ragflow / docker /README.md
Kevin Hu
Revert "Updated obsolete faqs (#3554)" (#3573)
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<summary></b>πŸ“— Table of Contents</b></summary>
- 🐳 [Docker Compose](#-docker-compose)
- 🐬 [Docker environment variables](#-docker-environment-variables)
- πŸ‹ [Service configuration](#-service-configuration)
## 🐳 Docker Compose
- **docker-compose.yml**
Sets up environment for RAGFlow and its dependencies.
- **docker-compose-base.yml**
Sets up environment for RAGFlow's base services: Elasticsearch, MySQL, MinIO, and Redis.
## 🐬 Docker environment variables
The [.env](./.env) file contains important environment variables for Docker.
### Elasticsearch
The version of Elasticsearch. Defaults to `8.11.3`
The port used to expose the Elasticsearch service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the service running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `1200`.
The password for Elasticsearch.
### Kibana
The port used to expose the Kibana service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the service running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `6601`.
The username for Kibana. Defaults to `rag_flow`.
The password for Kibana. Defaults to `infini_rag_flow`.
### Resource management
The maximum amount of the memory, in bytes, that *a specific* Docker container can use while running. Defaults to `8073741824`.
### MySQL
The password for MySQL.
The port used to expose the MySQL service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the MySQL database running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `5455`.
### MinIO
The port used to expose the MinIO console interface to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the web-based console running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `9001`
The port used to expose the MinIO API service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the MinIO object storage service running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `9000`.
The username for MinIO.
The password for MinIO.
### Redis
The port used to expose the Redis service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the Redis service running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `6379`.
The password for Redis.
### RAGFlow
The port used to expose RAGFlow's HTTP API service to the host machine, allowing **external** access to the service running inside the Docker container. Defaults to `9380`.
The Docker image edition. Available editions:
- `infiniflow/ragflow:dev-slim` (default): The RAGFlow Docker image without embedding models.
- `infiniflow/ragflow:dev`: The RAGFlow Docker image with embedding models including:
- Embedded embedding models:
- `BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5`
- `BAAI/bge-reranker-v2-m3`
- `maidalun1020/bce-embedding-base_v1`
- `maidalun1020/bce-reranker-base_v1`
- Embedding models that will be downloaded once you select them in the RAGFlow UI:
- `BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5`
- `BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5`
- `BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5`
- `BAAI/bge-small-zh-v1.5`
- `jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-en`
- `jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-small-en`
- `nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5`
- `sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2`
> [!TIP]
> If you cannot download the RAGFlow Docker image, try the following mirrors.
> - For the `dev-slim` edition:
> - `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/infiniflow/ragflow:dev-slim` or,
> - `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/infiniflow/ragflow:dev-slim`.
> - For the `dev` edition:
> - `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/infiniflow/ragflow:dev` or,
> - `RAGFLOW_IMAGE=registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/infiniflow/ragflow:dev`.
### Timezone
The local time zone. Defaults to `'Asia/Shanghai'`.
### Hugging Face mirror site
The mirror site for huggingface.co. It is disabled by default. You can uncomment this line if you have limited access to the primary Hugging Face domain.
### MacOS
Optimizations for MacOS. It is disabled by default. You can uncomment this line if your OS is MacOS.
## πŸ‹ Service configuration
[service_conf.yaml](./service_conf.yaml) specifies the system-level configuration for RAGFlow and is used by its API server and task executor. In a dockerized setup, this file is automatically created based on the [service_conf.yaml.template](./service_conf.yaml.template) file (replacing all environment variables by their values).
- `ragflow`
- `host`: The API server's IP address inside the Docker container. Defaults to ``.
- `port`: The API server's serving port inside the Docker container. Defaults to `9380`.
- `mysql`
- `name`: The MySQL database name. Defaults to `rag_flow`.
- `user`: The username for MySQL.
- `password`: The password for MySQL. When updated, you must revise the `MYSQL_PASSWORD` variable in [.env](./.env) accordingly.
- `port`: The MySQL serving port inside the Docker container. Defaults to `3306`.
- `max_connections`: The maximum number of concurrent connections to the MySQL database. Defaults to `100`.
- `stale_timeout`: Timeout in seconds.
- `minio`
- `user`: The username for MinIO. When updated, you must revise the `MINIO_USER` variable in [.env](./.env) accordingly.
- `password`: The password for MinIO. When updated, you must revise the `MINIO_PASSWORD` variable in [.env](./.env) accordingly.
- `host`: The MinIO serving IP *and* port inside the Docker container. Defaults to `minio:9000`.
- `oauth`
The OAuth configuration for signing up or signing in to RAGFlow using a third-party account. It is disabled by default. To enable this feature, uncomment the corresponding lines in **service_conf.yaml.template**.
- `github`: The GitHub authentication settings for your application. Visit the [Github Developer Settings page](https://github.com/settings/developers) to obtain your client_id and secret_key.
- `user_default_llm`
The default LLM to use for a new RAGFlow user. It is disabled by default. To enable this feature, uncomment the corresponding lines in **service_conf.yaml.template**.
- `factory`: The LLM supplier. Available options:
- `"OpenAI"`
- `"DeepSeek"`
- `"Moonshot"`
- `"Tongyi-Qianwen"`
- `"VolcEngine"`
- `"ZHIPU-AI"`
- `api_key`: The API key for the specified LLM. You will need to apply for your model API key online.
> [!TIP]
> If you do not set the default LLM here, configure the default LLM on the **Settings** page in the RAGFlow UI.