stringlengths 5
soooo, it has been over two years since my last review... the service at farm and fleet's small engine repair no longer meets my standards.\n\nlast year i took an MTD mower in with a leaking fuel line. i asked for the fuel line to be replaced, and when i returned to pick up the mower... a complete tune up had been done. i was anticipating a 20-30 bill for labor and hose, instead i got $70+ bill for a tune up i never asked for. ok, i got hosed, payed up and the mower ran fine.\n\nthis year i took my Yard Machine weedeater in for a new starter pull cord. that's it, just a starter pull cord because the current one is frayed.... so i get charged 15 bucks which will apply to the repairs later. i think to myself \" what's there to look at, just replace the starter pull cord. sooooo, i wait... 10 days, no call from farm and fleet.... so i call them. they tell me it'll be two weeks and an additional $45 before they get to my weedeater repaired! \n\nWHAT? i'll come pick it up.\n\nlearn from my errors, find somewhere else for your small engine repair work.\n\ni went on-line and bought the replacement parts for 15 bucks. i should have done that first. |
I did not quite get Barnens O it is one of the weirdest ones I have watched. The soundtrack was quite unusual as well written and performed by Jean Michel Jarre - it makes the movie weirder than it was. I have to admit that I was almost going to change it and watch another one instead at times the movie seemed plain dumb to me, or boring or confusing. There are quite a few sexual references in that movie trough they too are kind of messed up . Probably the only phrase that I will remember out of it is going to be "When you are alone, you can control things " and "I will show them "- or something like that .The boy in that movie was obsessed with the idea of not growing up "the last summer as a child "he thought once and he sure lived it to the max. So if you have few hours to spare you can watch this movie but you won't miss much if you don't. |
With men like Steve Bannon (worked for Goldman) the financial sector is loaded with "White-Collar Supremacist," harboring awful views of POC |
Absurd wait time. We waited in a line of ~15 people for 45 minutes. I timed the group in front of us (5 orders). It took the cashier 11 minutes to put together five scoops of friggin' ice cream. No business this inefficient should be around. But obviously the ice cream is good. |
One of the last surviving horror screen greats - Conrad Radzoff - dies and has his body placed in a mausoleum with televised-before-death snippets of the great Conrad greeting you as you visit. Unfortunately for him and his captors, Conrad's body is "borrowed" by a gang of four boys and three girls and taken to a huge manor where they drink with him, toast him, dance with him, laugh with and at him, and then put him to bed in a casket which just happens to by lying in a room upstairs. News of the missing body reaches Radzoff's widow and her friend(who happens to be proficient in the black arts) and she holds some kind of ceremony that brings Conrad back to life so he can, in his own words, get "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Well, Frightmare is an interesting "bad" film. Sure, it is cheap. The sets look like they were borrowed(which I am sure they were). The special effects and blood and guts are done liberally and with little credibility. The acting is average to below average with a few exceptions. Jeffrey Combs of Re-Animator fame is in tow, but really he does little in this rather thankless role as a horror obsessed teen that needs to steal a dead man's body for kicks. None of the "kids" except the pretty girl playing Meg is any good. Nita Talbot plays the "friend" of the Radzoffs with withering interest. Also, look for the big - I mean big - guy that plays the policeman. That is Porky himself of Porkys fame. But thankfully for all of us, one performance does rise above the material. Ferdy Mayne, an oft overlooked actor from Germany who had Christopher Lee features and did star as a vampire in The Fearless Vampire Killers, does a more than commendable job as the aging horror icon in public life and a real demon of a man in private life. Conrad Radzoff in a bad human being in life, living solely for his own pleasures and we see him kill twice before he is even dead(obviously none of the swinging teens at that point). Mayne is able to look very regal, speak very elegantly, and convey menace with ease. If for no other reason, one should see Frightmare for his performance. I do; however, believe that when they showed black and white clips of Radzoff that they used Christopher Lee footage(anyone have any thoughts?). Anyway, one can guess what happens and it does indeed: Radzoff goes out and goes after the kids that disturbed his peace. Again, the formula is trite and overused. The acting for the most part is anemic, and the direction oh so ridiculous. But Mayne gives a good performance in a sea of ineptitude. Definitely worth a little peek. Watching Mayne keep popping up on screens in his mausoleum brought a wry smile to my lips each time. |
Why tf are tanks at a black lives matter protest but they nowhere to be found when the kkk is celebrating trump's v… |
At this point, I am done. I scheduled my kids for the last 2 weeks in August and then due to an emergency, I had to cancel, which I did a month before their camp was to start. I was told they were issuing my refund, and that was 3 weeks ago. THREE WEEKS and i still dont have it. I live probably 30 minutes from the museum and could have driven there 63838484848485858 times by now and picked it up. Its just sooo unprofessional and annoying. They need to get their office together and deliver refunds in a timely manner. 7-10 business days are fine but 3 WEEKS is UNACCEPTABLE for it to not have even been MAILED YET. So dissapointed and will never use them again. |
Jeff Speakman never really made it beyond the lowest ranks of martial-artists-turned-actors (lower than Don "The Dragon" Wilson, for example), and with vehicles like "The Expert", you can see why. There are three major problems with this movie: 1) The plot - or should I say plots - are all over the place, there are some characters who get a lot of screen time but serve little purpose, 2) There are only 4 fight scenes in total, some of them completely unrelated to the main plot and some taking place in the dark, 3) The music score is overzealous and overbearing. Strange as it may seem, this is really the most annoying thing about this film: the score persistently tries to convince you that you're watching some sort of grand epic, instead of the low-budget limited-action film you are indeed watching. With all that said, at least there's James Brolin around to lend a touch of credibility. *1/2 out of 4. |
Ash y Shay han pasado juntas Thanksgiving <3 |
Until Del Frisco showed up, best steak and best wine list in town!!! Now...it's a toss up. Wait staff is extremely knowledgable and friendly. Go light on the app's, everyone...the steaks are ridiculously large. They've got one of those wine lists that is made for every single person that can walk through that door...great whites and great reds...excellence whether you're staying under 20 bucks, or if you're budget is big time. Also, the bar out front is a great place to enjoy some happy hour and watch the cougars on the prowl...fun people watching. |
Lame B-horror that takes itself too damn seriously considering its subject matter concerns an aging old dear who has been turned into a creature of the night by a lodger who has come to rent a room from her. When said lodger is killed off, Mom has to go out to feed on her own and that causes some family strain and also garners some attention from the authorities.<br /><br />My main complaint is that this film should have brought THE FUNNY. It failed to do so although it did have some mild gore and schlocky creature makeup effects to keep the B-movie crowd happy. I've seen worse but I wouldn't give this one a rec--4.5/10. |
@user @user I'm sure they're still useful to Dems in some way, which is why we're still hearing about BLM post-election. |
Absolutely THE worst! This place won \"Best of Madison\" for Chinese food for how many years??? The judge must have been completely stoned out of his mind! \nCustomer service: Very poor. The server never checked back until I went looking for her, wondering where our order was 50 minutes after ordering. \nFood finally arrived for our group of four--STONE COLD! Plates themselves were hot but practically frostbite on the food. Couldn't eat it. \nManager came by, apologized and took 50% off the bill (!!!). Should have been 100% comped. \nI'm one of those folks who normally overlooks a lot and actually hates to complain, but this culinary travesty really needed to be reported. If this place previously had great food and service, then as of 2014 they've completely lost their \"mojo\". |
This film is an insult to the play upon which it is based. The character of Claude has been warped beyond recognition leaving a painful performance that does not even vaguely resemble the original plot. Shame, shame, shame. They have also cut a fair number of the original score of change the context in which the songs are sung. This warps the air of the film and causes the viewer who is aware of how this should be to wince as the writer of this screen play gives Hud a wife,turns Sheila into a spoiled rich girl, characterizes Claude as a cowboy, and kills Burger by sending him to Vietnam instead. If one is not familiar with the original plot I assure you this is not a bad film for you to see, but if you ever wish to see the original or are, as I am, a die-hard fan of the classic play, you would do best to avoid the film altogether. One really must stick to one or the other. |
35 years ago, Rollie Fingers wins the AL Cy Young and MVP awards - becoming the first ever baseball reliever to win… |
After an unpleasant experience at Lotus Grocery on 17 February 2014, I want to caution customers to be careful when paying with cash at the store. \n\nMy order was $3.08. I gave the glum and cold middle aged female cashier $10.10. She put the $10 bill in the till and gave me $2.02 change, which would have been correct had I given her a $5 bill. I told her that I gave her a ten dollar bill, and she repeatedly insisted that I did not.\n\nI went to the mean middle aged man who appears to be manager or owner and told him of the problem. He was not interested in hearing it and it eventually fell into the lap of a short, middle aged woman who also appears to be manager, and is one of the nicer people on the staff.\n\nI got nowhere until I asked that a count of the register receipts. The woman who appears to be in management suggested that I leave my phone number and that I would be called after the store closes and a count is completed. That was not acceptable to me. I asked that a count be conducted while I waited and she agreed. As she counted and recounted, I waited patiently. She ultimately concluded that I was right and gave me my $5.00. She apologized multiple times; the clerk who would have cheated me out of $5 did not.\n\nI will be careful when shopping at this store. I will try to pay with one dollar bills in the future and will announce how much money I am handing to the cashier. There is a bitter taste in my mouth about Lotus Grocery. Of all places for this to happen, it would have to be one where there is a language barrier and where most of the employees are dismissive of the customer. This is not Giant Eagle! |
Hello people,<br /><br />I cannot believe that "Shades" from That Thing You Do took this role. I don't think Cory Feldman would have taken this role. This movie was a fuming pile of dung. Save your money and time, and see every one of the top 250. I swear I wanted to slap the lady at Blockbuster silly for permitting me to rent this. Stay away!!!!!!<br /><br />Mr. Hipp |
Castro, Leonard Cohen, Prince and Bowie are jamming together in heaven. It sounds like garbage. "Why is Castro here?" the other 3 are saying |
The two stars are for one thing.. The SLICE. It is a descent piece of pie that would only be completely wonderful at 3am after a long night of drinking. Other than that, this place is grimy, creepy, and nasty. I would suggest trying one of the other Fuels outside of the city.. Trust me. \n\n-Ian M. |
the usual disclaimer - I do not give 1 star ratings to movies which are harmless, bad, low budget and silly, although they may deserve it. These films are often funny, and get rated 2-4 based sheerly on entertainment value - not as a representation of their exemplary film artistry. This film fits this model perfectly. It is a Mexican monster movie, riddled with voice-over narrative and extremely weak not-so-special effects. The makeup is not that bad, and the acting is sometimes quite entertaining, but this film is almost as silly as Aliens vs Predator and the script isn't half as slick (Aliens vs Predator might get a 1 from me, but I want to see it again before I commit).<br /><br />The plot is ridiculous, but deliciously convoluted. If you've read this far, you must really want to know... A group of remarkably unscientific scientists comprise the main characters. Most of them are heroes - sort of - but one is (of course) mad, and quite perverse. This mad scientist invents a laughable nuclear powered robot (who looks a bit like the tin man from Wizard of Oz, but has a human face inexplicably located inside its head). An Aztec mummy, discovered by the same 'scientist' whose wife just so happens to have been an Aztec princess in a past life (don't ask), is pitted against the robot for the big "climax" the fight scene alone is enough to put the most stoic movie watcher on the floor in belly laughs.<br /><br />For what its worth, given the budget and the utter silliness of the script, this is a very entertaining low budget goof ball monster movie. If you're into that sort of thing, go for it. |
Abortion really brings out the kid in you. |
A good Starbucks. There is always a line at this one due to it's location but they do a great job of getting people served quickly. Today I had a salted camel mocha. It was pretty amazing.\n\nThis location also has a fireplace which is a nice touch for cold days. |
I was loaned this DVD by the director of a film I am working with, in which I play an actor who is playing Prospero. Knowing his own style, I did not expect anything resembling a "classical" interpretation of the text.<br /><br />What I have found is sometimes striking, sometimes evocative, but often meandering and tedious. Like most experimental music, I find that in films such as this, the building blocks of powerful film-making are crafted, even if they have not found their most useful form in a more coherent format.<br /><br />Thus we have a Caliban who is more a clown than a threat, and who not even Miranda seems terribly afraid of (which is odd, since we know that he has attempted to rape her at least once). A Stefano and Trinculo who are more annoying than funny. An oddly young Prospero who looks like Amadeus. And a great loss of character development and plot through creative editing and highly stylized posturing.<br /><br />Interestingly enough, I do not have an issue with the way in which Ferdanand or Miranda are portrayed. His stunned rapture and her slightly freaky innocence are actually quite appropriate.<br /><br />I do not say that this is a bad film, but an experimental one. One that takes huge risks, but is meant more for students of art and film and not really for anyone with an interest in the Tempest for its own sake. |
@user @user Yeah you got me <sarcasm>. I guess it's about equal right? Black riots, White riots? Anti-Trump = Intolerant. |
So Miquel's is definitely a perfect definition for a \"Hole in the Wall\" but let's be honest those places clearly have the best food. \n\nAs a self proclaimed Mexican fanatic I was excited to see just what this place had to offer. \n\nWe started with the chips and salsa and they were classic. The chips were warm and crispy and the salsa had just the right amount of kick! \n\nMy friends and I ordered a little bit of everything...fajitas, shrimp quesadillas, tacos, rice and beans. \n\nEverything was delicious...and the portion sizes were perfect! Add to that good service and super reasonable prices! I'm absolutely coming back. |
Personally, the book was a very well written, amazing, thrilling piece that was not brought to justice to the movie. Watching the movie at 12.01 in the morning to see that major parts of the book were left out frustrated me, seeing that it affected the "different" outcome of the movie. There was something to be desired out of this movie, but all in all, it lacked in plot.<br /><br />For someone who has NOT read the book, I could see how this movie would be seen as inviting and entertaining with its controversy and suspense. However to a dedicated reader who has read it seven times, I did not see the strong connection between the two: both the movie and the novel.<br /><br />With major characters missing (such as Maximilian Kohler) and the abrupt turn in plot with the survival of the last cardinal in the preferiti, the plot of the movie was slightly strewn thus leading to a different take in the conclusion of the story. The Hassassin too was portrayed as a common white man, compared to that of in the novel where he was portrayed as a Muslim; his motives in the book are predominately based his ties with the Illuminati, however, in the movie, his motives are based on money and seemed more like work than some personal tie to the task at hand. |
Good morning to the world.If is coffee get it fused.Order now @ #workingout #monday… |
The steak was cooked to perfection . Staff is very friendly. Nice place to hang out. |
I agree that this film is too pretentious, and it is not easy to know where it is going. I have been teaching literature and film for many years, and I find this film to be one of the most over rated, according to some of the previous reviews here. <br /><br />However, let me remind you that this is the same director who has L'ora di religione (Il sorriso di mia madre- My Mother's Smile) to his credit -- a gem of a film! <br /><br />Was he trying to outdo Fellini's 81/2 here???? The scene with the dogs, which has also been pointed out, is absurd and excessive just one example. Others would take too much space, and some reviewers have already noted them. <br /><br />Overall, a most frustrating and annoying experience! |
@user please talk truth to power with your pops us deplorables dont want bitch romney |
Let's say I am slightly biased, because I'm pretty certain I am Girasole's biggest fan... No seriously... I recently moved to Houston (well 5 years ago now), and I literally arrange to meet family and friends at Girasole, because as much as I love my family and friends, let's face it, I plan my trips home around Girasole. I never miss the chance to dine here...and I typically will skip lunch as I tend to eat a lot... hey Houston does NOT have decent Italian food and even if they did, it wouldn't be Girasole! I ALWAYS have the spinach & ricotta ravioli with the salad AND of course I never skip the Gnocchi (I swear both sauces are some of the BEST in the entire world)... I usually skip white bread, but not here, I use it to scoop up the extra sauce. The tiramisu and lemon cake are to die for as well. Be sure to tell Pi aka Mr. Girasole that Emilie from TX sent you... it's literally my home away from home! |
The (DVD)movie "The Tempest", directed by Jack Bender, was published in 2001. It didn't make its way to German cinemas and neither the director or an actor were able to receive an important award for this movie. The movie refers to the Shakespearean play "The Tempest" which was published at the end of the 16th century. The director tried to create an modern version of this play, but failed. At the beginning of the movie the plantation owner Prosper gets in a conflict with his brother Antonio about the treatment of their slaves. Antonio sets his brother a trip and tries to kill him but with the help of a witch, Prosper is able to escape and flees with his daughter and a slave called Ariel to a small island nearby the Mississippi river. For over twelve years he has lived isolated on this island, till a lucky chance enables him to take revenge on his brother....If Prosper will be lucky you have to find out by yourself.<br /><br />In my opinion this film is really a bad try to create a modern version of the original play by William Shakespeare. The story of the movie is confusing as well as the characters. Prosper doesn't have the same powers as in the tempest..... END OF PART I |
I love my Cubs! |
Last time I stayed here was three years ago - stayed for three nights. This time was for one overnight only.\n\nThe AC in my room was not working well. It was enough to cool off the room - but it still felt a tad on the humid side. Again, another really old hotel with an inefficient, antiquated central AC system. Given the nature of this building, I doubt they could ever retrofit the building with the necessary HVAC infrastructure to improve it. I could be wrong.\n\nOne plus over the last time I stayed here is that the old analog style, CRT-based TVs are now gone - at the least in the room I stayed in had a newer flat panel HD TV set.\n\nAs before in my previous review:\n\n- If you are staying here - please note the hotel does not have a convenience store - they have a very limited number of items for sale down by the front desk. If you are in need of toiletries, beverages, snacks and other items - there is a 7-Eleven down the street - and a CVS and a Rite Aid an additional block or so further - BUT - be forewarned - none of these three options stays open very late. We attempted to visit both the above 7-11 and CVS - but it was after 10:00 pm and three years later they ar still keeping the same limited hours.\n\nAnd you can't get any food at the Braddock Bar in the Hotel lobby after 10:00 pm or so. Very annoying. |
Wow, well, you know those shock things they use in hospitals to get your heart pumping again? I needed one for my brain after watching this movie. It literally took me almost 4 hrs in total to watch because I had to take a break and restart my brain to semi-normal functionality every so often. I mean this movie goes soooooo slooooow its ridiculous, to say that the script had about 10 pages of dialogue would be generous. They just don't talk!! And while talking isnt everything, and i admit there were some scenes where only the music was necessary, and the music is great, that was probably the best part, but then go listen to a symphony or something and forget about the movie. So many people give this awesome reviews, and for its time, i'd say the special effects and filmography is quite good, but as for the acting, or lack thereof, it just needed a little something more, no shootem ups or sex etc., profanity isnt even required, but a little more emotion, these guys were like stones, just sitting there with long faces. All in all, if you need something to calm yourself down, just play the movie, dont even start at the beginning if you've seen it before, just start anywhere, lay down, and relax, it'll put you right to sleep. |
Friday night date with this one @user #fantasticbeasts #cinematime #nobettercompany 🎬😬🍿 |
What a pleasant surprise!! The fried oysters are the best ever and so is the Diane! I had it with the crawfish and shrimp. Even the garden salad was good to be pretty simple! Definitely a great value! My family and I will be returning:) |
It is hard for a lover of the novel Northanger Abbey to sit through this BBC adaptation and to keep from throwing objects at the TV screen-in fact, if Jane Austen herself were to see this, she would be somewhat amused and possibly put out. Maggie Wadey's adaptation has made Northanger Abbey into what it satirized, the Gothic novel (and the readers of Gothic novels).<br /><br />The role of Catherine Morland in the adaptation is portrayed fairly closely to Austen's Catherine, a open-hearted, generous girl whose imagination simply runs away with her. But the Henry Tilney of the novel is not a snuff-taking, cane-wielding, sappy-line-making hero of a Gothic novel-he is a tease, a nearly-handsome man with a messy room and a living (that's right, Henry Tilney is a clergyman, a charm that is completely dropped from the script). Some of the best scenes from novel, when Henry, completely deadpan, outrageously teases the literally-minded Catherine on diction, journals, Mrs. Radcliffe, etc., are not portrayed in the adaptation. A large section of Henry's personality is lost when those scenes are not adapted. Besides, Peter Firth's appearance is not accurate-Henry Tilney is supposed to be 24 or 25, dark hair and a brown skin, not 35 or 40 and blond.<br /><br />There are so many other absurdities within the adaptation that invoke surprise and disgust-who is the Marchioness, and what is she doing in the story?! Why is John Thorpe less of a dunce and more of a schemer? Why is Northanger Abbey a castle? Catherine of the novel, with her romantic visions, expects hidden passages and dark tapestries, but is very disappointed to discover that Northanger Abbey is actually a comfortable, modern house-another element of satire! Why portray General Tilney as a drunk? Why does Catherine have those strange visions of Mrs. Allen threading her finger, etc.? Catherine's imagination only runs away with her at Northanger, with Henry there to correct her gently. And lastly, why are so many facts concerning the Tilney family and Mrs. Tilney's death altered unnecessarily? To make the story more `horrible?' All of these oddities and more simply are too strange to be overlooked.<br /><br /> > |
Clinton cartel at work. Leftists don't understand "good will". Prosecute fully all. No sympathy @user |
Thought we'd try Showmars; they are convenient. You place order at the counter and then find a table. Plenty tables available but every one was sticky. I don't consider a table top that holds on to you to be clean. \n\nFood was served quickly and is okay. Nothing slid off the table... |
I can imagine what happened for this film to come into being: a bunch of studio guys are sitting around, drinking gin-and-tonic, maybe a joint, and one of them comes up with the idea that it would be great if they could find a film that would bridge the generation gap, which at that time was about as far apart as Archie Bunker and Mick Jagger. Something that both college-age rebels and their parents would find equally interesting-- for different reasons, perhaps, but still, a ticket is a ticket. What interested hippies? Asia, philosophy, pacifism, and wild sets and costumes. What interested their parents? Musicals, eye candy, a feel-good script, and nostalgia. Very well, then, "Lost Horizon", the old classic, as a musical, in color. Can't miss, right? It was a bomb. Lost Horizon, by James Hilton, is perhaps less than a classic, but not a bad novel. In broad terms, he sketches out a utopian society in Shangri-la, "The Valley of the Blue Moon", near Tibet, inhabited by peacefully contented villagers who serve an abbey of <i>very</i> long-lived monks. Intruding into paradise is a Gilligan's Island-like planeful of outsiders (a veteran of WWI, a missionary, etc.) each with their own spin on the situation -- what plot there is concerns the reaction of each of them to being presented with a choice to live in paradise, or try to return to the tumult of the Twentieth Century. Taken on its own terms, it's gentle, pop-lit fluff, presenting Hilton's own conservative British views in "Oriental" dress, as exotic and as familiar as a fortune cookie. As captive honored guests of the monks, the castaways are forbidden to leave the valley, but never pressed into work or prayer (not that the monks do too much of that themselves), treated royally, and given simple, yet luxurious accomodations --who'd want to escape? In this Middle American Heaven-on-Earth, the monks are both cultured and wise, the climate is warm, the food is plentiful and tasty, the villagers are picturesque nonentities and nothing ever changes. The nuns are chaste, but encouraged to look pretty, and even flirt a bit ( the reason given is one of the most hilariously inaccurate explanations of Tantric Sex I've ever read). Even their religion is nonthreatening: revealed as a best-of-both worlds blend of Christianity and Buddhism, there's little to offend any but the staunchest fundamentalist or the oddballs out there who actually knew something about Tibet (which in the early Thirties was a very small number).<br /><br />As a Capra film focussing on the adventure/character interplay angles it was enchanting; and perhaps Steven Spielburg could have made it fly, if he'd been around. As an early-Seventies Hollywood product, the adventure was over too quickly, and the updated roster of characters too bland, to make much of an impression. Deprived of the sketchy, suggestive qualities of classic B&W, the monastery resembles a de luxe beauty spa in white and pale blue, and while at least some of the monks' robes tried for historical accuracy, most of the rest of the inmates looked as if on their way to a morning massage and fango bath, with a couple of holes of golf in the afternoon. Maybe Stephan Sondheim could have restored some grit to the story, playing up the very real conflict inside each character's reaction; just five years afterwards, Brian Eno would have captured the tranquil atmosphere to a T; instead, Bert Bacherach and Hal David were given the job of writing the songs, which marry Muzak-like melodies with some of the clunkiest New Agey lyrics ever penned. Quite naturally for the time, every song calls for a dance number, which range from the merely forgettable to the completely boring, and so is the script, which has not one line worth quoting.<br /><br />Tie-ins with this movie were legion -- there were everything from cookbooks to posters planned to promote this film, and such was the hype that I actually went out and bought the sountrack album. Just about the only thing good I can say about it is that it made enough of an impression on me to write this review completely from memory nearly thirty years after -- the next month I read Aldous Huxley, bought a copy of the Bardo Thadol, and hence learned about real Tibetan culture. Moan.<br /><br /> |
apparently galaxy note 7's have been exploding on planes so everyone who has one cant carry it on the plane LOL. |
The best vintage shop in Champaign! Scott and Amanda are always up for a chat about mid-century furniture, and are lovely people.\n\nFurniture Lounge is simply the best shop to go to if:\n\n* you are redesigning your home and need furnishings, lighting, decor\n* you are trying to find a unique gift for a friend or relative\n* you love thrifting, antiques, or vintage\n* you love mid century modern design\n* you want to look at something interesting and beautiful!\n\nThey recently started taking credit via Square reader in their new downtown Champaign location. |
After the turning point of NIGHT MUST FALL, Robert Montgomery (for the most time) came into his finest films and performances: HERE COMES MR. JORDAN, THEY WERE EXPENDABLE, THE LADY IN THE LAKE, RIDE THE PINK HORSE, THE SAXON CHARM, JUNE BRIDE. Even some of the failures he was in were interesting enough to be still watchable (RAGE IN HEAVEN, MR. AND MRS. SMITH). But Montgomery wanted to do more and more production and directing work. In 1949 he made what would be his last movie performance - he played Collier Lang, an egotistical movie star, who is dragged into helping the authorities do an investigation about a young girl's boyfriend.<br /><br />Apparently my view of this film is a minority view. Most of the views given are favorable about it. I thought it was a dull, witless script, with Ann Blyth's groupie heroine not very appealing as a character. She admires Montgomery as a star, and this "helps" when he is called in to assist the authorities, but after awhile I found there was no chemistry between them. The script was also devoid of much fun, although Montgomery and Roland Winters did try. The only thing I recall to this day as a joke point was that Taylor Holmes is the wealthy father of Blyth, and he is an admirer of Winston Churchill. So he always dresses up as Churchill, and we see him wearing a floppy broad brimmed hat, smoking a large cigar, and painting (Holmes' bald head helps in the disguise). That was the most memorable joke from this film - not much of a real memory.<br /><br />Montgomery went into early television, and finally won the attention and respect he always had deserved in motion pictures. His last contact with the movies was his direction of THE GALLANT HOURS about Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, starring his friend Jimmy Cagney. It is a far better film than this. For his overall film and television career, I will give this mediocre film a "4". That strikes me as generous. |
I liked a @user video Remember the Clinton Foundation! |
A bunch of friends from out of town and I had brunch here a little while back. While the place is kinda fancy (perhaps too fancy for us, considering we had just dragged ourselves out of bed after a long night out on the town), with serious waiters and a sorta stuff ambiance, the place serves great food. Not unsurprisingly, it's kinda expensive. Now that I think of it, we were the only people eating there who were under 30, so make of that what you will. Definitely not the place for a mellow, quick meal. \n\nLike I said, the food is great. I had a great benedict with coffee and cranberry juice. My friend has french-style pancakes, which he said were amazing. Worked for us. \n\nGrab a nice Bloody Mary here and then head out to enjoy a Sunday downtown. Good plan. |
At the heart of almost every truly great crime thriller is a carefully considered, methodically planned-out high stakes super-crime, which 9 times out of 10 is committed by a bunch of likable, grey-scale morality underdogs for who life isn't fair, for whom getting back at the man is, well, something worth cheering for. First-time screenwriter James V. Simpson's script for Armored gets this half right. He made extra-double-sure that we've got nothing but sympathy for the recently orphaned, Iraq war veteran Ty Hackett (Stomp the Yard's Columbus Short), who's about to have his house taken away by an evil bank (brother, I've been there). And he gave Ty a good family friend in Mike (Matt Dillon) who is super nice and gets him a job at the armored car company that he works at with Baines (Lawrence Fishbourne) and some weird French dude (Jean Reno). These guys like to have fun and play pranks, but they are also serious armored car guys too, so that means they carry guns and are tough.<br /><br />After a short while, as one theoretically watches Armored, one might start to think as I did, that maybe - just maybe - this is going to be some kind of awesome, tongue-in-cheek, cornball heist movie with some on-the-nose characterizations that move the story along its natural course, cranking up the personal stakes of all involved in hopes of unveiling a really, really clever plan with lots of potential 'holy sh*t' moments. I mean, the music alone is textbook heist-movie - gritty, edgy beats working overtime as we're treated to close-ups of characters who say things like "As a matter of fact I do," and "Are you crazy??" For 45 minutes or so, the movie had some serious genre-flick potential.<br /><br />Then things start to really stink. These dudes, these idiots, have no plan. There's no "Ok, here's what we're gonna do..." scene, no blueprints, no explosives, no black van or ski-masks (despite their 'test-run', as can be seen in a trailer). No, these guys are going to steal $42 million dollars from their own trucks (which are only being tracked by HOURLY contact over the radio, despite being equipped with some fancy, big-deal 'GPS technology'), and they aren't even going to sit down and discuss it. Hell, Mike only tells Ty about the plan the night before, which is completely ridiculous. But of course, Ty's got his house to think about so as long as Mike promises that 'no one will get hurt,' he's on board. Guess what, though. Somebody gets hurt. Why? Because, besides driving the trucks into an abandoned factory to hide the money, they have no plan. That was it. That was how far they thought things out. So, naturally, things start to unravel. These cats deserve everything they get for being so unprepared.<br /><br />This script, frankly, feels like it's like the product of some bad improv game: "Armored Car, robbed by its own guards...GO!" Despite some half-decent buildup that could have maybe taken the film in a few interesting directions, the story just completely falls apart, and pretty soon, NOTHING makes sense, or is even remotely plausible.<br /><br />When filmmakers don't have a cool "hook" for their heist, their characters seem stupid, and bungling. And when characters are stupid, and bungling, it's hard for an audience to invest in them, and their story. And when that happens, any suspense drains out the bottom of the movie, leaving a laughable, hollow husk.<br /><br />Skip it. 3/10 |
The thrill of seeing a wheelchair user in a movie doing boring, meaningless things that have nothing to do with euthanasia. |
Had to visit the \"Famous\" Primanti Brother's Bar and Grill during my first visit to Pittsburgh, but most likely will only go back if my friends/family really want to eat there.\n\nFood: The portions are huge, not very greasy, served nice and hot but over all very bland. I got the Colossal Fish and Cheese sandwich. The beer batter fish was a very large piece and by itself was not bad tasting at all (just a little under seasoned.) The fries were limp and had no seasoning what so ever. The fries were the worse part of the sandwich. The coleslaw was very mild, sweet and vinegar base, and by itself it was ok, but put everything together between two slices of white bread and it made for a bland pile of flavorless starch. The bread was also too soft and did not hold up well at all, and the cheese was nonexistent. I ended up having to add a ton of salt, pepper and malt vinegar to my sandwich, picked it apart and ate the pieces with my fingers.\n\nPrice: For the size of the portions you get, the price is great! I got two sandwiches and a soda for about $16. Their sandwiches range from around $6 - $8 each, and are a good value since you will definitely leave full (I took home left overs.)\n\nAtmosphere: After reading a few reviews about the restaurant, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this place was not packed with tourist. For being such a small dinner, the place was fairly empty so I was able to sit anywhere I liked (being a solo traveler, restaurants often try to stick me at the bar but I prefer to sit at a table.) The tables were clean and organized well, and each table had a stack of paper menus to look at. It felt like a comfy, good ol' local dinner where you can casually relax and eat.\n\nStaff: During my visit, the staff was great! There was only one waitress and one cook, but both were pleasant and greeted me as soon as I walked in. The waitress was attentive and friendly. The cook also thanked me for patronizing there while I was leaving.\n\nOver all, I basically came here just to say that I visited a famous Pittsburgh restaurant, but I most likely will not go there again. If I was with friends or family who wanted to go to Primanti's I would go along, but I wouldn't go solo. The blandness of the food is what kills it for me. I would rather get a sandwich that is half the size with more flavor, then a huge pile of bland food. |
First off, let me say I wasted Halloween movie night by watching this garbage. Second, let me inform you that the current DVD available by Shriek Show is not uncut, so you gore hounds will be very upset. Third, that one scene is the highlight of the film and since it's been cut, well, you see where I'm going.<br /><br />I know a lot of horror fans dig this movie. It is atmospheric, shot in the woods with some very nice scenery, waterfalls and such. But after the opening kill, which has a very brutal shot of a machete being jammed through a hunter's crotch, you get no real brutal kills after that. And, with a slasher movie, you sort of want that. At least, I do. The director and co. do nothing new with the killer in the woods idea, several of this type of movie were all made right around the same time in the very early eighties. The only thing this has going for it is that you don't hate the actors as much as you might in other films. They are sort of likable. The kids have a reason for being there: one of them owns a deed to some property on the mountain. But what is not explained is why his family has property there. There is no cabin or house, so why buy property in East Jesus, especially if you aren't a hunter or whatnot? Well, I'm sure some people do buy land for camping purposes, but that just seems unusual. Anyway, two squealing backwoods inbreds show up and start stalking the campers and picking them off one by one. And, as I said before, you get pretty much nothing in the way of decent deaths after the machete kill in the beginning. The ending has a sort of off the wall kill by Connie, but even that isn't enough to save this from being almost equal with the completely forgettable film, The Forest, which is mind-numbing.<br /><br />If Shriek Show had been able to get a real uncut print, then this review might have been a little more forgiving, but this is the day and age of uncut/unrated DVD releases of old obscure films for cine-hounds like me. When you slight us, you get the crud review. Sadly, the presence of the great fatherly George Kennedy is the only highlight of this movie to set it apart from the other garden variety trash that was churned out back in the day. |
@user #hatchimals #BlackFriday My daughter would love this 😂 |
A wash may be better priced than others but you'll get what you pay for. My husband brought out 2008 Prius for a wash and vacuum and it doesn't look like anything has been cleaned! The carpet in the hatch and floors are still dirty and none of the interior was wiped down. We will be going to Octopus or we'll just do it ourselves next time. |
Okay, I just had to sound off on this one... Like a tremendous mental-gimp, I've just sat through this film in its entirety.<br /><br />You'll note that the trivia section of IMDB points out that portions of the raising of the 747 were "borrowed" from Airport 1977. This really doesn't scratch the surface... Virtually all exterior shots of the plane skimming the ocean, landing in, sinking, and even the at-rest shots are borrowed from Airport '77. All of the "raising" shots are pulled from '77, including most of the interior flooding clips, with the exception of Dennis Weaver's drowning. I couldn't help but wonder if Olivia Dehavilland might come floating by at any moment, or maybe a "dead" Tom Sullivan. Another eye-roller: Dennis Weaver's name in this film is Stevens, which is to compensate for the fact that Airport '77's plane is owned by the Stevens Corporation (headed by Jimmie Stewart of course).<br /><br />This is a veritable calvalcade of actors who don't work much, or at least haven't worked in a while, which might have been the first clue that it was going to be a real stinker.<br /><br />I've rated this film a 2 - It's quite worthy of a "1", but if this film can't offer any other redeeming quality, at least somebody helped Coolio, Max Caulfield, Nicolle Eggert, and Dennis Weaver make their car payments that month! |
LEONARD COHEN - "Take this waltz" from #EnriqueMorente #Omega #Morente |
AT&T UVerse\n\nI admit I have more motivation to complain about a service than write a compliment about it. But if I were looking at changing cable/internet/phone providers I would want to know this. \n\nI have had Time Warner Cable, Charter, and AT&T UVerse. Easily, I was the least satisfied with TWC. I recently left Charter once UVerse came into our area since it has the best to offer as far as DVR, channels provided for price (including promotions such as HBO, Showtime, Big Ten Network, NFL, MLB networks, etc), and the $150 gift card for signing up. Charter is better for high def TV (AT&T you pay extra), faster Internet, and unlimited phone and fax line is free if needed. Although faster Internet that Charter advertises may be overkill, as Consumer Reports recently noted that 15mbps is the most that the average consumer needs, and I get 18mbps with UVerse, which is slower than Charter. \n\nAT&T UVerse has the worst customer service by far. Recently I have had about a month of contacting the company (via telephone and on-line chat) for problems with transferring my phone number from Charter to UVerse. Something as simple as this still has not happened. The telephone customer service agents cannot give me anything in writing (no email, letter, anything), and cannot contact Charter directly, or if they do, they ask that I call Charter (already have 3 times). AT&T Uverse customer service agents have horrible documentation of the previous communications with their customers. They also call and leave messages that are so mumbled I cannot understand them. They also promise to call back at certain times then never call back. \n\nI was also promised my first bill would be $128 + tax, and the first time activation fee of $49 would be waived. My first bill is about $168, and no one appears to be able to address this fee or find documentation of this quote (and as above, AT&T does not provide anything in writing).\n\nSo if AT&T UVerse offers you a deal that sounds too good to be true, likely it is. And hope you don't have any problems with your service, because you are likely on your own. |
I was out-of-town, visiting an old friend. After dinner, talking, he expressed some reservations about his daughter's boy friend. She's 15, beautiful, smart, athletic, and the young man is also from an excellent family, nice, also athletic (if not as smart). I told him he might just be feeling the normal fatherly concerns; however, a few minutes later the young man arrived, with his DVD of this flick, which he had apparently been anxious for some time to share with the others. <br /><br />These folks have a bona fide home theater set-up, with a screen something in excess of 4 feet, and the two young folks preceded to view it, while the young swain proceeded to extol its virtues almost frame-by-frame.<br /><br />I saw enough in a few moments (and with some fascination in its awfulness) to endorse all of the most critical comments I've seen in scanning some here.<br /><br />I told my friend I wouldn't go so far as to disqualify the young suitor solely on the basis of his liking this opus -- but it certainly seems to warrant his bearing close watch.<br /><br />Some flicks are so-bad-they're-good: the classic "Plan 9 from Outer Space;" and, in my opinion, the wonderfully awful Bruce Jenner/Village People work, "Can't Stop the Music."<br /><br />However, this one remains firmly simply in the awful category.<br /><br />Second/third/fourth "bananas" -- even the best of these (e.g. Tim Conway, Don Knotts, everybody with Seinfeld) have great difficulty in carrying a later starring series (or, as here, film). And these were great supporting characters in their original situations.<br /><br />The "Eddie" character, really at about the 5th- or 6th-banana level in the prior Griswald movies, and never added a whole lot to these, in my opinion. Randy Quaid is a capable actor who has delivered some good performances. His contribution to the prior "Vacation" pic's was average, at best. Both he and the other cast members, many of whom have done some good work in the past, accomplished nothing for their efforts here, except to derive a few years' house payments or some IRA contributions.<br /><br />This whole presentation --- story, performances (from lead to support) couldn't be worse. |
@user @user @user scum politicians on both sides signed bills like nafta & were ready to implement tpp which was worse |
I wasn't completely sure what to expect when I went to the Heard Museum, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed myself. We were there for almost 2.5 hours and the time flew by. The permanent exhibit was laid out nicely and I truly learned quite a bit that I did not know previously about Native Americans. In fact, I had no clue how many different tribes call Arizona and New Mexico home and reading the history and how they are now was quite fascinating, but I am a history nerd. The Remix contemporary exhibt was well-done and was my favorite portion of the whole museum, but I'm a sucker for contemporary art and installations. We even wondered about the \"children's area\" and that was also well done with a variety of hands on crafts and activities for little peanuts (heck, my husband and I even did some of them! hehe). The boarding school exhibit on the second floor was very nicely done and well laid out...the testimonials that played while you walked around were quite touching and at times I felt myself tearing up.\n\nAdult admission is $10 and students are only $5. My husband forgot his ASU student ID and when he mentioned it to the cashier, the guy was like, \"oh that's OK\" and gave us the student admission anyway. Very nice. There were quite a few people at Heard while we were there, but I never felt rushed or that I was in someone's way, which I think speaks highly of the layout. I definitely recommend the museum if you have an afternoon you are looking to fill and/or just want to learn more about Native Americans. |
Rita Hayworth is just stunning at times and, for me, the only reason to watch this silly film. Despite the overdone 1940s lipstick, Rita was one of the all-time glamor women of Hollywood. In fact, for a couple of years I can't imagine anyone that looked better, except maybe Elizabeth Taylor in her prime.<br /><br />Anyway, the co-star of the show, Gene Kelly, does not play his normal likable, at least the kind of guy we all know him from in "Singin' In The Rain." Here, Kelly's "Danny McGuire" pouts much of the time. Phil Silvers, who I loved on TV at "Sgt. Bilko," is so stupid in here as "Genius" you will just cringe listening to his dumb jokes....and they are stupid.<br /><br />The visuals are good with great Technicolor, which almost looks terrific. You get to see a lot of pretty women in here, too, not just Hayworth. Unfortunately, the story isn't all that much. It centers around Hayworth deciding about a career choice. Along the way, we get the normal shabby treatment of marriage and we get an insultingly-dumb ending. All in all, an unmemorable film, except as a showcase for Hayworth's beauty. |
@user But,her sis was big in election,familyRall writers&ACexpert on digi media,so logical cd increase # s |
Had lunch with my wife. The quality of the sushi was quite good. My wife had some tempura that was fabulous. Service was friendly and quick. We really enjoyed our lunch. We will be back. |
When you watch low budget horror movies as much as I do, you get to where you can tell who was involved in creating the movie, as each film-maker adds his own flavor to the cheese. Such is the case with Jack-O. When I watched this truly awful movie, I was left with the undeniable feeling that Fred Olen Ray was involved, maybe not as director but in some fashion, and as I researched, I found that I was correct. Only Fred and a handfull of others could write something this pathetic, and this movie just reeked of Fred Olen Ray. Unless you like Fred Olen Ray (and God only knows why anyone would)avoid this movie. If you're going to rent an Olen Ray pic, rent Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, it's the only bright shining star in Olen Ray's dark cheesey universe of terrible movies. |
@user #FantasticBeasts #cheltenham #datenight #IMAX SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS! |
This gym offers a great selection of classes; however, there are more negatives than positives with this gym. Parking is difficult to come by, and you have to pay. The staff is not so friendly, it's expensive for the quality of equipment, and I wish someone was sitting at the desk downstairs instead of upstairs. \n\nI can't wait for my contract to end; I regret signing one now. There has to be better gyms in the area. |
This is a truly awful film. Lou Diamond Phillips simply calls this one in. The use of miniature models of the train are laughable. The plot seems to develop on the run (there is an alien on board; oh, and an eco-terrorist is on board too; oh, and the conductor is dead and the train is out of control; oh, and the train is going to run into another train one hour ahead; oh, and that train has nuclear waste on it...). I mean, come on really! The alien monsters are not scary (although there are a lot of them), and the acting is abysmal. Check out the guy playing the "next President" - do you really think he could be President? For goodness sake, he has spent his whole acting career playing bad guys! |
Sucked into Up TV's "Gilmore The Merrier" Binge-a-thon. Have to amend my #GilmoreGirlsTop4: Michel, Michel, Trix/Gran Gilmore, Luke |
This is for the Indian Trail location, which is sadly not up on Yelp as of yet.\n\nI usually hate chain pizza places, just hate 'em. It's not real pizza. Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and Dominos are THE worst and sadly the most popular. Ever since Li'l Ceasars made a return to the area, but they've gone downhill in the quality department....either that or I was really just a dumb teenager who didn't know any better. (Hey, Godfathers was great back in the day, too!...I think.) Cici's isn't \"pizza\" like Taco Bell isn't \"Mexican\", so don't even bring that up. It's just garbage. Donato's is okay, just pricey.\n\nThere are better pizzas to be found in the area, but this review is for \"chain restaurant\" pizza and Hungy Howie's is probably the best. It reminds me of the pizza Little Ceasars made back in the day. It's fast, it's cheap, and it's pretty damn tasty. It's gotta be the crust...the garlic-butter crust. I've tried their other flavored crusts but this one can't be beat. This is one of the only chain joint that knows how to properly cook their pepperoni. The edges of the pepperoni get that little bit of char around the rim. Deeelicious!\n\nYour pal,\nWalter |
My mom would not let me watch this film when I was in grade 2, because she said it was too violent. Well, years later, and the only reason I remember this film is because of my mom, I stayed up and watch it on PBS. Well, maybe the build up after all these year lead to the big disapointment of this film, but I found it lame. It did not age well, and this made the acting choppy, huge unbelievable holes in the script, but there is a few cool scenes like car chases, and a big gun fight. I will not stay up for this film again. |
@user that's amazing😎. I am a tipp supporter living i Sixmilebridge for 35 yr😎s. Then again there is no convention centre in smb😎 |
We like baja Fresh, but this particular location gets 1 Star, due to their crazy unstable hours of being open! They seem to close whenever they want! If it's not busy, they'll just close! ...esp, on the weekends!, they will close like at 2 PM!!!...I feel this is so stupid, considering that the Light Rail is literally right at their front door & people are getting off it like every 10 mins, so they are just losing money, & with all of the Theatre & Sports Events,...they are totally forgetting all of that, too. Chipotle is just a few blocks away at Cityscape & they are open til 10 pm,,,,every single night, period! ...Just go there instead. |
Alien was excellent. Many writers tried to copy it. They all did a bad job (or almost). But Dead Space is the worst Alien copy. Because of the bad actors, the bad special effects, the BAD scenario and other bad stuff (it would take about 3 pages to tell everything that is bad in this film. The movie wasn't very long and this is a very good thing (the only one). You cannot laugh because it is too serious...that is a bad thing because, in almost each B-series sci-fi film, you can laugh during the whole time. It can be terrific sometimes, but instead of watching this stupidity, just watch Alien or Event Horizon...these are much better!!! I give it 1 out of 5. |
White people: those are some bad hombres. Build the wall. Maga Also white people: Feliz Navidad my amigos |
After taking three afternoons off work to wait for technicians that never showed up, my internet was finally installed, at which point I was informed that even though I ordered wireless, wireless isn't available unless you pay an extra $11 monthly fee for the router. The technician (a very nice guy) advised me to purchase my own router, which I did. When I called Time Warner to register the IP, I was informed that there is a separate $7 a month fee to use your own router. HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE COMPANY. I hope all the CEOs get halitosis and their wives leave them for John Mayer. |
I had the misfortune of seeing this crapulous effort on television a few years ago. Suffice it to say Michael Gross phones in his performance, and Hasselhoff is the least convincing thief/psycho...EVER! If you have a couple of hours to kill, watch it and prepare to laugh. |
Look for yourself. NDP MLA compared a Gov Minister to one of the most disgusting men in human history, Joseph Goebb… |
The scene reminds me of...a garage. A garage with fairly rude servers and overstuffed patrons with nothing to say. We waited ... And waited. The menu had the basics- no problem there. We waited. Oh, everything is made to order that is why it takes so long... Seriously that is what we were told. Other reviewers say \"it is like their mothers used to make\". Sorry to hear your mom was a lousy cook. And she must've been a grouch. Yes the food is pretty bad. Why people go here I can't understand. I gave it three visits before passing judgement. The verdict - AVOID. |
Don't tell me this film was funny or a little funny. It was a complete disaster, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Ali G is only funny on Channel 4's Ali G Show. After watching his performance, all i can say is He is not made for Movies. With a Daft script, or more like no storyline, there's nothing to keep you entertained. Full of annoying, unrealistic character's this movie is a complete garbage all the way. At the end of the film, Ali G gives a speech. He mentions, if you hated this film, tell people it was good. Not even the speech could save the movie, He probably knew its gonna be a stinker. I would of given this a 0/10, but the minimum start is 1. Overall, Don't even waste your time on this rubbish. |
@user ,,, and even more so with PLP rightists.I despise them all with a will. |
Friendly staff and quick service but, unfortunately they couldn't make up for the unappetizing dining room and BLAND food. I'll be shopping around for another Chinese place. |
The recent death of Stephen Bach, one of the producers of HEAVEN'S GATE, has raised the specter of at least a partial resurrection of the reputation of the cursed film. Moreover the original release, the "long version" was recently shown on TCM exposing the film, in ail probability, to its largest audience ever. <br /><br />I saw the film when it first came out at a packed screening in a 3rd Avenue cinema across the street from Bloomingdales. I think it was released on a Friday and withdrawn on the following Wednesday. Maybe that wasn't a fair release but it was and is a terrible film. Seeing the full-length version recently confirmed that judgment and with some thirty years more experience watching and writing about films I am better able to articulate why.<br /><br />First there is the dreaded phrase "mise-en-scene" whose definition is at the same time so simple yet so amorphous that it puzzles even after being defined. Basically it's everything that happens in front of a camera. For example, a crowd extra will be given a piece of action, say just walking by on the sidewalk and a spot to start from. When the assistant director yells action the extra will go through their action. If there's another take the extra will return to the start spot and go again on "action". All of the extras do this. Then say a cab drives up to the sidewalk and the star gets out and embraces another principal while all the while the crowd extras are doing their thing. This is mise-en-scene. In the theatre they call it blocking but cinema is far more multi-dimensional.<br /><br />The importance of defining mise-en-scene is because when the French critics developed their theory of the auteur the opposite of an auteur was a métier-en-scene, even more derogatorily referred to as a "traffic cop". An auteur was intimately involved in the meaning of a film and through the director's body of work a theme or themes discerned. The metier-en-scene was basically a company man rendering in film what had been handed to him on paper. It is the difference between say John Ford and Sam Wood.<br /><br />The second point is how the director, Michael Cimino, got into the position of directing films. Cimino first gained prominence directing the first million-dollar TV commercial. This depicted a Chevrolet floating down the Grand Canal in Venice. This commercial never appears on any lists of greatest TV commercials of all time and is notable solely because of how expensive it was and how utterly exaggerated it was. The effect is like that of a three year old girl brought out to entertain company who gets her biggest response when she flings her dress over her head. Cute for a three year old, embarrassing for a thirty year old. So Cimino was praised early on for spending a huge amount of money for some over-the-top image and so he learned.<br /><br />His first film, THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT (1974) has a scene where Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges are passengers in a lunatic's car that drives back and forth, back and forth, until it drives off the road and the driver opens the trunk full of rabbits which he proceeds to shoot one by one. I had the feeling that if the producer, Eastwood, hadn't stepped in, that the scene would have lasted until every rabbit had been killed.<br /><br />Which brings us to HEAVEN'S GATE. I guess if one watches the film on a DVD in snatches like a mini-series it can be impressive. This is because scenes are directed with such a dense mise-en-scene that each scene is like an encyclopedia it's just plain exhausting to sit through nearly four hours of this. Its like sex, at some point it just becomes a whipping. There is the opening 40 minutes, which takes place at Harvard. Brilliantly photographed at Oxford, it is something of a non-sequitur. I personally favor the artistic way of unfolding a story as opposed to the more commercial _"Now I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you" of most films. However the whole preface adds up to only one line- Kris Kristofferson and John Hurt went to Harvard together. Now twenty years later
All of that time, money and effort, not to mention all of the audiences' attention and energy just to deliver this almost useless piece of information.<br /><br />Then there's the scene in the street between Kristofferson and Masur which just goes on and on with a populated city of background extras and horse drawn vehicles in the background in continuous motion to deliver a tiny bit of expositional information. It's just so exhausting. There is just one scene after another like this. It's like trying to eat a thirty- pound pizza. Then there are these long conversations of inconsequential details and unintelligible, witless dialogue, which go on and on and are exhausting and boring. <br /><br />Of course any single scene excerpted looks brilliant. Overall it's a rich piece to spin praiseworthy articles about. Seen in snatches with the possibility of fast-forwarding through the boring bits or turning it off if feeling mise-en-scene whipped, it's basically painless. But don't let anybody tell you it's a good film. When I saw it in 1980 there was a guy sitting in front of me who commented on the scene where Kris Kristofferson is on his horse and he turns one way and then the other and does this about six times. "That's symbolic," he said, "of he doesn't know which way to go." That is basically, at its kernel, the basis of every pro- Heaven's Gate critique.<br /><br />Watch it, if you must, but be forewarned, this is not a film whose time has come, this is a stinker which will smell for all time. <br /><br />HEAVEN'S GATE is historically inaccurate in the extreme. I recommend the book BANDITTI OF THE PLAINS by Asa Mercer on the Johnson County War. |
Negative?]*does a huge garbage bags bc i like anymore except for PS3 wow. north american persona 5! — |
We ordered the lobster and shrimp dip. We had to send it back twice because it was too cheeseeeee.. yes!! The chips kept breaking whenever we dipped it in the sauce because the cheese made it to heavy. They ended up taking it off the bill. We then tried the parmesan chicken and bake potato. It was gooood!!! It was enough for two to share. |
Southern Cross, written and directed by James Becket is a waste of good celluloid and actor's efforts. A formula film is not necessarily bad if it pays off on it's promise, which this film does not. It is a tiresome concoction of movie cliches that can be traced to a thousand different films from the past. It is full of random and empty plot twists that add nothing but aimless action, such as a trip by the protagonists to a ghost town where the villains (unexplainedly) follow them. This was obviously concocted as an excuse for a shoot out and escape scene bordering on the preposterous, with people popping in and out of doorways and running past windows while firing pistols at each other. It makes one believe that somebody told Becket there was a ghost town in the Chilean foothills and he said, "Oh great, lets do a shoot out scene there."<br /><br />Don't even waste your rental money on this. It is a bunch of random bits and pieces from a hundred different films thrown together to call an action drama. |
Canada now has its own #ClintonCash problem with #JustinTrudeau - We need to #DrainTheSwamp up here badly #MCGA 🇨🇦🐊❌ |
We've been to Boomerangs on several occasions now. Their wing night on Wednesdays can't be beat. Their sauces are really good. I actually prefer a lot of their sauces over that big-chain wing place (which I won't name). The wings are really big and only 33 cents. I like that you can get as many of any flavor as your want without an extra charge. My favorite sauces are the jerk and tequila lime.Their sides and burgers are really good, too. \n\n{EDIT} We went to wing night again last night and got onion rings. I can't think of anyplace that has better onion rings. They're not frozen, obviously hand-dipped. They even give you the fried crumblies. Holy moly, they were so good. \n\nNice staff, nice place. I like going here because it has a neighborhood bar feeling. |
I saw this movie as part of a Billy Graham program. The church I attend was part of a community wide outreach to present God and Christianity to our community (Hartford, Ct. USA). I was one of the counselors who helped attendees (who were invited to come forward and make whatever kind of religious profession they wanted...and to follow up on them after the movie. As such, it did what it was supposed to do, and I personally found it to be a medium to strengthen my faith in God.I also found it to be very helpful to those I counseled. I especially like the work of Kim Darby in this movie. And the parents (the Wintons?) were , in a way, a little overdrawn....no one says to their child if they think that he or she may be the parent of an illegitimate child something like the Wintons did "oh, no, no, not thaaat." That isn't exactly what they said, but the sympaathetic audience I saw had a laugh at whatever it was they did say, and also at the son's emphatic "No, MOm, not me." Don Berghuis |
thankful that @user / @user exists. not even my state senator, but she's amazing. |
Not quite as good as the Squirrel Hill location, but quick service. Would recommend the Sicilian Pizza over the usual style. |
I somehow managed to make it all the way through this movie, but was dumbfounded by the complete lack of entertainment delivered. My friends and I are fans of HK film, but WOW. This movie has it all, and by all I mean everything a movie shouldn't have. Underdeveloped and stereotyped characters, way over-the-top overacting, cheesy special effects, talking robots, no less than 20 double-foot jumpkicks, impossible situations, unfunny "gags" and "jokes", elementary school premise, mindless killings, and too-long running time for the material. Throw in the fact that Gen-X Cops was a decent film and this movie becomes even harder to bear. Quite simply, if you're entertaining the idea of watching this film...don't. |
@user @user @user pesky nukes. Don't forget Trump skirted embargo in Cuba. Sad! |
Haven't been in a while (not really a bike nut, or even a regular rider) but I have to relate a story to tell you what kind of a place this is... I inherited a bike my dad had purchased in college, and hard a part break, I knew that Kraynick's would be the only place able to help, even though at the time there were still Schwinn \"authorized\" dealers in the area. \n\nHere's the exchange: \n\nMe: \"I have an old Schwinn three-speed, probably from 1969 or '70, and it has this little washer with a raised part that fits in the groove between the fork and the rear axle. That part broke.\" \n\nHim: \"A Collegiate or a Speedster?\" \n\nMe (amazed): \"Speedster.\" \n\nAt which point he turned around to a wall of tiny drawers that seemed to stretch from floor to ceiling and appeared to have no intelligible labeling, pull open a single drawer, and produce the part I needed. It cost something like 30 cents... \n\nPlaces like this pretty much do not exist anymore, the shop is like a museum of bicycle parts (and the upper stories of the building are reportedly just as full). If the recurring rumors of its closing / Mr. Kraynick's retirement are any indication, it may not be here forever. FIND ANY EXCUSE to get here while it's still around! |
It's been mentioned by others the inane dialogue in this series and I agree.<br /><br />If Mom and daughter were really that sharp-witted they should be Queen and Princess of the Universe, not kicking around in some little town.<br /><br />I've really tried to watch a few episodes but when the witty staccato mumbling pop culture drivel starts I flip the channel.<br /><br />I watched a bit of a new episode to see if anything had changed (for the better I'd hoped) but nope, same old "we're so clever with our references to pop culture" that I nearly barfed.<br /><br />Long time fans who aren't happy with the newer seasons might just be wising up and getting sick of the regurgitated pablum that never stops. |
@user @user Get me on the show and let me sell you a #Hatchimals @user picked up on our story |
Outstanding customer service! From the moment we arrived to pick up to the moment we left to head back to the airport, I cannot speak enough to the speed and customer service here.\n\nYou are immediately greeted by your own \"service associate\" who holds the door open, walks you in, takes you to your own terminal, and works with another associate to rapidly get all the paperwork taken care of.\n\nWe were then taken to our car, and a few minutes later on our way. Same thing upon return, super quick check-out and a shuttle bus waiting to take us to the airport. It's a 5-min trip to the terminal.\n\nI've rented a lot of cars, this team was most impressive on that morning. |
This is really a terrible film by any of the regular yardsticks. Plot, storyline, acting, effects, direction - I could go on. Suffice to say it's poor. However, it has a certain appeal. Many totally out of context sex scenes appear, it's fun looking for the Batman references. Umm - that's it. Poor really, don't bother. |
NEW! #RIGHTSTYLEmag issue 1! Fashion done RIGHT! Richard Spencer! Ben Carson! Dabiq Chic! Guyliner! Enjoy & SHARE!! |
Let me tell you gents this place is totes av (average). Really not much to say. If you like food you'll probably be able to eat some of it here. My friends at the table insist that I rate this place as \"good average\" but that seems meaningless. Also $2 beers of which I've had about 6. |
Following the pleasingly atmospheric original and the amusingly silly second one, this incredibly dull, slow, and uneventful sequel comes across as a major letdown. Once again the nefarious criminal mastermind the Bat (hammy Luis Aceves Castaneda) is trying to steal valuable jewelry from the Aztec mummy Popoca. The Bat builds a hilariously clunky lumbering robot with a human brain in order to achieve this heinous goal. Flatly directed by Rafael Portillo, with a talky and tedious script by Alfredo Salazar and Guillermo Calderon, cruddy continuity (for example, the Bat was clearly killed at the end of the previous film, but is miraculously alive and well here!), an excruciatingly sluggish script, an excessive amount of stock footage from the first two flicks, a meandering narrative, a crippling lack of action and momentum, largely dreary going through the motions (non)acting from an understandably disinterested cast, and a poorly staged climactic battle between the mummy and the robot (the movie finally bursts to sidesplitting stupid life with said big bash, but alas it barely even lasts two lousy minutes and thus proves to be much too little far too late to alleviate the severity of the general overwhelming boredom), this numbingly dry, drippy, and draggy snorefest rates as a complete washout. |
@user When are we going to sign Mr. @user to his extention? Let's get it done! |
For a place that has a $75 entree I was pretty shocked to see a $2 charge for blue cheese olives on my bill... pretty tacky. That was definitely a first. I was disappointed the waitress didn't say anything either. Aside from that the service was pretty good... and the sashimi was a great value. But everything else about this place is shwag. The seared tuna - garbage, rainbow roll and Caesar salad - weak, and the sides incredibly small. The place has the feel of a riverboat buffet. If this was stand alone they would only get away with charging 40% of what they are now... in the Westin.\nI would skip it, or if you have to, get sashimi at the bar and make sure you review your bill. |
Subsets and Splits