Big Ball Game AI
This model is a Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent trained to play "Big Ball Swallows Small Ball", a dynamic arcade-style game where the goal is to eat smaller balls while avoiding larger ones.
Model Description
Input: Game state vector (69 dimensions) containing:
- Player position (x,y)
- Player size
- Hunger meter
- Nearest 13 food items' information (position, size, distance, edibility)
- Dueling DQN with Noisy Linear layers
- Feature extraction: 2 fully connected layers (256 units each)
- Value stream: 2 noisy linear layers (128 -> 1)
- Advantage stream: 2 noisy linear layers (128 -> action_space)
- Framework: PyTorch 2.5.1
- Training Data: Generated through gameplay (~2000 episodes)
- Infrastructure: CUDA-enabled GPU
- Training Time: ~4 hours
Training Parameters
episodes: 2000
max_steps: 1500
batch_size: 64
target_update: 100
gamma: 0.99
initial_epsilon: 1.0
final_epsilon: 0.01
The model achieves:
- Average score: ~3000 points
- Win rate: ~40%
- Average survival time: 800 steps
- May get stuck in local optima (circular patterns)
- Performance degrades with very large numbers of food items
- Can be overly cautious with larger food items
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This model is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.