Datasets documentation

Use with PyArrow

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Use with PyArrow

This document is a quick introduction to using datasets with PyArrow, with a particular focus on how to process datasets using Arrow compute functions, and how to convert a dataset to PyArrow or from PyArrow.

This is particularly useful as it allows fast zero-copy operations, since datasets uses PyArrow under the hood.

Dataset format

By default, datasets return regular Python objects: integers, floats, strings, lists, etc.

To get PyArrow Tables or Arrays instead, you can set the format of the dataset to pyarrow using Dataset.with_format():

>>> from datasets import Dataset
>>> data = {"col_0": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "col_1": [0., 0., 1., 1.]}
>>> ds = Dataset.from_dict(data)
>>> ds = ds.with_format("arrow")
>>> ds[0]       # pa.Table
col_0: string
col_1: double
col_0: [["a"]]
col_1: [[0]]
>>> ds[:2]      # pa.Table
col_0: string
col_1: double
col_0: [["a","b"]]
col_1: [[0,0]]
>>> ds["data"]  # pa.array
<pyarrow.lib.ChunkedArray object at 0x1394312a0>

This also works for IterableDataset objects obtained e.g. using load_dataset(..., streaming=True):

>>> ds = ds.with_format("arrow")
>>> for table in ds.iter(batch_size=2):
...     print(table)
...     break
col_0: string
col_1: double
col_0: [["a","b"]]
col_1: [[0,0]]

Process data

PyArrow functions are generally faster than regular hand-written python functions, and therefore they are a good option to optimize data processing. You can use Arrow compute functions to process a dataset in or Dataset.filter():

>>> import pyarrow.compute as pc
>>> from datasets import Dataset
>>> data = {"col_0": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "col_1": [0., 0., 1., 1.]}
>>> ds = Dataset.from_dict(data)
>>> ds = ds.with_format("arrow")
>>> ds = t: t.append_column("col_2", pc.add(t["col_1"], 1)), batched=True)
>>> ds[:2]
col_0: string
col_1: double
col_2: double
col_0: [["a","b"]]
col_1: [[0,0]]
col_2: [[1,1]]
>>> ds = ds.filter(lambda t: pc.equal(t["col_0"], "b"), batched=True)
>>> ds[0]
col_0: string
col_1: double
col_2: double
col_0: [["b"]]
col_1: [[0]]
col_2: [[1]]

We use batched=True because it is faster to process batches of data in PyArrow rather than row by row. It’s also possible to use batch_size= in map() to set the size of each table.

This also works for and IterableDataset.filter().

Import or Export from PyArrow

A Dataset is a wrapper of a PyArrow Table, you can instantiate a Dataset directly from the Table:

ds = Dataset(table)

You can access the PyArrow Table of a dataset using, which returns a MemoryMappedTable or a InMemoryTable or a ConcatenationTable, depending on the origin of the Arrow data and the operations that were applied.

Those objects wrap the underlying PyArrow table accessible at This table contains all the data of the dataset, but there might also be an indices mapping at Dataset._indices which maps the dataset rows indices to the PyArrow Table rows indices. This can happen if the dataset has been shuffled with Dataset.shuffle() or if only a subset of the rows are used (e.g. after a

In the general case, you can export a dataset to a PyArrow Table using table = ds.with_format("arrow")[:].

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