For anyone who is wondering what is going on here with all the "reports"
This is right out of the playbook of the "United Front" (统一战线), the PR department of the CCP, so to say.
Their only goal is to derail any critcism of the CCP and label it as "Anti-China", "Anti-Chinese", racist, whatnot.
Flood the forums with fake abuse reports, whataboutism, strawman arguments.
You'll never have them address the criticism directly, though.
Because they have to push the agenda that China is the CCP is China.
And any "attack" on the CCP therefore is an attack on the Chinese people.
Spoiler: You can like China and dislike the CCP at the same time, millions if not billions of people do.
Thanks @eugenhotaj-ppl for this premium bait to lure the UF out of their holes, and get some of Ye Olde Streisand ;)
PS: If you've read this far you will want do dig deeper into what the "United Front" is and does. Just don't ask deepseek about them ;)
You mentioned "Whataboutism", it's like everytime when China did something good, there're always some other people jump out and yell "What about...?" Like this time. This is worse than whataboutism and really makes many people upset.
This is just a perplexity-censored version of model. Please note the dataset they used to train is what they "curated", which means it is based on their perspective and values.
If you think Perplexity is unbaised, please see below answers to "what is united front" from 3 different platform:
According to Perplexity itself, OpenAI is unbaised, and maybe its own model's score is with a negative value in below:
And btw, your superficial understanding on the "UF" is quite lauphable. It looks like your stereotype hinder you from learning on new things.
Did you just answer on my mentioning of whataboutism with another whataboutism? ;)
Anyway, as there's quite some publications and articles on the topic of the "United Front Work Department" (统一战线), I'm not sure what i would gain from asking claude or openai about it. Or r1-1776, for that matter.
If you think Perplexity is unbaised
No model is unbiased, it's in the nature of LLMs to carry some degree of bias. deepseek is deliberatly taking this to another level, though.
Oh, and the UFWD is very much alive and active, i wish claude was correct there.
They seem to be pretty busy undermining democracy in Taiwan right now, and pretty much everywhere else, too. As if they didn't already have their hands full suppressing dissent in their homeland...
Small correction: as @qchauncey rightfully pointed out, "United Front" is too vague of a search term, bringing up all kinds of outdated information.
It's the term "United Front Work Department" you want to use for better results on the current involvements of the CCP's public relations division.
Thanks! :*
"Keep throwing continuous flood of shit that exceeds the opponent's ability to process"
Wherever they play, CCP always uses this tactics.
The CCP is trying to export their ideology weapon by hiding malicious political checkpoints in their "open source" models.
When someone removes it, they're here to stop it at all costs.
That's what's happening, like always did.
You piss the people then you cry about this all being CCP propaganda, pathetic.
Everything you say misses and hits back to the CCP.
Look at the number of "crying" people, 168 threads?
wumao gonna wumao. Convince nobody. I like how they threaten to de-censor our models.
legitimate complaints that perplexity re-aligned the model instead of removing censorship are lost in the garbage fire.
This is right out of the playbook of the "United Front" (统一战线), the PR department of the CCP, so to say.
Their only goal is to derail any critcism of the CCP and label it as "Anti-China", "Anti-Chinese", racist, whatnot.
Flood the forums with fake abuse reports, whataboutism, strawman arguments.
You'll never have them address the criticism directly, though.
Because they have to push the agenda that China is the CCP is China.
And any "attack" on the CCP therefore is an attack on the Chinese people.Spoiler: You can like China and dislike the CCP at the same time, millions if not billions of people do.
Thanks @eugenhotaj-ppl for this premium bait to lure the UF out of their holes, and get some of Ye Olde Streisand ;)
PS: If you've read this far you will want do dig deeper into what the "United Front" is and does. Just don't ask deepseek about them ;)
I am currently testing this model and have no issues or what I would call "dangerous" content being created. The attacks on this model do seem coordinated and I fail to see the issues. Many models on Huggingface get alignment changes and users can choose which models they use and which ones they don't. That is the beauty of open source and community driven tools. To be angry that one alignment is removed and another is put in place or that none was put in place is silly or at worse attempting to force a specific set of narratives. There is a very large space to work in here. There is no need for the pettiness represented here. Nobody attacked the R1 original model because it said this or that which aligned with views of certain groups. Everyone celebrated its achievements. So just relax people. There are lots of models and lots of uses. Unless you are playing some kind of "world domination" game which is terrifying, just use models that behave the way you prefer and move on. There is no need for fighting.
@ibivibiv ~~are you sure you are answering in the right thread? ~~ Edit: scratch that, i misread your post
Please. The "united front" means different political parties cooperating for a common aim or fighting a shared enemy. For example, CCP and KMT cooperated in WW2 to fight the Japanese Empire.
It has nothing to do with any propaganda. CCP has different departments for the two different works, named the United Front Work Department and the Publicity Department.
Please use the correct terms to help us communicate and let others understand you.
When the CCP wants to entice America: "Brother, we fought Japan together, right?"
When the CCP wants to entice Russia: "Brother, we fought America together, right?"
goood this gave us a good idea, we will release a R1-911, R1-Indian Massacre or R1-PRISM sooner or later
They think publishing "R1-AmericaSucks" would inflict some effective humiliation.
In fact the free world doesn't give a shit for biased publications being added.
It's interesting how CCP doesn't understand the rule of freedom at all.
They think publishing "R1-AmericaSucks" would inflict some effective humiliation.
In fact the free world doesn't give a shit for biased publications being added.
It's interesting how CCP doesn't understand the rule of freedom at all.
it's funny to think that those who reports the model r members of ccp.
tbh, put academic research into some of political issues sucks...
& where the hell is the "free world"?
tbh, put academic research into some of political issues sucks...
Exactly. We hate it.
Nobody wanted to have to react this way to stand against one-sided massive political claims and deletion requests on the model.
It might have some problem, but it should never be deleted by the accuse they're claiming.
R1-NKoreaNapalm is one I wish to see
Where there are AMD/NVIDIA chips, there is Chinese invention. You can hate it, but you can't ignore it.
Where there are AMD/NVIDIA chips, there is Chinese invention. You can hate it, but you can't ignore it.
So many people here criticize the CCP for various reasons, yet no one is actually attacking China itself or Chinese people at all.
There's obviously a clear, strict distinction between the terms "CCP" and "China" in these discussions.
Only wumaos INTENTIONALLY ignore this distinction at all costs and conflate legitimate criticism with a delusional "anti-China" sentiment.
As a result, they repeatedly fall back on the same tired arguments, such as "Hey, that's anti-China!", almost like a broken record.
It's fascinating how crucial it seems to be for them to defend this line.
When logic fails, personal insults always follow as a last resort.
This is a dishonest and malicious gaslighting strategy, designed not to contribute to constructive dialogue, but to silence criticism altogether.
Why are you showing your courage to criticize CCP on HuggingFace where people expect more or less freedom of sharing software and LLM?
Instead, you could choose political websites to do your goals.
It is simply not the place for it.
Terms of Service: speaks of services in terms of machine learning, not political forum.
Content policy:
Your organization is promoting discrimination, hate, trolling people here, discussion go beyond machine learning.
- Because they ignore the rules of open source community and here their political warriors massively troll Perplexity for removing censorship. By disgusting tactics of false-labeling us as politically-motivated hater, while they are the politically-motivated hater.
We don't want to talk about politics in here at all.
Don't sound like we started it. Look at how many "Ethical Issue(s)" reports they're still submitting today. We only had to react to defend the publishing right from the political trolls.
@ufwd1984 Cooperating with other political parties.
While they still do that, with e.g. the KMT again (the irony!), this is only a small part of their work nowadays.
Making sure overseas-Chinese stay in line, going after people critcizing the CCP, all in a days work for them.
And I think your question is off-topic.
It is not, as you either don't know about the United Front's work, or simply try to deflect.
Terms of Service: speaks of services in terms of machine learning, not political forum.
You should read them as well, instead of just posting a link.
It clearly forbids trolling, harrassing, bullying.
It's healthy to have a rational level of skepticism, but this level of vitriolic conspiracism against the users who are voicing their dislike concerning the crass and unprofessional handling of this fine-tune is teetering on the knifes edge of a schizophrenic abyss.
It's healthy to have a rational level of skepticism, but this level of vitriolic conspiracism against the users who are voicing their dislike concerning the crass and unprofessional handling of this fine-tune is teetering on the knifes edge of a schizophrenic abyss.
If dozens of users, pretty much all of them just joined huggingface, post complaints with almost identical subjects and content that all hits in the "you hate Chinese because you claim to remove censorship by the CCP" there is some evidence for a concerted effort. This is nothing new, either, it's called brigading.
You can look it up, or just ask deepseek:
Definition of Brigading in Online Forums:
Brigading refers to a coordinated online attack by multiple individuals or groups, aimed at targeting both individuals and entities with the intent to cause harm, emotional distress, or damage to one's reputation or integrity.
This behavior is considered toxic and harmful, as it violates community guidelines for respectful communication.
(bold text added by deepseek)
It's healthy to have a rational level of skepticism, but this level of vitriolic conspiracism against the users who are voicing their dislike concerning the crass and unprofessional handling of this fine-tune is teetering on the knifes edge of a schizophrenic abyss.
Thank you for giving us a precise depiction of what we should call schizophrenic conspiracism: when we see someone solely removes a political censorship and then the discussion forum is filled with friggin 267 threads by "users who are voicing their dislike" for "western anti-China racism" behind the model.
BTW, could you tell us why you're suddenly so concerned about specifically R1-1776, while you didn't express the same concern for the original R1 and other models which apparently introduced political bias which is "crass" too? Reportedly their difference is mostly only in the CCP political censorship. Is there any trouble for you if the users of this model "accidentally" can read and acknowledge diverse information regarding these topics?
Can't you see that we're fed up with all those pathetic position talkers that discuss the same behavior and arrives at different conclusions depending on who did it? (CCP introduces political bias -> keeps complete silence. Perplexity (accordingly to their claim) introduces political bias -> suddenly starts to blame them)