Daniel van Strien PRO


AI & ML interests

Machine Learning Librarian



Posts 29

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πŸ›Έ I'm working on a pipeline for creating domain-specific ColPali fine-tuning datasets using a collection of UFO newsletters from the Internet Archive as a case study.

I will have a full notebook to share on Monday, but you can already take a look at the dataset here: davanstrien/ufo-ColPali
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Almost ready: search for a Hugging Face dataset on the Hub from information in the datasets viewer preview!

Soon, you can find deep-cut datasets even if they don't have a full dataset card (you should still document your datasets!)

You can help improve this project by rating synthetic user search queries for hub datasets.

If you have a Hub login, you can start annotating in Argilla
in < 5 seconds here: https://davanstrien-my-argilla.hf.space/dataset/1100a091-7f3f-4a6e-ad51-4e859abab58f/annotation-mode

I need to do some tidying, but I'll share all the code and in-progress datasets for this soon!