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502 | glow ' 99 call for papers : glow 1999 the glow 99 colloquium will be organized by the research center for general linguistics ( zas ) in berlin from 29th to 31st march 1999 . the conference will then continue in potsdam on 1st april with parallel workshops organized by the potsdam university and lot ( netherlands graduate school of linguistics ) . themes of the conference main colloquium : universals workshops : phonetics in phonology sources for universals technical aspects of movement calls : the colloquium : universals the search for universals has always been at the center of interest in generative linguistics . fundamental claims about universal properties of language are what we build into the very architecture of the theory of ug : primitives ( features etc . ) , combinatorial operations ( merge ) , the operation ' move ' , interfaces with extralinguistic systems ( lf , pf ) , etc . alongside such formal universals , we also seek substantive universals in inventories , markedness patterns , feature hierarchies etc . such facts may reflect properties of ug itself or derive from extralinguistic sources . recent growth in crosslinguistic study opens new opportunities for extending the empirical base , confirming or challenging old generalizations and establishing new ones . at the same time , recent theoretical developments in both phonology and syntax lead to important questions concerning the formal and / or substantive nature of universals in language , and the quest for the exact sources of variation between languages . in phonology , universals have typically been assumed to exist in many different subcomponents , e . g . features , prosodic constituents . only in recent years , with the emergence of output-based evaluation systems , has the focus of interest in universals shifted to the study of constraints and their interaction . hence new questions arise : are all constraints universal in the sense that they are constitutive of grammar ? should we conceive of constraints as being exhaustive and ordered ? are there universals that constraint orderings have to obey ? are there different domains ( i . e . lexical and postlexical level ) where constraints apply ? are there language-specific constraints ? syntactic theory in the early 80 's assumed principles common to all languages to interact with various types of ' macro-parameters ' : one deep property from which several other properties derive ( e . g . pro-drop parameter ) . later , variation was attributed to ' micro-parameters ' . now , with the emergence of minimalism and optimality , basic issues like what constitutes a universal principle / constraint , and what constitutes a parameter , need to be re-addressed . is there a universal inventory of functional heads / features ? as to the autonomy of , or the division of labour between syntax and morphology : is parametrized variation confined to inflectional systems ? is syntactic variation restricted to the choice of overt or zero realization of a given feature ? if all movement takes place in a single cycle , does variation reduce to the presence of affixes or the lack thereof ? are there universal constraints in morpho-syntax ? moreover , in recent years it has been argued that thematic relations are features . what are their characteristics ? do these have a universal inventory ? could they be parametrized ? many typological-descriptive generalizations await theoretical integration - e . g . greenbergian ' universals ' of word order patterns , cross-categorial harmony effects , etc . in this respect , kayne 's proposal for a universal ordering merely shifts the burden from phrase structure to movement . a guiding heuristic of generative grammar has been that parsimonious ( redundancy-free ) theories are to be preferred ; but minimalism goes further in suggesting that economy is built into ug itself . to what extent can the hypothesis that ug principles instantiate notions of economy be upheld ? in studying ug , we take the external systems with which it interfaces to be invariant in linguistically significant senses across individuals and languages . thus we posit universal interpretation mechanisms ( and uniformity across languages at lf ) , ' universal phonetics ' ( invariant articulatory / perceptual mechanisms ) , a universal parser , etc . ; so that variation is confined to grammars , in particular phonology / morphology and  ; aspects of the lexicon . yet properties of external systems may have far-reaching consequences for our view of ug . as we learn more about them , universals attributed to ug may have to be reassigned . what if ug - compatible grammars determine languages that cannot exist because they are unuseable ( unparseable ; unlearnable ; etc ) ? are there universal patterns in the acquisition process , in parsing strategies , etc . , that can be brought to bear ? the colloquium will consist of 20 talks of 45 minutes each plus discussion . abstracts may not exceed 2 pages with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should employ a font not smaller than 12 pt . they should be sent anonymously in tenfold , accompanied by a camera-ready original with the author 's name , address and affiliation to : glow selection committee c / o artemis alexiadou zentrum fr allgemeine sprachwissenschaft , typologie und universalienforschung jgerstr . 10 / 11 , 10117 berlin germany phone : + 49-30 - 20192404 / 1 fax : + 49-30 - 20192402 e-mail : glow99 @ zas . gwz-berlin . de url : http : / / www . zas . gwz-berlin . de / events / glow / index . htm the workshops 1 . sources for universals recent developments in syntax and phonology such as the minimalist program or optimality theory have led to new insights into the structure of the human linguistic capacity . in the context of such theoretical developments , the conviction has grown that recourse to innate properties of language cannot be the only explanation for the existence of certain generalizations of formal linguistic structure . the idea of the workshop " sources for universals " is to bring together researchers from various fields inside and outside of syntax and phonology in order to identify possible sources for formal universals of natural language . such possible sources could come from the following domains , semantic universals consideration of processing difficulty considerations of laws of historical development for languages considersations of constraints on language acquisition biological constraints in the sense of a " universal grammar " constraints inherent in the computational mechanisms serving language , this list is not meant to be exhaustive . contributions which link formal universals as discussed in recent grammatical models to any of such sources are particularly welcomed . 2 . technical aspects of movement filler - gap dependencies ( fgd ) belong to the most intriguing properties of natural language grammatical theories have to deal with . finding the right approach continues to be a matter of no little controversy . capturing the core properties of fgds , concepts of strictest c-command , which require fillers and their gaps to be immediately attached to the same projection line , arguably possess a high amount of naturalness or simplicity . this type of constraint is directly reflected by linear indexed grammars and has been implemented in the minimalist extension condition on structure building . ( attempts to derive the c-command relation from the minimalist operation merge take this strategy even further . ) yet , head-movement configurations , analyzed as adjunction in the principles and parameters variant of generative grammar , seem to require weaker versions of c-command , such that the adjoined head ' inherits ' the c-command domain of the head adjoined to . it is an open question , whether there are alternatives that do not - one way or the other - employ similar auxiliary devices . as is well known , fgd - patterns ( nested / crossed ) have consequences for the generative power of the grammars describing them . it is not properly understood , however , which devices of which systems capture less orderly patterns best . systems using slash-categories or similar techniques seem to run into considerable difficulty here . feature - lists integrated into a checking theory of movement may be considered one of various alternatives . most recently , the minimalist adoption of the " copy theory of movement " opened up another array of related issues . how , for example , do checking resources get eliminated if each step leading to elimination is preceded by a step of copying these resources ? are copies of np / wh - moved constituents assumed to retain properties of empty anaphors and syntactic variables respectively , or has any reference to empty categories ( e . g . ecp ) and their potential link to binding theory become undefined ? if the latter , could this change be motivated by complexity results concerning the powerful device of free indexation , as employed by gb binding theory ? indeed , a general ban on the use of indices has been accompanying the " copy theory of movement " . this calls for a demonstration how chains , the standard " legitimate lf - objects " , which in alternative versions of syntax are supposed to fully supplant movement , get handled without such devices . primary properties to be defined on chains of copies , for example , would be pf - realizability as well as the distinction between operator , variable , and descriptive content status at lf ( nontrivial consequences for the analyses of qr and acd being directly implied ) . alternatively , it would be helpful to be able to appreciate how far any worked-out proposals deviate from structure-sharing techniques as used in hpsg / lfg ( a . o . ) , index percolation devices from variants of indexed grammar , and other structure generating systems like tree adjoining grammar or categorial grammar . this workshop invites submissions of papers shedding light on the above questions from both technical / formal and linguistic angles . abstracts for both workshops are invited for 45 minute presentations ( plus 15 minutes dicussion ) . they should not exceed one page / 500 words . please send five anonymous copies plus a camera ready original ( with author 's name , address , and affiliation ) to the address specified below . speakers will be partially reimbursed for their expenses on the scale that applies to the colloquium . glow workshops c / o matthias schlesewsky institut fuer linguistik universitt potsdam postfach 60 15 53 d 14415 potsdam germany phone : x49 - 331-977 - 2016 fax : x49 - 331-977 - 2761 e-mail : glow _ workshop @ ling . uni-potsdam . de url : http : / / www . ling . uni-potsdam . de / ik / glow . html 3 . phonetics in phonology invited speakers : edward flemming , donca steriade organizers : carlos gussenhoven , ren kager the workshop is broadly concerned with the relevance of articulatory and perceptual facts for phonological theory . more specifically , it intends to focus on such questions as the extent to which functional factors determine phonological grammars , the status of the distinction between phonological representation and phonetic implementation , the issue of multiple ( articulation-based as well as perception-based ) phonological representations , and the universality and ` groundedness ' of phonological constraints . the workshop will consist of approximately 7 talks of 45 minutes each , followed by 15 minutes of discussion . abstracts may not exceed one page with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should employ a font no smaller than 12 pt . they should be sent anonymously in threefold , accompanied by a camera-ready original with the author 's name , address and affiliation , to glow phonology workshop c / o . ren kager utrecht institute of linguistics / ots trans 10 3512 jk utrecht netherlands phone : + 31-30 - 2538064 fax : + 31-30 - 2536000 deadline for submission of abstracts : december 1 , 1998 submission by fax or e-mail will not be accepted . | Safe Email |
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Legal Practitioners / Notary Public
Blk 804- Law House Building
Lagos-Nigeria.For your kind attention,
It is my humble pleasure to write you this letter irrespective of the fact that you do not know me. However,I am in search of a reliable and trustworthy person that can handle a confidential transaction of this nature.I am BARRISTER ADEWALE COKER, a family lawyer to our former military rule,General Sani Abacha who died suddenly in power some years ago. Since his untimely demise, the family has suffered a lot of harassment from the regimes that succeeded him. The regime and even the present civilian government are made up of Abacha's enemies.Recently, the wife was banned from traveling outside Kano State their home state as a kind of house arrest and the eldest son still in detention.Although, a lot of money have been recovered from Mrs. Abacha since the death of her husband by the present government, there's still huge sums of money in hard currencies that we have been able to move out of the country for safe keeping to the tune of US$50 million.This money US$50 Million is already in North American and if you are interested,we will prepare you as the beneficiary of the total funds,and you will share 25% of the total funds after clearance from the Security Company.Note, there is no risk involved in this project because l am involved as Abacha's confidant.Please you should keep this transaction a top secret and we are prepared to do more business with you pending your approach towards this project.I await your urgent response.Thanks.
Yours FaithfullyBARRISTER ADEWALE COKER.--DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam--
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507 | they were plenty upset about the tea taxes.But the crack down on colonial script certainly screwed over the American Colonies. And, BTW, England as well.Dear Ben Franklin was right for the wrong reasons. First of all the colonies were not prosperous compared to England proper. Second, the issuance of colonial script had nothing to do with full employeement.(In fact, it is almost inconceivable he would make that claim. It sounds like a modern Keynsian was creating an urban legend.)OTOH the lack of sufficient circulating monetary instruments was economically crippling. Imagine trying to buy your supplies by offering IOUs on your own name -- and then trying to market / exchange the paper as the merchant who took the IOU.===========================The most common problem in the world is when a government prints too much money. The effects are a complete disaster. There are a lot of incentives that push governments into doing this even though it is incredibly stupid.So almost all the literature talks about that.But you can ALSO screw an economy over by taking all the money out of circulation. The fundamental cause of the American Great Depression was exactly this, courtesy of the Federal Reserve Board.I don't think shifting the power to print money to the bank of Canada had much effect. And Canada is still a prosperous country. > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Gary > Lawrence Murphy > Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 7:31 AM > To: Mr. FoRK > Cc: [email protected] > Subject: Re: sed /s/United States/Roman Empire/g > > >>>>> "f" == fork list writes: > > f> "Free trade and free markets have proven their ability to lift > f> whole societies out of poverty" I'm not a > f> socio-political/history buff - does anybody have some clear > f> examples? > > China? Ooops, no wait, scratch that. > > There is one counter example that I can think of, but it may not be > precisely "free trade/markets" -- when Ben Franklin first visited > England he was asked why the colonies were so prosperous. Ben > explained that they used "Colonial Script", a kind of barter-dollar, > and increasing the supply of script ensured complete employment. The > British bankers were furious and immediately lobbied parliament to > clamp down on the practice. Within a few years, the colonies were > rife with unemployment and poverty just like the rest of the Empire. > > According to questionable literature handed out by a fringe political > party here in Canada, the Founding Fathers had no real complaint about > tea taxes, it was the banning of colonial script they were > protesting. If this is true, then it comes right back to the forces > that killed Ned Ludd's followers as to why popular opinion believes > they were protesting a tea tax. The same pamphlet claimed that Canada > was also a prosperous nation until, by an act of parliament in the > late-50's or early 60's, the right to print money was removed from the > juristiction of parliament and handed over to the Bank of Canada. > > I've wondered about all this. Certainly the timeline of the collapse > of the Canadian economy fits the profile, but there are oodles of > other causes (for example, spending money like we had 300M people when > we only had 20M) Anyone have any further information on this? > > -- > Gary Lawrence Murphy - [email protected] - TeleDynamics Communications > - blog: http://www.auracom.com/~teledyn - biz: http://teledyn.com/ - > "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." (Picasso) | Safe Email |
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Legal Practitioners / Notary Public
Blk 804- Law House Building
Lagos-Nigeria.For your kind attention,
It is my humble pleasure to write you this letter irrespective of the fact that you do not know me. However,I am in search of a reliable and trustworthy person that can handle a confidential transaction of this nature.I am BARRISTER ADEWALE COKER, a family lawyer to our former military rule,General Sani Abacha who died suddenly in power some years ago. Since his untimely demise, the family has suffered a lot of harassment from the regimes that succeeded him. The regime and even the present civilian government are made up of Abacha's enemies.Recently, the wife was banned from traveling outside Kano State their home state as a kind of house arrest and the eldest son still in detention.Although, a lot of money have been recovered from Mrs. Abacha since the death of her husband by the present government, there's still huge sums of money in hard currencies that we have been able to move out of the country for safe keeping to the tune of US$50 million.This money US$50 Million is already in North American and if you are interested,we will prepare you as the beneficiary of the total funds,and you will share 25% of the total funds after clearance from the Security Compan!
y.Note, there is no risk involved in this project because l am involved as Abacha's confidant.Please you should keep this transaction a top secret and we are prepared to do more business with you pending your approach towards this project.I await your urgent response.Thanks.
Yours FaithfullyBARRISTER ADEWALE COKER.http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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512 | re : ems the best software at the best $ remove instructions below . all remove requests are respectfully immediately the cutting edge of e-mail technology : " express mail server " from imc for only $ 275 for a limited time only ! this is the best of all e-mail programs , we know we have tried them all . if your reading this message , that only proves it works you will not find it anywhere for less you can download a demo for free from our full service web site , complete with step by step instructional tutorial ! visit our web site at : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . on . ca / users / imc ( if you can't log into the site just call us , sometime the site is overloaded with hits ) try before you buy ! we know you will love it ! it 's a bulk e-mailers dream come true , at last ! the same software goes for $ 695 . 00 ! you can also get it for $ 495 . 00 from l . s . enterprises you can call : 808-876 - 1550 and get more information or order a copy today for $ 275 ( for a limited time only ) . or fax your order / info request to : ( 808 ) 878-6869 ( include your name , phone number , e-mail address ) visit our web site at : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . on . ca / users / imc ( if you can't log into the site just call us , sometime the site is overloaded with hits ) we also have 60 million e-mail addresses and an excellent " remove list " service available for only $ 99 . we accept all major credit cards : visa * master card * american express * discover card we can also accept checks by fax ! simply fax your check to : 808-878 - 6869 so do n't hesitate , call today this offer is for a limited time only ! what is express mail server ? express mail server ( ems ) bulk e-mail software is the only thing that works . ems transforms your computer into a personal mail server . with no additional hardware , ems software will give you complete control of your mailings , because the mail you send will originate from your computer and be delivered directly into the mailbox of your recipient . since the mail originates from your computer , it is no longer necessary to use your internet service provider 's mail server . when you use the previous generation stealth or cloaking type programs , they work by uploading your mail to your provider 's mail server . they can also be programmed to send mail through other providers mail servers without authorization ( this is considered theft of service ) . the problem is , the previous generation stealth type programs upload the messages faster than these mail servers can process them . many times this causes a provider 's mail server to bog down and crash . obviously , this will make providers furious with you . furthermore , you may think that you are sending hundreds of thousands of messages , unfortunately , most of it simply gets filtered and deleted by the mail server . you are lucky to get 10 % - 20 % of that mail delivered . with ems software your computer emulates a mail server and you actually control and watch all your mail being delivered piece by piece . there is a 100 % delivery rate with this program anywhere on the internet . we did say 100 % delivery rate to any internet email addresses . a bold claim but it is true . this is the latest technical advance in bulk email since the advent of the stealth type programs . this program verifies domains and validity of email addresses before sending mail . this dramatically reduces your bounced back undeliverables . bounced back undeliverables can sure bog down a server . you can also control where you want any bounced back mail to go . it can go to any email address you want with ems . ems can work with any dial up internet account , ( aol is not considered a dial up internet account ) an isdn line or a t - 1 or t - 3 . it runs on windows 95 or nt . we have not heard of any person losing a dial up account with this software . one reason bulk email is so frowned upon with numerous isp 's ( internet service providers ) is people try to send as much mail as they can , as quick as they can and crash the mail server of the isp . this won't happen with ems software since you do n't since you do n't use the mail server of the isp to send your mail . the program actually sends the mail directly from your computer , which is now , a bona fide mail server , to the recipients mail server avoiding any potential blocks that would prevent you from reaching those on your mailing list . you do not have to " forge " headers or randomize anything to have 100 % of your mail delivered , although the program does allow for randomization and customizing of headers . you can send mail omitting the " to " " from " and " reply to " portions of your headers . want to send out your messages in color . this is not a problem with ems . just select a font color with your mouse , and then click on a background color as well . want to make your font bold or put it into italics , just point and click . want your message centered or shifted left or right , once again just point and click . unlike all of the others , ( which are all the same , but go by different names ) this software is very straightforward and easy to use . if you can log on to aol , you already know more about computers than you 'd need to use ems . we also provide technical support by phone to answer any questions you may have . ems works with any windows 95 or nt computer . it requires no additional hardware or software . the ems software sends at speeds up to 80 , 000 messages per hour delivered using a modest pentium and a 28 . 8 modem . rates will dramatically increase with an isdn or cable modem and of course with a t - 1 they will be even faster . if you want to take advantage of this breakthrough in bulk email technology give us a call on the number below . we do n't plan on repeat mailings for this product so take advantage of this opportunity . the cost to you is $ 275 . 00 ! money well spent if you consider that you can buy stealth ( or the many others like it . . . they all operate the same way ) for $ 400 . you might be happy with stealth if you do n't mind frequent loss of dial-up accounts , and lot of complaints . not getting a lot of your mail delivered due to blocks and crashed mail servers deleting your mail , along with the resulting low response rate from your mailings , all of which defeated the purpose of e-mailing in the first place ! few people are aware of this new technology , so you are already leaps and bounds ahead of any competition . using this , you can sell anything you wish , over and over . also , consider that you may decide to offer a mailing service to others . you ' ve probably gotten e-mails that claim they can send your advertisement e-mail for a cost of $ 200 per 100 , 000 . what most people do n't realize is that only 20 or 30 of the mail they pay these people to get sent actually gets delivered ! this mailing service is very profitable , and using this software , you can advertise that service to millions for free ! we also have cd roms with 60 million addresses to help you start . with your purchase , visit our web site at : http : / / 138 . 27 . 44 . 5 . cearth . on . ca / users / imc ( if you can't log into the site just call us , sometime the site is overloaded with hits ) call i . m . c at : phone : ( 808 ) 876-1550 fax : ( 808 ) 878-6869 and place your order today while supplies last and we ' ll be happy to send you a demo copy and answer any questions you may have . or call us and we will give you our full service web site addresses to be removed from our mailing list or to be added to our " global remove list " simply go to : http : / / www . ctct . com all remove requests are respectfully immediately | Phishing Email |
513 | solicity for business and partnership solicity for business and partnership dear : sir / madam my name is mr willian anderson , chairman of contract award and monitoring committee of the ministry of industry and international trade development , my duty as empowered by the mauritius government is to provide the basic amenities , social recreational activities in urban and rural areas . this program includes assistance to deprived local communities and to co - ordinate projects and development at the national level , furthermore , from this projects we have been able to secured some reasonable amount of u . s . $ 21 . 8 ( twenty one million eight hundred thousand us . dollars only ) as commission from various contractors resulting from over invoicing , hence all the necessary approvals has been completed . these approved funds was packaged and dispatched through a security company for onward delivery to its destination in europe . these funds was first deposited into a security vault before we arrange for its movement to europe through diplomatic channel using decoy purportingthat the fund belongs to an expatriate / company . as we are government officials , we are not allowed to operate foreign bank account . hence we need you to stand as the beneficiary and claim the fund on our behalf from the security company . presently i am now in europe to search for a reliable person / company of high integrity / dignity and one with conscience who will claim this fund on our behalf as the beneficiary , and we have agreed to give you 25 % of the total sum as commission for your assistance / effort and 5 % will be used to settle every expenses incurred , we will use 70 % to invest under your recommendation and guide and go into joint venture business with you . i would greatly appreciate your assistance . i look forward to your response as soon as possible . best regards , mr . willian anderson reply to : williananderson 2 @ netscape . net get tiscali broadband from £ 15 : 99 | Phishing Email |
514 | = ? utf - 8 ? q ? wholly up - to - date vi ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? agta pro - - a best ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? creation of the thi ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? s year ? = feel best fellow with our modern viagta professional | Phishing Email |
515 | investment opportunity . dear friend , you will be surprise to see this message but i got your information through spartanburg , area chamber of commerce usa . my name is howard jones , a chief auditor , during my last auditing in the in london , uk we realized the sum $ 35 . 5 million owned by one patric zuma from egypt who died in a fatal motor accident in nov . 15 , 2004 while he was away on vacation in egypt . all efforts , made to reach the relatives of mr . patric zuma for the past two years , have not yielded any positive result . it was later gathered that mr . zuma ? s divorced wife died some two years ago in gaza . in our last board meeting , the directors jointly decided that mr . zuma ? s money should be included in the annual profit for the year 2005 . since i was the one who introduced mr . zuma to the bank , i objected to the decision and demanded that the fund remains floating in the treasury for another one year to see if we could actually get the relatives of mr . zuma to claim the money . i am seeking your partnership to transfer this funds to your account for your co - operation and assistance i willcompensate you with 25 % 70 % percent for me and 5 % set aside for any saundry expenses . with your consent , we will put up a claim on your behalf as next of kin to mr . zuma , iwill send you all the documents to you . once this is done , the claims & verification dept will have the funds processed and wired to your account , then we can meet to share the money together . please i want you to keep this information very confidential as the exposure of this information might even lead to my life imprisonment or death . if you are not willing to assist me , then i will beg you to still keep the informations secret . let me have your telephone number so that i can reach you if you need me to call you . i look forward to hearing from you soon . i am presently in london on special duties . thank you and regards howard jones alternative e - , mail addres : howard _ jones @ katamail . com | Phishing Email |
516 | empty | Phishing Email |
517 | obligatory clitic doubling hello , does anybody happen to know of languages ( other than albanian and macedonian ) which display obligatory clitic doubling of ( either accusative or dative ) dps ? any reference will be appreciated . please , write to me directly at : dalina . kallulli @ avh . unit . no thank you ! dalina kallulli | Safe Email |
518 | the caiso has asked ferc for permission to delay filing its new congestion management plan until oct . 31 , 2001 the caiso is still talking about a day - ahead and hour - ahead energy market ; day - ahead unit commitment ; and a clearing market for overlapping inc and dec bids . | Safe Email |
519 | internship opportunities dear mr . kaminski , i have found the enrononline project a very interesting one and have enjoyed working with everyone in the research department as well as those from other departments . i am keenly interested in this area and was wondering if there would be any summer internship opportunities . i have attached my resume to this mail for your review and look forward to hearing from you soon . thank you ivy ghose rice mba 2002 - resume . doc | Safe Email |
520 | Dear Justin,
Net Nation IT Recruitment Candidate Update NewsletterOur goal is to help you achieve your companies goals by providing you with
the best candidates on the job market today, with excellent and professional
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Seeking senior IT Sales or Account Manager role. Ref Gn03Software Development: Cathal O Donnell [email protected] Tel: 635 9760Java Developer: 4 years experience developing with Java, EJB, JSP, J2EE, XML
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We have sent you this newsletter with the view that it will be relevant to
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Garry BarcoeNet Nation IT Recruitment
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www.netnation.ie | Phishing Email |
521 | Once upon a time, Manfred wrote :> I would like to install RPM itself. I have tried to get the information
> by visiting www.rpm.org and the related links they
> give but they all seems to assume that RPM already is installed.
> I have a firewall based on linux-2.2.20 (Smoothwall) for private use.
> I would like to install the RPM package/program but there is no
> information how to do this from scratch.
> Found this site and hopefully some have the knowledge.
> Best regards Manfred GroboschWell, you can simply use an rpm tarball (or extract one from a source rpm
on a machine that has rpm scripts install "rpm2cpio | cpio
-dimv" and "./configure && make && make install" as usual. You need db3 or
db4 development files at least, and once everything installed you'll need
to initialize your rpm database.If you need more help, I suggest you join the [email protected] by
subscribing at https://listman.redhat.com/Matthias--
Matthias Saou World Trade Center
------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta
System and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain
Electronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23_______________________________________________
RPM-List mailing list
| Safe Email |
522 | Message Boards DispatchMessages
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function clearTextarea() {
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With all the corporate scandals--such as WorldCom and Enron--surrounding us, who can you trust nowadays? Well, for starters, you can trust the CNET Message Boards. The CNET Message Boards are as real as it gets. When it comes down to giving or receiving honest tech advice, there's no better place to be. In the Boards there are no reviews or tests by professionals, just real, true-life experiences and discussions from people like you and me who share one common interest: the love of today's challenging technology. There are no sneaky execs here or scandals to worry about, so if you have a specific problem or question
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523 | a message from jim jim has visited msn womencentral at http : / / womencentral . msn . com and has asked us to send this message to you so you can check out the following page : maximizing your child ' s brainpower . family advice on womencentral to jump to the page , open your web browser and copy the address exactly as shown . or , if your mail reader supports in - line links , simply click on the address . jim also sent you this message : i thought you may be interested in this . msn womencentral is the one - stop resource that covers every aspect of a woman , s life * from money , career and women , s issues to personal relationships , family , fitness and health . get useful tools , expert advice and peer support for daily living . check us out at http : / / womencentral . msn . com . notices : this message was sent by jim using a message feature on msn womencentral . msn womencentral does not endorse , and has not screened , reviewed or approved the contents of this message from jim . msn does not assume responsibility , and disclaims all liability , for any threatening , libelous , obscene , harassing , fraudulent or offensive materials contained herein , any violation of third party rights arising therefrom or any crime facilitated thereby . | Safe Email |
524 | request from our mexico city office vince do you or someone else down on the trading floor have a copy of this book ricardo can borrow ? ? ? if not any other ideas where i can get it > thx margaret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by margaret carson / corp / enron on 04 / 18 / 2000 04 : 13 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ricardo charvel 04 / 18 / 2000 04 : 02 pm to : margaret carson / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : request margaret , first of all i apologize for not sending you the information to complete the chart that you gave me . i have been travelling because of work and then vacation , maybe i spent 3 or 4 full working days in the office in the last 4 weeks . now that i am going through my to do list i cannot find that page that you gave me . could you please send it to me again ? on the other hand i was wondering if maybe within enron possibly at info central or with one of your friends at the trading desk you could get me a copy of a book titled : chicago board of trade commodity trading manual isbn : 1579580025 publisher : fitzroy dearborn publishers , incorporated pub . date : december 1997 it si not in stock at the dot com libraries and it will take them a long time to deliver . i need this bbok in order to produce a document that steve kean requested from me a couple of weeks ago . thank you very much for your help . best , ricardo | Safe Email |
525 | new line item f . y . i . japanese electricity is the newest item added to the daily position report . a new deal was entered and is reflected on the 1 / 30 / 01 final dpr . it is listed in the enron europe sub - heading , under the enron wholesale services title . kenneth thibodeaux | Safe Email |
526 | i think you might be interested hello , i just found a site called graand . com - a free and safe place on the internet to place classified ads . i thought i should invite you to check it out . regards , walkerczesc , wlasnie znalazlam stronke w internecie graand . com - miejsce w internecie , gdzie mozesz dawac darmowe ogloszenia . pomyslalam , ze cie to zainteresuje . pozdrawiam , walker | Phishing Email |
527 | empty | Safe Email |
528 | URL: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/news/20020913.html
Date: Not suppliedJohn Robb has an interesting perspective on trust-based, targetted advertising
[1] based on his experiences at Gomez during the heady days of the Internet
gold rush. Nobody believes advertisements[2] any more. There's a lot of evidence that
advertising just doesn't work, no matter how targetted, so if you have a
product to sell you have no choice but to get into the editorial side, where
consumers' defenses are lowered. Product placements are one example of this. There is an unfortunate tragedy of the commons, here. When advertising first
rose to prominence, advertisements _did_ work. We hadn't built up our
immunities yet. As more and more advertisers used the opportunity of the medium
to lie, we learned not to trust advertisements. But we still trust editorial.
And once editorial gets polluted by desperate marketers using PR instead
of advertising to promote their message, nobody will believe it either.[1] http://jrobb.userland.com/stories/2002/09/11/trustbasedAdvertising.html
[2] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0060081988/ref=nosim/joelonsoftware
| Safe Email |
529 | INSIGHT NEWS ALERT!A new issue of Insight on the News is now onlinehttp://insightmag.com/news/258763.html...............................................Folks, the summer�s upon us here in the nation�s capital. And, matching the
weather, your representatives are heatedly working to improve the Wall Street
mess. Let�s hope they don�t make it worse. Jennifer Hickey tells all in her
revealing Washington�s Week piece http://insightmag.com/news/258785.html. And Zoli Simon has discovered that the Chinese have targeted Russian cruise
missiles at U.S. ships. Read all about it
http://insightmag.com/news/258778.html. And guess which party is poised to
become a major force in time for the November elections? Hint � It�s not the
Republicans or Democrats http://insightmag.com/news/258781.html. Along with the
usual reliable revelations and opinions described below. �Bye for now. >>From the
Bunker, I remain your newsman in Washington................................................CHINA ARMS FOR WARZoli Simon writes that China's acquisition of cruise-missile weapons systems
from Russia poses a clear and present danger to U.S. naval forces � and to the
American homeland as well.http://insightmag.com/news/258778.html...............................................WASHINGTON�S WEEK � ON THE LEGISLATIVE WARPATHJennifer Hickey tells us as investor anger registered more clearly with each
downward tick of the stock markets, legislators engaged in an indelicate
parliamentary exchange of whoops about arcane congressional rules while they
danced and ululated to mutual charges of chicanery.http://insightmag.com/news/258785.html...............................................TAX CODE TRAUMAJohn Berlau tells us that experts contend that simplifying the U.S. tax code
would do more to cut down on corporate-accounting chicanery than the
introduction of still more regulations and criminal penalties.http://insightmag.com/news/258763.html ======================================== Is Bin-Laden the Pawn of China?On September 11, 2001, a Chinese Peoples Liberation Army transport aircraft from
Beijing landed in Kabul with the most important delegation the ruling Taliban
had ever received. They had come to sign the contract with Afghanistan that
Osama bin-Laden had asked for, that would provide the Taliban state of the art
air defense systems in exchange for the Taliban's promise to end the attacks by
Muslim extremists in China's north-western regions. Hours later, CIA Director
George Tenet received a coded "red alert" message from Mossad's Tel Aviv
headquarters that presented what he called a "worst case scenario" -- that China
would use a ruthless surrogate, bin-Laden, to attack the United States. In
SEEDS OF FIRE, Gordon Thomas asks the question: In the war on terror, is China
with us or against us? Click here:
http://www.conservativebookservice.com/BookPage.asp?prod_cd=C5969&sour_cd=INT003901 ========================================AUSTRIA CONFRONTS ITS DARK NAZI PASTKen Timmerman writes that as a government commission prepares to release an
inventory of property stolen from Jews by the Nazis, a new tide of anti-Semitism
is sweeping the country.http://insightmag.com/news/258764.html...............................................�PARTY OF PRINCIPLE� GAINING GROUNDDoreen Englert says, once an afterthought on the U.S. political landscape, the
Libertarian Party steadily has increased both in numbers and influence since its
founding 30 years ago.http://insightmag.com/news/258781.html...............................................CHURCH EXPLORES �HARD CHANGE�Jennifer Hickey writes that seeking to repair its severely damaged reputation
and begin the healing process, the Catholic Church takes steps to implement a
nationwide policy on sexual abuse.http://insightmag.com/news/258761.html
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530 | hi all,I'm looking to get my hands on
either Doom I or II for my PC.
Unfortunately I cannot access
IDSoftware's site because of
the silly web-filtering system
in place here.Does anyone know where I can
buy a copy of Doom (which I will
be running on Linux...) online?
Last time I asked in Game they laughed
at me ;]I would ask to swap for Linux software
but that wouldn't be ethical or legal.
Hence the purchasing question.Regards,
Irish Linux Users' Group Social Events: [email protected]
http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/social for (un)subscription information.
List maintainer: [email protected]
| Safe Email |
531 | save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . ciaiis has a iot of advantages over viaqra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with alcohoi ! we ship to any country ! get it riqht now ! . | Phishing Email |
532 | re : 5 . 1250 language acquisition / analogy / pragmatics yes indeed , be careful when you star a sentence , you may be sentencing a star , does have meaning ! a passerby one evening in brentwood several weeks ago witnessed a cruel double murder , but his testimony , in very broken english , required the services of a professional linguist to interpret . the latter was n't sure what to make of " i see there once o . j . simpson not . " , so he starred the sentence . the result is [ future ] history ! - - jules levin 8 - ) | Safe Email |
533 | URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-4,8279860,215/
Date: 2002-09-26T15:44:55+01:00*The Northerner:* Subscribe to our free email round-up of the best of the
northern English press.
| Safe Email |
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To be removed, please
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535 | re : still got some bits to fill in forgot saguoro ( sold it last week ) - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : sunday , september 30 , 2001 10 : 36 pm to : lavorato , john subject : still got some bits to fill in but here is where we got to . > | Safe Email |
536 | etymo-dicts i ' m amazed and shocked that in his 2nd summary of etymological dictionaries , se rme 's again failed to mention under caucasian ( or anywhere else ) the incomparab le ( or is it incompatible ? ) : g . a . klimov . etimologicheskij slovar ' kartvel 's kix jazykov . 1964 . moskva : izdatel 's tvo akademii nauk cccp ( i mean sssr ) . [ etymological dictionary of the kartvelian languages - all four of them ! ] | Safe Email |
537 | heisser fetish mann war das ein wochenende ! geile schlampen in lack und leder , fesselungen . atemberaubender sex unter extremen bedingungen . wow , da ging aber einer ab . sowas habe ich noch nie gesehen . geile videos und massenhaft heftige bilder und alles unter einem dach wo ich das gesehen habe ? na hier : http : / / www . netporni . com g?nn dir mal das vergn?gen michi nay | Phishing Email |
538 | new product ! cialis soft tabs . hi ! we have a new product that we offer to you , c _ i _ a _ l _ i _ s soft tabs , cialis soft tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking about . soft tabs acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours of viagra action ! the active ingredient is tadalafil , same as in brand cialis . simply disolve half a pill under your tongue , 10 min before sex , for the best erections you ' ve ever had ! soft tabs also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them ) . you can get it at : http : / / www . getthatpills . com / soft / no thanks : http : / / www . getthatpills . com / rr . php | Phishing Email |
539 | re : nom change - effective oct 26 , 2000 ; sg marshall - hpl meter 98 - 6296 deal # 126281 has been revised as noted below . bob suzanne _ saldivar @ eogresources . com on 10 / 26 / 2000 11 : 09 : 11 am to : rcotten @ enron . com cc : subject : nom change - effective oct 26 , 2000 ; sg marshall - hpl meter 98 - 6296 due to loss of production from the sg marshall wells , a nom change from 5 , 200 mmbtu / d to 4 , 300 will be effective oct 26 , 2000 . please call me ( 713 ) 651 - 6858 with any questions . thanks ! | Safe Email |
540 | On Sun, 21 Jul 2002 15:12:11 -0400, che wrote:> > > > The server mentioned above works again now :)!
> > >
> > > Any problems with the rpm's they provided?
> >
> > #redhat 7.3
> > rpm http://apt.sunnmore.net gnome2 73
> > rpm-src http://apt.sunnmore.net gnome2 73
> >
> > #redhat 7.2
> > rpm http://apt.sunnmore.net gnome2 72
> > rpm-src http://apt.sunnmore.net gnome2 72
> >
> > thats the correct lines to be added to sources.list for the repository
> >
> > i just did a apt-get install gnome-session its still progressing :)
> >
> after apt-get install gnome-session
> i did another apt-get upgrade (25 more packages) and it works now... i am in gnome 2.0 wohooooo :) looks very great very "tidy" only error message i got was about a mixer applet on login (no biggie to me) even the old sawfish still works. yet its great and works cant say anythign negative yet :)
> just btw. if someone knows any other nice repositorys please post em :). Does it work more than once? Failed to fetch http://apt.sunnmore.net/gnome2/filename-here.rpm
404 Not Found
:) Server problems? Or is this a way to limit bandwidth?------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brian Fahrländer Linux Zealot, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN My Voyage: http://www.CounterMoon.com
ICQ 5119262
I don't want to hear news from Isreal until the news contains the words
"Bullet", "Brain", and "Arafat"._______________________________________________
RPM-List mailing list
| Safe Email |
541 | re : charm you are welcome to have soneone on the charm team contact vince kaminski at 713 - 853 - 3848 . thanks again . " bertil olsson " on 04 / 24 / 2001 01 : 40 : 06 pm to : james . l . bouillion @ enron . com cc : " carl groth " , " kenneth risko " subject : re : charm jim , thanks for the feed - back . to assist in the further development of the product , are there any specific areas your group would like to see improved ? based on comments made during our meeting , it sounded like your main concern was whether or not charm would have the capacity to cover the very different and complex risk areas that your company is involved in . would you mind if someone from our charm group called you or mr . kaminski for some specific comments ? regards , bertil james . l . bouillion @ enron . com on 04 / 24 / 2001 01 : 35 : 09 pm to : bertil olsson / hou / us / wcg @ wcg cc : bcc : subject : re : charm bertil , i again wish to thank you for the presentation on the charm product . the response from the group is that the model requires more work before enron could consider it as a commercial product . please keep me advised as i assume that you will continue to develop the model . james l bouillion 04 / 11 / 2001 06 : 50 am to : " bertil olsson " @ enron cc : subject : re : charm ( document link : james l bouillion ) no word yet . i will follow up with the attendees . thanks for taking thje time to make the presentation . " bertil olsson " on 04 / 10 / 2001 04 : 07 : 11 pm to : james . l . bouillion @ enron . com cc : subject : re : charm jim , any feed - back on our meeting ? we certainly appreciated the opportunity and the fact that the meeting was very interactive . regards , bertil the information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and may be privileged . if you are not the intended recipient , please destroy this message , delete any copies held on your systems and notify the sender immediately . you should not retain , copy or use this email for any purpose , nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person . the information in this email and in any attachments is confidential and may be privileged . if you are not the intended recipient , please destroy this message , delete any copies held on your systems and notify the sender immediately . you should not retain , copy or use this email for any purpose , nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person . | Safe Email |
542 | Is Your Credit A Mess?
Do you want Perfect Credit again?
Wouldn't it be nice to easily get loans for cars, boats, and houses?We have the Solution!! ONLINE CREDIT REPAIR!!! Now you can clean up and repair your bad credit online from the convenience
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Its been called the #1 program for fixing bad credit!Click
Here for FREE information Now!
email address was obtained from a purchased list, Reference # 1010-11002.Â
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543 | cut 20 / d into midcon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 19 / 2000 08 : 45 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 19 / 2000 08 : 24 : 42 am to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : cut 20 / d into midcon ( see attached file : hpl - jan . xls ) - hpl - jan . xls | Safe Email |
544 |
Thank you for your interest!
Judgment Courses offers an extensive Audio training
course in
"How to Collect Money Judgments"
. S6 If you are like many people, you are not even sure what a
Money Judgment is and
why processing Money Judgments
can earn you very substantial income
.If you ever sue a company or a person and you win then you
will have a Money Judgment against them.You are happy you won but you will soon find out the
shocking fact: "Its now up to you to collect on the
Judgment". The court does not require the loser to pay you.
The court will not even help you. You must trace the loser
down, find their assets, their employment, bank accounts,
real estate, stocks and bonds, etc.Very few people know how to find these assets or what to do
when they are found. The result is that millions of
Judgments are just sitting in files and being forgotten."In 79% of the cases the winner of a Judgment never sees a
dime."The non-payment of judicial debt has grown to epidemic
proportions. Right now in the United States there is
200 and 300 billion dollars of uncollected Money
Judgment debt
. For every Judgment that is paid, 5 more
Judgments take its place.We identified this massive market 8 years ago and have
actively pursued Judicial Judgments since. We invented this
business. We have perfected it into a well proven and solid
profession in which only a select few will be trained in the
techniques necessary to succeed.With our first hand experience we have built a course which
teaches you how to start your business in this new unknown
and exciting field of processing Money Judgments.By following the steps laid out in our course and with
reasonable effort you can become very successful in the
processing of Money Judgments.The income potential is substantial in this profession.
have associates who have taken our course and are now
working full time making $96,000.00 to over $200,000.00 per
year. Part time associates are earning between $24,000.00
and $100,000.00 per year
. Some choose to operate out of
their home and work by themselves. Others build a sizable
organization of 15 to 25 people in attractive business
offices.Today our company and our associates have over 126
million dollars in Money Judgments that we are currently
processing. Of this 126 million, 25 million is in the form
of joint ventures between our firm and our associates.
Joint ventures are where we make our money. We only break
even when our course is purchased. We make a 12% margin on
the reports we supply to our associates. Our reporting
capability is so extensive that government agencies, police
officers, attorneys, credit agencies etc., all come to us
for reports.
Many of our associates already have real estate liens in
force of between 5 million to over 15 million dollars.
Legally this means that when the properties are sold or
refinanced our associate must be paid off. The norm is 10%
interest compounded annually on unpaid Money Judgments.
Annual interest on 5 million at 10% translates to
$500,000.00 annually in interest income, not counting the
payment of the principal.Our associates earn half of this amount or $250,000.00 per
year. This is just for interest, not counting principle
and not counting the compounding of the interest which can
add substantial additional income. Typically companies are
sold for 10 times earnings. Just based on simple interest
an associate with 5 million in real estate liens could sell
their business for approximately 2.5 million dollars.
92% of all of our associates work out of their home; 43%
are women and 36% are part time
.One of the benefits of working in this field is that you are
not under any kind of time frame. If you decide to take off
for a month on vacation then go. The Judgments you are
working on will be there when you return. The Judgments
are still in force, they do not disappear.The way we train you is non-confrontational. You use your
computer and telephone to do most of the processing. You
never confront the debtor. The debtor doesn't know who you
are. You are not a collection agency.Simply stated the steps to successful Money Processing
are as follows:Mail our recommended letter to companies and individuals
with Money Judgments. (We train you how to find out who
to write to)8% to 11% of the firms and people you write will call you
and ask for your help. They call you, you don't call them
unless you want to.You send them an agreement (supplied in the course) to
sign which splits every dollar you collect 50% to you and
50% to them. This applies no matter if the judgment is for
$2,000.00 or $2,000,000.00.You then go on-line to our computers to find the debtor
and their assets. We offer over 120 powerful reports to
assist you. They range from credit reports from all three
credit bureaus, to bank account locates, employment
locates, skip traces and locating stocks and bonds, etc.
The prices of our reports are very low. Typically 1/2 to
1/3 of what other firms charge. For example we charge
$6.00 for an individuals credit report when some other
companies charge $25.00.Once you find the debtor and their assets you file
garnishments and liens on the assets you have located.
(Standard fill in the blanks forms are included in the
course)When you receive the assets you keep 50% and send 50% to
the original Judgment holder.Once the Judgment is fully paid you mail a Satisfaction of
Judgment to the court. (Included in the course)Quote's from several of our students:Thomas in area code 516 writes us: "I just wanted to drop
you a short note thanking you for your excellent course.
first week, part time, will net me 3,700.00 dollars
. Your
professionalism in both the manual and the video opened
doors for me in the future. There's no stopping me now.
Recently Thomas states he has over $8,500,000 worth of
judgments he is working on.After only having this course for four months, Larry S. in
area code 314 stated to us: "
I am now making $2,000.00 per
and expect this to grow to twice this amount within the
next year. I am having a ball. I have over $250,000 in
judgments I am collecting on now."After having our course for 7 months Larry S. in 314 stated
I am now making $12,000.00
per month and have approximately
$500,000.00 in judgments I am collecting on. Looks like I
will have to hire someone to help out"Marshal in area code 407 states to us "I feel bad, you only
charged me $259.00 for this course and it is a goldmine. I
have added 3 full time people to help me after only having
your course for 5 months">From the above information and actual results you can see
why we can state the following:With our course you can own your own successful business.
A business which earns you substantial income now and one
which could be sold in 3-5 years, paying you enough to
retire on and travel the world. A business which is
extremely interesting to be in. A Business in which every
day is new and exciting.None of your days will be hum-drum. Your brain is
Challenged. A business, which protects you from Corporate
Downsizing. A business which you can start part time from
your home and later, if you so desire, you can work in full
time. A business, which is your ticket to freedom from
others telling you what to do. A business, which lets you
control your own destiny. Our training has made this happen
for many others already. Make it happen for you!If the above sounds interesting to you then its time for you
to talk to a real live human being, no cost or obligation
on your part.
Please call us at 1_406_652_0194
.We have
Customer Support staff available to you from 8:00am to
9:00pm (Mountain Time) 7 days a week
. If you call this number
you can talk to one of our experienced Customer Support personnel.
They can answer any questions you may have - with no obligation.
Sometimes we run special pricing on our courses and combinations
of courses. When you call our Customer Support line they can let
you know of any specials we may be running. If you like what you
read and hear about our courses, then the Customer Support person
can work with you to place your order. We are very low key. We
merely give you the facts and you can then decide if you want to
work with us or not.Thank you for your time and interest.
T h i s message i s produced a n d sent out by:
Universal S.y.s.t.e.m.s.
To be dropped form our mailing list please email us at
[email protected] call us toll free at 1=888=605=2485
and g i v e us y o u r email a d d r e s s or w r i t e us a t:
*Central*DB*Processing, PO: Box:1200, O r a n j e s t a d, Aruba
| Phishing Email |
545 | shy amateur slut on camrea how ' re you doing ? shy amateur tenes nude love is like an hourglass , with the heart filling up as the brain epmties . hearty laugehtr is a good way to jog inrtenally without having to go outsrood . do not judge , and you will nveer be mistakne . ko ke fee naa 92 tlinedx kjoparok am mournabadey | Phishing Email |
546 | URL: http://boingboing.net/#85482211
Date: Not suppliedRobert L Forward, a giant of hard science fiction, has died at 70 of brain
cancer. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Michael[3]!_)[1] http://www.plokta.com/pnn/stories.php?story=02/09/23/1517277
[2] http://www.quicktopic.com/boing/H/UcZdn6NE74aGQ
[3] http://www.michaelbernstein.com/weblog/
| Safe Email |
547 | v foorever hello , welcome to pha russian rmonline sho inwove p - one of the leading oniine pharmace clonus utical shops affective v eventual g a intercommunication l exterminate ll l severely a r altruist ac anticlimax l booster is victor va u aggregate m andmanyother . - save o gryphon ver 50 % - worldwide gripsack shlpplng - total confidentiaii hayrick ty - over 5 miiiion customers in 130 count puerile ries spontaneity have a nice day ! | Phishing Email |
548 |
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| Phishing Email |
549 | Eugene Leitl:
>Users don't like entering passphrases when sending email.If you're using the mail client on your personal
machine, there's no reason you would need to enter
a passphrase, unless that is part of how you secure
the data on your personal machine. You're private
key is as secure as any other data on your machine.
If you're working remotely, you already have to
enter a passphrase to get to your email.
Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.comhttp://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
| Safe Email |
550 | sanchez oil & gas - 20 , 000 / d , harris county , texas daren , sanchez oil & gas has 3 wells ( their highlander wells ) connected to hpl at meter no . 98 - 9760 . these wells are flowing approx . 20 , 000 / d and sanchez would like to have a bid for the gas beginning december 1 for 1 year . their term will be up w / hpl then . can we get a transport bid from hpl to wherever you need the gas and i can buy it at receipt point less their transport or we can buy it at the meter . i know the rate will not be " pretty " , but there are other reasons sanchez may prefer to have enron buy their gas . let ' s discuss at your convenience . ( there is no rush now , buit i ' d like to be looking at it in the next month ) . thanks . | Safe Email |
551 | any med for your girl to be happy ! your girl is unsatisfied with your potency ? don ' t wait until she finds another men ! click here to choose from a great variety of llcensed love t @ bs ! best pri $ es , fast shippinq and guaranteed effect ! here you buy it riqht from warehouse ! the store is verified by bbb and approved by visa ! | Phishing Email |
552 | sap id - here it is ! ! ! ! ! the following sap id and password allows you to access pay , benefit , and personal data via ehronline . do not provide this id / password to anyone as it enables modification to direct deposit account information . the sap system and ehronline will be available beginning friday , june 23 at 8 : 00 am for time entry . full sap functionality for financials will be available on july 5 , 2000 . you will be asked to change your password at the initial logon . your new password should meet the following criteria : must be 6 - 8 characters long can include numbers and letters can not include ' enron ' in your password . the system will require you to change your password every 90 days . the following address will connect you to ehronline beginning friday , june 23 at 8 : 00 am , http : / / ehronline . enron . com ( must use internet explorer , version 4 . 01 or higher to access this link . ) how do i get help ? : sap support : call the coe sap hotline at 713 - 345 - 4 sap ( 4727 ) . for quick reference tools , security request processes , after hours contact information and other general information , go to the coe web site via internet explorer using the following url address : http : / / sap . enron . com / coe for troubleshooting and go - live tips , go to the following web site , via internet explorer , using the following url address : http : / / sap . enron . com / coe click on sap , then click on troubleshooting and go - live tips training : contact your site manager if you were not able to attend a sap training class , and would like to attend one , for approval and role assignment . for interactive web based training for ehronline time entry , go to the following web site , via internet explorer , using the following url address : select the " new users click here to register " link | Safe Email |
553 | empty | Phishing Email |
554 | japanese power market another article i thought you might find interesting . regards , eugenio review of energy policies kicks off asahi shimbun april 25 , 2000 a government advisory panel on monday embarked on a comprehensive review of energy - related policies . ` ` we want to come up with feasible policies and at the same time clearly present reasons for those policies , ' ' yoichi kaya , a professor emeritus at the university of tokyo , told a meeting of the coordination subcommittee under the advisory committee for energy , an advisory panel to minister of international trade and industry takashi fukaya . kaya chairs the subcommittee . the nuclear development policy , including the government ' s goal for building new nuclear power plants , is expected to be a focus of the discussions . a spate of nuclear accidents have made construction of plants increasingly difficult , and the nation ' s power suppliers have reduced the number of new nuclear power plants expected to be in operation by fiscal 2010 from 20 to 13 . the subcommittee , set up for the first time in about 10 years , is made up of about 30 members , and members of anti - nuclear nongovernmental organizations have been included for the first time . some members told monday ' s meeting that the government must stop taking the nuclear development policy for granted and seriously look into the possibility of introducing renewable energy , such as wind and solar power . also on the agenda will be energy saving measures . energy consumption in the residential and commercial sector , made up of homes and offices , and in the transportation sector , which includes cars and trucks , has almost doubled over the past 25 years . at monday ' s meeting , many members stressed the need to change public consciousness toward the use of energy . miti plans to present studies on how life would be affected by compulsory energy saving measures such as automatically turning off air conditioners at certain temperatures or vehicle engines when they are idle . | Safe Email |
555 | URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-3,8688977,215/
Date: 2002-10-09T03:15:13+01:00*Media:* Move could lead to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation being outvoted on
major board decisions.
| Safe Email |
556 | [email protected] (Justin Mason) writes:> Actually, I want to avoid that -- I've already removed spamproxyd
> from the distro for 2.40. Here's why:
> When they're in the distro, *we* have to support them -- which is
> not necessarily a good thing when we didn't write them in the first
> place, or when the coder in question may not *want* us to maintain
> them. :(I would be in favor of creating new SpamAssassin CVS modules and
Bugzilla categories for other clients (provided there is sufficient
interest and a maintainer).Dan | Safe Email |
557 |
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558 | associate and analyst program contacts associate and analyst programs ( the & programs 8 ) are administered globally . listed below is the contact information for the offices that utilize the programs . please do not hesitate to contact the individuals identified with any questions , placement needs or hiring needs . houston / portland / australia celeste roberts , program director . manages the daily operations . her assistant is dolores muzzy and can be reached at ext . 3 - 6245 . ginger gamble . overall responsibility for associate recruiting . candidates interested in the associate program can forward their inquiries and resumes to ginger at ebl 191 . ginger can also be reached at ext . 3 - 7583 or by e - mail at ginger . b . gamble @ enron . com . shelly jones . overall responsibility for analyst recruiting . candidates interested in the analyst program can forward their inquiries and resumes to shelly at ebl 175 . shelly can also be reached at ext . 3 - 0943 or by e - mail at shelly . jones @ enron . com . jana giovannini . responsible for operations and expenses . jana can be reached at ext . 3 - 9233 or by e - mail at jana . giovannini @ enron . com . jana is located at ebl 187 . shannon rodgers . responsible for associate rotations . associates and hiring managers who need information on rotations and associate availability should contact shannon at extension 3 - 3853 or by e - mail at shannon . rodgers @ enron . com . shannon is located at ebl 186 a . elizabeth boudreaux . responsible for analyst rotations . analysts and hiring managers who need information on rotations and analyst availability should contact elizabeth at ext . 3 - 6176 or by e - mail at elizabeth . boudreaux @ enron . com . elizabeth is located at ebl 186 b . argentina / bolivia / brazil miguel padron . responsible for associate and analyst rotations , operations and expenses . his assistant is rosely nassar and can be reached at 5503 - 1243 . disneau santiago . responsible for associate and analyst recruitment . disneau , s assistant is marlene muniz and can be reached at 5503 - 1244 . calgary dawn doucet . responsible for associate and analyst recruiting and rotations . candidates interested in either the associate or analyst programs can forward their inquiries and resumes to dawn in the calgary office . dawn can be reached at ( 403 ) 974 - 6724 , the fax number is ( 403 ) 974 - 6985 or by e - mail at dawn . doucet @ enron . com . london elizabeth barrett , director of european program . she can be reached at + 44 20 7783 7701 . sophie kingsley . responsible for day to day management of the european program , both pre / post hire , including associate and analyst rotations and international transfers . sophie can be reached at + 44 20 7783 7975 or by e - mail at skingsley @ enron . com . india ranen sengupta and dick liebert . responsible for associate and analyst recruiting and rotations . candidates interested in either the associate or analyst programs can forward their inquiries and resumes to ranen sengupta or dick liebert . ranen can be reached at ext . 6 - 7967 and his e - mail is ranen . sengupta @ enron . com . dick leibert , s extension is 6 - 7145 and his e - mail is dick . liebert @ enron . com . | Safe Email |
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563 | enron mentions usa : wrapup 1 - credit quality in broad decline as defaults soar . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 usa : u . s . firms say deals with enron at normal levels . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 enron bonds stabilize but market players are concerned capital markets report - 10 / 29 / 01 enron ' s stock continues slide on credit woes associated press newswires - 10 / 29 / 01 uk : uk power mkt focuses on prompt after low peak deal . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 usa : update 2 - enron says in talks with banks for new credit line . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 usa : trade idea - junk rating not likely for enron . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 usa : enron shares drop to near seven - year lows . reuters english news service - 10 / 29 / 01 enron long - term ratings all placed on review for downgrade - moody ' s afx news - 10 / 29 / 01 enron shares fall after moody ' s cuts credit rating ( update 6 ) bloomberg - 10 / 29 / 01 enron ' s lenders to demand harsher terms , analysts say ( update 2 ) bloomberg - 10 / 29 / 01 enron credit cut by moody ' s ; cp rating put on review ( update 3 ) bloomberg - 10 / 29 / 01 enron may be royal dutch / shell takeover target , newsletter says bloomberg - 10 / 29 / 01 insiders at electric utilities showing their faith thestreet . com - 10 / 29 / 01 a debacle like enron ' s can undermine the entire market realmoney . com - 10 / 29 / 01 moody ' s downgrades enron ' s debt enron asking banks for more credit cbsmarketwatch . com - 10 / 29 / 01 enron goes begging forbes . com - 10 / 29 / 01 in these challenging times , enron deserves our thanks houston chronicle - 10 / 29 / 01 usa : wrapup 1 - credit quality in broad decline as defaults soar . 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . ( wraps financial - creditquality - moodys and financial - defaults - s & p ) by jonathan stempel new york , oct 29 ( reuters ) - corporate credit quality will likely grow much worse before it gets better , and about $ 100 billion of corporate debt will likely go into default this year as the united states heads into recession , according to reports issued on monday by two top credit rating agencies . moody ' s investors service said it put ratings on review for downgrade for 122 u . s . companies with $ 543 billion of debt in the third quarter , dwarfing the 22 companies with $ 66 billion of debt it put on review for upgrade . reviews are a leading indicator of the direction of corporate credit . " a wide excess of rating reviews for downgrade over upgrades in the third quarter suggests credit deterioration will persist at least into early next year , " said john puchalla , moody ' s senior economist . meanwhile , standard & poor ' s said more than 200 companies will default on about $ 100 billion of debt this year , compared with 117 defaulting on a record $ 42 . 3 billion in 2000 . it said the default rate for junk bonds - those rated " bb - plus " or lower by s & p and " bal " or lower by moody ' s because of their credit risks - will reach 9 . 4 percent by year end . moody ' s forecasts a 10 percent rate . " the u . s . economy is clearly in a recession , " said s & p chief economist david wyss in a statement . " although standard & poor ' s expects it to be relatively mild and end in early 2002 , the risk of a longer and deeper downturn is high . " both agencies said the sept . 11 attacks contributed to a deepening of a three - year slump in corporate credit quality . moody ' s blamed 38 reviews for downgrade in september alone on the attacks . costs rise , protection weakens u . s . corporate credit quality is falling for many reasons . these include the weakening economy , the inability of many marginal companies to raise cash at tolerable interest rates , share buybacks , debt - financed merger activity , and fallout from the attacks on such industries as airlines , insurance and travel . " many companies in financial difficulties will see their funding sources dry up and be pushed over the brink , " said david keisman , managing director at s & p risk solutions . even well - known companies are suffering rating declines . on monday alone , for example , s & p downgraded mcdonald corp . after the world ' s largest fast - food chain said it will buy back up to $ 5 billion of stock , at a time s & p said the company ' s " growth prospects for the future are less optimistic . " meanwhile , moody ' s downgraded enron corp . , and warned it may downgrade it again . the energy trading giant is struggling with vanishing investor confidence , reflected in a share price that has plunged by more than half in two weeks , as it tries to keep access to cash it needs to run its business . puchalla said the credit quality decline could slow next year , in part because interest rates are low and companies are managing their balance sheets more conservatively . " lower borrowing costs and slowing debt growth should reduce debt servicing costs , and fiscal stimulus from the federal government should boost business revenues , " he said . still , through friday , moody ' s has said in the fourth quarter it may downgrade 47 companies , and upgrade just four . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : u . s . firms say deals with enron at normal levels . by andrew kelly 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . houston , oct 29 ( reuters ) - major u . s . wholesale natural gas and electricity traders said on monday their deals with troubled enron corp . are still running at normal levels . but some are keeping a wary eye on the company ' s finances and credit status after a downgrade by one of the major rating agencies . " we certainly are very well aware of what our exposure is to them and watching that on a daily basis , " chief executive marce fuller of atlanta energy marketer mirant corp . told reuters . " at this point , i would categorize it as pretty much as business as usual with enron , but we ' ll have to keep a close eye on it as we move forward , " said fuller . officials at companies such as houston natural gas firm el paso corp . and columbus , ohio , utility holding company american electric power co . inc . expressed similar sentiments , saying nothing had changed in their dealings with the houston - based energy company , at least for the time being . " we continue to trade with them , " said spokeswoman jennifer pierce of charlotte - based utility duke energy corp . . " they ' ve always been meticulous in their credit management and we continue to see that with them , " she added . enron ' s shares fell to yet another new low on monday as the company said it was lobbying banks for a new credit line and rating agency moody ' s investor service downgraded the company ' s senior unsecured debt to two notches above junk - bond status . since oct . 12 enron ' s stock has fallen some 60 percent after the company reported its first quarterly loss in over four years , wrote down shareholders ' equity by $ 1 . 2 billion dollars and failed to quell investors ' jitters about a series of complex off - balance - sheet financial deals . confidence crumbles analysts say that if confidence in enron continued to crumble , it could restrict the company ' s access to credit and thus create problems for its core energy trading operations . european energy industry sources told reuters earlier on monday that there was already evidence of european companies shying away from trading with enron because of credit worries . several large energy groups have frozen their dealings with enron in europe as they hold urgent talks with the u . s . group about setting up new credit arrangements , the sources said . " they are talking with us about bank letters of credit , " said the head of risk management at one u . k . utility that halted its trade with enron last week . " the people that are still trading with them are doing so on a very restrictive basis . " traders in the u . s . wholesale energy markets said on monday that they were continuing to deal with enron and still regard the company as a reliable trading partner . " i don ' t have any problems dealing with enron , especially since i ' m doing day - ahead trades . but i have heard the rumors of people not wanting to deal with them , " one natural gas trader in the u . s . southeast told reuters . a trader who specializes in longer - term deals in the forwards market for electricity said publicity about enron ' s woes had not yet led to any loss of market liquidity . " obviously there ' s a concern , but the financial situation is not a factor now , " the trader said . despite the public words of reassurance that many of them have been speaking , enron ' s major competitors and trading partners continue to monitor the situation closely . " any time a counterparty starts looking like their credit rating is deteriorating , then that would certainly be a signal to us to become more worried , " said mirant ' s fuller . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron bonds stabilize but market players are concerned by michael c . barr of dow jones newswires 10 / 29 / 2001 capital markets report ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . ) new york - ( dow jones ) - uncertainty about enron corp . ( ene ) continues to dog investors concerned about the future of the houston - based energy services company . " it ' s such a fluid situation that the market would like to see a clarification of the company ' s circumstances , " said eric bergson , portfolio manager , northern trust global investments , chicago . until this occurs , the outlook for the company ' s bonds is choppy , he added . enron drew down about $ 3 billion in credit lines last week to increase cash reserves and calm jittery markets , buying back its outstanding commercial paper . and , it ' s currently negotiating with its bank group for an additional $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in new credit , according to a report in monday ' s wall street journal . enron ' s troubles began earlier this month with the announcement of a $ 618 million third - quarter loss and the disclosure of a $ 1 . 2 billion erosion of investor equity related to transactions conducted with its former chief financial officer , andrew fastow . " the company did not learn from the mistakes of others by not being ahead of the game on disclosure , " said mitch stapley , portfolio manager and chief fixed income officer , fifth third investment advisors , grand rapids , mich . it becomes harder to regain investors ' trust , he said . moody ' s investors service lowered the company ' s senior unsecured long - term debt rating monday to baa 2 from baal . the debt is rated triple - b - plus by standard & poor ' s corp . , with a negative outlook . fitch also maintains a triple - b - plus rating and it placed the debt on rating watch negative late last week . both fitch and moody ' s cited negative investor reaction to recent company developments . and moody ' s added that its " analysis of the developing situation will focus on management ' s success in lining up further liquidity support and on their ability to retain credit availability from their major counterparties . " one money manager said he was concerned " about the fallout and its impact on the company ' s ability to trade " energy . the company ' s bonds already have suffered as a result of the uncertainty . the bonds with a 6 . 40 % coupon maturing in 2006 were offered at a dollar price of 80 on friday . many investors believe that the 80 dollar price point is a demarcation separating high - yield debt from distressed debt levels . the company ' s bonds improved a little on monday , to about an 83 dollar price . " i ' m seeing offerings but no bids , " said harold rivkin , principal , h . rivkin 201 - 938 - 2008 ; michael . barr @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron ' s stock continues slide on credit woes 10 / 29 / 2001 associated press newswires copyright 2001 . the associated press . all rights reserved . houston ( ap ) - enron corp . ' s stock slid to new lows on monday , pushed down in part by moody ' s investors service announcing a possible downgrade of the company ' s credit rating pending a review . the downgrade came as enron negotiates with banks to establish new credit lines as the largest u . s . natural gas and power marketing company struggles to bounce back from disappointing third quarter earnings and a scandal over losses stemming from partnerships managed by the company ' s former chief financial officer . in trading monday afternoon on the new york stock exchange , enron shares were down nearly 9 percent , or dlrs 1 . 38 a share , at dlrs 14 . 02 - their lowest level in nearly seven years . a year ago , enron stock sold at nearly dlrs 85 a share . enron ' s efforts to acquire more credit came after the houston - based company last week decided to cash in about dlrs 3 billion in revolving credit it has with various banks to shore up investor confidence . " we are in discussions about new credit lines , " enron spokeswoman karen denne said monday . " we ' re taking action to restore investor and market confidence . " denne would not disclose how much credit the company was seeking . but the wall street journal quoted unidentified sources who said the amount is between dlrs 1 billion and dlrs 2 billion and that the deal is close to being completed . denne said of the dlrs 3 billion in credit enron cashed in last week , dlrs 2 billion of it was used to pay short term debt . currently , there are no plans for the other dlrs 1 billion , she said . moody ' s on monday placed all of enron ' s long term debt obligations on review for downgrade , citing " substantially reduced valuations in several of its businesses . " on oct . 16 , enron reported a net loss of dlrs 638 million in the third quarter , taking a one - time charge of dlrs 1 . 01 billion attributed to investment losses , troubled assets and unit restructurings . enron ' s stock was hammered over the next week as it became apparent some of those losses were tied to partnerships managed by enron ' s former chief financial officer , andrew fastow . concerns about a potential conflict of interest touched off an inquiry by the securities and exchange commission . enron ousted fastow last week . moody ' s said in a press release the " magnitude of the announced charges will reduce enron ' s equity base and increase nominal financial leverage to somewhat over 50 percent while slashing earnings . " copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . uk : uk power mkt focuses on prompt after low peak deal . 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . london , oct 29 ( reuters ) - interest in britain ' s electricity markets focused on the prompt after the sale of peak power at an unexpected low price tugged other prompt contracts lower . traders said the market was surprised by the sale of day ahead peak power for efa blocks three and four , from 0700 to 1500 , at 13 . 50 pounds per megawatt hour which they said was below coal - or gas - fired power stations ' operating cost . " it was an interesting day . it was hard to believe someone could sell at those prices - it ' s below marginal costs , " said one trader . day ahead baseload opened relatively firm at 19 . 50 / 20 . 50 pounds but slipped during the day to around 18 pounds and was traded at about 17 . 56 pounds after the low peak trades . traders said the forward curve was quite with contracts ending slightly lower . attention focused on troubled u . s . energy trader enron with european companies shying away from dealing with the utility because of credit concerns . several large energy groups have frozen their dealings with enron as they hold urgent talks with the u . s . group about setting up new credit arrangements . enron is one of the largest traders in the uk market but traders said it was too early see any impact on liquidity . " friday and monday tend to be quieter anyway - it ' s hard to tell if there ' s any effect from enron , " said one trader . enron in london declined to comment on the situation . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : update 2 - enron says in talks with banks for new credit line . 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . ( changes paragraph 1 , adds background details and byline , updates stock price ) by david howard sinkman new york , oct 29 ( reuters ) - energy trading giant enron corp . , its shares in a new free - fall to near seven - year lows , said on monday it is seeking additional credit to bolster investor confidence after tapping about $ 3 billion in credit last week . enron , the nation ' s biggest energy trader , declined to comment on the size of the credit line , which banks it is in talks with or when it expects to complete an agreement on the new credit line . " we want to restore investor and market confidence and nothing instills confidence like cash , " said enron spokesman mark palmer in houston , referring to company efforts to secure new credit . company shares again tumbled on monday , shedding $ 1 . 57 , or 10 . 13 percent , to $ 13 . 93 in midday trade on the new york stock exchange . once a wall street darling , the stock has tumbled more than half in price since enron released earnings two weeks ago , losing about $ 15 . 1 billion in market capitalization as investors fretted about the transparency of off - balance sheet transactions . moody ' s investors service on monday cut enron ' s senior unsecured debt rating to two notches above junk status , and warned it may cut it again , as well as its rating for enron ' s commercial paper . rating agency standard & poor ' s on thursday revised its outlook for enron ' s ratings to " negative " from " stable . " enron ' s credit - worthiness has a direct affect on the price it pays to take out loans , and the perception among its trading partners on the company ' s ability to make good on trades . moody ' s said enron is suffering from deteriorating financial flexibility since it announced big write - downs and equity charges from previously undisclosed partnership investments . it said this triggered " difficulties in rolling over commercial paper . " industry sources on monday said several large energy companies in europe are shying away from trading with enron amid concerns about the company ' s credit status . sign of weakness enron shares have tumbled since the company reported its first - quarterly loss in more than four years on oct . 16 . the company also wrote down $ 1 . 2 billion in equity , including transactions with partnerships formerly run by its chief financial officer who was forced to step down from enron last week . the sell - off was sparked by investor concern about the transparency of the transactions , which the securities and exchange commission is examining . enron last week replaced cfo andrew fastow as part of efforts to restore investor confidence . the wall street journal reported monday the size of the credit line enron is negotiating is between $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion . enron said it drew down about $ 3 billion in credit lines last week , and has a net cash liquid position in excess of $ 1 billion . however , many industry observes see the request by enron , which has about $ 63 . 4 billion in energy assets , for an additional credit as a sign of weakness . " clearly , both the stock and bond market view enron as being in dire straits , " said independent research firm gimme credit analyst carol levenson , who specializes in high grade corporate bonds . " we are not of the opinion that drawing down all of one ' s backup bank lines is a demonstration of financial strength , but instead it ' s an act of desperation . " copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : trade idea - junk rating not likely for enron . 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , oct 29 ( reuters ) - a collapse of market confidence could hurt the credit quality of energy trading giant enron corp . , but its bonds are not likely to end up in junk territory , fixed - income research service gimmecredit said on monday . moreover , enron ' s bonds could be undervalued if the company ' s off - balance - sheet obligations amount to no more than $ 3 billion , as reported , gimmecredit said . " worst case , enron doesn ' t look like a junk credit , " gimmecredit analyst carol levenson said . " but perception is all , and clearly both the stock and bond markets view enron as being in dire straits . " enron ' s bonds fell sharply on friday after the energy giant drew down about $ 3 billion from a credit line and said it was in talks with its banks to obtain a new multibillion - dollar credit line . the company ' s stock has lost more than half of its value in the last two weeks as investors questioned off - balance - sheet transactions between the company and two limited partnerships run by former chief financial officer andrew fastow . the u . s . securities and exchange commission is looking into those transactions for possible conflicts of interest . " we admit management ' s financial disclosure remains woefully inadequate , " gimmecredit said . " however , botched investor communication does not necessarily equate to illegal or fraudulent behavior . " still , enron ' s move last week to draw down all of its backup bank lines was " an act of desperation , " gimmecredit said . the move eventually may lead to renegotiated bank agreements , which could be more expensive and restrictive and could also subordinate the position of bondholders , it said . " on the plus side is our belief that management will do everything in their power to preserve the company ' s investment - grade ratings , " the firm said . another positive is a precedent the rating agencies set with kmart corp . in the mid - 1990 s , when they tried to avoid being the cause of a company ' s financial downfall , gimmecredit said . moody ' s investors service on monday cut enron ' s senior unsecured rating to " baa 2 " from " baal " and kept it on review for further downgrade . moody ' s said its actions were prompted by deterioration in enron ' s financial flexibility since the company announced significant write - downs and equity charges in previously undisclosed partnership investments . last thursday , standard & poor ' s revised its outlook on enron to negative while affirming its " bbb - plus " long - term rating . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . usa : enron shares drop to near seven - year lows . 10 / 29 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . new york , oct 29 ( reuters ) - enron corp . shares fell to their lowest level in almost seven years in early trade on monday following news that north america ' s largest natural gas and electricity trader was considering tapping additional credit lines to ease financial concerns that have sent its stock slumping more than 50 percent in the past two weeks . enron shares were down $ 1 . 55 , or 10 percent , to $ 13 . 95 on the new york stock exchange . the shares have not been under $ 14 since december 1994 . earlier , the credit - rating agency moody ' s investor service placed all long term - debt obligations of enron under review for downgrade following the company ' s announcement of significant write - downs and charges , reflecting substantially reduced valuations in several of its businesses . moody ' s said the actions affect enron ' s broadband operations , its merchant portfolio , and the azurix water company holdings . last week enron shares lost almost $ 14 billion in market value as a series of piecemeal disclosures about the company ' s involvement in complex partnerships began to trickle out . many industry observers see enron ' s request for additional credit , after the company tapped its banks for $ 3 . 3 billion last week , as a sign a weakness . " we are not of the opinion that drawing down all of one ' s backup bank lines is a demonstration of financial strength , but instead . . . it ' s an act of desperation , " said carol levenson , an analyst with independent research firm gimmecredit . com . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron long - term ratings all placed on review for downgrade - moody ' s 10 / 29 / 2001 afx news ( c ) 2001 by afp - extel news ltd new york ( afx ) - moody ' s investors service said it placed all the long - term debt obligations of enron on review for downgrade following the company ' s announcement of significant write - downs and charges , reflecting substantially reduced valuations in several of its businesses . the magnitude of the announced charges will reduce enron ' s equity base and increase nominal financial leverage to somewhat over 50 pct while slashing earnings , moody ' s said in a statement . the company ' s previously announced sale of portland general , however , will result in cash proceeds approximating 1 . 8 bln usd which management is earmarking for debt reduction . in addition , the sale will remove approximately 1 bln usd of debt obligations from enron ' s balance sheet . however , moody ' s noted that , while this transaction will go a long way to help restore enron ' s balance sheet , it requires regulatory approval and is likely to take up to a year to complete . enron has a baal senior unsecured rating . lj for more information and to contact afx : www . afxnews . com and www . afxpress . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron shares fall after moody ' s cuts credit rating ( update 6 ) 2001 - 10 - 29 16 : 46 ( new york ) enron shares fall after moody ' s cuts credit rating ( update 6 ) ( adds bondholder quote and background on commercial paper . ) new york , oct . 29 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . shares declined a ninth day as moody ' s investors service lowered its credit rating , raising concern the largest energy trader would be cut off from raising the cash it needs to fund day - to - day operations . moody ' s lowered enron ' s senior unsecured long - term debt ratings to ` ` baa 2 , ' ' two levels above junk , from ` ` baal ' ' and also placed the houston - based company ' s ` ` p - 2 ' ' rating for commercial paper on review for downgrade . moody ' s may downgrade enron ' s commercial paper rating , which would make it harder for the firm to borrow the short - term cash needed to run its trading businesses . ahead of a potential cut , enron took out bank lines to repay $ 2 billion in commercial paper last week , largely removing itself from that borrowing arena . ` ` they ' ve pretty much already written off coming to the commercial - paper market , ' ' said shannon bass , who holds enron bonds in the $ 50 million he helps manage at pacific investment management co . ` ` the real issue now is trying to get their house in order . ' ' pimco is ` ` well underweight ' ' enron bonds relative to bond benchmarks the portfolios are matched to , bass said . shut out companies such as xerox corp . , which was shut out of the commercial - paper market a year ago before its credit ratings were reduced , were forced to borrow on bank credit lines to access cash . investors in commercial paper , borrowings due in nine months or less , also stopped buying motorola inc . and lucent technologies inc . short - term debt , forcing the firms to restructure borrowing , sell assets , and find alternative financing sources that typically cost more . enron shares plunged $ 1 . 59 , or 10 percent , to $ 13 . 81 , continuing a slide that dates back to oct . 17 , when enron reported $ 1 . 01 billion in losses from investments outside its business of energy trading . the stock traded near $ 90 in september 2000 and touched a seven - year low of $ 13 . 55 today . enron has lost more than $ 50 billion in market value this year . on dec . 31 , the company had a market capitalization of $ 62 . 7 billion . today , the market value was $ 10 . 5 billion . deterioration while enron shares have sank about 60 percent in a week , its bonds are down about 20 percent . a company ' s stock typically falls faster than its debt because bondholders have first claim on assets after bank loans are paid . the company ' s 6 . 4 percent bonds maturing in 2006 fell 4 cents to 80 cents on the $ 1 of face value after the moody ' s downgrade . yields have risen to 12 . 1 percent , up from 10 . 8 before that downgrade , traders said . the bonds were trading at 100 cents the week before . moody ' s said the cut was prompted by the ` ` deterioration in enron ' s financial flexibility ' ' since the write - downs and charges . the partnership investments had not been disclosed before this month , which ` ` led to a substantial loss in investor confidence , ' ' according to moody ' s . ` ` a credit downgrade will be punitive as far as their borrowing power , ' ' said joe correnti , who follows enron for wayne hummer investments llc in chicago . ` ` that ' s not a good place for them to be . they have somewhat aggressive expansion plans . ' ' enron ' s recent woes had many investors factoring in a credit - rating reduction . ` ` this move was anticipated , ' ' said mike dineen , who holds enron bonds in the $ 5 billion of fixed - income assets he helps manage at mony life insurance co . there are about $ 15 . 8 billion of enron bonds outstanding , almost $ 9 billion of which comes due between 2003 and 2006 , according to bloomberg data . cash needed last week , enron ousted chief financial officer andrew fastow after the u . s . securities and exchange commission asked for information about transactions he conducted for partnerships he headed . in august , jeff skilling quit as enron chief executive , eight months after taking the position , and chairman ken lay moved back into the position . enron is trying to get $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in loans from citigroup inc . , j . p . morgan chase & co . and other banks to calm investors , the wall street journal reported . the company ' s stock has plummeted 57 percent since oct . 17 , when fastow ' s partnerships were disclosed . enron uses its investment - grade credit rating to borrow money for the cash it needs every day to settle commodities trades and to keep trading partners . ` ` when you act as a middleman you need high credit ratings . it ' s likely their trading volumes will go down ' ' as other energy and financial firms seek higher - rated trading partners , said sean egan , managing director at egan - jones ratings co . , which gives enron ' s credit a junk grade of ` ` bb + . ' ' enron ' s long - term ratings outlook was changed last week to negative from stable by standard & poor ' s . s & p affirmed the firm ' s rating of ` ` bbb + ' ' , the equivalent of moody ' s ` ` baal ' ' . ` ` we have been split - rated before and it did not affect our growth , ' ' said karen denne , a spokeswoman for houston - based enron . ` ` we are still investment grade . ' ' enron ' s lenders to demand harsher terms , analysts say ( update 2 ) 2001 - 10 - 29 16 : 08 ( new york ) enron ' s lenders to demand harsher terms , analysts say ( update 2 ) ( updates with closing share price in last paragraph . ) houston , oct . 29 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , which can ' t get low - interest , short - term loans , faces skeptical lenders who will demand increasingly harsher terms as the largest energy trader tries to get cash in the bank , credit analysts said . ` ` anyone providing new funding is going to be nervous , ' ' said sean egan , managing director at egan - jones ratings co . ` ` it ' s likely that lenders are going to demand collateral . ' ' enron is trying to get $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in loans from citigroup inc . , j . p . morgan chase & co . and other banks to calm investors after a 52 percent drop in the company ' s stock since oct . 17 , the wall street journal reported . the company needs cash every day to settle commodities transactions and to keep trading partners . the company on thursday tapped $ 3 . 3 billion in bank credit lines last week to pay off about $ 2 billion in commercial paper , or short - term corporate loans . a week ago , the enron said the u . s . securities and exchange commission had began an inquiry into related - party transactions . they cost the company $ 35 million and $ 1 . 2 billion in lost shareholder equity . ` ` banks are in the driver ' s seat , and enron is a little desperate , ' ' said peter petas , a debt analyst at creditsights inc . ` ` i think their interest rates for loans would go up . ' ' sells assets for cash companies in enron ' s situation often agree to other bank terms in order to secure loans , petas said . those can include agreeing to use proceeds from selling assets to pay debt and putting up assets as collateral . enron is attempting to sell assets to raise cash . two related partnerships , osprey and marlin , depend on selling power plants and similar assets to repay $ 3 . 3 billion borrowed to buy the plants . enron may have to pay any difference between the debt and sales proceeds . the company plans to complete the $ 2 . 9 billion sale of portland general electric , an oregon utility , to northwest natural gas co . next year . shares of houston - based enron fell $ 1 . 59 , or 10 percent , to $ 13 . 81 . the stock has tumbled 82 percent in the past 12 months . enron may be royal dutch / shell takeover target , newsletter says 2001 - 10 - 29 13 : 31 ( new york ) houston , oct . 29 ( bloomberg ) - - the royal dutch / shell group , the second - largest publicly traded oil company , may be interested in buying enron corp . , which has seen its stock price plunge in the last two weeks , industry newsletter power finance cp rating put on review ( update 3 ) 2001 - 10 - 29 12 : 29 ( new york ) enron credit cut by moody ' s ; cp rating put on review ( update 3 ) ( adds yield data in fourth paragraph ; adds moody ' s comments in sixth and seventh paragraphs . ) new york , oct . 29 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . ' s credit rating was cut by moody ' s investors service after the largest energy trader wrote down the value of its assets because of losses from private partnerships . moody ' s also said it may downgrade enron ' s commercial paper rating , which could make it harder for the company to borrow the short - term cash it needs to run its trading business in the future . the company borrowed from banks to repay $ 2 billion in commercial paper last week . ` ` this move was anticipated , ' ' said mike dineen , who holds enron bonds in the $ 5 billion of fixed - income assets he helps manage at mony life insurance co . enron ' s 6 . 4 percent coupon notes due in 2006 fell as much as 4 cents to bid at 80 cents on $ 1 of face value after the moody ' s downgrade , traders said . the bonds tumbled from about par value a week ago . yields have risen to 12 . 1 percent , up from 10 . 8 before that downgrade , traders said . shares of enron fell as much as $ 1 . 85 , or 12 percent , to $ 13 . 55 . moody ' s lowered the senior unsecured long - term debt ratings of enron to ` ` baa 2 , ' ' two levels above junk , from ` ` baal . ' ' the ratings company said they may be lowered further . moody ' s placed the company ' s ` ` p - 2 ' ' rating for commercial paper on review for downgrade . moody ' s said the cut was prompted by the ` ` deterioration in enron ' s financial flexibility ' ' since the write - downs and charges . the partnership investments had not been disclosed before . enron ' s recent disclosures have ` ` led to a substantial loss in investor confidence , ' ' moody ' s said in its news release . cash needed enron reported $ 1 . 01 billion in losses this month from investments outside its business of trading commodities such as electricity and natural gas . chief financial officer andrew fastow quit as the u . s . securities and exchange commission asked for information about transactions he conducted for partnerships he headed . enron is trying to get $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in loans from citigroup inc . , j . p . morgan chase & co . and other banks to calm investors , the wall street journal reported . the company ' s stock has plummeted 57 percent since oct . 17 , when the partnerships were disclosed . enron uses its investment - grade credit rating to borrow money for the cash it needs every day to settle commodities trades and to keep trading partners . ` ` enron definitely depends on higher ratings , ' ' dineen said . enron ' s long - term credit ratings outlook was changed last week to negative from stable by standard & poor ' s . s give me a call at 1 - 800 - 862 - 8686 between 3 and 4 p . m . moody ' s downgrades enron ' s debt enron asking banks for more credit lisa sanders cbsmarketwatch . com 10 / 29 / 01 new york ( cbs . mw ) - shares of enron fell further monday after moody ' s investors service downgraded enron ' s long - term debt a notch . enron , which hit a 52 - week high of $ 84 . 88 on dec . 29 , was well on its way to another year low monday . heading for a ninth straight day of losses , enron shed more than 9 percent , or $ 1 . 41 , to $ 13 . 99 . the stock was again the most active mover on the new york stock exchange as close to 28 million shares had changed hands . moody ' s said it cut the senior unsecured long - term debt to baa 2 from baal , and the ratings remain on review for potential additional downgrades . the action follows enron ' s reported $ 1 . 01 billion charge in the third quarter and was driven by the expectation of further write - downs and the swift deterioration of the company ' s financial picture , said stephen moore , vice president at moody ' s . " however , we do feel the move enron made to draw down their revolvers to pay off their commercial paper was a smart business move , " said stephen moore , vice president at moody ' s . the rating agency said it would review the prime - 2 rating on enron ' s commercial paper . last thursday , enron announced it had tapped its lines of credit to provide more than $ 1 billion in cash liquidity and that would it use $ 2 billion to pay down commercial paper . the decision to pay off the commercial paper , he said , accomplishes two goals . " it increases liquidity on a short - term basis , and additionally , it enables them to focus on other areas they need to focus on right now , " moore said . " they are working on setting up an additional facility for further capital to support their wholesale trading business . " karen denne , an enron spokesperson , confirmed monday that the company is in discussions with banks for further financing . additional credit would help boost enron ' s liquidity position . the lingering concern for moody ' s is that there " yet may be something else out there that gets to the credibility issue of enron itself , " moore said . at the heart of the credibility issue are two limited partnerships - - lmj and lmj 2 - created in 1999 by former cfo andy fastow and since dissolved . enron ousted fastow last week . see related story . " the market was unaware , " of the existence of the partnerships , moore said . " quite frankly , we don ' t think there is anything else , " he said . " but enron is huge , and if this could happen . . . there is a lingering concern that something else might happen . we cannot confirm or deny that this is true . we will be meeting soon with them to resolve issues such as these . " moore said the meeting could come as soon as this week . " should the wholesale trading business and the counterparties therein become impacted by these events , that could lead to the slowing growth of the wholesale business , the enron engine , " he said . moody ' s action monday also negatively affected the ratings on two trusts - - marlin water trust and osprey , which have combined debt of $ 3 . 2 billion . marlin is now rated baa 2 , while osprey carries a new rating of baa 3 , both down a notch . the potential issue for the trusts may be " how much equity enron would have to issue if the sale of the underlying assets alone isn ' t enough to pay off the debt . " enron is anticipating using the proceeds from the sale of assets to meet its obligation . lisa sanders is a dallas - based reporter for cbs . marketwatch . com . enron goes begging forbes . com staff , forbes . com , 10 . 29 . 01 , 11 : 40 am et new york - enron said this morning that it is in talks with banks for additional credit , as declining investor confidence sent its stock to a six - year low and several large energy groups put their dealings with enron on hold . last thursday , the energy trader drew down about $ 3 billion from a credit line , causing its bonds to fall sharply on friday . enron ( nyse : ene ) has been scrambling to reassure investors and business partners since oct . 16 - - after the company reported its first quarterly loss in more than four years . the $ 638 million loss included $ 1 . 01 billion in charges on ill - fated investments . a week later , it disclosed that the u . s . securities and exchange commission had asked for information on partnerships run by chief financial officer andrew fastow and other executives . fastow was forced to step down from the company last week . the turmoil makes it clearer than ever that enron ' s problems weren ' t solved by the recent departure of chief executive jeffrey skilling . in these challenging times , enron deserves our thanks houston chronicle , october 28 , 2001 by bill white enron and its employees have blessed houston , and many houstonians should now take the time to say " thanks " when the company has experienced some highly publicized challenges . enron attracted thousands of great people to houston and changed houston ' s economy forever . the company ' s management encouraged their employees to be active citizens , and those folks responded by making a big difference in their community . enron ' s lead in shaping a nationwide market for electricity gave birth to a multibillion - dollar new industry , with houston as its hub . even while it competed hard to win in the marketplace , enron ' s example helped show other natural gas pipeline and trading firms how to move into the even bigger market of electricity . the downtown concentration of these firms - - industry leaders including reliant , dynegy , el paso and duke energy - - led london ' s financial times to refer to louisiana street as the wall street of electricity . this explosive growth attracted bright young people - - with the average age of enron employees at under 35 - - and they in turn helped fuel an explosion in residential growth in houston ' s downtown . this , in turn , helped revitalize downtown ' s retail and restaurant scene . enron ' s construction of a large class a office tower , still going up , is a milestone in houston ' s growth , an official end to more than a decade of large amounts of vacant office space . virtually every civic or charitable activity in houston learned to count on enron for both financial support and thousands of hours of invaluable volunteer activities . if enron or its chairman , ken lay , led a visionary effort , such as hosting the meeting of g 7 trade ministers , or more recently the private funding of the houston biotechnology center , houstonians knew it would be done right . without lay our town would have lost major league baseball and status as a big league town . employees know enron set a standard for hiring and promoting employees based on their potential , with no glass ceilings . women have run large divisions and subsidiaries . many military officers find that enron called on their talents after illustrious military careers , even at ages well past normal corporate entry level . the most highly recruited young people flock to a company that invests heavily in their training and then lets them rise as far and fast as their talent and ability to work hard would allow them . enron ' s corporate success reflects the stories of so many of its employees who have lived the american dream . with the habits of work learned on a family farm in missouri , ken lay got an education ending with a graduate degree at the university of houston , served his country in government and began a career in the gas pipeline business . when northern natural gas acquired the smaller houston natural gas , northern ' s chairman surprised folks by installing lay as his successor . i was at northern ' s headquarters in omaha the week after the merger 16 years ago when northern ' s chairman reassured folks that they could count on " best young executive in the business , ken lay , " to direct their future in a changing marketplace . within 15 years , most of enron ' s revenues and profits came from businesses that did not even exist when lay had taken over , all of which had been created from within the firm . this success did not diminish the farm boy decency and sense of fairness that attracted top talent to his team . enron rewarded innovation , while many firms afraid to alter the old formula wondered why their leadership eroded . year after year , top executives throughout the country voted enron our nation ' s most innovative corporation . enron recognized , even when financial markets do not , that innovative firms are secure enough to accept occasional failure and the inevitable price of other successes . rather than seeking insulation from the international marketplace , as had many american businesses , enron welcomed the challenge of the international market , confident that american firms could compete and win . enron also welcomed the challenge of responsible environmental stewardship , and called on industry to address the issue of global warming even as some companies feared the impact of pollution control on their bottom line . enron ' s phenomenal success created incredible and perhaps unreasonable expectations , as early this year when the stock market valued the company based on 20 percent annual growth , forever . enron ' s size and success made it a convenient target for politicians in california and india , even as enron supplied the electricity they so needed . sometimes it seemed the company ' s upstart origins as the david battling utility goliaths delayed the firm ' s perception that it had won and no longer played the role of an underdog . and so if enron experiences problems , it will learn from them , just as strong people do . let ' s not prejudge enron ' s current challenges . the more than a decade of my life that was dedicated to trying cases against companies who hurt consumers and investors taught me both to insist on the truth but never to jump to premature conclusions based on a headline or a news story . throughout its years of success , enron folks have never forgotten to find so many ways to make the firm ' s hometown of houston a better place to live and work . as enron enters a new phase of its life , let ' s not forget to express thanks and steady support . white is a houston business executive and civic leader and former government official , with no relationship to enron . | Safe Email |
564 | Joseph S. Barrera III:
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>half the pages I look at have ads on them anways ..I didn't mind the ads. The problem is that the ad
server Opera puts on your machine is a PIG. Every
time it goes to change the ad, it thrashes my
laptop for thirty seconds. So no, I don't mind
the ad, but I do mind that serving ads cripples
the browser.Alas, Mozilla is also a PIG. So I'm back to using
IE, which seems to be the only free, reasonably
featured browser that runs decently on my laptop.
I'm open to alternatives .._________________________________________________________________
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565 | [Neale Pickett]
> I hacked up something to turn WordInfo into a tuple before pickling,That's what WordInfo.__getstate__ does.> and then turn the tuple back into WordInfo right after unpickling.Likewise for WordInfo.__setstate__.> Without this hack, my database was 21549056 bytes. After, it's 9945088
> That's a 50% savings, not a bad optimization.I'm not sure what you're doing, but suspect you're storing individual
WordInfo pickles. If so, most of the administrative pickle bloat is due to
that, and doesn't happen if you pickle an entire classifier instance
directly.> So my question is, would it be too painful to ditch WordInfo in favor of
> a straight out tuple? (Or list if you'd rather, although making it a
> tuple has the nice side-effect of forcing you to play nice with my
> DBDict class).
> I hope doing this sort of optimization isn't too far distant from the
> goal of this project, even though README.txt says it is :)
> Diff attached. I'm not comfortable checking this in,I think it's healthy that you're uncomfortable checking things in with> + # XXX: kludge kludge kludge.comments .> since I don't really like how it works (I'd rather just get rid of
> But I guess it proves the point :)I'm not interested in optimizing anything yet, and get many benefits from
the *ease* of working with utterly vanilla Python instance objects. Lots of
code all over picks these apart for display and analysis purposes. Very few
people have tried this code yet, and there are still many questions about it
(see, e.g., Jeremy's writeup of his disappointing first-time experiences
today). Let's keep it as easy as possible to modify for now. If you're
desparate to save memory, write a subclass?Other people are free to vote in other directions, of course . | Safe Email |
566 | re : 1 / 2 day kevin , i ' m scheduled to attend the quarterly new - hire orientation all day on 16 march . i had planned to work the morning rush and then go over there . can we cover the noon and 2 : 00 p . m . tasks ? sam kevin g moore @ ect 03 / 10 / 2000 07 : 51 am to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , william smith / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : 1 / 2 day goodmorning shirley , reminder : i have a doctor ' s appointment on the 16 th of march . my appointment is for 11 : 30 am . i plan to leave around 11 : 00 a . m . thanks kevin moore | Safe Email |
567 | Good Day!On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 05:10:47PM -0400, Larry W. Virden wrote:
> I am wondering whether there's a way that I can use sitescooper and/or plucker
> or some other free utility to convert word documents into something a bit
> more palmos friendly? You could try antiword (http://www.winfield.demon.nl/linux/).
It's consoled based and converts word 6+ docs to text and some images to
postscript and png. You could also try openoffice and/or abiword if you
have x installed.> I don't have a Windows machine, so it becomes problematic to convert them;
> I know that if this were not the case, in Word I could save them as some
> other more friendly format. Great! ;)Mabuhay! barryg--
Barry Dexter A. Gonzaga, bofh
[email protected]
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568 | URL: http://boingboing.net/#85520594
Date: Not supplied[IMG:
]In 1999, Montana's 63-old Libertarian candidate for Senator starting drinking
a homebrew concoction of colloidal silver to prevent bacterial infecttion (he
was afraid that conventional antibiotics wouldn't be available in the new
millennium), and now his skin has turned blue for good. Link[1] Discuss[2] _
(Thanks for the image, Nelson!)_
[1] http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_683401.html
[2] http://www.quicktopic.com/16/H/vvkFvFGKi6J
| Safe Email |
569 | fw : conversation with edison re : getting negative ctc paid chris calger 503 - 464 - 3735 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : dasovich , jeff sent : tuesday , october 23 , 2001 3 : 02 pm to : shapiro , richard ; steffes , james d . ; mellencamp , lisa ; tribolet , michael ; sanders , richard b . ; kean , steven j . ; sharp , vicki ; smith , mike ; williams , robert c . ; curry , wanda ; swain , steve ; huddleson , diann ; calger , christopher f . ; belden , tim ; dietrich , janet subject : conversation with edison re : getting negative ctc paid i talked to john fielder ( svp edison ) about setting up a meeting for barry tycholiz with edison ' s cfo about hedging edison ' s qf price risk . fielder wanted to talk about the negative ctc issue . here ' s what he said : they plan to " settle " with the esps and pay them when they pay everyone else , which he re - iterated would be sometime in ql ' 02 . edison is holding firm to the notion that the negative ctc contributed to the utility ' s undercollection and that the esp ' s share of the undercollection has to be netted against the payables attributable to the negative ctc and owed the esp . he said that they will propose to net it out in one of two ways : 1 ) lump sum netting ( i . e . , if they owe $ 50 mm and the share of the undercollection is $ 30 mm , then they pay the esp $ 20 mm ; or 2 ) future reductions in px credit ( i . e . , they pay the esp $ 50 mm , and then reduce the px going forward until the $ 30 mm is paid down ) . the numbers are illustrative only . in addition , he said that they have the view that a decision is going to have to be made about 1 ) whether da customers pay for stranded costs tied to the dwr l - t contracts , and 2 ) whether da customers pay going forward for stranded costs tied to the qf contracts . ( edison is clearly lobbying the puc to get da customers to pay for these costs . ) i recommended strongly that he de - link issues 1 and 2 above from the issue of paying us asap what they owe us for negative ctc . he agreed . he said that the puc judge ' s recently issued pre - hearing conference order requires that edison " meet and confer " with esps prior to the nov . 7 th hearing , and that edison intends to set something up with esps prior to that hearing . fielder is also the point person on " getting esps paid " and intends to initiate settlement discussions with esps week after next . it was very clear from the conversation that edison is going to do everything possible ( at the expense of creditors ) to maximize headroom under the settlement it struck with the puc a few weeks ago . edison ' s stalemate with the qfs is evidence of it . we shouldn ' t assume anything different with the negative ctc issue . if you have any questions , let us know . best , jeff | Safe Email |
570 | 2nd call for papers : emnlp3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2nd call for papers : deadline march 2 , 1998 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = third conference on empirical methods in natural language processing ( emnlp - 3 ) when : tuesday , june 2 , 1998 ( following the first international conference on language resources and evaluation and the nsf workshop on translingual information management ) where : granada , spain conference description : in the spirit of sigdat events , this conference will offer a general forum for novel research in corpus-based and statistical natural language processing . areas of interest include ( but are not limited to ) : - robust parsing , phrase structure analysis - part of speech tagging - term and name identification - word sense disambiguation - morphological analysis - anaphora resolution - event categorization - discourse structure identification - alignment of parallel texts and bilingual terminology - language modelling - lexicography - machine translation - spelling and grammar correction in addition , we encourage submissions that describe and evaluate the strengths , weaknesses , and recent advances in corpus-based nlp as applied to multi-lingual applications . the development of natural language applications which handle multi-lingual information is the next major challenge facing the field of computational linguistics . how well do techniques for lexical tagging , parsing , anaphora resolution , etc . , handle the specific problems of multi-lingual applications ? what new methods have been developed to address the deficiencies of existing algorithms for these tasks or to address problems specific to handling multi-lingual applications ? what problems still lack an adequate empirical solution ? conversely , how can data-driven nlp methods be improved with the help of multi-lingual data ? program chairs : nancy ide vassar college ( chair ) atro voutilainen university of helsinki ( co-chair ) program committee : steven abney , university of tuebingen , germany susan armstrong , issco , geneva , switzerland pascale fung , hong kong univ . of science and technology , hong kong gregory grefenstette , xerox research centre europe , france ed hovy , usc / isi , usa dan jurafsky , university of colorado , boulder , usa kimmo koskenniemi , university of helsinki , finland hwee tou ng , dso national laboratories , singapore kemal oflazer , bilkent university , turkey peter schauble , eth zentrum , switzerland keh yih su , national tsing - hua university , taiwan dan tufis , romanian academy of sciences , romania evelyne viegas , new mexico state university , usa sponsor : sigdat ( acl 's special interest group for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to nlp ) format for submission : authors should submit a full-length paper ( 3500-8000 words ) either electronically or in hardcopy . electronic submissions should be mailed to " emnlp3 @ cs . vassar . edu " and must either be ( a ) plain ascii text or ( b ) a single postscript file ( us letter format ) . hardcopy submissions should be mailed to nancy ide ( address below ) , and should include six ( 6 ) copies of the paper . requirements : papers should describe original work . a paper accepted for presentation cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting . papers submitted to other conferences will be considered , as long as this fact is clearly indicated in the submission . schedule : submission deadline : monday , march 2 , 1998 notification date : friday , april 3 , 1998 camera - ready copy due : friday may 1 , 1998 conference date : tuesday , june 2 contacts : nancy ide , chair department of computer science vassar college 124 raymond avenue poughkeepsie , new york 12604-0520 usa tel : ( + 1 914 ) 437 5988 fax : ( + 1 914 ) 437 7498 e - mail : ide @ cs . vassar . edu atro voutilainen research unit for multilingual language technology department of general linguistics p . o . box 4 ( keskuskatu 8 , 7th floor ) fin-00014 university of helsinki finland tel : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 507 fax : ( + 358 9 ) 191 23 598 e - mail : atro . voutilainen @ ling . helsinki . fi further information : http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / emnlp3 . html http : / / www . cs . jhu . edu / ~ yarowsky / sigdat . html | Safe Email |
571 | Dear Sir / MadamIf you are fed up of being 'ripped off' by the British government every time you buy your tobacco, then you should visit our website, where you can now buy 4 cartons of cigarettes, or 40 pouches of rolling tobacco from as little as 170 Euros (approx 105 pounds), inclusive of delivery by registered air mail from our office in Spain. Why pay more???Visit our website at
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572 | [email protected] (Justin Mason) writes:> Sounds a lot like TMDA to me. :( Filing date is July 26, 2001,
> granted May 16, 2002.
> TMDAers, have you seen this before?No, but thanks for pointing it out.> I'd presume TMDA is prior art, but still, it could be troublesome...Yup. TMDA's core functionality was fully established before even the
filing date.Anyone with experience in this area have a recommendation on whether
this should be pursued or not? | Safe Email |
573 | maybe this might interest you ge / n / e / r / ic ci / a / l / is , at cheap prices . most places charge $ 20 , we charge $ 1 . quite a difference . ci . a . li . s is known as a sup . er - v?a . g . ra or weekend - v?ag . . ra because its effects start sooner and last much longer . shipped worldwide . your easy - to - use solution is here : http : / / ejrhxw 322 . com / free / ? sash - - - - - the link below is for those who hate spam . . . http : / / ejrhxw 322 . com / rm . php ? sash - = = - | Phishing Email |
574 | uniformitarianism in response to the request for info on this topic , uniformitarianism as i understand it is the doctrine , which appears to have originated in geology , that assumes that the same laws apply to various processes ( originally , geological , then biological , but also social and linguistic ) in all time periods , thus allowing in particular reconstruction of various aspects of prehistory . i first read of it in some the essays of stephen j . gould , for whom this is a favorite theme . a useful source esp . for us linguists is the collection of articles language and earth , ed . by bernd naumann et al . , 1992 , amsterdam / philadelphia : john benjamins , although many potential readers will be turned off bu the fact that several important contributions are in german , which all too few scholars read any more . the index to this work lists many many references to uniformitarianism in different chapters . although i have not read any , i would think there would be books on charles lyell , who is supposed to have fathered modern geology , which would deal with this topic at length . alexis manaster ramer | Safe Email |
575 | >JUST as the pyramids of Egypt were built in honour of great kings, it was
>fitting that sandy replicas were created on Weymouth beach in memory of the
>king of the castle. Fred Darrington, who became the world's most famous
>sculptor, died last week aged 91. His grandson, Mark Anderson, who has
>over his Dorset seafront pitch, is determined that his grandfather's name
>not be forgotten, despite the impermanence of his creations.Can someone please tell me what a "pitch" constitutes? I have an idea
it is somewhat like the spots street musicians claim, but this sounds
more formal.
Just an area of the beach by the prom where he's allowed to make his
Weymouth is where I spent my teenage years. My mum and one sister still live
So I'm pretty familiar with the sculptures; pretty impressive, and very big.
(I think he uses some sort of armature for some bits - it's not just sand)
They usually get vandalised, though; after a lot of drinks, it obviously is
a good idea to break into the enclosure and kick all the sculptures to bits.
Then again, Weymouth is pretty run down, and attracts holiday makers of the
worst sort.------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->
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[email protected] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ | Safe Email |
576 | empty | Safe Email |
577 | journal of cognitive systems research call for papers : new electronic journal of cognitive systems research call for papers journal of cognitive systems research editors - in - chief ron sun e - mail : rsun @ cs . ua . edu department of computer science and department of psychology university of alabama tuscaloosa al , usa vasant honavar e - mail : honavar @ cs . iastate . edu department of computer science iowa state university usa gregg oden e - mail : gregg-oden @ uiowa . edu department of psychology university of iowa usa the journal of cognitive systems research covers all topics in the study of cognitive processes , in both natural and artificial systems : knowledge representation and reasoning learning perception action memory problem - solving and cognitive skills language and communication agents integrative studies of cognitive systems the journal emphasizes the integration / synthesis of ideas , concepts , constructs , theories , and techniques from multiple paradigms , perspectives , and disciplines , in the analysis , understanding and design of cognitive and intelligent systems . contributions describing results obtained within the traditional disciplines are also sought if such work has broader implications and relevance . the journal seeks to foster and promote the discussion of novel approaches in studying cognitive and intelligent systems . it also encourages cross-fertilization of disciplines , by publishing high-quality contributions in all of the areas of study , including artificial intelligence , linguistics , psychology , psychiatry , philosophy , system and control theory , anthropology , sociology , biological sciences , and neuroscience . the scope of the journal includes the study of a variety of different cognitive systems , at different levels , ranging from social / cultural cognition , to individual cognitive agents , to components of such systems . of particular interest are theoretical , experimental , and integrative studies and computational modeling of cognitive systems , at different levels of detail , and from different perspectives . please send submissions in postscript format by electronic mail to one of the three co - editors - in - chief . note the journal transends traditional disciplinary boundaries , and considers contributions from all relevant disciplines and approaches . the key is the quality of the work and the accessibility and relevance to readers in different disciplines . the first issue of this new on-line journal , published by elsevierscience , will appear in early 1999 . in addition to this electronic journal , the issues will also be printed and bound as archival volume . published papers will be considered automatically for inclusion in specially edited books on cognitive systems research . for further information , see : http : / / cs . ua . edu / ~ rsun / journal . html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - action editors : john barnden , school of computer science , university of birmingham , u . k . \ \ william bechtel , department of philosophy , washington university , st . louis , usa . \ \ rik belew , computer science and engineering department , university of california , san diego , usa . \ \ mark h . bickhard , department of psychology , lehigh university , usa . \ \ deric bownds , dept . of zoology , university of wisconsin , madison , usa . \ \ david chalmers , department of philosophy , university of california , santa cruz , usa . \ \ b . chandrasekaran , department of computer and information science , ohio state university , usa . \ \ marco dorigo , university of brussels , brussels , belgium \ \ michael dyer , computer science department , university of california , los angeles , usa . \ \ lee giles , nec research institute , princeton , new jersey , usa . \ \ george graham , philosophy department , university of alabama at birmingham , birmingham , al , usa . \ \ stephen j . hanson , psychology dept . , rutgers university , newark , new jersey , usa . \ \ valerie gray hardcastle , dept . of philosophy , virginia polytechnic and state university , blacksburg , virginia , usa . \ \ james hendler , department of computer science , university of maryland , college park , usa . \ \ stephen m . kosslyn , department of psychology , harvard university , usa . \ \ george lakoff , dept . of linguistics , university of california , berkeley , usa . \ \ joseph ledoux , center for neuroscience , new york university , new york , usa . \ \ daniel levine , department of psychology , university of texas at arlington , usa . \ \ vladimir j . lumelsky , robotics laboratory , department of mechanical engineering , university of wisconsin , madison , usa . \ \ james pustejovsky , brandeis university , massachusetts , usa . \ \ lynne m . reder , department of psychology , carnegie mellon university , pittsburgh , pa 15213 , usa . \ \ jude shavlik , computer sciences department , university of wisconsin , madison , usa . \ \ tim shallice , department of psychology , university college , london , uk \ \ aaron sloman , school of computer science , the university of birmingham , uk . \ \ paul thagard , philosophy department , university of waterloo , canada . \ \ leonard uhr , computer sciences department , university of wisconsin , madison , usa . \ \ david waltz , nec research institute , princeton , nj , usa . \ \ xin yao , dept . of computer science , australian defense force academy , canberra , australia . \ \ | Safe Email |
578 | URL: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/000231.html
Date: 2002-10-09T22:50:35-08:00My Tivo has been picking up the Twilight Zone for the last few weeks. I have to
say, I'm really enjoying it. It reminds me of the old ones. It's good to have
it back on the air....
| Safe Email |
579 | konvens98 konvens 98 computer , linguistik und phonetik zwischen sprache und sprechen - computers , linguistics , and phonetics between language and speech 4 . konferenz zur verarbeitung natuerlicher sprache - 4th conference on natural language processing oct . 5 - 7 , 1998 , university of bonn , germany http : / / www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 organized by : gesellschaft fuer linguistische datenverarbeitung ( gldv ) ( responsible in 1998 ) deutsche gesellschaft fuer sprachwissenschaft ( dgfs ) gesellschaft fuer informatik ( gi ) , fa 1 . 3 " natuerliche sprache " informationstechnische gesellschaft / deutsche gesellschaft fuer akustik ( itg / dega ) oesterreichische gesellschaft fuer artificial intelligence ( oegai ) call for participation subjects of the conference are all areas of language processing dealing with language in its written or spoken form . special attention will be paid to approaches focussing on the structural and the phonological / phonetic aspects of computer-aided / based language research and aimed at bridging the gap between both aspects . conference languages are german and english . programme * * * monday , oct . , 5 1998 9 : 00 a . m . - 1 : 00 p . m . tutorials : christian otto : sprachtechnologie fuer das internet ( participants of the conference who would like to attend the tutorial are asked to send a short message to the conference office ( konvens98 @ uni-bonn . de ) . ) 2 : 00 p . m . opening 2 : 30 - 4 : 00 p . m . section 1 : prosody kai alter , k . steinhauer , a . d . friederici , j . matiasek , h . pirker : exploiting syntactic dependencies for german prosody : evidence from speech production and perception erhard rank , hannes pirker : realization of prosody in a speech synthesizer for german maria wolters , petra wagner : focus perception and prominence 2 : 30 - 4 : 00 p . m . workshop : evaluation of the linguistic performance of commercial machine translation systems part 1 : results of the evaluation of commercial machine translation systems rita nuebel , uta seewald : zur relevanz linguistisch orientierter evaluationen grundlagen des vom ak " maschinelle uebersetzung " der gldv initiierten evaluationsverfahrens stephan mehl , martin volk : zur problematik der maschinellen uebersetzung von nebensaetzen zwischen den sprachen englisch und deutsch ulrike ulrich : probleme bei der maschinellen uebersetzung mit domaenentypischen sprachlichen phaenomenen von appellativen texten mit kommerzieller intention ( internetseiten der hotelbranche ) 4 : 15 - 4 : 45 p . m . workshop : part 1 ( continued ) rita nuebel : phaenomenspezifische evaluation maschineller uebersetzung am beispiel von koordinationen workshop part 2 : methods and tools of mt evaluation judith klein , sabine lehmann : mue - evaluation mit diet joerg schuetz : blueprint : evaluation im usability lab 4 : 30 - 6 : 00 p . m . section 2 : grammar engineering brigitte krenn : a representation scheme and database for german support - verb constructions jonas kuhn : towards data - intensive testing and applications of a broad coverage lfg grammar partial target specifications as a filter on parser output stefan mehl , hagen langer , martin volk : statistische verfahren zur zuordnung von praepositionalphrasen 6 : 15 p . m . plenary session manfred pinkal : von der sprachphilosophie zur sprachtechnologie stand und perspektiven der semantischen verarbeitung 7 : 30 p . m . reception * * * tuesday , oct . , 6 1998 09 : 0010 : 30 a . m . section 3 : speech recognition / synthesis thomas portele : grapheme to phoneme conversion for speech synthesis tanja schultz , alex waibel : das projekt globalphone : multilinguale spracherkennung christian - m . westendorf , m . wolff : automatische generierung von aussprachewoerterbuechern aus signaldaten 09 : 0010 : 30 a . m . workshop part 3 : results of the evaluation of commercial machine translation systems uta seewald : textsortenspezifische evaluation maschineller uebersetzung am beispiel von instruktionstexten martin volk : probleme bei der maschinellen uebersetzung von idiomatischen wendungen jutta marx : bewertung von mt - systemen aus benutzersicht : evaluierung im projekt miroslav 11 : 00 a . m . - 12 : 00 plenary session gerrit bloothooft : a european masters in language and speech 12 : 00 - 1 : 00 p . m . presentation of posters posters see below 2 : 00 - 3 : 00 p . m . section 4 : parsing hagen langer : experimente mit verallgemeinerten lookahead - algorithmen stefan riezler : statistical inference and probabilistic modeling for constraint - based nlp 2 : 003 : 00 p . m . workshop part 4 : reports from industrial users carmen andres lange : erfahrungen mit logos ursula bernhard : bemerkungen zur evaluation maschineller uebersetzungssysteme aus anwendersicht 3 : 305 : 00 p . m . section 5 : dialogue and semantics bernd ludwig , guenther goerz , heinrich niemann : user models , dialog structure , and intentions in spoken dialog manfred stede , stefan haas , uwe kuessner : understanding and tracking temporal descriptions in dialogue bernhard schroeder : unifikation hoeherer ordnung und strikte syntaktische abhaengigkeit 3 : 305 : 30 p . m . workshop teil 5 : evaluation from provider and user perspective margaret king : evaluation design : the eagles framework juergen kinscher : vor - und nachteile elektronischer uebersetzungshilfen und uebersetzungsprogramme , von der textbausteinsammlung bis zur automatischen voll | bersetzung hans haller : maschinelle ( roh - ) uebersetzung als vorlage bei einer fachtextuebersetzung : bericht | ber ein experiment rita nuebel , uta seewald : resuemee und ausblick auf weitere evaluationsaktivitaeten 5 : 00 - 6 : 00 p . m . poster forum * * * wednesday , oct . , 7 1998 9 : 0010 : 30 a . m . section 6 : grammar and tagging kordula de kuthy , walt detmar meurers : reducing the complexity of a theory of unbounded dependencies : evidence against remnant movement in german stefan langer : zur morphologie und semantik von nominalkomposita martin volk , gerold schneider : comparing a statistical and a rule - based tagger for german 9 : 0010 : 30 a . m . section 7 : translation and generation munpyo hong : treating the multiple - subject construction in a constraint - based mt - system juergen wedekind : probleme der ambiguitaetserhaltenden generierung 11 : 00 a . m . 12 : 00 section 8 : phonetics and psycholinguistics reinhard rapp : das kontiguitaetsprinzip und die simulation des assoziierens auf mehrere stimuluswoerter adrian p . simpson : characterizing the formant movements of german dipthongs in spontaneous speech 11 : 00 a . m . - 12 : 00 section 9 : information retrieval michael hess : antwortextraktion ueber beschraenkten bereichen t . kemp , m . weber , p . geutner , j . guertler , p . scheytt , m . schmidt , b . tomaz , m . westphal : automatische erstellung einer video - datenbank : das view4you - system 12 . 00 ( noon ) plenary session n . n . 13 . 00 p . m . closing session posters istvan s . batori , krisztian nemeth , holger puttkammer : lautrepraesentation in etymologischen woerterbuechern anhand der uralischen etymologischen datenbasis gregor buechel : ein www - gef | hrtes system zur datenbankgestuetzten segmentierung von satzteilen und zur analyse praepositionaler phrasen karl ulrich goecke , jan - torsten milde : situations - und aktionsbeschreibungen durch einen teilautonomen montageroboter johannes heinecke , ingo schroeder : multilevel representation of the robust analysis of language alexandra klein , matthias e . koelln , soenke ziesche : towards generating dialogue contributions under resource constraints jacques koreman , bistra andreeva , william j . barry : die abbildung akustischer parameter auf phonetische merkmale in der automatischen spracherkennung doris muecke : cmc : prosodische und extralinguistische notationsformen in textbasierten konferenzsystemen sandro pedrazzini , pius ten hacken : centralized lexeme management and distributed dictionary use in word manager barbertje streefkerk , louis c . w . pols : prominence in read aloud dutch sentences as marked by naive listeners petra wagner : mutual constraints at the phonetics - phonology - interface exhibition parallel to the conference there will be a book and industry exhibition . local organizers prof . dr . wolfgang hess prof . dr . winfried lenders dr . thomas portele dr . bernhard schroeder programme committee dr . ernst buchberger , wien ( oegai ) dr . stefan busemann , saarbruecken ( gi ) prof . dr . dafydd gibbon , bielefeld ( dgfs ) prof . dr . wolfgang hoeppner , duisburg ( gi ) prof . dr . roland hausser , erlangen ( gldv ) prof . dr . wolfgang hess , bonn ( itg / dega ) prof . dr . r . hoffmann , dresden ( itg / dega ) dr . tibor kiss , heidelberg ( dgfs ) prof . dr . winfried lenders , bonn ( gldv ) dr . harald trost ( oegai ) conference office gisela von neffe institut fuer kommunikationsforschung und phonetik der universitaet bonn poppelsdorfer allee 47 d-53115 bonn internet : http : / / www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 / index . en . html email : konvens98 @ uni-bonn . de phone : + 49-228 - 735638 fax : + 49-228 - 735639 location konvens 98 will take place at the university of bonn 's central building , which is situated in the city 's centre , in walking distance from the main railway station . world wide web http : / / www . ikp . uni-bonn . de / konvens98 ( participants of the conference who would like to attend the tutorial are asked to send a short message to the conference office ( konvens98 @ uni-bonn . de . ) | Safe Email |
580 | hpl nom for august 18 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 818 . xls ) - hplo 818 . xls | Safe Email |
581 | from the enron india newsdesk - april 27 th newsclips fyi news articles from indian press . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sandeep kohli / enron _ development on 04 / 27 / 2001 08 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nikita varma 04 / 27 / 2001 07 : 51 am to : nikita varma / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : ( bcc : sandeep kohli / enron _ development ) subject : from the enron india newsdesk - april 27 th newsclips friday apr 27 2001 , http : / / www . economictimes . com / today / cmo 3 . htm dpc board empowers md to cancel mseb contract friday apr 27 2001 , http : / / www . economictimes . com / today / 27 compl 1 . htm mseb pays rs 134 cr under ' protest ' to dpc friday , april 27 , 001 , http : / / www . businessstandard . com / today / economy 4 . asp ? menu = 3 enron india md authorised to terminate ppa friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . financialexpress . com / fe 20010427 / topl . html foreign lenders slam brakes on disbursements to dpc , sanjay jog & raghu mohan global banks comfortable with enron pull - out friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . indian - express . com / ie 20010427 / nat 23 . html enron : dabhol chief gets powers to end deal with the mseb friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . the - hindu . com / stories / 0227000 d . htm offer of renegotiation ' too late ' : enron , by mahesh vijapurkar friday , 27 april 2001 , http : / / www . timesofindia . com / today / 27 home 2 . htm enron ready to pull out , but lenders say wait friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . hindubusinessline . com / stories / 142756 dh . htm dpc board authorises md to issue ppa termination notice friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . dailypioneer . com / secon 2 . asp ? cat = story 7 & d = front _ page enron testing maharashtra ' s nerves , t n raghunatha friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . telegraphindia . com / enron signal to switch off dabhol power friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . thestatesman . org / page . news . php 3 ? id = 13026 & type = pageone & theme = a enron threatens to pull out friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . chalomumbai . com / asp / article . asp ? cat _ id = 29 & art _ id = 10006 & cat _ code = 2 f 574841545 f 535 f 4 f 4 e 5 f 4 d 554 d 4241492 f 5441415 a 415 f 4 b 4841424152 ' dpc may not wind up ' friday , april 27 , 2001 , http : / / www . chalomumbai . com / asp / article . asp ? cat _ id = 29 & cat _ code = 2 f 574841545 f 535 f 4 f 4 e 5 f 4 d 554 d 4241492 f 5441415 a 415 f 4 b 4841424152 & art _ id = 9953 enron offers ' no comment ' on renegotiation , h s rao http : / / www . afternoondc . com / ' enron ' s on ! ' state govt . to renegotiate dabhol power project , by hubert vaz the economic times , friday apr 27 2001 dpc board empowers md to cancel mseb contract the enron power project crisis on thursday deepened with the board of dabhol power company authorising the management to issue a termination notice to the maharashtra state electricity board even while international lenders to the project asked enron to renegotiate power purchase agreement signed with the mseb . the decision to authorise managing director neil mcgregor to issue " notice of termination on the contract to sell 740 mw of power " was taken after the board prevented mseb from voting on the ground that it was an interested party . the decision was taken with six votes in favour and the single opposition vote was cast by idbi , sources said . according to reports , financial institutions such as anz investment bank , credit suisse first boston , citibank , abn - amro and the state bank of india have on wednesday advised enron against terminating its ppa with mseb . mseb chairman vinay bansal , who with two other directors attended the meeting on wednesday representing maharashtra ' s 15 per cent stake in the near $ 3 - billion project , said : " the indian side told them that it would be unfortunate if enron broke the contract . " while bansal declined comment on the board decision , the sources said the indian side had expressed its interest to holds talks on the issue rather than terminating the project and there were possibilities of a fresh power purchase agreement between the company and the state . ( pti ) the economic times , friday apr 27 2001 mseb pays rs 134 cr under ' protest ' to dpc despite the threat of a possible termination notice hanging on its head , maharashtra state electricity board on thursday made a " protest payment " of rs 134 crore disputed amount , towards march bill of rs 146 . 64 crore to dabhol . " we were ready with the payment on wednesday itself , but dpc officials could not collect the cheque due to the statewide bandh " , a senior mseb official said . " we have disputed payment of rs 12 . 64 crore and it would be now taken up at the disputes resolution forum , of which enron india managing director k wade cline and krishna rao are members " , mseb sources said . last week , dpc had dashed off a communication to the government and mseb that it would not accept " protest payments " anymore . cline had said the energy major shall treat such payments as an election to pay the sums , which mseb in fact owed dpc in full and that the company would also not recognise the " purported protest or reservation " . mseb had paid a rs 113 . 5 crore february bill in protest last month . on april 23 last , both domestic and international lenders of dpc had met in london and held exhaustive discussions the multinational ' s move to issue a termination notice to mseb and state government . ( pti ) business standard , friday , april 27 , 001 enron india md authorised to terminate ppa the board of the enron - promoted dabhol power company ( dpc ) , at its meeting in london on wednesday , authorised the managing director of enron india to issue a notice for terminating the power purchase agreement to the maharashtra state electricity board and the state government . " the board has authorised wade cline to serve the termination notice . however , this does not mean that the termination notice will be served immediately . it is only an enabling provision and will be used only if the situation arises , " a state government source told business standard from london . he said dpc was under pressure from its lenders . the dpc spokesperson here refused to comment on the issue . the hardening of the board ' s stand is in sharp contrast to the advice of dpc ' s lenders , who had warned enron not to precipitate matters by issuing a termination notice . the lenders had arrived at a consensus that the termination notice need not be served at this stage . serving of the notice requires a nod from the lenders , who have an exposure of about $ 2 billion in the project . sources said given the lenders ' strong opposition to termination of the contract , the enron board ' s " enabling resolution " did not have much significance beyond conveying a hardening of its stand with regard to the current imbroglio . the maharashtra chief minister had warned enron not to scuttle the process of crisis resolution by issuing a termination notice . the state government is to nominate an expert group to renegotiate the terms of the dabhol contract . enron holds 65 per cent in dpc , while us - based ge and bechtel hold 10 per cent each . the balance 15 per cent is held by mseb through a special purpose vehicle , maharashtra power development corporation . the mseb representatives were not allowed to vote at the meeting since they were an interested party . the idbi representative protested against the board ' s decision . the meeting was attended by state energy secretary vm lal . the meeting was held against the backdrop of a dispute between mseb and dpc over payment of bills . after mseb failed to pay rs 102 crore towards the december 2000 bill , dpc invoked the state government ' s guarantee and then the union government ' s counter guarantee . when payment of the rs 127 - crore january bill became overdue , dpc again invoked the state government ' s guarantee . mseb retaliated on january 28 , 2001 by slapping a rs 401 - crore penalty for non - supply of electricity at adequate levels . it demanded that dpc adjust the bills against this penalty . " this stand of mseb was explained to dpc at the board meeting " , a state government official said . the centre also supported mseb ' s stand and refused to honour the counter guarantee . the power company then invoked the political force majeure clause . a process of conciliation and arbitration between the centre and dpc is currently on . the financial express , friday , april 27 , 2001 foreign lenders slam brakes on disbursements to dpc , sanjay jog & raghu mohan global banks comfortable with enron pull - out lenders to the dabhol power company ( dpc ) are a sharply divided lot . international lenders , in direct contrast to the stand taken by local ones led by the the industrial develoment bank of india ( idbi ) , are categorical that additional assistance to dpc ' s phase - ii will be held in abeyance despite the completion of 92 per cent of the project work . the stage is also set for a preliminary termination notice to be served by dpc to the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) within the next four weeks . this follows the authorisation given to enron india ' s managing director k wade cline and dpc president & ceo neil mcgregor to serve the termination notice , and transfer notices to mseb , following wednesday ' s dpc board meeting in london . the essence of the message from the international lenders following the london meeting with dpc board is : emotions do not work . contractual obligations and payments have to be met . we are convinced that the mseb has failed to meet its obligations . there is no point in enron continuing with the project and the company should get out of it . the structuring of dpc ' s debt has created two classes of lenders . in phase - i , international lenders are covered by a sovereign guarantee while in phase - ii , no lender is . however , all lenders have a parri passu charge , making attachment of assets a messy affair . sources in international banks were quick to point out that local lenders to phase - ii of the project are worried that an awry dpc project will affect their interests more given that they have no security - other than assets - like a sovereign cover . " it was this desperation that made local lenders like idbi slash the interest rates a few months back to 16 . 5 per cent from 21 . 5 per cent , " a leading foreign banker pointed out . three points that were made clear and stressed in no uncertain terms by international lenders were : a ) there are contractual obligations b ) mseb was not punctual in its payments to dpc and c ) mseb adopted a confrontational position by slapping a rs 401 crore rebate charge on dpc for misdeclaration and default on the availability of power . while local lenders led by idbi - with mseb parroting the same - were of the view that the current situation is a temporary one , international lenders were steadfast that pulling out of the project is the only way out . this is despite the stance taken by idbi and mseb that authorisation for termination given to mr cline and mr mcgregor was not called for . international bankers pointed out that they will now have to look at the issue of charges and protection for their loans in the event of the power project being scrapped in its present form . the points of contention are : a ) that phase - i of dpc is backed by a sovereign guarantee b ) phase - ii is not and c ) to the extent that phase - ii is covered by assets , cancellation of phase - ii may see all assets - even those under phase - i - getting attached . therefore , an examination on the segregation of assets under phase - i and phase - ii is now warranted . pti adds : in a significant move , dpc board has empowered its management to sever power supply agreement with mseb , a move that could inflict a financial liability of about rs 2840 crore on the centre . a decision to authorise dpc president neil mcgregor to issue a termination notice to mseb for sale of power was taken by the board at its meeting on wednesday . the indian express , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron : dabhol chief gets powers to end deal with the mseb the board of dabhol power company , a subsidiary of houston - based enron corp , has decided to warn the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) that it intends to pull the plug on its guhagar - based project . in a board meeting held in london on wednesday , the board decided to authorise dpc president and ceo neil mcgregor and enron india ' s managing director k wade cline to serve a ' ' preliminary ' ' termination notice for sale of power to the mseb within the next four weeks . the dabhol project has been mired in disputes since mseb began missing payments last year . mseb owes dabhol power $ 48 million for power delivered in december and january . the payment ran into a dispute after mseb slapped penalty notices of rs 401 crore on dpc for its failure to supply power within three hours of the demand being placed . but mseb has paid $ 24 million for february . and a payment of $ 31 million was made for march on thursday . the $ 3 billion dabhol project is the largest foreign investment made in india to date . issuing the preliminary termination notice could enable dabhol to suspend deliveries as it negotiates payment disputes . while a preliminary termination notice is the first of three steps that could potentially lead to the abandonment of the project by enron , analysts have described the decision as a ' ' procedural ' ' move consistent with dpc ' s negotiating strategy to recover overdue payments from the mseb . after the company issues the preliminary termination notice , step two would be an official termination notice , and step three would be a notice that the company is surrendering control of the project . if the project is terminated , the government of india will have to take a hit of $ 300 million besides paying bills of rs 1 , 500 crore for the next one year to enron as penalty . ' ' our ( centre ' s ) liability , if dabhol power project is terminated , would be one year ' s electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million , ' ' power secretary a k basu said . ' ' contractually , the centre will have to pay one year ' s electricity bill , totalling at present prices about rs 1 , 400 - 1 , 500 crore , and take over dpc ' s debt , which stands at around $ 300 million , if the project was terminated , ' ' basu said in delhi . dabhol power is in the process of completing the second phase of the 2 , 184 - megawatt power - plant project , which is 95 per cent through . while the international lenders to the project are pressurising the company to get out of the project , indian lenders , led by idbi , are asking the company to reconsider its decision on its termination notice . during the meeting in london , mseb which holds a 15 per cent stake in the project , had strongly opposed dpc ' s move to authorise cline and mcgregor to issue notices for termination . mseb chairman vinay bansal and technical director prem paunikar - both directors on the dpc board - and the state principal secretary ( energy ) vm lal , an invitee to the board , raised the issue at the board meeting in london . mseb claimed that dpc was needlessly ' ' threatening ' ' to issue various arbitration notices and thereby interpreting the clauses of ppa in isolation . in recent weeks , dabhol has raised the stakes in its spat with the mseb , delivering a notice of political force majeure to maharashtra - a step typically invoked to dissolve a contract in case of an emergency like a war , coup , or a similar radical political event . in this case , dpc ' s move was viewed as a threat to stop providing electricity . dpc has come under fire because of the relatively high cost of its power . critics object to the company charging rs 7 . 1 a kilowatt - hour for its power , compared with around rs 1 . 5 a kilowatt - hour charged by other suppliers . the hindu , friday , april 27 , 2001 offer of renegotiation ' too late ' : enron , by mahesh vijapurkar mumbai , april 26 . the enron - sponsored dabhol power company , which last night authorised its local management to issue a notice of termination of its power purchase agreement ( ppa ) with the maharashtra state electricity board , has decided to keep a stiff upper lip . this , in turn , has stoked speculation that the switching off of power from its phase i plant was imminent , while in reality , a lengthy procedure has to be followed as prescribed within the ppa . as one source familiar with the ppa told the hindu , ` ` it is not sudden death of the project ' ' and in all probability , the dpc , vexed with the developments , including sharp and pointed observations by the godbole committee , has chosen to only arm itself with a serious option . ` ` this would only eventually come into effect . it is not an overnight operation and a lot of legal work is involved ' ' . apparently , the dpc intends to do some arm - twisting . at the board of directors meeting in london , which maharashtra was initially disinclined to attend but later used the forum to put across its contentions on the project , the dpc squarely told the mseb nominees on the board that the offer of renegotiation had come rather ` ` too late ' ' . it also said it did not see any room for optimism about the outcome . it did not , however , rule out the option of talks , thus underscoring the possibility that the decision to authorise termination was a new weapon . the maharashtra chief minister , mr . vilasrao deshmukh , had hoped that dpc would not take any ` ` harsh step ' ' which would cause lot of damage to the interests of both the independent power producer and the government and today he expressed his dismay . in fact , the mandate of the team that went , on the strength of its stake in the dpc , was to put across the idea that negotiation was the requirement and not confrontation . echo in ls the enron issue also echoed in the lok sabha today where the power minister , mr . suresh prabhu , said that scrapping of the agreement would cost the centre rs . 2 , 840 crores , whose liability in the project agreement was limited . the centre ' s liability in case of termination is one year ' s electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . blow to fis the termination could prove to be a serious blow to the indian financial institutions ( fis ) which , under the leadership of the idbi , were trying to convince the other lenders of the project against the notice . the exposure of indian fis in the project is understood to be not covered by any guarantee either of the centre or the state . the times of india , friday , 27 april 2001 enron ready to pull out , but lenders say wait the dabhol power company board , which met on wednesday in london , authorised the company management to issue a termination notice to the maharashtra state electricity board . the company , however , may not pull out of the project yet , considering its lenders , who met on monday , opposed such a move and favoured renegotiations . sources present during both the meetings said that though foreign lenders supported enron on the termination issue , domestic financial institutions , led by the industrial development bank of india , prevailed over the deliberations to oppose any such drastic move . enron needs the lenders ' consent to file a pre - termination notice for pulling out from the project . the decision to empower dpc chief wade cline to issue a termination notice was taken with six votes in favour against a single idbi vote against such a move . another significant development during the entire proceedings was that the financial institutions made it clear that further funding of phase ii of the project will depend on the government of india assuring payment mechanisms . institutions are yet to disburse about 30 per cent of the sanctioned package , which is crucial for completing the phase ii expansion project . ` ` the board has given powers to wade cline to issue a pre - termination notice . but the meeting quite unanimously felt the need of the hour is not to terminate the project but to initiate serious re - negotiation proceedings , ' ' said mseb chairman vinay bansal , who attended the board meeting . ` ` mseb presented their views to the board members and it was understood by enron which also included the rs 401 crore penalty issue which is heading for arbitration proceedings . ` ` we have also made it clear that the tariff structure of enron is quite high and a downward revision of tariffs is unavoidable , " bansal added . ` ` they cannot issue a termination notice without our consent since our exposure in the project is quite large and the lenders should approve any plans in that direction , ' ' said a top banker who was present during the lenders ' meet . ` ` there is a general consensus that the project must be completed and the proposal to terminate the ppa should be kept in abeyance , ' ' he added . the global arrangers for the dpc include anz investment bank , credit suisse first boston , abn - amro , citibank and the state bank of india , where all these parties conducted separate meetings with the company officials . however , some bankers said the company can file a termination notice even if one lender with a minimum 5 per cent exposure on the project favours such proceedings . meanwhile , in a clear reversal of roles , maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said that the state government was not keen on terminating the ppa . ` ` we will ask them to refrain from taking any such harsh steps since that would be bad news for all of us , including dpc , ' ' deshmukh said . deshmukh was echoing union power minister suresh prabhu ' s sentiments , who said that the government wanted an amicable settlement of the payment row . he , however , added that termination of the project would not hurt foreign investments , and dismissed warnings by analysts that winding up the $ 2 . 9 billion project would be a blow to india ' s efforts to woo foreign investors . the dpc has already slapped one conciliation notice on the centre and three arbitration notices on the state government over non - payment of dues amounting to rs 213 crore and interest towards the bills due for december 2000 and january 2001 . meanwhile , mseb officials said in mumbai that the march bills amounting to rs 134 crore was paid on thursday as protest payment , despite the dispute over the amount . when asked on the future course of action , bansal said it was up to the dpc . the hindu businessline , friday , april 27 , 2001 dpc board authorises md to issue ppa termination notice the board of directors of dabhol power company ( dpc ) has authorised the managing director , mr neil mcgregor , to issue the notice of intent to terminate its power purchase agreement ( ppa ) with the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) ` ` at an appropriate time ' ' . the decision was taken at a board meeting held in london yesterday . ` ` while mseb , which is an ` interested party ' , was not allowed to vote , it made a presentation clarifying its stand on the matter , ' ' a senior state government official said . the resolution to authorise the management to issue the termination notice was carried by six votes to one . idbi voted against the decision , the official said . the serving of the preliminary termination notice will lead to a six - month ` ` suspension period ' ' . according to clause 17 . 8 of the termination procedure , of the ppa : ` ` following the giving of a preliminary termination notice , the parties shall consult for a period of six months ( or such longer period as they may agree ) as to what step shall be taken with a view to mitigating the consequences of the relevant event having regard to all the circumstances . . . ' ' idbi and state bank of india , the principal indian lenders , had earlier persuaded the overseas lenders to hold their consent to the termination notice for some more time . at least one lender has to consent for the company to serve termination notice . it is understood that overseas lenders are in favour of termination of the project and are prepared to consent . however , domestic lenders are worried about the security of their advances if the ppa is abandoned mid - way . according to institutional sources , indian lenders are trying to get all the parties concerned to thrash out outstanding issues . the maharashtra and central governments too are in favour of a conciliation . mr vilasrao deshmukh , chief minister of maharashtra , yesterday went on record that the state did not want the project terminated . mr yashwant sinha , union finance minister , is also understood to be of the same opinion . ` ` the dpc will now have to decide what is the ` appropriate time ' to serve the notice , ' ' the official said . mseb pays rs 134 crore : meanwhile , mseb has paid dpc rs 134 crore towards its march 2001 bill . mseb officials confirmed that the bill was paid ` in protest ' ' today morning . ` ` they ( dpc ) had billed us for an amount of rs 146 crore . we do not agree with some of the items included , ' ' a senior mseb official said . the pioneer , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron testing maharashtra ' s nerves , t n raghunatha dabhol power company ( dpc ) has begun to put fresh pressure on the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) , the maharashtra state government and the centre for an early resolution to the prolonged dispute between them , if the dpc board of directors ' decision to authorise its managing director to serve a contract termination notice to the mseb is any indication . the dpc board , in its meeting in london on wednesday , empowered the company management to sever its power supply agreement with mseb , a move that could inflict a financial liability of rs 2 , 840 crore on the centre . the decision to authorise the dpc management to issue a termination notice to mseb was taken by a vote of six to one after the maharasthra government representatives were prevented from voting on the ground of " interested party " . when contacted , the company ' s mumbai - based spokesperson , mr jimmy mogal , declined to comment on the reports about the decision taken by the dpc board . " we have nothing to say on the reports emanating from london . we will express our views after a few days , " he said . however , maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh on thursday termed the dpc board ' s decision as " unfortunate " . " we have already requested the company not to take any harsh decision " , mr deshmukh said in mumbai . official sources in the state energy ministry interpreted the dpc board ' s decision as a pressure tactic employed by the enron subsidiary to force the mseb to clear the pending power bills without any further delay . through its tough posture , the dpc wants to make its position stronger before it can formally agree for re - negotiations with the mseb , the centre and the state government for cutting the price of power supplied by it to the state electricity board . the sources said that the dpc ' s reported decision to authorise its managing director to stop electricity supply to the mseb did not mean that the enron subsidiary would actually go ahead with the scrapping of the power contract with the mseb . " if anything , the dpc ' s reported decision is to mount additional pressure on the mseb for clearance of pending power bills and put itself in a stronger position in settling its dispute with the mseb . as part of its plan to arm itself with powers to break a contract in case situation goes beyond its control , the dpc had recently served a political force majeure to the mseb , the centre and the state government , " the sources said . not surprisingly , the dpc ' s london decision comes on the heels of the maharashtra government ' s decision to set up a high - level committee , comprising representatives of the mseb , the centre and the state government to re - negotiate with the enron ' s subsidiary company for reducing the cost of power supplied to the state electricity board . meanwhile , amidst the threat of a possible termination notice hanging on its head , the mseb on thursday made a " protest payment " of the rs 134 crore disputed amount towards march bill of rs 146 . 64 crore to dpc . riday , april 27 the telegraph , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron signal to switch off dabhol power enron today took the first decisive step out of the controversy - ridden dabhol power company when it won an authorisation from the company ' s board to stop sale of power to maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) . the meeting of the company , of which the houston - based energy giant holds 65 per cent and the mseb 15 per cent , was attended by state energy secretary v m lal and mseb technical director p paunikar and it came days after its lenders discussed payment problems and a possible termination . the centre ' s liability , if enron decides to snap the agreement , will be a year ' s power bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . however , the company will have to wait for six months from the day it serves the notice before it pulls the plug . the centre shrugged off the move , saying there would not be any adverse effect on foreign investment in power if enron walks out . " we do not see fdi inflows into the power sector being hit , " power minister suresh prabhu said . mseb officials said the ball is now in the court of dpc , which said its corporate policy did not allow it to comment on proceedings at board meetings . the decision coincided with a rs 134 - crore ' protest payment ' by the cash - strapped power board as part of the march bill worth rs 146 . 64 crore . there was speculation that mseb coughed up the amount to cool frayed tempers at enron ' s hub in houston , and because it was rattled by the sudden turn of events in the past few days during which the dispute had come to a head . mseb officials brushed away the allusions , saying the cheque was ready on wednesday but could not be handed over to dpc because of the state - wide bandh . " we have a disputed payment of rs 12 . 64 crore , which will be taken up at the dispute - resolution forum , " a board official said . last week , dpc told the state government and mseb it would no longer accept protest payments in a move to fortify its legal position . mseb officials say bechtel and general electric , the other partners who hold around 20 per cent in dpc , are willing to go along with enron corp in terminating the deal but financial institutions such as idbi are not game because it puts their loans at risk . investments made by indian institutions are not covered under the centre ' s and state ' s counter - guarantees , unlike those made by international lenders . maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh called enron ' s decision unfortunate . " we had told state government officials attending the enron board meeting to stop the company from winding up its operations in the state as it will harm both parties . " the statesman , friday , april 27 , 2001 enron threatens to pull out the enron crisis deepened with the board of directors of the dabhol power company deciding to authorise the managing director , mr k wade cline , to serve a notice of termination on the contract for the first phase of the $ 2 . 9 billion power project . the decision , which could lead to the cessation of dabhol ' s power supply to the state , was taken at the meeting held yesterday in london according to reports quoting the chairman of the maharashtra state electricity board , mr vinay bansal . while dpc officials refuse to comment on anything , it is learnt that mseb was itself prepared to serve a legal notice of termination just two days before the meeting . mseb was said to have been dissuaded by the nationalist congress party president , mr sharad pawar , and union power minister mr suresh prabhu , who had talks in new delhi with the maharashtra chief minister , mr vilasrao deshmukh , and an mseb delegation last monday . the state government has been served two arbitration notices while the centre is ready to go for conciliation with the dpc for failing to honour its counter - guarantee . further , the dpc has already slapped a notice of political force majeure which protects itself against undeserved claims in the event of exigencies that force it to take an extreme step . the union power minister , mr suresh prabhu , contended in delhi that since dpc contributed only 0 . 7 per cent of the total energy output of the country , its termination would not have such a phenomenal impact on the power situation . however , if terminations proceedings go through , enron corp , a 65 per cent share - holder in the dabhol power company , would stand to net a hefty amount in damages . the union power secretary has been quoted as saying that termination of the dpc would cost the centre rs 1 , 800 crore , which is the total of one years ' electricity bill and a termination fee of $ 300 million . according to an energy analyst , mr pradyumna kaul , the total liability would not cross rs 350 crore . however mr prabhu said in the lok sabha today that the that scrapping of the agreement would cost the centre rs 2 , 840 crore . it is learnt that on 20 april , mr deshmukh had given the go - ahead to the mseb to prepare a legal notice to be issued to enron during the meeting of the dpc ' s board of directors on wednesday . at the meeting , the energy minister , padamsinh patil , energy secretary , mr vinay mohan lal and mseb chairman mr vinay bansal , were also present . the notice was prepared over the past weekend and taken by the delegation when they called on mr prabhu on 24 april . however , the politicians convinced them that enron would not get tough , given its huge stake in the project , and that such a notice would not be necessary . the meeting thus ended with the decision to renegotiate the power tariff , with enron ' s consent . among those present at the london meeting were mr lal , mr bansal and mseb technical director , mr p paunikar , in their capacity as directors . however , they abstained from voting since they were deemed an interested party . the only vote to go against the decision was that of the idbi which is also represented on the board , it is learnt . the chief minister , mr vilasrao deshmukh , said the state was not in favour of terminating the project . this could mean that the latest manoeuvre to arm - twist the indian authorities could achieve its immediate target of getting the arrears accumulated over the past three months cleared . the mseb owes enron rs 146 . 64 crore for march 2001 and rs 229 crore for december 2000 and january 2001 . the centre today put up a brave face on enron ' s decision saying there would not be any adverse effect on foreign investment in power sector in the country , pti reported from new delhi . " there will be no adverse impact as a result of any action by any domestic or foreign company . as far as we are concerned there will be no adverse impact on fdi in power sector , " power minister suresh prabhu told reporters when asked about dpc ' s decision to authorise management to issue a termination notice to mseb . emphasising that there would be no fallout of such decision , prabhu said after the meeting of the cabinet committee on economic affairs " we are expecting cooperation from many scandinavian countries as well as european nations in the power sector . " in fact not only the power minister but also the prime minister of norway was here to inaugurate a seminar on power and he promised lot of cooperation in the sector . " mid day ' dpc may not wind up ' maharashtra chief secretary v ranganathan has said that though neil mcgregor , managing director of the dabhol power corporation ( dpc ) , has been given complete powers with regard to dpc ' s operations in the state , including the authority to wind up operations , it does not necessarily mean that mcgregor will issue such a termination notice . mcgregor was given the powers at a meeting of the dpc board in london on wednesday . ranganathan said that state officials , including maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) chairman vinay bansal and power secretary v m lal , have reported back to him about the meeting in london . with regard to the state ' s failure to pay enron , ranganathan said , " bills are prepared as per the power purchase agreement ( ppa ) and dpc owes some money to us . our people informed enron officials about this . . in fact , there was no reason to give powers to the md to slap a termination notice . " in the london meeting , mseb and industrial development bank of india ( idbi ) representatives insisted that the dpc must pay rs 411 crore since it could not supply power whenever needed . chief minister vilasrao deshmukh has already termed as unfortunate the decision of the board of the enron - promoted dpc to give mcgregor powers to wind up operations . deshmukh added , " we have already requested enron not to take any harsh decision . " deshmukh had earlier said , " we have directed state government officials attending the dpc board meeting to desist the energy company from winding up operations in the state , as it would be harmful to both of us . " enron officials are keeping mum on the issue . mcgregor said , " i am not going to give any comment . " mid day , april 27 , 2001 enron offers ' no comment ' on renegotiation , h s rao a crucial meeting of the board of directors of the dabhol power company ( dpc ) , promoted by the us energy major enron , was held here yesterday apparently to discuss fate of its $ 900 - million power project in maharashtra , but there was no official word on the indian and state governments ' decision to renegotiate the contract . an enron spokesman declined to divulge what transpired at the meeting , saying the issues discussed at the meeting were ' confidential ' . " we have not received any direct communication . unless we get it and evaluate the details , we have no comments to make , " the spokesman said when asked about the proposed decision on re - negotiation of the project in which the maharashtra state electricity board ( mseb ) has 15 per cent stake . asked whether the board had taken a decision on empowering dpc managing director neil mcgregor to wind up its operations in india , the spokesman said he had nothing to say on them . enron has reportedly authorised mcgregor to look at various options including selling the company ' s stake in dpc . maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said in mumbai that the state government would pay up the undisputed dues to the company . he said the maharashtra government " is not in favour of terminating the 2184 - mw project , but wanted an amicable solution to the imbroglio . " mid day , friday , april 27 , 2001 , committee to renegotiate enron deal a committee to renegotiate the power purchase agreement with the dabhol power company will be appointed by this evening , chief minister vilasrao deshmukh said today . addressing media persons after his meeting with the noted social reformer anna hazare at his official residence varsha , deshmukh said the committee would be formed by this evening or by tomorrow , at the most . he termed as unfortunate the enron board decision empowering dpc chief neil mcgregor to serve a preliminary termination notice on the maharashtra state electricity board and said the state was willing to negotiate the issue with power company . " renegotiations will be held as per the suggestions made by the godbole committee and the center will also depute its representative on the renegotiating committee . we don ' t want to take any hasty decision , " deshmukh saidhe pointed that the only bone of contention with the dpc had been its expensive tariff and hoped that the issue would be resolved amicably . when pointed that the enron board had taken a decision to serve the notice despite state s willingness to appoint a renegotiating committee , chief minister said it was unfortunate . earlier , in his meeting with hazare , deshmukh promised to make necessary amendments to the right to information law recently passed by the state so that the information was easily accessed by the common people . he also gave a patient hearing to hazare on his complaints of corruption in various state departments and promised action against guilty after a thorough inquiry within three months . afternoon , april 27 , 2001 ' enron ' s on ! ' state govt . to renegotiate dabhol power project , by hubert vaz the us power giant , enron power corporation ' s willingness to wrap up the dabhol power project and leave the shores may not actually materialise , though the dabhol power company chief , mr . wade cline , has been authorised to do so , since the lenders for the project would have a decisive say in the matter . disclosing this , chief minister vilasrao deshmukh confirmed this morning that the state government would churn out a compromise formula by which the power project at dabhol could be continued , and at the same time enron did not feel slighted . " enron has not yet conveyed to us about this decision . we are waiting for their letter , " he said . when asked what sort of compromise the state government plans to forge , mr . deshmukh said , " let our officers come back . after that we will decide a future course of action . but we are definitely going in for renegotiation of the project . it is very difficult to predict the outcome of enron ' s decision but as of now the project is still on . " when asked whether the project could be moved to another state , if wound up from maharashtra , mr . deshmukh said , that was not possible as per the terms of the agreement between the us company and the state government . however , it was difficult for the project to move out of the state itself , he indicated . he also confirmed that both parties would face considerable losses if the project was terminated . the board of directors of the dabhol power company , which met in london on wednesday , decided to put an end to all controversies surrounding the project once and for all by empowering the dpc chief to terminate the project , if he deemed it fit . however , this decision , as of now , does not necessarily indicate the death knell for the project . the enron project , which had been riddled with controversies right from its inception , had been a pretext for the political parties in the state to drag each other on the mat from time to time . the previous sena - bjp government , which had been out to terminate the project , however , chose to continue with it following renegotiations with enron ' s top visiting officials like ms . rebecca mark . and , the democratic front government inherited the controversial project when the governments changed hands a year and a half ago . meanwhile , state energy minister dr . padamsinh patil , when contacted at the osmanabad circuit house , said the state government and the central government have decided to appoint a joint committee to renegotiate the project with enron . " it is not easy for them to walk out of the project just like that . they will have to go in for litigation and this would prove costly for both sides , " he said . in case the project is terminated , the government can still manage the power needs of the state , though it would be a bit tough job , he added . | Safe Email |
582 | it isn't hard at all to create your own modified version of the redhat distro. There's even a tarball[1] with this specifically in mind. The people who built the Ximian version of RedHat used a system similar to said tarball.Building a distro which uses a *BSD ports system rather than rpm, deb or whatever would complicate things a tad more IMHO.It *is* a good idea though. I've been wondering about the same thing for a couple of months now but always considered it too complicated to carry out. (If that makes any sense at all).I don't discount any other work like for example Niall's work on the B.B.C. but maybe there is general interest in an Irish distro. Anyone?Regards, Shane.-----Original Message----- From: wintermute [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 13 August 2002 00:48 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [ILUG] SUSE 8 disks? (thread changed slightly) Rick Moen wrote: > Don't like SuSE's product licensing? Write your own distribution. You > can even grab most of what you need _from SuSE_. All you have to do is > heed the licensing terms on the individual pieces. How unimaginably difficult is this to do? There are as far as I know, no Linux kernel hackers, nor distros that originate from this fair island right? Right.Yes it might be very,very difficult and subject to abject failure in sticking together a distro.... call it Dolmen Linux (or other), no doubt the packaging system would be one of the first places such a suggestion would stumble. Some (like me) favouring a FreeBSD style ports system others favouring a Debian style system and others still favouring *rpm style packaging.That said other *LUG have done interesting things like making blackbox.Perhaps making a distro would be ..... umm.... fun.Just a pseudo random thought. I'm only laughing on the outside My smile is just skin deep If you could see inside I'm really crying You might join me for a weep. <>-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected] Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected] | Safe Email |
583 | On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 12:00:34AM +0100, Paul Jakma wrote:
> finally, the email-disclaimers advocacy site
> http://www.emaildisclaimers.com/sites like this make me question my opposition to capital punishment.
"This month's Q&A: Is it better to prepend or append disclaimer
statements?" augh! and they admit they're pointless - in reality they're
just the legal world's version of mandatory email fashion accessories.kevin--
[email protected] that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to
fork()'ed on 37058400 the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier
meatspace place: home than a sober one. the happiness of credulity is a
http://ie.suberic.net/~kevin cheap & dangerous quality -- g.b. shaw--
Irish Linux Users' Group Social Events: [email protected]
http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/social for (un)subscription information.
List maintainer: [email protected]
| Safe Email |
584 | re : hpl sale - energy operations task list sally , thanks for our meeting last week . please let me know if you don ' t think we ' ve sufficiently defined the deliverable for business ops . based on feedback from louise - you and i still may not be clearly communicating yet as to what is required . specifically , aep and enron need to agree in writing for each business ops " process " or function : 1 . who is going to carry out the business ops processes before and after close . 2 . how control over the process will be handed over from enron to aep . 3 . the necessary it actions required to put the required system functionality in place ( and who is responsible for implementing this ) . the table you developed at the end of last week ( based on bob ' s email ) moves closer to this point . as we discussed on the phone , we need to provide a description of the deliverables for each of the " systems / activities " you listed on the table and ensure that aep understands ( and signs off on ) what they are responsible for . to anne ' s point , this " sign off " can be through a memo , protocol , acknowledged email , or other . we have been having a problem in that one part of aep does not talk to the other part . so , i would like to encapsulate and elevate the individual bob hall / steve jackson discussions so that all relevant levels of aep ( and enron ) understand what is being agreed before we close . each tuesday at 4 : 00 we have a standing hpl transition coordination meeting to discuss the status of the deliverables from each group . you are welcome to attend this meeting or the separate meeting we have now established each wednesday with bob h . and tommy y . to concentrate on hpl / it / business ops matters . sally , thanks for you personal attention to this . the quicker we close the quicker bob can focus more of his time on network ' s origination efforts . regards , brian enron north america corp . from : sally beck 03 / 30 / 2001 03 : 34 pm to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect , brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect cc : bob m hall / na / enron @ enron , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect , anne c koehler / hou / ect @ ect , anne c koehler / hou / ect @ ect subject : hpl sale - energy operations task list i talked with anne koehler in legal today to determine her understanding of what is required from energy operations prior to the effective sale of hpl . anne believes that she may have been the one to introduce the term " protocol " into these discussions . to clarify , according to anne , the " protocol " is not anticipated to be a formal legal document . instead , anne envisions simply e : mails or memos between enron and aep with regard to any sharing of information , agreements on processes to be followed in the transition , etc . operational details to be decided between enron and aep have been handled exactly in that manner to date , with e : mails being sent from bob ball ( enron ) to steve jackson ( aep ) . only critical changes to the purchase and sale agreement will be formally documented . bob hall identified the treatment of cash accounts in the original purchase and sale agreement as incorrect relative to cash flows for gas to be delivered in the month of may . he has worked with enron ' s treasury group to establish the correct procedures and has worked with sandi braband in legal to document this change to the purchase and sale agreement as an amendment to that agreement . as of today , legal has completed revisions to that amendment and anne koehler is sending it to mary perkins in enron ' s treasury group for her review . upon mary ' s review , anne will forward the amendment to aep for their review before final signatures . we devised this week a new format for incorporating the aep - hpl transition issues on which my team has been focused and have provided that to both of you . this new format incorporates the various memos and e : mails which have to date captured the status of transition issues . items that only require actions by enron will be our " to do " list . each item has a due date and we will update you weekly on progress . those items that fall under the aep list or which appear in both the enron and aep list will be the items to which we will evidence communication to aep and / or their agreement via the e : mails or memos as suggested by ann koehler . i believe that this should satisfy your requests earlier this week for written " protocol " . we will also update you weekly on the status of those e : mails and / or memos between ourselves and aep . i understand that the two of you have a regular weekly meeting for an update on the hpl sale . to provide clarity for these update meetings , may i suggest that we incorporate one of the following two approaches : 1 ) brian and i hold a regular meeting just prior to your update meeting so that brian has a full understanding of operational transition items and their status , or 2 ) i attend the first part of your update meeting in order to provide a firsthand update to the two of you . please let me know which one of these works best for you so that we can incorporate that into our schedules for next week . | Safe Email |
585 | re : nom / actual vol for april 26 th we agree " eileen ponton " on 04 / 27 / 2001 11 : 11 : 15 am to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com cc : subject : nom / actual vol for april 26 th nom mcf mmbtu 60 , 000 60 , 034 61 , 655 btu = 1 . 027 | Safe Email |
586 | uk submission of positions just to follow up on james ' s note of yesterday - my apologies for being out the elimination of the requirement to ' grab ' the fx and ir market environment from houston ( and consequently use european data ) can improve our ability to kick the overnight batch processing off earlier in the evening . james and i will be working with brian hudson to determine the timetable for effecting this change the revised batch start time would improve the opportunity to detect any system failure and complete a rerun of the valuation process so as to deliver completed results by the time the risk management team arrive at their desks in the morning . system failures are the most significant problem we face in delivering timely information to houston . consequently the probability of meeting current reporting deadlines would be greatly improved given that we will have full it overnight support covering for any it failure and curve input validation processes on trade date . indeed given the successful completion of all overnight runs we are able to deliver officialisation of all valuation systems and most spreadsheets ( david hardy is in final testing of the eastern spreadsheet feed ) by the 10 am deadline ( houston 4 am ) flash p & l by the lpm deadline ( houston 7 am ) completion of the final dpr to be submitted to houston by the 5 pm deadline ( houston 11 am ) james and i are currently finalising a document reviewing all possible changes to business processes that could improve these times . this is in addition to working with commercial and it to assess the possibility of delivering significantly faster revaluation systems that could assist in delivering a trade date control process . i can confirm that there is significant work to do in this area , however , we are dedicated to meeting the objectives of improved / more real time control . please feel free to call if the above requires any additional commentary . regards mike - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mike jordan / lon / ect on 19 / 12 / 2000 15 : 06 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - james new 18 / 12 / 2000 09 : 10 to : rick buy / hou / ect @ ect cc : john sherriff / lon / ect @ ect , michael r brown / lon / ect @ ect , fernley dyson / lon / ect @ ect , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , gary hickerson / hou / ect @ ect subject : uk submission of positions rick , thanks you for your note below . we are today implementing a flash p & l process . we aim to report daily numbers at 7 am houston time and will start today with the p & l . we will build on this and hope to have draft positions and var for most books within a week or so . there will be a reconciliation of flash to final numbers which will be included in our return to houston . i will put together a note on the london dpr production process which goes into the process we currently have , the process we actually need to have , and the obstacles that are in the way . i would expect this to be finalised tomorrow . obtaining the usd interest rate curve on a more timely basis is just one of our problems but it is unfortunately by no means our only or most serious problem . james from : rick buy 15 / 12 / 2000 21 : 59 to : john sherriff / lon / ect @ ect , michael r brown / lon / ect @ ect , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect cc : gary hickerson / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect subject : uk submission of positions need your help on the following : each day we are delayed in finalising var , p & l and positions because the uk must wait for a usd interest rate curves before submitting their data to houston . i am also told that it is really not necessary to wait for this curve and the data could be submitted close of business london . even if there was some minor inaccuracy from this method it would be better than what we have now . this would greatly improve the efficiency ( by 4 to 6 hours ) in reporting to senior management . can you guys initiate this change or get me to the right person there . thanks , rick | Safe Email |
587 | > On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 03:08:08PM -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> > At 6:54 PM +0100 on 8/7/02, Adam Back wrote:
> > > Palladiumized
> >
> > Palladiated?
> >And the antonym? Odyssielded. Rhymes with shielded.http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Odysseus.htmlOdysseus was the first to learned the Palladium Oracles from the Seer Hellenus.
Odysseus neutralised (neutronised?) Palladium's defence for Troy.
Odysseus invented the first Trojan Horse.Incidentally public revelation of the Palladium is supposed to be on
Seventh Day to the Ides of Jun, i.e. 8th. June. The Newsweek article was
a bit late.http://www.clubs.psu.edu/aegsa/rome/jun06.htm
David Chia
http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork | Safe Email |
588 | 5th intl . conf . conceptual structures c a l l f o r p a r t i c i p a t i o n fifth international conference on conceptual structures fulfilling peirce 's dream august 4 - 8 , 1997 university of washington seattle washington usa . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - keynote address peirce 's graphs - jay zeman a pragmatic understanding of " knowing that " and " knowing how " : the pivotal role of conceptual structures - daniel m . rochowiak a peircean foundation for the theory of contexts - john f . sowa the corali project : from conceptual graphs to conceptual graphs via labelled graphs - michel chein knowledge representation contexts : a formal definition of worlds of assertions - guy w . mineau , and olivier gerbe positive nested conceptual graphs - michel chein and marie - laure mugnier a different perspective on canonicity - michel wermelinger aggregations in conceptual graphs - william m . tepfenhart the representation of semantic constraints in conceptual graph systems - guy w . mineau , and rokia missaoui representation of defaults and exceptions in conceptual graphs formalism - catherine faron , and jean - gabriel ganascia introduction of viewpoints in conceptual graph formalism - myriam ribiere , and rose dieng knowlledge engineering task - dependent aspects of knowledge acquisition : a case study in a technical domain - galia angelova and kalina bontcheva uncovering the conceptual models in ripple down rule kbs - debbie richards and paul compton knowledge modeling using annotated flow chart - robert kremer , dickson lukose , and brian gaines knowledge modeling complex modeling constructs in model-ecs - dickson lukose modeling cause and effect in legal text - judith p . dick information systems modeling with cgs logic - ryszard raban modeling and simulating human behaviors with conceptual graphs - corinne bos , bernard botella , and philippe vanheeghe formal concept analysis conceptual graphs and formal concept analysis - rudolf wille on a triadic diagram representing three gosphels - klaus biedermann concept exploration - a tool for creating and exploring conceptual hierarchies - gerd stumme logical scaling in formal concept analysis - susanne prediger organization of knowledge using order factors - gerard ellis and stephen callaghan formal reasoning c . s . peirce and the quest for gamma graphs - peter oehrstroem sound and complete proof procedure for conceptual graphs combining projections with analytic tableaux - gwen kerdiles and eric salvat fuzzy unification and resolution proof procedure for fuzzy conceptual graph programs - tru h . cao , peter n . creasy and vilas wuwongse reasoning with type definitions - michel leclere universal marker and functional relation : semantics and operations - tru h . cao , and peter n . creasy animating conceptual graphs - ryszard raban and harry s . delugach accounting for domain knowledge in the construction of a generalization space - isabelle bournaud and jean - gabriel ganascia rational and affective linking across conceptual cases - without rules - graham a . mann conceptual graphs for corporate knowledge repositories - olivier gerbe applications of conceptual graphs an experiment in document retrieval using conceptual graphs - david genest and michel chein port : a testbed paradigm for knowledge processing in the humanities - mary keeler , leroy searle , and christian kloesel using access paths to guide inference with conceptual graphs - peter clark and bruce porter applying conceptual graph theory to the user - driven specification of network information systems - aldo de moor generic trading service in telecommunication platforms - arno puder , and k . romer assessing sowa 's conceptual graphs for effective strategic management decisions , based on a comparative study with eden 's cognitive mapping - simon polovina conceptual graph tools cgkat : a knowledge acquisition and retrieval tool using structured documents and ontologies - philippe martin the webkb set of tools - philippe martin deakin toolset : conceptual graphs based knowledge acquisition , managment , and processing tools - brian garner , eric tsui , and dickson lukose egp : extendible graph processor - eric tsui , brian garner , and dickson lukose cgkee : conceptual graph knowledge engineering environment - dickson lukose menu - based interfaces to conceptual graphs : the cglex approach - galia angelova , svetlana damyanova , kristina toutanova , and kalina bontcheva knowledge extractor : a tool for extracting knowledge from text - walling r . cyre the cg mars lander - gil fuchs and robert levinson pccg : an operational tracked grid for creating conceptual graphs - randy p . wolf and harry s . delugach - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - registration form iccs ' 97 international conference on conceptual structures please complete in full and return to iccs ' 97 by email to : lsearle @ u . washington . edu you must also post a signed registration form together with your payment to the center for the humanities , university of washington . cheque must be made payable to the university of washington . please print or type . first name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ last name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company or affiliation : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ state : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zip or postal code : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ daytime telephone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conference fee the conference registration fee include the following : o morning and afternoon tea for 5 days o lunch for 5 days 0 boeing tour o salmon bbq on wednesday august 6th , 1997 o conference banquet on thursday august 7th , 1997 o conference proceedings ( lnai ) o registration to the cgtools workshop before after june 30th , 1997 june 30th , 1997 _ _ regular registration : $ 375 $ 475 _ _ student registration : $ 175 $ 200 _ _ single day registration : $ 100 $ 100 _ _ additional tour & salmon bbq ticket $ 25 $ 25 _ _ additional banquet ticket $ 30 $ 30 ( students must send legible proof of full-time student status ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tutorial fee before after june 30th , 1997 june 30th , 1997 sunday august 3rd , 1997 ( morning ) _ _ an historical view of peirce $ 50 $ 100 _ _ formal concept analysis $ 50 $ 100 sunday august 3rd , 1997 ( afternoon ) _ _ formal reasoning with cg $ 50 $ 100 _ _ gamma graphs - the modal part of $ 50 $ 100 existential graphs ( note : if you are registering for two tutorials , then the cost of the second tutorial is only $ 25 ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conference accommodation information you should make your own arrangements for accommodation and all payments for accommodation should be made directly to the accommodation providers . we have reserved over 100 rooms at the dormitory housing , motels , and hotels . check out the following url for more details on conference accommodation : http : / / www . cs . uah . edu / ~ iccs97 / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ total fee ( registration , tutorials , and extra charges for banquet and / or barbecue . payments for housing must be made separately . ) total fee : ( please enter correct amount ) $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method of payment ( please mark " x " your method of payment ) ( all email and fax registrations must be accompanied by credit card information . ) _ _ american express _ _ mastercard _ _ visa _ _ cheque credit card account number : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name as it appears on card : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ signature : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( disclaimer : when you email or fax us this registration form , your credit card number is sent as open text and may not be secure . ) refunds requests for refunds must be received in writing by june 30th , 1997 . no refunds will be granted after this date . a $ 25 . 00 processing fee will be levied on all refunds granted . there are no refunds for paper authors ( technical papers and extended abstract for cgtools ) . special request _ _ special dietary needs : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ special access for wheelchair : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ please note : registration cannot be processed if information is incomplete or illegible . please mail completed form with your payment to : iccs ' 97 c / o professor leroy searle center for the humanities box 353910 , seatle , wa 98195 university of washington , usa fax : ( 206 ) 685-4080 thank you for your registration ! | Safe Email |
589 | need low priced software ? indents selectivity deliver artemia belatedly by concentrate eclectic cabled gunners nyquist correlation disfigure aborigines redevelopment levelness meals superimposed allergies shading entree strainer espouse syndicates augmenting simpleton erratum kite summing person fluffier overloaded warningly ascensions huddled burglarproofs | Phishing Email |
590 | edt job openings in speech and language processing bbn systems and technologies , cambridge , ma the speech and language processing department at bolt beranek and newman inc . has several exciting positions in speech recognition , language understanding and character recognition . to apply send your resume and indication of which position you are interested in to karen nicholson ( knicholson @ bbn . com ) . positions : applied computational linguist work with a research team to develop fieldable technology including advance prototypes and products in information extraction systems , including name recognition and template fill from newswire . experience in applying computational linguistics to real applications , excellent skills as a programmer in c / c + + / lisp , and degree in computer science or related field required . u . s . citizenship and willingness to get a dod clearance required . statistical computational linguist reserach and development of new techniques and software for processing large corpora , including languages other than english , and language modeling for speech and nl systems . masters or phd in computer science or related area , strong math / stat background , strong c programming skills required . experience in lisp , splus , perl a plus . u . s . citizenship and fluency in a second language desirable . entry level researcher participate in a research group developing algorithms and building systems for advanced speech and language technologies , provide support by implementing algorithms , running experiments , collecting and analyzing data . bachelor 's level in computer science , engineering , or related field , excellent undergraduate gpa , experience in university research lab or summer internship , and programming skills in c / c + + and unix required . some experience in speech or language technology a plus . u . s . citizenship and willingness to get a dod clearance desirable . applications engineer design and implement applications at the cutting edge of speech and language technology , such as medical dictation , reading and language learning assistants , transcription of telephone speech for deaf listeners , topic identification from video , voice mail transcription , information extraction systems . requirements : extensive experience in advance technology software systems , including product-level code and documentation ; master level programmer in c / c + + , with at least one year 's experience each in unix and ms windows ; experience in graphical user interfaces ; bachelor 's or masters degree in computer science . lisp experience helpful . experience in fields related to speech and natural language a plus . u . s . citizenship and willingness to get a dod clearance desirable . algorithm developer work with a research team designing and implementing algorithms for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition , systems incorporating voice input and output such as spoken language systems , and optical character recognition . requirements include master 's in computer science , mathematics , engineering , or related field or equivalent expereince and excellent programming skills in c / c + + and unix . background in one or more of the following areas desirable : statistical modeling , pattern recognition , speech processing , character recognition . knowledge of lisp , splus , and perl a plus . the speech and language processing department of bbn systems and technologies , a subsidiary of bolt beranek and newman inc . ( nyse : bbn ) , has been a world leader in computer-based speech and language research and development for 25 years . the department continues to make cutting-edge advances in the areas of speech recognition , speaker and language identification , natural language understanding , interactive spoken language systems , and data extraction from text . | Safe Email |
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592 | never see a doctor again to get the medocations you want vo 4 8 ub u 49 p 26 oiy 7 pm 6 8 mq 3 bf 6 q 8 f 2 3 s 3 k 94 jw . why pay doctors to tell you what you already want ? v i a g r a . . . 7 x 7 ouu 9 rjorx oyla 6 typl 1 9 zu 25 so 03 z 76 f . more $ a \ / ings then you think , press . noq timl 814 ko jjqb t xi 578 ubu 49 p 26 o iy 7 p . m 68 mq 3 b f 6 q 8 f 23 s 3 k 94 jwr g 7 x 70 uu 9 r jorx . but at that moment i glanced round at the crowd that had followed me . t 4 v 5 jkl 2 vvl 0 vo 4 15 gg f 9 m 13 gn 3 . no . that would never do . dq timl 814 koj jqbt xi 5 78 ubu 49 p 2 . m 68 mq | Phishing Email |
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594 | click here to improve your wellbeing today your one stop prescription shop ! there are more pleasant things to do than beat up people . benson , you are so free of the ravages of intelligence of those who say nothing , few are silent . | Phishing Email |
595 | aum shinri kyo content - length : 1513 what is aum ? the japanese police are currently investigating a religious sect called " aum shinri kyo " in relation to last week 's gas attack on the tokyo subway . aum shinri kyo has been translated as " sublime truth " in the press . with my limited knowledge of japanese , i know that shinri can be glossed as ' truth ' and kyo is a sino - japanese morpheme found at the end of the names of many if not most religions . aum , however , is a bit of a puzzler . japanese phonology only allows syllable-final [ m ] as an allophone of / n / before labial consonants , which is not the case here . does anyone know what this aum means , where it comes from , and if it is pronounced with a final [ m ] by speakers of japanese ? david p . baxter urbana , illinois dbaxter @ uxa . cso . uiuc . edu | Safe Email |
596 | hpl nom for february 15 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 215 . xls ) - hplno 215 . xls | Safe Email |
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