQVdEc2dZMDU4R3NqeHh3V2hoSGVPdXgyRks3QlpNN0lsaHdHdXU0TFFZRDNDV2c5THpGcFlQM0pPTDlWZlFvQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzLUlPWE1JN0gxalhlbzUtRFo0Tnd4R2F1bWZtTGMzSXdaeHFqU2F5ZGVacGMyUmZQcm5kQmRBdktybENPU2hFTWltYjJKY3lkOVYtRUw5dlFqSXdwUmVNUV9iUVl2ZVlBa0IxeXV1dk9sTmhlVDhkQ1EwLUowYUM0S05xcHBGbXJBZGdXVTlVTVdwaFVFLVE3VkV3T2xLS0xpR09SUVhPdWU1RlNTN0hsam1wNXhxRkppbk0ycGw5aTZMcmhfeVdo |
This year i had an off n on relationship with someone.
In the beginning it was pretty stable. She told me she wasnt the best communicator, but i often had dreams in which she would communicate to me what she was thinking and/or feeling. Then, in reality, she would either say verbatim what was communicated in my dream or communicate the essnce of what she said. It was really freaky.
I often had dreams of us having a conflict before an off period, and had dreams of reconciliation before an on period. It was super confusing.
A while back, during an on period, I had two dreams. In one dream, she consulted a witch to send a channeled message to me that she thought that I was her soulmate and that she was sorry for pushing me away. A day later i had a dream she sent me a text breaking up with me. Then in reality she sent me the exact text from my dream.
Hurt, I stayed away from her. But then shit started getting freaky as fuck. I would be out in public and the second I get close enough to hear a conversation, someone would say her name.
I would have dreams in which she transformed into a stray cat, then I would see that cat next to my car before leaving for work in reality.
She would sing songs to me in my dreams about how sorry she was, then in reality I’d go somewhere in public, hear the song, and the moment i recognized the song from my dream, id hear her name, or see a reminder of her.
I spend a lot of my time driving and Id often see license plates with her name on it cut in front of me or almost hit me, which is NOT a common enough name to put on a license plate.
I went on a date with another woman and when I looked up i saw a license plate w her name on it that said “go<3 ___”. I had a dream that she was waiting for me to make a move pleading with me.
Id often go on social media and see women with her name posting thirst traps or ootd’s set to songs that communicated some variation of “im sorry i miss you please come back im sorry.”
We had plans to go to a music festival. I didn’t buy tickets because i had a dream we were headed for another off season lol. i was at a grocery store and a car parked next to me had the dates of the music festival on its license plate.
I ran into her in public at a place she knows I go to often (that id often take her to) and she played coy when i asked her what was up. I was like you know i go here and she was like “oh really….” We went our separate ways.
Lmao i know this all sounds like bullshit but im so deadass. I talked to my friend whos family did brujeria to stop their patriarch from drinking and she said it sounded similar to what he experienced.
Idk what to do. A shaman said I was safe? And that it was safe to let my guard down? but idk I’m salty bc she broke up with me and now is telling me shes my soulmate. And on top of that shes not saying or doing anything in reality to communicate how she feels except stalking my social media profile.
Her birthdays coming up and ive been debating whether or not i should reach out. Then i went to a grocery store and bought a sweet and the expiration date had her bday. The following morning i saw a car with her name on the license plate on my drive back home.
Its hard to trust her anymore. I want to reach out and encourage a convo to figure out what her deal is but i dont wanna make myself vulnerable to anymore silly ass games. It was her fault we broke up, not mine. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyYVdsRGdlV0JLQWxSWG1XT0VzMng5em5FaXpKMjdfV0wzMmZNME9yTnlzRkpCczJZWExJLXN0V2RqaENZS09SelNwc0ROeTQtSTJ2N2JHYWZ6dHZhQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzbmI0Ym44WDNsYUVhUFdkVHBXR193THBMaW1zSmQxQ2ZpQk1vb05CNl9rT1V2QU1HdDRhVVpSaWw1UHdBUjk4eWk1U2tuamJJWVN1OF90Q292a1REcWhsV015anJ0YjRsMmZiZDlzX2JLUWJvaEJmMzRxeG9mTGFqTi1PdTJlQkV0QjlKZTgtcVFTemt1eTR5LVlRVHo0eTZwY3pwaEttcWpnWmpZU2ZQV09uZDFJRWdoYUJwQnE2bmhULU9VWWprOER6NExrTnRJNVJkdzQ1c2ZMVno5UT09 |
I've just been thinking about this question.
How much sense does it make from an absurdist POV to follow our dreams, knowing there is no sense in them, and then in the case we accomplish them, feeling great, but after a while, we come back to normal life.
Load up now or regret. time to fly. Don't cry 😭 if you fall behind. All bag holder fasten your seat belt.. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVEFCaGFnQmxoTG1odDgxbFFReU0xd0dseU10ZGNHWE1aU3BWXzJEd0ZmU1YwS0lIUWpETDR6S0R2QUMxOFkyUEFZaWVoQm5LSnNnWWJEMkZCR0Z5U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcDhacm9MYnJjWUxFY2Z6QzR3ZzlianBGY3BoeGp6d3FHbkk5YlkwVGR4azNHTHJhV0tiYWtDXzBhdGRGVHozcUl4Zk00R25IOUtKS3VwbDdPYWpuSmQzeXNVYnRSa3AyaVBma25QU0RWUmhnbmo0VXR1SFdTRkFLNnBHOFBDWkRobmtVZEFWeXBhY3VoNW5kOHpacVlnPT0= |
It feels like 2021 all over again with how bitcoin is doing | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycmJ6bkYtRlFqUzdtaDN1R2plRTU5RDlSTzRtUzVaWmRRcHN4Z25HSGtzOVlxVWJXY1VfS1NxdGNTNnlXUXlWam9Ga0V3eWpiTU1ZZUxXRDFjTnl3Nmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSG1DOEFTUHRBa0VFX2N1NU9ad3Q5UnBfaGl1dnRVVVkwTkRGSDk4U2NiYjhNaGhjcTd6aklPbElrSF9lZVhBV05VMXVuQ0hJcEJnNzRVZ0c1Y0tzQWxHalJ5bDFZOFRiUk5TR1EwcTJ4ajZQaGJkOG1uYXFRTlN6VVdZUTVBd1JsUW1iUnFxdFVqREtrNTRiYnQ4MkptTUNkOHVIZV9Mb21ZeXdoMHhDN0w3T1FiSzh2VUt3Y1ZqZ3d4VmRQTTN5ckRNZFRrU041eE0td3JDUXBHR0VRZz09 |
Hello! I am always interested in the paranormal and such, and me and 3 other buddies went to an old house that was apparently dated back to the 1790s-1800s
My three buddies have went to this place before and all experienced activity such as
- Videos being turned weirdly into purple
- Voices of a woman being heard
- footsteps mainly upstairs
- things falling or dropping
It is a large white house that has been abandoned for a long time because the original owner died and never got sold or passed on.
Me and my buddies enter the building from the back, and explore the entire building. If I remember it was about 6 ( including what looked like bath rooms )rooms downstairs and a upstairs with 4 larger rooms. There was an attic but we didn't want to go fully up there so we had one of our buddies chill at the entrance and watch
The weirdest thing we see is when we walk into this closet and seeing a chair facing out the window. As one of my buddies tries to leave he throws something to scare the other who's currently on a ladder to investigate the attic.
As we leave we started hearing things fall. Like wood and other things on ledges. I was in the back of the line of the four of us as we hear many things fall near us almost like they were being thrown by somebody. I can see a piece of wood almost hit my friend in the front. We exit out of the front entrance and I can hear pieces of wood landing next to us.
We enter our car and got the HELL outa there. I've always wanted to share this experience, but nobody i told this too other than the 3 other friends believe me. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRmh5UERvZFFPRzZxUFl3WjZUT1BsdUVRd0hyZy15LWZ5TGZva0ttVFNySEl6emM5UW9EcFNTMVEzbWRfQnVaRG0zdVhDZWJkNTkwRUctTXNuU0NlZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzNVo3cHdXVnJXVHhLb3pJM3dwZWplQnFEX01ZRGtZdG1tNTE0SFB1OGpYbFBsZWpuZnRlTXFUem1oTFVOZ21RM3JaOEhWWktJUmFCMXRkakRZUlF4NEdwdkJEenkxX0J2VE1oQTZqdzZlT3N2LXJZdFljVERqUFQ4MXdyazhzMkpkZVRVeG9wNEg1RFV5MGpnd2tDZnh3Sm15WThzM0FVWDZaTWRhZEF6TkNFPQ== |
I’m not very knowledgeable on the paranormal, but i had a very weird experience tonight. I work at a pretty large theatre and i was ushering tonight. Pretty much the girl i was ushering with and i had to split up cause it got busy and we had tons of theaters to clean. To preface this, the girl i was ushering is very short compared to me (im like 5”7”) and i usually know if someone’s in a theatre cleaning because if they come in to help they usually bring a trash troller or let you know you’re come to help . So anyways im in this theater cleaning and i get to the third row away from the top and im facing away from the exit and i start hearing footsteps, i was a little confused bc i didn’t hear the trash trolley, her keys, or her voice calling out she was coming in there. so i turn around and scan the room and as i looked up towards the top of the theatre i see a woman around my height running from the start to the end of the row and i freak the hell out because once she reaches the end it’s like boom she’s gone. it was all kind of a blur, the woman i saw almost had like a blur filter on her. i don’t know if i was just getting tired from working late or what. there’s some rumors that our theater is haunted but idk if it’s true or not, also i’m not the best storyteller so i hope this came out right and doesn’t sound too wack lmao. i figured someone in here would know what was up | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVlhvT2pBLWp1clJtbER2Y25uSXN6NTFYMHYyRExqcVFPSzFFYnJOMWpYSnZZcWFzWElLR2tGVFpQN0RCTHJPeU1BdGtsbl92MFpMNXg5RmFwYU90V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTFFGbkRPVzZCMDFXaUZYakVrZ1JSNzJxQkV3eFUtaVRjR3MwSC1URU5ONm11dVZ6ZzdJUHNoZ2hoZ0ptcTZMNVJZUE82cUpVcmRCWWJqOEJBSHFrNUd0VHlBaUhvc2QzdkFmWG5EempMcmZJejFXLTdRVWRxU01xT3lsSjltVkhkYURvNHR2MEFJVWhsRzhjRGlZbVlfeWN6VXNTaHA4bWlkSjc0RE5tMXFnPQ== |
So if I’m understanding correctly, the absurd man is he who realises how absurd it is that we try and find meaning in a universe that doesn’t care. I might not be 100% accurate, but I’m new to this so let’s not split hairs.
Yet, absurdism is the act of looking for meaning in a universe that doesn’t care. So shouldn’t the absurd man be the one who looks for meaning rather than the one who realises how absurd that is?
A little bit of background: I was gathering a compendium on West African mythological weapons for a personal project, and I was focused on two swords displayed a myriad of times on the famous Benin Bronzes, the Ada and Eben, but sadly there is little information on the two blades, after an eternity of researching and posting on the Historum African Forum I gathered a lacklustre amount of information on its origin and then I was urged to commit the ultimate taboo......... and that was to use Wikipedia for sources on African history, and to my expectations, it was so horrendous I assume it's by a guy who knows nothing about swords or someone who is neither of the Edo or Yoruba ethnic group, So I'll try clean it up, I will detail everything I picked up, here's the Wiki link by the way.
Background: The editor convolutes his sources, conflates the many different "Ada" for a single sword that is of a similar type, and refuses to make that distinction, despite his source doing so. He then goes into historical revisionism on a bad fringe attempt.
Error Number One taken from the Introduction section: "***State swords have been used for centuries to represent the ancient rights bestowed from Ife to various Yoruba, Yoruboid, and neighbouring groups, including the*** [***Fon***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fon_people)***,*** [***Ga***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ga-Adangbe_people)***, and*** [***Benin Kingdom***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Benin)***".*** Great!
Slight Problem here is his source for this, (*Art and Risk in Ancient Yoruba: Ife History, Power, and Identity, c. 1300)* Suzanne Preston Blier says: "During coronations, individual Yoruba Kings would contact the Oranmiyan priest at Ife (Eredumi) to acquire a "sword of state" a tradition purportedly followed by the Edo, Fon, and Gan kings as well. Such a ritual in essence served to both promote and legitimize the use of these ^(long swords) throughout the broader area."
About that...... the Ada nor the Eben are longswords or Long swords or Long-swords (Poynor et. al 2024)
Take a look:
And here is a long sword ([ https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/27966](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/27966) ):
And no, the author has no reason to refer to the Ada or the Eben in this matter as long swords, there is no context in that section of the book where she would need to.
So whatever sword she was referring to was not the Ada or the Eben swords, though as you'll see later on, I'm sure the editor was referring to the Ada.
The next error is found in the "**Àdá"** section where he states: "*The Ada took the forms of the* ***Hwi*** *and* ***Gubasa*** *which were mandatory among the Fon in the coronation of every ruler*". This is FALSE his source for such a claim is "*Sandra T Barnes Africa's Ogun, Second, Expanded Edition: Old World and New"*
The editor conflates Amose's "Great Sword of Justice and the Fon Sword of Ogun" and then bizarrely conflates both for the Gubassa sword which he then conflates for an Ada blade then he conflates the Benin "Ada" for the Oyo Sword of Justice....... let me put this bluntly THEY ARE NOT THE SAME SWORD. You the reader are confused, aren't you?
Here is the source:[ https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8OWjkR-1btMC&q=gubasa+sword+justice&redir\_esc=y#v=onepage&q=gubasa%20sword%20justice&f=true](https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8OWjkR-1btMC&q=gubasa+sword+justice&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=gubasa%20sword%20justice&f=true)
Let me break it down: Amos speaks about the symbolic meaning of the sword in the religion of the Fon people *not A sword but swords* so no particular sword was in the conversation initially,
So next was the Great Sword of Justice that Amos noted to being the same type as an Edo Ada mind you, NOT THE SAME SWORD but the same type of an "Ada" blade, for example
**The Longsword Type XVIIIc**
**Longsword Type XVa**
These are two different longswords, mind you they are the same "type" of a sword but are ultimately different whether it be in grip, ricasso or pommel, which leads to a separate categorization or development (Oakeshott, 1991). The same Idea falls for the "Ada" blade where there are different types of "Ada" one of them being the Sword of Justice referenced by Amos, but the Benin Ada is not the same Sword of Justice and has its separate origin predating the Ife Kingly title (I Joseph, 2014). This shows how the editor conflates blades under the "Ada" category of being the same sword under the Sword of Justice when they are all different. Amos and Poynor adhere to this idea and consistently refer to them as different "types" of swords, but not the same, so it is prevalent in academia.
Now the claim the Gubassa and Hwi are Ada blades is blatant misinformation, I'm not as well studied on the Hwi but I'm confident both blades are different, he claims the sword of Justice "Ada" the Fon King got from Ife was the Gubassa, which in Fon myth is directly from Gu (The Iron and fire God) and is NOT from Ife.
([ https://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/25-2/Benin.pdf](https://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/25-2/Benin.pdf) )
So to Summarise this section of the debunk, There are many swords of the "Ada" type as pointed out by Amos, the Sword of Justice, Benin Ada and Ada Ogun, and many more I presume.
The Gubassa and Hwi are NOT ADA SWORDS, nor are they under that classification.
The next section of the debunk is the "**Abẹ̀rẹ̀**" where he states *An Abere is a Yoruba word for a state sword said to be used by different tribes. Cyril Punch in his visit to the king of Benin in 1889, documented the use of a fan-like blade being twirled in the hands of chiefs during a ceremony. In his illustrations, he labelled and referred to the object as an “Ebere”. While his account contains the earliest known written name of the sword in the Benin kingdom, this type of object is more commonly known today as an “Eben” by the Edo people. A divergence in names for the same object is not a strange thing, as even across Yoruba dialects, the Owo people refer to their ceremonial fan blade as an “Ape”.*
One thing you'll immediately notice is the lack of information in comparison to the "Ada" Section and it makes complete sense when you realise its unsourced assumption after assumption after assumption, No source to prove the linguistic change from Abere to Ebere from a Yoruba Linguist or a historian shows its already sketchy enough, It is no secret that the Eben Twirling Blade is unique to the Benin Kingdom, unlike the "Ada" types of blade prevalent throughout Yorubaland.
Many Yoruba Kingdoms indeed have the Eben blade, but those are Yoruba Kingdoms (Like Owo, Warri and Lagos) uniquely under domination by the late Benin Empire or within the EdoPeoples's sphere of influence, which due to the empire was quite dominant in eastern Yorubaland ( Akintoye, 1969), the citation here by Professor Akintoye is a well regarded academic on Yoruba History and wrote A History of the Yoruba People in 2010, and still conceded the fact that the Oval sword seen in Northwestern Yorubaland (Eben) is of Edo Origin (Akintoye, 1969).
Now the Pictures he used........ lmao not even those are accurate
One of the pictures is the Udamalore of the Owo Kingdom which is a form of an *udà* a blade that is distinct from an Àdá (Poynor, 2024).
Here is an Udamalore:[ https://mitp.silverchair-cdn.com/mitp/content\_public/journal/afar/57/3/10.1162\_afar\_a\_00775/3/m\_afar\_a\_00775.figure.15.jpeg?Expires=1733553201&Signature=q5jiTinpZRXs7ldkM65p2ZKQZeMl0zlprXZULIq2WxBDQMG7s-xrWj6wNPyQBTLqqUHX4mrkqFmXMHTLj9luyacBqRxE9UuIdCaVv1lmV5eJwmhQagEtPWv2p1nTmgngQ0fG1vbCjtxaeFLBJqf9\~AyjwlV5MC9-JDkRlWi6RPtjJkgwFb4UuSjKI2cPdA9t2RvO6YnzwORXOC-1KVBKlfHWKBVF8bJPJHNjZ7WT9PvD1SN\~CvxtI\~2SjNIcF6TUFxzP44wRR3XbMUJ6exNeDByToTMZ-ksDlGQTjbkg4VlVO0UpUanqg8ehOBUF4Q54Q7syum80a0kdZy0VC8YOgg\_\_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA](https://mitp.silverchair-cdn.com/mitp/content_public/journal/afar/57/3/10.1162_afar_a_00775/3/m_afar_a_00775.figure.15.jpeg?Expires=1733553201&Signature=q5jiTinpZRXs7ldkM65p2ZKQZeMl0zlprXZULIq2WxBDQMG7s-xrWj6wNPyQBTLqqUHX4mrkqFmXMHTLj9luyacBqRxE9UuIdCaVv1lmV5eJwmhQagEtPWv2p1nTmgngQ0fG1vbCjtxaeFLBJqf9~AyjwlV5MC9-JDkRlWi6RPtjJkgwFb4UuSjKI2cPdA9t2RvO6YnzwORXOC-1KVBKlfHWKBVF8bJPJHNjZ7WT9PvD1SN~CvxtI~2SjNIcF6TUFxzP44wRR3XbMUJ6exNeDByToTMZ-ksDlGQTjbkg4VlVO0UpUanqg8ehOBUF4Q54Q7syum80a0kdZy0VC8YOgg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
And here is an Uda:[ https://mitp.silverchair-cdn.com/mitp/content\_public/journal/afar/57/3/10.1162\_afar\_a\_00775/3/m\_afar\_a\_00775.figure.14b.jpeg?Expires=1733553201&Signature=3CGKsCjuQecAtoD2h8jDu2c\~7fvqaGdJX1PzwOXyqaQXJbGYayQ5FAMrLSQonjreArrqIHzJgmR\~LxMl00FoF6EYXGE2OKS8sRNDf\~vRcfLEkFMH\~bk64H6RWexm8WQRU2PMF7Fv3GdhjdXGiB8oKBiWkrY1QbKClPI5cGql4ga0WhZvqMK9ZemmikmgfVhoHlUdnZgybN\~R8n2nwIcUvqPfuv9MMy5pvHB6pqeDhUfIvpk14V6YcjKxXgUhTiTELzxdbeJk05J8BlI\~QVFbr2mtFnmQ-Ldp-8Uz0zXPwUPHeX88MblP-Zc7MdAS1lVhTdsbdMwwDAoyr\~G-IUH-ZQ\_\_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA](https://mitp.silverchair-cdn.com/mitp/content_public/journal/afar/57/3/10.1162_afar_a_00775/3/m_afar_a_00775.figure.14b.jpeg?Expires=1733553201&Signature=3CGKsCjuQecAtoD2h8jDu2c~7fvqaGdJX1PzwOXyqaQXJbGYayQ5FAMrLSQonjreArrqIHzJgmR~LxMl00FoF6EYXGE2OKS8sRNDf~vRcfLEkFMH~bk64H6RWexm8WQRU2PMF7Fv3GdhjdXGiB8oKBiWkrY1QbKClPI5cGql4ga0WhZvqMK9ZemmikmgfVhoHlUdnZgybN~R8n2nwIcUvqPfuv9MMy5pvHB6pqeDhUfIvpk14V6YcjKxXgUhTiTELzxdbeJk05J8BlI~QVFbr2mtFnmQ-Ldp-8Uz0zXPwUPHeX88MblP-Zc7MdAS1lVhTdsbdMwwDAoyr~G-IUH-ZQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIE5G5CRDK6RD3PGA)
Also, an Ada-Ogun as he shows for some reason, can be any blade or sword as long as it's Ceremonially for Ogun. his source ( mentions sword(s) and not a single sword, another such case...... as well as the insane variety of an "Ada-Ogun"
A Dagger-like Ada-Ogun
A "Hwi but less bulbous" looking Ada-Ogun
The most "Ada-looking" Ada-Ogun
Those are just examples I've seen.
Next is the **Archaeology section**, where he states: *Whether for ceremonial use, or conventional use, it is evident that swords across these cultures have taken on varied identities, and many early oral traditions point to Ife as a source of their royal authority. Archaeological discoveries of ancient sword carvings in rock have been found in Ife.*
**" And many early oral traditions point to Ife as a source of their royal authority"**
**W**ell no. Let's run the List shall we
Benin Ada and Eben - From the Ogiso (I. Joseph 2014)
Ada-Ogun - From Ogun (Witte, 1976)
Sword of Justice Ada - From Ife (Barnes, 1997)
Gubassa- From Gu ([ https://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/25-2/Benin.pdf](https://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/25-2/Benin.pdf) )
Udamalore - From the Ancestors (Poynor, 2024)
And finally, you know one really funny thing that I didn't even realise while making this, NONE OF HIS SOURCES MENTION THE BLADES, absolutely none mention the Eben except dictionaries and only Johnson and Amos indirectly call out the Ada but not the Benin Ada blade lmao but a similar type. It was all a very terrible attempt and a reach by the editor to reach some kind of obvious conclusion that the eben originates from Ife, despite literally 0 scholars claiming so and even for an original Concept the research was so badly put together and incoherent, and people will be believing it to since it's on wiki.
1. I Hold in My Hand … Prestige, Rank, and Power, Robin Poynor and Babatunde Onibode, 2024
2. Vol. 4(1), S/No 13, January, 2015:1-17 ISSN: 2225-8590 (Print) ISSN 2227-5452 (Online) DOI:[ http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijah.v4i1.1](http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijah.v4i1.1)
3. Oakeshott, E. (1964). *The sword in the age of chivalry*. Boydell Press
4. Akintoye, S. A. *The North-Eastern Yoruba Districts and the Benin Kingdom*. Humanities Press, 1971. | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaUtkTDB2YUhzSFJUS3I1amtOdDhnUGJ0SEgxV2kwN3B2YjQ1QjZMYWktaVJtQ0JCaV85djAwd0hNcTg4Rko3OGtRa0pqTUNnVkhHY2oxM1VZUDl0WXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTTk2bXVYOHRsMVJNLUg5c2Z5dk9YRnJJM3N1Zm9KblV1Y3U4em5ZSGhHRTkyTE5uTmx5d1hZT1ZaR2c2Y1VZeUliWWJNVGcwbmJNdU1sZ3poODRSbWlBLXZzVm8xdXZyZ3pWQkVxeW1LMU9TRk1FeFI4Ty1RSkFac0FwTFJiX2RSamQzWWVOTm5oak9Dc2o5YmZKTjU2Y1NFU2lrLTFvUXVJYVBYVFRkM3l4ZWVPU3hlNDlMUnFjSVV1djFKRkFCTEVQdklkQldEZ2hybENQbFFKSXJmdz09 |
TLDR; Got brain damage and made some music to cope. Link to music at the bottom of post.
Hello Reddit.
Six months after becoming a father, I had an accident which resulted in PCS (Post Commotio Syndrome), which is classified as a mild traumatic brain injury.
I was quite reduced and had to quit my work. My vision was damaged and I had severe mental fatigue. No longer able to plan, do logistics, or even think very well, I mostly acted on instinct, and had to rest in a dark room for 30 minutes for every hour that passed.
Things were pretty difficult for the entire family. But we managed as best we could. Thankfully, my son, being six months old, was to young to understand what was happening.
In the early morning hours, when I was looking after my son I started playing some simple chord progressions on my guitar. It felt good to play, and it seemed like he didn't mind at all, singing along in his blabbering way. I could only play about five minutes a day due to my sound sensitivity and mental fatigue, but those five minutes meant a lot to me. It made me feel peaceful and a bit productive I think.
I started to record the riffs and vocals on my phone, and when I had the energy I wrote down some lyrics.
I think it became a way of therapy for me. Writing down feelings which I did not have the energy or courage to express to anyone.
Anyway, all this resulted in six songs, which I recorded over a time span of two years.
The result is quite unpolished and raw, but I might as well share it.
So, if you want to hear how songs written, sung and played by a brain damaged man sounds like, be my guest and take a listen in the link below.
And yes, ask me anything and I'll answer as many questions I can. Thank you for reading :)
[https://imgur.com/a/ap5JzHI](https://imgur.com/a/ap5JzHI) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNnoydWlldVFOUlo4TmdoX1JPaHY5TFJjTDlxQy1RVy1rUU1aT2l6Qlk2NHg3SnRmRm1OcTQ1STYwQ2dzWnVrR00zS1VqbGFLUEFLbHlLMWs0ckQyMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMHYxZENoOE5mamR6ZUNpZWhaVG03MFRnVVhnWVZxRVQ4YlhacThfRFp1ckJEV3V2blBfTkhZREl0Z0VQWjlLUFN4WjI0SFhTVkEtc2RjaDhyNU1wVXhhVkcyM2pjRWkzUUJscWEzdlhzMGU5ZWNXcHhaSzRSZXVMZnY2Rk1SSkE4QTg2cnhQQVMxNlNqNGRCaXdvQ3JQbDRDcHpDaVRDdHZVMlVTeXlhdThfRWdUMklRa1ptYVBwMGR2NzcyTzBQ |
Which country would you say is a cheaper version of Japan? Cheap but still organised, clean and polite like Japan... ? Thanks! | r/asia | post | r/asia | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRDhjVHlrM1FFWHQ2Yy1SdzlOZmlieXhBY0tWWHdubjczQTUyd3VWSTNhUnVhVWVEUy0yR0FlMkw3ZzBnenpONXotc1BCNzRiTWtyTUo5S2ZIdWw1OUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzelRUeDNucnFvLWF0Q2FHYkkxX3BuNzBzeVpYeWxZZFBjUlNUXzhyU3ZjdEZXelpvQ0I0c2tNZDg4Q1ZRYnhONTZEbHJwbXhUUktDZURFeEl5WTZQSnRjX1ZKOGZnYzAxa1Nra1NZTThvcEhlNzBVVk5FcjNqM3I3RkFvOEpJU0RNNHdFdGFUN195djF4aGlSaEZ1YjMyMTNnZURNMnF5QXA2TXFQa1BtdWxEZlM4QWE4Nk5EZ0RYTE1UM2dMdFJS |
Never thought I’d see myself owning ETC again but yet here I am. ETC is so undervalued at the moment and I have a feeling we are going to see another Kansas City Shuffle where the attention is on ETH over the next 6 months but we see ETC go crazy… just like the last bull cycle.
Time to load up again gentlemen.
To the moon 🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNlRNeEF0Z0IxWlkxYXNGclViSnlDbU9aeDNpb21nN1ZZT2ZWQXpleWQyNGZCU1cxSHJsQTJ6SURxNG82dnZGQ2oydFM0UnNBclF4cXlkOFdtdHBFMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzV0tSYVhTd2RKR1F5WUgySUV0bU1qZEVfRjRBV0x5ZjNqU3d1SElyVU40dTNUd1JjREQwOFZXOXB6X0hWNlh6cVUtX3JOWjJpcUhKZFE3RjZJM2RQaHlleU9PbGJJOXRycDRlYmYyMWZsSVljNXdRTzFWemtqR0FPMEI3SW9sbllwNHR3WXFnakRySnJ4RE4yb2xFRDBwNHdZcXlJZW9USUJ0SlpQVE5nZlk4PQ== |
I’m not sure if this is the right place for this… but I had such a weird experience last night and would like to know if anyone knows why this happened or if I’m just losing my mind? I was just doing my nails and suddenly the thought of this house that my husband and I almost rented 6 years ago popped into my head. It got stuck in my head like a song would. So weird. I had a quick what I guess I’d call a vision. I could briefly see the house with our things inside. I could feel love and some sadness. Maybe saw an empty crib? It’s been slowly fading like a dream would, but it certainly wasn’t a dream!
I was able to look back at my Facebook messages from 2018 with that landlord and it was almost exactly 6 years ago to the day that we toured that house! So strange! I’ve never had anything like that happen before. My husband and I do have a son now who has a terminal genetic condition (we had no idea we were both carriers). Maybe in an alternate timeline we lost a baby before it was born or shortly after?
Has anyone else ever had something like this happen or am I having some sort of mental episode?! Never had anything like this before… I wouldn’t even say I’m a believer in alternate universes/timelines. I wasn’t completely immersed in a different place like I’ve read others experience. It was more fleeting but also all-consuming. | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyUVpxUDlkXzNubkp3ci1PYmt1a2ZWUVJOay04MVVSRzZ1R1I4Vjg3dmN4WXRuOHBid2RhMFNhb1RyVVc2RHlwMDF1blEyMGlHZi1UbS1yVUpPYjNiUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZjVON3ZCLTljaVh1TUZoTVB4aXNjdkNLX0tOUVFOdVVna2N2SWo0NVdxZ1Y1YXhCS1RtVzVSb3g1ZWkzWE95MG8xYU9RX3pnUlVvUEFYZGcwbE5WejFUb0F4Y2xvV3pXQ2h3OU9aLTJNa1RLUDdfMGZLSU1Vc3doWGRvTDkyb190TGZfV3oxOWhZN0pDRDdHVF9WVEtPZ1o5OEFNTWJRZ0NoNklVVUR2dVdEd254SzdpVUEtR1VISGRSeDJzSTB1 |
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* Arguments that aren't substantive enough to meet PR2.
* Open discussion about philosophy, e.g. who your favourite philosopher
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Y’all what gives? Every coin is up since the 10am (pst) dip yesterday besides ETC. it’s still under that local high. Come on now, let’s get the party started and catch the f up.
Side note: last run up, ETC & Doge mirrored each other. Whenever doge was running, etc would drop. I’m wondering if some of those same swaps exist and since doge is running, etc is struggling. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWnRScTI2dFhNRlZILWFfYlJ3dFM5X05pMzJvWHlka3h2eHBQTjZzUWNOTUtXTUhTZVVYY0JKRXlVSU82V1oxbzZ5aVBzdFdDLUxLN3E0ai1mbWQ5RWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTGVSV0tZQ25kS24yaUd0MHlWdEtqN2ZYeV85NDlGRlNwS2l1eEwwOHQtSWlrOFhORlVEbGJNWEdCSWxYMXVJbVdOcHNRVlg0a0U5Ykt1cHM2NnIyLVl5dHY4R19tUWxodlZkcUl6R09WVmYwTjJvNjJuSzlvSHZHMzg4eVhjdlRrc1RHNGdFM3JzcW5LVjRTLWN5QlpLbnBPNVJ2bEdXUlBZMm0xbDhmN1pFPQ== |
**Crosspost**: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1gjk24f/hi\_im\_will\_wright\_the\_sims\_simcity\_spore\_proxi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1gjk24f/hi_im_will_wright_the_sims_simcity_spore_proxi/)
Hi. I'm Will Wright, game designer and creator of The Sims, SimCity, Spore, and the upcoming life simulation game Proxi. Over the years, I've had the fortune to work with incredible teams and communities, and I'm excited to answer some questions in my first Reddit AMA.
>While I despise most social media, I've always been inspired by the creativity and passion of communities like Reddit.
>Thank you to everyone who's supported my games over the years—it's been amazing to see how each of you has made these worlds your own.
>Proof: [https://x.com/Team\_Proxi/status/1853490429121221046](https://x.com/Team_Proxi/status/1853490429121221046)
>We're working on Proxi, a new AI-driven life simulation game that lets you make magical connections with your memories and bring them to life. Your enthusiasm means everything to us at Gallium Studios.
>In the spirit of community, and in the theme of Proxi, I'd love for you to share your favorite memory along with your questions for me. Your stories inspire us.
>Let's dive into some questions and keep creating worlds together. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFydlhyVnVrNUM1Y2xLZVFGRU54MnhYNGxfb0dtYXEzMXZWMGRFNTVRT3pIVUxnUTY2ZTRrdFFtTVdfdS1aUWc4MGhfZTdOYUl3ZDQteTFWUi1zQm5DekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdDFZY29EU1dYZkNBdGpqdFFKZHNSMXN4a0h5ajZPblFNaG5GM1kxMU9lR2FwUkNVSndOdlYxYWxYMFVvb3ZNSGlfemp0cEdWZ1c3ZnJRNzJ1S3h0M2lsTEItbHc4ZE5XYi1reTR0a2RoSFhVeFVZY3hfWFB6V3NmQ2dXYzBJQnlDamtzclM0aW5fY00xdGZYRHlZRXlrUUxZQ19IVkJ1Z0RNYU9hZWN5aGkzNEJhSW5XbDE0N1ZZbUl6MjF2anQ4 |
My name is [Clinton](https://postimg.cc/PvHkgZhc). For the last (almost) ten years, I've been doing a full time job in the UK that is something I haven't come across anyone else doing (whether in the UK or elsewhere).
When business owners want to sell a business, they tend to go to a business broker / M&A firm / investment bank. In the UK, there are about 1,000 firms who handle the sale of businesses. Choosing the right one is difficult.
I have an extensive database of who does what, the geographical area they cover, the fees they charge, their sector expertise and all kinds of other information.
If the business is small, they are often better off doing a DIY sale and I have [plenty of free info](https://ukbusinessbrokers.com/gallery/) on my site to assist them do a DIY sale without having to pay any fees.
If they business is larger, say 5 million in revenue or 500K in profit, I charge them a fee to assist them find the broker (or, more accurately, "advisory firm") best suited to that particular business and the owners' exit goals.
It's a strange job, sure, but I've come across a lot of interesting stuff in my time. Ask Me Anything. :)
PS: I also mod the [](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellMyBusiness/) sub for discussions around buying / selling businesses. Please feel free to join the sub and jump into the conversations. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFycnpfSF9aZjgwYVB2dHRHRFZvQnNfdGdaT3RUMzFrcUNEVlVJZXBhYXRqalA0VlpXcUcybmVkSVM2VjJCbDBJRzg2RDFfRy1IaXNCZ291V0ZmazFGMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSUVYSnNrcGtwSWFXVE1xc0VmOUY1dTI4MXhlSEZXaEFIQWRrS2gwR0dWUWxCMnBRYnZyVzNHdmVxTUtKR2duaDI4aWtCbS1yMFhkM2RscmYxWEl2a2E2eWFxVVRkOEZ1RUZlZUpKQVc1Wmx1LWhkSDlrTXFTbVZkZXNOOWsyaTBVd1gwWEl6TEY1aFhoSUQ5Nk5MSXF2Tm1vRmV1M09lYUxxckFEQWE4NUJGUExrTl80N29GWHRKNlNaN1phZUda |
Road map diagram here
Collaborating towards a joint goal gives rise to an understanding of mutual dependence and self-other equivalence between partners (Tomasello, 2016). These give rise in turn, respectively, to joint self-regulation and mutual altruism, and to equality, respect, fairness, and impartiality. These form the basis of evolved morality\*.
\* There are other kinds of evolved morality, namely: parenting, pair-bonding, patriarchy, kin selection (Perry, 2024).
The proposal is that collaborating towards joint goals, with its accompanying evolved psychology, gives rise to the behaviour called morality, and its accompanying evolved psychology.
**Dual-level psychology of collaboration**
Each partner, “you” and “I” is an agent with his or her own will and purpose. When they act and think intentionally together, they form a joint agent “we”, with joint thinking and joint goals, from which benefits are to be maximised all round.
The joint agent “we” consists of its individual partners “I” and “you”. Each has their own perspective on the collaboration. The perspective of the joint agent “we” is a “bird’s eye view” where it sees roles with people filling them. Each partner has their own role, and perspective on the joint goal, and their own goals: sub-goals of the overall goal, role ideals. These role ideals provide the basic pattern for norms and moral standards: a moral standard is a role ideal that belongs to any collaboration alike, such as, hard work, honesty, faithfulness, etc: to be an ideal collaborative partner.
To coordinate our thinking and intentionality, I may take your perspective, as you may take mine, on the collaboration.
The joint agent “we” governs you and I, so that I govern myself, and I govern you, and you govern me, on behalf of “us”.
We can break down the “road map” of how collaboration produces morality into its elements, and the links between them, and define the unfamiliar terms and concepts.
**Elements of the road map**
(1) collaboration
Engaging in joint or collective activity with others for mutual benefit.
(2) interdependence
Depending on one another: I need you, and you need me; I depend on you, and you depend on me. Symbiosis.
(3) self-other equivalence between collaborative partners
Partners are equivalent in several ways:
1. each is equally a causative force in the collaboration: each is equally necessary and responsible for what is done.
2. partners are interchangeable within roles, in that each role could in principle be played by any competent partner.
3. role ideals are impartial and apply equally to anyone who would play a particular role. Hence, each person's ego is equally constrained, and so, each is equal in status in this sense. None of us is free to do what we like, within the collaboration.
(4) mutual risk and strategic trust
I depend on you (2). What if you let me down, and fail to collaborate ideally, and we do not achieve our goal? There is mutual risk, because each depends on the other, and each may be weak and fallible. In order to get moving, in the face of risk, it is necessary for each partner to trust the other “strategically”: rationally and in one’s own best interests.
(5) mutual value
Because each partner needs (2) and benefits (1) the other, each partner values the other.
(6) equal status
Self-other equivalence (3) leads to a sense of equal status between partners.
(7) impartiality
The joint agent “we” governs every partner equally and impartially, since each partner is equivalent and equal (3).
(8) commitment
To reduce mutual risk (4), partners make a commitment to each other: they respectfully invite one another to collaborate, state their intentions, and make an agreement to achieve X goals together. This commitment may be implicit -we simply “fall into” it -or explicitly stated.
(9) legitimacy of regulation
Because we agreed to collaborate (8), we agreed to regulate ourselves in the direction of achieving the joint goal. The agreement gives the partners a feeling that the regulation is legitimate: proper and acceptable.
(10) mutual partner control, holding to account, responsibility
Mutual risk (4) and legitimacy of regulation (9) lead to partners governing each other and themselves in the direction of achieving the joint goal. This regulation takes the practical forms of:
1. partner control -partners govern each other through correction, education, “respectful protest”, punishment, or the threat of exercising partner choice -finding a new partner.
2. holding to account -I accept that I may be held to account for my behaviour, and you accept that I may hold you to account for your behaviour.
3. responsibility -the legitimacy tells me that I “should” be an ideal collaborative partner to you. Hence, I feel a sense of responsibility to you not to let you down in any way, and to see the collaboration through, faithfully, to the end.
(11) mutual empathic concern, gratitude and loyalty
If I need you and depend on you (2), I therefore value you (5) and feel empathic concern for your welfare. I am likely also to feel gratitude and loyalty towards you.
(12) mutual respect and deservingness
If I value you (5) and consider you an equal (6), and we are working together towards joint goals (1), then I am likely to feel that you deserve equal respect and rewards as myself.
(13) fairness
Because you are equally respected and deserving as myself (12), and we are making impartial judgements of behaviour and deservingness (everyone is treated the same regardless of who they are) (7), the only proper result is one of fairness where each partner is rewarded on some kind of equal basis.
(14) impartial regulation
The regulation of “us” (8, 9, 10), by you and I, and the regulation of you and I by “us”, is impartial because we are all equivalent (3).
Regulation (we > me)
This formula, “we is greater than me”, indicates that the joint agent “we” or “us” is ruling over “you” and “I”. I govern myself, and I govern you, and you govern me, in the direction of the joint goal, on behalf of “us”, legitimately and impartially.
Altruism (you > me)
This formula is about temporarily putting the interests of others above my own, in order to help them, out of charity, gratitude, loyalty, obligation, etc.
Fairness, respect (you = me)
Equality is the basis of fairness, in two ways: 1) egalitarianism is necessary for fairness in that bullies cannot share fairly: dominants simply take what they want from subordinates, who are unable to stop them; 2) deservingness is decided on some kind of equal basis, whether in equal shares, equal return per unit of investment, equal help per unit of need, etc.
**“The eye of reputation” observes and evaluates cooperative and uncooperative behaviour**
“Reputation” is shorthand for a number of related concepts:
1. my opinion of myself as a cooperator and moral person (personal cooperative or moral identity)
2. the opinion of my past or present collaborative partners of myself as a cooperator and moral person (cooperative identity)
3. my public reputation, the opinion of the world at large of myself as a cooperator and moral person (public moral identity, reputation)
The world, and my collaborative partners, are always monitoring me and evaluating my performance as a cooperator and moral person. In turn, through self-other equivalence (3), I do the same to myself, as I would any other person.
According to our reputation or cooperative identity, we may be chosen or not chosen as collaborative partners (partner choice). This can have important consequences as we all need collaborative partners in life. Hence, reputation and partner choice form the “big stick” that ultimately turns my sense of responsibility to be an ideal partner (10), into an obligation, if I know what is good for me.
Normativity is defined as the pressure to achieve goals. The diagram above connects with the structure of normativity (see diagram below). We may be socially normative (achieve our goals socially) in two ways: cooperatively, with others, to mutual benefit; and competitively, at the expense of others. There is also individual action which doesn't affect anyone else, and so is neither cooperative nor competitive.
In the diagram below, cooperation and competition are the two ways to thrive, survive and reproduce involving other people. The black “down” arrows mean “depends on, is a result of”, and the words in blue represent evolved drives, the achievement of which produces pleasure.
Perry, Simon -“Understanding morality and ethics”, 2024; [https://orangebud.co.uk/web\_book\_2.html](https://orangebud.co.uk/web_book_2.html)
Tomasello, Michael -“A natural history of human morality”, 2016; Harvard University Press | r/philosophy | post | r/philosophy | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyQ0toQTRTS1ZzNHYxQWhfT2RwS0VIVzdaV1pfT0NYSGVsbThRS1MycEludDZEQXpQU2FFRUpUQmtLYlBzZnktWGlMMThmLWVPa2cwblJrVDdTeXlCdVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMEYzNGlMYUN0VFhYVXZlMWdRNV94ZjlrVlZLTXFqeTByZDkxcUQyVVdTYjBGM055U3BiODIxell3NGl1TVZGLXg3d3NTSUthQ2lHbV80VGY1WGp3NEZWazJBUzVEb19mbUtIRzdyVTkyRzJoTWNDYjBnek15SFB4d3l2MlN6OGkxU0dlZGlqYVUta0NJcXphQTh0ek1Yd1AwUEFoNUtDVkwtRkxycnMyQU81ZzRiSzFOSzc1a3AxZm9ndW8xemVQ |
Hello there, i need a advice about some asic and connection pool | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyaEx6MFVWeEdPY1RlaFplay1aMlNRbk9uanU1VlVPTW9MT0M5RThERTU0TlFiV05POEVkR2VMbjJUTVNNUUtEMm9ValhDMUVXR0NDS1ZSV0hTQm9EZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzV2Q4U3NiTWhfbzg3RUhidUxCUjZmcmZtZXFWeUh5SF9nRk1CcHZBSDJHNTF5ZE9MQUZqRkhnaWo4TldmaTR5b3BzQkxXNmFtbXl3Q19NNkdmM0JhZ3hOVXJoWXRHcUhpV3ROQjg3UkpuUHlzZlFGd0R5WjBlaVZvVVVpMUhBODRxVHZQZEVtTXRJeFlfWWpGbF9lZlI3YWVMVkpOaFhQR25XTXh2dEd5bkVreGw4S1QtLUpESWMyMDdCZFlkQ1FoOWJYNmxuR2VKTkw0ZDk0Vk9rU0hPQT09 |
r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNmtEQ3pqXzhWeW9QdC1pcGdVUFA1T0Z4clY4TkJiY2ZyczVCNGlNQlZ1U3YtQXFIQWN5dXJxeVFvd0NiREpWOHlRVGFoS1JtUEh3Nm9QY1pmSktfcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzTjEyQkVxWjFIUWRHa0F4SldiVUxkNmJQVjdva1M4Y2g5UE5wUkJNRXlWR0pDTDAwckNkVFhwdVItdnk1VWhSMm5vZGdrT3gtU1c4aGY4REJVR3JWdHRqaFFDSkRZZF85VnVOaVhHV04xdjJNZjBMSkhTY21yTnlLUzlzUDF4c08wQ0VFMHFOb0U1akIyUG5UWUgwcTNMVTFZUzdEYzM5Y0NvZmp6NER5YVlDbjdkOFdKRUpJMmlnMVNEbGs1T3NIR1VsYWpGdXIwMDk1TEVYQTJER29NUT09 |
To me, this seems like it could pertain to a ‘post absurd’ sentiment. My only evidence is my own sentiments. Before I discovered absurdism, all practical problems in my life were merely distractions that I ignored while searching for my ‘passion.’ After I discovered absurdism and ‘recovered,’ I started putting effort into practical problems. For example; pre-absurdism, I could not have cared about my credit score the slightest bit, I thought a credit score was basically the last thing I should care about. Now, as an absurdist, this practical problem is just another game to be played, I approach the problem in a dispassionate manner and follow the rules to maintain a credit score that’s good enough. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyZEw0ampLMXllbXZwZXdGVVVxQ041SzhYdzNlVTZOYm01U2thZHVyOXNXS3ZvTDUxNXhIclljdjdaUTR3WjFtQVNVd1hXX0xCUWh6ZzVReXp4NUM5VUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzd3FiWXZkbGdMYldVWWxvRUVGSjlzdjJ0dHFZQy1zanZsVHZHOTF2ZVQ3d0Qwcll0NWpCazdjMVVHNzR1UWZFMjg2YUVWbVFPZ19EbnMzeTM3c3FIT29qNjhaY0s4S3ZJVXlONTBqYWZqYVZSOTVWWm9wV0RIa0liNFQyUFc1ZmpmOGlkcS1zSmdKeTRCaF9Kbktmc2xrSXI5MTQ5X0xxd1N6TUR3NFU4c0N1bll6M2NzaE9MWDhNS3dhOWlkdkRZVVUxRUlzaW1CaXI1MkphMjVJVGRDZz09 |
1. The Myth of Sisyphus
Author: Albert Camus
Description: Explores the absurdity of life and the human struggle to find meaning in an indifferent universe.
2. On the Genealogy of Morality
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Description: Critiques the origins of values and social constructs, challenging readers to question the foundations of human conventions.
3. Civilization and Its Discontents
Author: Sigmund Freud
Description: Examines the tension between individual desires and societal expectations, highlighting the repressiveness and arbitrariness of social structures.
4. Staring at the Sun
Author: Irvin D. Yalom
Description: Looks at existential psychology, exploring the ways humans face life, death, and meaning.
5. Fear and Trembling
Author: Søren Kierkegaard
Description: Delves into the paradoxes of faith and human ethics, questioning the arbitrary nature of values.
6. Homo Ludens
Author: Johan Huizinga
Description: Explores how human culture is shaped by play and games, suggesting that many social constructs are elaborate games.
7. Man’s Search for Meaning
Author: Viktor E. Frankl
Description: An accessible, inspiring account of finding meaning in life, even in the face of suffering, from Frankl’s experiences in concentration camps.
8. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Author: Douglas Adams
Description: A humorous sci-fi story exploring the randomness of existence and the absurdity of trying to find purpose in the universe.
9. The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Author: Alan Watts
Description: Uses a conversational tone to discuss identity, society, and self, challenging readers to see through the illusion of separateness.
10. The Tao of Pooh
Author: Benjamin Hoff
Description: Introduces Taoist philosophy through Winnie-the-Pooh characters, exploring the absurdity of over-complicating life and the value of simplicity.
11. Breakfast of Champions
Author: Kurt Vonnegut
Description: Uses dark humor and satire to explore human nature, free will, and American society, often with a focus on the arbitrary nature of human customs.
12. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Description: A conversational history of human evolution, exploring how social constructs, religions, and myths evolved and highlighting the absurdity of some human behaviors.
13. How to Be an Existentialist
Author: Gary Cox
Description: A light, practical guide to existentialism that encourages readers to live authentically, without relying on external meaning imposed by society.
14. Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives
Author: David Eagleman
Description: A collection of imaginative, humorous stories about possible afterlives, each offering unique insights on life, purpose, and humanity’s desire for meaning.
15. The World of Yesterday
Author: Stefan Zweig
Description: A nostalgic memoir reflecting on cultural norms and the pursuit of progress, with a sense of humor and irony about human society’s conventions.
16. This Is Water
Author: David Foster Wallace
Description: A thought-provoking commencement speech about mindfulness, challenging readers to reconsider routines and social norms, and how easily we take ourselves too seriously.
| r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyVDl2NklJc2ctNzcwNENDUGlCZVExQjNuNVNuNWNNQTV1Sjh1M0hOdkJLdFFNbUVVRmgzYW5Yb2d1OWpqMjk1QWY0TGpKenlodDNBbjhUVUNVR3l0aWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzWXhTdjhWd3Nva3kwcDhZOFdoaV9GbTNFUFBvMmdnQkFtazAxYmNtdzk4QTlFZTFUZGc4eEg4RGxCVTV4TzNQeWJzZGs5U3Q3dE9lV1RTTy12cXoxaDRpR3ZyTDhSLXphUWpjN3F2czRWY19TMTdKNVlvRjBpT1laSjhLOWVGYUY4bWU5U044T3IyWFRNWktTRUhBUmRwUUp4OWo1WTMtT2NZLUlIN29acU9ZemRGaktGY2lfUk5vWjUybjcxRFFkQXd3ZGp6UGFDMldmeF8zNDlZWnhqUT09 |
I’m Michelle Starr, an award-winning space reporter. I’ve been covering solar activity and solar maximum for the past 3 years at [ScienceAlert.com](http://ScienceAlert.com), as our star has become [more and more active](https://www.sciencealert.com/something-is-up-with-the-sun-and-it-could-mean-our-models-are-wrong?utm_source=reddit_ama).
Now, NASA has officially declared solar maximum is happening: [https://www.sciencealert.com/its-official-nasa-declares-the-solar-maximum-is-happening-now](https://www.sciencealert.com/its-official-nasa-declares-the-solar-maximum-is-happening-now?utm_source=reddit_ama)
What does that actually mean? Ask me anything about solar maximum and why it's important.
>UPDATE: The live AMA has now ended! Thank you so much for all of the amazing questions. We hope you learned something new and has as much fun as we did. Follow sciencealert.com for more news on solar maximum. See you soon!
>[Michelle Starr on BlueSky](https://bsky.app/profile/chelleraiser.bsky.social) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFySmp4amJDamNob1F2WV9GLUp3NVdRZFBvd1pSZEFYNWh6bW1mWHdaX1BncVd5RHJxUXM3S1dHOUNrUjRXNTgwYXNIRl9RRWJXd1laVDRRUENobE9VQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaGlja1kzekNTNzZWdnFQYW84M3NZdFhhTHpYRDFidFAwdERGSlY1SW9UQ1MwU3E2SVdSTGlaOHhFZGpGdzFzdnlzMk5pRm5QOVA1OUpJZG1nYkVBVUV3UXBybEJucDNLV25FeDhhLVl2UWxwVy13MzV2cmFNSkMtMWtnSDZjRVluRDZ3VGl6TW8ycXJTM0xUOVVYTnh2OGI3UV83dnRhU3FFMVkyZ1YwTFByV2l0UFVSWmhCNUVOMlpFdEZLRko3 |
**Crosspost:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFirstBerserker/comments/1gqb4wr/curious\_about\_the\_art\_of\_the\_first\_berserker/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFirstBerserker/comments/1gqb4wr/curious_about_the_art_of_the_first_berserker/)
Hi, I’m Kyuchul Lee, Art Director for *The First Berserker: Khazan*, a hardcore action RPG game set to release in early 2025.
>First, our team would like to express our appreciation to all the players who participated in our recent Beta Test (TCBT). Your feedback has been invaluable in helping us refine and improve the game as we approach launch.
>With G-Star just around the corner, we’re looking forward to connecting with fans both at the event and online. For those who won’t be able to visit our booth in person, this AMA is an opportunity to engage with you directly and answer any questions you have about the art, design, and inspiration behind *The First Berserker: Khazan*.
>As many of you know, the art style of *The First Berserker: Khazan* is unique and distinct. I expect many of you might be curious about how this style was crafted, why we made specific artistic choices, and what inspired the overall visual direction. I’m excited to delve into these aspects and share the creative journey behind the game.
>While your questions aren’t limited to the art of the game, I’ll be more prepared to answer those related to the art design compared to other aspects of the game. Please also keep in mind that there may be some questions our team is unable to answer at this time, but rest assured that all major game-related announcements will be made when the time is right. To stay updated on all important news and upcoming information, please make sure to follow us on Discord, Reddit, X, or any platform you prefer.
>We’ll be accepting questions until November 14, 10 PM EST (November 15, 12 PM KST), and I’ll work with our Community Manager on responses and translations. My answers will be shared by November 16, at the latest.
>I’m more than eager to dive into this discussion with you and hear all your thoughts.. Your passion and feedback mean a lot to us as we work to make *The First Berserker: Khazan* the best experience it can be.
>Proof: [https://x.com/PlayKhazan/status/1856666897682694540](https://x.com/PlayKhazan/status/1856666897682694540) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyclVMZC01c3BYakxWc1BnTjkyaXlMRHgxdUt3RU9kME1VcXVMN0M2MlZLNE5KTTREcmJUY1A1VjNGbHNBREdxWGpUenVMQ2ZWNGEwdm1xdnBRQTdDY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZjRWTG1RRlVXZGNyMlRXZ3hjbFZkajZ5RzRjNGpCUEJWSmREVFNCd1Jrajg0YVVaMHlsWS1CdVVjaE8yRjh4LWRtOUt3UjlzUnMtemNyc0RlTFJ4RkI3UkpfWi1RY3VSS3h0aUpjLXV5ZDl5eTZnaTVGbDhPSE5WTjFDNW43aG1EcUkwRzFjaXRHQlFkbzBYSUthU25PZ1BXUU1lSkhIai1VSlVYZ1c0dFdOUkx4WVlhcGt2ZlBMUHE2MnJOUjNQ |
Hi everybody,
Welcome to our weekly book recommendation thread!
We have found that a lot of people come to this sub to ask for books about history or sources on certain topics. Others make posts about a book they themselves have read and want to share their thoughts about it with the rest of the sub.
We thought it would be a good idea to try and bundle these posts together a bit. One big weekly post where everybody can ask for books or (re)sources on any historic subject or timeperiod, or to share books they recently discovered or read. Giving opinions or asking about their factuality is encouraged!
Of course it’s not limited to \*just\* books; podcasts, videos, etc. are also welcome. As a reminder, [r/history](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/) also has a recommended list of things to read, listen to or watch | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyM0pMRzIwR0otWjdXQjlMalc2RVgwSUtVSS1kc0ZvOW5oVDF2LUh0WHFSZVNweDltaDhUWTIyUkd0YkNNRFB0bzBOU1loczJrZ05yYUk2YlM0S0VrekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzcDdPWVJEYjVQcENuYWJUelgzOUwzNVZGcFBqX0xqem9QbGxLODk1UUI5b09jak9zYkE3Vm1GS1JMTFNEWjhobTNzRFl0OFgyYnNoOXV0NUthUWtaT2lJelV1ODgtZm5vcDVnT0dXa1RLRzBEVGV2MDF1ckJpakhkcU84b1Uzc2FxaUUzTEc1SE5IM0dKdnpvWDNPZ2ppd2ZoMHlXWERDdzZOeTVVQjBucWx5ZXhPRGQ5dkx2YlhvUkY4SzFBejdh |
- Stake roughly 50000 FIL in Filliquid
- lock up FIT 3 month, mining almost 500,000 FIG
- re-staking FIG, get earn from protocol profit by filecoin.
- withdraw all my principal to binance safely.
- After this experience, I’m positively considering continuing to mine FIG tokens.
**Part 1: Experience with Filliquid**
- **Introduction**:
- Here’s my review after using Filliquid for the past three months. If you're considering this product, this may be helpful.
- **First Impressions**:
- The APY was quite low, and all the functions were rather slow, which was inconvenient. The UI and UX felt like they only supported the minimum functionality. However, after checking the documentation and seeing that the smart contract is decentralized and verified, I decided to go ahead with Filecoin staking.
- **Usage**:
- I accessed Filliquid through [Filliquid Dapp](https://dapp.filliquid.io/en/lease?invitecode=b1LlOVfy) using MetaMask and connected my wallet. I transferred Filecoin to this wallet using Binance.
- **Features Used**:
- **Filecoin Staking**: I staked Filecoin and received FIT, which works as a receipt. This decentralized approach prevents centralized platforms from blocking my earnings. By redeeming FIT, I could view my Filecoin interest earnings.
- **FIG Farming**: The value of FIT fluctuates as storage providers (SPs) in Filliquid repay Filecoin, allowing me to mine FIG in the meantime and generate additional revenue.
- **Side Effects**:
- I didn’t experience any issues and successfully mined a total of 500,000 FIG tokens.
- **Overall Impression**:
- I’ve been monitoring the project since its testnet phase, and seeing the consistent release of new features is promising. If UI/UX improves, TVL grows, and more SPs use it, the project seems likely to continue growing. The terms provided to SPs borrowing Filecoin also seem reasonable.
**Part 2: Expected Returns with FIG Token**
- **Background**:
- FIG Token is related to the Filliquid ecosystem, and I’m interested in it for investment purposes.
- **Investment Rationale**:
- **Utility**: If FIG token offers real utility within the ecosystem, such as discounts or voting rights, it could contribute to its value growth.
- **Expected Returns**:
- **Short-Term**: Potential gains from successful exchange listings and sales of FIG tokens.
- **Long-Term**: If Filliquid establishes a strong market position, FIG could appreciate as the ecosystem expands. FIG also allows sharing in Filecoin earnings without the need for a mining device, providing dividends and a long-term revenue pipeline.
https://youtu.be/UaeSUiBvVeg?si=_1Ztz58NVpAdM_Np | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyOHJFQUYyS0g4LVN3Q2xKLUtZdmFHaTFmSndHd2publlQTWxyTW1sQV9QZW04aXBHanppMjJjdmtEeUVXLUt2QlE2N3hLZnRBaUViQWdEaUpLelNYQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeG1wMk8tWVZCS0JJc29mXzVaaUtQNVlQNHFubUptRVFobmtyVERzZzhDc2c3MnpfSHZVWlRCU2lXdHRlRnMtRzBqVXRfR2Rhc1BMOWkyRld3SGVUOENlemQyUkR1YnZDVDkxUGZXQVNTbUh1M2NQcV9CVndNZHQwTkF3Qmd1a0I0RktqU3FXS1k5TWpoNFpNbll0Ym5aYjBsZXQ4OUxzSjNDbEFVVzFJeThnPQ== |
Crosspost: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Myfitnesspal/comments/1gqejag/ask\_me\_anything\_about\_the\_myfitnesspal\_app\_or/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Myfitnesspal/comments/1gqejag/ask_me_anything_about_the_myfitnesspal_app_or/)
Hi MFP Fam!
Melissa Jaeger, Head of Nutrition at MyFitnessPal here! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be hosting an Ask Me Anything here on the MFP subreddit! I’m eager to connect with all of you and answer your burning questions about how the MyFitnessPal app can support your nutrition and fitness journey. Whether you’re curious about tracking your meals, setting realistic goals, learning new ways to use the app, or finding tips to stay motivated, I’m here to help. Post your questions here and we’ll dive into the details together on **November 19th from 4:00-5:30PM EST** to explore how we can make the most out of your MFP experience. I can’t wait to hear from you! PS-I’ll have my friends from the product & engineering teams here if you’ve got any technical questions.
Please note that while I can’t give personalized health advice, I’m here to share my tips and tricks for ensuring MFP users have the tools necessary to succeed on their wellness journey. Curious to hear more about me? Read on below!
Melissa Jaeger, RD, LD, is the Head of Nutrition for MyFitnessPal. She holds a degree in Nutrition from the College of Saint Benedict and completed her dietetic internship through Iowa State University. Recognized as the 2024 Registered Young Dietitian of the Year by the Minnesota Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Melissa specializes in weight management and gut health. She has completed training in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management and the Low FODMAP Diet for IBS. Melissa is passionate about translating evidence-based nutrition science into actionable advice for the public through global media. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNlJTM0ZFWE5GQ20wMzV6Z1E0UWFBUEhqZHBjVlJlRnpkM2FwRlAtY0NxNGZrNkhUUDJVYmJPNHlWeEhxS0ZVczR6SnZQd1RQb2lsUUk1UkhBVGlEV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUVpMaEoxcEN5TE5yZHNMdjUwSmJmS3RhOXIxWTJiNjN5WFdNdU1ndnUtRnNSMVNVM0dHN2h0b0RTdWJwTHI0d3ZGcWNMWTkzQ0hsSENzT29qcmpXa1NhbURHdEd0MTBIdHJTSVQ3TkRNbjJRNmFkR1ZoRTdmUXBwOWd6c0c1bENBaUJBa3BXOVZPOXppb0JtRmk2SjRrSmh1VlY2NUtnNDRnWFFZOThSTFRJenYxZzNFLUF6UmdrTWRZZ0hTMUtr |
>What's up, it's Tariq Cherif and Matt Zingler - Co-Founders of Rolling Loud! We're celebrating 10 Years of Rolling Loud in Miami this December, so we wanted to hop on here and answer some questions from the [r/hiphopheads](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/) crew. We'll be back tomorrow at 2pm ET / 11am PT for our AMA.
>Buy passes to Rolling Loud Miami (Dec 13-15): [https://rollingloud.com/miatix](https://rollingloud.com/miatix)
>Buy passes to Rolling Loud Thailand (Nov 22-24): [https://www.rollingloud.com/thailand](https://www.rollingloud.com/thailand)
>Follow Rolling Loud: [https://www.instagram.com/rollingloud/](https://www.instagram.com/rollingloud/)
I’m Shane Rydquist, plant molecular biologist and director of the Digital Media Solutions team at Editage, a research solutions and technology company. We try to stay on top of developments in research trends and have recently noticed a sharp increase in journals making graphical abstracts mandatory. We’ve been creating graphical abstracts for 1000s of authors for a few years now, but with this recent boom, we would like to understand if there are specific problems that you are facing while making graphical abstracts that we can help with. Ask me anything about designing or using a graphical abstract for your research paper.
**\[**[**Here is the proof**](https://x.com/Editage/status/1856983787705716873)**\]**
Edit: I thoroughly enjoyed answering all your questions! If you have more queries, feel free to leave a comment on the u/editage_official handle—I’d be happy to discuss more about Graphical Abstracts. See you soon in another AMA! | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyOVM3TmhfUE9QVlk0RG1YSE9HUGxwdUp5ZGZWNl9JcDdzWTJTRzVLcHNiQ0NxNEdXLVpXWDhOSzBwSXlTcGd1OTI5emtiTEN4RThNODY2QmxTVGE4cFBEN09ENGYtbTFoaEE3M1JVZUtzWGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUGY0WVNnaVZxRE1ZTUFKY2xrUzlTNFZyaW52SlAwS1RmalJUazFwTHljSDNIZEtELWNQUWtxemVadUp2X1BydUFNd3NnZWdBYW80MGlqTFkzOVF1cUJGbnZJSThvaHFtbE5ldjhNX1I4QzJwTlNoT25UdVNfSkVabHVfNjFhVFo2aHhVZGFCZHBEUlhwMHEwcEtteEQ2a3hzNXFVakxCRm1WTmRDZ2pMOWkyaE9PbWlMYVBqQWxBdnNTNjlXeXVq |
Trump wins presidency and BTc tops 92k. Etc can’t even go past $25. We’re actually dumping hard too like wtf. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyWVFodmxLeG1DTzNNdE5sRlUxVHctcDhiSHBwRVoxMkhDZmU1VzFRWDJvdjl5NTdwMzExSkgtdy0xTHVrbE52emZuSVVvdG1tNGlNY1BjSGgtUXRJaDJaY2ZtRW5YbnEtRVFndjlwZXBINEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZms2NmZ4WG5YV2VNX0tzQzRwMWR4QWJqZ0doZHhxanJyaWtOb19XNjliaXhWdm84aktNMDU0MkZxNnFiaHZrYW04cVFNc1RoWXFCVDhPZXpqV2Y2WDVjT3ZmTFgtUHNWTzlpY0NNVk9vekR4TFd1UDhPeTZuRk1yRnJ1VWdVZWZGdUpvRVFCOHQzY0kzVjJKSjRTaE1zVzVTczdvb2xVNzlYMWRZT2taTVdTcUxNYjVTbFV5Y3R4ZHU0TVM2V0pk |
Hi, I'm Lisa Valente! As a registered dietitian, I believe cooking at home is one of the best things you can do to eat healthier. What I’ve learned is that people are interested in nutrition and how food makes their body feel, but they need practical meal solutions to actually eat the healthy foods we talk about.
As a busy mom, with lots of priorities and responsibilities, I find myself with limited time in the kitchen. That’s where meal prepping and planning comes in. It helps you get easy, weeknight dinners on the table, make breakfasts in advance or get lunches together in a pinch.
It does not have to look like spending hours in the kitchen on a Sunday or eating the same thing every day all week either! It can simply be making a plan, chopping some veggies in advance or relying on some shortcuts. While this AMA is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice, I am excited to help make meal planning easier and tackle some common misconceptions. Ask me anything!
>Thank you for asking such great questions around nutrition and meal prep. Look forward to chatting more in the future. -Lisa | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyUm9uT0tqa3pBZmFpRFZxcWx1c0UwTUFXczVWc2YzWHZsMDZiVUNyZldaU1Y2Q2VUUTFSVGhtV0M5WkR0ODFrSTRQc2pTeFdiRDYzTlc3RG9kc0NtNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUDhUYjVwNU9RZ0ZMMnBoUnA5UHZ3bXptSDlUV2IxS0lJMkMtSWhrbkRycExNTUF0ckVtemZfS3RnYm5kcGVXaG5Fb1dIcEVLN0w0eWg0Rml4SDg5eGxXdXFzSUhXM25KbnNLaFczRlNSdEdheW9kbU15UjhUUGcwV1dadUpUZzFQM2M5M2cxWm9Pb3Q3bGFaeUNldjVnMTF5eHoxcEZsWkhWaU5WUHdiZGNmYnNEZDNSdldhRUlaSzJ6RkdDNUF4 |
He'll wait until it's $ETC's turn to pop, and just as it does he'll announced converting his ETC trust into an ETF. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMTZnT0hueVFadWtWMERlVExoQUtONzRyT0NzWUtmaDh3VmJJUzFVWTNBWkU0amprbHNBTmNEdXE5QjBmUFlvZWdBZDJHOHlNTm9FOVUzSWEtMzgxTlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzdWNfNDBqYnVpSzZHN2psRG1Cc3lRTl9qMXdFN19zY3QtM2F5SzJzdkVxTEtybm9WVWV4dGRRcmlVT1hFYVZwUWNvMUt0cVlXMldYOFBjZ3ZKeE5neTV4X1dXRzNPRGoteEwxLXJjejNibi1QS3lGc3pKVnF2RjNlY0VXM1BqclltQ0hIMWx6S0hvT1E4OHhJVjFhYTBseTV5bFJXNGdtWF9CSWFneWQ1V2IwajZ6aUpkYVRxMjVWbnNDZ1BIUDhGaDdsdVF6OWp4aUhZMWs3cjlGVnI2UT09 |
[https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1grd3lv/im\_adrienne\_maree\_brown\_a\_black\_queer\_visionary/?sort=qa](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1grd3lv/im_adrienne_maree_brown_a_black_queer_visionary/?sort=qa) | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybE9KUHFRd054eEFNdUw4ZnU5dXNneERZYms4RHNibzlITGxwcnlVaGFCWXFEaU43UUswaHNmX2FFdHpLRHhiUkJDd3hZaThUSE55dXhuQ2Y5cmNFV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSUxJSnVQMEJBcVRBOVVCNXpnS3p5NzZzNkQ5cUxLajJoWmhYYUFkZHhObEhTbUs1bHJkNTZ0YUlBOWctMDFkRmMzakx0T2FOeEtCMU1ncjc3NnVCb3paREdpUU41dnlrNVZjay01TWRGV1lmeVdLVlVGNndoS2lBSU5nUFVUM1VBSUs3TjRReTdLdEFmd19UVHlPbE5CQmFmZ2xZbzdqWFVNczBEMXZzX3Jfb25XVklwTTBGR013ek1lQkl6REI4 |
My dad passed away a month before I had this experience.
At my mother's house, there is a garage where we used to be most of our time.
I was standing in it, talking with my friend, when we both heard the backdoor of the house. It always made a specific sound, so this sound could always be connected to someone going inside, or coming out of the house.
The first time we heard it, we both looked out of the window from the garage, but couldn't see anyone. Knowing that we were the only ones at home that day, I walked out of the garage and into our home. No one was there.
I went back to the garage and me and my friend began talking again. Then, we heard the backdoor again. We immediately looked through the window, and again, no one. This was the moment where we looked at each other with fear in our eyes.
Both of us could not explain why we heard the backdoor two times, while no one walked in or out the house.
It is not possible to run far into the house or outside. So it could not be a prank. The sound of the backdoor is so unique, it could also not be something else we heard.
How did we hear both the same sound, and looked at the same thing, without saying anything about it to each other?
Could it be my dad's spirit? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyM01yZWhuM0dTMnJkUlhxNG1sWUd4V202LXdIZWYyU0RnRWd0b1dCckxxLVpBX0tzdFBSY0VDUzJuQ2l1dnBoN1BNRkpvOTBfbWQtdmFxTnBDbGVDMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzeUphUU1VQ1FUVjBlLWFyRWRCclc5bm5fSWphYnVmMml4RmJsMHRDbWZvWGJIQlYxN3FjcnUzQmVnVVZma1RUY3NTVXVaLS14QTFLM1lOOURyeS1rVGRnU0hIZVNtd1J3bjdENjNnZFN2QkM4bWFEZmFGTWs0N2ZEUjRFY1VqZ29KNGlrLUFycjg5cGtadVhYbnZNUWZGbEVQcy03RFhSY1c0M1BpaGVzcHBZPQ== |
What do you think human should do when the sum of misery exceeds the sum of happiness by far? Can material pleasures sedate the pain or just postpone inevitable confrontation with the pits of existence?
Share your thoughts on this if you will... | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyV1hhMFF1Q2tUX3RJOHVDeGROQjFtR21faHBKeDd1NUQxaGNjcDhfMnk5M0tfc2dVYmxxMEJVNnZKOHFUTXdTNzJMQ2J0OXpIeDl1Zk9wZmNTUi1xRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSnNhYVJPc29zYXlweXp5Z0ZWbGRyaDZkSnh1S21OaWEyRjBHNEEweGFLb3BQQzIxeVZwQUpTb1dFWU1VVG92MUd0RzA3NXNUNFMteXd3Y3J2OXBpQ2tSRUo1SjQzSlBjU1RJTndkd3BhSnNXSXRZaG1lekJLQk5pcFEzWGRITHlDa052UG1GZ2FPZjFCeDllRUQxVUxKeXlDbXR6aV9TMW5iMkJnN2RHVVJFZEpsZktSYl9icG5ab3A2bVpycjF6aHpFNWVzTGpIbU9qVnYtQ2VDTDZxUT09 |
Greetings lovely /r/IAMA folks!
We are Neat Corp, a VR (mostly!) game dev based in Stockholm, Sweden! We say mostly as we just released [Garden of the Sea](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2887410/Garden_of_the_Sea/), our farming-sim adventure game on Steam and Switch, making it our first non-VR release!
Mostly though we are known as a VR developer, we released our first game, [Budget Cuts](https://store.steampowered.com/app/400940/Budget_Cuts/) in 2018 so we’ve been in the VR game for a pretty long time! [Here you can see a trailer for the game to sort of get an idea for what it is!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNnjklPRsZQ)
After that we went to create [Garden of the Sea](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086850), a game about playing at your own pace, exploring, farming, befriending animals, fishing and crafting your home. [Here’s a trailer for that!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Ea83W6XKU)
We want to invite you all to ask us any questions you want about our games, our company (we try to maintain really wholesome and humane gamedev habits! no random layoffs, no forced crunch, and hopefully no more burnout) and working with VR (or whatever you feel like really!)!
Here’s our [proof](https://x.com/NeatCorp/status/1857420590002377075) [proof 2](https://imgur.com/a/CQX2g3e)
With us today you’ll find:
/u/romanlionz - Creative Director (aka doing art and design!) for Garden of the Sea and Budget Cuts at Neat!
/u/FlippySSBM - 3D Artist, made things and stuff for Budget Cuts and Garden of the Sea
/u/J0bby - Who joined as a programmer on Garden of the Sea
A new challenger appears! /u/Urre85 - Co-Founder of Neat, Game Director of Budget Cuts, CTO at Neat
/u/theletterz (me) - who manages our Social Media and other stray marketing stuff!
Update: Work hours have ended here so some of us are sorting dinner etc./ have families, we'll try and answering questions when we get a chance though so feel free to keep em coming! I'll update once we feel entirely done! | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyX0RzTDVQRTREOHEtYnBWdXFZRG5yOTQwUV9jYVBXQVprRzc3QzVCX2llaEZvX3FEaUg5ZG9EdndkeFpiajdxdkZzZDRsWlJrcjAxYkxqSDFDeTNGZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzRTlPX2oxcjlOSTRQTXF1YUlNMk1WZnVIY3VsdHFjQWRqNmw5TEhuX2gtM0VQdnpMaEtIYjZrSk9zR0VGUzcxU2RBYk96bTFqMElCbHZFSnUzRl8xd2RJcmNPWmlMakdsUTEyS1BSWkt2VVV0NmpUMUFYTklmWEFyS2ROQjlVb3ljQWw0VWhMTnJONTFEY3hGdHBtU1NxdGxUc2dmdWxCSmpKVGt0XzM1Tmp6YTJKblM1eFlldEJHSlhLYWN1XzU4 |
>We are **Janty Yates** (Costume Designer) and **David Crossman** (Costume Designer – Military Costumes) and we had the pleasure of working on Ridley Scott’s new film, Gladiator II. We’ve both spent decades working in the industry, garnering awards, and working on some of the biggest movies in Hollywood.
>We’ve been on Ridley Scott projects previously, and between the two of us, we’ve worked on franchises like Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Alien. With an eye for detail, and a love of storytelling, our passion for outfitting the right actors in the perfect wardrobes is very special to us both.
>If you want to know more about the process, the methods, and the artistry of costume design for big, epic movies, we’re here to take your questions.
>We are:
>[Janty Yates](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0946765/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1731688586703178&usg=AOvVaw3l_HfawFgp6Rgx07DWbfZl), Costume Designer. Yates has worked in this field since 1989 and has two Academy Award nominations, including one win. Gladiator II marks Yates 18th collaboration with Ridley Scott
>[David Crossman](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0189366/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1731688586703575&usg=AOvVaw382KB9AjxnnfM3CtG96Jeu), Costume Designer – Military Costume. Crossman has worked as a costume designer since the late 90s and has one Academy Award nomination for Napoleon, which he shares with Yates. | r/iama | post | r/IAmA | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyTDluaFpVam9pZUJPemU1WXh2N2prQ294VjlMQkVOMHJpLTEydjJ6cE95bUVtSURhajBwclFEWm1YakNzc0huUW5YUEg3dTBXSy04MTBhbnVXMGZPQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzT250SW9fdlRDcFlkd3ZIekNBbWkxWUhhZzVGclo3amZvaGVadzR6UkRnWlQxY1VnSVhuT3dFN3FyelBVNThfU2lqajNoNXZ5QzVkQ0lvT0lzYVpSQ3l0emZXbTVzcWtyNDVaZzZxZWpLWjJ4MmRaMGpfVEhtdTVJanI0LXlYdzBXSHFhMDEyU1dsbzNRd0dvQ2RMLW1xTGdBSk53SXE4NzFiLXBidG8tOHNsZDBBdkFIbUxvWkRIYTBkVHFLTmds |
I was exploring the forest near my city, when all of the sudden I felt some dread. 5 minutes later I heard super loud stomps that were approaching me very fast, I looked in the direction where bushes and tries were flailing around. I turned around and booked it. Judging by the sound the thing that created them was very heavy, so it couldn't have been a boar. Between bushes the only thing I saw was some black fur. What was that? | r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyMmNfOWVkTG1YTE1PV3NEeE8wWU9rOTgtdFc5XzZTTFZPQUxNTnNQYXFuU0RXa0dmbUxVOFRCb19GbDZUMTl2d3NWZ1h2WHBvcjVodEpzbGRuLXpYbHFTREFXRDlsdWtraWtMOXpYdTJRRlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzZDhxM2RiakJuR05RUE9qOXlKWC0yVXNFNlBpRXBFYzJfSU9ZLVVabzJOOFFXbUZuY3dZUl9mUWpaSG9PNVQyYmtuYWtlTElicVp1T2lRSGRWcUtHXzltUldXX3d6NGZEMThHdnU0eEhCcDVrYm5OQ2pGcHpKM2k1Z05WV3l1SUcyeV9xVk9JTi03QjMwNkw4SmJ4bWM1Wk5YWmtDdGNCUVFacElWNm5UQko4PQ== |
Hi so this is the first time I’ve ever talked about this.
It happened about 11 years back in my old house. I was a sleep and my dog was sleeping beside me on the bed, when I woke up and saw a golden entity looking from the stairs about 5-7 metres from my bed and my dog was standing in front of the bed and growling at the thing. After about 1-2 minutes the entity just vanished from the house.
Anyone who have had the same thing happen?
| r/thetruthishere | post | r/Thetruthishere | 2024-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFybmUtS1VfeHpnd3FMQ2NaNkdRb2otcktDOVp0aURqN1AzQUg4OXdtb1pfakxYQ3ZwZEtQUWtqNlRJeWhGVnJVYVUyaXg0bFZzUlhFZXM5RndjWGIyY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzaVpqWE50SHVoSk4tV3JPcTlTNTRBbTRhNHFMLWtDaGs4MXdHZU41ZHR0V0xHdVllYTdZTU51eUV3dlI2XzNGdHBCeUEwZURrTFJ6Vm1mUFhFZHlxd1FKc0ZaeUY3VjRrLWlPcUZRM1gxRFhES1JLYTFzSlM4QjVvYXdLWi1ZWXkxVWk4dmV5SHUyZFlfZGZyZ01kZkRSY3BTMTBFYkREUWg0c3pTWmdxa1UwPQ== |
I have just bought, I was wondering if it actually is the best way to dive into the absurdist philosophy. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyNVNua3VNdVZEN01HQWFzRUE5dHZLanltRmJ3YWR4XzZwcFE2UTJ1OWZDUmZKV1RzOEZ6VWlzd2llQkhURmEtVktuODJsZHFZMktrdWkxZnBHR1JHbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzLW9BZzdXZ0JHT0E1Wl80VW9XekJoZkpSRzVBdG9nY2RBY1dWQWpsSTdvMGV5ekp3UGRqRGYyYnBxeHNjUm1rU3BmXzVYcmVQcUhFd1ktMlhJSnBiMDIza3NHbXBIb1NVVTZXWVBhYUVqLVR3Qk5na0wtSzMtc1ZPSVVqdmdZaVpDYk0xMUMtNHF2RDdnZ0xWbWdSaUM1Q1FjRE9UcENGT09IeHkwakx1OGp4QlZ6NENTYmt3bkEyVXFHWDFYb0pIUjFIa1BELUFMYXJQWjgyeUR0VTdLQT09 |
Welcome to our History Questions Thread!
This thread is for all those history related questions that are too simple, short or a bit too silly to warrant their own post.
So, do you have a question about history and have always been afraid to ask? Well, today is your lucky day. Ask away!
Of course all our regular rules and guidelines still apply and to be just that bit extra clear:
Questions need to be historical in nature. Silly does not mean that your question should be a joke. [r/history](https://www.reddit.com/r/history/) also has an active [discord server](https://discord.com/invite/r-history-284001693044310016) where you can discuss history with other enthusiasts and experts. | r/history | post | r/history | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRDI1TGpBY2xnY002T3VJdEg5U25tWU1YRnJzZ2tyY3Zod1JMakJ2V0NTdS1ReWFmVVVqX1dyQTlPR2JKRWhXWXpOUDhSd2JOMVV2VmpMUDluTnlSMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzSEhMYl9SNFk4MXlPbXY3STR6a2w5Z3B3dHpBcGJ1YjNFNHQzSEJTMTIyOXN2b091bW5vb0hNbnVZTDVZUTZYS1R1dTY4dktHaVZfakN4OWk5WUZLVjhtYWk2LUt0N3l1QkVOMS1UUHlGR0JYb2xKZmZzdVdkakpkbWFCZHo0RUxXeU5vZThhZnc1NEdGZ0Z2Z3ZKT0FJT2l6QVJfbFh3QXBxR0ZDNFpiU1VWeUVrSzdqbkFiU3pzZVEtWC1ZbUNY |
I just finished reading a little life and honestly i don't know what to feel or how to feel or maybe i am feeling all of the things at once, because what even? I am flabbergasted with the audacity of the this book they should change the title from "a little life" to "jude's suffering : A compilation". | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyRmRzd1lmdF9oc3F4aFhaT2x5V0JGaXRMOE1lX1NaNTJ0ZEZZT2NzNnl5dmczUG5tcXFQbEJmZ2M2d0F1V0ZvbWd3V28yYktIaWttM3dNSFM0djFQZWs3ekZzeTA3QWhQOU1VWllXWldhMFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzQVpjQ2ZqVHFIYTVFLXBJdGZKM2RacmFJV3J0VjZjMVRVNWE4eU9EM2VEM0llZ2tVSVRmOE9VVGRPdEoyaW1rcG81MzlYYnRKZnNleWhwcEpxblZjMVRHWU04aXhtTkdMSVhQX2tqOGtVcFEzSmYxUnR0VEJpakw2bmFNY2QyMTVSMDlDMFR1ZGdXa2FjR05fTlpOT1lRTHM3QnJlelZLaUY0dXc3V1ZLaXdzPQ== |
🚀 Time to pack light and get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure. What’s on the checklist? Moon boots, snacks (maybe chips for your Partner), and don’t forget the spacesuit! | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyX3hOUE5tbGxnN0dzdnY4VC1Rd1ROY1dheW9tUmt6by1GTDFrQ1d3UE5wcGxONTlXWWlPMzlkQVRrcDhkQU1RLV9jMmU5WHVxRDhJTVJQS0l4MGF1NEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzMERlWkF3UGI4STItd1F6SjQyQjNGb1pyU21ta2N5Yjk0WjJFdEgzak56bThWN0FfcldXR2xGTUNkNmYtRFpSTGZRRkRNVFY5SkMzcEZza3J1bnNPRXcwbVZzenJpWkxkclk2Rms5eHFucFJNcUd2bERLb2tHVTkxNHRWTGxnZ3MxV19mbkVFaUx2di1wRWhIQlR1V2RFYjcyQnZFRG5NbWVpZDdZbWsxR0tnPQ== |
Nihilism can be a gift. If it is true that there is no objective meaning, then you are able to see the world for what it is, not how you wish it to be. Those who believe in meaning constantly must reconcile cognitive dissonance when the world behaves in ways they don’t approve of. Not wasting time in denial allows you to be more adaptable than most people. Many of you are still stuck in sadness because you were told from birth that meaning existed. It’s totally understandable, don’t beat yourself up. The original realization that things are not as you thought is incredibly disheartening. The world isn’t fair. It’s brutal. This only saddens you because you bought the lie that it should be otherwise. Adapt yourself to what is, and a sense of satisfaction will follow. You have the cart before the horse. Meaning should not drive your life. Your life can create meaning. Yes, that meaning will be entirely subjective to you. And you will then find yourself around others with an approximate subjective sense of meaning. But you will always maintain that flexibility that will allow you to adapt more quickly than others, because you will learn not overvalue your own perspective. Live, learn what you can, ripple, be a good cell, add something if you can. Or don’t. It’s up to you. You’re free now. | r/absurdism | post | r/Absurdism | 2024-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyR0pza2RGRExKVlBrYWpHSUVDWG5hSlBjODJzX0h2NXFiSzRmY2xid1JNZVdQR2k0T3V2QnFRc2htTmduRERwS0sxRnUwVGh1MGw1dDl2T19lbTJNRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzUWtOY0lQN0tpQlJRalAwSndVVWdnQU13d29tbkdHYzcwZ1p2U0MxS2Nnc19oY2FvTmRoNlU4V2pCa1RzTXc1UHp2TmEtV2xsRzBNVnYydmJtTW51SUFOcVJqeFBnM3psemFvbUxmM1NMLUM2TGhIZGNrX1ZDbllycVZjckdMdVFrTUJGN3IzTGphS0dzLXE0RXlRY1lPUkgwVlVSTmdIaFIxZkZNWGRLYXZZPQ== |
. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFyczBtaUJsZlo2T2V2c2NNbjZFNEYxWERFcEw4RmhUX05pTEVCN1pQRGZkM2xOTGcydjJHUHRLaWJTa3VGZ2M0Xy1ZQTd2akpDaTg2NWtVaHd5SDhpY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5jYWFzei1TeVgwMl9NOGpoemRoT2o4LVlLQkpTM1U5eFh4YUp4WEVzTjFoWXFERlU0XzNmUEJKMFpPQ092Y1JJcEo2MnBaaklnMHZBbVpyaHNXb0hGTTVTbWx5czNHTXpoYy1vcE1QaEpvY3JHT2JDMU11NHNaYWtqaUVLLUdJYTk5VXdlWGNOa0JrZDlyUS0yZlRIVTdVdEg0b1Q1UHlEc0U2VGQ4ZFVqWUdFYmNxMnBscTFIanZ3SU84cUhvTEg2dHRV |
Subsets and Splits