Runtime error
DSDL: Standard Description Language for DataSet
Data is the cornerstone of artificial intelligence. The efficiency of data acquisition, exchange, and application directly impacts the advances in technologies and applications. Over the long history of AI, a vast quantity of data sets have been developed and distributed. However, these datasets are defined in very different forms, which incurs significant overhead when it comes to exchange, integration, and utilization -- it is often the case that one needs to develop a new customized tool or script in order to incorporate a new dataset into a workflow.
To overcome such difficulties, we develop Data Set Description Language (DSDL). More details please visit our official documents, dsdl datasets can be downloaded from our platform OpenDataLab.
install dsdl and opendatalab:
pip install dsdl pip install opendatalab
install mmseg and pytorch: please refer this installation documents.
prepare dsdl dataset (take voc2012 as an example)
dowaload dsdl dataset (you will need an opendatalab account to do so. register one now)
cd data odl login odl get PASCAL_VOC2012
usually, dataset is compressed on opendatalab platform, the downloaded voc 2012 dataset should be like this:
data/ βββ PASCAL_VOC2012 β βββ dsdl β β βββ β β βββ β βββ raw β β βββ VOC2012test.tar β β βββ VOCdevkit_18-May-2011.tar β β βββ VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar β βββ βββ ...
decompress dataset
cd dsdl unzip
as we do not need detection dsdl files, we only decompress the semantic segmentation files here.
cd ../raw tar -xvf VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar tar -xvf VOC2012test.tar cd ../../
change traning config
open the voc config file and set some file paths as below:
data_root = 'data/PASCAL_VOC2012' img_prefix = 'raw/VOCdevkit/VOC2012' train_ann = 'dsdl/dsdl_SemSeg_full/set-train/train.yaml' val_ann = 'dsdl/dsdl_SemSeg_full/set-val/val.yaml'
as dsdl datasets with one task using one dataloader, we can simplly change these file paths to train a model on a different dataset.
- using single gpu:
python tools/ {config_file}
- using slrum:
./tools/ {partition} {job_name} {config_file} {work_dir} {gpu_nums}