Empty response when using generated curl statement from API playground

by jwschrader - opened

Hi folks,
Not sure if this is the best place to ask this question. Please let me know if there is somewhere else. I'll also probably try your support/contact link.

When I use the playground with this model, it works fine.

I then copy the curl command that the playground generates and run that locally and it returns an empty text string for the answer. Here is a sample response. I've tried adjusting the temperature, top_p, top_k, max_tokens, stream_tokens and the prompt that I'm asking.

{"id":"83df4b8d3f94c39c-SEA","status":"finished","prompt":["[INST]  What is rain?  [/INST]  "],"model":"togethercomputer/Llama-2-7B-32K-Instruct","model_owner":"","num_returns":1,"args":{"model":"togethercomputer/Llama-2-7B-32K-Instruct","prompt":"[INST]  What is rain?  [/INST]  ","request_type":"language-model-inference","temperature":0.1,"top_p":0.1,"top_k":3,"max_tokens":1000,"stream_tokens":false,"stop":["[INST]","\n\n"],"negative_prompt":"","sessionKey":"906e58d5-91b6-4ec9-990e-315b47ec5184","update_at":"2023-12-31T03:00:29.376Z"},"subjobs":[],"output":{"usage":{"prompt_tokens":15,"completion_tokens":2,"total_tokens":17},"result_type":"language-model-inference","choices":[{"text":""}]}}%

This also happens when using the javascript code that is generated.

The generated curl command is working correctly for all other models that I have tried.

Thanks for any guidance,

Together org

issue was fixed in the Playground! Please try again

orangetin changed discussion status to closed

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