
Dataset for german language

by junkstage - opened

Hi @hexgrad ,
since i have read that you trained the new model on "public domain" audio as well, i searched for good german public domain datasets and found some here: https://opendata.iisys.de/dataset/hui-audio-corpus-german/

It's a selection of the LibriVox dataset with good quality from the university in Hof. Particularly the "clean" datasets are high quality.
i asked one of authors of the collected subset for the license as well and he meant it's public domain. (https://github.com/iisys-hof/HUI-Audio-Corpus-German/issues/4)

Yes, would be awesome to have also German voices!

I second that.

Here are also 23+ hours of german voice with permissive license https://www.thorsten-voice.de/datasets/

I third that

+1 for german support, would be amazing to add it to the list of voices

is there a chance to get a german voice for kokoro?

Yes +1 for German. But for general purposes I think we need better samples. The ones posted here as an example sound more like for book audio readings.

german is the only voice preventing me to use it, would be great if you can add it!

I can only add eligible audio that I find, or that others give to me. So far, I have received no German audio in response to https://hf.co/posts/hexgrad/846477530846098

Edit: there are quality standards for audio that enters training, and things like Common Voice or Thorsten Voice do not meet that bar

Are you aware of the following datasets?

•	M-AILABS German and CSS10 – German for additional single or multi–speaker data. https://github.com/imdatceleste/m-ailabs-dataset
•	HUI-Audio-Corpus-German for a large, multi–speaker resource with excellent audio quality: https://github.com/iisys-hof/HUI-Audio-Corpus-German
•	LibriVoxDeEn for audiobook–based, read speech data: https://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/statnlpgroup/librivoxdeen/
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