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I only came here to check Terror Hospital for an alternate title so I'd know what not to pick up. Not only do I get the original title, but I come to find Terror Hospital is one of seven more aliases.This one is a real clunker. Movies like this can usually be forgiven for any number of reasons, mostly unintended consequences of the feature on every level of production that result in at least a mild form of entertainment, mostly amusement. This has none of that. Instead, the viewer is witness to redundantly unnecessary and way-too-convenient-for-the-situation exposition and drawn out scenes of characters warily moving from room to room, and all this is half of the film. Forget trying to figure out where anybody is (or who they are) during darkened or nighttime scenes, too; you probably won't care, anyway. There is also a random car chase sequence that seems quite dull when compared to some of the old driver's ed movies I slep... er, I mean sat through and watched way back in high school. Really, we're talking about mysticism, possession, and a killer on the loose here - not a bad recipe for trash cinema. Unfortunately, there's nothing here to make it even "good" trash; when joined to the aforementioned, the bad acting and not-so-special effects are just that - bad acting and not-so-special effects. This one's just trash, pure and simple. Leave it on the rack at the pawn shop or in that box at the yard sale. There's a reason its there... |
And in my defense, I said Marcelo out of reflex but clarified that Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro is actually the best. |
I'm not a car girl and Lester couldn't have been more accommodating. I needed an inspection and he was able to take me the same day I called. He's open past 7pm so the evening hours make it convenient to pick up or drop off. \n\nVery honest and upfront about the work he did, too...typical Pittsburgher who knows his stuff. Labor was $70/hour and parts were cheaper than other places. Cost me $3 to have a break light replaced. Couldn't have been happier with the quick, honest, convenient service. Lester's the best! |
Watching this movie, you just have to ask: What were they thinking? There are so many noticeably bad parts of this movie, you might get the feel that its intentionally poor, as some sort of joke.<br /><br />I think the worst part about the film is the directing. There are so many bad uses of camera angles and other cinematic elements in this movie that are laughably bad. The funniest example of this would be in the beginning where the party guests are receiving their invitations by email - The same camera angle is used for each shot (which last an awkward 2 seconds a piece) and the same computer screen with the same desktop/window/program etc appear. It even looks like the thing is shot on the same set each time. The whole sequence was also completely silent, with no music, or sound effects. Overall, it was a poor way to convey the idea that an email was being sent all over town.<br /><br />If you listen closely, you may notice that the music sounds very similar to other movie sound tracks. This is no surprise- most songs, including the one that opens the movie, are in fact slight alterations of scores from other movies (See if you can guess which ones). Also, I noticed that the music is not played by a real orchestra. It sounds like its been written and played through a low end midi keyboard. If you are familiar with the LucasArts SCUM adventure games, the timbre of each instrument sounds like something from the IMUSE engine.<br /><br />Everything else about the movie just plain sucks. The acting is terrible. The script is derivative (Ferris Beuller?). There is no joke in the movie remotely funny, unless you see the whole film as one big joke, being played on a paying audience. Don't rent this. Don't even watch it when it's rerun on comedy central. Just forget this - it's terrible. |
Stupid Hillary outsmarted herself..."basket of deplorables" cost her the election |
Great lunch spot. To repeat other reviews, the service is fast; probably the quickest I have ever experienced. As with most other locations I have visited, the staff is genuine and friendly. |
Poor Jane Austen ought to be glad she's not around to see this dreadful wreck of an adaptation. So many great Jane Austen movies have come out recently that this one deserves to be permanently buried along with two other movies I despise-The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit and the 1969 version of David Copperfield. My main beef with the movie is that it completely misses the point of the book. Jane Austen was poking fun at the Gothic mania in her society, and much of the novel is tongue in cheek. The movie, however, is serious and comes across terribly melodramatically. The lighthearted, fun-poking flavor of Austen's writing is completely and conspicuously absent from this ponderous foray iinto horror meets period drama. The scenes of Catherine's imagination are both gratuitous and uninteresting. Also, Henry Tilney is dreadfully unappealing. Why, I ask, would anyone fall for him? If you are looking for a fun-filled Jane Austen evening, watch Emma instead! |
Always #Believe. #DominatingYourMind #DYM @user #NBAwards |
Awful, awful property. Where to start: Don't be fooled by their front office. The minute your signature is on that lease, customer service goes to hell. These units are infested with huge roaches, overrun by english illiterate immigrants (I actually heard the front office speaking to a resident regarding their social security number being registered to a dead person), and staffed by incompetent, unhelpful, degrading and rude excuses for human beings. Issues within my first 6 months have included lost packages after being delivered to the office, music being blasted (by the clubhouse) at such loud volumes as to rattle my windows and disrupt my sleep, (it took 5 calls to the office and 3 calls to 911 to resolve that issue), blatant pedophilia (our non-English speaking neighbor regularly hides in the stairwell with binoculars to view little girls at the pool - reported to the office, nothing was done) trash strewn all over walkways, stairwells, and parking areas, (again with no action from the office), unsupervised children going run-a-muck, (the fire department was here 4 days in a row to respond to blasting fire alarms that had been set off by these delinquent miscreants, and, the office claiming it could restrict my fiancee from visiting overnight. Paying rent with a credit or debit card costs $30+. The people running this office are without a doubt the rudest, most self-serving, ignorant people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. Do yourself a favor and keep looking. Cheers! \n\nP.S Waterford Lakes - next time, just turn the damn music down :) |
Poor second-string feature from Universal Pictures about a mama's boy movie actor doing criminal investigation work for the military, fending off the advances of the brash young woman he's been assigned to romance. Robert Montgomery directed and stars in this adaptation of the short story "Come Be My Love", and his acting performances of this era are unrelievedly lazy. The plot is sappy, predictable stuff, and writer Robert Carson has given all the really funny lines (as usual for films of this period) to the feisty black maid. It's always nice to see Ann Blyth and Jane Cowl in support, but they can't do much with this hokey material. * from **** |
Remember, it always comes in three's ... Florence Henderson, Fidel Castro and the next will be .......Cross your fi… |
A few of us went here for lunch on a Friday and while the food was very good the service was very slow and inattentive. \n\nI had the Blue Petit Mignon and the portion size was just right for lunch. |
The filmmakers apparently had enough money to be able to afford decent makeup effects, but not enough for a creature that would move around and attack convincingly. We never get a chance to see the "monster" move from one place to another - whenever that happens (supposedly), the camera focuses on the "terrified" reactions of the humans that are nearby. And when a man is attacked by it, he simply seems to be holding an inanimate object against himself so that it won't fall to the ground. This is still not the worst "Alien" rip-off around (the two "Xtro" films are even worse, for example); it's actually sufficiently entertaining if you've got 68 (!!) minutes to spare. (*1/2) |
President-elect Trump could make big bucks from Dakota Access Pipeline, @user reports |
TWC IS THE WORST!\n\nUnfortunately, TWC has basically monopolized the Charlotte area. I am very jealous of all the people who have AT&T Uverse available to them. I have contemplated DirectTV because TWC is so awful. Every few months the \"promotion\" on my plan runs out and when I call they say they are giving me the best possible promotion that they usually don't give to any other customer by taking $5 generous. They really don't care if their customers are unhappy because they know they have no other choice for digital TV. If you have other options, USE THEM! |
Drab, dreary and a total waste of my time. The plot is incomprehensible (so don't think about it too much). The acting is odd and wooden - I would have sworn that they were all professional body builders trying their luck at acting, but that might be an insult to body builders. There are no interesting special effects to redeem this disaster, but lots of fires, explosions, a gratuitous sex scene, etc. The only thing that caught my attention was that it takes place after a war between the US and Iraq that somehow goes nuclear...hmmm. Is Roger Corman psychic? Let's hope that "Iraq" was just a lucky choice for Corman and that the rest of his scenario doesn't come true. <br /><br /> |
@user Fossil fuels are dead. Please get the fuck over it already you craven whore. #NeverTrump #RussianriggedElection #Illegitimate |
Kind of tucked away and hard to notice, especially being next to the really glammed out Ella's Deli. But worth a visit if you're looking for a good gyro or kebab. :]\n\nThe donuts are alright too. They have a wide variety! Myself, I really rather like their cookies. They also offer homemade baklava.\n\nReally though I can reccomend their sandwiches with a side of the seasoned fries. Quite yummy! Vegetarian options also available such as potato kahbi or falafel sandwiches. And they had a lot of beverages to choose from too.\n\nAlthough the location is not ideal, it's worth a stop if you're in that part of town. :] |
Art-house horror tries to use unconventional aesthetics to cover the fact that this is just another serial killer chiller which ultimately relies on pornographic combinations of teen sexuality and violent gore. The suburbs come across about as well as they do in every piece of Australian writing (book or film) since 1960 - surprise surprise, the suburbs have a dark underbelly - and the plot is as contrived as any you've seen. "The neighbours would never know about this guy," one of the filmmakers says about Joel Edgerton's character. "But he was completely plausible as to what he was. Serial killers don't all have patches over their eyes and scars down their cheeks. They look like the guy next door." Another trader in pornographic violence who sees a serial killer in every street. But the real insignificance of this film is in the fact that it's a genre film that nobody saw. Backed by substantial funds (including some from Film Finance - that's government), this got a run at the Underground Film Festival in Melbourne and had to rely on ACMI kindness for a *very* short release season. Q1: What is the FFC doing funding genre flicks, even if they are 'arty' and aesthetically unconventional? Q2: Why are these nasty movies (ACOLYTES; BEAUTIFUL; PUNISHMENT; NO THROUGH ROAD) being made in the first place? Richard Wolstencroft & co encourage their creators to believe they're giving the masses what they really want, as opposed to what the culture elite in government funding think they want. The truth is that these brutal and forgettable nasties earn far more critical acclaim - and win far more obscure awards - than they're due. |
Dylan Not Dark Yetthis'll keep oneself loving life |
When you walk into a buzzing restaurant, you'd expect to be greeted by someone, be that a server, a greeter or the bartender. I went in last night, stood around for almost 10 minutes, and was completely ignored. I was meeting a few friends, so I decided to walk across the street and grab a beer and make a reservation (using open table) for 45 minutes later. Reservation confirmed, and beer finished, I walk back over, walk in to the place and someone's at the computer in the entryway on the phone. He finishes, we make eye contact, he nods and walks away. My friends come in, we wait 10 minutes for someone who works there to talk to us. I tell her we have reservations, she acts like it can't happen, and that it's my mistake, she says that the place is closed for a private party. I ask why there isn't a sign on the door saying 'closed for private party', and I get a ridiculous answer that the \"CEO doesn't like us to do that\". How dumb is that: you leave your system open to make reservations and you don't alert people that might be going to a show on the north shore that the place is closed. The fake sincerity is what really got me. You know what a 'private party' sign does? It advertises that you are available for private parties, and would have given me an hour to figure out other arrangements. |
Oh, why did it have to end like this? Laurel and Hardy's last film, from the crudely cranked-up Cuckoo theme (with erroneous credit to Hal Roach) to the closing "Nice mess"/"I couldn't help it" schtick, this is the duo as a grotesque parody of themselves. In between, their relationship is now solely constructed of uncertain acting, asinine dialogue and half-hearted slapstick. People slate King of New York, but Chaplin's final bow-out was nowhere near as undignified as this.<br /><br />What really hurts to someone who loves Laurel and Hardy is the appearance of the two comedians. The video cover I'm holding shows them at their prime, all boyish smiles and glowing skin, with a blurb on the back that reads "The photograph on this sleeve is for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the content of the film." Necessarily? It doesn't even come close. The actual film sees them at least fifteen years older than the photographs that adorn the sleeve, with Ollie distressingly overweight. This is not humorously, or comically, fat, as he would normally appear, but ill looking and on the verge of obesity. He would be dead seven years after this film was made, after a series of strokes. Stan, meanwhile, suffering a prostrate problem and dysentery, looks ghoulish as his weight has plummeted drastically. Every time something bad happens to him, such as getting squashed between a lifeboat and a table, you fear for his life. Even Ollie giving him a traditional slap makes you terrified he could be killed. He would last for another fifteen years after the completion of this film, eventually passing away from a heart attack in 1965. It's upsetting to think of such cherished performers growing old and dying painful deaths. And it's distressing watching their deterioration, both in health, and in performance, on screen. When I, and, I'm sure, almost everyone else, likes to think of Laurel and Hardy, I think of Way Out West, Busy Bodies or Our Relations. Seeing them in such physical ill health and performing dire routines at the dog-end of their career is a blight on my happy memories of them.<br /><br />The warning signs are clear right from the opening credits, which list not only four writers, but also someone to come up with the concept, and a credit for "gags". So if Monty Collins was writing the "gags", then what were the other four writing? And in that case, why was Monty Collins paid a fee, given that there's no evidence of a single "gag" in the whole film? Over 40% of the movie is spent travelling to the eponymous island, during which we experience some of the most painfully unfunny scenes the boys were ever involved in. When I saw the bat scene I wanted to curl up and die, so great was its childish ineptitude. Yet what kills the film stone dead is that all of the support cast are dubbed, unable to speak English. Not only does this make the film disjointed, but also it severely depletes Stan and Ollie's reactions to their co-stars. Flatly directed with appalling film stock and absolutely atrocious editing, this totally belies the rumoured $2 million that was spent on it. Frankly, it looks terrible, and while a DVD release might clean up the picture, the sound and image quality is vastly inferior to any of their Hal Roach work.<br /><br />Stan and Ollie's "friends", Giovani and Antoine are charisma-free bores who stand out greatly against Laurel and Hardy's outdated repertoire. This is another major problem with the film, in that none of the supporting characters are funny, or keyed in to the boys' innocent mentality. The dubbed harshness shown to L & H ("you - the fat one") makes them stand out as isolated social misfits, rather than loveable sub-anarchists. There is evidence of some darker political satire - though Duck Soup this ain't - and the concept of an island with no rules is an interesting topic. Perhaps more relevant now than it ever was, a film that looks at the problems of immigration and the American constitution suddenly becomes most topical in 2003. Sadly, however, beyond an amusing scene where Stan is elected "the people", this doesn't really go anywhere. And this somewhat black humour does have its harsh edges - or is a Laurel and Hardy movie where rape is directly implied and Stan threatens a man with a bottle, only to accidentally glass someone in the face, your idea of a good time? After all the years of Stan and Ollie sharing a bed, we also get a definite reference, with Stan accidentally kissing him - Ollie wipes off the kiss in disgust. Also worrying is the implication that Stan and Ollie's illegal immigrant friend, Antoine, ends his life being eaten by a lion. Mind you, I never thought I'd see a Laurel and Hardy movie where they were due to be hanged, either. The need for the intrusive and unfunny narration is a further pointer to how messy the whole thing is, with the American release (the same version available on video) hacking out 16 minutes in a vain attempt to improve it.<br /><br />Almost completely unwatchable, this horrifically made, relentlessly unfunny movie serves only to tarnish the reputation of Stan and Ollie - avoid at all costs. |
I must be having deja vú cuz I coulda swore thanksgiving was yesterday? #thanksgivingleftovers |
Great specials averaging around $7. The portions are extra large. Large seating area. This is your typical quick Japanese style stir fry. Teriyaki and Hibachi stuff! One thing that sucks - No egg rolls! WTF? |
Honest young insurance agent Ronald Reagan (as Eric Gregg) is optimistic, but poor. His wife, scheming Sheila Bromley (as Nona Gregg), longs for the finer things in life. Describing herself as "not weighted down with tons of righteousness," Ms. Bromley begins to spend more money than Mr. Reagan earns. Bromley obtains the finer things in life, but puts the couple in debt. Bromley is a fun shrew.<br /><br />Handsome Reagan attracts other women, like perky clerk Gloria Blondell (as Patricia Carmody); but, he doesn't indulge. To pay the bills, Bromley gets tangled up in the insurance fraud racket - which helps get her husband fired. An unemployed Reagan seems to be tempted into a life of crime - will he remain straight up, or get crooked? Clinton Rosemond has an uncomfortable "broken arm" scene.<br /><br />*** Accidents Will Happen (1938) William Clemens ~ Ronald Reagan, Sheila Bromley, Gloria Blondell |
donald trump bad hombres |
When it comes to the high-end chain steakhouses, Morton's and Capital Grille are great. They consistently deliver great steaks and dependable apps, sides, and desserts. However, my first and forever true love for steaks will always be Ruth's Chris. I can still remember my first trip there in high school after my buddy's dad took us there to celebrate graduation. As the 500 degree plate came out with the glorious aroma of perfectly cooked meat sizzling in butter, I knew I was not only in for something special, but a livelong love.\n\nRuth's Chris is a franchise and the setting in different cities can be quite variable. The Philadelphia Ruth's Chris is right next to the Academy of Music with gas lamps lighting Broad St. The Boston's Ruth's Chris is in old city hall with a beautiful ceiling 2 stories up in the bar area. Pittsburgh's Ruth's Chris cannot boast such extravagance in their setting, but the food is equally outstanding in all their restaurants.\n\nMy recent venture to Ruth's Chris was with 4 other young men in a \"guys night out.\" I brought several bottles of wine (you have to love the PA Chairman's selection) because Ruth's Chris amazingly allows you to do this. We started with the seared Ahi tuna. It was raw, thick, and delicious. Actually, it kind of tasted like steak.\n\nWe each went on to get various cuts of meat. I personally rolled with my favorite: NY Strip, medium rare (correctly done with a blood red center), extra butter. The extra butter is key. If you're going to roll with a decadent feast of steak, might as well pull out all the stops. It was brought out absolutely perfect and delicious. The table also shared the excellent huge family-style sides of asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes.\n\nOur server was extremely gracious. She opened and decanted a couple of our bigger bottles as soon as we sat down to give them time to breathe. They arranged for us to have a cab-van at the end of our meal to take us to our next location. \n\nIf I was really searching for something negative to say, it's that I wish that the Pittsburgh Ruth's Chris was in a more extravagant setting like some bigger cities. However, since the main menu is exactly the same, Ruth's Chris is forever my go-to location for a perfect steak dinner. |
Sorry, but Jacqueline Hyde (get it??? - Jack L and Hyde - Jekyll & Hyde) has some of the worst acting this side of hardcore porn, not to mention a script apparently written by a first-grader with undiagnosed learning disabilities.<br /><br />Jackie Hyde inherits an old mansion by a grandfather she never knew she had. Guess who? Yes, an inventor of the special formula that slowly takes over one's body and mind - yes, that Mr. Hyde! <br /><br />Despite some nice skin scenes, this film fails to register any feeling or emotion other than uncontrollable laughter.<br /><br />As much as poor Jackie tries she just can't stay away from granddaddy's special formula and the result is an hour and half of wasted time. |
I am so excited to see @user @user and @user on @user #GilmoreGirlsTop4 #FallonTonight |
Tasty |
When I was 8 years old, and going through my Marx Brothers phase, my father read in the TV Guide that they were showing the Marx Brothers film, "The Big Store" late on Friday night, and set the VCR to tape it for me. When I woke up on Saturday -- due no doubt to a misprint in the TV guide -- my father and I discovered "The Story of Mankind" had been recorded instead.<br /><br />"The Big Store" was probably one of the least funny of all the Marx Brothers movies and nevertheless it stands as one of the century's finest works of cinema when compared with "The Story of Mankind." I can almost justify TV Guide's error, in that the Marx Brothers -- Groucho, Chico, and Harpo -- appear in both movies. Although in "The Story of Mankind," they are divided up into a series of unrelated scenes: Groucho plays Peter Minuit, Chico plays some guy talking to Christopher Columbus, and Harpo plays Isaac Newton????? Harpo's scene lasts about half a minute; Chico only has two or three lines; Groucho's scene is at least funny, but horribly racially insensitive by today's standards. The rest of the movie doesn't bear mentioning. They trotted out some of the finest actors of the day, and made them recite total garbage. What a disappointment.<br /><br />TV Guide, I sent you a nice letter, I'm still waiting for an apology.<br /><br />For the record: "The Big Store" has a wonderful bit of physical comedy with the Marx Brothers on roller skates, and a couple of songs by Virginia O'Brien. I was really looking forward to seeing it. |
@user White Supremacists are deplorable. Americas young/progressives disavow you and your kind. |
Adams 7th St Market is a great deli on the corner of Hawthorne and 7th St. They have excellent sandwiches, soups and pastas. You can get a sandwich \"roll\" (medium sized) or hero (large sized). I opted for a honey turkey club and found the roll size to be just right. This particular sandwich was delicious: loaded with honey turkey, coleslaw and bacon. I also enjoyed a side of pesto pasta salad - there were quite a few sides to choose from. Prices are moderate, service was very quick, and the interior was comfortable and clean. Highly recommended for lunch! |
Seriously, I don't understand how Justin Long is becoming increasingly popular. He either has the best agent in Hollywood, or recently sold his soul to Satan. He is almost unbearable to watch on screen, he has little to no charisma, and terrible comedic timing. The only film that he has attempted to anchor that I've remotely enjoyed was Waiting... and that is almost solely because I've worked in a restaurant. But I digress. Aside from it's terrible lead, this film has loads of other debits. I understand that it's supposed to be a cheap popcorn comedy, but that doesn't mean that it has to completely insult our intelligence, and have writing so incredibly hackneyed that it borders on offensive. Lewis Black's considerable talent is wasted here too, as he is at his most incendiary when he is unrestrained, which the PG-13 rating certainly won't allow. The film's sole bright spot was Jonah Hill (who will look almost unrecognizable to fans of the recent Superbad due to the amount of weight he lost in the interim). His one liners were funny on occasion, but were certainly not enough to make this anywhere close to bearable. If you just want to completely turn your brain off (or better yet, don't have one) then maybe you'd enjoy this, but I can't recommend it at all. |
#GilmoreGirlsTop4 4. Sookie3. Richard2. Emily1. The Dog Paul Anka |
This review is based on my experience sitting outside. In the summer, as many others do, I enjoy sitting outside to meet others and have great coffee.\nUnfortunately, the majority of the tables outside of Cafe Kopi allow smoking, even though many of these tables are less than 15 feet from the door. I have been sitting here for an hour and a half and I have not been able to enjoy this for more than five minutes, as the stream of smoking is constant.\n\nI would think that in this day and age, cafes would discourage smoking so as not to harm the health of other guests.\n\nThis is intolerable, and I won't be back to sit outside.\n\nCoffe is good, but my lungs are worth more. |
The CinemaScope color cinematography of Leon Shamroy is quite remarkable here,including his use of colored filters for<br /><br />various scenes. The Alfred Newmann Score has to be the most sensual and seductive score Hollywood ever produced. It's a shame it is no longer available on CD. The actors, however, never rise to the occasion. The accents are so varied, from the subdued British of Ustinov and Purdom to the Hollywood of Baxter and Mature that it seems a true hodgepodge with no central vision. Tommy Rettig is jarringly American. Acting styles span the range from zombie-like to stilted. Only Ustinov as a conniving one-eyed servant steals the show - what there is of it to steal. The premise - the story of a young Egyptian doctor, seduced and abandoned by the rich - and the parallel theme of the cult of the single God, Ra - persecuted by the authorities, has its interesting points. But when the film's plot fades, it is the haunting music and visuals that remain. |
brexit Nail No 1.Trump Nail No 2. Renzi Nail No 3 GET THE PICTURE European union empire Decline.dont get me angry |
We found this place off of Yelp and after reviewing the reviews my husband and I decided to try it out. We went here to celebrate our wedding anniversary and the food and atmosphere was awesome. I do not recommend to take small children. The atmosphere was very romantic with dim lighting and they had someone to play live music on the accordion.\n\nI ordered the house special which was the Whiskey Shrimp and Chicken. This dish was so good, it did not disappoint. My husband ordered the Bake Zitti which was great as well. For both of our meals plus wine and a few beers we paid an average of 60+ bucks. \n\nWe will definitely go back again with friends and family. |
I thought of this movie when i watched pluto nash...why..because both movies have randy quaid playing a retarded robot, this movie made years earlier but probably written by a screenplay writer that drank the same biotoxic coffee or something like that...Whoa...AVOID AT ALL COSTS even to pay tribute to the late great Andy Kaufman is hard to do here...find another film or just watch taxi reruns on latenight tv...his latka gravas character is so much more loveable...TANK YOU BERRY MUCH |
Not being vegan and not caring about animal testing are two WAY different things. The latter is just straight up sh… |
I give this place zero stars. I went in for a pedicure and not only did I wait for about 10 minutes (with my feet in the water) for the girl to finish eating her lunch, she cut the hell out of my cuticle. It took over 15 minutes to stop the bleeding and then when I asked to be comped for it, all they have me was $2 off. I would definitely not recommend this place to anyone, even my worst enemy. I know I will never be back here. |
Although Humphrey Bogart got star billing in King Of The Underworld, I'm willing to bet he didn't thank Jack Warner for it. In fact this film was one hollow crown.<br /><br />King of the Underworld was supposedly a remake of the Paul Muni film, Dr. Socrates, but given Humphrey Bogart was in the cast, the character is written more like Duke Mantee in The Petrified Forest. He even has an English writer along in the person of James Stephenson.<br /><br />Kay Francis and John Eldredge are a pair of married doctors and Eldredge pulls off a tricky bit of surgery on one of Bogart's henchmen. Bogey's a man who appreciates good work done on his behalf and gives Eldredge $500.00 and there's more where that came from if he plays his cards right. Eldredge who has a gambling problem sees a good way to get some undeclared income. <br /><br />But when he's killed in a raid on the gang's hideout, Francis is also thought to be involved by the law and the American Medical Association no matter how much she protests her innocence. It's no good and she and her aunt Jessie Busley move to a small town to get away from the notoriety.<br /><br />Of course the notoriety and Bogart and an itinerant Leslie Howard like writer in Stephenson all meet up with her again. But Kay is plucky and resourceful to say the least.<br /><br />Bogart's character was ridiculous, no wonder the poor guy was screaming for better parts. He's a gangster who both shoots down people without mercy and gives his henchmen hotfoots just for laughs. He's concerned about his image and therefore kidnaps writer Stephenson to ghost write his autobiography and of course confesses enough to burn him in all 48 states. And then let's Kay Francis completely outsmart him, hard to believe he was king of anything.<br /><br />Definitely one of the lesser works for either of the stars. |
@user @user @user What Trump & Ryan will do for them - take their Medicare, Social Security, and NOT create any jobs. |
Extremely dissapointing trip here. Service was average to bad. Food quality left a lot to be improved. Currys have no meat but curry. Taste wise it isn't great either. I make far better indian food at home. Meat was not cooked properly and was very chewy. Overall I don't recommend it and won't be going back at all. Oh yeah their carpets were dirty with food everywhere,seems like they don't vacuum at all or very little. |
While I am not a woman, I can enjoy a chick flick if its good. This one however is beyond bad. You have the by the book story, girl is getting divorced, boy with issues shows up. BOOM magic happens and his demons are banished as she realizes her life has a new purpose.<br /><br />Now while I can believe that kind of thing might happen, I am not an idiot. It wouldn't happen over a weekend of geriatric rumpy-pumpy, it would take time. Yet here the producers know they only have 1 hour and 30 minutes so they force the changes of the two to happen, I suppose a night of getting hammered and a night of gramps and granny going at it like dogs in heat might be enough if you believed romance novels were the gospel... but most people don't.<br /><br />Now, if that isn't enough... the producers remembered that a chick flick needs to make the viewer cry... well they tried to make you cry with the two senior citizens getting jiggy with it by failed... so how could they hit you again? Why I know, lets kill off one of the characters for no good reason at all except that a random death will surely bring a tear to the eye.... and now lets have the teen daughter magically bond with heart broken mom for no reason besides the fact that it would be nice (completely unreal, but who cares).<br /><br />So there you have it... girl find boy, boy find love, death finds boy and mom cries.... what a movie - NOT. |
DIY Coloring Card - Oh, My Deer for Valentine's Day and Lover, Romantic Card t #geekstuff |
What could I possibly say about the Beach House Restaurant and Lounge? I guess I could think of a few things.\n\nI went there today for the first time and was dazzled by the charm it flaunted, while still maintaining the gritty edge of a backwoods Wisconsin eatery. Let's not get it twisted folks, we're not breaking gastronomic ground here. What we are breaking are your misconceptions of what a restaurant can be whose parking lot is largely composed of Chevy and Dodge trucks, and whose front, snow-covered, lawn is full of snowmobiles. Deal with it kids, this is that slice of Midwest Americana you've been looking for in any number of wayside eateries in rural America. Fish fry anyone?\n\nTo begin, let me explain that one of the many draws for the Beach House's patrons is the fact that it is still legal to smoke indoors in McFarland. I stepped inside and was immediately made aware of this fact as plumes of smoke took up residence in my clothes and nose. \n\nDo not fear, however, there is a separate dining room that is nonsmoking. And man was this separate dining room packed (Superbowl Sunday). Packed with large women squeezing into convention center chairs. Packed with waitresses who wore skin tight white Jordache jeans, giving you a fleeting sense of their giving nature. Packed with the eager anticipation of an entire day spent watching football and football-related activities: drooling, eating, drinking, and smoking. God bless America.\n\nThe AM dish to get here is the Walleye and eggs breakfast. I would tend to agree, although their limited selection of omelets is made marginally more tasty by the addition of broccoli (you heard me punk). As breakfast wore on, the dining room filled, emptied, and filled again; the waitstaff eagerly setting new places, removing paper place settings, calling people darlin' and hon'(always appreciated).\n\nSo give it to me hard backwoods Wisconsin. Give me every sinew of your being: your ice fishing, snowmobiling, smoking, bloody Mary drinking, being. Just be. And give me a friggin' huge piece of deep fried walleye to help me digest the spectacle, with scrambled eggs on the side. And don't you dare forget the tartar sauce. |
What do you get when you put Lou Diamond Philips, Todd Bridges, Barry Corbin with a bad toupee, and an alien all on a train? You get a very bad movie called "Alien Express" or "Dead Rail" that would be more entertaining on Comedy Central's old series "Mystery Science Theater 3000." You name it, this awful movie suffered in areas of acting, plot, storyline, and special effects. In fact, the exterior passenger train shots looked like the production staff used a common HO scale model in front of a painted background! The rest of the special effects goes downhill from there.<br /><br />The plot is very predictable and is similar to two 1970's movies called "Horror Express" and a disaster movie called "The Cassandra Crossing." At least "The Cassandra Crossing" had a better cast, an engaging storyline, and real train scenes.<br /><br />If you want a good laugh and a movie to mock at a "B movie" party then watch this; otherwise, "Alien Express" derailed long before departing from the station! |
enjoyable read. #DrainTheSwamp#NewGOP |
I'vs shopped at this Old Navy many times. Prior to March 1, 2014, my shopping experiences had been pleasant. The floor associates are very nice and really go the extra step to help customers choose the best fitting jeans. While I have always found the floor associates helpful, the cashiers are far less pleasant.\n\nMy trip on March 1st was the most disturbing. The store was pretty busy because of the $15 sale on jeans. Finding a floor associate that wasn't helping another customer was impossible. I took my purchases to the counter and asked the cashier to check the stores inventory for a size 6 pants for my little girl. She said there were plenty on the shelf. I told her I looked repeatedly but was not able to find a pair. I suggested that the pants must have been on a shelf too high for me to reach. She then asked me if I wanted to pay for my items, then go back and try to reach the pants on my own then stand in line again to complete a second transaction. I told her I did not want to do that...that I wanted her to have an associate get the pants for me (seeing as I did not have a ladder) and ring up all my items on a single transaction. With a very disapproving look, she said \"fine\" and stormed off. Very unpleasant experience.\n\nWould give five stars if not for the terrible check out service. My latest experience was extreme but the cashiers have always been less than friendly. I guess cashiers and floor associates receive different training.\n\nAs a side note, the tiny clearance section allows only a few shoppers at a time. Any more than that and you could start feeling claustrophobic. |
I`m in two minds about FOLLOWING , the film debut of Christopher Nolan . Part of me admires it for costing 6,000 dollars to make but part of me hates it for being too art house . In many ways it reminds me of the cult movie PI , a film I disliked , and I can`t get my head around the central plot of a man who wants to be writer following people around . Wouldn`t it be more logical for someone wanting to be a writer to sit in front of a keyboard and write ? <br /><br />Oh well I guess FOLLOWING gives indie film makers hope that just because they made a no budget movie costing $6,000 over two thousand IMDB members will vote for it and over five hundred members will comment on it , but you have to wonder if this movie would be so well regarded if it wasn`t made by the director of MEMENTO ? |
He's already ENRICHING HIMSELF by charging SS TOP price @user Towers Melania should b forced 2 live @user when time |
Great bagels, sandwiches, soup, and coffee!\nMy favorites are the veg-out bagel sandwich, the bagel dog on onion, and their sour cream potato salad is so good too.\nIf you like all beef hotdogs, you should try the bagel dog. They wrap bagel around the dog. When they heat it up, the juice soaks into that chewy bagel and it is heaven. Mmm. |
If I compare two films with Sacha Cohen, Borat and Ali G then Ali G is immeasurably better. I'ts no master piece, but it's a film at least. Borat is complete garbage and I do not understand how it rated better then Ali G.<br /><br />I cannot put my finger on it, there something wrong with the Ali G script: half of the jokes are as if written by a 15 years old, not by an adult scriptwriter. And a number of jokes including Mr Cohen's lower body are quite tasteless. <br /><br />But the film actually comes together as a comedy and there are some valid jokes too that are funny: such as how Ali G becomes a member of government for doing something scandalous and stupid in the public (sadly true in today's western society: people get careers for doing stupid things in public), also Ali's advice about immigrant policy and some others. <br /><br />Ali G overall remains a sympathetic character, even though a kind of mentally underdeveloped for his age. But it's OK to watch,it's quite funny.<br /><br />But never ever watch Borat, it's awful and makes every intelligent movielover sick. |
#GilmoreGirlsTop4 Lane, Luke, Paris and Sookie are my fav characters besides obvi Rory and Lorelei |
My husband, a friend, and myself went there for fish on black Friday. We were surprised that it was not very busy so we thought we would get service pretty quickly. We sat at a table near the salad bar and waited....and waited... and waited. We saw one server and also saw another table waiting for service as well. The waitress never once acknowledged that we were sitting there and she had to pass our table to to wait on another table. All the waitress had to do was say she would be right with us...or SOMETHING. After waiting a half hour with no word from the waitress, we got up and left. Murphy's Bar was way more accommodating. |
Once upon a time there was a great American film. Which combined horror and comedy with equal thrills. This film featured clever direction. Groundbreaking special effects and superb comedic and serious acting. It was entitled 'An American Werewolf in London.' Sixteen years later the long awaited sequel was finally pinned onto the poster board outside your local theater. Surely it would have at least some of the thrills of the original. Think again. 'An American Werewolf in Paris' is an incomprehensible mess from start to pitiful finish. The problems begin with the leading man. Tom Everett Scott's performance is stiff and tiresome. From the outset he seems intent on proving that all young people are simpletons. In his defense, not even a seasoned Shakespearean thespian could have extracted a good performance from the juvenile and witless dialogue. At one point, one of Scott's deceased friends, who's soul is doomed to walk the Earth after being carved up by one of the werewolves, Is finally able to leave for the afterlife. He then quips to Scott and his friends. 'Okay guys, see ya.' What a memorable goodbye. Julie Delphy soon shows up as Scott's mysterious European love interest. Basically, she's a French girl playing the French girl. It isn't much of a stretch. But all this stupidity isn't even the most disappointing thing about the film. The special effects, such an integral part of the superb original film, fall far short in this flop. The werewolves look like cartoons. And no matter how well you sculpt a cartoon with sinewy lycanthrope muscles. It's still hard to get scared of a cartoon. So instead the vacationing American gang, led by the ultra weak Scott, keep finding excuses to return to the werewolf's catacombs lair. Here it's much easier for this incompetent special effects crew to keep the computer enhanced creatures or absurd beast masks under the cover of darkness. Some have said that if you don't look on this film as a sequel it's not as bad by comparison. I disagree, this film can not stand on its own, and is even more of a disgrace when compared to the brilliant original. If it doesn't want to be looked on as a sequel it should not have borrowed most of the title from the 1981 film. I , don't care how much you love werewolves. Or how much you worshiped 'American Werewolf in London.' as I myself did. This one is simply not worth wasting your time. 'Okay guys, see ya.' Terrible. 3 out of a possible 10 T.H. |
It was a law placed to overturn the Denton Fracking Ban (tx), that didn't let fracking around schools or where people live |
I liked the atmosphere but the food was WAY too salty. Just didn't care for it. |
This is one of those movies I watched, and wondered, why did I watch it? What did I find so interesting about it? Being a truck driver myself, I didn't find it very realistic. No, I've never used a 'lot lizard', nor have I ever seen, nor heard about one traveling around the country in a brand new seventy thousand dollar RV, either.<br /><br />Same thing about a pimp whom has never sampled the lady in question (until the end of the movie, and well, he still really didn't...), and only getting 50 bucks 'a cut', when the prostitute gets $200.00 (well, $150.00 after his cut, yeah...).<br /><br />I still laugh at the lot lizard comment Ivey made (them's Lot Lizards, they'll screw anything with 20 bucks, and some are men dressed as woman... or something equally as weird), meaning, we're better then them, as we may still be prostitutes, but we get paid BETTER.<br /><br />Other then that, it's just a story of a young woman whom wanted something more from life then a dead end job while living at home (she's 18, remember?) and embarrassed by her mother basically doing the same thing (dead end job). At least she had a roof over her head and a job. She turned FIVE tricks on the road... I wonder if the $750.00 she made was worth it? I'd guess not. |
Easily interpreted as this: if you are latino or black, your chances of justice are lower.From the death penalty in… |
I went in here when I had some time to kill while a watch was being fixed, and really liked it. The layout was a little tough to figure out at first - hard to know if a book would be in new releases, fiction, bestsellers, etc. but the staff is very helpful. They also have great cards, journals and other gifts. I love that they have a big jigsaw puzzle on a table with chairs around it if you want to sit down and work on it while someone else is shopping. |
Comparing Oceans Twelve to the 2001 Oceans Eleven, did anyone else notice all the things that stayed the same?<br /><br />- All the stars returned for Twelve, and Zeta-Jones was added;<br /><br />- Twelve had the same director;<br /><br />- Twelve had the same producers;<br /><br />- Twelve had the same production designer;<br /><br />- Twelve had the same music director;<br /><br />- Twelve had the same film editor.<br /><br />Did anyone notice the things than changed once the "Oceans" franchise was established?<br /><br />- Twelve's budget was $25 million (30%) greater;<br /><br />- Eleven got great reviews, but Twelve largely got panned;<br /><br />- Eleven made $450 million but Twelve dropped to $362 million;<br /><br />- Domestic box office for Twelve dropped 32%;<br /><br />- Soderbergh teamed with a different screenwriter.<br /><br />Movies are a director's medium, of course. I almost forgot. |
@user @user @user @user they're stupid then. Minimum wage, tax credits, new hospitals & schools. All Labour. |
I came here in October and ended up going on the \"Ghost Tales in the Dark\" tour. Pretty much, you get a candlelit tour of the plantation at night. And your tour guide gives a history lesson on the house and plantation, as well as shares some ghost stories that either they/coworkers have experienced.\n\nIf you come at night, it can be a little scary getting here. Once you turn off the main street, you're driving down a dark road with nature on both sides of you. Since we were already in a spooky spirit, it kind of felt like we were in a horror movie, hehe. Once you arrive at the plantation though, you just park and walk into their little gift shop. After everyone arrives, you watch a little video about the history of the place, including paranormal history. After that, your tour starts.\n\nYou walk over to the house, and tour the house, from downstairs to upstairs. Then, you walk outside to the outdoor kitchen, and then to a workmen's shed. Then you walk past an old log cabin, and then get led back to the main gift shop. \n\nThe tour guide we had a was a very informative old lady. She told us a lot of history, and I learned new things. At one point of the tour, I did get a little lightheaded, and felt a little weird, and it was near an area where the tour guide said that she also has had weird feelings. What's even weirder is that on our back home, my dad was telling me that he got lightheaded in a certain area, and when I asked him where, it was the same place I had gotten the same feeling! It was kinda spooky finding that out, but then kind of cool.\n\nThe tour was about ~$10 and I think it was worth it. I got a little spook, and learned a good history lesson. And I visited a historic plantation.\n\nIf you're visiting the area, and are looking for something interesting and different to do, I suggest coming here. No matter what time of year. But if you happen to come during October, then you'll just get an added bonus of hearing some ghost stories along the way too. |
This movie, despite its list of B, C, and D list celebs, is a complete waste of 90 minutes. The plot, with its few peaks, was very predictable. It was so silly that I cannot believe that I am taking the time to even write a review of it. Flex, to his credit, has grown in his ability to act since playing Michael Jackson in a made for TV movie a few years ago. Tangi, on the other hand, has regressed, as she was more talented in her role as Felicity's flunkie some years ago. As I sat watching this train wreck of a film, with its pitiful production and horrible sound quality, other four letter words came to my mind to qualify what I thought of this film. However, in an effort to keep my writings G Rated, I'll simply say this film is another four letter word starting with an L. LAME!!! |
Here's some @user data on the partisan divide separating Dem and Rep views of Putin and Russia's role in the… |
Not the best ever, but pretty decent stuff. A slice for $2.50 in downtown? I'll be back. |
The Monkees "Head" is one of those peculiar phenomenons I've noticed- that when something doesn't make sense, people will try to read things into it and give it great deep meanings, which its creator never intended. Such is the case here.<br /><br />The movie is a stream-of-consciousness spectacle of The Monkees floating in and out of various sketches, blackouts, set pieces, etc. similar to the ones on their TV show. But while the TV show was played for laughs, this doesn't seem to be played for anything except a sort of deep, trippy, pseudo-intellectual state that this brand of psychedelia imposes. All in all, it's The Monkees doing the same schtick, but now it's "consciousness-raising" because the laugh track is removed. There is not a stitch of humor or meaning to the whole thing; it just drones on with colored lights.<br /><br />The music in "Head" should prove to anyone, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Monkees had not a scrap of songwriting ability. The tunes are mostly garbage; the only one that's even listenable is "Porpoise Song", which opens and closes the film. But the thing is, that was a Gerry Goffin-Carole King song, and, while it's above-average for the Monkees, it's below-average by Goffin and King standards. It's like hearing one of the old Peter And Gordon songs that Paul McCartney wrote for them: you might think it's a pretty good song, but then you find out who composed it, and you realize it's a throwaway. Mike Nesmith's song is maybe passable, the rest is worthless. Davy Jones has, I guess, what the filmmakers imagined to be "the big number" in the picture, since it's the only song presented As Show Biz and not cut into a film montage or dream sequence, but it falls flat, too, just because the song isn't any good.<br /><br />I have to admit I always liked the Monkees, so the movie is a real disappointment. Sure, they were cheesy, but they were so cheerful about it.<br /><br />They knew they were cheesy and they were cool with it. But then they got ambitious. In "Head", they actually joke about being a manufactured pop product, but the truth is, they wanted something more. They wanted to be Great Musicians and taken seriously as artists. Maybe not like the Beatles, but something approaching that. "Head" proves that they failed on all counts. 1* out of 4 |
@user The people? Do you consider the people GEORGE SOROS? Do you think the people of this country are fucking stupid? |
i recently went on thai food kick around town... and to make the comparison fair decided to have basil chicken in several places... Thara Thai, Nitaya Thai and Basil Thai in campustown. the latter (Basil Thai) is by far the worst. as one reviewer already wrote before me, this is made here with ground chicken which is tasteless, too little food, and covered in a litre of sauce/broth. WTF? the tables and chairs in this place also seem sticky... covered in some weird nasty film. in summary, two words: stay away. |
My husband brought this home from the video store, so I could watch something while stuck home sick. The sort of sick where you could never concentrate on a book, but a sorta silly, light, romantic flick sounds just right (that, and a bowl of chicken soup). Well, he meant well.<br /><br />My first thought (as some others post here also) was that the house MUST be's not only isolated alone on the beach, but set on moorings into the loose sand, and so close to the ocean that the surf waves go directly under the house! This looks so obviously dangerous (in hurricane country, in THE FALL), so potentially disastrous that I was sure filmmakers had simply CGI'd the whole thing (or used movie magic to plunk a cute B&B into the surf).<br /><br />But I have to tell you guys, thanks to "teh interwebs", I can say that the house, "Serendipity" is very real, is indeed near Rodanthe and except for some window dressing and shrubs, appears mostly as it does in the film. You can rent it yourself, off season, for $1710 a week (or about $3850 in summer)! Go for it! But...interestingly, the house has severe problems. The second thing that struck me after "would be washed away" was "what about the plumbing/electrical? in that surf?", and sure enough, "Serendipity" was condemned for a break in the sanitation, caused by overwash from the ocean. (They are rebuilding.)<br /><br />And the house isn't from the "Civil War". Not to mention that Viola Davis, playing "cliché black best friend" (thankless role for a fine actress, last seen in "Doubt"), is not remotely old enough that her GRANDMOTHER could have built anything in the Civil War! HELLO! that was 150 years ago! Try great-great-GREAT! (In reality, "Serendipity" was built in 1988, laughably recently.) <br /><br />The basic film is built on a typical Nicholas Sparks weeper, which means a lot of coincidence and trite predictable happenstance. It is also aimed in a very pandering way towards "women" -- you know, us women who love B&Bs, fusty antiques and knick-knacks...who dream of romance and guys who look like Richard Gere and dancing in the moonlight. Don't give us plot, or thoughtful character development; just set up some mechanisms and bring on the love scenes!<br /><br />Gere plays a plastic surgeon, who lost a female patient during a routine surgery for a benign cyst on her cheek. Of course, she died of an overdose of ANESTHESIA, so you wonder right away why the surgeon is guilted up and not the anesthesiologist! HELLO! where is that guy? Why is the wrong doctor feeling guilty?<br /><br />Gere has come to pout and confront the woman's husband, and is staying at the remote B&B...who should be there, why the ONLY OTHER PERSON IN THE INN...Diane Lane! She's a lonely divorcée, with rotten kids, and an ex-hubby who wants her back. While she's trying to decide about that, the cliché best black friend has her subbing as hostess at the B&B.<br /><br />Now, in the real world, if this set up ever even happened, the doctor would look like Ernest Borgnine...and the lonely divorcée, like Rosie O'Donnell. He'd spend his vacation horndogging 22 year old girls on the beach, while she sulked and thought about going on a diet. But this isn't the real world; I digress.<br /><br />The couple confess all, fall in love, a hurricane hits...they make love, fall in love, he has to go away, he dies and she cries a lot about that. The end.<br /><br />There, I've saved you from it; now you don't have to torture yourself or any male acquaintances (husbands, sons, boyfriends) from sitting through this tripe. Very wearying.<br /><br />Someone else asked why Diane Lane, a perfect tiny woman (whom filmmakers seem to love to cast, because she's just pretty and thin enough that most women would like to look like her, but she's 45ish and not over-the-top, so she isn't threatening) is constantly covered in big tarp-like shawls. This would make sense if she was chubby, but she isn't.<br /><br />Anyways, someone throw a pretty, paisley shawl over this film. So we don't have to watch it. Conclusion: read a book, unless you are too sick. If too sick, go to sleep. |
#Mosul battle: #Iraqi civilians ‘targeted by snipers’ as they flee #ISIS #Iraq |
Location is perfect view to the lake but services pretty slow, food average a place to get a beer and see the lake ...... |
My God, the things that passed for entertainment in this country...<br /><br />This is *not* the "Tom and Jerry" you may have enjoyed on Saturday Mornings, featuring a hapless cat and a clever mouse. This is a much earlier animation series, featuring a pair of Mutt-and-Jeff clones who get themselves into various scrapes that result in any of the then-typical dancing-skeleton-type gags that made up so much of early animation.<br /><br />This particularly vile outing, apparently originally intended as a vehicle for a pair of actual black stage comedians of the time, has the pair crashing in the ocean while flying to Africa, necessitating black-face make-up, exaggerated "negro" dialect and "Feets, don't fail me now" situations.<br /><br />It only shows that in the 70 years between emancipation and this film, the American view of Africans hadn't progressed much. Then again, at least one of them apparently had a pilot's license. |
Same vomit he was spitting 3 weeks ago-it's like okay, Kim Jong Un... |
The food is better than average and affordably priced but service is extremely slow and there's no rhyme or reason as to when dishes come out of the kitchen. They don't answer their phone any time of day and don't return calls so it's nearly impossible to make a reservation unless you happen to be willing to stop by before your dinner engagement. \n\nBut it's a nice small restaurant for impromptu sushi dinners for couples or a party of 3 or 4. That's probably their focal point anyway. They do have tatami mat seating and a fairly broad, if expensive, sake selection. \n\nI would immediately give them four or even five stars if service was a little more organized and purposeful and if the staff could be significantly friendlier. There are only two servers even on Saturday nights during prime time, so perhaps that is the source of the problem anyway. Be prepared for long waits during your meal if you go with a group of 5 or more. |
This is the movie that is somewhat based on the exit of Rob Halford from British Metal Gods 'Judas Priest' and how the band replaced him with Ripper Owens, who used to front a Priest tribute band. Originally titled Metal God this movie could have been something great. Instead, someone in an office somewhere who knows little to nothing about metal music decided to water it down. From the title change of Metal God to the 'safe' middle of the road 'Rock Star' to the lame soundtrack this movie plays out badly. Having spent most of my life in a professional metal band I was really looking forward to seeing this, I was very let down by several points of the film. The soundtrack is very NOT metal for one, and the ending of the movie is lame as well. The movie does have a few bright spots in the writing and acting but as a whole, it fails in the end because...1)A movie based on a metal band should have a metal soundtrack. 2)There is NOTHING metal about Marky Mark or Jennifer Aniston. If Bon Jovi, Warrant, Def Leppard and Poison are your idea of 'heavy metal' go see this movie. If Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio & Black Sabbath are your idea of metal see this movie for a good laugh. |
My idols are #littlemix #justinbieber #arianagrande |
First class everything, service incredible. Great hidden gem in the heart of Charlotte. I recommend staying. |
OK, so one night me and some friends decided to get really stoned and watch a movie. Unfortunately for us, we chose 'Ernest Goes to Africa.' I have never laughed so hard in my entire life. This movie is beyond bad. I have literally pooped out better films than 'Ernest Goes to Africa.' (I poop films) <br /><br />The highlight of this movie, for me at least, was the opening sequence, when Ernest is making silly faces. When they showed him with a head the size of a peanut, I lost it. Perhaps I found this so funny because at that point I was the most high. Perhaps you are right.<br /><br />If I had to guess what George W. Bush's favorite movie is, I would guess 'Ernest Goes to Africa.' Never before have I seen a movie rely more on 1950's stereotypes of people of color. There were times when words escaped me and I just stared in awe.<br /><br />As I was watching this, I couldn't help but wonder, is this movie meant for children? Do literate adults actually watch this? How could there possibly be a whole franchise of 'Ernest' movies? Is this really my life? Is this real? <br /><br />I hated this movie. |
"Well Zac Efron is gonna resize all your holes." @user @user I'm still giggling |
Visited last Saturday evening and nothing was \"good\". Drinks were sub-par and no, not because there wasn't enough booze, because bitters shouldn't be used by the spoonful. The food was very meh....4 people dined. Patty melt was ok, Greek burger would have been ok...but who the heck puts olives WITH pits on a burger??? The server happened to check on us right after the pit was bit into and when my friend mentioned to the server that he was just trying to figure out if he cracked a tooth from the pits...she laughed and went \"yeah\". The potato skins were so dried out they were mostly inedible. The fries never saw a grain of salt...or any seasoning for that matter. Our server was nice but kept forgetting about us or had way too many tables. We waited forever for food because \"the kitchen was backed up\" but the place wasn't even full. Had to get our own silverware, napkins and served coleslaw and french fries to us??? |
There is not one character on this sitcom with any redeeming qualities. They are all self-centered, obnoxious or two dimensional. My husband watches it, claiming that there is nothing else on, but I would rather watch nothing.<br /><br />The only sitcom that I can think of that was worse was Yes, Dear. At least that one didn't get 9 seasons.<br /><br />Being overweight does not make a comic genius, and Kevin James does not have the talent of John Goodman, Jackie Gleason or John Belushi. Leah Remini may have talent, but if so, she is wasted on the shrewish wife. Jerry Stiller is convincing as an annoying old man. Maybe there is a reason for that.<br /><br />This is a perfect example of why sitcoms are derided. |
Pop is gay for Tim Duncan |
La-Tea-Da's just catered an early Thanksgiving Day luncheon at our office. They did a wonderful job with everything. \n\nFor starters, they had an assortment of small biscuit sandwiches that looked like mini-ham sandwiches. Since I don't partake in pork, I skipped those and headed straight for the good stuff. \n\nThe buffet included sauteed green beans with carrots (fresh of course, not canned or frozen), broccoli & cheese casserole (delightful -no condensed cream of mushroom soup in that casserole!), whipped potatoes with turkey gravy on the side, turkey, cranberry sauce (they had 2 - one with actual cranberries, and one of the icky congealed canned stuff), and a large assortment of breads and rolls. They also brought sweet tea, unsweet tea, and bottled water. \n\nThey also prepared an entire table of desserts which included pecan pie, tiramsu, pumpkin pie, assorted brownies, cheesecake pops, and a few other things. \n\nAgain, everything was delish but I guess we'll all be wearing our fat pants to work tomorrow! (Seriously, we eat WAYYYY too much at our office - they need to install treadmills & elipitical machines in a breakroom or conference room!)\n\nSince I didn't plan the event, I can't say how easy they were to deal with, but I asked the person in charge of planning and she said they were great. I did go online and check their website, and the prices I saw for corporate events were very reasonable. \n\nAll in all, I would definitely recommend La-Tea-Da's for catering. |
Rose Does anything actually happen in this episode? It introduces our two leads, a slow-witted grinning idiot of a Doctor and an utterly un-interesting companion. There's no plot to speak of, childish humour, mixed with some extremely bad pacing and incidental music. What else is there to say, really?<br /><br />The End of the World A marginal improvement, in that we see our first outer-space scenario. Subsequently brought down by poor contemporary humour, paper-thin logic, very poor pacing, and tired SF clichés.<br /><br />The Unquiet Dead Best episode to date showing what can happen when someone knows how to structure an episode, write interesting character dialogue, AND integrate an intriguing plot. Let down solely by the Doctor and Rose.<br /><br />Aliens of London/World War Three - Doctor who degenerates into farce. What more can be said. Penelope Wilton brings the proceedings a little gravity, trying her best in dire circumstances. Some poorly written, and out-of-place soap opera elements come to the fore in these two episodes, and a return to poor pacing, bad plotting and cringe worthy humour/satire.<br /><br />Dalek Not great, however still far above the RTD fare to date. The pacing and script are all fine (though the Doctor and Rose still irritate). The effects and menace of the Dalek are introduced well. The finale, however, took an interesting premise that reduced the Doctor's most notorious foe, into a cuddly touchy-feely mess, and turning a previously un-seen menace, to a blue rubber squid that looked like a child's toy.<br /><br />The Long Game - The first RTD script to show any plot, even if it was in a clichéd 80s style. Still, it was marred somewhat by his usual over-reliance on juvenile jokes, placing it too far in the future to make logical sense, and again poor pacing. Not as bad as his previous efforts, but instantly forgettable.<br /><br />Father's Day The initial premise could've been vaguely interesting, but common sense and logic abandon this episode from the very beginning. Also, we are treated to a whole episode of Soap Opera. Before you start thinking this is all about characterization, remember, there's a big difference between lame Soap Opera and characterization. On the plus side, it does prove RTD isn't the worst script writer so far.<br /><br />The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - This started off in a mediocre way, with some cringe worthy moments, and some illogical mistakes that even a primary school pupil wouldn't make (Well lit windows in a blackout, anyone?). After this, the first part takes a more interesting and sinister turn. Florence Hoath truly steals these episodes, showing us what an interesting companion could've been like. She could also act. Instead we get the annoying and politically correct Captain Jack as the new companion. The conclusion was a little hasty, but sufficient. The pacing and script improved with a reasonably good storyline, making these two episodes quite atmospheric and intriguing. <br /><br />Boom Town - I have to be honest, except for a few examples, I had been so disillusioned by the current series, that upon seeing the trailer for another 'Slitheen' episode, I gave up and didn't subject myself to the torture.<br /><br />Bad Wolf - Reality TV, arguably the worst facet of the modern media, is basically used as the premise. There's no subtlety whatsoever. Do we get any interesting social commentary as in the likes of The Running Man or Truman Show? No, of course not. This in an RTD episode, so they're basically here to cynically try and pull in the audience of said shows. Once again, logic goes out the window, as we're placed 200,000-something years in the future. RTD tries pointlessly to shoe-horn in some 'over-arcing' story here, with no relevance other than it's own existence and when the villains are revealed at the end... They make empty threats, and the Doctor grins once more like an idiot for the climax! Faster paced for the most part, than RTD's other efforts, this has one or two interesting moments. Otherwise, another lacklustre instalment.<br /><br />The Parting of the Ways - The big finale. More of a damp squid, literally. All of the Dalek menace set up in 'Dalek' is brought crashing down, as they become rather pathetic. So many plot holes riddle this episode, with typically poor contrivances. Daleks want to harvest humans as Daleks, but then vaporize entire continents? Dalek's can vaporize said continents, but not destroy the Tardis in space? The Tardis is now indestructible and can land anywhere, even over people so they can be saved in it? This ability can't be used to easily destroy the Dalek 'god'? The Daleks can vaporize entire continents, but don't just nuke satellite 5 to destroy the doctor, and instead let him play around? The doctor is a pathetic coward without the conviction of his actions, after eradicating his whole species to try and eliminate the Daleks? These and many other holes aside, we are treated to the lamest dues ex machina solution ever conceived, joined with a near pointless story arc.<br /><br />So what can we say about the new series, all-in-all?<br /><br />Would this have gained a second series if it were anything other than Doctor Who, with RTD behind it? Would most of the episodes have been seen as anything other than un-original and forgettable, if they were anything other than Doctor Who, and had RTD's name attached? I think not.<br /><br />Some people would have us think we can't say anything against RTD, since we owe him for bringing Doctor Who back to our screens. However, this at the expense of good characters and stories. Personally, I'd rather not have a poorly planned, ill conceived product, churned out at that price. I'd rather wait till someone could come along and make a genuine effort. For the most part, this is the kind of puerile rubbish that gives SF a bad name, marring what is otherwise the most creative genre. |
Victims come forward and testify against Pope Francis for raping them when they where children. This isn't the... |
Mamma better slap me, because I just sinned... \n\nLet me explain, I just got spoiled, I was rewarded with delicious food, and I didn't do anything to deserve it. You heard me, landed in Charlotte and after checking into my hotel, I decided to B-Line it to Mert's; because there was a need in me to have some good food, and I got delicious food. \n\nFirst let me comment on the service... it was genuinely amazing. I was promptly seated, and the hospitality was refreshing. The server helped me patiently figure out what was good, and we settled on Southern Fried Chicken, Collard Greens and Mac & Cheese. The Cornbread came out first, and it was mildly sweet, and tasty. \n\nLet's break down the meal.\n\nFried Chicken: From the moment I took my first bite of the chicken breast, it was perfect cooked, juicy and hot, the meat was lightly battered, and the batter that was on it, was seasoned well. It was a one of the better pieces of friend chicken I have had, not dry at all. I would eat this every day, if I lived here, and I didn't have to worry about eating fried foods. Recommendation, eat it, yum. \n\nCollard Greens: I've had collard greens before, and this was good as most. Admittedly, never had it with tomato before, but it was still delicious. I liked the flavor, and the greens were tender, soft but with a nice bite. The portion of the side was right, and complemented the chicken right.\n\nMac and Cheese: Yes Sir, this stuff was creamy, delicious, sauce done with tons of cheese flavor. It was cooked right, because you don't see any sauce/oil separation. In fact, all you do is taste the various textures, from the small clumps of cheese, to the noodles which are just cooked past al dente, but not much after. It's like creamy goodness, yummy heaven, sometimes, I think you can make Mac and Cheese just the entire meal. \n\nHere we go, I love good food... but like a good infomercial... THERE'S MORE!\n\nWhat in the world is a Sweet Potato Cake? That's lovely stuff, I had some, and it's like a tasty and the cream cheese frosting was amazing. I think they spiked it, crazy amazing, not overly sweet, the texture was nice, and it melts in the mouth.\n\nHere's the kicker; I ate all the food and this doesn't really happen much, but it was perfect portion. I'm 6'1, about 225lbs, and I thought all this southern comfort food would leave me heavy; but nope, it was just the right amount, and all for 15 dollars, with a coke. \n\nLike many other Yelpers, KICK ASS food. Location isn't easy to find at first, but you want food, and you are in downtown, make this a perfect spot, for you and all your friends. |
I don't know what the makers of this film were trying to either accomplish or say, but they badly failed at whatever it was. Unless of course the object was to totally confuse the viewer. I watched this movie simply because Drew Barrymore was in it, and it turned out that she had a smaller than small cameo in it. The whole idea of having this kid go on some wild car trip to win a big money prize from a gas station game and meet up with all sorts of wackos is utterly ridiculous. |
@user The Obama Admin is forcing products from non-industries on us. Remove subsidies and no solar, no biofuel, etc. |
simply fantastic, been here 4 days straight since they opened, the lemon custard is amazing in their banana splits. i would go EVERY DAY. |
Jack Bender's "The Tempest" is an adaption of Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". Bender transports the plot from medieval Italy to Mississippi during the time of the American civil war. He includes the slavery problem and the role of revenge in wartimes.<br /><br />Prospero, re-named Gideon Prosper is not the Duke of Milan but a landowner in Mississippi. He learns voodoo magic from the female slave Mambo Azaleigh. He saves her son Ariel, who thus accompanies him into his exile. The island is not situated on the sea but in a swamp near the banks of the Mississippi. There lives an Alligator hunter, a so-called "Gator-Man", who later tries to rape Prospero's daughter Miranda. During the time of the civil war, Ariel wants to join the Union troops to help fighting against slavery. Prospero does not care about the war. He is only interested in his personal revenge on his brother Antony. When Antony and his bookkeeper Willi Gonzo (Gonzalo) try to cross the river, Prospero raises a storm. The Union soldier Frederick gets lost in the swamp and finally comes to the island. He and Miranda fall in love with each other but Prospero won't accept that. Meanwhile, Ariel transformed into a raven by Prospero, finds out that Antony has feigned to ally with the Union but plans to betray them. Antony and Gonzo meet Gator Man in the swamp and conspire with him against Prospero. They kidnap Miranda and Ariel but Prospero freeze them and helps the Union defeat the Southern army. In the end Ariel is free, Frederick and Miranda are bound to marry, Prospero returns to the plantation and Gator Man gets back the island.<br /><br />Peter Fonda represents Gideon Prosper powerfully and convincingly while the character of Antony stays rather flat. It was no bad idea to perform the Tempest before the background of the civil war but perhaps the director has risked too much. In some parts the story seems constructed or comical. Gator Man for example does just appear without any explanation. That it needs a kidnapping to bring Prospero to his mind and that he loses confidence in his power shows that Bender tried to make Prospero more human but only made him a weak old man without his magic. Prospero's original authority and wisdom is not made clear.<br /><br />-------------End of Part 1---------------------------- |
@user @user @user @user @user ummm vaccines have avoided over 700000 deaths since the nineties... |
My boyfriend and I stayed here for a long weekend because we both had interviews in the North Shore area, which was a short car ride away. We got a very good rate on Hotwire--otherwise I don't think we would have been able to stay here. Although the hotel was very comfortable and in a good location, we could hear every noise from the hallway and adjacent rooms (including the bathroom). I was sitting up in bed reading, and every time the people next door closed a drawer in their bureau the whole headboard would shake.\n\nParking was also expensive. We needed to use the car several times during our stay, so we had to valet park, which was over $20/day (plus tips each time we picked up or dropped off the car).\n\nThe coffee shop attached to the hotel is just OK. The breakfast/lunch place was not very good. You will probably have to venture a bit to find affordable and good quality food (other than the hotel restaurant, which I can't comment on because we did not eat there given the high prices).\n\nOne perk--the hotel does offer free internet, but it is a low bandwidth version. We didn't need the internet for work or anything so it was hard to justify paying for the high speed, so we used the free version. It gets the job done for email and web browsing, but it does not stream videos well.\n\nThe bed was comfortable and the shower head was very good. I agree with other reviewers that the amenities were not as nice as I have seen in other Westins--no bathrobe, room service menu not as good, staff not quite as helpful. Also, because it is a green hotel, they will be a little stingy about replenishing your towels and toiletries. If you have a lot of people in your room or for some other reason require extra supplies, be sure to request that. We came back after housekeeping to find that they had given us a half-full bottle of shampoo to replace the one we had used. Not sure if they had just gotten that from someone else's room (gross!) or it had just spilled and they didn't want to waste it. They also failed to replace our in-room coffee and tea supply so we had to call and ask for more.\n\nAll in all, we definitely would not pay full price to stay here, but might consider it again if there was another great deal. |
Maniratnam, who in India, is often compared with prominent world film makers and is regarded a genius in film-making, has yet again proved that he can only make the frames look visually good, without offering much food for thought.Forget about pure cinematic pleasure that can be derived from cinema as a very old form of art.<br /><br />While I would not like to claim and portray myself as someone who has seen all the beautiful movies made around the world, still any thoughtful and a bit educated film goer can identify that his films do not contain innovative ingenuous plots, does not contain lingering effects afterward and MOSTLY contain ridiculous ending and a LOT of melodrama, seen profusely in Indian movies.<br /><br />Overall, Maniratnam has successfully confirmed my distaste for his films once again.<br /><br />Sorry for those who on this board were claiming otherwise. My suggestion to you: WATCH SOME BEAUTIFUL CINEMAS MADE AROUND THE GLOBE. |
Late Thanksgiving Day selfie #happyholidays #notsweaterweather… |
After seeing a Google Offer for Miller's, my Mom mentioned how she had been there before and remembered good food and fond memories from her childhood. So I offered to go with her and see if the food was still as good. \n\nOnce we were seated and greeted by our waitress, we presented the paperwork for our Google Offer. The waitress handed it to the hostess. I guess they have to call for us to redeem it/verify that it's legit. Well apparently one of the numbers was missing off the print-out and the hostess could not have been more rude about it. In the end she talked to someone and figured it out, but she made it seem like we did something wrong. Or, she could have told us there was a problem but then politely taken care of it since it is her job and there wasn't much else going on for her to do. Or she could have talked to someone in the first place and quietly resolved the matter without us even knowing there was a problem to begin with. I later noticed signs up all over the place about restrictions with offers - I guess they have several patrons who use those regularly. Apparently with this kind of reception, no one wants to pay full price.\n\nMom and I both ordered the fish sandwich with mac n cheese. The mac n cheese was creamy and the fish sandwich was a large portion and very tasty. I ended up having to eat mine with a knife and fork, not even attempting to lift and eat it as a sandwich. We left with full and happy tummies.\n\nTo comment on previous reviews....yes, this is not the cleanest place. But I expected that and find it part of the charm. The smoke from the bar is no longer an issue as a closed door separates the bar area from the dining room.\n\nOverall, it was a larger than average portion for a good fish sandwich. I'd like to give it 3 stars at least, but the whole attitude from the hostess still left a bad taste in my mouth that the mac n cheese couldn't wash away. |
I gave this movie a four-star rating for a few reasons. First, I felt that this movie was definitely preaching and I hate that. Still, it's my own fault for watching a Christian movie in the first place.<br /><br />My friend and I rented this movie because it sounded interesting. The back of the case said something along the lines of a spiritual battle, someone opening some sort of boundary that let demons into our world and the like. Something I am very interested in, indeed. This movie almost hit the target. It was more like on the edge of the target, more on the tree than the target itself...<br /><br />The basic plot of this movie is two couples are abducted by a group of terrorists to be victim to experiments. However, because their experimental serum is derived from the research of a scientist who claimed to be able to bridge the gap between the physical and the spiritual realms, the men of the couples are now able to feel, smell, hear, and see the demons of the spiritual world. In that order. Apparently the sense of taste is not present in that realm.<br /><br />This movie is very clichéd. They took the title seriously as the men, while chained to the beds, demand their women look behind them because there is something there.<br /><br />Although a good effort for what it was, I think the special effects could have been done so much better. The demon scratching at the woman was, in a word, hilarious. The wife was obnoxious as hell and everyone in the room practically cheered when she died. We were all hoping she'd be beaten by the other woman with the chair, though.<br /><br />The message is one that I don't care to comment on, other than I think the Christian filmmakers should have found a better medium for it.<br /><br />And so I give it four stars because it is not the movie's fault I am not a Christian and don't like this type of message, and I got a kick out of making comments throughout. My friend and I watching this movie seemed to resemble an episode of MST3K. |
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