translation |
"cs": "Jedno/jeden dítě mladší než 12 let je bez poplatku při použití stávajících postelí.",
"en": "One child under 12 years stays free of charge when using existing bedding."
} |
"cs": "Hodnocení hostů nám posílají naši zákazníci po pobytu v Howard Johnson Enchanted Land Kissimmee .",
"en": "The guest reviews are submitted by our customers after their stay at Howard Johnson Enchanted Land Kissimmee ."
} |
"cs": "This hotel offers amenities for both business or pleasure travelers with a great Lake Buena Vista location. Downtown Disney is only one mile away.",
"en": "Nestled on 15 acres of tropical landscape and minutes from Walt Disney World, this family-friendly hotel features free shuttle service to major attractions and provides a variety of modern amenities."
} |
"cs": "While visiting Orlando, this hotel offers the location and amenities to meet the needs of every traveler.",
"en": "This hotel offers amenities for both business or pleasure travelers with a great Lake Buena Vista location."
} |
"cs": "International Drive and its great shopping and fine-dining is within walking distance.",
"en": "Downtown Disney is only one mile away."
} |
"cs": "Již po krátké době strávené v Budapešti zjistíte, že nikdy tak docela přesně nevíte, kde se právě nacházíte – a tento dojem nezpůsobuje jen postavení ulic.",
"en": "You don't need to be in Budapest long to realise that you never know quite where you stand – and that's not because of the street layout."
} |
"cs": "Nezávisle na tom, kam se právě díváte, ustavičně zjišťujete, že je toto město znovu a znovu schopné zazářit ve svém původním lesku, i když bylo v průběhu dějin tolikrát přinuceno pokleknout.",
"en": "Everywhere you look, there is evidence of a city that has been brought to its knees – and restored to its former glory – time and time again."
} |
"cs": "Dodnes zůstaly zachovány připomínky z doby Římanů, Turků (lázně), architektonické památky gotiky a baroka, stejně jako ornamenty zdobené secesní fasády domů.",
"en": "Even today, it is littered with Roman remains, Turkish baths and Gothic and Baroque architecture, as well as elaborate secessionist (Hungary’s take on Art Nouveau) facades."
} |
"cs": "Návštěva Budapešti však nenabízí jen cestu do minulosti, návštěvník tu nachází také nesčetné důkazy o překrásné a moderní současnosti.",
"en": "But visiting Budapest is not just about discovering the past, it is also an opportunity to witness a city building its own bright future."
} |
"cs": "Četné pozoruhodnosti a památky lze nejlépe spatřit z Citadely na vrchu Gellért nebo z věží slavné Rybářské bašty, v eklektickém slohu postavené hradní čtvrti Buda.",
"en": "The most obvious way to begin exploring Budapest's extraordinary diversity is to view it from the Citadella on Gellért Hill, or from between the turrets of the famous Fisherman's Bastion in Buda's eclectic Castle District."
} |
"cs": "Při výletě lodí, procházkou nebo jízdou tramvají číslo 2 podél nábřeží Dunaje na pešťské straně se nabízí nádherný pohled na Budínské vrchy a monumentální budovu Parlamentu.",
"en": "A boat trip, a stroll or a ride on the number 2 tram along the embankment on the Pest side of the Danube is a great way to admire the hills of Buda and the giant Parliament building."
} |
"cs": "Další oslnivá architektonická mistrovská díla lze spatřit v zajímavé a „neposedné“ pešťské straně města.",
"en": "Further exploration of the wealth of fascinating architecture in the hustle and bustle of Pest is also a must."
} |
"cs": "To je ta pravá prohlídka města.",
"en": "Then it's on to the real sightseeing."
} |
"cs": "K nejdůležitějším pamětihodnostem patří největší evropská synagoga, Bazilika sv. Štěpána, Královský Hrad na Budíně, Széchenyiho Řetězový most a obrovská socha biskupa sv. Gellérta za Alžbětiným mostem.",
"en": "Must-see landmarks include Europe's largest Synagogue, the Szent István Basilica and the Buda Royal Palace – not to mention the Széchenyi Lánchíd (Chain Bridge) and the dramatic statue of St Gellért, perched above Erzsébet híd (Elizabeth Bridge)."
} |
"cs": "Při delší procházce staroslavnou Andrássyho třídou se dostaneme na Náměstí Hrdinů s impozantním památníkem nejvýznačnějších osobností maďarské historie a k Městskému parku, který rovněž nabízí paletu zajímavostí.",
"en": "The long walk down the majestic Andrássy út ends at Hősök tere (Heroes' Square), an extravagant monument to Hungary's key historical figures, and Városliget (City Park), which boasts a host of attractions of its own."
} |
"cs": "Budapešť není jen městem fascinujících staveb; také četná muzea dokumentují maďarskou historii ať už s hrdými či smutnými obdobími.",
"en": "Budapest is not just a city of stunning buildings – many of its museums serve to highlight a history that is proud and unfortunate in equal measure."
} |
"cs": "V žádném případě nelze nechat bez povšimnutí budovu Národního muzea, ale také skličující „Dům teroru“, dříve využívaný fašistickými a později komunistickými tajnými službami.",
"en": "The imposing National Museum is impossible to miss, and the chilling House of Terror – the building used by both the Nazi and Communist secret police – is impossible to ignore."
} |
"cs": "Ve městě je mnoho barů, koncertních sálů, pořádají se hudební festivaly nejrůznější povahy. – For 28 years now the Budapešťský Jarní festival je již po dobu 28 let největším kulturním festivalem Maďarska.",
"en": "The city is also packed with clubs, concert venues and festivals for music of every possible genre – For 28 years now the Budapest Spring Festival has been Hungary's biggest cultural festival."
} |
"cs": "Pořady tohoto festivalu mají mezinárodní význam.",
"en": "The series of events is of international significance, too."
} |
"cs": "Vždy několik měsíců předem dostávají cestovní kanceláře předběžný program.",
"en": "It is noted in all countries; travel agencies receive the planned programme months in advance."
} |
"cs": "V posledních dvou týdnech měsíce března pak čeká na domácí i zahraniční návštěvníky 50-60 míst v Budapešti s celkem 200 pořady.",
"en": "In the last two weeks of March around 200 events await Hungarian and foreign tourists in 50-60 venues in Budapest."
} |
"cs": "Vedle koncertů klasické a popové hudby jsou připravena divadelní a filmová představení, akce pod širým nebem a řada dalších pořadů.",
"en": "Besides classical and pop music concerts, there are theatre performances, film screenings, open-air programmes and other festival-type events."
} |
"cs": "Nedaleko od hektiky a dopravního ruchu městské části Pešť, a přesto chráněný, je Markétin ostrov (Margitsziget), oblíbené místo všech milovníků nerušeného odpočinku. V Budínských vrších si přijdou na své cyklisti, sportovně naladění výletníci i rodiny s dětmi, kteří sem míří za aktivním odpočinkem i relaxací.",
"en": "And not far from the traffic and noise of downtown Pest, Margitsziget (Margaret Island) is a hub for outdoor activities, and the tranquil hills of Buda are a haven for cyclists, walkers and families."
} |
"cs": "V každém případě by si měl každý návštěvník metropole dopřát léčivou a oddychovou koupel ve zdejších světově proslulých termálních lázních.",
"en": "And who could forget the relaxing and healing properties of the city's spas."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1993 announced that the name Czechia (Czech: Česko) is to be used in all situations other than formal official documents and the full names of government institutions [1], [2], but this has not caught on in English usage.",
"en": "english as a foreign language, teaching english as a second language, english as a second language, To communicate in the global economy it is not enough to know English alone."
} |
"cs": "The Czech landscape is quite varied; Bohemia to the west consists of a basin, drained by the Elbe (Czech: Labe) and Vltava rivers, surrounded by mostly low mountains such as the Sudeten with its part Krkonoše, where one also finds the highest point in the country, the Sněžka at 1,602 m.",
"en": "It is now essential to have a grasp of the global economy and to understand teach english as a foreign language, learn to speak english, learn english, how other people live and work."
} |
"cs": "With a GDP (PPP) per capita of $19,488, the Czech Republic's per-capita output is approximately two-thirds that of the large Western European economies and approximately on par with that of Portugal, Greece and Slovenia.",
"en": "In November 1998 the learning to speak english, english speaking courses, online english courses, website launched with a lesson called 'lift off', a story about John Glen who was circling in space at the time."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1993 announced that the name Czechia (Czech: Česko) is to be used in all situations other than formal official documents and the full names of government institutions,, but this is controversial in the Czech Republic and has not caught on in English usage.",
"en": "English is also the most widely used language for young backpackers who travel across continents, regardless of whether it is their mother tongue or a secondary language."
} |
"cs": "The Czech landscape is quite varied; Bohemia to the west consists of a basin, drained by the Elbe (Labe) and Vltava rivers, surrounded by mostly low mountains such as the Sudeten with its part Krkonose, where one also finds the highest point in the country, the Snezka at 1,602 m.",
"en": "English is the most widely learned and used foreign language in the world, and as such, some linguists believe that it is no longer the exclusive cultural emblem of 'native English speakers', but rather a language that is absorbing aspects of cultures world-wide as it grows in use."
} |
"cs": "A large percentage of the Czech population claim to be atheists (59%), and the remainder describe themselves as uncertain.",
"en": "English as a lingua franca for Europe is a new variant of the English language created to become the common language in Europe, spoken in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland."
} |
"cs": "A large percentage of the Czech population claim to be atheists (40%), and 16% describe themselves as uncertain.",
"en": "English is a Germanic language of the Indo-European Family."
} |
"cs": "The Czechs lost their national independence to the Hapsburgs Empire in 1620 at the Battle of White Mountain and for the next 300 years were ruled by the Austrian Monarchy.",
"en": "It is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language."
} |
"cs": "Czech forces are being downsized from 200,000 to approximately 35,000, and at the same time reoriented toward a more mobile, deployable force structure.",
"en": "Although French, Spanish and Arabic speakers may disagree, English is well on its way to becoming the unofficial international language of the world."
} |
"cs": "When the Czechs, together with the Slovaks , finally had a republic of their own in 1918, the Czech public was already well accustomed to the idea of a factory working woman, and was well on its way to getting accustomed to the concept of an academically educated professional woman.",
"en": "The guidelines for English 1001 (0040) are followed in this course, but in the ESL writing classroom there are cross-cultural implications both of what it means to do academic work and also what it means to share historical and cultural knowledge."
} |
"cs": "Czech women are perceived as different from Czech men primarily in the context of the firmly embedded cultural paradigms of gender-divided housework and child care.",
"en": "English 1002 (C050) takes a broader perspective than 1001 (0040), requiring students to explore a single theme from the point of view of two or more disciplines."
} |
"cs": "Czech women are considered equal in all spheres of the society, but the duality of their roles as mothers/household caretakers and as workers is firmly embedded in the current thinking of both men and women.",
"en": "English 1022 (R050) is the same as 1002 (C050) except that the readings focus on the study of race."
} |
"cs": "At some Absinthes You will see then a \"Louche-effect\" (opalisation), which is not the czech tradition at Absinthe.",
"en": "EFL is used when people learn English in a non-English speaking country."
} |
"cs": "This is in keeping with Czech privacy law which prevents the Czech Telecommunication Authority from releasing its official data to the public.",
"en": "Colloquial English may not be a creole but a regional variety of uncreolized English."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Radio Club is actively soliciting the cooperation of Czech hams to both increase the number of hams included and ensure the accuracy of the data.",
"en": "An additional 10,276 or 1.8% of population (1976 census) are part-European, and speak English and Fijian."
} |
"cs": "Czech callsign holders may submit listings, corrections, and updates, in writing, to OK1CMU, as described on the database page.",
"en": "Nida, Eugene A. A synopsis of English syntax."
} |
"cs": "Saint John Nepomuk Roman Catholic Church, the oldest Czech parish in America, was the Mother Church for almost all early Catholic eastern European immigrants to Saint Louis, Missouri.",
"en": "During the Old English period of 450-1,100 A.D. (first phase), Britain experienced the spread of Christianity, and, from the 8th century, the invasion and occupation by the Vikings, called the \"Danes. \" The most important event of the second phase, the Middle English period (1100-1500 A.D.) was the Norman Conquest of 1066."
} |
"cs": "Czechs per Square Mile based on the 1990 United States Census and a link to the site where you can make your own maps down to the county level based on hundreds of pieces of demographic data.",
"en": "The English language which spread to the world created many of its variants, the most prominent of which is American English."
} |
"cs": "It has been sixty years since the end of the Second World War but it was not until last Sunday that the northern Czech industrial town of Usti nad Labem unveiled a memorial dedicated to the 1,000 Jewish residents who perished in the Holocaust.",
"en": "English grads are especially adept at distilling meaning from complex situations and texts."
} |
"cs": "Welcome to the ABC of Czech in which we look at words and expressions to do with Czech food and cuisine.",
"en": "You'll find them constructing concise written and spoken material for print and broadcast media; developing creative and effective approaches to teaching and learning in education; and writing and disseminating policy in government."
} |
"cs": "Czech Egyptology has an international reputation and its history goes back to the late 19th century when the Czech lands were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.",
"en": "USD is governed by the Board of Regents of South Dakota and is an Equal Opportunity institution."
} |
"cs": "HN: It was established by Stanley L. Kostoryz, a Czech from Nebraska who purchased a 7,700 acre tract from the Grim Ranch in 1906 for a settlement for Czech immigrants.",
"en": "Simply means \"amber\", from the English word that denotes either the fossilized tree resin or the orange-yellow colour..."
} |
"cs": "Marak is primarily a Czech community and is the center of a Catholic parish.",
"en": "Either a short form of ASHLEY or else from the English word denoting either the tree or the residue of fire."
} |
"cs": "HN: In this Catholic community of Czechs, Germans, and Anglos, the Czech-Moravian group was the largest during the 1980s..During the 1980s Czech was still used in the recitation of the Rosary and in hymns.",
"en": "From an English surname which was originally derived from a place name meaning \"ash tree clearing\" in Old English..."
} |
"cs": "(1) The national symbols of the Czech Republic shall be the large and the small state coat-of- arms, the national colours, the national flag, the standard of the President of the Republic, the state seal and the national anthem.",
"en": "English Forums is a great place to learn and discuss the English language with help from professional teachers."
} |
"cs": "m) whether the execution of a referendum on the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union is in conformity with the Constitutional law regarding the referendum on the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union and with the implementing law.",
"en": "English Consultor offers a free weekly e-mail newsletter for ESL students with motivational articles, reading help, grammar tips, vocabulary help, and question and answers from readers."
} |
"cs": "The Government of the Czech Republic appointed after the elections held in 1992 and performing its function on the day this Constitution enters into effect shall be considered to be a Government appointed under this Constitution.",
"en": "Friends in English is an online community composed of people from all around the world who are learning English as a second language; you can join the community or visit their companion website."
} |
"cs": "Czech text packs (Kytice, Máj with English translation, and Labyrint světa) in a compact \"HTML Help\" format.",
"en": "It’s a small (virtual) world שייך לנושאים: כללי, English, קוד פתוח, טכנולוגיה — gby @ 22:17 This post is in English, because it concerns, among..."
} |
"cs": "Czech Switzerland is said to be a marvellous island of virgin nature in the heart of Europe.",
"en": "Washington, D.C. Rep. Phil English (R-Pa.) applauded today’s House passage of the Conference Report on H.R. 3222, the 2008 Department of Defense Appropriations..."
} |
"cs": "The glace cherry on a very pretty cake, Telc's Renaissance chateau, part of which is known as the...",
"en": "In addition to the best casino games, English Harbour also offers the best bonus games, highest payouts, and biggest jackpots and bonuses."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Republic is still all things to all people.",
"en": "Our knowledgeable customer service representatives offer the best casino support in the business; contact us anytime with any questions you may have and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you."
} |
"cs": "Disclaimer: We've tried to make the information on this web site as accurate as possible, but it is provided 'as is' and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information.",
"en": "Welcome to English Harbour Online Casino, where we provide you 24-hour a day/7-day a week access to the best free or real-money online casino experience from anywhere in the world."
} |
"cs": "The Czech or Bohemian language is spoken by that branch of the Indo-European Slavs who settled in Moravia and Bohemia about the fifth century after Christ.",
"en": "English is taught at the University of Oregon by the Department of English."
} |
"cs": "Of all Slav literature, with the exception of the Bulgarian, the Czech is the oldest and, until the seventeenth century, was also the richest.",
"en": "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare -Many would argue that this man is English literature."
} |
"cs": "During this the Czech language passed from its old form to the medieval stage, and this epoch may be called the golden age of Bohemian literature.",
"en": "This page is maintained by the Yamada Language Center at the University of Oregon."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Republic concluded a Europe-Agreement with the EU.",
"en": "In American English the final e is removed from verbs before adding -ing, in correct British English this is not done giving \"routeing\" ( British ) and \"routing\" ( American ), however the American practice of dropping the \"e\" is becoming quite common in British English."
} |
"cs": "1526: Advent of the Habsburgs to the Czech throne.",
"en": "Note that in British English, \"letter box\" also refers to a box in public place where letters etc., are deposited for onwards transmission by the Postal Service, sometimes known as a pillar box."
} |
"cs": "1415: The death of a Czech religious reformer John Hus (burnt at the stake).",
"en": "In British English a washroom is a place where one goes to wash. The words \"john\" and \"jakes\" perhaps both derive from the French \"Jacques\"."
} |
"cs": "As of 1995, the Czech Center NY builds dialogue among the Czech Republic and American public particularly in the areas of culture, business and tourism.",
"en": "Washington, D.C. - By a bi-partisan vote of 64-33, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment late last night to make English the national language of the United States and reduce the entitlement to multilingual services."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Center NY is primarily focused on presenting the latest and most innovative works of Czech Artists to the U.S. The Czech Center NY is part a network of 19 Czech Centers abroad under the umbrella of the Czech Centers in Prague.",
"en": "U.S.ENGLISH, Inc. is the nation's oldest, largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Center New York (the only Czech Center outside of Europe) is part of a network of 19 Czech Centers abroad administered by the Czech Center headquarters in Prague a subsidiary of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.",
"en": "U.S.ENGLISH believes that the passage of English as the official language will help to expand opportunities for immigrants to learn and speak English, the single greatest empowering tool that immigrants must have to succeed."
} |
"cs": "Czech Castles with full information and graphics, ideal to highlight your visit.",
"en": "Our very strength as a Department of English thus rests with our aggregate of different disciplines that explore multiple aspects of human communications."
} |
"cs": "The Worlds largest organization of people researching and learning about their Czech and Slovak family history and heritage.",
"en": "Multidisciplinary perspectives of creative writing, English education, linguistics, literature, and rhetoric and composition create contrasting and complementary theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding and teaching how people engage language, and create, consume and circulate texts in diverse media."
} |
"cs": "In both Slovakia and the Czech Republic I have attended many folk festivals, met many unique and different folk artists.",
"en": "The English Department at Arizona State University is robust and unique precisely because we bring together every part of English Studies in one space."
} |
"cs": "Vocabulary of our dictionaries consist of approximately 650,000 czech, english and other languages words includes general expressions, medical, technical, legal, and business terms, as well as idioms and slang.",
"en": "After the British Labour Party suffers significant losses in English local elections, Prime Minister Tony Blair conducts a major cabinet reshuffle."
} |
"cs": "Our czech models have the widest range of features such as speech recognitions, business organizers and many others.",
"en": "A new Cabinet of Israel, led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, is approved by the Knesset and sworn in."
} |
"cs": "Our Czech software has a wide range of features; we also make available a good selection of English-Czech products.",
"en": "1429 - Siege of Orléans: French troops led by Joan of Arc lifted the English siege and turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War."
} |
"cs": "Czech Travel Guide: Prague hotel apartments, cultural events, restaurants, tourist info...",
"en": "With about 55 faculty, 33 academic staff, 800 majors, and 200 graduate students, we are one of the largest and most distinguished departments in the College of Letters and Science."
} |
"cs": "Czech countryside, you are on the right place.",
"en": "The English Language and Linguistics program includes a linguistics track in the undergraduate English major, a Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Certificate, an MA in Applied English Linguistics and PhD in English Language and Linguistics."
} |
"cs": "If you are going to the Czech Republic for the first time, don't forget to learn some basic facts about language, people, important phone numbers and other important information.",
"en": "The English as a Second Language Program teaches some 1,500 international students a year, helping to support the campus's commitment to linking the University to all parts of the world."
} |
"cs": "Following the First World War, the closely related Czechs and Slovaks of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire merged to form Czechoslovakia .",
"en": "Its vocabulary has been newly selected from sources showing how modern English is used internationally , in print and on broadcasts and over the Internet."
} |
"cs": "The Czech Republic is one of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.",
"en": "Translations are available to and from English to Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese , Russian, Hungarian, and Welsh."
} |
"cs": "Current account deficits of around 5% of GDP are beginning to decline as demand for Czech products in the European Union increases.",
"en": "English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept."
} |
"cs": "Seven students from a junior high school in southern Norway were caught at the border between Poland and the Czech Republic in an apparent attempt to smuggle home weapons.",
"en": "Non-Errors Those usages people keep telling you are wrong but which are actually standard in English."
} |
"cs": "Czech Republic head into their final qualifying game in Group One, against Finland in Helsinki, knowing a victory is required if they are earn a play-off berth.",
"en": "View a short video about English at Washington State University, home of Common Errors in English."
} |
"cs": "We spoke with the executive director of the Czech branch about the group's goal of developing a knowledge of business and trade in youth.",
"en": "English Heritage exists to protect and promote England's spectacular historic environment and ensure that its past is researched and understood."
} |
"cs": "The Austrian ambassador in the Czech Republic is an experienced leader with a long running career in diplomacy.",
"en": "Each English Heritage holiday cottage has a story to tell: its past inextricably linked with an historic house, a fortified castle or a great estate."
} |
"cs": "Czech translator database and a small corpus of parallel translations.",
"en": "Welcome to the English Department of the University of Texas at Austin."
} |
"cs": "Added some new teachers around the world and updated the Greatest Czechs section with the results of a recent Czech TV poll.",
"en": "Our focus on critical reading, analytical reasoning, and lucid writing is central to the mission of the College of Liberal Arts, while our large and distinguished faculty makes us one of the strongest and most diverse departments on campus."
} |
"cs": "Added an essay by the winnner of the second prize of the British Czech and Slovak Association 2004 essay competition.",
"en": "This website offers you the opportunity to explore our undergraduate and graduate programs, discover our outstanding special programs, read about recent achievements, and keep current on English Department events."
} |
"cs": "My research is focused most strongly on Czechs and Moravians and their descendants in the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Century, particularly those whose families immigrated to Texas in the 19th Century.",
"en": "The English Department offers a wide array of courses: midshipmen study everything from Homer to Hamlet, from Marlowe to Morrison, from Dickens to Dickinson."
} |
"cs": "About 3,000 of them have Czech or Moravian surnames (about 400 of which are still living in the Czech Republic), and many are European royalty and early American settlers.",
"en": "The English Department has a mix of 25 civilians and 13 officers currently teaching."
} |
"cs": "Operation Daybreak - An excellent WWII true story about the persecution of the Czechs by Nazi Germany.",
"en": "The department offers an honors major as well as opportunities for independent study or graduate study at local universities."
} |
"cs": "With wide acclaim from the Czech Republic and all of Europe the Gideon String Trio, on its first American tour, will perform at the American Czech-Slovak Cultural Club on Sunday, March 27, 2005 at 2:00 PM.",
"en": "Welcome to English Club English Grammar for ESL learners."
} |
"cs": "Currently the most popular Czech impressionist, Izer is both an entertainer and showman.",
"en": "This English Prepositions List is a list of all English prepositions, showing them in context with example sentences."
} |
"cs": "Prague may aspire to be seen as just another European capital, complete with Prada shops and the salaries needed to shop in them, but there really is no escaping Prague’s fringe status.",
"en": "We use fun English lessons to help you study ESL."
} |
"cs": "Well, that and the low rent and the cheap, exquisite Czech beer.",
"en": "Practice English with English Chat and English forums."
} |
"cs": "Time Out Prague charts the changes to the Czech capital as it emerges fully into Europe.",
"en": "English chat is a great place to practice your English skills and learn vocabulary!"
} |
"cs": "If you offer products or services of interest to folks in the US or Canada that have an active interest in the Czech and Slovak lands you are invited to submit advertising notices for this newest section of Czech and Slovak Network.",
"en": "Speakers of other languages tend to make some specific errors that are uncommon among native speakers, so you may also want to consult sites dealing specifically with English as a second language (see and"
} |
"cs": "Czech and Slovak Network is a self-funding private sector organization devoted to promoting business, investment and cultural activity between the U.S. and the Czech and Slovak Republics.",
"en": "Dictionaries differ among themselves on how much guidance to usage they provide; but the goal of a usage guide like this is substantially different: to protect you against patterns which are regarded by substantial numbers of well-educated people as nonstandard."
} |
"cs": "To further this cause, readers are offered numerous continuously updated news source links in English, Czech or Slovak .",
"en": "If you search for the word “English” in Google, which gives a measure of popularity by ranking its results in order of the number of links other people have created to them, my site is number 2."
} |
"cs": "Bobby Jones Czech Band of Wharton, Texas, is in their 22nd year now, and they are continuing to bring Texas style Czech polkas and waltzses, old time Country music, and Cajun music to their friends most every weekends throughout Texas.",
"en": "is intended to identify all written sources which were incorporated, quoted, translated or adapted anywhere in English or Latin texts which were written in Anglo-Saxon England (i.e."
} |
"cs": "Their big highlight this year is their tour to the Czech Republic June 27-July 9th, a 13 day tour with 87 people in attendance.",
"en": "Middle English texts in electronic format (University of Virginia)..."
} |
"cs": "You can reach Czech borders by car within an hour from Viena or Krakow in two or three hours from Nuremberg or Munich and in four hours from Berlin or Frankfurt.",
"en": "He said English is the official language in Georgia, and it is important to protect the state's heritage and history."
} |
"cs": "For Czech people freedom and democracy are at the pinnacle of the most important values.",
"en": "The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund called Bearden's proposal ``unnecessary and mean-spirited. '' The group's acting regional counsel, Isaiah Delamar, said English-only laws are based on a myth that the primacy of the English language is under threat."
} |
"cs": "Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.",
"en": "Current residents include members of the USA military, a small detachment of British officials , and support staff, mainly of Mauritian and Philippine origin."
} |
Subsets and Splits