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4 | It's like Psychobilly/Surf. Play it LOUD!! It Kicks butt!! | I loved "Savage." It's like the Ventures on Meth! "Doctor Brown" also rocked. They have a ballsy Psychobilly sound, with just a little bit of twang to make your mouth water! Can't wait to see what they come up with next. |
0 | Disappointing | I thought that this would be gummy. I had some sticky putty like substance that was this size and came in a roll. I used it for flower arrangements and helping candles stand up in their holders. This was basically white paper. It held nothing and was useless. The postage to send it back was more than the cost. So it's just sitting in a drawer waiting to find a use for it. |
3 | decent amount of content for licensed nhl dvd!!!!!!! | i got this a while ago. i've watched it a few times and it has great audio and video quality. great interviews with past and present players, and some great extras. the only thing it lacks is MORE HIGHLIGHTS. i'm the type of person who can watch hockey highlights all day long. but for this price its good for the content you get. i think the comparisons from today's great players to former NHL legends is pretty close, also. just an overall well constructed dvd and NHL keepsake. !!!!!!!!!!! :) |
1 | What a let down... | This album made me want to break down and cry. I was really hoping to hear some more of the low end funked out basslines from the "Attack of the Analog Worms" disc. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one let down by Mr. O. this time around. It just sounds like someone compiled a bunch of chopped up and random sounds together and hit the record button. I know there could have been much more to this release but it just didn't happen, at least not for me anyway. If you are expecting the electronic head nodding bliss of "Flat Beat" you may consider looking elsewhere. |
2 | Bull | Nice Case. but, a little pricey for what it is. Memory stick offered by Office Depot did not show and they would not honor. u might get it for cheaper elsewhere. |
3 | One Of The Best Fantasy Novels Of The Year | A friend gave me this novel, telling me I would enjoy it. She was right; I haven't even returned it yet. While this novel occasionally indulges in sentimentalism it is also insightful and full of love. The characters are both quirky and down-to-earth, their plights believable, and their lives touching. |
3 | A cross between 100 Yrs of Solitude and Fried Green Tomatoes | Not the fantasy/SF Sean Stewart's fans might expect, but a kind of funny southern gothic, with a little magic realism thrown in for good measure. I've read all Stewart's books, but this one is far and away the best - and includes the most hysterical, and accurate description of morning-sickness I've ever read. (All I'll say it that it involves a revolving restaurant, a Cobb salad, and a voodoo curse.) If you've not yet discovered Stewart, here's the place to start. And if you already know his work, get ready to enjoy. |
0 | Written for the Intellectual Elite and Not the Average Reader | Ralph Nader has been around for some time and has had his day.He claims to be a populist, caliming to be for the people. However, when you read his books, you can see that he is really writing for the sake of the intellectual elite. He does not write to acoomodate average readers thus failing to get his point through to them. Well, so much for being a populist and a man of the people.Nader just does a lot of talking and writing and accomplishes nothing.In the presidential election, all he succeeded in doing was drawing votes away from Al Gore allowing George W. Bush to win the election giving us eight more years of Reagan-Bush policies which have ultimately led us to this financil disaster on Wall Street and all over the United States. |
0 | Nader's Despicablility is On Display Here | This book from Ralph Nader, George Bush's best ally and secret weapon, shows why the great New York Times writer Thomas Friedman has accurately described Nader as a creature of the lunatic fringe of American politics. Nader's connection to reality is extremely tenous. He is a latter-day Luddite, and his proposals have no chance of ever being adopted. This is why he has chosen the role of spoiler. If he can't be President, he reasons, why should Al Gore? Better to let a right-wing monster like George W. Bush become President and destroy the country! |
0 | Loquacious and another world | For a person living and working in the British Isles, 'Teach Yourself Copywriting' by J. Jonathan Gabay may be a fine read. But I don't live there. Residency aside, I found this book to be overly wordy to the point of feeling like I was slogging through swamps of verbiage to find a useful morsel. And there are useful bits there, it's just that it boarders on not being worth the time and effort to get to them. Someone interested in the topic of copywriting would do better to read similar books by Robert Bly or Peter Bowerman, both much more interesting and succinct; my apologies to Brits everywhere. |
2 | Meh | I guess if I was a hungry Kalahari bushman running fifty miles a day this might answer a need but speaking as a plump, hard-working yet sedate French farm wife in modern America, I have to say a couple strong cups of coffee has more effect. Just sayin. |
2 | Not bad | This stuff is fine for the money but I have realized I'd rather get my calcium from the eggshells of the eggs I am already using. Why pay more money for a supplement when you're probably throwing out calcium every day?One whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 750 - 800 mgs of elemental calcium plus other microelements, i.e. magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, etc. There are 27 elements in total. The composition of an eggshell is very similar to that of our bones and teeth.All you have to do is take the shells from raw eggs (rinse them first!) or boiled eggs, lay them out on a baking sheet and leave them out overnight to dry. Then grind them in a coffee grinder. I've read that they can be stored in a glass container but I just keep mine in a ziplock baggie.Think of all the plastic bottles you won't add to the landfills by doing this! :) |
0 | this song is really bad | There is nothing at all original or compelling about this song. It's totally forgettable. Prince hasn't released a decent album since Graffiti Bridge and he hasn't released a decent song since Gold. For over 10 years I've endured his reinventions and promises of a 'return to greatness' which is why I bought this single. Again, I was disappointed. I won't buy this record if THIS is THE hit that the record company is telling us to buy. This song is the final nail in the coffin of "Prince." |
0 | He's gotta be kidding | this is possibly the worst prince single to ever precede the release of a new album. "old friends for sale" has ten old tracks on it and they each are better songs than this (ok, maybe not "my little pill"). so this is what he thinks will get audiences psyched-up for the new cd? |
2 | Nice Melody, but a little let down | I'm sorry I am a HUGE Artist fan, and I have followed him since DIRTY MIND way back when. I am very psyched about RAVE, but this single kind of deflated my expectations. Sorry, but I did listen to it all day and it never really grew on me. But I say it's got a very cool melody and I love the lyric "this is where u end and u and I begin". I remember listening to AROUND THE WORLD IN A DAY and I did not like RASPBERRY BERET so maybe I am just bugging for no reason. |
1 | very run of the mill | it is just like alot of his 90's stuff average at best and coming from him that ain't to good. hopefully the album is better. |
3 | It grows on you. | Not my favorite song by The Artist, but it does grow on you. I found myself singing the tune upon waking up in the morning. Can't wait for the whole album to come out. RADIO if your listening PLEASE play this song, I want to hear more of The Artist's newer songs. He's truly a genius! |
3 | Better than you realize | Like most, I was expecting(hoping) for something that hit me between the eyes as a classic(When doves Cry, Sign O' the times). And in that respect, I was disappointed. But being a fan, I forced myself to listen again without the expectations, as most non-fans will hear the song. And what I heard was a beautiful melody, a chorus that implants itself in your head, subtle guitar underscoring the singing, and harmonies that send chills. Yeah, it's commercial, but it's far, far better than most of the bland stuff I'm hearing on the radio. And nobody out there could sing a song like this the way he can. |
3 | Get religion | I really enjoyed Rocket Religion. The author has an acute eye for character and place that, combined with a disdain for genre, leads to a story that is involving and takes unexpected turns. And at the center of this story is Russell, an earnest and goofily likeable man whose desire to build rockets and be a part of humanity's journey into space is matched only by his desire to connect to the humans that surround him. It's hard not to root for him as he travels across the globe in pursuit of the stars, all the while struggling to make sense of soldiers, engineers, rockets and relationships.Especially impressive for a first novel, hopefully more to follow... |
4 | I'm sorry Visor, I just don't have time for you anymore.... | Don't get me wrong, I love you, my blue Handspring Visor, but, I'm sorry honey, my new toy has a screen 3x the size of yours (480*160), with 16 grayscales, and unbelievable sharpness. Yes, I enjoyed all the good times we had, spending time learning Graffiti and taking 10 minutes just to scratch out a quick note, but my Mako has an actual QWERTY keyboard that I can use to type out the same message in seconds. She has double your memory (16MB) and all her built in apps in another 8MB of ROM, and an OS known for its flexibility and stability, and a processor twice as fast as yours (36MHZ). I'm sorry honey, really I am. Maybe if you had only had built-in versions of Word and Excel, and a rechargeable battery, it might have worked out between us, but I have to move on. |
4 | Exceptional product / value | After thorough review of similar products, the Mako was by far, the best product for the money. It has an interface, that anyone remotely familiar with a PC would be comfortable with. It accomplishes things that the other devices would require additional software or hardware to accomplish. I highly recommend this product to anyone in the market for an extremely functional PDA / Palmtop. |
2 | What about the battery? | I agree with all the features what the others are saying. I agree with the drowbacks as well. What disturbed me the most is the battery is not replaceable and the voltage monitoring circuit is not very strong eather.I went to Europe for four weeks and recharged the battery using voltage converter recomended for turists. The chager died and my Mako doesn't work since. You can send it back for a flat repair rate of US$100 plus shipping.This is a nice little machine until you have battery problem. It can happen in one year or later, but no battery lasts forever. |
2 | Quantity or Quality? | I compared the Mako to the Revo (the equivalent PDA with 1/2 the memory). The two machines were identical except for the memory (Mako 16 MB, Revo 8MB) so if that is the most important factor, the Mako may be the best choice. For me, the quality of the Revo was better and noticable enough so that I had to go with the Revo. The Revo was studier, the speakers louder and the screen a bit crisper. The Revo is made in Taiwan while the Mako is made in China. Other than that, everything else was the same. These minute differences may not matter if you are trying to decide between let's say a Palm and the Mako but if you are like me and had to choose between the Mako and Revo, I recommend the Revo. |
3 | This is my first PDA/Organizer | I purchased this about 4 months ago and it really is easy to use especially if you are familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel. I use it to copy files from my PC that I want to have handy. The only thing I wish it had is a backlight. But that hasn't come into play too often. I usually have to charge it every 2 or 3 days. I recommend this product if you are not worried about having a lot accessories to go with it, because they are not that many available. |
1 | I LIKE THIS TYPE OF MUSIC, BUT . . . . | Nothing outstanding. I'm sure the band is great in person, and the CD cover images are really great, but the music didn't really trip my trigger. It's that Django/Hot Club period music, nothing too spectacular. I selected this particular CD of theirs because it had the least number of standards (such as "Nuages") and the least number of catchy cover songs (like movie themes). I thought it might be the one to help me determine how good the band's chops are. If you are planning on trying them out, go for one of their discs with the cover songs on it, so if you aren't impressed with the CD, at least you'll have a different version of a familiar song. |
1 | Review of Georgia's Eyes | While there was some new and interesting information in the book about O'Keeffe, I really did not like the illustrations. I thought they were not in keeping (AT ALL) with her work. Also, many important things about her work were not even mentioned. |
2 | great to see old loudness reunited........... | after 1988 the latest EP "jealousy" of niihara era loudness. we have no chance to see all of them four old nippon rocker on the stage. although they only play five of ten songs of cozy. |
3 | Nice CD | this is probably choclairs best cd so far. he did great on ice cold, screwed up on memoirs of blake savage (cept for skunk, love 'em all and light it up which was good). it has nice song like till now with the Circle, all i need, thought train, tell em, and hot this year. he has new thoughts with this album and got rid of the infamous line, face down ass up. he has killer beats with saukrates producing and parts of the circle do little parts in each song (which is sweet), and also has adlibs and big sox from Big Black Lincoln. great cd u should buy it. |
1 | Realize that these are light-weight (cheap) screens | I intentionally ordered bargain screens for some rarely used fireplaces. They're OK, but realize that they really are very light weight and cheaply made. Joints had come unscrewed and were in pieces right out of the box. Easily fixable, but... They'll probably serve the purpose, just a little disappointing. |
0 | Horrible Quality | This thing falls apart right out of the box. It came slightly rusted, and any handling of the product whatsoever makes it fall apart further. I can't believe I paid for this. I'm taking it home today, and if it doesn't stay up, I'm returning it. |
1 | cheap, cheap | I just got this fireplace screen and was disappointed immediately. It had fallen apart before I even opened the box. It was not easily put together...took a lot of work with the screws, caps, etc. to get it together (they kept falling off). Overall, I like the design, but the mesh screen is chintzy, and the entire frame is light weight & CHEAP. Not very sturdy.I didn't expect top quality for $32, but couldn't believe it was made as cheaply as it is. I plan to send it back and look for a better quality item. I don't recommend spending your money on this one...unless you need cheap and lightweight. Too bad, I do like the simple lines/design...hence the 2 stars. |
0 | not the right region | This was listed as a region 1 dvd but it was a region 2 Double check before you buy |
4 | Excellent introduction | While you do need to know your time of birth to get the most out of this kit, if you plan to get the most out of any astrological reading you need your time and place of birth to determine the exact location of the planets. That said, this kit is wonderfully detailed, but also very simple to use. My friends and I had hours of fun casting our horoscope and then reading our personality traits out loud to see if they fit us. A great introduction to the complexities of astrology. |
0 | missing pieces | I can't review this item because I got mine and it was missing everything but the book. Can't do anything with just that, so be carefu buying used stuff. |
1 | Okay at first, but died pretty quickly... | My parents ordered me these new speakers when they got me a new monitor. For awhile, they did work fine, and the sound quality was great. However, the other day, they randomly died on me after about 3 months' use. I'm stuck trying to find another relatively inexpensive set of speakers (while still giving the audio quality I'm looking for). |
3 | Great Little Speakers for Music | I like to listen to internet radio and CDs while I work. Not listening too loudly, though I have been known to turn it up for the occasional song now and then. For my use and for the price, these are great speakers: not tinny, decent bass. |
3 | Good for a first book | This one is pretty good. It isn't the BEST romance I ever read but it's probably one of the best I read this year. The hero is great and the heroine is nice but she sometimes does dumb things a little too often. It's funny even when she does so I guess that's a pretty good sign. The kids are the best. If you like kids in books (I don't usually but this writer did it a lot better than usual) you will probably really like this one. |
3 | Great book. Lose a star for how it was marketed | I purchased this book to help explain extreme weather to my 3 year old. My daughter is advanced for her age, usually doing well with books ages 4-6. This book was targeted towards that on the searches. This book is fantastic in and of itself, it's just for a child perhaps 6 (MAYBE)-11. |
4 | Perfect Solution | This crate provided a perfect solution for our neurotic maltapoo. She has separation anxiety and prefers to be crated when we leave her. But we didn't want an ugly crate sitting around. This crate is not only more attractive than standard wire crates, but since it's on wheels, we can easily move it out of sight when we're not using it. I also really like how easy it is to open and the fact that the top opens as well as the side door. Overall a very nice and well-made product. |
2 | If you have trouble with math; avoid this book. | While I haven't finished the book as of yet; I can say the following...the book has a lot of somewhat complex formulas, essentially, it's econometrics for fantasy football. If you don't know what econometrics is, I won't explain it here, suffice to say that it uses a lot of math formulas to attain players values.The writer's theory behind all these formulas is interesting, and may be useful in attaining values for established players in the NFL played for a few years. It does lack however in acertaining values of rookies and players who have yet to emerge (sleepers). Again, I haven't finished the book as of yet so he may address these topics in a later chapter. Again, if you don't think doing math as a recreation is fun, then avoid the book. |
4 | What a Great Book | Both my kids, age 4 and 2, love this book. Something about seeing the little bunny making a mess just cracks them up. I find the book fun to read as well; the author and illustrator have really captured the spirit of a toddler and it makes me smile to see so much of my kids in the character. |
4 | Backstreet Boys voices are the best | This CD is great, if you are a big fan of the Backstreet Boys you should buy this, you can hear his wonderfull voices everytime that you want. |
1 | beast | Remember that story in "Trilogy of Terror" where Karen Black was chased around for 15 minutes by a spear-wielding 1 foot tall native jungle monster-man doll with sharp teeth? Well, if you liked that scene, then you may love this movie, which features an entire island full of hundreds of little buggers that seem to be close cousins to said jungle mo'fo'.This low-budget period piece film tells the story of a group of people surviving a luxury liner shipwreck only to be stranded on an island full of the horrible aforementioned "beast creatures"! Most of the running time consists of the survivors being gradually picked-off as they fend for their lives from an onslaught of tiny terror attacks! You will either find this film somewhat creepy or ridiculously hilarious depending on your outlook of such things! |
0 | Crap | I must say, This is by far the worst tab book I have ever purchased. On top of NOT including the solos, it is very unclear how to play the songs. I have even found a one mistake in the book, and I have only had it one day. I am the biggest Metallica fan you'll ever find, and I am a decent guitarist. This is a horrible book. I have found that all Cherry Lane Music books are disgusting quality. I would definitely recomend you pitch in the extra 3 or 4 dollars and get the other Kill Em All tab book. I can surely say that the other tab book can not remotely be as sh*ty as this. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. |
3 | One problem... | The collection is great except that the product description indicates that Five Great Stories by Chekov is included, but it's not. Instead a volume of The Cherry Orchard is. |
4 | Thumbs up...HIGH UP! | This track "Bad Karma"...DA BOMB!!! The production is top notch! There are so many hooks in this song, with it`s pulse cuting rythme, it`s a definate hit...Everyone watch out for this guy, i`m not just saying this...i have no idea who the hell he is...and this stuff is excellent...if i could i would give it a 10. Major record labels, are you listening? This guy is gold, nobody knows it though. Thanks for the awesome music Blake |
4 | great product | this is a well constructed product. Just as the company described and very easy to put together. |
1 | Description needs to be written differently | Maybe it is just me, but when I purchased this item, I thought I was getting everything I needed. It was only after I purchased that I read customer reviews (I should have read it first) and realized I had to go buy and cut the wood. I did finish it and it is quite nice. So, I guess the description deserves the 2 stars, but the finished product and ease of construction gets 4 stars. It took me quite a while to get it put together...I had trouble getting the screws in straight. |
0 | Scanner | Has never worked properly. Even sat through a tutorial given by the manufactuer and has never read a single bar code. |
3 | Item was great....I sure paid too much for shipping though | I loved the item and it arrived quickly but shipping cost was outrageous. I will make sure I pay attention to that in the future. |
3 | Seems to work just fine with the exception of the little cloud cartoon | Cartoon of clouds doesn't change, but husband is a weather nut so he loves this thing. |
3 | A nice, easy to use weather forecasting station | The Honeywell TE529ELW is a reasonably priced, easy to use, basic weather forecasting station with multi-channel receiver capability. The unit ships with one base station one and transmitter with a good remote range of up to 30 yards. The station, once set-up, provides clear and easy to read information. Particularly useful for our family is the temperature trend and forecast functions; we use these each morning to help plan our day. Please note the atomic clock functionality will not register your time zone; you'll need to manually set the time zone. If you're looking for a relatively inexpensive and user friendly model chances are this is the one you're looking for. |
0 | Unfortunately not worth reading | For beginners, souhami's textbook isn't what you are looking for. The link between the basic medical science and the clinical aspects is not adaquate enough for beginning medical students. |
2 | Forget it unless you're a serious getten fan | Well, the TV series only has 3 songs, the opening, ending and the insert song on the second last episode (Makenaide). What this CD has is Shining Moon (a song that's never been heard of in the series) and 4 extra soundtracks along with the karaoke version of Shining Moon, that once again hasn't been heard of before in the series. The song's nice and the soundtracks are good (makes me wonder why they didn't include it in the series), but take note that NONE of these have been played in the series (unlike what the review before this one claims).If you're after the opening or ending themes, go get the Singles. If you're after Makenaide, go get the Animation Soundtrack (which has most of the BGM tracks that HAVE been played in the series). |
2 | Freeze Frame | Tried it for 2 weeks - no signifcant improvement apparent yet. Pot a lot smaller than anticpated and not filled with product. |
1 | Not much haiku for a haiku book | As someone who greatly appreciates haiku, I was greatly disappointed by this book. I wanted a book with nothing but haiku. This book is mostly writing ABOUT haiku. It has precsious little haiku verses. And for the ones that were in the book, there were pages and pages of comment on it. If one wants to read a book about what people think of haiku and how they understand it, this book may be for you. But, if you are interested in having a book with the vast majority of what is actually in the book being haiku, this will be a disappointment to you. A few minutes after it was downloaded to my Kindle, I deleted it--a waste of $9.69. |
4 | This is a true masterpiece of children's books | This was the first book I read in Farsi many years ago. I really enjoyed it at the age of 10 and I still enjoy reading it at 30.Behrangi gave children hope with his writings.His other stories are also delightful. I'm sure you and the kids are going to love it ! |
2 | Finally | Neal Armstrong is a national hero, brave beyond compare and worthy of all the lifetime accolades he's received... save one. He has never been generous with the experiences that cost the nation over 25 billion Dollars. Even in this book it's a small part; this book is primarily a biography, not an account of the lunar landing.I'm sorry, I just have a really hard time thinking well of this man. In my opinion it's not right to treat these accounts as belonging solely to him when we paid such a high price in Dollars... and others paid for with their lives. |
0 | Neil Armstrong, A Good Man | Neil, A Good Man. Too bad he didn't land or walk on the moon.He was presented with a Deal he couldn't refuse. He didn't wantto end up like Grissom, White and Chaffee. So, he went along withthe program.Too bad this book is a book of fiction. No way there was a moon landingwhere men walked on the moon. Too bad James R. Hansen can't stand someonesaying something negative about his book. |
3 | Armstrong well portrayed in "First Man" | Yes, other reviewers have highlighted the somewhat pedantic narration, however, this is about Neil Armstrong and not Buck Rogers. The book did an excellent job of capturing the analytical professionalism with which Armstrong approached the space program. To bystanders like us, it was a thrilling adventure. To the astronauts, it was the ultimate technical challenge to their flying careers.The book does get bogged down with the details of Armstrong's flying career, but I can see that as the price of his cooperation with the book. The book makes clear that Armstrong did not regard his astronautical work as anything more (or less) than a natural extension of his work in aviation.Neil Armstrong is not a naturally colorful character, but through the book his engineering competence and his pride in his professionalism come through helping us understand the man who will always be "first." |
1 | Extremely difficult read | I was very disappointed in the book First Man. Mr. Hansen is apparently writing to an audience which includes only pilots, engineers, or other astronauts. I found it an exceptionally difficult read, filled with pages of inane (to the lay reader) information about formulation and testing of numerous aircraft. I purchased the book in order to read a biography about a great American hero; instead, I got an in-depth lesson on engineering, flight, robotics, etc. My advice? Forget about this book if you are interested in learning about Neil Armstrong the man. |
1 | zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | How could such a potentially fascinating person have such a boring biography? No, I didn't read it through - I COULDN'T. I simply went to the index, looked up things that seemed interesting, and read those sections.Otherwise, the book is mostly a tedious bore and a major disappointment. It's easy to understand why it wasn't a runaway bestseller. |
1 | Unfair and not just this CD version | When writing a terrific book like this one, authors please note how UNFAIR it is allow an ABRIDGED version to be recorded onto a CD. My husband is the biggest fan of space travel. He has read everything accessible to him. This CD is abridged and it is not fair that just because he is blind he can't hear the full version of FIRST MAN. I understand that digital downloads (sometimes) right this wrong, but in this case, the digital downloads available are not compatible with the readers (note plural) my husband has. Both the Kindle and the Nook are inaccessible to blind readers. Please, let's put unabridged version only on CD. |
3 | Neil was right - EVERYBODY else was wrong. | While I did enjoy the biography and more specifically the subject matter - I thought the author went a little overboard with what everyone else did wrong and "Neil" did right. The author obviously had it out for Chuck Yeager! Too much time spent on a variety of topics such as the subject of who took what pictures on the moon! I did use this book to launch / read several other books on the same era - such as a biography of Deke Slayton and Michael Collins. I wanted to get their slant on the same topics! Enjoy the book but don't take it as the only source! js |
3 | A very detailed history od Neil Armstrong | The life history of Neil Armstrong is much too detailed to be readible in a few evenings. I had to skip pages where to many names and details showed up, not relevant to describe the unusual personality of Neil Armstrong.He certainly was the right person to be the first man on the moon.He did not take advantage of his celebrity status and stayed humble and modest in all his actions after the historic flight. The author did a dilligent and thorough job. He should come out with a shorter edition for the younger generation. |
1 | One huge disappointment for man... one giant mess for reader kind... | I have read article after article on Neil A. Armstrong. I have read snippets in the biographies of many other astronauts and NASA administrators. I've read news stories and seen so many documentaries that I could probably tell the story of his NASA experience better than Neil himself. This story lacked anything resembling excitement. It failed from the first page to be interesting and couldn't even interest me when talking about his great accomplishment of landing on the moon. There was no conflict. There was no interaction. There was no impressions of Neil as it relates to his fellow astronauts. There were no pieces to the puzzle of a man who remains just as mysterious on the last page as he was before the book is ever opened. Sadly, this author accomplishes only one thing... Taking an interesting character from history and making him seem about as exciting as watching paint dry. |
4 | An excellent starting point. ... | This book is excellent for a deeper introductory look at mathematicalfinance. It is well-written, and strikes a nice balancebetween sophistication and accessiblity. Its companion volume onC++ development in the context of quantitative finance is also wellworth examining. I look forward to seeing the follow up volume, whichwill cover additional, more advanced topics. |
2 | If you already know the field | If you already know almost everything it is a very good book. No error and the guy knows what he is doing. However, if you know everything, why do you want to buy this book?Unfortunately, if you do not know everything, the book is very difficult to understand. At a first lecture I never get the point. After reading some others books and implement the problem, I can indeed understand the chapter... but what is the use? Maybe we (the author and me) do not have the same way of thinking...Another bad point is that there is no implementation. So if you are blocked somewhere you are dead.Moreover the authors spend 16 chapter of 18 on equities and 2 on interest rate. But this last field correspond to 90% of the market! ...Well,..., However,... not so bad ... so, 3 stars |
2 | I didn't like the book | I didn't like this book because I thought it was vague and because I was expecting it to read like a textbook. I am giving it 3 stars anyway because the first chapter was interesting. I haven't read other finmath books except for "Handbook of Mortgage Backed Securities" which I liked a lot, so this is how I arrived at my conclusion. |
2 | Big size, Little storage | I have the large lensed Sony F505 camera - equal in size to the F707. Great camera but difficult to find a case that fits. So I finally purchased the "official" Sony leather case. Now I have a case that fits the camera perfectly but has no storage space for the battery(ies), or the charger and cord. There is also only enough room for one or two individual Memory Sticks. And I generally keep those in the "genuine" Sony Memory Stick Vault, which holds ten at a time.So, there's a distinct trade off. Find a case that has plenty of room for accessories but little room for the actual camera. Or buy the Sony case which fits like a glove but has just a tiny bit of storage for the extras. |
3 | Just As Described | I gave it a four cause it's not quite as big as I'd like it to be, but it's durable, water/stain resistant, and cute! |
3 | Fits well enough at a great price. | Easy to install on my planer. Initially there was a bit of a gap along the bottom edge between the planer and the plastic collector but a 10lb dumbell has taken care of that. I will use silcone sealant and see if that works. |
2 | Work well, with reservations | This dust collector accessory worked well for me . . . no complaints about performance . . . and shipping was very timely - however, one of the three knobs/screws that are used to attach the accessory to the planer would not reach its mating thread - it was too short (or the plastic on the flange of the dust collector accessory was too thick). I ended up using it with only two of the three screws, which worked fine, but was not the most secure way to attach it. |
3 | Excellent for someone with no Visual C++ knowledge. | I picked up the book, because I had the Visual C++ program from my workplace. I have had no prior experience with Visual C++. This book, quite literally, walks the reader through the basic programming tools of Visual C++. I look forward to trying out all the examples in the book. A definate must have for those with little or no Visual C++ background. (Works best if you have the Visual C++ program while you read the book.) |
1 | Money, paper and time wasting ... | I don't know how is it possible to put a 200 pages material in a book that counts more than 1200 pages, but people from a Sybex did it :( Plus, one of the worst thing that author could do is to print complete listings that VC++ generates and really BIG screen dumps...One of the worst books about Visual C++ :(((( |
1 | Been there , Done that | If I listen to DJ Tiesto's Summerbreeze and Trance Nation 4 (Mixed by Corsten) almost al of the songs of the Corsten part of this cd are in it. Jesus! I dont pay for a CD to hear more of the same.. Ferry can do much better than this. The Smit part is good though (although he too uses some songs which are used by everyone) |
1 | Huh? The CD's over? Best nap I ever took. | Ferry, Ferry, Ferry. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I can't believe that you mixed half of this crap. Frist off besides being boring, this complation is the same trance cd with the same songs that everyone else is putting out. With the likes of a genious such as Ferry Corsten, I expected something more. There are only a handful of songs that redeemed this cd. I'm not saying that the songs on it are bad, but rather old and played out. If I have to hear Bt's Dreaming on one more CD this year, I'm gonna shoot myself! If you truly like your trance to make you get up and dance, check Ferry's earlier work on the MOS series or check out any of the Euphoria cd's or Dj Tiesto. If you have a hard time going to sleep, this is the cd for you. |
3 | Simple and cost effective | Macally's charger is a simple solution for charging your iPod while in the car (or on airplanes equipped with a PowerPort). You will need a Firewire cable to connect the iPod to the charger! This is important as 4G iPods do not ship with this cable. If you have the cable, this is a five-star product that does exactly what it says. It has a cool blue light that shines while it is charging--and reminding you that you are hooked up. It will fully charge an iPod in just a few hours.If you are thinking about a more elaborate car set-up for your iPod there are options that combine a FM transmitter, a cradle, and a power adapter that would make this device unneeded.Bottom line: four stars for function and design. |
0 | Inexpensive Because it's CHEAP - Broken After 3 Weeks | After a few weeks of happily resting seated in it's plug, the spring loaded sides that keep it firmly in place gave out. Now it just pops out of the cigarette lighter hole. Spend a little extra and buy brand name with warranty. |
2 | Strong character | I always enjoyed Dark tranquility, and Character leaves no doubt about the quality of this band...its quite strong, it as soul, strength and...character. In my opinion, Dark tranquility have reached a level of status in the death metal scene that only a few other bands have reached...Character, not their best work, but still, good and worthy to listen. |
4 | excellent reading | This book allows the reader to trail along the astronauts & their instructors during training, and it also lets the reader get to know the people involved. It's a wonderful adventure with the crew of 41G! |
4 | Simple techniques, beautiful results | In the "Celtic Knotwork Handbook" Sheila Sturrock invites the beginner into the adventure of designing and constructing beautiful Celtic knotwork patterns. Don't be fooled by the simple techniques explained in the book. By first teaching how to plot basic patterns on a graph paper, she teaches the student the basic patterns and designs. From these basic beginnings the student then learns how to leverage those skills to create larger more complex patterns.In a matter of about an hour I was able to design and draw basic patterns easily. By the next day I could design and produce much more complex patterns and was quite pleased with the results. An enjoyable book that teaches one of the easiest methods to learn and create Celtic knotwork, it is a valuable reference as well as just plain fun. |
2 | I guess they're cutting publishing costs. | I went to the store a few days ago to take a look at this book before I decided to buy it. When I found it I was a bit dissappointed in what I saw. It looks like the same book she made in 1998. It even uses the exact same cover only this time it is brown. Don't get me wrong, that is a great book and I use it all the time, but this book was about 2 inches X 2 inches smaller. I personally prefer the larger version which is 7 1/4 inches by 9 3/4 inches. If you don't mind the smaller size, it has been a wonderful reference. I also love how they illustrate both the two-dimensional line drawing and the final three-dimensional drawing side by side. |
3 | Celtic Knotwork Handbook | This book is an interesting beginning for those just starting out in celtic artwork. At first, the lack of detailed instructions is confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it is very simple. This book shows an interesting way of doing complicated knotwork. |
1 | Great book if you want to create Celtic designs | Unfortunately, I was looking for different project ideas, and not looking to learn how to design Celtic knotwork. So I returned this book and kept Celtic Quilts: A New Look for Ancient Designs (That Patchwork Place) which was perfect for my needs. |
1 | A Medium Effort | I didn't much like the writing style and the central character which was booze. The secondary cast seems to go into liver shock if they are deprived of alcohol for a few hours. I am aware that the narrator is an alcoholic but his regeneration is still fueled by alcohol. I found the people in the book depressing, one of them a rabid overachiever and all of them generally unsympathetic. The book has a grey mist over it which never really lifts.Maybe the whole world of journalism is driven only by over imbibing, but that doesn't make it mysterious or interesting. That theme is overdone in this book. I found it mainly boring, even though I seem to be in a minority here. |
2 | Same book different cover! | "Fatal Dead Lines" and "Death Notice" are the same books, only the titles are changed. Fatal Dead Lines does have a Table of Contents that Death Notice does not have.I purchased both books. How do I get my money back?I previewed Fatal Dead Lines and liked it. So, I purchased it and when I finished I ordered Death Notice w/out the preview.Same book different cover!!!!!!!! |
1 | Yellow #5 | I wouldn't have purchased this item had I known it contained this artificial coloring ingredient. With that said, the flavor is excellent and the spiciness is very strong. I would love this sauce, if the makers would stick with natural ingredients. |
4 | My favorite hot sauce | This is the best Hot Sauce that I have EVER had. It is also quite the spiciest, so you only need a little bit. It was given to me as a gift, and I just love it. This is a sauce for true hot sauce lovers that desire a wonderful blend of hot spices. |
4 | Best Hot Sauce in the World | I first tried Baron's West Indian Hot Sauce on my honeymoon in St. Lucia. It added so much to my dining pleasure that I brought back a few bottles in my suitcase. The scotch bonnet is a type of habenero. What is unique about it is that it has a very fruity flavor along with the heat, and the mustard adds complexity. The combination of fruit, heat, and spice is truly extraordinary. I like it on fish, chicken, burgers, steaks, turkey sandwiches, egg sandwiches, french fries, and fruit, yes! Fruit! If you want to completely blow your mind, try it on a wedge of drippy ripe mango. It it is dynomite with omlettes and any egg dish at breakfast, no better way to start the day. Just be careful who and where you kiss after eating this hot sauce. I have also tried Glady's of St. Thomas, which is also excellent, I am a big fan. Compared to Glady's I found that Baron's is more fruity, more consistant, and keeps better over long periods. |
4 | A joy to read.......... | The singular criterion of a "good read" is when you must keep turning the pages, to find out what happens next. In a memoir - always a very personal reflection -- this is a large achievement. Written with much humor the author displays a unique perceptiveness, enormous pluck, and also a poetic soul, in describing ten momentous years of her life while learning to farm in the Dordogne region of France and raise her four children. The animals encountered throughout receive the same love and attention as her family. Readers, both male and female, will enjoy an insider's view of the rural day-to-day life in a scenic and historic area of southwest France. This is a place known to many tourists yet unknown in its mores and manners, until now. I would highly recommend "CastOff" by Jan Murra to all readers, of all ages. December 2001 |
2 | Gundam W Operation V.4 | I confess, I bought this CD for the full-length version of Rhythm Emotion. And just as I though, that one track was well worth the price of this CD. All the character songs are also beginning to grow on me. However, I do wish they would have included some of the television BGM that didn't appear on Operations 1, 2, 3 and S. |
0 | Um..its ok | I found this CD to lack good songs compared to the other gundam wing CDs. Although it has a few good songs like tracks 2,3 and 5, the other tracks seemed to be jsut put in there to make a full CD. I recomend buying thi sonly if you want to complete your gundam wing cd collection or are a die-hard fan. |
1 | This book is outdated... | This book covers the older version of Mac OS X and is almost irrelevant in some cases to Mac OS X v2. Although it did help me out in some spots, there were a lot of things that I had to get from discussion boards to answer. At most, it is a run through of what to expect. But don't expect it to be anything like the new version of OS X server. |
0 | Awful! | This book is so far off topic, its ridiculous. If you have been using OS X Server for some time and want a reference, don't look here. First they include a primer on how ethernet packets work. Then they never get to the point, unless you want to use NetBoot. It is a fairly good intro if you don't want to actually use OS X. There is nothing about NFS, Apache, basic ftp with a terminal, nothing. I can't say how much I am disappointed. With shipping, it was $40 - down the drain! |
0 | not useful anymore | While this book seemed very appealing for someone who is new to Mac OS X server and its Linux underpinnings, it is almost worthless at this point in time since it has not been updated to include the major changes that have been made in the past couple years. Save your money and visit online resources; they are much more valuable. |
1 | Good for complete beginners - Bad for anyone with experience | A very light and fluffy book.3/4s of the book is filler. We don't need another book with a chapter on the OSI model, and certainly don't need this much detail on installation and configuration - it's not that hard. Most of the book illustrates and describes rather then explaining why. Certainly there is little attention paid OS X's UNIX roots (expecially OS X Server).The last few chapters are useful if you are heavily invested in using NetBoot or Mac Manager. But even in these chapters there more attention paid to screenshots and descriptions of all the checkboxes then any serious advice or advances discussion. |
1 | The Manual that never was | I've been waiting for something to provide some information on this amazing server. this wasn't it. Basically its a manual that should have shipped with the server itself. It doesn't provide the insight and detail that was needed for the one thing I wanted to do (utilize the 5 enet ports for load balancing) and most of it is elementary network info. Definitely NOT worth the [money] I paid for it and not worth the 4 mo. wait. |
1 | Incomplete | The cover says it all "An Essential Resource for the Mac OS System Administrator". Absolutely no coverage for Windows clients using Mac OS X Server - a big omission in most computer installations today. Otherwise a good book to cover the basic concepts. |
Subsets and Splits