File size: 11,683 Bytes
e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 e1017ef 9c1ae34 |
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# Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from api.db import LLMType
from import LLMBundle
from import KnowledgebaseService
from api.settings import retrievaler
from api.utils import get_uuid
from rag.nlp import tokenize, search
from rag.utils.es_conn import ELASTICSEARCH
from ranx import evaluate
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
class Benchmark:
def __init__(self, kb_id):
e, kb = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(kb_id)
self.similarity_threshold = kb.similarity_threshold
self.vector_similarity_weight = kb.vector_similarity_weight
self.embd_mdl = LLMBundle(kb.tenant_id, LLMType.EMBEDDING, llm_name=kb.embd_id, lang=kb.language)
def _get_benchmarks(self, query, dataset_idxnm, count=16):
req = {"question": query, "size": count, "vector": True, "similarity": self.similarity_threshold}
sres =, search.index_name(dataset_idxnm), self.embd_mdl)
return sres
def _get_retrieval(self, qrels, dataset_idxnm):
run = defaultdict(dict)
query_list = list(qrels.keys())
for query in query_list:
sres = self._get_benchmarks(query, dataset_idxnm)
sim, _, _ = retrievaler.rerank(sres, query, 1 - self.vector_similarity_weight,
for index, id in enumerate(sres.ids):
run[query][id] = sim[index]
return run
def embedding(self, docs, batch_size=16):
vects = []
cnts = [d["content_with_weight"] for d in docs]
for i in range(0, len(cnts), batch_size):
vts, c = self.embd_mdl.encode(cnts[i: i + batch_size])
assert len(docs) == len(vects)
for i, d in enumerate(docs):
v = vects[i]
d["q_%d_vec" % len(v)] = v
return docs
def ms_marco_index(self, file_path, index_name):
qrels = defaultdict(dict)
texts = defaultdict(dict)
docs = []
filelist = os.listdir(file_path)
for dir in filelist:
data = pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(file_path, dir))
for i in tqdm(range(len(data)), colour="green", desc="Indexing:" + dir):
query = data.iloc[i]['query']
for rel, text in zip(data.iloc[i]['passages']['is_selected'], data.iloc[i]['passages']['passage_text']):
d = {
"id": get_uuid()
tokenize(d, text, "english")
texts[d["id"]] = text
qrels[query][d["id"]] = int(rel)
if len(docs) >= 32:
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
docs = []
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
return qrels, texts
def trivia_qa_index(self, file_path, index_name):
qrels = defaultdict(dict)
texts = defaultdict(dict)
docs = []
filelist = os.listdir(file_path)
for dir in filelist:
data = pd.read_parquet(os.path.join(file_path, dir))
for i in tqdm(range(len(data)), colour="green", desc="Indexing:" + dir):
query = data.iloc[i]['question']
for rel, text in zip(data.iloc[i]["search_results"]['rank'],
d = {
"id": get_uuid()
tokenize(d, text, "english")
texts[d["id"]] = text
qrels[query][d["id"]] = int(rel)
if len(docs) >= 32:
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
docs = []
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
return qrels, texts
def miracl_index(self, file_path, corpus_path, index_name):
corpus_total = {}
for corpus_file in os.listdir(corpus_path):
tmp_data = pd.read_json(os.path.join(corpus_path, corpus_file), lines=True)
for index, i in tmp_data.iterrows():
corpus_total[i['docid']] = i['text']
topics_total = {}
for topics_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, 'topics')):
if 'test' in topics_file:
tmp_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_path, 'topics', topics_file), sep='\t', names=['qid', 'query'])
for index, i in tmp_data.iterrows():
topics_total[i['qid']] = i['query']
qrels = defaultdict(dict)
texts = defaultdict(dict)
docs = []
for qrels_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(file_path, 'qrels')):
if 'test' in qrels_file:
tmp_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_path, 'qrels', qrels_file), sep='\t',
names=['qid', 'Q0', 'docid', 'relevance'])
for i in tqdm(range(len(tmp_data)), colour="green", desc="Indexing:" + qrels_file):
query = topics_total[tmp_data.iloc[i]['qid']]
text = corpus_total[tmp_data.iloc[i]['docid']]
rel = tmp_data.iloc[i]['relevance']
d = {
"id": get_uuid()
tokenize(d, text, 'english')
texts[d["id"]] = text
qrels[query][d["id"]] = int(rel)
if len(docs) >= 32:
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
docs = []
docs = self.embedding(docs)
ELASTICSEARCH.bulk(docs, search.index_name(index_name))
return qrels, texts
def save_results(self, qrels, run, texts, dataset, file_path):
keep_result = []
run_keys = list(run.keys())
for run_i in tqdm(range(len(run_keys)), desc="Calculating ndcg@10 for single query"):
key = run_keys[run_i]
keep_result.append({'query': key, 'qrel': qrels[key], 'run': run[key],
'ndcg@10': evaluate({key: qrels[key]}, {key: run[key]}, "ndcg@10")})
keep_result = sorted(keep_result, key=lambda kk: kk['ndcg@10'])
with open(os.path.join(file_path, dataset + ''), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write('## Score For Every Query\n')
for keep_result_i in keep_result:
f.write('### query: ' + keep_result_i['query'] + ' ndcg@10:' + str(keep_result_i['ndcg@10']) + '\n')
scores = [[i[0], i[1]] for i in keep_result_i['run'].items()]
scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda kk: kk[1])
for score in scores[:10]:
f.write('- text: ' + str(texts[score[0]]) + '\t qrel: ' + str(score[1]) + '\n')
print(os.path.join(file_path, dataset + ''), 'Saved!')
def __call__(self, dataset, file_path, miracl_corpus=''):
if dataset == "ms_marco_v1.1":
qrels, texts = self.ms_marco_index(file_path, "benchmark_ms_marco_v1.1")
run = self._get_retrieval(qrels, "benchmark_ms_marco_v1.1")
print(dataset, evaluate(qrels, run, ["ndcg@10", "map@5", "mrr"]))
self.save_results(qrels, run, texts, dataset, file_path)
if dataset == "trivia_qa":
qrels, texts = self.trivia_qa_index(file_path, "benchmark_trivia_qa")
run = self._get_retrieval(qrels, "benchmark_trivia_qa")
print(dataset, evaluate(qrels, run, ["ndcg@10", "map@5", "mrr"]))
self.save_results(qrels, run, texts, dataset, file_path)
if dataset == "miracl":
for lang in ['ar', 'bn', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'hi', 'id', 'ja', 'ko', 'ru', 'sw', 'te', 'th',
'yo', 'zh']:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang)):
print('Directory: ' + os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang) + ' not found!')
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang, 'qrels')):
print('Directory: ' + os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang, 'qrels') + 'not found!')
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang, 'topics')):
print('Directory: ' + os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang, 'topics') + 'not found!')
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(miracl_corpus, 'miracl-corpus-v1.0-' + lang)):
print('Directory: ' + os.path.join(miracl_corpus, 'miracl-corpus-v1.0-' + lang) + ' not found!')
qrels, texts = self.miracl_index(os.path.join(file_path, 'miracl-v1.0-' + lang),
os.path.join(miracl_corpus, 'miracl-corpus-v1.0-' + lang),
"benchmark_miracl_" + lang)
run = self._get_retrieval(qrels, "benchmark_miracl_" + lang)
print(dataset, evaluate(qrels, run, ["ndcg@10", "map@5", "mrr"]))
self.save_results(qrels, run, texts, dataset, file_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('*****************RAGFlow Benchmark*****************')
kb_id = input('Please input kb_id:\n')
ex = Benchmark(kb_id)
dataset = input(
'RAGFlow Benchmark Support:\n\tms_marco_v1.1:<>\n\ttrivia_qa:<>\n\tmiracl:<>\nPlease input dataset choice:\n')
if dataset in ['ms_marco_v1.1', 'trivia_qa']:
if dataset == "ms_marco_v1.1":
print("Notice: Please provide the ms_marco_v1.1 dataset only. ms_marco_v2.1 is not supported!")
dataset_path = input('Please input ' + dataset + ' dataset path:\n')
ex(dataset, dataset_path)
elif dataset == 'miracl':
dataset_path = input('Please input ' + dataset + ' dataset path:\n')
corpus_path = input('Please input ' + dataset + '-corpus dataset path:\n')
ex(dataset, dataset_path, miracl_corpus=corpus_path)
print("Dataset: ", dataset, "not supported!")