special thanks to kelly ward michael mcdonald carol kuniholm and the excellent book by david daley about this topic we put a link to it on our website i am noel king and i am karen duffin.
thanks for listening.
you can listen in any order and here is the show there is a type of person who who follows state politics the way that some people follow high school football.
and dan smith is one of them.
but florida started electing more republicans in the 1990 s and that was because of gerrymandering where politicians draw maps in a way that favors their own party both republicans and democrats gerrymander but in florida at that time it was the republicans and in 2010 the citizens of florida said enough already.
they outlawed partisan gerrymandering technically this was not great news for the republican party.
but they said you know what citizens of florida let us do this in fact let us go nuts you tell us how to draw the maps the state legislators put software online where citizens could draw and submit their own maps they went on a tour of 26 cities there were town halls for citizens to share their ideas.
and these hearings were packed they were sometimes standing room only people would get up and they would testify about how they thought their districts should be drawn i would like to see us have a district where the student voice gets heard.
and regular people regular citizens they submit nearly 200 maps it is like everybody is at this big redistricting pep rally citizens are putting maps in politicians will not stop talking about how their process is the most open and transparent in florida is history but dan that political science professor huddled up to his radio.
the florida state legislature releases its newly drawn most citizen centric world is greatest most nonpartisan maps.
and these maps still look pretty gerrymandered and i am not a clairvoyant person.
i am just a cynic.
i knew that something was going on.
what i did not realize was the depth of what was going on dan was about to find himself deep inside this mystery.
hello and welcome to planet money i am karen duffin and i am noel king today on the show a true political thriller.
we are going to follow dan smith on his journey to uncover a conspiracy.
right after those new maps are released florida league of women voters has brought a legal challenge to the map of florida is 27 congressional districts the league of women voters a voting rights group they say.
but he is also a state political junkie and he has very strong feelings about gerrymandering in florida this makes you mad.
maybe that is because i have always you.
been a competitive athlete and i i know that i am not always going to win.
but i want to have that chance and i do not want the deck stacked against me from the get go so he takes this righteous wonky anger and says yes i will help you on my nights and weekends and whenever i can it was a lot of piecemeal work that would come you.
working from home working in the evenings dan is banging away at this at odd hours of the night in 2012 he is analyzing the maps.
and he very quickly zooms in on one specific district district 5 and it was clear that that district was the key to the the overall republican gerrymander in in florida to understand why that is true and what dan is looking for you need to understand district 5.
the district drips from jacksonville all the way down to orlando district 5 is kind of the embodiment of gerrymandering in america.
not all gerrymandering is the same there is partisan gerrymandering that is what florida made illegal.
but there is another kind of gerrymandering that courts sometimes actually order like florida is district 5.
that district was conceived and gerrymandered not by politicians but by the courts because of the federal voting rights act it was one of the big civil rights laws of the 1960 s.
and many african americans in florida rejoiced so did republicans for a really interesting reason.
black voters in florida tend to vote for democrats so packing them into district 5 meant that they were not voting in say district 4 or district 6.
these districts to elect a minority.
but as a result.
democrats started losing more seats across the state so these packed minority districts like district 5 are good for candidates of color good for republicans.
but overall not so good for democrats.
packing districts like this it becomes a thing it becomes a strategy for republicans dan knows that one of the best ways to even out the partisan balance in florida is to unpack district 5 to spread out the democrats.
but when he sees the new maps released by the state legislature district 5 is not unpacked in fact it is even more packed than before.
dan suspects that this has been done deliberately.
and he starts to find proof.
a republican consultant kind of spills the beans on what was happening behind the scenes of the whole redistricting process.
but dan knows alex.
alex is a longtime republican operative this consultant explains what has been going on with alex and with some other people republican legislators had been saying we drew the maps the way the citizens told us.
now dan learns a small group of republican consultants drew secret maps.
then passed them off to people like alex.
who then testified and submitted the maps like they would drawn them themselves they had effectively smuggled partisanship into the final maps.
all in order to have you know.
citizen input that dan says was for the republicans to point to later to justify their partisan maps these citizen plants like alex were assigned roles.
his role was to act confused here he is talking at one of the hearings but at the end of the day i just do not understand the language used in the amendment and exactly what they are trying to intend to do remember this guy has been working in politics for years.
but alex patton is script did not just say act confused.
it also contained the republicans most important talking point.
he needs to find exact matches between maps drawn by republican consultants maps submitted by these so called citizens and the final legislative maps the maps that became law.
so dan knows if he can find an exact match between a consultant planted map and one of the legislators final maps.
that is no coincidence it would mean that legislators had basically just like copy pasted the consultants maps dan goes diving into the maps.
and bang we found a map that was submitted supposedly by a citizen that had the same genetic makeup of that final map it was the last map submitted just before the deadline.
and this citizen is district 5 map is packed exactly the same way the legislators district 5 map is.
dan knows this can not be a coincidence.
whoever submitted this map has to be a partisan plant so the lawyers that dan had been working for they find the name of the guy who submitted this map just under the deadline.
and it is a guy named alejandro posada and next up we have alejandro posada 1st off i would just like to thank the committee for that map has his name on it he also testified at a public meeting.
but no one had ever heard of this guy he is not a known republican operative in florida so who is he you are a college student at fsu yes sir good to see you this map was submitted by an fsu undergraduate who had little if any.
map making experience but instead of this being like a huge gotcha moment like we just found the partisan who drew the maps.
that undergrad alejandro posada says wait.
what are you guys talking about i did go to a hearing.
but i never submitted a map.
and they 0 in on one map that has a very interesting name it was called perfect pieces.
version 4.
that may have been a little better perfect pieces was a little too perfect.
district 5 was drawn exactly the same in perfect pieces the partisan drawn map.
in alejandro posada is map and in the final legislative map.
dan found the match these maps where milk was spilled in exactly the same pattern now they are ready for trial 1st case on our docket today is the league of the secret map makers behind perfect pieces are unmasked during that trial.
republican consultants testified that they drew drafts of florida congressional maps they were later submitted to the legislature under the name alex posada but the consultants say we do not know how alex posada got our maps.
here is one of them rich heffley being questioned at the trial can now you explain to me sir how it was that this map that was filed in the name of alex posada with your districts in it.
1st of all they are not my districts 2nd of all i will not say what my mom taught me about assuming things but i will tell you that i do not know mister posada i did not have anything to do with submitting maps and i do not know how they got in the public domain republican consultants say we do not know how people got our maps.
and even if we did hand them off our maps were not drawn with partisan intent.
but then a piece of evidence emerges to prove intent that is pretty damning.
and it was a really sneaky way to hide partisanship under the guise of being fair to people of color they had packed more black voters into district 5 than it had ever had more than was needed to elect a person of color.
enough that it would likely hit this specific legal threshold.
hitting that threshold meant the district was protected by the voting rights act.
so if democrats ever wanted to unpack district 5 it would be very very hard and when the judge realizes along with everyone else what has happened.
he issues a scathing ruling.
he says florida republicans have made a mockery of the democratic process.
he orders them to redraw the lines and many years and lawsuits later florida finally does.
but the florida legislature could not agree on the maps.
in these new maps district 5 gets unpacked.
and the claim that unpacking district 5 would hurt minority candidates did not pan out.
in fact.
when voters from district 5 were now spread out across several districts 3 of those districts elected people of color once the maps are redrawn politicians actually start to have to fight for their seats.
and in a lot of cases their their positions start to change now politicians can not just politic to their base they have to appeal to everyone.
you know in the end.
it was definitely worth it not because it elected democrats or minorities but because these maps were objectively fair.
it it does open up the process.
if only under threat of subpoena this thing that florida did outlawing partisan gerrymandering.
the supreme court might do it too for the rest of the country.
the court just heard 2 cases about it and is going to issue rulings later this month i talked to a ton of people in florida lawyers politicians consultants democrat and republican.
and a lot of them said.
look some shady partisan stuff did go on in district 5.
but remember why district 5 was created and gerrymandered in the 1st place so that people of color had a fair shot at getting elected.
gerrymandering helped fix that.
and as long as race and political affiliations stay as tangled as they are in this country.
it will be really hard to figure out how to draw the lines.
rest of america.
take note.