Easy to fool leaderboard

by jostyposty - opened

I was eager to get starting on the RL course and started training locally. I tried different params and the motivation was the leader board. When I take a closer look, I see things like this:

I ran the model from the above repo locally about 30 times, and the best result I got was actually 269.14.

Kind of sad we can't trust in the results. Couldn't the score be verified more or less automatically on the server?

Huggingface Projects org
edited Feb 19, 2024

Hey there,

Thanks for pointing this out.
Unfortunately no, we don't have verification system for RL model upload. Since this leaderboard is for education purposes and there's no point of cheating.

What you can do is open a PR on the model to ask why they changed the score.

This comment has been hidden

Dear Jostein Skaar,

I wanted to bring up a point regarding my repository. Upon noticing the score for the Cartpole environment, I was somewhat surprised. Upon further investigation, I realized that the leaderboard scores are not computed but rather reflect what users report. This prompted me to delve into understanding how these leaderboard scores are determined.

As Thomas pointed out, this leaderboard serves as a platform for learning rather than a competitive arena akin to Kaggle. Continuously striving to surpass one's own scores is the most effective approach to progress in this context.

That being said, I could revert the changes I made. However, it's worth noting that the accuracy of other scores on the leaderboard may also be in question.

Thank you for your understanding.

@satcos I'm interested in the model that got such High a score. Can you post your code or give us your model's attributes so we can replicate the score, or test to learn from it?


import subprocess


import sys


from pathlib import Path

Do Not Change Above Line#

import re
import random
import os
from typing import Optional
from g4f import ChatCompletion, models, Provider
import autopep8
import tempfile
import coverage
import os

TODO: make a duplicate as backup and with filename.bak then overwrite the improved file

TODO: Have more visual status view when improvment pprocess is running

TODO: Move prompting texts into a prompts.py file

class CodeImprover:

version: Optional[float] = 3.0
script_path: Optional[str] = None
log_file: Optional[str] = f"{str(Path(__file__).parent)}/changes.txt"

def __init__(self):
    self.python_mark: Optional[str] = r"```(python|py|)\n(?P<code>[\s\S]+?)\n```"

def read_code(text: str, code_mark: str) -> str:
    match = re.search(code_mark, text)
    if match:
        return match.group("code")

def save_changes(self, text: str) -> None:
    with open(self.log_file, "a") as file:
    print(f"Changes saved to log {self.log_file}")

def check_syntax_errors(self, code: str, filename: str = "<string>") -> bool:
        compile(code, filename, mode="exec")
    except SyntaxError as e:
        raise SyntaxError(f"Syntax Error in {filename}: Line {e.lineno}: {e.msg}")
    return True

def format_code(self, code: str) -> str:
    return autopep8.fix_code(code)

def generate_coverage_report(self, code: str) -> None:
    tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # make the temp file and keep it from deleting
    tempfile.close() # close the tempfile for the os to unlock it
    tempfile.write(code.encode())# now write the damn file
    temp_file_path = tempfile.name
    cov = coverage.Coverage(data_file=tempfile.name)
    subprocess.run(["python", temp_file.name])
    cov.report(show_missing=True, skip_covered=True, ignore_errors=True)
    cov.report(show_missing=True, skip_covered=True, ignore_errors=True)

def improve_code(self, path: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    """Improves the code in a given file or all files in a given directory."""
    if self.script_path and os.path.exists(self.script_path):
        path = self.script_path
        path = input(
            "Enter the path of the file you want to improve:(enter to self-improve) ")

    if path != "":
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            paths = [path]
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            paths = list(Path(path).rglob("*.py"))
            print("Invalid path.")
        paths = [str(Path(__file__).parent)]
    for path in paths:
            with open(os.path.basename(__file__),"r") as file:
                code = file.read()
            prompt = f"""
            You are a pragmatic, procedural, and organized code analyzing and improving agent. 
            You can ingest, analyze, improve and upgrade scripts.
            - Always start the new script with the imports above '#Do Not Change Above Line#'
            - Don't make a new comment block at the end of the script if one exists, just add or subtract info as needed.
            - Don't change or move methods, classes or variables that have '#protected' above the definition.
            - Don't remove any functionality only add functionality.
            - Don't remove the imports at the top of the script.
            - Don't add type hints to kwargs.
            - Don't remove license comments.
            - The 'Description:' in the bottom 'comment block' is where you describe the script
            - The 'Usage:' description in the bottom 'comment block' is where you explain the usage.
            - The 'Use cases:' in the bottom 'comment block' is where you list predicted use cases.
            - The 'Proposed extra features:' in the bottom 'comment block' is where you list proposed new features.
            - The 'TODOS:' in the top 'comment block' is where the user will list the todo's.
            - Create or Update the 'version' variable by adding 0.1 to it.
            - List the changes you made starting with 'I made the following changes:'.
            - The 'comment block' at the top of the script is always formatted like this:
                    <here the user places todos he wants implemented>
            - The 'comment block' at the bottom of the script is always formatted like this:
                    <here the assistant describes script working>
                    <here the assistant describes script usage>
                Predicted use cases:
                    <here the assistant describes use cases>
                Proposed features:
                    <here the assistant proposes features>
            improve_task = f"""
            - 1 Refactor the code into a callable class if needed.
            - 2 Add a __name__ == "__main__" if needed.
            - 3 Implement the items the user listed under 'TODOS:' in the top 'comment block'.
            - 4 Add or change variables, methods, enums, classes and logic to improve and enhance the script.
            - 5 Add type hints.
            - 6 Update the bottom 'comment block' with relevant information.
            Now improve the code in this file:

            response = []
            model = models.gpt_35_turbo
            for chunk in ChatCompletion.create(
                    {"role": "system", "content": prompt},
                    {"role": "user", "content": improve_task},
                print(chunk, end="", flush=True)
            response = "".join(response)
            code = self.read_code(response, self.python_mark)
            if code:
                # Check for syntax errors
                # Format the code
                code = self.format_code(code)
                # Generate a code coverage report
                new_file_path = str(Path(path).with_name(
                    f"{Path(path).stem}_generated_{str(self.version).replace('.', '_')}_improvement{Path(path).suffix}"))
                with open(new_file_path, "w") as file:
                print(f"Improved code saved to {new_file_path}")
            # split off the changes and save them
            changes = response.split("I made the following changes:")
            changes = f"I made the following changes in version {self.version}:\n{changes.pop()}"
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("Invalid file path.")

if name == "main":

Well that had nothing to do with this post

Huggingface Projects org

Hey all,

We heard your concerns and my colleague Quentin worked on the Open RL Leaderboard: https://huggingface.co/spaces/open-rl-leaderboard/leaderboard

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