
About the final license for commercial release.

by victorhsko - opened


The licenses of weights, inference code and espeak-ng are as below.

Apache 2.0 weights in this repository
MIT inference code in spaces/hexgrad/Kokoro-TTS adapted from yl4579/StyleTTS2
GPLv3 dependency in espeak-ng

What is the total license type when the updated Kokoro-TTS is released to customers ?
As you know, since GPLv3 license requests developers to open all source codes when the library having GPLv3 license is included.


espeak-ng is not included as source code, it is only used by kokoro. This condition of GPLv3 is therefore not applicable. Otherwise the code of the Windows cmd would also have to be published under the GPLv3 license, since it also uses espeak-ng as a “backend” to fulfill your requirement to translate a text into phonemes.

Thank you so much for your comments.

victorhsko changed discussion status to closed

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