R1-1776 has no place on 🤗 (Hugging Face) — it belongs in the 💩 (Shit) and 🚮 (Trash)

by MINGtoMING - opened
def have_a_look(llm_model_name):
       if llm_model_name == 'r1-1776':
            return '💩'
      return '🤗'

六四事件,又稱八九民运、八九学运、天安門事件或六四天安門事件,中国官方称1989年春夏之交的政治风波[2][11],广义上指1989年4月中旬开始的以悼念胡耀邦活动为导火索、由中国大陆高校学生在北京市天安门广场发起、持续近两个月的全境示威运动[12][13][14][註 4];狹義上指六四清場,即1989年6月3日晚間至6月4日凌晨,中央军事委员会调集中国人民解放军戒严部队、武装警察部队和人民警察在北京天安門廣場对示威集会进行的武力清场行动[15][16][17][18]



@enroll9997 Regarding politically sensitive topics, there are ongoing debates about the accuracy of information on Wikipedia. Would you like to share your perspective on this matter while maintaining appropriate discretion?

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Discretion? I mean, I quoted a vital part of the article. It contains sources. I know you can access Wikipedia with Tor and Shadowsocks. Yes, there are debates about accuracy of Wikipedia articles, but not this one my young padawan. This one is crystal clear. CCP trolls try to meddle with Wikipedia to turn the sensitive subjects for Chinese PoV in their favor. RUbots try to do this for Russian propaganda talking points. And so on. They all fail.

Let it be clear, from one human being to another: I don't mind that you feed people in China your propaganda. Whether they're Chinese, American, or whatever else. But you stay away from what we do in USA and the rest of the free world. So go ahead, fork Wikipedia, make your own version with your own propaganda talking points. Do the same with LLMs, for all I care. But that we in the free West make our versions, backed with facts, is up to us, and you cannot stop that effort. It just makes it a bit more annoying, that's all. Is it worth it? I don't think so. You do you. We do we. Also: you take from us, we take from you. We all win.

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What's with the personal attacks? Can't do OSINT?

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Haha, thinking the West’s got a monopoly on “facts”. Let’s unpack this mess:

Your “facts” smell like Starbucks hypocrisy. You’re hyperventilating about CCP/RU bots “meddling” on Wikipedia, but who do you think wrote 90% of it? College kids in Brooklyn and Berlin! When’s the last time a farmer in Bangladesh got to edit the page on “global poverty”? Your “neutral” wiki’s just a groupchat for privileged nerds.

“Free world”? Dude, your media’s a PR firm for the Pentagon. Iraq’s WMDs? Your CIA-fed media peddled that crap. The U.S. literally legalized spreading propaganda to Americans (Google “Smith-Mundt Act”). Twitter bots? Facebook troll farms? Please—your Silicon Valley darlings rigged elections from Honduras to Ukraine. Take several seats.

“Fork Wikipedia”? Bro, y’all already did that! Conservapedia. Breitbart. Fox “News”. Your schools ban books about slavery while preaching “freedom”. Go build your MAGA-tech utopia! Meanwhile, the actual planet’s using Chinese wind turbine data and NASA satellites to fix climate chaos. Newsflash: Reality doesn’t care about your team sports mentality.

Truth ain’t a McFlurry—you can’t customize it. Every time your “free” buddies bomb a wedding in Yemen (oops, “collateral damage”), jail a whistleblower (Snowden’s still in Russia!), or let cops shoot unarmed kids (keep hashtagging though!), your moral authority dies a little.

def have_a_look(llm_model_name):
       if llm_model_name == 'r1-1776':
            return '💩'
      return '🤗'

Okay, this is probably the funniest Python function I've ever seen. 🤣

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+10 social credits

Nah, keep some for yourself. 😉

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+10 more social credits to you fren. 🐻 🍯 is proud of you.

How come you're so generous? Are you connected to China's government by any chance?

@MINGtoMING everything you said was correct, but does chatgpt censor any of that?

@endomorphosis Do you think ChatGPT is uncensored, but more importantly, ChatGPT has never claimed to be uncensored.

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