1 value
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/4P3/2N5/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 2 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8f6, d8g5, d8h4, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/pppp1ppp/4p2n/8/4P3/2N5/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 2 3 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, a1b1, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, d2d3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, d2d4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/pppp1ppp/4p2n/8/4P3/2NP4/PPP2PPP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: h8g8, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8f6, d8g5, d8h4, b8c6, b8a6, h6g8, h6f5, h6g4, g7g6, f7f6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, g7g5, f7f5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kb1r/pppp1ppp/4pq1n/8/4P3/2NP4/PPP2PPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 1 4 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, a1b1, e4e5, d3d4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kb1r/pppp1ppp/4pq1n/8/4P3/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 2 4 Legal moves: h8g8, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8d8, e8e7, b8c6, b8a6, h6g8, h6f5, h6g4, f6d8, f6e7, f6g6, f6g5, f6f5, f6e5, f6h4, f6f4, f6d4, f6f3, f6c3, g7g6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, g7g5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1ppp/4pq1n/2b5/4P3/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 3 5 Legal moves: f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3d2, f3g1, c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, h1g1, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, a1b1, e4e5, d3d4, h2h3, g2g3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1ppp/4pq1n/2b3B1/4P3/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R b KQkq - 4 5 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, e8d8, e8e7, b8c6, b8a6, h6g8, h6f5, h6g4, f6d8, f6e7, f6g6, f6g5, f6f5, f6e5, f6f4, f6d4, f6f3, f6c3, c5f8, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, e8g8, g7g6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, d7d5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1ppp/4pq2/2b3B1/4P1n1/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R w KQkq - 5 6 Legal moves: g5h6, g5f6, g5h4, g5f4, g5e3, g5d2, g5c1, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3d2, f3g1, c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, h1g1, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1e2, d1d2, d1c1, d1b1, a1c1, a1b1, e4e5, d3d4, h2h3, g2g3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1ppp/4pB2/2b5/4P1n1/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R b KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, b8c6, b8a6, c5f8, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, g4h6, g4f6, g4e5, g4e3, g4h2, g4f2, e8g8, g7f6, h7h6, g7g6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, h7h5, g7g5, d7d5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1p1p/4pp2/2b5/4P1n1/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R w KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3d2, f3g1, c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, h1g1, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1e2, d1d2, d1c1, d1b1, a1c1, a1b1, e4e5, d3d4, h2h3, g2g3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1p1p/4pp2/2b5/3PP1n1/2N2N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R b KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, e8d8, e8e7, b8c6, b8a6, c5f8, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5a3, g4h6, g4e5, g4e3, g4h2, g4f2, e8g8, h7h6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, f6f5, e6e5, h7h5, d7d5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pppp1p1p/1b2pp2/8/3PP1n1/2N2N2/PPP2PPP/R2QKB1R w KQkq - 1 8 Legal moves: f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d2, f3g1, c3d5, c3b5, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, h1g1, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c1, d1b1, a1c1, a1b1, e4e5, d4d5, h2h3, g2g3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.