Ross Wightman


AI & ML interests

Computer vision, transfer learning, semi/self supervised learning, robotics.



Posts 6

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The timm leaderboard timm/leaderboard has been updated with the ability to select different hardware benchmark sets: RTX4090, RTX3090, two different CPUs along with some NCHW / NHWC layout and torch.compile (dynamo) variations.

Also worth pointing out, there are three rather newish 'test' models that you'll see at the top of any samples/sec comparison:
* test_vit ( timm/test_vit.r160_in1k)
* test_efficientnet ( timm/test_efficientnet.r160_in1k)
* test_byobnet ( timm/test_byobnet.r160_in1k, a mix of resnet, darknet, effnet/regnet like blocks)

They are < 0.5M params, insanely fast and originally intended for unit testing w/ real weights. They have awful ImageNet top-1, it's rare to have anyone bother to train a model this small on ImageNet (the classifier is roughly 30-70% of the param count!). However, they are FAST on very limited hadware and you can fine-tune them well on small data. Could be the model you're looking for?
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The latest timm validation & test set results are now viewable by a leaderboard space: timm/leaderboard

As of yesterday, I updated all of the results for ImageNet , ImageNet-ReaL, ImageNet-V2, ImageNet-R, ImageNet-A, and Sketch sets. The csv files can be found in the GH repo

Unfortunately the latest benchmark csv files are not yet up to date, there are some gaps in dataset results vs throughput/flop numbers impact the plots.

h/t to @MohamedRashad for making the first timm leaderboard.