Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
5 values
class TokenUser { get createdOstStatus() { return 'CREATED'; } get activatingOstStatus() { return 'ACTIVATING'; } get activatedOstStatus() { return 'ACTIVATED'; } get ostStatuses() { const oThis = this; return { '1': oThis.createdOstStatus, '2': oThis.activatingOstStatus, '3': oThis.activatedOstStatus }; } get invertedOstStatuses() { const oThis = this; if (invertedOstStatuses) { return invertedOstStatuses; } invertedOstStatuses = util.invert(oThis.ostStatuses); return invertedOstStatuses; } get airdropDoneProperty() { return 'AIRDROP_DONE'; } get airdropStartedProperty() { return 'AIRDROP_STARTED'; } get airdropFailedProperty() { return 'AIRDROP_FAILED'; } get tokenHolderDeployedProperty() { return 'TOKEN_HOLDER_DEPLOYED'; } get properties() { const oThis = this; if (!propertiesHash) { propertiesHash = { '1': oThis.tokenHolderDeployedProperty, '2': oThis.airdropStartedProperty, '4': oThis.airdropDoneProperty, '8': oThis.airdropFailedProperty }; } return propertiesHash; } get validPropertiesArray() { const oThis = this; return [ oThis.tokenHolderDeployedProperty, oThis.airdropStartedProperty, oThis.airdropDoneProperty, oThis.airdropFailedProperty ]; } get invertedProperties() { const oThis = this; if (!invertedPropertiesHash) { invertedPropertiesHash = util.invert(; } return invertedPropertiesHash; } }
class RegisterBlock extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { User: {}, usernameState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, emailState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, passwordState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, passwordSuggestState: { status: STATUS.VALID, eightCharacters: STATUS.NO_INPUT, oneUpperCase: STATUS.NO_INPUT, oneLowerCase: STATUS.NO_INPUT, oneNumber: STATUS.NO_INPUT, oneSpecial: STATUS.NO_INPUT }, confirmState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, verifyState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, recaptchaState: STATUS.NO_INPUT, verify: false, username: "", email: "", password: "", passwordConfirm: "", recaptcha: "", registrationStatus: STATUS.WAITING, store_in_keystore: true } this.register = this.register.bind(this); this.updateUsername = this.updateUsername.bind(this); this.updateEmail = this.updateEmail.bind(this); this.updatePassword = this.updatePassword.bind(this); this.updatePasswordConfirm = this.updatePasswordConfirm.bind(this); this.updateVerify = this.updateVerify.bind(this); this.recaptcha = this.recaptcha.bind(this); this.loginClick = this.loginClick.bind(this); this.handleStorageClick = this.handleStorageClick.bind(this) } componentWillUnmount(){ this.showRecaptcha = false; } componentDidMount(){ this.showRecaptcha = true; } handleStorageClick(e) { this.setState({store_in_keystore: (( === "keystore"))}) } register(){ this.setState({registrationStatus: STATUS.PENDING}); let abort = false; if (this.state.usernameState !== STATUS.VALID){ abort = true; this.setState({usernameState: STATUS.INVALID}); } if (this.state.emailState !== STATUS.VALID){ abort = true; this.setState({emailState: STATUS.INVALID}); } if (this.state.passwordState !== STATUS.VALID){ abort = true; this.setState({passwordState: STATUS.INVALID}); } if (this.state.confirmState !== STATUS.VALID){ abort = true; this.setState({confirmState: STATUS.INVALID}); } if (!this.state.verify){ abort = true; this.setState({verifyState: STATUS.INVALID}); } if (this.state.recaptcha === ""){ abort = true; this.setState({verifyState: STATUS.INVALID}); } // If we are not ready, abort. if (abort){ this.setState({registrationStatus: STATUS.WAITING}); } this.props.accountRegister(, this.state.password, {store_in_keystore: this.state.store_in_keystore}) } updateUsername(){ let newState = STATUS.VALID; if (this.username.value === "") newState = STATUS.NO_INPUT; this.setState({username: this.username.value, usernameState: newState}); } updateEmail(){ let newState = this.state.emailState; let isEmail = validator.isEmail(; newState = isEmail ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID; if ( === "") newState = STATUS.NO_INPUT; this.setState({email:, emailState: newState}); } updatePassword(){ let newState = STATUS.VALID; if (this.password.value === "") newState = STATUS.NO_INPUT; function hasDigit(str) { return (/^(?=.*\d)/.test(str)); } function hasLowerCase(str) { return (/^(?=.*[a-z])/.test(str)); } function hasUpperCase(str) { return (/^(?=.*[A-Z])/.test(str)); } function hasSpecialCharacter(str) { return (/[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(str)); } function isAtLeastEight(str){ return str.length >= 8; } var uppercase = hasUpperCase(this.password.value); var lowercase = hasLowerCase(this.password.value); var number = hasDigit(this.password.value); var specialCharacter = hasSpecialCharacter(this.password.value); var atLeastEight = isAtLeastEight(this.password.value); var newStatus = STATUS.INVALID; // If we are all good, or if there is no input, then hide the suggester if ((uppercase && lowercase && number && specialCharacter && atLeastEight) || newState === STATUS.NO_INPUT) newStatus = STATUS.VALID this.setState({password: this.password.value, passwordState: newState, passwordSuggestState: { status: newStatus, eightCharacters: atLeastEight ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID, oneUpperCase: uppercase ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID, oneLowerCase: lowercase ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID, oneNumber: number ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID, oneSpecial: specialCharacter ? STATUS.VALID : STATUS.INVALID }}); // Only set password confirm to "invalid" if the user has typed anything in. if (this.state.passwordConfirm !== "") this.updatePasswordConfirm(); } updatePasswordConfirm(){ let newState = STATUS.INVALID; if (this.passwordConfirm.value === this.password.value) newState = STATUS.VALID; if (this.passwordConfirm.value === "") newState = STATUS.NO_INPUT; this.setState({passwordConfirm: this.passwordConfirm.value, confirmState: newState}); } updateVerify(verify_state){ this.setState({verify: verify_state }); } recaptcha(response){ if (response) this.setState({recaptcha: response, recaptchaState: STATUS.VALID}) else this.setState({recaptcha: response, recaptchaState: STATUS.INVALID}) } loginClick(){ this.setState({redirectToLogin: true}) } render() { var RegisterBtnTxt = "Register"; if (this.props.Account.registerFetching){ RegisterBtnTxt = "Registering..." } else if (this.props.Account.registerSuccess){ RegisterBtnTxt = "Register Success!" } else if (this.props.Account.registerFailure){ RegisterBtnTxt = "Register Error!" } return ( <div> <h2>Please Register</h2> <hr className="" /> <div className="form-group"> <input ref={username => this.username = username} onInput={this.updateUsername} type="text" className={"form-control input-lg" + (this.state.usernameState === STATUS.INVALID ? " is-invalid" : "") + (this.state.usernameState === STATUS.VALID ? " is-valid" : "")} placeholder="Username*" tabIndex="1" /> {this.state.usernameState === STATUS.INVALID ? <div className="invalid-feedback" id="feedback_username"> Please choose a Username </div> : ""} </div> <div className="form-group"> <input ref={email => = email} onInput={this.updateEmail} type="email" className={"form-control input-lg" + (this.state.emailState === STATUS.INVALID ? " is-invalid" : "") + (this.state.emailState === STATUS.VALID ? " is-valid" : "")} placeholder="Email Address" tabIndex="2" /> {this.state.emailState === STATUS.INUSE ? <div className="invalid-feedback"> That email is already in use, please try another one </div> : ""} {this.state.emailState === STATUS.INVALID ? <div className="invalid-feedback"> That email does not seem valid, please try another one </div> : ""} </div> <div className="row"> <div className="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6"> <div className="form-group"> <input ref={password => this.password = password} onInput={this.updatePassword} type="password" className={"form-control input-lg" + (this.state.passwordState === STATUS.INVALID ? " is-invalid" : "") + (this.state.passwordState === STATUS.VALID ? " is-valid" : "")} placeholder="Password*" tabIndex="3" /> </div> </div> <div className="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6"> <div className="form-group"> <input ref={passwordConfirm => this.passwordConfirm = passwordConfirm} onInput={this.updatePasswordConfirm} type="password" className={"form-control input-lg" + (this.state.confirmState === STATUS.INVALID ? " is-invalid" : "") + (this.state.confirmState === STATUS.VALID ? " is-valid" : "")} placeholder="Confirm Password*" tabIndex="4" /> {this.state.confirmState === STATUS.INVALID ? <div className="invalid-feedback" id="feedback_password_confirmation"> Your passwords do not match </div> : ""} </div> </div> <div className="col-12"> {this.state.passwordSuggestState.status === STATUS.INVALID ? <div className="warning-feedback"> We suggest your password contain a minimum of: <ul style={{listStyle: "none"}}> <li className={ this.state.passwordSuggestState.eightCharacters === STATUS.VALID ? "text-success" : this.state.passwordSuggestState.eightCharacters === STATUS.INVALID ? "text-danger" : "text-warning" }> <span className={this.state.passwordSuggestState.eightCharacters === STATUS.VALID ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-times"}></span> 8 Characters </li> <li className={ this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneUpperCase === STATUS.VALID ? "text-success" : this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneUpperCase === STATUS.INVALID ? "text-danger" : "text-warning" }> <span className={this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneUpperCase === STATUS.VALID ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-times"}></span> 1 Uppercase Letter </li> <li className={ this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneLowerCase === STATUS.VALID ? "text-success" : this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneLowerCase === STATUS.INVALID ? "text-danger" : "text-warning" }> <span className={this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneLowerCase === STATUS.VALID ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-times"}></span> 1 Lowercase Letter </li> <li className={ this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneNumber === STATUS.VALID ? "text-success" : this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneNumber === STATUS.INVALID ? "text-danger" : "text-warning" }> <span className={this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneNumber === STATUS.VALID ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-times"}></span> 1 Number </li> <li className={ this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneSpecial === STATUS.VALID ? "text-success" : this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneSpecial === STATUS.INVALID ? "text-danger" : "text-warning" }> <span className={this.state.passwordSuggestState.oneSpecial === STATUS.VALID ? "fa fa-check" : "fa fa-times"}></span> 1 Special Character </li> </ul> </div> : ""} </div> </div> <div className="row d-flex justify-content-center"> <button name="local" type="button" onClick={this.handleStorageClick} className={"btn btn" + (this.state.store_in_keystore ? "-outline-success" : "-success") + " btn-sm m-2"}>Store locally</button> <button name="keystore" type="button" onClick={this.handleStorageClick} className={"btn btn" + (this.state.store_in_keystore ? "-info" : "-outline-info") + " btn-sm m-2"}>Store in keystore</button> </div> <div className="row"> <div className="col-12 text-center" style={{fontSize: "13.5px", padding: "0px"}}> <p> Save your password now! <br /> <strong>Password recovery is NOT possible</strong> <br /> (We never see your password!) </p> </div> <div className="col-12" style={{margin: "0px 0px"}}> <center> <ButtonCheckbox color={"secondary"} onChange={this.updateVerify} text={"I have taken responsibility for my password"} style={{fontSize: "12px", width: "300px", height: "50px"}} iconStyle={{fontSize: "25px", verticalAlign: "-5px"}} /> {this.state.verifyState === STATUS.INVALID ? <p id="passwordResponsibilityCheckbox" style={{color: "#dc3545", fontSize: "13.5px", marginTop: "5px", marginBottom: "0px"}}>Please agree that you have saved your password safely!</p> : ""} </center> </div> </div> <div className="row"> <div style={{margin: "0px auto", marginTop: "10px", marginBottom: "-5px"}}> {this.showRecaptcha ? <ReCAPTCHA sitekey="6LdZnGgUAAAAALEwTXUJ9xzm30Ny_jqmgtKDYBo6" onChange={this.recaptcha} /> : ""} {this.state.recaptchaState === STATUS.INVALID ? <p style={{color: "#dc3545", fontSize: "13.5px", marginTop: "5px", marginBottom: "0px"}}>Your recaptcha is invalid!</p> : ""} </div> </div> <br /> <div className="row"> <div className="col-12" style={{fontSize: "13.5px", margin: "0px 0px", marginBottom: "-10px"}}> By <strong>Registering</strong>, you agree to the <a href="/terms_and_conditions" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#t_and_c_m" data-ytta-id="-">Terms and Conditions</a>, including our Cookie Use.<p></p> </div> </div> <hr className="" /> {this.props.Account.registerFailure ? this.props.Account.registerErrorMessage : null} <div className="row"> <div className="col-xs-12 col-md-3 order-2 order-sm-1"><button className="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-block btn-lg" onClick={this.props.onLoginClick}>Login</button></div> <div className="col-xs-12 col-md-9 order-1 order-sm-2"><button id="register" className={"btn btn" + (this.props.Account.registerFailure ? "-danger" : "-success") + " btn-block btn-lg"} onClick={this.register} tabIndex="5">{RegisterBtnTxt}</button></div> </div> </div> ); } }
class MatRowHarness extends _MatRowHarnessBase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._cellHarness = MatCellHarness; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for a table row with specific attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatRowHarness, options); } }
class MatHeaderRowHarness extends _MatRowHarnessBase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._cellHarness = MatHeaderCellHarness; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for * a table header row with specific attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatHeaderRowHarness, options); } }
class MatFooterRowHarness extends _MatRowHarnessBase { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._cellHarness = MatFooterCellHarness; } /** * Gets a `HarnessPredicate` that can be used to search for * a table footer row cell with specific attributes. * @param options Options for narrowing the search * @return a `HarnessPredicate` configured with the given options. */ static with(options = {}) { return new HarnessPredicate(MatFooterRowHarness, options); } }
class Cursor { // DOM elements DOM = { // Main element (.cursor) el: null, } // Properties that will change renderedStyles = { // With interpolation, we can achieve a smooth animation effect when moving the cursor. // The "previous" and "current" values are the values that will interpolate. // The returned value will be one between these two (previous and current) at a specific increment. // The "amt" is the amount to interpolate. // As an example, the following formula calculates the returned translationX value to apply: // this.renderedStyles.tx.previous = lerp(this.renderedStyles.tx.previous, this.renderedStyles.tx.current, this.renderedStyles.tx.amt); // Cursor translation in the x-axis tx: {previous: 0, current: 0, amt: 0.4}, // Cursor translation in the y-axis ty: {previous: 0, current: 0, amt: 0.4}, // Scale up the cursor scale: {previous: 1, current: 1, amt: 0.2}, // Fade out the cursor opacity: {previous: 1, current: 1, amt: 0.3} }; // Size and position bounds; /** * Constructor. * @param {Element} DOM_el - The .cursor element * @param {String} triggerSelector - Selector for all the elements that when hovered trigger the cursor enter/leave methods. Default is all <a>. */ constructor(DOM_el, triggerSelector = 'a') { this.DOM = {el: DOM_el}; // Hide initially = 0; // Calculate size and position this.bounds = this.DOM.el.getBoundingClientRect(); // Mousemove event: // Start tracking the cursor position as soon as the user moves the cursor and fede in the cursor element. this.onMouseMoveEv = () => { // Set up the initial values to be the same this.renderedStyles.tx.previous = this.renderedStyles.tx.current = cursor.x - this.bounds.width/2; this.renderedStyles.ty.previous = this.renderedStyles.ty.previous = cursor.y - this.bounds.height/2; // Fade in, {duration: 0.9, ease: 'Power3.easeOut', opacity: 1}); // Start loop requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()); // Remove the mousemove event window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMoveEv); }; window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMoveEv); [...document.querySelectorAll(triggerSelector)].forEach(link => { link.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => this.enter()); link.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => this.leave()); }); } /** * Mouseenter event * Scale up and fade out. */ enter() { this.renderedStyles['scale'].current = 2; this.renderedStyles['opacity'].current = 0.8; } /** * Mouseleave event * Reset scale and opacity. */ leave() { this.renderedStyles['scale'].current = 1; this.renderedStyles['opacity'].current = 1; } /** * Shows the cursor */ show() { this.renderedStyles['opacity'].current = 1; } /** * Hides the cursor */ hide() { this.renderedStyles['opacity'].current = 0; } /** * Loop */ render() { // New cursor positions this.renderedStyles['tx'].current = cursor.x - this.bounds.width/2; this.renderedStyles['ty'].current = cursor.y - this.bounds.height/2; // Interpolation for (const key in this.renderedStyles ) { this.renderedStyles[key].previous = lerp(this.renderedStyles[key].previous, this.renderedStyles[key].current, this.renderedStyles[key].amt); } // Apply interpolated values (smooth effect) = `translateX(${(this.renderedStyles['tx'].previous)}px) translateY(${this.renderedStyles['ty'].previous}px) scale(${this.renderedStyles['scale'].previous})`; = this.renderedStyles['opacity'].previous; // loop... requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()); } }
class HttpMethod { /** * Instance an object * @param methods array to list all avaiable http methods * @param checked determines the current selected http methods by user * @param subPrefix DOM id, needed to access the sub contents from the current method. */ constructor(methods, checked, subPrefix) { $.each(methods, function (index, value) { value = value.toUpperCase(); }); this.methods = methods; this.subPrefix = subPrefix; this.methodString = checked.toUpperCase(); } /** * httpMethod.method = "text" * Trying to set the method property (methodString) of httpMethod with String "text". * If "text" does not match with the kown methods (set by constructor) the set attempt will be ignored. * If "text" is the same as last time, the sub content for that methods is toogled * else the new set methods subcontent will be visible and the replaced one will be hidden. * @param input should be a value from listed methods */ set method(input) { input = input.toUpperCase(); var i; for (i = 0; i < this.methods.length; i++) { if (input == this.methods[i]) { if (input == this.methodString) { this.toggleMethod(); } else { this.hideMethod(); this.methodString = input; this.showMethod(); } break; } } } /** * xyz = httpMethod.method * @return methodString value will be returned as the method property */ get method() { return this.methodString; } /** * Hides the outer div container from the subcontent for the current method property. */ hideMethod() { if (this.methodString != "") { $("#" + this.subPrefix + this.methodString.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.methodString.substring(1).toLowerCase()).hide(); } } /** * Shows the outer div container from the subcontent for the current method property. */ showMethod() { if (this.methodString != "") { $("#" + this.subPrefix + this.methodString.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.methodString.substring(1).toLowerCase()).show(); } } /** * Toggles the outer div container from the subcontent for the current method property. */ toggleMethod() { if (this.methodString != "") { $("#" + this.subPrefix + this.methodString.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.methodString.substring(1).toLowerCase()).toggle(); } } }
class ModelSet extends BaseClass { constructor(iterable) { this._size = 0; if(iterable) { this.addObjects(iterable); } } get size() { return this._size; } /** Clears the set. This is useful if you want to reuse an existing set without having to recreate it. ```javascript var models = new ModelSet([post1, post2, post3]); models.size; // 3 models.clear(); models.size; // 0 ``` @method clear @return {ModelSet} An empty Set */ clear() { var len = this._size; if (len === 0) { return this; } var guid; for (var i=0; i < len; i++){ guid = guidFor(this[i]); delete this[guid]; delete this[i]; } this._size = 0; return this; } add(obj) { var guid = guidFor(obj), idx = this[guid], len = this._size; if (idx>=0 && idx<len && (this[idx] && this[idx].isEqual(obj))) { // overwrite the existing version if(this[idx] !== obj) { this[idx] = obj; } return this; // added } len = this._size; this[guid] = len; this[len] = obj; this._size = len+1; return this; } delete(obj) { var guid = guidFor(obj), idx = this[guid], len = this._size, isFirst = idx === 0, isLast = idx === len-1, last; if (idx>=0 && idx<len && (this[idx] && this[idx].isEqual(obj))) { // swap items - basically move the item to the end so it can be removed if (idx < len-1) { last = this[len-1]; this[idx] = last; this[guidFor(last)] = idx; } delete this[guid]; delete this[len-1]; this._size = len-1; return true; } return false; } has(obj) { return this[guidFor(obj)]>=0; } copy(deep=false) { var C = this.constructor, ret = new C(), loc = this._size; ret._size = loc; while(--loc>=0) { ret[loc] = deep ? this[loc].copy() : this[loc]; ret[guidFor(this[loc])] = loc; } return ret; } forEach(callbackFn, thisArg = undefined) { for (var i=0; i < this._size; i++) {, this[i], this[i], this); } } toString() { var len = this.size, idx, array = []; for(idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { array[idx] = this[idx]; } return `ModelSet<${array.join(',')}>`; } get(model) { var idx = this[guidFor(model)]; if(idx === undefined) return; return this[idx]; } getForClientId(clientId) { var idx = this[clientId]; if(idx === undefined) return; return this[idx]; } *values() { for (var i=0; i < this._size; i++) { yield this[i]; } } /** Adds the model to the set or overwrites the existing model. */ addData(model) { var existing = this.getModel(model); var dest; if(existing) { dest = existing.copy(); model.copyTo(dest); } else { // copy since the dest could be the model in the session dest = model.copy(); } this.add(dest); return dest; } // // Backwards compat. methods // addObjects(iterable) { if(typeof iterable.forEach === 'function') { iterable.forEach(function(item) { this.add(item); }, this); } else { for (var item of iterable) { this.add(item); } } return this; } removeObjects(iterable) { if(typeof iterable.forEach === 'function') { iterable.forEach(function(item) { this.delete(item); }, this); } else { for (var item of iterable) { this.delete(item); } } return this; } toArray() { return array_from(this); } }
class XwInvalidStateError extends Error { /** * @constructor * @param {string} [reason] Reason related to the invalid state */ constructor(reason) { const _reason = xw.defaultable(reason); super(_formatMessage(_reason)); this.reason = _reason; } }
class ReservedInstances { /** * Constructs a new <code>ReservedInstances</code>. * Describes a Reserved Instance. * @alias module:model/ReservedInstances */ constructor() { ReservedInstances.initialize(this); } /** * Initializes the fields of this object. * This method is used by the constructors of any subclasses, in order to implement multiple inheritance (mix-ins). * Only for internal use. */ static initialize(obj) { } /** * Constructs a <code>ReservedInstances</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not. * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest. * @param {module:model/ReservedInstances} obj Optional instance to populate. * @return {module:model/ReservedInstances} The populated <code>ReservedInstances</code> instance. */ static constructFromObject(data, obj) { if (data) { obj = obj || new ReservedInstances(); if (data.hasOwnProperty('AvailabilityZone')) { obj['AvailabilityZone'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['AvailabilityZone'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('CurrencyCode')) { obj['CurrencyCode'] = CurrencyCodeValues.constructFromObject(data['CurrencyCode']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('Duration')) { obj['Duration'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['Duration'], 'Number'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('End')) { obj['End'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['End'], 'Date'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('FixedPrice')) { obj['FixedPrice'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['FixedPrice'], 'Number'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('InstanceCount')) { obj['InstanceCount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['InstanceCount'], 'Number'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('InstanceTenancy')) { obj['InstanceTenancy'] = Tenancy.constructFromObject(data['InstanceTenancy']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('InstanceType')) { obj['InstanceType'] = InstanceType.constructFromObject(data['InstanceType']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('OfferingClass')) { obj['OfferingClass'] = OfferingClassType.constructFromObject(data['OfferingClass']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('OfferingType')) { obj['OfferingType'] = OfferingTypeValues.constructFromObject(data['OfferingType']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('ProductDescription')) { obj['ProductDescription'] = RIProductDescription.constructFromObject(data['ProductDescription']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('RecurringCharges')) { obj['RecurringCharges'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['RecurringCharges'], [RecurringCharge]); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('ReservedInstancesId')) { obj['ReservedInstancesId'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['ReservedInstancesId'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('Scope')) { obj['Scope'] = Scope.constructFromObject(data['Scope']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('Start')) { obj['Start'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['Start'], 'Date'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('State')) { obj['State'] = ReservedInstanceState.constructFromObject(data['State']); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('Tags')) { obj['Tags'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['Tags'], [Tag]); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('UsagePrice')) { obj['UsagePrice'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['UsagePrice'], 'Number'); } } return obj; } }
class Terminal { constructor(selector, words) { this.wordbank = words; this.terminal = document.querySelector(selector); this.prompt = new Prompt('#answers'); this.MAX_TOTAL_CHARS = 12 * 32; this.MAX_HALF_CHARS = 12 * 16; } /** * Displays the terminal or displays the end game messages, dependin on the value * of displayTerminal * * @param {boolean} displayTerminal if true, displays the terminal * @memberof Terminal */ toggleGrid(displayTerminal) { const terminal = document.querySelector('.terminal-body'); const message = document.querySelector('.terminal-message'); if(displayTerminal) { = 'grid'; = 'none'; } else { = 'none'; = 'grid'; } } /** * Starts the game. Destroys old terminals and values and builds a new one. * * @param {string} level novice advance expert master * @memberof Terminal */ play(level) { // set the difficulty const difficulty = { novice: { min: 4, max: 5}, advanced: { min: 6, max: 8 }, expert: { min: 9, max: 10 }, master: { min: 11, max: 12 } } this.wordLength = random(difficulty[level].max + 1, difficulty[level].min); // get the words const words = this.wordbank.filter(word => word.length === this.wordLength).map(word => word.toUpperCase()); // use a set to avoid duplicates this.words = new Set(); while(this.words.size !== 10) { this.words.add(words[random(words.length)]); } // turn it into an array to allow for array methods this.words = Array.from(this.words); // set the properties this.password = this.words[random(this.words.length)]; this.cursor = 0; this.chars = []; this.attempts = 5; // build the coolumns; document.querySelectorAll('.terminal-col-narrow, .terminal-col-wide') .forEach(col => col.innerHTML = ''); this.prompt.wipeLog(); this.prompt.createLog(); this.setAttempts(this.attempts); this.toggleGrid(true); this.populateSideColumns(); this.populateGrid(); // first item is always selected this.prompt.setPrompt(this.chars[0].char); } deselectAll() { this.chars.forEach(char=> char.deselect()); } /** * Moves the cursor from grid to grid * * @param {Event} event * @memberof Terminal */ moveCursor(event) { event.preventDefault(); const arrows = [ "ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight" ]; if(arrows.includes(event.key)) { /** * Calculates the new position or doesn't move if new position is invalid. * * @param {number} position starting position * @param {number} direction should be 1 (down and right) or -1 (up or left) * @param {number} amt should be 1 (left or right) or 12 (up or down) or distance to other grid */ const calcPosition = (position, direction, amt) => { const newPosition = position + (amt * direction); if(newPosition < 0 || newPosition >= (32 * 12)) { return position; } return newPosition; } // holds movement functions // key values match event.key for arrow presses // ArrowLeft and ArrowRight also have ability to jump across to other side const move = { ArrowUp: (position)=> { return calcPosition(position, -1, 12); }, ArrowDown: (position)=> { return calcPosition(position, 1, 12); }, ArrowLeft: (position)=> { const edges = []; for(let i = 16; i < 32; i++) { edges.push(i * 12); } const distance = edges.includes(position) ? (12 * 15) + 1 : 1; return calcPosition(position, -1, distance); }, ArrowRight: (position)=> { const edges = []; for(let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { edges.push((i * 12) + 11); } const distance = edges.includes(position) ? (12 * 15) + 1 : 1; return calcPosition(position, 1, distance); }, } // helper function for the .forEach calls later on const selectAll = (char)=>; this.cursor = move[event.key](this.cursor); this.deselectAll(); const selectedChar = this.chars[this.cursor]; // if there's a wordData object, select the word if(selectedChar.wordData) {; const word = selectedChar.wordData.word; this.chars.filter(char => char.wordData && char.wordData.word === word) .forEach(selectAll); this.prompt.setPrompt(word); // if there's a bracketData object, select the bracket pair } else if(selectedChar.bracketData) { const id =; const bracket = this.chars.filter(char => char.bracketData && === id); bracket.forEach(selectAll); this.prompt.setPrompt(> char.char).join('')); // otherwise just select the character } else {; this.prompt.setPrompt(selectedChar.char); } } else if(event.key === "Enter") { this.submitPrompt(this.chars[this.cursor]); } } /** * Ends the game, displays a message and sets up for the next game * * @param {String} msg message to be displayed * @memberof Terminal */ endGame(msg) { setTimeout(()=> { this.prompt.wipeLog(); this.toggleGrid(false); document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = msg; }, 1000) } /** * Sends the selected character to the prompter * Performs the appropriate action if it recieves a char, bracket or word * * @param {Char} char * @memberof Terminal */ submitPrompt(char) { if(char.wordData) { const matches = compare(char.wordData.word, this.password); // if the selected word is the password, win the game if(matches === 'match') { this.prompt.setPrompt(char.wordData.word, true); this.prompt.setPrompt('Entry granted!', true); this.endGame('User Authenticated') // or, reduce the attempts and lose if attempts is at zero } else { this.prompt.setPrompt(char.wordData.word, true); this.prompt.setPrompt('Entry denied.', true); this.prompt.setPrompt(`Likeness=${matches}`, true); this.attempts -= 1; this.setAttempts(this.attempts); if(this.attempts === 0) { this.prompt.setPrompt('Initializing Lockout', true); this.endGame('System locked out') } } } else if(char.bracketData) { if(char.bracketData.func === 'reset') { this.setAttempts(5); this.prompt.setPrompt('Tries reset.', true); } else { let dud = this.words.filter(word => word !== this.password)[random(this.words.length - 1)]; let chars = this.chars.filter(char => char.wordData && char.wordData.word === dud); chars.forEach(char => { char.wordData = null; char.setChar('.'); }); this.words = this.words.filter(word => word !== dud); this.prompt.setPrompt('Dud removed.', true); } let bracketId =; this.chars.filter(char => char.bracketData && === bracketId) .forEach(char => char.bracketData = null); } else { this.prompt.setPrompt(char.char, true); this.prompt.setPrompt('Error', true); } } /** * Sets the number of attempts remaining, starting at 5. * * @param {number} amt * @memberof Terminal */ setAttempts(amt) { if(amt < 0) { amt = 0; } const attempts = document.getElementById('attempts'); attempts.innerHTML = '▉ '.repeat(amt); this.attempts = amt; } /** * Populates the side columns with hex values that start at a random number * and increment by 12. * I guess they're just to make them look like memory addresses * * @memberof Terminal */ populateSideColumns() { const [ side1, side2 ] = document.querySelectorAll('.hex'); [side1, side2].forEach(side => side.innerHTML = ''); let MIN = 4096; let MAX = 65535 - (32 * 12); let start = random(MAX, MIN); for(let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { let side = i < 16 ? side1 : side2; const line = document.createElement('div'); line.innerHTML = '0x' + (start.toString(16)); side.appendChild(line); start += 12; } } /** * Populates the grid with special characters * Once it does that, it adds words * Once it does that, it adds matched brackets * Once it does that, it adds unmatched brackets * @memberof Terminal */ populateGrid() { const SPECIAL = `!@#$%^&*_+-=\`\\|;':".,/?`.split(''); const BRACKETS = `{}[]<>()`.split(''); const [ side1, side2 ] = document.querySelectorAll('.code'); [side1, side2].forEach(side => side.innerHTML = ''); const usedPositions = new Set(); const usedRows = new Set(); // fetches an unused row from either half of the grid const getUnusedRow = (i, half)=> { let row; do { row = i < half ? ROWS[random(ROWS.length / 2)] : ROWS[random(ROWS.length, (ROWS.length / 2) + 1)]; } while(usedRows.has(row)); usedRows.add(row); return row; } // generates an array of rows (multiples of 12) const ROWS = []; for(let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { ROWS.push(i * 12); } // fill out the grid with special characters for(let i = 0; i < this.MAX_TOTAL_CHARS; i++) { let side = i < this.MAX_HALF_CHARS ? side1 : side2; const character = SPECIAL[random(SPECIAL.length)]; const char = new Char(character, i); this.chars.push(char); side.appendChild(char.div); } // add the words at random this.words.forEach((word, i) => { // find an unused row let row = getUnusedRow(i, this.words.length / 2); // calculate the starting position let position; do { position = row + random(12); } while(position + this.wordLength > this.MAX_TOTAL_CHARS || usedPositions.has(position)); // add the word to that position character by character word.split('').forEach(character => { this.chars[position].setWord(character, { word, position }); usedPositions.add(position); //if a word spills into another row, add that row to used rows const currentRow = Math.floor(position / 12) * 12; if(!usedRows.has(currentRow)) { usedRows.add(currentRow); } position += 1; }); }); // add the bracket pairs let functions = arrayshuffle(['reset', 'dud', 'dud', 'dud', 'dud']); for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let func = functions[i]; let row = getUnusedRow(i, 3); const start = row + random(11); const end = start + random(12 - (start % 12)); const index = random(4) * 2; const [ open, close ] = [ BRACKETS[index], BRACKETS[index + 1] ]; let id = i; this.chars[start].setBracket(open, { start, end, id, func }); for(let i = start; i < end; i++) { this.chars[i].setBracket(this.chars[i].char, { start, end, id, func}); } this.chars[end].setBracket(close, { start, end, id, func }); } // finally, sprinkle in some random unbalanced brackets const numBrackets = random(20,15); for(let i = 0; i < numBrackets;) { let char = this.chars[random(this.chars.length)]; if(!char.wordData && !char.bracketData) { char.setChar(BRACKETS[random(BRACKETS.length)]); i++; } } } }
class Chart { /** * Constructor. * * @param {selection} parent The selected D3 parent element container * @param {Configuration} configuration The application configuration */ constructor(parent, configuration) { this._configuration = configuration; this._parent = parent; this._hierarchy = new Hierarchy(this._configuration); this._data = {}; } /** * Returns the SVG instance. * * @return {Svg} */ get svg() { return this._svg; } /** * Update/Calculate the viewBox attribute of the SVG element. * * @private */ updateViewBox() { // Get bounding boxes let svgBoundingBox = this._svg.visual.node().getBBox(); let clientBoundingBox = this._parent.node().getBoundingClientRect(); // View box should have at least the same width/height as the parent element let viewBoxWidth = Math.max(clientBoundingBox.width, svgBoundingBox.width); let viewBoxHeight = Math.max(clientBoundingBox.height, svgBoundingBox.height, MIN_HEIGHT); // Calculate offset to center chart inside svg let offsetX = (viewBoxWidth - svgBoundingBox.width) / 2; let offsetY = (viewBoxHeight - svgBoundingBox.height) / 2; // Adjust view box dimensions by padding and offset let viewBoxLeft = Math.ceil(svgBoundingBox.x - offsetX - MIN_PADDING); let viewBoxTop = Math.ceil(svgBoundingBox.y - offsetY - MIN_PADDING); // Final width/height of view box viewBoxWidth = Math.ceil(viewBoxWidth + (MIN_PADDING * 2)); viewBoxHeight = Math.ceil(viewBoxHeight + (MIN_PADDING * 2)); // Set view box attribute this._svg.get() .attr("viewBox", [ viewBoxLeft, viewBoxTop, viewBoxWidth, viewBoxHeight ]); // Add rectangle element // this._svg // .insert("rect", ":first-child") // .attr("class", "background") // .attr("width", "100%") // .attr("height", "100%") // .style("fill", "none") // .style("pointer-events", "all"); // // // Adjust rectangle position // this._svg // .select("rect") // .attr("x", viewBoxLeft) // .attr("y", viewBoxTop); } /** * Returns the chart data. * * @return {Object} */ get data() { return this._data; } /** * Sets the chart data. * * @param {Object} value The chart data */ set data(value) { this._data = value; // Create the hierarchical data structure this._hierarchy.init(this._data); } /** * This method draws the chart. */ draw() { // Remove previously created content this._parent.html(""); // Create the <svg> element this._svg = new Svg(this._parent, this._configuration); // Overlay must be placed after the <svg> element this._overlay = new Overlay(this._parent); // Init the <svg> events this._svg.initEvents(this._overlay); let personGroup = this._svg.get().select("g.personGroup"); let gradient = new Gradient(this._svg, this._configuration); let that = this; personGroup .selectAll("g.person") .data(this._hierarchy.nodes, (d) => .enter() .append("g") .attr("class", "person") .attr("id", (d) => "person-" +; // Create a new selection in order to leave the previous enter() selection personGroup .selectAll("g.person") .each(function (d) { let person =; if (that._configuration.showColorGradients) { gradient.init(d); } new Person(that._svg, that._configuration, person, d); }); this.bindClickEventListener(); this.updateViewBox(); } /** * This method bind the "click" event listeners to a "person" element. */ bindClickEventListener() { let persons = this._svg.get() .select("g.personGroup") .selectAll("g.person") .filter((d) => !== "") .classed("available", true); // Trigger method on click persons.on("click", this.personClick.bind(this)); } /** * Method triggers either the "update" or "individual" method on the click on an person. * * @param {Event} event The current event * @param {Object} data The D3 data object * * @private */ personClick(event, data) { // Trigger either "update" or "redirectToIndividual" method on click depending on person in chart (data.depth === 0) ? this.redirectToIndividual( : this.update(; } /** * Redirects to the individual page. * * @param {String} url The individual URL * * @private */ redirectToIndividual(url) { window.location = url; } /** * Updates the chart with the data of the selected individual. * * @param {String} url The update URL */ update(url) { let update = new Update(this._svg, this._configuration, this._hierarchy); update.update(url, () => this.bindClickEventListener()); } }
class Bridge { constructor (socket, app) { this.didAuth = false this.sessionId = '' this.checkSession = app.get('checkSession') this.changeSessionState = app.get('changeSessionState') this.socket = socket this.udp = null socket.on('message', this.clientToGrid.bind(this)) socket.on('close', this.onSocketClose.bind(this)) } authenticate (sessionId) { try { const state = this.checkSession(sessionId) if (state === 'inactive') { // Session has no active socket -> open this.didAuth = true this.changeSessionState(sessionId, 'active') this.sessionId = sessionId const udp = dgram.createSocket('udp4') this.udp = udp udp.bind() udp.on('message', this.gridToClient.bind(this)) udp.on('close', this.onUDPClose.bind(this)) this.socket.send('ok') } else { // session did close or has an active socket -> close this socket this.socket.close(1008, 'already active socket open') } } catch (err) { // handle error if (err.status === pouchdbErrors.INVALID_REQUEST.status) { this.socket.close(1011, err.message) } else { this.socket.close(1008, 'wrong session id') } } } clientToGrid (message) { if (message instanceof Buffer && this.didAuth) { const ip = message.readUInt8(0) + '.' + message.readUInt8(1) + '.' + message.readUInt8(2) + '.' + message.readUInt8(3) const port = message.readUInt16LE(4) const buffy = message.slice(6) this.udp.send(buffy, 0, buffy.length, port, ip) } else if (!this.didAuth && typeof message === 'string') { this.authenticate(message) } } gridToClient (message, rinfo) { const buffy = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.alloc(6), message ]) // add IP address const ipParts = rinfo.address.split('.') for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { buffy.writeUInt8(Number(ipParts[i]), i) } // add port buffy.writeUInt16LE(rinfo.port, 4) this.socket.send(buffy, { binary: true }) } onSocketClose (code, reason) { if (this.socket && this.sessionId !== '') { const nextState = code === 1000 ? 'end' : 'inactive' try { this.changeSessionState(this.sessionId, nextState) } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } if (this.socket) { this.socket = undefined } if (this.udp) { this.udp.close() this.udp = undefined } } onUDPClose () { if (this.udp) { this.udp = undefined } if (this.socket) { this.socket.close(1012, 'udp did close') this.socket = undefined } } }
class BusinessDashboardParent extends React.Component{ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constructor is used for state design, modularized to pass as props ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { // Values for the parent currentLocation: '', session: '', currentStore: '', currentMessage: 'Success!', currentStatus: 'good', load: () => { //BE Call: On page load let base = ''; let id = this.state.session; let url = base + id; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("bad loading"); } }) .then(data => { this.setState({locations: data, locationBg: ''}); }) .catch(error => { console.log('caught load'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); base = ''; url = base + this.state.session; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("bad loading"); } }) .then(data => this.setState({totalLocations: data})) .catch(error => { console.log('caught numLocations'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); base = ''; url = base + this.state.session; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("bad loading"); } }) .then(data => this.setState({companyName:})) .catch(error => { console.log('caught numLocations'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); }, // Props for LeftSideBar ------------------------------------------------- logout: () => { localStorage.clear(); window.location.assign(''); }, companyName: '', totalLocations: '', addLocation: () => { this.setState({formClass: this.state.formClass==="off"?"on":"off"}); }, // Props for LocationSearchBar ------------------------------------------- search: (e) => { if(e === ''){ let base = ''; let id = this.state.session; let url = base + id; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("bad loading"); } }) .then(data => {this.setState({locations: data, locationBg: ''})}) .catch(error => { console.log('caught load'); console.log(error); }); } else{ let base = ''; let id = this.state.session + '/'; let arg = e; let url = base + id + arg; console.log(url); fetch(url) .then(res => { if(res.status === 200){ return res.json() } else{ throw new Error("bad search"); } }) .then(data => { this.setState({locations: data, locationBg: (data.length===0?'empty':'')}); }) .catch(error => { console.log("caught search"); console.log(error); this.setState({locations: [], locationBg: 'empty'}); }); } }, // Props for Location ---------------------------------------------------- locations: [], locationBg: 'empty', selectLocation: (sel) => { //Error when selection not found if(sel === null){ alert("Select Location failed"); return } //BE Call: On store get let base = ''; let id = sel.store_id; let url = base + id; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("Unable to get store"); } }) .then(data => { let currentList = []; for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ currentList.push({ image: data[i].product_img, category: data[i].category, name: data[i].product_name, amount: data[i].stock_amount, price: data[i].price, rate: data[i].coupon, product_id: data[i].product_id, expiration: data[i].expire_date }); } let list = []; for(let i = 0; i < currentList.length; i++){ list.push(this.state.fillListing(currentList[i], 7)); } this.setState({ right: { address: sel.address, totalProducts: data.length, productsList: data }, updateListings: currentList, list: list, currentLocation: sel.address, currentStore: sel.store_id }); }) .catch(error => { console.log('caught store get'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); }, //Props for LocationInfo ------------------------------------------------- right: { address: 'No Selection', totalProducts: 0, productsList: [] }, rightControls: { updateProducts: () => { if(this.state.currentStore !== ''){ this.setState({updateClass: this.state.updateClass==="off"?"on":"off"}); } else{ alert("No location selected"); } }, deleteLocation: (e) => { //BE Call: On location Delete const method = {method: 'DELETE'}; let base = ''; let id = this.state.session + '/'; this.setState({currentStatus:''}); let arg = this.state.currentStore; let url = base + id + arg; if( this.state.currentStore!==''){ fetch(url, method) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("Delete failed"); } }) .then(data => { base = ''; id = this.state.session; url = base + id; this.state.load(); this.setState({ currentStore: '', right: { address: "No Selection", totalProducts: 0, productsList: [] }, updateListings: [], list: [], currentStatus: 'good', currentMessage: 'Success!' }); } ) .catch(error => { console.log('caught delete'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); } else{ alert("No location selected"); } }, }, // Props for AddLocation-------------------------------------------------- formClass: "off", form: { submitNewLocation: (location) => { //BE Call: On location add this.setState({currentStatus:''}); const method = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ address: location.street + '.' + + ',' + location.state + ' ' +, name: }) }; let base = ''; let id = this.state.session; let url = base + id; fetch(url, method) .then(res => { if(res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error('Add location failed'); } }) .then(data => { base = ''; id = this.state.session; url = base + id; this.state.load(); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Success!', currentStatus:'good'}) } ) .catch(error => { console.log('caught add'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); }, closeForm: (e) => { this.setState({formClass: this.state.formClass==="off"?"on":"off"}); }, }, //Props for UpdateListings------------------------------------------------ updateListings: [], removeListings: [], list: [], idx: -1, key: 0, updateClass: "off", formControl: { remove: (idx) => { //find and remove by idx let listings = this.state.updateListings; let list = this.state.list; let remove = this.state.removeListings; let rem = null; for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ if(list[i] === idx){ rem = i; break; } } //Not found error if(rem === null){ alert("Remove failed: could not find item"); return; } //Remove remove.push(listings[rem]); listings.splice(rem, 1); list.splice(rem, 1); //reset state this.setState({updateListings: listings, list: list, removeListings: remove}); }, onChange: (idx, obj, focus) => { //find and change by index let listings = this.state.updateListings; let list = this.state.list; let mod = null; for(let i = 0; i < listings.length; i++){ if(list[i] === idx){ mod = i; break; } } //Not found error if(mod === null){ alert("Change failed: could not find item"); return; } //Modify listings[mod] = obj; list[mod] = this.state.fillListing(listings[mod], focus); this.setState({updateListings: listings, list: list}); } }, update: { submitUpdate: () => { //Repackage listings for HTTP request let list = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.updateListings)); if(!this.validate(list)){return false;} let body = []; let ids = []; for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ body.push({ product_name: list[i].name, product_img: list[i].image, category: list[i].category, price: list[i].price, expire_date: list[i].expiration, stock_amount: list[i].amount, coupon: list[i].rate }); ids.push(list[i].product_id); } //BE Call: On products upsert let method = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: {} }; let base = ''; let id = this.state.currentStore + '/'; this.setState({currentStatus:''}); for(let i = 0 ; i < body.length; i++){ let arg = ids[i]; let url = base + id + arg; method.body = JSON.stringify(body[i]); fetch(url, method) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("bad upload"); } }) .then(data => { this.state.refreshCurrent(); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Success!', currentStatus:'good'}); }) .catch(error => { console.log('caught upload'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); } //BE Call: On products delete list = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.removeListings)); this.setState({removeListings: []}); method = { method: 'DELETE', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, } base = ''; id = this.state.currentStore + '/'; let url = ''; for(let i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ if(list[i].product_id !== '0'){ url = base + id + list[i].product_id; fetch(url, method) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("Delete item failed"); } }) .then(data => { this.state.refreshCurrent(); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Success!', currentStatus:'good'}); }) .catch(error => { console.log('caught delete'); console.log(error); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); } } this.state.update.closeForm(); }, addListing: (e) => { let listings = this.state.updateListings; let list = this.state.list; let newListing = { image:'', category:'None', name: '', amount: '', price: '', rate: '', product_id: '0', expiration: '', idx: this.state.idx, remove: this.state.formControl.remove, onChange: this.state.formControl.onChange, linkError: '', nameError: '', amountError: '', priceError: '', discountError: '', expirationError: '', } let newList = (<ListingForm data={newListing} key={this.state.key} action={this.state.formControl} focus={7}/>) listings.push(newListing); list.push(newList); this.setState({updateListings: listings, list: list, key: this.state.key+1, idx: this.state.idx-1}); }, closeForm: (e) => { try{ e.preventDefault(); } catch(e){ console.log("saved!");} this.setState({updateClass: this.state.updateClass==="off"?"on":"off"}); }, }, fillListing: (list, focus) => { let newListing = { image: list.image===null?'':list.image, category: list.category, name:, amount: list.amount, price: list.price, rate: list.rate, product_id: list.product_id, expiration: list.expiration, product_id: list.product_id, idx: this.state.idx, remove: this.state.formControl.remove, onChange: this.state.formControl.onChange } let fill = <ListingForm data={newListing} key={this.state.key} action={this.state.formControl} focus={focus}/>; this.setState({key: this.state.key+1, idx: this.state.idx-1}); return fill; }, refreshCurrent:()=>{ let base = ''; let id = this.state.currentStore; let url = base + id; fetch(url) .then(res => { if( res.status === 200){ return res.json(); } else{ throw new Error("Failed to get new listings"); } }) .then(data => { let currentList = []; for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ currentList.push({ image: data[i].product_img, category: data[i].category, name: data[i].product_name, amount: data[i].stock_amount, price: data[i].price, rate: data[i].coupon, product_id: data[i].product_id, expiration: data[i].expire_date }); } let list = []; for(let i = 0; i < currentList.length; i++){ list.push(this.state.fillListing(currentList[i], 7)); } this.setState({ right: { address: this.state.currentLocation, totalProducts: data.length, productsList: data }, updateListings: currentList, list: list, }); }) .catch(error => { console.log('caught'); console.log(error); }); } }; //binding this.validate = this.validate.bind(this); } /** validation for all listings are filled in */ validate = (list) => { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if ( (list[i].image && !list[i].image.includes('.')) || (!list[i].name ) || (!list[i].amount || !Number(list[i].amount) ) || (!list[i].price || !Number(list[i].price) || Number(list[i].price) > 1000) || (!list[i].rate || !Number(list[i].rate)) || (!list[i].expiration || new Date(list[i].expiration) < new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)) ) { alert('Please provide all required details.') return false; } } return true; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assemble page, pass state values into props Action | Child functionality implemented in parent, then passed down Data | Read only propss Initial | Starter data that may get changed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ render(){ return( <div> <LeftSideBar action={this.state.addLocation} data={this.state.logout} name={this.state.companyName} num={this.state.totalLocations}/> <LocationSearchBar action={} /> <Locations action={this.state.selectLocation} data={this.state.locations} initial={this.state.locationBg} /> <LocationInfo action={this.state.rightControls} data={this.state.right} /> <AddLocation action={this.state.form} data={this.state.formClass} /> <UpdateListings action={this.state.update} data={this.state.updateClass} initial={this.state.list}/> <Status message={this.state.currentMessage} status={this.state.currentStatus}/> </div> ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Render ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ componentDidMount(){ //Alert logins on small bad screen sizes if(window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight < 1.3 || window.innerHeight < 720){ alert("Layout has not been optimized for small screens. Please log in with a larger device."); } let body = { token: localStorage.getItem("fuo-b") }; fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(body) }) .then(res => { if(res.status === 200){ return res.json() } else{ window.location.assign(''); throw new Error('There is no session'); } }) .then(data => { this.setState({session: data.user.business_id}); this.state.load(); }) .catch(err => { console.log("caught b login"); console.log(err); window.location.assign(''); this.setState({currentMessage: 'Something went wrong...', currentStatus:'bad'}); }); } }
class CoreBadge extends HTMLElement { /** * Initialize private fields, shadowRoot and the view */ constructor() { super(); // Initialize all private fields this._value = this.getAttribute('value') || undefined; this._max = this.getAttribute('max') || undefined; this._isDot = this.hasAttribute('is-dot') || false; this._hidden = this.hasAttribute('hidden') || false; this._type = this.getAttribute('type') || undefined; // Initialize the shadowRoot this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(template.content.cloneNode(true)); this.shadowRoot.appendChild(style.cloneNode(true)); // Add 'change' event listener to this element so that // every time a 'change' event is observed, update the view const config = {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true}; const observer = new MutationObserver(this._updateTemplate.bind(this)); observer.observe(this, config); this.addEventListener('change', this._updateTemplate.bind(this)); // Initialize the view this._updateTemplate(); } get max() { return this._max; } /** * The maximum number that can be put in the badge * <br>If the value field is a number larger than max field, * `${max}+` will be displayed in the badge * @param {number} val */ set max(val) { if (typeof val === 'number') { this._max = val; this.setAttribute('max', val); } else { this._max = undefined; this.removeAttribute('max'); } this._updateTemplate(); } get isDot() { return this._isDot; } /** * If a little dot is displayed instead of the value * @param {boolean} val */ set isDot(val) { if (val === true) { this._isDot = true; this.setAttribute('is-dot', ''); } else { this._isDot = false; this.removeAttribute('is-dot'); } this._updateTemplate(); } get hidden() { return this._hidden; } /** * If the badge is displayed or not. * @param {boolean} val */ set hidden(val) { if (val === true) { this._hidden = true; this.setAttribute('hidden', ''); } else { this._hidden = false; this.removeAttribute('hidden'); } this._updateTemplate(); } get value() { return this._value; } /** * The content that the badge tries to display but may not be the same as the acutal displayed content * when the value is a number larger than max field. * @param {number|string} val */ set value(val) { if (typeof val === 'string' || typeof val === 'number') { this._value = val; this.setAttribute('value', val); } else { this._value = undefined; this.removeAttribute('value'); } this._updateTemplate(); } get type() { return this._type; } /** * The type of the badge chosen from [primary, success, warning, info, danger] * @param {string} val */ set type(val) { if (['primary', 'success', 'warning', 'info', 'danger'].indexOf(val) > -1) { this._type = val; this.setAttribute('type', val); } else { this._type = undefined; this.removeAttribute('type'); } this._updateTemplate(); } /** * The actual content to be displayed. It may be different from the given value because of max field. */ get content() { if (this.isDot) return ''; const value = this.value; const max = this.max; const valueNum = parseInt(value); const maxNum = parseInt(max); if (!isNaN(valueNum) && !isNaN(maxNum)) { return maxNum < valueNum ? `${maxNum}+` : valueNum; } return value; } /** * Update the content of the transition element inside our template */ _updateTemplate() { const update = !this.hidden && (this.content || this.content === 0 || this.isDot) ? ` <sup class="el-badge__content ${'el-badge__content--' + (this.type === null ? undefined : this.type)} ${this.innerHTML ? 'is-fixed' : ''} ${this.isDot ? 'is-dot' : ''}"> ${this.content} </sup> ` : ''; this.shadowRoot.querySelector('transition').innerHTML = update; } }
class StatusMessage { /** * * @param {Integer} pProgress * @param {String} pMessage * @constructor */ constructor( pProgress, pMessage=""){ this.progress = pProgress; this.msg = pMessage; this.extra = null; Logger.debug('<status message> : NEW : ',pMessage); } /** * To create a messsage with "error" flag * @param {Integer} pProgress * @param {String} pMessage * @returns {StatusMessage} * @static */ static newError( pProgress, pMessage){ let m = new StatusMessage(pProgress, pMessage); m.extra = "error"; Logger.debug('<status message> : ERROR : ',pMessage); return m; } /** * To create a message with "success" flag * * @param {String} pMessage * @returns {StatusMessage} * @static */ static newSuccess( pMessage){ let m = new StatusMessage(100, pMessage); m.extra = "success"; Logger.debug('<status message> : SUCCESS : ',pMessage); return m; } /** * * @param {*} pMsg * @method */ append( pMsg){ return this.msg+"\n"+pMsg; } /** * @method */ getProgress(){ return this.progress; } /** * @method */ getMessage(){ return this.msg; } /** * @method */ getExtra(){ return this.extra; } /** * To export to a poor object, ready to be serialized into JSON format * * @method */ toJsonObject(){ let o = new Object(); o.progress = this.progress; o.msg = this.msg; o.extra = this.extra; return o; } }
class ToStringBuilder { constructor(object, style, buffer) { if (((object != null) || object === null) && ((style != null && style instanceof org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle) || style === null) && ((buffer != null && (buffer instanceof Object)) || buffer === null)) { let __args = arguments; if (this.buffer === undefined) { this.buffer = null; } if (this.object === undefined) { this.object = null; } if ( === undefined) { = null; } if (style == null) { style = ToStringBuilder.getDefaultStyle(); } if (buffer == null) { buffer = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } }; } this.buffer = buffer; = style; this.object = object; style.appendStart(buffer, object); } else if (((object != null) || object === null) && ((style != null && style instanceof org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle) || style === null) && buffer === undefined) { let __args = arguments; { let __args = arguments; let buffer = null; if (this.buffer === undefined) { this.buffer = null; } if (this.object === undefined) { this.object = null; } if ( === undefined) { = null; } if (style == null) { style = ToStringBuilder.getDefaultStyle(); } if (buffer == null) { buffer = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } }; } this.buffer = buffer; = style; this.object = object; style.appendStart(buffer, object); } if (this.buffer === undefined) { this.buffer = null; } if (this.object === undefined) { this.object = null; } if ( === undefined) { = null; } } else if (((object != null) || object === null) && style === undefined && buffer === undefined) { let __args = arguments; { let __args = arguments; let style = null; let buffer = null; if (this.buffer === undefined) { this.buffer = null; } if (this.object === undefined) { this.object = null; } if ( === undefined) { = null; } if (style == null) { style = ToStringBuilder.getDefaultStyle(); } if (buffer == null) { buffer = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } }; } this.buffer = buffer; = style; this.object = object; style.appendStart(buffer, object); } if (this.buffer === undefined) { this.buffer = null; } if (this.object === undefined) { this.object = null; } if ( === undefined) { = null; } } else throw new Error('invalid overload'); } static defaultStyle_$LI$() { if (ToStringBuilder.defaultStyle == null) { ToStringBuilder.defaultStyle = org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE_$LI$(); } return ToStringBuilder.defaultStyle; } /** * <p>Gets the default <code>ToStringStyle</code> to use.</p> * * <p>This method gets a singleton default value, typically for the whole JVM. * Changing this default should generally only be done during application startup. * It is recommended to pass a <code>ToStringStyle</code> to the constructor instead * of using this global default.</p> * * <p>This method can be used from multiple threads. * Internally, a <code>volatile</code> variable is used to provide the guarantee * that the latest value set using {@link #setDefaultStyle} is the value returned. * It is strongly recommended that the default style is only changed during application startup.</p> * * <p>One reason for changing the default could be to have a verbose style during * development and a compact style in production.</p> * * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle} the default <code>ToStringStyle</code>, never null */ static getDefaultStyle() { return ToStringBuilder.defaultStyle_$LI$(); } /** * <p>Sets the default <code>ToStringStyle</code> to use.</p> * * <p>This method sets a singleton default value, typically for the whole JVM. * Changing this default should generally only be done during application startup. * It is recommended to pass a <code>ToStringStyle</code> to the constructor instead * of changing this global default.</p> * * <p>This method is not intended for use from multiple threads. * Internally, a <code>volatile</code> variable is used to provide the guarantee * that the latest value set is the value returned from {@link #getDefaultStyle}.</p> * * @param {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle} style the default <code>ToStringStyle</code> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the style is <code>null</code> */ static setDefaultStyle(style) { if (style == null) { throw Object.defineProperty(new Error("The style must not be null"), '__classes', { configurable: true, value: ['java.lang.Throwable', 'java.lang.Object', 'java.lang.RuntimeException', 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException', 'java.lang.Exception'] }); } ToStringBuilder.defaultStyle = style; } static reflectionToString$java_lang_Object(object) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString$java_lang_Object(object); } static reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle(object, style) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle(object, style); } static reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean(object, style, outputTransients) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean$boolean$java_lang_Class(object, style, outputTransients, false, null); } static reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean$java_lang_Class(object, style, outputTransients, reflectUpToClass) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean$boolean$java_lang_Class(object, style, outputTransients, false, reflectUpToClass); } /** * <p>Uses <code>ReflectionToStringBuilder</code> to generate a * <code>toString</code> for the specified object.</p> * * @param {*} object the Object to be output * @param {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle} style the style of the <code>toString</code> to create, may be <code>null</code> * @param {boolean} outputTransients whether to include transient fields * @param {*} reflectUpToClass the superclass to reflect up to (inclusive), may be <code>null</code> * @return {string} the String result * @see ReflectionToStringBuilder#toString(Object,ToStringStyle,boolean,boolean,Class) * @since 2.0 */ static reflectionToString(object, style, outputTransients, reflectUpToClass) { if (((object != null) || object === null) && ((style != null && style instanceof org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle) || style === null) && ((typeof outputTransients === 'boolean') || outputTransients === null) && ((reflectUpToClass != null && (reflectUpToClass["__class"] != null || ((t) => { try { new t; return true; } catch (_a) { return false; } })(reflectUpToClass))) || reflectUpToClass === null)) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean$java_lang_Class(object, style, outputTransients, reflectUpToClass); } else if (((object != null) || object === null) && ((style != null && style instanceof org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle) || style === null) && ((typeof outputTransients === 'boolean') || outputTransients === null) && reflectUpToClass === undefined) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle$boolean(object, style, outputTransients); } else if (((object != null) || object === null) && ((style != null && style instanceof org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle) || style === null) && outputTransients === undefined && reflectUpToClass === undefined) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString$java_lang_Object$org_openprovenance_apache_commons_lang_builder_ToStringStyle(object, style); } else if (((object != null) || object === null) && style === undefined && outputTransients === undefined && reflectUpToClass === undefined) { return org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString$java_lang_Object(object); } else throw new Error('invalid overload'); } append$boolean(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$boolean(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$boolean_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$boolean_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$byte(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$byte(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$byte_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$byte_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$char(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$char(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$char_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$char_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$double(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$double(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$double_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$double_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$float(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$float(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$float_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$float_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$int(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$int(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$int_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$int_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$long(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$long(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$long_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$long_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_Object(obj) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, obj, null); return this; } append$java_lang_Object_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$short(value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$short(this.buffer, null, value); return this; } append$short_A(array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$short_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, null, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$boolean(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$boolean_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$boolean_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$boolean_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$boolean_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } /** * <p>Append to the <code>toString</code> a <code>boolean</code> * array.</p> * * <p>A boolean parameter controls the level of detail to show. * Setting <code>true</code> will output the array in full. Setting * <code>false</code> will output a summary, typically the size of * the array.</p> * * @param {string} fieldName the field name * @param {boolean[]} array the array to add to the <code>toString</code> * @param {boolean} fullDetail <code>true</code> for detail, <code>false</code> * for summary info * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder} this */ append(fieldName, array, fullDetail) { if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'boolean'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$boolean_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$byte_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'string'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$char_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$double_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$float_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$int_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$long_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (array[0] != null))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$short_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null) || array === null) && ((typeof fullDetail === 'boolean') || fullDetail === null)) { return this.append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'boolean'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$boolean_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$byte_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'string'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$char_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$double_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$float_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$int_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$long_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (array[0] != null))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null && array instanceof Array && (array.length == 0 || array[0] == null || (typeof array[0] === 'number'))) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$short_A(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'boolean') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$boolean(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$byte(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'string') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$char(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$short(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$int(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$long(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$float(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((typeof array === 'number') || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$double(fieldName, array); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && ((array != null) || array === null) && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object(fieldName, array); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'boolean'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$boolean_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$byte_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'string'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$char_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$double_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$float_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$int_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$long_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (fieldName[0] != null))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_Object_A(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null && fieldName instanceof Array && (fieldName.length == 0 || fieldName[0] == null || (typeof fieldName[0] === 'number'))) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$short_A(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'boolean') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$boolean(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$byte(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'string') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$char(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$short(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$int(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$long(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$float(fieldName); } else if (((typeof fieldName === 'number') || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$double(fieldName); } else if (((fieldName != null) || fieldName === null) && array === undefined && fullDetail === undefined) { return this.append$java_lang_Object(fieldName); } else throw new Error('invalid overload'); } append$java_lang_String$byte(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$byte(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$byte_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$byte_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$byte_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$byte_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$char(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$char(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$char_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$char_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$char_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$char_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$double(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$double(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$double_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$double_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$double_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$double_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$float(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$float(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$float_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$float_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$float_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$float_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$int(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$int(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$int_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$int_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$int_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$int_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$long(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$long(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$long_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$long_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$long_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$long_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object(fieldName, obj) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, obj, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object$boolean(fieldName, obj, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, obj, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$java_lang_Object_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } append$java_lang_String$short(fieldName, value) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$short(this.buffer, fieldName, value); return this; } append$java_lang_String$short_A(fieldName, array) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$short_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, null); return this; } append$java_lang_String$short_A$boolean(fieldName, array, fullDetail) {$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_String$short_A$java_lang_Boolean(this.buffer, fieldName, array, org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject$boolean(fullDetail)); return this; } /** * <p>Appends with the same format as the default <code>Object toString() * </code> method. Appends the class name followed by * {@link System#identityHashCode(Object)}.</p> * * @param {*} object the <code>Object</code> whose class name and id to output * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder} this * @since 2.0 */ appendAsObjectToString(object) { org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.identityToString$java_lang_StringBuffer$java_lang_Object(this.getStringBuffer(), object); return this; } /** * <p>Append the <code>toString</code> from the superclass.</p> * * <p>This method assumes that the superclass uses the same <code>ToStringStyle</code> * as this one.</p> * * <p>If <code>superToString</code> is <code>null</code>, no change is made.</p> * * @param {string} superToString the result of <code>super.toString()</code> * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder} this * @since 2.0 */ appendSuper(superToString) { if (superToString != null) {, superToString); } return this; } /** * <p>Append the <code>toString</code> from another object.</p> * * <p>This method is useful where a class delegates most of the implementation of * its properties to another class. You can then call <code>toString()</code> on * the other class and pass the result into this method.</p> * * <pre> * private AnotherObject delegate; * private String fieldInThisClass; * * public String toString() { * return new ToStringBuilder(this). * appendToString(delegate.toString()). * append(fieldInThisClass). * toString(); * }</pre> * * <p>This method assumes that the other object uses the same <code>ToStringStyle</code> * as this one.</p> * * <p>If the <code>toString</code> is <code>null</code>, no change is made.</p> * * @param {string} toString the result of <code>toString()</code> on another object * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder} this * @since 2.0 */ appendToString(toString) { if (toString != null) {, toString); } return this; } /** * <p>Returns the <code>Object</code> being output.</p> * * @return {*} The object being output. * @since 2.0 */ getObject() { return this.object; } /** * <p>Gets the <code>StringBuffer</code> being populated.</p> * * @return {{ str: string, toString: Function }} the <code>StringBuffer</code> being populated */ getStringBuffer() { return this.buffer; } /** * <p>Gets the <code>ToStringStyle</code> being used.</p> * * @return {org.openprovenance.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle} the <code>ToStringStyle</code> being used * @since 2.0 */ getStyle() { return; } /** * <p>Returns the built <code>toString</code>.</p> * * <p>This method appends the end of data indicator, and can only be called once. * Use {@link #getStringBuffer} to get the current string state.</p> * * <p>If the object is <code>null</code>, return the style's <code>nullText</code></p> * * @return {string} the String <code>toString</code> */ toString() { if (this.getObject() == null) { /* append */ (sb => { sb.str += this.getStyle().getNullText(); return sb; })(this.getStringBuffer()); } else {, this.getObject()); } return /* toString */ this.getStringBuffer().str; } }
class RestMetaCollection { /** * Constructs a new <code>RestMetaCollection</code>. * @alias module:model/RestMetaCollection * @class */ constructor() { } /** * Constructs a <code>RestMetaCollection</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not. * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest. * @param {module:model/RestMetaCollection} obj Optional instance to populate. * @return {module:model/RestMetaCollection} The populated <code>RestMetaCollection</code> instance. */ static constructFromObject(data, obj) { if (data) { obj = obj || new RestMetaCollection(); if (data.hasOwnProperty('NodePath')) { obj['NodePath'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['NodePath'], 'String'); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('Metadatas')) { obj['Metadatas'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['Metadatas'], [RestMetadata]); } } return obj; } /** * @member {String} NodePath */ NodePath = undefined; /** * @member {Array.<module:model/RestMetadata>} Metadatas */ Metadatas = undefined; }
class RootReference { constructor(env) { this.env = env; this.children = dict(); this.tag = CONSTANT_TAG; } get(key) { // References should in general be identical to one another, so we can usually // deduplicate them in production. However, in DEBUG we need unique references // so we can properly key off them for the logging context. if (DEBUG) { // We register the template debug context now since the reference is // created before the component itself. It shouldn't be possible to cause // errors when accessing the root, only subproperties of the root, so this // should be fine for the time being. The exception is helpers, but they // set their context earlier. // // TODO: This points to a need for more first class support for arguments in // the debugRenderTree. The fact that we can't accurately relate an argument // reference to its component is problematic for debug tooling. if (!this.didSetupDebugContext) { this.didSetupDebugContext = true; this.env.setTemplatePathDebugContext(this, this.debugLogName || 'this', null); } return new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } else { let ref = this.children[key]; if (ref === undefined) { ref = this.children[key] = new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } return ref; } } }
class PropertyReference { constructor(parentReference, propertyKey, env) { this.parentReference = parentReference; this.propertyKey = propertyKey; this.env = env; this.children = dict(); this.lastRevision = null; if (DEBUG) { env.setTemplatePathDebugContext(this, propertyKey, parentReference); } let valueTag = this.valueTag = createUpdatableTag(); let parentReferenceTag = parentReference.tag; this.tag = combine([parentReferenceTag, valueTag]); } value() { let { tag, lastRevision, lastValue, parentReference, valueTag, propertyKey } = this; if (lastRevision === null || !validateTag(tag, lastRevision)) { let parentValue = parentReference.value(); if (isDict(parentValue)) { let combined = track(() => { lastValue = this.env.getPath(parentValue, propertyKey); }, DEBUG && this.env.getTemplatePathDebugContext(this)); updateTag(valueTag, combined); } else { lastValue = undefined; } this.lastValue = lastValue; this.lastRevision = valueForTag(tag); } return lastValue; } get(key) { // References should in general be identical to one another, so we can usually // deduplicate them in production. However, in DEBUG we need unique references // so we can properly key off them for the logging context. if (DEBUG) { return new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } else { let ref = this.children[key]; if (ref === undefined) { ref = this.children[key] = new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } return ref; } } [UPDATE_REFERENCED_VALUE](value) { let { parentReference, propertyKey } = this; let parentValue = parentReference.value(); this.env.setPath(parentValue, propertyKey, value); } } //////////
class IterationItemReference { constructor(parentReference, itemValue, itemKey, env) { this.parentReference = parentReference; this.itemValue = itemValue; this.env = env; this.tag = createUpdatableTag(); this.children = dict(); if (DEBUG) { env.setTemplatePathDebugContext(this, debugToString(itemKey), parentReference); } } value() { return this.itemValue; } update(value) { dirtyTag(this.tag); this.itemValue = value; } get(key) { // References should in general be identical to one another, so we can usually // deduplicate them in production. However, in DEBUG we need unique references // so we can properly key off them for the logging context. if (DEBUG) { return new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } else { let ref = this.children[key]; if (ref === undefined) { ref = this.children[key] = new PropertyReference(this, key, this.env); } return ref; } } }
class Recurring { /** * Init * @param {UnzerSimple} unzer Unzer main class */ constructor(unzer) { this._urlpath = '/types'; this._unzer = unzer; } /** * GET recurring state * * @link{methodid}/recurring * @param {string} methodId Id of Payment method * @return {Promise<Object>} Unzer response */ async get(methodId) { let url = this._urlpath + '/' + methodId + '/recurring'; return this._unzer.get(url); } /** * Set reccuring state for given UUID * @link * @param {string} uuid UUID of payment method * @return {Promise<Object>} */ async postUuid(uuid) { let url = this._urlpath + '/recurring'; return, {uuid: uuid}); } /** * Set recurring state for given method id * @link{methodid}/recurring * @param {string} methodId payment method id * @param {object} payload post body payload * @return {Promise<Object>} */ async postMethodId(methodId, payload) { let url = this._urlpath + '/' + methodId + '/recurring'; return, payload, {}, true); } }
class Grid3D extends Grid { /** Constructor of the Grid3D object. * @param {GridSize} extents - the size of the grid in each dimension * @param {boolean[]} [torus = [true,true,true]] - should the borders of * the grid be linked, so that a cell moving out on the left reappears on * the right? */ constructor( extents, torus = [true,true,true] ){ super( extents, torus ) // Check that the grid size is not too big to store pixel ID in 32-bit number, // and allow fast conversion of coordinates to unique ID numbers. /** @ignore */ this.Z_BITS = 1+Math.floor( Math.log2( this.extents[2] - 1 ) ) if( this.X_BITS + this.Y_BITS + this.Z_BITS > 32 ){ throw("Field size too large -- field cannot be represented as 32-bit number") } /** @ignore */ this.Z_MASK = (1 << this.Z_BITS)-1 /** @ignore */ this.Z_STEP = 1 /** @ignore */ this.Y_STEP = 1 << (this.Z_BITS) /** @ignore */ this.X_STEP = 1 << (this.Z_BITS +this.Y_BITS) /** Array with values for each pixel stored at the position of its * {@link IndexCoordinate}. E.g. the value of pixel with coordinate i * is stored as this._pixelArray[i]. * Note that this array is accessed indirectly via the * {@link _pixels} set- and get methods. * @private * @type {Uint16Array} */ this._pixelArray = new Uint16Array(this.p2i(extents)) this.datatype = "Uint16" } /** Method for conversion from an {@link ArrayCoordinate} to an * {@link IndexCoordinate}. * * See also {@link Grid3D#i2p} for the backward conversion. * * @param {ArrayCoordinate} p - the coordinate of the pixel to convert * @return {IndexCoordinate} the converted coordinate. * * @example * let grid = new CPM.Grid3D( [100,100,100], [true,true,true] ) * let p = grid.i2p( 5 ) * console.log( p ) * console.log( grid.p2i( p )) */ p2i( p ){ return ( p[0] << ( this.Z_BITS + this.Y_BITS ) ) + ( p[1] << this.Z_BITS ) + p[2] } /** Method for conversion from an {@link IndexCoordinate} to an * {@link ArrayCoordinate}. * * See also {@link Grid3D#p2i} for the backward conversion. * * @param {IndexCoordinate} i - the coordinate of the pixel to convert * @return {ArrayCoordinate} the converted coordinate. * * @example * let grid = new CPM.Grid3D( [100,100,100], [true,true,true] ) * let p = grid.i2p( 5 ) * console.log( p ) * console.log( grid.p2i( p )) */ i2p( i ){ return [i >> (this.Y_BITS + this.Z_BITS), ( i >> this.Z_BITS ) & this.Y_MASK, i & this.Z_MASK ] } /** This iterator returns locations and values of all non-zero pixels. * Whereas the {@link pixels} generator yields only non-background pixels * and specifies both their {@link ArrayCoordinate} and value, this * generator yields all pixels by {@link IndexCoordinate} and does not * report value. * * @return {IndexCoordinate} for each pixel, return its * {@link IndexCoordinate}. * * * @example * let CPM = require( "path/to/build" ) * // make a grid and set some values * let grid = new CPM.Grid3D( [100,100,100], [true,true,true] ) * grid.setpixi( 0, 1 ) * grid.setpixi( 1, 5 ) * * // iterator * for( let i of grid.pixelsi() ){ * console.log( i ) * } */ * pixelsi() { let ii = 0, c = 0 for( let i = 0 ; i < this.extents[0] ; i ++ ){ let d = 0 for( let j = 0 ; j < this.extents[1] ; j ++ ){ for( let k = 0 ; k < this.extents[2] ; k ++ ){ yield ii ii++ } d += this.Y_STEP ii = c + d } c += this.X_STEP ii = c } } /** This iterator returns locations and values of all non-zero pixels. * @return {Pixel} for each pixel, return an array [p,v] where p are * the pixel's array coordinates on the grid, and v its value. * * @example * let CPM = require( "path/to/build" ) * // make a grid and set some values * let grid = new CPM.Grid3D( [100,100,100], [true,true,true] ) * grid.setpix( [0,0,0], 1 ) * grid.setpix( [0,0,1], 5 ) * * // iterator * for( let p of grid.pixels() ){ * console.log( p ) * } */ * pixels() { let ii = 0, c = 0 for( let i = 0 ; i < this.extents[0] ; i ++ ){ let d = 0 for( let j = 0 ; j < this.extents[1] ; j ++ ){ for( let k = 0 ; k < this.extents[2] ; k ++ ){ //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable let pixels = this._pixels if( pixels[ii] > 0 ){ yield [[i,j,k], pixels[ii]] } ii++ } d += this.Y_STEP ii = c + d } c += this.X_STEP ii = c } } /** Return array of {@link IndexCoordinate} of the Moore neighbor pixels * of the pixel at coordinate i. This function takes the 3D equivalent of * the 2D Moore-8 neighborhood, excluding the pixel itself. * @see * @param {IndexCoordinate} i - location of the pixel to get neighbors of. * @param {boolean[]} [torus=[true,true,true]] - does the grid have linked * borders? Defaults to the setting on this grid, see {@link torus} * @return {IndexCoordinate[]} - an array of coordinates for all the * neighbors of i. */ neighi( i, torus = this.torus ){ let p = this.i2p(i) let xx = [] for( let d = 0 ; d <= 2 ; d ++ ){ if( p[d] === 0 ){ if( torus[d] ){ xx[d] = [p[d],this.extents[d]-1,p[d]+1] } else { xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]+1] } } else if( p[d] === this.extents[d]-1 ){ if( torus[d] ){ xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1,0] } else { xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1] } } else { xx[d] = [p[d],p[d]-1,p[d]+1] } } let r = [], first=true for( let x of xx[0] ){ for( let y of xx[1] ){ for( let z of xx[2] ){ if( first ){ first = false } else { r.push( this.p2i( [x,y,z] ) ) } } } } return r } }
class Event { /** * Initializes a new Event * * @param {Object} config Event configuration object * @param {String} Event name * @param {String} [config.discordEventName = ''] Name of discord.js event that triggers this Event * @param {Function} config.handler Event function * @param {String} [config.type = 'discord'] Event type * @param {String} [config.description = ''] Event description * @param {String} [config.context = 'global'] Event context * @param {String} [config.interval = '1d'] Event interval * @param {Function} [config.enable = () => {}] function that runs before enabling the Event for a context * @param {Function} [config.disable = () => {}] function that runs before disabling the Event for a context * @param {String} sourcePath full path of Event source file * @constructor */ constructor ({ name, discordEventName = '', handler, type = 'discord', description = '', context = 'global', interval = '1d', enable = () => {}, disable = () => {} }, sourcePath) { = name this.discordEventName = (discordEventName.length > 0 ? discordEventName : name) this.handler = handler this.type = type this.description = description this.context = context this.interval = interval this.enable = enable this.disable = disable this.sourcePath = sourcePath } }
class CreatePodForm extends Component { initialState = { name: "", description: "", }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = this.initialState; // any method using this keyword must bind // example: this.method = this.method.bind(this) } componentDidMount() { // Things to do when the component is first rendered into the dom } componentWillUnmount() { // Things to do when the component is removed } handleChange = (event) => { const { name, value } =; this.setState({ [name]: value, }); }; submitForm = () => { this.props.handleSubmit(this.state); this.setState(this.initialState); }; render() { return ( <div className="CreatePodForm"> <h3>Name: {}</h3> <h3>Description: {this.state.description}</h3> <form className="form my-4"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="name">Project Name:</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Project Name" name="name" value={} onChange={this.handleChange} required /> <div class="valid-feedback">Valid.</div> <div class="invalid-feedback">Please fill out this field.</div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="description">Project Description:</label> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Project Description" name="description" value={this.state.description} onChange={this.handleChange} required /> <div class="valid-feedback">Valid.</div> <div class="invalid-feedback">Please fill out this field.</div> </div> <input type="button" value="submit" class="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.submitForm} /> </form> </div> ); } }
class Tab extends Node { /** * @param {string} label - text label for the tab * @param {EnumerationProperty.<PreferencesDialog.<PreferencesTab>} property * @param {PreferencesDialog.PreferencesTab} value - PreferencesTab shown when this tab is selected */ constructor( label, property, value ) { const textNode = new Text( label, PreferencesDialog.TAB_OPTIONS ); // background Node behind the Text for layout spacing, and to increase the clickable area of the tab const backgroundNode = new Rectangle( textNode.bounds.dilatedXY( 15, 10 ), { children: [ textNode ] } ); const underlineNode = new Line( 0, 0, textNode.width, 0, { stroke: FocusHighlightPath.INNER_FOCUS_COLOR, lineWidth: 5, centerTop: textNode.centerBottom.plusXY( 0, 5 ) } ); super( { children: [ backgroundNode, underlineNode ], cursor: 'pointer', // pdom tagName: 'button', innerContent: label, ariaRole: 'tab', focusable: true, containerTagName: 'li' } ); // @public {PreferenceTab} this.value = value; // voicing this.initializeVoicing(); this.voicingNameResponse = StringUtils.fillIn( preferencesTabResponsePatternString, { title: label } ); const buttonListener = new PressListener( { press: () => { property.set( value ); // speak the object response on activation this.voicingSpeakNameResponse(); }, // phet-io - opting out for now to get CT working tandem: Tandem.OPT_OUT } ); this.addInputListener( buttonListener ); Property.multilink( [ property, buttonListener.isOverProperty ], ( selectedTab, isOver ) => { textNode.opacity = selectedTab === value ? 1 : isOver ? 0.8 : 0.6; this.focusable = selectedTab === value; underlineNode.visible = selectedTab === value; } ); } }
class BaseModel { constructor() { /** @const the underlying mongoose model used for queries */ this.mongooseModel_ = this.createMongooseModel_() } /** * Returns the model schema. The child class must implement the static schema * property. * @return {string} the models schema */ getSchema() { if (!this.constructor.schema) { throw new Error("Schema not defined") } return this.constructor.schema } /** * Returns the model name. The child class must implement the static modelName * property. * @return {string} the name of the model */ getModelName() { if (!this.constructor.modelName) { throw new Error("Every model must have a static modelName property") } return this.constructor.modelName } /** * Returns the schema options defined in child class. * @return {object} the schema options */ getSchemaOptions() { if (!this.constructor.schemaOptions) { return {} } return this.constructor.schemaOptions } /** * @private * Creates a mongoose model based on schema, schema options and model name. * @return {Mongooose.Model} the mongoose model */ createMongooseModel_() { const schema = this.getSchema() const options = this.getSchemaOptions() const mongooseSchema = new mongoose.Schema(schema, options) return mongoose.model(this.getModelName(), mongooseSchema) } /** */ startSession() { return this.mongooseModel_.startSession() } /** * Queries the mongoose model via the mongoose's findOne. * @param query {object} a mongoose selector query * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {?mongoose.Document} the retreived mongoose document or null. */ findOne(query, options = {}) { return this.mongooseModel_.findOne(query, options).lean() } /** * Queries the mongoose model via the mongoose's find. * @param query {object} a mongoose selector query * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {Array<mongoose.Document>} the retreived mongoose documents or * an empty array */ find(query, options, offset, limit) { return this.mongooseModel_ .find(query, options) .skip(offset) .limit(limit) .lean() } count() { return this.mongooseModel_.count({}) } /** * Update a model via the mongoose model's updateOne. * @param query {object} a mongoose selector query * @param update {object} mongoose update object * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {object} mongoose result */ updateOne(query, update, options = {}) { = true return this.mongooseModel_.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options).lean() } /** * Update a model via the mongoose model's update. * @param query {object} a mongoose selector query * @param update {object} mongoose update object * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {object} mongoose result */ update(query, update, options) { return this.mongooseModel_.update(query, update, options) } /** * Creates a document in the mongoose model's collection via create. * @param object {object} the value of the document to be created * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {object} mongoose result */ create(object, options) { return this.mongooseModel_.create(object, options) } /** * Deletes a document in the mongoose model's collection * @param query {object} the value of the document to be created * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {object} mongoose result */ deleteOne(query, options) { return this.mongooseModel_.deleteOne(query, options) } /** * Deletes many document in the mongoose model's collection * @param query {object} the value of the document to be created * @param options {?object=} mongoose options * @return {object} mongoose result */ delete(query, options) { return this.mongooseModel_.deleteMany(query, options) } }
class State { /** * Set page map * @param {PageMap} pageMap - page map * @example State.setPageMap(new PageMap()); */ static setPageMap(pageMap) { this.pageMap = pageMap; } /** * Set current page by Name * @param {string} pageName - name of page ot set * @example State.setPage("YourPage"); */ static setPage(pageName) { = this.pageMap.getPage(pageName).pageObject; } /** * Get current page * @return {AbstractPage} - current page * @throws {Error} * @example State.getPage(); */ static getPage() { if ( { return; } else { throw new Error("Current page is not defined") } } }
class PieceState { // creates a new piece with a given color and id constructor(color, id) { this._color = color this._id = id this._state = State.HOME this._location = null this._capturer = null this.selected = false } get color() { return this._color } get id() { return this._id } isHome() { return this._state === State.HOME } isOut() { return this._state === State.OUT } moveOut() { const new_piece = new PieceState(this._color, this._id) new_piece._state = State.OUT new_piece._location = { track: this._color, position: KEY_POSITION.START, } return new_piece } isCaptured() { return this._state === State.CAPTURED } makeCaptured(capturerColor) { if (!this.isOut()) { throw new Error("a piece can only be captured if out") } const new_piece = new PieceState(this._color, this._id) new_piece._state = State.CAPTURED new_piece._capturer = capturerColor return new_piece } capturerColor() { if (!this.isCaptured()) { throw new Error("this piece is not captured") } return this._capturer } makeReleased() { if (!this.isCaptured()) { throw new Error("a piece can only be released if captured") } return new PieceState(this._color, this._id) } isGraduating() { if (!this.isOut()) { return false } return this._location.track === 'graduation_lane' } isGraduated() { return this._state === State.GRADUATED } makeGraduated() { if (!this.isGraduating()) { throw new Error("a piece can only graduate if it's graduating") } const new_piece = new PieceState(this._color, this._id) new_piece._state = State.GRADUATED return new_piece } /** * Return an object with fields "track" which is either * 'graduation_lane' or <color>. If 'graduation_lane' * 'position' is one of 1 through 5 or 6 (depending on the * rules) and it will be located on its color's track. if * <color> (which is one of our four colors), position * represents the cell they are in. cell 0 represents the * most counterclockwise position of that color. (e.g., * for RED that positon is the color that is connected to * the BLUE HOME and the RED graduation triangle). */ location() { if (!this.isOut()) { throw new Error("This piece is not out, so it doesn't have a location") } return { track: this._location.track, position: this._location.position, } } isAboutToEnterGraduationLane() { if (!this.isOut()) { return false } if (this._location.track !== this._color) { return false } return this._location.position === KEY_POSITION.GRADUATE } forward(count, stop_at_graduation_entrance=false) { if (!this.isOut()) { throw new Error("This piece can't move forward because it's not out") } const new_piece = new PieceState(this._color, this._id) new_piece._state = State.OUT const new_position = this._location.position + count if (this.isGraduating()) { if (new_position > KEY_POSITION.LAST_GRAD) { throw new Error("Cannot exceed graduation") } new_piece._location = { track: GRAD_TRACK, position: new_position } return new_piece } // TODO: fix comment below... lol. is code even good? // this is bad design... but the case where isAboutToGraduate // is handled in positioning. I should move it here because it // doesn't really make sense that in this code it's assuming that // that case is handled (when it could not by another implementer) if (this.isAboutToEnterGraduationLane() && stop_at_graduation_entrance) { if (count !== 1) { throw new Error("Must roll a 1 to enter graduation") } new_piece._location = { track: GRAD_TRACK, position: 1, } return new_piece } const was_before_graduate = this._location.position <= KEY_POSITION.GRADUATE if (this._location.track === this._color && was_before_graduate) { let maybe_grad_track = this._location.track let maybe_grad_position = new_position if (maybe_grad_position > KEY_POSITION.GRADUATE) { if (stop_at_graduation_entrance) { throw new Error( "The new position would exceed the graduation lane entry" ) } maybe_grad_track = GRAD_TRACK maybe_grad_position = new_position - KEY_POSITION.GRADUATE } if (maybe_grad_track === GRAD_TRACK && maybe_grad_position > KEY_POSITION.LAST_GRAD) { throw new Error("Cannot exceed graduation") } new_piece._location = { track: maybe_grad_track, position: maybe_grad_position, } return new_piece } new_piece._location = PieceState._nextLocation( this._location.track, new_position ) return new_piece } static _nextLocation(color, position) { let new_color = color let new_position = position let was_old_color = false while (new_position > KEY_POSITION.LAST) { new_color = PieceState._nextTrackColor(new_color) new_position = new_position - (KEY_POSITION.LAST + 1) if (new_color === color) { was_old_color = true continue } if (was_old_color) { throw new Error("We looped back, this is impossible") } } return {track: new_color, position: new_position} } static _nextTrackColor(color) { switch (color) { case C.color.RED: return C.color.GREEN case C.color.GREEN: return C.color.YELLOW case C.color.YELLOW: return C.color.BLUE case C.color.BLUE: return C.color.RED default: throw new Error(`invalid color ${color}`) } } equal(other) { return this.color === other.color && === && this._state === other._state && this._location === other._location && this._capturer === other._capturer } sameColor(other) { return this.color === other.color } }
class Choice { constructor (value, index, label, selected, image) { this.CHOICE_INDEX = index this.CHOICE_VALUE = String(value) this.CHOICE_LABEL = label if (selected) { this.CHOICE_SELECTED = true } else { this.CHOICE_SELECTED = false } this.CHOICE_IMAGE = image } }
class PhobosClient extends Client { /** * Create a PhobosClient * @param {object} options Discord.js Client options */ constructor (options) { super(options) /** * Configs defined in src/config.js * @type {object} */ this.config = config /** * Contains categories that contain the actual commands * @type {Collection} */ this.commands = new Collection() /** * All aliases to commands (kinda like a index) * @type {Collection} */ this.aliases = new Collection() /** * Command cooldowns * @type {Collection} */ this.cooldowns = new Collection() /** * Custom logger * @type {object} */ this.log = log /** * Databases * @type {object} */ this.db = { user: db.User, guild: db.Guild } } /** * Get a command from name or alias * @param {string} name Command name or alias * @returns {object} Command */ getCmd (name) { // Loop through all categories and find commands in them for (const category of this.commands.values()) { const cmd = category.get(name) if (cmd) { return cmd } } // If not found, find in aliases return this.aliases.get(name) } }
class FilterSelectionInput extends React.Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = Object.assign( {}, props, { isModalOpen: false, 'labelText': 'Filter' } ); this.onClearButtonClick = this.onClearButtonClick.bind( this ); this.setFilterSelection = this.setFilterSelection.bind( this ); this.onAction = this.onAction.bind( this ); } componentDidMount() { this.filterSelector.addEventListener( "action", this.onAction ); } componentWillUnmount() { this.filterSelector.removeEventListener( "action", this.onAction ); } componentWillReceiveProps( nextProps ) { this.setState( Object.assign( this.state, nextProps, { isModalOpen: false, 'searching': false } ) ); } onAction( evt ) { if ( evt.detail.type === "named_text_selection" ) { console.log( "FilterSelectionInput.onAction %o", evt.detail ); if ( evt.detail.lookup == null && == null ) { //unset this.onClearButtonClick( {} ); return; } if ( evt.detail.lookup && evt.detail.lookup.length > 1 ) { this.setState( { searching: false, value: evt.detail.lookup, type : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP' }) if( this.props.onChange ) { this.props.onChange( { 'value': evt.detail.lookup, 'type': 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP', 'parameter' : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP' } ); } } else { this.setState( { searching: false, value:, type : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID' }) if( this.props.onChange ) { this.props.onChange( { 'value':, 'type': 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID', 'parameter' : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID' } ); } } } } onClearButtonClick( event ) { this.setState( { value: 'Default', 'searching': false } ); if( this.props.onReset ) { this.props.onReset(); } else if( this.props.onChange ) { this.props.onChange( { 'parameter': 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID', 'value': '' } ); this.props.onChange( { 'parameter': 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP', 'value': '' } ); } } setFilterSelection( obj ) { if( obj.lookup ) { this.setState( { 'searching': !this.state.searching, 'value': obj.lookup, 'type' : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP' } ); } else { this.setState( { 'searching': !this.state.searching, 'value':, 'type' : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID' } ); } if( this.props.valueChange ) { this.props.valueChange( { 'value': this.state.value, 'type' : obj.lookup ? 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_LOOKUP' : 'RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_ID' } ); } } render() { return ( <div className = "form-group" > <label className=" control-label" htmlFor={this.props.parameter}> {this.state.labelText}: </label> <div> <iq-named-text-selector data-type="filter" data-initial-value={this.state.value} ref={( filterSelector ) => { this.filterSelector = filterSelector; }} /> <em className="help-block" > { } </em> </div> </div> ); } stopIt( evt ) { evt.stopPropagation(); } openModal() { this.setState( { isModalOpen: true } ); } closeModal() { this.setState( { isModalOpen: false } ); } }
class EtiquetasController { /** * @param $uibModal * @param toastr * @param {EtiquetasService} EtiquetasService * @param {ProcesosService} ProcesosService * @param {ActividadesService} ActividadesService * @param AppConfig * **/ constructor($uibModal, toastr, EtiquetasService, ProcesosService, ActividadesService, AppConfig) { /** @private */ this.ITEMS_SELECT = AppConfig.elementosBusquedaSelect; /** @private */ this.$uibModal = $uibModal; /** @private */ this.toastr = toastr; /** @private */ this.etiquetasService = EtiquetasService; /** @private */ this.actividadesService = ActividadesService; /** @type {boolean} */ this.busquedaVisible = true; /** @private */ this.totalProcesos = 0; /** @type {Proceso[]} */ this.procesos = []; ProcesosService.obtenerTodos(false) .then(procesos => { /** @type {Proceso[]} */ this.procesos = [].concat(...procesos); this.procesos.push({codigo: undefined, evento: ''}); }); ActividadesService.obtenerTodos(1, ['orden', 'asc'], null, 0) .then(actividades => { this.actividades = actividades; }); this.estados = [ETIQUETA_PENDIENTE, ETIQUETA_OK_DESC, ETIQUETA_NOK_DESC]; this.etiquetasService.obtenerTodos() .then(etiquetas => { let etiquetasOrdenadasPorCodigo = sortBy(etiquetas, ['codigo']); /** @type {Etiqueta[]} */ this.etiquetas = etiquetasOrdenadasPorCodigo; /** @type {Etiqueta[]} */ this.datos = etiquetasOrdenadasPorCodigo; }); this.presentacion = { entidad: 'Etiqueta', atributoPrincipal: 'descripcion', ordenInicial: ['codigo', 'asc'], columnas: [ {nombre: 'codigo', display: 'ID', ordenable: true}, {nombre: 'proceso.display', display: 'Proceso', ordenable: true}, {nombre: 'actividad.display', display: 'Actividad', ordenable: true}, {nombre: 'descripcionEstado.ordenActividad', display: 'Orden', ordenable: true}, {nombre: 'descripcionEstado.nombre', display: 'Estado', ordenable: true}, {nombre: 'descripcion', display: 'Descripción', ordenable: true}, ] }; this.columnasExcel = { titulos: ['ID', 'Proceso', 'Actividad', 'Orden', 'Estado', 'Descripción'], campos: ['codigo', 'proceso.display', 'actividad.display', 'descripcionEstado.ordenActividad', 'descripcionEstado.nombre', 'descripcion'] }; } /** * Propiedad que devuelve true si no se está mostrando la lista completa de procesos en un momento determinado. * @return {boolean} */ get mostrandoResultadosParcialesProcesos() { return this.totalProcesos > this.ITEMS_SELECT + 1; } /** * Filtra la lista de procesos según el string que haya escrito el usuario. Es case insensitive. * @param {string} busqueda * @return {Proceso[]} */ filtrarProcesos(busqueda) { const busquedaLower = busqueda.toLowerCase(); const resultado = filter(this.procesos, (elemento) => { return (busqueda && elemento.evento) ? includes(elemento.evento.toLowerCase(), busquedaLower) : true; }); this.totalProcesos = resultado.length; if (resultado.length > this.ITEMS_SELECT + 1) { return resultado.slice(0, this.ITEMS_SELECT + 1); } else { return resultado; } } /** * Abre el modal que se utiliza para crear/editar una etiqueta. Cuando se termina de trabajar con la etiqueta, * actualiza o crea una fila correspondiente en la tabla. * * @param {Etiqueta} [etiqueta] Si no se pasa una etiqueta, el modal se abre en modo de creación. */ mostrarModalEtiqueta(etiqueta) { const contenedor = angular.element(document.getElementById('modalEdicionEtiqueta')); const modal = this.${ template, appendTo: contenedor, size: 'dialog-centered', // hack para que el modal salga centrado verticalmente controller: 'ModalEdicionEtiquetasController', controllerAs: '$modal', resolve: { // Los elementos que se inyectan al controlador del modal se deben pasar de esta forma: entidad: () => { return etiqueta; }, actividades: () => { return this.actividades; } } }); modal.result.then((resultado) => { this.etiquetas = this.etiquetasService.etiquetas; if (this.busquedaActiva) { this.buscar(); } else { this.datos = clone(this.etiquetas); } if (!isNil(resultado) && !isNil(resultado.codigo) && !this.filaEsVisible(resultado)) { this.toastr.warning('Aunque se guardaron los cambios, la etiqueta no está visible en la tabla en estos momentos.'); } if (this.actividadesService.actividades.length === 0) { // Es necesario volver a pedir las actividades this.actividadesService.obtenerTodos(1, ['orden', 'asc'], null, 0) .then(actividades => { this.actividades = actividades; }); } }); modal.result.catch(() => { }); } /** * Edita los datos de una etiqueta. * @param {Etiqueta} etiqueta */ editarEtiqueta(etiqueta) { let clon = cloneDeep(etiqueta); clon.proceso = etiqueta.proceso.valor; clon.actividad = etiqueta.actividad.valor; this.mostrarModalEtiqueta(clon); } /** * Elimina una etiqueta * @param {Etiqueta} etiqueta */ eliminarEtiqueta(etiqueta) { const fnActualizarEtiquetas = () => { this.etiquetas = this.etiquetasService.etiquetas; if (this.busquedaActiva) { this.buscar(); } else { this.datos = clone(this.etiquetas); } }; return this.etiquetasService.eliminar(etiqueta) .then(() => { fnActualizarEtiquetas(); }) .catch(response => { if (response && response.status === 404) { fnActualizarEtiquetas(); } throw response; }); } buscar() { if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.paramsBusqueda).length === 0) { this.mostrarTodos(); } else { this.busquedaActiva = true; this.datos = reduce(this.etiquetas, (resultado, item) => { let coincidencia = isMatchWith(item, this.paramsBusqueda, (objValue, srcValue, key, object) => { if (key === 'descripcion') { return objValue && includes(objValue.toLowerCase(), srcValue.toLowerCase()); } else if (key === 'proceso') { return isNil(srcValue) || ===; } else if (key === 'estado') { return isNil(srcValue) || object.descripcionEstado.nombre === srcValue; } }); if (coincidencia) { resultado.push(item); } return resultado; }, []); } } mostrarTodos() { this.paramsBusqueda = {}; this.busquedaActiva = false; this.datos = clone(this.etiquetas); } /** * Devuelve verdadero si la etiqueta está visible en la tabla en ese momento. * @param {Etiqueta} etiqueta * @return {boolean} */ filaEsVisible(etiqueta) { if (isNil(etiqueta)) { return false; } return !!find(this.datos, (item) => { return item.codigo === etiqueta.codigo; }); } }
class SeparatorHeader extends Component { view() { return <li className="Dropdown-separator TagInject--Utility-Header">{app.translator.trans('')}</li>; } }
class Group{ /** * Builds a new group. * @param {string} name - Required parameter. The name of the group. * @param {string} startDate - Optional parameter. The date when the group was founded. Defaults to "". * @param {string} endDate - Optional parameter. The date when the group broke apart. Defaults to "". * @constructor */ constructor(name, startDate="", endDate=""){ this._name = name; this._startDate = startDate; this._endDate = endDate; } set name(name){ this._name = name; } get name(){ return this._name; } set startDate(startDate){ this._startDate = startDate; } get startDate(){ return this._startDate; } set endDate(endDate){ this._endDate = endDate; } get endDate(){ return this._endDate; } }
class SelectResourcePlugin extends BasePlugin { constructor(opts) { super(opts || {}); // frequency for crawling resources if (this.opts.crawlFrequency) { this.opts.crawlFrequency = parseInt(this.opts.crawlFrequency, 10); } } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this getPhase() { return BasePlugin.PHASE.SELECT; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this test() { return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this apply(site) { return site.getResourceToCrawl(this.opts.crawlFrequency); } }
class ChatService{ constructor(API, UserService){ 'ngInject'; this.API = API; this.UserService = UserService; } /** * getConversations gets conversations involving this user and other users * @return {promise} promise of data */ getConversations(){ return'chat/get_conversations').get() } /** * getConversation get conversation between this user and other user * @param {object} data request data * @return {promise} promise of data */ getConversation(data){ return this.API.all('chat/get_conversation').post(data) } /** * send message * @param {object} data request data */ sendMessage(data){ return this.API.all('chat/sendmessage').post(data) } /** * getOtherUser get other user involved in conversation * @param {object} convo conversation object * @return {object} user info */ getOtherUser(convo){ if(convo.sender_id ==={ return { id: convo.recipient_id, firstname: convo.recipient.firstname, lastname: convo.recipient.lastname, avatar: convo.recipient.avatar } }else{ return { id: convo.sender_id, firstname: convo.sender.firstname, lastname: convo.sender.lastname, avatar: convo.sender.avatar } } } /** * getConvoAvatar get avatar of other user * @param {object} convo conversation object * @return {string} avatar url */ getConvoAvatar(convo){ if(convo && this.UserService.user){ //if sender is current user return recipient info else return sender info if(convo.sender_id ==={ return "/uploads/avatars/"+convo.recipient.avatar; }else{ return "/uploads/avatars/"+convo.sender.avatar; } }else{ return "/uploads/avatars/avatar-5.png"; } } }
class BaseFormField extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.htmlId = `form-field-${}`; this.state = { value: props.initial }; } validateField() { let value = this.state.value || ""; if (this.props.required && value.length <= 0) { throw `${} is required to complete this form.`; } } getValue() { if (this.state.value !== null && this.state.value !== undefined) { return this.state.value; } else { return this.props.initial; } } render() { let label = null; if (this.props.label) { label = <label htmlFor={this.htmlId}> {this.props.label} </label> } return <div className="form-group"> {label} {this.renderField()} </div> } }
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