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How much was Boeing's FY2017 total interest expense (in USD thousands)? Calculate what was asked by utilizing the line items clearly shown in the statement of income.
Table of Contents The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Operations (Dollars in millions, except per share data) Years ended December 31, 2017 2016 2015 Sales of products $83,204 $84,399 $85,255 Sales of services 10,188 10,172 10,859 Total revenues 93,392 94,571 96,114 Cost of products (68,365) (72,713) (73,446) Cost of services (7,631) (8,018) (8,578) Boeing Capital interest expense (70) (59) (64) Total costs and expenses (76,066) (80,790) (82,088) 17,326 13,781 14,026 Income from operating investments, net 204 303 274 General and administrative expense (4,094) (3,616) (3,525) Research and development expense, net (3,179) (4,627) (3,331) Gain/(loss) on dispositions, net 21 (7) (1) Earnings from operations 10,278 5,834 7,443 Other income/(loss), net 129 40 (13) Interest and debt expense (360) (306) (275) Earnings before income taxes 10,047 5,568 7,155 Income tax expense (1,850) (673) (1,979) Net earnings $8,197 $4,895 $5,176 Basic earnings per share $13.60 $7.70 $7.52 Diluted earnings per share $13.43 $7.61 $7.44 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 55 106 . 46
Considering the data in the P&L statement, what is 3M's FY2016 unadjusted operating income (in USD millions)?
Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Incom e Years ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2016 2015 2014 Net sales $ 30,109 $ 30,274 $ 31,821 Operating expenses Cost of sales 15,040 15,383 16,447 Selling, general and administrative expenses 6,111 6,182 6,469 Research, development and related expenses 1,735 1,763 1,770 Total operating expenses 22,886 23,328 24,686 Operating income 7,223 6,946 7,135 Interest expense and income Interest expense 199 149 142 Interest income (29) (26) (33) Total interest expense net 170 123 109 Income before income taxes 7,053 6,823 7,026 Provision for income taxes 1,995 1,982 2,028 Net income including noncontrolling interest $ 5,058 $ 4,841 $ 4,998 Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest 8 8 42 Net income attributable to 3M $ 5,050 $ 4,833 $ 4,956 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding basic 604.7 625.6 649.2 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders basic $ 8.35 $ 7.72 $ 7.63 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding diluted 618.7 637.2 662.0 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders diluted $ 8.16 $ 7.58 $ 7.49 Cash dividends paid per 3M common share $ 4.44 $ 4.10 $ 3.42 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 55
What is FY2019 working capital ratio for Costco? Define working capital ratio as total current assets divided by total current liabilities. Round your answer to two decimal places. Give a response to the question by relying on the details shown in the statement of financial position.
Table of Contents COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (amounts in millions, except par value and share data) September 1, 2019 September 2, 2018 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 8,384 $ 6,055 Short-term investments 1,060 1,204 Receivables, net 1,535 1,669 Merchandise inventories 11,395 11,040 Other current assets 1,111 321 Total current assets 23,485 20,289 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Land 6,417 6,193 Buildings and improvements 17,136 16,107 Equipment and fixtures 7,801 7,274 Construction in progress 1,272 1,140 32,626 30,714 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization (11,736) (11,033) Net property and equipment 20,890 19,681 OTHER ASSETS 1,025 860 TOTAL ASSETS $ 45,400 $ 40,830 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 11,679 $ 11,237 Accrued salaries and benefits 3,176 2,994 Accrued member rewards 1,180 1,057 Deferred membership fees 1,711 1,624 Current portion of long-term debt 1,699 90 Other current liabilities 3,792 2,924 Total current liabilities 23,237 19,926 LONG-TERM DEBT, excluding current portion 5,124 6,487 OTHER LIABILITIES 1,455 1,314 Total liabilities 29,816 27,727 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES EQUITY Preferred stock $0.01 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized; no shares issued and outstanding 0 0 Common stock $0.01 par value; 900,000,000 shares authorized; 439,625,000 and 438,189,000 shares issued and outstanding 4 4 Additional paid-in capital 6,417 6,107 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,436) (1,199) Retained earnings 10,258 7,887 Total Costco stockholders equity 15,243 12,799 Noncontrolling interests 341 304 Total equity 15,584 13,103 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 45,400 $ 40,830 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 35
What is FY2021 working capital ratio for Best Buy? Define working capital ratio as total current assets divided by total current liabilities. Round your answer to two decimal places. Please base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the statement of financial position.
Consolidated Balance Sheets $ and shares in millions, except per share amounts January 30, 2021 February 1, 2020 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,494 $ 2,229 Receivables, net 1,061 1,149 Merchandise inventories 5,612 5,174 Other current assets 373 305 Total current assets 12,540 8,857 Property and equipment Land and buildings 658 650 Leasehold improvements 2,192 2,203 Fixtures and equipment 6,333 6,286 Property under finance leases 73 89 Gross property and equipment 9,256 9,228 Less accumulated depreciation 6,996 6,900 Net property and equipment 2,260 2,328 Operating lease assets 2,612 2,709 Goodwill 986 984 Other assets 669 713 Total assets $ 19,067 $ 15,591 Liabilities and equity Current liabilities Accounts payable $ 6,979 $ 5,288 Unredeemed gift card liabilities 317 281 Deferred revenue 711 501 Accrued compensation and related expenses 725 410 Accrued liabilities 972 906 Short-term debt 110 - Current portion of operating lease liabilities 693 660 Current portion of long-term debt 14 14 Total current liabilities 10,521 8,060 Long-term operating lease liabilities 2,012 2,138 Long-term liabilities 694 657 Long-term debt 1,253 1,257 Contingencies and commitments (Note 13) Equity Best Buy Co., Inc. Shareholders' Equity Preferred stock, $1.00 par value: Authorized - 400,000 shares; Issued and outstanding - none - - Common stock, $0.10 par value: Authorized - 1.0 billion shares; Issued and outstanding - 257 and 256 shares, respectively 26 26 Additional paid-in capital - - Retained earnings 4,233 3,158 Accumulated other comprehensive income 328 295 Total equity 4,587 3,479 Total liabilities and equity $ 19,067 $ 15,591 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 41
What is Microsoft's FY2018 net working capital? Define net working capital as total current assets less total current liabilities. Answer in USD millions. Calculate what was asked by utilizing the line items clearly shown in the balance sheet.
PART II Item 8 BALANCE SHEETS (In millions) June 30, 2018 2017 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 11,946 $ 7,663 Short-term investments 121,822 125,318 Total cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments 133,768 132,981 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $377 and $345 26,481 22,431 Inventories 2,662 2,181 Other 6,751 5,103 Total current assets 169,662 162,696 Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $29,223 and $24,179 29,460 23,734 Operating lease right-of-use assets 6,686 6,555 Equity and other investments 1,862 6,023 Goodwill 35,683 35,122 Intangible assets, net 8,053 10,106 Other long-term assets 7,442 6,076 Total assets $ 258,848 $ 250,312 Liabilities and stockholders equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 8,617 $ 7,390 Short-term debt 0 9,072 Current portion of long-term debt 3,998 1,049 Accrued compensation 6,103 5,819 Short-term income taxes 2,121 718 Short-term unearned revenue 28,905 24,013 Other 8,744 7,684 Total current liabilities 58,488 55,745 Long-term debt 72,242 76,073 Long-term income taxes 30,265 13,485 Long-term unearned revenue 3,815 2,643 Deferred income taxes 541 5,734 Operating lease liabilities 5,568 5,372 Other long-term liabilities 5,211 3,549 Total liabilities 176,130 162,601 Commitments and contingencies Stockholders equity: Common stock and paid-in capital shares authorized 24,000; outstanding 7,677 and 7,708 71,223 69,315 Retained earnings 13,682 17,769 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (2,187) 627 Total stockholders equity 82,718 87,711 Total liabilities and stockholders equity $ 258,848 $ 250,312 Refer to accompanying notes. 53
What is FY2021 working capital ratio for Corning? Define working capital ratio as total current assets divided by total current liabilities. Round your answer to two decimal places. Address the question by using the line items and information shown within the balance sheet.
TableofContents Consolidated Balance Sheets Corning Incorporated and Subsidiary Companies December31, (Inmillions,exceptshareandpershareamounts) 2021 2020 Assets Currentassets: Cashandcashequivalents $ 2,148 $ 2,672 Tradeaccountsreceivable,netofdoubtfulaccounts-$42and$46 2,004 2,133 Inventories,net(Note6) 2,481 2,438 Othercurrentassets(Note11and15) 1,026 761 Totalcurrentassets 7,659 8,004 Property,plantandequipment,netofaccumulateddepreciation-$13,969and$13,663(Note9) 15,804 15,742 Goodwill,net(Note10) 2,421 2,460 Otherintangibleassets,net(Note10) 1,148 1,308 Deferredincometaxes(Note8) 1,066 1,121 Otherassets(Note11and15) 2,056 2,140 Total Assets $ 30,154 $ 30,775 Liabilities and Equity Currentliabilities: Currentportionoflong-termdebtandshort-termborrowings(Note12) $ 55 $ 156 Accountspayable 1,612 1,174 Otheraccruedliabilities(Note11and14) 3,139 2,437 Totalcurrentliabilities 4,806 3,767 Long-termdebt(Note12) 6,989 7,816 Postretirementbenefitsotherthanpensions(Note13) 622 727 Otherliabilities(Note11and14) 5,192 5,017 Totalliabilities 17,609 17,327 Commitmentsandcontingencies(Note14) Shareholdersequity(Note17): Convertiblepreferredstock,SeriesAParvalue$100pershare;Sharesauthorized10million;Sharesissued:0and 2,300 2,300 CommonstockParvalue$0.50pershare;Sharesauthorized3.8billion;Sharesissued:1.8billionand1.7billion 907 863 Additionalpaid-incapitalcommonstock 16,475 14,642 Retainedearnings 16,389 16,120 Treasurystock,atcost;Sharesheld:970millionand961million (20,263) (19,928) Accumulatedothercomprehensiveloss (1,175) (740) TotalCorningIncorporatedshareholdersequity 12,333 13,257 Noncontrollinginterest 212 191 Totalequity 12,545 13,448 Total Liabilities and Equity $ 30,154 $ 30,775 Theaccompanyingnotesareanintegralpartoftheseconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 67
In agreement with the information outlined in the cash flow statement and the statement of income, what is the FY2016 - FY2018 3 year average of capex as a % of revenue for PG&E? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA PG&E Corporation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (in millions, except per share amounts) Year ended December 31, 2018 2017 2016 Operating Revenues Electric $ 12,713 $ 13,124 $ 13,864 Natural gas 4,046 4,011 3,802 Total operating revenues 16,759 17,135 17,666 Operating Expenses Cost of electricity 3,828 4,309 4,765 Cost of natural gas 671 746 615 Operating and maintenance 7,153 6,321 7,326 Wildfire-related claims, net of insurance recoveries 11,771 125 Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning 3,036 2,854 2,755 Total operating expenses 26,459 14,230 15,586 Operating Income (Loss) (9,700) 2,905 2,080 Interest income 76 31 23 Interest expense (929) (888) (829) Other income, net 424 123 188 Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes (10,129) 2,171 1,462 Income tax provision (benefit) (3,292) 511 55 Net Income (Loss) (6,837) 1,660 1,407 Preferred stock dividend requirement of subsidiary 14 14 14 Income (Loss) Available for Common Shareholders $ (6,851) $ 1,646 $ 1,393 Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding, Basic 517 512 499 Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding, Diluted 517 513 501 Net Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share, Basic $ (13.25) $ 3.21 $ 2.79 Net Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share, Diluted $ (13.25) $ 3.21 $ 2.78 See accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 94 PG&E Corporation CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (in millions) Year ended December 31, 2018 2017 2016 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Net income (loss) $ (6,837) $ 1,660 $ 1,407 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning 3,036 2,854 2,755 Allowance for equity funds used during construction (129) (89) (112) Deferred income taxes and tax credits, net (2,532) 1,254 1,030 Disallowed capital expenditures (45) 47 507 Other 332 307 379 Effect of changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (121) 67 (473) Wildfire-related insurance receivable (1,698) (21) (575) Inventories (73) (18) (24) Accounts payable 409 173 180 Wildfire-related claims 13,665 (129) 690 Income taxes receivable/payable (23) 160 (5) Other current assets and liabilities (281) 42 83 Regulatory assets, liabilities, and balancing accounts, net (800) (387) (1,214) Other noncurrent assets and liabilities (151) 57 (219) Net cash provided by operating activities 4,752 5,977 4,409 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Capital expenditures (6,514) (5,641) (5,709) Proceeds from sales and maturities of nuclear decommissioning trust investments 1,412 1,291 1,295 Purchases of nuclear decommissioning trust investments (1,485) (1,323) (1,352) Other 23 23 13 Net cash used in investing activities (6,564) (5,650) (5,753) Cash Flows from Financing Activities Borrowings under revolving credit facilities 3,960 Repayments under revolving credit facilities (775) Net issuances (repayments) of commercial paper, net of discount of $1, $5, and $6 at respective dates (182) (840) (9) Short-term debt financing 600 750 500 Short-term debt matured (750) (500) Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt, net of premium, discount and issuance costs of $7, $32, and $17 at respective dates 793 2,713 983 Long-term debt matured or repurchased (795) (1,445) (160) Common stock issued 200 395 822 Common stock dividends paid (1,021) (921) Other (20) (107) (44) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 3,031 (55) 1,171 Net change in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash 1,219 272 (173) Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at January 1 456 184 357 Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at December 31 $ 1,675 $ 456 $ 184 Less: Restricted cash and restricted cash equivalents (7) (7) (7) Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 $ 1,668 $ 449 $ 177 98
We need to calculate a financial metric by using information only provided within the P&L statement and the statement of cash flows. Please answer the following question: what is Boeing's FY2015 dividend payout ratio (using total cash dividends paid and net income attributable to shareholders)? Round answer to two decimal places.
Table of Contents The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Operations (Dollars in millions, except per share data) Years ended December 31, 2015 2014 2013 Sales of products $85,255 $80,688 $76,792 Sales of services 10,859 10,074 9,831 Total revenues 96,114 90,762 86,623 Cost of products (73,446) (68,551) (65,640) Cost of services (8,578) (8,132) (7,553) Boeing Capital interest expense (64) (69) (75) Total costs and expenses (82,088) (76,752) (73,268) 14,026 14,010 13,355 Income from operating investments, net 274 287 214 General and administrative expense (3,525) (3,767) (3,956) Research and development expense, net (3,331) (3,047) (3,071) (Loss)/gain on dispositions, net (1) (10) 20 Earnings from operations 7,443 7,473 6,562 Other (loss)/income, net (13) (3) 56 Interest and debt expense (275) (333) (386) Earnings before income taxes 7,155 7,137 6,232 Income tax expense (1,979) (1,691) (1,646) Net earnings from continuing operations 5,176 5,446 4,586 Net loss on disposal of discontinued operations, net of taxes of $0, $0, $0 (1) Net earnings $5,176 $5,446 $4,585 Basic earnings per share $7.52 $7.47 $6.03 Diluted earnings per share $7.44 $7.38 $5.96 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 54 109 . 49 Table of Contents The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Dollars in millions) Years ended December 31, 2015 2014 2013 Cash flows operating activities: Net earnings $5,176 $5,446 $4,585 Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities: Non-cash items Share-based plans expense 189 195 206 Depreciation and amortization 1,833 1,906 1,844 Investment/asset impairment charges, net 167 229 96 Customer financing valuation benefit (5) (28) (11) Loss on disposal of discontinued operations 1 Loss/(gain) on dispositions, net 1 10 (20) Other charges and credits, net 364 317 528 Excess tax benefits from share-based payment arrangements (157) (114) (128) Changes in assets and liabilities Accounts receivable (1,069) (1,328) (879) Inventories, net of advances and progress billings (1,110) (4,330) (5,562) Accounts payable (238) 1,339 (298) Accrued liabilities 2 (1,088) 883 Advances and billings in excess of related costs 1,192 3,145 3,353 Income taxes receivable, payable and deferred 477 1,325 1,445 Other long-term liabilities 46 36 2 Pension and other postretirement plans 2,470 1,186 1,720 Customer financing, net 167 578 391 Other (142) 34 23 Net cash provided by operating activities 9,363 8,858 8,179 Cash flows investing activities: Property, plant and equipment additions (2,450) (2,236) (2,098) Property, plant and equipment reductions 42 34 51 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (31) (163) (26) Contributions to investments (2,036) (8,617) (15,394) Proceeds from investments 2,590 13,416 12,453 Purchase of distribution rights (140) Other 39 33 Net cash (used)/provided by investing activities (1,846) 2,467 (5,154) Cash flows financing activities: New borrowings 1,746 962 571 Debt repayments (885) (1,601) (1,434) Repayments of distribution rights and other asset financing (185) (280) Stock options exercised 399 343 1,097 Excess tax benefits from share-based payment arrangements 157 114 128 Employee taxes on certain share-based payment arrangements (96) (98) (63) Common shares repurchased (6,751) (6,001) (2,801) Dividends paid (2,490) (2,115) (1,467) Other (12) Net cash used by financing activities (7,920) (8,593) (4,249) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (28) (87) (29) Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (431) 2,645 (1,253) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 11,733 9,088 10,341 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $11,302 $11,733 $9,088 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 54 109 .
We need to calculate a financial metric by using information only provided within the statement of income. Please answer the following question: what is Coca Cola's FY2021 cost of goods sold (in USD millions)?
THE COCA-COLA COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (In millions except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 Net Operating Revenues $ 38,655 $ 33,014 $ 37,266 Cost of goods sold 15,357 13,433 14,619 Gross Profit 23,298 19,581 22,647 Selling, general and administrative expenses 12,144 9,731 12,103 Other operating charges 846 853 458 Operating Income 10,308 8,997 10,086 Interest income 276 370 563 Interest expense 1,597 1,437 946 Equity income (loss) net 1,438 978 1,049 Other income (loss) net 2,000 841 34 Income Before Income Taxes 12,425 9,749 10,786 Income taxes 2,621 1,981 1,801 Consolidated Net Income 9,804 7,768 8,985 Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests 33 21 65 Net Income Attributable to Shareowners of The Coca-Cola Company $ 9,771 $ 7,747 $ 8,920 Basic Net Income Per Share $ 2.26 $ 1.80 $ 2.09 Diluted Net Income Per Share $ 2.25 $ 1.79 $ 2.07 Average Shares Outstanding Basic 4,315 4,295 4,276 Effect of dilutive securities 25 28 38 Average Shares Outstanding Diluted 4,340 4,323 4,314 Calculated based on net income attributable to shareowners of The Coca-Cola Company. Refer to Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 1 1 1 60
Basing your judgments off of the statement of financial position, what is eBay's FY2018 net working capital? Define net working capital as total current assets less total current liabilities. Answer in USD millions.
PART II: FINANCIAL INFORMATION ITEM 8: FINANCIALSTATEMENTS eBay Inc. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2018 2017 (In millions, except par value) ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,202 $ 2,120 Short-term investments 2,713 3,743 Accounts receivable, net 712 696 Other current assets 1,499 1,185 Total current assets 7,126 7,744 Long-term investments 3,778 6,331 Property and equipment, net 1,597 1,597 Goodwill 5,160 4,773 Intangible assets, net 92 69 Deferred tax assets 4,792 5,199 Other assets 274 273 Total assets $ 22,819 $ 25,986 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current liabilities: Short-term debt $ 1,546 $ 781 Accounts payable 286 330 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 2,335 2,134 Deferred revenue 170 137 Income taxes payable 117 177 Total current liabilities 4,454 3,559 Deferred tax liabilities 2,925 3,424 Long-term debt 7,685 9,234 Other liabilities 1,474 1,720 Total liabilities 16,538 17,937 Commitments and contingencies (Note 11) Stockholders equity: Common stock, $0.001 par value; 3,580 shares authorized; 915 and 1,029 shares outstanding 2 2 Additional paid-in capital 15,716 15,293 Treasury stock at cost, 763 and 632 shares (26,394) (21,892) Retained earnings 16,459 13,929 Accumulated other comprehensive income 498 717 Total stockholders equity 6,281 8,049 Total liabilities and stockholders equity $ 22,819 $ 25,986 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. F-2
Basing your judgments off of the balance sheet, how much in accounts payable did eBay owe at the end of FY2016? Answer in USD millions.
PART II: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Item 8: Financial Statements eBay Inc. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2016 2015 (In millions, except par value) ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,816 $ 1,832 Short-term investments 5,333 4,299 Accounts receivable, net 592 619 Other current assets 1,134 1,154 Total current assets 8,875 7,904 Long-term investments 3,969 3,391 Property and equipment, net 1,516 1,554 Goodwill 4,501 4,451 Intangible assets, net 102 90 Deferred tax asset, non-current 4,608 Other assets 276 365 Total assets $ 23,847 $ 17,755 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current liabilities: Short-term debt $ 1,451 $ Accounts payable 283 349 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 1,893 1,736 Deferred revenue 110 106 Income taxes payable 110 72 Total current liabilities 3,847 2,263 Deferred and other tax liabilities, net 1,888 2,092 Long-term debt 7,509 6,749 Other liabilities 64 75 Total liabilities 13,308 11,179 Commitments and contingencies (Note 12) Stockholders equity: Common stock, $0.001 par value; 3,580 shares authorized; 1,087 and 1,184 shares outstanding 2 2 Additional paid-in capital 14,907 14,538 Treasury stock at cost, 557 and 443 shares (19,205) (16,203) Retained earnings 14,959 7,713 Accumulated other comprehensive income (124) 526 Total stockholders equity 10,539 6,576 Total liabilities and stockholders equity $ 23,847 $ 17,755 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. F-2
Using the balance sheet, answer the following question to the best of your abilities: what is AES's year end FY2016 net AR (in USD millions)?
THE AES CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS DECEMBER 31, 2016 AND 2015 2016 2015 (in millions, except share and per share data) ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,305 $ 1,257 Restricted cash 278 295 Short-term investments 798 469 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $111 and $87, respectively 2,166 2,302 Inventory 630 671 Prepaid expenses 83 106 Other current assets 1,151 1,318 Current assets of discontinued operations and held-for-sale businesses 424 Total current assets 6,411 6,842 NONCURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant and Equipment: Land 779 702 Electric generation, distribution assets and other 28,539 27,282 Accumulated depreciation (9,528) (8,939) Construction in progress 3,057 2,977 Property, plant and equipment, net 22,847 22,022 Other Assets: Investments in and advances to affiliates 621 610 Debt service reserves and other deposits 593 555 Goodwill 1,157 1,157 Other intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization of $519 and $481, respectively 359 340 Deferred income taxes 781 410 Service concession assets, net of accumulated amortization of $114 and $34, respectivel y 1,445 1,543 Other noncurrent assets 1,905 2,109 Noncurrent assets of discontinued operations and held-for-sale businesses 882 Total other assets 6,861 7,606 TOTAL ASSETS $ 36,119 $ 36,470 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 1,656 $ 1,571 Accrued interest 247 236 Accrued and other liabilities 2,066 2,286 Non-recourse debt, including $273 and $258, respectively, related to variable interest entities 1,303 2,172 Current liabilities of discontinued operations and held-for-sale businesses 661 Total current liabilities 5,272 6,926 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Recourse debt 4,671 4,966 Non-recourse debt, including $1,502 and $1,531, respectively, related to variable interest entities 14,489 12,943 Deferred income taxes 804 1,090 Pension and other postretirement liabilities 1,396 919 Other noncurrent liabilities 3,005 2,794 Noncurrent liabilities of discontinued operations and held-for-sale businesses 123 Total noncurrent liabilities 24,365 22,835 Commitments and Contingencies (see Notes 12 and 13)
Are there any product categories / service categories that represent more than 20% of Pfizer's revenue for FY2022?
Comirnaty $37,806 Up 10% (operationally) U.S. $ 8,775 $ 7,809 12 Performance was largely driven by: operational growth in international markets, led by deliveries to certain international developed markets, as well as government purchasing of bivalent boosters in the fourth quarter of 2022 in support of fall vaccination campaigns; and growth in the U.S. primarily driven by favorable pricing, partially offset by government purchasing patterns. This growth was partially offset by lower demand in emerging markets. Intl. 29,032 28,972 9 Worldwide $ 37,806 $ 36,781 3 10 Paxlovid $18,933 * U.S. $ 10,514 $ 76 * Driven by the U.S. launch under EUA in December 2021 and international launches in late 2021 and early 2022 following regulatory approvals or EUAs. Intl. 8,419 * * Worldwide $ 18,933 $ 76 * * Eliquis $6,480 Up 14% (operationally) U.S. $ 3,822 $ 3,160 21 Growth driven primarily by continued oral anti-coagulant adoption and market share gains in non-valvular atrial fibrillation in the U.S. and certain markets in Europe, as well as favorable changes in channel mix in the U.S., partially offset by the non- recurrence of an $80 million favorable adjustment related to the Medicare coverage gap provision recorded in the first quarter of 2021 in the U.S., as well as declines in certain emerging markets. Intl. 2,658 2,810 (5) 5 Worldwide $ 6,480 $ 5,970 9 14 Prevnar family $6,337 Up 23% (operationally) U.S. $ 4,032 $ 2,701 49 Growth primarily driven by the adult indications in the U.S. due to strong patient demand following the launch of Prevnar 20 for the eligible adult population, partially offset by a reduction in revenues due to a one-time CDC inventory return program for the pediatric indication, the revenue impact of which is expected to be reversed in 2023 upon replenishment, as well as unfavorable timing of purchases for the adult indication internationally. Intl. 2,305 2,571 (10) (4) Worldwide $ 6,337 $ 5,272 20 23 Ibrance $5,120 Down 2% (operationally) U.S. $ 3,370 $ 3,418 (1) Global declines primarily driven by prior-year clinical trial purchases internationally, planned price decreases that recently went into effect in international developed markets, and continued increase in the proportion of patients accessing Ibrance through the U.S. Patient Assistance Program, partially offset by higher volumes across multiple regions. Intl. 1,751 2,019 (13) (4) Worldwide $ 5,120 $ 5,437 (6) (2) Vyndaqel family $2,447 Up 29% (operationally) U.S. $ 1,245 $ 909 37 Growth largely driven by continued strong uptake of the ATTR-CM indication, primarily in developed Europe and the U.S., partially offset by a planned price decrease that went into effect in Japan in the second quarter of 2022. Intl. 1,202 1,106 9 22 Worldwide $ 2,447 $ 2,015 21 29 Xeljanz $1,796 Down 24% (operationally) U.S. $ 1,129 $ 1,647 (31) Global declines driven primarily by decreased prescription volumes globally resulting from ongoing shifts in prescribing patterns related to label changes, as well as declines in net price due to unfavorable changes in channel mix in the U.S. Intl. 668 808 (17) (8) Worldwide $ 1,796 $ 2,455 (27) (24) Xtandi $1,198 Up 1% (operationally) U.S. $ 1,198 $ 1,185 1 Performance largely due to steady demand growth across the mCRPC, nmCRPC, and mCSPC indications, slightly offset by unfavorable changes in channel mix and fluctuating enrollment rates in the Xtandi Patient Assistance Program. Intl. Worldwide $ 1,198 $ 1,185 1 1 Inlyta $1,003 Up 4% (operationally) U.S. $ 618 $ 599 3 Growth primarily reflects continued strong performance in emerging markets and the U.S. driven by the adoption of combinations of certain immune checkpoint inhibitors and Inlyta for the first-line treatment of patients with advanced RCC.
Yes. Comirnaty, a popular product of Pfizer has $37,806 Million worth of Global sales which is more than 20% of Pfizer's Revenue for the fiscal year 2022
We need to calculate a reasonable approximation (or exact number if possible) of a financial metric. Basing your judgment by information plainly provided in the statement of income, what is the FY2020 - FY2022 3 year average of COGS as a % of revenue for PG&E? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA PG&E CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (in millions, except per share amounts) Year ended December 31, 2022 2021 2020 Operating Revenues Electric $ 15,060 $ 15,131 $ 13,858 Natural gas 6,620 5,511 4,611 Total operating revenues 21,680 20,642 18,469 Operating Expenses Cost of electricity 2,756 3,232 3,116 Cost of natural gas 2,100 1,149 782 Operating and maintenance 9,809 10,200 8,684 SB 901 securitization charges, net 608 Wildfire-related claims, net of recoveries 237 258 251 Wildfire Fund expense 477 517 413 Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning 3,856 3,403 3,468 Total operating expenses 19,843 18,759 16,714 Operating Income 1,837 1,883 1,755 Interest income 162 20 39 Interest expense (1,917) (1,601) (1,260) Other income, net 394 457 483 Reorganization items, net (11) (1,959) Income Before Income Taxes 476 748 (942) Income tax provision (benefit) (1,338) 836 362 Net Income (Loss) 1,814 (88) (1,304) Preferred stock dividend requirement of subsidiary 14 14 14 Income (Loss) Attributable to Common Shareholders $ 1,800 $ (102) $ (1,318) Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding, Basic 1,987 1,985 1,257 Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding, Diluted 2,132 1,985 1,257 Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share, Basic $ 0.91 $ (0.05) $ (1.05) Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share, Diluted $ 0.84 $ (0.05) $ (1.05) See accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 97
After how many years since Walmart opened its first supercenter did Walmart open its Neighborhood Market?
In 1983, we opened our first Sam's Club, and in 1988, we opened our first supercenter. In 1998, we opened our first Walmart Neighborhood Market. In 1991, we began our first international initiative when we entered into a joint venture in Mexico and, as of January 31, 2023, our Walmart International segment conducted business in 19 countries.
10 years
How much (in USD millions) did American Water Works have in capital expenditures in FY2017? Respond to the question by assuming the perspective of an investment analyst who can only use the details shown within the statement of cash flows.
Table of Contents American Water Works Company, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In millions) For the Years Ended December 31, 2017 2016 2015 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income $ 426 $ 468 $ 476 Adjustments to reconcile to net cash flows provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 492 470 440 Deferred income taxes and amortization of investment tax credits 462 295 312 Provision for losses on accounts receivable 29 27 32 Gain on asset dispositions and purchases (16) (10) (3) Pension and non-pension postretirement benefits 57 54 61 Other non-cash, net (54) (36) (53) Changes in assets and liabilities: Receivables and unbilled revenues 21 (31) (84) Pension and non-pension postretirement benefit contributions (48) (53) (57) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 38 60 80 Other assets and liabilities, net 64 (20) (9) Impact of Freedom Industries settlement activities (22) 65 Net cash provided by operating activities 1,449 1,289 1,195 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Capital expenditures (1,434) (1,311) (1,160) Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (177) (204) (197) Proceeds from sale of assets and securities 15 9 5 Removal costs from property, plant and equipment retirements, net (76) (84) (107) Net cash used in investing activities (1,672) (1,590) (1,459) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from long-term debt 1,395 553 565 Repayments of long-term debt (896) (144) (132) Proceeds from short-term borrowings with maturities greater than three months 60 Repayments of short-term borrowings with maturities greater than three months (60) Net short-term borrowings with maturities less than three months 55 221 180 Proceeds from issuances of employee stock plans and direct stock purchase plan 26 26 39 Advances and contributions for construction, net of refunds of $22, $31 and $23 in 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively 28 16 26 Debt issuance costs (13) (5) (7) Make-whole premium on early debt redemption (34) Dividends paid (289) (261) (239) Anti-dilutive share repurchases (54) (65) (126) Taxes paid related to employee stock plans (11) (13) (16) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 207 328 290 Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents and restricted funds (16) 27 26 Cash and cash equivalents and restricted funds at beginning of period 99 72 46 Cash and cash equivalents and restricted funds at end of period $ 83 $ 99 $ 72 Cash paid during the year for: Interest, net of capitalized amount $ 338 $ 327 $ 309 Income taxes, net of refunds of $0, $0 and $1 in 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively $ 30 $ 16 $ 12 Non-cash investing activity: Capital expenditures acquired on account but unpaid as of year end $ 204 $ 171 $ 224 Acquisition financed by treasury stock $ 33 $ $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.
We need to calculate a reasonable approximation (or exact number if possible) of a financial metric. Basing your judgment by information plainly provided in the statement of income, how much (in USD thousands) was 3M's FY2018 selling, general, and administrative expense?
Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Incom e Years ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2018 2017 2016 Net sales $ 32,765 $ 31,657 $ 30,109 Operating expenses Cost of sales 16,682 16,055 15,118 Selling, general and administrative expenses 7,602 6,626 6,311 Research, development and related expenses 1,821 1,870 1,764 Gain on sale of businesses (547) (586) (111) Total operating expenses 25,558 23,965 23,082 Operating income 7,207 7,692 7,027 Other expense (income), net 207 144 (26) Income before income taxes 7,000 7,548 7,053 Provision for income taxes 1,637 2,679 1,995 Net income including noncontrolling interest $ 5,363 $ 4,869 $ 5,058 Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest 14 11 8 Net income attributable to 3M $ 5,349 $ 4,858 $ 5,050 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding basic 588.5 597.5 604.7 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders basic $ 9.09 $ 8.13 $ 8.35 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding diluted 602.0 612.7 618.7 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders diluted $ 8.89 $ 7.93 $ 8.16 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 56
What is the FY2016 - FY2018 3 year average unadjusted operating income % margin for Apple? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place. Address the question by using the line items and information shown within the statement of income.
Apple Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts) Years ended September 29, 2018 September 30, 2017 September 24, 2016 Net sales $ 265,595 $ 229,234 $ 215,639 Cost of sales 163,756 141,048 131,376 Gross margin 101,839 88,186 84,263 Operating expenses: Research and development 14,236 11,581 10,045 Selling, general and administrative 16,705 15,261 14,194 Total operating expenses 30,941 26,842 24,239 Operating income 70,898 61,344 60,024 Other income/(expense), net 2,005 2,745 1,348 Income before provision for income taxes 72,903 64,089 61,372 Provision for income taxes 13,372 15,738 15,685 Net income $ 59,531 $ 48,351 $ 45,687 Earnings per share: Basic $ 12.01 $ 9.27 $ 8.35 Diluted $ 11.91 $ 9.21 $ 8.31 Shares used in computing earnings per share: Basic 4,955,377 5,217,242 5,470,820 Diluted 5,000,109 5,251,692 5,500,281 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Apple Inc. | 2018 Form 10-K | 38
What is American Water Works's FY2021 net income % margin? Calculate what was asked by utilizing the line items clearly shown in the income statement.
Table of Contents American Water Works Company, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies Consolidated Statements of Operations (In millions, except per share data) For the Years Ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 Operating revenues $ 3,930 $ 3,777 $ 3,610 Operating expenses: Operation and maintenance 1,777 1,622 1,544 Depreciation and amortization 636 604 582 General taxes 321 303 280 Other (10) Total operating expenses, net 2,734 2,529 2,396 Operating income 1,196 1,248 1,214 Other income (expense): Interest expense (403) (397) (386) Interest income 4 2 4 Non-operating benefit costs, net 78 49 16 Gain or (loss) on sale of businesses 747 (44) Other, net 18 22 29 Total other income (expense) 444 (324) (381) Income before income taxes 1,640 924 833 Provision for income taxes 377 215 212 Net income attributable to common shareholders $ 1,263 $ 709 $ 621 Basic earnings per share: (a) Net income attributable to common shareholders $ 6.96 $ 3.91 $ 3.44 Diluted earnings per share: (a) Net income attributable to common shareholders $ 6.95 $ 3.91 $ 3.43 Weighted average common shares outstanding: Basic 182 181 181 Diluted 182 182 181 (a) Amounts may not calculate due to rounding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 84
In agreement with the information outlined in the statement of income and the cash flow statement, what is AMD's FY2018 unadjusted EBITDA (using unadjusted operating income and D&A from cash flow statement) % margin?
ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Operations (1) Year Ended December 29, 2018 December 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 (In millions, except per share amounts) Net revenue $ 6,475 $ 5,253 $ 4,319 Cost of sales 4,028 3,466 3,316 Gross margin 2,447 1,787 1,003 Research and development 1,434 1,196 1,008 Marketing, general and administrative 562 516 466 Restructuring and other special charges, net (10) Licensing gain (52) (88) Operating income (loss) 451 127 (373) Interest expense (121) (126) (156) Other income (expense), net (9) 80 Income (loss) before income taxes and equity loss 330 (8) (449) Provision (benefit) for income taxes (9) 18 39 Equity loss in investee (2) (7) (10) Net income (loss) $ 337 $ (33) $ (498) Earnings (loss) per share Basic $ 0.34 $ (0.03) $ (0.60) Diluted $ 0.32 $ (0.03) $ (0.60) Shares used in per share calculation Basic 982 952 835 Diluted 1,064 952 835 (1) Prior year amounts adjusted to reflect the retrospective application of ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Refer to Note 2. See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 48 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (1) Year Ended December 29, 2018 December 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 (In millions) Cash flows from operating activities: Net income (loss) $ 337 $ (33) $ (498) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash used in operating activities: Net gain on sale of equity interests in ATMP JV (3) (146) Net loss on disposal of property and equipment 27 1 Impairment of technology licenses 45 Depreciation and amortization 170 144 133 Deferred income taxes (4) 11 Stock-based compensation expense 137 97 86 Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs 38 36 21 Loss on debt redemption 12 12 68 Fair value of warrant issued related to sixth amendment to the WSA 240 Other (1) 3 (7) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (806) (103) 178 Inventories (151) (3) (48) Prepayment and receivables - related parties (19) (1) 1 Prepaid expenses and other assets (79) (172) (163) Payables to related parties 121 29 138 Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other 207 6 66 Net cash provided by operating activities 34 12 81 Cash flows from investing activities: Net proceeds from sale of equity interests in ATMP JV 1 342 Purchases of available-for-sale debt securities (123) (222) Purchases of property and equipment (163) (113) (77) Proceeds from maturity of available-for-sale debt securities 45 222 Collection of deferred proceeds on sale of receivables 71 60 10 Other (2) 2 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (170) (54) 277 Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net of issuance costs 667 Proceeds from issuance of convertible senior notes, net of issuance costs 782 Proceeds from issuance of common stock through employee equity incentive plans 70 20 20 Proceeds from (repayments of) short-term borrowings, net 70 (230) Repayments of long-term debt (41) (110) (1,113) Other (1) (13) (4) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 28 (33) 122 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash (108) (75) 480 Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of year 1,191 1,266 786 Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of year $ 1,083 $ 1,191 $ 1,266 52
In the nine months that ended on Sep 30 2022, Which of the business segments of JPM had the highest net income?
Segment results managed basis The following tables summarize the Firms results by segment for the periods indicated. Three months ended September 30, Consumer & Community Banking Corporate & Investment Bank Commercial Banking (in millions, except ratios) 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Total net revenue $ 14,331 $ 12,521 14 % $ 11,875 $ 12,396 (4) % $ 3,048 $ 2,520 21 % Total noninterest expense 8,047 7,238 11 6,618 5,871 13 1,180 1,032 14 Pre-provision profit/(loss) 6,284 5,283 19 5,257 6,525 (19) 1,868 1,488 26 Provision for credit losses 529 (459) NM 513 (638) NM 618 (363) NM Net income/(loss) 4,334 4,351 (a) 3,532 5,647 (a) (37) 946 1,409 (a) (33) Return on equity (ROE) 33 % 34 % 13 % 26 % 14 % 22 % Three months ended September 30, Asset & Wealth Management Corporate Total (in millions, except ratios) 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Total net revenue $ 4,539 $ 4,300 6 % $ (302) $ (1,296) 77 % $ 33,491 $ 30,441 10 % Total noninterest expense 3,028 2,762 10 305 160 91 19,178 17,063 12 Pre-provision profit/(loss) 1,511 1,538 (2) (607) (1,456) 58 14,313 13,378 7 Provision for credit losses (102) (60) (70) (21) (7) (200) 1,537 (1,527) NM Net income/(loss) 1,219 1,196 (a) 2 (294) (916) (a) 68 9,737 11,687 (17) ROE 28 % 33 % NM NM 15 % 18 % Nine months ended September 30, Consumer & Community Banking Corporate & Investment Bank Commercial Banking (in millions, except ratios) 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Total net revenue $ 39,174 $ 37,798 4 % $ 37,351 $ 40,215 (7) % $ 8,129 $ 7,396 10 % Total noninterest expense 23,490 21,502 9 20,661 19,498 6 3,465 2,982 16 Pre-provision profit/(loss) 15,684 16,296 (4) 16,690 20,717 (19) 4,664 4,414 6 Provision for credit losses 1,968 (5,929) NM 1,017 (1,048) NM 984 (858) NM Net income/(loss) 10,329 16,783 (a) (38) 11,642 16,591 (a) (30) 2,790 4,012 (a) (30) ROE 27 % 44 % 14 % 26 % (a) 14 % 21 % Nine months ended September 30, Asset & Wealth Management Corporate Total (in millions, except ratios) 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change 2022 2021 Change Total net revenue $ 13,160 $ 12,484 5 % $ (1,103) $ (2,938) 62 % $ 96,711 $ 94,955 2 % Total noninterest expense 8,807 7,922 11 695 1,551 (55) 57,118 53,455 7 Pre-provision profit/(loss) 4,353 4,562 (5) (1,798) (4,489) 60 39,593 41,500 (5) Provision for credit losses 96 (191) NM 36 58 (38) 4,101 (7,968) NM Net income/(loss) 3,231 3,612 (a) (11) (1,324) (3,063) (a) 57 26,668 37,935 (30) ROE 25 % 34 % NM NM 14 % 20 %
Corporate & Investment Bank. Its net income was $11,642 million.
What is the FY2019 cash conversion cycle (CCC) for General Mills? CCC is defined as: DIO + DSO - DPO. DIO is defined as: 365 * (average inventory between FY2018 and FY2019) / (FY2019 COGS). DSO is defined as: 365 * (average accounts receivable between FY2018 and FY2019) / (FY2019 Revenue). DPO is defined as: 365 * (average accounts payable between FY2018 and FY2019) / (FY2019 COGS + change in inventory between FY2018 and FY2019). Round your answer to two decimal places. Address the question by using the line items and information shown within the income statement and the balance sheet.
Table of Contents Consolidated Statements of Earnings GENERAL MILLS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (In Millions, Except per Share Data) Fiscal Year 2019 2018 2017 Net sales $ 16,865.2 $ 15,740.4 $ 15,619.8 Cost of sales 11,108.4 10,304.8 10,052.0 Selling, general, and administrative expenses 2,935.8 2,850.1 2,888.8 Divestitures loss 30.0 - 6.5 Restructuring, impairment, and other exit costs 275.1 165.6 180.4 Operating profit 2,515.9 2,419.9 2,492.1 Benefit plan non-service income (87.9) (89.4) (74.3) Interest, net 521.8 373.7 295.1 Earnings before income taxes and after-tax earnings from joint ventures 2,082.0 2,135.6 2,271.3 Income taxes 367.8 57.3 655.2 After-tax earnings from joint ventures 72.0 84.7 85.0 Net earnings, including earnings attributable to redeemable and noncontrolling interests 1,786.2 2,163.0 1,701.1 Net earnings attributable to redeemable and noncontrolling interests 33.5 32.0 43.6 Net earnings attributable to General Mills $ 1,752.7 $ 2,131.0 $ 1,657.5 Earnings per share - basic $ 2.92 $ 3.69 $ 2.82 Earnings per share - diluted $ 2.90 $ 3.64 $ 2.77 Dividends per share $ 1.96 $ 1.96 $ 1.92 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 53 Table of Contents Consolidated Balance Sheets GENERAL MILLS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (In Millions, Except Par Value) May 26, 2019 May 27, 2018 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 450.0 $ 399.0 Receivables 1,679.7 1,684.2 Inventories 1,559.3 1,642.2 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 497.5 398.3 Total current assets 4,186.5 4,123.7 Land, buildings, and equipment 3,787.2 4,047.2 Goodwill 13,995.8 14,065.0 Other intangible assets 7,166.8 7,445.1 Other assets 974.9 943.0 Total assets $ 30,111.2 $ 30,624.0 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 2,854.1 $ 2,746.2 Current portion of long-term debt 1,396.5 1,600.1 Notes payable 1,468.7 1,549.8 Other current liabilities 1,367.8 1,445.8 Total current liabilities 7,087.1 7,341.9 Long-term debt 11,624.8 12,668.7 Deferred income taxes 2,031.0 2,003.8 Other liabilities 1,448.9 1,341.0 Total liabilities 22,191.8 23,355.4 Redeemable interest 551.7 776.2 Stockholders equity: Common stock, 754.6 shares issued, $0.10 par value 75.5 75.5 Additional paid-in capital 1,386.7 1,202.5 Retained earnings 14,996.7 14,459.6 Common stock in treasury, at cost, shares of 152.7 and 161.5 (6,779.0) (7,167.5) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (2,625.4) (2,429.0) Total stockholders equity 7,054.5 6,141.1 Noncontrolling interests 313.2 351.3 Total equity 7,367.7 6,492.4 Total liabilities and equity $ 30,111.2 $ 30,624.0 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 55
What was MGM's interest coverage ratio using FY2022 Adjusted EBIT as the numerator and annual Interest Expense as the denominator?
dited) Three months ended Twelve months ended December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Net income attributable to MGM Resorts International $ 284,002 $ 131,013 $ 1,473,093 $ 1,254,370 Plus: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests (604,016) (14,926) (1,266,362) (45,981) Net income (loss) (320,014) 116,087 206,731 1,208,389 Provision for income taxes 285,937 31,152 697,068 253,415 Income (loss) before income taxes (34,077) 147,239 903,799 1,461,804 Non-operating (income) expense Interest expense, net of amounts capitalized 137,132 201,477 594,954 799,593 Other, net (104,951) 20,131 (59,381) 17,302 32,181 221,608 535,573 816,895 Operating income (loss) (1,896) 368,847 1,439,372 2,278,699 Preopening and start-up expenses 504 3,452 1,876 5,094 Property transactions, net (1,060,701) (68,578) (1,036,997) (67,736) Depreciation and amortization 1,421,637 297,031 3,482,050 1,150,610 Gain on REIT transactions, net (2,277,747) Gain on consolidation of CityCenter, net (1,562,329) Triple-net operating lease and ground lease rent expense 600,467 262,307 1,950,566 833,158 Gain related to sale of Harmon land - unconsolidated affiliate (49,755) Income from unconsolidated affiliates related to real estate ventures (2,704) (41,651) (61,866) (166,658) Adjusted EBITDAR $ 957,307 $ 3,497,254
As adjusted EBIT is negative, coverage ratio is zero
What is Intel's FY2017 free cash flow (FCF)? FCF here is defined as: (cash from operations - capex). Answer in USD millions. Provide a response to the question by primarily using the cash flow statement.
Table of Contents intel corporation consolidated statements of cash flows Years Ended (In Millions) Dec 30, 2017 Dec 31, 2016 Dec 26, 2015 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period $ 5,560 $ 15,308 $ 2,561 Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities: Net income 9,601 10,316 11,420 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 6,752 6,266 7,821 Share-based compensation 1,358 1,444 1,305 Restructuring and other charges 384 1,886 354 Amortization of intangibles 1,377 1,524 890 (Gains) losses on equity investments, net (2,583) (432) (263) Loss on debt conversion and extinguishment 476 (Gains) losses on divestitures (387) Deferred taxes 1,548 257 (1,270) Changes in assets and liabilities:1 Accounts receivable (781) 65 (355) Inventories (1,300) 119 (764) Accounts payable 191 182 (312) Accrued compensation and benefits (73) (1,595) (711) Income taxes payable and receivable 5,230 1,382 386 Other assets and liabilities 317 394 517 Total adjustments 12,509 11,492 7,598 Net cash provided by operating activities 22,110 21,808 19,018 Cash flows provided by (used for) investing activities: Additions to property, plant and equipment (11,778) (9,625) (7,326) Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (14,499) (15,470) (913) Purchases of available-for-sale investments (2,764) (9,269) (8,259) Sales of available-for-sale investments 6,978 3,852 2,090 Maturities of available-for-sale investments 3,687 5,654 6,168 Purchases of trading assets (13,700) (12,237) (11,485) Maturities and sales of trading assets 13,975 10,907 13,372 Investments in non-marketable equity investments (1,601) (963) (2,011) Proceeds from divestitures 3,124 Other investing 816 1,334 181 Net cash used for investing activities (15,762) (25,817) (8,183) Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities: Issuance of long-term debt, net of issuance costs 7,716 2,734 9,476 Repayment of debt and debt conversion (8,080) (1,500) Proceeds from sales of common stock through employee equity incentive plans 770 1,108 866 Repurchase of common stock (3,615) (2,587) (3,001) Payment of dividends to stockholders (5,072) (4,925) (4,556) Other financing (194) (569) (873) Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities (8,475) (5,739) 1,912 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (2,127) (9,748) 12,747 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 3,433 $ 5,560 $ 15,308 Supplemental disclosures: Acquisition of property, plant and equipment included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 1,417 $ 979 $ 392 Non-marketable equity investment in McAfee from divestiture $ 1,078 $ $ Cash paid during the year for: Interest, net of capitalized interest and interest rate swap payments/receipts $ 624 $ 682 $ 186 Income taxes, net of refunds $ 3,824 $ 877 $ 3,439 1 The impact of assets and liabilities reclassified as held for sale was not considered in the changes in assets and liabilities within cash flows from operating activities. See "Note 10: Acquisitions and Divestitures" for additional information. See accompanying notes. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 63
Although it's possible to get information from different sources, please consider only facts stated clearly in the statement of income and then answer the following question. What is the FY2016 - FY2017 change in COGS % margin for Nike? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
Table of Contents NIKE, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Income Year Ended May 31, (In millions, except per share data) 2017 2016 2015 Revenues $ 34,350 $ 32,376 $ 30,601 Cost of sales 19,038 17,405 16,534 Gross profit 15,312 14,971 14,067 Demand creation expense 3,341 3,278 3,213 Operating overhead expense 7,222 7,191 6,679 Total selling and administrative expense 10,563 10,469 9,892 Interest expense (income), net 59 19 28 Other (income) expense, net (196) (140) (58) Income before income taxes 4,886 4,623 4,205 Income tax expense 646 863 932 NET INCOME $ 4,240 $ 3,760 $ 3,273 Earnings per common share: Basic $ 2.56 $ 2.21 $ 1.90 Diluted $ 2.51 $ 2.16 $ 1.85 Dividends declared per common share $ 0.70 $ 0.62 $ 0.54 The accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 46
Assume that you are a public equities analyst. Answer the following question by primarily using information that is shown in the P&L statement and the cash flow statement: what is MGM Resorts's FY2022 unadjusted EBITDA (unadjusted operating income + depreciation and amortization from the cash flow statement)? Report answer in USD billions.
MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In thousands, except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2022 2021 2020 Revenues Casino $ 5,734,173 $ 5,362,912 $ 2,871,720 Rooms 3,057,145 1,690,037 830,382 Food and beverage 2,604,238 1,391,605 696,040 Entertainment, retail and other 1,686,236 1,009,503 518,991 Reimbursed costs 45,693 226,083 244,949 13,127,485 9,680,140 5,162,082 Expenses Casino 2,746,576 2,551,169 1,701,783 Rooms 937,272 600,942 419,156 Food and beverage 1,905,625 1,034,780 674,118 Entertainment, retail and other 1,017,817 617,635 412,705 Reimbursed costs 45,693 226,083 244,949 General and administrative 4,226,617 2,507,239 2,122,333 Corporate expense 479,118 422,777 460,148 Preopening and start-up expenses 1,876 5,094 84 Property transactions, net (1,036,997) (67,736) 93,567 Gain on REIT transactions, net (2,277,747) (1,491,945) Gain on consolidation of CityCenter, net (1,562,329) Depreciation and amortization 3,482,050 1,150,610 1,210,556 11,527,900 7,486,264 5,847,454 Income (loss) from unconsolidated affiliates (160,213) 84,823 42,938 Operating income (loss) 1,439,372 2,278,699 (642,434) Non-operating income (expense) Interest expense, net of amounts capitalized (594,954) (799,593) (676,380) Non-operating items from unconsolidated affiliates (23,457) (83,243) (103,304) Other, net 82,838 65,941 (89,361) (535,573) (816,895) (869,045) Income (loss) before income taxes 903,799 1,461,804 (1,511,479) Benefit (provision) for income taxes (697,068) (253,415) 191,572 Net income (loss) 206,731 1,208,389 (1,319,907) Less: Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests 1,266,362 45,981 287,183 Net income (loss) attributable to MGM Resorts International $ 1,473,093 $ 1,254,370 $ (1,032,724) Earnings (loss) per share Basic $ 3.52 $ 2.44 $ (2.02) Diluted $ 3.49 $ 2.41 $ (2.02) Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic 409,201 481,930 494,152 Diluted 412,993 487,356 494,152 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 58 MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2022 2021 2020 Cash flows from operating activities Net income (loss) $ 206,731 $ 1,208,389 $ (1,319,907) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 3,482,050 1,150,610 1,210,556 Amortization of debt discounts, premiums and issuance costs 32,769 40,328 34,363 Loss on early retirement of debt 37 126,462 Provision for credit losses 22,738 21,852 71,422 Stock-based compensation 71,296 65,183 106,956 Property transactions, net (1,036,997) (67,736) 93,567 Gain on REIT transactions, net (2,277,747) (1,491,945) Gain on consolidation of CityCenter, net (1,562,329) Noncash lease expense 437,603 188,917 183,399 Other investment gains (12,430) (28,417) Loss (income) from unconsolidated affiliates 183,670 (1,580) 60,366 Distributions from unconsolidated affiliates 37,435 99,370 86,584 Deferred income taxes 496,189 241,947 18,347 Change in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (211,687) (236,182) 960,099 Inventories (26,627) 3,107 14,705 Income taxes receivable and payable, net 197,097 (30,444) (216,250) Prepaid expenses and other (14,424) (36,608) (37) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 183,839 442,626 (1,382,980) Other (15,043) (125,647) (48,750) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 1,756,462 1,373,423 (1,493,043) Cash flows from investing activities Capital expenditures (765,067) (490,697) (270,579) Dispositions of property and equipment 112,019 106,600 6,136 Proceeds from sale of operating resorts 1,054,313 Proceeds from real estate transactions 4,373,820 3,888,431 2,455,839 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (1,889,118) (1,789,604) Investments in unconsolidated affiliates (254,786) (226,889) (96,925) Distributions from unconsolidated affiliates 10,361 9,694 63,960 Investments and other (523,361) 46,110 873 Net cash provided by investing activities 2,118,181 1,543,645 2,159,304 Cash flows from financing activities Net borrowings (repayments) under bank credit facilities maturities of 90 days or less 1,148,276 (2,096,217) (1,595,089) Issuance of long-term debt 749,775 3,550,000 Repayment of long-term debt (1,070,340) (846,815) Debt issuance costs (1,367) (18,726) (62,348) Proceeds from issuance of bridge loan facility 1,304,625 Issuance of MGM Growth Properties Class A shares, net 792,851 524,704 Dividends paid to common shareholders (4,048) (4,789) (77,606) Distributions to noncontrolling interest owners (210,699) (324,190) (286,385) Repurchases of common stock (2,775,217) (1,753,509) (353,720) Other (110,907) (159,290) (53,939) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (3,024,302) (2,814,095) 2,103,427 Effect of exchange rate on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash 8,926 (1,551) 2,345 Change in cash and cash equivalents classified as assets held for sale (25,938) Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash Net increase for the period 833,329 101,422 2,772,033 Balance, beginning of period 5,203,059 5,101,637 2,329,604 Balance, end of period $ 6,036,388 $ 5,203,059 $ 5,101,637 Supplemental cash flow disclosures Interest paid, net of amounts capitalized $ 573,629 $ 705,680 $ 639,718 Federal, state and foreign income taxes paid, net 22,955 43,018 8,543 Non-cash investing and financing activities Investments in unconsolidated affiliates $ $ $ 802,000 VICI BREIT Venture assumption of bridge loan facility 1,304,625
What was Paypal's current ratio for Q2 2023?
Total current assets 54,125 57,424 Long-term investments 4,543 5,018 Property and equipment, net 1,589 1,730 Goodwill 11,067 11,209 Intangible assets, net 640 788 Other assets 2,615 2,455 Total assets $ 74,579 $ 78,624 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 137 $ 126 Funds payable and amounts due to customers 37,393 40,014 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 3,433 4,055 Income taxes payable 791 813 Total current liabilities 41,754
Paypal's current ratio for Q2 2023 is 1.30:1.
What is the FY2022 D&A expense amount (in USD millions) for Block (formerly known as Square)? Please base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the cash flow statement.
BLOCK, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2022 2021 2020 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income (loss) $ (553,005) $ 158,826 $ 213,105 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 340,523 134,757 84,212 Amortization of discounts and premiums and other non-cash adjustments (592,489) 31,104 76,129 Loss on extinguishment of long-term debt 6,651 Non-cash lease expense 129,811 83,137 70,253 Share-based compensation 1,071,278 608,040 397,800 Gains on revaluation of equity investments (73,457) (35,492) (295,297) Transaction, loan, and consumer receivable losses 550,683 187,991 177,670 Bitcoin impairment losses 46,571 71,126 Change in deferred income taxes (69,593) (10,435) (8,016) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Settlements receivable (1,499,057) (346,217) (547,484) Purchases and originations of loans (6,114,847) (3,227,172) (1,837,137) Proceeds from payments and forgiveness of loans 6,040,369 3,067,344 1,505,406 Customers payable 1,060,861 171,555 371,598 Settlements payable 207,894 15,249 143,528 Other assets and liabilities (369,639) (61,983) (185,308) Net cash provided by operating activities 175,903 847,830 173,110 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of marketable debt securities (755,697) (2,714,560) (1,322,362) Proceeds from maturities of marketable debt securities 999,569 831,019 607,134 Proceeds from sale of marketable debt securities 449,723 617,097 585,427 Purchases of marketable debt securities from customer funds (488,851) (642,252) Proceeds from maturities of marketable debt securities from customer funds 73,000 505,501 382,887 Proceeds from sale of marketable debt securities from customer funds 316,576 35,071 51,430 Payments for originations of consumer receivables (18,361,871) Proceeds from principal repayments and sales of consumer receivables 18,192,470 Purchases of property and equipment (170,815) (134,320) (138,402) Purchases of bitcoin investments (170,000) (50,000) Purchases of other investments (56,712) (48,510) (1,277) Proceeds from sale of equity investments 420,644 Business combinations, net of cash acquired 539,453 (163,970) (79,221) Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 1,225,696 (1,310,879) (606,636) The accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 98
Based on the information provided primarily in the cash flow statement, how much (in USD millions) did Block (formerly known as Square) have in depreciation and amortization expense in FY2021?
BLOCK, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 Cash flows from operating activities: Netincome $ 158,826 $ 213,105 $ 375,446 Adjustmentstoreconcilenetincometonetcashprovidedbyoperatingactivities: Depreciationandamortization 134,757 84,212 75,598 Non-cashinterestandother 31,104 76,129 33,478 Lossonextinguishmentoflong-termdebt 6,651 Non-cashleaseexpense 83,137 70,253 29,696 Share-basedcompensation 608,040 397,800 297,863 Gainonsaleofassetgroup (373,445) Loss(gain)onrevaluationofequityinvestments (35,492) (295,297) 12,326 Transactionandloanlosses 187,991 177,670 126,959 Bitcoinimpairmentlosses 71,126 Changeindeferredincometaxes (10,435) (8,016) (1,376) Changesinoperatingassetsandliabilities: Settlementsreceivable (346,217) (547,484) (326,596) Purchasesandoriginationsofloans (3,227,172) (1,837,137) (2,266,738) Sales,principalpayments,andforgivenessofloans 3,067,344 1,505,406 2,168,682 Customerspayable 171,555 371,598 181,520 Settlementspayable 15,249 143,528 41,697 Otherassetsandliabilities (61,983) (185,308) (47,480) Netcashprovidedbyoperatingactivities 847,830 173,110 327,630 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchaseofmarketabledebtsecurities (2,714,560) (1,322,362) (992,583) Proceedsfrommaturitiesofmarketabledebtsecurities 831,019 607,134 430,888 Proceedsfromsaleofmarketabledebtsecurities 617,097 585,427 548,619 Purchaseofmarketabledebtsecuritiesfromcustomerfunds (488,851) (642,252) (311,499) Proceedsfrommaturitiesofmarketabledebtsecuritiesfromcustomerfunds 505,501 382,887 158,055 Proceedsfromsaleofmarketabledebtsecuritiesfromcustomerfunds 35,071 51,430 17,493 Purchaseofpropertyandequipment (134,320) (138,402) (62,498) Purchaseofbitcoininvestments (170,000) (50,000) Purchaseofotherinvestments (48,510) (1,277) (15,250) Proceedsfromsaleofequityinvestments 420,644 33,016 Proceedsfromsaleofassetgroup 309,324 Businesscombinations,netofcashacquired (163,970) (79,221) (20,372) Netcashprovidedby(usedin)investingactivities (1,310,879) (606,636) 95,193 Seeaccompanyingnotestoconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 87
Using only the information within the balance sheet, what is Oracle's FY2019 net working capital? Define net working capital as total current assets less total current liabilities. Answer in USD thousands.
Table of Contents Index to Financial Statements ORACLE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of May 31, 2019 and 2018 May 31, (in millions, except per share data) 2019 2018 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 20,514 $ 21,620 Marketable securities 17,313 45,641 Trade receivables, net of allowances for doubtful accounts of $371 and $370 as of May 31, 2019 and May 31, 2018, respectively 5,134 5,136 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,425 3,762 Total current assets 46,386 76,159 Non-current assets: Property, plant and equipment, net 6,252 5,897 Intangible assets, net 5,279 6,670 Goodwill, net 43,779 43,755 Deferred tax assets 2,696 1,395 Other non-current assets 4,317 3,975 Total non-current assets 62,323 61,692 Total assets $ 108,709 $ 137,851 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Notes payable and other borrowings, current $ 4,494 $ 4,491 Accounts payable 580 529 Accrued compensation and related benefits 1,628 1,806 Deferred revenues 8,374 8,341 Other current liabilities 3,554 3,957 Total current liabilities 18,630 19,124 Non-current liabilities: Notes payable and other borrowings, non-current 51,673 56,128 Income taxes payable 13,295 13,429 Other non-current liabilities 2,748 2,297 Total non-current liabilities 67,716 71,854 Commitments and contingencies Oracle Corporation stockholders' equity: Preferred stock, $0.01 par valueauthorized: 1.0 shares; outstanding: none Common stock, $0.01 par value and additional paid in capitalauthorized: 11,000 shares; outstanding: 3,359 shares and 3,997 shares as of May 31, 2019 and May 31, 2018, respectively 26,909 28,950 (Accumulated deficit) retained earnings (3,496) 19,111 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,628) (1,689) Total Oracle Corporation stockholders' equity 21,785 46,372 Noncontrolling interests 578 501 Total equity 22,363 46,873 Total liabilities and equity $ 108,709 $ 137,851 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 67
When primarily referencing the income statement, what is the FY2020 - FY2021 change in COGS % margin for Microsoft? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
PART II Item 8 ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA INCOME STATEMENTS (In millions, except per share amounts) Year Ended June 30, 2021 2020 2019 Revenue: Product $ 71,074 $ 68,041 $ 66,069 Service and other 97,014 74,974 59,774 Total revenue 168,088 143,015 125,843 Cost of revenue: Product 18,219 16,017 16,273 Service and other 34,013 30,061 26,637 Total cost of revenue 52,232 46,078 42,910 Gross margin 115,856 96,937 82,933 Research and development 20,716 19,269 16,876 Sales and marketing 20,117 19,598 18,213 General and administrative 5,107 5,111 4,885 Operating income 69,916 52,959 42,959 Other income, net 1,186 77 729 Income before income taxes 71,102 53,036 43,688 Provision for income taxes 9,831 8,755 4,448 Net income $ 61,271 $ 44,281 $ 39,240 Earnings per share: Basic $ 8.12 $ 5.82 $ 5.11 Diluted $ 8.05 $ 5.76 $ 5.06 Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic 7,547 7,610 7,673 Diluted 7,608 7,683 7,753 Refer to accompanying notes. 57
When primarily referencing the income statement and the balance sheet, what is FY2022 days inventory outstanding (DIO) for Microsoft? DIO is defined as: 365 * (average inventory between FY2021 and FY2022) / (FY2022 COGS). Round your answer to two decimal places.
PART II Item 8 ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA INCOME STATEMENTS (In millions, except per share amounts) Year Ended June 30, 2022 2021 2020 Revenue: Product $ 72,732 $ 71,074 $ 68,041 Service and other 125,538 97,014 74,974 Total revenue 198,270 168,088 143,015 Cost of revenue: Product 19,064 18,219 16,017 Service and other 43,586 34,013 30,061 Total cost of revenue 62,650 52,232 46,078 Gross margin 135,620 115,856 96,937 Research and development 24,512 20,716 19,269 Sales and marketing 21,825 20,117 19,598 General and administrative 5,900 5,107 5,111 Operating income 83,383 69,916 52,959 Other income, net 333 1,186 77 Income before income taxes 83,716 71,102 53,036 Provision for income taxes 10,978 9,831 8,755 Net income $ 72,738 $ 61,271 $ 44,281 Earnings per share: Basic $ 9.70 $ 8.12 $ 5.82 Diluted $ 9.65 $ 8.05 $ 5.76 Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic 7,496 7,547 7,610 Diluted 7,540 7,608 7,683 Refer to accompanying notes. 57 PART II Item 8 BALANCE SHEETS (In millions) June 30, 2022 2021 Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 13,931 $ 14,224 Short-term investments 90,826 116,110 Total cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments 104,757 130,334 Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $633 and $751 44,261 38,043 Inventories 3,742 2,636 Other current assets 16,924 13,393 Total current assets 169,684 184,406 Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $59,660 and $51,351 74,398 59,715 Operating lease right-of-use assets 13,148 11,088 Equity investments 6,891 5,984 Goodwill 67,524 49,711 Intangible assets, net 11,298 7,800 Other long-term assets 21,897 15,075 Total assets $ 364,840 $ 333,779 Liabilities and stockholders equity Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 19,000 $ 15,163 Current portion of long-term debt 2,749 8,072 Accrued compensation 10,661 10,057 Short-term income taxes 4,067 2,174 Short-term unearned revenue 45,538 41,525 Other current liabilities 13,067 11,666 Total current liabilities 95,082 88,657 Long-term debt 47,032 50,074 Long-term income taxes 26,069 27,190 Long-term unearned revenue 2,870 2,616 Deferred income taxes 230 198 Operating lease liabilities 11,489 9,629 Other long-term liabilities 15,526 13,427 Total liabilities 198,298 191,791 Commitments and contingencies Stockholders equity: Common stock and paid-in capital shares authorized 24,000; outstanding 7,464 and 7,519 86,939 83,111 Retained earnings 84,281 57,055 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (4,678) 1,822 Total stockholders equity 166,542 141,988 Total liabilities and stockholders equity $ 364,840 $ 333,779 Refer to accompanying notes. 59
What is the year end FY2021 total current assets for Kraft Heinz? Answer in USD millions. Calculate (or extract) the answer from the balance sheet.
The Kraft Heinz Company Consolidated Balance Sheets (in millions, except per share data) December 25, 2021 December 26, 2020 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,445 $ 3,417 Trade receivables (net of allowances of $48 at December 25, 2021 and $48 at December 26, 2020) 1,957 2,063 Inventories 2,729 2,773 Prepaid expenses 136 132 Other current assets 716 574 Assets held for sale 11 1,863 Total current assets 8,994 10,822 Property, plant and equipment, net 6,806 6,876 Goodwill 31,296 33,089 Intangible assets, net 43,542 46,667 Other non-current assets 2,756 2,376 TOTAL ASSETS $ 93,394 $ 99,830 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Commercial paper and other short-term debt $ 14 $ 6 Current portion of long-term debt 740 230 Trade payables 4,753 4,304 Accrued marketing 804 946 Interest payable 268 358 Income taxes payable 541 114 Other current liabilities 1,944 2,086 Liabilities held for sale 17 Total current liabilities 9,064 8,061 Long-term debt 21,061 28,070 Deferred income taxes 10,536 11,462 Accrued postemployment costs 205 243 Long-term deferred income 1,534 6 Other non-current liabilities 1,542 1,745 TOTAL LIABILITIES 43,942 49,587 Commitments and Contingencies (Note 16) Redeemable noncontrolling interest 4 Equity: Common stock, $0.01 par value (5,000 shares authorized; 1,235 shares issued and 1,224 shares outstanding at December 25, 2021; 1,228 shares issued and 1,223 shares outstanding at December 26, 2020) 12 12 Additional paid-in capital 53,379 55,096 Retained earnings/(deficit) (1,682) (2,694) Accumulated other comprehensive income/(losses) (1,824) (1,967) Treasury stock, at cost (11 shares at December 25, 2021 and 5 shares at December 26, 2020) (587) (344) Total shareholders' equity 49,298 50,103 Noncontrolling interest 150 140 TOTAL EQUITY 49,448 50,243 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 93,394 $ 99,830 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 51
What is Oracle's year end FY2021 total current assets (in USD billions)? Base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the statement of financial position.
Table of Contents Index to Financial Statements ORACLE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of May 31, 2021 and 2020 May 31, (in millions, except per share data) 2021 2020 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 30,098 $ 37,239 Marketable securities 16,456 5,818 Trade receivables, net of allowances for doubtful accounts of $373 and $409 as of May 31, 2021 and May 31, 2020, respectively 5,409 5,551 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,604 3,532 Total current assets 55,567 52,140 Non-current assets: Property, plant and equipment, net 7,049 6,244 Intangible assets, net 2,430 3,738 Goodwill, net 43,935 43,769 Deferred tax assets 13,636 3,252 Other non-current assets 8,490 6,295 Total non-current assets 75,540 63,298 Total assets $ 131,107 $ 115,438 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Notes payable, current $ 8,250 $ 2,371 Accounts payable 745 637 Accrued compensation and related benefits 2,017 1,453 Deferred revenues 8,775 8,002 Other current liabilities 4,377 4,737 Total current liabilities 24,164 17,200 Non-current liabilities: Notes payable and other borrowings, non-current 75,995 69,226 Income taxes payable 12,345 12,463 Deferred tax liabilities 7,864 41 Other non-current liabilities 4,787 3,791 Total non-current liabilities 100,991 85,521 Commitments and contingencies Oracle Corporation stockholders' equity: Preferred stock, $0.01 par valueauthorized: 1.0 shares; outstanding: none Common stock, $0.01 par value and additional paid in capitalauthorized: 11,000 shares; outstanding: 2,814 shares and 3,067 shares as of May 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively 26,533 26,486 Accumulated deficit (20,120) (12,696) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,175) (1,716) Total Oracle Corporation stockholders' equity 5,238 12,074 Noncontrolling interests 714 643 Total equity 5,952 12,717 Total liabilities and equity $ 131,107 $ 115,438 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 66
By drawing conclusions from the information stated only in the statement of income, what is the FY2018 SG&A (in USD millions) for Best Buy?
Table of Contents Consolidated Statements of Earnings $ and shares in millions, except per share amounts Fiscal Years Ended February 3, 2018 January 28, 2017 January 30, 2016 Revenue $ 42,151 $ 39,403 $ 39,528 Costofgoodssold 32,275 29,963 30,334 Restructuringchargescostofgoodssold 3 Grossprofit 9,876 9,440 9,191 Selling,generalandadministrativeexpenses 8,023 7,547 7,618 Restructuringcharges 10 39 198 Operatingincome 1,843 1,854 1,375 Otherincome(expense) Gainonsaleofinvestments 1 3 2 Investmentincomeandother 48 31 13 Interestexpense (75) (72) (80) Earningsfromcontinuingoperationsbeforeincometaxexpense 1,817 1,816 1,310 Incometaxexpense 818 609 503 Netearningsfromcontinuingoperations 999 1,207 807 Gainfromdiscontinuedoperations(Note2),netoftaxexpenseof$0,$7and$1,respectively 1 21 90 Netearnings $ 1,000 $ 1,228 $ 897 Basicearningspershare Continuingoperations $ 3.33 $ 3.79 $ 2.33 Discontinuedoperations 0.07 0.26 Basicearningspershare $ 3.33 $ 3.86 $ 2.59 Dilutedearningspershare Continuingoperations $ 3.26 $ 3.74 $ 2.30 Discontinuedoperations 0.07 0.26 Dilutedearningspershare $ 3.26 $ 3.81 $ 2.56 Weighted-averagecommonsharesoutstanding Basic 300.4 318.5 346.5 Diluted 307.1 322.6 350.7 SeeNotestoConsolidatedFinancialStatements. 55
Does GIS have an improving gross margin profile as of 2023? If gross margin is not a useful metric for a company like this, then state that and explain why.
Summarized quarterly data for fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2022 follows: First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 Net sales $ 4,717.6 $ 4,539.9 $ 5,220.7 $ 5,024.0 $ 5,125.9 $ 4,537.7 $ 5,030.0 $ 4,891.2 Gross margin 1,447.7 1,597.4 1,705.1 1,631.2 1,664.8 1,403.7 1,728.2 1,769.9 Net earnings attributable to General Mills 820.0 627.0 605.9 597.2 553.1 660.3 614.9 822.8 EPS: Basic $ 1.37 $ 1.03 $ 1.01 $ 0.98 $ 0.94 $ 1.09 $ 1.04 $ 1.36 Diluted $ 1.35 $ 1.02 $ 1.01 $ 0.97 $ 0.92 $ 1.08 $ 1.03 $ 1.36
No. GIS' gross margin declined from 33.7% in 2022 but 32.6% in 2023.
What is the year end FY2022 amount of accounts payable for General Mills? Answer in USD millions. Address the question by using the line items and information shown within the balance sheet.
47 Consolidated Balance Sheets GENERAL MILLS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES (In Millions, Except Par Value) May 29, 2022 May 30, 2021 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 569.4 $ 1,505.2 Receivables 1,692.1 1,638.5 Inventories 1,867.3 1,820.5 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 802.1 790.3 Assets held for sale 158.9 - Total current assets 5,089.8 5,754.5 Land, buildings, and equipment 3,393.8 3,606.8 Goodwill 14,378.5 14,062.4 Other intangible assets 6,999.9 7,150.6 Other assets 1,228.1 1,267.6 Total assets $ 31,090.1 $ 31,841.9 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 3,982.3 $ 3,653.5 Current portion of long-term debt 1,674.2 2,463.8 Notes payable 811.4 361.3 Other current liabilities 1,552.0 1,787.2 Total current liabilities 8,019.9 8,265.8 Long-term debt 9,134.8 9,786.9 Deferred income taxes 2,218.3 2,118.4 Other liabilities 929.1 1,292.7 Total liabilities 20,302.1 21,463.8 Redeemable interest - 604.9 Stockholders' equity: Common stock, 754.6 shares issued, $0.10 par value 75.5 75.5 Additional paid-in capital 1,182.9 1,365.5 Retained earnings 18,532.6 17,069.8 Common stock in treasury, at cost, shares of 155.7 and 146.9 (7,278.1) (6,611.2) Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,970.5) (2,429.2) Total stockholders' equity 10,542.4 9,470.4 Noncontrolling interests 245.6 302.8 Total equity 10,788.0 9,773.2 Total liabilities and equity $ 31,090.1 $ 31,841.9 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
Considering the data in the cash flow statement, how much (in USD millions) did Intel have in capital expenditures in FY2019?
Table of Contents CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended (In Millions) Dec 28, 2019 Dec 29, 2018 Dec 30, 2017 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period $ 3,019 $ 3,433 $ 5,560 Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities: Net income 21,048 21,053 9,601 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 9,204 7,520 6,752 Share-based compensation 1,705 1,546 1,358 Amortization of intangibles 1,622 1,565 1,377 (Gains) losses on equity investments, net (892) 155 (2,583) (Gains) losses on divestitures (690) (497) (387) Changes in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (935) (1,714) (781) Inventories (1,481) (214) (1,300) Accounts payable 696 211 191 Accrued compensation and benefits 91 (260) 311 Customer deposits and prepaid supply agreements (782) 1,367 1,105 Income taxes 885 (1,601) 6,778 Other assets and liabilities 2,674 301 (312) Total adjustments 12,097 8,379 12,509 Net cash provided by operating activities 33,145 29,432 22,110 Cash flows provided by (used for) investing activities: Additions to property, plant and equipment (16,213) (15,181) (11,778) Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (1,958) (190) (14,499) Purchases of available-for-sale debt investments (2,268) (3,843) (2,746) Sales of available-for-sale debt investments 238 195 1,833 Maturities of available-for-sale debt investments 3,988 2,968 3,687 Purchases of trading assets (9,162) (9,503) (13,700) Maturities and sales of trading assets 7,178 12,111 13,970 Purchases of equity investments (522) (874) (1,619) Sales of equity investments 2,688 2,802 5,236 Proceeds from divestitures 911 548 3,124 Other investing 715 (272) 730 Net cash used for investing activities (14,405) (11,239) (15,762) Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities: Issuance of long-term debt, net of issuance costs 3,392 423 7,716 Repayment of debt and debt conversion (2,627) (3,026) (8,080) Proceeds from sales of common stock through employee equity incentive plans 750 555 770 Repurchase of common stock (13,576) (10,730) (3,615) Payment of dividends to stockholders (5,576) (5,541) (5,072) Other financing 72 (288) (194) Net cash provided by (used for) financing activities (17,565) (18,607) (8,475) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,175 (414) (2,127) Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 4,194 $ 3,019 $ 3,433 Supplemental disclosures: Acquisition of property, plant and equipment included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 1,761 $ 2,340 $ 1,417 Cash paid during the year for: Interest, net of capitalized interest $ 469 $ 448 $ 624 Income taxes, net of refunds $ 2,110 $ 3,813 $ 3,824 See accompanying notes. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 72
Answer the following question as if you are an equity research analyst and have lost internet connection so you do not have access to financial metric providers. According to the details clearly outlined within the income statement and the statement of financial position, what is PG&E's FY2017 fixed asset turnover ratio? Fixed asset turnover ratio is defined as: FY2017 revenue / (average PP&E between FY2016 and FY2017). Round your answer to two decimal places.
ITEM8.FINANCIALSTATEMENTSANDSUPPLEMENTARYDATA PG&ECorporation CONSOLIDATEDSTATEMENTSOFINCOME (inmillions,exceptpershareamounts) YearendedDecember31, 2017 2016 2015 OperatingRevenues Electric $ 13,124 $ 13,864 $ 13,657 Natural gas 4,011 3,802 3,176 Totaloperatingrevenues 17,135 17,666 16,833 OperatingExpenses Cost of electricity 4,309 4,765 5,099 Cost of natural gas 746 615 663 Operating and maintenance 6,270 7,354 6,951 Depreciation, amortization, and decommissioning 2,854 2,755 2,612 Totaloperatingexpenses 14,179 15,489 15,325 OperatingIncome 2,956 2,177 1,508 Interest income 31 23 9 Interest expense (888) (829) (773) Other income, net 72 91 117 IncomeBeforeIncomeTaxes 2,171 1,462 861 Income tax provision (benefit) 511 55 (27) NetIncome 1,660 1,407 888 Preferredstockdividendrequirementofsubsidiary 14 14 14 IncomeAvailableforCommonShareholders $ 1,646 $ 1,393 $ 874 WeightedAverageCommonSharesOutstanding,Basic 512 499 484 WeightedAverageCommonSharesOutstanding,Diluted 513 501 487 NetEarningsPerCommonShare,Basic $ 3.21 $ 2.79 $ 1.81 NetEarningsPerCommonShare,Diluted $ 3.21 $ 2.78 $ 1.79 See accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 86 PG&ECorporation CONSOLIDATEDBALANCESHEETS (inmillions) BalanceatDecember31, 2017 2016 ASSETS CurrentAssets Cash and cash equivalents $ 449 $ 177 Accounts receivable Customers (net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $64 and $58 at respective dates) 1,243 1,252 Accrued unbilled revenue 946 1,098 Regulatory balancing accounts 1,222 1,500 Other 861 801 Regulatory assets 615 423 Inventories Gas stored underground and fuel oil 115 117 Materials and supplies 366 346 Income taxes receivable - 160 Other 464 290 Totalcurrentassets 6,281 6,164 Property,Plant,andEquipment Electric 55,133 52,556 Gas 19,641 17,853 Construction work in progress 2,471 2,184 Other 3 2 Totalproperty,plant,andequipment 77,248 72,595 Accumulated depreciation (23,459) (22,014) Netproperty,plant,andequipment 53,789 50,581 OtherNoncurrentAssets Regulatory assets 3,793 7,951 Nuclear decommissioning trusts 2,863 2,606 Income taxes receivable 65 70 Other 1,221 1,226 Totalothernoncurrentassets 7,942 11,853 TOTALASSETS $ 68,012 $ 68,598 See accompanying Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 88
You are an investment banker and your only resource(s) to answer the following question is (are): the statement of income. Here's the question: what is the FY2022 unadjusted operating income % margin for 3M?
Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Income Years ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2022 2021 2020 Net sales $ 34,229 $ 35,355 $ 32,184 Operating expenses Cost of sales 19,232 18,795 16,605 Selling, general and administrative expenses 9,049 7,197 6,929 Research, development and related expenses 1,862 1,994 1,878 Gain on business divestitures (2,724) (389) Goodwill impairment expense 271 Total operating expenses 27,690 27,986 25,023 Operating income 6,539 7,369 7,161 Other expense (income), net 147 165 366 Income before income taxes 6,392 7,204 6,795 Provision for income taxes 612 1,285 1,337 Income of consolidated group 5,780 5,919 5,458 Income (loss) from unconsolidated subsidiaries, net of taxes 11 10 (5) Net income including noncontrolling interest 5,791 5,929 5,453 Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest 14 8 4 Net income attributable to 3M $ 5,777 $ 5,921 $ 5,449 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding basic 566.0 579.0 577.6 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders basic $ 10.21 $ 10.23 $ 9.43 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding diluted 567.6 585.3 582.2 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders diluted $ 10.18 $ 10.12 $ 9.36 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 48
Assume that you are a public equities analyst. Answer the following question by primarily using information that is shown in the statement of financial position: what is MGM Resorts's FY2015 working capital ratio? Define working capital ratio as total current assets divided by total current liabilities. Round your answer to two decimal places.
MGMRESORTSINTERNATIONALANDSUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATEDBALANCESHEETS (Inthousands,exceptsharedata) December31, 2015 2014 ASSETS Currentassets Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,670,312 $ 1,713,715 Cash deposits - original maturities longer than 90 days 570,000 Accounts receivable, net 480,559 473,345 Inventories 104,200 104,011 Income tax receivable 15,993 14,675 Prepaid expenses and other 137,685 151,414 Total current assets 2,408,749 3,027,160 Propertyandequipment,net 15,371,795 14,441,542 Otherassets Investments in and advances to unconsolidated affiliates 1,491,497 1,559,034 Goodwill 1,430,767 2,897,110 Other intangible assets, net 4,164,781 4,364,856 Other long-term assets, net 347,589 304,212 Total other assets 7,434,634 9,125,212 $ 25,215,178 $ 26,593,914 LIABILITIESANDSTOCKHOLDERS'EQUITY Currentliabilities Accounts payable $ 182,031 $ 164,252 Construction payable 250,120 170,439 Current portion of long-term debt 328,442 1,245,320 Deferred income taxes, net 62,142 Accrued interest on long-term debt 165,914 191,155 Other accrued liabilities 1,311,444 1,574,617 Total current liabilities 2,237,951 3,407,925 Deferredincometaxes,net 2,680,576 2,621,860 Long-termdebt 12,368,311 12,805,285 Otherlong-termobligations 157,663 130,570 Redeemablenoncontrollinginterests 6,250 Commitmentsandcontingencies(Note11) Stockholders'equity Common stock, $.01 par value: authorized 1,000,000,000 shares, issued and outstanding 564,838,893 and 491,292,117 shares 5,648 4,913 Capital in excess of par value 5,655,886 4,180,922 Accumulated deficit (555,629) (107,909) Accumulated other comprehensive income 14,022 12,991 Total MGM Resorts International stockholders' equity 5,119,927 4,090,917 Noncontrolling interests 2,644,500 3,537,357 Total stockholders' equity 7,764,427 7,628,274 $ 25,215,178 $ 26,593,914 Theaccompanyingnotesareanintegralpartoftheseconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 67
Using only the information within the statement of cash flows and the statement of income, what is the FY2021 interest coverage ratio for Netflix? Define interest coverage ratio as: (unadjusted operating income [from income statement] + depreciation and amortization [from cash flow statement]) / gross interest expense [from income statement]). Round answer to two decimal places.
Table of Contents NETFLIX, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (in thousands, except per share data) Year ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 Revenues $ 29,697,844 $ 24,996,056 $ 20,156,447 Cost of revenues 17,332,683 15,276,319 12,440,213 Marketing 2,545,146 2,228,362 2,652,462 Technology and development 2,273,885 1,829,600 1,545,149 General and administrative 1,351,621 1,076,486 914,369 Operating income 6,194,509 4,585,289 2,604,254 Other income (expense): Interest expense (765,620) (767,499) (626,023) Interest and other income (expense) 411,214 (618,441) 84,000 Income before income taxes 5,840,103 3,199,349 2,062,231 Provision for income taxes (723,875) (437,954) (195,315) Net income $ 5,116,228 $ 2,761,395 $ 1,866,916 Earnings per share: Basic $ 11.55 $ 6.26 $ 4.26 Diluted $ 11.24 $ 6.08 $ 4.13 Weighted-average common shares outstanding: Basic 443,155 440,922 437,799 Diluted 455,372 454,208 451,765 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 39 Table of Contents NETFLIX, INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (in thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income $ 5,116,228 $ 2,761,395 $ 1,866,916 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Additions to content assets (17,702,202) (11,779,284) (13,916,683) Change in content liabilities 232,898 (757,433) (694,011) Amortization of content assets 12,230,367 10,806,912 9,216,247 Depreciation and amortization of property, equipment and intangibles 208,412 115,710 103,579 Stock-based compensation expense 403,220 415,180 405,376 Foreign currency remeasurement loss (gain) on debt (430,661) 533,278 (45,576) Other non-cash items 376,777 293,126 228,230 Deferred income taxes 199,548 70,066 (94,443) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Other current assets (369,681) (187,623) (252,113) Accounts payable 145,115 (41,605) 96,063 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 180,338 198,183 157,778 Deferred revenue 91,350 193,247 163,846 Other non-current assets and liabilities (289,099) (194,075) (122,531) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 392,610 2,427,077 (2,887,322) Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of property and equipment (524,585) (497,923) (253,035) Change in other assets (26,919) (7,431) (134,029) Acquisitions (788,349) Net cash used in investing activities (1,339,853) (505,354) (387,064) Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from issuance of debt 1,009,464 4,469,306 Debt issuance costs (7,559) (36,134) Repayments of debt (500,000) Proceeds from issuance of common stock 174,414 235,406 72,490 Repurchases of common stock (600,022) Taxes paid related to net share settlement of equity awards (224,168) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (1,149,776) 1,237,311 4,505,662 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (86,740) 36,050 469 Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (2,183,759) 3,195,084 1,231,745 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of year 8,238,870 5,043,786 3,812,041 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of year $ 6,055,111 $ 8,238,870 $ 5,043,786 Supplemental disclosure: Income taxes paid $ 509,265 $ 291,582 $ 400,658 Interest paid 763,432 762,904 599,132 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 41
From the perspective of a public equities analyst, please answer the following question by primarily taking information that is provided in the statement of income and the cash flow statement. What is the FY2015 - FY2016 change in unadjusted EBITDA % margin for Costco? Calculate unadjusted EBITDA using unadjusted operating income and D&A (from cash flow statement). Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
Table of Contents COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (amounts in millions, except per share data) 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended August 28, 2016 August 30, 2015 August 31, 2014 REVENUE Net sales $ 116,073 $ 113,666 $ 110,212 Membership fees 2,646 2,533 2,428 Total revenue 118,719 116,199 112,640 OPERATING EXPENSES Merchandise costs 102,901 101,065 98,458 Selling, general and administrative 12,068 11,445 10,899 Preopening expenses 78 65 63 Operating income 3,672 3,624 3,220 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest expense (133) (124) (113) Interest income and other, net 80 104 90 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 3,619 3,604 3,197 Provision for income taxes 1,243 1,195 1,109 Net income including noncontrolling interests 2,376 2,409 2,088 Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests (26) (32) (30) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COSTCO $ 2,350 $ 2,377 $ 2,058 NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO COSTCO: Basic $ 5.36 $ 5.41 $ 4.69 Diluted $ 5.33 $ 5.37 $ 4.65 Shares used in calculation (000s) Basic 438,585 439,455 438,693 Diluted 441,263 442,716 442,485 CASH DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER COMMON SHARE $ 1.70 $ 6.51 $ 1.33 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 42 Table of Contents COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (amounts in millions) 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended August 28, 2016 August 30, 2015 August 31, 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income including noncontrolling interests $ 2,376 $ 2,409 $ 2,088 Adjustments to reconcile net income including noncontrolling interests to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 1,255 1,127 1,029 Stock-based compensation 459 394 327 Excess tax benefits on stock-based awards (74) (86) (84) Other non-cash operating activities, net 17 (5) 22 Deferred income taxes 269 (101) (63) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Merchandise inventories (25) (890) (563) Accounts payable (1,532) 880 529 Other operating assets and liabilities, net 547 557 699 Net cash provided by operating activities 3,292 4,285 3,984 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases of short-term investments (1,432) (1,501) (2,503) Maturities and sales of short-term investments 1,709 1,434 2,406 Additions to property and equipment (2,649) (2,393) (1,993) Other investing activities, net 27 (20) (3) Net cash used in investing activities (2,345) (2,480) (2,093) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Change in bank checks outstanding 81 (45) 96 Repayments of short-term borrowings (106) (51) (103) Proceeds from short-term borrowings 106 51 68 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 185 1,125 117 Repayments of long-term debt (1,288) (1) 0 Minimum tax withholdings on stock-based awards (220) (178) (164) Excess tax benefits on stock-based awards 74 86 84 Repurchases of common stock (486) (481) (334) Cash dividend payments (746) (2,865) (584) Other financing activities, net (19) 35 34 Net cash used in financing activities (2,419) (2,324) (786) EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 50 (418) (11) Net change in cash and cash equivalents (1,422) (937) 1,094 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BEGINNING OF YEAR 4,801 5,738 4,644 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS END OF YEAR $ 3,379 $ 4,801 $ 5,738 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE OF CASH FLOW INFORMATION: Cash paid during the year for: Interest (reduced by $19 , $14, and $11, interest capitalized in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively) $ 123 $ 117 $ 109 Income taxes, net $ 953 $ 1,186 $ 869 SUPPLEMENTAL DISCLOSURE OF NON-CASH INVESTING AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Property acquired under build-to-suit and capital leases $ 15 $ 109 $ 0 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 45
How has Paypal's revenue changed from Q2 2022 to Q2 2023?
Net revenues $ 7,287 $ 6,806
In Q2 2022, Paypal reported $6,806Mn of revenues versus their $7,287Mn reported in Q2 2023.
What is Apple's FY2018 unadjusted operating profit margin (as a percent of total revenue)? Calculate what was asked by utilizing the line items clearly shown in the P&L statement.
Apple Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts) Years ended September 29, 2018 September 30, 2017 September 24, 2016 Net sales $ 265,595 $ 229,234 $ 215,639 Cost of sales 163,756 141,048 131,376 Gross margin 101,839 88,186 84,263 Operating expenses: Research and development 14,236 11,581 10,045 Selling, general and administrative 16,705 15,261 14,194 Total operating expenses 30,941 26,842 24,239 Operating income 70,898 61,344 60,024 Other income/(expense), net 2,005 2,745 1,348 Income before provision for income taxes 72,903 64,089 61,372 Provision for income taxes 13,372 15,738 15,685 Net income $ 59,531 $ 48,351 $ 45,687 Earnings per share: Basic $ 12.01 $ 9.27 $ 8.35 Diluted $ 11.91 $ 9.21 $ 8.31 Shares used in computing earnings per share: Basic 4,955,377 5,217,242 5,470,820 Diluted 5,000,109 5,251,692 5,500,281 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Apple Inc. | 2018 Form 10-K | 38
What is Boeing's year end FY2020 total current liabilities (in USD millions)? Answer the question asked by assuming you only have access to information clearly displayed in the balance sheet.
Table of Contents The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (Dollars in millions, except per share data) December 31, 2020 2019 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $7,752 $9,485 Short-term and other investments 17,838 545 Accounts receivable, net 1,955 3,266 Unbilled receivables, net 7,995 9,043 Current portion of customer financing, net 101 162 Inventories 81,715 76,622 Other current assets, net 4,286 3,106 Total current assets 121,642 102,229 Customer financing, net 1,936 2,136 Property, plant and equipment, net 11,820 12,502 Goodwill 8,081 8,060 Acquired intangible assets, net 2,843 3,338 Deferred income taxes 86 683 Investments 1,016 1,092 Other assets, net of accumulated amortization of $729 and $580 4,712 3,585 Total assets $152,136 $133,625 Liabilities and equity Accounts payable $12,928 $15,553 Accrued liabilities 22,171 22,868 Advances and progress billings 50,488 51,551 Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt 1,693 7,340 Total current liabilities 87,280 97,312 Deferred income taxes 1,010 413 Accrued retiree health care 4,137 4,540 Accrued pension plan liability, net 14,408 16,276 Other long-term liabilities 1,486 3,422 Long-term debt 61,890 19,962 Total liabilities 170,211 141,925 Shareholders equity: Common stock, par value $5.00 1,200,000,000 shares authorized; 1,012,261,159 shares issued 5,061 5,061 Additional paid-in capital 7,787 6,745 Treasury stock, at cost (52,641) (54,914) Retained earnings 38,610 50,644 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (17,133) (16,153) Total shareholders deficit (18,316) (8,617) Noncontrolling interests 241 317 Total equity (18,075) (8,300) Total liabilities and equity $152,136 $133,625 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 67 131. 64
Considering the data in the statement of income and the cash flow statement, what is the FY2019 - FY2021 3 year average of D&A as a % of revenue for 3M? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Income Years ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2021 2020 2019 Net sales $ 35,355 $ 32,184 $ 32,136 Operating expenses Cost of sales 18,795 16,605 17,136 Selling, general and administrative expenses 7,197 6,929 7,029 Research, development and related expenses 1,994 1,878 1,911 Gain on sale of businesses (389) (114) Total operating expenses 27,986 25,023 25,962 Operating income 7,369 7,161 6,174 Other expense (income), net 165 366 531 Income before income taxes 7,204 6,795 5,643 Provision for income taxes 1,285 1,337 1,114 Income of consolidated group 5,919 5,458 4,529 Income (loss) from unconsolidated subsidiaries, net of taxes 10 (5) Net income including noncontrolling interest 5,929 5,453 4,529 Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest 8 4 12 Net income attributable to 3M $ 5,921 $ 5,449 $ 4,517 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding basic 579.0 577.6 577.0 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders basic $ 10.23 $ 9.43 $ 7.83 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding diluted 585.3 582.2 585.1 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders diluted $ 10.12 $ 9.36 $ 7.72 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 45 Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Years ended December 31 (Millions) 2021 2020 2019 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Net income including noncontrolling interest $ 5,929 $ 5,453 $ 4,529 Adjustments to reconcile net income including noncontrolling interest to net cash provided by operating activities Depreciation and amortization 1,915 1,911 1,593 Company pension and postretirement contributions (180) (156) (210) Company pension and postretirement expense 206 322 426 Stock-based compensation expense 274 262 278 Gain on sale of businesses (389) (111) Deferred income taxes (166) (165) (273) Loss on deconsolidation of Venezuelan subsidiary 162 Changes in assets and liabilities Accounts receivable (122) 165 345 Inventories (903) (91) 370 Accounts payable 518 252 (117) Accrued income taxes (current and long-term) (244) 132 205 Other net 227 417 (127) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 7,454 8,113 7,070 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchases of property, plant and equipment (PP&E) (1,603) (1,501) (1,699) Proceeds from sale of PP&E and other assets 51 128 123 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (25) (4,984) Purchases of marketable securities and investments (2,202) (1,579) (1,635) Proceeds from maturities and sale of marketable securities and investments 2,406 1,811 1,443 Proceeds from sale of businesses, net of cash sold 576 236 Other net 31 10 72 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (1,317) (580) (6,444) Cash Flows from Financing Activities Change in short-term debt net (2) (143) (316) Repayment of debt (maturities greater than 90 days) (1,144) (3,482) (2,716) Proceeds from debt (maturities greater than 90 days) 1 1,750 6,281 Purchases of treasury stock (2,199) (368) (1,407) Proceeds from issuance of treasury stock pursuant to stock option and benefit plans 639 429 547 Dividends paid to shareholders (3,420) (3,388) (3,316) Other net (20) (98) (197) Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (6,145) (5,300) (1,124) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (62) 48 (2) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (70) 2,281 (500) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 4,634 2,353 2,853 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 4,564 $ 4,634 $ 2,353 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 49
What is the retention ratio (using total cash dividends paid and net income attributable to shareholders) for MGM Resorts's FY2020? Round answer to two decimal places. Address the question by adopting the perspective of a financial analyst who can only use the details shown within the cash flow statement and the P&L statement.
MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In thousands, except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Revenues Casino $ 2,871,720 $ 6,517,759 $ 5,753,150 Rooms 830,382 2,322,579 2,212,573 Foodandbeverage 696,040 2,145,247 1,959,021 Entertainment,retailandother 518,991 1,477,200 1,412,860 Reimbursedcosts 244,949 436,887 425,492 5,162,082 12,899,672 11,763,096 Expenses Casino 1,701,783 3,623,899 3,199,775 Rooms 419,156 829,677 791,761 Foodandbeverage 674,118 1,661,626 1,501,868 Entertainment,retailandother 412,705 1,051,400 999,979 Reimbursedcosts 244,949 436,887 425,492 Generalandadministrative 2,122,333 2,101,217 1,764,638 Corporateexpense 460,148 464,642 419,204 Preopeningandstart-upexpenses 84 7,175 151,392 Propertytransactions,net 93,567 275,802 9,147 GainonREITtransactions,net (1,491,945) (2,677,996) Depreciationandamortization 1,210,556 1,304,649 1,178,044 5,847,454 9,078,978 10,441,300 Income from unconsolidated affiliates 42,938 119,521 147,690 Operating income (loss) (642,434) 3,940,215 1,469,486 Non-operating income (expense) Interestexpense,netofamountscapitalized (676,380) (847,932) (769,513) Non-operatingitemsfromunconsolidatedaffiliates (103,304) (62,296) (47,827) Other,net (89,361) (183,262) (18,140) (869,045) (1,093,490) (835,480) Income (loss) before income taxes (1,511,479) 2,846,725 634,006 Benefit(provision)forincometaxes 191,572 (632,345) (50,112) Net income (loss) (1,319,907) 2,214,380 583,894 Less:Net(income)lossattributabletononcontrollinginterests 287,183 (165,234) (117,122) Net income (loss) attributable to MGM Resorts International $ (1,032,724) $ 2,049,146 $ 466,772 Earnings (loss) per share Basic $ (2.02) $ 3.90 $ 0.82 Diluted $ (2.02) $ 3.88 $ 0.81 Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic 494,152 524,173 544,253 Diluted 494,152 527,645 549,536 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 63 MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Cash flows from operating activities Netincome(loss) $ (1,319,907) $ 2,214,380 $ 583,894 Adjustmentstoreconcilenetincome(loss)tonetcashprovidedby(usedin) operatingactivities: Depreciationandamortization 1,210,556 1,304,649 1,178,044 Amortizationofdebtdiscounts,premiumsandissuancecosts 34,363 38,972 41,102 Lossonearlyretirementofdebt 126,462 198,151 3,619 Provisionforcreditlosses 71,422 39,270 39,762 Stock-basedcompensation 106,956 88,838 70,177 Propertytransactions,net 93,567 275,802 9,147 GainonREITtransactions,net (1,491,945) (2,677,996) Noncashleaseexpense 183,399 71,784 Loss(income)fromunconsolidatedaffiliates 60,366 (57,225) (96,542) Distributionsfromunconsolidatedaffiliates 86,584 299 11,563 Deferredincometaxes 18,347 595,046 46,720 Changeinoperatingassetsandliabilities: Accountsreceivable 960,099 (726,610) (149,554) Inventories 14,705 6,522 (7,860) Incometaxesreceivableandpayable,net (216,250) 1,259 14,120 Prepaidexpensesandother (37) 7,567 (8,656) Accountspayableandaccruedliabilities (1,382,980) 465,602 21,508 Other (48,750) (35,909) (34,505) Netcashprovidedby(usedin)operatingactivities (1,493,043) 1,810,401 1,722,539 Cash flows from investing activities Capitalexpenditures,netofconstructionpayable (270,579) (739,006) (1,486,843) Dispositionsofpropertyandequipment 6,136 2,578 25,612 ProceedsfromMandalayBayandMGMGrandLasVegastransaction 2,455,839 ProceedsfromBellagiotransaction 4,151,499 ProceedsfromsaleofCircusCircusLasVegasandadjacentland 652,333 Proceedsfromsaleofbusinessunitsandinvestmentinunconsolidatedaffiliate 163,616 AcquisitionofNorthfield,netofcashacquired (1,034,534) AcquisitionofEmpireCityCasino,netofcashacquired (535,681) Investmentsinunconsolidatedaffiliates (96,925) (81,877) (56,295) Distributionsfromunconsolidatedaffiliates 63,960 100,700 322,631 Other 873 (31,112) (17,208) Netcashprovidedby(usedin)investingactivities 2,159,304 3,519,434 (2,083,021) Cash flows from financing activities Netborrowings(repayments)underbankcreditfacilitiesmaturitiesof 90daysorless (1,595,089) (3,634,049) 1,242,259 Issuanceoflong-termdebt 3,550,000 3,250,000 1,000,000 Retirementofseniornotes (846,815) (3,764,167) (2,265) Debtissuancecosts (62,348) (63,391) (76,519) Proceedsfromissuanceofbridgeloanfacility 1,304,625 IssuanceofMGMGrowthPropertiesClassAshares,net 524,704 1,250,006 Dividendspaidtocommonshareholders (77,606) (271,288) (260,592) Distributionstononcontrollinginterestowners (286,385) (223,303) (184,932) Purchasesofcommonstock (353,720) (1,031,534) (1,283,333) Other (53,939) (41,868) (45,384) Netcashprovidedby(usedin)financingactivities 2,103,427 (4,529,594) 389,234 Effect of exchange rate on cash 2,345 2,601 (1,985) Cash and cash equivalents Netincreasefortheperiod 2,772,033 802,842 26,767 Balance,beginningofperiod 2,329,604 1,526,762 1,499,995 Balance,endofperiod $ 5,101,637 $ 2,329,604 $ 1,526,762 Supplemental cash flow disclosures Interestpaid,netofamountscapitalized $ 639,718 $ 826,970 $ 723,609 Federal,stateandforeignincometaxespaid(refundsreceived),net 8,543 28,493 (10,100) Non-cash investing and financing activities NotereceivablerelatedtosaleofCircusCircusLasVegasandadjacentland $ $ 133,689 $ InvestmentinBellagioBREITVenture 62,133 InvestmentinMGPBREITVenture 802,000 MGPBREITVentureassumptionofbridgeloanfacility 1,304,625 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 65
How much (in USD millions) was Costco's FY2016 selling, general, and administrative expense? Provide a response to the question by primarily using the P&L statement.
Table of Contents COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (amounts in millions, except per share data) 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended August 28, 2016 August 30, 2015 August 31, 2014 REVENUE Net sales $ 116,073 $ 113,666 $ 110,212 Membership fees 2,646 2,533 2,428 Total revenue 118,719 116,199 112,640 OPERATING EXPENSES Merchandise costs 102,901 101,065 98,458 Selling, general and administrative 12,068 11,445 10,899 Preopening expenses 78 65 63 Operating income 3,672 3,624 3,220 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest expense (133) (124) (113) Interest income and other, net 80 104 90 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 3,619 3,604 3,197 Provision for income taxes 1,243 1,195 1,109 Net income including noncontrolling interests 2,376 2,409 2,088 Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests (26) (32) (30) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO COSTCO $ 2,350 $ 2,377 $ 2,058 NET INCOME PER COMMON SHARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO COSTCO: Basic $ 5.36 $ 5.41 $ 4.69 Diluted $ 5.33 $ 5.37 $ 4.65 Shares used in calculation (000s) Basic 438,585 439,455 438,693 Diluted 441,263 442,716 442,485 CASH DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER COMMON SHARE $ 1.70 $ 6.51 $ 1.33 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 42
By drawing conclusions from the information stated only in the P&L statement, what is Boeing's 2 year total revenue CAGR from FY2018 to FY2020 (in units of percents and round to one decimal place)?
Table of Contents The Boeing Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Operations (Dollars in millions, except per share data) Years ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Sales of products $47,142 $66,094 $90,229 Sales of services 11,016 10,465 10,898 Total revenues 58,158 76,559 101,127 Cost of products (54,568) (62,877) (72,922) Cost of services (9,232) (9,154) (8,499) Boeing Capital interest expense (43) (62) (69) Total costs and expenses (63,843) (72,093) (81,490) (5,685) 4,466 19,637 Income/(loss) from operating investments, net 9 (4) 111 General and administrative expense (4,817) (3,909) (4,567) Research and development expense, net (2,476) (3,219) (3,269) Gain on dispositions, net 202 691 75 (Loss)/earnings from operations (12,767) (1,975) 11,987 Other income, net 447 438 92 Interest and debt expense (2,156) (722) (475) (Loss)/earnings before income taxes (14,476) (2,259) 11,604 Income tax benefit/(expense) 2,535 1,623 (1,144) Net (loss)/earnings (11,941) (636) 10,460 Less: net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest (68) Net (loss)/earnings attributable to Boeing Shareholders ($11,873) ($636) $10,460 Basic (loss)/earnings per share ($20.88) ($1.12) $18.05 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share ($20.88) ($1.12) $17.85 See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 67 131. 62
Using only the information within the statement of financial position, what is Corning's year end FY2016 total assets (in USD millions)?
TableofContents Consolidated Balance Sheets CorningIncorporatedandSubsidiaryCompanies December31, (Inmillions,exceptshareandpershareamounts) 2016 2015 Assets Currentassets: Cashandcashequivalents $ 5,291 $ 4,500 Short-terminvestments,atfairvalue(Note3) 100 Tradeaccountsreceivable,netofdoubtfulaccountsandallowances-$59and$48 1,481 1,372 Inventories,netofinventoryreserves-$151and$146(Note5) 1,471 1,385 Othercurrentassets(Note8,11and15) 805 912 Totalcurrentassets 9,048 8,269 Investments(Note7) 336 1,975 Property,plantandequipment,netofaccumulateddepreciation-$9,884and$9,188(Note9) 12,546 12,648 Goodwill,net(Note10) 1,577 1,380 Otherintangibleassets,net(Note10) 796 706 Deferredincometaxes(Note6) 2,325 2,056 Otherassets(Note8,11and15) 1,271 1,493 Total Assets $ 27,899 $ 28,527 Liabilities and Equity Currentliabilities: Currentportionoflong-termdebtandshort-termborrowings(Note12) $ 256 $ 572 Accountspayable 1,079 934 Otheraccruedliabilities(Note11and14) 1,416 1,308 Totalcurrentliabilities 2,751 2,814 Long-termdebt(Note12) 3,646 3,890 Postretirementbenefitsotherthanpensions(Note13) 737 718 Otherliabilities(Note11and14) 2,805 2,242 Totalliabilities 9,939 9,664 Commitmentsandcontingencies(Note14) Shareholders'equity(Note17): Convertiblepreferredstock,SeriesAParvalue$100pershare;Sharesauthorized3,100;Sharesissued:2,300 2,300 2,300 CommonstockParvalue$0.50pershare;Sharesauthorized:3.8billion;Sharesissued:1,691millionand1,681million 846 840 Additionalpaid-incapitalcommonstock 13,695 13,352 Retainedearnings 16,880 13,832 Treasurystock,atcost;sharesheld:765millionand551million (14,152) (9,725) Accumulatedothercomprehensiveloss (1,676) (1,811) TotalCorningIncorporatedshareholders'equity 17,893 18,788 Noncontrollinginterests 67 75 Totalequity 17,960 18,863 Total Liabilities and Equity $ 27,899 $ 28,527 Theaccompanyingnotesareanintegralpartoftheseconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 79
What is the FY2021 unadjusted operating income % margin for 3M? Base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the P&L statement.
Table of Contents 3M Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement of Income Years ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2021 2020 2019 Net sales $ 35,355 $ 32,184 $ 32,136 Operating expenses Cost of sales 18,795 16,605 17,136 Selling, general and administrative expenses 7,197 6,929 7,029 Research, development and related expenses 1,994 1,878 1,911 Gain on sale of businesses (389) (114) Total operating expenses 27,986 25,023 25,962 Operating income 7,369 7,161 6,174 Other expense (income), net 165 366 531 Income before income taxes 7,204 6,795 5,643 Provision for income taxes 1,285 1,337 1,114 Income of consolidated group 5,919 5,458 4,529 Income (loss) from unconsolidated subsidiaries, net of taxes 10 (5) Net income including noncontrolling interest 5,929 5,453 4,529 Less: Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interest 8 4 12 Net income attributable to 3M $ 5,921 $ 5,449 $ 4,517 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding basic 579.0 577.6 577.0 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders basic $ 10.23 $ 9.43 $ 7.83 Weighted average 3M common shares outstanding diluted 585.3 582.2 585.1 Earnings per share attributable to 3M common shareholders diluted $ 10.12 $ 9.36 $ 7.72 The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 45
How much (in USD thousands) was Apple's FY2016 unadjusted operating income? Please base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the income statement.
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts) Years ended September 24, 2016 September 26, 2015 September 27, 2014 Net sales $ 215,639 $ 233,715 $ 182,795 Cost of sales 131,376 140,089 112,258 Gross margin 84,263 93,626 70,537 Operating expenses: Research and development 10,045 8,067 6,041 Selling, general and administrative 14,194 14,329 11,993 Total operating expenses 24,239 22,396 18,034 Operating income 60,024 71,230 52,503 Other income/(expense), net 1,348 1,285 980 Income before provision for income taxes 61,372 72,515 53,483 Provision for income taxes 15,685 19,121 13,973 Net income $ 45,687 $ 53,394 $ 39,510 Earnings per share: Basic $ 8.35 $ 9.28 $ 6.49 Diluted $ 8.31 $ 9.22 $ 6.45 Shares used in computing earnings per share: Basic 5,470,820 5,753,421 6,085,572 Diluted 5,500,281 5,793,069 6,122,663 Cash dividends declared per share $ 2.18 $ 1.98 $ 1.82 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Apple Inc. | 2016 Form 10-K | 39
What is the FY2019 - FY2021 3 year average unadjusted EBITDA % margin for PepsiCo? Define unadjusted EBITDA as unadjusted operating income + depreciation and amortization from the cash flow statement. Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place. Approach the question asked by assuming the standpoint of an investment banking analyst who only has access to the statement of cash flows and the statement of income.
Table of Contents Consolidated Statement of Income PepsiCo, Inc. and Subsidiaries Fiscal years ended December 25, 2021, December 26, 2020 and December 28, 2019 (in millions except per share amounts) 2021 2020 2019 Net Revenue $ 79,474 $ 70,372 $ 67,161 Cost of sales 37,075 31,797 30,132 Gross profit 42,399 38,575 37,029 Selling, general and administrative expenses 31,237 28,495 26,738 Operating Profit 11,162 10,080 10,291 Other pension and retiree medical benefits income/(expense) 522 117 (44) Net interest expense and other (1,863) (1,128) (935) Income before income taxes 9,821 9,069 9,312 Provision for income taxes 2,142 1,894 1,959 Net income 7,679 7,175 7,353 Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 61 55 39 Net Income Attributable to PepsiCo $ 7,618 $ 7,120 $ 7,314 Net Income Attributable to PepsiCo per Common Share Basic $ 5.51 $ 5.14 $ 5.23 Diluted $ 5.49 $ 5.12 $ 5.20 Weighted-average common shares outstanding Basic 1,382 1,385 1,399 Diluted 1,389 1,392 1,407 See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 59 Table of Contents Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows PepsiCo, Inc. and Subsidiaries Fiscal years ended December 25, 2021, December 26, 2020 and December 28, 2019 (in millions) 2021 2020 2019 Operating Activities Net income $ 7,679 $ 7,175 $ 7,353 Depreciation and amortization 2,710 2,548 2,432 Operating lease right-of-use asset amortization 505 478 412 Share-based compensation expense 301 264 237 Restructuring and impairment charges 247 289 370 Cash payments for restructuring charges (256) (255) (350) Acquisition and divestiture-related charges (4) 255 55 Cash payments for acquisition and divestiture-related charges (176) (131) (10) Pension and retiree medical plan expenses 123 408 519 Pension and retiree medical plan contributions (785) (562) (716) Deferred income taxes and other tax charges and credits 298 361 453 Tax expense/(benefit) related to the TCJ Act 190 (8) Tax payments related to the TCJ Act (309) (78) (423) Change in assets and liabilities: Accounts and notes receivable (651) (420) (650) Inventories (582) (516) (190) Prepaid expenses and other current assets 159 26 (87) Accounts payable and other current liabilities 1,762 766 735 Income taxes payable 30 (159) (287) Other, net 375 164 (196) Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 11,616 10,613 9,649 Investing Activities Capital spending (4,625) (4,240) (4,232) Sales of property, plant and equipment 166 55 170 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired, and investments in noncontrolled affiliates (61) (6,372) (2,717) Divestitures and sales of investments in noncontrolled affiliates 169 6 253 Short-term investments, by original maturity: More than three months - purchases (1,135) More than three months - maturities 1,135 16 More than three months - sales 62 Three months or less, net (58) 27 19 Other investing, net 5 40 (8) Net Cash Used for Investing Activities (3,269) (11,619) (6,437) (Continued on following page) 61
What drove gross margin change as of the FY2023 for Best Buy? If gross margin is not a useful metric for a company like this, then please state that and explain why.
Our gross profit rate decreased in fiscal 2023, primarily due to lower product margin rates, including increased promotions, lower services margin rates, driven by the incremental customer benefits and associated costs from our Best Buy Totaltech membership offering compared to our previous Total Tech Support offer, and higher supply chain costs. These decreases were partially offset by higher profit-sharing revenue from our private label and co-branded credit card arrangement and an approximately $30 million profit-sharing benefit from our services plan portfolio.
Best Buy's gorss margin reduced. This was due to: (1) Increased Promotions, (2) Lower service margin rates, and (3) Higher Customer benefits.
What is the FY2019 - FY2020 change in COGS % margin for Johnson & Johnson? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place. Base your judgments on the information provided primarily in the income statement.
JOHNSON & JOHNSON AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS (Dollars and Shares in Millions Except Per Share Amounts) (Note 1) 2020 2019 2018 Sales to customers $ 82,584 82,059 81,581 Cost of products sold 28,427 27,556 27,091 Gross profit 54,157 54,503 54,490 Selling, marketing and administrative expenses 22,084 22,178 22,540 Research and development expense 12,159 11,355 10,775 In-process research and development (Note 5) 181 890 1,126 Interest income (111) (357) (611) Interest expense, net of portion capitalized (Note 4) 201 318 1,005 Other (income) expense, net 2,899 2,525 1,405 Restructuring (Note 20) 247 266 251 Earnings before provision for taxes on income 16,497 17,328 17,999 Provision for taxes on income (Note 8) 1,783 2,209 2,702 Net earnings $ 14,714 15,119 15,297 Net earnings per share (Notes 1 and 15) Basic $ 5.59 5.72 5.70 Diluted $ 5.51 5.63 5.61 Average shares outstanding (Notes 1 and 15) Basic 2,632.8 2,645.1 2,681.5 Diluted 2,670.7 2,684.3 2,728.7 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 40
What is the FY2018 net profit margin percent for Best Buy? Provide a response to the question by primarily using the P&L statement.
Table of Contents Consolidated Statements of Earnings $ and shares in millions, except per share amounts Fiscal Years Ended February 3, 2018 January 28, 2017 January 30, 2016 Revenue $ 42,151 $ 39,403 $ 39,528 Costofgoodssold 32,275 29,963 30,334 Restructuringchargescostofgoodssold 3 Grossprofit 9,876 9,440 9,191 Selling,generalandadministrativeexpenses 8,023 7,547 7,618 Restructuringcharges 10 39 198 Operatingincome 1,843 1,854 1,375 Otherincome(expense) Gainonsaleofinvestments 1 3 2 Investmentincomeandother 48 31 13 Interestexpense (75) (72) (80) Earningsfromcontinuingoperationsbeforeincometaxexpense 1,817 1,816 1,310 Incometaxexpense 818 609 503 Netearningsfromcontinuingoperations 999 1,207 807 Gainfromdiscontinuedoperations(Note2),netoftaxexpenseof$0,$7and$1,respectively 1 21 90 Netearnings $ 1,000 $ 1,228 $ 897 Basicearningspershare Continuingoperations $ 3.33 $ 3.79 $ 2.33 Discontinuedoperations 0.07 0.26 Basicearningspershare $ 3.33 $ 3.86 $ 2.59 Dilutedearningspershare Continuingoperations $ 3.26 $ 3.74 $ 2.30 Discontinuedoperations 0.07 0.26 Dilutedearningspershare $ 3.26 $ 3.81 $ 2.56 Weighted-averagecommonsharesoutstanding Basic 300.4 318.5 346.5 Diluted 307.1 322.6 350.7 SeeNotestoConsolidatedFinancialStatements. 55
What is the year end FY2016 net PPNE for Verizon? Answer in USD thousands. Answer the question asked by assuming you only have access to information clearly displayed in the balance sheet.
Consolidated Balance Sheets Verizon Communications Inc. and Subsidiaries (dollars in millions, except per share amounts) At December 31, 2016 2015 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,880 $ 4,470 Short-term investments 350 Accounts receivable, net of allowances of $845 and $882 17,513 13,457 Inventories 1,202 1,252 Assets held for sale 882 792 Prepaid expenses and other 3,918 2,034 Total current assets 26,395 22,355 Plant, property and equipment 232,215 220,163 Less accumulated depreciation 147,464 136,622 Plant, property and equipment, net 84,751 83,541 Investments in unconsolidated businesses 1,110 796 Wireless licenses 86,673 86,575 Goodwill 27,205 25,331 Other intangible assets, net 8,897 7,592 Non-current assets held for sale 613 10,267 Other assets 8,536 7,718 Total assets $ 244,180 $ 244,175 Liabilities and Equity Current liabilities Debt maturing within one year $ 2,645 $ 6,489 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 19,593 19,362 Liabilities related to assets held for sale 24 463 Other 8,078 8,738 Total current liabilities 30,340 35,052 Long-term debt 105,433 103,240 Employee benefit obligations 26,166 29,957 Deferred income taxes 45,964 45,484 Non-current liabilities related to assets held for sale 6 959 Other liabilities 12,239 11,641 Equity Series preferred stock ($.10 par value; none issued) Common stock ($.10 par value; 4,242,374,240 shares issued in each period) 424 424 Contributed capital 11,182 11,196 Reinvested earnings 15,059 11,246 Accumulated other comprehensive income 2,673 550 Common stock in treasury, at cost (7,263) (7,416) Deferred compensation employee stock ownership plans and other 449 428 Noncontrolling interests 1,508 1,414 Total equity 24,032 17,842 Total liabilities and equity $ 244,180 $ 244,175 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
We need to calculate a financial metric by using information only provided within the statement of cash flows and the statement of income. Please answer the following question: what is the FY2019 - FY2020 change in unadjusted EBITDA % margin for Walmart? Calculate unadjusted EBITDA using unadjusted operating income and D&A (from cash flow statement). Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
Walmart Inc. Consolidated Statements of Income Fiscal Years Ended January 31, (Amounts in millions, except per share data) 2020 2019 2018 Revenues: Net sales $ 519,926 $ 510,329 $ 495,761 Membership and other income 4,038 4,076 4,582 Total revenues 523,964 514,405 500,343 Costs and expenses: Cost of sales 394,605 385,301 373,396 Operating, selling, general and administrative expenses 108,791 107,147 106,510 Operating income 20,568 21,957 20,437 Interest: Debt 2,262 1,975 1,978 Finance, capital lease and financing obligations 337 371 352 Interest income (189) (217) (152) Interest, net 2,410 2,129 2,178 Loss on extinguishment of debt 3,136 Other (gains) and losses (1,958) 8,368 Income before income taxes 20,116 11,460 15,123 Provision for income taxes 4,915 4,281 4,600 Consolidated net income 15,201 7,179 10,523 Consolidated net income attributable to noncontrolling interest (320) (509) (661) Consolidated net income attributable to Walmart $ 14,881 $ 6,670 $ 9,862 Net income per common share: Basic net income per common share attributable to Walmart $ 5.22 $ 2.28 $ 3.29 Diluted net income per common share attributable to Walmart 5.19 2.26 3.28 Weighted-average common shares outstanding: Basic 2,850 2,929 2,995 Diluted 2,868 2,945 3,010 Dividends declared per common share $ 2.12 $ 2.08 $ 2.04 See accompanying notes. 50 Walmart Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Fiscal Years Ended January 31, (Amounts in millions) 2020 2019 2018 Cash flows from operating activities: Consolidated net income $ 15,201 $ 7,179 $ 10,523 Adjustments to reconcile consolidated net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 10,987 10,678 10,529 Unrealized (gains) and losses (1,886) 3,516 (Gains) and losses for disposal of business operations 15 4,850 Asda pension contribution (1,036) Deferred income taxes 320 (499) (304) Loss on extinguishment of debt 3,136 Other operating activities 1,981 1,734 1,210 Changes in certain assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions: Receivables, net 154 (368) (1,074) Inventories (300) (1,311) (140) Accounts payable (274) 1,831 4,086 Accrued liabilities 186 183 928 Accrued income taxes (93) (40) (557) Net cash provided by operating activities 25,255 27,753 28,337 Cash flows from investing activities: Payments for property and equipment (10,705) (10,344) (10,051) Proceeds from the disposal of property and equipment 321 519 378 Proceeds from the disposal of certain operations 833 876 1,046 Payments for business acquisitions, net of cash acquired (56) (14,656) (375) Other investing activities 479 (431) (77) Net cash used in investing activities (9,128) (24,036) (9,079) Cash flows from financing activities: Net change in short-term borrowings (4,656) (53) 4,148 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 5,492 15,872 7,476 Repayments of long-term debt (1,907) (3,784) (13,061) Premiums paid to extinguish debt (3,059) Dividends paid (6,048) (6,102) (6,124) Purchase of Company stock (5,717) (7,410) (8,296) Dividends paid to noncontrolling interest (555) (431) (690) Purchase of noncontrolling interest (8) Other financing activities (908) (629) (261) Net cash used in financing activities (14,299) (2,537) (19,875) Effect of exchange rates on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (69) (438) 487 Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash 1,759 742 (130) Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year 7,756 7,014 7,144 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of year $ 9,515 $ 7,756 $ 7,014 Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Income taxes paid $ 3,616 $ 3,982 $ 6,179 Interest paid 2,464 2,348 2,450 See accompanying notes.
We need to calculate a financial metric by using information only provided within the statement of income. Please answer the following question: what is Intel's year-over-year change in unadjusted operating income from FY2020 to FY2021 (in units of percents and round to one decimal place)?
Consolidated Statements of Income Years Ended (In Millions, Except Per Share Amounts) Dec 25, 2021 Dec 26, 2020 Dec 28, 2019 Net revenue $ 79,024 $ 77,867 $ 71,965 Cost of sales 35,209 34,255 29,825 Gross margin 43,815 43,612 42,140 Research and development 15,190 13,556 13,362 Marketing, general and administrative 6,543 6,180 6,350 Restructuring and other charges 2,626 198 393 Operating expenses 24,359 19,934 20,105 Operating income 19,456 23,678 22,035 Gains (losses) on equity investments, net 2,729 1,904 1,539 Interest and other, net (482) (504) 484 Income before taxes 21,703 25,078 24,058 Provision for taxes 1,835 4,179 3,010 Net income $ 19,868 $ 20,899 $ 21,048 Earnings per sharebasic $ 4.89 $ 4.98 $ 4.77 Earnings per sharediluted $ 4.86 $ 4.94 $ 4.71 Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding: Basic 4,059 4,199 4,417 Diluted 4,090 4,232 4,473 See accompanying notes. Table of Contents Financial Statements Consolidated Statements of Income 72
What is the FY2021 capital expenditure amount (in USD millions) for Amcor? Give a response to the question by relying on the details shown in the statement of cash flows.
Amcor plc and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (in millions) For the years ended June 30, 2021 2020 2019 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income $ 951 $ 616 $ 437 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation, amortization and impairment 574 652 453 Net periodic benefit cost 15 10 13 Amortization of debt discount and deferred financing costs 10 8 6 Amortization of deferred gain on sale and leasebacks (7) Net gain on disposal of property, plant, and equipment (10) (4) (16) Net gain on disposal of businesses (44) (159) Equity in (income) loss of affiliated companies (19) 14 (4) Net foreign exchange (gain) loss 21 (16) (5) Share-based compensation 58 34 19 Other, net (83) (78) Loss from highly inflationary accounting for Argentine subsidiaries 27 38 30 Deferred income taxes, net 4 (114) 73 Dividends received from affiliated companies 4 7 8 Changes in operating assets and liabilities, excluding effect of acquisitions, divestitures, and currency: Trade receivables (189) 133 (84) Inventories (112) 26 3 Prepaid expenses and other current assets (90) (23) (52) Trade payables 342 (48) 120 Other current liabilities 11 8 97 Accrued employee costs 29 81 (32) Employee benefit obligations (40) (33) (25) Other, net 2 (5) (21) Net cash provided by operating activities 1,461 1,384 776 Cash flows from investing activities: (Issuance)/repayment of loans to/from affiliated companies (1) Investments in affiliated companies and other (5) Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired 42 Purchase of property, plant, and equipment, and other intangible assets (468) (400) (332) Proceeds from divestitures 214 425 216 Proceeds from sales of property, plant, and equipment, and other intangible assets 26 13 85 Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (233) 38 10 Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from issuance of shares 30 1 19 Settlement of forward contracts (28) Purchase of treasury shares (8) (67) (20) Proceeds from (purchase of) non-controlling interest (8) 4 4 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt 790 3,194 3,229 Repayment of long-term debt (530) (4,225) (3,108) Net borrowing (repayment) of commercial paper (235) 1,742 (558) Net borrowing (repayment) of short-term debt (123) (585) 379 Repayment of lease liabilities (2) (2) (2) Share buyback/cancellations (351) (537) Dividends paid (742) (761) (680) Net cash used in financing activities (1,179) (1,236) (765) Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents 58 (45) 1 Cash and cash equivalents classified as held for sale assets (41) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 107 141 (19) Cash and cash equivalents balance at beginning of year 743 602 621 Cash and cash equivalents balance at end of year $ 850 $ 743 $ 602 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements, including Note 22, "Supplemental Cash Flow Information." 52
Taking into account the information outlined in the P&L statement, what is the FY2016 - FY2017 unadjusted operating income growth rate for Apple? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
Apple Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts) Years ended September 30, 2017 September 24, 2016 September 26, 2015 Net sales $ 229,234 $ 215,639 $ 233,715 Cost of sales 141,048 131,376 140,089 Gross margin 88,186 84,263 93,626 Operating expenses: Research and development 11,581 10,045 8,067 Selling, general and administrative 15,261 14,194 14,329 Total operating expenses 26,842 24,239 22,396 Operating income 61,344 60,024 71,230 Other income/(expense), net 2,745 1,348 1,285 Income before provision for income taxes 64,089 61,372 72,515 Provision for income taxes 15,738 15,685 19,121 Net income $ 48,351 $ 45,687 $ 53,394 Earnings per share: Basic $ 9.27 $ 8.35 $ 9.28 Diluted $ 9.21 $ 8.31 $ 9.22 Shares used in computing earnings per share: Basic 5,217,242 5,470,820 5,753,421 Diluted 5,251,692 5,500,281 5,793,069 Cash dividends declared per share $ 2.40 $ 2.18 $ 1.98 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Apple Inc. | 2017 Form 10-K | 39
What is Adobe's year-over-year change in revenue from FY2020 to FY2021 (in units of percents and round to one decimal place)? Compute or extract the answer by primarily using the details outlined in the statement of income.
ADOBE INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (In millions, except per share data) Years Ended December 3, 2021 November 27, 2020 November 29, 2019 Revenue: Subscription $ 14,573 $ 11,626 $ 9,634 Product 555 507 648 Services and other 657 735 889 Total revenue 15,785 12,868 11,171 Cost of revenue: Subscription 1,374 1,108 926 Product 41 36 40 Services and other 450 578 707 Total cost of revenue 1,865 1,722 1,673 Gross profit 13,920 11,146 9,498 Operating expenses: Research and development 2,540 2,188 1,930 Sales and marketing 4,321 3,591 3,244 General and administrative 1,085 968 881 Amortization of intangibles 172 162 175 Total operating expenses 8,118 6,909 6,230 Operating income 5,802 4,237 3,268 Non-operating income (expense): Interest expense (113) (116) (157) Investment gains (losses), net 16 13 52 Other income (expense), net 42 42 Total non-operating income (expense), net (97) (61) (63) Income before income taxes 5,705 4,176 3,205 Provision for (benefit from) income taxes 883 (1,084) 254 Net income $ 4,822 $ 5,260 $ 2,951 Basic net income per share $ 10.10 $ 10.94 $ 6.07 Shares used to compute basic net income per share 477 481 486 Diluted net income per share $ 10.02 $ 10.83 $ 6.00 Shares used to compute diluted net income per share 481 485 492 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Table of Contents 56
What is CVS Health's change in COGS % margin from FY2020 to FY2021 (in units of percents and round to one decimal place)? Give a response to the question by relying on the details shown in the income statement.
Index to Consolidated Financial Statements ConsolidatedStatementsofOperations FortheYearsEndedDecember31, In millions, except per share amounts 2021 2020 2019 Revenues: Products $ 203,738 $ 190,688 $ 185,236 Premiums 76,132 69,364 63,122 Services 11,042 7,856 7,407 Net investment income 1,199 798 1,011 Total revenues 292,111 268,706 256,776 Operating costs: Cost of products sold 175,803 163,981 158,719 Benefit costs 64,260 55,679 52,529 Store impairments 1,358 231 Goodwill impairment 431 Operating expenses 37,066 35,135 33,310 Total operating costs 278,918 254,795 244,789 Operating income 13,193 13,911 11,987 Interest expense 2,503 2,907 3,035 Loss on early extinguishment of debt 452 1,440 79 Other income (182) (206) (124) Income before income tax provision 10,420 9,770 8,997 Income tax provision 2,522 2,569 2,366 Income from continuing operations 7,898 7,201 6,631 Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax (9) Net income 7,898 7,192 6,631 Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests 12 (13) 3 Net income attributable to CVS Health $ 7,910 $ 7,179 $ 6,634 Basic earnings per share: Income from continuing operations attributable to CVS Health $ 6.00 $ 5.49 $ 5.10 Loss from discontinued operations attributable to CVS Health $ $ (0.01) $ Net income attributable to CVS Health $ 6.00 $ 5.48 $ 5.10 Weighted average basic shares outstanding 1,319 1,309 1,301 Diluted earnings per share: Income from continuing operations attributable to CVS Health $ 5.95 $ 5.47 $ 5.08 Loss from discontinued operations attributable to CVS Health $ $ (0.01) $ Net income attributable to CVS Health $ 5.95 $ 5.46 $ 5.08 Weighted average diluted shares outstanding 1,329 1,314 1,305 Dividends declared per share $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 103
Which of the JPM's LOBs was the least profitable in 2022 Q1, in terms of ROE?
CCB ROE 23% Average deposits up 18%; client investment assets up 9% Average loans down 1% year-over-year ("YoY") and down 2% quarter-over-quarter ("QoQ"); Card net charge-off rate of 1.37% Debit and credit card sales volume(a) up 21% Active mobile customers(b) up 11% CIB ROE 17% #1 ranking for Global Investment Banking fees with 8.0% wallet share in 1Q22 Total Markets revenue of $8.8 billion, down 3%, with Fixed Income Markets down 1% and Equity Markets down 7% CB ROE 13% Gross Investment Banking revenue of $729 million, down 35% Average loans up 2% YoY and up 2% QoQ; average deposits up 9% AWM ROE 23% Assets under management (AUM) of $3.0 trillion, up 4% Average loans up 14% YoY and 3% QoQ; average deposits up 39%
What drove gross margin change as of the FY2022 for American Express? If gross margin is not a useful metric for a company like this, then please state that and explain why.
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Year Ended December 31 (Millions, except per share amounts) 2022 2021 2020 Revenues Non-interest revenues Discount revenue $ 30,739 $ 24,563 $ 19,435 Net card fees 6,070 5,195 4,664 Service fees and other revenue 4,521 3,316 2,702 Processed revenue 1,637 1,556 1,301 Total non-interest revenues 42,967 34,630 28,102 Interest income Interest on loans 11,967 8,850 9,779 Interest and dividends on investment securities 96 83 127 Deposits with banks and other 595 100 177 Total interest income 12,658 9,033 10,083 Interest expense Deposits 1,527 458 943 Long-term debt and other 1,236 825 1,155 Total interest expense 2,763 1,283 2,098 Net interest income 9,895 7,750 7,985 Total revenues net of interest expense 52,862 42,380 36,087 Provisions for credit losses Card Member receivables 627 (73) 1,015 Card Member loans 1,514 (1,155) 3,453 Other 41 (191) 262 Total provisions for credit losses 2,182 (1,419) 4,730 Total revenues net of interest expense after provisions for credit losses 50,680 43,799 31,357 Expenses Card Member rewards 14,002 11,007 8,041 Business development 4,943 3,762 3,051 Card Member services 2,959 1,993 1,230 Marketing 5,458 5,291 3,696 Salaries and employee benefits 7,252 6,240 5,718 Other, net 6,481 4,817 5,325 Total expenses 41,095 33,110 27,061 Pretax income 9,585 10,689 4,296 Income tax provision 2,071 2,629 1,161 Net income $ 7,514 $ 8,060 $ 3,135 Earnings per Common Share (Note 21) Basic $ 9.86 $ 10.04 $ 3.77 Diluted $ 9.85 $ 10.02 $ 3.77 Average common shares outstanding for earnings per common share: Basic 751 789 805 Diluted 752 790 806
Performance is not measured through gross margin
Answer the following question as if you are an equity research analyst and have lost internet connection so you do not have access to financial metric providers. According to the details clearly outlined within the balance sheet, what is the year end FY2022 total current assets for Pfizer? Answer in USD millions.
Consolidated Balance Sheets Pfizer Inc. and Subsidiary Companies As of December 31, (MILLIONS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA) 2022 2021 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 416 $ 1,944 Short-term investments 22,316 29,125 Trade accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts: 2022$449; 2021$492 10,952 11,479 Inventories 8,981 9,059 Current tax assets 3,577 4,266 Other current assets 5,017 3,820 Total current assets 51,259 59,693 Equity-method investments 11,033 16,472 Long-term investments 4,036 5,054 Property, plant and equipment 16,274 14,882 Identifiable intangible assets 43,370 25,146 Goodwill 51,375 49,208 Noncurrent deferred tax assets and other noncurrent tax assets 6,693 3,341 Other noncurrent assets 13,163 7,679 Total assets $ 197,205 $ 181,476 Liabilities and Equity Short-term borrowings, including current portion of long-term debt: 2022$2,560; 2021$1,636 $ 2,945 $ 2,241 Trade accounts payable 6,809 5,578 Dividends payable 2,303 2,249 Income taxes payable 1,587 1,266 Accrued compensation and related items 3,407 3,332 Deferred revenues 2,520 3,067 Other current liabilities 22,568 24,939 Total current liabilities 42,138 42,671 Long-term debt 32,884 36,195 Pension and postretirement benefit obligations 2,250 3,724 Noncurrent deferred tax liabilities 1,023 349 Other taxes payable 9,812 11,331 Other noncurrent liabilities 13,180 9,743 Total liabilities 101,288 104,013 Commitments and Contingencies Preferred stock, no par value, at stated value; 27 shares authorized; no shares issued or outstanding at December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 Common stock, $0.05 par value; 12,000 shares authorized; issued: 20229,519; 20219,471 476 473 Additional paid-in capital 91,802 90,591 Treasury stock, shares at cost: 20223,903; 20213,851 (113,969) (111,361) Retained earnings 125,656 103,394 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (8,304) (5,897) Total Pfizer Inc. shareholders equity 95,661 77,201 Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests 256 262 Total equity 95,916 77,462 Total liabilities and equity $ 197,205 $ 181,476 See Accompanying Notes. Pfizer Inc. 2022 Form 10-K 49
Taking into account the information outlined in the cash flow statement and the income statement, what is the FY2018 - FY2020 3 year average of capex as a % of revenue for AMD? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place.
ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Operations Year Ended December 26, 2020 December 28, 2019 December 29, 2018 (In millions, except per share amounts) Net revenue $ 9,763 $ 6,731 $ 6,475 Cost of sales 5,416 3,863 4,028 Gross profit 4,347 2,868 2,447 Research and development 1,983 1,547 1,434 Marketing, general and administrative 995 750 562 Licensing gain (60) Operating income 1,369 631 451 Interest expense (47) (94) (121) Other expense, net (47) (165) Income before income taxes and equity income (loss) 1,275 372 330 Income tax provision (benefit) (1,210) 31 (9) Equity income (loss) in investee 5 (2) Net income $ 2,490 $ 341 $ 337 Earnings per share Basic $ 2.10 $ 0.31 $ 0.34 Diluted $ 2.06 $ 0.30 $ 0.32 Shares used in per share calculation Basic 1,184 1,091 982 Diluted 1,207 1,120 1,064 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 49 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Year Ended December 26, 2020 December 28, 2019 December 29, 2018 (In millions) Cash flows from operating activities: Net income $ 2,490 $ 341 $ 337 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 312 222 170 Stock-based compensation 274 197 137 Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs 14 30 38 Amortization of operating lease right-of-use assets 42 36 Loss on debt redemption, repurchase and conversion 54 176 12 Loss on sale/disposal of property and equipment 33 42 27 Impairment of technology licenses 45 Deferred income taxes (1,223) (7) (4) Other 6 (2) (1) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable, net (219) (623) (806) Inventories (417) (137) (151) Receivables from related parties 10 14 (28) Prepaid expenses and other assets (231) (176) (70) Payables to related parties (135) 7 35 Accounts payable (513) 153 212 Accrued liabilities and other 574 220 81 Net cash provided by operating activities 1,071 493 34 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of property and equipment (294) (217) (163) Purchases of short-term investments (850) (284) (123) Proceeds from maturity of short-term investments 192 325 45 Collection of deferred proceeds on sale of receivables 25 71 Other 2 Net cash used in investing activities (952) (149) (170) Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from short-term borrowings 200 Repayments and extinguishment of debt (200) (473) (41) Proceeds from warrant exercise 449 Proceeds from sales of common stock through employee equity plans 85 74 70 Common stock repurchases for tax withholding on employee equity plans (78) (6) (6) Other (1) (1) 5 Net cash provided by financing activities 6 43 28 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash 125 387 (108) Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year 1,470 1,083 1,191 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of year $ 1,595 $ 1,470 $ 1,083 53
What is the FY2018 - FY2020 3 year average net profit margin (as a %) for Apple? Answer in units of percents and round to one decimal place. Answer the question asked by assuming you only have access to information clearly displayed in the P&L statement.
Apple Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts) Years ended September 26, 2020 September 28, 2019 September 29, 2018 Net sales: Products $ 220,747 $ 213,883 $ 225,847 Services 53,768 46,291 39,748 Total net sales 274,515 260,174 265,595 Cost of sales: Products 151,286 144,996 148,164 Services 18,273 16,786 15,592 Total cost of sales 169,559 161,782 163,756 Gross margin 104,956 98,392 101,839 Operating expenses: Research and development 18,752 16,217 14,236 Selling, general and administrative 19,916 18,245 16,705 Total operating expenses 38,668 34,462 30,941 Operating income 66,288 63,930 70,898 Other income/(expense), net 803 1,807 2,005 Income before provision for income taxes 67,091 65,737 72,903 Provision for income taxes 9,680 10,481 13,372 Net income $ 57,411 $ 55,256 $ 59,531 Earnings per share: Basic $ 3.31 $ 2.99 $ 3.00 Diluted $ 3.28 $ 2.97 $ 2.98 Shares used in computing earnings per share: Basic 17,352,119 18,471,336 19,821,510 Diluted 17,528,214 18,595,651 20,000,435 See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Apple Inc. | 2020 Form 10-K | 31
Taking into account the information outlined in the statement of cash flows, how much (in USD millions) did eBay have in depreciation and amortization expense in FY2021?
Table of Contents eBay Inc. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended December 31, 2021 2020 2019 (In millions) Cash flows from operating activities: Net income $ 13,608 $ 5,667 $ 1,786 (Income) loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxes (13,356) (3,180) (353) Adjustments: Provision for transaction losses 422 330 262 Depreciation and amortization 502 583 600 Stock-based compensation 477 417 415 (Gain) loss on investments, net (143) 2 (Gain) loss on sale of business 52 Deferred income taxes (680) 414 7 Change in fair value of warrant (357) (770) (133) Change in fair value of equity investment in Adevinta 3,070 Gain on equity investment in KakaoBank (486) (239) Loss on impairment of equity investment in Paytm Mall 160 (Gain) loss on extinguishment of debt 10 Changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquisition effects Accounts receivable 195 31 (93) Other current assets 41 (677) 91 Other non-current assets 188 141 190 Accounts payable 9 69 (11) Accrued expenses and other liabilities (535) 209 (306) Deferred revenue (17) (20) (1) Income taxes payable and other tax liabilities (15) 27 (90) Net cash provided by continuing operating activities 3,093 3,004 2,416 Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued operating activities (436) (585) 698 Net cash provided by operating activities 2,657 2,419 3,114 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of property and equipment (444) (463) (508) Purchases of investments (22,161) (32,887) (46,966) Maturities and sales of investments 18,884 33,129 50,548 Proceeds from sale of shares in Adevinta 2,325 Settlement of foreign exchange derivative instruments in equity investments 85 Exercise of options under warrant (110) Equity investment in Paytm Mall (160) Other 4 42 (14) Net cash provided by (used in) continuing investing activities (1,417) (179) 2,900 Net cash provided by (used in) discontinued investing activities 5,080 3,973 (113) Net cash provided by investing activities 3,663 3,794 2,787 Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from issuance of common stock 93 90 106 Repurchases of common stock (7,055) (5,137) (4,973) Payments for taxes related to net share settlements of restricted stock units and awards (236) (175) (202) Payments for dividends (466) (447) (473) Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt, net 2,478 1,765 Repayment of debt (1,156) (1,771) (1,550) Net funds receivable and payable activity (208) Other (7) (5) 5 Net cash (used in) continuing financing activities (6,557) (5,680) (7,087) 61
Taking into account the information outlined in the income statement and the balance sheet, what is Corning's FY2018 inventory turnover ratio? Inventory turnover ratio is defined as: (FY2018 COGS) / (average inventory between FY2017 and FY2018). Round your answer to two decimal places.
Index Consolidated Statem ents of Income (Loss) Corning Incorporated and Subsidiary Companies YearsendedDecember31, (Inmillions,exceptpershareamounts) 2018 2017 2016 Netsales $ 11,290 $ 10,116 $ 9,390 Costofsales 6,829 6,096 5,627 Grossmargin 4,461 4,020 3,763 Operatingexpenses: Selling,generalandadministrativeexpenses 1,799 1,473 1,462 Research,developmentandengineeringexpenses 993 864 736 Amortizationofpurchasedintangibles 94 75 64 Restructuring,impairmentandothercharges 77 Operatingincome 1,575 1,608 1,424 Equityinearningsofaffiliatedcompanies(Note5) 390 361 284 Interestincome 38 45 32 Interestexpense (191) (155) (159) Translatedearningscontractloss,net (93) (121) (448) Gainonrealignmentofequityinvestment 2,676 Otherexpense,net (216) (81) (117) Incomebeforeincometaxes 1,503 1,657 3,692 (Provision)benefitforincometaxes(Note4) (437) (2,154) 3 Netincome(loss)attributabletoCorningIncorporated $ 1,066 $ (497) $ 3,695 Earnings(loss)percommonshareattributabletoCorningIncorporated: Basic(Note16) $ 1.19 $ (0.66) $ 3.53 Diluted(Note16) $ 1.13 $ (0.66) $ 3.23 Dividendsdeclaredpercommonshare $ 0.72 $ 0.62 $ 0.54 Theaccompanyingnotesareanintegralpartoftheseconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 2019 Corning Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 75 Index heets Consolidated Balance Sheets Corning Incorporated and Subsidiary Companies December31, (Inmillions,exceptshareandpershareamounts) 2018 2017 Assets Currentassets: Cashandcashequivalents $ 2,355 $ 4,317 Tradeaccountsreceivable,netofdoubtfulaccountsandallowances- $64and$60 1,940 1,807 Inventories,netofinventoryreserves-$182and$169(Note3) 2,037 1,712 Othercurrentassets(Note9and13) 702 991 Totalcurrentassets 7,034 8,827 Investments(Note5) 376 340 Property,plantandequipment,netofaccumulateddepreciation- $11,932and$10,809(Note7) 14,895 14,017 Goodwill,net(Note8) 1,936 1,694 Otherintangibleassets,net(Note8) 1,292 869 Deferredincometaxes(Note4) 951 813 Otherassets(Note9and13) 1,021 934 Total Assets $ 27,505 $ 27,494 Liabilities and Equity Currentliabilities: Currentportionoflong-termdebtandshort-termborrowings(Note10) $ 4 $ 379 Accountspayable 1,456 1,439 Otheraccruedliabilities(Note9and12) 1,851 1,391 Totalcurrentliabilities 3,311 3,209 Long-termdebt(Note10) 5,994 4,749 Postretirementbenefitsotherthanpensions(Note11) 662 749 Otherliabilities(Note9and12) 3,652 3,017 Totalliabilities 13,619 11,724 Commitmentsandcontingencies(Note12) Shareholdersequity(Note15): Convertiblepreferredstock,SeriesAParvalue$100pershare; Sharesauthorized3,100;Sharesissued:2,300 2,300 2,300 CommonstockParvalue$0.50pershare;Sharesauthorized:3.8billion; Sharesissued:1,713millionand1,708million 857 854 Additionalpaid-incapitalcommonstock 14,212 14,089 Retainedearnings 16,303 15,930 Treasurystock,atcost;sharesheld:925millionand850million (18,870) (16,633) Accumulatedothercomprehensiveloss (1,010) (842) TotalCorningIncorporatedshareholdersequity 13,792 15,698 Noncontrollinginterests 94 72 Totalequity 13,886 15,770 Total Liabilities and Equity $ 27,505 $ 27,494 Theaccompanyingnotesareanintegralpartoftheseconsolidatedfinancialstatements. 2019 Corning Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 77
What drove revenue change as of FY2022 for Pepsico?
FLNA Net revenue grew 19%, primarily driven by effective net pricing and a 2-percentage-point contribution from the 53 reporting week
Pepsico's FY2022 revenue change was driven by 19% revenue growth in the FLNA division.
Assume that you are a public equities analyst. Answer the following question by primarily using information that is shown in the balance sheet and the cash flow statement: what is Best Buy's FY2022 operating cash flow ratio? Operating cash flow ratio is defined as: cash from operations / total current liabilities. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Consolidated Balance Sheets $ and shares in millions, except per share amounts January 29, 2022 January 30, 2021 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,936 $ 5,494 Receivables, net 1,042 1,061 Merchandise inventories 5,965 5,612 Other current assets 596 373 Total current assets 10,539 12,540 Property and equipment Land and buildings 671 658 Leasehold improvements 2,160 2,192 Fixtures and equipment 5,419 6,333 Property under finance leases 91 73 Gross property and equipment 8,341 9,256 Less accumulated depreciation 6,091 6,996 Net property and equipment 2,250 2,260 Operating lease assets 2,654 2,612 Goodwill 1,384 986 Other assets 677 669 Total assets $ 17,504 $ 19,067 Liabilities and equity Current liabilities Accounts payable $ 6,803 $ 6,979 Unredeemed gift card liabilities 316 317 Deferred revenue 1,103 711 Accrued compensation and related expenses 845 725 Accrued liabilities 946 972 Short-term debt - 110 Current portion of operating lease liabilities 648 693 Current portion of long-term debt 13 14 Total current liabilities 10,674 10,521 Long-term operating lease liabilities 2,061 2,012 Long-term liabilities 533 694 Long-term debt 1,216 1,253 Contingencies and commitments (Note 13) Equity Best Buy Co., Inc. Shareholders' Equity Preferred stock, $1.00 par value: Authorized - 400,000 shares; Issued and outstanding - none - - Common stock, $0.10 par value: Authorized - 1.0 billion shares; Issued and outstanding - 227.4 shares and 256.9 shares, respectively 23 26 Additional paid-in capital - - Retained earnings 2,668 4,233 Accumulated other comprehensive income 329 328 Total equity 3,020 4,587 Total liabilities and equity $ 17,504 $ 19,067 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 40 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows $ in millions Fiscal Years Ended January 29, 2022 January 30, 2021 February 1, 2020 Operating activities Net earnings $ 2,454 $ 1,798 $ 1,541 Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to total cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 869 839 812 Restructuring charges (34) 254 41 Stock-based compensation 141 135 143 Deferred income taxes 14 (36) 70 Other, net 11 3 21 Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of acquired assets and liabilities: Receivables 17 73 (131) Merchandise inventories (328) (435) 237 Other assets (14) (51) 16 Accounts payable (201) 1,676 47 Income taxes (156) 173 (132) Other liabilities 479 498 (100) Total cash provided by operating activities 3,252 4,927 2,565 Investing activities Additions to property and equipment, net of $46, $32 and $10, respectively, of non-cash capital expenditures (737) (713) (743) Purchases of investments (233) (620) (330) Sales of investments 66 546 322 Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (468) - (145) Other, net - (1) 1 Total cash used in investing activities (1,372) (788) (895) Financing activities Repurchase of common stock (3,502) (312) (1,003) Issuance of common stock 29 28 48 Dividends paid (688) (568) (527) Borrowings of debt - 1,892 - Repayments of debt (133) (1,916) (15) Other, net (3) - (1) Total cash used in financing activities (4,297) (876) (1,498) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash (3) 7 (1) Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (2,420) 3,270 171 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period 5,625 2,355 2,184 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period $ 3,205 $ 5,625 $ 2,355 Supplemental cash flow information Income taxes paid $ 716 $ 442 $ 514 Interest paid $ 22 $ 50 $ 62 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 43
Which debt securities are registered to trade on a national securities exchange under McDonald's name as of FY2022?
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: Title of each class Trading Symbol(s) Name of each exchange on which registered Common Stock, $0.01 par value MCD New York Stock Exchange
There are none
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Dataset Card for Processed FinanceBench

Dataset Description

This dataset is derived from the PatronusAI/financebench-test dataset, containing only the PASS examples processed into a clean format for question-answering tasks in the financial domain.

Dataset Summary

The dataset contains financial questions, their corresponding document contexts, and human-written answers that have been verified as faithful to the source documents.


  • question: The financial question being asked
  • document: The source document containing relevant information
  • answer: The verified answer that is faithful to the document

Dataset Creation

This dataset was created by processing the original PatronusAI/financebench-test dataset, extracting only the examples marked as PASS and reformatting them into a cleaner structure for easier use in question-answering tasks.

Source Data

The original data comes from PatronusAI/financebench-test

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